Asdm 75 Firewall Config
Asdm 75 Firewall Config
Asdm 75 Firewall Config
First Published: March 20, 2015
Last Modified: March 20, 2015
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ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About This Guide
The following topics explain how to use this guide.
Document Objectives
The purpose of this guide is to help you configure the firewall features for the Cisco ASA series using the
Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM). This guide does not cover every feature, but describes only the
most common configuration scenarios.
Throughout this guide, the term “ASA” applies generically to supported models, unless specified otherwise.
Note ASDM supports many ASA versions. The ASDM documentation and online help includes all of the latest
features supported by the ASA. If you are running an older version of ASA software, the documentation
might include features that are not supported in your version. Please refer to the feature history table for
each chapter to determine when features were added. For the minimum supported version of ASDM for
each ASA version, see Cisco ASA Series Compatibility.
Related Documentation
For more information, see Navigating the Cisco ASA Series Documentation at
Document Conventions
This document adheres to the following text, display, and alert conventions.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About This Guide
Document Conventions
Text Conventions
Convention Indication
boldface Commands, keywords, button labels, field names, and user-entered text appear
in boldface. For menu-based commands, the full path to the command is shown.
italic Variables, for which you supply values, are presented in an italic typeface.
Italic type is also used for document titles, and for general emphasis.
monospace Terminal sessions and information that the system displays appear in monospace
!, # An exclamation point (!) or a number sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code
indicates a comment line.
Reader Alerts
This document uses the following for reader alerts:
Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the
Tip Means the following information will help you solve a problem.
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage
or loss of data.
Timesaver Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in the
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About This Guide
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Warning Means reader be warned. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in bodily
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About This Guide
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
Firewall services are those ASA features that are focused on controlling access to the network, including
services that block traffic and services that enable traffic flow between internal and external networks. These
services include those that protect the network against threats, such as Denial of Service (DoS) and other
The following topics provide an overview of firewall services.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
Basic Access Control
Step 1 Implement access control for the network. See Basic Access Control, on page 2.
Step 2 Implement application filtering. See Application Filtering, on page 2.
Step 3 Implement URL filtering. See URL Filtering, on page 3.
Step 4 Implement threat protection. See Threat Protection, on page 3.
Step 5 Implement Network Address Translation (NAT). See Network Address Translation, on page 4.
Step 6 Implement application inspection if the default settings are insufficient for your network. See Application
Inspection, on page 4.
Application Filtering
The wide-spread use of web-based applications means that a lot of traffic runs over the HTTP or HTTPS
protocols. With traditional 5-tuple access rules, you either allow or disallow all HTTP/HTTPS traffic. You
might require more granular control of web traffic.
You can install a module on the ASA to provide application filtering to selectively allow HTTP or other traffic
based on the application being used. Thus, you do not have to make a blanket permit for HTTP. You can look
inside the traffic and prevent applications that are unacceptable for your network (for example, inappropriate
file sharing). When you add a module for application filtering, do not configure HTTP inspection on the ASA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
URL Filtering
To implement application filtering, install the ASA FirePOWER module on the ASA and use application
filtering criteria in your ASA FirePOWER access rules. These policies apply to any traffic that you redirect
to the module. See ASA FirePOWER Module, on page 95.
URL Filtering
URL filtering denies or allows traffic based on the URL of the destination site.
The purpose of URL filtering is primarily to completely block or allow access to a web site. Although you
can target individual pages, you typically specify a host name (such as or a URL category,
which defines a list of host names that provide a particular type of service (such as Gambling).
When trying to decide whether to use URL filtering or application filtering for HTTP/HTTPS traffic, consider
whether your intention is to create a policy that applies to all traffic directed at a web site. If your intention
is to treat all such traffic the same way (denying it or allowing it), use URL filtering. If your intention is to
selectively block or allow traffic to the site, use application filtering.
To implement URL filtering, do one of the following:
• Install the ASA FirePOWER module on the ASA and use URL filtering criteria in your ASA FirePOWER
access rules. These policies apply to any traffic that you redirect to the module. See ASA FirePOWER
Module, on page 95.
• Subscribe to the Cloud Web Security service, where you configure your filtering policies in ScanCenter,
and then configure the ASA to send traffic to your Cloud Web Security account. ASA and Cisco Cloud
Web Security, on page 125
Threat Protection
You can implement a number of measures to protect against scanning, denial of service (DoS), and other
attacks. A number of ASA features help protect against attacks by applying connection limits and dropping
abnormal TCP packets. Some features are automatic, others are configurable but have defaults appropriate in
most cases, while others are completely optional and you must configure them if you want them.
Following are the threat protection services available with the ASA.
• IP packet fragmentation protection—The ASA performs full reassembly of all ICMP error messages
and virtual reassembly of the remaining IP fragments that are routed through the ASA, and drops
fragments that fail the security check. No configuration is necessary.
• Connection limits, TCP normalization, and other connection-related features—Configure
connection-related services such as TCP and UDP connection limits and timeouts, TCP sequence number
randomization, TCP normalization, and TCP state bypass. TCP normalization is designed to drop packets
that do not appear normal. See Connection Settings, on page 373.
For example, you can limit TCP and UDP connections and embryonic connections (a connection request
that has not finished the necessary handshake between source and destination). Limiting the number of
connections and embryonic connections protects you from a DoS attack. The ASA uses the embryonic
limit to trigger TCP Intercept, which protects inside systems from a DoS attack perpetrated by flooding
an interface with TCP SYN packets.
• Threat detection—Implement threat detection on the ASA to collect statistics to help identify attacks.
Basic threat detection is enabled by default, but you can implement advanced statistics and scanning
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
Network Address Translation
threat detection. You can shun hosts that are identified as a scanning threat. See Threat Detection, on
page 403.
• Next-Generation IPS—Install the ASA FirePOWER module on the ASA and implement Next Generation
IPS intrusion rules in your ASA FirePOWER. These policies would apply to any traffic that you redirect
to ASA FirePOWER. See ASA FirePOWER Module, on page 95.
NAT is not required. If you do not configure NAT for a given set of traffic, that traffic will not be translated,
but will have all of the security policies applied as normal.
• Network Address Translation (NAT), on page 149
• NAT Examples and Reference, on page 211
Application Inspection
Application inspection engines are required for services that embed IP addressing information in the user data
packet or that open secondary channels on dynamically assigned ports. These protocols require the ASA to
do a deep packet inspection, to open the required pinholes and to apply network address translation (NAT).
The default ASA policy already applies inspection globally for many popular protocols, such as DNS, FTP,
SIP, ESMTP, TFTP, and others. The default inspections might be all you require for your network.
However, you might need to enable inspection for other protocols, or fine-tune an inspection. Many inspections
include detailed options that let you control packets based on their contents. If you know a protocol well, you
can apply fine-grained control on that traffic.
You use service policies to configure application inspection. You can configure a global service policy, or
apply a service policy to each interface, or both.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
Use Case: Expose a Server to the Public
ASDM includes a short cut for configuring the required access and NAT rules, to simplify the process of
exposing a service on an internal server to the public.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
Use Case: Expose a Server to the Public
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
Use Case: Expose a Server to the Public
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Introduction to Cisco ASA Firewall Services
Use Case: Expose a Server to the Public
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Access Control
• Access Rules, page 11
• Objects for Access Control, page 29
• Access Control Lists, page 37
• Identity Firewall, page 55
• ASA and Cisco TrustSec, page 73
• ASA FirePOWER Module, page 95
• ASA and Cisco Cloud Web Security, page 125
Access Rules
This chapter describes how to control network access through or to the ASA using access rules. You use
access rules to control network access in both routed and transparent firewall modes. In transparent mode,
you can use both access rules (for Layer 3 traffic) and EtherType rules (for Layer 2 traffic).
Note To access the ASA interface for management access, you do not also need an access rule allowing the
host IP address. You only need to configure management access according to the general operations
configuration guide.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Controlling Network Access
• EtherType rules (Layer 2 traffic) assigned to interfaces (transparent firewall mode only)—You can apply
separate rule sets in the inbound and outbound directions. EtherType rules control network access for
non-IP traffic. An EtherType rule permits or denies traffic based on the EtherType.
In transparent firewall mode, you can combine extended access rules, management access rules, and EtherType
rules on the same interface.
Note “Inbound” and “outbound” refer to the application of an ACL on an interface, either to traffic entering the
ASA on an interface or traffic exiting the ASA on an interface. These terms do not refer to the movement
of traffic from a lower security interface to a higher security interface, commonly known as inbound, or
from a higher to lower interface, commonly known as outbound.
An outbound ACL is useful, for example, if you want to allow only certain hosts on the inside networks to
access a web server on the outside network. Rather than creating multiple inbound ACLs to restrict access,
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Controlling Network Access
you can create a single outbound ACL that allows only the specified hosts. (See the following figure.) The
outbound ACL prevents any other hosts from reaching the outside network.
Rule Order
The order of rules is important. When the ASA decides whether to forward or drop a packet, the ASA tests
the packet against each rule in the order in which the rules are listed in the applied ACL. After a match is
found, no more rules are checked. For example, if you create an access rule at the beginning that explicitly
permits all traffic for an interface, no further rules are ever checked.
Implicit Permits
For routed mode, the following types of traffic are allowed through by default:
• Unicast IPv4 and IPv6 traffic from a higher security interface to a lower security interface.
For transparent mode, the following types of traffic are allowed through by default:
• Unicast IPv4 and IPv6 traffic from a higher security interface to a lower security interface.
• ARPs in both directions. (You can control ARP traffic using ARP inspection, but you cannot control it
by access rule.)
• BPDUs in both directions.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Controlling Network Access
For other traffic, you need to use either an extended access rule (IPv4 and IPv6) or an EtherType rule (non-IP).
Implicit Deny
ACLs have an implicit deny at the end of the list, so unless you explicitly permit it, traffic cannot pass. For
example, if you want to allow all users to access a network through the ASA except for particular addresses,
then you need to deny the particular addresses and then permit all others.
For EtherType ACLs, the implicit deny at the end of the ACL does not affect IP traffic or ARPs; for example,
if you allow EtherType 8037, the implicit deny at the end of the ACL does not now block any IP traffic that
you previously allowed with an extended ACL (or implicitly allowed from a high security interface to a low
security interface). However, if you explicitly deny all traffic with an EtherType rule, then IP and ARP traffic
is denied; only physical protocol traffic, such as auto-negotiation, is still allowed.
If you configure a global access rule, then the implicit deny comes after the global rule is processed. See the
following order of operations:
1 Interface access rule.
2 Global access rule.
3 Implicit deny.
Allowing Broadcast and Multicast Traffic through the Transparent Firewall Using Access Rules
In routed firewall mode, broadcast and multicast traffic is blocked even if you allow it in an access rule,
including unsupported dynamic routing protocols and DHCP (unless you configure DHCP relay). Transparent
firewall mode can allow any IP traffic through.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Controlling Network Access
Note Because these special types of traffic are connectionless, you need to apply an access rule to both interfaces,
so returning traffic is allowed through.
The following table lists common traffic types that you can allow through the transparent firewall.
EIGRP Protocol 88 —
OSPF Protocol 89 —
Multicast streams The UDP ports vary depending on Multicast streams are always destined to a Class D
the application. address ( to 239.x.x.x).
EtherType Rules
This section describes EtherType rules.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Access Control
Allowing MPLS
If you allow MPLS, ensure that Label Distribution Protocol and Tag Distribution Protocol TCP connections
are established through the ASA by configuring both MPLS routers connected to the ASA to use the IP address
on the ASA interface as the router-id for LDP or TDP sessions. (LDP and TDP allow MPLS routers to negotiate
the labels (addresses) used to forward packets.)
On Cisco IOS routers, enter the appropriate command for your protocol, LDP or TDP. The interface is the
interface connected to the ASA.
mpls ldp router-id interface force
tag-switching tdp router-id interface force
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
• You can improve system performance and reliability by using the transactional commit model for access
groups. See the basic settings chapter in the general operations configuration guide for more information.
The option is under Configurations > Device Management > Advanced > Rule Engine.
• In ASDM, rule descriptions are based on the access list remarks that come before the rule in the ACL;
for new rules you create in ASDM, any descriptions are also configured as remarks before the related
rule. However, the packet tracer in ASDM matches the remark that is configured after the matching rule
in the CLI.
• If you enter more than one item in source or destination address, or source or destination service, ASDM
automatically creates an object group for them with the prefix DM_INLINE. These objects are
automatically expanded to their component parts in the rule table view, but you can see the object names
if you deselect the Auto-expand network and service objects with specified prefix rule table preference
in Tools > Preferences.
• Normally, you cannot reference an object or object group that does not exist in an ACL or object group,
or delete one that is currently referenced. You also cannot reference an ACL that does not exist in an
access-group command (to apply access rules). However, you can change this default behavior so that
you can “forward reference” objects or ACLs before you create them. Until you create the objects or
ACLs, any rules or access groups that reference them are ignored. To enable forward referencing, select
the option in the access rules advanced settings; choose Configuration > Access Rules and click the
Advanced button.
Step 3 Fill in the rule properties. The primary options to select are:
• Interface—The interface to which the rule applies. Select Any to create a global rule.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
• Action: Permit/Deny—Whether you are permitting (allowing) the described traffic or are denying
(dropping) it.
• Source/Destination criteria—A definition of the source (originating address) and destination (target
address of the traffic flow). You typically configure IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of hosts or subnets, which
you can represent with network or network object groups. You can also specify a user or user group
name for the source. Additionally, you can use the Service field to identify the specific type of traffic if
you want to focus the rule more narrowly than all IP traffic. If you implement Trustsec, you can use
security groups to define source and destination.
For detailed information on all of the available options, see Access Rule Properties, on page 18.
When you are finished defining the rule, click OK to add the rule to the table.
Action: Permit/Deny
Whether you are permitting (allowing) the described traffic or are denying (dropping) it.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
Source Criteria
The characteristics of the originator of the traffic you are trying to match. You must configure Source,
but the other properties are optional.
The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the source. The default is any, which matches all IPv4 or IPv6
addresses; you can use any4 to target IPv4 only, or any6 to target IPv6 only. You can specify a
single host address (such as or 2001:DB8::0DB8:800:200C:417A), a subnet (in or format, or for IPv6, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60), the
name of a network object or network object group, or the name of an interface.
If you enable the identity firewall, you can specify a user or user group as the traffic source. The
IP address the user is currently using will match the rule. You can specify a username
(DOMAIN\user), a user group (DOMAIN\\group, note the double \ indicates a group name), or
a user object group. For this field, it is far easier to click “...” to select names from your AAA
server group than to type them in.
Security Group
If you enable Cisco Trustsec, you can specify a security group name or tag (1-65533), or security
group object.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
Destination Criteria
The characteristics of the target of the traffic you are trying to match. You must configure Destination,
but the other properties are optional.
The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the destination. The default is any, which matches all IPv4 or IPv6
addresses; you can use any4 to target IPv4 only, or any6 to target IPv6 only. You can specify a
single host address (such as or 2001:DB8::0DB8:800:200C:417A), a subnet (in or format, or for IPv6, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60), the
name of a network object or network object group, or the name of an interface.
Security Group
If you enable Cisco Trustsec, you can specify a security group name or tag (1-65533), or security
group object.
The protocol of the traffic, such as IP, TCP, UDP, and optionally ports for TCP, UDP, or SCTP.
The default is IP, but you can select a more specific protocol to target traffic with more granularity.
Typically, you would select some type of service object. For TCP, UDP, and SCTP, you can
specify ports, for example, tcp/80, tcp/http, tcp/10-20 (for a range of ports), tcp-udp/80 (match
any TCP or UDP traffic on port 80), sctp/diameter, and so forth.
A explanation of the purpose of the rule, up to 100 characters per line. You can enter multiple lines;
each line is added as a remark in the CLI, and the remarks are placed before the rule.
Note If you add remarks with non-English characters on one platform (such as
Windows) then try to remove them from another platform (such as Linux), you
might not be able to edit or delete them because the original characters might
not be correctly recognized. This limitation is due to an underlying platform
dependency that encodes different language characters in different ways.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
• Per User Override table—Whether to allow a dynamic user ACL that is downloaded for user
authorization from a RADIUS server to override the ACL assigned to the interface. For example, if the
interface ACL denies all traffic from, but the dynamic ACL permits all traffic from,
then the dynamic ACL overrides the interface ACL for that user. Check the Per User Override box for
each interface that should allow user overrides (inbound direction only). If the per user override feature
is disabled, the access rule provided by the RADIUS server is combined with the access rule configured
on that interface.
By default, VPN remote access traffic is not matched against interface ACLs. However, if you deselect
the Enable inbound VPN sessions to bypass interface access lists setting on the Configuration >
Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Connection Profiles pane), the behavior
depends on whether there is a VPN filter applied in the group policy (see the Configuration > Remote
Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > Group Policies > Add/Edit > General > More Options > Filter
field) and whether you set the Per User Override option:
◦No Per User Override, no VPN filter —Traffic is matched against the interface ACL.
◦No Per User Override, VPN filter —Traffic is matched first against the interface ACL, then against
the VPN filter.
◦Per User Override, VPN filter —Traffic is matched against the VPN filter only.
• Object Group Search Setting—You can reduce the memory required to search access rules that use
object groups by selecting Enable Object Group Search Algorithm, but this is at the expense of rule
lookup performance. When enabled, object group search does not expand network objects, but instead
searches access rules for matches based on those group definitions.
• Forward Reference Setting—Normally, you cannot reference an object or object group that does not
exist in an ACL or object group, or delete one that is currently referenced. You also cannot reference
an ACL that does not exist in an access-group command (to apply access rules). However, you can
change this default behavior so that you can “forward reference” objects or ACLs before you create them.
Until you create the objects or ACLs, any rules or access groups that reference them are ignored. Select
Enable the forward reference of objects and object-groups to enable forward referencing. Be aware
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
that if you enable forward referencing, ASDM cannot tell the difference between a typo reference to an
existing object and a forward reference.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Management Access > Management Access Rules.
The rules are organized by interface. Each group is equivalent to the extended ACL that is created and assigned
to the interface as a control plane ACL. These ACLs also appear on the Access Rules and ACL Manager
Step 3 Fill in the rule properties. The primary options to select are:
• Interface—The interface to which the rule applies.
• Action: Permit/Deny—Whether you are permitting (allowing) the described traffic or are denying
(dropping) it.
• Source/Destination criteria—A definition of the source (originating address) and destination (target
address of the traffic flow). You typically configure IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of hosts or subnets, which
you can represent with network or network object groups. You can also specify a user or user group
name for the source. Additionally, you can use the Service field to identify the specific type of traffic if
you want to focus the rule more narrowly than all IP traffic. If you implement Trustsec, you can use
security groups to define source and destination.
For detailed information on all of the available options, see Access Rule Properties, on page 18.
When you are finished defining the rule, click OK to add the rule to the table.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
Step 3 Fill in the rule properties. The primary options to select are:
• Interface—The interface to which the rule applies.
• Action: Permit/Deny—Whether you are permitting (allowing) the described traffic or are denying
(dropping) it.
• EtherType—You can match traffic using the following options:
◦ipx—Internet Packet Exchange (IPX).
◦bpdu—bridge protocol data units, which are allowed by default.
◦mpls-multicast— MPLS multicast.
◦mpls-unicast—MPLS unicast.
◦isis—Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS).
◦any—Matches all traffic.
◦hex_number—Any EtherType that can be identified by a 16-bit hexadecimal number 0x600 to
0xffff. See RFC 1700, “Assigned Numbers,” at for a list of
• Description—A explanation of the purpose of the rule, up to 100 characters per line. You can enter
multiple lines; each line is added as a remark in the CLI, and the remarks are placed before the rule.
• More Options > Direction—Whether the rule is for the In or Out direction. In is the default.
When you are finished defining the rule, click OK to add the rule to the table.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Access Control
To protect the device from attacks, you can use ICMP rules to limit ICMP access to interfaces to particular
hosts, networks, or ICMP types. ICMP rules function like access rules, where the rules are ordered, and the
first rule that matches a packet defines the action.
If you configure any ICMP rule for an interface, an implicit deny ICMP rule is added to the end of the ICMP
rule list, changing the default behavior. Thus, if you want to simply deny a few message types, you must
include a permit any rule at the end of the ICMP rule list to allow the remaining message types.
We recommend that you always grant permission for the ICMP unreachable message type (type 3). Denying
ICMP unreachable messages disables ICMP path MTU discovery, which can halt IPsec and PPTP traffic.
Additionally ICMP packets in IPv6 are used in the IPv6 neighbor discovery process.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Management Access > ICMP.
Step 2 Configure ICMP rules:
a) Add a rule (Add > Rule, Add > IPv6 Rule, or Add > Insert), or select a rule and edit it.
b) Select the ICMP type you want to control, or any to apply to all types.
c) Select the interface to which the rule applies. You must create separate rules for each interface.
d) Select whether you are permitting or denying access for matching traffic.
e) Select Any Address to apply the rule to all traffic. Alternatively, enter the address and mask (for IPv4)
or address and prefix length (for IPv6) of the host or network you are trying to control.
f) Click OK.
Step 3 (Optional) To set ICMP unreachable message limits, set the following options. Increasing the rate limit, along
with enabling the Decrement time to live for a connection option in a service policy (on the Configuration
> Firewall > Service Policy Rules > Rule Actions > Connection Settings dialog box), is required to allow a
trace route through the ASA that shows the ASA as one of the hops.
• Rate Limit—Sets the rate limit of unreachable messages, between 1 and 100 messages per second. The
default is 1 message per second.
• Burst Size—Sets the burst rate, between 1 and 10. This value is not currently used by the system.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Access Rules
Tip When you enable logging for message 106100, if a packet matches an ACE, the ASA creates a flow entry
to track the number of packets received within a specific interval. The ASA has a maximum of 32 K
logging flows for ACEs. A large number of flows can exist concurrently at any point of time. To prevent
unlimited consumption of memory and CPU resources, the ASA places a limit on the number of concurrent
deny flows; the limit is placed on deny flows only (not on permit flows) because they can indicate an
attack. When the limit is reached, the ASA does not create a new deny flow for logging until the existing
flows expire, and issues message 106101. You can control the frequency of this message, and the maximum
number of deny flows cached, in the advanced settings; see Configure Advanced Options for Access
Rules, on page 21.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Access Rules
Support for Identity Firewall 8.4(2) You can now use identity firewall users and groups for the source and
destination. You can use an identity firewall ACL with access rules,
AAA rules, and for VPN authentication.
EtherType ACL support for IS-IS traffic 8.4(5), 9.1(2) In transparent firewall mode, the ASA can now pass IS-IS traffic using
an EtherType ACL.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Device
Management > Management Access > EtherType Rules.
Support for TrustSec 9.0(1) You can now use TrustSec security groups for the source and
destination. You can use an identity firewall ACL with access rules.
Unified ACL for IPv4 and IPv6 9.0(1) ACLs now support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. You can even specify a
mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the source and destination. The
any keyword was changed to represent IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. The
any4 and any6 keywords were added to represent IPv4-only and
IPv6-only traffic, respectively. The IPv6-specific ACLs are deprecated.
Existing IPv6 ACLs are migrated to extended ACLs. See the release
notes for more information about migration.
We modified the following screens:
Configuration > Firewall > Access Rules Configuration > Remote
Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > Group Policies > General
> More Options
Extended ACL and object enhancement 9.0(1) ICMP traffic can now be permitted/denied based on ICMP code.
to filter ICMP traffic by ICMP code We introduced or modified the following screens:
Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Service Objects/Groups
Configuration > Firewall > Access Rule
Transactional Commit Model on Access 9.1(5) When enabled, a rule update is applied after the rule compilation is
Group Rule Engine completed; without affecting the rule matching performance.
We introduced the following screen: Configuration > Device
Management > Advanced > Rule Engine.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Access Rules
Access rule support for Stream Control 9.5(2) You can now create access rules using the sctp protocol, including
Transmission Protocol (SCTP) port specifications.
We modified the add/edit dialog boxes for access rules on the
Configuration > Firewall > Access Rules page.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Objects for Access Control
Objects are reusable components for use in your configuration. You can define and use them in Cisco ASA
configurations in the place of inline IP addresses, services, names, and so on. Objects make it easy to maintain
your configurations because you can modify an object in one place and have it be reflected in all other places
that are referencing it. Without objects you would have to modify the parameters for every feature when
required, instead of just once. For example, if a network object defines an IP address and subnet mask, and
you want to change the address, you only need to change it in the object definition, not in every feature that
refers to that IP address.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Objects
• Object names are limited to 64 characters, including letters, numbers, and these characters:
.!@#$%^&()-_{}. Object names are case-sensitive.
• You cannot remove an object or make an object empty if it is used in a command, unless you enable
forward referencing (in the access rules advanced settings).
Configure Objects
The following sections describe how to configure objects that are primarily used on access control.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Network Objects/Group.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Choose Add > Network Object to add a new object. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing object and click Edit.
Step 3 Configure the address for the object based on the object Type and IP version fields.
• Host—The IPv4 or IPv6 address of a single host. For example, or
• Network—The address of a network. For IPv4, include the mask, for example, IP address =
Netmask = For IPv6, include the prefix, such as IP Address = 2001:DB8:0:CD30:: Prefix
Length = 60.
• Range—A range of addresses. You can specify IPv4 or IPv6 ranges. Do not include masks or prefixes.
• FQDN—A fully-qualified domain name, that is, the name of a host, such as
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Objects
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Network Objects/Groups.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Choose Add > Network Object Group to add a new object. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing object and click Edit.
Step 3 Add network objects to the group using any combination of the following techniques:
• Existing Network Objects/Groups—Select any already defined network object or group and click
Add to include them in the group.
• Create New Network Object Member—Enter the criteria for a new network object and click Add. If
you give the object a name, when you apply changes, the new object is created and added to the group.
The name is optional when adding hosts or networks.
Step 4 After you add all the member objects, click OK, then click Apply.
You can now use this network object group when you create a rule. For an edited object group, the change is
inherited automatically by any rules using the group.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Service Object/Group.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Choose Add > Service Object to add a new object. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing object and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Objects
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Service Objects/Groups.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Choose Add > Service Group to add a new object. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing object and click Edit.
Step 3 Add service objects to the group using any combination of the following techniques:
• Existing Service/Service Group—Select any already defined service, service object, or group and click
Add to include them in the group.
• Create New Member—Enter the criteria for a new service object and click Add. If you give the object
a name, when you apply changes, the new object is created and added to the group; otherwise, unnamed
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Objects
objects are members of this group only. You cannot name TCP-UDP objects; these are members of the
group only.
Step 4 After you add all the member objects, click OK, then click Apply.
You can now use this service object group when you create a rule. For an edited object group, the change is
inherited automatically by any rules using the group.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Local User Groups.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Choose Add to add a new object. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing object and click Edit.
Step 3 Add users or groups to the object using any of these methods:
• Select existing users or groups—Select the domain that contains the user or group, then pick the user
or group name from the lists and click Add. For long lists, use the Find box to help locate the user. The
names are pulled from the server for the selected domain.
• Manually type user names—You can simply type in the user or group names in the bottom edit box
and click Add. When using this method, the selected domain name is ignored, and the default domain
is used if you do not specify one. For users, the format is domain_name\username; for groups, there is
a double \\, domain_name\\group_name.
Step 4 After you add all the member objects, click OK, then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Objects
You can now use this user object group when you create a rule. For an edited object group, the change is
inherited automatically by any rules using the group.
Tip If you create a group with tags or names that are not known to the ASA, any rules that use the group will
be inactive until the tags or names are resolved with ISE.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Security Group Object Groups.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Choose Add to add a new object. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing object and click Edit.
Step 3 Add security groups to the object using any of these methods:
• Select existing local security group object groups—Pick from the list of objects already defined and
click Add. For long lists, use the Find box to help locate the object.
• Select security groups discovered from ISE—Pick groups from the list of existing groups and click
• Manually add security tags or names—You can simply type in the tag number or security group name
in the bottom edit box and click Add. A tag is a number from 1 to 65533 and is assigned to a device
through IEEE 802.1X authentication, web authentication, or MAC authentication bypass (MAB) by the
ISE. Security group names are created on the ISE and provide user-friendly names for security groups.
The security group table maps SGTs to security group names. Consult your ISE configuration for the
valid tags and names.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Objects
Step 4 After you add all the member objects, click OK, then click Apply.
You can now use this security group object group when you create a rule. For an edited object group, the
change is inherited automatically by any rules using the group.
Note You can include multiple periodic entries in a time range object. If a time range has both absolute and
periodic values specified, then the periodic values are evaluated only after the absolute start time is reached,
and they are not further evaluated after the absolute end time is reached.
Creating a time range does not restrict access to the device. This procedure defines the time range only. You
must then use the object in an access control rule.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Time Ranges.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Choose Add to add a new time range. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing time range and click Edit.
Step 4 (Optional) Configure recurring periods within the overall active time, such as the days of the week or the
recurring weekly interval in which the time range will be active.
a) Click Add, or select an existing period and click Edit.
b) Do one of the following:
• Click Specify days of the week and times on which this recurring range will be active, and choose
the days and times from the lists.
• Click Specify a weekly interval when this recurring range will be active, and choose the days
and times from the lists.
c) Click OK.
Step 5 Click OK, and then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Objects
Monitoring Objects
For network, service, and security group objects, you can analyze the usage of an individual object. From
their page in the Configuration > Firewall > Objects folder, click the Where Used button.
For network objects, you can also click the Not Used button to find objects that are not used in any rules or
other objects. This display gives you a short-cut for deleting these unused objects.
Regular expressions and policy maps 7.2(1) Regular expressions and policy maps were introduced to be used under
inspection policy maps. The following commands were introduced:
class-map type regex, regex, match regex.
User Object Groups for Identity 8.4(2) User object groups for identity firewall were introduced.
Security Group Object Groups for Cisco 8.4(2) Security group object groups for Cisco TrustSec were introduced.
Mixed IPv4 and IPv6 network object 9.0(1) Previously, network object groups could only contain all IPv4 addresses
groups or all IPv6 addresses. Now network object groups can support a mix
of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Note You cannot use a mixed object group for
Extended ACL and object enhancement 9.0(1) ICMP traffic can now be permitted/denied based on ICMP code.
to filter ICMP traffic by ICMP code We introduced or modified the following screens:
Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Service Objects/Groups,
Configuration > Firewall > Access Rule
Service object support for Stream 9.5(2) You can now create service objects and groups that specific SCTP
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) ports.
We modified the add/edit dialog boxes for service objects and groups
on the Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Service
Objects/Groups page.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Access Control Lists
Access control lists (ACLs) are used by many different features. When applied to interfaces or globally as
access rules, they permit or deny traffic that flows through the appliance. For other features, the ACL selects
the traffic to which the feature will apply, performing a matching service rather than a control service.
The following sections explain the basics of ACLs and how to configure and monitor them. Access rules,
ACLs applied globally or to interfaces, are explained in more detail in Access Rules, on page 11.
About ACLs
Access control lists (ACLs) identify traffic flows by one or more characteristics, including source and destination
IP address, IP protocol, ports, EtherType, and other parameters, depending on the type of ACL. ACLs are
used in a variety of features. ACLs are made up of one or more access control entries (ACEs).
ACL Types
The ASA uses the following types of ACLs:
• Extended ACLs—Extended ACLs are the main type that you will use. These ACLs are used for access
rules to permit and deny traffic through the device, and for traffic matching by many features, including
service policies, AAA rules, WCCP, Botnet Traffic Filter, and VPN group and DAP policies. In ASDM,
many of these features have their own rules pages and they cannot use extended ACLs that you define
in the ACL Manager, although ACL Manager will display the ACLs created on those pages. See Configure
Extended ACLs, on page 42.
• EtherType ACLs—EtherType ACLs apply to non-IP layer-2 traffic in transparent firewall mode. You
can use these rules to permit or drop traffic based on the EtherType value in the layer-2 packet. With
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About ACLs
EtherType ACLs, you can control the flow of non-IP traffic across the device. See Configure EtherType
Rules (Transparent Mode Only), on page 24.
• Webtype ACLs—Webtype ACLs are used for filtering clientless SSL VPN traffic. These ACLs can
deny access based on URLs or destination addresses. See Configure Webtype ACLs, on page 48.
• Standard ACLs—Standard ACLs identify traffic by destination address only. There are few features
that use them: route maps and VPN filters. Because VPN filters also allow extended access lists, limit
standard ACL use to route maps. See Configure Standard ACLs, on page 47.
The following table lists some common uses for ACLs and the type to use.
Augment network access control for IP Extended, downloaded You can configure the RADIUS server to download a dynamic
traffic for a given user from a AAA server per ACL to be applied to the user, or the server can send the name
user of an ACL that you already configured on the ASA.
VPN access and filtering Extended Group policies for remote access and site to site VPNs use
standard or extended ACLs for filtering. Remote access VPNs
also use extended ACLs for client firewall configurations and
dynamic access policies.
Identify traffic in a traffic class map for Extended ACLs can be used to identify traffic in a class map, which is
Modular Policy Framework used for features that support Modular Policy Framework.
Features that support Modular Policy Framework include
TCP and general connection settings, and inspection.
For transparent firewall mode, control EtherType You can configure an ACL that controls traffic based on its
network access for non-IP traffic EtherType.
Identify route filtering and redistribution Standard Various routing protocols use standard ACLs for route
filtering and redistribution (through route maps) for IPv4
addresses, and extended ACLs for IPv6.
Filtering for clientless SSL VPN Webtype You can configure a webtype ACL to filter URLs and
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About ACLs
There are separate pages for standard ACLs and webtype ACLs, so that you can configure them in the main
window. These pages are functionally equivalent to the ACL Manager without the name:
• Standard ACLs—Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Standard ACL.
• Webtype ACLs—Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Clientless SSL VPN Access > Advanced
> Web ACLs.
ACL Names
Each ACL has a name or numeric ID, such as outside_in, OUTSIDE_IN, or 101. Limit the names to 241
characters or fewer.Consider using all uppercase letters to make it easier to find the name when viewing a
running configuration.
Develop a naming convention that will help you identify the intended purpose of the ACL. For example,
ASDM uses the convention interface-name_purpose_direction, such as “outside_access_in”, for an ACL
applied to the “outside” interface in the inbound direction.
Traditionally, ACL IDs were numbers. Standard ACLs were in the range 1-99 or 1300-1999. Extended ACLs
were in the range 100-199 or 2000-2699. The ASA does not enforce these ranges, but if you want to use
numbers, you might want to stick to these conventions to maintain consistency with routers running IOS
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About ACLs
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for ACLs
For example, if you configure NAT for an inside server,, so that it has a publicly routable IP address
on the outside,, then the access rule to allow the outside traffic to access the inside server needs
to reference the server’s real IP address (, and not the mapped address (
Time-Based ACEs
You can apply time range objects to extended and webtype ACEs so that the rules are active for specific time
periods only. These types of rules let you differentiate between activity that is acceptable at certain times of
the day but that is unacceptable at other times. For example, you could provide additional restrictions during
working hours, and relax them after work hours or at lunch. Conversely, you could essentially shut your
network down during non-work hours.
Note Users could experience a delay of approximately 80 to 100 seconds after the specified end time for the
ACL to become inactive. For example, if the specified end time is 3:50, because the end time is inclusive,
the command is picked up anywhere between 3:51:00 and 3:51:59. After the command is picked up, the
ASA finishes any currently running task and then services the command to deactivate the ACL.
• Extended and webtype ACLs allow a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
Additional Guidelines
• When you specify a network mask, the method is different from the Cisco IOS software access-list
command. The ASA uses a network mask (for example, for a Class C mask). The Cisco
IOS mask uses wildcard bits (for example,
• Normally, you cannot reference an object or object group that does not exist in an ACL or object group,
or delete one that is currently referenced. You also cannot reference an ACL that does not exist in an
access-group command (to apply access rules). However, you can change this default behavior so that
you can “forward reference” objects or ACLs before you create them. Until you create the objects or
ACLs, any rules or access groups that reference them are ignored. To enable forward referencing, select
the option in the access rules advanced settings; choose Configuration > Access Rules and click the
Advanced button.
• If you enter more than one item in source or destination address, or source or destination service, ASDM
automatically creates an object group for them with the prefix DM_INLINE. These objects are
automatically expanded to their component parts in the rule table view, but you can see the object names
if you deselect the Auto-expand network and service objects with specified prefix rule table preference
in Tools > Preferences.
• (Extended ACL only) The following features use ACLs, but cannot accept an ACL with identity firewall
(specifying user or group names), FQDN (fully-qualified domain names), or Cisco TrustSec values:
◦VPN crypto map command
◦VPN group-policy command, except for vpn-filter
Configure ACLs
The following sections explain how to configure the various types of generic ACL, except those used as access
rules (including EtherType), service policy rules, AAA rules, and other uses where ASDM provides a
special-purpose page for those rule-based policies.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > ACL Manager.
Step 2 If you are creating a new ACL, choose Add > Add ACL, fill in a name, and click OK.
The ACL container is added to the table. You can later rename it by selecting it and clicking Edit.
Step 4 Fill in the ACE properties. The primary options to select are:
• Action: Permit/Deny—Whether you are permitting (selecting) the described traffic or are denying
(deselecting, not matching) it.
• Source/Destination criteria—A definition of the source (originating address) and destination (target
address of the traffic flow). You typically configure IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of hosts or subnets, which
you can represent with network or network object groups. You can also specify a user or user group
name for the source. Additionally, you can use the Service field to identify the specific type of traffic if
you want to focus the rule more narrowly than all IP traffic. If you implement Cisco TrustSec, you can
use security groups to define source and destination.
For detailed information on all of the available options, see Extended ACE Properties, on page 43.
When you are finished defining the ACE, click OK to add the rule to the table.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
Source Criteria
The characteristics of the originator of the traffic you are trying to match. You must configure Source,
but the other properties are optional.
The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the source. The default is any, which matches all IPv4 or IPv6
addresses; you can use any4 to target IPv4 only, or any6 to target IPv6 only. You can specify a
single host address (such as or 2001:DB8::0DB8:800:200C:417A), a subnet (in or format, or for IPv6, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60), the
name of a network object or network object group, or the name of an interface.
If you enable the identity firewall, you can specify a user or user group as the traffic source. The
IP address the user is currently using will match the rule. You can specify a username
(DOMAIN\user), a user group (DOMAIN\\group, note the double \ indicates a group name), or
a user object group. For this field, it is far easier to click “...” to select names from your AAA
server group than to type them in.
Security Group
If you enable Cisco TrustSec, you can specify a security group name or tag (1-65533), or security
group object.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
Destination Criteria
The characteristics of the target of the traffic you are trying to match. You must configure Destination,
but the other properties are optional.
The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the destination. The default is any, which matches all IPv4 or IPv6
addresses; you can use any4 to target IPv4 only, or any6 to target IPv6 only. You can specify a
single host address (such as or 2001:DB8::0DB8:800:200C:417A), a subnet (in or format, or for IPv6, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60), the
name of a network object or network object group, or the name of an interface.
Security Group
If you enable Cisco TrustSec, you can specify a security group name or tag (1-65533), or security
group object.
The protocol of the traffic, such as IP, TCP, UDP, and optionally ports for TCP, UDP, or SCTP.
The default is IP, but you can select a more specific protocol to target traffic with more granularity.
Typically, you would select some type of service object. For TCP, UDP, and SCTP, you can
specify ports, for example, tcp/80, tcp/http, tcp/10-20 (for a range of ports), tcp-udp/80 (match
any TCP or UDP traffic on port 80), sctp/diameter, and so forth. For detailed information on
specifying services, see Service Specifications in Extended ACEs, on page 46.
A explanation of the purpose of the ACE, up to 100 characters per line. You can enter multiple lines;
each line is added as a remark in the CLI, and the remarks are placed before the ACE.
Note If you add remarks with non-English characters on one platform (such as
Windows) then try to remove them from another platform (such as Linux), you
might not be able to edit or delete them because the original characters might
not be correctly recognized. This limitation is due to an underlying platform
dependency that encodes different language characters in different ways.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
A number between 1-255, or a well-known name, such as ip, tcp, udp, gre, and so forth.
Note DNS, Discard, Echo, Ident, NTP, RPC, SUNRPC, and Talk each require one
definition for TCP and one for UDP. TACACS+ requires one definition for
port 49 on TCP.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Standard ACL.
Step 2 If you are creating a new ACL, choose Add > Add ACL, fill in a name, and click OK.
The ACL container is added to the table. You cannot rename a standard ACL.
When you are finished defining the ACE, click OK to add the rule to the table.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Clientless SSL VPN Access > Advanced > Web >
Step 2 If you are creating a new ACL, choose Add > Add ACL, fill in a name, and click OK.
The ACL container is added to the table. You can later rename it by selecting it and clicking Edit.
Step 4 Fill in the ACE properties. The primary options to select are:
• Action: Permit/Deny—Whether you are permitting (selecting) the described traffic or are denying
(deselecting, not matching) it.
• Filter—The traffic matching criteria, based on the destination. You can either specify a URL by selecting
the protocol and entering the server name and optionally, path and file name, or you can specify a
destination IPv4 or IPv6 address and TCP service.
For detailed information on all of the available options, see Webtype ACE Properties, on page 49.
When you are finished defining the ACE, click OK to add the rule to the table.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure ACLs
◦Smart tunnel and ica plug-ins are not affected by an ACL with ‘permit url any’ because they
match smart-tunnel:// and ica:// types only.
◦You can use these protocols: cifs://, citrix://, citrixs://, ftp://, http://, https://, imap4://, nfs://,
pop3://, smart-tunnel://, and smtp://. You can also use wildcards in the protocol; for example,
htt* matches http and https, and an asterisk * matches all protocols. For example,
*://* matches any type URL-based traffic to the network.
◦If you specify a smart-tunnel:// URL, you can include the server name only. The URL cannot
contain a path. For example, smart-tunnel:// is acceptable, but
smart-tunnel:// is not.
◦An asterisk * matches none or any number of characters. To match any http URL, enter
◦A question mark ? matches any one character exactly.
◦Square brackets [] are range operators, matching any character in the range. For example, to
match both and, enter[01]/.
• Filter on Address and Service—Match traffic based on destination address and service.
◦Address—The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the destination. To match all addresses, you can use any,
which matches all IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, any4 to match IPv4 only, or any6 to match IPv6 only.
You can specify a single host address (such as or 2001:DB8::0DB8:800:200C:417A),
a subnet (in or format, or for IPv6,
2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60), or select a network object, which fills in the field with the contents of
the object.
◦Service—A single TCP service specification. The default is tcp with no ports, but you can specify
a single port (such as tcp/80 or tcp/www) or port range (such as tcp/1-100). You can include
operators; for example, !=tcp/80 excludes port 80; <tcp/80 is all ports less than 80; >tcp/80 is all
ports greater than 80.
• Enable Logging; Logging Level; More Options > Logging Interval—The logging options define
how syslog messages will be generated for rules that actually deny traffic. You can implement the
following logging options:
◦Deselect Enable Logging—This will disable logging for the rule. No syslog messages of any type
will be issued for traffic denied by this rule.
◦Select Enable Logging with Logging Level = Default—This provides the default logging for
rules. Syslog message 106103 is issued for each denied packet. If the appliance comes under attack,
the frequency of issuing this message could impact services.
◦Select Enable Logging with Non-Default Logging Level—This provides a summarized syslog
message, 106102, instead of 106103. Message 106102 is issued upon first hit, then again at each
interval configured in More Options > Logging Interval (default is every 300 seconds, you can
specify 1-600), showing the number of hits during that interval. The recommended logging level
is Informational.
• More Options > Time Range—The name of the time range object that defines the times of day and
days of the week when the rule should be active. If you do not specify a time range, the rule is always
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring ACLs
Filter Effect
Deny url http://* Denies access to all of Yahoo!
Monitoring ACLs
The ACL Manager, Standard ACL, Web ACL, and EtherType ACL tables show a consolidated view of ACLs.
But to see exactly what is configured on the device, you can use the following commands. Choose Tools >
Command Line Interface to enter the commands.
• show access-list [name]—Displays the access lists, including the line number for each ACE and hit
counts. Include an ACL name or you will see all access lists.
• show running-config access-list [name]—Displays the current running access-list configuration. Include
an ACL name or you will see all access lists.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for ACLs
Support for Identity Firewall in 8.4(2) You can now use identity firewall users and groups for the source and
extended ACLs destination. You can use an identity firewall ACL with access rules,
AAA rules, and for VPN authentication.
EtherType ACL support for IS-IS traffic 8.4(5), 9.1(2) In transparent firewall mode, the ASA can now control IS-IS traffic
using an EtherType ACL.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Device
Management > Management Access > EtherType Rules.
Support for Cisco TrustSec in extended 9.0(1) You can now use Cisco TrustSec security groups for the source and
ACLs destination. You can use an identity firewall ACL with access rules.
Unified extended and webtype ACLs 9.0(1) Extended and webtype ACLs now support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
for IPv4 and IPv6 You can even specify a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the source
and destination. The any keyword was changed to represent IPv4 and
IPv6 traffic. The any4 and any6 keywords were added to represent
IPv4-only and IPv6-only traffic, respectively. The IPv6-specific ACLs
are deprecated. Existing IPv6 ACLs are migrated to extended ACLs.
See the release notes for more information about migration.
We modified the following screens:
Configuration > Firewall > Access Rules
Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access >
Group Policies > General > More Options
Extended ACL and object enhancement 9.0(1) ICMP traffic can now be permitted/denied based on ICMP code.
to filter ICMP traffic by ICMP code We introduced or modified the following screens:
Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Service Objects/Groups
Configuration > Firewall > Access Rule
Configuration session for editing ACLs 9.3(2) You can now edit ACLs and objects in an isolated configuration
and objects. session. You can also forward reference objects and ACLs, that is,
configure rules and access groups for objects or ACLs that do not yet
Forward referencing of objects and
ACLs in access rules.
We modified the Advanced settings for access rules.
ACL support for Stream Control 9.5(2) You can now create ACL rules using the sctp protocol, including port
Transmission Protocol (SCTP) specifications.
We modified the add/edit dialog boxes for access control entries on
the Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > ACL Manager page.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for ACLs
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for ACLs
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity Firewall
This chapter describes how to configure the ASA for the Identity Firewall.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the Identity Firewall
The following figure show the components of the Identity Firewall. The succeeding table describes the roles
of these components and how they communicate with one another.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the Identity Firewall
1 On the ASA: Administrators configure local user 4 Client <-> ASA: The client logs into the network
groups and Identity Firewall policies. through Microsoft Active Directory. The AD
Server authenticates users and generates user
login security logs.
Alternatively, the client can log into the network
through a cut-through proxy or VPN.
2 ASA <-> AD Server: The ASA sends an LDAP 5 ASA <-> Client: Based on the policies
query for the Active Directory groups configured configured on the ASA, it grants or denies access
on the AD Server. to the client.
The ASA consolidates local and Active Directory If configured, the ASA probes the NetBIOS of
groups and applies access rules and Modular the client to pass inactive and no-response users.
Policy Framework security policies based on user
3 ASA <-> AD Agent: Depending on the Identity 6 AD Agent <-> AD Server: The AD Agent
Firewall configuration, the ASA downloads the maintains a cache of user ID and IP address
IP-user database or sends a RADIUS request to mapped entries. and notifies the ASA of changes.
the AD Agent that asks for the user’s IP address. The AD Agent sends logs to a syslog server.
The ASA forwards the new mapped entries that
have been learned from web authentication and
VPN sessions to the AD Agent.
• The ASA can retrieve user identity and IP address mapping from the AD Agent by querying the AD
Agent for each new IP address or by maintaining a local copy of the entire user identity and IP address
• Supports host group, subnet, or IP address for the destination of a user identity policy.
• Supports a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the source and destination of a user identity policy.
• Supports the combination of 5-tuple policies with ID-based policies. The identity-based feature works
in tandem with the existing 5-tuple solution.
• Supports use with IPS and Application Inspection policies.
• Retrieves user identity information from remote access VPN, AnyConnect VPN, L2TP VPN and
cut-through proxy. All retrieved users are populated to all ASAs that are connected to the AD Agent.
• Each AD Agent supports 100 ASAs. Multiple ASAs are able to communicate with a single AD Agent
to provide scalability in larger network deployments.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the Identity Firewall
• Supports 30 Active Directory servers provided the IP address is unique among all domains.
• Each user identity in a domain can have up to 8 IP addresses.
• Supports up to 64,000 user identity-IP address mapped entries in active policies for the ASA 5500 Series
models. This limit controls the maximum number of users who have policies applied. The total number
of users are the aggregate of all users configured in all different contexts.
• Supports up to 512 user groups in active ASA policies.
• A single access rule can contain one or more user groups or users.
• Supports multiple domains.
• The ASA retrieves group information from the Active Directory and falls back to web authentication
for IP addresses when the AD Agent cannot map a source IP address to a user identity.
• The AD Agent continues to function when any of the Active Directory servers or the ASA are not
• Supports configuring a primary AD Agent and a secondary AD Agent on the ASA. If the primary AD
Agent stops responding, the ASA can switch to the secondary AD Agent.
• If the AD Agent is unavailable, the ASA can fall back to existing identity sources such as cut-through
proxy and VPN authentication.
• The AD Agent runs a watchdog process that automatically restarts its services when they are down.
• Allows a distributed IP address/user mapping database for use among ASAs.
Deployment Scenarios
You can deploy the components of the Identity Firewall in the following ways, depending on your environmental
The following figure shows how you can deploy the components of the Identity Firewall to allow for
redundancy. Scenario 1 shows a simple installation without component redundancy. Scenario 2 also shows a
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the Identity Firewall
simple installation without redundancy. However, in this deployment scenario, the Active Directory server
and AD Agent are co-located on the same Windows server.
The following figure shows how you can deploy the Identity Firewall components to support redundancy.
Scenario 1 shows a deployment with multiple Active Directory servers and a single AD Agent installed on a
separate Windows server. Scenario 2 shows a deployment with multiple Active Directory servers and multiple
AD Agents installed on separate Windows servers.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the Identity Firewall
The following figure shows how all Identity Firewall components—Active Directory server, the AD Agent,
and the clients—are installed and communicate on the LAN.
The following figure shows a WAN-based deployment to support a remote site. The Active Directory server
and the AD Agent are installed on the main site LAN. The clients are located at a remote site and connect to
the Identity Firewall components over a WAN.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for the Identity Firewall
The following figure also shows a WAN-based deployment to support a remote site. The Active Directory
server is installed on the main site LAN. However, the AD Agent is installed and accessed by the clients at
the remote site. The remote clients connect to the Active Directory servers at the main site over a WAN.
The following figure shows an expanded remote site installation. An AD Agent and Active Directory servers
are installed at the remote site. The clients access these components locally when logging into network resources
located at the main site. The remote Active Directory server must synchronize its data with the central Active
Directory servers located at the main site.
• The Identity Firewall supports user identity-IP address mapping and AD Agent status replication from
active to standby when Stateful Failover is enabled. However, only user identity-IP address mapping,
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for the Identity Firewall
AD Agent status, and domain status are replicated. User and user group records are not replicated to the
standby ASA.
• When failover is configured, the standby ASA must also be configured to connect to the AD Agent
directly to retrieve user groups. The standby ASA does not send NetBIOS packets to clients even when
the NetBIOS probing options are configured for the Identity Firewall.
• When a client is determined to be inactive by the active ASA, the information is propagated to the
standby ASA. User statistics are not propagated to the standby ASA.
• When you have failover configured, you must configure the AD Agent to communicate with both the
active and standby ASAs. See the Installation and Setup Guide for the Active Directory Agent for the
steps to configure the ASA on the AD Agent server.
• The AD Agent supports endpoints with IPv6 addresses. It can receive IPv6 addresses in log events,
maintain them in its cache, and send them through RADIUS messages. The AAA server must use an
IPv4 address.
• NetBIOS over IPv6 is not supported.
Additional Guidelines
• A full URL as a destination address is not supported.
• For NetBIOS probing to function, the network between the ASA, AD Agent, and clients must support
UDP-encapsulated NetBIOS traffic.
• MAC address checking by the Identity Firewall does not work when intervening routers are present.
Users logged into clients that are behind the same router have the same MAC addresses. With this
implementation, all the packets from the same router are able to pass the check, because the ASA is
unable to ascertain the actual MAC addresses behind the router.
• Although you can use user specifications in VPN filter ACLs, the user-based rules are interpreted
uni-directionally rather than bi-directionally, which is how VPN filter usually works. That is, you can
filter based on user-initiated traffic, but the filter does not apply for going from the destination back to
the user. For example, you could include a rule that allows a specific user to ping a server, but that rule
will not allow the server to ping the user.
• The following ASA features do not support using the identity-based object and FQDN in an extended
◦Crypto maps
◦Group policy (except for VPN filters)
• You can use the user-identity update active-user-database command to actively initiate a user-IP
address download from the AD agent.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Prerequisites for the Identity Firewall
By design, if a previous download session has finished, the ASA does not allow you to issue this command
As a result, if the user-IP database is very large, the previous download session is not finished yet, and
you issue another user-identity update active-user-database command, the following error message
You need to wait until the previous session is completely finished, then you can issue another
user-identity update active-user-database command.
Another example of this behavior occurs because of packet loss from the AD Agent to the ASA.
When you issue a user-identity update active-user-database command, the ASA requests the total
number of user-IP mapped entries to be downloaded. Then the AD Agent initiates a UDP connection
to the ASA and sends the change of authorization request packet.
If for some reason the packet is lost, there is no way for the ASA to discern this. As a result, the ASA
holds the session for 4-5 minutes, during which time this error message continues to appear if you have
issued the user-identity update active-user-database command.
• When you use the Cisco Context Directory Agent (CDA) in conjunction with the ASA or Cisco Ironport
Web Security Appliance (WSA), make sure that you open the following ports:
◦Authentication port for UDP—1645
◦Accounting port for UDP—1646
◦Listening port for UDP—3799
The listening port is used to send change of authorization requests from the CDA to the ASA or
to the WSA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the Identity Firewall
AD Agent
• The AD Agent must be installed on a Windows server that is accessible to the ASA. Additionally, you
must configure the AD Agent to obtain information from the Active Directory servers and to communicate
with the ASA.
• Supported Windows servers include Windows 2003, Windows 2008, and Windows 2008 R2.
• For the steps to install and configure the AD Agent, see the Installation and Setup Guide for the Active
Directory Agent.
• Before configuring the AD Agent in the ASA, obtain the secret key value that the AD Agent and the
ASA use to communicate. This value must match on both the AD Agent and the ASA.
Note Before running the AD Agent Installer, you must install the patches listed in the README First for the
Cisco Active Directory Agent on each Microsoft Active Directory server that the AD Agent monitors.
These patches are required even when the AD Agent is installed directly on the domain controller server.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the Identity Firewall
Step 4 Enter a domain name of up to 32 characters consisting of [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], [!@#$%^&()-_=+[]{};,. ] except
'.' and ' ' at the first character. If the domain name includes a space, you must enclose that space character in
quotation marks. The domain name is not case sensitive.
When you edit the name of an existing domain, the domain name associated with existing users and user
groups is not changed.
Step 5 Select the Active Directory servers to associate with this domain, or click Manage to add a new server group
to the list.
Step 6 Click OK to save the domain settings and close this dialog box.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Identity Options > Add > Manage.
The Configure Active Directory Server Groups dialog box appears.
Step 3 To add servers to an Active Directory server group, select the group from the Active Directory Server Groups
list, then click Add.
The Add Active Directory Server dialog box appears.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the Identity Firewall
Step 4 Click OK to save the settings and close this dialog box.
Step 1 Click Add from the Configure Active Directory Agents dialog box.
The Add Active Directory Agent Group dialog box appears.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the Identity Firewall
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the Identity Firewall
The hello timer between the ASA and the AD Agent defines how frequently the ASA exchanges hello packets.
The ASA uses the hello packet to obtain ASA replication status (in-sync or out-of-sync) and domain status
(up or down). If the ASA does not receive a response from the AD Agent, it resends a hello packet after the
specified interval.
Specify the number of times that the ASA will continue to send hello packets to the AD Agent. By default,
the number of seconds is set to 30 and the retry times is set to 5.
Step 8 Check the Enable Event Timestamp check box to enable the ASA to keep track of the last event time stamp
that it receives for each identifier and to discard any message if the event time stamp is at least 5 minutes
older than the ASA’s clock, or if its time stamp is earlier than the last event’s time stamp.
For a newly booted ASA that does not have knowledge of the last event time stamp, the ASA compares the
event time stamp with its own clock. If the event is at least 5 minutes older, the ASA does not accept the
We recommend that you configure the ASA, Active Directory, and Active Directory agent to synchronize
their clocks among themselves using NTP
Step 9 Enter the number of hours in the Poll Group Timer field that the ASA uses to query the DNS server to resolve
fully qualified domain names (FQDN). By default, the poll timer is set to 4 hours.
Step 10 Choose an option from the list in the Retrieve User Information section:
• On Demand—Specifies that the ASA retrieve the user mapping information of an IP address from the
AD Agent when the ASA receives a packet that requires a new connection and the user of its source IP
address is not in the user-identity database.
• Full Download—Specifies that the ASA send a request to the AD Agent to download the entire IP-user
mapping table when the ASA starts and then to receive incremental IP-user mapping when users log in
and log out.
Note Choosing On Demand has the benefit of using less memory because only users of received
packets are queried and stored.
Step 11 Choose whether or not to disable rules if the AD Agent is not responding.
When the AD Agent is down and this option is selected, the ASA disables the user identity rules associated
with the users in that domain. Additionally, the status of all user IP addresses in that domain are marked as
disabled in the Monitoring > Properties > Identity > Users pane.
Step 12 Choose whether or not to remove a user’s IP address when the NetBIOS probe fails.
Choosing this option specifies the action when NetBIOS probing to a user is blocked (for example, the user
client does not respond to a NetBIOS probe). The network connection might be blocked to that client or the
client is not active. When this option is chosen, the ASA disables the identity rules associated with that user’s
IP address.
Step 13 Choose whether or not to remove a user’s MAC address when it is inconsistent with the IP address that the
ASA has currently mapped to that MAC address. When this option is chosen, the ASA disables the user
identity rules associated with the specific user.
Step 14 Choose whether or not to track users that are not found.
Step 15 Choose the Idle Timeout option and enter a time in minutes, from 1 minute to 65535. By default, the idle
timeout is set to 60 minutes.
Enabling this option configures a timer when an active user is considered idle, meaning the ASA does not
receive traffic from the user’s IP address for more than the specified time. After the timer expires, the user’s
IP address is marked inactive and removed from the local cached IP-user database and the ASA no longer
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the Identity Firewall
notifies the AD Agent about that IP address. Existing traffic is still allowed to pass. When the Idle Timeout
option is enabled, the ASA runs an inactive timer even when the NetBIOS Logout Probe is configured.
Note The Idle Timeout option does not apply to VPN or cut-through proxy
Step 16 Enable NetBIOS probing and set the probe timer (from 1 to 65535 minutes) before a user's IP addresses is
probed and the retry interval (from 1 to 256 retries) between retry probes.
Enabling this option configures how often the ASA probes the user host to determine whether the user client
is still active. To minimize the NetBIOS packets, ASA only sends a NetBIOS probe to the client when the
user has been idle for more than the specified number of minutes in the Idle Timeout minutes field.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring the Identity Firewall
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for the Identity Firewall
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for the Identity Firewall
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASA and Cisco TrustSec
This chapter describes how to implement Cisco TrustSec for the ASA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Cisco TrustSec
• Lowers security risks by providing comprehensive visibility of who and what is connecting to the wired
or wireless network
• Offers exceptional control over activity of network users accessing physical or cloud-based IT resources
• Reduces total cost of ownership through centralized, highly secure access policy management and
scalable enforcement mechanisms
• For more information, see the following URLs:
Reference Description Describes the Cisco TrustSec system and architecture for the
enterprise-networks/trustsec/index.html enterprise. Provides the Cisco TrustSec Platform Support Matrix, which lists
enterprise-networks/trustsec/trustsec_ the Cisco products that support the Cisco TrustSec solution.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Cisco TrustSec
The Cisco ASA serves the PEP role in the identity architecture. Using SXP, the ASA learns identity information
directly from authentication points and uses it to enforce identity-based policies.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Cisco TrustSec
• User identity and resource identity are retained throughout the Cisco TrustSec-capable switch
The following figure shows a deployment for security group name-based policy enforcement.
Implementing Cisco TrustSec allows you to configure security policies that support server segmentation and
includes the following features:
• A pool of servers can be assigned an SGT for simplified policy management.
• The SGT information is retained within the infrastructure of Cisco TrustSec-capable switches.
• The ASA can use the IP-SGT mapping for policy enforcement across the Cisco TrustSec domain.
• Deployment simplification is possible because 802.1x authorization for servers is mandatory.
Note User-based security policies and security-group based policies can coexist on the ASA. Any combination
of network, user-based, and security-group based attributes can be configured in a security policy.
To configure the ASA to function with Cisco TrustSec, you must import a Protected Access Credential (PAC)
file from the ISE.
Importing the PAC file to the ASA establishes a secure communication channel with the ISE. After the channel
is established, the ASA initiates a PAC secure RADIUS transaction with the ISE and downloads Cisco TrustSec
environment data (that is, the security group table). The security group table maps SGTs to security group
names. Security group names are created on the ISE and provide user-friendly names for security groups.
The first time that the ASA downloads the security group table, it walks through all entries in the table and
resolves all the security group names included in security policies that have been configured on it; then the
ASA activates those security policies locally. If the ASA cannot resolve a security group name, it generates
a syslog message for the unknown security group name.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Cisco TrustSec
The following figure shows how a security policy is enforced in Cisco TrustSec.
1 An endpoint device connects to an access layer device directly or via remote access and authenticates with
Cisco TrustSec.
2 The access layer device authenticates the endpoint device with the ISE by using authentication methods
such as 802.1X or web authentication. The endpoint device passes role and group membership information
to classify the device into the appropriate security group.
3 The access layer device uses SXP to propagate the IP-SGT mapping to the upstream devices.
4 The ASA receives the packet and looks up the SGTs for the source and destination IP addresses using the
IP-SGT mapping passed by SXP.
If the mapping is new, the ASA records it in its local IP-SGT Manager database. The IP-SGT Manager
database, which runs in the control plane, tracks IP-SGT mapping for each IPv4 or IPv6 address. The
database records the source from which the mapping was learned. The peer IP address of the SXP connection
is used as the source of the mapping. Multiple sources can exist for each IP-SGT mapped entry.
If the ASA is configured as a Speaker, the ASA transmits all IP-SGT mapping entries to its SXP peers.
5 If a security policy is configured on the ASA with that SGT or security group name, the ASA enforces
the policy. (You can create security policies on the ASA that include SGTs or security group names. To
enforce policies based on security group names, the ASA needs the security group table to map security
group names to SGTs.)
If the ASA cannot find a security group name in the security group table and it is included in a security
policy, the ASA considers the security group name to be unknown and generates a syslog message. After
the ASA refreshes the security group table from the ISE and learns the security group name, the ASA
generates a syslog message indicating that the security group name is known.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Cisco TrustSec
Tip We recommend that you schedule policy configuration changes on the ISE during a maintenance window,
then manually refresh the security group table on the ASA to make sure the security group changes have
been incorporated.
Handling policy configuration changes in this way maximizes the chances of security group name resolution
and immediate activation of security policies.
The security group table is automatically refreshed when the environment data timer expires. You can also
trigger a security group table refresh on demand.
If a security group changes on the ISE, the following events occur when the ASA refreshes the security group
• Only security group policies that have been configured using security group names need to be resolved
with the security group table. Policies that include security group tags are always active.
• When the security group table is available for the first time, all policies with security group names are
walked through, security group names are resolved, and policies are activated. All policies with tags are
walked through, and syslogs are generated for unknown tags.
• If the security group table has expired, policies continue to be enforced according to the most recently
downloaded security group table until you clear it, or a new table becomes available.
• When a resolved security group name becomes unknown on the ASA, it deactivates the security policy;
however, the security policy persists in the ASA running configuration.
• If an existing security group is deleted on the PAP, a previously known security group tag can become
unknown, but no change in policy status occurs on the ASA. A previously known security group name
can become unresolved, and the policy is then inactivated. If the security group name is reused, the
policy is recompiled using the new tag.
• If a new security group is added on the PAP, a previously unknown security group tag can become
known, a syslog message is generated, but no change in policy status occurs. A previously unknown
security group name can become resolved, and associated policies are then activated.
• If a tag has been renamed on the PAP, policies that were configured using tags display the new name,
and no change in policy status occurs. Policies that were configured with security group names are
recompiled using the new tag value.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Cisco TrustSec
• Listener mode—Configures the ASA so that it can receive IP-SGT mapping entries from downstream
devices (SGT-capable switches) and use that information to create policy definitions.
If one end of an SXP connection is configured as a Speaker, then the other end must be configured as a
Listener, and vice versa. If both devices on each end of an SXP connection are configured with the same role
(either both as Speakers or both as Listeners), the SXP connection fails and the ASA generates a syslog
Multiple SXP connections can learn IP-SGT mapping entries that have been downloaded from the IP-SGT
mapping database. After an SXP connection to an SXP peer is established on the ASA, the Listener downloads
the entire IP-SGT mapping database from the Speaker. All changes that occur after this are sent only when a
new device appears on the network. As a result, the rate of SXP information flow is proportional to the rate
at which end hosts authenticate to the network.
IP-SGT mapping entries that have been learned through SXP connections are maintained in the SXP IP-SGT
mapping database. The same mapping entries may be learned through different SXP connections. The mapping
database maintains one copy for each mapping entry learned. Multiple mapping entries of the same IP-SGT
mapping value are identified by the peer IP address of the connection from which the mapping was learned.
SXP requests that the IP-SGT Manager add a mapping entry when a new mapping is learned the first time
and remove a mapping entry when the last copy in the SXP database is removed.
Whenever an SXP connection is configured as a Speaker, SXP requests that the IP-SGT Manager forward all
the mapping entries collected on the device to the peer. When a new mapping is learned locally, the IP-SGT
Manager requests that SXP forward it through connections that are configured as Speakers.
Configuring the ASA to be both a Speaker and a Listener for an SXP connection can cause SXP looping,
which means that SXP data can be received by an SXP peer that originally transmitted it.
Step 6 Specify a device name, device ID, password, and a download interval for the ASA. See the ISE documentation
for how to perform these tasks.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Cisco TrustSec
Step 4 In the Security Group Access area, configure device ID credentials and a password for the ASA.
Note The PAC file includes a shared key that allows the ASA and ISE to secure the RADIUS transactions that
occur between them. For this reason, make sure that you store it securely on the ASA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Cisco TrustSec
• You can configure security group-based policies on the ASA in both the Active/Active and Active/Standby
• When the ASA is part of a failover configuration, you must import the PAC file to the primary ASA
device. You must also refresh the environment data on the primary device.
• The ASA can communicate with the ISE configured for high availability (HA).
• You can configure multiple ISE servers on the ASA and if the first server is unreachable, it continues
to the next server, and so on. However, if the server list is downloaded as part of the Cisco TrustSec
environment data, it is ignored.
• If the PAC file downloaded from the ISE expires on the ASA and it cannot download an updated security
group table, the ASA continues to enforce security policies based on the last downloaded security group
table until the ASA downloads an updated table.
• When the ASA is part of a clustering configuration, you must import the PAC file to the master unit.
• When the ASA is part of a clustering configuration, you must refresh the environment data on the master
The ASA supports SXP for IPv6 and IPv6-capable network devices. The AAA server must use an IPv4
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Cisco TrustSec
Additional Guidelines
• The ASA supports SXP Version 2. The ASA negotiates SXP versions with different SXP-capable
network devices.
• You can configure the ASA to refresh the security group table when the SXP reconcile timer expires
and you can download the security group table on demand. When the security group table on the ASA
is updated from the ISE, changes are reflected in the appropriate security policies.
• Cisco TrustSec supports the Smart Call Home feature in single context and multi-context mode, but not
in the system context.
• The ASA can only be configured to interoperate in a single Cisco TrustSec domain.
• The ASA does not support static configuration of SGT-name mapping on the device.
• NAT is not supported in SXP messages.
• SXP conveys IP-SGT mapping to enforcement points in the network. If an access layer switch belongs
to a different NAT domain than the enforcing point, the IP-SGT map that it uploads is invalid, and an
IP-SGT mapping database lookup on the enforcement device does not yield valid results. As a result,
the ASA cannot apply security group-aware security policy on the enforcement device.
• You can configure a default password for the ASA to use for SXP connections, or you can choose not
to use a password; however, connection-specific passwords are not supported for SXP peers. The
configured default SXP password should be consistent across the deployment network. If you configure
a connection-specific password, connections may fail and a warning message appears. If you configure
the connection with the default password, but it is not configured, the result is the same as when you
have configured the connection with no password.
• The ASA can be configured as an SXP Speaker or Listener, or both. However, SXP connection loops
can form when a device has bidirectional connections to a peer or is part of a unidirectionally connected
chain of devices. (The ASA can learn IP-SGT mapping for resources from the access layer in the data
center. The ASA might need to propagate these tags to downstream devices.) SXP connection loops can
cause unexpected behavior of SXP message transport. In cases where the ASA is configured to be a
Speaker and Listener, an SXP connection loop can occur, causing SXP data to be received by the peer
that originally transmitted it.
• When changing the ASA local IP address, you must ensure that all SXP peers have updated their peer
list. In addition, if SXP peers changes its IP addresses, you must ensure those changes are reflected on
the ASA.
• Automatic PAC file provisioning is not supported. The ASA administrator must request the PAC file
from the ISE administrative interface and import it into the ASA.
• PAC files have expiration dates. You must import the updated PAC file before the current PAC file
expires; otherwise, the ASA cannot retrieve environment data updates. If the PAC file downloaded from
the ISE expires on the ASA and it cannot download an updated security group table, the ASA continues
to enforce security policies based on the last downloaded security group table until the ASA downloads
an updated table.
• When a security group changes on the ISE (for example, it is renamed or deleted), the ASA does not
change the status of any ASA security policies that contain an SGT or security group name associated
with the changed security group; however, the ASA generates a syslog message to indicate that those
security policies changed.
• The multi-cast types are not supported in ISE 1.0.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
• An SXP connection stays in the initializing state among two SXP peers interconnected by the ASA; as
shown in the following example:
Therefore, when configuring the ASA to integrate with Cisco TrustSec, you must enable the no-NAT,
no-SEQ-RAND, and MD5-AUTHENTICATION TCP options on the ASA to configure SXP connections.
Create a TCP state bypass policy for traffic destined to SXP port TCP 64999 among the SXP peers.
Then apply the policy on the appropriate interfaces.
For example, the following set of commands shows how to configure the ASA for a TCP state bypass
access-list SXP-MD5-ACL extended permit tcp host peerA host peerB eq 64999
access-list SXP-MD5-ACL extended permit tcp host peerB host peerA eq 64999
tcp-options range 19 19 allow
class-map SXP-MD5-CLASSMAP
match access-list SXP-MD5-ACL
Step 1 Configure the AAA Server for Cisco TrustSec Integration, on page 84
Step 2 Import a PAC File, on page 85
Step 3 Configure the Security Exchange Protocol, on page 86
This task enables and sets the default values for SXP.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
Do this as needed.
Step 3 Enter the name of the security group that was created on the ISE for the ASA.
The server group name you specify here must match the name of the security group that was created on the
ISE for the ASA. If these two group names do not match, the ASA cannot communicate with the ISE. Contact
your ISE administrator to obtain this information.
Step 7 Select the network interface where the ISE server resides.
Step 8 Enter the IP address of the ISE server.
To complete the remaining fields in the AAA Server dialog box, see the RADIUS chapter in the general
operations configuration guide.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
Step 5 Enter the password used to encrypt the PAC file. The password is independent of the password that was
configured on the ISE as part of the device credentials.
Step 6 Reenter the password to confirm it.
Step 7 Click Import.
Step 8 Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.
When you import the PAC file, the file is converted to ASCII HEX format and sent to the ASA in
non-interactive mode.
“WARNING: SXP configuration in process, please wait for a few moments and try again.”
Step 5 (Optional.) Change the time interval between ASA attempts to set up new SXP connections between SXP
peers in the Retry Timer field.
The ASA continues to make connection attempts until a successful connection is made, waiting the retry
interval before trying again after a failed attempt. You can specify a retry period from 0 to 64000 seconds.
The default is 120 seconds. If you specify 0 seconds, the ASA does not try to connect to SXP peers.
We recommend that you configure the retry timer to a different value from its SXP peer devices.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
After an SXP peer terminates its SXP connection, the ASA starts a hold down timer. If an SXP peer connects
while the hold down timer is running, the ASA starts the reconciliation timer; then, the ASA updates the SXP
mapping database to learn the latest mappings.
When the reconciliation timer expires, the ASA scans the SXP mapping database to identify stale mapping
entries (which were learned in a previous connection session). The ASA marks these connections as obsolete.
When the reconciliation timer expires, the ASA removes the obsolete entries from the SXP mapping database.
You can specify a reconciliation period from 1 to 64000 seconds. The default is 120 seconds.
Step 5 (Optional) Specify the mode of the SXP connection by choosing one of the following values:
• Local—Use the local SXP device.
• Peer—Use the peer SXP device.
Step 6 Specify whether the ASA functions as a Speaker or Listener for the SXP connection:
• Speaker—The ASA can forward IP-SGT mapping to upstream devices.
• Listener—The ASA can receive IP-SGT mapping from downstream devices.
Step 7 (Optional) Click Advanced and enter the local IPv4 or IPv6 address of the SXP connection.
The ASA uses a route lookup to determine the right interface. If you specify an address, it must match the
route lookup interface address of the outbound interface. We recommend that you do not configure a source
IP address for an SXP connection and allow the ASA to perform a route/ARP lookup to determine the source
IP address for the SXP connection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
Normally, you do not need to manually refresh the environment data from the ISE; however, security groups
can change on the ISE. These changes are not reflected on the ASA until you refresh the data in the ASA
security group table, so refresh the data on the ASA to make sure that any security group changes made on
the ISE are reflected on the ASA.
Note We recommend that you schedule policy configuration changes on the ISE and the manual data refresh
on the ASA during a maintenance window. Handling policy configuration changes in this way maximizes
the chances of security group names getting resolved and security policies becoming active immediately
on the ASA.
For example, an access rule permits or denies traffic on an interface using network information. With Cisco
TrustSec, you can control access based on security group. For example, you could create an access rule for
sample_securitygroup1, meaning the security group could have any IP address on subnet
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
You can configure security policies based on combinations of security group names (servers, users, unmanaged
devices, and so on), user-based attributes, and traditional IP-address-based objects (IP address, Active Directory
object, and FQDN). Security group membership can extend beyond roles to include device and location
attributes and is independent of user group membership.
Usage Scenarios
The following table describes the expected behavior for ingress traffic when configuring this feature.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
The cts manual command and the policy SGT value is from the policy static sgt SGT value is from the policy static sgt
static sgt sgt_number command are both sgt_number command. sgt_number command.
The cts manual command and the policy SGT value is from the inline SGT in the SGT value is from the policy static sgt
static sgt sgt_number trusted command packet. sgt_number command.
are both issued.
Note If there is no matched IP-SGT mapping from the IP-SGT Manager, then a reserved SGT value of “0x0”
for “Unknown” is used.
The following table describes the expected behavior for egress traffic when configuring this feature.
The cts manual command and the propagate sgt command are both Tagged
The cts manual command and the no propagate sgt command are both Untagged
The following table describes the expected behavior for to-the-box and from-the-box traffic when configuring
this feature.
The cts manual command is issued on the ingress Packet is accepted, but there is no policy enforcement
interface for to-the-box traffic. or SGT propagation.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA to Integrate with Cisco Trustsec
The cts manual command is issued or the cts manual Tagged packet is sent. The SGT number is from the
command and the propagate sgt command are both IP-SGT Manager.
issued on the egress interface for from-the-box traffic.
Note If there is no matched IP-SGT mapping from the IP-SGT Manager, then a reserved SGT value of “0x0”
for “Unknown” is used.
Step 2 Check the Enable secure group tagging for Cisco TrustSec check box.
Step 3 Check the Tag egress packets with service group tags check box.
Step 4 Check the Add a static secure group tag to all ingress packets check box.
Step 5 Enter a secure group tag number. Valid values range from 2 - 65519.
Step 6 Check the This is a trusted interface. Do not override existing secure group tags check box.
Step 7 Click OK to save your settings.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
AnyConnect VPN Support for Cisco TrustSec
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Cisco TrustSec
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Cisco TrustSec
Feature Name Releases Description
Cisco TrustSec 9.0(1) Cisco TrustSec provides access control that builds on an existing
identity-aware infrastructure to ensure data confidentiality between network
devices and integrate security access services on one platform. In the Cisco
TrustSec feature, enforcement devices use a combination of user attributes
and endpoint attributes to make role-based and identity-based access
control decisions.
In this release, the ASA integrates with Cisco TrustSec to provide security
group-based policy enforcement. Access policies within the Cisco TrustSec
domain are topology-independent, based on the roles of source and
destination devices rather than on network IP addresses.
The ASA can use Cisco TrustSec for other types of security group-based
policies, such as application inspection; for example, you can configure
a class map that includes an access policy based on a security group.
We introduced or modified the following screens:
Configuration > Firewall > Identity By TrustSec Configuration > Firewall
> Objects > Security Groups Object Groups Configuration > Firewall >
Access Rules > Add Access Rules Monitoring > Properties > Identity By
Layer 2 Security Group Tag 9.3(1) You can now use security group tagging combined with Ethernet tagging
Imposition to enforce policies. SGT plus Ethernet Tagging, also called Layer 2 SGT
Imposition, enables the ASA to send and receive security group tags on
Ethernet interfaces using Cisco proprietary Ethernet framing (EtherType
0x8909), which allows the insertion of source security group tags into
plain-text Ethernet frames.
We modified the following screens:
Configuration > Device Setup > Interfaces > Add Interface > Advanced
Configuration > Device Setup > Interfaces > Add Redundant Interface >
Advanced Configuration > Device Setup > Add Ethernet Interface >
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASA FirePOWER Module
The following topics describe how to configure the ASA FirePOWER module that runs on the ASA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the ASA FirePOWER Module
• Inline tap monitor-only mode (ASA inline)—In an inline tap monitor-only deployment, a copy of the
traffic is sent to the ASA FirePOWER module, but it is not returned to the ASA. Inline tap mode lets
you see what the ASA FirePOWER module would have done to traffic, and lets you evaluate the content
of the traffic, without impacting the network. However, in this mode, the ASA does apply its policies
to the traffic, so traffic can be dropped due to access rules, TCP normalization, and so forth.
• Passive monitor-only (traffic forwarding) mode—If you want to prevent any possibility of the ASA with
FirePOWER Services device impacting traffic, you can configure a traffic-forwarding interface and
connect it to a SPAN port on a switch. In this mode, traffic is sent directly to the ASA FirePOWER
module without ASA processing. The traffic is “black holed,” in that nothing is returned from the module,
nor does the ASA send the traffic out any interface. You must operate the ASA in single context
transparent mode to configure traffic forwarding.
Be sure to configure consistent policies on the ASA and the ASA FirePOWER. Both policies should reflect
the inline or monitor-only mode of the traffic.
The following sections explain these modes in more detail.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the ASA FirePOWER Module
The following figure shows the traffic flow when using the ASA FirePOWER module in inline mode. In this
example, the module blocks traffic that is not allowed for a certain application. All other traffic is forwarded
through the ASA.
Note If you have a connection between hosts on two ASA interfaces, and the ASA FirePOWER service policy
is only configured for one of the interfaces, then all traffic between these hosts is sent to the ASA
FirePOWER module, including traffic originating on the non-ASA FirePOWER interface (because the
feature is bidirectional).
Note You cannot configure both inline tap monitor-only mode and normal inline mode at the same time on the
ASA. Only one type of security policy is allowed. In multiple context mode, you cannot configure inline
tap monitor-only mode for some contexts, and regular inline mode for others.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About the ASA FirePOWER Module
The following figure shows the traffic flow when operating in inline tap mode.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Licensing Requirements for the ASA FirePOWER Module
Other application inspections on the ASA are compatible with the ASA FirePOWER module, including the
default inspections.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for ASA FirePOWER
Model Guidelines
• For ASA model software and hardware compatibility with the ASA FirePOWER module, see the Cisco
ASA Compatibility.
• For the 5512-X through ASA 5555-X, you must install a Cisco solid state drive (SSD). For more
information, see the ASA 5500-X hardware guide. (The SSD is standard on the 5506-X, 5508-X, and
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for ASA FirePOWER
Parameters Default
Management IP address System software image:
Boot image:
Routed Mode
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Perform Initial ASA FirePOWER Setup
All management traffic to and from the ASA FirePOWER module must enter and exit the Management 1/0
or 1/1 interface. The ASA FirePOWER module also needs Internet access. Because the Management 1/x
interface is not an ASA data interface, traffic cannot pass through the ASA over the backplane; therefore you
need to physically cable the management interface to an ASA interface. See the following typical cabling
setup to allow ASA FirePOWER access to the Internet through the ASA management interface (or you could
use a data interface). Other options are possible, depending on how you want to connect your network; for
example, you can make the Management 1/0 interface outside facing; or you can route between it and a
different ASA interface if you have an inside router.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Perform Initial ASA FirePOWER Setup
See the following typical cabling setup to allow ASA FirePOWER access to the Internet through the ASA
inside interface.
For the ASA 5506-X, 5508-X, and 5516-X, the default configuration enables the above network deployment;
the only change you need to make is to set the module IP address to be on the same network as the ASA inside
interface and to configure the module gateway IP address.
For other models, you must remove the ASA-configured name and IP address for Management 0/0 or 1/1,
and then configure the other interfaces as indicated above.
Note If you want to deploy a separate router on the inside network, then you can route between management
and inside. In this case, you can manage both the ASA and ASA FirePOWER module on the Management
interface with the appropriate configuration changes, including configuring the ASA name and IP address
for the Management interface (on the same network as the ASA FirePOWER module address).
Transparent Mode
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Perform Initial ASA FirePOWER Setup
All management traffic to and from the ASA FirePOWER module must enter and exit the Management 1/0
or 1/1 interface. The ASA FirePOWER module also needs Internet access. Because this interface is not an
ASA data interface, traffic cannot pass through the ASA over the backplane; therefore you need to physically
cable the management interface to an ASA interface. See the following typical cabling setup to allow ASA
FirePOWER access to the Internet through the ASA inside interface.
ASA 5506-X through ASA 5555-X, ISA 3000 (Software Module) in Transparent Mode
These models run the ASA FirePOWER module as a software module, and the ASA FirePOWER module
shares the Management 0/0 or Management 1/1 interface (depending on your model) with the ASA.
All management traffic to and from the ASA FirePOWER module must enter and exit the Management
interface. The ASA FirePOWER module also needs Internet access.
The following figure shows the recommended network deployment for the ASA 5500-X or ISA 3000 with
the ASA FirePOWER module:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Perform Initial ASA FirePOWER Setup
Note If you want to use ASDM to manage the module, skip this section and see Configure the ASA FirePOWER
Module for ASDM Management, on page 107.
Step 2 SSH:
You can connect to the module default IP address (see Defaults for ASA FirePOWER, on page 101) or you
can use ASDM on the ASA to change the management IP address, and then connect using SSH:
In ASDM, choose Wizards > Startup Wizard, and progress through the wizard to the ASA FirePOWER
Basic Configuration, where you can set the IP address, mask, and default gateway.
Step 1 At the ASA FirePOWER CLI, log in with the username admin.
If this is the first time you are logging in, use the default password. See Defaults for ASA FirePOWER, on
page 101.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Perform Initial ASA FirePOWER Setup
Use the following network settings for the ASA FirePOWER module for the recommended network deployment
(Deploy the ASA FirePOWER Module in Your Network, on page 101):
• Management interface:
• Management subnet mask:
• Gateway IP:
System initialization in progress. Please stand by.
You must change the password for 'admin' to continue.
Enter new password: <new password>
Confirm new password: <repeat password>
You must configure the network to continue.
You must configure at least one of IPv4 or IPv6.
Do you want to configure IPv4? (y/n) [y]: y
Do you want to configure IPv6? (y/n) [n]:
Configure IPv4 via DHCP or manually? (dhcp/manual) [manual]:
Enter an IPv4 address for the management interface []:
Enter an IPv4 netmask for the management interface []:
Enter the IPv4 default gateway for the management interface []:
Enter a fully qualified hostname for this system [Sourcefire3D]:
Enter a comma-separated list of DNS servers or 'none' []:,
Enter a comma-separated list of search domains or 'none' []:
If your networking information has changed, you will need to reconnect.
For HTTP Proxy configuration, run 'configure network http-proxy'
(Wait for the system to reconfigure itself.)
However, if the sensor and the Defense Center are separated by a NAT device,
you must enter a unique NAT ID, along with the unique registration key.
'configure manager add DONTRESOLVE [registration key ] [ NAT ID ]'
Later, using the web interface on the Defense Center, you must use the same
registration key and, if necessary, the same NAT ID when you add this
sensor to the Defense Center.
Step 4 Close the console connection. For the software module, enter:
> exit
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Perform Initial ASA FirePOWER Setup
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Perform Initial ASA FirePOWER Setup
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA FirePOWER Module
Step 9 Click I accept the agreement, and click Next or Finish to complete the wizard.
Step 10 Quit ASDM, and then relaunch. You should see ASA Firepower tabs on the Home page.
In ASDM, choose Configuration > ASA FirePOWER Configuration.
For more information about ASA FirePOWER configuration, see the module's online help in ASDM, ASA
FirePOWER Module User Guide 5.4, or ASA FirePOWER Services Local Management Configuration Guide
6.0 (available at
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA FirePOWER Module
Step 8 (Optional) Check Monitor-only to send a read-only copy of traffic to the module (inline tap mode).
By default, the traffic is sent in inline mode. Be sure to configure consistent policies on the ASA and the ASA
FirePOWER. Both policies should reflect the inline or monitor-only of the traffic.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure the ASA FirePOWER Module
• Traffic-forwarding interfaces must be physical interfaces, not VLANs or BVIs. The physical interface
also cannot have any VLANs associated with it.
• Traffic-forwarding interfaces cannot be used for ASA traffic; you cannot name them or configure them
for ASA features, including failover or management-only.
• You cannot configure both a traffic-forwarding interface and a service policy for ASA FirePOWER
Step 1 Enter interface configuration mode for the physical interface you want to use for traffic-forwarding.
interface physical_interface
hostname(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/5
Step 2 Remove any name configured for the interface. If this interface was used in any ASA configuration, that
configuration is removed. You cannot configure traffic-forwarding on a named interface.
no nameif
The following example makes GigabitEthernet 0/5 a traffic-forwarding interface:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
active authentication, the ASA FirePOWER module redirects the authentication request to the ASA interface
IP address/captive portal. The default port is 885, which you can change.
If you do not enable captive portal for the authentication proxy, only passive authentication is available.
For example, to enable captive portal globally on port 885, enter the following:
Step 3 In the ASA FirePOWER identity policy, ensure that the active authentication settings specify the same port
you configured for captive portal, and configure the other required settings to enable active authentication.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
module to an existing ASA, or need to replace the SSD, you need to install the ASA FirePOWER boot software,
partition the SSD, and install the system software according to this procedure.
Reimaging the module is the same procedure, except you should first uninstall the ASA FirePOWER module.
You would reimage a system if you replace an SSD.
For information on how to physically install the SSD, see the ASA hardware guide.
Step 1 Download the boot image to the ASA. Do not transfer the system software; it is downloaded later to the SSD.
You have the following options:
• ASDM—First, download the boot image to your workstation, or place it on an FTP, TFTP, HTTP,
HTTPS, SMB, or SCP server. Then, in ASDM, choose Tools > File Management, and then choose the
appropriate File Transfer command, either Between Local PC and Flash or Between Remote Server
and Flash. Transfer the boot software to disk0 on the ASA.
• ASA CLI—First, place the boot image on a TFTP, FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS server, then use the copy
command to download it to flash. The following example uses TFTP.
Step 2 Download the ASA FirePOWER system software from to an HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP server
accessible from the ASA FirePOWER management interface. Do not download it to disk0 on the ASA.
Step 3 Set the ASA FirePOWER module boot image location in ASA disk0 by entering the following command:
sw-module module sfr recover configure image disk0: file_path
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
hostname# sw-module module sfr recover configure image disk0:asasfr-5500x-boot-5.4.1-58.img
If you see a message like “ERROR: Another service (cxsc) is running, only one service is allowed to run at
any time,” it means that you already have a different software module configured. You must shut it down and
remove it to install a new module as described in the prerequisites section above.
Step 5 Wait approximately 5-15 minutes for the ASA FirePOWER module to boot up, and then open a console
session to the now-running ASA FirePOWER boot image. You might need to press enter after opening the
session to get to the login prompt. The default username is admin and the default password is Admin123.
If the module boot has not completed, the session command will fail with a message about not being able to
connect over ttyS1. Wait and try again.
Step 6 Configure the system so that you can install the system software package:
asasfr-boot> setup
asasfr-boot> setup
You are prompted for the following. Note that the management address and gateway, and DNS information,
are the key settings to configure.
• Host name—Up to 65 alphanumeric characters, no spaces. Hyphens are allowed.
• Network address—You can set static IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, or use DHCP (for IPv4) or IPv6 stateless
• DNS information—You must identify at least one DNS server, and you can also set the domain name
and search domain.
• NTP information—You can enable NTP and configure the NTP servers, for setting system time.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
Include the noconfirm option if you do not want to respond to confirmation messages. Use an HTTP, HTTPS,
or FTP URL; if a username and password are required, you will be prompted to supply them.
When installation is complete, the system reboots. The time required for application component installation
and for the ASA FirePOWER services to start differs substantially: high-end platforms can take 10 or more
minutes, but low-end platforms can take 60-80 minutes or longer. (The show module sfr output should show
all processes as Up.)
For example:
Starting upgrade process ...
Populating new system image
Reboot is required to complete the upgrade. Press 'Enter' to reboot the system.
(press Enter)
Broadcast message from root (ttyS1) (Mon Feb 17 19:28:38 2014):
Step 8 Open a session to the ASA FirePOWER module. You will see a different login prompt because you are logging
into the fully functional module.
ciscoasa# session sfr console
ciscoasa# session sfr console
Opening console session with module sfr.
Connected to module sfr. Escape character sequence is 'CTRL-^X'.
Step 9 See Configure ASA FirePOWER Basic Settings, on page 105 to complete the setup.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
to have a functioning system. Under normal circumstances, you do not need to reimage the system to install
upgrade packages.
To install the boot image, you need to TFTP boot the image from the Management-0 port on the ASA
FirePOWER SSP by logging into the module’s Console port. Because the Management-0 port is on an SSP
in the first slot, it is also known as Management1/0, but ROMMON recognizes it as Management-0 or
Step 3 When prompted, break out of the boot by pressing Esc. If you see grub start to boot the system, you have
waited too long.
This will place you at the ROMMON prompt.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
You will see ! marks to indicate progress. When the boot completes after several minutes, you will see a login
asasfr-boot> system install
Include the noconfirm option if you do not want to respond to confirmation messages.
When installation is complete, the system reboots. Allow 10 or more minutes for application component
installation and for the ASA FirePOWER services to start.
Step 10 When the boot completes, log in as admin with the defautl password. See Defaults for ASA FirePOWER,
on page 101.
Step 11 See Configure ASA FirePOWER Basic Settings, on page 105 to complete the setup.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
Reset the module password for the user admin to the default:
session {1 | sfr} do password-reset
Use 1 for a hardware module, sfr for a software module.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
ciscoasa# sw-module module sfr uninstall
Module sfr will be uninstalled. This will completely remove the disk image
associated with the sw-module including any configuration that existed within it.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring the ASA FirePOWER Module
The only way out of a console session is to press Ctrl-Shift-6, x. Logging out of the module leaves you
at the module login prompt.
Note Do not use the session sfr console command in conjunction with a terminal server where Ctrl-Shift-6, x
is the escape sequence to return to the terminal server prompt. Ctrl-Shift-6, x is also the sequence to
escape the ASA FirePOWER console and return to the ASA prompt. Therefore, if you try to exit the ASA
FirePOWER console in this situation, you instead exit all the way to the terminal server prompt. If you
reconnect the terminal server to the ASA, the ASA FirePOWER console session is still active; you can
never exit to the ASA prompt. You must use a direct serial connection to return the console to the ASA
prompt. Use the session sfr command instead of the console command when facing this situation.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring the ASA FirePOWER Module
The following example shows the ASA FirePOWER service policy and the current statistics as well as the
module status. In monitor-only mode, the input counters remain at zero.
Global policy:
Service-policy: global_policy
Class-map: my-sfr-class
SFR: card status Up, mode fail-close
packet input 2626422041, packet output 2626877967, drop 0, reset-drop 0, proxied 0
The show asp drop command can include the following drop reasons related to the ASA FirePOWER module.
Frame Drops:
• sfr-bad-tlv-received—This occurs when ASA receives a packet from FirePOWER without a Policy ID
TLV. This TLV must be present in non-control packets if it does not have the Standby/Active bit set in
the actions field.
• sfr-request—The frame was requested to be dropped by FirePOWER due a policy on FirePOWER
whereby FirePOWER would set the actions to Deny Source, Deny Destination, or Deny Pkt. If the frame
should not have been dropped, review the policies on the module that are denying the flow.
• sfr-fail-close—The packet is dropped because the card is not up and the policy configured was ‘fail-close’
(rather than ‘fail-open’ which allows packets through even if the card was down). Check card status and
attempt to restart services or reboot it.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for the ASA FirePOWER Module
• sfr-fail—The FirePOWER configuration was removed for an existing flow and we are not able to process
it through FirePOWER it will be dropped. This should be very unlikely.
• sfr-malformed-packet—The packet from FirePOWER contains an invalid header. For instance, the
header length may not be correct.
• sfr-ha-request—This counter is incremented when the security appliance receives a FirePOWER HA
request packet, but could not process it and the packet is dropped.
• sfr-invalid-encap—This counter is incremented when the security appliance receives a FirePOWER
packet with invalid message header, and the packet is dropped.
• sfr-bad-handle-received—Received Bad flow handle in a packet from FirePOWER Module, thus dropping
flow. This counter is incremented, flow and packet are dropped on ASA as the handle for FirePOWER
flow has changed in flow duration.
• sfr-rx-monitor-only—This counter is incremented when the security appliance receives a FirePOWER
packet when in monitor-only mode, and the packet is dropped.
Flow Drops:
• sfr-request—The FirePOWER requested to terminate the flow. The actions bit 0 is set.
• reset-by-sfr—The FirePOWER requested to terminate and reset the flow. The actions bit 1 is set.
• sfr-fail-close—The flow was terminated because the card is down and the configured policy was
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for the ASA FirePOWER Module
Feature Releases Description
ASA 5506-X support for the ASA FirePOWER ASA 9.3(2) You can run the ASA FirePOWER software module on the
software module, including support for ASA 5506-X. You can manage the module using FireSIGHT
ASDM 7.3(3)
configuring the module in ASDM Management Center, or you can use ASDM.
We introduced the following screens:
5.4.1 Home > ASA FirePOWER Dashboard, Home > ASA
FirePOWER Reporting, Configuration > ASA FirePOWER
Configuration (including sub-pages), Monitoring > ASA
FirePOWER Monitoring (including sub-pages).
ASA FirePOWER passive monitor-only mode ASA 9.3(2) You can now configure a traffic forwarding interface to send
using traffic redirection interfaces traffic to the module instead of using a service policy. In this
mode, neither the module nor the ASA affects the traffic.
5.4.1 We fully supported the following command: traffic-forward
sfr monitor-only. You can configure this in CLI only.
Support for managing the module through ASA 9.4(1) You can manage the module using ASDM instead of using
ASDM for the 5506H-X, 5506W-X, 5508-X, FireSIGHT Management Center.
ASDM 7.4(1)
and 5516-X. No new screens or commands were added.
Support for managing the module through ASA 9.5.(1.5) You can manage the module using ASDM instead of using
ASDM for the 5512-X through 5585-X. Firepower Management Center (formerly FireSIGHT
Management Center).
No new screens or commands were added.
FirePOWER 6.0
Captive portal for active authentication on ASA ASA 9.5.(2) The captive portal feature is required to enable active
FirePOWER 6.0. authentication using identity policies starting with ASA
FirePOWER 6.0 FirePOWER 6.0.
We introduced or modified the following commands:
captive-portal, clear configure captive-portal, show
running-config captive-portal.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for the ASA FirePOWER Module
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASA and Cisco Cloud Web Security
Cisco Cloud Web Security (also known as ScanSafe) provides web security and web filtering services through
the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. Enterprises with the ASA in their network can use Cloud Web
Security services without having to install additional hardware.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Information About Cisco Cloud Web Security
Authentication Keys
Each ASA must use an authentication key that you obtain from Cloud Web Security. The authentication key
lets Cloud Web Security identify the company associated with web requests and ensures that the ASA is
associated with a valid customer.
You can use one of two types of authentication keys for your ASA: the company key or the group key.
• Company authentication key—You can use a company authentication key on multiple ASAs within
the same company. This key simply enables the Cloud Web Security service for your ASAs.
• Group authentication key—A Group authentication key is a special key unique to each ASA that
performs two functions:
◦Enables the Cloud Web Security service for one ASA.
◦Identifies all traffic from the ASA so you can create ScanCenter policy per ASA.
ScanCenter Policy
In ScanCenter, traffic is matched against policy rules in order until a rule is matched. Cloud Web Security
then applies the configured action for the rule, allowing or blocking the traffic, or warning the user. With
warnings, the user has the option to continue on to the web site.
You configure the URL filtering policies in ScanCenter, not in the ASA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Information About Cisco Cloud Web Security
However, part of the policy is to whom the policy applies. User traffic can match a policy rule in ScanCenter
based on group association: a directory group or a custom group. Group information is included in the requests
redirected from the ASA, so you need to understand what group information you might get from the ASA.
Directory Groups
Directory groups define the group to which traffic belongs. When using the identity firewall, the group, if
present, is included in the client’s HTTP request. If you do not use identity firewall, you can configure a default
group for traffic matching an ASA rule for Cloud Web Security inspection.
In ScanCenter, when you configure a directory group in a policy, you must enter the group name exactly.
• Identity firewall group names are sent in the following format.
Note that on the ASA, the format is domain-name\\group-name. However, the ASA modifies the name
to use only one backslash (\) to conform to typical ScanCenter notation when including the group in the
redirected HTTP request.
• The default group name is sent in the following format:
On the ASA, you need to configure the optional domain name to be followed by 2 backslashes (\\);
however, the ASA modifies the name to use only one backslash (\) to conform to typical ScanCenter
notation. For example, if you specify “Cisco\\Boulder1,” the ASA modifies the group name to be
“Cisco\Boulder1” with only one backslash (\) when sending the group name to Cloud Web Security.
Custom Groups
Custom groups are defined using one or more of the following criteria:
• ScanCenter Group authentication key—You can generate a Group authentication key for a custom group.
Then, if you identify this group key when you configure the ASA, all traffic from the ASA is tagged
with the Group key.
• Source IP address—You can identify source IP addresses in the custom group. Note that the ASA service
policy is based on source IP address, so you might want to configure any IP address-based policy on
the ASA instead.
• Username—You can identify usernames in the custom group.
◦Identity firewall usernames are sent in the following format:
◦AAA usernames, when using RADIUS or TACACS+, are sent in the following format:
◦AAA usernames, when using LDAP, are sent in the following format:
◦For the default username, it is sent in the following format:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Licensing Requirements for Cisco Cloud Web Security
For example, if you configure the default username to be “Guest,” then the ASA sends “Guest.” If
you configure the default username to be “Cisco\Guest,” then the ASA sends “Cisco\Guest.”
All other models Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) License to encrypt traffic between the ASA and the Cloud Web Security
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Cloud Web Security
On the Cloud Web Security side, you must purchase a Cisco Cloud Web Security license and identify the
number of users that the ASA handles. Then log into ScanCenter and generate your authentication keys.
IPv6 Guidelines
Does not support IPv6. Cloud Web Security currently supports only IPv4 addresses. If you use IPv6 internally,
use NAT 64 to translate IPv6 addresses to IPv4 for any IPv6 flows that need to be sent to Cloud Web Security.
Additional Guidelines
• Cloud Web Security is not supported with ASA clustering.
• You cannot use Cloud Web Security on the same traffic you redirect to a module that can also perform
URL filtering, such as ASA CX and ASA FirePOWER. The traffic is sent to the modules only, not to
the Cloud Web Security servers.
• Clientless SSL VPN is not supported with Cloud Web Security; be sure to exempt any clientless SSL
VPN traffic from the ASA service policy for Cloud Web Security.
• When an interface to the Cloud Web Security proxy servers goes down, output from the show scansafe
server command shows both servers up for approximately 15-25 minutes. This condition may occur
because the polling mechanism is based on the active connection, and because that interface is down, it
shows zero connection, and it takes the longest poll time approach.
• Cloud Web Security inspection is compatible with HTTP inspection for the same traffic.
• Cloud Web Security is not supported with extended PAT or any application that can potentially use the
same source port and IP address for separate connections. For example, if two different connections
(targeted to separate servers) use extended PAT, the ASA might reuse the same source IP and source
port for both connection translations because they are differentiated by the separate destinations. When
the ASA redirects these connections to the Cloud Web Security server, it replaces the destination with
the Cloud Web Security server IP address and port (8080 by default). As a result, both connections now
appear to belong to the same flow (same source IP/port and destination IP/port), and return traffic cannot
be untranslated properly.
• The default inspection traffic class does not include the default ports for the Cloud Web Security inspection
(80 and 443).
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 1 Configure Communications with the Cloud Web Security Proxy Server, on page 130.
Step 2 (Optional.) Identify Whitelisted Traffic, on page 131.
Step 3 Configure a Service Policy to Send Traffic to Cloud Web Security, on page 133.
Step 4 (Optional.) Configure the User Identity Monitor, on page 138
Step 5 Configure the Cloud Web Security Policy, on page 139.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Cloud Web Security. In multiple context mode, do this
in the system context.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 2 Identify the primary and backup servers by IP address or fully-qualified domain name.
When you subscribe to the Cisco Cloud Web Security service, you are assigned primary and backup Cloud
Web Security proxy servers.
By default, the Cloud Web Security proxy server uses port 8080 for both HTTP and HTTPS traffic; do not
change this value unless directed to do so.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
When you configure your Cloud Web Security service policy rule, you refer to the class map in your policy.
Although you can achieve the same results of exempting traffic based on user or group when you configure
the traffic matching criteria (with ACLs) in the service policy rule, you might find it more straightforward to
use a whitelist instead.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Class Maps > Cloud Web Security.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new class map. Enter a map name, 40 characters or less, and optionally, a description.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 4 Configure the match criteria by adding or editing entries in the match table. Add as many as required to define
the targeted traffic.
a) Choose the match type for the criteria: Match or No Match.
• Match—Specifies the user or group that you want to whitelist.
• No Match—Specifies the user or group that you do not want to whitelist; for example, if you whitelist
the group “cisco,” but you want to scan traffic from users “johncrichton” and “aerynsun,” you can
specify No Match for those users.
b) Choose whether you are defining a User, Group, or both, and enter the name of the user or group.
c) Click OK. Repeat the process until you add all your whitelist criteria.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy, and open a rule.
• To create a new rule, click Add > Add Service Policy Rule. When adding a policy, you can apply it to
a specific interface or globally to all interfaces. If there is already a global policy, or a policy for the
interface, you are adding a rule to the existing policy. You can name new rules. Click Next to proceed.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
• If you have a ScanSafe inspection rule, or a rule to which you are adding ScanSafe inspection, select it
and click Edit. Note that the “inspection_default” rule in the Global folder does not include the HTTP
and HTTPS ports, so you cannot add ScanSafe inspection to that rule.
Step 2 On the Traffic Classification Criteria page, choose one of the following options to specify the traffic to which
to apply the policy actions and click Next. When creating a new class, give the class a meaningful name. Also
note that you must create separate classes for HTTP and HTTPS traffic.
• Create a new traffic class > Source and Destination IP Address (uses ACL)—If you do not already
have a traffic class for Cloud Web Security, we recommend this option because ACL matching is the
most flexible way to define the class.
When you create a new traffic class of this type, you can only specify one access control entry (ACE)
initially. After you finish adding the rule, you can add additional ACEs by adding a new rule to the same
interface or global policy, and then specifying Add rule to existing traffic class.
• Create a new traffic class > TCP or UDP Port—Use this option if you do not want to differentiate
among web traffic. When you click Next, specify one port, either TCP http or TCP https.
• Add rule to existing traffic class—If you have already started an ACL for Cisco Cloud Web Security
inspection, and you are adding rules to the existing policy, select this option and select the traffic class.
Step 3 (ACL matching.) When defining the traffic class based on source and destination criteria, fill in the ACL
attributes for this rule.
a) Click Match or Do Not Match.
Match specifies that traffic matching the source and destination is sent to Cloud Web Security. Do Not
Match exempts matching traffic from Cloud Web Security. You can later add additional rules to match
or not match other traffic.
When creating your rules, consider how you can match appropriate traffic that is destined for the Internet,
but not match traffic that is destined for other internal networks. For example, to prevent inside traffic
from being sent to Cloud Web Security when the destination is an internal server on the DMZ, be sure to
add a deny ACE to the ACL that exempts traffic to the DMZ.
b) In the Source Criteria area, enter or browse for a Source IP address or network object. You can also use
identity firewall user arguments and Cisco Trustsec security groups to help identify traffic. Note that
Trustsec security group information is not sent to Cloud Web Security; you cannot define policy based
on security group.
c) In the Destination Criteria area, enter or browse for a Destination IP address or network object, and an
optional TrustSec Security Group.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
FQDN network objects might be useful in matching or exempting traffic to specific servers.
d) In the Service field, enter http or https, and click Next.
Note Cloud Web Security only operates on HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Each type of traffic is treated
separately by the ASA. Therefore, you need to create HTTP-only rules and HTTPS-only rules.
Step 4 On the Rule Actions page, Protocol Inspection tab, check the Cloud Web Security check box.
Step 5 Click Configure to set the traffic action and add the inspection policy map.
The inspection policy map configures essential parameters for the rule and also optionally identifies the
whitelist. An inspection policy map is required for each class of traffic that you want to send to Cloud Web
Security. You can also pre-configure inspection policy maps by choosing Configuration > Firewall > Objects
> Inspect Maps > Cloud Web Security.
a) For the Cloud Web Security Traffic Action, choose one:
• Fail Close—Drops all traffic if the Cloud Web Security servers are unavailable.
• Fail Open—Allows traffic to pass through the ASA if the Cloud Web Security servers are unavailable.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
b) Choose an existing inspection policy map, or click Add to add a new map.
c) (New maps only.) In the Cloud Web Security Inspection Map dialog box, enter a name for the map and
configure the following attributes. Click OK when finished.
• Default User and Group—(Optional.) The default user or group name, or both. If the ASA cannot
determine the identity of the user coming into the ASA, then the default user and group is included
in the HTTP request sent to Cloud Web Security. You can define policies in ScanCenter for this user
or group name.
• Protocol—Select HTTP or HTTPS based on the service you selected in the traffic class. These
selections must match. Cloud Web Security treats each type of traffic separately.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
• Inspections tab—(Optional) To identify a whitelist, click the Add on the Inspections tab and select
the class map for the whitelist. You can also add a whitelist at this time by clicking Manage. Ensure
that Whitelist is selected as the action and click OK. You can add additional whitelists.
d) Click OK in the Select Cloud Web Security Inspect Map dialog box.
Step 6 Click Finish. The rule is added to the Service Policy Rules table.
Step 7 To add additional sub-rules (ACEs) for this traffic class, to match or exempt additional traffic, repeat the
process, selecting the same interface or global policy. When you configure the traffic class, select the option
to Add rule to existing traffic class, and select the Cloud Web Security class.
When you configure the new ACE, ensure that you specify the same service used by the other rules in the
class, either HTTP or HTTPS.
Do not make changes to the Rule Actions page. Click Finish when the rule is complete.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 8 Repeat this entire procedure to create traffic class for the other protocol, for example for HTTPS traffic
(assuming you started with an HTTP traffic class). You can create as many rules and sub-rules as needed.
Step 9 Arrange the order of Cloud Web Security rules and sub-rules on the Service Policy Rules pane. Select the
rule you want to move and click the up or down buttons. Ensure that specific rules come before more general
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Cloud Web Security
Because Cloud Web Security can base its ScanCenter policy on user identity, you might need to download
groups that are not part of an active ACL to get full identity firewall coverage for all your users. The user
identity monitor lets you download group information directly from the AD agent.
Note The ASA can only monitor a maximum of 512 groups, including those configured for the user identity
monitor and those monitored through active ACLs.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Identity Options, and scroll to the Cloud Web Security Configuration
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Select the domain that includes the group, then double-click the group in the user groups list and click OK
to add it. Repeat the process to add more groups.
• If there are a large number of groups, use the Find box to filter the list. The ASA downloads names
from AD for the specified domain.
• You can also type in a group name directly in the format domain_name\\group_name.
• If necessary, you can add new domains by clicking the Manage button.
Step 4 After you add the all the groups you want to monitor, click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules, and click Add > Service Policy Rule. Add
this rule to the default global_policy. Click Next.
Step 2 Add a new traffic class called “scansafe-http,” and specify an ACL for traffic matching. Click Next.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 3 Choose Match, and specify any4 for the Source and Destination. Specify tcp/http for the Service. Click
Step 4 Check Cloud Web Security on the Protocol Inspection tab and click Configure.
Step 5 Accept the default Fail Close action, and click Add.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 6 Name the inspection policy map “http-map,” set the Default User to Boulder and the default group to Cisco.
Choose HTTP.
Step 7 Click OK, OK, and then Finish. The rule is added to the Service Policy Rules table.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 8 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules, and click Add > Service Policy Rule. Add
the new rule to the default global_policy and click Next.
Step 9 Click Add rule to existing traffic class, and choose scansafe-http.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Cisco Cloud Web Security
Step 10 Choose Do not match, set any4 as the Source, and as the Destination. Set the Service to tcp/http.
Click Next.
User traffic is compared to these rules in order; if this Match rule is first in the list, then all traffic, including
traffic to the test network, will match only that rule and the Do not match rule will never be hit. If you move
the Do not match rule above the Match rule, then traffic to the test network will match the Do not match rule,
and all other traffic will match the Match rule.
Step 13 Repeat the above steps with the following changes: add a new traffic class called “scansafe-https,” and choose
HTTPS for the inspection policy map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Cisco Cloud Web Security
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Cisco Cloud Web Security
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Network Address Translation
• Network Address Translation (NAT), page 149
• NAT Examples and Reference, page 211
Network Address Translation (NAT)
The following topics explain Network Address Translation (NAT) and how to configure it.
One of the main functions of NAT is to enable private IP networks to connect to the Internet. NAT replaces
a private IP address with a public IP address, translating the private addresses in the internal private network
into legal, routable addresses that can be used on the public Internet. In this way, NAT conserves public
addresses because it can be configured to advertise at a minimum only one public address for the entire network
to the outside world.
Other functions of NAT include:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT Basics
Note NAT is not required. If you do not configure NAT for a given set of traffic, that traffic will not be translated,
but will have all of the security policies applied as normal.
NAT Basics
The following topics explain some of the basics of NAT.
NAT Terminology
This document uses the following terminology:
• Real address/host/network/interface—The real address is the address that is defined on the host, before
it is translated. In a typical NAT scenario where you want to translate the inside network when it accesses
the outside, the inside network would be the “real” network. Note that you can translate any network
connected to the device, not just an inside network. Therefore if you configure NAT to translate outside
addresses, “real” can refer to the outside network when it accesses the inside network.
• Mapped address/host/network/interface—The mapped address is the address that the real address is
translated to. In a typical NAT scenario where you want to translate the inside network when it accesses
the outside, the outside network would be the “mapped” network.
Note During address translation, IP addresses configured for the device interfaces are not
NAT Types
You can implement NAT using the following methods:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT Basics
• Dynamic NAT—A group of real IP addresses are mapped to a (usually smaller) group of mapped IP
addresses, on a first come, first served basis. Only the real host can initiate traffic. See Dynamic NAT,
on page 160.
• Dynamic Port Address Translation (PAT)—A group of real IP addresses are mapped to a single IP
address using a unique source port of that IP address. See Dynamic PAT, on page 168.
• Static NAT—A consistent mapping between a real and mapped IP address. Allows bidirectional traffic
initiation. See Static NAT, on page 187.
• Identity NAT—A real address is statically translated to itself, essentially bypassing NAT. You might
want to configure NAT this way when you want to translate a large group of addresses, but then want
to exempt a smaller subset of addresses. See Identity NAT, on page 199.
Twice NAT
Twice NAT lets you identify both the source and destination address in a single rule. Specifying both the
source and destination addresses lets you specify that sourceA/destinationA can have a different translation
than sourceA/destinationB.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT Basics
Note For static NAT, the rule is bidirectional, so be aware that “source” and “destination” are used in commands
and descriptions throughout this guide even though a given connection might originate at the “destination”
address. For example, if you configure static NAT with port address translation, and specify the source
address as a Telnet server, and you want all traffic going to that Telnet server to have the port translated
from 2323 to 23, then you must specify the source ports to be translated (real: 23, mapped: 2323). You
specify the source ports because you specified the Telnet server address as the source address.
The destination address is optional. If you specify the destination address, you can either map it to itself
(identity NAT), or you can map it to a different address. The destination mapping is always a static mapping.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT Basics
Section 2 Network Object NAT If a match in section 1 is not found, section 2 rules are applied in
the following order:
1 Static rules.
2 Dynamic rules.
Section 3 Twice NAT If a match is still not found, section 3 rules are applied on a first
match basis, in the order they appear in the configuration. This
section should contain your most general rules. You must also
ensure that any specific rules in this section come before general
rules that would otherwise apply.
For section 2 rules, for example, you have the following IP addresses defined within network objects:
• (static)
• (dynamic)
• (static)
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for NAT
• (static)
• (dynamic) (object def)
• (dynamic) (object abc)
NAT Interfaces
In routed mode, you can configure a NAT rule to apply to any interface (in other words, all interfaces), or
you can identify specific real and mapped interfaces. You can also specify any interface for the real address,
and a specific interface for the mapped address, or vice versa.
For example, you might want to specify any interface for the real address and specify the outside interface
for the mapped address if you use the same private addresses on multiple interfaces, and you want to translate
them all to the same global pool when accessing the outside.
In transparent mode, you must choose specific source and destination interfaces.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for NAT
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for NAT
• NAT64 (IPv6-to-IPv4)—You may not have enough IPv4 addresses to accommodate the number of IPv6
addresses. We recommend using a dynamic PAT pool to provide a large number of IPv4 translations.
Note If you remove a dynamic NAT or PAT rule, and then add a new rule with mapped
addresses that overlap the addresses in the removed rule, then the new rule will not be
used until all connections associated with the removed rule time out or are cleared using
the clear xlate command. This safeguard ensures that the same address is not assigned
to multiple hosts.
• When translating SCTP traffic, use static network object NAT only. Dynamic NAT/PAT is not allowed.
Although you can configure static twice NAT, this is not recommended because the topology of the
destination part of the SCTP association is unknown.
• Objects and object groups used in NAT cannot be undefined; they must include IP addresses.
• You cannot use an object group with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; the object group must include only
one type of address.
• (Twice NAT only.) When using any as the source address in a NAT rule, the definition of “any” traffic
(IPv4 vs. IPv6) depends on the rule. Before the ASA performs NAT on a packet, the packet must be
IPv6-to-IPv6 or IPv4-to-IPv4; with this prerequisite, the ASA can determine the value of any in a NAT
rule. For example, if you configure a rule from “any” to an IPv6 server, and that server was mapped from
an IPv4 address, then any means “any IPv6 traffic.” If you configure a rule from “any” to “any,” and you
map the source to the interface IPv4 address, then any means “any IPv4 traffic” because the mapped
interface address implies that the destination is also IPv4.
• You can use the same mapped object or group in multiple NAT rules.
• The mapped IP address pool cannot include:
◦The mapped interface IP address. If you specify “any” interface for the rule, then all interface IP
addresses are disallowed. For interface PAT (routed mode only), specify the interface name instead
of the interface address.
◦(Transparent mode.) The management IP address.
◦Existing VPN pool addresses.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for NAT
• Avoid using overlapping addresses in static and dynamic NAT policies. For example, with overlapping
addresses, a PPTP connection can fail to get established if the secondary connection for PPTP hits the
static instead of dynamic xlate.
• For application inspection limitations with NAT or PAT, see Default Inspections and NAT Limitations,
on page 284.
• (8.3(1), 8.3(2), and 8.4(1)) The default behavior for identity NAT has proxy ARP disabled. You cannot
configure this setting. (8.4(2) and later) The default behavior for identity NAT has proxy ARP enabled,
matching other static NAT rules. You can disable proxy ARP if desired. See Routing NAT Packets, on
page 241 for more information.
• If you specify a destination interface in a rule, then that interface is used as the egress interface rather
than looking up the route in the routing table. However, for identity NAT, you have the option to use a
route lookup instead. In 8.3(1) through 8.4(1), identity NAT always uses the routing table.
• You can improve system performance and reliability by using the transactional commit model for NAT.
See the basic settings chapter in the general operations configuration guide for more information. The
option is under Configurations > Device Management > Advanced > Rule Engine.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for NAT
◦If you use an object, the object or group can contain a host, range, or subnet.
• Identity NAT
◦Instead of using an object, you can configure an inline address.
◦If you use an object, the object must match the real addresses you want to translate.
Objects are required unless you specify the any keyword inline to represent all traffic, or for some types of
NAT, the interface keyword to represent the interface address. Network object groups are particularly useful
for creating a mapped address pool with discontinuous IP address ranges or multiple hosts or subnets.
Consider the following guidelines when creating objects for twice NAT.
• A network object group can contain objects or inline addresses of either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. The
group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type only.
• See Additional Guidelines for NAT, on page 156 for information about disallowed mapped IP addresses.
• Source Dynamic NAT:
◦You typically configure a larger group of real addresses to be mapped to a smaller group.
◦The mapped object or group cannot contain a subnet; the object must define a range; the group
can include hosts and ranges.
◦If a mapped network object contains both ranges and host IP addresses, then the ranges are used
for dynamic NAT, and the host IP addresses are used as a PAT fallback.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for NAT
• Destination Static NAT or Static NAT with port translation (the destination translation is always static):
◦Although the main feature of twice NAT is the inclusion of the destination IP address, the destination
address is optional. If you do specify the destination address, you can configure static translation
for that address or just use identity NAT for it. You might want to configure twice NAT without
a destination address to take advantage of some of the other qualities of twice NAT, including the
use of network object groups for real addresses, or manually ordering of rules. For more information,
see Comparing Network Object NAT and Twice NAT, on page 152.
◦For identity NAT, the real and mapped objects must match. You can use the same object for both,
or you can create separate objects that contain the same IP addresses.
◦The static mapping is typically one-to-one, so the real addresses have the same quantity as the
mapped addresses. You can, however, have different quantities if desired.
◦For static interface NAT with port translation (routed mode only), you can specify the interface
keyword instead of a network object/group for the mapped address.
Twice NAT Guidelines for Service Objects for Real and Mapped Ports
You can optionally configure service objects for:
• Source real port (Static only) or Destination real port
• Source mapped port (Static only) or Destination mapped port
Consider the following guidelines when creating objects for twice NAT.
• NAT supports TCP, UDP, and SCTP only. When translating a port, be sure the protocols in the real and
mapped service objects are identical (for example, both TCP). Although you can configure static twice
NAT rules with SCTP port specifications, this is not recommended, because the topology of the destination
part of the SCTP association is unknown. Use static object NAT instead for SCTP.
• The “not equal” (neq) operator is not supported.
• For identity port translation, you can use the same service object for both the real and mapped ports.
• Source Dynamic NAT—Source Dynamic NAT does not support port translation.
• Source Dynamic PAT (Hide)—Source Dynamic PAT does not support port translation.
• Source Static NAT, Static NAT with port translation, or Identity NAT—A service object can contain
both a source and destination port; however, you should specify either the source or the destination port
for both service objects. You should only specify both the source and destination ports if your application
uses a fixed source port (such as some DNS servers); but fixed source ports are rare. For example, if
you want to translate the port for the source host, then configure the source service.
• Destination Static NAT or Static NAT with port translation (the destination translation is always
static)—For non-static source NAT, you can only perform port translation on the destination. A service
object can contain both a source and destination port, but only the destination port is used in this case.
If you specify the source port, it will be ignored.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
Dynamic NAT
The following topics explain dynamic NAT and how to configure it.
Note For the duration of the translation, a remote host can initiate a connection to the translated host if an access
rule allows it. Because the address is unpredictable, a connection to the host is unlikely. Nevertheless, in
this case you can rely on the security of the access rule.
The following figure shows a typical dynamic NAT scenario. Only real hosts can create a NAT session, and
responding traffic is allowed back.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
The following figure shows a remote host attempting to initiate a connection to a mapped address. This address
is not currently in the translation table; therefore, the packet is dropped.
The advantage of dynamic NAT is that some protocols cannot use PAT. PAT does not work with the following:
• IP protocols that do not have a port to overload, such as GRE version 0.
• Some multimedia applications that have a data stream on one port, the control path on another port, and
are not open standard.
See Default Inspections and NAT Limitations, on page 284 for more information about NAT and PAT support.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
Step 2 For a new object, enter values for the following fields:
a) Name—The object name. Use characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, a period, a dash, a comma, or an underscore.
The name must be 64 characters or less.
b) Type—Host, Network, or Range.
c) IP Addresses—IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, a single address for a host, a starting and ending address for a
range, and for subnet, either an IPv4 network address and mask (for example,
or IPv6 address and prefix length (for example, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60).
Step 3 If the NAT section is hidden, click NAT to expand the section.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
Step 7 (Optional, Routed Mode Only) To use the interface IP address as a backup method when the other mapped
addresses are already allocated, check the Fall through to interface PAT (dest intf) check box, and choose
the interface from the drop-down list. To use the IPv6 address of the interface, also check the Use IPv6 for
interface PAT check box.
Step 8 (Optional) Click Advanced, configure the following options in the Advanced NAT Settings dialog box, and
click OK.
• Translate DNS replies for rule—Translates the IP address in DNS replies. Be sure DNS inspection is
enabled (it is enabled by default). See DNS and NAT, on page 250 for more information.
• (Required for Transparent Firewall Mode.) Interface—Specifies the real interface (Source) and the
mapped interface (Destination) where this NAT rule applies. By default, the rule applies to all interfaces.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules, and then do one of the following:
• Click Add, or Add > Add NAT Rule Before Network Object NAT Rules.
• Click Add > Add NAT Rule After Network Object NAT Rules.
• Select a twice NAT rule and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
Step 3 Choose Dynamic from the Action: Translated Packet > Source NAT Type drop-down list.
This setting only applies to the source address; the destination translation is always static.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
Step 4 Identify the original packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the source interface network (the real source address and the mapped destination address). See the following
figure for an example of the original packet vs. the translated packet.
a) For the Match Criteria: Original Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an
existing network object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Original Source Address
dialog box. The group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type only. The
default is any.
b) (Optional.) For the Match Criteria: Original Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button
and choose an existing network object, group, or interface, or create a new object or group from the Browse
Original Destination Address dialog box. A group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must
contain one type only.
Although the main feature of twice NAT is the inclusion of the destination IP address, the destination
address is optional. If you do specify the destination address, you can configure static translation for that
address or just use identity NAT for it. You might want to configure twice NAT without a destination
address to take advantage of some of the other qualities of twice NAT, including the use of network object
groups for real addresses, or manually ordering of rules. For more information, see Comparing Network
Object NAT and Twice NAT, on page 152.
For static interface NAT with port translation only, choose an interface from the Browse dialog box. Be
sure to also configure a service translation. For this option, you must configure a specific interface for the
Source Interface. See Static Interface NAT with Port Translation for more information.
Step 5 Identify the translated packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the destination interface network (the mapped source address and the real destination address). You can
translate between IPv4 and IPv6 if desired.
a) For Action: Translated Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an existing network
object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Translated Source Address dialog box.
For dynamic NAT, you typically configure a larger group of source addresses to be mapped to a smaller
Note The object or group cannot contain a
b) For Action: Translated Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button and choose an existing
network object or group, or create a new object or group from the Browse Translated Destination Address
dialog box.
For identity NAT for the destination address, simply use the same object or group for both the real and
mapped addresses.
If you want to translate the destination address, then the static mapping is typically one-to-one, so the real
addresses have the same quantity as the mapped addresses. You can, however, have different quantities
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
if desired. For more information, see Static NAT, on page 187. See Additional Guidelines for NAT, on
page 156 for information about disallowed mapped IP addresses.
Step 6 (Optional.) Identify the destination service ports for service translation.
• Identify the original packet port (the mapped destination port). For Match Criteria: Original Packet
> Service, click the browse button and choose an existing service object that specifies TCP or UDP
ports, or create a new object from the Browse Original Service dialog box.
• Identify the translated packet port (the real destination port). For Action: Translated Packet > Service,
click the browse button and choose an existing service object that specifies TCP or UDP ports, or create
a new object from the Browse Translated Service dialog box.
Dynamic NAT does not support port translation. However, because the destination translation is always static,
you can perform port translation for the destination port. A service object can contain both a source and
destination port, but only the destination port is used in this case. If you specify the source port, it will be
ignored. NAT only supports TCP or UDP. When translating a port, be sure the protocols in the real and mapped
service objects are identical (both TCP or both UDP). For identity NAT, you can use the same service object
for both the real and mapped ports. The “not equal” (!=) operator is not supported.
For example:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic NAT
Step 7 (Optional, Routed Mode Only.) To use the interface IP address as a backup method if the other mapped source
addresses are already allocated, check the Fall through to interface PAT check box. To use the IPv6 interface
address, also check the Use IPv6 for interface PAT check box.
The destination interface IP address is used. This option is only available if you configure a specific Destination
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
• Enable rule —Enables this NAT rule. The rule is enabled by default.
• (For a source-only rule) Translate DNS replies that match this rule—Rewrites the DNS A record in
DNS replies. Be sure DNS inspection is enabled (it is enabled by default). You cannot configure DNS
modification if you configure a destination address. See DNS and NAT, on page 250 for more information.
• Description—Adds a description about the rule up to 200 characters in length.
Dynamic PAT
The following topics describe dynamic PAT.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
The following figure shows a typical dynamic PAT scenario. Only real hosts can create a NAT session, and
responding traffic is allowed back. The mapped address is the same for each translation, but the port is
dynamically assigned.
For the duration of the translation, a remote host on the destination network can initiate a connection to the
translated host if an access rule allows it. Because the port address (both real and mapped) is unpredictable,
a connection to the host is unlikely. Nevertheless, in this case you can rely on the security of the access rule.
After the connection expires, the port translation also expires. For multi-session PAT, the PAT timeout is
used, 30 seconds by default. For per-session PAT (9.0(1) and later), the xlate is immediately removed.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
• If you use the same PAT pool object in two separate rules, then be sure to specify the same options for
each rule. For example, if one rule specifies extended PAT and a flat range, then the other rule must also
specify extended PAT and a flat range.
Step 2 For a new object, enter values for the following fields:
a) Name—The object name. Use characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, a period, a dash, a comma, or an underscore.
The name must be 64 characters or less.
b) Type—Host, Network, or Range.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
c) IP Addresses—IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, a single address for a host, a starting and ending address for a
range, and for subnet, either an IPv4 network address and mask (for example,
or IPv6 address and prefix length (for example, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60).
Step 3 If the NAT section is hidden, click NAT to expand the section.
Step 4 Check the Add Automatic Translation Rules check box.
Step 5 From the Type drop-down list, choose Dynamic PAT (Hide).
Step 6 Specify a single mapped address. In the Translated Addr. field, specify the mapped IP address by doing one
of the following:
• Type a host IP address.
• Click the browse button and select a host network object (or create a new one).
• (Routed mode only.) Type an interface name or click the browse button, and choose an interface from
the Browse Translated Addr dialog box.
If you specify an interface name, then you enable interface PAT, where the specified interface IP address
is used as the mapped address. To use the IPv6 interface address, you must also check the Use IPv6 for
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
interface PAT check box. With interface PAT, the NAT rule only applies to the specified mapped
interface. (If you do not use interface PAT, then the rule applies to all interfaces by default.) You cannot
specify an interface in transparent mode.
Step 7 (Optional.) Click Advanced, configure the following options in the Advanced NAT Settings dialog box, and
click OK.
• (Required for Transparent Firewall Mode.) Interface—Specifies the real interface (Source) and the
mapped interface (Destination) where this NAT rule applies. By default, the rule applies to all interfaces.
Step 2 For a new object, enter values for the following fields:
a) Name—The object name. Use characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, a period, a dash, a comma, or an underscore.
The name must be 64 characters or less.
b) Type—Host, Network, or Range.
c) IP Addresses—IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, a single address for a host, a starting and ending address for a
range, and for subnet, either an IPv4 network address and mask (for example,
or IPv6 address and prefix length (for example, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60).
Step 3 If the NAT section is hidden, click NAT to expand the section.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
• Round Robin —To assign addresses/ports in a round-robin fashion. By default without round robin,
all ports for a PAT address will be allocated before the next PAT address is used. The round-robin
method assigns one address/port from each PAT address in the pool before returning to use the first
address again, and then the second address, and so on.
• Extend PAT uniqueness to per destination instead of per interface (8.4(3) and later, not including
8.5(1) or 8.6(1).)—To use extended PAT. Extended PAT uses 65535 ports per service, as opposed
to per IP address, by including the destination address and port in the translation information.
Normally, the destination port and address are not considered when creating PAT translations, so
you are limited to 65535 ports per PAT address. For example, with extended PAT, you can create a
translation of when going to as well as a translation of
when going to
• Translate TCP or UDP ports into flat range (1024-65535) (8.4(3) and later, not including 8.5(1)
or 8.6(1).)—To use the 1024 to 65535 port range as a single flat range when allocating ports. When
choosing the mapped port number for a translation, the ASA uses the real source port number if it
is available. However, without this option, if the real port is not available, by default the mapped
ports are chosen from the same range of ports as the real port number: 1 to 511, 512 to 1023, and
1024 to 65535. To avoid running out of ports at the low ranges, configure this setting. To use the
entire range of 1 to 65535, also check the Include range 1 to 1023 check box.
• Enable Block Allocation (9.5.1 and later.)—Enables port block allocation. For carrier-grade or
large-scale PAT, you can allocate a block of ports for each host, rather than have NAT allocate one
port translation at a time. If you allocate a block of ports, subsequent connections from the host use
new randomly-selected ports within the block. If necessary, additional blocks are allocated if the
host has active connections for all ports in the original block. Port blocks are allocated in the
1024-65535 range only. Port block allocation is compatible with round robin, but you cannot use it
with the extended PAT or flat port range options. You also cannot use interface PAT fallback.
Step 7 (Optional, Routed Mode Only) To use the interface IP address as a backup method when the other mapped
addresses are already allocated, check the Fall through to interface PAT (dest intf) check box, and choose
the interface from the drop-down list. To use the IPv6 address of the interface, also check the Use IPv6 for
interface PAT check box.
Step 8 (Optional) Click Advanced, configure the following options in the Advanced NAT Settings dialog box, and
click OK.
• (Required for Transparent Firewall Mode.) Interface—Specifies the real interface (Source) and the
mapped interface (Destination) where this NAT rule applies. By default, the rule applies to all interfaces.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules, and then do one of the following:
• Click Add, or Add > Add NAT Rule Before Network Object NAT Rules.
• Click Add > Add NAT Rule After Network Object NAT Rules.
• Select a twice NAT rule and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
By default in routed mode, both interfaces are set to --Any--. In transparent firewall mode, you must set
specific interfaces.
a) From the Match Criteria: Original Packet > Source Interface drop-down list, choose the source interface.
b) From the Match Criteria: Original Packet > Destination Interface drop-down list, choose the destination
Step 3 Choose Dynamic PAT (Hide) from the Action: Translated Packet > Source NAT Type drop-down list.
This setting only applies to the source address; the destination translation is always static.
Note To configure dynamic PAT using a PAT pool, choose Dynamic instead of Dynamic PAT (Hide),
see Configure Dynamic Twice PAT Using a PAT Pool, on page 179.
Step 4 Identify the original packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the source interface network (the real source address and the mapped destination address). See the following
figure for an example of the original packet vs. the translated packet.
a) For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an existing
network object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Original Source Address dialog
box. The group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type only. The default
is any.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
b) (Optional) For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button and
choose an existing network object, group, or interface, or create a new object or group from the Browse
Original Destination Address dialog box. A group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must
contain one type only.
Although the main feature of twice NAT is the inclusion of the destination IP address, the destination
address is optional. If you do specify the destination address, you can configure static translation for that
address or just use identity NAT for it. You might want to configure twice NAT without a destination
address to take advantage of some of the other qualities of twice NAT, including the use of network object
groups for real addresses, or manually ordering of rules. For more information, see Comparing Network
Object NAT and Twice NAT, on page 152.
For static interface NAT with port translation only, choose an interface from the Browse dialog box. Be
sure to also configure a service translation. For this option, you must configure a specific interface for the
Source Interface. See Static Interface NAT with Port Translation for more information.
Step 5 Identify the translated packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the destination interface network (the mapped source address and the real destination address). You can
translate between IPv4 and IPv6 if desired.
a) For Action: Translated Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an existing network
object that defines a host address, or an interface, or create a new object from the Browse Translated Source
Address dialog box.
If you want to use the IPv6 address of the interface, check the Use IPv6 for interface PAT check box.
b) (Optional.) For Action: Translated Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button and choose
an existing network object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Translated Destination
Address dialog box. The group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type
For identity NAT for the destination address, simply use the same object or group for both the real and
mapped addresses.
If you want to translate the destination address, then the static mapping is typically one-to-one, so the real
addresses have the same quantity as the mapped addresses. You can, however, have different quantities
if desired. For more information, see Static NAT, on page 187. See Guidelines for NAT, on page 154 for
information about disallowed mapped IP addresses.
Step 6 (Optional.) Identify the destination service ports for service translation.
• Identify the original packet port (the mapped destination port). For Match Criteria: Original Packet
> Service, click the browse button and choose an existing service object that specifies TCP or UDP
ports, or create a new object from the Browse Original Service dialog box.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
• Identify the translated packet port (the real destination port). For Action: Translated Packet > Service,
click the browse button and choose an existing service object that specifies TCP or UDP ports, or create
a new object from the Browse Translated Service dialog box.
Dynamic NAT does not support port translation. However, because the destination translation is always static,
you can perform port translation for the destination port. A service object can contain both a source and
destination port, but only the destination port is used in this case. If you specify the source port, it will be
ignored. NAT only supports TCP or UDP. When translating a port, be sure the protocols in the real and mapped
service objects are identical (both TCP or both UDP). For identity NAT, you can use the same service object
for both the real and mapped ports. The “not equal” (!=) operator is not supported.
For example:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules, and then do one of the following:
• Click Add, or Add > Add NAT Rule Before Network Object NAT Rules.
• Click Add > Add NAT Rule After Network Object NAT Rules.
• Select a twice NAT rule and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
Step 3 Choose Dynamic from the Action: Translated Packet > Source NAT Type drop-down list.
This setting only applies to the source address; the destination translation is always static.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
Step 4 Identify the original packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the source interface network (the real source address and the mapped destination address). See the following
figure for an example of the original packet vs. the translated packet.
a) For the Match Criteria: Original Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an
existing network object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Original Source Address
dialog box. The group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type only. The
default is any.
b) (Optional.) For the Match Criteria: Original Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button
and choose an existing network object, group, or interface, or create a new object or group from the Browse
Original Destination Address dialog box. A group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must
contain one type only.
Although the main feature of twice NAT is the inclusion of the destination IP address, the destination
address is optional. If you do specify the destination address, you can configure static translation for that
address or just use identity NAT for it. You might want to configure twice NAT without a destination
address to take advantage of some of the other qualities of twice NAT, including the use of network object
groups for real addresses, or manually ordering of rules. For more information, see Comparing Network
Object NAT and Twice NAT, on page 152.
For static interface NAT with port translation only, choose an interface from the Browse dialog box. Be
sure to also configure a service translation. For this option, you must configure a specific interface for the
Source Interface. See Static Interface NAT with Port Translation for more information.
Step 5 Identify the translated packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the destination interface network (the mapped source address and the real destination address). You can
translate between IPv4 and IPv6 if desired.
a) Check the PAT Pool Translated Address check box, then click the browse button and choose an existing
network object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Translated PAT Pool Address
dialog box. Note: Leave the Source Address field empty.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
Step 6 (Optional.) Identify the destination service ports for service translation.
• Identify the original packet port (the mapped destination port). For Match Criteria: Original Packet
> Service, click the browse button and choose an existing service object that specifies TCP or UDP
ports, or create a new object from the Browse Original Service dialog box.
• Identify the translated packet port (the real destination port). For Action: Translated Packet > Service,
click the browse button and choose an existing service object that specifies TCP or UDP ports, or create
a new object from the Browse Translated Service dialog box.
Dynamic NAT does not support port translation. However, because the destination translation is always static,
you can perform port translation for the destination port. A service object can contain both a source and
destination port, but only the destination port is used in this case. If you specify the source port, it will be
ignored. NAT only supports TCP or UDP. When translating a port, be sure the protocols in the real and mapped
service objects are identical (both TCP or both UDP). For identity NAT, you can use the same service object
for both the real and mapped ports. The “not equal” (!=) operator is not supported.
For example:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
Step 7 (Optional.) For a PAT pool, configure the following options as needed:
• Round Robin —To assign addresses/ports in a round-robin fashion. By default without round robin,
all ports for a PAT address will be allocated before the next PAT address is used. The round-robin
method assigns one address/port from each PAT address in the pool before returning to use the first
address again, and then the second address, and so on.
• Extend PAT uniqueness to per destination instead of per interface (8.4(3) and later, not including
8.5(1) or 8.6(1).)—To use extended PAT. Extended PAT uses 65535 ports per service, as opposed to
per IP address, by including the destination address and port in the translation information. Normally,
the destination port and address are not considered when creating PAT translations, so you are limited
to 65535 ports per PAT address. For example, with extended PAT, you can create a translation of when going to as well as a translation of when going to
• Translate TCP or UDP ports into flat range (1024-65535) (8.4(3) and later, not including 8.5(1) or
8.6(1).)—To use the 1024 to 65535 port range as a single flat range when allocating ports. When choosing
the mapped port number for a translation, the ASA uses the real source port number if it is available.
However, without this option, if the real port is not available, by default the mapped ports are chosen
from the same range of ports as the real port number: 1 to 511, 512 to 1023, and 1024 to 65535. To
avoid running out of ports at the low ranges, configure this setting. To use the entire range of 1 to 65535,
also check the Include range 1 to 1023 check box.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
• Enable Block Allocation (9.5.1 and later.)—Enables port block allocation. For carrier-grade or large-scale
PAT, you can allocate a block of ports for each host, rather than have NAT allocate one port translation
at a time. If you allocate a block of ports, subsequent connections from the host use new randomly-selected
ports within the block. If necessary, additional blocks are allocated if the host has active connections
for all ports in the original block. Port blocks are allocated in the 1024-65535 range only. Port block
allocation is compatible with round robin, but you cannot use it with the extended PAT or flat port range
options. You also cannot use interface PAT fallback.
Step 8 (Optional, Routed Mode Only.) To use the interface IP address as a backup method if the other mapped source
addresses are already allocated, check the Fall through to interface PAT check box. To use the IPv6 interface
address, also check the Use IPv6 for interface PAT check box.
The destination interface IP address is used. This option is only available if you configure a specific Destination
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
Step 1 Select Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > PAT Port Block Allocation and configure the following
• Size of the block—The number of ports in each block. The range is 32-4096. The default is 512.
If you do not use the default, ensure that the size you choose divides evenly into 64,512 (the number of
ports in the 1024-65535 range). Otherwise, there will be ports that cannot be used. For example, if you
specify 100, there will be 12 unused ports.
• Maximum block allocation per host—The maximum number of blocks that can be allocated per host.
The limit is per protocol, so a limit of 4 means at most 4 UDP blocks, 4 TCP blocks, and 4 ICMP blocks
per host. The range is 1-8, the default is 4.
Step 2 Add NAT rules that use PAT pool block allocation.
a) Select Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules.
b) Add or edit an object NAT or twice NAT rule.
c) Configure at least the following options:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Dynamic PAT
• (Twice NAT.) Select the object that defines the source address in Original Packet > Source Address.
• Type = Dynamic.
• Pat Pool Translated Address. Select a network object that defines the pat pool network.
• Enable Block Allocation.
d) Click OK.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Per-Session NAT Rules.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Static NAT
The following topics explain static NAT and how to implement it.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Note For applications that require application inspection for secondary channels (for example, FTP and VoIP),
NAT automatically translates the secondary ports.
Following are some other uses of static NAT with port translation.
Static NAT with Identity Port Translation
You can simplify external access to internal resources. For example, if you have three separate servers
that provide services on different ports (such as FTP, HTTP, and SMTP), you can give external users
a single IP address to access those services. You can then configure static NAT with identity port
translation to map the single external IP address to the correct IP addresses of the real servers based on
the port they are trying to access. You do not need to change the port, because the servers are using the
standard ones (21, 80, and 25 respectively). For details on how to configure this example, see Single
Address for FTP, HTTP, and SMTP (Static NAT-with-Port-Translation), on page 220.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
For example, you have a load balancer at Depending on the URL requested, it redirects traffic to
the correct web server. For details on how to configure this example, see Inside Load Balancer with Multiple
Mapped Addresses (Static NAT, One-to-Many), on page 218.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
For a many-to-few or many-to-one configuration, where you have more real addresses than mapped addresses,
you run out of mapped addresses before you run out of real addresses. Only the mappings between the lowest
real IP addresses and the mapped pool result in bidirectional initiation. The remaining higher real addresses
can initiate traffic, but traffic cannot be initiated to them (returning traffic for a connection is directed to the
correct real address because of the unique 5-tuple (source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port,
protocol) for the connection).
Note Many-to-few or many-to-one NAT is not PAT. If two real hosts use the same source port number and go
to the same outside server and the same TCP destination port, and both hosts are translated to the same
IP address, then both connections will be reset because of an address conflict (the 5-tuple is not unique).
Instead of using a static rule this way, we suggest that you create a one-to-one rule for the traffic that needs
bidirectional initiation, and then create a dynamic rule for the rest of your addresses.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Step 2 For a new object, enter values for the following fields:
• Name—The object name. Use characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, a period, a dash, a comma, or an
underscore. The name must be 64 characters or less.
• Type—Host, Network, or Range.
• IP Addresses—IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, a single address for a host, a starting and ending address for a
range, and for subnet, either an IPv4 network address and mask (for example,
or IPv6 address and prefix length (for example, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60).
Step 3 If the NAT section is hidden, click NAT to expand the section.
Step 4 Check the Add Automatic Translation Rules check box.
Step 5 From the Type drop-down list, choose Static.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Step 6 In the Translated Addr. field, specify the mapped IP address as one of the following. Typically, you configure
the same number of mapped addresses as real addresses for a one-to-one mapping. You can, however, have
a mismatched number of addresses. For more information, see Static NAT, on page 187.
• Type a host IP address. This provides a one-to-one mapping for host objects only. Otherwise, you get
a many-to-one mapping. For NAT46 or NAT66 translations, this can be an IPv6 network address.
• Click the browse button and select a network object (or create a new one). To do a one-to-one mapping
for a range of IP addresses, select an object that contains a range with the same number of addresses.
• (For static NAT-with-port-translation only; routed mode only.) Type an interface name or click the
browse button, and choose an interface from the Browse Translated Addr dialog box.
To use the IPv6 interface address, you must also check the Use IPv6 for interface PAT check box. Be
sure to also click Advanced and configure a service port translation. (You cannot specify an interface
in transparent mode.)
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Step 7 (Optional.) For NAT46, check Use one-to-one address translation. For NAT 46, specify one-to-one to
translate the first IPv4 address to the first IPv6 address, the second to the second, and so on. Without this
option, the IPv4-embedded method is used. For a one-to-one translation, you must use this keyword.
Step 8 (Optional) Click Advanced, configure the following options in the Advanced NAT Settings dialog box, and
click OK.
• Translate DNS replies for rule—Translates the IP address in DNS replies. Be sure DNS inspection is
enabled (it is enabled by default). See DNS and NAT, on page 250 for more information.
• Disable Proxy ARP on egress interface—Disables proxy ARP for incoming packets to the mapped IP
addresses. For information on the conditions which might require the disabling of proxy ARP, see
Mapped Addresses and Routing, on page 241.
• (Required for Transparent Firewall Mode.) Interface—Specifies the real interface (Source) and the
mapped interface (Destination) where this NAT rule applies. By default, the rule applies to all interfaces.
• Service—Configures static NAT-with-port-translation. Choose the protocol, then enter the real port and
the mapped port. You can use port numbers or a well-known port name such as http.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules, and then do one of the following:
• Click Add, or Add > Add NAT Rule Before Network Object NAT Rules.
• Click Add > Add NAT Rule After Network Object NAT Rules.
• Select a twice NAT rule and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Step 3 Choose Static from the Action: Translated Packet > Source NAT Type drop-down list. Static is the default
This setting only applies to the source address; the destination translation is always static.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Step 4 Identify the original packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the source interface network (the real source address and the mapped destination address). See the following
figure for an example of the original packet vs. the translated packet.
a) For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an existing
network object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Original Source Address dialog
box. The group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type only. The default
is any, but do not use this option except for identity NAT.
b) (Optional) For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button and
choose an existing network object, group, or interface, or create a new object or group from the Browse
Original Destination Address dialog box.
Although the main feature of twice NAT is the inclusion of the destination IP address, the destination
address is optional. If you do specify the destination address, you can configure static translation for that
address or just use identity NAT for it. You might want to configure twice NAT without a destination
address to take advantage of some of the other qualities of twice NAT, including the use of network object
groups for real addresses, or manually ordering of rules. For more information, see Comparing Network
Object NAT and Twice NAT, on page 152.
Step 5 Identify the translated packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the destination interface network (the mapped source address and the real destination address). You can
translate between IPv4 and IPv6 if desired.
a) For Action: Translated Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an existing network
object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Translated Source Address dialog box.
For static NAT, the mapping is typically one-to-one, so the real addresses have the same quantity as the
mapped addresses. You can, however, have different quantities if desired.
For static interface NAT with port translation, you can specify the interface instead of a network object/group
for the mapped address. If you want to use the IPv6 address of the interface, check the Use IPv6 for
interface PAT check box.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
For more information, see Static Interface NAT with Port Translation. See Guidelines for NAT, on page
154 for information about disallowed mapped IP addresses.
b) (Optional.) For Action: Translated Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button and choose
an existing network object or group, or create a new object or group from the Browse Translated Destination
Address dialog box.
Step 6 (Optional.) Identify the source or destination service ports for service translation.
• Identify the original packet source or destination port (the real source port or the mapped destination
port). For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Service, click the browse button and choose an existing
service object that specifies ports, or create a new object from the Browse Original Service dialog box.
• Identify the translated packet source or destination port (the mapped source port or the real destination
port). For Action: Translated Packet > Service, click the browse button and choose an existing service
object that specifies ports, or create a new object from the Browse Translated Service dialog box.
A service object can contain both a source and destination port. You should specify either the source or the
destination port for both the real and mapped service objects. You should only specify both the source and
destination ports if your application uses a fixed source port (such as some DNS servers); but fixed source
ports are rare. In the rare case where you specify both the source and destination ports in the object, the original
packet service object contains the real source port/mapped destination port; the translated packet service object
contains the mapped source port/real destination port. When translating a port, be sure the protocols in the
real and mapped service objects are identical (for example, both TCP). For identity NAT, you can use the
same service object for both the real and mapped ports. The “not equal” (!=) operator is not supported.
For example:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Static NAT
Step 7 (Optional.) For NAT46, check the Use one-to-one address translation check box. For NAT46, specify
one-to-one to translate the first IPv4 address to the first IPv6 address, the second to the second, and so on.
Without this option, the IPv4-embedded method is used. For a one-to-one translation, you must use this
Step 8 (Optional.) Configure NAT options in the Options area.
• Enable rule —Enables this NAT rule. The rule is enabled by default.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity NAT
• (For a source-only rule.) Translate DNS replies that match this rule—Rewrites the DNS A record in
DNS replies. Be sure DNS inspection is enabled (it is enabled by default). You cannot configure DNS
modification if you configure a destination address. See DNS and NAT, on page 250 for more information.
• Disable Proxy ARP on egress interface—Disables proxy ARP for incoming packets to the mapped IP
addresses. See Mapped Addresses and Routing, on page 241 for more information.
• Direction—To make the rule unidirectional, choose Unidirectional. The default is Both. Making the
rule unidirectional prevents destination addresses from initiating connections to the real addresses.
• Description—Adds a description about the rule up to 200 characters in length.
Identity NAT
You might have a NAT configuration in which you need to translate an IP address to itself. For example, if
you create a broad rule that applies NAT to every network, but want to exclude one network from NAT, you
can create a static NAT rule to translate an address to itself. Identity NAT is necessary for remote access VPN,
where you need to exempt the client traffic from NAT.
The following figure shows a typical identity NAT scenario.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity NAT
• To add NAT to an existing network object, choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Network
Objects/Groups, and then edit a network object.
Step 2 For a new object, enter values for the following fields:
• Name—The object name. Use characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, a period, a dash, a comma, or an
underscore. The name must be 64 characters or less.
• Type—Host, Network, or Range.
• IP Addresses—IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, a single address for a host, a starting and ending address for a
range, and for subnet, either an IPv4 network address and mask (for example,
or IPv6 address and prefix length (for example, 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60).
Step 3 If the NAT section is hidden, click NAT to expand the section.
Step 4 Check the Add Automatic Translation Rules check box.
Step 5 From the Type drop-down list, choose Static.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity NAT
• Click the browse button and select a network object (or create a new one). Use this option when
configuring identity NAT for a range of addresses.
Step 7 (Optional) Click Advanced, configure the following options in the Advanced NAT Settings dialog box, and
click OK.
• Translate DNS replies for rule—Do not configure this option for identity NAT.
• Disable Proxy ARP on egress interface—Disables proxy ARP for incoming packets to the mapped IP
addresses. For information on the conditions which might require the disabling of proxy ARP, see
Mapped Addresses and Routing, on page 241.
• (Routed mode; interfaces specified.) Lookup route table to locate egress interface—Determines the
egress interface using a route lookup instead of using the interface specified in the NAT command. See
Determining the Egress Interface, on page 243 for more information.
• (Required for Transparent Firewall Mode.) Interface—Specifies the real interface (Source) and the
mapped interface (Destination) where this NAT rule applies. By default, the rule applies to all interfaces.
• Service—Do not configure this option for identity NAT.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules, and then do one of the following:
• Click Add, or Add > Add NAT Rule Before Network Object NAT Rules.
• Click Add > Add NAT Rule After Network Object NAT Rules.
• Select a twice NAT rule and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity NAT
Step 3 Choose Static from the Action: Translated Packet > Source NAT Type drop-down list. Static is the default
This setting only applies to the source address; the destination translation is always static.
Step 4 Identify the original packet addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on
the source interface network (the real source address and the mapped destination address). See the following
figure for an example of the original packet vs. the translated packet where you perform identity NAT on the
inside host but translate the outside host.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity NAT
a) For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose an existing
network object or group or create a new object or group from the Browse Original Source Address dialog
box. The group cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; it must contain one type only. The default
is any; only use this option when also setting the mapped address to any.
b) (Optional.) For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button and
choose an existing network object, group, or interface, or create a new object or group from the Browse
Original Destination Address dialog box.
Although the main feature of twice NAT is the inclusion of the destination IP address, the destination
address is optional. If you do specify the destination address, you can configure static translation for that
address or just use identity NAT for it. You might want to configure twice NAT without a destination
address to take advantage of some of the other qualities of twice NAT, including the use of network object
groups for real addresses, or manually ordering of rules. For more information, see Comparing Network
Object NAT and Twice NAT, on page 152.
For static interface NAT with port translation only, choose an interface. If you specify an interface, be
sure to also configure a a service translation. For more information, see Static Interface NAT with Port
Step 5 Identify the translated packet addresses; namely, the packet addresses as they appear on the destination interface
network (the mapped source address and the real destination address).
a) For Action: Translated Packet > Source Address, click the browse button and choose the same network
object or group from the Browse Translated Source Address dialog box that you chose for the real source
address. Use any if you specified any for the real address.
b) For Match Criteria: Translated Packet > Destination Address, click the browse button and choose an
existing network object or group, or create a new object or group from the Browse Translated Destination
Address dialog box.
For identity NAT for the destination address, simply use the same object or group for both the real and
mapped addresses.
If you want to translate the destination address, then the static mapping is typically one-to-one, so the real
addresses have the same quantity as the mapped addresses. You can, however, have different quantities
if desired. For more information, see Static NAT, on page 187. See Guidelines for NAT, on page 154 for
information about disallowed mapped IP addresses.
Step 6 (Optional.) Identify the source or destination service ports for service translation.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity NAT
• Identify the original packet source or destination port (the real source port or the mapped destination
port). For Match Criteria: Original Packet > Service, click the browse button and choose an existing
service object that specifies ports, or create a new object from the Browse Original Service dialog box.
• Identify the translated packet source or destination port (the mapped source port or the real destination
port). For Action: Translated Packet > Service, click the browse button and choose an existing service
object that specifies ports, or create a new object from the Browse Translated Service dialog box.
A service object can contain both a source and destination port. You should specify either the source or the
destination port for both the real and mapped service objects. You should only specify both the source and
destination ports if your application uses a fixed source port (such as some DNS servers); but fixed source
ports are rare. In the rare case where you specify both the source and destination ports in the object, the original
packet service object contains the real source port/mapped destination port; the translated packet service object
contains the mapped source port/real destination port. When translating a port, be sure the protocols in the
real and mapped service objects are identical (for example, both TCP). For identity NAT, you can use the
same service object for both the real and mapped ports. The “not equal” (!=) operator is not supported.
For example:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Identity NAT
• Enable rule —Enables this NAT rule. The rule is enabled by default.
• (For a source-only rule.) Translate DNS replies that match this rule—Although this option is available
if you do not configure a destination address, it is not applicable to identity NAT because you are
translating the address to itself, so the DNS reply does not need modification.
• Disable Proxy ARP on egress interface—Disables proxy ARP for incoming packets to the mapped IP
addresses. See Mapped Addresses and Routing, on page 241 for more information.
• (Routed mode; interfaces specified.) Lookup route table to locate egress interface—Determines the
egress interface using a route lookup instead of using the interface specified in the NAT command. See
Determining the Egress Interface, on page 243 for more information.
• Direction—To make the rule unidirectional, choose Unidirectional. The default is Both. Making the
rule unidirectional prevents traffic from initiating connections to the real addresses. You might want to
use this setting for testing purposes.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring NAT
Monitoring NAT
You can view NAT related graphs from the following pages:
• Monitoring > Properties > Connection Graphs > Xlates—Select the Xlate Utilization graph to view
the in-use and most-used xlates. This is equivalent to the show xlate command.
• Monitoring > Properties > Connection Graphs > Perfmon—Select the Xlate Perfmon graph to see
NAT performance information. This is equivalent to the xlate information from the show perfmon
Twice NAT 8.3(1) Twice NAT lets you identify both the source and destination
address in a single rule.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall
> NAT Rules.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for NAT
Feature Name Releases Description
Identity NAT configurable proxy ARP and route 8.4(2)/8.5(1) In earlier releases for identity NAT, proxy ARP was disabled,
lookup and a route lookup was always used to determine the egress
interface. You could not configure these settings. In 8.4(2) and
later, the default behavior for identity NAT was changed to
match the behavior of other static NAT configurations: proxy
ARP is enabled, and the NAT configuration determines the
egress interface (if specified) by default. You can leave these
settings as is, or you can enable or disable them discretely.
Note that you can now also disable proxy ARP for regular
static NAT.
For pre-8.3 configurations, the migration of NAT exempt rules
(the nat 0 access-list command) to 8.4(2) and later now
includes the following keywords to disable proxy ARP and to
use a route lookup: no-proxy-arp and route-lookup. The
unidirectional keyword that was used for migrating to 8.3(2)
and 8.4(1) is no longer used for migration. When upgrading
to 8.4(2) from 8.3(1), 8.3(2), and 8.4(1), all identity NAT
configurations will now include the no-proxy-arp and
route-lookup keywords, to maintain existing functionality.
The unidirectional keyword is removed.
We modified the following screens: Configuration > Firewall
> NAT Rules > Add/Edit Network Object > Advanced NAT
Settings; Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules > Add/Edit
NAT Rule.
PAT pool and round robin address assignment 8.4(2)/8.5(1) You can now specify a pool of PAT addresses instead of a
single address. You can also optionally enable round-robin
assignment of PAT addresses instead of first using all ports
on a PAT address before using the next address in the pool.
These features help prevent a large number of connections
from a single PAT address from appearing to be part of a DoS
attack and makes configuration of large numbers of PAT
addresses easy.
We modified the following screens: Configuration > Firewall
> NAT Rules > Add/Edit Network Object; Configuration >
Firewall > NAT Rules > Add/Edit NAT Rule.
Round robin PAT pool allocation uses the same 8.4(3) When using a PAT pool with round robin allocation, if a host
IP address for existing hosts has an existing connection, then subsequent connections from
that host will use the same PAT IP address if ports are
We did not modify any screens.
This feature is not available in 8.5(1) or 8.6(1).
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for NAT
Feature Name Releases Description
Flat range of PAT ports for a PAT pool 8.4(3) If available, the real source port number is used for the mapped
port. However, if the real port is not available, by default the
mapped ports are chosen from the same range of ports as the
real port number: 0 to 511, 512 to 1023, and 1024 to 65535.
Therefore, ports below 1024 have only a small PAT pool.
If you have a lot of traffic that uses the lower port ranges, when
using a PAT pool, you can now specify a flat range of ports
to be used instead of the three unequal-sized tiers: either 1024
to 65535, or 1 to 65535.
We modified the following screens: Configuration > Firewall
> NAT Rules > Add/Edit Network Object; Configuration >
Firewall > NAT Rules > Add/Edit NAT Rule.
This feature is not available in 8.5(1) or 8.6(1).
Extended PAT for a PAT pool 8.4(3) Each PAT IP address allows up to 65535 ports. If 65535 ports
do not provide enough translations, you can now enable
extended PAT for a PAT pool. Extended PAT uses 65535 ports
per service, as opposed to per IP address, by including the
destination address and port in the translation information.
We modified the following screens: Configuration > Firewall
> NAT Rules > Add/Edit Network Object; Configuration >
Firewall > NAT Rules > Add/Edit NAT Rule.
This feature is not available in 8.5(1) or 8.6(1).
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for NAT
Feature Name Releases Description
Automatic NAT rules to translate a VPN peer’s 8.4(3) In rare situations, you might want to use a VPN peer’s real IP
local IP address back to the peer’s real IP address address on the inside network instead of an assigned local IP
address. Normally with VPN, the peer is given an assigned
local IP address to access the inside network. However, you
might want to translate the local IP address back to the peer’s
real public IP address if, for example, your inside servers and
network security is based on the peer’s real IP address.
You can enable this feature on one interface per tunnel group.
Object NAT rules are dynamically added and deleted when
the VPN session is established or disconnected. You can view
the rules using the show nat command.
Because of routing issues, we do not recommend using this
feature unless you know you need it; contact Cisco TAC to
confirm feature compatibility with your network. See the
following limitations:
• Only supports Cisco IPsec and AnyConnect Client.
• Return traffic to the public IP addresses must be routed
back to the ASA so the NAT policy and VPN policy can
be applied.
• Does not support load-balancing (because of routing
• Does not support roaming (public IP changing).
NAT support for IPv6 9.0(1) NAT now supports IPv6 traffic, as well as translating between
IPv4 and IPv6. Translating between IPv4 and IPv6 is not
supported in transparent mode.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall
> Objects > Network Objects/Group; Configuration > Firewall
> NAT Rules.
NAT support for reverse DNS lookups 9.0(1) NAT now supports translation of the DNS PTR record for
reverse DNS lookups when using IPv4 NAT, IPv6 NAT, and
NAT64 with DNS inspection enabled for the NAT rule.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for NAT
Feature Name Releases Description
Per-session PAT 9.0(1) The per-session PAT feature improves the scalability of PAT
and, for clustering, allows each member unit to own PAT
connections; multi-session PAT connections have to be
forwarded to and owned by the master unit. At the end of a
per-session PAT session, the ASA sends a reset and
immediately removes the xlate. This reset causes the end node
to immediately release the connection, avoiding the
TIME_WAIT state. Multi-session PAT, on the other hand,
uses the PAT timeout, by default 30 seconds. For “hit-and-run”
traffic, such as HTTP or HTTPS, the per-session feature can
dramatically increase the connection rate supported by one
address. Without the per-session feature, the maximum
connection rate for one address for an IP protocol is
approximately 2000 per second. With the per-session feature,
the connection rate for one address for an IP protocol is
By default, all TCP traffic and UDP DNS traffic use a
per-session PAT xlate. For traffic that requires multi-session
PAT, such as H.323, SIP, or Skinny, you can disable
per-session PAT by creating a per-session deny rule.
We introduced the following screen: Configuration > Firewall
> Advanced > Per-Session NAT Rules.
Transactional Commit Model on NAT Rule 9.3(1) When enabled, a NAT rule update is applied after the rule
Engine compilation is completed; without affecting the rule matching
We added NAT to the following screen: Configuration >
Device Management > Advanced > Rule Engine.
Carrier Grade NAT enhancements 9.5(1) For carrier-grade or large-scale PAT, you can allocate a block
of ports for each host, rather than have NAT allocate one port
translation at a time (see RFC 6888).
We added the following command: Configuration > Firewall
> Advanced > PAT Port Block Allocation. We added Enable
Block Allocation the object NAT and twice NAT dialog boxes.
NAT support for SCTP 9.5(2) You can now specify SCTP ports in static network object NAT
rules. Using SCTP in static twice NAT is not recommended.
Dynamic NAT/PAT does not support SCTP.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall
> NAT add/edit static network object NAT rule, Advanced
NAT Settings dialog box.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT Examples and Reference
The following topics provide examples for configuring NAT, plus information on advanced configuration
and troubleshooting.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
Step 4 Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces.
Step 5 Click OK to return to the Edit Network Object dialog box, click OK again, and then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
NAT for Inside Hosts (Dynamic NAT) and NAT for an Outside Web Server (Static NAT)
The following example configures dynamic NAT for inside users on a private network when they access the
outside. Also, when inside users connect to an outside web server, that web server address is translated to an
address that appears to be on the inside network.
Figure 28: Dynamic NAT for Inside, Static NAT for Outside Web Server
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
Step 4 For the Translated Addr field, add a new network object for the dynamic NAT pool to which you want to
translate the inside addresses by clicking the browse button.
a) Choose Add > Network Object, name the new object, define the range of addresses in the NAT pool,
and click OK.
b) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
Step 5 Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces.
Step 6 Click OK to return to the Edit Network Object dialog box, click then click OK again to return to the NAT
Rules table.
Step 7 Choose Add > Network Object NAT Rule and create an object for the outside web server.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
Step 9 Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces.
Step 10 Click OK to return to the Edit Network Object dialog box, click OK again, and then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
Inside Load Balancer with Multiple Mapped Addresses (Static NAT, One-to-Many)
The following example shows an inside load balancer that is translated to multiple IP addresses. When an
outside host accesses one of the mapped IP addresses, it is untranslated to the single load balancer address.
Depending on the URL requested, it redirects traffic to the correct web server.
Figure 29: Static NAT with One-to-Many for an Inside Load Balancer
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
Step 4 For the Translated Addr field, add a new network object for the static NAT group of addresses to which you
want to translate the load balancer address by clicking the browse button.
a) Choose Add > Network Object, name the new object, define the range of addresses, and click OK.
b) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
Step 5 Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces.
Step 6 Click OK to return to the Edit Network Object dialog box, click OK again, and then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
you can specify static NAT-with-port-translation rules that use the same mapped IP address, but different
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
c) Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces and port translation for FTP, mapping the
FTP port to itself.
d) Click OK, then OK again to save the rule and return to the NAT page.
Step 3 Configure the static network object NAT with port translation rule for the HTTP server.
a) Choose Add > Network Object NAT Rule.
b) Name the new network object, define the HTTP server address, enable static NAT, and enter the translated
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Network Object NAT
c) Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces and port translation for HTTP, mapping
the HTTP port to itself.
d) Click OK, then OK again to save the rule and return to the NAT page.
Step 4 Configure the static network object NAT with port translation rule for the SMTP server.
a) Choose Add > Network Object NAT Rule.
b) Name the new network object, define the SMTP server address, enable static NAT, and enter the translated
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
c) Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces and port translation for SMTP, mapping
the SMTP port to itself.
d) Click OK to return to the Edit Network Object dialog box, click OK again, and then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 1 On the Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules page, click Add > Add NAT Rule Before Network
Object NAT Rules to add a NAT rule for traffic from the inside network to DMZ network 1.
If you want to add a NAT rule to section 3, after the network object NAT rules, choose Add NAT Rule After
Network Object NAT Rules.
The Add NAT Rule dialog box appears.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 3 For the Original Source Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for the inside network
in the Browse Original Source Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the inside network addresses, and click OK.
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 4 For the Original Destination Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for DMZ network
1 in the Browse Original Destination Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the DMZ network 1 addresses, and click OK.
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 6 For the Translated Source Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for the PAT address
in the Browse Translated Source Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the PAT address, and click OK.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 7 For the Translated Destination Address, type the name of the Original Destination Address (DMZnetwork1)
or click the browse button to choose it.
Because you do not want to translate the destination address, you need to configure identity NAT for it by
specifying the same address for the Original and Translated destination addresses.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 11 For the Original Source Address, type the name of the inside network object (myInsideNetwork) or click the
browse button to choose it.
Step 12 For the Original Destination Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for DMZ network
2 in the Browse Original Destination Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the DMZ network 2 addresses, and click OK.
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 14 For the Translated Source Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for the PAT address
in the Browse Translated Source Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the PAT address, and click OK.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 15 For the Translated Destination Address, type the name of the Original Destination Address (DMZnetwork2)
or click the browse button to choose it.
Because you do not want to translate the destination address, you need to configure identity NAT for it by
specifying the same address for the Original and Translated destination addresses.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Different Translation Depending on the Destination Address and Port (Dynamic PAT)
The following figure shows the use of source and destination ports. The host on the network
accesses a single host for both web services and Telnet services. When the host accesses the server for Telnet
services, the real address is translated to When the host accesses the same server for
web services, the real address is translated to
Step 1 On the Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules page, click Add > Add NAT Rule Before Network
Object NAT Rules to add a NAT rule for traffic from the inside network to the Telnet server.
If you want to add a NAT rule to section 3, after the network object NAT rules, choose Add NAT Rule After
Network Object NAT Rules.
The Add NAT Rule dialog box appears.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 3 For the Original Source Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for the inside network
in the Browse Original Source Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the inside network addresses, and click OK.
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 4 For the Original Destination Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for the Telnet/Web
server in the Browse Original Destination Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the server address, and click OK.
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 5 For the Original Service, click the browse button to add a new service object for Telnet in the Browse Original
Service dialog box.
a) Select Add > Service Object.
b) Define the protocol and port, and click OK.
c) Choose the new service object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 7 For the Translated Source Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for the PAT address
in the Browse Translated Source Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the PAT address, and click OK.
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 8 For the Translated Destination Address, type the name of the Original Destination Address (TelnetWebServer)
or click the browse button to choose it.
Because you do not want to translate the destination address, you need to configure identity NAT for it by
specifying the same address for the Original and Translated destination addresses.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
Step 12 For the Original Source Address, type the name of the inside network object (myInsideNetwork) or click the
browse button to choose it.
Step 13 For the Original Destination Address, type the name of the Telnet/web server network object (TelnetWebServer)
or click the browse button to choose it.
Step 14 For the Original Service, click the browse button to add a new service object for HTTP in the Browse Original
Service dialog box.
a) Select Add > Service Object.
b) Define the protocol and port, and click OK.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
c) Choose the new service object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 16 For the Translated Source Address, click the browse button to add a new network object for the PAT address
in the Browse Translated Source Address dialog box.
a) Select Add > Network Object.
b) Define the PAT address, and click OK.
c) Choose the new network object by double-clicking it. Click OK to return to the NAT configuration.
Step 17 For the Translated Destination Address, type the name of the Original Destination Address (TelnetWebServer)
or click the browse button to choose it.
Because you do not want to translate the destination address, you need to configure identity NAT for it by
specifying the same address for the Original and Translated destination addresses.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Examples for Twice NAT
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT in Routed and Transparent Mode
translation does not exist for the network, so the translated host cannot connect to that
network, nor can a host on that network connect to the translated host.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT in Routed and Transparent Mode
1 When the inside host at sends a packet to a web server, the real source address of the packet,, is translated to a mapped address,
2 When the server responds, it sends the response to the mapped address,, and the ASA
receives the packet because the ASA performs proxy ARP to claim the packet.
3 The ASA then changes the translation of the mapped address,, back to the real address,, before sending it to the host.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NAT in Routed and Transparent Mode
The following figure shows a typical NAT scenario in transparent mode, with the same network on the inside
and outside interfaces. The transparent firewall in this scenario is performing the NAT service so that the
upstream router does not have to perform NAT.
1 When the inside host at sends a packet to a web server, the real source address of the packet,, is changed to a mapped address,
2 When the server responds, it sends the response to the mapped address,, and the ASA
receives the packet because the upstream router includes this mapped network in a static route directed to
the ASA management IP address.
3 The ASA then undoes the translation of the mapped address,, back to the real address, Because the real address is directly-connected, the ASA sends it directly to the host.
4 For host, the same process occurs, except for returning traffic, the ASA looks up the route in
its routing table and sends the packet to the downstream router at based on the ASA static route
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Routing NAT Packets
Note If you configure the mapped interface to be any interface, and you specify a mapped address on the same
network as one of the mapped interfaces, then if an ARP request for that mapped address comes in on a
different interface, then you need to manually configure an ARP entry for that network on the ingress
interface, specifying its MAC address. Typically, if you specify any interface for the mapped interface,
then you use a unique network for the mapped addresses, so this situation would not occur. Select
Configuration > Device Management > Advanced > ARP > ARP Static Table to configure ARP.
For transparent mode, if the real host is directly-connected, configure the static route on the upstream router
to point to the ASA: in 8.3, specify the global management IP address; in 8.4(1) and later, specify the bridge
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Routing NAT Packets
group IP address. For remote hosts in transparent mode, in the static route on the upstream router, you can
alternatively specify the downstream router IP address.
In rare cases, you need proxy ARP for identity NAT; for example for virtual Telnet. When using AAA for
network access, a host needs to authenticate with the ASA using a service like Telnet before any other traffic
can pass. You can configure a virtual Telnet server on the ASA to provide the necessary login. When accessing
the virtual Telnet address from the outside, you must configure an identity NAT rule for the address specifically
for the proxy ARP functionality. Due to internal processes for virtual Telnet, proxy ARP lets the ASA keep
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Routing NAT Packets
traffic destined for the virtual Telnet address rather than send the traffic out the source interface according to
the NAT rule. (See the following figure).
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
The following figure shows the egress interface selection method in routed mode. In almost all cases, a route
lookup is equivalent to the NAT rule interface, but in some configurations, the two methods might differ.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
to access the Internet. The below example uses interface PAT rules. To allow the VPN traffic to exit the same
interface it entered, you also need to enable intra-interface communication (also known as “hairpin” networking).
The following figure shows a VPN client that wants to access an inside mail server. Because the ASA expects
traffic between the inside network and any outside network to match the interface PAT rule you set up for
Internet access, traffic from the VPN client ( to the SMTP server ( will be dropped due to
a reverse path failure: traffic from to does not match a NAT rule, but returning traffic from to should match the interface PAT rule for outgoing traffic. Because forward and reverse
flows do not match, the ASA drops the packet when it is received. To avoid this failure, you need to exempt
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
the inside-to-VPN client traffic from the interface PAT rule by using an identity NAT rule between those
networks. Identity NAT simply translates an address to the same address.
See the following sample NAT configuration for the above network:
! Identify local VPN network, & perform object interface PAT when going to Internet:
object network vpn_local
nat (outside,outside) dynamic interface
! Identify inside network, & perform object interface PAT when going to Internet:
object network inside_nw
nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
! Use twice NAT to pass traffic between the inside network and the VPN client without
! address translation (identity NAT):
nat (inside,outside) source static inside_nw inside_nw destination static vpn_local vpn_local
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Jose), you do not want to perform NAT; you need to exempt that traffic by creating an identity NAT rule.
Identity NAT simply translates an address to the same address.
Figure 41: Interface PAT and Identity NAT for Site-to-Site VPN
The following figure shows a VPN client connected to Firewall1 (Boulder), with a Telnet request for a server
( accessible over a site-to-site tunnel between Firewall1 and Firewall2 (San Jose). You also need
to configure identity NAT between the VPN client and the Boulder & San Jose networks, just as you would
between any networks connected by VPN to exempt this traffic from outbound NAT rules.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
! Identify local VPN network, & perform object interface PAT when going to Internet:
object network vpn_local
nat (outside,outside) dynamic interface
! Identify inside Boulder network, & perform object interface PAT when going to Internet:
object network boulder_inside
nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
! Identify inside San Jose network for use in twice NAT rule:
object network sanjose_inside
! Use twice NAT to pass traffic between the Boulder network and the VPN client without
! address translation (identity NAT):
nat (inside,outside) source static boulder_inside boulder_inside
destination static vpn_local vpn_local
! Use twice NAT to pass traffic between the Boulder network and San Jose without
! address translation (identity NAT):
nat (inside,outside) source static boulder_inside boulder_inside
destination static sanjose_inside sanjose_inside
! Use twice NAT to pass traffic between the VPN client and San Jose without
! address translation (identity NAT):
nat (outside,outside) source static vpn_local vpn_local
destination static sanjose_inside sanjose_inside
See the following sample NAT configuration for Firewall2 (San Jose):
! Identify inside San Jose network, & perform object interface PAT when going to Internet:
object network sanjose_inside
nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
! Use twice NAT to pass traffic between the San Jose network and Boulder without
! address translation (identity NAT):
nat (inside,outside) source static sanjose_inside sanjose_inside
destination static boulder_inside boulder_inside
! Use twice NAT to pass traffic between the San Jose network and the VPN client without
! address translation (identity NAT):
nat (inside,outside) source static sanjose_inside sanjose_inside
destination static vpn_local vpn_local
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
The following figure shows a VPN client Telnetting to the ASA inside interface. When you use a
management-access interface, and you configure identity NAT according to NAT and Remote Access VPN,
on page 244 or NAT and Site-to-Site VPN, on page 246, you must configure NAT with the route lookup option.
Without route lookup, the ASA sends traffic out the interface specified in the NAT command, regardless of
what the routing table says; in the below example, the egress interface is the inside interface. You do not want
the ASA to send the management traffic out to the inside network; it will never return to the inside interface
IP address. The route lookup option lets the ASA send the traffic directly to the inside interface IP address
instead of to the inside network. For traffic from the VPN client to a host on the inside network, the route
lookup option will still result in the correct egress interface (inside), so normal traffic flow is not affected.
See the Determining the Egress Interface, on page 243 for more information about the route lookup option.
See the following sample NAT configuration for the above network:
! Identify local VPN network, & perform object interface PAT when going to Internet:
object network vpn_local
nat (outside,outside) dynamic interface
! Identify inside network, & perform object interface PAT when going to Internet:
object network inside_nw
nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
! Use twice NAT to pass traffic between the inside network and the VPN client without
! address translation (identity NAT), w/route-lookup:
nat (outside,inside) source static vpn_local vpn_local
destination static inside_nw inside_nw route-lookup
To familiarize yourself with a non-working configuration vs. a working configuration, you can perform the
following steps:
1 Configure VPN without identity NAT.
2 Enter show nat detail and show conn all.
3 Add the identity NAT configuration.
4 Repeat show nat detail and show conn all.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Step 4 Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces and DNS modification.
Step 5 Click OK to return to the Edit Network Object dialog box, click OK again, and then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
DNS Reply Modification, DNS Server, Host, and Server on Separate Networks
The following figure shows a user on the inside network requesting the IP address for, which
is on the DMZ network, from an outside DNS server. The DNS server replies with the mapped address
( according to the static rule between outside and DMZ even though the user is not on the
DMZ network. The ASA translates the address inside the DNS reply to
If the user needs to access using the real address, then no further configuration is required. If
there is also a static rule between the inside and DMZ, then you also need to enable DNS reply modification
on this rule. The DNS reply will then be modified two times.In this case, the ASA again translates the address
inside the DNS reply to according to the static rule between inside and DMZ.
Figure 45: DNS Reply Modification, DNS Server, Host, and Server on Separate Networks
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
the mapped address for ( you need to configure DNS reply modification for the static
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Step 4 Click Advanced and configure the real and mapped interfaces and DNS modification.
Step 5 Click OK to return to the Edit Network Object dialog box, click OK again, and then click Apply.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Because you want inside users to use the mapped address for (2001:DB8::D1A5:C8E1) you
need to configure DNS reply modification for the static translation. This example also includes a static NAT
translation for the DNS server, and a PAT rule for the inside IPv6 hosts.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
c) Click Advanced to configure the real and mapped interfaces and DNS modification.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
d) Click OK to return to the Network Object dialog box, and click OK again to save the rule.
Step 3 Configure static network object NAT for the DNS server.
a) Choose Add > Network Object NAT Rule.
b) Name the new network object, define the DNS server address, enable static NAT, and enter the translated
address. Because this is a one-to-one translation for NAT46, select Use one-to-one address translation.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
d) Click OK to return to the Network Object dialog box, and click OK again to save the rule.
Step 4 Configure PAT for the inside IPv6 network.
a) Choose Add > Network Object NAT Rule.
b) Name the new network object, define the IPv6 network address, and select Dynamic NAT.
c) Select PAT Pool Translated Address, and click the ... (browse) button to create the PAT pool object.
d) In the Browse PAT Pool Translated Address dialog box, select Add > Network Object. Name the new
object, enter the address range for the PAT pool, and click OK.
e) In the Browse PAT Pool Translated Address dialog box, double-click the PAT pool object you created to
select it and click OK.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ASA modifies the reverse DNS query with the real address, and the DNS server responds with the server
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Service Policies and Application Inspection
• Service Policy, page 265
• Getting Started with Application Layer Protocol Inspection, page 281
• Inspection of Basic Internet Protocols, page 299
• Inspection for Voice and Video Protocols, page 331
• Inspection for Mobile Networks, page 351
Service Policy
Service policies provide a consistent and flexible way to configure ASA features. For example, you can use
a service policy to create a timeout configuration that is specific to a particular TCP application, as opposed
to one that applies to all TCP applications. A service policy consists of multiple actions or rules applied to
an interface or applied globally.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Service Policies
2 Rules, each rule being a class command within the service policy map and the commands associated with
the class command. In ASDM, each rule is shown on a separate row, and the name of the rule is the class
The class command defines the traffic matching criteria for the rule.
The commands associated with class, such as inspect, set connection timeout, and so forth, define the
services and constraints to apply to matching traffic. Note that inspect commands can point to inspection
policy maps, which define actions to apply to inspected traffic. Keep in mind that inspection policy maps
are not the same as service policy maps.
The following example compares how service policies appear in the CLI with how they appear in ASDM.
Note that there is not a one-to-one mapping between the figure call-outs and lines in the CLI.
The following CLI is generated by the rules shown in the figure above.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Service Policies
: In ASDM, this maps to call-out 3, from the Match to the Time fields.
class-map inside-class1
match access-list inside_mpc_2
: Policy map that actually defines the service policy rule set named test-inside-policy.
: In ASDM, this corresponds to the folder at call-out 1.
policy-map test-inside-policy
: First rule in test-inside-policy, named sip-class-inside. Inspects SIP traffic.
: The sip-class-inside rule applies the sip-high inspection policy map to SIP inspection.
: In ASDM, each rule corresponds to call-out 2.
class sip-class-inside
inspect sip sip-high
: Second rule, inside-class. Applies SNMP inspection using an SNMP map.
class inside-class
inspect snmp snmp-v3only
: Third rule, inside-class1. Applies ICMP inspection.
class inside-class1
inspect icmp
: Fourth rule, class-default. Applies connection settings and enables user statistics.
class class-default
set connection timeout embryonic 0:00:30 half-closed 0:10:00 idle 1:00:00
reset dcd 0:15:00 5
user-statistics accounting
: The service-policy command applies the policy map rule set to the inside interface.
: This command activates the policies.
service-policy test-inside-policy interface inside
ASA IPS Yes No See the ASA IPS quick start guide.
ASA FirePOWER (ASA SFR) Yes No ASA FirePOWER Module, on page 95.
NetFlow Secure Event Logging Yes Yes See the NetFlow implementation guide.
QoS input and output policing Yes No Quality of Service, on page 393.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Service Policies
TCP and UDP connection limits Yes Yes Connection Settings, on page 373.
and timeouts, and TCP sequence
number randomization
User statistics for Identity Firewall Yes Yes See the user-statistics command in the command
Feature Directionality
Actions are applied to traffic bidirectionally or unidirectionally depending on the feature. For features that
are applied bidirectionally, all traffic that enters or exits the interface to which you apply the policy map is
affected if the traffic matches the class map for both directions.
Note When you use a global policy, all features are unidirectional; features that are normally bidirectional when
applied to a single interface only apply to the ingress of each interface when applied globally. Because
the policy is applied to all interfaces, the policy will be applied in both directions so bidirectionality in
this case is redundant.
For features that are applied unidirectionally, for example QoS priority queue, only traffic that enters (or exits,
depending on the feature) the interface to which you apply the policy map is affected. See the following table
for the directionality of each feature.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Service Policies
Note Application inspection includes multiple inspection types, and most are mutually exclusive. For inspections
that can be combined, each inspection is considered to be a separate feature.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About Service Policies
Note When a the ASA performs a proxy service (such as AAA or CSC) or it modifies the TCP payload (such
as FTP inspection), the TCP normalizer acts in dual mode, where it is applied before and after the proxy
or payload modifying service.
4 Application inspections that cannot be combined with other inspections. See Incompatibility of Certain
Feature Actions, on page 270 for more information.
8 QoS output policing
9 QoS standard priority queue
Note NetFlow Secure Event Logging filtering and User statistics for Identity Firewall are order-independent.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Service Policies
• You cannot configure traffic to be sent to multiple modules, such as the ASA CX and ASA IPS.
• HTTP inspection is not compatible with ASA CX or ASA FirePOWER.
• Cloud Web Security is not compatible with ASA CX or ASA FirePOWER.
Note The Default Inspection Traffic traffic class, which is used in the default global policy, is a special CLI
shortcut to match the default ports for all inspections. When used in a policy map, this class map ensures
that the correct inspection is applied to each packet, based on the destination port of the traffic. For example,
when UDP traffic for port 69 reaches the ASA, then the ASA applies the TFTP inspection; when TCP
traffic for port 21 arrives, then the ASA applies the FTP inspection. So in this case only, you can configure
multiple inspections for the same class map. Normally, the ASA does not use the port number to determine
which inspection to apply, thus giving you the flexibility to apply inspections to non-standard ports, for
This traffic class does not include the default ports for Cloud Web Security inspection (80 and 443).
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for Service Policies
• TCP normalization
• TCP state bypass
• User statistics for Identity Firewall
This limit also includes default class maps of all types, limiting user-configured class maps to approximately
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for Service Policies
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Service Policies
After you create a policy, you can add rules, move, edit, or delete rules or policies. The following topics
explain how to configure service policies.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules, and click Add or Add > Add Service Policy
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Service Policies
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Service Policies
See Default Inspections and NAT Limitations, on page 284 for a list of default ports. The ASA
includes a default global policy that matches the default inspection traffic, and applies common
inspections to the traffic on all interfaces. Not all applications whose ports are included in the
Default Inspection Traffic class are enabled by default in the policy map.
You can specify a Source and Destination IP Address class (which uses an ACL) along with the
Default Inspection Traffic class to narrow the matched traffic. Because the Default Inspection
Traffic class specifies the ports and protocols to match, any ports and protocols in the ACL are
◦Source and Destination IP Address (uses ACL)—The class matches traffic specified by an
extended ACL. If the ASA is operating in transparent firewall mode, you can use an EtherType
ACL. When you click Next, you are prompted for the attributes of the access control entry. The
wizard builds the ACL, you cannot select an existing ACL.
When defining the ACE, the Match option creates a rule where traffic matching the addresses have
actions applied. The Do Not Match option exempts the traffic from having the specified actions
applied. For example, you want to match all traffic in and apply connection limits to
it, except for In this case, create two rules, one for using the Match option
and one for using the Do Not Match option. Be sure to arrange the rules so that the Do
Not Match rule is above the Match rule, or else will match the Match rule first.
Note When you create a new traffic class of this type, you can only specify one access control
entry (ACE) initially. After you finish adding the rule, you can add additional ACEs by
adding a new rule to the same interface or global policy, and then specifying Add rule
to existing traffic class (see below).
◦Tunnel Group—The class matches traffic for a tunnel group (connection profile) to which you
want to apply QoS. You can also specify one other traffic match option to refine the traffic match,
excluding Any Traffic, Source and Destination IP Address (uses ACL), or Default Inspection
When you click Next, you are prompted to select the tunnel group (you can create a new one if
necessary). To police each flow, check Match flow destination IP address. All traffic going to
a unique IP destination address is considered a flow.
◦TCP or UDP Destination Port—The class matches a single port or a contiguous range of ports.
When you click Next, you are prompted to choose either TCP or UDP and enter the port number;
click ... to choose one already defined in ASDM.
Tip For applications that use multiple, non-contiguous ports, use the Source and Destination IP
Address (uses ACL) to match each port.
◦RTP Range—The class map matches RTP traffic. When you click Next, you are prompted to
enter an RTP port range, between 2000 and 65534. The maximum number of ports in the range is
◦IP DiffServ CodePoints (DSCP)—The class matches up to eight DSCP values in the IP header.
When you click Next, you are prompted to select or enter the desired values (move them into the
Match on DSCP list).
◦IP Precedence—The class map matches up to four precedence values, represented by the TOS
byte in the IP header. When you click Next, you are prompted for the values.
◦Any Traffic—Matches all traffic.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Service Policies
• Add rule to existing traffic class. If you already have a service policy rule on the same interface, or
you are adding to the global service policy, this option lets you add an ACE to an existing ACL. You
can add an ACE to any ACL that you previously created when you chose the Source and Destination
IP Address (uses ACL) option for a service policy rule on this interface. For this traffic class, you can
have only one set of rule actions even if you add multiple ACEs. You can add multiple ACEs to the
same traffic class by repeating this entire procedure. When you click Next, you are prompted for the
attributes of the access control entry.
• Use an existing traffic class. If you created a traffic class used by a rule on a different interface, you
can reuse the traffic class definition for this rule. Note that if you alter the traffic class for one rule, the
change is inherited by all rules that use that traffic class. If your configuration includes any class-map
commands that you entered at the CLI, those traffic class names are also available (although to view the
definition of the traffic class, you need to create the rule).
• Use class default as the traffic class. This option uses the class-default class, which matches all traffic.
The class-default class is created automatically by the ASA and placed at the end of the policy. If you
do not apply any actions to it, it is still created by the ASA, but for internal purposes only. You can apply
actions to this class, if desired, which might be more convenient than creating a new traffic class that
matches all traffic. You can only create one rule for this service policy using the class-default class,
because each traffic class can only be associated with a single rule per service policy.
Step 4 If you selected a traffic matching criteria that requires additional configuration, enter the desired parameters
and click Next.
Step 5 On the Rule Actions page, configure one or more rule actions. See Features Configured with Service Policies,
on page 267 for a list of features and actions that you can apply, with pointers to additional details.
Step 6 Click Finish.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules, and click Add or Add > Add Management
Service Policy Rule.
Step 2 In the Create a Service Policy and Apply To area:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Service Policies
a) Choose whether the policy applies to a specific Interface or Global to all interfaces.
b) If you select Interface, choose the name of the interface. If the interface already has a policy, then you are
adding a rule to the existing policy.
c) If the interface does not already have a service policy, enter the name of the new policy.
d) (Optional) Enter a description for the policy.
e) Click Next.
Step 3 On the Traffic Classification Criteria page, choose one of the following options to specify the traffic to which
to apply the policy actions and click Next.
• Create a new traffic class. Enter a traffic class name and an optional description.
Identify the traffic using one of several criteria:
◦Source and Destination IP Address (uses ACL)—The class matches traffic specified by an
extended ACL. If the ASA is operating in transparent firewall mode, you can use an EtherType
ACL. When you click Next, you are prompted for the attributes of the access control entry. The
wizard builds the ACL, you cannot select an existing ACL.
When defining the ACE, the Match option creates a rule where traffic matching the addresses have
actions applied. The Do Not Match option exempts the traffic from having the specified actions
applied. For example, you want to match all traffic in and apply connection limits to
it, except for In this case, create two rules, one for using the Match option
and one for using the Do Not Match option. Be sure to arrange the rules so that the Do
Not Match rule is above the Match rule, or else will match the Match rule first.
◦TCP or UDP Destination Port—The class matches a single port or a contiguous range of ports.
When you click Next, you are prompted to choose either TCP or UDP and enter the port number;
click ... to choose one already defined in ASDM.
Tip For applications that use multiple, non-contiguous ports, use the Source and Destination IP
Address (uses ACL) to match each port.
• Add rule to existing traffic class. If you already have a service policy rule on the same interface, or
you are adding to the global service policy, this option lets you add an ACE to an existing ACL. You
can add an ACE to any ACL that you previously created when you chose the Source and Destination
IP Address (uses ACL) option for a service policy rule on this interface. For this traffic class, you can
have only one set of rule actions even if you add multiple ACEs. You can add multiple ACEs to the
same traffic class by repeating this entire procedure. When you click Next, you are prompted for the
attributes of the access control entry.
• Use an existing traffic class. If you created a traffic class used by a rule on a different interface, you
can reuse the traffic class definition for this rule. Note that if you alter the traffic class for one rule, the
change is inherited by all rules that use that traffic class. If your configuration includes any class-map
commands that you entered at the CLI, those traffic class names are also available (although to view the
definition of the traffic class, you need to create the rule).
Step 4 If you selected a traffic matching criteria that requires additional configuration, enter the desired parameters
and click Next.
Step 5 On the Rule Actions page, configure one or more rule actions.
• To configure RADIUS accounting inspection, choose an inspect map from the RADIUS Accounting
Map drop-down list, or click Configure to add a map. See Features Configured with Service Policies,
on page 267 for more information.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Service Policies
• To configure connection settings, see Configure Connection Settings for Specific Traffic Classes (All
Services), on page 387.
For example, if a packet matches a rule for connection limits, and also matches a rule for application inspection,
then both rule actions are applied.
If a packet matches a rule for application inspection, but also matches another rule that includes application
inspection, then the second rule actions are not applied.
If your rule includes an ACL with multiple ACEs, then the order of ACEs also affects the packet flow. The
ASA tests the packet against each ACE in the order in which the entries are listed. After a match is found, no
more ACEs are checked. For example, if you create an ACE at the beginning of an ACL that explicitly permits
all traffic, no further statements are ever checked.
To change the order of rules or ACEs within a rule, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules pane, choose the rule or ACE that you want to
move up or down.
Step 2 Click the Move Up or Move Down button.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Service Policies
Note If you rearrange ACEs in an ACL that is used in multiple service policies, then the change is inherited
in all service policies.
Step 3 When you are done rearranging your rules or ACEs, click Apply.
Management class map for use with RADIUS 7.2(1) The management class map was introduced for use with
accounting traffic RADIUS accounting traffic. The following commands were
introduced: class-map type management, and inspect
Inspection policy maps 7.2(1) The inspection policy map was introduced. The following
command was introduced: class-map type inspect.
Regular expressions and policy maps 7.2(1) Regular expressions and policy maps were introduced to be
used under inspection policy maps. The following commands
were introduced: class-map type regex, regex, match regex.
Match any for inspection policy maps 8.0(2) The match any keyword was introduced for use with inspection
policy maps: traffic can match one or more criteria to match
the class map. Formerly, only match all was available.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Getting Started with Application Layer Protocol
The following topics describe how to configure application layer protocol inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Application Layer Protocol Inspection
Other applications embed an IP address in the packet that needs to match the source address that is normally
translated when it goes through the ASA.
If you use applications like these, then you need to enable application inspection.
When you enable application inspection for a service that embeds IP addresses, the ASA translates embedded
addresses and updates any checksum or other fields that are affected by the translation.
When you enable application inspection for a service that uses dynamically assigned ports, the ASA monitors
sessions to identify the dynamic port assignments, and permits data exchange on these ports for the duration
of the specific session.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Application Inspection
If an action drops a packet, then no further actions are performed in the inspection policy map. For example,
if the first action is to reset the connection, then it will never match any further match criteria. If the first action
is to log the packet, then a second action, such as resetting the connection, can occur.
If a packet matches multiple match criteria that are the same, then they are matched in the order they appear
in the policy map.
A class map is determined to be the same type as another class map or direct match based on the lowest priority
match option in the class map (the priority is based on the internal rules). If a class map has the same type of
lowest priority match option as another class map, then the class maps are matched according to the order
they are added to the policy map. If the lowest priority match for each class map is different, then the class
map with the higher priority match option is matched first.
The following inspections are not supported in clustering:
• Diameter inspection of SCTP traffic. Inspection of TCP traffic is supported.
• H323, H225, and RAS
• IPsec passthrough
• SCCP (Skinny)
Supports IPv6 for the following inspections:
• Diameter
• IPsec pass-through
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for Application Inspection
• IPv6
• SCCP (Skinny)
Additional Guidelines
• Some inspection engines do not support PAT, NAT, outside NAT, or NAT between same security
interfaces. For more information about NAT support, see Default Inspections and NAT Limitations,
on page 284.
• For all the application inspections, the ASA limits the number of simultaneous, active data connections
to 200 connections. For example, if an FTP client opens multiple secondary connections, the FTP
inspection engine allows only 200 active connections and the 201 connection is dropped and the adaptive
security appliance generates a system error message.
• Inspected protocols are subject to advanced TCP-state tracking, and the TCP state of these connections
is not automatically replicated. While these connections are replicated to the standby unit, there is a
best-effort attempt to re-establish a TCP state.
• TCP/UDP Traffic directed to the ASA (to an interface) is inspected by default. However, ICMP traffic
directed to an interface is never inspected, even if you enable ICMP inspection. Thus, a ping (echo
request) to an interface can fail under specific circumstances, such as when the echo request comes from
a source that the ASA can reach through a backup default route.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for Application Inspection
The following table lists all inspections supported, the default ports used in the default class map, and the
inspection engines that are on by default, shown in bold. This table also notes any NAT limitations. In this
• Inspection engines that are enabled by default for the default port are in bold.
• The ASA is in compliance with the indicated standards, but it does not enforce compliance on packets
being inspected. For example, FTP commands are supposed to be in a particular order, but the ASA
does not enforce the order.
Default Protocol,
Application Port NAT Limitations Standards Comments
CTIQBE TCP/2748 No extended PAT. — —
No NAT64.
(Clustering) No static PAT.
DNS over UDP UDP/53 No NAT support is available for RFC 1123 —
name resolution through WINS.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for Application Inspection
Default Protocol,
Application Port NAT Limitations Standards Comments
ICMP ICMP — — ICMP traffic directed to an ASA
interface is never inspected.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for Application Inspection
Default Protocol,
Application Port NAT Limitations Standards Comments
RTSP TCP/554 No extended PAT. RFC 2326, 2327, No handling for HTTP cloaking.
No NAT64.
(Clustering) No static PAT.
ScanSafe (Cloud TCP/80 TCP/413 — — These ports are not included in the
Web Security) default-inspection-traffic class for
the ScanSafe inspection.
SIP TCP/5060 No NAT on same security interfaces. RFC 2543 Does not handle TFTP uploaded
UDP/5060 Cisco IP Phone configurations under
No extended PAT.
certain circumstances.
No per-session PAT.
No NAT64 or NAT46.
(Clustering) No static PAT.
SKINNY TCP/2000 No NAT on same security interfaces. — Does not handle TFTP uploaded
(SCCP) Cisco IP Phone configurations under
No extended PAT.
certain circumstances.
No per-session PAT.
No NAT64, NAT46, or NAT66.
(Clustering) No static PAT.
SNMP UDP/161, 162 No NAT or PAT. RFC 1155, 1157, v.2 RFC 1902-1908; v.3 RFC
1212, 1213, 1215 2570-2580.
Sun RPC over UDP/111 No extended PAT. — The default rule includes UDP port
UDP and TCP 111; if you want to enable Sun RPC
No NAT64.
inspection for TCP port 111, you
need to create a new rule that
matches TCP port 111 and performs
Sun RPC inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection
Default Protocol,
Application Port NAT Limitations Standards Comments
TFTP UDP/69 No NAT64. RFC 1350 Payload IP addresses are not
(Clustering) No static PAT.
VXLAN UDP/4789 Not applicable RFC 7348 Virtual Extensible Local Area
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection
• To create a new rule, click Add > Add Service Policy Rule. Proceed through the wizard to the Rules
• If you have another inspection rule, or a rule to which you are adding an inspection, select it and click
If you want to match non-standard ports, then create a new rule for the non-standard ports. See Default
Inspections and NAT Limitations, on page 284 for the standard ports for each inspection engine.
You can combine multiple rules in the same service policy if desired, so you can create one rule to match
certain traffic, and another to match different traffic. However, if traffic matches a rule that contains an
inspection action, and then matches another rule that also has an inspection action, only the first matching
rule is used.
If you are implementing RADIUS accounting inspection, create a management service policy rule instead.
See Configure RADIUS Accounting Inspection, on page 365.
Step 3 On the Rule Actions wizard page or tab, select the Protocol Inspection tab.
Step 4 (To change an in-use policy) If you are editing any in-use policy to use a different inspection policy map, you
must disable the inspection, and then re-enable it with the new inspection policy map name:
a) Uncheck the protocol’s check box.
b) Click OK.
c) Click Apply.
d) Repeat these steps to return to the Protocol Inspections tab.
Step 5 Select the inspection type that you want to apply.
You can select multiple options on the default inspection traffic class only.
Some inspection engines let you control additional parameters when you apply the inspection to the traffic.
Click Configure for the inspection type to configure an inspection policy map and other options. You can
either choose an existing map, or create a new one. You can predefine inspection policy maps from the
Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps list.
The following table lists the protocols you can inspect, whether they allow inspection policy maps or inspection
class maps, and a pointer to detailed information about the inspection.
Supports Supports
Inspection Inspection Class
Protocol Policy Maps Maps Notes
CTIQBE No No See CTIQBE Inspection, on page 331.
Cloud Web Yes Yes If you want to enable ScanSafe (Cloud Web Security),
Security use the procedure described in the following topic
rather than this procedure: Configure a Service Policy
to Send Traffic to Cloud Web Security, on page 133.
The cited procedure explains the full policy
configuration, including how to configure the policy
inspection map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection
Supports Supports
Inspection Inspection Class
Protocol Policy Maps Maps Notes
Diameter Yes Yes See Diameter Inspection, on page 354.
IPSec Pass Thru Yes No See IPsec Pass Through Inspection, on page 318.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection
Supports Supports
Inspection Inspection Class
Protocol Policy Maps Maps Notes
LISP Yes No For detailed information on configuring LISP,
including inspection, see the clustering chapter in the
general configuration guide.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Regular Expressions
Supports Supports
Inspection Inspection Class
Protocol Policy Maps Maps Notes
WAAS No No Enables TCP option 33 parsing. Use when deploying
Cisco Wide Area Application Services products.
Note As an optimization, the ASA searches on the deobfuscated URL. Deobfuscation compresses multiple
forward slashes (/) into a single slash. For strings that commonly use double slashes, like “http://”, be sure
to search for “http:/” instead.
The following table lists the metacharacters that have special meanings.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Regular Expressions
{x} or {x,} Minimum repeat quantifier Repeat at least x times. For example, ab(xy){2,}z
matches abxyxyz, abxyxyxyz, and so on.
[abc] Character class Matches any character in the brackets. For example,
[abc] matches a, b, or c.
[^abc] Negated character class Matches a single character that is not contained within
the brackets. For example, [^abc] matches any
character other than a, b, or c. [^A-Z] matches any
single character that is not an uppercase letter.
[a-c] Character range class Matches any character in the range. [a-z] matches
any lowercase letter. You can mix characters and
ranges: [abcq-z] matches a, b, c, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x,
y, z, and so does [a-cq-z].
The dash (-) character is literal only if it is the last or
the first character within the brackets: [abc-] or
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Regular Expressions
\NNN Escaped octal number Matches an ASCII character as octal (exactly three
digits). For example, the character 040 represents a
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Regular Expressions.
Step 2 In the Regular Expressions area, do one of the following:
• Choose Add to add a new object. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing object and click Edit.
Step 3 Either enter the regular expression in the Value field, or click Build to get help creating the expression.
The regular expression is limited to 100 characters in length.
If you click Build, use the following process to create the expression:
a) In the Build Snippet area, create a component of the expression using the following options. Look at the
Snippet Preview area at the end of this section to see the expression you are building.
• Starts at the beginning of the line (^)—Indicates that the snippet should start at the beginning of a
line, using the caret (^) metacharacter. Be sure to insert any snippet with this option at the beginning
of the regular expression.
• Specify Character String—If you are trying to match a specific string, such as a word or phrase, enter
the string.
If there are any metacharacters in your text string that you want to be used literally, choose Escape
Special Characters to add the backslash (\) escape character before them. for example, if you enter
“,” this option converts it to “example\.com”.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Regular Expressions
If you want to match upper and lower case characters, choose Ignore Case. For example, “cats” is
converted to “[cC][aA][tT][sS]”.
• Specify Character—If you are trying to match a specific type of character or set of characters, rather
than a particular phrase, select this option and identify the characters using these options:
◦Negate the character—Specifies not to match the character you identify.
◦Any character (.)—Inserts the period (.) metacharacter to match any character. For example,
d.g matches dog, dag, dtg, and any word that contains those characters, such as doggonnit.
◦Character set—Inserts a character set. Text can match any character in the set. For example,
if you specify [0-9A-Za-z], then this snippet will match any character from A to Z (upper or
lower case) or any digit 0 through 9. The [\n\f\r\t] set matches a new line, form feed, carriage
return, or a tab.
◦Special character—Inserts a character that requires an escape, including \, ?, *, +, |, ., [, (, or
^. The escape character is the backslash (\), which is automatically entered when you choose
this option.
◦Whitespace character—Whitespace characters include \n (new line), \f (form feed), \r (carriage
return), or \t (tab).
◦Three digit octal number—Matches an ASCII character as octal (up to three digits). For
example, the character \040 represents a space. The backslash (\) is entered automatically.
◦Two digit hexadecimal number—Matches an ASCII character using hexadecimal (exactly
two digits). The backslash (\) is entered automatically.
◦Specified character—Enter any single character.
b) Add the snippet to the regular expression box using one of the following buttons. Note that you can also
type directly in the regular expression.
• Append Snippet—Adds the snippet to the end of the regular expression.
• Append Snippet as Alternate—Adds the snippet to the end of the regular expression separated by
a pipe (|), which matches either expression it separates. For example, dog|cat matches dog or cat.
• Insert Snippet at Cursor—Inserts the snippet at the cursor.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Inspection Policies
• At least—Repeat at least x times. For example, ab(xy){2,}z matches abxyxyz, abxyxyxyz, and so
• Exactly—Repeat exactly x times. For example, ab(xy){3}z matches abxyxyxyz.
e) Click Test to verify your expression will match the intended text. If the test is unsuccessful, you can try
editing it in the test dialog, or return to the expression builder. If you edit the expression in the text dialog
and click OK, the edits are saved and reflected in the expression builder.
f) Click OK.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Regular Expressions.
Step 2 In the Regular Expressions Classes area, do one of the following:
• Choose Add to add a new class map. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
• Choose an existing class map and click Edit.
Step 3 Select the expressions you want in the map and click Add. Remove any you do not want.
Step 4 Click OK.
Global policy:
Service-policy: global_policy
Class-map: inspection_default
Inspect: dns preset_dns_map, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0,
5-min-pkt-rate 0 pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0
message-length maximum client auto, drop 0
message-length maximum 512, drop 0
dns-guard, count 0
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Application Inspection
protocol-enforcement, drop 0
nat-rewrite, count 0
• show conn
Shows current connections for traffic passing through the device. This command has a wide range of
keywords so that you can get information about various protocols.
• Additional commands for specific inspected protocols:
◦show ctiqbe
Displays information about the media connections allocated by the CTIQBE inspection engine
◦show h225
Displays information for H.225 sessions.
◦show h245
Displays information for H.245 sessions established by endpoints using slow start.
◦show h323 ras
Displays connection information for H.323 RAS sessions established between a gatekeeper and
its H.323 endpoint.
◦show mgcp {commands | sessions }
Displays the number of MGCP commands in the command queue or the number of existing MGCP
◦show sip
Displays information for SIP sessions.
◦show skinny
Displays information for Skinny (SCCP) sessions.
◦show sunrpc-server active
Displays the pinholes opened for Sun RPC services.
Regular expressions and policy maps 7.2(1) Regular expressions and policy maps were introduced to be
used under inspection policy maps. The following commands
were introduced: class-map type regex, regex, match regex.
Match any for inspection policy maps 8.0(2) The match any keyword was introduced for use with inspection
policy maps: traffic can match one or more criteria to match
the class map. Formerly, only match all was available.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Application Inspection
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Inspection of Basic Internet Protocols
The following topics explain application inspection for basic Internet protocols. For information on why you
need to use inspection for certain protocols, and the overall methods for applying inspection, see Getting
Started with Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on page 281.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
DCERPC Inspection
DCERPC Inspection
DCERPC inspection is not enabled in the default inspection policy, so you must enable it if you need this
inspection. You can simply edit the default global inspection policy to add DCERPC inspection. You can
alternatively create a new service policy as desired, for example, an interface-specific policy.
The following sections describe the DCERPC inspection engine.
DCERPC Overview
Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (MSRPC), based on DCERPC, is a protocol widely used by Microsoft
distributed client and server applications that allows software clients to execute programs on a server remotely.
This typically involves a client querying a server called the Endpoint Mapper listening on a well known port
number for the dynamically allocated network information of a required service. The client then sets up a
secondary connection to the server instance providing the service. The security appliance allows the appropriate
port number and network address and also applies NAT, if needed, for the secondary connection.
The DCERPC inspection engine inspects for native TCP communication between the EPM and client on well
known TCP port 135. Map and lookup operations of the EPM are supported for clients. Client and server can
be located in any security zone. The embedded server IP address and Port number are received from the
applicable EPM response messages. Since a client may attempt multiple connections to the server port returned
by EPM, multiple use of pinholes are allowed, which have configurable timeouts.
DCE inspection supports the following universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) and messages:
• End point mapper (EPM) UUID. All EPM messages are supported.
• ISystemMapper UUID (non-EPM). Supported messages are:
◦RemoteCreateInstance opnum4
◦RemoteGetClassObject opnum3
• Any message that does not contain an IP address or port information because these messages do not
require inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
DCERPC Inspection
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > DCERPC.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the DCERPC Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches your
desired configuration.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for DCERPC inspection.
If you need to customize the settings further, click Details and continue with the procedure.
Tip The UUID Filtering button is a shortcut to configure message filtering, which is explained later in
this procedure.
Step 5 Configure the desired options.
• Pinhole Timeout—Sets the pinhole timeout. Because a client may use the server information returned
by the endpoint mapper for multiple connections, the timeout value is configurable based on the client
application environment. Range is from 0:0:1 to 1193:0:0.
• Enforce endpoint-mapper service—Whether to enforce the endpoint mapper service during binding
so that only its service traffic is processed.
• Enable endpoint-mapper service lookup—Whether to enable the lookup operation of the endpoint
mapper service. You can also enforce a timeout for the service lookup. If you do not configure a timeout,
the pinhole timeout is used.
Step 6 (Optional.) Click the Inspections tab and define the actions to take for specific types of messages.
You can define traffic matching criteria based on DCERPC class maps, by configuring matches directly in
the inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
DCERPC class map that defines the criteria.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). Then, select the desired UUID:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
DNS Inspection
d) Choose whether to Reset or Log the connection. You can also enable logging if you elect to reset the
connection. Resetting the connection drops the packet, closes the connection, and sends a TCP reset to
the server or client.
e) Click OK to add the criterion. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 7 Click OK.
You can now use the inspection map in a DCERPC inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
DNS Inspection
DNS inspection is enabled by default. You need to configure it only if you want non-default processing. The
following sections describe DNS application inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
DNS Inspection
matching criteria used in class maps are the same as those explained in the step relating to the Inspection tab.
You can configure DNS class maps by selecting Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Class Maps >
DNS, or by creating them while configuring the inspection map.
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > DNS.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the DNS Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches your desired
configuration. The default level is Low.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for DNS inspection.
If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and continue with the procedure.
Step 5 Click the Protocol Conformance tab and choose the desired options:
• Enable DNS guard function—Using DNS Guard, the ASA tears down the DNS session associated
with a DNS query as soon as the DNS reply is forwarded by the ASA. The ASA also monitors the
message exchange to ensure that the ID of the DNS reply matches the ID of the DNS query.
• Enable NAT re-write function—Translates the DNS record based on the NAT configuration.
• Enable protocol enforcement—Enables DNS message format check, including domain name length
of no more than 255 characters, label length of 63 characters, compression, and looped pointer check.
• Randomize the DNS identifier for DNS query.
• Enforce TSIG resource record to be present in DNS message—You can drop or log non-conforming
packets, and optionally log dropped packets.
Step 6 Click the Filtering tab and choose the desired options.
• Global Settings—Choose whether to drop packets that exceed the specified maximum length regardless
of whether they are from the client or server, from 512 to 65535 bytes.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
DNS Inspection
• Server Settings—Drop packets that exceed specified maximum length and Drop packets sent to
server that exceed length indicated by the RR—Sets the maximum server DNS message length, from
512 to 65535 bytes, or sets the maximum length to the value in the Resource Record. If you enable both
settings, the lower value is used.
• Client Settings—Drop packets that exceed specified maximum length and Drop packets sent to
server that exceed length indicated by the RR—Sets the maximum client DNS message length, from
512 to 65535 bytes, or sets the maximum length to the value in the Resource Record. If you enable both
settings, the lower value is used.
Step 7 Click the Mismatch Rate tab and choose whether to enable logging when the DNS ID mismatch rate exceeds
the specified threshold. For example, you could set a threshold of 30 mismatches per 3 seconds.
Step 8 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
You can define traffic matching criteria based on DNS class maps, by configuring matches directly in the
inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
DNS class map that defines the criteria.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). For example, if No Match is selected on
the string “,” then any traffic that contains “” is excluded from the class map.
Then, configure the criterion as follows:
• Header Flag—Select whether the flag should equal or contain the specified value, then either select
the header flag name, or enter the hex value of the header (0x0 to 0xfff). If you select multiple header
values, “equals” requires that all flags are present, “contains” that any one of the flags is present, in
the packet. Header flag names are AA (Authoritative Answer), QR (Query), RA (Recursion Available),
RD (Recursion Desired), TC (Truncation).
• Type—The DNS Type field name or value in the packet. Field names are A (IPv4 address), AXFR
(full zone transfer), CNAME (canonical name), IXFR (incremental zone transfer), NS (authoritative
name server), SOA (start of a zone of authority) or TSIG (transaction signature). Values are arbitrary
numbers in the DNS Type field from 0 to 65535: either enter a specific value or a range of values.
• Class—The DNS Class field name or value in the packet. Internet is the only possible field name.
Values are arbitrary numbers in the DNS Class field from 0 to 65535: either enter a specific value
or a range of values.
• Question—The question portion of a DNS message.
• Resource Record—The DNS resource record. Choose whether to match the additional, answer, or
authority resource record section.
d) Choose the primary action to take for matching traffic: drop packet, drop connection, mask (for Header
Flag matches only) or none.
e) Choose whether to enable or disable logging. You must disable logging if you want to enforce TSIG.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
FTP Inspection
f) Chose whether to enforce the presence of a TSIG resource record. You can drop the packet, log it, or drop
and log it. Usually, you must select Primary Action: None and Log: Disable to enforce TSIG. However,
for Header Flag matches, you can enforce TSIG along with the mask primary action.
g) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 9 Click OK in the DNS Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in a DNS inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
FTP Inspection
FTP inspection is enabled by default. You need to configure it only if you want non-default processing. The
following sections describe the FTP inspection engine.
Note If you disable FTP inspection, outbound users can start connections only in passive mode, and all inbound
FTP is disabled.
Strict FTP
Strict FTP increases the security of protected networks by preventing web browsers from sending embedded
commands in FTP requests. To enable strict FTP, click the Configure button next to FTP on the Configuration
> Firewall > Service Policy Rules > Edit Service Policy Rule > Rule Actions > Protocol Inspection tab.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
FTP Inspection
When you use strict FTP, you can optionally specify an FTP inspection policy map to specify FTP commands
that are not permitted to pass through the ASA.
Strict FTP inspection enforces the following behavior:
• An FTP command must be acknowledged before the ASA allows a new command.
• The ASA drops connections that send embedded commands.
• The 227 and PORT commands are checked to ensure they do not appear in an error string.
Caution Using strict FTP may cause the failure of FTP clients that are not strictly compliant with FTP RFCs.
With strict FTP inspection, each FTP command and response sequence is tracked for the following anomalous
• Truncated command—Number of commas in the PORT and PASV reply command is checked to see
if it is five. If it is not five, then the PORT command is assumed to be truncated and the TCP connection
is closed.
• Incorrect command—Checks the FTP command to see if it ends with <CR><LF> characters, as required
by the RFC. If it does not, the connection is closed.
• Size of RETR and STOR commands—These are checked against a fixed constant. If the size is greater,
then an error message is logged and the connection is closed.
• Command spoofing—The PORT command should always be sent from the client. The TCP connection
is denied if a PORT command is sent from the server.
• Reply spoofing—PASV reply command (227) should always be sent from the server. The TCP connection
is denied if a PASV reply command is sent from the client. This prevents the security hole when the
user executes “227 xxxxx a1, a2, a3, a4, p1, p2.”
• TCP stream editing—The ASA closes the connection if it detects TCP stream editing.
• Invalid port negotiation—The negotiated dynamic port value is checked to see if it is less than 1024. As
port numbers in the range from 1 to 1024 are reserved for well-known connections, if the negotiated
port falls in this range, then the TCP connection is freed.
• Command pipelining—The number of characters present after the port numbers in the PORT and PASV
reply command is cross checked with a constant value of 8. If it is more than 8, then the TCP connection
is closed.
• The ASA replaces the FTP server response to the SYST command with a series of Xs to prevent the
server from revealing its system type to FTP clients. To override this default behavior, use the no
mask-syst-reply command in the FTP map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
FTP Inspection
Blocking FTP based on user values is also supported so that it is possible for FTP sites to post files for
download, but restrict access to certain users. You can block FTP connections based on file type, server name,
and other attributes. System message logs are generated if an FTP connection is denied after inspection.
If you want FTP inspection to allow FTP servers to reveal their system type to FTP clients, and limit the
allowed FTP commands, then create and configure an FTP inspection policy map. You can then apply the
map when you enable FTP inspection.
You can optionally create an FTP inspection class map to define the traffic class for FTP inspection. The other
option is to define the traffic classes directly in the FTP inspection policy map. The difference between creating
a class map and defining the traffic match directly in the inspection map is that you can create more complex
match criteria and you can reuse class maps. Although this procedure explains inspection maps, the matching
criteria used in class maps are the same as those explained in the step relating to the Inspection tab. You can
configure DNS class maps by selecting Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Class Maps > FTP, or
by creating them while configuring the inspection map.
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > FTP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the FTP Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches your desired
configuration. The default level is High.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for FTP inspection.
If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and continue with the procedure.
Tip The File Type Filtering button is a shortcut to configure file media or MIME type inspection, which
is explained later in this procedure.
Step 5 Click the Parameters tab and choose whether to mask the greeting banner from the server or mask the reply
to the SYST command.
Masking these items prevents the client from discovering server information that might be helpful in an attack.
Step 6 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
FTP Inspection
You can define traffic matching criteria based on FTP class maps, by configuring matches directly in the
inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
FTP class map that defines the criteria.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). For example, if No Match is selected on
the string “,” then any traffic that contains “” is excluded from the class map.
Then, configure the criterion as follows:
• File Name—Match the name of the file being transferred against the selected regular expression or
regular expression class.
• File Type—Match the MIME or media type of the file being transferred against the selected regular
expression or regular expression class.
• Server—Match the FTP server name against the selected regular expression or regular expression
• User—Match the name of the logged-in user against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class.
• Request Command—The FTP command used in the packet, any combination of the following:
◦APPE—Append to a file.
◦CDUP—Changes to the parent directory of the current working directory.
◦DELE—Delete a file on the server.
◦GET—Gets a file from the server.
◦HELP—Provides help information.
◦MKD—Makes a directory on the server.
◦PUT—Sends a file to the server.
◦RMD—Deletes a directory on the server.
◦RNFR—Specifies the “rename-from” filename.
◦RNTO—Specifies the “rename-to” filename.
◦SITE—Used to specify a server-specific command. This is usually used for remote
◦STOU—Stores a file using a unique file name.
d) Choose whether to enable or disable logging. The action is always to reset the connection, which drops
the packet, closes the connection, and sends a TCP reset to the server or client.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
HTTP Inspection
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
HTTP Inspection
If you are not using a purpose-built module for HTTP inspection and application filtering, such as ASA CX
or ASA FirePOWER, you can manually configure HTTP inspection on the ASA.
HTTP inspection is not enabled in the default inspection policy, so you must enable it if you need this inspection.
However, the default inspect class does include the default HTTP ports, so you can simply edit the default
global inspection policy to add HTTP inspection. You can alternatively create a new service policy as desired,
for example, an interface-specific policy.
Tip Do not configure HTTP inspection in both a service module and on the ASA, as the inspections are not
Tip You can install a service module that performs application and URL filtering, which includes HTTP
inspection, such as ASA CX or ASA FirePOWER. The HTTP inspection running on the ASA is not
compatible with these modules. Note that it is far easier to configure application filtering using a
purpose-built module rather than trying to manually configure it on the ASA using an HTTP inspection
policy map.
Use the HTTP inspection engine to protect against specific attacks and other threats that are associated with
HTTP traffic.
HTTP application inspection scans HTTP headers and body, and performs various checks on the data. These
checks prevent various HTTP constructs, content types, and tunneling and messaging protocols from traversing
the security appliance.
The enhanced HTTP inspection feature, which is also known as an application firewall and is available when
you configure an HTTP inspection policy map, can help prevent attackers from using HTTP messages for
circumventing network security policy.
HTTP application inspection can block tunneled applications and non-ASCII characters in HTTP requests
and responses, preventing malicious content from reaching the web server. Size limiting of various elements
in HTTP request and response headers, URL blocking, and HTTP server header type spoofing are also
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
HTTP Inspection
Enhanced HTTP inspection verifies the following for all HTTP messages:
• Conformance to RFC 2616
• Use of RFC-defined methods only.
• Compliance with the additional criteria.
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > HTTP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the HTTP Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches your
desired configuration. The default level is Low.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for HTTP inspection.
If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and continue with the procedure.
Tip The URI Filtering button is a shortcut to configure Request URI inspection, which is explained later
in this procedure.
Step 5 Click the Parameters tab and configure the desired options.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
HTTP Inspection
• Body Match Maximum—The maximum number of characters in the body of an HTTP message that
should be searched in a body match. Default is 200 bytes. A large number will have a significant impact
on performance.
• Check for protocol violations—Whether to verify that packets conform to the HTTP protocol. For
violations, you can drop the connection, reset it, or log it. When dropping or resetting, you can also
enable logging.
• Spoof server string—Replaces the server HTTP header value with the specified string, up to 82
Step 6 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
You can define traffic matching criteria based on HTTP class maps, by configuring matches directly in the
inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
HTTP class map that defines the criteria.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). For example, if No Match is selected on
the string “,” then any traffic that contains “” is excluded from the class map.
Then, configure the criterion as follows:
• Request/Response Content Type Mismatch—Match packets where the content type in the response
does not match one of the MIME types in the accept field of the request.
• Request Arguments—Match the arguments of the request against the selected regular expression or
regular expression class.
• Request Body Length—Match packets where the body of the request is greater than the specified
number of bytes.
• Request Body—Match the body of the request against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class.
• Request Header Field Count—Match packets where the number of header fields in the request is
greater than the specified count. You can match the field header type to a regular expression or to a
predefined type. The predefined types are: accept, accept-charset, accept-encoding, accept-language,
allow, authorization, cache-control, connection, content-encoding, content-language, content-length,
content-location, content-md5, content-range, content-type, cookie, date, expect, expires, from, host,
if-match, if-modified-since, if-none-match, if-range, if-unmodified-since, last-modified, max-forwards,
pragma, proxy-authorization, range, referer, te, trailer, transfer-encoding, upgrade, user-agent, via,
• Request Header Field Length—Match packets where the length of the header field in the request is
greater than the specified bytes. You can match the field header type to a regular expression or to a
predefined type. The predefined types are listed above for Request Header Field Count.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
HTTP Inspection
• Request Header Field—Match the content of the selected header field in the request against the
selected regular expression or regular expression class. You can specify a predefined header type or
use a regular expression to select the headers.
• Request Header Count—Match packets where the number of headers in the request is greater than
the specified number.
• Request Header Length—Match packets where the length of the header in the request is greater than
the specified bytes.
• Request Header Non-ASCII—Match packets where the header in the request contains non-ASCII
• Request Method—Match packets where the request method matches the predefined type or the
selected regular expression or regular expression class. The predefined types are: bcopy, bdelete,
bmove, bpropfind, bproppatch, connect, copy, delete, edit, get, getattribute, getattributenames,
getproperties, head, index, lock, mkcol, mkdir, move, notify, options, poll, post, propfind, proppatch,
put, revadd, revlabel, revlog, revnum, save, search, setattribute, startrev, stoprev, subscribe, trace,
unedit, unlock, unsubscribe.
• Request URI Length—Match packets where the length of the URI of the request is greater than the
specified bytes.
• Request URI—Match the content of the URI of the request against the selected regular expression
or regular expression class.
• Request Body—Match the body of the request against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class, or to ActiveX or Java Applet content.
• Response Body Length—Match packets where the length of the body of the response is greater than
the specified bytes.
• Response Header Field Count—Match packets where the number of header fields in the response is
greater than the specified count. You can match the field header type to a regular expression or to a
predefined type. The predefined types are: accept-ranges, age, allow, cache-control, connection,
content-encoding, content-language, content-length, content-location, content-md5, content-range,
content-type, date, etag, expires, last-modified, location, pragma, proxy-authenticate, retry-after,
server, set-cookie, trailer, transfer-encoding, upgrade, vary, via, warning, www-authenticate.
• Response Header Field Length—Match packets where the length of the header field in the response
is greater than the specified bytes. You can match the field header type to a regular expression or to
a predefined type. The predefined types are listed above for Response Header Field Count.
• Response Header Field—Match the content of the selected header field in the response against the
selected regular expression or regular expression class. You can specify a predefined header type or
use a regular expression to select the headers.
• Response Header Count—Match packets where the number of headers in the response is greater
than the specified number.
• Response Header Length—Match packets where the length of the header in the response is greater
than the specified bytes.
• Response Header Non-ASCII—Match packets where the header in the response contains non-ASCII
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ICMP Inspection
• Response Status Line—Match the content of the response status line against the selected regular
expression or regular expression class.
d) Choose whether to drop the connection, reset it, or log it. For drop connection and reset, you can enable
or disable logging.
e) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 7 Click OK in the HTTP Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in a HTTP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
ICMP Inspection
The ICMP inspection engine allows ICMP traffic to have a “session” so it can be inspected like TCP and UDP
traffic. Without the ICMP inspection engine, we recommend that you do not allow ICMP through the ASA
in an ACL. Without stateful inspection, ICMP can be used to attack your network. The ICMP inspection
engine ensures that there is only one response for each request, and that the sequence number is correct.
However, ICMP traffic directed to an ASA interface is never inspected, even if you enable ICMP inspection.
Thus, a ping (echo request) to an interface can fail under specific circumstances, such as when the echo request
comes from a source that the ASA can reach through a backup default route.
For information on enabling ICMP inspection, see Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on page
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
ILS Inspection
ILS Inspection
The Internet Locator Service (ILS) inspection engine provides NAT support for Microsoft NetMeeting,
SiteServer, and Active Directory products that use LDAP to exchange directory information with an ILS
server. You cannot use PAT with ILS inspection because only IP addresses are stored by an LDAP database.
For search responses, when the LDAP server is located outside, consider using NAT to allow internal peers
to communicate locally while registered to external LDAP servers. If you do not need to use NAT, we
recommend that you turn off the inspection engine to provide better performance.
Additional configuration may be necessary when the ILS server is located inside the ASA border. This would
require a hole for outside clients to access the LDAP server on the specified port, typically TCP 389.
Note Because ILS traffic (H225 call signaling) only occurs on the secondary UDP channel, the TCP connection
is disconnected after the TCP inactivity interval. By default, this interval is 60 minutes and can be adjusted
using the TCP timeout command. In ASDM, this is on the Configuration > Firewall > Advanced >
Global Timeouts pane.
For information on enabling ILS inspection, see Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on page
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Instant Messaging Inspection
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > Instant Messaging (IM).
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic characteristics.
You can define traffic matching criteria based on IM class maps, by configuring matches directly in the
inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
IM class map that defines the criteria. Click Manage to create new class maps.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). For example, if No Match is selected on
the string “,” then any traffic that contains “” is excluded from the class map.
Then, configure the criterion.
• Protocol—Match traffic of a specific IM protocol, such as Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger.
• Service—Match a specific IM service, such as chat, file transfer, web cam, voice chat, conference,
or games.
• Version—Match the version of the IM message against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class.
• Client Login Name—Match the source client login name of the IM message against the selected
regular expression or regular expression class.
• Client Peer Login Name—Match the destination peer login name of the IM message against the
selected regular expression or regular expression class.
• Source IP Address—Match the source IP address and mask.
• Destination IP Address—Match the destination IP address and mask.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
IP Options Inspection
• Filename—Match the filename of the IM message against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class.
d) Choose whether to drop the connection, reset it, or log it. For drop connection and reset, you can enable
or disable logging.
e) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 5 Click OK in the IM Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in a IM inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
IP Options Inspection
You can configure IP Options inspection to control which IP packets are allowed based on the contents of the
IP Options field in the packet header. You can drop packets that have unwanted options, clear the options
(and allow the packet), or allow the packet without change.
IP options provide control functions that are required in some situations but unnecessary for most common
communications. In particular, IP options include provisions for time stamps, security, and special routing.
Use of IP Options is optional, and the field can contain zero, one, or more options.
For a list of IP options, with references to the relevant RFCs, see the IANA page,
IP options inspection is enabled by default. You need to configure it only if you want to allow additional
options than the default map allows.
The following sections describe IP Options inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
IP Options Inspection
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > IP Options.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Choose which options you want to allow by moving them from the Drop list to the Allow list.
Consider the following tips:
• The “default” option sets the default behavior for options not included in the map. If you move it to the
Allowed list, even options shown in the Drop list will be allowed.
• For any option you allow, you can check the Clear box to remove the option from the packet header
before transmitting the packet.
• Some options are listed by option type number. The number is the whole option type octet (copy, class,
and option number), not just the option number portion of the octet. These option types might not
represent real options. Non-standard options must be in the expected type-length-value format defined
in the Internet Protocol RFC 791,
• If a packet includes more than one type of option, it is dropped so long as the action for one of those
types is to drop the packet.
For a list of IP options, with references to the relevant RFCs, see the IANA page,
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
IPsec Pass Through Inspection
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > IPsec Pass Through.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
IPv6 Inspection
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the IPsec Pass Through Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best
matches your desired configuration.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for IPsec Pass Through inspection.
If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and continue with the procedure.
IPv6 Inspection
IPv6 inspection lets you selectively log or drop IPv6 traffic based on the extension header. In addition, IPv6
inspection can check conformance to RFC 2460 for type and order of extension headers in IPv6 packets.
IPv6 inspection is not enabled in the default inspection policy, so you must enable it if you need this inspection.
You can simply edit the default global inspection policy to add IPv6 inspection. You can alternatively create
a new service policy as desired, for example, an interface-specific policy.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > IPv6.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
NetBIOS Inspection
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Click the Enforcement tab and choose whether to permit only known IPv6 extension headers or to enforce
the order of IPv6 extension headers as defined in RFC 2460. Non-conforming packets are dropped and logged.
Step 5 (Optional) Click the Header Matches tab to identify traffic to drop or log based on the headers in IPv6
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
c) Choose whether to drop or log the packet. If you drop the packet, you can also enable logging.
d) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 6 Click OK in the IPv6 Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in an IPv6 inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
NetBIOS Inspection
NetBIOS application inspection performs NAT for the embedded IP address in the NetBIOS name service
(NBNS) packets and NetBIOS datagram services packets. It also enforces protocol conformance, checking
the various count and length fields for consistency.
NetBIOS inspection is enabled by default. You can optionally create a policy map to drop or log NetBIOS
protocol violations. The following procedure explains how to configure a NetBIOS inspection policy map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
PPTP Inspection
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > NetBIOS.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Select Check for Protocol Violations. There is no reason to create a map if you do not select this option.
Step 5 Select the action to take, either to drop the packet or log it. If you drop the packet, you can also enable logging.
Step 6 Click OK.
You can now use the inspection map in a NetBIOS inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
PPTP Inspection
PPTP is a protocol for tunneling PPP traffic. A PPTP session is composed of one TCP channel and usually
two PPTP GRE tunnels. The TCP channel is the control channel used for negotiating and managing the PPTP
GRE tunnels. The GRE tunnels carry PPP sessions between the two hosts.
When enabled, PPTP application inspection inspects PPTP protocol packets and dynamically creates the GRE
connections and xlates necessary to permit PPTP traffic.
Specifically, the ASA inspects the PPTP version announcements and the outgoing call request/response
sequence. Only PPTP Version 1, as defined in RFC 2637, is inspected. Further inspection on the TCP control
channel is disabled if the version announced by either side is not Version 1. In addition, the outgoing-call
request and reply sequence are tracked. Connections and xlates are dynamically allocated as necessary to
permit subsequent secondary GRE data traffic.
The PPTP inspection engine must be enabled for PPTP traffic to be translated by PAT. Additionally, PAT is
only performed for a modified version of GRE (RFC2637) and only if it is negotiated over the PPTP TCP
control channel. PAT is not performed for the unmodified version of GRE (RFC 1701 and RFC 1702).
For information on enabling PPTP inspection, see Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on page
RSH Inspection
RSH inspection is enabled by default. The RSH protocol uses a TCP connection from the RSH client to the
RSH server on TCP port 514. The client and server negotiate the TCP port number where the client listens
for the STDERR output stream. RSH inspection supports NAT of the negotiated port number if necessary.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SMTP and Extended SMTP Inspection
For information on enabling RSH inspection, see Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on page
ESMTP inspection monitors the command and response sequence for the following anomalous signatures:
• Truncated commands.
• Incorrect command termination (not terminated with <CR><LR>).
• The MAIL and RCPT commands specify who are the sender and the receiver of the mail. Mail addresses
are scanned for strange characters. The pipeline character (|) is deleted (changed to a blank space) and
“<” ‚”>” are only allowed if they are used to define a mail address (“>” must be preceded by “<”).
• Unexpected transition by the SMTP server.
• For unknown or unsupported commands, the inspection engine changes all the characters in the packet
to X, which are rejected by the internal server. This results in a message such as “500 Command unknown:
'XXX'.” Incomplete commands are discarded
Unsupported ESMTP commands are ATRN, ONEX, VERB, CHUNKING, and private extensions..
• TCP stream editing.
• Command pipelining.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SMTP and Extended SMTP Inspection
Note With ESMTP inspection enabled, a Telnet session used for interactive SMTP may hang if the following
rules are not observed: SMTP commands must be at least four characters in length; they must be terminated
with carriage return and line feed; and you must wait for a response before issuing the next reply.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > ESMTP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SMTP and Extended SMTP Inspection
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the ESMTP Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches your
desired configuration.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for ESMTP inspection.
If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and continue with the procedure.
Tip The MIME File Type Filtering button is a shortcut to configure file type inspection, which is explained
later in this procedure.
Step 5 Click the Parameters tab and configure the desired options.
• Mask Server Banner—Whether to mask the banner from the ESMTP server.
• Encrypted Packet Inspection—Whether to allow ESMTP over TLS (encrypted connections) without
inspection. You can optionally log encrypted connections. The default is to inspect all traffic, which
strips the STARTTLS indication from any encrypted session connection attempt and forces a plain-text
Step 6 Click the Filtering tab and configure the desired options.
• Configure mail relay—Identifies a domain name for mail relay. You can either drop the connection
and optionally log it, or log it.
• Check for special characters—Identifies the action to take for messages that include the special
characters pipe (|), back quote, and NUL in the sender or receiver email addresses. You can either drop
the connection and optionally log it, or log it.
Step 7 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match the criterion) or No Match (traffic must
not match the criterion). For example, if No Match is selected on the string “,” then any traffic
that contains “” is excluded from the class map. Then, configure the criterion:
• Body Length—Matches messages where the length of an ESMTP body message is greater than the
specified number of bytes.
• Body Line Length—Matches messages where the length of a line in an ESMTP body message is
greater than the specified number of bytes.
• Commands—Matches the command verb in the message. You can specify one or more of the
following commands: auth, data, ehlo, etrn, helo, help, mail, noop, quit, rcpt, rset, saml, soml, vrfy.
• Command Recipient Count—Matches messages where the number of recipients is greater than
the specified count.
• Command Line Length—Matches messages where the length of a line in the command verb is
greater than the specified number of bytes.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SNMP Inspection
• EHLO Reply Parameters—Matches ESMTP EHLO reply parameters. You can specify one or
more of the following parameters: 8bitmime, auth, binaryname, checkpoint, dsn, etrn, others,
pipelining, size, vrfy.
• Header Length—Matches messages where the length of an ESMTP header is greater than the
specified number of bytes.
• Header Line Length—Matches messages where the length of a line in an ESMTP header is greater
than the specified number of bytes.
• Header To: Fields Count—Matches messages where the number of To fields in the header is greater
than the specified number.
• Invalid Recipients Count—Matches messages where the number of invalid recipients is greater
than the specified count.
• MIME File Type—Matches the MIME or media file type against the specified regular expression
or regular expression class.
• MIME Filename Length—Matches messages where a file name is longer than the specified number
of bytes.
• MIME Encoding—Matches the MIME encoding type. You can specify one or more of the following
types: 7bit, 8bit, base64, binary, others, quoted-printable.
• Sender Address—Matches the sender email address against the specified regular expression or
regular expression class.
• Sender Address Length—Matches messages where the sender address is greater than the specified
number of bytes.
c) Choose whether to drop the connection, reset it, or log it. For drop connection and reset, you can enable
or disable logging. For command and EHLO reply parameter matching, you can also mask the command.
For command matching, you can also apply a rate limit in packets per second.
d) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 8 Click OK in the ESMTP Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in a ESMTP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
SNMP Inspection
SNMP application inspection lets you restrict SNMP traffic to a specific version of SNMP. Earlier versions
of SNMP are less secure; therefore, denying certain SNMP versions may be required by your security policy.
The ASA can deny SNMP versions 1, 2, 2c, or 3. You control the versions permitted by creating an SNMP
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SQL*Net Inspection
SNMP inspection is not enabled in the default inspection policy, so you must enable it if you need this
inspection. You can simply edit the default global inspection policy to add SNMP inspection. You can
alternatively create a new service policy as desired, for example, an interface-specific policy.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > SNMP.
Step 2 Click Add, or select a map and click Edit. When adding a map, enter a map name.
Step 3 Select the SNMP versions to disallow.
Step 4 Click OK.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
SQL*Net Inspection
SQL*Net inspection is enabled by default. The inspection engine supports SQL*Net versions 1 and 2, but
only the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) format. Inspection does not support the Tabular Data Stream
(TDS) format. SQL*Net messages are scanned for embedded addresses and ports, and NAT rewrite is applied
when necessary.
The default port assignment for SQL*Net is 1521. This is the value used by Oracle for SQL*Net, but this
value does not agree with IANA port assignments for Structured Query Language (SQL). If your application
uses a different port, apply the SQL*Net inspection to a traffic class that includes that port.
Note Disable SQL*Net inspection when SQL data transfer occurs on the same port as the SQL control TCP
port 1521. The security appliance acts as a proxy when SQL*Net inspection is enabled and reduces the
client window size from 65000 to about 16000 causing data transfer issues.
For information on enabling SQL*Net inspection, see Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on
page 288.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Sun RPC Inspection
Sun RPC is used by NFS and NIS. Sun RPC services can run on any port. When a client attempts to access
a Sun RPC service on a server, it must learn the port that service is running on. It does this by querying the
port mapper process, usually rpcbind, on the well-known port of 111.
The client sends the Sun RPC program number of the service and the port mapper process responds with the
port number of the service. The client sends its Sun RPC queries to the server, specifying the port identified
by the port mapper process. When the server replies, the ASA intercepts this packet and opens both embryonic
TCP and UDP connections on that port.
NAT or PAT of Sun RPC payload information is not supported.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > SUNRPC Server.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new server.
• Select a server and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
TFTP Inspection
The entry in the LOCAL column shows the IP address of the client or server on the inside interface, while
the value in the FOREIGN column shows the IP address of the client or server on the outside interface.
If necessary, you can clear these services using the clear sunrpc-server active
TFTP Inspection
TFTP inspection is enabled by default.
TFTP, described in RFC 1350, is a simple protocol to read and write files between a TFTP server and client.
The inspection engine inspects TFTP read request (RRQ), write request (WRQ), and error notification
(ERROR), and dynamically creates connections and translations, if necessary, to permit file transfer between
a TFTP client and server.
A dynamic secondary channel and a PAT translation, if necessary, are allocated on a reception of a valid read
(RRQ) or write (WRQ) request. This secondary channel is subsequently used by TFTP for file transfer or
error notification.
Only the TFTP server can initiate traffic over the secondary channel, and at most one incomplete secondary
channel can exist between the TFTP client and server. An error notification from the server closes the secondary
TFTP inspection must be enabled if static PAT is used to redirect TFTP traffic.
For information on enabling TFTP inspection, see Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on page
XDMCP Inspection
XDMCP inspection is enabled by default. XDMCP is a protocol that uses UDP port 177 to negotiate X
sessions, which use TCP when established.
For successful negotiation and start of an XWindows session, the ASA must allow the TCP back connection
from the Xhosted computer. To permit the back connection, you can use access rules to allow the TCP ports.
Alternatively, you can use the established command on the ASA. Once XDMCP negotiates the port to send
the display, the established command is consulted to verify if this back connection should be permitted.
During the XWindows session, the manager talks to the display Xserver on the well-known port 6000 | n.
Each display has a separate connection to the Xserver, as a result of the following terminal setting.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
VXLAN Inspection
VXLAN Inspection
Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) inspection works on VXLAN encapsulated traffic that
passes through the ASA. It ensures that the VXLAN header format conforms to standards, dropping any
malformed packets. VXLAN inspection is not done on traffic for which the ASA acts as a VXLAN Tunnel
End Point (VTEP) or a VXLAN gateway, as those checks are done as a normal part of decapsulating VXLAN
VXLAN packets are UDP, normally on port 4789. This port is part of the default-inspection-traffic class, so
you can simply add VXLAN inspection to the inspection_default service policy rule. Alternatively, you can
create a class for it using port or ACL matching.
VXLAN packet inspection 9.4(1) The ASA can inspect the VXLAN header to enforce compliance
with the standard format.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall
> Service Policy Rules > Add Service Policy Rule > Rule
Actions > Protocol Inspection.
IP Options inspection improvements. 9.5(1) IP Options inspection now supports all possible IP options. You
can tune the inspection to allow, clear, or drop any standard or
experimental options, including those not yet defined. You can
also set a default behavior for options not explicitly defined in
an IP options inspection map.
We changed the IP Options Inspect Map dialog box to include
additional options. You now select which options to allow and
optionally clear.
DCERPC inspection improvements and UUID 9.5(2) DCERPC inspection now supports NAT for OxidResolver
filtering ServerAlive2 opnum5 messages. You can also now filter on
DCERPC message universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) to
reset or log particular message types. There is a new DCERPC
inspection class map for UUID filtering.
We added the following screen: Configuration > Firewall >
Objects > Class Maps > DCERPC. We modified the following
screen: Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect
Maps > DCERPC.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Basic Internet Protocol Inspection
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Inspection for Voice and Video Protocols
The following topics explain application inspection for voice and video protocols. For basic information on
why you need to use inspection for certain protocols, and the overall methods for applying inspection, see
Getting Started with Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on page 281.
CTIQBE Inspection
CTIQBE protocol inspection supports NAT, PAT, and bidirectional NAT. This enables Cisco IP SoftPhone
and other Cisco TAPI/JTAPI applications to work successfully with Cisco CallManager for call setup across
the ASA.
TAPI and JTAPI are used by many Cisco VoIP applications. CTIQBE is used by Cisco TSP to communicate
with Cisco CallManager.
For information on enabling CTIQBE inspection, see Configure Application Layer Protocol Inspection, on
page 288.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
H.323 Inspection
• When Cisco CallManager is located on the higher security interface compared to Cisco IP SoftPhones,
if NAT or outside NAT is required for the Cisco CallManager IP address, the mapping must be static
as Cisco IP SoftPhone requires the Cisco CallManager IP address to be specified explicitly in its Cisco
TSP configuration on the PC.
• When using PAT or Outside PAT, if the Cisco CallManager IP address is to be translated, its TCP port
2748 must be statically mapped to the same port of the PAT (interface) address for Cisco IP SoftPhone
registrations to succeed. The CTIQBE listening port (TCP 2748) is fixed and is not user-configurable
on Cisco CallManager, Cisco IP SoftPhone, or Cisco TSP.
H.323 Inspection
H.323 inspection supports RAS, H.225, and H.245, and its functionality translates all embedded IP addresses
and ports. It performs state tracking and filtering and can do a cascade of inspect function activation. H.323
inspection supports phone number filtering, dynamic T.120 control, H.245 tunneling control, HSI groups,
protocol state tracking, H.323 call duration enforcement, and audio/video control.
H.323 inspection is enabled by default. You need to configure it only if you want non-default processing.
The following sections describe the H.323 application inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
H.323 Inspection
H.323 inspection monitors the Q.931 TCP connection to determine the H.245 port number. If the H.323
terminals are not using FastConnect, the ASA dynamically allocates the H.245 connection based on the
inspection of the H.225 messages. The H.225 connection can also be dynamically allocated when using RAS.
Within each H.245 message, the H.323 endpoints exchange port numbers that are used for subsequent UDP
data streams. H.323 inspection inspects the H.245 messages to identify these ports and dynamically creates
connections for the media exchange. RTP uses the negotiated port number, while RTCP uses the next higher
port number.
The H.323 control channel handles H.225 and H.245 and H.323 RAS. H.323 inspection uses the following
• 1718—Gate Keeper Discovery UDP port
• 1719—RAS UDP port
• 1720—TCP Control Port
You must permit traffic for the well-known H.323 port 1719 for RAS signaling. Additionally, you must permit
traffic for the well-known H.323 port 1720 for the H.225 call signaling; however, the H.245 signaling ports
are negotiated between the endpoints in the H.225 signaling. When an H.323 gatekeeper is used, the ASA
opens an H.225 connection based on inspection of the ACF and RCF messages.
After inspecting the H.225 messages, the ASA opens the H.245 channel and then inspects traffic sent over
the H.245 channel as well. All H.245 messages passing through the ASA undergo H.245 application inspection,
which translates embedded IP addresses and opens the media channels negotiated in H.245 messages.
Each UDP connection with a packet going through H.323 inspection is marked as an H.323 connection and
times out with the H.323 timeout as configured in the Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Global Timeouts
Note You can enable call setup between H.323 endpoints when the Gatekeeper is inside the network. The ASA
includes options to open pinholes for calls based on the RegistrationRequest/RegistrationConfirm
(RRQ/RCF) messages. Because these RRQ/RCF messages are sent to and from the Gatekeeper, the calling
endpoint's IP address is unknown and the ASA opens a pinhole through source IP address/port 0/0. By
default, this option is disabled.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
H.323 Inspection
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > H.323.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
H.323 Inspection
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the H.323 Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches your desired
configuration. The default level is Low.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for H.323 inspection.
Tip The Phone Number Filtering button is a shortcut to configure called or calling party inspection, which
is explained later in this procedure.
Step 5 If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and do the following:
a) Click the State Checking tab and choose whether to enable state transition checking of RAS and H.225
You can also check RCF messages and open pinholes for call signal addresses present in RRQ messages,
which enables call setup between H.323 endpoints when the Gatekeeper is inside the network. Use this
option to open pinholes for calls based on the RegistrationRequest/RegistrationConfirm (RRQ/RCF)
messages. Because these RRQ/RCF messages are sent to and from the Gatekeeper, the calling endpoint's
IP address is unknown and the ASA opens a pinhole through source IP address/port 0/0. By default, this
option is disabled.
b) Click the Call Attributes tab and choose whether to enforce a call duration limit (maximum is 1193 hours)
or to enforce the presence of calling and called party numbers during call setup.
c) Click the Tunneling and Protocol Conformance tab and choose whether check for H.245 tunneling; you
can either drop the connection or log it.
You can also choose whether to check RTP packets that are flowing on the pinholes for protocol
conformance. If you check for conformance, you can also choose whether to limit the payload to audio
or video, based on the signaling exchange.
Step 6 If necessary, click the HSI Group Parameters tab and define the HSI groups.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new group.
• Select an existing group and click Edit.
b) Specify the group ID (from 0 to 2147483647) and the IP address of the HSI.
c) To add an endpoint to the HSI group, enter the IP address, select the interface through which the endpoint
is connected to the ASA, and click Add>>. Remove any endpoints that are no longer needed. You can
have up to 10 endpoints per group.
d) Click OK to add the group. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 7 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
You can define traffic matching criteria based on H.323 class maps, by configuring matches directly in the
inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
H.323 class map that defines the criteria.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
MGCP Inspection
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). Then, configure the criterion as follows:
• Called Party—Match the H.323 called party against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class.
• Calling Party—Match the H.323 calling party against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class.
• Media Type—Match the media type: audio, video, or data.
d) Choose the action to take for matching traffic. For calling or called party matching, you can drop the
packet, drop the connection, or reset the connection. For media type matching, the action is always to drop
the packet; you can enable logging for this action.
e) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 8 Click OK in the H.323 Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in an H.323 inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
MGCP Inspection
MGCP inspection is not enabled in the default inspection policy, so you must enable it if you need this
inspection. However, the default inspect class does include the default MGCP ports, so you can simply edit
the default global inspection policy to add MGCP inspection. You can alternatively create a new service policy
as desired, for example, an interface-specific policy.
The following sections describe MGCP application inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
MGCP Inspection
MGCP messages are transmitted over UDP. A response is sent back to the source address (IP address and
UDP port number) of the command, but the response may not arrive from the same address as the command
was sent to. This can happen when multiple call agents are being used in a failover configuration and the call
agent that received the command has passed control to a backup call agent, which then sends the response.
The following figure illustrates how you can use NAT with MGCP.
MGCP endpoints are physical or virtual sources and destinations for data. Media gateways contain endpoints
on which the call agent can create, modify and delete connections to establish and control media sessions with
other multimedia endpoints. Also, the call agent can instruct the endpoints to detect certain events and generate
signals. The endpoints automatically communicate changes in service state to the call agent.
• Gateways usually listen to UDP port 2427 to receive commands from the call agent.
• The port on which the call agent receives commands from the gateway. Call agents usually listen to
UDP port 2727 to receive commands from the gateway.
Note MGCP inspection does not support the use of different IP addresses for MGCP signaling and RTP data.
A common and recommended practice is to send RTP data from a resilient IP address, such as a loopback
or virtual IP address; however, the ASA requires the RTP data to come from the same address as MGCP
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
RTSP Inspection
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > MGCP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 (Optional) Click the Command Queue tab and specify the maximum number of commands allowed in the
MGCP command queue. The default is 200, the allowed range is 1 to 2147483647.
Step 5 Click the Gateways and Call Agents tab and configure the groups of gateways and call agents for the map.
a) Click Add to create a new group, or select a group and click Edit.
b) Enter the Group ID of the call agent group. A call agent group associates one or more call agents with
one or more MGCP media gateways. The valid range is from 0 to 2147483647.
c) Add the IP addresses of the media gateways that are controlled by the associated call agents to the group
by entering them in Gateway to Be Added and clicking Add>>. Delete any gateways that are no longer
A media gateway is typically a network element that provides conversion between the audio signals carried
on telephone circuits and data packets carried over the Internet or over other packet networks. Normally,
a gateway sends commands to the default MGCP port for call agents, UDP 2727.
d) Add the IP addresses of the call agents that control the MGCP media gateways by entering them in Call
Agent to Be Added and clicking Add>>. Delete any agents that are no longer needed.
Normally, a call agent sends commands to the default MGCP port for gateways, UDP 2427.
e) Click OK in the MGCP Group dialog box. Repeat the process to add other groups as needed.
Step 6 Click OK in the MGCP Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in an MGCP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
RTSP Inspection
RTSP inspection is enabled by default. You need to configure it only if you want non-default processing. The
following sections describe RTSP application inspection.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
RTSP Inspection
Note For Cisco IP/TV, use RTSP TCP ports 554 and 8554.
RTSP applications use the well-known port 554 with TCP (rarely UDP) as a control channel. The ASA only
supports TCP, in conformity with RFC 2326. This TCP control channel is used to negotiate the data channels
that are used to transmit audio/video traffic, depending on the transport mode that is configured on the client.
The supported RDT transports are: rtp/avp, rtp/avp/udp, x-real-rdt, x-real-rdt/udp, and x-pn-tng/udp.
The ASA parses Setup response messages with a status code of 200. If the response message is traveling
inbound, the server is outside relative to the ASA and dynamic channels need to be opened for connections
coming inbound from the server. If the response message is outbound, then the ASA does not need to open
dynamic channels.
RTSP inspection does not support PAT or dual-NAT. Also, the ASA cannot recognize HTTP cloaking where
RTSP messages are hidden in the HTTP messages.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
RTSP Inspection
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > RTSP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to and click Edit.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Click the Parameters tab and configure the desired options:
• Enforce Reserve Port Protection—Whether to restrict the use of reserved ports during media port
• Maximum URL Length—The maximum length of the URL allowed in the message, 0 to 6000.
Step 5 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
You can define traffic matching criteria based on RTSP class maps, by configuring matches directly in the
inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SIP Inspection
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
RTSP class map that defines the criteria.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). For example, if No Match is selected on
the string “,” then any traffic that contains “” is excluded from the class map.
Then, configure the criterion as follows:
• URL Filter—Match the URL against the selected regular expression or regular expression class.
• Request Method—Match the request method: announce, describe, get_parameter, options, pause,
play, record, redirect, setup, set_parameters, teardown.
d) Choose the action to take for matching traffic. For URL matching, you can drop the connection or log it,
and you can enable logging of dropped connections. For Request Method matches, you can apply a rate
limit in packets per second.
e) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 6 Click OK in the RTSP Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in an RTSP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
SIP Inspection
SIP is a widely used protocol for Internet conferencing, telephony, presence, events notification, and instant
messaging. Partially because of its text-based nature and partially because of its flexibility, SIP networks are
subject to a large number of security threats.
SIP application inspection provides address translation in message header and body, dynamic opening of ports
and basic sanity checks. It also supports application security and protocol conformance, which enforce the
sanity of the SIP messages, as well as detect SIP-based attacks.
SIP inspection is enabled by default. You need to configure it only if you want non-default processing, or if
you want to identify a TLS proxy to enable encrypted traffic inspection. The following topics explain SIP
inspection in more detail.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SIP Inspection
To support SIP calls through the ASA, signaling messages for the media connection addresses, media ports,
and embryonic connections for the media must be inspected, because while the signaling is sent over a
well-known destination port (UDP/TCP 5060), the media streams are dynamically allocated. Also, SIP embeds
IP addresses in the user-data portion of the IP packet. Note that the maximum length of the SIP Request URI
that the ASA supports is 255.
Instant Messaging (IM) applications also use SIP extensions (defined in RFC 3428) and SIP-specific event
notifications (RFC 3265). After users initiate a chat session (registration/subscription), the IM applications
use the MESSAGE/INFO methods and 202 Accept responses when users chat with each other. For example,
two users can be online at any time, but not chat for hours. Therefore, the SIP inspection engine opens pinholes
that time out according to the configured SIP timeout value. This value must be configured at least five minutes
longer than the subscription duration. The subscription duration is defined in the Contact Expires value and
is typically 30 minutes.
Because MESSAGE/INFO requests are typically sent using a dynamically allocated port other than port 5060,
they are required to go through the SIP inspection engine.
Note SIP inspection supports the Chat feature only. Whiteboard, File Transfer, and Application Sharing are not
supported. RTC Client 5.0 is not supported.
• If a SIP device transmits a packet in which the SDP portion has an IP address in the owner/creator field
(o=) that is different than the IP address in the connection field (c=), the IP address in the o= field may
not be properly translated. This is due to a limitation in the SIP protocol, which does not provide a port
value in the o= field.
• When using PAT, any SIP header field which contains an internal IP address without a port might not
be translated and hence the internal IP address will be leaked outside. If you want to avoid this leakage,
configure NAT instead of PAT.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SIP Inspection
Also note that inspection of encrypted traffic is not enabled. You must configure a TLS proxy to inspect
encrypted traffic.
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > SIP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
SIP Inspection
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the SIP Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches your desired
configuration. The default level is Low.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for SIP inspection.
Step 5 If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and do the following:
a) Click the Filtering tab and choose whether to enable SIP instant messaging (IM) extensions or to permit
non-SIP traffic on the SIP port.
b) Click the IP Address Privacy tab and choose whether to hide the server and endpoint IP addresses.
c) Click the Hop Count tab and choose whether to ensure that the number of hops to the destination is greater
than 0. This checks the value of the Max-Forwards header, which cannot be zero before reaching the
destination. You must also choose the action to take for non-conforming traffic (drop packet, drop
connection, reset, or log) and whether to enable or disable logging.
d) Click the RTP Conformance tab and choose whether to check RTP packets that are flowing on the
pinholes for protocol conformance. If you check for conformance, you can also choose whether to limit
the payload to audio or video, based on the signaling exchange.
e) Click the SIP Conformance tab and choose whether to enable state transition checking and strict validation
of header fields. For each option you choose, select the action to take for non-conforming traffic (drop
packet, drop connection, reset, or log) and whether to enable or disable logging.
f) Click the Field Masking tab and choose whether to inspect non-SIP URIs in Alert-Info and Call-Info
headers and to inspect the server’s and endpoint’s software version in the User-Agent and Server headers.
For each option you choose, select the action to take (mask or log) and whether to enable or disable logging.
g) Click the TVS Server tab and identify the Trust Verification Services servers, which enable Cisco Unified
IP Phones to authenticate application servers during HTTPS establishment. You can identify up to four
servers; enter their IP addresses separated by commas. SIP inspection opens pinholes to each server for
each registered phone, and the phone decides which to use.
Configure the Trust Verification Services server on the CUCM server. If the configuration uses a non-default
port, enter the port number (in the range 1026 to 32768). The default port is 2445.
Step 6 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
You can define traffic matching criteria based on SIP class maps, by configuring matches directly in the
inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
SIP class map that defines the criteria.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). For example, if No Match is selected on
the string “,” then any traffic that contains “” is excluded from the class map.
Then, configure the criterion as follows:
• Called Party—Match the called party, as specified in the To header, against the selected regular
expression or regular expression class.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Skinny (SCCP) Inspection
• Calling Party—Match the calling party, as specified in the From header, against the selected regular
expression or regular expression class.
• Content Length—Match a SIP content header of a length greater than specified, between 0 and
65536 bytes.
• Content Type—Match the Content Type header, either the SDP type or a type that matches the
selected regular expression or regular expression class.
• IM Subscriber—Match the SIP IM subscriber against the selected regular expression or regular
expression class.
• Message Path—Match the SIP Via header against the selected regular expression or regular expression
• Request Method—Match the SIP request method: ack, bye, cancel, info, invite, message, notify,
options, prack, refer, register, subscribe, unknown, update.
• Third-Party Registration—Match the requester of a third-party registration against the selected
regular expression or regular expression class.
• URI Length—Match a URI in the SIP headers of the selected type (SIP or TEL) that is greater than
the length specified, between 0 and 65536 bytes.
d) Choose the action to take for matching traffic (drop packet, drop connection, reset, log) and whether to
enable or disable logging. For Request Method matches to “invite” and “register,” you can also apply a
rate limit in packets per second.
e) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 7 Click OK in the SIP Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in a SIP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Skinny (SCCP) Inspection
Note The ASA supports inspection of traffic from Cisco IP Phones running SCCP protocol version 22 and
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Skinny (SCCP) Inspection
Note The ASA supports stateful failover of SCCP calls except for calls that are in the middle of call setup.
Also note that inspection of encrypted traffic is not enabled. You must configure a TLS proxy to inspect
encrypted traffic.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > SCCP (Skinny).
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. You can change the security level directly, or click Customize to edit
the map. The remainder of the procedure assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the SCCP (Skinny) Inspect Map dialog box, select the level that best matches
your desired configuration. The default level is Low.
If one of the preset levels matches your requirements, you are now done. Just click OK, skip the rest of this
procedure, and use the map in a service policy rule for SCCP inspection.
Step 5 If you need to customize the settings further, click Details, and do the following:
a) Click the Parameters tab and choose among the following options:
• Enforce endpoint registration—Whether Skinny endpoints must register before placing or receiving
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Voice and Video Protocol Inspection
• Maximum Message ID—The maximum SCCP station message ID allowed. The default maximum
is 0x181. The hex number can be 0x0 to 0xffff.
• SCCP Prefix Length—The maximum and minimum SCCP prefix length. The default minimum is
4; there is no default maximum.
• Timeouts—Whether to set timeouts for media and signaling connections, and the value of those
timeouts. The defaults are 5 minutes for media, 1 hour for signaling.
b) Click the RTP Conformance tab and choose whether to check RTP packets that are flowing on the
pinholes for protocol conformance. If you check for conformance, you can also choose whether to limit
the payload to audio or video, based on the signaling exchange.
Step 6 (Optional) Click the Message ID Filtering tab to identify traffic to drop based on the station message ID field
in SCCP messages.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match the criterion) or No Match (traffic must
not match the criterion).
c) In the Value fields, identify the traffic based on the station message ID value in hexadecimal, from 0x0
to 0xffff. Either enter the value for a single message ID, or enter the beginning and ending value for a
range of IDs.
d) Choose whether to enable or disable logging. The action is always to drop the packet.
e) Click OK to add the filter. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 7 Click OK in the SCCP (Skinny) Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in an SCCP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure Application Layer Protocol
Inspection, on page 288.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Voice and Video Protocol Inspection
Improved SIP inspection performance on multiple 9.4(1) If you have multiple SIP signaling flows going through an ASA
core ASA. with multiple cores, SIP inspection performance has been
improved. However, you will not see improved performance if
you are using a TLS, phone, or IME proxy.
We did not modify any ASDM screens.
SIP inspection support in ASA clustering 9.4(1) You can now configure SIP inspection on the ASA cluster. A
control flow can be created on any unit (due to load balancing),
but its child data flows must reside on the same unit. TLS Proxy
configuration is not supported.
We did not modify any screens.
SIP inspection support for Phone Proxy and 9.4(1) You can no longer use Phone Proxy or UC-IME Proxy when
UC-IME Proxy was removed. configuring SIP inspection. Use TLS Proxy to inspect encrypted
We removed Phone Proxy and UC-IME Proxy from the Select
SIP Inspect Map service policy dialog box.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Voice and Video Protocol Inspection
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Inspection for Mobile Networks
The following topics explain application inspection for protocols used in mobile networks such as LTE.
These inspections require the Carrier license. For information on why you need to use inspection for certain
protocols, and the overall methods for applying inspection, see Getting Started with Application Layer
Protocol Inspection, on page 281.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Mobile Network Inspection Overview
You can use the ASA to provide protection against rogue roaming partners. Place the device between the
home GGSN/PGW and visited SGSN/SGW endpoints and use GTP inspection on the traffic. GTP inspection
works only on traffic between these endpoints. In GTPv2, this is known as the S5/S8 interface.
GTP and associated standards are defined by 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project). For detailed
information, see
Following are some limitations on GTP inspection:
• GTPv2 piggybacking messages are not supported. They are always dropped.
• GTPv2 emergency UE attach is supported only if it contains IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber
• GTP inspection does not inspect early data. That is, data sent from a PGW or SGW right after a Create
Session Request but before the Create Session Response.
• For GTPv2, inspection supports up to 3GPP 29.274 Release 10 version 13. For GTPv0/v1, support is
up to release 9 of 3GPP 29.060.
• GTP inspection does not support inter-SGSN handoff to the secondary PDP context. Inspection needs
to do the handoff for both primary and secondary PDP contexts.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Mobile Network Inspection Overview
The following figure illustrates the relationship between an association and its streams.
If you have SCTP traffic going through the ASA, you can control access based on SCTP ports, and implement
application layer inspection to enable connections and to optionally filter on payload protocol ID to selectively
drop, log, or rate limit applications.
The following sections describe the services available for SCTP traffic in more detail.
SCTP stateful inspection accepts or rejects packets based on the association state:
• Validating the 4-way open and close sequences for initial association establishment.
• Verifying the forward progression of TSN within an association and a stream.
• Terminating an association when seeing the ABORT chunk due to heartbeat failure. SCTP endpoints
might send the ABORT chunk in response to bombing attacks.
If you decide you do not want these enforcement checks, you can configure SCTP state bypass for specific
traffic classes, as explained in Configure Connection Settings for Specific Traffic Classes (All Services), on
page 387.
Note SCTP stateful inspection and state bypass are not available in a cluster.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Mobile Network Inspection Overview
You can apply static network object NAT to the addresses in SCTP association establishment messages.
Although you can configure static twice NAT, this is not recommended because the topology of the destination
part of the SCTP association is unknown. You cannot use dynamic NAT/PAT.
NAT for SCTP depends upon SCTP stateful inspection rather than SCTP application-layer inspection. Thus,
you cannot NAT traffic if you configure SCTP state bypass. You also cannot NAT SCTP traffic in a cluster.
Diameter Inspection
Diameter is an Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) protocol used in next-generation mobile
and fixed telecom networks such as EPS (Evolved Packet System) for LTE (Long Term Evolution) and IMS
(IP Multimedia Subsystem). It replaces RADIUS and TACACS in these networks.
Diameter uses TCP and SCTP as the transport layer, and secures communications using TCP/TLS and
SCTP/DTLS. It can optionally provide data object encryption as well. For detailed information on Diameter,
see RFC 6733.
Diameter applications perform service management tasks such as deciding user access, service authorization,
quality of service, and rate of charging. Although Diameter applications can appear on many different
control-plane interfaces in the LTE architecture, the ASA inspects Diameter command codes and attribute-value
pairs (AVP) for the following interfaces only:
• S6a: Mobility Management Entity (MME) - Home Subscription Service (HSS).
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Mobile Network Inspection Overview
Diameter inspection opens pinholes for Diameter endpoints to allow communication. The inspection supports
3GPP version 12 and is RFC 6733 compliant.
You can optionally use a Diameter inspection policy map to filter traffic based on application ID, command
codes, and AVP, to apply special actions such as dropping packets or connections, or logging them. You can
create custom AVP for newly-registered Diameter applications. Filtering lets you fine-tune the traffic you
allow on your network.
Note Diameter messages for applications that run on other interfaces will be allowed and passed through by
default. However, you can configure a Diameter inspection policy map to drop these applications by
application ID, although you cannot specify actions based on the command codes or AVP for these
unsupported applications.
Note When using RADIUS accounting inspection with GPRS enabled, the ASA checks for the
3GPP-Session-Stop-Indicator in the Accounting Request STOP messages to properly handle secondary
PDP contexts. Specifically, the ASA requires that the Accounting Request STOP messages include the
3GPP-SGSN-Address attribute before it will terminate the user sessions and all associated connections.
Some third-party GGSNs might not send this attribute by default.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Licensing for Mobile Network Protocol Inspection
All other models The Carrier license is not available on other models. You cannot inspect these protocols.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
• Unknown message IDs are dropped and logged. This behavior is confined to messages the 3GPP defines
for the S5S8 interface. Messages defined for other GPRS interfaces might be allowed with minimal
Step 4 Configure the Mobile Network Inspection Service Policy , on page 364.
Step 5 (Optional.) Configure RADIUS Accounting Inspection, on page 365.
RADIUS accounting inspection protects against over-billing attacks.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > GTP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map to view its contents. Click Customize to edit the map. The remainder of the procedure
assumes you are customizing or adding a map.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 In the Security Level view of the GTP Inspect Map dialog box, view the current configuration of the map.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
The view indicates whether the map uses default values or if you have customized it. If you need to customize
the settings further, click Details, and continue with the procedure.
Tip The IMSI Prefix Filtering button is a shortcut to configure IMSI prefix filtering, which is explained
later in this procedure.
Step 5 Click the Permit Parameters tab and configure the desired options.
• Permit Response—When the ASA performs GTP inspection, by default the ASA drops GTP responses
from GSNs or PGWs that were not specified in the GTP request. This situation occurs when you use
load-balancing among a pool of GSN/PGW endpoints to provide efficiency and scalability of GPRS.
To configure GSN/PGW pooling and thus support load balancing, create a network object group that
specifies the GSN/PGW endpoints and select this as a “From Object Group.” Likewise, create a network
object group for the SGSN/SGW and select it as the “To Object Group.” If the GSN/PGW responding
belongs to the same object group as the GSN/PGW that the GTP request was sent to and if the SGSN/SGW
is in an object group that the responding GSN/PGW is permitted to send a GTP response to, the ASA
permits the response.
The network object group can identify the endpoints by host address or by the subnet that contains them.
• Permit Errors—Whether to allow packets that are invalid or that encountered an error during inspection
to be sent through the ASA instead of being dropped.
Step 6 Click the General Parameters tab and configure the desired options:
• Maximum Number of Requests—The maximum number of GTP requests that will be queued waiting
for a response.
• Maximum Number of Tunnels—The maximum number of active GTP tunnels allowed. This is
equivalent to the number of PDP contexts or endpoints. The default is 500. New requests will be dropped
once the maximum number of tunnels is reached.
• Enforce Timeout—Whether to enforce idle timeouts for the following behaviors. Timeouts are in
hh:mm:ss format.
◦Endpoint—The maximum period of inactivity before a GTP endpoint is removed.
◦PDP-Context—The maximum period of inactivity before removing the PDP Context for a GTP
session. In GTPv2, this is the bearer context.
◦Request—The maximum period of inactivity after which a request is removed from the request
queue. Any subsequent responses to a dropped request will also be dropped.
◦Signaling—The maximum period of inactivity before GTP signaling is removed.
◦T3-Response timeout—The maximum wait time for a response before removing the connection.
◦Tunnel—The maximum period of inactivity for the GTP tunnel before it is torn down.
Step 7 Click the IMSI Prefix Filtering tab and configure IMSI prefix filtering if desired.
By default, the security appliance does not check for valid Mobile Country Code (MCC)/Mobile Network
Code (MNC) combinations. If you configure IMSI prefix filtering, the MCC and MNC in the IMSI of the
received packet is compared with the configured MCC/MNC combinations and is dropped if it does not match.
The Mobile Country Code is a non-zero, three-digit value; add zeros as a prefix for one- or two-digit values.
The Mobile Network Code is a two- or three-digit value.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
Add all permitted MCC and MNC combinations. By default, the ASA does not check the validity of MNC
and MCC combinations, so you must verify the validity of the combinations configured. To find more
information about MCC and MNC codes, see the ITU E.212 recommendation, Identification Plan for Land
Mobile Stations.
Step 8 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match the criterion) or No Match (traffic must
not match the criterion). Then, configure the criterion:
• Access Point Name—Matches the access point name against the specified regular expression or
regular expression class. By default, all messages with valid access point names are inspected and
any name is allowed.
• Message ID—Matches the message ID, from 1 to 255. You can specify one value or a range of
values. You must specify whether the message is for GTPv1 (which includes GTPv0) or GTPv2. By
default, all valid message IDs are allowed.
• Message Length—Matches messages where the length of the UDP payload is between the specified
minimum and maximum length.
• Version—Matches the GTP version, from 0 to 255. You can specify one value or a range of values.
By default all GTP versions are allowed.
c) For Message ID matching, choose whether to drop the packet or to apply a rate limit in packets per second.
The action for all other matches is to drop the packet. For all matches, you can choose whether to enable
d) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 9 Click OK in the GTP Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in a GTP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure the Mobile Network Inspection
Service Policy , on page 364.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
Note PPIDs are in data chunks, and a given packet can have multiple data chunks or even a control chunk. If a
packet includes a control chunk or multiple data chunks, the packet will not be dropped even if the assigned
action is drop. For example, if you configure an SCTP inspection policy map to drop PPID 26, and a PPID
26 data chunk is combined in a packet with a Diameter PPID data chunk, that packet will not be dropped.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > SCTP.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Drop, rate limit, or log traffic based on the PPID in SCTP data chunks.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
• Select an existing criterion and click Edit.
b) Choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match the PPID) or No Match (traffic must
not match the PPID).
For example, if you select No Match is on the Diameter PPID, then all PPIDs except Diameter are excluded
from the class map.
c) Choose the Minimum Payload PID and optionally, the Maximum Payload PID to match.
You can enter PPIDs by name or number (0-4294967295). Click the ... button in each field to select from
a list of PPIDs. If you select a maximum PPID, then the match applies to the range of PPIDs
You can find the current list of SCTP PPIDs at
d) Choose whether to drop (and log), log, or rate limit (in kilobits per second, kbps) the matching packets.
e) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 5 Click OK in the SCTP Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in an SCTP inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure the Mobile Network Inspection
Service Policy , on page 364.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
Tip You can configure inspection maps while creating service policies, in addition to the procedure explained
below. The contents of the map are the same regardless of how you create it.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > Diameter.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map and click Edit. to view its contents.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Click the Unsupported Parameters tab and choose whether you want to log messages that include unsupported
Diameter elements.
You can log application IDs, command codes, and attribute-value pairs (AVP) that are not directly supported
by the software. The default is to allow the elements without logging them.
Step 5 Click the Inspections tab and define the specific inspections you want to implement based on traffic
You can define traffic matching criteria based on Diameter class maps, by configuring matches directly in
the inspection map, or both.
a) Do any of the following:
• Click Add to add a new criterion.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
b) Choose Single Match to define the criterion directly, or Multiple Match, in which case you select the
Diameter class map that defines the criteria.
c) If you are defining the criterion here, choose the match type for the criteria: Match (traffic must match
the criterion) or No Match (traffic must not match the criterion). Then, configure the criterion as follows:
• Application ID—Enter the Diameter application name or number (0-4294967295). If there is a
range of consecutively-numbered applications that you want to match, you can include a second ID.
You can define the range by application name or number, and it applies to all the numbers between
the first and second IDs.
These applications are registered with the IANA. Following are the core supported applications, but
you can filter on other applications.
◦3gpp-rx-ts29214 (16777236)
◦3gpp-s6a (16777251)
◦3gpp-s9 (16777267)
◦common-message (0). This is the base Diameter protocol.
• Command Code—Enter the Diameter command code name or number (0-4294967295). If there is
a range of consecutively-numbered command codes that you want to match, you can include a second
code. You can define the range by command code name or number, and it applies to all the numbers
between the first and second codes.
For example, to match the Capability Exchange Request/Answer command code, CER/CEA, enter
• Attribute Value Pair—You can match the AVP by attribute only, a range of AVPs, or an AVP
based on the value of the attribute. For the AVP Begin Value, you can specify the name of a custom
AVP or one that is registered in RFCs or 3GPP technical specifications and is directly supported in
the software. Click the ... button in the field to pick from a list.
If you want to match a range of AVP, specify the AVP End Value by number only. If you want to
match an AVP by its value, you cannot specify a second code.
You can further refine the match by specifying the optional Vendor ID, from 0-4294967295. For
example, the 3GPP vendor ID is 10415, the IETF is 0.
You can configure value-matching only if the data type of the AVP is supported. For example, you
can specify an IP address for AVP that have the address data type. The list of AVP shows the data
type for each. How you specify the value differs based on the AVP data type:
◦Diameter Identity, Diameter URI, Octet String—Select the regular expression or regular
expression class objects to match these data types.
◦Address—Specify the IPv4 or IPv6 address to match. For example, or
◦Time—Specify the start and end dates and time. Both are required. Time is in 24-hour format.
◦Numeric—Specify a range of numbers. The valid number range depends on the data type:
◦Integer32: -2147483647 to 2147483647
◦Integer64: -9223372036854775807 to 9223372036854775807
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
◦Unsigned32: 0 to 4294967295
◦Unsigned64: 0 to 18446744073709551615
◦Float32: decimal point representation with 8 digit precision
◦Float64: decimal point representation with 16 digit precision
d) Choose the action to take for matching traffic: drop packet, drop connection, or log.
e) Click OK to add the inspection. Repeat the process as needed.
Step 6 Click OK in the Diameter Inspect Map dialog box.
You can now use the inspection map in a Diameter inspection service policy.
What to Do Next
You can now configure an inspection policy to use the map. See Configure the Mobile Network Inspection
Service Policy , on page 364.
Step 1 Select Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > Diameter AVP.
Step 2 Click Add to create a new AVP.
When you edit an AVP, you can change the description only.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
• Vendor ID—(Optional.) The ID number of the vendor who defined the AVP, from 0-4294967295. For
example, the 3GPP vendor ID is 10415, the IETF is 0.
• Description—(Optional.) A description of the AVP, up to 80 characters.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy, and open a rule.
• To edit the default global policy, select the “inspection_default” rule in the Global folder and click Edit.
• To create a new rule, click Add > Add Service Policy Rule. Proceed through the wizard to the Rules
• If you have a mobile network inspection rule, or a rule to which you are adding these inspections, select
it and click Edit.
Step 2 On the Rule Actions wizard page or tab, select the Protocol Inspection tab.
Step 3 (To change an in-use policy) If you are editing any in-use policy to use a different inspection policy map, you
must disable the inspections, and then re-enable them with the new inspection policy map name:
a) Uncheck the relevant already-selected check boxes: GTP, SCTP, and Diameter.
b) Click OK.
c) Click Apply.
d) Repeat these steps to return to the Protocol Inspections tab.
Step 4 Select the desired mobile network protocols: GTP, SCTP, and Diameter .
Step 5 If you want non-default inspection for one or more of these protocols, click Configure next to the options,
and do the following:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Mobile Network Inspection
a) Choose whether to use the default map or to use a GTP/SCTP/Diameter inspection policy map that you
configured. You can create the map at this time.
b) Click OK in the Select Inspect Map dialog box.
Step 6 Click OK or Finish to save the service policy rule.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > RADIUS Accounting.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new map.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 3 For new maps, enter a name (up to 40 characters) and description. When editing a map, you can change the
description only.
Step 4 Click the Host Parameters tab and add the IP addresses of each RADIUS server or GGSN.
You can optionally include a secret key so that the ASA can validate the message. Without the key, only the
IP address is checked. The ASA receives a copy of the RADIUS accounting messages from these hosts.
Step 5 Click the Other Parameters tab and configure the desired options.
• Send responses to the originator of the RADIUS accounting message—xxWhether to mask the
banner from the ESMTP server.
• Enforce user timeout—Whether to implement an idle timeout for users, and the timeout value. The
default is one hour.
• Enable detection of GPRS accounting—Whether to implement GPRS over-billing protection. The
ASA checks for the 3GPP VSA 26-10415 attribute in the Accounting-Request Stop and Disconnect
messages in order to properly handle secondary PDP contexts. If this attribute is present, then the ASA
tears down all connections that have a source IP matching the User IP address on the configured interface.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Mobile Network Inspection
• Validate Attribute—Additional criteria to use when building a table of user accounts when receiving
Accounting-Request Start messages. These attributes help when the ASA decides whether to tear down
If you do not specify additional attributes to validate, the decision is based solely on the IP address in
the Framed IP Address attribute. If you configure additional attributes, and the ASA receives a start
accounting message that includes an address that is currently being tracked, but the other attributes to
validate are different, then all connections started using the old attributes are torn down, on the assumption
that the IP address has been reassigned to a new user.
Values range from 1-191, and you can enter the command multiple times. For a list of attribute numbers
and their descriptions, see
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy, and open a rule.
• To create a new rule, click Add > Add Management Service Policy Rule. Proceed through the wizard
to the Rules page.
• If you have a RADIUS accounting inspection rule, or a management rule to which you are adding
RADIUS accounting inspection, select it, click Edit, and click the Rule Actions tab.
Step 2 (To change an in-use policy) If you are editing any in-use policy to use a different inspection policy map, you
must disable the RADIUS accounting inspection, and then re-enable it with the new inspection policy map
a) Select None for the RADIUS Accounting map.
b) Click OK.
c) Click Apply.
d) Repeat these steps to return to the Protocol Inspections tab.
Step 3 Choose the desired RADIUS Accounting Map. You can create the map at this time. For detailed information,
see Configure a RADIUS Accounting Inspection Policy Map, on page 365.
Step 4 Click OK or Finish to save the management service policy rule.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Mobile Network Inspection
You can get statistics for a specific GTP endpoint by entering the IP address on the show service-policy
inspect gtp statistics ip_address command.
Use the show service-policy inspect gtp pdp-context command to display PDP context-related information.
For GTPv2, this is the bearer context. For example:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Mobile Network Inspection
The PDP or bearer context is identified by the tunnel ID (TID), which is a combination of the values for IMSI
and NSAPI (GTPv0-1) or IMSI and EBI (GTPv2). A GTP tunnel is defined by two associated contexts in
different GSN or SGW/PGW nodes and is identified with a Tunnel ID. A GTP tunnel is necessary to forward
packets between an external packet data network and a mobile subscriber (MS) user.
Monitoring SCTP
You can use the following commands to monitor SCTP. Select Tools > Command Line Interface to enter
these commands.
• show service-policy inspect sctp
Displays SCTP inspection statistics. The sctp-drop-override counter increments each time a PPID is
matched to a drop action, but the packet was not dropped because it contained data chunks with different
PPIDs. For example:
• show sctp
Displays current SCTP cookies and associations. For example:
AssocID: 2279da7a
AssocID: 4924f520
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Mobile Network Inspection
Monitoring Diameter
You can use the following commands to monitor Diameter. Select Tools > Command Line Interface to
enter these commands.
• show service-policy inspect diameter
Displays Diameter inspection statistics. For example:
• show diameter
Displays state information for each Diameter connection. For example:
SCTP inspection 9.5(2) You can now apply application-layer inspection to Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) traffic to apply actions
based on payload protocol identifier (PPID).
We added or changed the following screens: Configuration
> Firewall > Objects > Inspect Maps > SCTP;
Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy add/edit wizard's
Rule Actions > Protocol Inspection tab.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Mobile Network Inspection
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Connection Management and Threat Detection
• Connection Settings, page 373
• Quality of Service, page 393
• Threat Detection, page 403
Connection Settings
This chapter describes how to configure connection settings for connections that go through the ASA, or for
management connections that go to the ASA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
the connection is valid. The show service-policy command includes counters to show the amount of
activity from DCD.
• TCP sequence randomization—Each TCP connection has two ISNs: one generated by the client and
one generated by the server. By default, the ASA randomizes the ISN of the TCP SYN passing in both
the inbound and outbound directions. Randomization prevents an attacker from predicting the next ISN
for a new connection and potentially hijacking the new session. You can disable randomization per
traffic class if desired.
• TCP Normalization—The TCP Normalizer protects against abnormal packets. You can configure how
some types of packet abnormalities are handled by traffic class.
• TCP State Bypass—You can bypass TCP state checking if you use asymmetrical routing in your
• SCTP State Bypass—You can bypass Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) stateful inspection
if you do not want SCTP protocol validation.
• Flow offloading—You can identify select traffic to be offloaded to a super fast path, where the flows
are switched in the NIC itself. Offloading can help you improve performance for data-intensive
applications such as large file transfers.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
Step 1 Configure Global Timeouts, on page 375. These settings change the default idle timeouts for various protocols
for all traffic that passes through the device. If you are having problems with connections being reset due to
premature timeouts, first try changing the global timeouts.
Step 2 Protect Servers from a SYN Flood DoS Attack (TCP Intercept), on page 377. Use this procedure to configure
TCP Intercept.
Step 3 Customize Abnormal TCP Packet Handling (TCP Maps, TCP Normalizer), on page 379, if you want to alter
the default TCP Normalization behavior for specific traffic classes.
Step 4 Bypass TCP State Checks for Asynchronous Routing (TCP State Bypass), on page 381, if you have this type
of routing environment.
Step 5 Disable TCP Sequence Randomization, on page 383, if the default randomization is scrambling data for certain
Step 6 Offload Large Flows, on page 384, if you need to improve performance in a computing intensive data center.
Step 7 Configure Connection Settings for Specific Traffic Classes (All Services), on page 387. This is a catch-all
procedure for connection settings. These settings can override the global defaults for specific traffic classes
using service policy rules. You also use these rules to customize TCP Normalizer, change TCP sequence
randomization, decrement time-to-live on packets, and implement other optional features.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Global Timeouts.
Step 2 Configure the timeouts by checking the boxes for timeouts you want to change and entering the new value.
All durations are displayed in the format hh:mm:ss, with a maximum duration of 1193:0:0 in most cases. In
all cases, except for Authentication absolute and Authentication inactivity, unchecking the check boxes returns
the timeout to the default value. For those two cases, clearing the check box means to reauthenticate on every
new connection.
Enter 0 to disable a timeout.
• Connection—The idle time until a connection slot is freed. This duration must be at least 5 minutes.
The default is 1 hour.
• Half-closed—The idle time until a TCP half-closed connection closes. The minimum is 30 seconds.
The default is 10 minutes.
• UDP—The idle time until a UDP connection closes. This duration must be at least 1 minute. The default
is 2 minutes.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
• ICMP—The idle time after which general ICMP states are closed. The default (and minimum) is 2
• H.323—The idle time after which H.245 (TCP) and H.323 (UDP) media connections close. The default
(and minimum) is 5 minutes. Because the same connection flag is set on both H.245 and H.323 media
connections, the H.245 (TCP) connection shares the idle timeout with the H.323 (RTP and RTCP) media
• H.225—The idle time until an H.225 signaling connection closes. The default is 1 hour. To close a
connection immediately after all calls are cleared, a timeout of 1 second (0:0:1) is recommended.
• MGCP—The idle time after which an MGCP media connection is removed. The default is 5 minutes,
but you can set it as low as 1 second.
• MGCP PAT—The idle time after which an MGCP PAT translation is removed. The default is 5 minutes.
The minimum time is 30 seconds.
• TCP Proxy Reassembly—The idle timeout after which buffered packets waiting for reassembly are
dropped, between 0:0:10 and 1193:0:0. The default is 1 minute (0:1:0).
• Floating Connection—When multiple routes exist to a network with different metrics, the ASA uses
the one with the best metric at the time of connection creation. If a better route becomes available, then
this timeout lets connections be closed so a connection can be reestablished to use the better route. The
default is 0 (the connection never times out). To make it possible to use better routes, set the timeout to
a value between 0:0:30 and 1193:0:0.
• SCTP—The idle time until a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) connection closes, between
0:1:0 and 1193:0:0. The default is 2 minutes (0:2:0).
• SUNRPC—The idle time until a SunRPC slot is freed. This duration must be at least 1 minute. The
default is 10 minutes.
• SIP—The idle time until a SIP signaling port connection closes. This duration must be at least 5 minutes.
The default is 30 minutes.
• SIP Media—The idle time until a SIP media port connection closes. This duration must be at least 1
minute. The default is 2 minutes. The SIP media timer is used for SIP RTP/RTCP with SIP UDP media
packets, instead of the UDP inactivity timeout.
• SIP Provisional Media—The timeout value for SIP provisional media connections, between 1 and 30
minutes. The default is 2 minutes.
• SIP Invite—The idle time after which pinholes for PROVISIONAL responses and media xlates will
be closed, between 0:1:0 and 00:30:0. The default is 3 minutes (0:3:0).
• SIP Disconnect—The idle time after which SIP session is deleted if the 200 OK is not received for a
CANCEL or a BYE message, between 0:0:1 and 0:10:0. The default is 2 minutes (0:2:0).
• Authentication absolute—The duration until the authentication cache times out and users have to
reauthenticate a new connection. This timer is used in cut-through proxy only, which is a AAA rule.
This duration must be shorter than the Translation Slot timeout. The system waits until the user starts a
new connection to prompt again. Before you disable caching to force authentication on every new
connection, consider the following limitations.
◦Do not set this value to 0 if passive FTP is used on the connections.
◦When Authentication Absolute is 0, HTTPS authentication may not work. If a browser initiates
multiple TCP connections to load a web page after HTTPS authentication, the first connection is
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
permitted through, but subsequent connections trigger authentication. As a result, users are
continuously presented with an authentication page, even after successful authentication. To work
around this, set the authentication absolute timeout to 1 second. This workaround opens a 1-second
window of opportunity that might allow non-authenticated users to go through the firewall if they
are coming from the same source IP address.
• Authentication inactivity—The idle time until the authentication cache times out and users have to
reauthenticate a new connection. This duration must be shorter than the Translation Slot value. This
timeout is disabled by default. This timer is used in cut-through proxy only, which is a AAA rule.
• Translation Slot—The idle time until a NAT translation slot is freed. This duration must be at least 1
minute. The default is 3 hours.
• (8.4(3) and later, not including 8.5(1) and 8.6(1)) PAT Translation Slot—The idle time until a PAT
translation slot is freed, between 0:0:30 and 0:5:0. The default is 30 seconds. You may want to increase
the timeout if upstream routers reject new connections using a freed PAT port because the previous
connection might still be open on the upstream device.
Note Ensure that you set the embryonic connection limit lower than the TCP SYN backlog queue on the server
that you want to protect. Otherwise, valid clients can no longer access the server during a SYN attack. To
determine reasonable values for embryonic limits, carefully analyze the capacity of the server, the network,
and server usage.
The end-to-end process for protecting a server from a SYN flood attack involves setting connection limits,
enabling TCP Intercept statistics, and then monitoring the results.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
• Depending on the number of CPU cores on your ASA model, the maximum concurrent and embryonic
connections can exceed the configured numbers due to the way each core manages connections. In the
worst case scenario, the ASA allows up to n-1 extra connections and embryonic connections, where n
is the number of cores. For example, if your model has 4 cores, if you configure 6 concurrent connections
and 4 embryonic connections, you could have an additional 3 of each type. To determine the number of
cores for your model, enter the show cpu core command.
Step 3 Select whether to apply the rule to a specific interface or globally to all interfaces, and click Next.
Step 4 For Traffic Classification, select Source and Destination IP Addresses (uses ACL) and click Next.
Step 5 For the ACL rule, enter the IP addresses of the servers in Destination, and specify the protocol for the servers.
Typically, you would use any for the Source. Click Next when finished.
For example, if you want to protect the web servers and, enter:
• Source = any
• Destination =,
• Destination Protocol = tcp/http
Step 6 On the Rule Actions page, click the Connection Settings tab and fill in these options:
• Embryonic Connections—The maximum number of embryonic connections per host up to 2000000.
The default is 0, which means the maximum embryonic connections are allowed. For example, you
could set this to 1000.
• Per Client Embryonic Connections—The maximum number of simultaneous TCP embryonic
connections for each client up to 2000000. When a new TCP connection is requested by a client that
already has the maximum per-client number of embryonic connections open through the ASA, the ASA
prevents the connection. For example, you could set this to 50.
Step 7 Click Finish to save the rule, and Apply to update the device.
Step 8 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Threat Detection, and enable at least the TCP Intercept statistics
under the Threat Detection Statistics group.
You can simply enable all statistics, or just enable TCP Intercept. You can also adjust the monitoring window
and rates.
Step 9 Choose Home > Firewall Dashboard, and look at the Top Ten Protected Servers under SYN Attack
dashboard to monitor the results.
Click the Detail button to show history sampling data. The ASA samples the number of attacks 30 times
during the rate interval, so for the default 30 minute period, statistics are collected every 60 seconds.
You can clear the statistics by entering the clear threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept command using
Tools > Command Line Interface.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Objects > TCP Maps.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Click Add to add a new TCP map. Enter a name for the map.
• Select a map and click Edit.
Step 3 In the Queue Limit field, enter the maximum number of out-of-order packets that can be buffered and put in
order for a TCP connection, between 0 and 250 packets.
The default is 0, which means this setting is disabled and the default system queue limit is used depending
on the type of traffic:
• Connections for application inspection, IPS, and TCP check-retransmission have a queue limit of 3
packets. If the ASA receives a TCP packet with a different window size, then the queue limit is
dynamically changed to match the advertised setting.
• For other TCP connections, out-of-order packets are passed through untouched.
If you set the Queue Limit to be 1 or above, then the number of out-of-order packets allowed for all TCP
traffic matches this setting. For example, for application inspection, IPS, and TCP check-retransmission traffic,
any advertised settings from TCP packets are ignored in favor of the Queue Limit setting. For other TCP
traffic, out-of-order packets are now buffered and put in order instead of passed through untouched.
Step 4 In the Timeout field, set the maximum amount of time that out-of-order packets can remain in the buffer,
between 1 and 20 seconds.
If they are not put in order and passed on within the timeout period, then they are dropped. The default is 4
seconds. You cannot change the timeout for any traffic if the Queue Limit is set to 0; you need to set the limit
to be 1 or above for the Timeout to take effect.
Step 5 For Reserved Bits, select how to handle packets that have reserved bits in the TCP header: Clear and allow
(remove the bits before allowing the packet), Allow only (do not change the bits, the default), or Drop the
Step 6 Select any of the following options:
• Clear urgent flag—Clears the URG flag in a packet before allowing it. The URG flag is used to indicate
that the packet contains information that is of higher priority than other data within the stream. The TCP
RFC is vague about the exact interpretation of the URG flag, therefore end systems handle urgent offsets
in different ways, which may make the end system vulnerable to attacks.
• Drop connection on window variation—Drops a connection that has changed its window size
unexpectedly. The window size mechanism allows TCP to advertise a large window and to subsequently
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
advertise a much smaller window without having accepted too much data. From the TCP specification,
“shrinking the window” is strongly discouraged.
• Drop packets that exceed maximum segment size—Drops packets that exceed the MSS set by the
• Check if transmitted data is the same as original—Enables the retransmit data checks, which prevent
inconsistent TCP retransmissions.
• Drop packets which have past-window sequence—Drops packets that have past-window sequence
numbers, namely the sequence number of a received TCP packet is greater than the right edge of the
TCP receiving window. To allow these packets, deselect this option and set the Queue Limit to 0
(disabling the queue limit).
• Drop SYN Packets with data—Drops SYN packets that contain data.
• Enable TTL Evasion Protection—Have the maximum TTL for a connection be determined by the
TTL in the initial packet. The TTL for subsequent packets can decrease, but it cannot increase. The
system will reset the TTL to the lowest previously-seen TTL for that connection. This protects against
TTL evasion attacks.
For example, an attacker can send a packet that passes policy with a very short TTL. When the TTL
goes to zero, a router between the ASA and the endpoint drops the packet. It is at this point that the
attacker can send a malicious packet with a long TTL that appears to the ASA to be a retransmission
and is passed. To the endpoint host, however, it is the first packet that has been received by the attacker.
In this case, an attacker is able to succeed without security preventing the attack.
• Verify TCP Checksum—Verifies the TCP checksum, dropping packets that fail verification.
• Drop SYNACK Packets with data—Drops TCP SYNACK packets that contain data.
• Drop packets with invalid ACK—Drops packets with an invalid ACK. You might see invalid ACKs
in the following instances:
◦In the TCP connection SYN-ACK-received status, if the ACK number of a received TCP packet
is not exactly same as the sequence number of the next TCP packet sending out, it is an invalid
◦Whenever the ACK number of a received TCP packet is greater than the sequence number of the
next TCP packet sending out, it is an invalid ACK.
Note TCP packets with an invalid ACK are automatically allowed for WAAS connections.
Step 7 Set the action for packets that contain TCP options. You can clear the options before allowing the packets, or
allow the packets without change. The default is to allow the three named options, while clearing all other
• Clear Selective Ack—Clears the selective acknowledgment mechanism option.
• Clear TCP Timestamp—Clears the TCP timestamp. Clearing the timestamp option disables PAWS
and RTT.
• Clear Window Scale—Clears the window scale mechanism option.
• Range—Sets the action for unnamed options. The ranges can be within 6-7 and 9-255. Choose Allow
or Delete (that is, clear) for each range.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
Step 9 Apply the TCP map to a traffic class using a service policy.
a) Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules.
b) Add or edit a rule. You can apply the rule globally or to an interface. For example, to customize abnormal
packet handling for all traffic, create a global rule that matches any traffic. Proceed to the Rule Actions
c) Click the Connection Settings tab.
d) Choose Use TCP Map and select the map you created.
e) Click Finish or OK, then click Apply.
Bypass TCP State Checks for Asynchronous Routing (TCP State Bypass)
If you have an asynchronous routing environment in your network, where the outbound and inbound flow for
a given connection can go through two different ASA devices, you need to implement TCP State Bypass on
the affected traffic.
However, TCP State Bypass weakens the security of your network, so you should apply bypass on very
specific, limited traffic classes.
The following topics explain the problem and solution in more detail.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
an asymmetric routing example where the outbound traffic goes through a different ASA than the inbound
If you have asymmetric routing configured on upstream routers, and traffic alternates between two ASAs,
then you can configure TCP state bypass for specific traffic. TCP state bypass alters the way sessions are
established in the fast path and disables the fast path checks. This feature treats TCP traffic much as it treats
a UDP connection: when a non-SYN packet matching the specified networks enters the ASA, and there is
not an fast path entry, then the packet goes through the session management path to establish the connection
in the fast path. Once in the fast path, the traffic bypasses the fast path checks.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
Step 3 Select whether to apply the rule to a specific interface or globally to all interfaces, and click Next.
Step 4 For Traffic Classification, select Source and Destination IP Addresses (uses ACL) and click Next.
Step 5 For the ACL rule, enter the IP addresses of the hosts on each end of the route in Source and Destination, and
specify the protocol as TCP. Click Next when finished.
For example, if you want to bypass TCP state checking between and, enter:
• Source =
• Destination =
• Destination Protocol = tcp
Step 6 On the Rule Actions page, click the Connection Settings tab and select TCP State Bypass.
Step 7 Click Finish to save the rule, and Apply to update the device.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
• You enable hardware bypass for the ISA 3000, and TCP connections are dropped when the ISA 3000
is no longer part of the data path.
Step 3 Select whether to apply the rule to a specific interface or globally to all interfaces, and click Next.
Step 4 For Traffic Classification, identity the type of traffic match. The class match should be for TCP traffic; you
can identify specific hosts (with an ACL) do a TCP port match, or simply match any traffic. Click Next and
configure the hosts in the ACL or define the ports, and click Next again.
For example, if you want to disable TCP sequence number randomization for all TCP traffic directed at, enter:
• Source = any
• Destination =
• Destination Protocol = tcp
Step 5 On the Rule Actions page, click the Connection Settings tab and uncheck Randomize Sequence Number.
Step 6 Click Finish to save the rule, and Apply to update the device.
Before being offloaded, the ASA first applies normal security processing, such as access rules and inspection,
during connection establishment. The ASA also does session tear-down. But once a connection is established,
if it is eligible to be offloaded, further processing happens in the NIC rather than the ASA.
While offloaded, the flow does not receive stateful security checking or other services, so that it can move
through the system as fast as possible. For offloaded flows, there is no inspection, TCP normalization (except
for checksum verification, if you configure it), QoS, or sequence number checking.
To identify flows that can be offloaded, you create a service policy rule that applies the flow offloading service.
A matching flow is then offloaded if it meets the following conditions:
• IPv4 addresses only.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
f) On the Rule Actions page, click the Connection Settings tab and select Flow Offload.
g) Click Finish to save the rule, and Apply to update the device.
Note If you decrement time to live, packets with a TTL of 1 will be dropped, but a connection
will be opened for the session on the assumption that the connection might contain
packets with a greater TTL. Note that some packets, such as OSPF hello packets, are
sent with TTL = 1, so decrementing time to live can have unexpected consequences.
You can configure any combination of these settings for a given traffic class, except for TCP State Bypass
and TCP Normalizer customization, which are mutually exclusive.
Tip This procedure shows a service policy for traffic that goes through the ASA. You can also configure the
connection maximum and embryonic connection maximum for management (to the box) traffic.
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy, and open a rule.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Connection Settings
• To create a new rule, click Add > Add Service Policy Rule. Proceed through the wizard to the Rules
• If you have a rule for which you are changing connection settings, select it and click Edit.
Step 2 On the Rule Actions wizard page or tab, select the Connection Settings tab.
Step 3 To set maximum connections, configure the following values in the Maximum Connections area:
• Maximum TCP, UDP and SCTP Connections—(TCP, UDP, SCTP.) The maximum number of
simultaneous connections for all clients in the traffic class, up to 2000000. The default is 0, which means
the maximum possible connections are allowed.
• Embryonic Connections—Specifies the maximum number of embryonic TCP connections per host up
to 2000000. An embryonic connection is a connection request that has not finished the necessary
handshake between source and destination. The default is 0, which means the maximum embryonic
connections are allowed. By setting a non-zero limit, you enable TCP Intercept, which protects inside
systems from a DoS attack perpetrated by flooding an interface with TCP SYN packets. Also set the
per-client options to protect against SYN flooding.
• Per Client Connections—(TCP, UDP, SCTP.) Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous
connections for each client up to 2000000. When a new connection is attempted by a client that already
has opened the maximum per-client number of connections, the ASA rejects the connection and drops
the packet.
• Per Client Embryonic Connections—Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous TCP embryonic
connections for each client up to 2000000. When a new TCP connection is requested by a client that
already has the maximum per-client number of embryonic connections open through the ASA, the ASA
prevents the connection.
Step 4 To configure connection timeouts, configure the following values in the TCP Timeout area:
• Embryonic Connection Timeout—The idle time until an embryonic (half-open) TCP connection slot
is freed. Enter 0:0:0 to disable timeout for the connection. The default is 30 seconds.
• Half Closed Connection Timeout—The idle timeout period until a half-closed connection is closed,
between 0:5:0 (for 9.1(1) and earlier) or 0:0:30 (for 9.1(2) and later) and 1193:0:0. The default is 0:10:0.
Half-closed connections are not affected by DCD. Also, the ASA does not send a reset when taking
down half-closed connections.
• Idle Connection Timeout—The idle time until a connection slot (of any protocol, not just TCP) is freed.
Enter 0:0:0 to disable timeout for the connection. This duration must be at least 5 minutes. The default
is 1 hour.
• Send reset to TCP endpoints before timeout—Whether the ASA should send a TCP reset message
to the endpoints of the connection before freeing the connection slot.
• Dead Connection Detection (DCD)—Whether to enable Dead Connection Detection (DCD). Before
expiring an idle connection, the ASA probes the end hosts to determine if the connection is valid. If both
hosts respond, the connection is preserved, otherwise the connection is freed. Set the maximum number
of retries (default is 5, the range is 1-255) and the retry interval, which is the period to wait after each
unresponsive DCD probe before sending another probe (0:0:1 to 24:0:0, default is 0:0:15).
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Connections
Randomizing the ISN of the protected host prevents an attacker from predicting the next ISN for a new
connection and potentially hijacking the new session.
Step 6 To customize TCP Normalizer behavior, check Use TCP Map and choose an existing TCP map from the
drop-down list (if available), or add a new one by clicking New.
Step 7 To decrement time-to-live (TTL) on packets that match the class, check Decrement time to live for a
Decrementing TTL is necessary for the ASA to show up in trace routes as one of the hops. You must also
increase the rate limit for ICMP Unreachable messages on Configuration > Device Management >
Management Access > ICMP.
Step 10 (ASA on the FXOS chassis, FXOS 1.1.3 or later, only.) To enable flow offload, check Flow Offload.
Eligible traffic is offloaded to a super fast path, where the flows are switched in the NIC itself. You must also
enable the offload service. Select Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Offload Engine.
Monitoring Connections
Use the following pages to monitor connections:
• Home > Firewall Dashboard, and look at the Top Ten Protected Servers under SYN Attack dashboard
to monitor TCP Intercept. Click the Detailbutton to show history sampling data. The ASA samples the
number of attacks 30 times during the rate interval, so for the default 30 minute period, statistics are
collected every 60 seconds.
• Monitoring > Properties > Connections, to see current connections.
• Monitoring > Properties > Connection Graphs, to monitor performance.
In addition, you can enter the following commands using Tools > Command Line Interface.
• show conn [detail]
Shows connection information. Detailed information uses flags to indicate special connection
characteristics. For example, the “b” flag indicates traffic subject to TCP State Bypass.
• show flow-offload {info [detail] | cpu | flow [count | detail] | statistics}
Shows information about the flow offloading, including general status information, CPU usage for
offloading, offloaded flow counts and details, and offloaded flow statistics.
• show service-policy
Shows service policy statistics, including Dead Connection Detection (DCD) statistics.
• show threat-detection statistics top tcp-intercept [all | detail]
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Connection Settings
View the top 10 protected servers under attack. The all keyword shows the history data of all the traced
servers. The detail keyword shows history sampling data. The ASA samples the number of attacks 30
times during the rate interval, so for the default 30 minute period, statistics are collected every 60 seconds.
Connection timeout for all protocols 8.2(2) The idle timeout was changed to apply to all protocols, not just TCP.
The following screen was modified: Configuration > Firewall > Service
Policies > Rule Actions > Connection Settings.
Timeout for connections using a backup 8.2(5)/8.4(2) When multiple static routes exist to a network with different metrics,
static route the ASA uses the one with the best metric at the time of connection
creation. If a better route becomes available, then this timeout lets
connections be closed so a connection can be reestablished to use the
better route. The default is 0 (the connection never times out). To take
advantage of this feature, change the timeout to a new value.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall >
Advanced > Global Timeouts.
Configurable timeout for PAT xlate 8.4(3) When a PAT xlate times out (by default after 30 seconds), and the
ASA reuses the port for a new translation, some upstream routers might
reject the new connection because the previous connection might still
be open on the upstream device. The PAT xlate timeout is now
configurable, to a value between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall >
Advanced > Global Timeouts.
This feature is not available in 8.5(1) or 8.6(1).
Increased maximum connection limits 9.0(1) The maximum number of connections for service policy rules was
for service policy rules increased from 65535 to 2000000.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall > Service
Policy Rules > Connection Settings.
Decreased the half-closed timeout 9.1(2) The half-closed timeout minimum value for both the global timeout
minimum value to 30 seconds and connection timeout was lowered from 5 minutes to 30 seconds to
provide better DoS protection.
We modified the following screens:
Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules > Connection Settings;
Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Global Timeouts.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Connection Settings
Flow offload for the ASA on the 9.5(2.1) You can identify flows that should be offloaded from the ASA and
Firepower 9300. switched directly in the NIC (on the Firepower 9300). This provides
improved performance for large data flows in data centers.
This feature requires FXOS 1.1.3.
We added or modified the following screens: Configuration > Firewall
> Advanced > Offload Engine, the Rule Actions > Connection
Settings tab when adding or editing rules under Configuration >
Firewall > Service Policy Rules.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Connection Settings
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Quality of Service
Have you ever participated in a long-distance phone call that involved a satellite connection? The conversation
might be interrupted with brief, but perceptible, gaps at odd intervals. Those gaps are the time, called the
latency, between the arrival of packets being transmitted over the network. Some network traffic, such as
voice and video, cannot tolerate long latency times. Quality of service (QoS) is a feature that lets you give
priority to critical traffic, prevent bandwidth hogging, and manage network bottlenecks to prevent packet
Note For the ASASM, we suggest performing QoS on the switch instead of the ASASM. Switches have more
capability in this area. In general, QoS is best performed on the routers and switches in the network, which
tend to have more extensive capabilities than the ASA.
About QoS
You should consider that in an ever-changing network environment, QoS is not a one-time deployment, but
an ongoing, essential part of network design.
This section describes the QoS features available on the ASA.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
About QoS
• Priority queuing—For critical traffic that cannot tolerate latency, such as Voice over IP (VoIP), you can
identify traffic for Low Latency Queuing (LLQ) so that it is always transmitted ahead of other traffic.
See Priority Queuing, on page 394.
In the token bucket metaphor, tokens are put into the bucket at a certain rate. The bucket itself has a specified
capacity. If the bucket fills to capacity, newly arriving tokens are discarded. Each token is permission for the
source to send a certain number of bits into the network. To send a packet, the regulator must remove from
the bucket a number of tokens equal in representation to the packet size.
If not enough tokens are in the bucket to send a packet, the packet waits until the packet is discarded or marked
down. If the bucket is already full of tokens, incoming tokens overflow and are not available to future packets.
Thus, at any time, the largest burst a source can send into the network is roughly proportional to the size of
the bucket.
Policing is a way of ensuring that no traffic exceeds the maximum rate (in bits/second) that you configure,
thus ensuring that no one traffic class can take over the entire resource. When traffic exceeds the maximum
rate, the ASA drops the excess traffic. Policing also sets the largest single burst of traffic allowed.
Priority Queuing
LLQ priority queuing lets you prioritize certain traffic flows (such as latency-sensitive traffic like voice and
video) ahead of other traffic. Priority queuing uses an LLQ priority queue on an interface (see Configure the
Priority Queue for an Interface, on page 397), while all other traffic goes into the “best effort” queue. Because
queues are not of infinite size, they can fill and overflow. When a queue is full, any additional packets cannot
get into the queue and are dropped. This is called tail drop. To avoid having the queue fill up, you can increase
the queue buffer size. You can also fine-tune the maximum number of packets allowed into the transmit queue.
These options let you control the latency and robustness of the priority queuing. Packets in the LLQ queue
are always transmitted before packets in the best effort queue.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for QoS
IPv6 Guidelines
Does not support IPv6.
Model Guidelines
• (ASA 5512-X through ASA 5555-X) Priority queuing is not supported on the Management 0/0 interface.
• (ASASM) Only policing is supported.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure QoS
Configure QoS
Use the following sequence to implement QoS on the ASA.
Step 1 Determine the Queue and TX Ring Limits for a Priority Queue, on page 396.
Step 2 Configure the Priority Queue for an Interface, on page 397.
Step 3 Configure a Service Rule for Priority Queuing and Policing, on page 398.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure QoS
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Advanced > Priority Queue, and click Add.
Step 2 Configure the following options:
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure QoS
• Interface—The physical interface name on which you want to enable the priority queue, or for the
ASASM, the VLAN interface name.
• Queue Limit—The number of average, 256-byte packets that the specified interface can transmit in a
500-ms interval. The range is 0-2048, and 2048 is the default.
A packet that stays more than 500 ms in a network node might trigger a timeout in the end-to-end
application. Such a packet can be discarded in each network node.
Because queues are not of infinite size, they can fill and overflow. When a queue is full, any additional
packets cannot get into the queue and are dropped (called tail drop). To avoid having the queue fill up,
you can use this option to increase the queue buffer size.
The upper limit of the range of values for this option is determined dynamically at run time. The key
determinants are the memory needed to support the queues and the memory available on the device.
The Queue Limit that you specify affects both the higher priority low-latency queue and the best effort
• Transmission Ring Limit—The depth of the priority queues, which is the number of maximum 1550-byte
packets that the specified interface can transmit in a 10-ms interval. The range is 3-511, and 511 is the
This setting guarantees that the hardware-based transmit ring imposes no more than 10-ms of extra
latency for a high-priority packet.
This option sets the maximum number of low-latency or normal priority packets allowed into the Ethernet
transmit driver before the driver pushes back to the queues on the interface to let them buffer packets
until the congestion clears.
The upper limit of the range of values is determined dynamically at run time. The key determinants are
the memory needed to support the queues and the memory available on the device.
The Transmission Ring Limit that you specify affects both the higher priority low-latency queue and
the best-effort queue.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitor QoS
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy, and open a rule.
You can configure QoS as part of a new service policy rule, or you can edit an existing service policy.
Step 2 Proceed through the wizard to the Rules page, selecting the interface (or global) and traffic matching criteria
along the way.
For policing traffic, you can choose to police all traffic that you are not prioritizing, or you can limit the traffic
to certain types.
Tip If you use an ACL for traffic matching, policing is applied in the direction specified in the ACL only.
That is, traffic going from the source to the destination is policed, but not the reverse.
Step 3 In the Rule Actions dialog box, click the QoS tab.
Step 4 Select Enable priority for this flow.
If this service policy rule is for an individual interface, ASDM automatically creates the priority queue for
the interface (Configuration > Device Management > Advanced > Priority Queue; for more information, see
Configure the Priority Queue for an Interface, on page 397). If this rule is for the global policy, then you need
to manually add the priority queue to one or more interfaces before you configure the service policy rule.
Step 5 Select Enable policing, then check the Input policing or Output policing (or both) check boxes to enable
the specified type of traffic policing. For each type of traffic policing, configure the following options:
• Committed Rate—The rate limit for this traffic flow; this is a value in the range 8000-2000000000,
specifying the maximum speed (bits per second) allowed.
• Conform Action—The action to take when the rate is less than the conform-burst value. Values are
transmit or drop.
• Exceed Action—Take this action when the rate is between the conform-rate value and the conform-burst
value. Values are transmit or drop.
• Burst Rate—A value in the range 1000-512000000, specifying the maximum number of instantaneous
bytes allowed in a sustained burst before throttling to the conforming rate value.
Monitor QoS
The following topics explain how to monitor QoS.
To monitor QoS in ASDM, you can enter commands at the Command Line Interface tool.
Global policy:
Service-policy: global_fw_policy
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitor QoS
Interface outside:
Service-policy: qos
Class-map: browse
police Interface outside:
cir 56000 bps, bc 10500 bytes
conformed 10065 packets, 12621510 bytes; actions: transmit
exceeded 499 packets, 625146 bytes; actions: drop
conformed 5600 bps, exceed 5016 bps
Class-map: cmap2
police Interface outside:
cir 200000 bps, bc 37500 bytes
conformed 17179 packets, 20614800 bytes; actions: transmit
exceeded 617 packets, 770718 bytes; actions: drop
conformed 198785 bps, exceed 2303 bps
“Aggregate drop” denotes the aggregated drop in this interface; “aggregate transmit” denotes the aggregated
number of transmitted packets in this interface.
Queue Type = BE
Packets Dropped = 0
Packets Transmit = 0
Packets Enqueued = 0
Current Q Length = 0
Max Q Length = 0
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for QoS
• “Packets Transmit” denotes the overall number of packets that have been transmitted in this queue.
• “Packets Enqueued” denotes the overall number of packets that have been queued in this queue.
• “Current Q Length” denotes the current depth of this queue.
• “Max Q Length” denotes the maximum depth that ever occurred in this queue.
Shaping and hierarchical priority queuing 7.2(4)/8.0(4) We introduced QoS shaping and hierarchical priority queuing.
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall >
Service Policy Rules.
Ten Gigabit Ethernet support for a standard priority 8.2(3)/8.4(1) We added support for a standard priority queue on Ten Gigabit
queue on the ASA 5585-X Ethernet interfaces for the ASA 5585-X.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for QoS
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Threat Detection
The following topics describe how to configure threat detection statistics and scanning threat detection.
Detecting Threats
Threat detection on the ASA provides a front-line defense against attacks. Threat detection works at Layer 3
and 4 to develop a baseline for traffic on the device, analyzing packet drop statistics and accumulating “top”
reports based on traffic patterns. In comparison, a module that provides IPS or Next Generation IPS services
identifies and mitigates attack vectors up to Layer 7 on traffic the ASA permitted, and cannot see the traffic
dropped already by the ASA. Thus, threat detection and IPS can work together to provide a more comprehensive
threat defense.
Threat detection consists of the following elements:
• Different levels of statistics gathering for various threats.
Threat detection statistics can help you manage threats to your ASA; for example, if you enable scanning
threat detection, then viewing statistics can help you analyze the threat. You can configure two types of
threat detection statistics:
◦Basic threat detection statistics—Includes information about attack activity for the system as a
whole. Basic threat detection statistics are enabled by default and have no performance impact.
◦Advanced threat detection statistics—Tracks activity at an object level, so the ASA can report
activity for individual hosts, ports, protocols, or ACLs. Advanced threat detection statistics can
have a major performance impact, depending on the statistics gathered, so only the ACL statistics
are enabled by default.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Detecting Threats
• Scanning threat detection, which determines when a host is performing a scan. You can optionally shun
any hosts determined to be a scanning threat.
When the ASA detects a threat, it immediately sends a system log message (733100). The ASA tracks two
types of rates: the average event rate over an interval, and the burst event rate over a shorter burst interval.
The burst rate interval is 1/30th of the average rate interval or 10 seconds, whichever is higher. For each
received event, the ASA checks the average and burst rate limits; if both rates are exceeded, then the ASA
sends two separate system messages, with a maximum of one message for each rate type per burst period.
Basic threat detection affects performance only when there are drops or potential threats; even in this scenario,
the performance impact is insignificant.
Caution Enabling advanced statistics can affect the ASA performance, depending on the type of statistics enabled.
Enabling host statistics affects performance in a significant way; if you have a high traffic load, you might
consider enabling this type of statistics temporarily. Port statistics, however, has modest impact.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Guidelines for Threat Detection
5 drops/sec over the last 3600 seconds. 10 drops/sec over the last 120 second period.
Caution The scanning threat detection feature can affect the ASA performance and memory significantly while it
creates and gathers host- and subnet-based data structure and information.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Defaults for Threat Detection
Trigger Settings
Packet Drop Reason Average Rate Burst Rate
100 drops/sec over the last 600 400 drops/sec over the last 20
• DoS attack detected seconds. second period.
• Bad packet format
80 drops/sec over the last 3600 320 drops/sec over the last 120
• Connection limits exceeded seconds. second period.
• Suspicious ICMP packets
Scanning attack detected 5 drops/sec over the last 600 10 drops/sec over the last 20
seconds. second period.
4 drops/sec over the last 3600 8 drops/sec over the last 120
seconds. second period.
Incomplete session detected such as 100 drops/sec over the last 600 200 drops/sec over the last 20
TCP SYN attack detected or UDP seconds. second period.
session with no return data attack
detected (combined) 80 drops/sec over the last 3600 160 drops/sec over the last 120
seconds. second period.
Denial by ACLs 400 drops/sec over the last 600 800 drops/sec over the last 20
seconds. second period.
320 drops/sec over the last 3600 640 drops/sec over the last 120
seconds. second period.
400 drops/sec over the last 600 1600 drops/sec over the last 20
• Basic firewall checks failed seconds. second period.
• Packets failed application
inspection 320 drops/sec over the last 3600 1280 drops/sec over the last 120
seconds. second period.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Threat Detection
Trigger Settings
Packet Drop Reason Average Rate Burst Rate
Interface overload 2000 drops/sec over the last 600 8000 drops/sec over the last 20
seconds. second period.
1600 drops/sec over the last 6400 drops/sec over the last 120
3600 seconds. second period.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Configure Threat Detection
Step 3 If you chose Enable Only Following Statistics, then select one or more of the following options:
• Hosts—Enables host statistics. The host statistics accumulate for as long as the host is active and in the
scanning threat host database. The host is deleted from the database (and the statistics cleared) after 10
minutes of inactivity.
• Access Rules (enabled by default)—Enables statistics for access rules.
• Port—Enables statistics for TCP and UDP ports.
• Protocol—Enables statistics for non-TCP/UDP IP protocols.
• TCP-Intercept—Enables statistics for attacks intercepted by TCP Intercept (to enable TCP Intercept,
see Protect Servers from a SYN Flood DoS Attack (TCP Intercept), on page 377).
Step 4 For host, port, and protocol statistics, you can change the number of rate intervals collected. In the Rate
Intervals area, choose 1 hour, 1 and 8 hours, or 1, 8 and 24 hours for each statistics type. The default interval
is 1 hour, which keeps the memory usage low.
Step 5 For TCP Intercept statistics, you can set the following options in the TCP Intercept Threat Detection area:
• Monitoring Window Size—Sets the size of the history monitoring window, between 1 and 1440 minutes.
The default is 30 minutes. The ASA samples the number of attacks 30 times during the rate interval, so
for the default 30 minute period, statistics are collected every 60 seconds.
• Burst Threshold Rate—Sets the threshold for syslog message generation, between 25 and 2147483647.
The default is 400 per second. When the burst rate is exceeded, syslog message 733104 is generated.
• Average Threshold Rate—Sets the average rate threshold for syslog message generation, between 25
and 2147483647. The default is 200 per second. When the average rate is exceeded, syslog message
733105 is generated.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
Monitoring Threat Detection
• To exempt host IP addresses from being shunned, enter an address or the name of a network object in
the Networks excluded from shun field. You can enter multiple addresses or subnets separated by
commas. To choose a network from the list of IP address objects, click the ... button.
• To set the duration of a shun for an attacking host, select Set Shun Duration and enter a value between
10 and 2592000 seconds. The default length is 3600 seconds (1 hour). To restore the default value, click
Set Default.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5
History for Threat Detection
Shun duration 8.0(4)/8.1(2) You can now set the shun duration,
The following screens was modified: Configuration > Firewall
> Threat Detection.
Customize host statistics rate intervals 8.1(2) You can now customize the number of rate intervals for which
statistics are collected. The default number of rates was changed
from 3 to 1.
The following screen was modified: Configuration > Firewall
> Threat Detection.
Burst rate interval changed to 1/30th of the average 8.2(1) In earlier releases, the burst rate interval was 1/60th of the
rate. average rate. To maximize memory usage, the sampling interval
was reduced to 30 times during the average rate.
Customize port and protocol statistics rate intervals 8.3(1) You can now customize the number of rate intervals for which
statistics are collected. The default number of rates was changed
from 3 to 1.
The following screen was modified: Configuration > Firewall
> Threat Detection.
Improved memory usage 8.3(1) The memory usage for threat detection was improved.
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide, 7.5