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Ice Science

What is Ice? Glaciers, Ice Sheets and

Ice is frozen water. Icebergs.
Ice can float as it is You can see this at A glacier is a huge mass
less dense than home. Take a of compacted snow and ice
water. This means plastic drinks bottle that originates on land and
that for a given and fill it with water. moves downslope in
volume there would Freeze standing response to gravity.
be more water upright in your Ice sheets are large
molecules in liquid freezer. When you masses of ice which can
water than in solid take it out, the ice cover more than
water (ice). This is should be above the 50,000km2.
quite unusual – level you filled your Ice shelves are slabs of
when most liquids bottle to. So the glacier ice which float on
solidify, the solid volume of space the sea.
formed is more taken up by the Icebergs are large pieces
dense than the water is greater of glacier ice that have
liquid. when it is frozen. broken off and are now
The bonds between the water molecules in floating on water.
ice mean that ice takes up more space
than the same mass of liquid water. Melting Icebergs
Because of the relative
Glacier Ice densities of the ice and the
sea water, usually only 1/9 of
Ice is frozen water. But the ice that forms
the total iceberg is above sea
glaciers is quite different from the ice
level, the rest being below the
cubes you get from your freezer. Instead it
surface of the water.
is snow that has been compacted over
time – and all that compaction has given it When ice that is floating in water melts,
quite a different crystal structure. there is no change in water level. This can
be seen in the beakers here – an ice cube
Glaciers contain more than
has been placed in water in each one.
just ice. As they move over
Marked is the level of the water at the
the ground they pick up
beginning of the experiment. You can see
bits of soil, rock, and
that, as the ice melts, the water level
organic material. Glacial
remains about the same. Why do you think
ice also contains lots of
this is the case?
bubbles of air under great
pressure because of the So where does the rise in sea level from
amount of compaction. If the melting of ice come from? It comes
you put a piece of glacial from the melting of ice which is formed on
ice in a glass of water, the land. Icebergs have broken off glaciers
air in these bubbles rushes which were on land. We need to worry
out as the ice melts, and about the melting of ice sheets – the
could cause your glass to Antarctic ice sheet is the largest single
explode! mass of ice on Earth containing 30 million
km3 of ice! If this all melted, it would cause
sea levels to rise by 61.1metres!

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