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Article · June 2020

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3 authors, including:

Anagha Prasanna Mathad Prasanna Sriram Mathad

Parul Universiy Parul Universiy Parul institutute of Ayurveda and Research


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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed:VOLUME:9, ISSUE:5(8), MAY:2020


Dr Anagha Anigol , 2 Dr Prasanna Mathad, 3 Dr Rajashree Chitree
1 nd
2 yr P G Scholar ,2Professsor , 3Professor
Ayurveda Samhita and Sidhant Department, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Parul University, Vadodra, Gujurat
Agada Tantra Department, Parul Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Parul University, Vadodra, Gujurat
Ayurveda Samhita and Sidhant department, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Parul University, Vadodra, Gujurat


Astrology is the branch of science explaining with mathematical calculations of

predicting or determining the influence of the planets, stars and their rotational effects
on human beings in various stages of life span. Both Ayurveda and Astrology explains
a way of life in India since time thousands of years ago as pumsavanam, jatakarma,
suthika snana, namakaranam, annaprashanam, upaveshanam, karna vedhana, upanayan
like this many samskaras time,date and day are decided on astrology, advanced
knowledge related to Astrology on medicine is preserved in Indian scriptures and
practised from generation to generation. Although both Astrology and medicine were
developed as a part of Vedas in India, astrological principles related to prevention,
health care and relief from illness were applied as religious ceremonies. An astrologer
guides for some patients for taking planned Shodhana therapies like vamana, virechana
suitable time for treatments efficacy, timings for planned shalya procedures, pathya
Sevana vidha and kala, at suitable time for collection , preservations of herbal medicines
which enhances their efficacy. Toxic effects of jangama or sthavara visha dravyas can
be predict with their nakshatra,time and day, duta lakshanas with astrological methods. .
Astrology and Ayurveds are related to each other,. Astrology helps to ayurvedic
physicians to note the patients status with respect to health, time, period to plan the
different and suitable modalities of treatments. In a case where a physician is unable to
understand the pathogenesis of the disease and to treat, the patient depends upon
Astrology. Harita samhita explains about sadhya asadhyatwa of diseases and arishta
lakshanas can be unknown with help of good and bad deeds during this life and previous
lives, their consequences of health or ill health during the life which orderly, when, what
and how will be clearly known through Astrology. It gives guidelines about welfare not
only to human being but also to whole creation and also indicates about calamities and
their solutions as possible extent. Hence a concise astrological evaluation related to
prevention, health care, diagnosis and treatment of diseases is being presented in this

Key words: Astrophysics, Bad Prognosis, Lagna ,Nakshatra

Medical astrology is an earliest medical system that connects various parts of the body,
karma of the person , as both Ayurveda and Astrology believes in karma siddhant ,
which causes illnesses and their treatments as under the effect of the sun, moon, and
planets, laterally with the twelve astrological symbols. Each of the astrological signs

www.ijmer.in 18
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed:VOLUME:9, ISSUE:5(8), MAY:2020

(along with the sun, moon, and planets) is linked with dissimilar parts of the human
body. The fundamental basis for medical aastrology briefly explained here. The
importance of kala, nakshatara, muhurta, with respect to health of human beings,
prognosis of diseases can be assessed with astrological calculations from stars, planets
places and rotations, well explained in books like muhurt nakshatra chintamani
prakaran, vashishta samhita, atharva jyotishya, brihat jataka arishta adhyaya,
manasagari, laghavakara, and etc. Medical astrology is also supportive in elective
surgery. A lot of literature is available on astrology related to medicine. So it is also
essential that a physician should study the astrology for medical purpose like
prevention, health care, diagnosis, treatment and its limitations. More research is
essential in the lines of Medical Astrology through astrological classics, which can help
the medical science, ultimately to the humanity. Important aspects of astrology related
to medicine. A horoscope is a chart of planetary position at a specific time, it consists
twelve houses. These houses rule over all the conceivable aspects of the life, including
the tendencies of the past lives and prospects for any future life also. The first house is
known as the lagns.' It is the most important house of the horoscope. The remaining
houses are studied only as they are related to the lagna.' These twelve houses of the
horoscope rule over various parts of the body, related to the health and various diseases
in different organs or regions." So an astrologer must consider the following factors
while studying the birth-chart about health, probable diseases and their treatment.
1. Prevention 4. Diagnosis
2. Health care 5. Severity
3. Timing of disease occurrence 6. Treatment
1. Prevention
The planets those are harmful to the health should be propitiated by astrological
remedies as sacrament after birth in the early stage of life and childhood because
"prevention is better than cure". The harmful planets, which can create adverse effects
to the health, can be prevented through propitiation. The Gadannta-nakshatra-shanti-
smaskara [sacrament for propitiation of evil nakhstras (constellation)] in specific
auspicious moment according to the horoscope of the child eliminates afflictions of the
infants those are born in malefic nakshtras (Jyestha, Mula, Revati, Ahsvini, Ashlesha
and Magha) for his healthy and long life.

2. Health care
It is better for health and long life of the child that profitable factors like the lagna, the
Lord of the lagna, the Sun, the Moon, the Lord of the eighth house should also
propitiate from adverse effects in infancy for child welfare in the health and family
welfare programmes. If harmful planets did not propitiate in infancy, then these adverse
factors can also be propitiated in future even when they cause some problems to the
person. An experienced astrologer can advise the astrological remedies in this situation.

3. Timing of disease occurrence

This is the strong area of an astrologer to predict a future illness. An astrologer can able
to indicate the time when a person is liable to fall ill with analysis of Vimshottari:dasha
(which involves a cycle of 120 years) and Yogin) dasha (involving a cycle of 36 years).

www.ijmer.in 19
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed:VOLUME:9, ISSUE:5(8), MAY:2020

He may help in taking some preventive steps, especially the astrological precautions and
remedies to prevent the disease.

4. Diagnosis of the disease

A sound astrologer may diagnose about the nature of disease after examination of
horoscope of a person. But there is a need of research for specific diagnosis of diseases
through astrology with the help of medical science.

5. Severity of the disease

An efficient astrologer is able to indicate the severity and outcome of illness by strength
of adversely effected planets, houses and nakhstas with a fair amount of accuracy,
sometimes better than the physician.
6. Treatment
The treatment of well-developed medical science is superior, more reliable and
easily available than any astrological remedies today. But astrology is also helpful when
adverse planetary influences indicate the incident of a disease in future dates, where as
medical science understandably has no clue about it. Then astrology may help in the
treatment by astrological remedial procedures, those apply for propitiations of planets.
Sometimes astrology can indicate surgical intervention is going to help or not and
probable time.
An experienced astrologer is able to point out the diseased organ or region
without doubt, when the physician is finding it difficult to locate the site of illness.
Circumstances those are indicating good health various factors those are indicated for
good health are available in Ayurveda and Astrology also.

Acharya Charak mentioned in Charak samhita

That human life depends on comprehensive situation of body, mind and soul, I
Sattvamatma shariramcha trayamettattridandavat.
Loksstistheti samyogattra sarvsm pratisthitsm. (Ca.Su.1I46)

The Sun is representative of soul", the Moon is representative of mind" and the
lagna is representative of body) in Astrology. So it is essential for health that the Sun,
the Moon, the lagna and the Lord of the lagna may be strong, associated with beneficial
effect and less with maleficent effect. It is also co-operative for health that Lord of the
sixth house or other malefic planets (the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu) are situated
in the sixth house, because health should be in better position without pathogenetic
condition in this conditional planetary situation. Various factors those lead to good
health are being mentioned below.

Aim- To know the prognosis of diseases in the complicated cases with help of medical
Objectives- to assess the severity of diseases with help of medical astrology which
helps to both patients and doctors
Methods- To study the planetary places in horoscope of patients to analyse the
condition of patient and disease.

www.ijmer.in 20
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed:VOLUME:9, ISSUE:5(8), MAY:2020

Methodology -

Adverse affected planets those are situated in the lagna create diseases in the following
organs or dhatu (bodily elements). The term lagna refers to the preferable planet which
is dominantly present during birth or at the time of birth.
SI.- Planets System affected Site in Body
1-Sun Eyes, Heart, Bones Bones
2- Moon Mind, Lungs, Blood Blood
3-Mars Muscles, Marrow Muscles
4-Mercury Voice, Hearing, Skin Skin
5-Jupiter Abdomen. Intestine, Fat
Liver, Fat
6-Venus Eyes, Urine, Semen Seman
7-Saturn Feet, Nerve Nerve
Ref--Bhuvnesh Kumar Sharma, P.V.V. Prasad,& A. Narayana, CONTRIBUTION OF
- 2007. pp 45 to 62

If the Lord of the lagna placed in debilitation sign and the lagna or if there is
malformation of the Lord situated in lagna it produce following diseases.'

SL NO Lagna Lord of Placement Diseases
1 Mesha( Aries) Mars Cancer
Heart and
2 Vrashabha(Tarus) Venus Virgo Abdomen
3 Mithuna(Gemini) Mercury Pisces Stabing pain
in knee
4 Karka(Cancer) Moon Scorpio Dropsy
5 Simha(Leo) Sun Libra Ears
6 Kanya(Virgo) Mercury Pisces Asadhya
Ref--Bhuvnesh Kumar Sharma, P.V.V. Prasad,& A. Narayana, CONTRIBUTION OF
- 2007. pp 45 to 62

These will help to know the condition of patient and diseases, for example patient
presenting with unknown causes of diseases, unknown symptoms, chronic with multiple
doshas and dhatu involvement of diseases which will be considered as asadhya vyadhis.

www.ijmer.in 21
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed:VOLUME:9, ISSUE:5(8), MAY:2020

Circumstances those lead to ill health
There are various factors those indicates ill health. Combinations for ill health are
opposite of those indicated good health also. The factors, those lead to ill health are
being concisely mentioned below.
1. Situation and association of the Lord of the sixth house
The Lord of the sixth house is most important factor for pathogenesis. Pathogenetic
condition develops by situation and nature of the Lord of the sixth house.' The Lord of
the sixth house creates disease in the representative organ of particular house. (a) Where
it is situated. (b) Associated with the Lord of that house.

2. Situation of beneficial planets in the sixth house

The beneficial planets create disease, when they are situated in the sixth house by their
nature.' They develop disease in that particular organ, which is represented by them.
3. Situation and association of the Lord of the eighth and the twelfth house
The Lord of the eighth and the twelfth house are also responsible for pathogenesis.'
They also create disease in the representative organ of that house where they are
situated or associated with the Lord of that house.
But the Sun, the Moon and the Lord of the lagna do not create disease, when that is the
Lord of the eighth house,. If the Lord of the twelfth house
may be trine also, that does not create disease.'
4. Weak lagna
The weak lagna is most important factor for ill health.' The lagna becomes weak in the
following situations.
(a) Occupation by the malefic planets - The lagna becomes weak, when occupied by
the malefic planets. It is the indication of ill health.
(b) Occupation by the enemies of the Lord of the Jagna - When the enemies of the Lord
of the lagna are situated in the lagna, it becomes weak by reverse effect of enemies.
(c) Aspect of the malefic planets - Aspect of the malefic planets on the Jagna is an
adverse effective situation. The lagna becomes weak by aspect of malefic planets.
(d) Presence of adverse yoga in the Jagna - When the adverse yoga is present in the
lagna, the Jagna becomes weak. It causes ill health.
5. Weak Lord of the Jagna Weakness of the Lord of the lagna is also most important
cause for ill health."When the Lord of the lagna becomes weak, it is a great indication
of ill health. The Lord of the lagna becomes weak in following circumstances.
(a) Debilitation- When the Lord of the lagna is debilitated, it is a symbol of weakness.
A debilitated Lord of the lagna is responsible cause for ill health.'
(b) Combustion- When planets close to the Sun tend to lose their strength and vitality
and are considered to be combust. A combust planet loses its capacity to do well and
produce adverse results.' It is also specific sign of illness when the Lord of the lagna is
(c) Retrogression - The planets become retrograde when they appear to move in a
reverse direction during their movement. A retrograde planet produces unexpected
results and generally adverse for health.' The retrograde Lord of the lagna is also
specific cause of illness.

www.ijmer.in 22
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed:VOLUME:9, ISSUE:5(8), MAY:2020

(d) Occupied an adverse house like the 6th or the 8th or the 12th - The sixth, the eighth
and the twelfth houses are particularly adverse for health.' So when the Lord of the
lagna occupies one of these houses, it becomes weak and it is a specific indication for ill
(e) Association with the malefic planets - When the Lord of the lagna associated with
the malefic planets, it becomes weak by adverse effect of the malefic planets.
(d) Aspect by the malefic planets - When the Lord of the lagna aspect by the malefic
planets, it is a cause for sickness due to weakness of the Lord of the Jagna.
(g) Placement in the house of an enemy - When a planet placed in the house of an
enemy, it becomes weak. So placement of the Lord of the lagna in the house of an
enemy is also an indication of sickness.

Relations between Nakshatra and prognosis of diseases-

Mrutyu kara nakshatra -The nakshatras during patient gets disease the leads to death ,as
Magha, bharani, hasta, mula
Sadya nakshatra- ashwini, rohini, pushya, mrigashira, jyeshta during these nakshatra if
patients gets diseases then it will be easily curable.
Kashta sadhya nakshatra- purva, swati, chitra,aardra, punarvasu, shravana, dhanishta,
mula, vishakha, kritika, ashlesha, anuradha.
According to nakshatras –concepts of diseases can be assessed as
duration duration duration

Kritika 10 days 10days 5 days Tivra jwara and pittaj vyadhis

Rohini 9 days 12days 10-10days Any diseases
Mriga shira 5 nights 12 days 1 month Diseases suffering ending with
Ardra 15days 12days death Any disease
Punarvasu 15 days 7 days 25 days Jwara
Pushya 7 days 20 days 21 days Any disease
Ashlesha Survive with death death Jwara
Magha 7 nights 10 days 20days Disease with difficulties
Purva phalguni 5 nights 12 days 30days Jwara
Uttara phalguni 14 days 7 days 9 days Disease with difficulties
Hasta 7 days 4 days 5 days Disease with difficulties
Chitra death 3 months 13 days Jwara
Swati 17 days 21 days death Any disease
Vishakha 48 days 12 days 12 days Any disease
Dhanishta 20days 2 months 1 month Any disease
Purvabhadra 45 days 6 months 16 days Chronic aliments
Uttara bhadra 15 days 1 month 28 days Any disease
Revati 8 days 16 days 30 days Any disease
Ashwini 1 month 5 days 7 days Any disease
Bharani 7 days death 3 months Any disease
Ref – Harita samhita –second sthana- 6 th chapter

www.ijmer.in 23
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :6.514(2020); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed:VOLUME:9, ISSUE:5(8), MAY:2020


The explaining or predicting about the patient’s strength, diseases are difficult task. The
sadhya asadhyta of diseases can be predicted by positions of the nakshatra during
anifestation of diseases, further rotation of planets indicating shubha and ashubha
lakshanas, its believed that even though vaidya having all rasa aushadhis with him,
sometimes not possible to prescribe for required patient which leads to complications of
disease leading to arishta lakshana and death. Sadhya asadhya lakshanas can also be
predicted with help of duta, nimitta, indriya, bala, arishta lakshans. these will help the
physician to diagnose the diseases and its probable complications, from which can plan
or prescribe the treatment beneficial to patient.


1-Charak -Charakasamhita, (Fourth edition), Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,

Varanasi-221001, India,1994
2-Charaka K S, Essentials of Medical Astrology, (Fourth edition), Uma Publications,
Delhi-II 0051, India,2005
3-Ganesh Kavi, Jatakalailkara, (Comrnentator-Suresh Chandra Mishra),Ranjan
Publications, New Delhi-II 0002, India,2005
4-Kamalakara Bhatta,Msntre-Mshode dhi, Khemaraja Srikrishnadasa,Bombay, India
5-Mantreshvara- Phaladipikii, Motilala Banarasidasa, Delhi-110007, India,1975
6-. Monier-Williams- Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Motilala Banarasidasa,Delhi-II
0007, India,1963
7- Parashara-Brhat Parashara Hora shashtra- part - I, & II, (Cornmentator-Suresha
Chandra Mishra), Ranjan Publications, New Delhi-II 0002, India
8- Shukadeva Caturvedi 1984 Jyotish Shastro Mem Rogavicshara, (First edition),
Motilala Banarasidasa, Delhi-Il0007, India
9- Vaidyanath-1983 Jataka parijata - part-I, (commentator - Gopesha Kumar Ojha,
Second edition), Motilala Banarasidasa, Delhi-110007, India
10- Vaidyanath- 1981 Jataka parijata - part-Il, (commentator- Gopesha Kumar Ojha,
First edition), Motilala Banarasidasa,Delhi-Il0007, India 62.
11-Bhuvnesh Kumar Sharma, P.V.V. Prasad,& A. Narayana, CONTRIBUTION OF
- 2007. pp 45 to 62.

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