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General-Catalog Harmonic Drive

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Precision Actuators • Gearheads • Gearing Components

Excellent Technology for Evolving Industries

Harmonic Drive LLC engineers and manufactures precision servo actuators, gearheads
and gear component sets. We work closely with companies of all sizes to understand their
application requirements and provide a standard or custom-engineered solution to enable
the success of their design project. Our mission is to provide motion control solutions that
give our customers a competitive advantage.

With over 50 years of experience, our expert engineering and production teams develop
enabling technologies and products to meet the needs of an evolving motion-control
market. We are very proud of our outstanding company history.

Our high-precision, zero-backlash Harmonic Drive® actuators and gears have, and continue
to play critical roles in robotics, spaceflight applications, semiconductor manufacturing
equipment, factory automation equipment, medical diagnostics, and surgical robotics.

C. Walt Musser
Patented Strain Wave Gearing
in 1955

Harmonic Drive LLC 2 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Harmonic Drive® High-Precision Strain Wave Gearing
• Zero backlash • Compactness • High torque capacity
• High positioning accuracy • Light weight • High efficiency
• High repeatability • High reduction ratio • Quiet operation

Utilizing a unique operating principle, the gear consists of only 3 basic parts (Wave Generator, Flexspline, and Circu-
lar Spline). It provides excellent features not found in other speed reducers.

Wave Generator
Structure of Harmonic Drive® component product
The Wave Generator is a thin raced ball bearing fitted onto an
elliptical hub. This serves as a high efficiency torque converter
Wave Generator and is generally mounted onto the input or motor shaft.


The Flexspline is a non-rigid, thin cylindrical cup with external teeth on

the open end of the cup. The Flexspline fits over the Wave Generator and
takes on its elliptical shape. The Flexspline is generally used as the output
of the gear.

Circular Spline

Circular Spline The Circular Spline is a rigid ring with internal teeth. It engages the
teeth of the Flexspline across the major axis of the Wave Generator
ellipse. The Circular Spline has two more teeth than the Flexspline
and is generally mounted onto a housing.

Operating Principle
0° 90° 360°
Circular Spline

Wave Generator


One Turn of Wave Generator

The Flexspline is slightly smaller in diameter As the Wave Generator rotates the teeth Each complete clockwise rotation of the
than the Circular Spline and usually has of the Flexspline engage with the Circular Wave Generator results in the Flexspline
two fewer teeth than the Circular Spline. Spline at the major axis. For every 180 moving counter-clockwise by two teeth from
The elliptical shape of the Wave Generator degree clockwise movement of the Wave its original position relative to the Circular
causes the teeth of the Flexspline to engage Generator the Flexspline rotates counter- Spline.
the Circular Spline at two opposite regions clockwise by one tooth in relation to the
across the major axis of the ellipse. Circular Spline.

Tooth engagement
The strain wave gear has a unique tooth engagement which results in a zero-backlash gear mesh that
Circular Spline
provides high positional accuracy and high torque with a compact form factor.
The Harmonic Drive® strain wave gear utilizes a unique gear tooth profile for optimized tooth
engagement. Unlike an involute tooth profile, which is used in conventional gears, this optimized tooth
profile (“S tooth”) enables about 30% of the total number of teeth to be engaged at the same time. This
technological innovation results in high torque, high torsional stiffness, long life and smooth rotation.
The “S” tooth profile eliminates stress concentration by widening the tooth root and providing a large
tooth root radius. This figure shows the progression of the Flexspline tooth engagement as it meshes
with the teeth of the fixed Circular Spline.


w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 3 Harmonic Drive LLC

Rotary Actuators Peak Torque (Nm) Maximum Speed (rpm)
Actuators AC Servomotors Miniature Flat Hollow Shaft FHA-Cmini 1.8~28 60~200
Flat Hollow Shaft FHA-C 39~820 22~96
Flat Hollow Shaft FHA-C PR 39~820 22~96
Flat Hollow Shaft FHA-C H 39~820 22~96
Hollow Shaft SHA-CG 23~3419 25 ~120
Flat Hollow Shaft SHA-SG 73~3419 17~118
Ultra-flat FLA 1.8 ~ 34 50~500
Ultra Compact Cylinder RSF Supermini 0.13~1.4 100~333
Compact Cylinder RSF mini 1.8~28 60~200
Compact Cylinder RSF 34~330 45~90
Compact Cylinder RKF 56~330 45~90
DC Servomotors Compact Cylinder RH mini 0.39~20 50~180
Direct Drive Motor Ultra Precision Direct Drive Motor KDU 7.0~15.0 160~180
Hollow Shaft Motor Ultra Precision Hollow Shaft HMA 1.8~33 3000~6000

Linear Actuators Maximum Driving Maximum Speed

Stroke (mm)
Force (N) (mm/s)
AC Servomotor High-Force Positioning LBC 6000~12000 10~20 50
DC Servomotors Low-Force Positioning LA 49 0.9 10~30
Medium-Force Positioning LAH-46 392 3.7 10~30
Stepping Motors High-Force Positioning LAH-80 3000 3000 0.9~10

Other Actuators Moment of Inertia Torque Constant

(g.cm2) (N•m/A(rms))
Galvano Scanners
High Accuracy, High Response LSA 1.9~8.5 0.0082~0.05

Sensors Super-Compact Encoders Micro Encoder

Drivers Pulse
Interface to
Interface to
Command Command (Command) Encoder Encoder
DC Digital Servo Drive Multiple Operating Modes DCJ Series • • • – •
Multiple Operating Modes DDP Series • • • – •
Multiple Operating Modes DEP Series – • • • •
AC Digital Servo Drive Multiple Communication Modes RTL Series • • • – •
Multiple Operating Modes REL Series • • • • •
For AC Servomotors Position and Speed Control HA-680 Series • • – – •
Field Boss HA-800 Series • – – • •
Field Boss HA-680CL Series • – – – •
Field Boss HA-680ML Series • • – – •
For Direct Drive Motor Position Control Only HA-770 Series • – – – •
The combinations with actuator and driver may not comply with foreign safety standards. Please contact our sales office.

Harmonic Drive LLC 4 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

FHA-C mini (Page 8) FHA-C (Page 9) FHA-C PR (Page 10) FHA-C H (Page 12) SHA-CG (Page 14)

SHA-SG (Page 16) FLA(Page 18) RSF Supermini (Page 20) RSF Mini (Page 21) RSF (Page 22) RKF (Page 23)

RH Mini Series
KDU (Page 25) HMA Motor (Page 26)
(Page 24)

LBC (Page 27) LA (Page 28) LAH-46 (Page 29) LAH-80 (Page 29)

Custom actuators
actuators also
also available.
available. Contact
Contact us
us to
to find
LSA (Page 30) out
out more
more about
about our
our engineering
engineering design
design services.

Micro Encoder (Page 31)

(Pages 32-33)


(Pages 32-33) (Pages 32-33) (Pages 32-33) (Page 34) (Page 35) (Page 35) (Page 35)

Field Boss Options

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 5 Harmonic Drive LLC

Harmonic Drive® Precision Product
Speed Peak Torque (Nm) Reduction Ratio
Reducers Component Cup Standard CSF 1.8~9200 30:1~160:1
High-Torque CSG 23~3400 50:1~160:1
Component Gear Sets
Consisting of three basic components: Ultra-Flat CSD 12~820 50:1~120:1
flexspline, circular spline and wave
generator; component gear sets offer Pancake Standard FB 7.8~330 50:1~160:1
ultimate design flexibility and can be tightly
integrated in equipment sub-structures. High-Torque FR 9.8~4000 50:1~320:1
Silk Hat Standard SHF 9.0~1800 30:1~160:1
High-Torque SHG 23~3400 50:1~160:1

Gear Unit Cup Standard CSF-2UH 9.0~2600 30:1~160:1

Standard, Lightweight CSF-2UH-LW 9.0~2600 30:1~160:1
High-Torque CSG-2UH 23~3400 50:1~160:1
Gear Unit High-Torque, Lightweight CSG-2UH-LW 23~3400 50:1~160:1
Housed component gearing combined High-Torque, Full Unit CSG-2UK 127~3400 50:1~160:1
with precision cross roller output bearing
& flange. Very compact, robust and easy Ultra-Flat CSD-2UH 12~823 50:1~120:1
to use gearhead solution.
Ultra-Flat CSD-2UF 12~453 50:1~120:1
Compact Mini CSF-2XH 0.5~28 30:1~100:1
Compact Mini, Double Shaft CSF-1U 0.13~28 30:1~100:1
Mini, Ultra-Flat CSF-2UP 1.8~28 30:1~100:1
Silk Hat Hollow Shaft SHF-2UH 8.3~1800 30:1~160:1
Hollow Shaft, Lightweight SHF-2UH-LW 9.0~1800 30:1~160:1
High-Torque, Hollow Shaft SHG-2UH 23~3400 50:1~160:1
High-Torque, Hollow Shaft,
Lightweight SHG-2UH-LW 23~3400 50:1~160:1
Input Shaft SHF-2UJ 9.0~1800 30:1~160:1
High-Torque, Input Shaft SHG-2UJ 23~3400 50:1~160:1
Ultra-Flat, Hollow Shaft,
Lightweight SHD-2UH-LW 12~450 50:1~120:1

Gear Unit
Silk Hat Ultra-flat, Hollow shaft SHD-2SH 12~450 50:1~120:1
Hollow Shaft SHF-2SH 9.0~1800 30:1~160:1
Simplicity Gear Unit
Non-housed component gearing combined
High-torque, Hollow shaft SHG-2SH 23~3400 50:1~160:1
with a precision cross roller output bearing. Input coupling SHF-2SO 9.0~1800 30:1~160:1
Similar to Gear Units (above), without
the housing and output flange, for tighter High-torque, Input coupling SHG-2SO 23~3400 50:1~160:1
integration into the customer’s housing or
machine structure.

Phase Coupling
Adjustment Unit Indexer Manual Phase Adjuster HDI 100~500 100:1
Pancake Differential FD 23~3400 80:1~320:1
1:1 Differential FBB 28~655 80:1~160:1

Quick Peak Torque (Nm) Reduction Ratio Motor Capacity (W)

Connect® Gearhead Cup Standard CSF-GH 18~2600 50:1~160:1 30~5000

High-torque CSG-GH 23~3400 50:1~160:1 30~5000
Planetary Gearing
Standard HPG 5~3200 3:1~50:1 10~15000
Gearhead High-torque HPGP 12~3940 4:1~45:1 10~15000
Helical HPG-R 5~400 3:1~10:1 10~15000
Standard Right Angle HPG -RA 150~2200 5:1~50:1 500~8000
Value HPN 9~752 3:1~50:1 30~7500
Hollow shaft HPF 100~220 11:1 500~2000

Harmonic Drive LLC 6 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

CSF (Page 36) CSG (Page 37) CSD (Page 38) FB (Page 39) FR (Page 39) SHF (Page 40)
SHG (Page 41)


(Page 42) (Page 44) CSG -2UH-LW (Pg 45) (Page 46) (Page 48) (Page 49)

CSF mini CSF-2UP SHF-2UH (Pg 52) SHF-2UJ (Page 52) SHF -2UH-LW (Pg 53) SHD-2UH-LW
(Page 50) (Page 51) SHG-2UH (Pg 54) SHG-2UJ (Page 54) SHG -2UH-LW (Pg 55) (Page 56)

SHD-2SH (Page 57) SHF-2SH (Page 58), SHG-2SH (Page 59) SHF-2SO (Page 58), SHG-2SO (Page 59)

FD Series Component Type (Page 60) FD Series Unit Type (Page 61) FBB (Page 62) HDI Phase Adjuster (Page 63)

CSF-GH (Page 64) HPG (Page 66) HPGP (Page 68) HPG RA (Page 69) HPN (Page 70) HPF (Page 71)
CSG-GH (Page 65) HPG-R (Page 67)

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 7 Harmonic Drive LLC

FHA-C mini Series Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators
FHA-C Mini Series

These servo actuators utilize Harmonic Drive® precision gears combined with a
performance matched brushless servomotor and incremental encoder. The cube
shaped form factor is very compact and features a through hole in the center of the
shaft. This hollow shaft may be used to pass cables, tubing or a laser beam through
the axis of rotation.
The FHA-mini series is designed to operate with a wide range of third-party drivers,
as well as Harmonic Drive LLC’s DDP Series, DCJ Series, and DEP Series.
• Large center through hole
• Compact design
• Body width from 50 mm to 75 mm
• Body length from 48.5 mm to 66 mm

•FHA-C mini Series Ratings

Model FHA-8C FHA-11C FHA-14C

Ratio 30 50 100 30 50 100 30 50 100

Rotary Servo Actuator

N•m 1.8 3.3 4.8 4.5 8.3 11 9 18 28

Torque*2 15.9 29.2 42.5 39.8 73.5 97.4 79.7 159.3 247.8

Maximum 200 120 60 200 120 60 200 120 60

Positioning Speed

N•m/Arms 3.9 6.7 14 3.8 6.6 13 4.2 7.2 15

Torque Constant
100V, 200V in-lb/Arms 34.5 59.3 123.9 33.6 58.4 115.1 37.2 63.7 132.8

N•m/Arms 0.8 1.3 2.7 0.8 1.3 2.6 0.8 1.4 2.9
Torque Constant
in-lb/Arm 7.1 11.5 23.9 7.1 11.5 23.0 7.1 12.4 25.7

AC100V, 200V 0.61 0.64 0.48 1.5 1.6 1.1 2.9 3.2 2.4
Maximum Arms
DC 24V 3.0 3.3 2.4 7.8 8.2 5.6 14.8 16.4 12.3

kg•m2 0.0026 0.0074 0.029 0.0060 0.017 0.067 0.018 0.050 0.20
Moment (GD2/4)
of Inertia (J)
kgf•cm•s2 0.027 0.075 0.30 0.061 0.17 0.68 0.18 0.51 2.0

One-Way Positioning arc/sec 150 120 120 120 90 90 120 90 90


N•m 15 40 75
Moment Load
in-lb 133 354 664

N•m/rad 2x104 4x104 8x104

Moment Stiffness
in-lb/rad 18x104 35x104 71x104

Quad Encoder Pulses/

Resolution 240,000 400,000 800,000 240,000 400,000 800,000 240,000 400,000 800,000
(At x 4)*3 Revolution

Power Supply V DC 24, AC 100, AC 200

Weight kg 0.40 0.62 1.2

Protection Totally closed, self-cooling (Equivalent to IP44)

Operating temperature: 0 to 40°C • Storage temperature: -20 to +60°C. Operating and storage humidity: 20 to 80% RH (No condensation permitted).
Vibration resistance : 25m/s2 (frequency: 10 to 400Hz) • Shock resistance: 300m/s2. Indoor installation: No dust, no metal powder, no corrosive gas, no
Environmental Conditions inflammable gas, no oil mist, no other foreign matter and no direct sunshine. Altitude 1000m or less. Insulation resistance: 100MΩ or higher (DC 500V).
Dielectric strength: AC 1500V/1min. Insulation class: Class B

DCJ-055-09/DDP-090-09/DEP-090-09 DCJ-055-18/DDP-090-18/ DDP-090-36/DEP-090-36

DC24V DEP-090-18
AC100/200 RTL-230-18/REL-230-18
1 The figures in the table are those at the output shaft.
2 The figures are typical values.
3 The quad encoder resolution is obtained by the formula (motor encoder resolution)
x4 x (reduction ratio).

Unit: mm

Model A B øC øD

FHA-8C 50 48.5 33.5 6.2

FHA-11C 60 56 41 8

FHA-14C 75 66 52.5 13.5

Harmonic Drive LLC 8 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

FHA-C Series
Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators
FHA-C Series

These servo actuators utilize Harmonic Drive® precision gears combined with a performance
matched brushless servo motor and incremental encoder. The FHA has a low profile form
factor and features a hollow shaft through the center of the output. This hollow shaft feature
may be used to pass cables, tubing or a laser beam through the axis of rotation.
The FHA series is designed to operate with a wide range of third-party drivers, as well as
Harmonic Drive LLC’s DDP Series, DEP Series, and RTL Series.
• High torque
• Large center through hole
• Compact cylindrical design

•FHA-C Series Ratings

Model FHA-17C FHA-25C FHA-32C FHA-40C

Ratio 50 100 160 50 100 160 50 100 160 50 100 160

Rotary Servo Actuator

Nm • 39 57 64 150 230 260 281 398 453 500 690 820
in-lb 345 504 566 1328 2036 2301 2487 3522 4009 4425 6107 7257

Maximum rpm 96 48 27 90 45 28 80 40 25 70 35 22
Rotational Speed

N•m/Arms 21 42 67 22 45 72 27 54 86 31 64 102
Torque Constant
in-lb/Arms 186 372 593 195 398 637 239 478 761 274 566 903

Maximum Arms 2.1 1.6 1.1 7.3 5.6 4.0 11.4 8.0 5.9 17.3 11.8 9.0

kg•m2 0.17 0.67 1.7 0.81 3.2 8.3 1.8 7.1 18.1 4.9 19.5 50
Moment (GD2/4)
of Inertia (J)
kgf•cm•s2 1.7 6.9 17 8.3 33 85 18 72 185 50 200 510

One-Way Positioning arc/sec 60 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 40 30 30


N•m 188 370 530 690

Moment Load
in-lb 1664 3275 4691 6107

N•m/rad 220x103 490x103 790x103 1400x103

Moment Stiffness
in-lb/rad 1947x103 4337x103 6992x103 12390x103

Quad Encoder Pulses/

Resolution 500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000
(At x 4)*3 Revolution

Power Supply V DC 24V, AC 100, AC 200 AC 100, AC 200 AC 100, AC 200 AC 200

Weight kg 2.5 4.0 6.5 12

Protection Totally closed, self-cooling (Equivalent to IP44)

Operating temperature: 0 to 40°C/Storage temperature: -20 to 60°C • Operating and storage humidity: 20 to 80% RH (no condensation permitted). Insulation
Environmental Conditions resistance: 100MΩ (DC 500V) • Dielectric strength: AC 1500V/1min. Vibration resistance: 24.5m/s2 (frequency: 10 to 400Hz) • Shock resistance: 294m/s2.
Indoor installation: No dust, no metal powder, no corrosive gas, no oil mist, no other foreign matter and no direct sunshine • Altitude 1000m or less.

DC 24V DDP-090-36/DEP-090-36 – – –

Recommended RTL-230-18/REL-230-18 RTL-230-36 RTL-230-18 RTL-230-36 RTL-230-18 –

AC 100 REL-230-36 REL-230-36
RTL-230-18/REL-230-18 RTL-230-36 RTL-230-18
AC 200 REL-230-36 REL-230-18
1 The figures in the table are those at the output shaft.
2 The figures are typical values.
3 The quad encoder resolution is obtained by the formula (motor encoder resolution) x4 x (reduction ratio).
Please refer to the manual for details.

Unit: mm


øA 128 155 175 230

øB 70 85 105 130

øC 18 32 35 45

D 21 25 22 30

E 78 90.5 111.5 127

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 9 Harmonic Drive LLC

Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators
FHA-C PR Series
FHA-C PR Series

FHA-C-PR features improved one way and bi-directional positioning repeatability and is ideal
for high-precision rotary positioning. These servo actuators utilize Harmonic Drive® precision
gears combined with a performance matched brushless servo motor and incremental
encoder. The FHA has a low profile form factor and features a hollow shaft through the center
of the output. This hollow shaft feature may be used to pass cables, tubing or a laser beam
through the axis of rotation.
The FHA series is designed to operate with a wide range of third-party drivers, as well as
Harmonic Drive LLC’s DDP Series, DEP Series, and RTL Series.
• High torque
• Large center through hole
• Compact cylindrical design
Rotary Servo Actuator


• Dimensions (Unit: mm)

Actuator Model FHA-17C-PR FHA-25C-PR FHA-32C-PR FHA-40C-PR

Dimension L1 35 44.3 46 58.5

Dimension L2 29.5 39.3 41 51.5

• Mechanical Accuracy
The FHA-C-PR mechanical accuracies of the output shaft and mounting flange are shown below: (Unit: mm)

Feature FHA-17C-PR FHA-25C-PR FHA-32C-PR FHA-40C-PR

1. Output shaft surface runout 0.010 0.012 0.012 0.014

2. Output shaft axial runout 0.010 0.012 0.012 0.014

3. Parallelism between output shaft

0.040 0.050 0.050 0.060
and mounted surface
4. Concentricity of output flange to
0.040 0.050 0.050 0.060
mounting pilot
Note: For information on the measurement method, refer to the "FHA-C Series Technical Manual."
Note: Values are based on the Total Indicator Reading (T.I.R.).

Harmonic Drive LLC 10 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators

FHA-C PR Series
FHA-C PR Series
"200V" and "100V" in the table are referred to as the 200V specification (standard) and the 100V specification (option), respectively.

Ratio 50 100 160 50 100 160 50 100 160 50 100 160
N•m 39 57 64 150 230 260 281 398 453 500 690 820
Maximum torque
in-lb 345 504 566 1328 2036 2301 2487 3522 4009 4425 6107 7257
Maximum speed rpm 96 48 30 90 45 28 80 40 25 70 35 22
200V N•m/Arms 21 42 67 22 45 72 27 54 86 31 64 102
Torque constant
100V N•m/Arms 11 21 33 11 22 36 13 27 43 - - -

200V Arms 2.1 1.6 1.1 7.3 5.6 4.0 11.4 8.0 5.9 17.3 11.8 9.0
100V Arms 4.2 3.2 2.2 15 11 8.0 23 16 12 - - -

200V V/(rpm) 2.3 4.7 7.5 2.5 5.1 8.1 3.0 5.9 9.5 3.6 7.2 11.4
EMF voltage
100V V/(rpm) 1.2 2.4 3.8 1.3 2.6 4.1 1.5 3.0 4.8 - - -

Rotary Servo Actuator

200V Ω (20οC) 7.9 2.6 1.0 0.73
Phase resistance
100V Ω (20οC) 2.0 0.65 0.25 -
200V mH 6.0 2.6 1.3 1.5
Phase inductance
100V mH 1.5 0.65 0.33 -

(GD2/4) kg•m2 0.21 0.83 2.1 0.90 3.5 9.2 2.1 8.2 21 5.5 22 56
Moment of inertia
(J) kgf•cm•s 2
2.1 8.5 21 9 37 94 21 84 215 56 223 569

kN 2.9 4.9 9.5 14.7

Allowable radial load
kgf 300 500 970 1500
kN 9.8 14.7 24.5 39.2
Allowable axial load
kgf 1000 1500 2500 4000
N•m 188 370 530 690
Max. moment load
kgf•m 19 38 54 70

N•m/rad 220×10 3
490×10 3
790×10 3
Moment stiffness kgf•m/
6.5 15 23 42
One-way positioning arc-sec 60 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 40 30 30
One-way repeatability arc-sec ±5 ±5 ±4 ±4

Bi-directional repeatability arc-sec 75 30 30 60 25 25 50 20 20 50 20 20

Motor encoder 2500 counts / revolution

Quad encoder resolutions *3
500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,600,000

Mass kg 2.8 4.7 7.1 13.6

Enclosure Totally enclosed self-cooling (IP44)

Operating temperature: 0 to 40οC/storage temperature: -20 to 60οC

Operating humidity / storage humidity: 20 to 80%RH (no condensation)
Vibration resistance: 24.5m/s2 (frequency: 10 to 400Hz) / shock resistance: 294 m/s2
Environmental conditions Do not expose to dust, metal powder, corrosive gas, flammable gas, or oil mist.
Use indoors, and do not expose to direct sunlight.
Altitude: 1000 m or lower above sea level

Motor insulation Insulation resistance: 100MΩ or higher (500 VDC), Withstanding voltage: AC1500V/1min, Insulation class: Type F

Mounting direction All position

200V HA-800*-3C-200 HA-800*-3C-200 HA-800*-6C-200 HA-800*-6C-200

Combination servo driver
100V HA-800*-3C-100 HA-800*-6C-100 HA-800*-6C-100 -
1 The values in the table above are referred to as typical values for the output shaft.
2 The value when used with the HA-800 driver.
3 Quadrature resolutions are obtained by (motor encoder resolution x 4) x (reduction ratio)

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 11 Harmonic Drive LLC

Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators
FHA-C H Series
FHA-C-H Series

New! FHA-C Series servo actuators are now available with IP65 protection. Four sizes are
available: 17, 25, 32 and 40. The IP65 rated FHA-C actuator is ideal for harsh environments.
With IP65 and 480V, the FHA actuator is well suited for machine tool, packaging, and wash-
down applications.
• High torque
• Large center through hole
• Compact cylindrical design
• IP65 Rating
• 480VAC*
• EnDat® & HIPERFACE® Encoder Protocols
• DESINA style flex rated cables
* Contact us for additional voltage options.



Rotary Servo Actuator





• Dimensions Unit: mm


øA 18 32 35 45

øB H7 25 42 60 60

øC 70 85 105 130

øD 105 125 140 185

øE 128 155 175 230

F 12 15 18 22

G 105.5/121* 106.5/132.5* 129/155* 143.8/164.8*

* with brake

• Mechanical Accuracy Unit: mm (inches)

2 B
Feature FHA-17C-H FHA-25C-H FHA-32C-H FHA40C-H
A 1
1. Axial run-out of output
0.010 0.012 0.012 0.014
4 A 3 B
2. Radial run-out of output
0.010 0.012 0.012 0.014

3. Parallelism of output flange 4 A

0.040 0.050 0.050 0.060 3 B
and mounting flange

4. Concentricity of output
0.040 0.050 0.050 0.060
flange to mounting pilot

Note: All values are T.I.R. (Total Indicator Reading).

Harmonic Drive LLC 12 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators
FHA-C H Series

FHA-C-H Series

Item (Bus voltage 680VDC) (Bus voltage 680VDC) (Bus voltage 680VDC) (Bus voltage 680VDC)

Ratio 50 100 160 50 100 160 50 100 160 50 100 160

Maximum Torque N•m TM 39 57 64 151 233 261 281 398 453 500 686 823

Maximum Current Arms IM 1.4 1.1 0.8 3.9 3 2.2 6.5 4.7 3.5 9.3 6.4 5.0

Continuous Torque N•m TC 15 23 23.2 40 72 90 60 153.5 240 90 234 400

Continous Current Arms IC 0.65 0.55 0.45 1.3 1.3 1.25 2 2 1.9 2.4 2.4 2.4

Maximum Speed rpm NM 96 48 30 90 45 28.1 80 40 25 70 35 21.9

Torque Constant N•m/Arms KT 37 75 120 42 86 138 49 100 160 59 120 193

Vrms/(krpm) 50 57 67 80
Motor EMF Constant VEMF
(Line-Line) Vrms/(rad/s) 0.48 0.55 0.64 0.77

Phase Resistance Ω R 64 22.4 7.8 5.6

(20°C, Line-Line)
Phase Inductance mH L 42 20 9.8 11.2

Rotary Servo Actuator


Number of Pole Pairs p P 6 6 6 6

Allowable Axial Load kN LA 9.8 14.7 24.5 39.2

Allowable Radial Load kN LR 2.9 4.9 9.5 14.7

Allowable Moment Load Nm LM 188 370 530 690

3 3 3
Moment Stiffness N•m/rad 220 x 10 490 x 10 790 x 10 1400 x 103

One-Way Positional arc-sec 60 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 40 30 30

Single-turn absolute Single-turn absolute Single-turn absolute (En- Single-turn absolute (En-
(EnDat and HIPER- (EnDat and HIPER- Dat and HIPERFACE) Dat and HIPERFACE)
Feedback Type*1 FACE) Multi-turn FACE) Multi-turn abso- Multi-turn absolute Multi-turn absolute
absolute (EnDat) lute (EnDat) (EnDat) (EnDat)

Mass 3.3 4.6 6.8 10.8

kg M
Mass (with brake) 3.7 5.4 7.7 12.8

Motor EnDat 1.37 3.95 7.63 19.3

(without HIPERFACE 1.44 3.65 7.33 19.3
brake)*2 kg•m2 JA
Motor EnDat 1.66 4.84 9.00 21.9
(with brake)*2 HIPERFACE 1.73 4.54 8.69 21.9

The table shows typical values. *1 Refer to manual for details. *2 Inertia shown in this table is at input side. To convert to output side, multiply the inertia by (ratio)2

HarmonicDrive® gear

Motor power and feedback connector.

CrossRoller Bearing M17 screw lock type

Output Seal (Fixed part)

Hollow shaft & Inner tube

(Rotate with output flange) Feedback

Optional Brake
Output flange (Rotating part)

Brushless DC motor with thermal sensor

Mounting flange (Fixed part) (12 poles and 3 phase)

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 13 Harmonic Drive LLC

SHA-CG Series Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators
SHA-CG Series

SHA-CG high precision actuators are a great alternative for direct drive motors.
SHA-CG actuators offer direct drive motor performance in a compact, significantly
lighter package. The SHA-CG offers improved rotary positioning accuracy and a high
precision output with surface runout less than 10 microns.
• Alternative to Direct Drive Motors
• High Accuracy Output Bearing
• Available with Mounting Base
• High Torque
• Hollow Shaft Design
• Compact
• Available in 4 sizes

•SHA-CG Series Ratings

Model SHA20A SHA25A (Motor voltage 100V) SHA25A (Motor voltage 200V)
Rotary Servo Actuator


Ratio 50 80 100 120 160 50 80 100 120 160 50 80 100 120 160

Maximum Nm• 73 96 107 113 120 127 178 204 217 229 127 178 204 217 229
Torque*1 in-lb 642 850 947 100 1062 1124 1575 1805 1920 2027 1124 1575 1805 1920 2027

rpm 120 75 60 50 37.5 96 60 48 40 30 112 70 56 46.7 35
Rotational Speed

N•m/Arms 16 26 33 39 53 10.9 17.7 22 27 35 19 31 38 46 61

Torque Constant
in-lb/Arms 142 230 292 345 469 97 157 195 239 308 168 274 336 407 540

Maximum Current*1 Arms 6.1 5 4.6 4.1 3.4 15.1 13.2 12.2 11 9 8.7 7.6 7 6.3 5.2

Moment of Inertia GD2/4 kg•m 2

0.21 0.53 0.82 1.2 2.1 0.5 1.3 2 2.9 5.1 0.5 1.3 2 2.9 5.1
(without brake) J kgf•cm•s2 2.1 5.4 8 12 22 5.1 13 20 29 52 5.1 13 20 29 52

Moment of Inertia GD2/4 kg•m 2

0.23 0.6 0.94 1.3 2.4 0.6 1.5 2.4 3.4 6.1 0.6 1.5 2.4 3.4 6.1
(with brake) J kgf•cm•s2 2.4 6.1 9.6 14 24 6.1 16 24 35 62 6.1 16 24 35 62

One-Way Positioning
arc•sec 60 50 50 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 40 40 40 40

Allowable N•m 187 258

Moment Load in-lb 1655 2283

N•m/rad 25.2×104 39.2×104

Moment Stiffness
in-lb/rad 7.5 11.6

Output Resolution 6,553,600 10,485,760 13,107,200 15,728,640 20,971,520 6,553,600 10,485,760 13,107,200 15,728,640 20,971,520 10,485,760 13,107,200 15,728,640 20,971,520 15,859,712

Power Supply V 200V 100V 200V

Mass (without brake) kg 2.6 3.95

Mass (with brake) kg 2.7 4.1

Protection Structure Enclosed, self-cooled (IP54)

Operating temperature: 0 to 40°C • Storage temperature: -20 to +60°C. Operating and storage humidity: 20 to 80% RH (No condensation permitted).
Vibration resistance : 25m/s2 (frequency: 10 to 400Hz) • Shock resistance: 300m/s2. Indoor installation: No dust, no metal powder, no corrosive gas, no inflammable
Environmental Conditions
gas, no oil mist, no other foreign matter and no direct sunshine. Altitude 1000m or less. Insulation resistance: 100MΩ or higher (DC 500V). Dielectric strength: AC
1500V/1min. Insulation class: Class E

REL-230-18, REL-230-18, REL-230-36, REL-230-18, REL-230-36,

Recommended Driver
HA-800-3D/E-200 HA-800-6D/E-100*1 HA-800-3D/E-200

Encoder Type Magnetic absolute encoder Magnetic absolute encoder

The table shows typical output values of actuators.

*1 Typical specifications when combined with our drivers.

Harmonic Drive LLC 14 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators

SHA-CG Series
SHA-CG Series
•SHA-CG Series Ratings

Ratio 50 80 100 120 160 50 80 100 120 160

N•m 281 395 433 459 484 523 675 738 802 841
Torque*1 in-lb 2487 3496 3832 4062 4283 4629 5974 6531 7098 7443

Maximum 96 60 48 40 30 80 50 40 33.3 25
Rotational Speed

N•m/Arms 20 33 41 49 66 25 40 50 60 80
Torque Constant
in-lb/Arms 177 292 363 434 584 221 354 443 531 708

Maximum Current*1 Arms 17.7 15.4 13.7 12.2 10 27.2 22 19.6 18 14.7

kg•m2 1.7 4.3 6.7 9.7 17 4.8 12 19 27 49

Moment of Inertia GD2/4
(without brake) J kgf•cm•s2 17 44 68 99 175 49 124 194 280 497

kg•m2 2 5.1 7.9 11 20 5.8 15 23 33 59

Rotary Servo Actuator

Moment of Inertia GD2/4
(with brake) J kgf•cm•s2 20 52 81 116 207 59 150 235 338 601

One-Way Positioning 40 30 30 30 30 40 30 30 30 30

N•m 580 849

Moment Load in-lb 5133 7514

N m/rad
• 100×104 179×104
Moment Stiffness
in-lb/rad 29.6 53.2

Pulses/ 6,553,600 10,485,760 13,107,200 15,728,640 20,971,520 6,553,600 10,485,760 13,107,200 15,728,640 20,971,520
Output Resolution

Power Supply V 200V 200V

Mass (without brake) kg 7.7 13

Mass (with brake) kg 8 13.8

Protection Structure Enclosed, self-cooled (IP54)

Operating temperature: 0 to 40°C • Storage temperature: -20 to +60°C. Operating and storage humidity: 20 to 80% RH (No condensation permitted).
Vibration resistance : 25m/s2 (frequency: 10 to 400Hz) • Shock resistance: 300m/s2. Indoor installation: No dust, no metal powder, no corrosive gas, no
Environmental Conditions inflammable gas, no oil mist, no other foreign matter and no direct sunshine. Altitude 1000m or less. Insulation resistance: 100MΩ or higher (DC 500V).
Dielectric strength: AC 1500V/1min. Insulation class: Class E

Recommended Driver REL-230-18, REL-230-36, HA-800-6D/E-200 REL-230-36, REL-230-40, HA-800-24D/E-200

Encoder Type Magnetic absolute encoder Magnetic absolute encoder

The table shows typical output values of actuators. (28) (28)

*1 Typical specifications when combined with our drivers.


Units: mm


Symbol 200
0 (21) (13)

Output Rotational Part

15 MAX
øA 117 144 175 225 R0.4 MAX R0.4 MAX

øB 69 84 110 132 3.5


øC 17 27 35 45


Hollow Shaft Diameter

D 26 28.5 34 40


E 125.5 127.5 144 170 D


The mechanical accuracies of the output shaft and mounting flange are as follows:
Units: microns

Size Symbol SHA20A SHA25A SHA32A SHA40A B

2-1 2-2
1. Output shaft surface runout 10 10 10 10 A 1

2-1. Output shaft axial runout (Outside diameter) 10 10 10 10 3 B

5 A
2-2. Output shaft axial runout (Inside diameter) 15 15 15 15
3. Parallelism between the output shaft and actuator mounting surface 30 30 35 35 6 A
4 B
4. Parallelism between the output shaft and actuator mounting surface 40 40 45 45
5. Concentricity between the output shaft and actuator mounting diameter 50 50 55 60
6. Concentricity between the output shaft and actuator mounting diameter 60 60 65 70
Note: All values are T.I.R. (Total Indicator Reading).

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 15 Harmonic Drive LLC

SHA Series Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators
SHA-SG Series

SHA Series AC Servo Actuators provide high torque and highly accurate rotary
These servo actuators utilize Harmonic Drive® precision gears combined with a
brushless servomotor and magnetic absolute encoder. The SHA Series is an advanced
version of the FHA series AC Servo Actuators, featuring a larger hollow shaft with a
smaller, outside diameter.
The SHA Series is designed to operate with REL Series and HA-800 drivers.
• High torque
• Compact, slim design
• Large center through hole
• Low voltage winding available for SHA25A

•SHA Series Ratings

Rotary Servo Actuator

Ratio 51 81 101 121 161 11HP 51 81 101 121 161 11HP 51 81 101 121 161

Nm• 73 96 107 113 120 26 127 178 204 217 229 62 281 395 433 459 484
Torque*2 in-lb 646 850 947 1,000 1,062 203 1124 1575 1805 1920 2027 549 2487 3496 3832 4062 4283

Maximum 117.6 74.1 59.4 49.6 37.3 509.1 109.8 69.1 55.4 46.3 34.8 436.4 94.1 59.3 47.5 39.7 29.8
Rotational Speed

N•m/Arms 16.5 27 33 40 53 4.2 19 31 39 46 62 4.5 21 33 42 50 66

Torque Constant
in-lb/Arms 146 239 292 354 469 37 168 274 345 407 549 40 186 292 372 443 584

Maximum Current*2 Arms 6.0 4.9 4.5 4.0 3.4 8.9 8.6 7.5 7.0 6.3 5.2 19 17.3 15.2 13.5 12.2 9.9

kg•m 2 0.23 0.58 0.91 1.3 2.3 0.029 0.56 1.42 2.2 3.2 5.6 0.092 2.0 5.1 8.0 11 20
Moment of Inertia GD2/4
(without brake) J kgf•cm•s2 2.4 6.0 9.3 13 24 0.296 5.7 14.4 22 32 57 0.930 21 52 81 17 207

kg•m2 0.26 0.65 1.0 1.4 2.6 0.034 0.66 1.66 2.6 3.7 6.6 0.107 2.3 5.9 9.2 13 23
Moment of Inertia GD2/4
(with brake) J kgf•cm•s 2 2.6 6.6 10 15 26 0.347 6.7 17 26 38 67 1.087 24 60 94 135 238

One-Way Positioning 60 50 50 50 50 120 50 40 40 40 40 120 50 40 40 40 40


N•m 187 410 258 932 580

Moment Load in-lb 1,655 3629 2283 8248 5133

N•m/rad 25.2 x 104 37.4 x 104 39.2 x 104 86.1 x 104 100 x 104
Moment Stiffness
in-lb/rad 223 x 104 335 x 104 346.9 x 10 4 761 x 104 885 x 104

Pulses/ 6,684,672 10,616,832 13,238,272 15,859,712 21,102,592 1,441,792 6,684,672 10,616,832 13,238,272 15,859,712 21,102,592 1,441,792 6,684,672 10,616,832 13,238,272 15,859,712 21,102,592
Output Resolution
Power Supply V AC 200 AC 100, AC 200, DC 48V-90V AC 200, DC 48V-90V
200 200

Mass (without brake) kg 2.0 5 2.95 9.4 5.9

Mass (with brake) kg 2.1 5.1 3.1 9.7 6.2

Protection Structure Totally enclosed self-cooled type (equivalent to IP54)

Operating temperature: 0 to 40°C • Storage temperature: -20 to +60°C. Operating and storage humidity: 20 to 80% RH (No condensation permitted).
Vibration resistance : 25m/s2 (frequency: 10 to 400Hz) • Shock resistance: 300m/s2. Indoor installation: No dust, no metal powder, no corrosive gas, no inflammable gas,
Environmental Conditions no oil mist, no other foreign matter and no direct sunshine. Altitude 1000m or less. Insulation resistance: 100MΩ or higher (DC 500V). Dielectric strength: AC 1500V/1min.
Insulation class: Class E

Recommended Driver – – DEP-090-36 – DEP-090-36

DC 48V-90V

Recommended Driver – – REL-230-18, REL-230-36 – –

Recommended Driver REL-230-18, HA-800-3D 230- REL-230-18, HA-800-3D REL-230-18, REL-230-36, HA-800-6D
AC-200V 18

1 The table shows typical output values of actuators.

2 When combined with HA-800 driver.
3 Encoder Type: Magnetic absolute encoder. Single-turn: 217 (313,072). Multi-turn: 216 (65,536) (Battery back-up).
4 Please refer to the manual for rating details.

Harmonic Drive LLC 16 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Hollow Shaft Brushless Actuators

SHA Series
SHA-SG Series
•SHA Series Ratings
Model SHA40A SHA58A SHA65A

Ratio 51 81 101 121 161 81 101 121 161 81 101 121 161

N•m 523 675 738 802 841 1924 2067 2236 2392 2400 2990 3263 3419
in-lb 4629 5974 6531 7098 7443 17027 18293 19789 21169 21240 26462 28878 30258

Maximum rpm 78.4 49.4 39.6 33.1 24.8 37.0 29.7 24.8 18.6 34.6 27.7 23.1 17.4
Rotational Speed

N•m/Arms 25 41 51 61 81 54 68 81 108 54 68 81 108

Torque Constant
in-lb/Arms 221 363 451 540 717 478 602 717 956 478 602 717 956

Maximum Current*2 Arms 26.7 21.8 19.4 17.9 14.6 45 39 36 30 55 55 51 41

kg•m2 5.0 13 20 28 50 96 149 214 379 110 171 245 433

Moment of Inertia GD2/4
(without brake) J
kgf•cm•s2 51 130 202 290 513 980 1520 2180 3870 1120 1740 2500 4420

Rotary Servo Actuator

kg•m 2 6.1 15 24 34 61 106 165 237 420 120 187 268 475
Moment of Inertia GD2/4
(with brake) J
kgf•cm•s2 62 157 244 350 619 1090 1690 2420 4290 130 1910 2740 4850

One-Way Positioning arc•sec 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40


N•m 849 2,180 2,740

Moment Load
in-lb 7514 19293 24249

N•m/rad 179 x 104 531 x 104 741 x 104

Moment Stiffness
in-lb/rad 1584.2 x 104 4699.4 x 104 6557.9 x 104

Output Resolution Pulses/ 6,684,672 10,616,832 13,238,272 15,859,712 21,102,592 10,616,832 13,238,272 15,859,712 21,102,592 10,616,832 13,238,272 15,859,712 21,102,592

Power Supply V AC 200 AC 200 AC 200

Mass (without brake) kg 9.9 29.5 37.5

Mass (with brake) kg 10.7 32 40

Protection Structure Totally enclosed self-cooled type (equivalent to IP54)

Operating temperature: 0 to 40°C • Storage temperature: -20 to +60°C. Operating and storage humidity: 20 to 80% RH (No condensation permitted).
Vibration resistance : 25m/s2 (frequency: 10 to 400Hz) • Shock resistance: 300m/s2. Indoor installation: No dust, no metal powder, no corrosive gas, no
Environmental Conditions inflammable gas, no oil mist, no other foreign matter and no direct sunshine. Altitude 1000m or less. Insulation resistance: 100MΩ or higher (DC 500V).
Dielectric strength: AC 1500V/1min. Insulation class: Class E

Recommended Driver REL-230-36, REL-230-40 – –


Recommended Driver HA-800-24D HA-800-24D HA-800-24D

1 The table shows typical output values of actuators.

2 When combined with HA-800 driver.
3 Encoder Type: Magnetic absolute encoder. Single-turn: 217 (313,072). Multi-turn: 216 (65,536) (Battery back-up).
4 Please refer to the manual for detail of ratings.
Units: mm



øA 94 114 146 175 247 284

øB 70 86 114 140 203 223

øC 17 27 35 45 65 65

D 11.5 15.5 20 26 37 42.5

E 103 109 125 148 213 222



w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 17 Harmonic Drive LLC

FLA Series Brushless Actuators
FLA Series

The new ultra-flat, ultra-light brushless actuators combine our high-precision/high-

performance reducers with a compact, high-output brushless DC motor. FLA actuators
are available with our high-speed, high-efficiency Harmonic Planetary® gearhead or
with our high-precision, high-torque Harmonic Drive® reducer.
• Ultra-Flat Shape
• Multiple Options Available: Three sizes, three ratios and two voltages
• Light Weight
• Designed to operate with a wide range of third-party servo drives

•FLA Series Ratings

FLA-11A-08HP FLA-14A-08HP FLA-17A-09HP
Ratio 8 8 9
Rotary Servo Actuator

Maximum Torque N•m 1.8 3.7 7.3

Allowable Continuous Torque N•m 0.6 1.2 3
Maximum Speed rpm 500 500 500
Allowable Continuous Speed rpm 100 100 100
Maximum Current (24VDC) Arms 8.7 18.0 26.2
Maximum Current (48VDC) Arms 4.5 9.6 13.6
Allowable Continuous Current (24VDC) Arms 3.0 6.0 10.4
Allowable Continuous Current (48VDC) Arms 1.6 3.0 5.3
Moment of Inertia (GD2/4) kgm2 0.00013 0.00039 0.001
Allowable Moment Load v 1.2 1.6 2.0
Moment Stiffness N•m/rad 2.0 x 103 3.3 x 103 4.4 x 103
Motor Position Sensor Hall sensor
Positioning Resolution per Motor Rotation pls/rev 30 30 30
Output Shaft Resolution pls/rev 240 240 270
Weight g 390 620 870
Enclosure Fully enclosed self-cooling (IP40)

FLA-11A-xxFB FLA-14A-xxFB FLA-17A-xxFB
Ratio 50 100 50 100 50 100
Maximum Torque N•m 6.7 11 11.2 18.2 23 34
Allowable Continuous Torque N•m 1.7 2.4 2.6 3.8 7.9 11.4
Maximum Speed rpm 100 50 100 50 100 50
Allowable Continuous Speed rpm 60 30 60 30 60 30
Maximum Current (24VDC) Arms 6.0 5.0 9.7 8.7 18.4 14.3
Maximum Current (48VDC) Arms 3.1 2.6 4.8 4.2 9.4 7.2
Allowable Continuous Current (24VDC) Arms 1.9 1.7 3.0 2.5 6.8 5.3
Allowable Continuous Current (48VDC) Arms 1.0 0.8 1.5 1.2 3.4 2.9
Moment of Inertia (GD /4) 2
kgm 2
0.0073 0.029 0.019 0.077 0.048 0.19
Allowable Moment Load v 1.2 1.6 2.0
Moment Stiffness N•m/rad 2.0 x 103 3.3 x 103 4.4 x 103
Motor Position Sensor Hall sensor
Positioning Resolution per Motor Rotation pls/rev 30 30 30
Output Shaft Resolution pls/rev 1,500 3,000 1,500 3,000 1,500 3,000
Weight g 420 720 940
Enclosure Fully enclosed self-cooling (IP40)

Harmonic Drive LLC 18 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Brushless Actuators

FLA Series
FLA Series

WHITE HU Hall Sensor Output (U-Phase)

GREEN HV Hall Sensor Output (V-Phase)

BLUE HW Hall Sensor Output (W-Phase)

RED +5V Power Input +5 V

BLACK 0V Power Input 0 V (GND)

YELLOW TH Thermistor Output



Rotary Servo Actuator

RED Motor U-Phase

WHITE Motor V-Phase

BLACK Motor W-Phase

Motor Leads
Sensor Leads 400mm
6-AWG26 (Wire outer diameter: 1.48)
(Wire outer diameter: 0.81)
(Max. diameter of
rotating region)
φC h7 -0.030
φB h7

E ±1

• FLA-HP Dimensions Unit: mm

• FLA-FB Dimensions Unit: mm

Size Size
FLA-11 FLA-14 FLA-17 FLA-20 FLA-11 FLA-14 FLA-17 FLA-20
Symbol Symbol

øA 71 85 92 100 øA 71 85 92 100

øB 58 72 79 87 øB 58 72 79 87

øC 43 54 60 64 øC 43 54 60 64

D 13 13 14 14.5 D 13.5 15 17.1 18.1

E 39.8 43.3 48.7 47.8 E 40.3 45.3 51.8 51.4

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 19 Harmonic Drive LLC

RSF Supermini Series Brushless Actuators
RSF Supermini Series

These extremely small servo actuators utilize zero backlash Harmonic Drive®
precision gears, a brushless servo motor and an incremental encoder to
RSF-3 deliver precision motion control. The RSF Supermini series is designed to
operate with a wide range of third party drivers as well as Harmonic Drive
LLC’s DCJ Series, DDP Series, DEP Series, and HA680 drivers. The units are
small enough to fit inside the finger of a robotic hand.
• Compact, lightweight
• High output torque
• High positional accuracy
47mm • RSF-5B is available with an optional brake

•RSF Supermini Series Ratings

Ratio 30 50 100 30 50 100
Power Supply Voltage (driver) V DC24±10% DC24±10%
Rotary Servo Actuator

Maximum Continuous Current Arms 0.65 0.66 0.56 1.11 0.92 0.76
Rated Torque N•m 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.29 0.44
(during operation at allowable) in-lb 0.27 0.62 0.97 1.6 2.6 3.9
Maximum Rotational Speed (output shaft) rpm 150 90 45 150 90 45
N•m 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.28 0.44 0.65
Continuous Stall Torque
in-lb 0.35 0.71 1.06 2.5 3.9 5.8
Maximum Instantaneous Current Arms 1.5 1.4 1.1 2.3 2.2 1.7
N•m 0.13 0.21 0.3 0.5 0.9 1.4
Maximum Torque
in-lb 1.15 1.86 2.66 4.4 8 12.4
Maximum Speed rpm 333 200 100 333 200 100
N•m/Arms 0.11 0.18 0.4 0.3 0.54 1.1
Torque Constant
in-lb/Arms 0.97 1.59 3.54 2.66 4.78 9.74
EMF Constant V/(rpm) 0.015 0.025 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.13
Phase Resistance (at 20˚C) Ω 1.34 0.82
Phase Inductance mH 0.18 0.27
0.66x10-4 1.83x10-4 7.31x10-4
GD2/4 kg•m2 0.11x10-4 0.29x10-4 1.17x10-4
(0.11x10-3) (0.31x10-3) (1.23x10-3)
Moment of Inertia 4
0.67x10-3 1.87x10-3 7.45x10-3
J kgf•cm•s2 1.07x10-4 2.98x10-4 11.90x10-4
(1.13x10-3) (3.15x10-3) (12.6x10-3)
One-Way Positioning Accuracy arc/sec 600 600 600 240 180 180
Allowable Radial Load N 36 90
(output shaft central value) lbf 8 20
N 130 270
Allowable Axial Load
lbf 29 61
Encoder Pulses (motor shaft) Pulse 200 500
Quad Encoder Resolutions 5 Pulse/rev. 24,000 40,000 80,000 60,000 100,000 200,000
Input Power Voltage V - DC24±10%
Motor Shaft Brake Retention N•m - 0.18 0.29 0.44
Torque in-lb - 0.16 0.26 0.39
Without Brake g 31.0(except clamp filter) 66.0(except clamp filter)
Mass 6
With Brake g - 86.0(except clamp filter)
Recommended Driver DC24V
HA-680-4B-24 HA-680-4B-24
1 The table shows typical output values of actuators.
2 The values in the table above are obtained when it is
combined with the driver (HA-680-4B-24).
3 All values are typical.
4 The moment of inertia is the total value of the motor
shaft and the gear’s moment of inertia values converted
to the output side. The values in parentheses are for
equipment with a brake.
5 The quad encoder resolution is (motor shaft encoder
resolution when multiplied by 4) x (gear ratio).
6 The weight of clamp filter is 6g each.


Harmonic Drive LLC 20 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Brushless Actuators
RSF-Mini Series

RSF Mini Series

These brushless servo actuators utilize zero backlash Harmonic Drive®
precision gears for precise motion control. The RSF Mini Series is designed
to operate with a wide range of third party drivers as well as Harmonic Drive
LLC’s DCJ Series, DDP Series, DEP Series, and HA680 drivers.
• Exceptional positional accuracy
• Compact design

•RSF Mini Series Ratings


Rotary Servo Actuator

Ratio 30 50 100 30 50 100 30 50 100
Power Suppy Voltage V DC24
N•m 1.8 3.3 4.8 4.5 8.3 11 9 18 28
Maximum Torque*3
in-lb 15.9 29.2 42.5 39.8 73.5 97.4 79.7 159 248
Maximum Speed*3 rpm 200 120 60 200 120 60 200 120 60
Maximum Current*3 Arms 3.8 3.9 2.9 14.4 15.8 9.4 14.4 17.2 12.3
N•m 0.78 1.4 2.0 1.1 2.0 4.0 1.7 3.0 6.0
Allowable Continuous Torque*3, 4
in-lb 6.9 12.4 17.7 9.7 17.7 35.4 15.0 26.6 53.1
Allowable Continuous Current*3, 4 Arms 2.0 2.0 1.5 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.7 4.7
Allowable Continuous Speed*3 rpm 100 60 30 100 60 30 100 60 30
Torque Constant N•m/Arms 0.62 1.1 2.1 0.4 0.66 1.5 0.76 1.3 2.6
EMF Constant V(rpm) 0.07 0.11 0.22 0.04 0.07 0.15 0.08 0.13 0.28
Phase Resistance Ω (25°C) 0.93 0.19 0.23
Phase Inductance mH 0.45 0.1 0.19
GD2/4 0.06 0.16 0.65 0.18 0.49 2.0 0.41 1.1 4.5
Moment of Inertia
×10 -2
J 0.6 1.7 6.6 1.8 5.0 20 4.1 11 46
N 196 245 392
Allowable Radial Load
lbf 44 55 88
N 98 196 392
Allowable Axial Load
lbf 22 44 88
One-Way Positioning Accuracy arc/sec 180 150 150 150 120 120 150 120 120
Quad Encoder Resolutions*6 p/rev 120000 200000 400000 120000 200000 400000 120000 200000 400000
Mass kg 0.3 0.5 0.8
Insulation Class B
Insulation Resistance 100M Ω (DC500V) or more
Withstanding Voltage AC500V/1 min
Recommended Driver DC24V DDP-090-36/DEP-090-36/HA-680-6B-24
1 The table shows output values of the actuator.
2 All specifications are applicable for actuators mounted on an aluminum heat sink of size: 150 x 150 x 6(mm).
3 Values for saturated actuator temperature. Other values are for actuator temperature of 20°C.
4 Values are during operation at allowable continuous rotation speed.
5 All values are typical.
6 Quad encoder resolution is (motor shaft encoder resolution) x 4 x (gear ratio).
7 The specifications above are based on using HA-680 driver.

Model A B C D ø Eh7 øF G

RSF-8B 124.3 21.8 76.5 26 21 34.5 7.5

RSF-11B 141.7 25 90.7 26 24 32.5 9.5

RSF-14B 168.5 28 114.5 26 30 32.5 11.5

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 21 Harmonic Drive LLC

RSF Series Brushless Actuators
RSF Series

The RSF series is compact and includes high torque AC servo actuators
with high rotational accuracy, a shaft output combining Harmonic Drive®
strain wave gearing for precision control and an AC servomotor. The RSF
Series is designed to operate with a wide range of third party drivers as
well as Harmonic Drive LLC’s RTL Series, and REL Series.

• Compact and lightweight

• High power
• High positioning and high rotational accuracies

•RSF Series Ratings

RSF-17 RSF-20A RSF-25A RSF-32A

Ratio 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100

Rotary Servo Actuator

Rated Output W 62 62 120 111 180 190 310 310

Power Supply Voltage (driver) V AC200V

N•m 9.8 20 19 35 29 59 49 98
Rated Torque
in-lb 87 177 168 310 257 522 434 867

Rated Rotational Speed rpm 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30

N•m 9.8 20 19 35 29 59 49 98
Continuous Stall Torque
in-lb 87 177 168 310 257 522 434 867

N•m 34 54 56 82 98 157 220 330

Max. Momentary Torque
in-lb 301 478 496 726 867 1389 1947 2921

Max. Rotational Speed rpm 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 45

(GD2/4) 0.047 0.19 0.098 0.39 0.19 0.77 0.67 2.7

Moment of Inertia*4 kg.m2

(J) kgfcm2 0.48 1.9 1.0 4.0 2.0 7.9 6.9 27

One-Way Positioning Accuracy arc/sec 120 90 90 90

N 780 1400 2900 4400

Allowable Radial Load
Lbf 175 315 652 989

N 780 1370 2900 4400

Allowable Axial Load
Lbf 175 308 652 989

Quad Encoder Resolution*5 400,000 800,000 400,000 800,000 400,000 800,000 400,000 800,000

Mass kg 2.1 2.9 4.7 8.7

Recommended Driver AC200 RTL-230-18, REL-230-18

1 The values in the table are those at the output shaft.
2 The actuator specification is the value when mounted on the following
aluminum radiation plate:
RSF-17, RSF-20 250 x 250 x 12mm
RSF-25, RSF-32 300 x 300 x 15mm
3 The values are those on temperature rise saturation. The other values are
those at 20°C.
4 The moment of inertia is the sum of the inertia of the motor and
Harmonic Drive® gear reflected at the output shaft.
5 Quad Encoder resolution is calculated using (Motor shaft encoder
resolution) x 4 x (Reduction ratio).

Unit: mm

Model A B C D±1 ø Eh7 F G Mass(kg)

RSF-17A 210 40 88 82 20 60 76 2.1

RSF-20A 242 48 98 96 85 60 93 2.9

RSF-25A 288.7 60 104.7 124 110 60 116 4.7

RSF-32A 331 80 123 128 130 80 137 8.7

Harmonic Drive LLC 22 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Brushless Actuators
RKF Series

RKF Series
The RKF series is compact and includes high torque AC servo actuators with
high rotational accuracy, a flange output combining Harmonic Drive® strain
wave gearing for precision control and an AC servo motor. The RKF Series
is designed to operate with a wide range of third party drivers as well as
Harmonic Drive LLC’s RTL Series, and REL Series.

• Compact and lightweight
• High power
• High positioning and high rotational accuracies

•RKF Series Ratings


Rotary Servo Actuator

Ratio 50 100 50 100 50 100

Rated Output W 120 111 180 190 310 310

Power Supply Voltage (driver) V AC200

N•m 19 35 29 59 49 98
Rated Torque
in-lb 168 310 257 522 434 867

Rated Rotational Speed rpm 60 30 60 30 60 30

N•m 19 35 29 59 49 98
Continuous Stall Torque
in-lb 168 310 257 522 434 867

N•m 56 82 98 157 220 330

Max. Momentary Torque
in-lb 496 726 867 1389 1947 2921

Max. Rotational Speed rpm 90 45 90 45 90 45

(GD /4)
0.098 0.39 0.19 0.77 0.67 2.7
Moment of Inertia*4
(J) kgfcm2 1.0 4.0 2.0 7.9 6.9 27

One-Way Positioning Accuracy arc/sec 90 90 90

N 2000 2500 3900

Allowable Radial Load
Lbf 450 562 877

N 880 1100 1600

Allowable Axial Load
Lbf 198 247 360

Quad Encoder Resolution*5 400,000 800,000 400,000 800,000 400,000 800,000

Mass kg 2.9 5.0 9.5

Recommended Driver AC200 RTL-230-18, REL-230-18

1 The aforementioned values are those at the output shaft
including the Harmonic Drive® gear efficiency.
2 The actuator specifications are based on operating when
mounted on an aluminum heat sink of the following sizes or
its equivalent:
RKF-20 250 x 250 x 12mm
RKF-25, RKF-32 300 x 300 x 15mm
3 The values are those on temperature rise saturation. The other
values are those at 20°C.
4 The moment of inertia is the total of the inertia moments of
the motor shaft and Harmonic Drive® gear converted into the
output shaft side.
5 Quad Encoder resolution is calculated using (Motor shaft
encoder resolution) x 4 x (Reduction ratio).

Unit: mm

Model A B C D±1 ø Eh7 F G Mass(kg)

RKF-20A 180 20 64 96 100 60 108 2.9

RKF-25A 215.5 22 69.5 124 120 60 130 5.0

RKF-32A 241 25.5 87.5 128 155 80 165 9.5

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 23 Harmonic Drive LLC

DC Servo Actuators
RH Mini Series

RH Mini Series

This RH Mini Series is a DC servo actuator incorporating Harmonic Drive®

precision gears, a high performance brush DC servomotor and an incremental
• High torque
• Precise positional accuracy
• Compact design

•RH Series Ratings

Model RH-5A RH-8D RH-11D RH-14D
Rotary Servo Actuator

Item 8802 5502 4402 6006 3006 6001 3001 6002 3002

Rated Output W 1.5 1.7 1.4 8.6 6.2 13.6 12.3 20.3 18.5
Rated Voltage V 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24
N•m 0.39 0.59 0.69 2.7 3.5 4.9 7.8 14 20
Maximum Momentary Torque
in-lb 3.45 5.22 6.11 23.9 31.0 43.4 60.0 123.9 177.0

Maximum Continuous Stall N•m 0.24 0.39 0.43 1.5 2.3 2.5 4.4 5.4 7.8
Torque in-lb 2.12 3.45 3.81 13.3 20.4 22.1 38.9 47.8 69.0
N•m 0.16 0.29 0.29 1.4 2 2.2 3.9 3.2 5.9
Rated Torque
in-lb 1.42 2.57 2.57 12.4 17.7 19.5 34.5 28.3 52.5
Maximum Positioning Speed rpm 180 110 90 100 50 100 50 100 50
Rated Positioning Speed rpm 88 55 44 60 30 60 30 60 30
Maximum Momentary Current Arms 0.83 0.78 0.77 1.6 1.1 2.4 2.1 5.4 4.1
Rated Current Arms 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.8 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.8
N•m/Arms 0.69 1.11 1.38 2.1 4.2 2.46 4.91 2.92 5.76
Torque Constant
in-lb/Arms 6.1 9.8 12.2 18.6 37.2 21.7 43.5 25.8 51
kg•m2 6.3x10-4 16x10-4 25x10-4 37x10-4 150x10-4 110x10-4 430x10-4 210x10-4 810x10-4
Moment of Inertia
kgf•cm•s2 0.007 0.016 0.026 0.04 0.15 0.11 0.44 0.21 0.83
One-Way Positioning Accuracy arc/sec 290 290 290 150 150 120 120 120 120
N 29 29 29 98 98 196 196 392 392
Allowable Axial Load
lbf 7 7 7 22 22 44 44 88 88
Reduction Ratio 50 80 100 50 100 50 100 50 100
Mass kg 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.77 0.77
Time constant: Continuous • Protection: Totally closed, self-cooling • Ambient temperature: 0 to 40˚C
Environmental Conditions
Ambient humidity: 35 to 80% RH (no condensation permitted)
DCJ-055-09, DDP-090-09, DEP-
DC 20V – – –
Recommended Driver 090-09
– DCJ-055-09, DDP-090-09, DEP-090-09

Unit: mm

Model øA øB C D

RH-5A 20 5 11 78

RH-8D 33 8 21.8 107.2

RH-11D 40 10 25 125.5

RH-14D 50 12 28 148

Harmonic Drive LLC 24 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Direct Drive Motor

KDU Series
KDU Series

The KDU Series are Direct Drive Motors which achieve 10 arc-sec positioning
accuracy as well as ±0.5 arc-sec repeatability with a resolution of 0.16 arc-sec.
Also, the KDU has a large Hollow Shaft design which allows cables, shafts or lasers
to pass through the axis of rotation.
• Exceptional positional accuracy
• Exceptional repeatability
• Ultra high resolution

•KDU Series Ratings


Maximum Torque*2 N•m 7.0Nm (62.0 In.lb) 15.0Nm (132.8 In.lb)

Max. Rotational Speed rpm 127 127

Direct Drive Motor

Torque Constant N•m/Arms 3.1 (26.9 In.lb/A(rms)) 6.5 (56.4 In.lb/A(rms))

Input Power Supply Voltage V AC 100/AC200

Moment of Inertia kg.m2 0.0047 0.0065

Moment Stiffness N•m/rad 2.4 x 105

Incremental encoder
Motor Position Sensor pulse/rev Square wave : phase A and B: 11,840,000
Z Index Pulse Signal

Repeatability*3 arc sec ± 0.5

Absolute Positioning Accuracy *4 arc sec 10 (Angular position corrected)

Mass kg 4.0 5.0

Mounting Direction – Output shaft to face upward

Combined Driver – HA-770-2

Induced Voltage Constant V/ (rpm) .033 0.68

Line Resistance W (20°C) 9.1 14.0

Line Inductance mH 19 35

Motor Insulation – Insulation Resistance: 100 M W more (DC500V)

Insulation Strength: AC1500V/1min.
Insulation Class: Class B

Protective Structure*5 – Total-enclosed self-enclosed type (IP 40 or equivalent)

1 The table above shows output values of output shaft.
2 The values in the table above are obtained when connected to HA-770 servo driver.
3 The repeatability and absolute repeatability are the values measured in an environment of 23 ±0.3°C in temperature, 50% RH in humidity and with output shaft facing
upward in mounting direction. Please contact Harmonic Drive LLC, to inquire about use with different environmental conditions.
4 Value after angular position of the HA-770 servo driver is corrected.
5 All parts, except the rotary sliding parts (oil seal), of the actuators are protected against solid bodies of superior dimensions to 1mm, and against the water sprays.

•Direct Drive Motor HA-770 Series

Model HA-770-2

Rated Current 1.8A

Maximum Current 10A

Power Source Voltage AC100V~115V(Single-phase) + 10%~–15% 50/60Hz,

AC200V~230V (Single-phase) + 10%~–15% 50/60Hz

Position Command Line driver system: Maximum response frequency, Two-

Pulse pulse system, One-pulse system: 1MHz,
Two-phase pulse system: 200kHz

Control System Sine wave PWM system, switching frequency: 25kHz

Control Mode Position control

Weight 0.8kg

HA-770 Series
•Motor Length Unit: mm


A 80 94

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 25 Harmonic Drive LLC

Hollow Shaft Motor
HMA Motor
HMA Motor

Harmonic Drive LLC offers HMA hollow shaft motors. Hollow shaft design
allows cables, shafts or lasers to pass through the axis of rotation.
• Large Hollow Shaft
• 17-bit Absolute Encoder
• Available in 5 frame sizes

•HMA Motor Ratings


HA-800□- HA-800□- HA-800□- HA-800□- HA-800□- HA-800□-

Combined driver 3D-200 3D-200 6D-E-100 6D-E-200 24D-E-200 24D-E-200
Hollow Shaft Motor

Input power supply voltage V 200 200 100 200 200 200
Rated output W 163 251 406 754 1320
Instantaneous maximum
torque*1 N•m 1.8 3.0 6.6 13 33
Rated torque*1, *2 N•m 0.52 0.80 1.55 3.60 12.6
Maximum speed*1 rpm 6,000 5,600 4,800 4,800 4,000 3,000
Rated speed rpm 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,000
Instantaneous maximum A 6.5 8.9 15.4 18 29 55
Rated current*1, *2 Arms 2.1 2.5 4.3 4.2 7.8 20.0
Torque constant1 N•m/Arms 0.35 0.41 0.24 0.44 0.54 0.72
EMF constant*3 V/(rpm) 0.037 0.043 0.025 0.046 0.057 0.075
Phase resistance (20°C) Ω 1.43 1.2 0.4 0.33 0.19 0.028
Phase inductance mH 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.4 1.2 0.29

0.734 1.78 6.45 15.8 125

GD2/4 ×10-4kg·m2 (0.828) (2.16) (6.83) (19.8) (141)
Moment of Inertia
( ) indicates with
brake 7.49 18.2 65.8 161 1280
J ×10-4kgf·cm·s2 (8.45) (22.1) (69.7) (202) (1444)

Allowable radial load N 800 800 1200 2400 4500

(static) kgf 81.6 81.6 122 245 459
N 1900 2400 3600 5000 14000
Allowable axial load (static)
kgf 194 245 367 510 1429
Rated radial load N 175 185 233 530 1040
(At the rated speed) kgf 17.9 18.9 23.8 54.1 106.1
Rated axial load N 100 105 130 180 880
(At the rated speed) kgf 10.2 10.7 13.3 18.4 89.8
Encoder type Absolute encoder
Single turn motor 217(131,072)
Encoder resolution revolution
capability Multi-turn revolution 216(65,536)
Weight kg 1.4 (1.5) 2.0 (2.1) 3.4 (3.8) 5.5 (6.2) 17.5 (19.7)
( ) indicates with brake

The values in the table above show typical values.

*1: When tested with HA-800.
*2: This is the value for saturated temperature when installed on the next aluminum heatsink of the following size:
HMAC08: 320 x 320 x 16 [mm], HMAB09: 350 x 350 x 18 [mm], HMAB12: 400 x 400 x 20 [mm], HMAB15: 500 x 500 x 25 [mm], HMAA21A: 650 x 650 x 30 [mm]
*3: This is the value of the phase EMF constant multiplied by 3.
*4: The range of the multi revolution counter is from -32,768 to 32,767.

Harmonic Drive LLC 26 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Precision Linear Actuators

LBC Series
LBC Series

The precision lead screw provides positioning accuracy in the micron range with
sub-micron repeatability. The actuator is capable of thrust forces up to 12,000 N.
This product is useful for precise positioning of heavy loads or applications where high
force is required such as molding equipment or precision presses.
• 12,000 N Force
• 0.32 µm positioning resolution
• Brushless servomotor with incremental encoder
• Integral Limit Switches

•LBC Series Ratings

Item Stroke Maximum Resolution Maximum Total length
Drive Repeatability Dimensions
Model (mm) Driving Force (N) (µm) Speed (mm/s) (mm)

LBC-25A-5D6K Brushless Motor 50 6000 0.32 20 ±5µm or

less/50mm φ136 353

Linear Actuator
LBC-25A-5D12K Brushless Motor 50 12000 0.16 10 stroke

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 27 Harmonic Drive LLC

Precision Linear Actuators
LA Series
LA Series

A precision ball screw provides positioning accuracy better than 2 microns

and repeatability of 0.1 microns.
This product is well suited for measuring instruments, test and inspection
systems, optical equipment, semiconductor and LCD manufacturing
• 49 N Force
• 2 micron positioning accuracy
• Brush DC motor with incremental encoder

•LA Series Ratings

Item One-way Outside
Stroke Maximum Resolution Maximum Total length
Drive Positioning Repeatability Dimensions
(mm) Driving Force (N) (µm) Speed (mm/s) (mm)
Model Accuracy (mm)

LA-30B-10-F DC motor 10 49 0.0174 0.9 2µm or ±0.1µm or 28 143

less/40µm less/1mm
LA-32-30-F DC motor 30 49 0.0174 0.9 stroke stroke 36 164
Linear Actuator

Unit: mm

Size LA-30B-10F LA-32-30-F

A 28 36

B(Stroke) 10 30

C 10 13.3

D 133 150.8

Harmonic Drive LLC 28 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Precision Linear Actuators
LAH Series

LAH Series
A precision ball screw provides positioning accuracy better than 4 microns
and repeatability of 1 micron.
This product is well suited for measuring instruments, test and inspection
systems, optical equipment, semiconductor and LCD manufacturing
• 392 to 3000 N Force
• 4 micron positioning accuracy

LAH-46 LAH-80

•LAH Series Ratings

Item Maximum One-way Outside Total
Stroke Maximum Resolution
Drive Speed Positioning Repeatability Dimensions length
(mm) Driving Force (N) (µm)
Model (mm/s) Accuracy (mm) (mm)

LAH-46-1002-F DC motor 10 392 0.069 3.7 4µm or ±0.5µm or 47 185

less/.02mm less/1mm
LAH-46-3002-F DC motor 30 392 0.069 3.7 stroke stroke 47 204

Linear Actuator
4µm or ±1µm or
LAH-80-5020-F-PA 50 3000 2 10 less/2mm less/1mm 85 320
stroke stroke

Unit: mm
LAH-46-1002-F LAH-46-3002-F
A 47 47

B(Stroke) 10 30

C 16 16

D 169 188



w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 29 Harmonic Drive LLC

LSA Series Galvano Optical Scanners
LSA Series

Galvanometric Laser Scanning Actuator. LSA laser scanning actuators are Galvanometric
scanners capable of scanning at high speed with high precision. A newly developed
optical sensor and our unique moving magnet motors are used in the LSA Series laser
scanning actuators
• High response frequency
• High accuracy / repeatability
• Continuous scanning or discrete pointing

•LSA Series Ratings

Galvano Optical Scanners


Maximum Angular Runout Degrees ±15

Rotor Moment of Inertia g•cm 2


Torque Constant N•m/Arms 0.008

Coil Resistance Ω 0.28

Coil Inductance mH 0.098

Sensor Linearity (At full scale) % ±0.06

Sensor Angle Sensitivity V/˚ 0.275

Offset Drift µrad/˚C 25

Scale Drift %/˚C 0.005

Repeatability (Excluding offset/scale drift)1 mrad ±5

1°step Response Load Condition: (2g•cm2)2 ms 0.5

Sensor Power Supply V 5±5%-15±5%

5V±5% mA 90(Max)
Sensor Power Consumption
-15V±5% mA 120(Max)

Weight g 180

1 All angles are mechanical angles.

Harmonic Drive LLC 30 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Micro Encoder Series

Available in two sizes, the micro encoders are ultra-miniature, high resolution
incremental encoders.
The ultra-micro model
· Dimensions ø7.5 x 10.5mm , Incremental encoder 360 line count
· Output phases: A, B, Z
· Square wave open collector output
The micro model
· Dimensions ø13 x 20mm, Incremental encoder 1000 line count
· Output phases: A, B, Z
· Square wave open collector output
· Hollow shaft is also available

•Micro Encoder Series Ratings

MES-6- PC ME -9- PC
Shaft Shape Number
Item Number of Pulses *S: Single Shaft of Pulses
*H: Hollow Shaft

Micro Encoder Series

Power Supply DC5V±10% DC5V±10%

Current Consumption 30mA or less (under no load) 40mA or less (under no load)

Detection System Incremental Incremental

Number of Output Pulses (Standard)

100 200 300 360 100 200 300 360 500 1000
[Number of Pulses/Number of Revolutions]

Output Phases A, B and Z phases A, B and Z phases

Output Mode Square wave, open collector output Square wave, open collector output

Maximum Response Frequency

100kHz 100kHz
(Number of Response Pulses)

Difference between A and B Phases 90˚±45˚ Difference between A and B Phases 90˚±45˚
Output Phase Difference (T/4±T/8), Z PhaseT±T/2 (See output waveform (T/4±T/8), Z PhaseT±T/2 (See output waveform
diagram.) diagram.)

Permissible Maximum Positioning Speed

6000rpm 6000rpm

0˚C~60˚C RH 35%~90% 0˚C~60˚C RH 35%~90%

Operating Temperature and Humidity
No condensation permitted No condensation permitted

Storage Ambient Temperature -20˚C~80˚C -20˚C~80˚C

Weight 5g 10g


Ordering Code ME- X- X- XXXPX
1 2 3 4
1 Shaft shape : S, H**
2 Size : 6, 9
3 Output pulses : 100, 200, 300, 360, 500**, 1000**
4 Output circuit : C = Open collector output
None = Voltage output ***
** Hollow shaft feature and line counts of 500 and 1000 are only available in size 9
*** Voltage output is only available in size 9.

Output Waveform Dimensions
Appearance Output Waveform Dimensions


Accessory: Lock nut
* Z is Low-active * Z is High-active Hollow Shaft Type Shaft Type

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 31 Harmonic Drive LLC

Servo Drivers

DCJ Series DDP Series DEP Series RTL & REL Series

•Servo Driver Specifications

•DC Digital Servo Drive DCJ Series
Harmonic Drive® Servo Drivers

MODEL Vdc lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Control Modes Control Interface Encoder

DCJ-055-09 20-55 3 9
DCJ-055-18 20-55 6 18 ASCII and discrete I/O,
· Indexer, Point-to-Point
Stepper commands 14 Wire Standard Incremental
DCJ-090-03 20-90 1 3 · Camming, Gearing
± 10V position/velocity/torque command Encoder Type
DCJ-090-09 20-90 3 9 · Position, Velocity, Torque (PVT) PWM velocity/torque command
Master encoder (Gearing/Camming)
DCJ-090-12 20-91 6 12

•DC Digital Servo Drive DDP Series

MODEL Vdc lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Control Modes Control Interface Encoder

DDP-090-09 90 3 9

DDP-090-18 90 6 18 CANopen/DeviceNet
· Indexer, Point-to-Point ASCII and discrete I/O,
DDP-090-36 90 12 36 Stepper commands 14 Wire Standard Incremental
· Camming, Gearing
DDP-055-18 55 6 18 ± 10V position/velocity/torque command Encoder Type
· Position, Velocity, Torque (PVT) PWM velocity/torque command
DDP-180-09 180 3 9 Master encoder (Gearing/Camming)
DDP-180-18 180 6 18

•DC Digital Servo Drive DEP Series

MODEL Vdc lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Control Modes Control Interface Encoder

DEP-090-09 90 3 9

DEP-090-18 90 6 18

DEP-090-36 90 12 36

DEP-055-18 55 6 18
14 Wire Standard Incremental
DEP-180-09 180 3 9 Encoder Type
· Indexer, Point-to-Point CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE) EnDat 2.1/2.2
DEP-180-18 180 6 18 ASCII and discrete I/O
· Camming, Gearing 4 Wire Serial Communication
DEP-090-09 90 3 9 ± 10V position/velocity/torque command Incremental Encoder
· Position, Velocity, Torque (PVT) Master encoder (Gearing/Camming)
DEP-090-18 90 6 18 HD Absolute Encoder A Type
Biss-C (multi-turn, Bi-direction)
DEP-090-36 90 12 36

DEP-090-09 90 3 9

DEP-090-18 90 6 18

DEP-090-36 90 12 36

•AC Digital Servo Drive RTL Series

MODEL Vac lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Control Modes Control Interface Encoder

RTL-230-18 100-240 6 18 CANopen/DeviceNet

· Indexer, Point-to-Point ASCII and discrete I/O,
Stepper commands 14 Wire Standard Incremental
RTL-230-36 100-240 12 36 · Camming, Gearing
± 10V position/velocity/torque command Encoder Type
· Position, Velocity, Torque (PVT) PWM velocity/torque command
RTL-230-40 100-240 20 40 Master encoder (Gearing/Camming)

•AC Digital Servo Drive REL Series

MODEL Vac lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Control Modes Control Interface Encoder

REL-230-18 100-240 6 18

REL-230-36 100-240 12 36
14 Wire Standard Incremental
REL-230-18 100-240 6 18 Encoder Type
CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE)
REL-230-36 100-240 12 36 ASCII and discrete I/O, 4 Wire Serial Communication
· Indexer, Point-to-Point Incremental Encoder
Stepper commands
REL-230-18 100-240 6 18 · Camming, Gearing HD Absolute Encoder S Type
± 10V position/velocity/torque command
REL-230-36 100-240 12 36 · Position, Velocity, Torque (PVT) PWM velocity/torque command HD Absolute Encoder A Type
Master encoder (Gearing/Camming) Biss-C (multi-turn, Bi-direction)
REL-230-18 100-240 6 18
EnDat 2.1/2.2
REL-230-36 100-240 12 36

REL-230-40 100-240 20 40

Harmonic Drive LLC 32 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Recommended Driver
•Combinations with Servo Drive and Actuator
•DC Digital Servo Drive DCJ Series
MODEL Vdc lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Supply Voltage Combination Actuator

FHA-8C-30 / 50 / 100-US200-E, RSF-8B-30 / 50 / 100-F100-24B,

DCJ-055-09 20-55 3 9
RSF-5A-30 / 50 / 100-US050, RSF-3B-30 / 50 / 100-US020

DCJ-055-18 20-55 6 18 FHA-11C-30 / 50 / 100-US200-E

DCJ-090-03 20-90 1 3 –

DCJ-090-09 20-90 3 9 –

DCJ-090-12 20-90 6 12 –

•DC Digital Servo Drive DDP Series

MODEL Vdc lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Supply Voltage Combination Actuator

FHA-8C-30 / 50 / 100-US200-E, RSF-8B-30 / 50 / 100-F100-24B,

DDP-090-09 90 3 9
RSF-5A-30 / 50 / 100-US050, RSF-3B-30 / 50 / 100-US020

DDP-090-18 90 6 18 FHA-11C-30 / 50 / 100-US200-E

Harmonic Drive® Servo Drivers

FHA-14C-30 / 50 / 100-US200-E, FHA-17C50* / 100 / 160-US250-E-SP,
DDP-090-36 90 12 36 DC24V RSF-14B-30 / 50 / 100-F100-24B, RSF-11B-30 / 50 / 100-F100-24B

DDP-055-18 55 6 18 –

DDP-180-09 180 3 9 –

DDP-180-18 180 6 18 –

•DC Digital Servo Drive DEP Series

MODEL Vdc lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Supply Voltage Combination Actuator

FHA-8C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 / 12S176b / E200, RSF-8B-30 / 50 / 100-F100-

DEP-090-09 90 3 9
24B, RSF-5A-30 / 50 / 100-US050, RSF-3B-30 / 50 / 100-US020

DEP-090-18 90 6 18 FHA-11C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 / 12S176b / E200

FHA-14C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 / 12S176b / E200, FHA-17C50* / 100* /
DEP-090-36 90 12 36 160-US250 / E250 / S248, RSF-14B-30 / 50 / 100-F100-24B, RSF-11B-30 /
50 / 100-F100-24B

•AC Digital Servo Drive RTL Series

MODEL Vac lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Supply Voltage Combination Actuator

FHA-8C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 / 12S176b / E200, FHA-11C-30 / 50 / 100-US200

/ 12S176b / E200, FHA-14C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 / 12S176 / E200

FHA-17C-50 / 100 / 160-US250 / E250 / S248, FHA-25C-100 / 160-US250 /

RTL-230-18 100-240 6 18 E250 / S248, FHA-32C-160-US250 / E250 / S248

FHA-17C-50 / 100 / 160-US250 / E250 / S248, FHA-25C-100 / 160-US250 /

AC200V E250 / S248, FHA-32C-160-US250 / E250 / S248,
FHA-40C-100 / 160-US250 / E250 / S248

AC100V FHA-25C-50-US250 / E250 / S248, FHA-32C-50 / 100-US250 / E250 / S248

RTL-230-36 100-240 12 36
AC200V FHA-40C-50-US250 / E250 / S248

RTL-230-40 100-240 20 40 AC200V –

•AC Digital Servo Drive REL Series

MODEL Vac lc (Apk) lp (Apk) Supply Voltage Combination Actuator

FHA-8C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 / 12S17b / E200, FHA-11C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 /

12S17b / E200, FHA-14C-30 / 50 / 100-US200 / 12S17b / E200

FHA-17C-50 / 100 / 160-US250 / E250 / S248, FHA-25C-100 / 160-US250 /

REL-230-18 100-240 6 18 E250 / S248, FHA-32C-160-US250 / E250 / S248

FHA-17C-50 / 100 / 160-US250 / E250 / S248, FHA-25C-50 / 100 / 160-US250

AC200V / E250 / S248, FHA-32C-50 / 100 / 160-US250 / E250 / S248, FHA-40C-100 /
160-US250 / E250 / S248

AC100V FHA-25C-50-US250 / E250 / S248, FHA-32C-50 / 100-US250 / E250 / S248

REL-230-36 100-240 12 36
AC200V FHA-40C-50-US250 / E250 / S248

SHA-20SG-51 / 81 / 101 / 121 / 161, SHA-20CG-50 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 160,

REL-230-18 100-240 6 18 SHA-25SG-51 / 81 / 101 / 121 / 161, SHA-25CG-50 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 160,
SHA-32SG-161, SHA-32CG-160
SHA-32SG-51 / 81 / 101 / 121, SHA-32CG-50 / 80 / 100 / 120,
REL-230-36 100-240 12 36
SHA-40SG-121 / 161, SHA-40CG-120 / 160

REL-230-40 100-240 20 40 SHA-40SG-51 /81 /101, SHA-40CG-50 /80 /100

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 33 Harmonic Drive LLC

Servo Drivers
HA Series



HA-800 Series HA-800C

•Servo Driver Specifications

•AC Servo Digital Drivers HA-800 Series

Item Model HA-800÷-1 HA-800÷-3 HA-800÷-6 HA-800÷-24

Rated Current* 1.5A 3.0A 6.0A 24.0A

Maximum Current* 4.0A 9.5A 19.0A 55.0A

AC200~230V (3 phases)
Main Circuit AC100~115V (Single phase) or AC200~230V (Single phase/3 phases) +10~-15%
Power Supply
AC200~230V (Single phase)
Control Curcuit AC100~115V (Single phase) or AC200~230V (Single phase) +10~-15%
Power Supply Frequency 50/60Hz
:0~50°C, :–20~65°C, :95%RH
Servo Drives

Operating temperature: 0 to 50°C. Storage temperature: 20 to 65°C. Operating/Storage humidity: 95% RH or less and no condensation.
Environmental Conditions
Resistance to vibration: 4.9m/s2 (Frequency: 10 to 55Hz). Shock resistance: 98m/s2. Ambient atmosphere:
There should be no dust, metal powder, corrosive gas, flammable gas and oil mist.
Control Mode Position control, speed control, torque control (Available to change from I/O)
Line driver type: maximum response frequency. 2-pulse system, 1-pulse system: 2-phase pulse system: 200kHz
Position Command Pulse
Open collector type: maximum response frequency 200kHz

Monitor Terminal 3ch motor rpm, current command, general-purpose output (parameter selection)

External regenerative resistance Regenerative resistance installed

Regenerative Processing
Mounting terminal attached Mounting terminal for the external regenerative resistance attached
Regenerative Resistance
– 3W Max 8W Max 90W Max
Absorption Power

Surge Current Suppress Function Built-in (CPU control by the main circuit voltage monitoring)

Weight 1kg 1.2kg 5.8kg

* The values shown represent the driver rated and maximum currents. Currents are adjusted to match the actuator current ratings before shipment.

•HA-800B (MECHATROLINK Compatible) •HA-800C (CC-LINK Compatible)

Communication Specification Communication Specification
Item Specification Item Specification

Transmission Speed 10Mbps Station Type Remote device station

Maximum Transmission Communication Speed 10M/5M/2.5M/625K/156Kbps

Communication Method Broadcast polling method
Minimum Distance
0.5m Synchronization Method Frame synchronization method
Between Channels

Transmission Medium Shielded twist pair cable (Two-core) Encoding Method NRZI

Number of Connected Transmission Path

Max: 30 slave stations Bus format (EIA RS-485 compliant)
Station Format

Topology Bus Error Control Method CRC (X16+X12+X5+1)

Communication Cycle 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5ms Connection Cable CC-Link, Ver.1.10 compatible cable
(Shielded twist pair cable (Three-core))
Communication Method Master-slave full synchronization
Transmission Format HDLC compliant
Encoding Manchester encoding
Remote Channel 1~64
Data Length 17 bytes/32 bytes, selectable
Number of Occupied
1 station, 2 station
Number of Stations
Max: 30 units
Connectable Units Communication
Speed 156kbps 625kbps 2.5Mbps 5Mbps 10Mbps
1 A repeater is required when communicating with 17 or more drives or if the total distance is 30m
or longer when communicating with 16 or more drives. The maximum allowable number of units Cable Maximum
connected depends on the communication cycle setting and the number of allowable retries. Length
Total Cable 1,200m 900m 400m 160m 100m
For details, please see MECHATROLINK Association web site (http://www.mechatrolink.org).
2 Use MP2300 (Yaskawa Electric) controller.
3 Be sure to use the dedicated cable. Do not use commercially available USB cable. Cabel Length 0.2m or longer
4 When CC-Link Ver 1.00 compatible cable coexists: The total cable extension and the inter-office
cable length will be the specification of Ver 1.00. Number of Maximum 42 units with remote device stationonly,
Connectable Units can be shared with other devices.

Harmonic Drive LLC 34 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Servo Drivers

HA Series
HA-680 Series HA-680ML HA-680CL

•Servo Driver Specifications

•AC Servo Digital Drivers (DC24V) HA-680 Series
Item Model HA-680-4-24 HA-680-6-24
Rated Current* 1.8A 3.9A 6.0A

Maximum Current* 3.4A 8.4A 16.5A

Main Circuit DC24V(20~28V)

Power Supply
Control Curcuit DC24V(20~28V)
Control System Sine wave PWM control, switching frequency: 12.5kHz
Control Mode Position control, speed control, torque control
Weight 230g

Servo Drives
* The values shown represent the driver rated and maximum currents. Currents are adjusted to match the actuator current ratings before shipment.

•AC Servo Digital Drivers (DC24V) HA-680ML/CL

HA-680ML-4-24 HA-680CL-4-24 HA-680ML-4B-24 HA-680CL-4B-24
Item Model
HA-680ML-6-24 HA-680CL-6-24 HA-680ML-6B-24 HA-680CL-6B-24

Power Source Main Circuit DC24V(20~28V)

Voltage Control Curcuit DC24V(20~28V)
Control System Sine wave PWM method, switching frequency: 12.5kHz
Encoder 4-line spec., serial transmission method, line driver input 14-line spec., line driver input
Input/Output Signal DI: 5 Points (Insulation by photo-coupler), DO:4 Points (Insulation by photo-coupler)
Encoder Monitor Phases A, B, Z line driver output
Control Mode Position control
Weight MECHATROLINK compatible: 260g, CC-Link compatible: 270g

Note: Parameter settings for the driver are adjusted to match a specific actuator before shipment. This driver cannot be used in combination with a different actuator.

•HA-680ML (MECHATROLINK Compatible) •HA-680CL (CC-LINK Compatible)

Communication Specification Communication Specification
Item Specification Item Specification

Transmission Speed 10Mbps Station Type Remote device station

Maximum Transmission Communication Speed 10M/5M/2.5M/625K/156Kbps

Communication Method Broadcast polling method
Minimum Distance
0.5m Synchronization Method Frame synchronization method
Between Channels

Transmission Medium Shielded twist pair cable (Two-core) Encoding Method NRZI

Number of Connected Transmission Path

Max: 30 slave stations Bus format (EIA RS-485 compliant)
Station Format

Topology Bus Error Control Method CRC (X16+X12+X5+1)

Communication Cycle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5ms Connection Cable CC-Link, Ver.1.10 compatible cable

(Shielded twist pair cable (Three-core))
Communication Method Master-slave full synchronization
Transmission Format HDLC compliant
Encoding Manchester encoding
Remote Control 1~64
Data Length 17 bytes/32 bytes, selectable
Number of Occupied
1 station
Number of Stations
Max: 30 units
Connectable Units Communication
Speed 156kbps 625kbps 2.5Mbps 5Mbps 10Mbps
1 A repeater is required when communication with 17 units or more is performed or the total
extended distance is 30m or longer when communication with 16 units or more is performed. Cable Maximum
The maximum number of connectable units resricted through setting communication cycle and Length
Total Cable 1,200m 900m 400m 160m 100m
the number of retry.
For details, please see MECHATROLINK Association web site (http://www.mechatrolink.org).
Cable Length 0.2m or longer

Number of Maximum 42 units with remote device station only,

Connectable Units can be shared with other devices.

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 35 Harmonic Drive LLC

Cup Type
CSF Series
CSF Series

The Harmonic Drive® CSF gears can be directly integrated into your machinery/
equipment. Available in a variety of sizes and ratios, you can select the unit that is
most suitable for your needs.
• Zero backlash
• Compact design
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• High positioning accuracy
• Housed configuration is available (see p. 42)

L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h
Harmonic Drive® Component Set

•CSF Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque Limit for Repeated Item Rated Torque Limit for Repeated
Momentary Peak Momentary Peak
at 2000rpm Peak Torque at 2000rpm Peak Torque
Ratio Torque Ratio Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
30 0.9 8 1.8 16 3.3 29 50 176 1558 500 4425 950 8408
8 50 1.8 16 3.3 29 6.6 58 80 313 2770 706 6248 1270 11240
100 2.4 21 4.8 42 9.0 80 45 100 353 3124 755 6682 1570 13895
30 2.2 19 4.5 40 8.5 75 120 402 3558 823 7284 1760 15576
11 50 3.5 31 8.3 73 17 150 160 402 3558 882 7806 1910 16904
100 5.0 44 11 97 25 221 50 245 2168 715 6328 1430 12656
30 4.0 35 9.0 80 17 150 80 372 3292 941 8328 1860 16461
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310 50 100 470 4160 980 8673 2060 18231
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416 120 529 4682 1080 9558 2060 18231
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478 160 529 4682 1180 10443 2450 21683
30 8.8 78 16 142 30 266 50 353 3124 1020 9027 1960 17346
50 16 142 34 301 70 620 80 549 4859 1480 13098 2450 21683
17 80 22 195 43 381 87 770 58 100 696 6160 1590 14072 3180 28143
100 24 212 54 478 108 956 120 745 6593 1720 15222 3330 29471
120 24 212 54 478 86 761 160 745 6593 1840 16284 3430 30356
30 15 133 27 239 50 443 50 490 4337 1420 12567 2830 25046
50 25 221 56 496 98 867 80 745 6593 2110 18674 3720 32922
80 34 301 74 655 127 1124 65 100 951 8416 2300 20355 4750 42038
100 40 354 82 726 147 1301 120 951 8416 2510 22214 4750 42038
120 40 354 87 770 147 1301 160 951 8416 2630 23276 4750 42038
160 40 354 92 814 147 1301 50 872 7717 2440 21594 4870 43100
30 27 239 50 443 95 841 80 1320 11682 3430 30356 6590 58322
50 39 345 98 867 186 1646 80 100 1700 15045 4220 37347 7910 70004
80 63 558 137 1212 255 2257 120 1990 17612 4590 40622 7910 70004
100 67 593 157 1389 284 2513 160 1990 17612 4910 43454 7910 70004
120 67 593 167 1478 304 2690 50 1180 10443 3530 31241 6660 58941
160 67 593 176 1558 314 2779 80 1550 13718 3990 35312 7250 64163
30 54 478 100 885 200 1770 90 100 2270 20090 5680 50268 9020 79827
50 76 673 216 1912 382 3381 120 2570 22745 6160 54516 9800 86730
80 118 1044 304 2690 568 5027 160 2700 23895 6840 60534 11300 100005
100 137 1212 333 2947 647 5726 50 1580 13983 4450 39383 8900 78765
120 137 1212 353 3124 686 6071 80 2380 21063 6060 53631 11600 102660
160 137 1212 372 3292 686 6071 100 100 2940 26019 7350 65048 14100 124785
50 137 1212 402 3558 686 6071 120 3180 28143 7960 70446 15300 135405
80 206 1823 519 4593 980 8673 160 3550 31418 9180 81243 15500 137175
40 100 265 2345 568 5027 1080 9558
120 294 2602 617 5460 1180 10443
160 294 2602 647 5726 1180 10443

Unit: mm
8 11 14 17 20 25 32 40
øA 30 40 50 60 70 85 110 135

B 22.1 25.8 28.5 32.5 33.5 37 44 53

45 50 58 65 80 90 100
øA 155 170 195 215 265 300 330

B 58.5 64 75.5 83 101 112.5 125

Harmonic Drive LLC 36 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Cup Type - High Torque
CSG Series

CSG Series
CSG is available in 10 sizes with gear reduction ratios from 50:1 to 160:1. CSG high
torque series was based on our CSF standard torque series with the goal of upgrading
load capacity, strength & reliability and extending service life.
• Zero backlash
• Compact and simple design
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• High positioning accuracy
• Housed unit type is available (see p. 44)
• 30% higher torque than a CSF unit
L 10 L i f e : 1 0 , 0 0 0 h

Harmonic Drive® Component Set

•Performance comparison of CSF and CSG Series Harmonic Drive® gearing
Limit for Momentary
Peak Torque [When CSF is set to 100]
Average Ratcheting

Permissible Peak



•CSG Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque Rated Torque
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
at 2000rpm Ratio at 2000rpm
Ratio Torque Torque Torque Torque
Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 178 1575 523 4629 892 7894
50 7.0 62 23 204 46 407
80 268 2372 675 5974 1270 11240
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540
40 100 345 3053 738 6531 1400 12390
100 10 89 36 319 70 620
120 382 3381 802 7098 1530 13541
50 21 186 44 389 91 805 160 382 3381 841 7443 1530 13541
80 29 257 56 496 113 1000 50 229 2027 650 5753 1235 10930
100 31 274 70 620 143 1266 80 407 3602 918 8124 1651 14611
120 31 274 70 620 112 991 45 100 459 4062 982 8691 2041 18063
50 33 292 73 646 127 1124 120 523 4629 1070 9470 2288 20249
80 44 389 96 850 165 1460 160 523 4629 1147 10151 2483 21975
20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1690 80 484 4283 1223 10824 2418 21399
120 52 460 113 1000 191 1690 100 611 5407 1274 11275 2678 23700
160 52 460 120 1062 191 1690 120 688 6089 1404 12425 2678 23700
160 688 6089 1534 13576 3185 28187
50 51 451 127 1124 242 2142
80 714 6319 1924 17027 3185 28187
80 82 726 178 1575 332 2938
100 905 8009 2067 18293 4134 36586
25 100 87 770 204 1805 369 3266 58
120 969 8576 2236 19789 4329 38312
120 87 770 217 1920 395 3496
160 969 8576 2392 21169 4459 39462
160 87 770 229 2027 408 3611 80 969 8576 2743 24276 4836 42799
50 99 876 281 2487 497 4398 100 1236 10939 2990 26462 6175 54649
80 153 1354 395 3496 738 6531
120 1236 10939 3263 28878 6175 54649
32 100 178 1575 433 3832 841 7443 160 1236 10939 3419 30258 6175 54649
120 178 1575 459 4062 892 7894
160 178 1575 484 4283 892 7894

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65

øA 50 60 70 85 110 135 155 170 195 215

B 28.5 32.5 33.5 37 44 53 58.5 64 75.5 83

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 37 Harmonic Drive LLC

Cup Type - Super Flat
CSD Series
CSD Series

The ultra-flat CSD precision gears are available in seven sizes, opening up
new applications for motion control speed reducers.
• Zero backlash
• Extremely high positioning accuracy
• Excellent Repeatability
• Superior axial compactness
• Hollow through bore, also available with extra large through bore

L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h
Harmonic Drive® Component Set

•CSD Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque
Repeated Momentary
Ratio at 2000 rpm
Peak Torque Peak Torque
Size Nm Nm Nm
50 3.7 12 24
14 80 5.4 16 31
100 5.4 19 31
50 11 23 48
80 15 29 55
100 16 37 55
120 16 37 55
50 17 39 69
80 24 51 76 (65)
100 28 57 76 (65)
120 28 60 76 (65)
50 27 69 127
80 44 96 152 (135)
100 47 110 152 (135)
120 47 117 152 (135)
50 53 151 268
80 83 213 359 (331)
100 96 233 359 (331)
120 96 247 359 (331)
50 96 281 480
80 144 364 685 (580)
100 185 398 694 (580)
120 205 432 694 (580)
50 172 500 1000
80 260 659 1300
100 329 686 1440 (1315)
120 370 756 1441
Note: Values in (parenthesis) are for Big Bore (BB) version

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 50

øA 50 60 70 85 110 135 170

B 11 12.5 14 17 22 27 33

Harmonic Drive LLC 38 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2


FB, FR Series
FB and FR Series

FB Pancake gears consist of four main parts: Wave Generator, Flexspline, Dynamic
Spline, and Circular Spline. Extremely flat, these pancake gears offer the design
engineer high ratios in extremely compact configurations.
• Flat profile
• Easily adapted to customer supplied assembly
• FB uses single wave generator bearing
• FR is heavy duty version of the FB
• FR uses double wave generator bearing

FR L 10 L i f e : 3 , 0 0 0 h

•FB, FR Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Component Set

Rated Torque at 2000 rpm Rated Torque at 2000 rpm

Size Ratio FB Series FR Series Size Ratio FB Series FR Series

Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

50 2.6 23 4.4 39 80 216 1912 363 3213
88 4.9 43 5.9 52 100 284 2513 470 4160
100 5.9 52 7.8 69 120 304 2690 559 4947
110 5.9 52 7.8 69 160 304 2690 559 4947
50 14 124 25 221 200 - - 559 4947
80 17 150 34 301 242 - - 559 4947
20 100 22 195 40 354 78 - - 745 6593
128 24 212 40 354 104 - - 1070 9470
160 24 212 40 354 132 - - 1070 9470
50 23 204 39 345 158 - - 1070 9470
80 31 274 56 496 208 - - 1070 9470
100 39 345 67 593 260 - - 1070 9470
120 39 345 67 593 80 - - 1320 11682
160 39 345 67 593 96 - - 1660 14691
200 - - 67 593 128 - - 2300 20355
50 44 389 76 673 80 160 - - 2350 20798
78 63 558 108 956 194 - - 2350 20798
100 82 726 137 1212 258 - - 2350 20798
32 131 82 726 137 1212 320 - - 2350 20798
157 82 726 137 1212 80 - - 2330 20621
200 - - 137 1212 100 - - 3200 28320
260 - - 137 1212 120 - - 3890 34427
50 88 779 137 1212 100 160 - - 4470 39560
80 118 1044 196 1735 200 - - 4470 39560
100 157 1389 255 2257 242 - - 4470 39560
40 128 167 1478 294 2602 320 - - 4470 39560
160 167 1478 294 2602

200 - - 294 2602

258 - - 294 2602

•Dimensions Unit: mm
Size Symbol FB FR
14 50 10.5 18
20 70 12.5 25
25 85 16.5 29
32 110 20.5 37
40 135 27.0 43
50 170 33.0 53
65 215 - 71
80 265 - 83
100 330 - 101

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 39 Harmonic Drive LLC

Silk Hat
SHF Series
SHF Series

SHF is a silk hat, component set gear available with a large hollow through
bore. It provides exceptional positioning accuracy in a compact design.
• Zero backlash
• Hollow bore units available
• Compact and simple design
• High torque capacity
• High positioning accuracy
• High torsional stiffness
• Housed version of this component set is available (see p. 50)

L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h
Harmonic Drive® Component Set

•SHF Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque Rated Torque
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary
at 2000rpm at 2000rpm
Ratio Torque Torque Ratio Torque Peak Torque

Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

30 4.0 35 9.0 80 17 150 50 137 1212 402 3558 686 6071

50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310 80 206 1823 519 4593 980 8673
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416 40 100 265 2345 568 5027 1080 9558
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478 120 294 2602 617 5460 1180 10443
30 8.8 78 16 142 30 266
160 294 2602 647 5726 1180 10443
50 16 142 34 301 70 620
50 176 1558 500 4425 950 8408
17 80 22 195 43 381 87 770
80 313 2770 706 6248 1270 11240
100 24 212 54 478 110 974
45 100 353 3124 755 6682 1570 13895
120 24 212 54 478 86 761
120 402 3558 823 7284 1760 15576
30 15 133 27 239 50 443
160 402 3558 882 7806 1910 16904
50 25 221 56 496 98 867
50 245 2168 715 6328 1430 12656
80 34 301 74 655 127 1124
20 80 372 3292 941 8328 1860 16461
100 40 354 82 726 147 1301

120 40 354 87 770 147 1301 50 100 470 4160 980 8673 2060 18231

160 40 354 92 814 147 1301 120 529 4682 1080 9558 2060 18231

30 27 239 50 443 95 841 160 529 4682 1180 10443 2450 21683

50 39 345 98 867 86 1646 50 353 3124 020 9027 1960 17346

80 63 558 137 1212 255 2257 80 549 4859 1480 13098 2450 21683
100 67 593 157 1389 284 2513 58 100 696 6160 1590 14072 3180 28143
120 67 593 167 1478 304 2690 120 745 6593 1720 15222 3330 29471
160 67 593 176 1558 314 2779 160 745 6593 1840 16284 3430 30356
30 54 478 100 885 200 1770

50 76 673 216 1912 382 3381

80 118 1044 230 2036 568 5027

100 137 1212 333 2947 647 5726

120 137 1212 353 3124 686 6071

160 137 1212 372 3292 686 6071

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58
øA 50 60 70 85 110 135 155 170 195

B 28.5 32.5 33.5 37 44 53 58.5 64 75.5

Harmonic Drive LLC 40 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Silk Hat - High Torque
SHG Series

SHG Series
SHG is a high torque, silk hat, component set gear available with a large hollow
through bore. It provides exceptional positioning accuracy in a compact design.
• Zero backlash
• Hollow bore units available
• Excellent positioning accuracy
• Compact and simple design
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• 30% higher torque rating than SHF series

L 10 L i f e : 1 0 , 0 0 0 h

Harmonic Drive® Component Set

•Performance comparison of SHF and SHG Series Harmonic Drive® gearing
Limit for Momentary 130 SHF SHG
Peak Torque 100
[When SHF is set to 100]
Average Ratcheting 130
Torque 100

Limit for Repeated 130

Peak Torque 100

Rated 130
Torque 100

Life 150
(Hours) 100
( %)
40 60 80 100 120 140 160

•SHG Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque Rated Torque
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
at 2000rpm Torque Torque Ratio at 2000rpm Torque Torque
Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 178 1575 523 4629 892 7894
50 7.0 62 23 204 46 407
80 268 2372 675 5974 1270 11240
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540
40 100 345 3053 738 6531 1400 12390
100 10 89 36 319 70 620
120 382 3381 802 7098 1530 13541
50 21 186 44 389 91 805
160 382 3381 841 7443 1530 13541
80 29 257 56 496 113 1000 50 229 2027 650 5753 1235 10930
100 31 274 70 620 143 1266 80 407 3602 918 8124 1651 14611
120 31 274 70 620 112 991 45 100 459 4062 982 8691 2041 18063
50 33 292 73 646 127 1124 120 523 4629 1070 9470 2288 20249
80 44 389 96 850 165 1460 160 523 4629 1147 10151 2483 21975
20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1690 80 484 4283 1223 10824 2418 21399
120 52 460 113 1000 191 1690 100 611 5407 1274 11275 2678 23700
160 52 460 120 1062 191 1690 120 688 6089 1404 12425 2678 23700
160 688 6089 1534 13576 3185 28187
50 51 451 127 1124 242 2142
80 714 6319 1924 17027 3185 28187
80 82 726 178 1575 332 2938
100 905 8009 2067 18293 4134 36586
25 100 87 770 204 1805 369 3266 58
120 969 8576 2236 19789 4329 38312
120 87 770 217 1920 395 3496
160 969 8576 2392 21169 4459 39462
160 87 770 229 2027 408 3611
80 969 8576 2743 24276 4836 42799
50 99 876 281 2487 497 4398 100 1236 10939 2990 26462 6175 54649
80 153 1354 395 3496 738 6531 65
120 1236 10939 3263 28878 6175 54649
32 100 178 1575 433 3832 841 7443 160 1236 10939 3419 30258 6175 54649
120 178 1575 459 4062 892 7894
160 178 1575 484 4283 892 7894

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 50 60 70 85 110 135 155 170 195 215

B 28.5 32.5 33.5 37 44 53 58.5 64 75.5 83

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 41 Harmonic Drive LLC

CSF Series Gear Unit

CSF-2UH Series

CSF-2UH is a housed component gear set combined with a precision cross

roller output bearing & flange. It is a very compact, robust and easy to use
gearhead solution.
• Zero backlash
• Compact and simple design
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• High positioning accuracy

L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h

•CSF Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
Ratio 2000rpm Ratio 2000rpm Torque
Torque Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
30 4.0 35 9.0 80 17 150 50 137 1212 402 3558 686 6072
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310 80 206 1823 519 4593 980 8674
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416 40 100 265 2345 568 5027 1080 9559
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478 120 294 2602 617 5460 1180 10444
30 8.8 78 6 142 30 266 160 294 2602 647 5726 1180 10444
50 16 142 34 301 70 620
50 176 1558 500 4425 950 8408
17 80 22 195 43 381 87 770
80 313 2770 706 6248 1270 11240
100 24 212 54 478 108 974
45 100 353 3124 755 6682 1570 13896
120 24 212 54 478 86 761
120 402 3558 823 7284 1760 15577
30 15 133 27 239 50 443
50 25 221 56 496 98 867 160 402 3558 882 7806 1910 16905
80 34 301 74 655 127 1124 50 245 2168 715 6328 1430 12657
20 80 372 3292 941 8328 1860 16462
100 40 354 82 726 147 1301
120 40 354 87 770 147 1301 50 100 470 4160 980 8673 2060 18233
160 40 354 92 814 147 1301 120 529 4682 1080 9558 2060 18233
30 27 239 50 443 95 841 160 529 4682 1180 10443 2450 21684
50 39 345 98 867 186 1646 50 353 3124 1020 9027 1960 17347
80 63 558 137 1212 255 2257 80 549 4859 1480 13098 2450 21684
100 67 593 157 1389 284 2513
58 100 686 6160 1590 14072 3180 28145
120 67 593 167 1478 304 2690
120 745 6593 1720 15222 3330 29473
160 67 593 176 1558 314 2779
160 745 6593 1840 16284 3430 30358
30 54 478 100 885 200 1770
50 490 4337 1420 12567 2830 25048
50 76 673 216 1912 382 3381
80 118 1044 304 2036 568 5027 80 745 6593 2110 18674 3720 32925
32 65 100 951 8416 2300 20355 4750 42041
100 137 1212 333 2947 647 5726
120 137 1212 353 3124 686 6072 120 951 8416 2510 22214 4750 42041
160 137 1212 372 3292 686 6072 160 951 8416 2630 23276 4750 42041

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 47 1057 60.7 1365 41 363 4.38 113
17 52.9 1189 75.5 1697 64 566 7.75 200
20 57.8 1299 90.0 2023 91 805 12.8 330
25 96.0 2158 151 3394 156 1381 24.2 623
32 150 3372 250 5620 313 2770 53.9 1388
40 213 4788 365 8205 450 3983 91.0 2343
45 230 5170 426 9576 686 6071 141 3631
50 348 7823 602 13533 759 6717 171 4403
58 518 11645 904 20322 1180 10443 283 7287
65 556 12499 1030 23154 1860 16461 404 10403
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the
rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.
• The moment stiffnesses are mean values.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 73 79 93 107 138 160 180 190 226 260

B 41 45 45.5 52 62 72.5 79.5 90 104.5 115

Harmonic Drive LLC 42 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Lightweight Gear Unit
CSF-2UH-LW Series

CSF Series
LW indicates lightweight, the CSF-2UH is a housed component gear set
combined with a precision cross roller output bearing & flange.
• Zero Backlash
• 30% average lower weight than Standard Series
• High Torque to Weight ratio
• Accuracy <1 arc-min
• High torsional stiffness
• High efficiency
• Robust cross roller output bearing
• Output flange for direct mounting of load
L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h

•CSF-LW Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
2000rpm 2000rpm Torque
Ratio Torque Torque Ratio Torque

Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

30 4.0 35 9.0 80 17 150 50 137 1,213 402 3,558 686 6,072
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310 80 206 1,823 519 4,594 980 8,674
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416 40 100 265 2,345 568 5,027 1,080 9,559
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478
120 294 2,602 617 5,461 1,180 10,444
30 8.8 78 16 142 30 266
160 294 2,602 647 5,726 1,180 10,444
50 16 142 34 301 70 620
50 176 1,558 500 4,425 950 8,408
17 80 22 195 43 381 87 770
100 24 212 54 478 108 956 80 313 2,770 706 6,249 1,270 11,240
120 24 212 54 478 86 761 45 100 353 3,124 755 6,682 1,570 13,896
30 15 133 27 239 50 443 120 402 3,558 823 7,284 1,760 15,577
50 25 221 56 496 98 867 160 402 3,558 882 7,806 1,910 16,905
80 34 301 74 655 127 1,124 50 245 2,168 715 6,328 1,430 12,657
100 40 354 82 726 147 1,301 80 372 3,292 941 8,329 1,860 16,462
120 40 354 87 770 147 1,301 50 100 470 4,160 980 8,674 2,060 18,233
160 40 354 92 814 147 1,301 120 529 4,682 1,080 9,559 2,060 18,233
30 27 239 50 443 95 841 160 529 4,682 1,180 10,444 2,450 21,684
50 39 345 98 867 186 1,646
50 353 3,124 1,020 9,028 1,960 17,347
80 63 558 137 1,213 255 2,257
25 80 549 4,859 1,480 13,099 2,450 21,684
100 67 593 157 1,390 284 2,514
58 100 696 6,160 1,590 14,073 3,180 28,145
120 67 593 167 1,478 304 2,691
160 67 593 176 1,558 314 2,779 120 745 6,594 1,720 15,223 3,330 29,473
30 54 478 100 885 200 1,770 160 745 6,594 1,840 16,285 3,430 30,358
50 76 673 216 1,912 382 3,381 50 490 4,337 1,420 12,568 2,830 25,048
80 118 1,044 304 2,691 568 5,027 80 745 6,594 2,110 18,675 3,720 32,925
100 137 1,213 333 2,947 647 5,726 65 100 951 8,417 2,300 20,357 4,750 42,041
120 137 1,213 353 3,124 686 6,072 120 951 8,417 2,510 22,215 4,750 42,041
160 137 1,213 372 3,292 686 6,072 160 951 8,417 2,630 23,277 4,750 42,041

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Alowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 47 1,057 60.7 1,365 33.6 297 3.6 32
17 52.9 1,189 75.5 1,697 52.5 465 6.4 57
20 57.8 1,299 90.0 2,023 74.6 660 10.5 93
25 96.0 2,158 151 3,395 128 1,133 19.8 175
32 150 3,372 250 5,620 257 2,275 44.2 391
40 213 4,788 365 8,206 369 3,266 74.6 660
45 230 5,171 426 9,577 563 4,983 116 1,027
50 348 7,823 602 13,534 622 5,505 140 1,239
58 518 11,645 904 20,323 838 7,417 201 1,779
65 556 12,499 1030 23,155 1,525 13,497 331 2,930
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between
the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.
• The moment stiffnesses are mean values.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 73 79 93 107 138 160 180 190 226 260

B 41 45 45.5 52 62 72.5 79.5 90 104.5 115

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 43 Harmonic Drive LLC

High Torque Gear Unit
CSG-2UH Series
CSG Series

CSG-2UH is a high torque housed component gear set combined with a precision
cross roller output bearing & flange. It is a very compact, robust and easy to use
gearhead solution.
• Zero backlash
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• Compact and simple design
• High positioning accuracy
• 30% higher torque than a CSF unit

L 10 L i f e : 1 0 , 0 0 0 h

•CSG Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
2000rpm Ratio 2000rpm Torque
Ratio Torque Torque Torque

Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

50 178 1575 523 4629 892 7895
50 7.0 62 23 204 46 407
80 268 2372 675 5974 1270 11240
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540
40 100 345 3053 738 6531 1400 12391
100 10 89 36 319 70 620 120 382 3381 802 7098 1530 13542
50 21 186 44 389 91 805 160 382 3381 841 7443 1530 13542
80 29 257 56 496 113 1000 50 229 2027 650 5753 1235 10931
100 31 274 70 620 143 1266 80 407 3602 918 8124 1651 14613
120 31 274 70 620 112 991 45 100 459 4062 982 8691 2041 18064
50 33 292 73 646 127 1124 120 523 4629 1070 9470 2288 20250
80 44 389 96 850 165 1460 160 523 4629 1147 10151 2483 21976

20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1690 80 484 4283 1223 10824 2418 21401
100 611 5407 1274 11275 2678 23702
120 52 460 113 1000 191 1690 50
120 688 6089 1404 12425 2678 23702
160 52 460 120 1062 191 1690
160 688 6089 1534 13576 3185 28190
50 51 451 127 1124 242 2142
80 714 6319 1924 17027 3185 28190
80 82 726 178 1575 332 2938
100 905 8009 2067 18293 4134 36589
25 100 87 770 204 1805 369 3266 58
120 969 8576 2236 19789 4329 38315
120 87 770 217 1920 395 3496 160 969 8576 2392 21169 4459 39465
160 87 770 229 2027 408 3611 80 969 8576 2743 24276 4836 42802
50 99 876 281 2487 497 4399 100 1236 10939 2990 26462 6175 54653
80 153 1354 395 3496 738 6532 120 1236 10939 3263 28878 6175 54653
32 100 178 1575 433 3832 841 7443 160 1236 10939 3419 30258 6175 54653
120 178 1575 459 4062 892 7895
160 178 1575 484 4283 892 7895

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 47 1057 60.7 1365 41 363 4.38 113
17 52.9 1189 75.5 1697 64 566 7.75 200
20 57.8 1299 90.0 2023 91 805 12.8 330
25 96.0 2158 151 3394 156 1381 24.2 623
32 150 3372 250 5620 313 2770 53.9 1388
40 213 4788 365 8205 450 3983 91.0 2343
45 230 5170 426 9576 686 6071 141 3631
50 348 7823 602 13533 759 6717 171 4403
58 518 11645 904 20322 1180 10443 283 7287
65 556 12499 1030 23154 1860 16461 404 10403
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the
rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.
• The moment stiffnesses are mean values.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 73 79 93 107 138 160 180 190 226 260

B 41 45 45.5 52 62 72.5 79.5 90 104.5 115

Harmonic Drive LLC 44 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

High Torque, Lightweight Gear Unit
CSG-2UH-LW Series

CSG Series
LW indicates lightweight. CSG-2UH is a high torque housed component gear set
combined with a precision cross roller output bearing & flange. It is a very compact,
robust and easy to use gearhead solution.
• Zero Backlash
• 30% average lower weight than Standard Series
• High Torque to Weight ratio
• Accuracy <1 arc-min
• High torsional stiffness
• High efficiency
• Robust cross roller output bearing
• Output flange for direct mounting of load L 10 L i f e : 1 0 , 0 0 0 h

•CSG-LW Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
Ratio 2000rpm Torque Ratio 2000rpm Torque
Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 7 62 23 204 46 407 50 178 1,575 523 4,629 892 7,895
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540 80 268 2,372 675 5,974 1,270 11,240
100 10 89 36 319 70 620 40 100 345 3,054 738 6,532 1,400 12,391
50 21 186 44 389 91 805 120 382 3,381 802 7,098 1,530 13,542
80 29 257 56 496 113 1,000 160 382 3,381 841 7,443 1,530 13,542
100 31 274 70 620 143 1,266 50 229 2,027 650 5,753 1,235 10,931
120 31 274 70 620 112 991 80 407 3,602 918 8,125 1,651 14,613
50 33 292 73 646 127 1,124 45 100 459 4,062 982 8,691 2,041 18,064
80 44 389 96 850 165 1,460 120 523 4,629 1,070 9,470 2,288 20,250
20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1,690 160 523 4,629 1,147 10,152 2,483 21,976
120 52 460 113 1,000 191 1,690 80 484 4,284 1,223 10,824 2,418 21,401
160 52 460 120 1,062 191 1,690 100 611 5,408 1,274 11,276 2,678 23,702
50 51 451 127 1,124 242 2,142 120 688 6,089 1,404 12,426 2,678 23,702
80 82 726 178 1,575 332 2,938 160 688 6,089 1,534 13,577 3,185 28,190
25 100 87 770 204 1,806 369 3,266 80 714 6,319 1,924 17,029 3,185 28,190
120 87 770 217 1,921 395 3,496 100 905 8,010 2,067 18,294 4,134 36,589
160 87 770 229 2,027 408 3,611 120 969 8,576 2,236 19,790 4,329 38,315
50 99 876 281 2,487 497 4,399 160 969 8,576 2,392 21,171 4,459 39,465
80 153 1,354 395 3,496 738 6,532 80 969 8,576 2,743 24,278 4,836 42,802
32 100 178 1,575 433 3,832 841 7,443 100 1,236 10,940 2,990 26,464 6,175 54,653
120 178 1,575 459 4,062 892 7,895 120 1,236 10,940 3,263 28,880 6,175 54,653
160 178 1,575 484 4,284 892 7,895 160 1,236 10,940 3,419 30,261 6,175 54,653

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment Load Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 47 1,057 60.7 1,365 33.6 297 3.6 32
17 52.9 1,189 75.5 1,697 52.5 465 6.4 57
20 57.8 1,299 90.0 2,023 74.6 660 10.5 93
25 96.0 2,158 151 3,395 128 1,133 19.8 175
32 150 3,372 250 5,620 257 2,275 44.2 391
40 213 4,788 365 8,206 369 3,266 74.6 660
45 230 5,170 426 9,577 563 4,983 116 1,027
50 348 7,823 602 13,534 622 5,505 140 1,239
58 518 11,645 904 20,323 838 7,417 201 1,779
65 556 12,499 1030 23,155 1,525 13,497 331 2,930

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 73 79 93 107 138 160 180 190 226 260

B 41 45 45.5 52 62 72.5 79.5 90 104.5 115

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 45 Harmonic Drive LLC

High Torque Gear Unit
CSG-2UK Series
CSG Series

CSG-2UK is a high torque fully sealed, high accuracy gear reducer ideally suited
for machine tool applications.
• Zero backlash
• Compatible with Fanuc motors
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• High positioning accuracy

L 10 L i f e : 1 0 , 0 0 0 h

•CSG Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Momentary Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
2000rpm Ratio 2000rpm Torque
Ratio Torque Torque Torque

Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

50 229 2027 650 5753 1235 10931
50 51 451 127 1124 242 2142
80 407 3602 918 8124 1651 14613
80 82 726 178 1575 332 2938
45 100 459 4062 982 8691 2041 18064
25 100 87 770 204 1805 369 3266 120 523 4629 1070 9470 2288 20250
120 87 770 217 1920 395 3496 160 523 4629 1147 10151 2483 21976
160 87 770 229 2027 408 3611 80 714 6319 1924 17027 3185 28190
50 99 876 281 2487 497 4399 100 905 8009 2067 18293 4134 36589
80 153 1354 395 3496 738 6532 120 969 8576 2236 19789 4329 38315
32 100 178 1575 433 3832 841 7443 160 969 8576 2392 21169 4459 39465
120 178 1575 459 4062 892 7895 80 969 8576 2743 24276 4836 42802
160 178 1575 484 4283 892 7895 100 1236 10939 2990 26462 6175 54653
50 178 1575 523 4629 892 7895 120 1236 10939 3263 28878 6175 54653

80 268 2372 675 5974 1270 11240 160 1236 10939 3419 30258 6175 54653

40 100 345 3053 738 6531 1400 12391

120 382 3381 802 7098 1530 13542
160 382 3381 841 7443 1530 13542

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Permissible Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 10 N 2
lb x 10 N
lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
25 96.0 2158 151 3394 128 1133 19.8 512
32 150 3372 250 5620 257 2274 44.2 1137
40 213 4788 365 8205 369 3266 74.6 1918
45 230 5170 426 9576 563 4983 116 2986
58 518 11645 904 20322 838 7416 201 5173
65 556 12499 1030 23154 1525 13496 331 9374
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the
rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.
• The moment stiffnesses are mean values.

•Dimensions Unit: mm

25 32 40 45 58 65
øA 107 138 160 180 226 260

B 66 75 85 102 120 129

Harmonic Drive LLC 46 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

High Torque Gear Unit
CSG Series

CSG Series
•Overview Drawing

Mounting pilot (Servo motor)

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Input spline
Cross roller bearing

* This is a fully enclosed unit with oil seals at the input and output shafts.

•Typical Assembly

Face A

Input flange

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 47 Harmonic Drive LLC

Ultra-Flat Gear Unit
CSD-2UH Series
CSD-2UH Series

Available in 7 sizes with ratios 50:1 to 160:1, CSD-2UH is an ultra-thin and

compact housed gear component unit.
• Zero Backlash
• Lightweight
• Ultra-flat
• Compact and simple design

L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h

•CSD-2UH Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary
Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque
Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
50 3.7 12 4.8 24 50 53 151 75 268
14 80 5.4 16 7.7 35 80 83 213 117 398
100 5.4 19 7.7 35 100 96 233 151 420
50 11 23 18 48 120 96 247 151 445
80 15 29 19 61 50 96 281 137 480
100 16 37 27 71 80 144 364 198 686
120 16 37 27 71 100 185 398 260 700
50 17 39 24 69 120 205 432 315 765
80 24 51 33 89 50 172 500 247 1000
100 28 57 34 95 80 260 659 363 1300
120 28 60 34 95 100 329 686 466 1440
50 27 69 38 127 120 370 756 569 1565
80 44 96 60 179
100 47 110 75 184
120 47 117 75 204

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Permissible Moment
Moment Stiffness Km
Load Mc
Size Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co

x102N lb x102N lb Nm In-lb x104Nm/rad In-lb/arc.min

14 47 1057 60.7 1365 41 363 3.48 90

17 52.9 1189 75.5 1697 64 566 7.75 200

20 57.8 1299 90 2023 91 805 12.8 330

25 96 2158 151 3394 156 1381 24.2 623

32 150 3372 250 5620 313 2770 53.9 1388

40 213 4788 365 8205 450 3983 91 2343

50 348 7823 602 13533 759 6717 171 4403

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 50
øA h7 55 62 70 85 112 126 157

B 25 26.5 29.5 37.1 43 51.7 62.5

Harmonic Drive LLC 48 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Ultra-Flat, Hollow Shaft Gear Unit
CSD-2UF Series

CSD-2UF Series
Available in 6 sizes with ratios 50:1 to 160:1, CSD-2UF is an ultra-thin and
compact housed gear component unit with a hollow through bore.
• Zero Backlash
• Hollow shaft
• High load capacity
• Lightweight
• Ultra-flat
• Compact and simple design

L 10
Life: 7,000h

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

•CSD-2UF Series Ratings
Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary
Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque
Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
50 3.7 12 4.8 24 50 53 151 75 268
14 80 5.4 16 7.7 35 80 83 213 117 398
100 5.4 19 7.7 35 100 96 233 151 420
50 11 23 18 48 120 96 247 151 445
80 15 29 19 61 50 96 281 137 480
100 16 37 27 71 80 144 364 198 686
120 16 37 27 71 100 185 398 260 700
50 17 39 24 69 120 205 432 315 765
80 24 51 33 89 50 172 500 247 1000
100 28 57 34 95 80 260 659 363 1300
120 28 60 34 95 100 329 686 466 1440
50 27 69 38 127 120 370 756 569 1565
80 44 96 60 179
100 47 110 75 184
120 47 117 75 204

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load Permissible Moment
Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co Load Mc
x102N lb x102N lb Nm In-lb x104Nm/rad In-lb/arc.min

14 57.8 1299 90 2023 91 805 12.8 330

17 104 2338 163 3664 124 1097 15.4 397

20 146 3282 220 4946 187 1655 25.2 649

25 218 4901 358 8048 258 2283 39.2 1009

32 382 8587 654 14702 580 5133 100 2575

40 433 9734 816 18344 849 7514 179 4609

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40
øA h7 70 80 90 110 142 170

B 22 22.7 26.8 31.5 37 45

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 49 Harmonic Drive LLC

Compact Gearhead/Double Shaft
CSF Mini and Supermini Series
Miniature Gear Units

CSF mini gearheads provide high positioning accuracy in a super-compact package.

CSF-1U Compact 4-point contact ball bearing is mounted in the main shaft. Available in five sizes
and four ratios, the CSF mini gearheads feature shaft or flange outputs.
• Zero backlash
• High positioning accuracy
• Compact and lightweight
• High torque capacity
• High radial, axial, and moment load capacity
• 4 point contact bearing
• Ratios: 30:1 to 100:1
• Flange output, shaft output, shaft input and output L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h

•CSF Mini and Supermini Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Rated Torque at 2000 rpm Limit for Repeated Peak Torque Limit for Momentary Peak Torque
Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
30 0.06 0.53 0.13 1.15 0.22 1.95
3 50 0.11 0.97 0.21 1.86 0.41 3.63
100 0.16 1.42 0.3 2.66 0.57 5.04
30 0.25 2.2 0.5 4.4 0.9 8.0
5 50 0.4 3.5 0.9 8.0 1.8 16
100 0.6 5.3 1.4 12.4 2.7 24
30 0.9 8.0 1.8 16 3.3 29
8 50 1.8 16 3.3 29 6.6 58
100 2.4 21 4.8 42 9 80
30 2.2 19 4.5 40 8.5 75
11 50 3.5 31 8.3 73 17 150
100 5 44 11 97 25 221
30 4 35 9 80 17 150
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478

•4Point Contact Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Permissible Moment
Basic Dynamic Rated Basic Static Rated Load Moment Stiffness Km
Load Mc
Load C Co

Size x102N lb x102N lb Nm In-lb Nm/rad In-lb/arc.min

3 6.65 149 4.24 95 0.27 2 0.9x102 0.2
5 9.14 205 7.63 172 0.89 8 7.41x102 1.9
8 21.6 486 19.0 427 3.46 31 2.76x10 3
11 38.9 874 35.4 796 6.6 58 7.41x103 19.0
14 61.2 1376 58.5 1315 13.2 117 1.34x104 34.5

•Dimensions Unit: mm
3 5 8 11 14

øA 17.5 29 43.5 58 73
B 20.5 17 28.7 38.3 45

C 13 22 32 43 53


Harmonic Drive LLC 50 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Ultra-Flat Compact Gearhead
CSF-2UP Mini Series

Miniature Gear Units

The CSF-2UP gear units have an ultra-flat configuration with high-moment stiffness. The
new models are lightweight and extremely flat. Thanks to a cross roller bearing used at the
output flange, the CSF-2UP gearheads offer high-moment stiffness.
• Zero backlash
• High positioning accuracy
• Compact and lightweight
• High torque capacity
• High radial, axial, and moment load capacity
• Cross roller bearing
• Ratios: 30:1 to 100:1
L 10
Life: 7,000h

•CSF Mini Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Rated Torque at 2000 rpm Limit for Repeated Peak Torque Limit for Momentary Peak Torque
Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
30 0.9 8.0 1.8 16 3.3 29
8 50 1.8 16 3.3 29 6.6 58
100 2.4 21 4.8 42 9 80
30 2.2 19 4.5 40 8.5 75
11 50 3.5 31 8.3 73 17 150
100 5 44 11 97 25 221
30 4 35 9 80 17 150
14 50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Permissible Moment
Basic Dynamic Rated Basic Static Rated Load Moment Stiffness Km
Load Mc
Load C Co

Size x102N lb x102N lb Nm In-lb Nm/rad In-lb/arc.min

8 58 1305 80 1800 15 133 2.0 × 104 52
11 65 1462 99 2228 40 354 4.0 × 10 4
14 74 1665 128 2880 75 664 8.0 x104 208

•Dimensions Unit: mm B
8 11 14

øA 66 80 100
B 24.8 27 33.5

P 50±1 60±1 75±1


d (O-ring)
(provided with the product)

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 51 Harmonic Drive LLC

Gear unit with hollow shaft or solid input shaft
SHF-2UH/2UJ Series
SHF Series

SHF-2UH Incorporating a Harmonic Drive® gear component into an integral housing,

the SHF-2UH is a compact hollow shaft gearhead with zero backlash.
• Zero backlash
• Large hollow thru bore
• High positioning accuracy
• Compact and simple design
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• Shaft input units available (SHF-2UJ)
L 10 Life: 7,000h

•SHF Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
Ratio 2000rpm Torque Ratio 2000rpm Torque
Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 3.5 31 8.3 73 17 150 30 54 478 100 885 200 1770
100 5 44 11 97 25 221 50 76 673 216 1912 382 3381
30 4.0 35 9.0 80 17 150 80 118 1044 230 2036 568 5027
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310 100 137 1212 333 2947 647 5726
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416 120 137 1212 353 3124 686 6072
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478 160 137 1212 372 3292 686 6072
30 8.8 78 6 142 30 266 50 137 1212 402 3558 686 6072
50 16 142 34 301 70 620 80 206 1823 519 4593 980 8674
17 80 22 195 43 381 87 770 40 100 265 2345 568 5027 1080 9559
100 24 212 54 478 110 974 120 294 2602 617 5460 1180 10444
120 24 212 54 478 86 761 160 294 2602 647 5726 1180 10444
30 15 133 27 239 50 443 50 176 1558 500 4425 950 8408
50 25 221 56 496 98 867 80 313 2770 706 6248 1270 11240
80 34 301 74 655 127 1124 45 100 353 3124 755 6682 1570 13896
100 40 354 82 726 147 1301 120 402 3558 823 7284 1760 15577
120 40 354 87 770 147 1301 160 402 3558 882 7806 1910 16905
160 40 354 92 814 147 1301 50 245 2168 715 6328 1430 12657
30 27 239 50 443 95 841 80 372 3292 941 8328 1860 16462
50 39 345 98 867 186 1646 50 100 470 4160 980 8673 2060 18233
80 63 558 137 1212 255 2257 120 529 4682 1080 9558 2060 18233
100 67 593 157 1389 284 2514 160 529 4682 1180 10443 2450 21684
120 67 593 167 1478 304 2691 50 353 3124 1020 9027 1960 17347
160 67 593 176 1558 314 2779 80 549 4859 1480 13098 2450 21684
58 100 686 6160 1590 14072 3180 28145
120 745 6593 1720 15222 3330 29473
160 745 6593 1840 16284 3430 30358
•Cross Roller Bearing Specification
Item Basic Rated Load
Permissible Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
11 52.9 1189 75.5 1697 74 655 6.5 167
14 58 1304 86 1933 74 655 8.5 219
17 104 2338 163 3664 124 1097 15.1 389
20 146 3282 220 4946 187 1655 25.2 649
25 218 4901 358 8048 258 2283 39.2 1009
32 382 8587 654 14702 580 5133 100 2575
40 433 9734 816 18344 849 7514 179 4609
45 776 17444 1350 30348 1127 9974 257 6618
50 816 18344 1490 33495 1487 13160 351 9038
58 874 19648 1710 38441 2180 19293 531 13673
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing
of one million revolutions.“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level
(408kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
11 14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58
øA 45.3 54 64 75 90 115 140 160 172 201

B 48 52.5 56.5 51.5 55.5 65.5 79 85 93 106

Harmonic Drive LLC 52 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Lightweight gear unit with hollow shaft or solid input shaft
SHF-2UH-LW Series

SHF Series
LW indicates lightweight. Incorporating a Harmonic Drive® gear component into an
integral housing, the SHF-2UH-LW is a lightweight, compact hollow shaft gearhead
with zero backlash.
• Zero backlash
• 20% lighter than standard unit
• Large hollow through bore
• High positioning accuracy
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness

L 10 Life: 7,000h

•SHF-LW Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque Rated Torque
Repeated Momentary Repeated Momentary
Ratio at 2000rpm Torque Ratio at 2000rpm Torque
Peak Torque Peak Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
30 4.0 35 9.0 80 17 150 50 137 1,213 402 3,558 686 6,072
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310
14 80 206 1,823 519 4,594 980 8,674
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478 40 100 265 2,345 568 5,027 1,080 9,559
30 8.8 78 16 142 30 266 120 294 2,602 617 5,461 1,180 10,444
50 16 142 34 301 70 620
160 294 2,602 647 5,726 1,180 10,444
17 80 22 195 43 381 87 770
100 24 212 54 478 108 956 50 176 1,558 500 4,425 950 8,408
120 24 212 54 478 86 761 80 313 2,770 706 6,249 1,270 11,240
30 15 133 27 239 50 443
45 100 353 3,124 755 6,682 1,570 13,896
50 25 221 56 496 98 867
120 402 3,558 823 7,284 1,760 15,577
80 34 301 74 655 127 1,124
20 160 402 882 7,806 1,910
100 40 354 82 726 147 1,301 3,558 16,905
120 40 354 87 770 147 1,301 50 245 2,168 715 6,328 1,430 12,657
160 40 354 92 814 147 1,301 80 372 941 8,329 1,860
3,292 16,462
30 27 239 50 443 95 841
50 100 470 4,160 980 8,674 2,060 18,233
50 39 345 98 867 186 1,646
120 529 4,682 1,080 9,559 2,060 18,233
80 63 558 137 1,213 255 2,257
25 160 529 1,180 2,450
100 67 593 157 1,390 284 2,514 4,682 10,444 21,684
120 67 593 167 1,478 304 2,691 50 353 3,124 1,020 9,028 1,960 17,347
160 67 593 176 1,558 314 2,779 80 549 1,480 2,450
4,859 13,099 21,684
30 54 478 100 885 200 1,770
58 100 696 6,160 1,590 14,073 3,180 28,145
50 76 673 216 1,912 382 3,381
120 745 6,594 1,720 15,223 3,330 29,473
80 118 1,044 304 2,691 568 5,027
32 160 745 1,840 3,430
100 137 1,213 333 2,947 647 5,726 6,594 16,285 30,358
120 137 1,213 353 3,124 686 6,072
160 137 1,213 372 3,292 686 6,072

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 58 1,304 86 1,933 74 655 8.5 75
17 104 2,338 163 3,664 124 1,097 15.4 136
20 146 3,282 220 4,946 187 1,655 25.2 223
25 218 4,901 358 8,048 258 2,283 39.2 347
32 382 8,588 654 14,703 580 5,133 100 885
40 433 9,734 816 18,344 849 7,514 179 1,584
45 776 17,445 1,350 30,349 1,127 9,975 257 2,275
50 816 18,344 1,490 33,497 1,487 13,161 351 3,107
58 874 19,648 1,710 38,442 2,180 19,295 531 4,700
**1: “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.

*2: “Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2)
at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58
øA 52 62 73 88 115 140 160 168 195

B 52.5 56.5 51.5 55.5 65.5 79 85 93 106

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 53 Harmonic Drive LLC

High torque gear unit with hollow shaft or solid input shaft
SHG-2UH /2UJ Series
SHG Series

SHG-2UH The SHG-2UH series with a hollow shaft is a high torque, compact, precision gearhead
with zero backlash and exceptional accuracy and repeatability.
• Zero backlash
• Large hollow through bore
• High positioning accuracy
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• Shaft input units available (SHG-2UJ)
• 30% increased torque compared to SHF Units
L 10 Life: 10,000h

•SHG Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
Ratio 2000rpm Torque Ratio 2000rpm
Torque Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 7.0 62 23 204 46 407 50 178 1575 523 4629 892 7895
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540 80 268 2372 675 5974 1270 11240
100 10 89 36 319 70 620 40 100 345 3053 738 6531 1400 12391
50 21 186 44 389 91 805 120 382 3381 802 7098 1530 13542
80 29 257 56 496 113 1000 160 382 3381 841 7443 1530 13542
100 31 274 70 620 143 1266 50 229 2027 650 5753 1235 10931
120 31 274 70 620 112 991 80 407 3602 918 8124 1651 14613
50 33 292 73 646 127 1124 45 100 459 4062 982 8691 2041 18064
80 44 389 96 850 165 1460 120 523 4629 1070 9470 2288 20250
20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1690 160 523 4629 1147 10151 2483 21976
120 52 460 113 1000 191 1690 80 484 4283 1223 10824 2418 21401
160 52 460 120 1062 191 1690 100 611 5407 1274 11275 2678 23702
50 51 451 127 1124 242 2142 120 688 6089 1404 12425 2678 23702
80 82 726 178 1575 332 2938 160 688 6089 1534 13576 3185 28190
25 100 87 770 204 1805 369 3266 80 714 6319 1924 17027 3185 28190
120 87 770 217 1920 395 3496 100 905 8009 2067 18293 4134 36589
160 87 770 229 2027 408 3611 120 969 8576 2236 19789 4329 38315
50 99 876 281 2487 497 4399 160 969 8576 2392 21169 4459 39465
80 153 1354 395 3496 738 6532 80 969 8576 2743 24276 4836 42802
32 100 178 1575 433 3832 841 7443 100 1236 10939 2990 26462 6175 54653
120 178 1575 459 4062 892 7895 120 1236 10939 3263 28878 6175 54653
160 178 1575 484 4283 892 7895 160 1236 10939 3419 30258 6175 54653

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Permissible Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 10 N 2
lb x 10 N 2
lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 58 1304 86 1933 74 655 8.5 219
17 104 2338 163 3664 124 1097 15.1 389
20 146 3282 220 4946 187 1655 25.2 649
25 218 4901 358 8048 258 2283 39.2 1009
32 382 8587 654 14702 580 5133 100 2575
40 433 9734 816 18344 849 7514 179 4609
45 776 17444 1350 30348 1127 9974 257 6618
50 816 18344 1490 33495 1487 13160 351 9038
58 874 19648 1710 38441 2180 19293 531 13673
65 1300 29224 2230 50130 2740 24249 741 19081
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the
rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 54 64 75 90 115 140 160 175 201 221

B 52.5 56.5 51.5 55.5 65.5 79 85 93 106 128

Harmonic Drive LLC 54 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Lightweight, high torque gear unit with hollow shaft
SHG-2UH-LW Series

SHG Series
Incorporating a Harmonic Drive® gear component into an integral housing, the
SHF-2UH-LW is a lightweight compact hollow shaft gearhead with zero backlash.
• Zero backlash
• 20% lighter than standard unit
• Large hollow through bore
• High positioning accuracy
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• 30% increased torque compared to SHF Units

L 10 Life: 10,000h

•SHG-LW Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Item Limit for Item Limit for
Rated Torque at Limit for Rated Torque at Limit for
Repeated Peak Repeated Peak
Ratio 2000rpm Momentary Torque Ratio 2000rpm Momentary Torque
Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 7 62 23 204 46 407 50 178 1,575 523 4,629 892 7,895
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540 80 268 2,372 675 5,974 1,270 11,240
100 10 89 36 319 70 620 40 100 345 3,054 738 6,532 1,400 12,391
50 21 186 44 389 91 805 120 382 3,381 802 7,098 1,530 13,542
80 29 257 56 496 113 1,000 160 382 3,381 841 7,443 1,530 13,542
100 31 274 70 620 143 1,266 50 229 2,027 650 5,753 1,235 10,931
120 31 274 70 620 112 991 80 407 3,602 918 8,125 1,651 14,613
50 33 292 73 646 127 1,124 45 100 459 4,062 982 8,691 2,041 18,064
80 44 389 96 850 165 1,460 120 523 4,629 1,070 9,470 2,288 20,250
20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1,690 160 523 4,629 1,147 10,152 2,483 21,976
120 52 460 113 1,000 191 1,690 80 484 4,284 1,223 10,824 2,418 21,401
160 52 460 120 1,062 191 1,690 100 611 5,408 1,274 11,276 2,678 23,702
50 51 451 127 1,124 242 2,142 120 688 6,089 1,404 12,426 2,678 23,702
80 82 726 178 1,575 332 2,938 160 688 6,089 1,534 13,577 3,185 28,190
25 100 87 770 204 1,806 369 3,266 80 714 6,319 1,924 17,029 3,185 28,190
120 87 770 217 1,921 395 3,496 100 905 8,010 2,067 18,294 4,134 36,589
160 87 770 229 2,027 408 3,611 120 969 8,576 2,236 19,790 4,329 38,315
50 99 876 281 2,487 497 4,399 160 969 8,576 2,392 21,171 4,459 39,465
80 153 1,354 395 3,496 738 6,532 80 969 8,576 2,743 24,278 4,836 42,802
32 100 178 1,575 433 3,832 841 7,443 100 1,236 10,940 2,990 26,464 6,175 54,653
120 178 1,575 459 4,062 892 7,895 120 1,236 10,940 3,263 28,880 6,175 54,653
160 178 1,575 484 4,284 892 7,895 160 1,236 10,940 3,419 30,261 6,175 54,653

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 58 1,304 86 1,933 74 655 8.5 75
17 104 2,338 163 3,664 124 1,097 15.4 136
20 146 3,282 220 4,946 187 1,655 25.2 223
25 218 4,901 358 8,048 258 2,283 39.2 347
32 382 8,588 654 14,703 580 5,133 100 885
40 433 9,734 816 18,344 849 7,514 179 1,584
45 776 17,445 1,350 30,349 1,127 9,975 257 2,275
50 816 18,344 1,490 33,497 1,487 13,161 351 3,107
58 874 19,648 1,710 38,442 2,180 19,295 531 4,700
65 1,300 29,225 2,230 50,132 2,740 24,251 741 6,558
*1: “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated
life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
*2: “Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2)
at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 52 62 73 88 115 140 160 168 195 213

B 52.5 56.5 51.5 55.5 65.5 79 85 93 106 128

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 55 Harmonic Drive LLC

Lightweight, Hollow Shaft
SHD-2UH-LW Series
SHD Series

LW indicates lightweight. Axially compact, these gear units feature a large hollow
input shaft and a robust cross roller bearing so loads can be mounted directly to
the unit without the need for additional support bearings.
• Zero Backlash
• Ultra-flat design
• Large Hollow Input Shaft
• Accuracy <1 arc-min (most sizes)
• Rigid cross roller output bearing
• Lightweight

L 10 Life: 7,000h

•SHD-2UH-LW Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary
Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque
Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
50 3.7 12 4.8 23 50 53 151 75 268
14 80 5.4 16 7.7 35 80 83 213 117 398
100 5.4 19 7.7 35 100 96 233 151 420
50 11 23 18 48 120 96 247 151 445
80 15 29 19 61 50 96 281 137 480
100 16 37 27 71 80 144 364 198 686
120 16 37 27 71 100 185 398 260 700
50 17 39 24 69 120 205 432 315 765
80 24 51 33 89
100 28 57 34 95
120 28 60 34 95
50 27 69 38 127
80 44 96 60 179
100 47 110 75 184
120 47 117 75 204

• Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment
Moment Stiffness Km
Load Mc
Size Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co

x102N lb x102N lb Nm In-lb x104Nm/rad In-lb/arc.min

14 29 652 43 967 37 327 7.08 63

17 52 1,169 81 1,821 62 549 12.7 112

20 73 1,641 110 2,473 93 823 21 186

25 109 2,450 179 4,024 129 1,142 31 274

32 191 4,294 327 7,351 290 2,567 82.1 727

40 216 4,856 408 9,172 424 3,753 145 1,283

**1: “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of
the bearing of one million revolutions.
*2: “Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at
the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40
øA 74 84 95 115 147 175

B 45.5 48 42 46.5 55 65

Harmonic Drive LLC 56 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Hollow Shaft, Simplicity Unit

SHD-2SH Series
SHD-2SH Series

Axially compact, these gear units feature a large hollow input shaft and a robust
cross roller bearing so loads can be mounted directly to the unit without the need
for additional support bearings.
• Zero backlash
• Extremely flat profile
• Hollow through bore
• High positioning accuracy
• High stiffness cross roller bearing output
• High radial, axial, and moment load capacity

L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h

•SHD Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Housed Unit

Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary Rated Torque at Limit for Repeated Limit for Limit for Momentary
Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque Size Ratio 2000rpm Peak Torque Average Torque Peak Torque
Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
50 3.7 12 4.8 23 50 53 151 75 268
14 80 5.4 16 7.7 35 80 83 213 117 398
100 5.4 19 7.7 35 100 96 233 151 420
50 11 23 18 48 120 96 247 151 445
80 15 29 19 61 50 96 281 137 480
100 16 37 27 71 80 144 364 198 686
120 16 37 27 71 100 185 398 260 700
50 17 39 24 69 120 205 432 315 765
80 24 51 33 89
100 28 57 34 95
120 28 60 34 95
50 27 69 38 127
80 44 96 60 179
100 47 110 75 184
120 47 117 75 204

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km

Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co x104 In-lb
Nm In-lb
Size x102N lb x102N lb Nm/rad /arc-min

14 29 652 43 967 37 327 7.08 182

17 52 1169 81 1821 62 549 12.7 327

20 73 1641 110 2473 93 823 21 541

25 109 2450 179 4024 129 1142 31 798

32 191 4294 327 7351 290 2567 82.1 2114

40 216 4856 408 9172 424 3752 145 3734

• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (4kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element
receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 17 20 25 32 40
øA 70 80 90 110 142 170

B 17.5 18.5 19 22 27.9 33

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 57 Harmonic Drive LLC

Simplicity gear unit
SHF-2SH/2SO Series
SHF Series

Simplicity Gear Units are Non-housed component gears combined with a

precision cross roller output bearing. Simplicity Gear Units do not include the
housing and output flange, which allows for even tighter integration into the
customer’s housing or machine structure.
• Zero backlash
• High positioning accuracy
• Compact and simple design
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
Harmonic Drive® Simplicity Gear Unit

L 10 Life: 7,000h

•SHF Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
Ratio 2000rpm Torque Ratio 2000rpm Torque
Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
30 4.0 35 9.0 80 17 150 30 54 478 100 885 200 1770
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310 50 76 673 216 1912 382 3381
80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416 80 118 1044 230 2036 568 5027
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478 100 137 1212 333 2947 647 5726
30 8.8 78 6 142 30 266 120 137 1212 353 3124 686 6072
50 16 142 34 301 70 620 160 137 1212 372 3292 686 6072
17 80 22 195 43 381 87 770 50 137 1212 402 3558 686 6072
100 24 212 54 478 110 974 80 206 1823 519 4593 980 8674
120 24 212 54 478 86 761 40 100 265 2345 568 5027 1080 9559
30 15 133 27 239 50 443 120 294 2602 617 5460 1180 10444
50 25 221 56 496 98 867 160 294 2602 647 5726 1180 10444
80 34 301 74 655 127 1124 50 176 1558 500 4425 950 8408
100 40 354 82 726 147 1301 80 313 2770 706 6248 1270 11240
120 40 354 87 770 147 1301 45 100 353 3124 755 6682 1570 13896
160 40 354 92 814 147 1301 120 402 3558 823 7284 1760 15577
30 27 239 50 443 95 841 160 402 3558 882 7806 1910 16905
50 39 345 98 867 186 1646 50 245 2168 715 6328 1430 12657
80 63 558 137 1212 255 2257 80 372 3292 941 8328 1860 16462
100 67 593 157 1389 284 2514 50 100 470 4160 980 8673 2060 18233
120 67 593 167 1478 304 2691 120 529 4682 1080 9558 2060 18233
160 67 593 176 1558 314 2779 160 529 4682 1180 10443 2450 21684
50 353 3124 1020 9027 1960 17347
80 549 4859 1480 13098 2450 21684
58 100 686 6160 1590 14072 3180 28145
120 745 6593 1720 15222 3330 29473
160 745 6593 1840 16284 3430 30358
•Cross Roller Bearing Specification
Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 58 1304 86 1933 74 655 8.5 219
17 104 2338 163 3664 124 1097 15.1 389
20 146 3282 220 4946 187 1655 25.2 649
25 218 4901 358 8048 258 2283 39.2 1009
32 382 8587 654 14702 580 5133 100 2575
40 433 9734 816 18344 849 7514 179 4609
45 776 17444 1350 30348 1127 9974 257 6618
50 816 18344 1490 33495 1487 13160 351 9038
58 874 19648 1710 38441 2180 19293 531 13673
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one
million revolutions.“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at
the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions (2SO) Unit: mm

14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58

øA 50 60 70 85 110 135 155 170 195
B 28.5 32.5 33.5 37 44 53 58 64 75.5
*SHG only

Harmonic Drive LLC 58 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

High torque simplicity gear unit
SHG-2SH/2SO Series

SHG Series
High Torque versions of our Simplicity Gear Units. Simplicity Gear Units do not include
the housing and output flange, which allows for even tighter integration into the
customer’s housing or machine structure.
• Zero backlash
• High positioning accuracy
• High torque capacity
• High torsional stiffness
• 30% increased torque compared to SHF Units

Harmonic Drive® Simplicity Gear Unit

L 10 Life: 10,000h

•SHG Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Peak Repeated Peak Momentary Peak
Ratio 2000rpm Torque Ratio 2000rpm
Torque Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 7.0 62 23 204 46 407 50 178 1575 523 4629 892 7895
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540 80 268 2372 675 5974 1270 11240
100 10 89 36 319 70 620 40 100 345 3053 738 6531 1400 12391
50 21 186 44 389 91 805 120 382 3381 802 7098 1530 13542
80 29 257 56 496 113 1000 160 382 3381 841 7443 1530 13542
100 31 274 70 620 143 1266 50 229 2027 650 5753 1235 10931
120 31 274 70 620 112 991 80 407 3602 918 8124 1651 14613
50 33 292 73 646 127 1124 45 100 459 4062 982 8691 2041 18064
80 44 389 96 850 165 1460 120 523 4629 1070 9470 2288 20250
20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1690 160 523 4629 1147 10151 2483 21976
120 52 460 113 1000 191 1690 80 484 4283 1223 10824 2418 21401
160 52 460 120 1062 191 1690 100 611 5407 1274 11275 2678 23702
50 51 451 127 1124 242 2142 120 688 6089 1404 12425 2678 23702
80 82 726 178 1575 332 2938 160 688 6089 1534 13576 3185 28190
25 100 87 770 204 1805 369 3266 80 714 6319 1924 17027 3185 28190
120 87 770 217 1920 395 3496 100 905 8009 2067 18293 4134 36589
160 87 770 229 2027 408 3611 120 969 8576 2236 19789 4329 38315
50 99 876 281 2487 497 4399 160 969 8576 2392 21169 4459 39465
80 153 1354 395 3496 738 6532 80 969 8576 2743 24276 4836 42802
32 100 178 1575 433 3832 841 7443 100 1236 10939 2990 26462 6175 54653
120 178 1575 459 4062 892 7895 120 1236 10939 3263 28878 6175 54653
160 178 1575 484 4283 892 7895 160 1236 10939 3419 30258 6175 54653

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co
Size x 102N lb x 102N lb Nm In-lb x 104Nm /rad In-lb/arc-min
14 58 1304 86 1933 74 655 8.5 219
17 104 2338 163 3664 124 1097 15.1 389
20 146 3282 220 4946 187 1655 25.2 649
25 218 4901 358 8048 258 2283 39.2 1009
32 382 8587 654 14702 580 5133 100 2575
40 433 9734 816 18344 849 7514 179 4609
45 776 17444 1350 30348 1127 9974 257 6618
50 816 18344 1490 33495 1487 13160 351 9038
58 874 19648 1710 38441 2180 19293 531 13673
65 1300 29224 2230 50130 2740 24249 741 19081
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the
rolling element receiving a maximum load and track. B

•Dimensions (2SH) Unit: mm

14 17 20 25 32 40 45 50 58 65
øA 50 60 70 85 110 135 155 175 195 215

B 52.5 56.5 51.5 55.5 65.5 79 85 93 106 128

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 59 Harmonic Drive LLC

Phasing Differential
FD Series
FD Series Component

The FD series is an extremely compact differential unit that allows you to

fine-tune the phase and timing during operation.
• Pancake
• Ultra compact differential unit
• Backlash is very small and unit requires no assembly adjustment
FD Phasing Differential Gear Set

•FD Series Ratings

Rotational Speed rpm

Size Ratio 3500 rpm 2850 rpm 1450 rpm 960 rpm 500 rpm

Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

80 29 257 30 266 30 266 30 266 30 266
100 30 266 31 274 36 319 36 319 36 319
128 31 274 34 301 43 381 43 381 43 381
160 32 283 35 310 45 398 49 434 49 434
80 46 407 50 443 57 504 57 504 57 504
100 49 434 53 469 67 593 79 699 79 699
25 120 52 460 55 487 70 620 82 726 96 850
160 54 478 57 504 73 646 83 735 108 956
200 55 487 59 522 74 655 84 743 108 956
78 98 867 108 956 108 656 108 956 108 956
100 108 956 118 1044 147 1301 157 1389 157 1389
131 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 206 1823
157 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 216 1912
200 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 216 1912
260 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 216 1912
80 196 1735 196 1735 196 1735 196 1735 196 1735
100 235 2080 245 2168 265 2345 265 2345 265 2345
128 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 372 3292
160 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 451 3991
200 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 451 3991
258 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 451 3991
80 353 3124 353 3124 353 3124 353 3124 353 3124
100 441 3903 470 4160 559 4947 559 4947 559 4947
120 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 666 5894 666 5894
160 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 676 5983 843 7461
200 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 676 5983 843 7461
242 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 676 5983 843 7461
78 - - - - 764 6761 764 6761 764 6761
104 - - - - 1100 9735 1190 10532 1190 10532
132 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
158 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
208 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
260 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
80 - - - - 1370 12125 1370 12125 1370 12125
96 - - - - 1800 15930 1800 15930 1800 15930
128 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 2710 23984
80 160 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
194 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
258 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
320 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
80 - - - - 2470 21860 2470 21860 2470 21860
100 - - - - 3720 32922 3720 32922 3720 32922
120 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 4740 41949
100 160 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622
200 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622
242 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622
320 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622

•Dimensions Unit: mm
20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100
øA 70 85 110 135 170 215 265 330

B 25 29 37 43 53 71 83 101

Harmonic Drive LLC 60 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Phasing Differential
FD Series Unit Type

FD Series
The FD series is an extremely compact differential unit that allows you to
fine-tune the phase and timing during operation. The unit type is provided
with the housing so additional gears or pulleys required for the machine can
be directly mounted onto it.
• Pancake
• Ultra compact differential unit
• Backlash is very small and unit requires no assembly adjustment

FD Phasing Differential Gear Set

•FD Series Ratings
Rotational Speed rpm

Size Ratio 3500 rpm 2850 rpm 1450 rpm 960 rpm 500 rpm

Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

80 29 257 30 266 30 266 30 266 30 266
100 30 266 31 274 36 319 36 319 36 319
128 31 274 34 301 43 381 43 381 43 381
160 32 283 35 310 45 398 49 434 49 434
80 46 407 50 443 57 504 57 504 57 504
100 49 434 53 469 67 593 79 699 79 699
25 120 52 460 55 487 70 620 82 726 96 850
160 54 478 57 504 73 646 83 735 108 956
200 55 487 59 522 74 655 84 743 108 956
78 98 867 108 956 108 656 108 956 108 956
100 108 956 118 1044 147 1301 157 1389 157 1389
131 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 206 1823
157 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 216 1912
200 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 216 1912
260 108 956 118 1044 157 1389 176 1558 216 1912
80 196 1735 196 1735 196 1735 196 1735 196 1735
100 235 2080 245 2168 265 2345 265 2345 265 2345
128 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 372 3292
160 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 451 3991
200 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 451 3991
258 235 2080 245 2168 314 2779 363 3213 451 3991
80 353 3124 353 3124 353 3124 353 3124 353 3124
100 441 3903 470 4160 559 4947 559 4947 559 4947
120 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 666 5894 666 5894
160 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 676 5983 843 7461
200 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 676 5983 843 7461
242 441 3903 470 4160 588 5204 676 5983 843 7461
78 - - - - 764 6761 764 6761 764 6761
104 - - - - 1100 9735 1190 10532 1190 10532
132 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
158 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
208 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
260 - - - - 1100 9735 1250 11063 1570 13895
80 - - - - 1370 12125 1370 12125 1370 12125
96 - - - - 1800 15930 1800 15930 1800 15930
128 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 2710 23984
80 160 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
194 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
258 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
320 - - - - 2180 19293 2490 22037 3130 27701
80 - - - - 2470 21860 2470 21860 2470 21860
100 - - - - 3720 32922 3720 32922 3720 32922
120 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 4740 41949
100 160 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622
200 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622
242 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622
320 - - - - 3980 35223 4560 40356 5720 50622

•Dimensions Unit: mm
20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100
øA 85 95 120 145 185 235 290 360

B 73 81 95 113 132 147 178 212

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 61 Harmonic Drive LLC

Phasing Differential
FBB Series
FBB Series

The FBB was developed as a versatile simple differential drive transmission for
direct phasing of rotating elements while they are in motion. Offsetting internal gear
ratios deliver a through ratio of 1:1 and trim adjustments can be applied through one
or both of two wave generators.

• 1:1 phasing differential between input and output

• High ratio trim adjustment
• Compact, low backlash design for end roll mounting
FBB Phasing Differential Gear Set

•FBB Series Ratings

Maximum Input Rated Torque Maximum Output No Load Starting

Input Inertia
Speed rpm @1750 rpm Torque Torque
Size Ratio

Oil Grease Nm Nm Ncm kgcm2

80 28 28 3.2 0.14

100 28 34 3.2 0.14

20 6000 3500
120 28 40 3.2 0.14

160 28 44 3.2 0.14

80 46 48 4.2 0.36

100 46 68 4.2 0.36

25 5000 3500
120 46 79 4.2 0.36

160 46 88 4.2 0.36

80 92 107 5.7 1.32

100 92 136 5.7 1.32

32 4500 3500
120 92 158 5.7 1.32

160 92 175 5.7 1.32

80 193 192 19.1 3.42

100 193 271 19.1 3.42

40 4000 3000
120 193 305 19.1 3.42

160 193 350 19.1 3.42

80 359 350 35.3 9.91

100 359 475 35.3 9.91

50 3500 2500
120 359 588 35.3 9.91

160 359 655 35.3 9.91

•Dimensions Unit: mm
20 25 32 40 50

øA 70 85 110 134 170

B 26.5 34.8 42 56.5 -

Harmonic Drive LLC 62 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

HDI Infinit-Indexer® Phase Adjuster

HDI Series
Infinit-Indexer® phase adjusters are available from immediate stock in the standard bore
sizes shown with keyways, set screws, and tapped holes for face mounting of either hub.
It is possible for the user to modify these configurations by disassembling the unit. The
hub material is low carbon steel with suitable sizes shown in notes to the dimensional
drawings. Additional sizes and configurations are available by special order.
• Fine tune rotational position of shafts and machine parts
• Phase cams
• Adjust roll registration
• Take up backlash in spur and worm gears
• Synchronize indexing devices

Harmonic Drive® Phase Adjuster

•3 Models, 6 Bore Sizes Available From Stock
HDI Size Bore Size O.D. Length Torque Capacity
2 3/8” 111/16” 1000 lb-in
-10 5
(60.33mm) (42.9mm) (113 Nm)
/4” 3” 2 3/16” 2500 lb-in
1” (76.2mm) (76.2mm) (283 Nm)

3 3/4” 2 3/8” 5000 lb-in

-50 11/4”
(95.3mm) (95.3mm (565 Nm

To operate, hand rotate the adjusting ring in either

direction to produce a 100:1 reduction between the ring
Input and the output. Adjust the friction adjustment/locking
screw to desired resistance. For some applications, one
adjustment will be sufficient for both shaft turning and
phase adjusting modes. For more severe loading, such
as hard stops or high peak torque situations, the friction
Output adjustment/locking screw may be used to lock the
adjusting ring in place to maintain phase.

Flexible Couplings


-10 1.09

-25 1.34

-50 1.43 Adapter


•Dimensions Unit: inch

Size 10 10 10 25 25 50

øA 2.38 2.38 2.38 3.00 3.00 3.75

B 1.69 1.69 1.69 2.19 2.19 2.37

øC 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.750 1.000 1.250

D 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.75 1.75 2.17

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 63 Harmonic Drive LLC

Quick Connect® Gearhead for Servomotors
CSF-GH Series
CSF-GH Series

CSF-GH Quick Connect® gearheads with zero-backlash Harmonic Drive® gearing are available
with high reduction ratios, 50:1 to 160:1. CSF-GH utilizes our proprietary S tooth profile and
provides high precision positioning (repeatability ±4 to ±10 arc-sec).
• Zero Backlash
• Available in 5 Sizes
• Peak torque 18Nm ~ 2630Nm
• Ratios, 50:1 to 160:1
• Accuracy <1 arc-min
• High Efficiency
• High load capacity output bearing
• Motor size range 30W to 5,000W L 10 L i f e : 7 , 0 0 0 h

•CSF-GH Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Gearhead

Item Limit for Repeated Limit for Momentary

Rated Torque at 2000rpm
Peak Torque Peak Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
50 5.4 48 18 159 35 310
14 80 7.8 69 23 204 47 416
100 7.8 69 28 248 54 478
50 25 221 56 496 98 867
80 34 301 74 655 127 1124
20 100 40 354 82 726 147 1301
120 40 354 87 770 147 1301
160 40 354 92 814 147 1301
50 76 673 216 1912 382 3381
80 118 1044 304 2690 568 5027
32 100 137 1212 333 2947 647 5726
120 137 1212 353 3124 686 6071
160 137 1212 372 3292 686 6071
50 176 1558 500 4425 950 8408
80 313 2770 706 6248 1270 11240
45 100 353 3124 755 6682 1570 13895
120 402 3558 823 7284 1760 15576
160 402 3558 882 7806 1910 16904
80 745 6593 2110 18674 3720 32922
100 951 8416 2300 20355 4750 42038
120 951 8416 2510 22214 4750 42038
160 951 8416 2630 23276 4750 42038

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co ×104 In-lb/
Nm In-lb
Size N lb N lb Nm/rad arc.min
14 5110 1149 7060 1587 27 239 3.0 77
20 10600 2383 17300 3889 145 1283 17 438
32 20500 4608 32800 7373 258 2283 42 1082
45 41600 9352 76000 17085 797 7054 100 2575
65 81600 18344 149000 33495 2156 19082 323 8317
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load”is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (4kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the
rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 20 32 45 65
A 60 90 120 170 230

B 21 27 35 53 57

C (ref.) 55 72 105.5 128 157

D 37 53 98 103 135

øE 16 25 40 50 70
* The length and shape of the motor adapter flange will depend upon the
specific motor that is selected for use with the gearhead. Please contact
Harmonic Drive LLC for a detailed drawing.

Harmonic Drive LLC 64 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Quick Connect® Gearhead for Servomotors
CSG-GH Series

CSG-GH Series
CSG-GH high-torque Quick Connect® gearheads with zero backlash Harmonic Drive® gearing are
available with high reduction ratios, 50:1 to 160:1.
• Zero Backlash
• Available in 5 Sizes
• Peak torque 23Nm ~ 3419Nm
• Ratios, 50:1 to 160:1
• Repeatability as low as 4 arc-seconds
• Accuracy <1 arc-min
• High Efficiency
• High load capacity output bearing
• Motor size range 30W to 5,000W
• 30% higher rated torque, repeated peak torque & maximum
momentary torque than CSF series products of the same size L 10 L i f e : 1 0 , 0 0 0 h

•CSG-GH Series Ratings

Harmonic Drive® Gearhead

Limit for Repeated Limit for Momentary
Rated Torque at 2000rpm
Ratio Peak Torque Peak Torque

Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

50 7.0 62 23 204 46 407
14 80 10 89 30 266 61 540
100 10 89 36 319 70 620
50 33 292 73 646 127 1124
80 44 389 96 850 165 1460
20 100 52 460 107 947 191 1690
120 52 460 113 1000 191 1690
160 52 460 120 1062 191 1690
50 99 876 281 2487 497 4399
80 153 1354 395 3496 738 6532
32 100 178 1575 433 3832 812 7187
120 178 1575 459 4062 812 7187
160 178 1575 484 4284 812 7187
50 229 2027 650 5753 1235 10931
80 407 3602 918 8125 1651 14613
45 100 459 4062 982 8691 2033 17994
120 523 4629 1070 9470 2033 17994
160 523 4629 1147 10152 2033 17994
80 969 8576 2743 24278 4836 42802
100 1236 10940 2990 26464 5174 45794
120 1236 10940 3263 28880 5174 45794
160 1236 10940 3419 30261 5174 45794

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load Allowable Moment Load Mc Moment Stiffness Km
Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co ×104 In-lb/
Nm In-lb
Size N lb N lb Nm/rad arc.min
14 5110 1149 7060 1587 27 239 3.0 77
20 10600 2383 17300 3889 145 1283 17 438
32 20500 4608 32800 7373 258 2283 42 1082
45 41600 9352 76000 17085 797 7054 100 2575
65 81600 18344 149000 33495 2156 19082 323 8317
• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.
“Basic static rated load”is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (4kN/mm2) at the center of a contact zone between the
rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

•Dimensions Unit: mm
14 20 32 45 65
A 60 90 120 170 230

B 21 27 35 53 57

C (ref.) 55 72 105.5 128 157

D 37 53 98 103 135

øE 16 25 40 50 70
* The length and shape of the motor adapter flange will depend upon the
specific motor that is selected for use with the gearhead. Please contact
Harmonic Drive LLC for a detailed drawing.

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 65 Harmonic Drive LLC

Harmonic Planetary® Gearhead
Quick Connect® Coupling
HPG Series
HPG Series

Quick Connect® gearhead for high performance servo motors. Reduction ratios 3:1 to 50:1.
Available with flange output, straight shaft (without key), straight shaft (with key) and center
tapped hole.
• Low backlash: Less than 3 arc-min (less than 1 arc-min optional)
• Ratios, 3:1 to 50:1
• Quick Connect® coupling
• Peak torque 5Nm ~ 3200Nm
• High moment capacity cross roller output bearing
• High efficiency
• Sealed structure
• Motor size range 10W to 15,000W
L 10 L i f e : 2 0 , 0 0 0 h
Harmonic Planetary ® Gearhead

•HPG Series Ratings

Limit for Limit for Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Repeated Peak Momentary
3000 rpm Size 3000 rpm
Size Ratio Torque Peak Torque Ratio Torque Peak Torque

Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

5 2.5 22 7.8 69 20 177 3 31 274 225 1991 507 4487

9 2.5 22 3.9 35 20 177 5 66 584 300 2655 650 5753

11 21 3.4 30 9.8 87 20 177 11 88 779 300 2655 650 5753

37 3.4 30 9.8 87 20 177 32 15 92 814 300 2655 650 5753

45 3.4 30 9.8 87 20 177 21 98 867 300 2655 650 5753

3 2.9 26 15 133 37 327 33 108 956 300 2655 650 5753

5 5.9 52 23 204 56 496 45 108 956 300 2655 650 5753

11 7.8 69 23 204 56 496 3 97 858 657 5814 1850 16373

14 15 9.0 80 23 204 56 496 5 170 1505 850 7523 1850 16373

21 9 78 23 204 56 496 11 200 1770 850 7523 1850 16373

33 10 89 23 204 56 496 50 15 230 2036 850 7523 1850 16373

45 10 89 23 204 56 496 21 260 2301 850 7523 1850 16373

3 8.8 78 64 566 124 1097 33 270 2390 850 7523 1850 16373

5 16 142 100 885 217 1920 45 270 2390 850 7523 1850 16373

11 20 177 100 885 217 1920 4 500 4425 2200 19470 4500 39825

20 15 24 212 100 885 217 1920 5 530 4691 2200 19470 4500 39825

21 25 221 100 885 217 1920 12 600 5310 2200 19470 4500 39825

33 29 257 100 885 217 1920 15 730 6461 2200 19470 4500 39825
45 29 257 100 885 217 1920 20 800 7080 2200 19470 4500 39825

25 850 7523 2200 19470 4500 39825

40 640 5664 1900 16816 4500 39825

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

50 750 6638 2200 19472 4500 39825

Item Basic Rated Load Allowable Moment Load MC Moment Stiffness Km

Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co x104 In-lb/
Nm In-lb
Size N lb N lb Nm/rad arc-min

11 3116 700 4087 919 9.50 84 0.88 23

14 5110 1149 7060 1587 32.3 286 3.0 77

20 10600 2383 17300 3889 183 1620 16.8 433

32 20600 4631 32800 7373 452 4000 42.1 1084

50 41600 9352 76000 17085 1076 9523 100 2575

65 90600 20367 14800 33270 3900 34515 364 9373

•Dimensions Unit: mm
Size * The length and shape
11 14 20 32 50 65 of the motor adapter
flange will depend upon
A 40 60 90 120 170 230 the specific motor that is
selected for use with the
B 15 21 27 35 53 57 gearhead. Please contact
Harmonic Drive LLC for a
C (ref.) 30.5 64 71 104 123 184.5 detailed drawing.
D 27 37 53 98 103 - --- Size 65—Shaft is
available as special
øE 8 16 25 40 50 - request. ---

Harmonic Drive LLC 66 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Harmonic Planetary® Gearhead with helical gearing
Quick Connect® Coupling
HPG Helical Series

HPG Helical Series

Quick Connect® gearhead for high performance servo motors. Reduction ratios 3:1 to 10:1.
Available with flange output, straight shaft (without key), straight shaft (with key) and center
tapped hole.
• Helical Gearing
• Available in four Frame Sizes
• Peak Torque: 5Nm to 400Nm
• Ratios: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10:1
• High Efficiency
• Backlash <3 arc-min (<1arc-min available as an option)
• Repeatability ±20 arc-sec
• High load capacity Cross Roller output bearing
• Quick Connect® coupling for easy mounting of any motor
L 10 L i f e : 2 0 , 0 0 0 h

•HPG Helical Series Ratings

Harmonic Planetary ® Gearhead

Limit for Limit for Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque at Rated Torque at
Repeated Peak Momentary Repeated Peak Momentary
3000 rpm Size 3000 rpm
Size Ratio Torque Peak Torque Ratio Torque Peak Torque

Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

4 2.8 25 10 89 20 177 3 11 97 90 797 124 1097

5 2.9 26 10 89 20 177 4 23 203 133 1177 217 1921

6 2.9 26 10 89 20 177 5 23 203 133 1177 217 1921

11 7 3.1 27 9 80 20 177 6 23 203 126 1115 217 1921

8 3.1 27 7 62 20 177 7 25 221 108 956 217 1921

9 3.1 27 6 53 20 177 8 25 221 84 743 217 1921

10 3.4 30 5 44 20 177 9 25 221 73 646 217 1921

3 4.0 35 20 177 37 327 10 27 239 65 575 217 1921

4 7.0 62 30 266 56 496 3 50 443 290 2567 507 4487

5 7.2 64 30 266 56 496 4 77 682 400 3540 650 5753

6 7.3 65 30 266 56 496 5 80 708 400 3540 650 5753

7 7.8 69 26 266 56 496 6 80 708 390 3452 650 5753
8 7.8 69 20 177 56 496 7 85 867 330 2921 650 5753

9 7.9 70 17 150 56 496 8 85 752 260 2301 650 5753

10 8.5 75 15 133 56 496 9 86 752 220 1947 650 5753

10 92 814 200 1770 650 5753

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load Allowable Moment Load MC Moment Stiffness Km

Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co x104 In-lb/
Nm In-lb
Size N lb N lb Nm/rad arc-min

11 3116 700 4087 919 9.50 84 0.88 23

14 5110 1149 7060 1587 32.3 286 3.0 77

20 10600 2383 17300 3889 183 1620 16.8 433

32 20600 4631 32800 7373 452 4000 42.1 1084

•Dimensions Unit: mm
11 14 20 32
A 40 60 90 120

B 15 21 27 35

C (ref.) 30.5 64 71 104

D 27 37 53 98

øE 8 16 25 40

* The length and shape of the motor adapter flange will

depend upon the specific motor that is selected for use
with the gearhead. Please contact Harmonic Drive LLC for a
detailed drawing.

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 67 Harmonic Drive LLC

Harmonic Planetary® Gearhead
Quick Connect® Coupling
HPGP Series

HPGP Series

High torque Quick Connect® gearhead for high performance servo motors. Reduction
ratios 3:1 to 50:1. Available with flange output, Straight shaft (without key), Straight shaft
(with key) and center tapped hole.
• Peak torque 12Nm ~ 3940Nm
• High precision
• Backlash <1 arc-min is available (size #14-65) (Standard backlash specification is
< 3 arc-min)
• Cross roller bearing for high load capacity and moment stiffness
• Quick Connect® coupling
• Ratios, Single Stage: 4:1 to 5:1, Two Stage: 11:1 to 45:1
• Motor size range 10W to 15,000W
L 10 L i f e : 2 0 , 0 0 0 h
Harmonic Planetary ® Gearhead

•HPGP Series Ratings

Item Limit for Limit for Item Limit for Limit for
Rated Torque Rated Torque
Repeated Momentary Repeated Momentary
Ratio at 2000rpm Peak Torque Ratio at 2000rpm Peak Torque
Peak Torque Peak Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb
5 3.4 30 10 89 5 87 770
21 11 104 920
11 20 177
37 4.6 41 13 115 15 122 1080
32 400 3540 650 5753
45 21 130 1151
5 7.8 69 33 143 1266
11 10 89 45 143 1266
15 12 106 5 226 2000
14 30 266 56 496
21 12 106 11 266 2354
33 13 115 15 306 2708
50 1130 10001 1850 16374
45 13 115 21 346 3062
5 21 186 33 359 3177
11 26 230 45 359 3177
15 32 283 4 665 5886
20 133 1177 217 1921
21 33 292 5 705 6240
33 39 345 12 798 7063
65 2920 25844 4500 39828
45 39 345 15 971 8594
20 1060 9382
25 1130 10001

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load Allowable Moment Load MC Moment Stiffness Km

Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co x104 In-lb/
Nm In-lb
Size N lb N lb Nm/rad arc-min

11 3116 700 4087 919 9.50 84 0.88 23

14 5110 1149 7060 1587 32.3 286 3.0 77

20 10600 2383 17300 3889 183 1620 16.8 433

32 20600 4631 32800 7373 452 4000 42.1 1084

50 41600 9352 76000 17085 1076 9523 100 2575

65 90600 20367 148000 33270 3900 34515 364 9373

•Dimensions Unit: mm
11 14 20 32 50 65
A 40 60 90 120 170 230

B 15 21 27 35 53 57

C (ref.) 30.5 64 71 104 123 184.5

D 27 37 53 98 103 -

øE 10 16 25 40 50 -

* The length and shape of the motor adapter flange will depend upon the specific
motor that is selected for use with the gearhead. Please contact Harmonic Drive
LLC for a detailed drawing.
---- Size 65—Shaft is available as special request. ---

Harmonic Drive LLC 68 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Right Angle Harmonic Planetary® Gearhead
Quick Connect® Coupling

HPG RA Series
HPG RA Series

Right angle, high precision, Harmonic Planetary® gearhead with low backlash.
• High precision Planetary gearhead
• Low backlash: Less than 3 arc-min (less than 1 arc-min optional)
• Quick Connect® coupling
• High torque capacity
• High moment capacity cross roller output bearing
• Right angle configuration allows for use in limited space

L 10 L i f e : 2 0 , 0 0 0 h

•HPG RA Series Ratings

Harmonic Planetary ® Gearhead

Limit for Limit for Limit for Limit for Limit for Limit for
Rated Rated
Average Repeated Momentary Average Repeated Momentary
Torque Torque
Size Model Ratio Load Torque*1 Peak Torque*2 Peak Torque*3 Size Model Ratio Load Torque*1 Peak Torque*2 Peak Torque*3

Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm

5 66 150 150 200 5 260 340 400 500

11 88 170 330 440 12 260 400 880 1100

15 92 170 300 600 15 270 450 1200 1500

32 RA3 50 RA5
21 98 170 300 650 21 270 500 1150 2100

33 108 200 330 650 33 270 500 1140 2180

45 108 200 300 650 45 270 500 1140 2180

5 150 150 150 200 5 400 400 400 500

11 170 330 330 440 12 600 960 960 1200

15 200 450 450 600 15 730 1200 1200 1500

50 RA3
21 200 500 630 840 65 RA5 20 800 1500 1600 2000

33 230 500 990 1320 25 850 1500 2000 2500

45 230 500 1140 1800 40 640 1300 1900 4000

*1: A
 verage load torque calculated based on the application motion profile must not 50 750 1500 2200 4500
exceed values shown in the table.
*2: The limit for torque during start and stop cycles. Always operate below this value.
*3: The limit for torque during emergency stops or from external shock loads.

•Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Allowable Moment
Basic Rated Load Moment Stiffness Km
Load MC

Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co

x104 In-lb/
Nm In-lb
Nm/rad arc-min
Size N lb N lb

32 20500 4608 32800 7373 452 4000 42.1 1084

50 41600 9352 76000 17085 1076 9523 100 2575

65 90600 20367 148000 33270 3900 34515 364 9373

•Dimensions Unit: mm
Size A øB C D E* F G
32 120 115h7 35 107 140/175 175/197/217 130/180/220

50 170 165h8 53 144 168/200 209/234/254 130/180/220

65 230 220h8 57 226 168/200 291/316/336 130/180/220

* Left side description: The limited length of the Motor shaft is 81mm. Right side description: The limited length of
the Motor shaft is 116mm.
Note: Dimensions F & G depend on the chosen Motor flange square size. Contact Harmonic Drive LLC for special
flange motor combination.

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 69 Harmonic Drive LLC

Harmonic Planetary® Gearhead
Quick Connect® Coupling
HPN Series
HPN Series

HPN value series planetary gearheads feature a robust design utilizing helical gears for
quiet performance and long life. These gearheads are available with short lead times
and are designed to couple to any servo motor with our Quick Connect® coupling.
• Peak torque 9Nm to 752Nm
• Compact design
• High precision
• Backlash <5 arc-min (One-stage) , < 7 arc-min (Two-stage)
• Quick Connect® coupling
• Reduction ratios between 3:1 and 50:1
• Helical gears for quiet performance
• Motor size range 30W to 7500W
• Quick delivery L 50 L i f e : 2 0 , 0 0 0 h

•HPN Series Ratings

Harmonic Planetary ® Gearhead

Repeated Momentary Repeated Momentary

Number Rated Number Rated
Peak Peak Peak Peak
Size of Ratio Torque Size of Ratio Torque
Torque Torque Torque Torque
Stages Stages
Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm

4 14 14 40 30 80 139 250
5 14 16 40 35 80 112 256
7 11 11 40 20 2 40 80 112 256
10 9 9 40 45 80 112 256
15 18 24 40
50 75 75 216
20 22 24 40
11 3 153 254 625
25 20 24 40
4 198 376 625
30 25 26 40
2 1 5 200 376 625
35 26 26 40
7 200 376 625
40 26 26 40
10 185 185 625
45 26 26 40
15 200 376 625
50 26 26 40
32 20 200 376 625
3 22 25 89
4 28 50 110 25 200 376 625

1 5 29 50 107 30 250 376 625

7 30 37 100 35 250 376 625

10 18 18 79 40 300 376 625

15 30 43 97 45 300 376 625

14 20 30 49 100 50 251 251 625
25 30 38 102 3 440 752 1137
30 40 48 98 4 460 752 1265
35 40 49 99 1 5 480 752 1265
40 30 38 100
7 510 752 829
45 30 38 100
10 480 509 829
50 26 26 94
15 530 752 1265
3 51 74 226
40 20 600 752 1265
4 80 130 256
25 650 752 1127
1 5 80 149 256
30 650 752 1265
7 80 113 256 2
20 35 700 752 1127
10 54 54 216
40 700 752 1127
15 80 129 256
2 20 80 147 256 45 700 752 1127

25 80 114 256 50 562 562 1162

•Dimensions Unit: mm
11A 14A 20A 32A 40A
A 42 60 90 115 142

One Stage 93.5 117 160-184.5 200-264.5 282.5-328.5

B 217.5-
Two Stage 113 142 175-206.2 327-348
Dimensions depend upon the motor selected. Dimensions shown in the table are a typical range for
reference only. Contact HDLLC for detailed dimensions of the gear used for your motor.

Harmonic Drive LLC 70 w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2

Hollow Shaft Planetary Gear
HPF Series

HPF Series
Hollow shaft planetary gear with output flange. The flange is integrated with a robust
cross-roller bearing which can support high axial, radial and moment loads without
the need for additional support bearings.
• Hollow Shaft Structure
• Coaxial input and output shafts
• Cross Roller Output Bearing
• Backlash < 3 arc-min
• The precision HPF planetary gear is also available in our SHA Series Hollow Shaft

Harmonic Planetary® Hollow Shaft Gear

Brushless Actuators as a standard product

L 10 Life: 20,000h

•HPF Series Ratings

Item Limit for Repeated Limit for Momentary
Rated Torque
Peak Torque Torque
Size Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb

25 11 21 186 100 885 170 1505

32 11 44 389 220 1947 450 3983

• Cross Roller Bearing Specification

Item Basic Rated Load
Allowable Moment
Moment Stiffness Km
Load Mc
Size Basic Dynamic Rated Load C Basic Static Rated Load Co

N lb N lb Nm In-lb x104Nm/rad In-lb/arc.min

25 11400 2563 20300 4564 410 3629 37.9 335

32 22500 5058 39900 8970 932 8249 86.1 762

**1: “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.

*2: “Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm2)
at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.

Unit: mm
Output (Low-speed side)
25 32
Input (High-speed side)

A 136 167 Item

B 105.1 125.5
Hollow Shaft ID

C 25 30

w w w. H a r m o n i c D r i v e . n e t • 8 0 0 - 9 2 1 - 3 3 3 2 71 Harmonic Drive LLC


Industrial robots Primary axis
Robot peripheral equipment End effectors
Linear axis
Indexing table
Peripheral equipment SHG
Encoder SHF

Humanoid Robots
Humanoid Robots Joint articulation
Robotic hand
Vision sensor positioning
Torque sensing RSF-Supermini CSF
Encoder SHD

Metal Machine Tools

Machining centers Tool changer
Turning centers Tool magazine
Work transfer systems RSF
Work positioning equipment
CNC Grinders Rotary table LAH
EDM systems C Axis CSG

Metal Working Machines

Bending machines Bending axis
Rolling machines Work positioning
Presses Work transfer
Work transfer systems LSA

Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Processing Machines

Printing presses Web tension control

Folding machines Cutting blade positioning
Phase adjusting RSF
Paper changing machines
Paper positioning machines Roller height adjustment CSG
Paper machines CSF
Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
Mask and reticle Wafer transfer robots
manufacturing FHA-Cmini Micro
Positioning drive Encoder
Wafer fabrication equipment FHA-C
Indexing tables
Wafer processing equipment Wafer flipper RSF CSF
Test & Assembly equipment Valve opening/closing RSF-Supermini SHD
Inspection equipment KDU SHF
Wafer transfer equipment RH HPG

Measurement, Analytical and Test Systems

Photometric equipment Transfer systems
Three-dimensional Positioning drive FHA-C mini CSF
measuring instruments Prism positioning drive RSF SHF
Metal tensile test machines Indexing tables RSF-Supermini
Soil-column yield strength Direct transmission tables KDU
test machines


Medical Equipment
Three-dimensional manipulators Precision joint drive
X-ray photographing and CT-NMR Bed lifting and inclination drive FHA-Cmini
systems Positioning table drive FHA-C
X-ray film developing and take-off
Surgical operation assistant robots RH

Optical Machines
X-ray analytical systems Positioning table drive
Optical component inspection Lens positioning drive
systems RSF
Laser mirror drive
Laser oscillation machines Prism drive RSF-Supermini
Optical measuring instruments Probe drive KDU
Surface inspection systems Sensor positioning drive RH
Optical disc manufacturing systems
Laser markers


Condenser mirror adjusting X, Y, Z axis drive
mechanisms FHA-Cmini
Indirect drive
Electromagnetic wave micrometer mechanisms RSF-Supermini
adjusting mechanisms RSF
Secondary mirror position control KDU
Robot arms for maintenance

Wood, Light Metal and Plastic Machine Tools

Woodworking machines Milling head drive
5-axis machining centers Tool magazine drive
3-axis gantry mills
Work positioning machines
Work transfer systems Rotary table drive
Tool positioning machine drive RSF-Supermini
Direct transmission shaft drive LAH
Shaft drive CSG


Oil exploration robot Directional drilling

Wind power equipment Propeller pitch control
Electric power equipment Solar panel positioning

Paper-making Machines
Paper-making machines Coating-process roller
positioning drive RSF
Corrugated fiberboard box
making and printing machines Head box slice lip positioning FHA-C
Cutter knife positioning RH
Cutter knife traveling drive

Crating and Packaging Machines

Sealing machines Shaft synchronizing drive

Label printing machines Roll synchronizing drive
Label attaching machines Joint drive
Trolley drive
Work transfer systems

Flat Panel Display Manufacturing Systems

Array process equipment Transfer systems
Cell process equipment Positioning
Assembly process Indexing tables
equipment RSF SHD
Direct transmission tables
Work transfer systems Work reversing machines RSF-Supermini HPG
Tension controllers KDU
Hatch opening/closing drive RH
Joint drive LA
Trolley drive LAH
Communication Equipment
Antennas Pan & Tilt drives
FHA-C mini
Microphones Prism drive Micro
FHA-C Encoder
Wavelength duplexers
Radars RSF-Supermini

Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Machines

Electronic component Drilling head drive
FHA-C mini
insertion machines Tool changer drive
Solder paste dispensing Tool magazine drive
machines Work positioning machines
Board inspection systems Rotary table drive RSF-Supermini
Transfer systems Tool positioning machine drive LAH
Shaft drive CSG


Communication Pan & Tilt drive

Antennas Joint drive
Solar Array Drives SHF
Wheel drive
Robotic joints SHD
Robotic arms

Flight simulators Valve actuator
Cargo handling and transfer Trolley drive
systems FHA-C
Cargo wheel power
Reconnaissance cameras drive unit RSF
Valves Fly-by-Wire Components RSF-Supermini

Glass and Ceramic Manufacturing Systems

Ceramic forming machines Valve opening and closing
Glass polishing machines Valve positioning
Sheet glass cutting machines Traveling trolley drive
Harmonic Drive LLC
US Headquarters Group Companies
247 Lynnfield Street Harmonic Drive Systems, Inc.
Peabody, MA 01960 6-25-3 Minami-Ohi, Shinagawa-ku
Tokyo 141-0013, Japan
New York Sales Office
100 Motor Parkway Harmonic Drive AG
Suite 116 Hoenbergstrasse, 14, D-6555
Hauppauge, NY 11788 Limburg/Lahn Germany

California Sales Office

333 W. San Carlos Street
Suite 1070
San Jose, CA 95110

Chicago Sales Office

137 N. Oak Park Ave., Suite 410
Oak Park, IL 60301

T: 800.921.3332
T: 978.532.1800
F: 978.532.9406
Harmonic Drive, Harmonic Planetary,
Infinit-Indexer and Quick Connect are registered
trademarks of Harmonic Drive LLC. Rev 20190417

All efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this catalog is complete and accurate. However, Harmonic Drive LLC is not liable for any
errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the reported data. Harmonic Drive LLC reserves the right to change the product specifications, for any reason,
without prior notice. For complete details please refer to our current Terms and Conditions posted on our website.

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