a. Who will provide the appropriate computerized font to the Project Editor of 10646 for publishing the
S e:uA.o-r - - - -v-+w- - - - -6e-L:v-sb- ------- -
S. Additior'r"l lnfo*"tion
Submitters are invited to provide any additional information about Properties of the proposed Character(s) or Script
that will assist in correct understanding of and correct linguistic processing of the proposed character(s) or script.
Examples of such properties are: Casing information, Numeric information, Currency information, Display behaviour
information such as line breaks, widths etc., Combining behaviour, Spacing behaviour, Directional behaviour, Default
Collation behaviour, relevance in Mark Up contexts, Compatibility equivalence and other Unicode normalization
related information. See the Unicode standard at http:/iwww.unicode.ora for such information on other scripts. Also
see Unicode Character Database ( http:/Jwww.unicode.orqlreports/tr441 ) and associated Unicode Technical Reports
for information needed for consideration by the Unicode Technical Committee for inclusion in the Unicode Standard.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bitcoin is a digital currency Bitcoin
created in 2009 by Satoshi
Nakamoto. The name also refers to ,@ryh.
the open source software he r ffid
designed that uses it, and the nrJ
"\ # W{:
peer-to-peer network that it forms.
Unlike most currencies, bitcoin
does not rely on trusting any Developer(s) Satoshi Nakamoto, Gavin
central issuer. Bitcoin uses a Andresen
distributed database spread across Initial release February 4,2009
nodes of a peer-to-peer network to
journal transactions, and uses Stable release O.3.2O.2 / March 3,201.1.
cryptography in order to provide Development status Beta
basic security functions, such as
ensuring that bitcoins can only be Written in C++
spent by the person who owns Operating system Windows, Linux, Mac OS
them, and never more than once. X
Bitcoin's design allows for Size 5.2 MiB - 9.7 MiB
anonymous ownership and Available in German, Spanish,
transfers of value. Bitcoins can be French, Dutch,
saved on a personal computer in
Porluguese, Italian and
the form of a wallet fiIe or kept
with a third party wallet sentice, Russian.
and in either case Bitcoins can be Type Electronic money
sent over the Internet to anyone
License MIT License
with a Bitcoin address. Bitcoin's
peer-to-peer topology and lack of Website
central administration make it (http //www.bitc oin. org/ )
r 1 Overview
Bitcoins contain the current owner's public key (address). When userA transfers
some to user B, A relinquishes ownership on them by adding B's public key
(address) to those coins and signing them with his own private key.t4l He then
broadcasts these bitcoins in an appropriate message, the transaction, on the
peer-to-peer network. The rest of the network nodes validate the cryptographic
signatures and the amounts of the transaction before accepting it.
software to take advantage of their 6pgr.t3Jt8lt9l Users can also generate bitcoins
So that one block gets generated every ten minutes, each node separately
readjusts the difficylty of the problem it tries to solve every two weeks according
l_q.Ty chalq,es of the collective CPU-power of the peer-to-peer network.
Lcitation neededl
Transaction fees
Because nodes have no obligation to include transactions in the blocks they
generate, Bitcoin senders may voluntarily pay a transaction fee. Doing so will
speed up the transaction and provide incentive for users to run nodes, especially
as the difficulty of generating bitcoins increases or the reward per block amount
decreases over time. Nodes collect the transaction fees associated with all
transactions included in their candidate block. t3l
The Bitcoin economy is still small relative
to long-since established economies and Bitcoin
the software is still in the beta staqe of
development. But real goodt unJ-"- lso 4217 nonelll]; Brc used
SerViCeS, SUCh aS USed CafS and ffeelanCe Code colloquiatly[l2]
software development contracts, are now ' rr.
being traded. Bitcoins ur" u..u"prco r"r user(s) Supranational'
both online services and tangible Internet-based
goods.[13] Th" Electronic Frontier rnflation Approximately
Foundation and Singularity _In_stitute predeterminedt2l
accept bitcoin donations.ll4lllsl Traders
exchange regular currency tincruaiin us central bank None; decentralized'
d.ollars, Russlun rubles, and Japanese distributed
yen) for bitcoins through exihlnge sites.
t161117l Anyone
can view the block-chain and observe transactions in real-time.
Various services facilitate such monitoring.l18lt19l
Monetary diffenences
fcitation neededf
See also
r Anonymous internet banking
r Crypto-anarchy
r DigiCash
r ecache
r GoldMoney
r Hashcash
r Pecunix
r Ripple monetary system
r Yodelbank
1. ^ /luongo 7. 1 . 1 .html. Retrieved
2. n a b c d ef Naka*oto, Satoshi (24 Mav 201.0-10-L2.
2009). Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer B. ^ DiabloMiner, OpenCL miner for
Electronic Cash System BitCo in (https / m/Diablo -
"Bitcoin: Virhral money created by CPU LL. ^ "Current curency & funds code iist"
cycles " (ht@ //lwn.neVArticles
(http //www.cuffency-is o_index
I 41. 4452 I ) . http ://lr, /iso_tables/is o_tables_aL .htm) . SNV- SIX
/Articles/41,44521 . Interbank Clearing.
4. ^ ht[ps ://en.bitcoin.ivwikvTransactions htlp //www.cunrency-is o.o rg/is o_index
/wikVdo ku.php ?id :bio ck_has hing_algo page,FAQ, and (extensively) Trade page
rithm. all use the abbreviation "BTC".
6. ^ "Bitcoin Block Explorer" 13. ^ "Bitcoin Trade"
(http //blo ckexplo m/) .
(http : //www.bitco .
http //blo ckexplo rer. co m/.
: Bitco in.o rg. http /iwvrrw.bitco in. o rg
We had already settled fora serif B with two veftical lies crossing it. W
Posts: 397
Do The Evolution
I think we can put our differences behind, for science, you _monster_
[ 1A MdyQw hswHknQfNGhSSTf 1tqDv89Vpib2]
t:b We both said things you are going to regret.
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';.. Ksr Attach Bitcoin ts the Spesmilo ,.,
Jr. Member January 09, 2OII,09:12:28 pm
fr) online Why not rename the bitcoin to the spesmilo? Move this site to
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Posts: 816
10 BTC.
Vilf* up your favourite ideas to go into Bitcoin
.^ i l
( Crt rcfrr,,\e_
Bitcoin Charts / About http ://bitc oinc harts. c o rnl about/
About Blocks 114828 Difiicutty 76194
l\4424,2011 12:03:11(urc)
q# Bitcoin Markets Charts N.
Documents Introduction
Bitcoincharts provides financial and technical data related to the Sitcoln network. you can also access
. this
i\r1afk_els A|)l data via our JSON,API.
Market overview
Bitcoincharts uses daily intervals (uTc) to display data. For example,
the volume of a market will usually
be zero at mjdnjght (UTC) and increase during the day.
The first column shows the symbot, base curency €nd payment method of a market. An arrow denotes
whether the latest price is higher or lower then yesterday's price. symbols are short names that identify a
market and are chosen by Bitcoincharts.
Latest Price
This column displays the price of the last trade. lt is denoted jn the market's curency. l.e. 0.94 on
mtgoxusD means one Bitcoin was traded for $0.94. lt will also show the exact time of the trade.
Previous Cloae
This column displays the price of the tatest trade a day before. Below the price the difference of Latest
Price and Previous Close is displayed.
Day lorv/high
This column displays two numbere and a bar. The left number shows the lowest price of the trading day (=
same day of latest price) while the right number shows the highest.
A bar below the numbe6 displays Open and Latest price within the low/high range. A red bar means the
Latst Price is lower than the Open price, while a green bar denotes a higher Latest price.
The first trade of the day. This is different from Previous Close.
Best bid in the market's order book (= the price someone is willing to pay for a Bitcojn).
Best ask in the market's order book (= the price someone is willing to sell a Bitcoin for).
30 days chart
This chart shows the price during the last 30 days. An abrupt "crash" means there has been no trade since
that day (see Latest Price).
Symbol LatestPrice Previous Close Volume Day lowhigh Open Bid Ask 30 days Welcorne!
bCLRUSD * 0.83 0.9 50.00 0,83 0.83 0,g3 0.79 o as Brtcoincharts provides financiat and technicat data
usD(LibdyResedo) tarr8,2orr,o4:31:15 -0.07,7-?61, 41.50uso relatedtotheBilcsrilf,alworK. lfyou'renotfamiliar
are accepteo at
bcmLRUSD 0-14 0.25 100.00 0.14 0.,14 0.14 lNqr3Mqvyup6k3o3QPePAdn4Yg4tzgB9kw.
USo (ubry Res6no) Nov 30, 2olo, t9{?:54 4j1 11oh t4.oo Uso
0.5 1.8
#bitcoirotc Currency Ticker
usD (Money Bders) usD #bdcorrl-otc is an over{hecounter marketplace for
trading with bitcoin. All t.ansactions a.e conducted
direct,y between counterparties, without any
usD{Mait} uso intermediation by the marketplace itself.
bcmPPuso S 0.86 0.8 1s0.00 o.B5 0"86 0.85 0.8s o.8z ;1",:i%T'r".1,1"i, *,,.
UsD(PayPaf) Aet23,2011.21t22.29 rclrli r1:iri 128.50USD
Curency Bld ASk