Retake CW - 2023-2024
Retake CW - 2023-2024
Retake CW - 2023-2024
CW weighting 50%
Lecturer setting the task with Iroda Komilova
contact details and office hours
Office Hours: via email appointment
Submission deadline June 5th, 2024
Results date and type of feedback July 15th, 2024
The CW checks the following learning outcomes:
1. Critically examine the need for project management in various organizations.
2. Effectively apply project management tools and techniques for planning.
3. Plan and manage risks within project environment.
Background information.
As a project management professional, you have received a request from Westminster
International University in Tashkent (WIUT) to organize and lead the project. WIUT in
collaboration with University of Westminster, London (UoW) is organizing short-term
summer exchange programs for UoW Masters’ program students. It is expected that 85
Postgraduate students will arrive to Tashkent at the end of June, 2024 for two weeks long
intensive course. The study plan is prepared by the academics of WIUT. The classes are
scheduled from 9:00-17:00 Monday to Friday with one hour lunch break. Students expect
to have evening and weekends free which should be used to expose Uzbekistan and its
historical locations, landscape, sightseeing, its diverse and colorful cuisine.
You are asked to prepare Project Charter and a detailed Project Management Plan. Project
Charter should describe an idea which is unique and well-justified. The plan should include
all aspects of project, except the program of intensive course.
This is an individual work.
Task. To accomplish this CW you are required to develop Project Management Plan of no
more than 2500 words excluding tables and graphs. The section headings given below
should be used as a guide:
1. Project Charter and Project Scope for the suggested project. Provide clear business
case (including success factors) for the project to ensure common understanding
and support from key stakeholders.
2. Work breakdown structure (WBS) and Responsibility matrix.
3. Gantt Chart and Network Diagram using MS Project (or alternative software)
4. Brief cost analysis: estimation of the project. Provide real market quotes.
5. Allocation of human resources to the project using MS Project (or alternative
6. Risk management: consider all possible risks and develop a risk management plan
within the project in order to complete the project safely.
Note: the project should be based upon real data and all supporting material should be
properly referenced. Literature should include literature from Emerald, online journal, blogs
and web pages. In addition, any information provided by people consulted (interviews,
discussions) should be included and referenced.
VERY IMPORTANT: your name should not appear on the cover page or anywhere
else. We will be operating a system of anonymous marking (when the lecturer marks
your work they will not see your name). Please put your registration number on the
cover page and nowhere else.
Submission requirements
Submission is undertaken electronically via WIUT Learning Board. No hard copy
submission is required. Submission of MS Project file is another requirement and is to be
undertaken via WIUT Intranet Page. Any other alternative software could be used for
project planning, keeping in mind the requirements of the plan (it should provide all
functions). Further instructions will be provided by Module Leader. In case of double
submission (with the later to be as late submission), the initially submitted CW will be
considered only.
This is your responsibility to put CW through the Turn-it-in anti-plagiarism software before
Marking Breakdown – 100 Marks
2. Detailed WBS (of at least three levels of detail) and Responsibility 15 Marks
2 Matrix (with allocation of roles and responsibilities to work
2. Design (draw) a Gantt chart and Network Diagram (AON) using MS 20 Marks
3 Project. Discuss critical path. Allocate human resources and materials
to the project. Resolve over allocation and do resource levelling.
2. Estimate the cost of the project cost using bottom-up estimation in 15 Marks
4 UZS. Consult and document from appropriate sources for price
information. Investigate the inflation rate for Uzbekistan and take into
account the inflation rates in your cost estimation. Cost references.
2. Identify and discuss potential risks for the projects and their 15 Marks
5 consequences. Assess identified risks using qualitative risk
assessment method. List risks response strategies to the identified
risks provide contingency plan.
Assessment Criteria
1.Ability to develop a clear and coherent argument and presentation and 2.Ability to comprehend key issues in project management
evidence for extensive research 10% and ability to apply to the given assignment 90 % (Detailed
Criteria are provided in the tables below)
0-9 Poor quality of the argument and writing makes it very confusing. Layout Clear lack of understanding of project management issues and
disorganized, lacking logical flow. Clear lack of evidence of research and critical main assignment tasks not addressed at all.
thinking. References non-existent or limited to Wikipedia and lecture notes.
10-19 Lack of structure and poor writing style with limited logical flow make it confusing. Shows a limited understanding of the issues and ability to address
Research very limited and poorly documented, mostly based upon ambiguous tasks, but is likely to include some fundamental
thought and judgments. References limited to Wikipedia, lectures notes and odd misunderstandings and/or errors in using project management
textbook material. techniques.
20-29 Confused structure and clumsy language obscures attempt to develop a clear Shows at least a basic grasp of the issues but includes significant
understanding of the assigned task. Research is based upon a single text book misunderstandings and/or errors in using project management
and/or lecture notes. Work is totally descriptive. techniques.
30-39 Answer is clearly focused on the assigned task(s), but often with clumsy expression Demonstrates a general comprehension of the major issues
or staid colloquialisms. Research based upon lecture notes, some general web sites without significant misunderstandings or errors in using project
and core text book(s). Largely descriptive work. management techniques.
40-49 Well structured and well written in manner that addresses the assigned task. Demonstrates a detailed comprehension of the major issues and
Research and reading are beyond basic textbook. Shows at least an emerging ability at least a general awareness of principle project management
to analytical thinking. techniques.
50-59 The quality of the discourse demonstrates a fair degree of elegance and Demonstrates a high level of grasp of the major issues and project
sophistication. Research is based upon text books, e-journal articles. Demonstrates management techniques.
some analytical thoughts and full awareness of conflicting viewpoints, ability to
compare and contrast.
60-69 The work contains emerging original insight and a clear coherent argument. Well-built Full comprehension and application of the major issues and
up and evidence of current research. Emerging ability to engage at the theoretical project management techniques.
level with the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches within the literature.
70-79 Demonstrates a clear ability to apply original insight and critical thought. Extensive Complete grasp and application of the major issues and project
research. Shows clear understanding of the problems and limitations of various management techniques comprehensively covered and applied in
approaches to the area, showing insight into the way in which applying theory to the coursework.
different contexts results in different outcomes. Demonstrates clear ability to analyse,
predict and draw conclusions.
80-89 Theoretically informed, with a good degree of originality, the work reads like a draft Outstanding grasp of the major issues and project management
version of a publishable document. Evidence of extensive current literature and techniques and their strengths and limitations in sub contextual
research. Thorough and very structured thinking of the assigned tasks. Showing applications
academic level insight into how theory and practice interrelate across different
90 - Suitable for publication or effective professional use in its submitted form, without Contains all elements found above and is suitable in its submitted
100 adaption. Contains all elements found above and is suitable in its submitted form for form for professional publication.
professional publication.
2.1 Project Charter and Project Scope 2.2 WBS and Responsibility Matrix 2.3 Gantt Chart and Network Diagram
0-29 No/limited effort to create Project No/limited effort to approach WBS and/or No or limited effort to create Gantt Chart and/or Network
Charter. The most of the crucial Responsibility Matrix. There are many diagram. Gantt Chart is inconsistent with WBS. Gantt
information missing. Number of inconsistencies throughout. Chart is not prepared using MS Project, therefore lacks
mistakes. most of the important functions to prepare
comprehensive project plan. Network Diagram is not
40-49 Project Charter is provided as well as WBS and Responsibility Matrix are provided. Both Gantt Chart and Network diagram are prepared,
the scope lacking clarity and detail. However, there are some inconsistencies presented. Gantt Chart is mostly consistent with WBS;
At times with logical mistakes or with Project Charter and/or between WBS includes milestones, dependencies; costs. However,
lacking proper information. and Responsibility Matrix. WBS lacking some there are some mistakes, lack of detail. Network
information. includes a few mistakes in diagram is briefly explained, lacking extended discussion
naming, coding. Responsibility matrix of importance of it.
includes some logical mistakes.
50-59 Complete charter with minor Overall good WBS and Responsibility Matrix Good Gantt Chart and Network diagram are prepared,
mistakes; no or limited inclusion of are provided. However, there are slight presented. Gantt Chart is mostly consistent with WBS;
out of scope items. inconsistencies with Project Charter and/or includes milestones, dependencies; costs; some
between WBS and Responsibility Matrix. resource allocation. However, there are very few
mistakes. Network diagram is sufficiently explained,
including its importance while planning a project.
60-69 Complete and clear charter with Overall very good WBS and Responsibility Very good Gantt Chart and Network diagram are
some out of scope items, which Matrix are provided. There are no prepared, presented. Gantt Chart is consistent with
might be arguable or not clear inconsistencies with Project Charter and/or WBS; includes milestones, dependencies; costs;
between WBS and Responsibility Matrix. resources and other details. Network diagram is well
explained, including its importance while planning a
70-79 Well-designed, complete and clear Excellent WBS and Responsibility Matrix are Excellent Gantt Chart and Network diagram. Gantt Chart
charter with clear evidence for provided. Detailed. There are no is consistent with WBS; includes milestones,
inclusion of out of scope items inconsistencies with Project Charter and/or dependencies; costs; resources and other details.
between WBS and Responsibility Matrix. Network diagram is very well explained, including its
importance while planning a project.
80-100 Outstandingly well-documented Outstanding display of understanding of the Outstanding display of Gantt Chart and Network
Project Charter with detailed WBS technique. Responsibility Matrix diagram. Gantt Chart is consistent with WBS; includes
discussion of out of scope items, corresponds to WBS fully and includes no all the details and is comprehensive enough to be
which are logical. mistakes considered as professional. Network diagram is not only
very well explained, but also its importance while
planning a project is discussed perfectly.
2.4 Project Cost Management 2.5 Risk Management
0-29 No or limited effort to approach the costs in relation to the No or limited effort to approach risk management aspects.
30-39 Some effort made to approach the financial aspects of the Some effort made to approach risk management aspects. Very generic
project. Very high-level cost estimations. However, the costs risks identified, assessment is arguable. No proper risk response
are not or limitedly referenced and hence cannot be proved strategy chosen. No or incomplete contingency plan. One or more
or trusted. aspects of risk management process neglected.
40-49 Sufficient effort made to approach the financial aspects of Sufficient effort made to approach risk management aspects. Some
the project. Cost estimations seem realistic but are limitedly identified risks are generic. Assessment of risks is at times illogical.
referenced, miscalculated and hence cannot be fully proved Risk response strategy at times arguable or do not correspond to
or trusted. The inflation rate and/or contingency funds are severity. Incomplete contingency plan with problems understanding
missing. the cause and effect. One or more aspects of risk management
process are incomplete.
50-59 Good effort made to approach the financial aspects of the Good effort made to approach risk management aspects. Identified
project. Cost estimations seem realistic but are some risks are mostly logical and the assessment of risks is logical as well.
referenced, miscalculated and hence cannot be fully proved Risk response strategy mostly corresponds to severity. Good
or trusted. The inflation rate or contingency funds are contingency plan that includes triggers with good understanding of the
missing. cause and effect.
60-69 Very good effort made to approach the financial aspects of Very good effort made to approach risk management aspects.
the project. Cost estimations seem realistic and are well Identified risks are logical and the assessment of risks is logical as
referenced and can be fully proved or trusted. The inflation well. Risk response strategy corresponds to severity and actions.
rate or contingency funds are considered Comprehensive contingency plan that includes triggers with very good
understanding of the cause and effect.
70-79 Excellent cost estimations. All costs are realistic and are well Excellent risk management plan. Identified risks are logical and the
referenced and can be fully proved or trusted. The inflation assessment of risks is well-justified and logical as well. Risk response
rate and contingency funds are considered, with no errors. strategy corresponds to severity and actions. Comprehensive
contingency plan that includes triggers with excellent understanding of
the cause and effect.
80-100 Outstanding cost estimations, quite detailed and with all Outstanding risk management plan. Identified risks are logical and the
necessary attributes and with no miscalculations or errors assessment of risks is well-justified and logical as well. Risk response
strategy corresponds to severity and actions. Outstanding contingency
plan that includes all the details and there is no unclarity with regard to
its applicability.