AP Seva Payment Report 03.07.2024
AP Seva Payment Report 03.07.2024
AP Seva Payment Report 03.07.2024
No. of Above
Challan not Challan Generated But not Total
S.No. District Division Total to be Paid Rs.999 Pending
Generated Deposited Secretariats Secretariats
Procgs.Rc.No. GWS01-OPE/33/2021-GWS Dt. 31/10/2022,THE DIRECTOR, GVWV & VSWS DEPARTMENT,GoAP
1. All DAs/WEDPSs are informed to remit the existing pending challans i.e., Both, challan not generated and challans generated & not deposited amount as
2. Sum of services amount collected from each and every transaction should be generated in challan and must remitted on T(Transaction Date)+1 day
basis excluding public holidays.
If any deviation in the above process severe disciplinary action shall be taken on the individual.