Fashion Journalism Question Paper
Fashion Journalism Question Paper
Fashion Journalism Question Paper
1. This is a closed book examination.
2. This paper consists of (FIVE) ( 5) printed pages (Including cover page).
3. There are {3}sections.
Section A – Multiple choice questions
4. All answers are to be written on the answer sheets provided. Please start a
new answer on a fresh page. Write the question number on the top left corner
of the page. Any answer written on the exam question papers will not be
Section 01
3. How are layouts in newspapers and magazines different? Give examples. Draw if necessary.
5. How is styling for a fashion magazine different form the social media?
6. What are the key points to remember while writing an article for a fashion magazine.
Section 02
Section 03 :
Write an article for a fashion magazine of your choice on the following 4 topics: