Tender Documents For Swift-Indigo or Equivalent
Tender Documents For Swift-Indigo or Equivalent
Tender Documents For Swift-Indigo or Equivalent
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(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
Project Implementation Unit – Supaul
NHAI/PIU-Supaul/Estt/Vehicle Tender/2024/
Date : 28.06.2024
Name of work: Providing, Running and Maintenance of 2 Nos of Commercial Vehicle Swift/Indigo
or equivalent on monthly hiring basis for NHAI, PIU Supaul at Madhunai, Bihar
Earnest Money: Rs. 10,000/-
Cost of Document: Rs.500/-
Time Period: Two Years
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) hereby invites Tenders from experienced firms/ Tour
and Travel Agents/individuals having adequate experience.
The terms & conditions for the above work are available on NHAI website i.e.
The tender shall be submitted in sealed envelope and the tender should reach NHAI office at address
of communication not later than 15:00 Hrs on 12.07.2024 along with earnest money deposit of Rs.
10,000/- and cost of Documents of Rs.500/- in the form of Demand Draft in favor of National
Highways Authority of India, payable at Patna. The tender shall be submitted as below:
(i) Envelope one containing EMD in properly sealed cover and superscribed as “EMD for tender of
vehicles (Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU–Supaul”.
(ii) Envelope two containing Cost of Documents in properly sealed cover and superscribed as
“Cost of Documents for tender of vehicles (Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU– Supaul”
(iii) Envelope three containing Technical Bid and Terms & Conditions (T&C) of Technical Bid in
properly sealed cover and superscribed as “Technical bid for tender of vehicles (Swift/Indigo
or Equivalent) for PIU– Supaul”.
(iv) Envelope four containing Financial Bid only and superscribed as “Financial bid for tender of
vehicles (Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU– Supaul”.
(v) Envelope five containing envelope (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) and superscribed as “Tender for vehicles
(Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU–Supaul”.
The tenders will be opened on 12.07.2024 at 15:30 Hrs. at PIU Supaul at Madhubani.
All pages of the documents of the Bid should be numbered and to be submitted in hard bound.
NHAI will not be responsible for any delay in submission of the tender document and reserves the
right to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
Amendments/corrigendum, if any, would be hosted on NHAI website only.
Address for Communication:
The Project Director,
National Highways Authority of India,
PIU Supaul at Madhubani
Pandaul Bazar, Madhubani-Sakri Road, Near IOCL Petrol Pump,
Mob. 8130006229
Email: piusupaul@nhai.org
Website: www.nhai.gov.in
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SECTION-2 (Information to Bidders)
Name of work: Providing, Running and Maintenance of 2 Nos of Commercial Vehicle Swift/Indigo
or equivalent on monthly hiring basis for NHAI, PIU Supaul at Madhubani, Bihar
1. Introduction:-
Sealed Quotations are hereby invited from experienced firms/ Tour and Travel Agents/Individuals
having adequate experience for providing Services of Vehicles (AC-Commercial) on monthly basis for
2. Scope of work:-
The work includes Providing, Running and Maintenance of 2 Nos of Commercial Vehicle Swift/Indigo
or equivalent providing assured KM per month 3000 confirming to RTA/RTO regulation along with
fuel, driver, maintenance etc. for office use for the duration of Two (02) years to be extendable
further as required by NHAI.
4. Eligibility Criteria
As specified in Terms & Conditions of the Bid.
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(iv) The earnest Money of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 30 days after awarding the
work to successful bidder.
(v) The Earnest Money of successful bidders can be converted into Performance Security when
the Bidder has signed the Agreement.
(vi) The Bid Security/Earnest Money will be forfeited:
a) If the Bidder withdraws the Bid after its submission;
b) In the case of successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the Agreement/ submit the
Performance Security.
6. Performance Security:
The Performance Security shall be refunded one month after the successful completion of the
contract or from the date of termination, in case of termination of Contract.
7. Bid Validity:
The Bids shall be valid for 30 days from the date of opening.
8. Bid Submission:
The tender shall be submitted as below:
(i) Envelope one containing EMD in properly sealed cover and superscribed as “EMD for tender of
vehicles (Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU–Supaul”.
(ii) Envelope two containing Cost of Documents in properly sealed cover and superscribed as
“Cost of Documents for tender of vehicles (Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU– Supaul”
(iii) Envelope three containing Technical Bid and Terms & Conditions (T&C) of Technical Bid in
properly sealed cover and superscribed as “Technical bid for tender of vehicles (Swift/Indigo
or Equivalent) for PIU– Supaul”.
(iv) Envelope four containing Financial Bid only and superscribed as “Financial bid for tender of
vehicles (Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU– Supaul”.
(v) Envelope five containing envelope (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) and superscribed as “Tender for vehicles
(Swift/Indigo or Equivalent) for PIU–Supaul”.
9. Bid Opening:
The technical bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their authorize representatives
present at the time of opening of bid on due date (who choose to attend). After scrutiny and
evaluation of scrutiny of technical bids NHAI shall short list those who are eligible for opening of
financial bid and date & time of opening of financial bid will be communicated separately to those
fulfilling the eligibility criteria and whose bids are considered responsive by the NHAI.
The financial bids will be opened in presence of bidders or their authorize representatives, present
at the time of opening of financial bid on due date (who choose to attend). If there is discrepancy
between words and figures the amount in word shall prevail.
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12. Right to curtail/modify/cancel/reject any or all the bids:
NHAI reserves full rights to curtail, modify, halt/cancel, reject any or all offer(s), at any stage
without assigning any reasons and no claims of whatsoever nature will be entertained on this
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SECTION-3 (Terms & Conditions of BID)
1. The vehicles should not be older than 1 (one) year on the date of submission of bid
documents. Also on the date of deploying the vehicle to NHAI as per the provisions of this
tender shall not have been driven more than 20000 km.
2. The Bidder shall have 2 nos of Swift/Indigo or equivalent vehicle with valid taxi/commercial
permit either owned by him or acquired by him or acquired by firm name. In case of vehicle
acquired on lease basis the validity of the lease agreement for the said vehicle shall remain
valid for the entire period of Two Years from the date of deployment of vehicle to NHAI.
3. The vehicle should be in good running condition and well maintained with all top safety
features like Airbags, ABS, Bumpers, Fog Lamps, Parking Lights, Indicators, Horn & Necessary
Permits etc. suited for extensive running on high traffic density Highways smoothly. There
shall not be any lapse on the crucial safety aspect, for which successful bidder will be solely
4. The vehicles shall have valid taxi permit for travel. Vehicles without taxi permit shall not be
considered. In case of official travel to other states, the agency shall arrange and borne the
cost of valid taxi permit of that state.
5. All necessary taxes for operating the vehicles commercially should be fully paid and all
necessary papers shall be provided in the vehicles as required by prevailing Motor Vehicles Act
with Comprehensive Insurance Cover for the vehicles. Cost of Insurance will be fully borne by
Successful Bidder and the rate quoted shall be inclusive of this.
6. The services of the vehicles shall be made available as per the requirement of the NHAI
official irrespective of day & night (24 Hours). The services shall be made available for all
days in a month however in case of any night stay at places other than their place of
deployment, no night allowance of out station allowance will be paid by NHAI.
7. Agency shall also make available drivers having valid driving license with experience. The
driver shall be well trained, physically fit and well behaved. The driver to be provided on the
vehicles shall not have any Police record for any kind of crime/misbehavior. In case of non-
availability of driver for any particular reason the bidder shall provide alternative driver.
8. The successful bidder shall bear all expenses required for keeping the vehicles in smooth
running condition such as fuel, lubrication oil & other consumables, necessary service &
maintenance, salary of driver, repairs & replacements etc. The rates quoted shall be inclusive
of all these provisions.
9. The Bidder should quote their rates on monthly basis i.e. per vehicles per month. In case of
excess km. run of monthly running limit i.e. 3000 kms by the vehicles in a month, the agency
shall have to quote the rate for extra kms. per km. However, the financial evaluation will be
based on the rate quoted for fixed monthly charges only for 3000 kms. Quoted rates shall be
inclusive of all applicable taxes excluding GST which shall be paid on submission of proof of
deposition of GST.
10. In the event of vehicles being put, off-the road for maintenance, break down or on any
account, the successful bidder shall provide a substitute vehicles immediately, having same
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class and category vehicles. If the substitute vehicles is not provided, a penalty of Rs. 2,000/-
per day for the vehicles of category equivalent to Swift/Indigo, shall be levied and amount so
calculated will be recovered from the monthly bill of agency.
11. If the vehicles provider for any reason wants to change the vehicles he should give advance
notice of 15 days with proper reason and submit undertaking stating that the vehicles of same
category same class and with same running condition will be provided.
12. Alternate vehicle provided in lieu of the first vehicle shall be of same category same class
with same running condition will be provided. If vehicle of lower class is provided in
replacement of the vehicle as per contract. Failing which may attract a penalty of Rs. 500/-
per day.
13. If the agency fails to provide the vehicles for more than 5 (Five) successive days for
whatsoever reason, the Project Director, at his discretion, may cancel the whole contract.
14. Monthly bill will be settled for fixed charges. The excess kms. run beyond 3000 Kms. shall be
settled after completion of every quarter by adjusting excess run during the quarter. In this
case, the owner will be entitled for claiming extra Kilometer charges as per quoted rates per
km for Swift/Indigo & equivalent.
15. The quoted rates for hire charges per month include salary of the driver per month, cost of all
lubricants, fuel routine maintenance, toll tax if any including cost of spares etc & any other
incidents as may be required.
16. The agency must be responsible for timely payment to vehicle Drivers and which should be
made by 1st week of every month, failing which payment to vehicle Drivers shall be recovered
from the agency from their bills and shall be paid directly to vehicle drivers.
17. The agency should ensure that sufficient fuel is always available for travel.
18. Vehicle can be withdrawn from use by giving 15 (Fifteen) days advance notice by either party
i.e. Bidder or NHAI.
19. The Bidder should submit the bills in duplicate along with logbook within 1st week of
succeeding month.
20. The successful bidder shall submit all required documents of vehicle, driver, insurance, Road
Tax, GST etc, to execute the agreement within a week of issue of ‘Letter of Acceptance’ on a
non judicial stamp paper, failing which 2nd lowest bidder may be considered for award of
tender at the lowest rate quoted in the bidding.
21. The supply of vehicles for office use is initially for duration of 02 years from the date of issue
of Letter of Acceptance. Vehicles may be continued beyond two year period on the same
terms and conditions if required by NHAI for further period as decided by NHAI.
22. Amendments, corrigendum, if any, will be hoisted on NHAI website only. Bidders are advised
to visit the website “www.nhai.gov.in” regularly.
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23. NHAI reserves full rights to curtail, modify, halt/cancel, reject tender at any stage without
assigning any reason and no claim of whatsoever nature will be entertained on this account.
24. NHAI reserves full rights to cancel /annul the tender, at any stage without assigning any
reasons and no claims of whatsoever nature will be entertained on this account.
29. The last date for submission of sealed tenders at PIU-Supaul at Madhubani up to 15:00 hours
on dated 12.07.2024 and BIDs will be opened at 15:30 hours on 12.07.2024.
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30. Bid shall be submitted at PIU- Supaul at Madhubani in sealed envelopes including bid
documents consisting duly signed quoted rates, terms & conditions and undertakings. All the
pages of Technical Bid and Terms & Conditions (T&C) of Technical Bid are to be numbered
and to be submitted in hard bound. Failure to submit all the requisite documents in
prescribed format may result in rejection of Bid. The bids shall be accepted up to 15:00 hours
on the 12.07.2024 at following address.
The Project Director,
National Highways Authority of India,
PIU Supaul at Madhubani
Pandaul Bazar, Madhubani-Sakri Road, Near IOCL Petrol Pump,
Mob. 8130006229
Email: piusupaul@nhai.org
Website: www.nhai.gov.in
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SECTION-4 (Technical BID)
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Technical BID
S.N. Particulars Details
1 Name of the Firm/ Tour and Travel
2 Details of address with Phone No.
4 Service Tax/ GST Registration No.
5 Authorize Representative for BID Opening
6 Details of Payment of Cost of Tender (i) DD no. & Date
Documents (ii) Bank Name
7 Details of EMD (i) DD no. & Date
(ii) Bank Name
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Technical BID
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Copy of Lease
Date of Running Copy of Copy of Agreement in case
Vehicle Registration
S.N. 1st Time in km. RC work Insurance any vehicle not
type No.
Purchase till date attached attached owned by Bidders
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
with AC
2 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
with AC
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SECTION-5 (Financial BID)
Name of work: Providing, Running and Maintenance of 2 Nos of Commercial Vehicle Swift/Indigo
or equivalent on monthly hiring basis for NHAI, PIU Supaul at Madhunai, Bihar.
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