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Name Email Id Mobile No.

SumitNandwani nandwanisumit83@gmail.com 91-9971727765

JaspreetSingh jaspreet_singh_it@yahoo.co.in 91-9911440808
daulatram daulat.draugtsman@gmail.com 91-9958338505
peeyushaggarwal peeyushaggarwal1985@gmail.com 91-9910888247
Vikas KumarSingh vikas_baghel@hotmail.com 91-9958737139
rahulchakravarti chakavarti@gmail.com 91-9873450893
manish robin manishrsah@rediffmail.com 91-9899227546
sugandhsharma sugu_sugandh1@rediffmail.com 91-9953003489
Ritesh Mittal ritesh.mailme@yahoo.com 91-9811141597
VAIBHAVTYAGI vaibhav_robin@hotmail.com 91-9971845400
ARJUMANDADABHAI anju5545@yahoo.co.in 91-9958881514
JAIRAM PRAJAPATI jaieast2008@rediffmail.com 91-9971586689
yusrayamin ar.yusra@gmail.com 91-9899474520
ShivenduKesarvani skesarvani@gmail.com 91-9810482055
NEHAJAIN nehajain_mrt@yahoo.com 91-9910661184
SatishSolanki rsrajsolanki@gmail.com 91-9210603106
Gaurav Bhatnagar gauravbhatnagar.rke@gmail.com 91-9811672628
ruchirgupta reflexruchir@yahoo.com 91-9911326359
Sandeep singhchauhan chauhan.sandeep05@gmail.com 91-9899521356
ankur tandon andonn@rediffmail.com 91-9971435494
sangeeta lakhani sangi.1724@gmail.com 91-9818296061
SukhvinderSingh sukhvinder.crsce@gmail.com 91-9810976234
SarikaTrivedi sarika_512@rediffmail.com 91-9311606822
RAJNISH SRIVASTAVA rajjan.sri123@yahoo.com 91-9718010015
BanwariSharma banwari31@gmail.com 91-9828334946
PriyadarshiManohar hipriyadarshi@yahoo.co.uk 91-9718594939
viveksrivastava er.viveksrivastava@gmail.com 91-9911676490
Rishi Verma rishiarch@gmail.com 91-9990554702
kalpanamahar kal_mahar@timesjobs.com 91-9910804230
RAVIPRATAP ravi.ascent@gmail.com 91-9818733954
SanjeevKumar seoanalyst.sanjeev@gmail.com 91-9899686199
Kapil Pandey unknownstranger20042003@gmail.com 91-9250320546
NidhiJain nidhijain06@gmail.com 91-9756996376
HEENATHAKUR heena.thk@gmail.com 91-9968511391
vishaljain vishal.jain0@gmail.com 91-9910907848
RajasekharGundu raj808@gmail.com 91-9716448768
GauravSrivastava gaurav_300470@yahoo.co.in 91-9311132200
Rameshverpatel rameshver@gmail.com 91-9899963927
sangeetagothwal soniya_bimla@yahoo.com 91-9268506884
ManishPriyadarshi er.manish.priyadarshi@gmail.com 91-9899167434
PoojaTuli pooja.tuli@steria.co.in 91-9350992860
PankajMisra pankaj.misra007@gmail.com 91-9818998995
parveenchauhan parveenchauhan1@hotmail.com 91-9811629793
Tarun Preet Singh tarun_preet@hotmail.com 91-9811196522
Amatus SaboorHusain amatus.husain@gmail.com 91-9953005366
VIKASKUMAR vikas_everyone@yahoo.co.in 91-9871018688
GAURAVGARG garg_hbti@yahoo.com 91-9313107977
Pawan Deep SinghMaken pawandeep11@gmail.com 91-9971001969
ReenaBhatnagar reena.bhatnagar@gmail.com 91-9312752632
SHABNAMDAGUR shabnam_dagur@rediffmail.com 91-9897780279
AbhishekGupta abhibmc@gmail.com 91-9873273247
Ar GARGY GARIMA gargy_garima@yahoo.co.in 91-9717700987
S. RashidRaza raza901@rediffmail.com 91-9999928559
AshishBangia ashishbangia@yahoo.com 91-9818116575
PARDEEP KUMAR pra_1200@yahoo.co.in 91-9999438551
HARIOUMSAHIL design_archicon@yahoo.co.in 91-9818165976
preetigupta preeti_gupta.2007@yahoo.co.in 91-9899213240
CHETANBADHWAR chetan.b@hotmail.com 1-6146203227
GURBAKSHSINGH gurbaksh.singh77@gmail.com 91-9971020373
LOKESH SHARMA lokeshjaypee@yahoo.com 91-9999005870
PremnarayanPanigrahi panigrahi.premnarayan@gmail.com 91-9818448453
DEVENDRAYADAV devendra.yadav@gmail.com 91-9971884828
SHRADDHA BANSAL bansal.shraddha@gmail.com 91-9212710654
manishsingh manish_msi@yahoo.com 91-9871005878
varsha gupta goyal_varsha@rediffmail.com 91-9310774060
KAVITA NAYAL kavitanayal@gmail.com 91-9899056206
Abdul Haque Ansari abdulhaqueansari@hotmail.com 91-9818009125
Abhijat Alok robby92010@gmail.com 91-9873431255
Santosh KumarYadav sky_universe@indiatimes.com 91-9878822228
nitinpandey nitinkumarpandey2000@yahoo.co.in 91-9818257304
Smita Saxena smita.awadh@gmail.com 91-9990203480
snigdha Srivastava contact.snigdha@gmail.com 91-9810181675
RAJEEVTIWARI rajeev_issyoga@yahoo.com 91-9891679949
BHAWNASINGH mailbhanu_now@yahoo.co.in 91-9990462434
nutanchopra nutanvc@yahoo.com 91-9818954555
Mradul Tiwari mirchu_99@yahoo.com 91-9810790650
Anand Ranjan anandranjan012@yahoo.com 91-9899869030
AnilPandita anilpandita_sonu@yahoo.com 91-9212158933
MayankDixit sharpmayank@gmail.com 91-9278472745
RajeshSingh rksingh16@yahoo.co.in 91-9811015447
SourabhGhosh sourabh.ghosh2003@hotmail.com 91-9873325463
GauravMishra gaurav.mishra@hotmail.com 91-9953105456
RuchiGoel ruchi_goel.1012@rediff.com 91-9891851671
Krishna KanhaiyaAgnihotri chrishna2007@yahoo.co.in 91-9953999287
DEEPTIVERMA deepti_verma1@indiatimes.com 91-9311304982
praveen chaudhary chaudhary_arch@yahoo.com 91-9999426609
mdreyazahmad reyaz_ahmad786@times.com 91-9891986267
chandraprakash chandrashar@gmail.com 91-9910032411
Rohit Seth rseth30@yahoo.com 91-9999990365
AmitGupta amit_professional@hotmail.com 91-9999910112
narottam das naro_85gangwar@yahoo.com 91-9718350417
RajeshKumar rajeshkr206@yahoo.com 91-9958222054
VishiGupta vishi_gupta@rediffmail.com 91-9810702623
amitmalhotra ab_mal2001@yahoo.com 91-9871522881
DharmendraSingh libran2480@gmail.com 91-9717766480
MaulikVora maulik.vora@rediffmail.com 91-9971131186
SanjeevKumar skmonu@yahoo.com 91-9899823257
asthadwivedi ar_ddastha@hotmail.com 91-9871147720
ShouryaMehra talk2shourya@yahoo.com 91-9971722395
AvinashShandilya shandilya_avi@yahoo.co.in 91-9810997524
Amitmalla amit.malla17@gmail.com 91-9971979876
RajeshWadhwa rajeshkumarwadhwa@gmail.com 91-9810597785
bhupeshkumar bhupesh_51@yahoo.co.in 91-9818097832
vikrambansal vikram.bansal07@gmail.com 91-9810769904
RamakantDwivedi dwivedirk2003@gmail.com 91-9911312012
AbhilashAgarwal abhi2006.agarwal@gmail.com 91-9871669636
AnshumanDass anshuman.dass@gmail.com 91-9999038245
MalayaMishra malayarchitect@gmail.com 91-9711137674
vineetkumar vineetkumar83@aol.com 91-9212068729
Mudit Dar mudit_archer@yahoo.com 91-9899917978
AshishJaiswal jaisashish@rediffmail.com 91-9810905627
JitinBindlish jitin.bindlish@gmail.com 91-9999108148
AnshulAabhas anshul.aabhas@yahoo.com 91-9871710841
Hemant Upadhyay hemantupadhyay@hotmail.com 91-9899072916
HimanshuYadav himanshuyadav.tech@gmail.com 91-9811389485
Amit KumarGoel amitgoel25aug@gmail.com 91-9958150073
AtiqueQureshi aatiquequreshi@gmail.com 91-9673997937
AdharJain adhar_jain@yahoo.co.in 91-9717597939
ParulSharma parul.sharma20@gmail.com 91-9810965777
NitinGupta nitinguptaagra@rediffmail.com 91-9999462518
SundeepMaheshwari sun.sundeep29@gmail.com 91-9717179412
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PushpJetly pushp_spa@rediffmail.com 91-9818406531
kulwindersingh kulwinder_aulakh@rediffmail.com 91-9915177519
Ashish Gupta ashish1379@gmail.com 91-9811174983
rohit Gupta ar_rohitgupta@rediffmail.com 91-9871070918
AmitKumar amit_axl@rediffmail.com 91-9313557455
JayantKumar jayant7k@hotmail.com 91-9891066207
Kartheesan Ranganathan karthitecture@hotmail.com 91-9971477411
Nitish Rathi nitishrathi@yahoo.com 91-9810892370
ROMILBHAT romilbhat@gmail.com 91-9891327069
Faraz AhmedUsmani ar_faraz@hotmail.com 91-9415157515
param saint paramsaint@gmail.com 91-9466345453
DevyaniRajan devyani.rajan@gmail.com 91-9868417585
Ajay Singh ajay_singh99@yahoo.com 91-9999217468
YOGESH GOEL goelym0307@gmail.com 91-9818646528
RahulAulak rahulucky9@yahoo.com 91-9881104190
tusharkansal kansaltushar1@gmail.com 91-9958116691
shashanksaxena sha1023@indiatimes.com 91-9958810494
VickySadhu vickysadhu@gmail.com 91-9818072721
SACHINNAGPAL nagpalsachin@hotmail.com 91-9811692683
SanjeevaRao sr_sanjeev@yahoo.com 91-9818442927
VishalDogra vishal.dogra@gmail.com 91-9818217047
Kishore Bisht kishore_bist@yahoo.com 91-9958012517
AmitLal amit.lal@aol.in 91-9811883358
Nalin Baranwal bnalin@gmail.com 91-9810511249
DeepakArora deepak_arora1979@yahoo.com 91-9810446704
AmbicaSingh singh.ambica@gmail.com 91-9910502419
Syed Rizwan AfsarNaqvi riz2002@rediffmail.com 91-9818669056
NEERAJ VARSHNEY neeraj_var@rediffmail.com 91-9811946388
VENKATESANSenthilvelKUMAR vsvk26@gmail.com 91-9953005484
DurgaPrasad durga333@gmail.com 91-9873264183
RavindraSingh ravindra658@yahoo.co.in 91-9990027524
Manoj Bisht manoj.bisht1979@yahoo.com 91-9871656012
Someshwar Mukherjee someshwar_m@yahoo.com 91-9810449735
satishshrivastava shrivastava_satish@yahoo.com 91-9810189926
AnuragGoswami ask_anurag@rediffmail.com 91-9818044352
MANEESH VERMA vermakman@yahoo.com 91-9450403457
Gouri Ponduri gouri.shnkr@gmail.com 91-9811208569
Reenee Raizada Tayal reenee.tayal@gmail.com 91-9810409585
ManojShrivastava ar_manoj_shrivastava@rediffmail.com 91-9899581974
Lalit Giani lalit.giani@gmail.com 91-9910394891
DarpanSinha sinhadarpan@yahoo.com 91-9873003651
Bibekkumar kumar_bibek@hotmail.com 91-9711534199
Anil Tikko yoursanil@yahoo.co.uk 91-9810588618
AmarinderSethi amarindersethi@gmail.com 91-9177385552
SatyendraSheel satyendrasheel@hotmail.com 91-9911197357
Akshay Bhatt akshay_bhatt@rediffmail.com 91-9810282456
SandeepBassi bassi.sandeep@gmail.com 91-9213465527
VipulJain jain.vips@gmail.com 91-9810247220
Anup Saxena anupsaxena@hotmail.com 91-9873802862
JaspalSingh jaspalmxtech@gmail.com 91-9891156880
ChiranjibiPradhan pradhanc@rediffmail.com 91-9958298573
GeetanjaliBharadwaj anjuka@gmail.com 91-9999001583
AKumar ajaysajay@gmail.com 91-9873170765
VikasKapoor vikas0179@gmail.com 91-9818103878
Suman Biswas sumiya.2006@yahoo.co.in 91-9986157907
ManojKumar kmanojasn@yahoo.com 91-9958355594
VikasVerma kr.vermavikas@gmail.com 91-9717008260
PRADEEPRAI pkrai_06@yahoo.co.in 91-9971318881
maheshwartiwari maheshwar.tiwari@gmail.com 91-9811194554
mohdImran mdimran_25@yahoo.com 966-564533585
AnimeshDas jobs4ani@gmail.com 91-9051632710
ArvindMalik malik_arvindin@yahoo.com 91-9971722958
Amitabh Tyagi amitabh_tyagi@yahoo.co.in 91-9810719260
SOHANLAL KABRA sohankabra@gmail.com 91-9999038857
Shio MohanKumar shio_mohan@rediffmail.com 91-9958731724
Mohit Agarwal 26.mohit@gmail.com 91-9899012826
BHARATI ARVINDTRIPATHI bhartitripathi@gmail.com 91-9810287669
Yogendra Chauhan ykchauhan@yahoo.com 91-9810405847
RishiDua rishid@airtelmail.in 91-9810868370
RajivGupta sapraj21@yahoo.com 91-9971069006
BijuGeorge bijupg123@yahoo.co.in 91-9716444903
NamitJain namitjain2005@gmail.com 91-9891990868
Shubhobroto Mukherjee smukherjee12@hotmail.com 91-9312302173
RakeshGupta rakeshkumargupta@hotmail.com 91-9818098807
RAJESHJOHRI rajeshjohri2007@yahoo.co.in 91-9910713001
Anand KumarRuhela anand_ruhela@yahoo.com 91-9313379062
sheily shrivastav sheilyshrivastav@gmail.com 91-9811222515
JAVED SAROSH ZAIDI javedsarosh@hotmail.com 91-9811212925
anil Verma space_design2002@yahoo.com 91-9818270422
vinay deopujari deopujari@yahoo.com 91-9871989169
Shiv KumarRaghav shiv_kumar_raghav@yahoo.co.in 91-9899312293
RamanKapoor ramankapoor19@gmail.com 91-9873918896
KESHAVGAUR keshu286@gmail.com 91-9958663606
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ASHOK GIRI ashok.giri@rocketmail.com 91-9953841727
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PrernaSud prerna_sud@yahoo.com 91-9811150369
MamtaJayant mamta.jayant@yahoo.in 91-9717155732
MahenderYadav noida_mahender@yahoo.co.in 91-9868978507
tapan kumarsahu tapanshau@yahoo.co.in 91-9899907768
ALKASENGAR alka.sengar@gmail.com 91-9958766002
ChiragMalik say2chiragmalik@gmail.com 91-9891115254
Mohita Rastogi rastogi_mohita@yahoo.com 91-9953166099
Atin Agnihotri atinsaviour@gmail.com 91-9910028560
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PRABHATVIKRAM SINGH prabhat24singh@gmail.com 91-9899556578
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ArunabhMukherjee mukherjee.arunabh@yahoo.com 91-9899480039
Tariq Siddiqui ar.tariqsiddiqui@gmail.com 91-9811191701
RAKESH KUMAR rakesh2006.1762@redifmail.com 91-9889992851
Akshay Khaitan akshaykhaitan@hotmail.com 91-9350236661
AMAR BUDHA amar.111b@yahoo.com 91-9873265839
KAMADA MEENAKSHI kamada.meenakshi@yahoo.com 91-9873923220
SUYASH SINGH suyashsingh123@gmail.com 91-9899245565
shafalimittal shafalimittal1@gmail.com 91-9313298333
sushilkumar sushilk_gola@yahoo.co.in 91-9718500475
Md Pasha arimran.pasha1709@gmail.com 91-9891382788
SHIVAM NIGAM nigam.shivam@gmail.com 91-9718038087
Amadur RahmanKhan amadarch@gmail.com 91-9910124462
PRACHI TANWAR prachi_tanwar@yahoo.com 91-9899516384
POOJA SINGH engineer.poojasingh@gmail.com 91-9310838894
Ajay Sahu ajay.sahu3558@gmail.com 91-9971126003
HarpreetKaur reet_chhabra@yahoo.com 91-9654917188
bipingupta bipingupta1905@gmail.com 91-9711568880
shabirkhan khan_shabirsati@yahoo.co.in 91-9899006587
vivek kabra vivek.kabra@gmail.com 91-9899396815
Alokverma ar.verma.alok@gmail.com 91-9990006683
Gaurav SHARMA gary.architecttt@gmail.com 91-9654550709
jitendramishra jitendra.2112@gmail.com 91-9594489141
Surendra KumarSharma mrsksharma@gmail.com 91-9999493355
shashank Maheshwari shashank278@yahoo.co.in 91-9313934364
manu singh manusingh782@gmail.com 91-9873133454
meraj ahmad merajahmad786@gmail.com 91-9833362902
kaushlendra rai kaushlendra_prince@yahoo.co.in 91-9313968694
SujayaKashyap sujayakashyap@gmail.com 91-9999276336
nitin tiwari nitin2.tiwari@yahoo.com 91-9990085817
NIDHI KUNWAR nidhi.jmisai@gmail.com 91-9911077430
VAIBHAV PANDEY prince_vab2004@yahoo.co.in 91-9313123921
SMITA JAIN smita_jain@rediffmail.com 91-9871464686
Amita Garg 01634amita@gmail.com 91-9968900656
Abdul Kalam ar.abdulkalam@yahoo.com 91-9911474976
PrerakMittal gurudon@gmail.com 91-9968559211
Surendragupta surendra.50@rediffmail.com 91-9990476720
SweetyAgarwal sweety.agarwal60@yahoo.com 91-9718961142
KapilShahi kapilshahi@gmail.com 91-9311866039
Abhinandan SinghJamwal jamwal.abhinandan@gmail.com 91-9268764171
Rohitendra Singh rohitendra.singh@gmail.com 91-9953511975
SHREENATHVERMA archishreenath@gmail.com 91-9990085315
MILKBIR KAUR milkbirk@hotmail.com 91-9899280318
siddesh bhasin siddeshbhasin@gmail.com 91-9891094104
HEMANTRATURI hemantraturi@gmail.com 91-9818403012
WARISHA KHAN khan.warisha@gmail.com 91-9313636726
SUNITA VERMA sunita_design@yahoo.co.in 91-9911242480
Brajesh Kumar bks_79@yahoo.com 91-9555009106
UtkarshPandey pandey.utkarsh@gmail.com 91-9899473853
Deepak Arora arora.deepak285@gmail.com 91-9818909306
NirupmaRathore nirupmarathore@yahoo.co.in 91-9899651610
VineetKarnwal vineetkarnwal@gmail.com 91-9911553830
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AnkurBagley abagley@airtelmail.in 91-9971020480
PrabhatKumar prabhatraj.it@gmail.com 91-9601125976
Kshitij Sharma k.sharma78@gmail.com 91-9818813958
Ravi KantPal palravikant@yahoo.com 91-9910039867
vikasneema neema.vikas@gmail.com 91-9911976167
Ar AnkurSachan ankursinghsachan@indiatimes.com 91-9968356034
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Shashank Misra arshashank@yahoo.com 91-9911376000
Apurva Mishra apurva1983@gmail.com 91-9873762160
LakhendraSharma lakhendra.sharma@gmail.com 91-9873320713
SURYAMANIMAHATAB mahatab_surya@hotmail.com 91-9310576787
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ManjariMaheshwari maheshwarimanjari@yahoo.co.in 91-9910206751
AmbikaKatoch ambika.katoch@gmail.com 91-9814132080
Kartik Mehta mehtakartik@gmail.com 91-9871701991
MadhurimaRai reema1rai@yahoo.co.in 91-9335089313
sharad srivastava srivastava.sharad84@gmail.com 91-9760018457
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Manoj Kumar manojkumar198795@yahoo.com 91-9818480621
HimanshuSachdeva hs.jobs4me@gmail.com 91-9958622633
SushantDas sushant1983@yahoo.co.in 91-9818569357
amitgupta gangal.amit@gmail.com 91-9871098886
Abhishek Dhar abhishekdhar@live.in 91-9871632828
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AnandSrivastava and_sin@yahoo.co.in 91-9810677545
sameerkumar sameer.sen@hotmail.com 91-9999026402
Naren Datt naren.datt@gmail.com 91-9810553136
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B ShankarUpadhyay b.shankar06@gmail.com 91-9711568487
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RajeshKumar rajesh.kumar1612@gmail.com 91-9999976531
VinodKumar acme_2k@rediffmail.com 91-9711989815
VIPINAHUJA kumar_vipin01@yahoo.co.in 91-9210497146
TARUN KOLEY tarunkumarkoley@rediffmail.com 91-9883524259
Ajay Verma aj.vrma@gmail.com 91-9999724006
PujaGupta icq.puja@gmail.com 91-9004565995
parameshwarp paramp1@yahoo.com 91-9949957487
rajeshgupta gupta_rajesh001@rediffmail.com 91-9213394289
KshitizGarg stephanion2002@gmail.com 91-9811423687
AnandRai ranu.anand@gmail.com 91-9811401420
Atul Rana engineerrana@gmail.com 91-9811777197
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SARANJEET SINGH BHATIA lalit.giani@gmail.com 9811312998
VINAY BANSAL sinhadarpan@yahoo.com 9811313029
ZIAUDDIN kumar_bibek@hotmail.com 9811313060
DINESH SINGH yoursanil@yahoo.co.uk 9811313829
VIRENDER PRATAP YADAV amarindersethi@gmail.com 9811314425
MOHD HANIF satyendrasheel@hotmail.com 9811315182
KAMLUDDIN KHAN akshay_bhatt@rediffmail.com 9811315304
NARESH KUMAR bassi.sandeep@gmail.com 9811315415
ROHIT VERMA jain.vips@gmail.com 9811315508
LOKPAL SINGH anupsaxena@hotmail.com 9811315535
RITU RANA jaspalmxtech@gmail.com 9811315548
RAVINDER pradhanc@rediffmail.com 9811315931
L K VERMA anjuka@gmail.com 9811318131
RAJENDER GUPTA ajaysajay@gmail.com 9811318336
MOHD IFRAHIM vikas0179@gmail.com 9811318454
SATYAWATI sumiya.2006@yahoo.co.in 9811318486
RAMAN ANAND kmanojasn@yahoo.com 9811319325
HARVINDER SINGH kr.vermavikas@gmail.com 9811319407
SUBRAT KUMAR PARIDA pkrai_06@yahoo.co.in 9811320256
ROHIT MEHROTRA maheshwar.tiwari@gmail.com 9811320370
VISHAL JAIN mdimran_25@yahoo.com 9811320916
RIYAZUDDIN jobs4ani@gmail.com 9811321518
MARSH KUMAR malik_arvindin@yahoo.com 9811321785
MANISH KUMAR KAUSHIK amitabh_tyagi@yahoo.co.in 9811321803
SUBRATA KUMAR BASU sohankabra@gmail.com 9811321885
MANOJ KUMAR shio_mohan@rediffmail.com 9811322137
SANJAY SHARMA 26.mohit@gmail.com 9811322730
SACHIN GUPTA bhartitripathi@gmail.com 9811322750
DEEPAK KUMAR ykchauhan@yahoo.com 9811323188
RASIA BEGUM rishid@airtelmail.in 9811323506
RAHUL NAGPAL sapraj21@yahoo.com 9811323595
ANUJ GUPTA bijupg123@yahoo.co.in 9811323645
VICKY namitjain2005@gmail.com 9811324840
RAZIA BEGUM smukherjee12@hotmail.com 9811325617
RAKESH rakeshkumargupta@hotmail.com 9811325738
SANTOSH KUMAR rajeshjohri2007@yahoo.co.in 9811326703
DIPANKAR MONDAL anand_ruhela@yahoo.com 9811326955
SUBHASH CHAND sheilyshrivastav@gmail.com 9811327393
MOHD MUJAMIL javedsarosh@hotmail.com 9811327811
RAJAN THOMA space_design2002@yahoo.com 9811328518
DEEPA deopujari@yahoo.com 9811328537
MOHD ARIF SAIF shiv_kumar_raghav@yahoo.co.in 9811328612
PAWAN KUMAR ramankapoor19@gmail.com 9811328993
AMJAD KHAN keshu286@gmail.com 9811329265
PREM PRAKASH sudha_kaushal2007@yahoo.com 9811329282
MANOJ MEHTA ashok.giri@rocketmail.com 9811329387
MAHAVIR PRASAD biswadeep.engg@gmail.com 9811332691
VIJAY KUMAR kushagra1984@gmail.com 9811332897
ISHWAR LAL MAHTTA ece_rohit@yahoo.co.in 9811333303
ANIL KUMAR umeshgovil@gmail.com 9811334010
VIPIN GUPTA shanti_nagar_koti@yahoo.co.in 9811334606
CHAND RAM jainmadhvi@ymail.com 9811334702
BABLU SINGH anupam_singh_2002@yahoo.com 9811335563
MOHD ARIF ravinder.apj@gmail.com 9811336415
DEEPASHREE TYAGI sravan2785@yahoo.com 9811336466
RAJESH MAJHI prerna_sud@yahoo.com 9811337044
VIKRAM DHINGRA mamta.jayant@yahoo.in 9811338390
CHANDER PRABHA noida_mahender@yahoo.co.in 9811338554
DINESH MIGLANI tapanshau@yahoo.co.in 9811339103
BASANT JAIN alka.sengar@gmail.com 9811339790
ANSAR AHMED say2chiragmalik@gmail.com 9811340814
ANUP MOHAN KOCHHAR rastogi_mohita@yahoo.com 9811341003
SANGEETA MAHESHWARI atinsaviour@gmail.com 9811341093
GURCHARAN SINGH sudeep.mgm@gmail.com 9811341182
VIJAY prabhat24singh@gmail.com 9811342506
PARM JYOTI GILL nimishamathur20@gmail.com 9811342906
SUNIL KUMAR mukherjee.arunabh@yahoo.com 9811343865
SANDEEP KUMAR NARULA ar.tariqsiddiqui@gmail.com 9811343944
SUNIL KUMAR VERMA rakesh2006.1762@redifmail.com 9811344225
SUSHIL KUMAR akshaykhaitan@hotmail.com 9811344324
BAJRANGI SHAH amar.111b@yahoo.com 9811344342
KANTA NIM kamada.meenakshi@yahoo.com 9811344437
PARVEEN suyashsingh123@gmail.com 9811345034
H OM shafalimittal1@gmail.com 9811345249
ARUN GOEL sushilk_gola@yahoo.co.in 9811345566
AJAY KHOSLA arimran.pasha1709@gmail.com 9811345834
RAJIV BANSAL nigam.shivam@gmail.com 9811346065
SOM DUTT SHARMA amadarch@gmail.com 9811346119
MOHD YOUNUSW prachi_tanwar@yahoo.com 9811347014
JABIR engineer.poojasingh@gmail.com 9811347532
YASH PAL RAWAL ajay.sahu3558@gmail.com 9811348720
SANJEEV KUMAR reet_chhabra@yahoo.com 9811348838
DIN DAYAL bipingupta1905@gmail.com 9811348975
BALBIR SINGH khan_shabirsati@yahoo.co.in 9811351024
VIKRAM DHALIWAL vivek.kabra@gmail.com 9811352013
HARSHA RANI ar.verma.alok@gmail.com 9811352631
SUBHASH ARYA gary.architecttt@gmail.com 9811353205
ANAKIKA CHAUHAN jitendra.2112@gmail.com 9811355626
SARAJIT BARMAN mrsksharma@gmail.com 9811358250
SUMEET GUPTA shashank278@yahoo.co.in 9811358349
NAFIS AHMED manusingh782@gmail.com 9811358739
ANIL KUMAR GOYAL merajahmad786@gmail.com 9811358930
KRISHAN KUMAR kaushlendra_prince@yahoo.co.in 9811359317
PAYAL GUPTA sujayakashyap@gmail.com 9811359498
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UMESH SADA smita_jain@rediffmail.com 9811364258
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GANESH ADHIKARI surendra.50@rediffmail.com 9811365844
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SONIA jamwal.abhinandan@gmail.com 9811367458
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R K PAHOJA hemantraturi@gmail.com 9811372148
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SANJEEV KUMAR bks_79@yahoo.com 9811374125
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ATEEQ AHMED arora.deepak285@gmail.com 9811374551
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DULDIP KUMAR vineetkarnwal@gmail.com 9811375259
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PRAMOD KUMAR palravikant@yahoo.com 9811377529
CHANDER PRAKASH ARORA neema.vikas@gmail.com 9811377987
JITENDER ankursinghsachan@indiatimes.com 9811378357
VERANDER KUMAR BATRA arprabhu_gca2005@yahoo.co.in 9811378774
LAXMICHAND arshashank@yahoo.com 9811378915
RONI apurva1983@gmail.com 9811379064
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ARUN KUMAR mahatab_surya@hotmail.com 9811380037
VARINDER KUMAR SABHARWAL londoncity@rediffmail.com 9811380342
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PHOOL CHAND ambika.katoch@gmail.com 9811380684
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PARDEEP KUMAR reema1rai@yahoo.co.in 9811381035
MADAN GOPAL srivastava.sharad84@gmail.com 9811381484
MANU PRIYAM arshahab_176@yahoo.co.in 9811381656
YOGENDER chaudhary_arch@yahoo.com 9811381758
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PARVEEN KUMAR JAIN razi_decentguy@yahoo.com 9811384350
SHRIPAL ZST SHRIPAL sonamsaksena@gmail.com 9811384437
SAURABH JAIN jacquestechie@hotmail.com 9811384647
DHIRAJ ROHTAGI akhtar.iqubal@gmail.com 9811385822
RAKESH KUMAR puneetshandilya@in.com 9811386208
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NIJAMUDDIN hs.jobs4me@gmail.com 9811390104
NAUSHAD sushant1983@yahoo.co.in 9811390394
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GUFRAN ALI kunalchaudhary_82@yahoo.com 9811392882
VIKAS and_sin@yahoo.co.in 9811392978
SAGAR AHMED sameer.sen@hotmail.com 9811393084
SHYAM CHOULA naren.datt@gmail.com 9811393314
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VINOD KUMAR b.shankar06@gmail.com 9811393671
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PURAN KUMAR RAJPUT rajesh.kumar1612@gmail.com 9811393760
PRVEEN GOEL acme_2k@rediffmail.com 9811394018
KHALIDA BEGUM kumar_vipin01@yahoo.co.in 9811394063
ATTAR SINGH CHAHAR tarunkumarkoley@rediffmail.com 9811394284
RAM BHAGAT aj.vrma@gmail.com 9811394537
PANKAJ SURANA icq.puja@gmail.com 9811394755
MOHD ALAM paramp1@yahoo.com 9811394818
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BALDEV RAJ stephanion2002@gmail.com 9811395035
MANJU LATA ranu.anand@gmail.com 9811395133
RAKESH engineerrana@gmail.com 9811395489
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RAJENDER PARSAD nkbup2003@yahoo.com 9811395829
ABDUL MANIR vikasmittal80@gmail.com 9811395938
GURCHARAN LAL liyaquath_ag@rediffmail.com 9811396096
SUBHASH NARAIN ar_ritu@rediffmail.com 9811396158
DINESH KUMAR ysrinivasulu@gmail.com 9811396174
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SURENDER KUMAR mailtojogi@gmail.com 9811396494
ALOK AGGARWAL s73biswas@gmail.com 9811396613
BALRAM YADAV prashantjoshi28@yahoo.com 9811396669
VIJAY SHARMA ashishg76@gmail.com 9811396700
SANJAY KUMAR manoj1508@gmail.com 9811397207
RAJU JAIN bansal.shyamsunder@gmail.com 9811397333
SIYARAN YADAV pankaj.monga@gmail.com 9811397461
SHARIF AHMED ANSARI sandeep14762@yahoo.com 9811397989
MUKESH KUMAR anupindergrewal@gmail.com 9811398103
VIPIN BANSAL arvind.panwarr@gmail.com 9811398318
RAHUL SONIK ar.hasan.masood@gmail.com 9811398446
RAJINDER SINGH nirvana.manu@gmail.com 9811398644
VINOD KUMAR anuj521@gmail.com 9811398668
AFZAL AHMAD tarun.parmar@steria.co.in 9811399101
MANOJ KUMAR SINGH vivekdublish@gmail.com 9811399587
FIROJ rajeev3176@yahoo.com 9811399663
POONAM KHANNA smrutimandal@gmail.com 9811399822
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VIPUL GOEL gaganrajvanshi@rediffmail.com 9811402325
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BADSHAH akhlaqueahmad@gmail.com 9811418247
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NAFE SINGH sudhanshutiwa@gmail.com 9811138478
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RAJ KUMAR THAKUR s.rahul19@gmail.com 9811139678
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SUBHASH MITTAL aggarwalprateek@gmail.com 9811140095
RAJESH KUMAR kratushukla1985@gmail.com 9811141650
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AMIT KHANNA skshukla.webadmin@aol.in 9811143618
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OM PAL SINGH akdwivedi@gmail.com 9811154192
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DHANWANT SINGH divyadeepak.ind@gmail.com 9811177117
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MI PARMINDER SINGH agarwal.perot@gmail.com 9811204606
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PRIYANAK TOMAR amits_mail@yahoo.com 9811174712
AKSHAY KUMAR gk.aggarwal@tcs.com 9811175681
SURENDER SINGH PAL gurveen.rekhi@rediffmail.com 9811175710
MAHARISHI MALAVIYA anil283@yahoo.com 9811176826
INDERJEET asmairfani@rediffmail.com 9811176862
SANDEEP KUMAR nilesh666@yahoo.com 9811176895
SANJEEV KUMAR RAWAT vedantvikas@gmail.com 9811177368
PURAN MANDAL anand_kuppaswamy@yahoo.com 9811192364
ABHEY SINGH DAHIMA sylez0512@yahoo.com 9811198319
MUKESH SHARMA reachtorahul@hotmail.com 9811203631
ROOM BAHADUR THAPA mohan_nisheeth@hotmail.com 9811214476
ARUNIT abhishek.sharma1978@gmail.com 9811215677
RAKESH MONDAL johrirohit@hotmail.com 9811216072
KAVAR PAL alwarappanc@yahoo.com 9811216193
PAYAL RASTOGI vhazrati@gmail.com 9811221524
DEEPAK BAJPAI vvbahl@yahoo.com 9811224082
VIJAY KUMAR YADAV gagansandhu_2002@yahoo.com 9811225610
JITENDER KUMAR debasis2roy@yahoo.com 9811237229
RAJ SINGH bindu_mahato@hotmail.com 9811242344
SURAJ PAL munish_virmani@yahoo.com 9811253163
KRISHNA R DHARSURKAR mail2vaibhav@hotmail.com 9811262996
MRS LALITA KAPOOR rajasekhar75@yahoo.com 9811267042
D K CHOWDHARY nitin.naveen@gmail.com 9811270889
LAXMAN DEV YADAV kapil_khurana27@yahoo.com 9811271802
BISHAMBER DAYAL nilofar_nit@yahoo.co.in 9811271978
SOBIN VARKEY gahlot.amar@gmail.com 9811272645
NEETU shailytarkas@yahoo.com 9811272995
SELIAN BIBI asmalhotra79@INDIATIME.COM 9811274636
INDERJEET SINGH harry_427@yahoo.com 9811287213
KHAN ABDURRAHMAN bijubabuk@rediffmail.com 9811288037
MOHD SALIM anish.gupta@yahoo.co.in 9811296155
SANJAY SINGH kapiljain79@rediffmail.com 9811302608
CHANDRA BHUSHAN VERMA vimal.setia@gmail.com 9811306306
LOVE KUMAR amit_ch115@rediff.com 9811306830
BASHER KHAN shailisuri@yahoo.com 9811307629
ISMAIL KHAN amit.tyagi1@gmail.com 9811329665
NARESH KUMAR grs_arch@yahoo.com 9811330467
DIPTENDU MAITY shilpa_thakral@yahoo.co.in 9811336899
JAFARU DEEN yashveers@gmail.com 9811342635
NEERAJ ssjang.design@timesjobs.com 9811342672
RUCHI SINGH sweet2swati@yahoo.com 9811344390
HAR JUVA manish_gupta_2007@yahoo.co.in 9811345317
ASHOK kartkn20@yahoo.com 9811347630
DHEERAJ NAIR gargm.mohit@gmail.com 9811349162
HARVEER SINGH LOVITTYAGI@gmail.com 9811352301
SIDDHARTH MITTRA sharma_pravin77@indiatimes.com 9811355411
HARIT KAUSHIK sidhurandeep@yahoo.com 9811358889
VIPIN CHANDRA KOTHARI v.atmakuri@rediffmail.com 9811360562
SAURABH namjindal@indiatimes.com 9811361002
SUSHIL SHARMA rmurali4u@yahoo.com 9811361102
PUNEET KUMAR CHAKRAVARTHY akhil.mohan.srivastava@gmail.com 9811364242
MAHESH KUMAR VERMA mandeep.sachdev@wipro.com 9811364263
NAYAN MANDAL dineshtiwari23@yahoo.co.in 9811364479
SAMEER SHARMA jkkhurana@gmail.com 9811365445
PARSANT debch75@hotmail.com 9811365532
KUSHAL KUMAR gauravdubey@hotmail.com 9811366424
AMAR SINGH PGOYAL1977@rediffmail.com 9811367155
SANDEEP b_anita@hotmail.com 9811367465
E R JOY sachin_mcsin@yahoo.co.in 9811367567
SUNIL KUMAR SHARMA shivangeeparashar@rediffmail.com 9811369103
MOHAN solsticetechno@gmail.com 9811370294
HARISH KUMAR nitin_11024@yahoo.com 9811371157
KRISHAN SIWACH matrix_rr2005@yahoo.com 9811372805
KRISHAN DEVI vivek_v5000@yahoo.co.in 9811372885
JAMIR ALAM vidursharma@softhome.net 9811373156
SATYAVIR SINGH kantkishoresharma@yahoo.com 9811376490
KIRAN AHUJA rajgang@yahoo.com 9811379249
MOHD MOHSIN sumant.rana@gmail.com 9811379758
MUKESH anirudhsangal@gmail.com 9811387440
NEERAJ KUMAR singhpramodk@yahoo.com 9811387529
CHAUDHARY HARSHAD KUMAR al_jn1977@rediffmail.com 9811387746
VIKRAM JIT SINGH MALIK jsing03@yahoo.co.in 9811387990
GAURAV CHUGH mannu_sh@rediffmail.com 9811388296
SUBHASH LOURA jagjit.rana@yahoo.com 9811388564
ANNAR SINGH bikash_pnk@yahoo.com 9811389036
SANJEEV PRATAP SINGH muktavatdk@yahoo.com 9811389064
SHAILENDRA KUMAR aaditi_kalay@yahoo.com 9811389905
BALJEET SINGH gaurav.x.bansal@gmail.com 9811395992
KASHMIR SINGH rajat.singhv@gmail.com 9811400503
AMAR manojmanoj_soni@rediffmail.com 9811421203
KAPIL SHARMA nakuldev_patel@yahoo.com 9811426258
MOHAN JEET SINGH atmesh@rediffmail.com 9811433582
KHAGAN pronamc@yahoo.com 9811439655
MALKIT SINGH archies12@rediffmail.com 9811446649
PARVEEN KUMAR rekha.digari@gmail.com 9811447281
ASHOK GULATI ramanjs@engineer.com 9811449488
P K GANGULY jyotikhanna35@gmail.com 9811453133
SAJJON SINGH panz_in@yahoo.com 9811453868
MAHESH KUMAR rajaajaj@yahoo.com 9811454730
SANGEETA DEVI tarankaur@rediffmail.com 9811454802
MOHD ANJAR ALAM josephst9@gmail.com 9811458171
MOOL CHAND vksingh@gmail.com 9811458292
ANKIT PANDAY rkomandur@hotmail.com 9811459013
ARUN KUMAR KHARBANADH erhimanshutiwari@gmail.com 9811460855
VANI dev_thakkar@indiatimes.com 9811461369
JASSAN SINGH ajeet_dlf@rediffmail.com 9811464261
RANJIT YADAV kinjain@yahoo.com 9811464837
ASHOK KUMAR sharma_shambhu@yahoo.co.in 9811465031
SUNIL KUMAR amit_gupta_it@yahoo.com 9811469565
PRABHAT GUPTA majid.shaafie@gmail.com 9811474368
UDIT SHARMA yogeshkum@yahoo.com 9811474883
RAVINDER DAS happy_deepika2002@yahoo.com 9811474991
RAM ASRAY ramjilal2003@yahoo.co.in 9811475324
LAMENDER KUMAR om_ashi@rediffmail.com 9811476043
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VINOD itskt_manoj@yahoo.co.in 9811476350
HASDA sukhvindermarwah@hotmail.com 9811476554
MAJUMAN GUPTA vipul.nautiyal@gmail.com 9811476667
ARVIND KAPOOR poomslamba@hotmail.com 9811476864
SHYAM SUNDER PRASAD nksabata@rediffmail.com 9811477274
SUJEET SINGH microsoft.anurag@gmail.com 9811479424
PRADEEP KUMAR anil163@yahoo.com 9811479831
SURESH CHANDRA BEHER sunilpahal@gmail.com 9811481556
NAVIN KUMAR BAJAJ anshumanshrm@rediffmail.com 9811482005
UMAKANTA OJHA navneetsingh23@gmail.com 9811486408
RAM PRAVESH upa_auro@rediffmail.com 9811501341
JAYESH MASKE ns.dagar@gmail.com 9811502582
SANJAY SHARMA friendsmile13@yahoo.co.in 9811504353
RAVINDAR SINGH NAGAR riteshkb@yahoo.com 9811513996
RAJAK ravi_shankar_gupta@yahoo.com 9811519349
RADHE SHYAM srivastava.santosh@gmail.com 9811520454
SUNITA MIRCHANDANI brijesh.m.verma@gmail.com 9811523860
VIKRAN RAO swapna_patro@hotmail.com 9811526263
ARUN AHUJA gaurav_bhatt2002@yahoo.co.in 9811527940
SUNIL pritigupta82@yahoo.com 9811532587
MANOJ KUMAR GUPTA goelatulamu@rediffmail.com 9811535662
GURMEET SINGH amar_4006@yahoo.com 9811535687
ARATHI SEN rahulmishra2k1@yahoo.com 9811536301
RAM PAL YADAV ashwanikumar98@yahoo.com 9811538822
RAJESH PRASAD rajeevmishra1971@hotmail.com 9811540350
AMIT CHOPRA sekharmitra@hotmail.com 9811540567
SANJAY YADAV yankeeguy_leo@yahoo.com 9811546164
RAJ KUMAR KALRA siti_b@yahoo.com 9811548111
MAHIPAL SINGH RAWAT shaileshmathur@gmail.com 9811551066
HARE KISHAN PRABHAKAR princeamjad@sify.com 9811556341
SOMODIPTO BASU sysugandha@rediffmail.com 9811556857
PARDEEP VARMA adesh_sharma30@yahoo.com 9811559100
RAM MURTI successmantra@gmail.com 9811559737
SUBBEL venkaiahdamera@yahoo.com 9811563884
PRAMOD sunil_mahala@yahoo.co.in 9811564661
RAM KUMAR prateeknitk@gmail.com 9811571270
RAJ KUMAR SHARMA sonia017@hotmail.com 9811576963
VIRENDER KUMAR ajjarapuvrmurthy@hotmail.com 9811577054
DEEPAK ASSUDANI rmurali_krishna@rediffmail.com 9811577069
INDER SINGH gsarora99@yahoo.com 9811578282
DHARMENDER peeyush_delhi@indiatimes.com 9811578431
MAUSHAL KUMAR KATHURIA neeleshmaglani@yahoo.com 9811578860
BEJOY GIRI sunil51280@gmail.com 9811578868
AVNISH SHARMA anuamitgupta@gmail.com 9811578898
JOGINDER KUMAR sebastian.bino@gmail.com 9811581998
SANJAY KUMAR arorasmail@gmail.com 9811585937
PRAMOD MEHTA sourabhpopli@rediffmail.com 9811586472
ARUNIMA BIST bhupendrashakya@rediffmail.com 9811590443
SHASHI KANT SHARMA u_choudhary@hotmail.com 9811592282
PRADUMNA CHANDERA ASTHANA ankita_bhargava8@rediffmail.com 9811592386
PRAKASH CHANDER JUNEJA bhogalrajnish@yahoo.com 9811602933
DHARAM PAL rajeshwarijobs@gmail.com 9811604217
ANIL romy1983@gmail.com 9811607712
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KARTAR SINGH bipin_loharia@yahoo.com 9811613436
AMANDA AGARWAL mayank.architect@gmail.com 9811619203
RAM SAJWAN vivek.gupta@aol.in 9811619729
DEEPAK vidyarthi_1980@yahoo.co.in 9811622163
SUNIL KUMAR ar_namish@rediffmail.com 9811622385
NARESH KUMAR pallavi_spa@rediffmail.com 9811623679
SANDIP rohtash_jangir@yahoo.co.in 9811623759
LALJIT KUMAR SATIJA psomanath@yahoo.com 9811635153
PREM SUKH arankur@yahoo.com 9811635328
JARUN DUA bipul.saxena@rocketmail.com 9811635593
SANJAY PASWAN swaminathansayee@yahoo.com 9811643052
SUBHASH GO harsh.saxena@hotmail.com 9811645802
SAHID ALAM panth.santosh@gmail.com 9811651171
KHAJAN SINGH vikramprabhu.k@gmail.com 9811651433
AVINASH KUMAR GUPTA farnaza@yahoo.com 9811651606
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INDER SINGH mann111_preet@yahoo.co.in 9811671099
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SAHAB RAM khemkasandeep1404@gmail.com 9811674933
ASHOK richa_sarpal@yahoo.co.in 9811677687
BINA CHOUHAN sans2deep@yahoo.com 9811684934
SATYA PRAKASH pkhera_2001@rediffmail.com 9811689245
J P S BAYANA bablooji3@rediffmail.com 9811693293
VINOD LAL YADAV rahul.gandhi18@gmail.com 9811693564
JAGBIR SINGH aditya_ece1985@yahoo.co.in 9811701822
MUKESH KUMAR saisreedhart@gmail.com 9811703620
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RAJESH KUMAR nimisha_jain0606@yahoo.co.in 9811708320
DHARMENDRA sumitgaur01@gmail.com 9811715218
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AJAY KUMAR JHA arun.mallick@gmail.com 9811732858
MANISH SHARMA baba_bh@yahoo.com 9811733122
NARINDER PRASAD khurshedc@gmail.com 9811735979
VIKRPNT PHVTELA skjhaleo@gmail.com 9811738555
MAMTA YADAV alok1966@indiatimes.com 9811742291
RAVI KUMAR ashish_aabs@yahoo.com 9811742908
BRAJ PAL rohit.agnihotri@maruti.co.in 9811742935
TARANA DUTT architect.nidhi@gmail.com 9811746376
PARVIN KUMAR lovinpshashi@yahoo.com 9811749130
BHARAT DORA somitjain@gmail.com 9811751596
SURESH KUMAR rajender.aggarwal@gmail.com 9811752696
BHUPINDER mayankbindas@yahoo.com 9811753943
DEEPAK shabnam.ar@gmail.com 9811756479
SURENDAR KUMAR priyajetley@gmail.com 9811757027
SUMEET NARANG shilpi19@rediffmail.com 9811760450
MAHESH vikasg72@yahoo.com 9811761764
RAKESH ravikishorem@gmail.com 9811762066
NARU GOPAL GORAI abhilash.avvaru@gmail.com 9811765156
NAVEEN KUMAR JHA abhishek_umang@rediffmail.com 9811787250
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BASANT VERMA garg.vinay@hotmail.com 9811790813
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R C CHAUDHRY sachin.jain.india@gmail.com 9811806743
MANOJ YADAV kunal@cjun.com 9811809366
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TILAK RAJ ravikoul80@gmail.com 9811837011
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BHIM SINGH gargia@gmail.com 9811849582
JAYESH MASAND gs_pandey@rediffmail.com 9811850019
MAHBOOB kapil7811@gmail.com 9811852172
NEHRA RAMCHANDER vishalparashar19@yahoo.co.in 9811852669
DHARAM PAL SINGH ravisethi21@yahoo.com 9811854283
PUSHP shubra_s@hotmail.com 9811855697
SAURABH SINGH bhavnabansal@hotmail.com 9811861090
ABHAY KUMAR PATHAK mgautam1810@yahoo.com 9811869315
SUNITA PANTHRI sunit1234us@yahoo.com 9811870012
NAREDNER KUMAR chandusas21@yahoo.com 9811874623
KHURAD RAM CHOUDARY sumeerjoseph@rediffmail.com 9811880135
RAGHAVAN V rajievmalhotra@yahoo.com 9811880217
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MAHENDER RAM anuric2001@yahoo.co.in 9811881245
GEETA pankajjkchawla@gmail.com 9811881837
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SHAMSAD shamim_abbasi@hotmail.com 9811882557
ABHISHEK SARDANA surinder.vilkhu@gmail.com 9811882897
ANTONIA SINGH dharambir_yadav@rediffmail.com 9811891714
TARUN KAPADIA kumarkunal@hotmail.com 9811891812
SANJEEV KUMAR deepaksinbox@hotmail.com 9811892622
ANAVARUN HAQUE harjitsachar@yahoo.co.in 9811895648
SAJIT KUMAR KUMAR YADAV sidrocks_2007@yahoo.co.in 9811929587
RAM JEET hemantsharma_086@yahoo.co.in 9811934323
SUMAN DAHIYA guptareetika@yahoo.co.in 9811935052
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V SANTHANAN negi.nishant@gmail.com 9811947281
RAJINDER SAHNI abhikabohra@yahoo.co.uk 9811950501
SUNIL KUMAR ARYA ashu_jaspal@rediffmail.com 9811954250
HARI KISHAN ajit_yadav200697@rediffmail.com 9811956353
AMIT KUMAR ba.vikram@gmail.com 9811960318
VIPUL SRIVASTAVA dmittal07@yahoo.com 9811962448
PARVEEN roniit@gmail.com 9811964663
SENTU KUMAR kumarsanin@yahoo.ca 9811965837
NIRBHY SINGH sushildod@rediffmail.com 9811966404
VICKY KATYAL sainiviren@yahoo.com 9811966903
AMANPREET sumit_sondhi@yahoo.com 9811967244
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KAPIL soochikaahuja@yahoo.com 9811967986
MADHU SHARMA dgabra@yahoo.com 9811972561
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ARUN KUMAR sridheeraj@gmail.com 9811987819
navneet khanna neetzkhanna@yahoo.com 9868052733
SALAMAT ALI sanjaykumarchaudhary@hotmail.com 9873005263
KUSH SHARMA hkb_101@rediffmail.com 9873011478
SREEDHAR G eramit77@rediffmail.com 9873013863
RAMESH CHANDER gaurav.sharma.09@gmail.com 9873019539
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PUSHAKAR KUMAR sniranjaniyer@gmail.com 9873036618
RAMESH KUMAR GANDHI rakesh071@yahoo.com 9873042010
MANOJ KUMAR daman_hce@yahoo.co.in 9873042829
AVIK CHATTERJEE sandeep_arch10@yahoo.com 9873043551
SOHINI BANERJEE neelaksh.goyal@gmail.com 9873044808
VINAY LODHA suri_ar28@yahoo.com 9873044939
DAYA NAND dineshtiwari23@yahoo.co.in 9873051233
ANU JAIN pravina2@rediffmail.com 9873073816
LALIT KUMAR sajan.hussain@gmail.com 9873075113
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JOGESH shuklaashish@gmail.com 9873102677
ROHIT DOGRA deepwadhwa@yahoo.com 9873103680
RANJEET SINGH hitesh.devki@yahoo.co.in 9873103725
SANJAY KUMAR PASWAN sharma0@purdue.edu 9873105845
PRADIP KUMAR YADAV pandita.himanshu@gmail.com 9873105929
AANCHAL MIDHA jain_gaurav_21@yahoo.com 9873119959
PARDEEP KUMAR sachinproff@yahoo.com 9873120729
MANISH KUMAR amitrjsingh@gmail.com 9873121233
SAJHAD shubhabrata.de@gmail.com 9873138404
PURAN SINIGH manishsoftcon@yahoo.co.in 9873138451
SATYA PRIYA SRIVASTAVA amit_b77@hotmail.com 9873169521
JAKIR HUSAIN chaman.verma@gmail.com 9873170082
RAJIV BALA KRISHANAN pareekpankaj3417@yahoo.com 9873183294
SURENDER KUMAR sethisushant@rediffmail.com 9873189835
JOGENDER sarsin7@gmail.com 9873191027
NERANORA SINGH rupendranigam@yahoo.com 9873191226
RINKU waliamanoj@hotmail.com 9873197195
JAGAT BIR SINGH ritesh.sri@ieee.org 9873207107
ZHOU thatsmeraves@gmail.com 9873210264
KAUSHIK SAHA sabikhi@gmail.com 9873222340
RAM JEET karunsarabhai@yahoo.com 9873223064
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HUKAM CHAND naresh_kkumar@rediffmail.com 9873228532
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Nitin Sethi nitin_11024@yahoo.com 9899878100
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asha jangra ashas15_83@yahoo.com 91-9210731191
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NitinBaranwal nitin.baranwal@gmail.com 91-9210969195
gauravaggarwal gauravaggarwal1983@gmail.com 91-9211018464
deepakrana 1987jordan@gmail.com 91-9211097314
Harpreet singh harpreetsingking89@yahoo.in 91-9211105380
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RENU LOHAN renu_lohan@yahoo.co.in 91-9211464670
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surinder singh surinder.dhanjal@imil.co.in 91-9212099939
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Swami DayalSrivastava er.swamidayal@gmail.com 91-9212372396
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MAHAVIR SINGH wasal_rohit1@yahoo.com 9811772011
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VIRENDER SINGH aman.max9@yahoo.com 9811783023
LAKHMI CHAND kiranpalpanchal@gmail.com 9811819706
KIRAN PAL sandeep1067@gmail.com 9811830834
SANDEEP SHARMA varungambhir17@yahoo.com 9811833524
SUNIT RAMPAL manojkumar.1681@rediffmail.com 9811833578
SANJAY SEHRA deepit80@hotmail.com 9811833736
SUBHASH mahenderpartap@gmail.com 9811833921
SUNIL KAPOOR jai_ml@yahoo.co.in 9811834129
SATENDAR SINGH sunilmakkar978@yahoo.co.in 9811863932
PUSHPENDER SINGH PARIHAR renu_bataniya@yahoo.com 9811870664
VINOD KUMAR SRIVASTAVA mukesh_deshwal2007@rediffmail.com 9811875035
RAJESH KUMAR CHAWLA davim_gill@yahoo.co.in 9811875131
BIJENDER PAL sonal131018@yahoo.co.in 9811875972
RAM LUBHAYA sudha.mishra1982@rediffmail.com 9811882029
NEERAJ KUMAR bhatiashwini@yahoo.com 9811908763
ABHISHEK MALHOTRA getintoxicated4@gmail.com 9811911813
VIKAS KUMAR nameisashish@gmail.com 9811914679
AYODHYA LAL subin.idic@gmail.com 9811932545
BADAR NATH harleenkaur87@gmail.com 9811950384
RAJESH PURI meenakshi87.taneja@gmail.com 9811950457
PARDEEP vikmah2000@gmail.com 9811959926
MOHIT KUMAR chitramalhotra@rocketmail.com 9811960027
SANJEEV BHARDWAJ sanjaykasid@yahoo.co.in 9811961495
SHEKH MUJIWAR RAHMAN vikrambhutani@hotmail.com 9811963734
SHIV KUMAR anju.ahirwal@gmail.com 9811965356
RAJESH KUMAR hanotiyabharat@yahoo.com 9811967196
RAKESH KUMAR kaleem076@yahoo.com 9811969659
ROHIT TANEJA anil_jyoti123@yahoo.co.in 9811976558
DINESH KUMAR renu_bataniya@yahoo.com 9873000145
SHINY GEOEGE chitramalhotra@rocketmail.com 9873000742
BEER CHAND saritacse@gmail.com 9873022621
SANJAY vikmah2000@gmail.com 9873023880
RAVI MADAN anilsha1@gmail.com 9873027085
NARESH KUMAR malik.kunal@gmail.com 9873027579
PALLVI ekta_sethi_0184@yahoo.co.in 9873027725
R K SABARWAL dharamveer.rajput@yahoo.com 9873038337
KUSUM subhashchaudhary1984@gmail.com 9873042631
ABHISHEK TIWARI meetalijaincitm@yahoo.com 9873061099
RAJENDER KUMAR SHARMA cd.rkgola@gmail.com 9873064269
DINESH GOYAL sharma_1200@yahoo.com 9873064739
SURESH KUMAR hitesh1503@gmail.com 9873064785
ABHISHEK PAL yogesh_tomer2008@yahoo.co.in 9873065125
PAWAN KUMAR jyoti1089@yahoo.co.in 9873066912
SANTOSH asha_architect@yahoo.com 9873067401
KAMLESH DEVI sandeep_jain148@yahoo.com 9873067536
MANDAL ARUN mahenderpartap@gmail.com 9873070895
SHYAMA DEVI sundeep_rai84@hotmail.com 9873113410
RAM NATH RAI goyalanurag28@yahoo.co.in 9873113477
ANNUANAND aanand@vt.edu 91-9909012363
pramod Kumarsingh pksinghfbd@yahoo.com 91-9873738822
ZAHEER AKHTAR z4desizn@hotmail.com 91-9711008504
ABHILASHPALIWAL ankiybhatnagr@gmail.com 91-9555891122
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Umesh Solanki solanki.umesh@gmail.com 254-738967341
Kirti Rani kkirti.rani85@gmail.com 91-9818897991
Ankita Kashyap ankita_1424@yahoo.co.in 91-9958494685
Manish Kumar mannu1236@yahoo.com 91-9811862030
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rachna gaur rachugaur2005@yahoo.co.in 91-9312113736
krishan kumar www.krishan11815@rediffmail.com 91-9811723554
richa ratra rachin.ratra@yahoo.com 91-9213671609
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Deepa Pandey aarushi_p_in@yahoio.co.in 91-9212653391
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Harish Dhami harish.dhami@gmail.com 91-9212031685
priyanka singh arch.cool90@gmail.com 91-9990795933
Amit Dubey amit.d.83@gmail.com 91-9910212840
devender kumar dev_20kumar@yahoo.co.in 91-9312970179
Aman Kumar akvats550@gmail.com 91-9810523261
RAJKISHOR PANWAR raja.jaat@yahoo.co.in 91-9971756583
ASHOK TEWATIA ashok.tewatia@gmail.com 981348798
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Vishesh Gaur vishesh_gaur07@yahoo.com 91-9810769738
rekha verma rekhas.verma@yahoo.co.in 91-9810342406
ankit yadav ankit.y87@gmail.com 91-9212446712
sanjeev kumar sanjeevpanchal@07gmail.com 91-9350603408
tarun chugh likemnc@gmail.com 91-9999979597
Dharmander Singh dhar_chaudhry@rediffmail.com 91-9991222767
Mahender Singh mahenderchaudhry@rediffmail.com 91-9991400118
Janita Ramchandani shavi.ramchandani@yahoo.com 91-9350755921
Deepika Mittal deepikamittal01@yahoo.co.in 91-9999688136
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Mehtab Bhadana mehtabbhadana@gmail.com 91-9888888888
ASH MOHAMMAD shefalig@gmail.com 9811423115
NANNU ranbir_04@rediffmail.com 9811427609
SATISH MANGLA ankita_1424@yahoo.co.in 9811435706
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VIKAS deepak.ahlawat@wipro.com 9811438326
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NARENDRA KUAMR raas_159@yahoo.com 9811457852
MANDIRA rachugaur2005@yahoo.co.in 9811457876
ANIL KUMAR www.krishan11815@rediffmail.com 9811459024
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JOTENDER pandita_shailash@yahoo.com 9811471893
SEENDHU DEVI bharat.popli@gmail.com 9811475177
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GHANANAND sunilsharm@gmail.com 9811509117
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DHANI RAM SHARMA arch.cool90@gmail.com 9811524333
DHANVESH KUMAR PAUL anjesh_anju@rediffmail.com 9811525261
VIRENDER ARYA amit.d.83@gmail.com 9811526014
DEENU kkirti.rani85@gmail.com 9811528591
MONICA SOOD varshakaul.r@gmail.com 9811536517
PANKAJ KHATTAR dev_20kumar@yahoo.co.in 9811544754
KARAMJEET SINGH akvats550@gmail.com 9811549507
RAMESH KUMAR raja.jaat@yahoo.co.in 9811552559
MURLI DHAR JHA vipingoyal83@gmail.com 9811555448
RAMESH CHAND ashok.tewatia@gmail.com 9811561175
AMIT ARORA kirti.nankana@gmail.com 9811561340
GANESH SHARMA malhotraravi6235@gmail.com 9811561645
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MANOJ KUMAR dharamveer.rajput@yahoo.com 9811574635
ASHOK sumitnri.job@gmail.com 9811577359
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RAVI PARKASH arsty_rastogi@yahoo.co.in 9811578531
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MOHAN LAL kanchichawla@gmail.com 9811579485
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KUSUM DEVI deva_bhati@yahoo.com 9811581526
INDER DEV MEHRA baldev1970@gmail.com 9811583724
PARMESH KUMAR a.srawat@yahoo.com 9811589164
SITA RAM rekhas.verma@yahoo.co.in 9811594647
L C MEHTA vishalsaxena7129@gmail.com 9811595047
K K SINGH ankit.y87@gmail.com 9811596275
JAJGDISH LAL sanjeevpanchal@07gmail.com 9811596993
SUNIL KUMAR likemnc@gmail.com 9811599417
BRIJNATH PRASAD shishusm@hotmail.com 9811599764
JALEEL KHAN rajindersk@yahoo.com 9811604320
NARESH ARHA kalraparitosh@yahoo.com 9811614349
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PARVEEN KUMAR MAY mahenderchaudhry@rediffmail.com 9811615544
LOKESH KUMAR shavi.ramchandani@yahoo.com 9811615691
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SHYAM SUNDER manisha_jain311@yahoo.co.in 9811626395
VED PAL deepakpanwar_87@yahoo.co.in 9811629061
MANISH SHARMA mehtabbhadana@gmail.com 9811633637
AMIT MAKHIJA amitprak@yahoo.co.in 9811634114
MRINAL sharibxxx007@yahoo.com 9811634257
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Ranbir Singh ranbir_04@rediffmail.com 91-9818579530
suji thomas thomas.suji@gmail.com 91-9891750883
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Mithila Dham Mandir anjesh_anju@rediffmail.com 91-9911292233
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BIPINOJHA ojhabipin@gmail.com 91-9891373067
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VINOD KUMAR a_kotra@hotmail.com 9873212841
SUNNY raman.nagyal@yahoo.co.in 9873217217
MOHD SALIM interiormind@gmail.com 9873217920
PREM TREHAN aniprasad_23@yahoo.co.in 9873221283
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MUKESH KUAMAR sanjeevkumargirdhar@yahoo.co.in 9811509183
NAVIN KUMAR ar_vibhu@yahoo.co.in 9811596545
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ASHOK MANGLA architectvks@yahoo.com 9811388531
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AUL GUTPA bibhukrishna@gmail.com 9811748673
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PAPPU SINGH avi_mou1@yahoo.com 9811673407
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AQIL AHMAD kap_mehndi@yahoo.com 9811587125
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LOKENDRA pradipnitc@gmail.com 9811938862
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CHANDER SAIN pardiarch@gmail.com 9873205866
GAUTAM SHIRALI chittaranjanbose@gmail.com 9811035100
KULDEEP SINGH arch.mojahid_arcop@yahoo.com 9811053570
PREETI SABHARWAL moorthy_delhi@yahoo.com 9811092969
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ROHTASH SINGH vilenderkumar@gmail.com 9811352434
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MAHENDER KUMAR catch_me1212@yahoo.co.in 9811471014
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MOHD SHOAIB san_verma@rediffmail.com 9811105917
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DES RAJ kathuria_leo@yahoo.co.in 9811139947
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MOHD ALLAUDDIN prsaurabh@yahoo.com 9811161236
JUMMA maheshkumar2005@rediffmail.com 9811161731
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SUNNY SHARMA b_jojo2@yahoo.co.in 9811203571
HARPREET SINGH bantum999@yahoo.com 9811209541
C YOGESH bharatbhushanaggarwal@gmail.com 9811209610
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AMIT AHUJA maneesh@sify.com 9811228913
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GOPAL SINGH adeepakgupta@gmail.com 9811265151
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AMARJIT KUMAR GUPTA shalabh26@yahoo.com 9811408376
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TOLLIVER ANJULLA sachinarcone@rediffmail.com 9811418404
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SULTAN praveendas2k7@hotmail.com 9811458507
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RAM KANWAR macmaddy_1981@yahoo.com 9811507829
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AN TIWARI rajkakriyan@gmail.com 9811679745
KRIPAL sijivgse@gmail.com 9811682701
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TINKU sharmamanhar@gmail.com 9811725018
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VISHAL KASHYAP sarvesh476@hotmail.com 9811729281
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KISLAY ddsingh@gmail.com 9811744211
RAJU ashish_jindal@rediffmail.com 9811759579
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TAVISHEE GUPTA rahulm96@gmail.com 9811828211
SUKHPAL abhi.gupta07@rediffmail.com 9811828973
VINAY KUMAR zupratik@aim.com 9811843570
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RAJU ajaikkumar@yahoo.com 9811869602
MANISH yogace@gmail.com 9811885971
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BHARAT r1211@rediffmail.com 9811894109
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SANJEEV pahwarajesh@gmail.com 9811903783
ROHITA GURUNG nagadeepan@gmail.com 9811914643
DEEPAK KUMAR GUPTA manoz.yadav@gmail.com 9811915101
MAHENDER SHARMA kuldeep4u@gmail.com 9811920715
RAJPAT anupam777@gmail.com 9811927348
ANAND SHARMA abhaik@gmail.com 9811935685
ANOOP GUPTA kumar_ram83@yahoo.com 9811941122
KAMLESH KUMARI sanju_609@yahoo.com 9811967439
SATTAR harpreets_sethi@yahoo.com 9811968332
NAVEEN KUMAR satanatul@rediffmail.com 9811973619
LALJI aeree@rediff.com 9811974250
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SATISH BHATI archgulshan78@yahoo.co.in 9873025024
YUVRAJ sumit_sun2000@yahoo.co.in 9873034951
SAUMPAL SINGH ishersewa@yahoo.com 9873037247
JITAN xavier_jes@yahoo.com 9873037616
HARISH KUMAR subeer.sen@gmail.com 9873052963
MOHD MUSTKEEM ghosal.subhasis@yahoo.com 9873053447
PRADEEP BHATIA bagai_bharat@yahoo.com 9873056857
NASIB SINGH gaurav.sahi@gmail.com 9873094064
DALIP SINGH dk_sarita@yahoo.com 9873104335
MADAN LAL akhil.mehta5@gmail.com 9873113581
RAJNATH anwar121979@yahoo.com 9873117957
HARI SINGH piyush.saxena@live.com 9873118147
ASHOKAN utsav.pushp@gmail.com 9873119361
NEELESH KUMAR shariqsiddiqui.03@gmail.com 9873123637
SHIVAM SHRIBHANU uzairabsar@yahoo.com 9873123702
VIKASH prabhakarchauhan@rediffmail.com 9873125705
GHANSHYAM debcom_collections@rediffmail.com 9873127036
SAROJ debanand_2000@yahoo.com 9873136358
CHANDER KUMAR ahmadraza22@yahoo.co.in 9873167598
RAJEEV KUMAR debanand_2000@yahoo.com 9873177492
RAJESH KUMAR GAJRA sau_ahuja@hotmail.com 9873209346
RAKESH KUMAR BHARTI virpal.kathoria@gmail.com 9873211737
UMA maitreyasur@gmail.com 9873215992
JINDER SINGH worldwide.mukesh@gmail.com 9873217329
AMIT AGGARWAL anujkalra80@hotmail.com 9873220075
LAKSHMI CHAND ajay2k1a@yahoo.co.uk 9873222136
RANBIR krishnakumaru@gmail.com 9873225195
REKHA GUPTA kamaldeep29@gmail.com 9873226976
RAHUL BHANDARI 659080digvijayarchitect@rediffmail.com 9873227002
SUNIL CHAND KAPOOR mr.nasim123@rediffmail.com 9873227072
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ABHISHEK KUMAR SINGH vahuja@hotmail.com 9811008498
K NATARAJAN gulshan.sachdeva@gmail.com 9811008548
RAJEEV abhijit.chandra77@gmail.com 9811008674
MOHD SHARIF vohravinay_3@yahoo.com 9811009033
MOHD ARIEF rahulu@gmail.com 9811009284
SANJAY KUMAR manish.sharma204@yahoo.com 9811009460
UMA VERMANI murugan.ocp@gmail.com 9811009694
RANJANA KHARABANDA kishan_sagar@rediffmail.com 9811009737
VANDANA JAIN afrazsiddiqui@rediffmail.com 9811010609
BINOD SINGH kumarvijay_21@yahoo.co.in 9811010853
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DEEPAK GUDDADAKERI swainpra@gmail.com 9811011799
DAVINER SINGH NAGRA samuel.swain@yahoo.com 9811013056
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RAJNATH KUMAR vikramkhattar@yahoo.com 9811018874
RAJ SINGH nubu123@yahoo.com 9811019052
H K ANAND rajnish_pant@yahoo.com 9811019533
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AMARPREET SINGH SEHGAL sushant_dixit97@rediffmail.com 9811020096
DAY NIGHTCOURI dee.mandal@gmail.com 9811020146
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SUCHI CHAWLA designpraxis@rediffmail.com 9811023899
KANCHAN zia33@rediffmail.com 9811024016
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P D NAUTIYAL dipanjang@gmail.com 9811027535
SAMARJEET SINGH SEKHON prashantpvm@hotmail.com 9811028765
KAMALESH SHARMA kk_issar@indiatimes.com 9811029467
DEEPAK KUMAR] ajaym259@rediffmail.com 9811029486
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UMER NABI BHAT ehmedowais@yahoo.com 9811031807
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RAKESH BANSAL sunilkanth1@gmail.com 9811032058
PARMOD KUMAR SRIVASTVA deepak_tyagi1989@yahoo.com 9811032206
MANPREET SINGH SAWHNEY dhiraj.raushan@tatatel.co.in 9811032304
SANDEEP AHLAWAT sinosaurs@gmail.com 9811032344
SANJAY SETH saumya_mehra@hotmail.com 9811033267
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A WANSHAI SHYNRET vijayna2@indiatimes.com 9811034530
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SUNIL GUPTA gaurav_sarda@hotmail.com 9811034996
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S K SINGH alian_dos@rediffmail.com 9811035175
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ASHIT MALIK vineetpruthi@hotmail.com 9811035598
NAND KISHORE conformdesigns@gmail.com 9811035605
BALBIR SINGH BIRDI anirban_mk2001@yahoo.co.in 9811035888
RAVINDER harpunit@gmail.com 9811035968
AMARJEET KAUR AHLUWALIA md_firoz2002@yahoo.com 9811036259
ANIRUDHA KUMAR vikram_sharma1681@yahoo.co.in 9811036659
RAVINDER TRAHAN psedwal@vsnl.com 9811037665
SORABH BANSAL jayalp11@yahoo.co.in 9811037977
ARJUN DEY ARORA telkapalli@gmail.com 9811038112
RAVINDER NATH rathindrapal@rediffmail.com 9811038301
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OM PRAKASH manish_khurana@hotmail.com 9811039733
ROHIT KUMAR subhashis_satapathy@yahoo.com 9811039928
BALJEET SINGH mk_aggarwal1@hotmail.com 9811041584
SUNIL KUMAR PURI chopra.vipin@gmail.com 9811041723
PRADEEP GOYAL parvez.me@gmail.com 9811041885
NIRANJAN LAL nishi1508@indiatimes.com 9811042518
JOGINDER PAL SINGH anujmalik77@gmail.com 9811042856
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HASIV prabhakararc@gmail.com 9811047057
M K CHAWLA mrharpreets@gmail.com 9811047286
RAJENDRA PRASAD MISHRA architectanuragsingh@rediffmail.com 9811047529
DILIP KUMAR CHOWDHURY sandeepish02@yahoo.co.in 9811047759
BALDEV BABBAR sandeepchauhan17@gmail.com 9811048500
RAKESH KUMAR mandeep.singh77@indiatimes.com 9811048626
DINESH KUMAR annuanwarkhan@yahoo.com 9811048867
NIHAR ADHIKARY brijesh_gulati@yahoo.com 9811049855
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MANDEEP SINGH POONI ykmishra@gmail.com 9811050663
GAGAN kalyankrishna1@gmail.com 9811050955
PRITHVI PAL DUBE sanand@hiplintranet.com 9811051032
SUDARSHANB manish_khatwani@yahoo.co.uk 9811051439
RAMESH CHAND bhartisundeep@zapak.com 9811051671
MADAN GOPAL bhartisundeep@gmail.com 9811051774
PARMOD KUMAR adiipa@gmail.com 9811051901
ABDUL RASHID sanjeevkalra75@yahoo.com 9811052297
ANURAG BOSE abhijitbanik@gmail.com 9811052644
MOHD UMAR FAROOQ kapil_sethi@indiatimes.com 9811052687
BRIJMOHAN GARG gurudatt.1978@gmail.com 9811052892
RAJINDER shamim_99@yahoo.com 9811053077
SANJEEV KUMAR goelsk2000@yahoo.com 9811053248
RAVI KUMAR ankur.vatsa@gmail.com 9811053277
RAKESH RALLI roydeo@rediffmail.com 9811053503
GANGA SINGH RAWAT puneet1979@gmail.com 9811053662
SABBIR ALI abhirich01@gmail.com 9811054017
RAM ROOP YADAV sudhir.rau@gmail.com 9811054158
KAMAL BATRA sandeepbhatnagar2006@gmail.com 9811055131
DEVI DAS j_chakra@yahoo.com 9811055211
GOLDIE rawatv.singh@rediffmail.com 9811055221
SUDESH KUMAR man_sand@yahoo.com 9811056559
VILIKA ZHIMOMI vikas751@yahoo.com 9811056701
DAROGA KHAN atif_z_khan@hotmail.com 9811056834
SUDHIR KHURANA laksh213g@yahoo.com 9811058773
KUSHAGRA SHARMA pratapbisht27@gmail.com 9811060082
SANGEETA SACHDEVA jagroshan_707@rediffmail.com 9811060200
DEEPA KAPOOR sunil198047@rediffmail.com 9811060299
PRABHAKER SINGH thapars1979@sify.com 9811060310
BHAVESH KUMAR parthstudio@usa.com 9811061982
MATHEW ANTHONY trivediheritage2003@yahoo.co.in 9811062131
SURINDER MOHAN LATH ppscade@yahoo.com 9811062480
DEEPAK SUNDAR BHAT mauryajk@rediffmail.com 9811062636
CHETAN SAHANI harpreetchhatwal@hotmail.com 9811062655
SAIFUDDIN ABDALI kachroo_sachin@yahoo.co.uk 9811064610
ONKAR SINGH rajeevgaur1970@gmail.com 9811064672
AJAY KUMAR nav_kthakur@rediffmail.com 9811065410
SARIKA BARUA firoz_1977@yahoo.co.in 9811065622
SANJEEV TANDON dev.danan@gmail.com 9811066101
MAHTAB AZIZ ANSARI arijit_kalita@yahoo.com 9811066207
TARUN KUMAR singhsk@mail.com 9811066282
PAWAN KUMAR ahbabbu@gmail.com 9811066545
RAJ KUMAR GARG pkmalik1973@yahoo.co.in 9811066987
FAKHARUDDIN ravi_army1@rediffmail.com 9811067131
YOG RAJ kamalbhasin1@gmail.com 9811067334
EKTA SONI sigamani_27@yahoo.com 9811067737
YOGESH KUMAR srivastava_man@yahoo.com 9811067803
RANI SINHA mpasharma@rediffmail.com 9811068044
MAHESH KUMAR zoohem30@yahoo.com 9811069464
TUWLA rajeev_cmss@rediffmail.com 9811069901
NIKHIL YADAV maverick_studio_design@yahoo.co.in 9811070214
MOUNIUDDIN lokesh_dew@yahoo.com 9811070294
VINAY SAINI deepak_sha@yahoo.com 9811070477
NEELAM GULATI abd1976@hotmail.com 9811072463
SITA RAM SHAH true_din@yahoo.co.uk 9811072604
SAJJAN KUMAR AGGARWAL mailarora@yahoo.com 9811073171
K K SINGH rajuemail@yahoo.com 9811074181
RAMESH DUTTA sanjaykhosla2005@yahoo.com 9811075518
NARENDER KUMAR anshuldureja@yahoo.com 9811075954
AMITABH GUPTA ali7us@yahoo.com 9811077886
MANAS RAY rajeevpathania@gmail.com 9811078340
BUSHAN LAL AMBARDAR sibanrana@yahoo.ca 9811079025
ARUN KUMAR anupsatpati@yahoo.com 9811079798
VIPIN KUMAR lekhraj.rishi@yahoo.com 9811080412
SHYAM SUNDER GUPTA sahi_vivek@rediffmail.com 9811080424
CHARAN SINGH pradeep_arch97@rediffmail.com 9811080550
MANDAKINI kumar2193866@yahoo.com 9811080705
MARI MUTHU manishxe@yahoo.com 9811081039
MOHAMMAD UMAIR tushar_agarwal@yahoo.com 9811081141
HEMANT himanshu_agg@yahoo.com 9811081304
SURESH SAXENA psanjayy@yahoo.com 9811082571
NITTIN NAGPAL kanwarsurender@yahoo.com 9811082633
SATYA PRASANA DAS yourshobhit@yahoo.co.in 9811085089
AMRESH KR SINGH hastat@rediffmail.com 9811085100
REJI JOSEPH kamneeraj@gmail.com 9811085374
JASWANT SINGH VERMA guptasukumar@gmail.com 9811085854
KAMAL RAIKWAR deb_chakro04@rediffmail.com 9811086291
MOHAMMAD YUSUF signonsanjeev@hotmail.com 9811087336
CHARAN KUMAR munish512@yahoo.com 9811088419
HARNEK SINGH jindal_raj@hotmail.com 9811088492
MUKESH LAL pauljiten@gmail.com 9811088645
JASWANT SINGH thomasbosco@yahoo.com 9811088857
BHAI JAAN krsunil2004@yahoo.com 9811089110
ARVIND MAHAJAN sanmatijain@rediffmail.com 9811089171
PALDEN GYALTSEN GOPALAN gurmeek_s@hotmail.com 9811089315
AKRAM jaiaditya@yahoo.com 9811089451
RAM DASS ajay.gera@gmail.com 9811089481
CHOTE LAL rajan_bhasin@yahoo.com 9811089551
PAWAN KUMAR bhaskar_rashi1@yahoo.co.in 9811090009
JOGESWAR DASH ash_mit@yahoo.com 9811090846
SURINDER PAUL gautamravinder@yahoo.co.in 9811090997
RANA NURSING daffodils_garden@yahoo.com 9811091257
HUZEFABIN ZAFAR pan_chet@hotmail.com 9811091576
ANJU SHARMA bhardwaj2006@yahoo.co.in 9811091610
BINODA NAND JHA dharminder_sethi@rediffmail.com 9811091645
PARSHANT bpsnag@yahoo.com 9811091896
SUSHIL KUMAR PURI das_amit86@rediffmail.com 9811091989
HARSH DORA kaps789@indiatimes.com 9811092115
TEJBIR SINGH kazim_naqvi@yahoo.com 9811092229
SHASHI KANT daljit@hotmail.com 9811093149
MAHENDER PAL ARYA mohd.adil.khan@gmail.com 9811093327
SUDESH KUMAR CHOPRA harendra_lohan@yhaoo.com 9811093764
SNIGDHA MANCHANDA dauji2007@yahoo.co.in 9811093878
BHARPAI anuragkhandelwal@yahoo.com 9811094128
AKHILESH SINGH adarshkumar1975@yahoo.co.in 9811094265
ANIRUDH ADYA narender70chauhan@yahoo.com 9811094430
CHANDRA SHANKAR SHAKYA mahinder30@yahoo.com 9811095226
SARAVJEET SINGH pt.alokbajpai@yahoo.com 9811095854
PUNIT MEHTA saubhik_m@rediffmail.com 9811096557
JATINDER CHUGH venudemeti@gmail.com 9811097459
TONY SAMBI sgupta01@indiatimes.com 9811098665
JITENDRA tausifaf@hotmail.com 9811098833
AMARJEET SINGH lukose_shaji@rediffmail.com 9811099287
SHYAM PRAKASH saleem_arch@rediffmail.com 9811099475
SABINA VANJANI pkjin24@gmail.com 9811099969
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MS GURMEET GIL vikramjoshi06@yahoo.co.in 9811101648
NIKHIL NANDA moh_mehdi@rediffmail.com 9811101809
MANOJ KUMAR BATRA skhurana@idrc.org.in 9811102200
VIKASH KAUSHIK ajeet.k_chaudhary@yahoo.com 9811103023
ASHOK GUPTA majuyadav55@yahoo.com 9811103094
THAKUR DASS KHOWAL ar.amit@hotmail.com 9811104294
JAGDISH jainsa@hotmail.com 9811104691
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RAJ KUMAR DHIMAN jjmkv@yahoo.co.in 9811106824
SHAJI PHILIP freddie.ribeiro@gmail.com 9811107674
VIJAY bhaskar_bose@hotmail.com 9811108020
GULSHAN SHARMA varun.majumdar@gmail.com 9811108337
SAJAL ADHIKARI architect91@indiatimes.com 9811108347
BIRPAL amit.hkit16@gmail.com 9811108397
RAJESH KUMAR GARG k_ashish@msn.com 9811108540
SHIVANI RAIZADA shayshi@gmail.com 9811108636
SUDERSHAN KUMAR naveentomar_01@times.com 9811108680
JITENDER a_k_h_i_l_e_s_h@yahoo.com 9811109344
VIPAN JAIN manav.sanjay@gmail.com 9811109414
AMARJEET SINGH ksasan@gmail.com 9811109674
JAGNOOR SINGH MAAN prashantvidhu@yahoo.com 9811112243
DHIRAJ KAHOL ish_rek@yahoo.com 9811112380
VIJAY KUMAR narendrapan3@gmail.com 9811112712
LATA DEVI sde.bb_mpls@yahoo.com 9811113053
NAVEEN PAWAR upkarnoida@yahoo.co.in 9811113649
DHANPAT RAI KALRA monemole@gmail.com 9811114357
HARVINDER SINGH rajeshpardeshi2001@yahoo.com 9811114941
ASHOK KUMAR BHARDWAJ ind_vaastu@yahoo.co.in 9811115804
AMIT KAPOOR alexssingh@yahoo.com 9811116436
MAHINDER SINGH vikram_singhvs@yahoo.com 9811116790
SUNIL KUMAR JAIN manoj91070@yahoo.co.in 9811117677
WAIZ A RASHID tusharbhatia2000@gmail.com 9811118661
BILALAL KHAN jagdishatal@yahoo.co.in 9811119716
SAHIL rajinder.uniyal@gmail.com 9811120898
QAMARUDDIN ganesh_architects@yahoo.com 9811120930
AKBAR ALI tadore_babry@rediffmail.com 9811121260
GURDEV SINGH sanjaykaul@paramarsh.com 9811121369
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TAJINDER SINGH ssatpal@gmail.com 9811122827
GULSHAN RAI bhagwatiprasad123@rediffmail.com 9811122851
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MOHAMMAD NAWED rsmehra66@yahoo.com 9811123416
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MOHAD USUF vpsuri@gmail.com 9811124736
MANARAJ KRISHAN JATIK chablanih@yahoo.com 9811125343
RAMPRASAD anilkhera@yahoo.com 9811125724
GURJEET KAUR rsinaa@bol.net.in 9811125863
ARVIND SINGH bharatsaurot_1969@yahoo.co.in 9811126419
ABHAY KUMAR dewansan@gmail.com 9811126858
VINOD KUMAR saini_66@rediffmail.com 9811127705
SUNITA PANT arunved2004@yahoo.com 9811127872
MOHAN LAL ANEJA karara_7@yahoo.com 9811128010
SHARANJIT SINGH ar_jitender@rediffmail.com 9811128405
LAXMI DEVI bharat_lal07@rediffmail.com 9811128701
JATINDER KUMAR devendra1970@gmail.com 9811129678
AMIT SHARMA brijsethi@gmail.com 9811130240
DALIP KUMAR CHHABRA dhruvlochan@yahoo.co.in 9811131089
AMARJIT SINGH CHADDHA ronyroy_21@yahoo.com 9811131166
YOGRAJ GULLAIYA vinod_verma67@yahoo.co.in 9811132049
TARUNA BANSAL essence_arch@rediffmail.com 9811132210
PAWAN SINGH kaul.rajinder@gmail.com 9811132784
GUMAN SIGH YADAV vimal.virmani@yahoo.co.in 9811132829
ASOR TYASI venugopal.ek@gmail.com 9811134008
KHUSMI MOHMAD jasmeetsingh_27@yahoo.co.in 9811134304
BALJIT SINGH chawlavineet9@gmail.com 9811134904
C S PRASAD sarchiteck1@sancharnet.in 9811135275
MALKEYAT SINGH ghsindia@gmail.com 9811136160
KAVIT GULATI chandershekharseem@yahoo.com 9811136230
TARUN PAL SINGH ca_archbpl@yahoo.co.in 9811136282
SURESH MANCHANDA pantsk@gmail.com 9811136661
SHUKDEV DIXIT anildatta58@rediffmail.com 9811136727
SUMIT SALWAN anilpant64@rediffmail.com 9811137462
AMANDEEP bkmurty@rediffmail.com 9811137567
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DEVENDER SINGH POSWAL saxena_k_sanjeev@hotmail.com 9811138159
MADAN MOHAN chandyeipe@gmail.com 9811138792
K B KAPUR alamsingh_rawat@yahoo.co.in 9811139511
VINAY SHARMA bishtss@rediffmail.com 9811140566
MOHAMMAD MEHTAB ZAIDI cpydas@gmail.com 9811141210
MAHESH KUMR VERMA bahriraj@yahoo.com 9811141764
RAJ KUMAR pkp_2004@yahoo.com 9811142195
SANJAY CHHABRA saxena_alind@rediffmail.com 9811143731
NASURUDDIN james@urengineers.com 9811144053
BOBBY AKKA johnfrancis48@rediffmail.com 9811145125
SANJAY ks_nagel@yahoomail.com 9811146626
ANUPMA SHARMA sl_soni1957@rediffmail.com 9811146799
VIKAS TANEJA prashantkhirwadkar@zoomdevelopers.com 9811148125
NAJMA AKHTAR prem.malik@gmail.com 9811148193
RAJESH gmitra02@rediffmail.com 9811148693
ASHISH ANAND dpgarg68@yahoo.co.in 9811148747
ANAND KEDIA vjbedi@gmail.com 9811148865
HARY K I kt_guru@yahoo.co.in 9811149245
PARMEET SINGH ARORA mehrotra_pramod@yahoo.co.in 9811149616
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IMRAN AHMAD ishandoc@yahoo.co.in 9811149936
OM PRAKASH manoj_goyal_manoj@yahoo.co.in 9811151202
M/S RAVI PARKASH AMAN KUMAR ashiqueali786@gmail.com 9811151821
BRIJENDER SINGH sharad_61046@yahoo.co.in 9811151924
BALRAM govind_sharma2008@ymail.com 9811151987
JITENDER KUMAR GULATI piyooshsingh@gmail.com 9811152391
KAMLESH dipanjan678@gmail.com 9811152945
ASHISH KALRA shemeer_tm@yahoo.com 9811153083
RAJ KUMAR ankitverma_0810@yahoo.co.in 9811153891
CHANDERPATI SINGH siddhartha.gautam@gmail.com 9811154068
CHANDER PRAKASH BATRA prabhu_shankar14@yahoo.com 9811155801
ALIJAN MALLIK dhruvlakhotia@yahoo.com 9811155945
RAM CHADDA deepdeepak_rana@yahoo.co.in 9811157229
RAUL KUMAR vinay123_sharma@yahoo.com 9811159752
INDERJEET SINGH JAISWAL panditboyzz@yahoo.com 9811159908
SMITA RAJIV GUPTA ramkhandelwal@gmail.com 9811160249
MUSARAT ALI alam.mofiz@gmail.com 9811160295
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PARAS PAWA aman_cad2007@yahoo.in 9811161951
RAJEEV KUMAR sachin12dev@rediffmail.com 9811166022
MANOJ SINGH mush_9192@yahoo.com 9811167820
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SANDEEP SHARMA architectmahendra@gmail.com 9811169419
SANJEEV KUMAR ar.sachinchaudhary@yahoo.com 9811170392
RENUKA MAHAJAN ajaxavi@gmail.com 9811171231
ANIL KUMAR AHUJA surendrarawat248@gamil.com 9811172234
AKHILESH KUMAR uniarch_anil@yahoo.com 9811172761
DEVLEENA BASU arahuldixit@gmail.com 9811173507
OM PRAKASH rajivcivil.delhi@gmail.com 9811173616
NITIN DAHIYA rohitsinghdhiman@yahoo.com 9811174482
DEEPA SHARMA om-yadav@hotmail.com 9811174599
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PREM PAL vijenderrankoti@rediffmail.com 9811175287
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NEETU nivesh.ar@hotmail.com 9811179011
RAKESH LOHIA ravi_siet41@yahoo.com 9811179352
MANISH rjt_me@yahoo.co.in 9811179403
RAJ KUMAR roy_punit@yahoo.co.in 9811179455
RAKESH OBEROI sandeeprose2000@yahoo.com 9811179540
KUSUM sonu_savinder@yahoo.com 9811179772
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ANIL KUMAR anuj1986@gmail.com 9811182013
HARVINDER SINGH jinu.nj4u@gmail.com 9811182566
SANJAY GUPTA amit_sharma20087@yahoo.com 9811183239
VINAY CHOPRA farhan.gour@yahoo.co.in 9811183347
SANJAY SARIN kumar.parveen@yahoo.com 9811183885
GULSHAN KUMAR gajenderkanpur@yahoo.com 9811184189
NABI arvind1.singh@gmail.com 9811185813
RAKESH KUMAR lokeshsingh.190@rediffmail.com 9811186021
R S KANNAN saurabh.18@gmail.com 9811187006
ROHIT TALWAR abhinavfunda@gmail.com 9811187755
BUPINDER SINGH mazumdar.aditya@gmail.com 9811188402
GAURAV kuldeepsingh26@yahoo.co.in 9811190329
BALBIR SINGH vikram.989@rediffmail.com 9811190599
NITIN SANDHAR anilarch_86@yahoo.co.in 9811190696
SHIVA RAO dev_notiyal@yhaoomail.com 9811190941
NIKHIL BHOSLE omaitpandey@gmail.com 9811191172
SAHWANI KUMAR VED ravi_pandit971@gmail.com 9811191267
SUMER SINGH ali.abbas222@gmail.com 9811192802
TEJ SINGH maya_2123@rediffmail.com 9811193406
VIKRAM SINGH er_him@yahoo.co.in 9811194496
RAM AVTAR SHARMA pikkoosethi@yahoo.com 9811194649
CHANDERA SHEKHAR ashish.july01@gmail.com 9811195120
DHANIRAM coolsunil1988@yahoo.com 9811196602
PARAS RAM allmadad@yahoo.com 9811196863
JASPREET SINGH KATHURIA lalit.iitkgp02@gmail.com 9811197084
SAURABH DIWAN praveerprayagee@yahoo.com 9811197144
HARSH PREET SINGH GIRGLA vikashkumar.iitr@gmail.com 9811198303
R K CHANDRO SINGH ashishraimca@yahoo.com 9811199369
RAJNEESH SHARMA aloksharma29@rediffmail.com 9811201901
NIMIT SAXENA shivprakash16@gmail.com 9811202522
ALOK GUPTA raushanjha.bvcoe@gmail.com 9811202883
MOHD ARSHAD sachdevapratik@gmail.com 9811203198
DEVENDER KUMAR pawanrawat51@yahoo.com 9811203430
SUMAN SAGAR nicknish07@gmail.com 9811204847
VIJAY KUMAR hasim_tara2000@rediffmail.com 9811205062
ANAND SAMANTA hsubodhk80@gmail.com 9811207039
M ESWARA REDDY arneerajgupta@gmail.com 9811207082
BHANU PRATAP SINGH wasikur@gmail.com 9811207223
KISHAN LAL abhi_isit2001@yahoo.co.in 9811207241
NARENDER KR write2sachin.kalra@gmail.com 9811207992
SHIV KUMAR jkbjadoo@sify.com 9811208335
PRAMILA amitpandey.infinity@gmail.com 9811208685
DANY SEBASTIAN highthinking_003@yahoo.co.in 9811210479
SANJAY SINGH shivram82@rediffmail.com 9811212058
AJAY KUMAR arun_arcs@yahoo.co.in 9811212653
RABBORT MALCOLM manishdhadwal@gmail.com 9811213430
RAM IQUABAL nishant_koshal@yahoo.co.in 9811214248
SIVANI SHARMA roomigilani@gmail.com 9811214256
BHABANI PANDA archi_ashu@yahoo.com 9811214678
RAJESH KUMARPRIYADARSHI sumit_wadhera1@yahoo.co.in 9811216926
DENIS VIRAJ dubeyashish786@yahoo.com 9811217020
RAJKUMAR shamid2k7@zapakmail.com 9811217924
SHUBHASH BAJAJ anindya.spa@gmail.com 9811218677
SATNAM SINGH lala.leeloo.lal@gmail.com 9811218787
ASHOK KAPOOR vinayaggarwal006@yahoo.co.in 9811220198
SUNDER SINGH sanjeevsanu2007@gmail.com 9811220689
S V RANGA BABU pandeyonly1@gmail.com 9811220908
DEEPAK pallav.agrawal@gmail.com 9811220973
RAVI KUMAR KANOJIYA talkto_mohan@indiatimes.com 9811221051
RANJAN SINGH reach.tannu@gmail.com 9811221383
KRISHAN LAL GROVER akshatdwivedi@yahoo.com 9811221411
AMIT ARORA bhupenderprjapat@yahoo.co.in 9811222410
TILAK RAJ md.majidpower@gmail.com 9811225593
SATISH elmehdikamal@gmail.com 9811226129
SUNIL KUMAR gyanveer@iiita.ac.in 9811228929
ARJUN BHASIN johncena_thechampp@rediffmail.com 9811230165
SATISH KUMAR GARG meet.pravin.rajoria@gmail.com 9811230490
AMIT SINGH SEJWAL ssunil_22@yahoo.com 9811230626
ASHWNI KUKRETY rachit_kumar@hotmail.com 9811230801
SUBODH KUMAR rajeshchoudhary61@yahoo.com 9811231346
PRABHU DAYA pankaj1800@rediffmail.com 9811231617
SUNITA KUMARI rush2shariq@rediff.com 9811231961
MEHZABIN AHMED vansh_trehan@rediffmail.com 9811232243
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GAGAN NARULA gaya_888@yahoo.com 9811232633
JAI PARKASH singhal.deepak@yahoo.com 9811232859
HARVINDER SINGH DHINGRA freak@cyberphunkz.com 9811233002
BHUSHAN pankajgupta836a@yahoo.co.in 9811233122
ZUBER AHMAD lijuraj@rediffmail.com 9811233595
SUNIL RAJPUT jha_architect@yahoo.com 9811233723
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SURESH PRASAD vishaljain24@mail.com 9811233971
ATHAR KHAN sumeet@globalpoetry.net 9811234389
ROHIT KUMAR zeehanali.1411@rediffmail.com 9811234431
VINAYAK RAO snit_ale@yahoo.co.in 9811235306
AMAN ANAND yadavvivek_125@yahoo.co.in 9811236101
DHYAN SINGH abhi05bansal@yahoo.co.in 9811236434
SUNIL KUMAR GUPTA sandy_arch86@yaho.com 9811236675
MUMANUN KHAN amitkumar835@yahoo.com 9811236786
VINOD KUMAR sachu20_rawat@yahoo.com 9811237905
THIAM YEN KUO amancool_99@rediff.com 9811237936
AJAY CHAWLA cool_architect.naseem@yahoo.com 9811239396
RAJESH gulsh_mutreja@yahoo.com 9811239670
DEEPAK GUALTI architect.mayank@gmail.com 9811240064
KULDEEP MEHRA gandharv_sirohi@hotmail.com 9811240451
SAMSUL HASAN mohmmadsalim.khan@gmail.com 9811241703
YOGENDRA alamnaseem.alam@gmail.com 9811242805
G P SINGH akashatdel@gmail.com 9811243580
ASHOK KUMAR ARORA nkjajoria@yahoo.co.in 9811243807
USHMAN KHAN ankit_gulatiin@hotmail.com 9811244952
VINOD KUMAR rakshitsingh_apj@rediffmail.com 9811252261
RANGA NATH NANDYAL mahesh_monu_mahesh@yahoo.co.in 9811253812
SANJAY SINGH katiyiar.aashish@gmail.com 9811254242
MEHTAB SINGH hanitchauhan_mca@yahooco.in 9811254367
RAJIV KUMAR sk.sunil88@gmail.com 9811256720
MR NARENDER SINGH varuntanejaa@yahoo.com 9811256993
RANJEET KUMAR abhishekkatyal33@yahoo.com 9811257048
SUMAN SINGH retrospectivein@indiatimes.com 9811258026
PAWAN KUMAR GUPTA mismon2002@yahoo.co.in 9811258254
MANISH JAIN sanjaysingh.g@rediffmail.com 9811258374
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RANBIR SINGH mailanirban@yahoo.com 9811896621
ASHWANI SEHJI joshuamally@yahoo.com 9811896742
KULVINDER SINGH manish.sarda@yahoo.com 9811897450
VIPIN KUMAR JAIN chhhhhhhhhhh@yahoo.com 9811898956
RAHUL KUMAR syedfaruckh@rediffmail.com 9811900595
JAI PAL manmathp@hotmail.com 9811908204
NARENDER KUMAR neeraj.garg.blr@gmail.com 9811908271
SABIR pawansareenk@yahoo.co.in 9811909168
KAMAL SONI simple_sanjay2002@yahoo.com 9811909463
NEELIMA hemant-hai@yahoo.com 9811909754
GANESH DUTT sdguleria@hotmail.com 9811910957
SATISH KUMAR naveentyagi2006@yahoo.co.in 9811915450
DEV JAIN chankya_us@yahoo.com 9811915568
ANIL KUMAR SINGH suvendu1974@yahoo.com 9811915658
VIJAY CHAUHAN deepak.kakkar@maruti.co.in 9811915948
WASIM RAJA tarun_kv@hotmail.com 9811916260
PURAN SINGH madansameer@yahoo.com 9811916960
PARVEEN KUMAR yadav.amitabh@gmail.com 9811917351
SHAMSUDDIN amitpalia.9@gmail.com 9811917910
ZAMIEEL AHMAD anjujai001@yahoo.co.in 9811921414
NAWAB AHMED adb13in@yahoo.co.in 9811922830
UMESH GUPTA rout_sanjit@yahoo.co.in 9811923635
CYNRIC LOBO sanchay1405@gmail.com 9811924233
AJAY NIGAM adi.adinarayan@gmail.com 9811924250
NAND KISHORE DUBEY mksangrai@rediffmail.com 9811925027
JIWAN SINGH lokesh_pant@rediffmail.com 9811927392
RAVINDER KUMAR sandeepverma_2006@yahoo.com 9811928936
AJIT KUMAR JAIN chan_sg@yahoo.com 9811930966
PARVESH JAIN prashsahai@yahoo.com 9811932132
ZOBY JOSEPH nebukurain@yahoo.co.in 9811932367
VED PARKASH jitendergarg23@yahoo.co.in 9811932696
DEEPAK SINGH somitjain@gmail.com 9811932885
REKHA KATARIA sanjeev_mandal@yahoo.com 9811933076
KRISHAN PAL sjaysrawat@rediffmail.com 9811933681
INDU RAI pritam_8788@rediffmail.com 9811933730
RAMJAN ALI gautamjotwani@yahoo.com 9811934541
KARAN KUMAR sumeetjain1@rediffmail.com 9811934650
SAMBIT MOHANTY devendra_singh1979in@indiatimes.com 9811935722
MEENU atul_nawab@rediffmail.com 9811935881
SANJAY RATHORE mittalankit@yahoo.com 9811935940
PREM KUMAR MAHAJAN anupam_k2002@yahoo.co.in 9811936593
PARAMVIR SINGH neeraj1709@gmail.com 9811936987
RAKESH BANSAL ehtesham_arch2005@hotmail.com 9811937889
RAM LAKHAN architect.anish@gmail.com 9811938244
PREM bharaj_vikram@yahoo.co.in 9811938455
BEJ NATH darpan776@yahoo.com 9811939780
PRAMOD mohd_afsar03@yahoo.com 9811940230
RISHI KUMAR MALIK raj2505@gmail.com 9811941292
MOHD FARIUK anwar_akhtar@india.com 9811941853
DINESH KUMAR GUPTA shyam_ssh@yahoo.com 9811941871
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BINDU NATH JHA aa_manoosi@yahoo.com 9811942332
UMESH GUPTA shaleen@programmer.net 9811944329
PANCHALI DUTTA msudhakar_in@yahoo.com 9811944917
GULSHAN RAI jssuri@rediffmail.com 9811946599
SMT SAROJ ratheesh1981@yahoo.com 9811947889
DHARMINDERA SINGH djaman@gmail.com 9811950766
SHYAM LAL pawan.mehta@gmail.com 9811951653
MOHD SAJED HUSSAIN deepak_gugnani@yahoo.co.in 9811951687
S K SACHDEVA sumitarora77_in@yahoo.co.in 9811953566
RAM GOPAL akhilchoudhary@yahoo.com 9811954721
MOBEEN lalitsahni@rediffmail.com 9811955317
SUMAN RANI dhar_74@yahoo.com 9811955980
SUBODH THIRANI girish.kinnarpsindia@gmail.com 9811956251
DHIRAJ KHARBANDA pvkuldeep@hotmail.com 9811956909
MUNSIF vishal_mujumdar@yahoo.com 9811957234
PRABHAKAR TIWARI m.arya@yahoo.com 9811958417
SANJEEV GAUTAM vicky_vim@yahoo.com 9811958485
K C MEENA bhardwajmohit@yahoo.com 9811959242
VENKAT REDDY NADIPATI laviarpit@rediffmail.com 9811962248
NARESH CHAND bmsarch2000@yahoo.co.in 9811962829
ARIHANTA JAIN dct_g18@yahoo.co.in 9811963181
NIRAJ MITTAL sjain777@hotmail.com 9811967512
SANJEEV KUMAR apultandon@hotmail.com 9811967721
YOGENDRA SINGH deepakvij_1999@yahoo.com 9811967742
CHANDER VATI vikaskapurin@hotmail.com 9811967843
RAJA RAM deepu_draft@rediffmail.com 9811968427
ANAND search_amit1@rediffmail.com 9811968802
VINOD SINGH ajay.walia@yahoo.com 9811969277
ASHOK KUMAR gurveen.rekhi@rediff.com 9811971756
DAYANAND ajju_smarty_81@indiatimes.com 9811972412
HEMLATA dhaniasandeep@gmail.com 9811974348
MOHD ALAM crusader_mac@yahoo.com 9811982298
PREM SINGH NEGI kamal.dodeja@gmail.com 9811982894
ALKA RANI manishontheweb@hotmail.com 9811984632
SURPREET KAUR sachinsharma74@yahoo.com 9811984811
NARESH KUMAR ma_srch@yahoo.co.uk 9811987937
NASREEN yogeshmahani@yahoo.com 9811988930
VIVEK CHPRA bhola29@yahoo.com 9811991893
RAJEEV KUMAR bhatneeraj@hotmail.com 9811992263
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NIWAS YADAV kaps_arch@yahoo.com 9811993868
GORANGA haseeb_7@rediffmail.com 9811994984
BALA MURUGAN ashok2157@gmail.com 9811995224
RAJENDER SINGH BISHT callarpit2002@yahoo.co.in 9811996660
ANJALI GROVER anuleo_@hotmail.com 9811997806
NOORUDDIN sisirsahoo2006@gmail.com 9811998072
MANOJ KUMAR fareed_qazi@yahoo.com 9873001282
MOHD SARTAJ ask_anurag@rediffmail.com 9873008768
GULAB PARVEZ info@amitabharya.net 9873016172
ANIRUDH KUMAR bsbharat@rediffmail.com 9873017692
KELA DEVI syam.sankar@gmail.com 9873021083
VISHAL digbijoy.bhowmik@gmail.com 9873023492
DWARKA PRASAD onlineravee@yahoo.com 9873023997
VINOD KUMAR saurabh_sehgal007@rediffmail.com 9873025380
LAXMAN partha.saikia.jobhunt@gmail.com 9873026412
PRAVEEN TYAGI farmoz@indiatimes.com 9873027194
RAJINDER KUMAR irshad.ar@gmail.com 9873030215
MOHD WOSIM hs_kohli@yahoo.com 9873031394
RAM ARJUN YADAV asrivatsa@gmail.com 9873031634
MARGRATE simplyash@gmail.com 9873032093
VIJAY BHASKAR antony_boity@yahoo.co.in 9873033250
SIDHARTH SHARMA tanmoyc2001@yahoo.com 9873034099
AKIL AHMAD srujanarch@rediffmail.com 9873034722
DEVENDER KUMAR akjangda1975@yahoo.co.in 9873035258
VIKASH dubey_dk@msn.com 9873035503
MR. ANIL MISHRA imranumar75@gmail.com 9873036050
PANDIT neeraj.pandit@rediffmail.com 9873036520
DEEPAK SHARMA azmat_husain1978@yahoo.co.in 9873037698
SARANJEET SINGH mkhandelwal3@yahoo.co.in 9873038108
ANKIT JAIN slok0209@yahoo.com 9873039776
TARUN JAIN as_ok@rediffmail.com 9873040484
MASTRAM ave@aol.in 9873043410
PANKAJ KUMAR m.fahdbaig@gmail.com 9873043634
RAM KRISHAN vivek.koul@gmail.com 9873043738
BRIJ MOHAN thottathilmathew@yahoo.co.uk 9873043877
MANOJ KUMAR send2rakesh@gmail.com 9873046139
MANEESH GOYAL accountsunjay@hotpop.com 9873046544
NARENDRA SINGH YADAV chaos_amitabh@yahoo.com 9873049407
BIJAY SARKAR jain_amit@rediffmail.com 9873053517
NAVEEN KUMAR DAGAR arvindmail4u@yahoo.com 9873055922
PUJA ROHATGI catchsameep@gmail.com 9873056196
RAHIS AHMMAD ac_sna@yahoo.com 9873057493
PARDEEP KUMAR vikasarch2000@gmail.com 9873058849
RAKESH KUMAR AGGARWAL deepmicrosoft@gmail.com 9873060153
SANJEEV KUMAR todeepakyadav@hotmail.com 9873060826
SANTOSH KUMAR SINGH arch.visual@gmail.com 9873061476
KISHORI LAL nexuscreations@rediffmail.com 9873064388
UMESH KUMAR vaibhavsetia@hotmail.com 9873064467
PARUSHOTAM GUPTA amitkrs@gmail.com 9873066571
OM PARKASH ritesh.dhaulakhandi@gmail.com 9873069089
BADSHAH KHAN tnmukherjee@rediffmail.com 9873071257
SUNIL SAGAR janupam@sify.com 9873072181
SURESH CHAND SHARMA deonarayan2000@yahoo.com 9873072502
CHANDI DEY parag_kaushik@yahoo.com 9873072685
SAJID SAIFI pavtam@yahoo.com 9873073819
RAKESH CHAND kamlesh_sharma0017@yahoo.co.in 9873094898
NAVED ALAM ravi.kr.jaiswal@gmail.com 9873096160
SATVIR dhongde.deepak@gmail.com 9873101470
KISHORI LAL dk_arch@yahoo.com 9873101844
PRAVEEN GUPTA deep_pandey@hotmail.com 9873103488
RAJENDRA GUPTA vinaysaxena@gmail.com 9873104458
RAJESH madhab_gupta@rediffmail.com 9873106219
ARUN KUMAR rahulchaturvedi@hotmail.com 9873107002
ABDUL RAEES ramankalia@indiatimes.com 9873108817
MUKESH ravi.ramakrishnan@gmail.com 9873109027
SITA RAM PASWAN araikwal@yahoo.co.in 9873109454
ZAHIDA IRFAN sehgal_aseem@yahoo.com 9873111739
MOHD RAIS soumyajitr@yahoo.com 9873112317
RAM CHANDRA MUKHIYA asgaur@hotmail.com 9873115493
SUBHASH CHAND ajayjain.architect@yahoo.com 9873115973
SURENDER RAI mynameisrawat@yahoo.com 9873116723
RAMKALI sunil_011177@yahoo.co.in 9873117351
PRABHA MALHOTRA s.amitva@gmail.com 9873117653
WAJID ns.prashant@gmail.com 9873119489
PARVEEN KUMAR JAIN satgur.rao@rediffmail.com 9873120327
RAM LAL SHARMA somimalik2001@yahoo.com 9873123422
LAKSHMAN SINGH sat72pal@yahoo.co.in 9873124398
CHEEATLA RAVI mzia99@gmail.com 9873125199
HABIB spintradesign@yahoo.com 9873126197
ADHIKARI RANAJIT ravi_narwal72@yahoo.co.in 9873127549
AMIT KUMAR contact2pkumar@rediffmail.com 9873128387
MADAN LAL hari_hara72@yahoo.com 9873128439
BHUPENDER SINGH manish.noida@yahoo.co.in 9873129664
MANGAL SINHA mukeshv@gmail.com 9873132457
SUNNY grdk1987@gmail.com 9873135720
RASHEED AHAMAD saifuddin.haider@gmail.com 9873135818
SANDEEP KUNDES ahujaj@hotmail.com 9873135822
AMIT JAIN vikas.upreti@yahoo.com 9873136046
MOHD kamal.adlakha@yahoo.co.in 9873136746
KAMLA DEVI sanjeev_gupta@yahoo.com 9873136753
CHANDRIK PG GUPTA abrol_sanjeeb@yahoo.co.in 9873137455
VIPIN rsisodia@hotmail.com 9873137838
ZAHEER AHMED manoj.hasija@gmail.com 9873150180
MD RUSTAM archi_sansax@yahoo.com 9873151274
C C MOHAN DAS kumarr_33@rediffmail.com 9873166054
DALI KUMAR kdp_p@rediffmail.com 9873167245
RAKESH sri_dks@yahoo.com 9873179307
PAWAN suniljadon@indiatimes.com 9873181445
SHOKAT ALI sanjeevksinha@hotmail.com 9873183468
SANJAY amarinder.pal@gmail.com 9873186594
BALE sanjeev398@gmail.com 9873190341
AVIK BANERJEE satishkumarmathur@yahoo.com 9873190885
PUMITA DEVI cbkdas@gmail.com 9873192990
KARAM ratul_k@yahoo.com 9873202472
R S YADAV atul_1011@yahoo.co.in 9873202593
ANIL KR ar_amitabh@rediffmail.com 9873202628
YOGESH SHARMA rajenderlaheri@indiatimes.com 9873205658
CHANDRAKESH prashantvidhu@yahoo.com 9873205796
PREM CHAND suresh_kumar_verma@yahoo.com 9873205960
NAND uzwal@yahoo.com 9873206154
MUKESH SHARMA afotedar@hotmail.com 9873207368
RIZWAN suren_dangi@yahoo.com 9873212578
WASIM AHMED rajesh@tharejas.com 9873216436
BALEE PRASAD sanjeev_shri13@yahoo.co.in 9873216761
HUSAIN AHMED QASMI v_spb@rediffmail.com 9873217978
ANKUSH MONJAL sagar_gupta_sanjay@yahoo.com 9873219829
VIJAY CHAUHAN atul3170@yahoo.com 9873223114
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AMIT KUMAR vastulipi@rediffmail.com 9811014749
ANSAN ojha.manoj@gmail.com 9811024958
MANSARAM apvittal@gmail.com 9811045364
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ATTAR SINGH surajpal_singh1965@yahoo.co.in 9811073921
KISHAN dharashiokar.prateek@gmail.com 9811077833
GAURAV CHAWLA ashok_g242@yahoo.co.in 9811118950
MOHIT SHARMA arvindkaushik@hotmail.com 9811122657
DEEPIKA ARORA nirmal_menon66@yahoo.co.in 9811122913
SHANKAR PRASAD YADAV dbrt_pal@yahoo.co.in 9811146737
DARSHAN SINGH nitinchandra@yahoo.com 9811170859
UDAY SINGH sarabjitsingh1959@gmail.com 9811171395
RAMESHWAR manojkumar_hindustan@yahoo.co.in 9811174196
MADAN satishkumar311250@yahoo.co.in 9811190959
MAHENDIN ar.sapande@gmail.com 9811192196
RANVIR SINGH bsn64@yahoo.com 9811235664
RAKESH DWIVEDI saxena_k_sanjeev@hotmail.com 9811241897
SATYAPAL SINGH p@r67.net 9811272120
SHALEEN JAIN swprof@indiatimes.com 9811334876
USHA PASWAN jppandey@yahoo.com 9811371804
KULDEEP KHURANA gurbharti@satyam.net.in 9811375579
BALI RAM MEHTO vishalgarg_9@yahoo.com 9811391923
INDER LAL ARYA upenderkumar98@gmail.com 9811394581
SAT PAL sach.ankit@gmail.com 9811395233
HAKEEM SINGH pankaj.dce2k4@gmail.com 9811402430
RAJVEER SINGH love_rekha24@rediffmail.com 9811426997
ARVIND KOHLI bhat_amit85@yahoo.co.in 9811429490
RAISUDDIN AMIN nanu_luv143@yahoo.com 9811442019
MOHD SALIM dankarki@indiatimes.com 9811445813
SURENDER KUMAR hitesh_best@yahoo.co.in 9811455497
SHASHWAT MALIK email2rajnish@yahoo.co.in 9811462187
PREM CHAND gauravmisra12@gmail.com 9811474829
ROHITASH KUMAR GOEL rijorajan012@yahoo.com 9811486719
SUNITA DHAWAN king_karan2007@yahoo.com 9811501400
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RAKESH KUMAR mamta_kain@yahoo.com 9811540110
AMIT BALUNI zaid_architect@yahoo.co.in 9811568741
AWADH NARAYAN nilesh_kelkar87@yahoo.co.in 9811593613
PAWAN CHATRATH yogesh_vishwakarma@hotmail.com 9811608375
SURESH SHARMA wasimarch_jmi@yahoo.co.in 9811613944
PANKAJ amitkumar_dbg@rediffmail.com 9811614248
BASANT chaindy_arch86@yahoo.com 9811652772
ALAKH SAHU suresh_kumar30@rediffmail.com 9811685071
NARESH navneet_nitb@yahoo.co.in 9811708628
VANDANA WAHI saurabhaggarwal.it@gmail.com 9811709655
SUBHASH CHAND GANDHI rajuleo57@gmail.com 9811716725
NOCERINO ANTONIO sumitaneja@gmail.com 9811736365
SURESH yash_ban2006@yahoo.co.in 9811740923
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YAMUNA PRASAD humayunkamal@gmail.com 9811754650
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RADHE SHYAM youngskyster@gmail.com 9811795322
NAVNEET sushk_9@rediffmail.com 9811837854
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ANIL KUMAR bhimalaz@yahoo.com 9811857959
NISHI KANT kam_sach@yahoo.com 9811860237
CHANDRA VATI sachin.pachnanda@indiatimes.com 9811862820
MUL CHAND sac_in2004@yahoo.co.in 9811870805
ABHISHEK mayank_tri@rediffmail.com 9811872836
VISHRAM SHARMA kuldeepsingh26@yahoo.co.in 9811874805
AVADHESH MANJHI adilmubashir@yahoo.co.in 9811889697
RUNA LAHAN akhilesh_sah_1986@yahoo.co.in 9811889751
RAM SAHAYE ask_kapil@rediffmail.com 9811892524
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MILAP CHAND kapsgandhi@gmail.com 9811905466
KAVITA VERMA yeong7r@yahoo.co.in 9811912439
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S K ARORA bakshi_natasha@rediffmail.com 9811929354
MUKESH KUMAR SINGH amit_punia@yahoo.com 9811948316
SANJEEV PAL nitin_183@yahoo.com 9811952629
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NAFIS ritesh1561@gmail.com 9873003413
MAHESH CHAND AGGARWAL pankajpankaj_2006@yahoo.com 9873022853
DINESH sheetalarchy2k1@yahoo.co.in 9873027681
NITISH VERMA bhaskar_saxena@hotmail.com 9873028803
TILAK RAJ upahar_gupta123@rediffmail.com 9873035742
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ANOOP P V yaduvanshi09@yahoo.com 9873050217
AJAY JASWAL abcspa1984@yahoo.com 9873051551
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SHAHZAD arvind151283@yahoo.co.in 9873055396
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SHIKHA GUPTA asgharnaqvi@gmail.com 9873069003
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CHATAR SINGH lalit_architect@yahoo.com 9873069149
AMIT sreeju_krishnan@yahoo.co.in 9873070154
BIJENDRA SINGH milanmotavar@gmail.com 9873071290
USHA vikas.rana@hotmail.com 9873112788
BHARAT KUMAR dpakjain@gmail.com 9873120527
SHREE CHAND ravi72194@gmaail.com 9873126580
INDRA BAHADUR anuragbajpai_iitr@yahoo.com 9873133913
MOHD FIROZ ANSARI paulrsam@gmail.com 9873136165
RAM SAJEEVAN krishanu8@rediffmail.com 9873136564
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KAMLESH manni369@gmail.com 9811092690
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BHAGWAN MISHRA sharad_prinze_jr@yahoo.com 9811147015
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MARUF KHAN arc_puneet@yahoo.com 9811167490
MANOJ CHAWLA abhinav.gupta1985@gmail.com 9811172387
SARITA kapildevvatsa@gmail.com 9811205433
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RAJ KARAN CHAUHAN gaurav_mishra_2003@yahoo.co.in 9811260792
PAWAN SONI nitinrawal2003@yahoo.co.in 9811265177
CHANDRAVEER NARAYAN bubaiari@rediffmail.com 9811284372
NARESH archi.tapan@gmail.com 9811317362
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PAWAN sachinmalkoti@gmail.com 9811359479
ASIF NOOR amitkumarravi@rediffmail.com 9811371394
RAMU GURUNG amitnimesh@hotmail.com 9811373567
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PAWAN KUMAR GROVER architect_mak@yahoo.co.in 9811409294
SHARAT PANT deepakmcauptu@rediffmail.com 9811419965
PREM JI BHAI chinmay.architecture@gmail.com 9811422519
MOHAMMAD JAHANGIR vipin_2309@rediffmail.com 9811423716
DAMBER BHADUR RAI yogi_madarch@yahoo.com 9811424845
PARMJEET RATHI anipandey@gmail.com 9811435840
PARMOD KUMAR SHARMA ravi_enrique@yahoo.com 9811477740
YARIMUNG ZIMIK akhiljain_3@yahoo.com 9811500663
PAWAN KUMAR mdzahidparvez@gmail.com 9811541679
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RAJU amit18anand2003@yahoo.com 9811576144
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FAHKIMUDDIN scn248@gmail.com 9811604932
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PARMOD vishalsharma_29@yahoo.com 9811655623
VIKAS GOEL nikunjjethi2007@yahoo.com 9811660180
SHADAB ALI kjsingh3@yahoo.co.in 9811732203
ASHOK KUMAR kumar86_rahul@yahoo.co.in 9811756101
MANJEET SINGH rajeshsinghse@gmail.com 9811760712
DILSHAD jain.vishesh@hotmail.com 9811839715
PRADEEP SINGHAL manuom1_1@yahoo.com 9811840314
BONATHUNG NGULLIE nishikanttripathi@yahoo.com 9811913284
DEVKI NANDAN BAHL vishnupandit_123@rediff.com 9811932577
RAKESH grg_kml@yahoo.co.in 9811951458
SADARAKHAN rohin_sharma@msn.com 9811958050
MURIYA rahulsharmaid@gmail.com 9811976296
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sandeep sohal sohalsandeep@hotmail.com 91-9891744876
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vivek sharma vivek_1373@yahoo.com 91-9322338718
avlok Kumar avlokkumar@india.com 91-9313034282
lalit dudeja deardudi@rediffmail.com 91-9313023704
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Uttam singh uttamsinghdangwal@yahoo.com 91-9811331023
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manish yaduvanshi manshyaduvanshi@indiatimes.com 91-9350231876
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binod sharma cs_binod@indiatimes.com 91-9810723356
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manu mehrotra manu_solutions@yahoo.co.in 91-9871651556
Amit Srivastava amitramesh@sify.com 91-9868702740
praveen kumar praveen_mca02@yahoo.com 91-9868590478
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RAJESH KUMAR nalin_12345@indiatimes.com 9811467279
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CHANDER PAL RATHOD vikrant.dureja@gmail.com 9811480071
JOGINDER PRASAD be_sourabh@yahoo.com 9811480234
JOGINDER SINGH KALSI vaneet_gupta@rediffmail.com 9811480771
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JASBIR SINGH GUJRAL cs_binod@indiatimes.com 9811483263
RAKESH MOHAN ARORA manishdalal100@rediffmail.com 9811484161
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DEVINDER KUMAR SURI saurabh_jgd@rediffmail.com 9811488186
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DEVENDER KUMAR coolguysushsil_1983@yahoo.co.in 9811490278
RASHMI CHAUDHARY manu_solutions@yahoo.co.in 9811490311
PANKAJ SHARMA amitramesh@sify.com 9811490924
MOHD KAMIL praveen_mca02@yahoo.com 9811491089
VIVEK GAUR sarvesh_1981_jain@yahoo.co.in 9811498208
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ARCHANA birendra275173@indiatimes.com 9811501202
MUNI LAL royalraghav@rediffmail.com 9811510714
varshika Bansal varshika_bansal@yahoo.com 91-9868928019
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shubhra bakshi shubhra_bakshi@yahoo.co.in 91-9810663771
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sony santosh pinsan@indiatimes.com 91-9313177455
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NARENDER SHARMA dexter_dee2001@yahoo.co.in 9811480411
DEEPAK MITTAL princess_jun1981@yahoo.co.in 9811480818
AMJAD BEG prerna_kapor22@yahoo.com 9811482151
DEEPAK JAIN deepika_pandey@yahoo.co.in 9811484287
DORI LAL GOSWAMI pr_deo@indiatimes.com 9811485421
BABU LAL MEENA 9811490742
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Rajesh Agnihotri dsc.agnijit@yahoo.co.in 91-9810355338
Suave KoulMishra arsuave@gmail.com 91-9999799718
neelamkaushal neelam.kaushal@gmail.com 91-9999028932
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Ranjan Pathak ranjan.kumar.pathak@gmail.com 91-9999043249
GauravGulia gulia.gaurav@yahoo.com 91-9971156156
shaileshsaxena kumar_sh@indiatimes.com 91-9958255681
sudeepsoni sudeep.soni@hotmail.com 91-9971535185
Mohan Mittal mohan1704@sify.com 91-9910450876
Area of Specialization Address
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheC4/12, Sector-11, Rohini , Delhi-85
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech AT-306 , Baljeet nagar, Near road number-20, Delhi-110008.
Architecture H.NO 527, STREET NO. 13-B, VILLAGE MANDOLI, DELHI-93.
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syst K-52, Sector-12 Noida
Account Services, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W InstH.No. 384 Sector -44 Noida U.P 201301 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B -13,First Floor, Sector-15,Noida-201 301.
Architecture, Interior Designer R-11 YAMUNA COLONY; DEHRADUN-248001
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Project Le 124, Mo Kanahaya Lal, Delhi Gate, Ghaziabad.
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechFlat No. 108, Tilak Nagar Police Station, Tilak Nagar, Delhi - 110018
Architecture, Interior Designer B2 / 212, Tower no 11, Purvanchal Silver city Appartments, Sector 93/A, N
Architecture House No-51, Ambedkar Vihar Noida INDIA IN
Architecture, Building/Residential, Business Analysis, Business ground floor,c-129, sector 19, noida, up
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Z-114, sector-12 noida-201301
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture J-162 Sector -22 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechGround Floor, V-177, Sector -12 Uttar Pradesh India
Architecture, Interior Designer 76-A, M.I.G, SECTOR - 82, NOIDA (U.P)
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-26c Mayur vihar phase-1 Delhi
Architecture 153 SECTOR 37 ARUN VIHAR NOIDA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Desktop Support, Business/Syst Julana; Distt(Jind)-HR-126101
Architecture 286-B, Kalyankunj Barola, Noida sec-49
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture No sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 252469 India
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T b-169, kendriya vihar sector-51 noida
Architecture, Interior Designer b-15 sector 22
Architecture A-343,SEC-31,NOIDA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Sector 37, Noida UP
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechA-233, Mayur Vihar, Phase-III Delhi-110096
Customer Support, Internet/E-commerce, Network Planning, Priv 113, Gijjor Gate Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Interne
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior Designer NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, SyD-61,SECTOR - 55 NOIDA
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 54-172, Laxman nagar Bhoodhan Pochampally, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh
Client Server, Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System An Noida
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T a-68 new ashoke nager,new delhi 110096
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalN 18 sector 12 Noida
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Manish Kumar Priyadarshi S.K 371 A, Sector 122, Noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System A 34/1, Civil Lines Ambala City Haryana Pincode:- 134003
System Analyst/Tech Architect Patni computers 139,140, tiscali, NSEZ, Noida
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchF-21/40 Sector-15 Rohini Delhi-110085
Lecturer/Professor, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E E - 128, Sector 41 Noida Uttar Pradesh - 201303
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C/o Jai Prakash Gujjar Village Agahpur, Sector-41, Noida 201301 Near Ragh
Application Programming, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A42, Trilok Nath Road Lal Bagh Crossing, Lucknow (U.P) PIN:226001
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer A-8, Sector-51, Noida (U.P)
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechF-51 Sector 56 noida Near Shemrock vatika
Other Architecture House No. C-106 Kesar Garden Appartment Sector-48 NOIDA-201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ 2809 sec 7a Green Park Faridabad-121006
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, MainfrII-A 256 NEHRUNAGAR GHAZIABAD
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystA-141, SECTOR-15, NOIDA
Other Architecture Jaypee Greens Greater Noida
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, SystemP-103 2nd floor Sec-11 noida INDIA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A-56, sector 19, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Pin - 201301.
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Othe12, Prem Anand Kunj, Kamla Nagar Agra UP 282005 India
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Software EngineeG-85 1st floor Sector-22 Noida, UP
Architecture D-144B, arravali apartments sec-52, noida U.P-201301
Architecture, Interior Designer 1210 Express garden, 6 vaihav khand, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System A#3276, Sector 31 D Chandigarh
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec #5, shiv shakti vihar, shyam park extension, Sahibabad, District-Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer P-466, sector -21, jalvayu vihar, Noida.
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software a-78/303, Puja Appartment, Lajpat Nagar, PO-Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, UP-2
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-166, SECTOR-22, NOIDA-201301 U.P.
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat no-44, Posket-05, LIG Flats, Near mother dairy, Sector-02, Rohini, Delh
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Admin Services/Medical Facilities, Interior Design HOUSE NO. C-51 SEC- 61 NOIDA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System J 1/96 GROUND FLOOR : , KHIDKI EXTN NO : MALVIYA NAGAR NEW DELHI:
Architecture, Interior Designer ANIL PANDITA HOUSE NO. c/168,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Train Sec 12-22,Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Administration M-134,Rama Krishna vihar apartment Delhi-110092 India
Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/TechG-223, Sector-22, Noida UP 201301
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, System Admini N 1202 Jaipuria Sunrise Greens Indirapuram Ghaziabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-403 Maharaja Aggrasain Society GH-9 Part 3 sector 21 c faridabad 12100
Architecture, Interior Designer Gaziabad, UP.
Architecture SECTOR 27 NOIDA INDIA
Architecture sec-12,w/109,noida
Architecture h/no-204,first floor sec-4R faridabad(haryana) pin no-121004
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec C 40 Sector 59 NOIDA UP 201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Project Leader/ Proj B-102 Ahinsa Vihar Sector-9 Rohini Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture vill.-baroula near red lights sec.49 noida main dadri road (u.p.)201301
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/TSKB 410, ShipraKrishna Vista Apts, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T House No.1747, Sector 8 Faridabad, Hayana.
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect hno. 6-d, vikas colony, patiala punjab
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No C-16, Vikalp Apartments, Plot No-92, I.P. Extension, Delhi-110092
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof 6 Nirman Apartment Mayur Vihar Ph-1 Extn Delhi 110095
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ B-173,Gamma -1,Gr. Noida-201308
Architecture, Interior Designer b-44, sector-36, noida
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-34, 2nd FLOOR, SECTOR-22, NOIDA
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Flat 205 Plot 101-102 Ramprastha Greens , Sector-VII, Vaishali, Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer A-213, Mehak Appt. Shlimar Garden ext.2, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad.
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T HOUSE NO:- 1H/16 N.I.T FARIDABAD
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S Delhi
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Customer Service (Voice), Desktop Support, Opera256 Pocket B, new MIG Flats New Delhi - 110096
Architecture C-24, SECTOR-49, NOIDA
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Adminis A-72 West vinod nagar Delhi-110092
System Analyst/Tech Architect # 503, GH-69, Sector-20, Panchkula, HARYANA - 134109
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect A105 Jaipuria Apartment, 6 Vaibhav Khand Indirapuram Ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur I-002 Shatabdi Rail Vihar Appartment Sector 62, Near Fortis Hospital Noida
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 207/B14,Sector-34 Noida UP-201301(India)
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, P 51, Duplex - 1, Rajat Vihar, Sector - 62, Noida
Client Server, Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Projec 503/3, Shastri Nagar Nai Sarak Meerut
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S A-21, Goyal Shinde Park Aundh Road Pune
System Analyst/Tech Architect 106 Block III Kirti Apartment Mayur Vihar Ph I New Delhi-110091
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AA-111, B-9/11, Shivkala Apartments, Sector-62, Noida.
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-30, BRIJ BIHAR COLONY, PHASE-1
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArC-155 Sector -51 KV Noida (U.P)
Operations, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, ProjC-14 (FF) Hauz Khas New Delhi-110016 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat No. 115, Patrakar Parisar, Sector-5, Vasundhara
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SystemVPO AULAKH DISTT & TEH FARIDKOT PUNJAB - INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat no.3, Anekant Apatment, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer bhagirathi apptmt, Sect-62, Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect Mayur Vihar Ph - I , Delhi
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer B48, Pocket II, Kendriya Vihar, Sector - 82, Noida - 201301
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderD-102 Prestige Apartments, Sector 93-A, NOIDA, UP 201301
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture G-303, ANSAL S NEELPADM KUNJ, EAST DELHI, VAISHALI, GHAZIABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 880, FIRST FLOOR , SECTOR-37, NOIDA
Administration, Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System S
Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst 1405, Osimo-II, Mahagun Mansion, Indirapuram, Gahaziabad (UP)
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys145 Sector37 Noida
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysF-1055, Gaur Green City, Plot No 8, Vaibhav Khand, Indirapuram, Ghaziaba
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, SystemAddress: 305, B-9 & 10 Prangan Apartments Sec-62, Noida-201301
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect H307 , Ajnara Landmark, Plot no - 18, Sector 4 Vaishali , Ghaziabad -20101
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste A 40, Millenium apartment, Sector 61 Noida, India
Architecture, Interior Designer 915, Vasocda Appts., S 1, Shalimar Garden Extn. I, Sahibabad, (U. P.)
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E 85, SECTOR-55 NOIDA, UTTAR PRADESH INDIA-201301
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Embedded TechnoloA-42 I FLOOR, YOJNA VIHAR, DELHI -110092
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys70, Soochna Apartments, Vasundhra Enclave, New Delhi, Pincode - 110096
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysK-003, B-9/4 Shatabdi rail vihar, sector 62 Noida U.P pin: 201306
Client Server, IT Consultant, Software Consulting, System Analy EA-148/1, Ground floor, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-27
IT Consultant, Network Consulting, Software Consulting, Networ382C, Shipra Suncity, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010 (U.P.)
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, So II C - 173, Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer B-43, Sector-53,Noida Uttar Pradesh
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Flat. F-15, Ist Floor, Abul Fazal Enclave -II, Jasola Road, New Delhi 110025.
Architecture 1876, SECTOR - 37 NOIDA INDIA India
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AG-295, GF, SEC-22 NOIDA
Bank Assurance, Banking -General, Customer Support, H/W InstaGali No. -18 Room No. -5 Sader Pur Main Market Sector 45 Noida 201301
Architecture 11/368,New sita nagar,Rambagh Agra U.P 282006 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S B10/85A, Sector-34 Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Embedd002/1, East End Apartment, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010
Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste Pocket A, 106 A, DDA Flats, Sukhdev Vihar,New Delhi - 110025
Embedded Technologies, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDA/VLSI/31A, BA Block, Ashok Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi - 110052
Architecture, Interior Designer C-29, P-6 KENDRIYA VIHAR-2 SEC-82, NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA-11, Sector - 33 Noida INDIA India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA-502 Shri Balaji Resendency,Indrapuram
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage Flat No.302, Shree karan Housing soc.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst 102, ITBP Co operative Society, Sector Pi, Greater NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 94-A, Regent, Shipra Sun City Vaibhavkhand, Indirapuram, GHAZIABAD (U.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect 23/205, Lodhi Colony New Delhi 110003 India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysRaj Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India - 201001.
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 180 Sector 37 Noida GB Nagar, UP 201303
Business/Systems Analysis, Chartered Accountant/CPA, Cost Accounting, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, System Analyst/TF-23/4, ANDREWS GANJ, NEW DELHI - 110049
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Software E
Customer Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Anal
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TecB14/230 Sector 34, NOIDA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerH-403, 4th Floor, Parsvnath Prestige, Expressway, Sector-93A NOIDA UTTA
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, EDP/MI 21 A Bhagwan Nagar, Ashram new delhi 110014
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Mohd Imran H.No.97/170 Beconganj,Kanpur U.P.(India)
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemIndia
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy UG-1, AMAN VILLAS, 5/78, Sector-5 Rajendra Nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad
Architecture N-33, Senior Citizen Society, Pocket P-4, Greater Noida (U.P.)
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analy
Architecture, Other Architecture I - 469, Sector Beeta : 2 Greater Noida , Dist : Gautambudh Nagar (Up) PIN
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Project Leader/ P603 B , Shipra Suncity, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.India Pin-- 2
Other Architecture, Others A210,RAIL VIHAR, VASUNDHARA SECTOR -3, GAZIABAD (U.P.)
Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/T D-78, Sector-20, Noida Pin code:- 201301
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysG-61, Sector 41, Noida
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer Puthenparampil thekkethil house, Parumala .P.O, Mannar (Via) Kerala Stat
Architecture, Interior Designer B-11, Sec-26, Noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se HOUSE NO. 212, ARUN VIHAR, SECTOR 37, NOIDA PIN - 201301
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy K-63, Senior Citizen Home Complex, Pocket 4, Greater Noida, UP 201308
Architecture, Interior Designer 8362, ARYA NAGAR PAHARGANJ NEW DELHI - 110 055
ERP/CRM, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit A-25 Pandav Nagar , Delhi -110092
Architecture, Interior Designer p-265.Sector-21,Noida
Architecture G-134,SECTOR-41 NOIDA 201301,DISTT.G.B.NAGAR,UP,INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture c-117 sector 44, NOIDA Gautambudd Nagar
Other Architecture a-69,sector-27,NOIDA
Architecture, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Defence, Design, Fe J-107, sector-25, Jal-Vayu-Vihar, NOIDA, U.P. pin: 201301
Data Warehousing, Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Anal5-Gole market Model Town Rohtak Haryana-124001
Architecture, Interior Designer Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201003 India
Architecture, Interior Designer C - 400, Sector - 19, NOIDA PIN - 201301
Other Architecture SEC-44 NOIDA INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Desktop Support, System AdminiB - 479 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect E-228, First Floor, Sector-27 Noida UP 201301 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyc/o.DR.RAKESH KUMAR J-4/19A,KHIRKI EXTENSION,BAND GALI,MALVIYA N
Architecture D- 126, Sector- 27, Noida(U.P) Pin code- 201301
Architecture H.NO- 38 B, Pocket B 5, Mayur Vihar, Phase- III Delhi.
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Database Administration (DBA) B-38,2nd floor,sec-30,near Delhi Public School,noida.
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst E-227 Sector:36 Noida (U.P)
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Anc-60 sector-22 noida (g.b.nagar)U.P.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering R. SHRAVAN KUMAR, Alpha-II H-87,Greater NOIDA 201301.
Architecture, Interior Designer B-703,Gulmohar Garden Appartments,Sector-44,Noida,Uttar Pradesh-201
Architecture Village Bahrampur Ghaziabad 201013 IN
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati B-14 SECTOR-34 NOIDA (U.P)
Architecture Tapan kumar sahoo sec-45 noida (u.p)
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect I-5/76 Sector-16 Rohini Delhi-110085
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/TesI-908, SPS , Residency, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 31/18,nova,ashoka road shipra sun city indrapuram,ghaziabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software D-7/6,Rail Vihar Indrapuram,Ghaziabad
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ d-3/5,sector-14, noida,u.p
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Desktop Support, I S-36/19, DLF Phase-3, Gurgaon, Haryana 122002
Architecture A-526, Sector-19, Noida, U.P., Pincode - 201301
EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embedded Technology, GPRS, GSM 6, Tiljala Road, Park Circus, Calcutta: 700 046
Other Architecture Village - Barola, Sector - 49 Noida INDIA India
Architecture C 99, Sector 23 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiA-535, SEC-19 NOIDA-201301
Architecture B-9,SECTOR-20, NOIDA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering S-310A, SCHOOL BLOCK,SHAKAR PUR, DELHI-110092
Architecture H.NO. 39, sector 37 NOIDA, INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer House no D-30 sector 36, Noida INDIA India
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat no.-301, ITBP housing society, Sector-Pi 1, Greater noida, India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Shamli UTTAR PRADESH 247776 IN
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 863, Moti nagar Unnao (U.P.) India
Air Hostess, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA),Jaypee institue of information technology university a-10 sec-62 noida pin
Architecture sec-19 A-456 noida
Database Administration (DBA), GIS, System Analyst/Tech Archi v 13 sector 12 noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft D-4 sector-22 Noida(U.P)
Art, Graphic Design, Printing, Visualiser, Other Advtg/PR/Events d-21 rajat vihar, sec 62 noida U.P.
Architecture, Interior Designer n- 145, sector - 25, noida, up
Other Architecture C/O Ruchir Gupta F-No.76-A, M.I.G, Madhuvan Apartment, Swarnim Vihar
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Techroom no 01,adarsh chaul ,shastri nagar kalina, maumbai no 29.
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiARMY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, PLOT-M1, POCKET-P
Architecture, Interior Designer D-172 Gamma I, Greater Noida
Application Programming, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Information Systems, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Ana
Other Architecture MQ/40, Dudhichua Sector "A" Colony P.O. Jayant, Distt- Singurali (M.P.) Pi
Architecture B162,SECTOR 41 NOIDA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 102, OIL INDIA COMPLEX, 15-A SECTOR NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201301 In
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Interne c 252 alpha 1st greater noida up
Architecture A 611 Sector 19 Noida up 201301 India
Architecture Residing in D-70, Sec-56 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 110048 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-132,sector 27, Noida
Architecture d-166,new ashok nagar delhi-110096
Architecture, Creative Direction, Other TV/Film Prod.
Architecture sec -41 noida agahapur
Recruitment, Software Engineer, System Administration, SystemJawahar Road Moradabad UP 202412 IN
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System AdministrG-74,Sector -20,Noida
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, System AdA-149 SECTAR 19 NOIDA
Architecture 226/ iii , sector iii , BHEL Ranipur Haridwar uttarakhand pin- 249403
Architecture III Year, Apeejay S.A.P., Greater Noida INDIA India
System Analyst/Tech Architect T 15 sector 12 Noida
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ b-3, Rajendra Nagar , Bareilly, U.P.
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Ne J-45, Sector-25 Noida UP 201301 India
Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.NO. 716B, Shipra Krishna Vista Appt Ghaziabad U.P 201010 India
Architecture, Interior Designer C 21, Sitapuri Ext, Part - I New Delhi DELHI 110045 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System And8, mansarovar colony, ramghat road,aligarh-202001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA 132, Sector 22 Noida (U.P) 201301 India
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Archi115-A, Dhawalgiri Apartment, Sector-11, Noida
Desktop Support, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/TeGhaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201010 India
Business/Systems Analysis, GIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect 546 sec 15-A faridabad haryana 121006
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiK 4004, Royale Garden Estate, Sec 61 Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Other Architecture C-123 Sector 41 Noida - 201303 Uttar Pradesh, India
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Traini A-17,Jayambey nagar,Thaltej
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys27, Samvad Vihar Ahinsa Khand Part 2 Indirapuram Ghaziabad
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer 426 Arun Vihar, Sector 37 NOIDA U.P India
Architecture B-15, Sector-22, Noida
Architecture B 139, Pocket 1, Kendriya Vihar - 2, Sector - 82, Noida, G. B. Nagar, U.P.
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training
Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArC-51 Noida
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystB-10A, Udayagir-1 Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
Architecture Lane No.-9, Hanumant Puram, Ganga Nagar, Rishikesh (Dehradun) 249201
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnB-195,Sector-19,Noida
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysB-124, GF, Parsvanath Paradise, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad - 201007
Architecture ywa saket 21 near pvr new delhi.
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Su Pepsico India Holdings Pvt Ltd A-2 Site 2 UPSIDC Industrial Area Udham Sin
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture E 192, Sector 15, Noida 201301
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Network Administration, SystemNoida 62
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste L-37,Street No.22, New Mahavir Nagar, New Delhi-110018
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchH.No.862 Sec-37, Arun Vihar Noida (U.P) Pin-201303
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech25/ 739, D.D.A Flats, Pushpa vihar, Madangir, New Delhi - 110062
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechCurrent Address - 27-C, India Moon City,Indirapuram,Noida,UP
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manager
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture HNO.418, STREET NO.20, JAFRABAD, NEW SEELAMPUR DELHI-110053
Architecture, Interior Designer A-70 Sector-14 Noida
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystL-41, Street no-9, Som Bazar Road, New Rajapuri, Opp Sector-5 Dwarka, N
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.NO.673,sector 10 Panchkula, Haryana
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis, Qual39 anand vihar,3-f nehru nagar,ghaziabad,up
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training 612, Raison Armor Homes, Mall Road, Ahinsa Khand-II, Indirapuram, Ghaz
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
GIS, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect New Delhi
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AE-311 A Sector-27 Noida INDIA India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-239 Expressview Apartments Sector 93 Noida-201304
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft 317,4th floor,laxmi nagar new delhi -110092
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. A 712, Sec 47 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trai A-2/174, Safdarjang Enclave New Delhi DELHI 110029 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalA-8 Milan Vihar Abhay Khand Indirapuram Gaziabad UP 201001
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming G-463,Alpha-II, Greater Noida, Pin-201308
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. 5/10 Swarg Ashram, Near Radio Colony, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-1100
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst 42 B, SECTOR 93, SUPER MIG FLATS, NOIDA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering .:Biprapur,Post.:Elahipur, Dist.: Hooghly, West Bengal, Pin.:712707
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArNoida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se B-2302, Ekta Meadows, Khatau Mill Compound (opp. Siddharth Nagar), Bo
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ SRT 340 FLAT 101 FIRST FLOOR SATYA NIVAS APT OPP ANDHRA BANK SAN
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 19/8,east panjabhi bagh
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft B-38D,RAJAT VIHAR, SECTOR 62, NOIDA(U.P)
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProjHouse No 402A, Street No 6, West Guru Angad Nagar, Laxmi Nagar New D
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage B-72, Moti Bagh, New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B 140, Sector 55 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Architecture 81-C, A-3 block, sector-71,noida
Embedded Technology, GSM, System Analyst/Tech Architect E 803, JAIPURIA SUNRISE GREENS, INDIRAPURAM GHAZIABAD UTTAR PRA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-53, sECTOR 49, noida
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysA-139 Sec 26 Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture, Interior Designer A-802, F-31, Sector-50 noida-201301 up, india
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect flat no.302, Ashok Nagar Hyd - 500020
Architecture, Interior Designer A-34,Sector-17,Noida
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys606, VSNL Apartment Sec-62 Noida
Architecture H-77 B, Sector-22 NOIDA 201301
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Arindirapuram, ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea B-14/235, Sector 34 NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201 301 IN
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Noida, U.P
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnH.No. B 602, Kendriya Vihar, Sector 51 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201303 Ind
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch23A, Pkt-2, EHS Flats, Mayur Vihar-3, Delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syste 410, Ahlcon Appts, Sec - 3, Vaishali, Ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Archit Noida (U.P.) India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Anuj Kumar C/o R.S Tyagi, H.No 40 Ext. 1 Near lokesh Cinema Nangloi Delh
ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchitecA 501, Sagar Apartment, Sector - 62 NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201307 India
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect 312-Ushma Urja,C-58/3,Sector 62,Noida, Sector-62 - (U.P)
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnJ-39, Pandav Nagar, New Delhi Pin-110092
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal A-217, Sector-19, Noida UP 201301 India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Prem Villa c-82, Noida
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Archi210/13 VASUNDHRA GHAZIABAD UP
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect Gagan Mohan77/6,Preet Vihar,Meerut (U.P.)
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Techfd
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch268- B, Shipra Suncity, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad- 201010
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect 278,seemant vihar, kaushambhi, gaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys Flat No- 140, Samrat Apartments, Vasundra Enclave, New Delhi 110096
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc668-Kali charan marg Bareilly UTTAR PRADESH India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech 27-L, Jia Sarai New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An70, Subhash Marg Barwani MADHYA PRADESH 451551 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software J-43, Pandav Nagar, Delhi-92
Other Architecture D-62, Sector-49 NOIDA (UP) India Pin: 201301
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec DETAILS : FLAT NO. 601, MECON APARTMENTS, C-58/10, SECTOR 62, NOID
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Network Administration, SysFlat No 303, L Bock, Arya Apartment. Sector 15,Rohini, Delhi.
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T KL-21 Kavi-Nagar, Ghaziabad (U.P.) PIN: 201002
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 25-A, 1st Floor, Ghafoor Nagar, Jamia Nagar New Delhi 110025 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnN-39, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi 110009.
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysRow House No- 21, Karan Avenue, Khurd, Bavdhan, Pune-411021
Architecture, Interior Designer Greater Noida Alfa-1st Railvihar Colony Block-A Flat No 803
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 28, Chander Lok Enclave, Pitam Pura Delhi DELHI 110034 India
Other Architecture Block c 33, sector 22, Noida U.P Noida INDIA India
Architecture 10,1st st. Naresh vihar khora colony Ghaziabad (UP).
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 112, Alpha 1, Greater Noida (U.P) India
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchHOUSE NO:-E-436 EAST VINOD NAGAR NEW DELHI
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys# 190 C, Express View Apartments, Sector 93 A, Noida
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof Sai Apartments,16-a,B-2,sec-71,Noida(UP),PIN-201301
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 66 C, Block - E4, Udyog Vihar LIG Flats Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201304 Indi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Q No. 35, Type II Meera Bai Polytechnic compus New Delhi DELHI 110065
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect D-1 158 GND, Floor, Lajpat Nagar-1 New Delhi-110024
Architecture 426, sector-37, arun vihar, noida
Architecture B-346, Sector 20 Noida
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnD-602, Vijaya Apartments, Ahinsa Khand - II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 322, Lahore Apartments New Delhi DELHI 110096 India
Architecture Shanti Apartments, 271(SFS),Pkt.-6, Sec.-23, Rohini, Delhi-110085
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S BG-1/11 Paschim Vihar
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis A 166, 2nd Floor, Sector 26 Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-comme 66A, Maliwara, old bus stand, ghaziabad-201010
Architecture HARISH SINGH J-149 NOIDA
Other Architecture javed islam laxmi nagar new delhi
Architecture H. NO. F-4, SECTOR - 12 Noida INDIA India
Architecture, Interior Designer 10/16A, Sector-3, Rajinder Nagar Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201005 Indi
Architecture j-211,sec-22,Noida,U.P.
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture sector -37 noida
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrat J1/271 DDA Flats, Kalkaji, Delhi - 110019
Other Architecture 38- Sec 15 Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
Architecture G-1002, 9th Floor, Neelpadam 1 Apartment, Sector 5, Vaishali, Ghaziabad-
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, International Business, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analy
Application Programming, Corporate Sales, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip 55 1/A South Extension, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se B-31 SECTOR 22, NOIDA (UP)
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical/Process Training
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Market Research, Mobile, QualitC-275,Beta-I ,Gr. NOIDA , G.B. NAGAR (U.P)-201308 PIN-201308
Business/Systems Analysis, Network Administration, System AnaF-131, PRASHANT VIHAR DELHI-110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-123, Sec.-23 Sanjay Nagar Ghazaibad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T g-22,Sec-3,Noida
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 76,kiran vihar,new delhi-92
Architecture sector-12,v-225,ground floor (noida g.b.t)
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech58/6 Dr. K.D. Mukherjee Road,Behala, Kolkata.West Bengal
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Impetus Infotech (I) Pvt. Ltd. D-27, Sec 59, Noida-201307
Architecture T-46, Second Floor, Sec-12, Noida
Other Architecture
Security, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 541/1,Sector - 1, Vaishali Ghaziabad UP
Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, Security, Soft C/O Ms. Shanta Arora, Sector-12, H-32 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 IN
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchH. No. 1497, Sec - 29 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Architecture 4/190 abad nagar dodhpur
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect AND NO D-133 SECTOR - 20 NOIDA , PIN-201301 UTTAR PRADESH
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect SE-367, shastri nagar Ghaziabad pin 201002
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiG-25, Sector 20, Near Hanuman Mandir, Noida (U.P.)
System Analyst/Tech Architect 134 First Floor, Raja Garden. New Delhi - 110015.
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. 195/1 Adarsh Nagar. Ajmer
Business Analysis, Compensation/Payroll, Consulting, Database 151, SARAI LENA NEAR ESCORT HEART INSTT. NEW FRIENDS COLONY N.DE
Architecture E-231 Sector 15 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Application Programming, Network Administration, Network Plan Plot No.11, Block No.4, Springfields Colony, Sector-31-32 Faridabad
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 189 , chander lok mandoli road shahdara delhi
ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T G-103 karam pura new delhi 110015
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No. 20, Mount View Apartment, Sus Road, Pashan Pune MAHARASHT
Business/Systems Analysis, Consulting, Employee Relations, RecD-105, Ground Floor, Sector 61, Noida
Architecture 72,Pocket-D,Mayur Vihar Ph-II,Delhi-91
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Information S
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture c/0k.srinivas reddy, houseno:13-3-69/1, khabeer nagar, motinagar, erraga
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network G 233B, sec-22, noida-201301
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect E 219 IInd floor SEC 22 NOIDA
System Analyst/Tech Architect N-158,Sector 12,NOIDA
Application Programming, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/TestinFFB, Springfield Colony, Sector-31, Faridabad, Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software H.No15-c,kalyan nagar sonepat(Haryana) Pin-131001
Architecture MUMBAI. PASSED IN 1998
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture iii-27-c,church road,railway colony,charbagh,lucknow.
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Con Sector-19 Noida INDIA IN
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalB-81,2nd floor,freedom fighter enclave,main IGNOU road, New Delhi
Architecture, Event Management, Graphic Design, Interior DesignI - 119, Sec- 22, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India Pin-201301
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Architecture A10-A, SECTOR-51 NOIDA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems PrograA67,Parsvnath Paradise, Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No.#135, Block B2A, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ E-233, 1ST FLOOR SECTOR-27, NOIDA
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechSECTOR 44 SADARPUR COLONY NOIDA (UP)
Architecture, Interior Designer flat no. 79/D, dhawaldiri apartments-II, sec-11, Noida
Architecture House N0.223 Block-B,Gali n0.5, Indira Vihar Khora Colony Noida. Near Ma
Architecture c-47,sector 22,noida,u.p
System Analyst/Tech Architect Tapa Mandi 148108 IN
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des 92-B, E-4 Udyog Vihar Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201303 IN
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-comm C-64, Jal Vayu Vihar Sector-21 Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-129 beta-2 Greater Noida
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Electronics 117/K/36-A,R.S.Puram,Sarvodaya Nagar,Kanpur
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnC-82, first floor, sector 41, noida 201 301, UP
EDP/MIS, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architec 512,patrakar vihar, indrapuram ,ghazibaad, U.P.
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-74a, Second Florr, Sector-27, Noida-201301
Project Management, Quality, Internet/E-commerce, Project Le Flat No. A-902, 9th Floor, Jagdambe Apartment, Sector - 62, Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture, Interior Designer C-5, Shatabde Enclave Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
Architecture A - 34 sec 55, noida
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer 504, VSNL Apartment NOIDA U.P India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst D-167 Sector-26 NOIDA
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software Amrishee Singh D/o Shri Dron Kumar Soam 259,Brahmpuri , Muzaffarnaga
Architecture B-106 sec-2 ,Noida 201301 U.P.(INDIA)
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof TCS, Sec 3,Noida,UP
Architecture, Other Architecture Village- Morna, Sec-35,Noida Dist- Gautambuddh Nagar(U.P.)
System Analyst/Tech Architect -
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-98A Tigri Ext, New Delhi-110062
Other Architecture B-67, SEC-40 NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture M.DIP.IAD NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Sangam Vihar Bhatia More in Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Enginee
System Analyst/Tech Architect 58-A, RADHEY SHYAM PARK, PARWANA ROAD, DELHI-110051
Architecture, Interior Designer Sector 50 NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201301 IN
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec Sector -16 Noida UP
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ConfiguraFlat no.49. 6th Floor, Imperial 2, Royale Garden Estate, E-12 Sector-61,Noi
Business Case Modelling, Business Process Reengineering, Business/Systems Analysis, Network Planning, Outside Consultant, Risk Manage
Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analy13-A, Mansarovar Apt, Sec-61, NOIDA (U.P.)
Architecture House no.-399, Jarauli Phase-II, Kanpur Ph.-9450150032
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat no :532,Patrakar Vihar, Nyay Khand-1,Indirapuram,Ghaziabad
Client Server, Customer Support, Data Warehousing, H/W InstalA-78, Sector 47, Noida
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project L2/617,viramkhand,lucknow,226010
Architecture, Interior Designer 38/A-3, Railway Colony, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026.
Architecture Rz 1307A Street No 6 Main Sagarpur New Delhi-46
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Proj 234 C.A.Apartments Paschim Vihar New Delhi
Architecture 70,Radha Vihar Kamla Nagar Agra
Architecture n- 145, sector - 25, noida, up
Other Architecture D-1 GF South Anarkali Delhi-51
Other Architecture room no-13,plot no-92b/3,Nathu sing complex,Munirka,New delhi-67
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec Shankar Nagar Raipur
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 277, Ashoka Enclave-1,sec-34,Faridabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-67 Hari Nagar Ext-2 Badarpur, New Delhi - 110044
Architecture C-2/86, Sector-36 Noida Uttar Pradesh 201301 IN
Application Programming, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administra
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Othe2153,YAMUNA NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech AWZ 23C MANOHAR PARK,,
Architecture A-39, ALLAHABAD BANK,C. G. H. S. MAYUR KUNJ,
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arch1449/11,A SHIV MARG, DURGA PURI SHAHADARA
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syst B 54 VINOBKUNJ PLOT NO 9,SEC 9 ROHINI,
Account Services, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W InstA-320,BALVIR VIHAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 5446/6 NEW CHANDRWAL,KAMLA NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 959,CHAH SHIRIN ST, FARASH KHANA
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Project Le HOUSE NO 130 C POCKET,J&K DILSHAD GARDEN,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechFLAT NO 12 B,JANTA NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer MP 33,MAURYA ENCLAVE, PITAMPURA
Architecture, Building/Residential, Business Analysis, Business 2524 GALI CAPTAN WALI,BARADARI SHER, AFGHAN BAZAR BALLIMARAN
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech B 188 KONDLY COLONY,PO VASUNDHARA ENCALAVE,
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, System Analyst/T1530 OUTRAM LINES,MUKHERJE NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechH-4,M K T,
Architecture, Interior Designer 968,KUCHAPATI RAM, BAZAR SITA RAM
System Analyst/Tech Architect HNO 57 GALI NO 13 RAJEEV,NAGAR LIBAS PUR,
Architecture 457 G NO 10,RAMPURA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Desktop Support, Business/Syst H NO 1795,KATRA SHEIKH CHAND, LAL KUAN
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 63A,ALIPUR,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchBG 6,154D, PASCHIM VIHAR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T HCL PEROT SYSTEM,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 69 H 4/5,SUVIDHA KUNJ, PITAMPURA
Architecture, Interior Designer D 12,DOCTORS FLATS RBTS HOSPIT, KINGS WAY
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A 77,MAJLIS PARK, ADARSH NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechA-63,KEWAL PARK, AZAD PUR
Customer Support, Internet/E-commerce, Network Planning, Priv 375 D DILSHAD GARDEN,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, CorporateF 26,EAST JYOTI NAGAR, LONI ROAD SHAHDARA
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior Designer C 123/6 SHASTRI PARK,,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy12 H PKT-B-2,MAYUR VIHAR PH-III,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ E-87 SOUTH ANARKALI,KRISHN NAGAR,
Client Server, Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System AnA 40,SAWAN PARK,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A 3/26,SEC. 3 ROHINI,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalB3/42 C KASHAV NAGAR,,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 491,SAINIK VIHAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System A K-9 Gali No-6,Old Govind Pura Extn., Krishna Nagar
System Analyst/Tech Architect E-181, PRASHANT VIHAR,,,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchA-192,GUJRAWALA TOWN, PART-I
Lecturer/Professor, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E I-BLOCK -507,JHANGARI PURI,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 11 SAMRAT APARTMENTS,VASUNDHRA ENCLAVE,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B 9/81,YAMUNA VIHAR,
Application Programming, System Administration, System AnalyAG-124 SHALIMAR BAGH,,
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A1996,BASTI JULAHAN BALLIMARAN,
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer BN-41,WEST SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture, Interior Designer M-262,SHAKUR PUR, JAIJAI COLONY
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Tech58 GUJRAWALA TOWN,,
Architecture 59 BADLI VILLAGE,,
Other Architecture 17 OLD GEETA COLONY,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ A 2/B/22A,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Architecture G 42,ESTVINOD NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, MainfrE 64,GUJARWALA TOWN,
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst2483 G,KATRA RAJJI, SHARDHA NAND MARG
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System960 GL CHASHARIN,FARASH KHANA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 281 AMBICA VIHAR,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheA 9,BATHLA APT, PATPAR GANJ
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Software Enginee104 A,HALI DER PUR,
Architecture SD-107,TOWER APTS, PITAM PURA
Architecture, Interior Designer D 718 SARSWATI VIHAR,,
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/T CB 22B,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T G 33 SHAKARPUR,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AWZ 766 RISHI NAGAR,SHAKOR BASTI,
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec B-3/293 SECTOR 6,ROHINI,
Architecture, Interior Designer 307 E,MANDIR MARG, EAST BABAR PUR
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 6-B KALYANI VIHAR,BEGUM PUR,
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 2606,GALI BADLIYAN, SITA RAM BAZAR
Architecture, Interior Designer B-32 BOLCK B,RAJIV NAGAR, BEGUM PUR
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 688/10,MANGOL PURI,
Architecture, Admin Services/Medical Facilities, Interior Design A 1/150,SEC 17, ROHINI
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System A-34,CHETAN MOHALLA, A BLOCK MAUJPUR
Architecture, Interior Designer RAGHUVIR COLONY,,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Train 8881 NAYA MOHALLA AZAD MKT,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Administration 129-E,EAST GURU ANGAD NAGAR,
Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/TechH NO 45/1,STREET NO 3, BLOCK C KHAJURIKHAS
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, System Admini T 25 SHIVA JI NAGER,NARELA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1026/2 PATEL STREET SOUTH,GANDHI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer D 177 PRASHANT VIHAR,,
Architecture F-59 SUBHASH VIHAR,,
Architecture 667/9,GL NO 216, CHAUHAN BAZAR
Architecture D-304 II FLOOR,NIRMAN VIHAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec G 27/1A,SHAKAR PUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Project Leader/ Proj 109,SAMRAT APTS, VASUNDHARA ENCLAVE
System Analyst/Tech Architect 171 BAZAR LAL KUAN,NAYA BANS,
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/TH NO 82A,BLOCK-C/6, LAWRENCE ROAD
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H NO-352,MIR MADARI, ROD GRAN
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect 95 PKT-D,MAYUR VIHAR, PH-II
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect JS /134,LAXMI NAGAR, KRISHNA KUNJ
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof F 41/24A,SADH NAGAR,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 4/13 JAGJIWAN NAGAR,LONI ROAD, SHAHDARA
Architecture, Interior Designer F 197,ST NO. 4, GANGA VIHAR
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect A 51,SANJAY CAMP, DAKSHIN PURI
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B-218 B BLOCK DHANSA ROAD,BHARDWAJ TIMBER STORE,
Architecture, Interior Designer A 563,SABOLI, PARTAP NAGAR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T BHI PARMANAND CLY,,
Architecture 1011,NISHAN GANJ, AZAD MARKET
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch2101,SADAR NALA ROAD,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 40 P NO 23/3,CHINAR APPT, SECTOR 9 ROHINI
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect JHORDA VILLAGE,BURARI ROAD,
Client Server, Customer Service (Voice), Desktop Support, OperaN-9C/137,LAL BAGH, AZADPUR
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Adminis NO 6 VILLAGE WAZERABAD,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect F1,F BLOCK, JAGAT PURI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect A 64 UDAY VIHAR,NILOTHI VILLAGE NAGLOI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E-3,SARITA VIHAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur UNESCO APPTS,PATPAR GANJ,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 61,MUHAMMAD PUR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, P 712,AJMERI GATE,
Client Server, Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Projec K-1074 JAHANGIR PURI,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E-23,VIJAY NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 6/7,SEC 16, ROHINI
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System A1705 KARALA GALI,AHATA KALA SALIB,
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect 960-61 TRANSIT CAMP,RAGHUBIR NAGAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar98 JAGDAMBA COLONY,JOHRI PURI,
Operations, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, ProjD 174 NEHRU VIHAR,NEAR TIMAR PUR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 5540,AHATA HIDARA BARA, HINDU RAO
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SystemMP-78 PITAM PURA,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 284 GALI GADIYA,MATIA MAHAL, JAMA MASJID
Architecture, Interior Designer D 24,SURAJMAL VIHAR, TRANSYAMHNA
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Project A-3/217 SECTOR 16 ROHINI,,
Architecture, Interior Designer D 35,GALI NO 3, GAMRI EXT BHAJAN PURA
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderA-291 BLOCK A,BEGUM VIHAR, BEGUM PUR
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture L-95 KRISHAN VIHAR,,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO W-15373 B-119,T HUTS SOL STEEL RAMA RD, PATEL NAGAR
Administration, Database Administration (DBA), Network AdminiG-394,SHAKUR PUR, ANANDVAS
Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst F 87 GALI NO 12,LAXMI NAGAR,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysA 14 PARASHANT VIHAR,,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysAPTT-3-D 5,UNDER HILL LANE, CIVIL LINES
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, System170 SHAKTI VIHAR P. PURA,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 5 A MADAN PUR,,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 135/1,SEC 7, ROHINI
Architecture, Interior Designer B1/94,ASHOK VIHAR PH II,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S DARIYA PUR KURD,,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Embedded TechnoloQ 117,JAIN NAGAR VILLAGE, KARALA
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys269 BLOCK 23,TRILOK PURI,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysA-6 C NET RAM GALI,NAUZPUR, A BLOCK MAIN ROAD
Client Server, IT Consultant, Software Consulting, System Analy QR NO 01 SEC 1,R K PURAM,
IT Consultant, Network Consulting, Software Consulting, NetworC 1/229/7 C BLOCK,NEHRU VIHAR,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, So 59-T HUTS,RAMESH PARK, LAXMI NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer 46-C BLOCK M U,PITAM PURA,
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech H NO 191,III FLOOR, GAUTAM NGAR
Architecture 335,GURU RAM DASS NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System A267,PHATAK KAROR, AJMERI GATE
Bank Assurance, Banking -General, Customer Support, H/W Insta4075,GALI KUCHA DILWALI SINGH, AJMERI GATE
Architecture AP 39,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 1203,BARA HINDU RAO,
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Embedd165,BAZAR MATIA MAHAL, GALI GOKUL SHAH
Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ B-115,Bhagirathi Vihar II, Gali No 5
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 658 PHATAK DHOBIAN,FARASH KHANA,
Embedded Technologies, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syst 4328-B,ST-9, AJIT NAGAR GANDHI NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1454/15B,RAJIV GANDHI NAGAR, MUSTAFABAD
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDA/VLSI/BU 60,SBS FLATE, PITAM PURA
Architecture, Interior Designer 92 NATHU COLONY,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnIX-6433 MUKHARJI STREET,GANDHI NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnE-129,SWAROOP NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage H NO 7694,MOHALLA QUSABPURA, QURESH NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer C-6/456,YAMUNA VIHAR,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst 24/18,Jharoda Majra Surender Colony, Burari
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy 2618 SHER AFGAN KHAN,BARADARI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 1838-1,RANI JHANSI ROAD,
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1165,KUCHA MAHARANI, CHANDNI CHOWK
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysSCHOOL BLOCK,SHAKARPUR,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys1965 A,Home Girls Hostel, Outram Lines Kingsway Camp
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArH NO 880,PANA MOUJAN, VILL BAWANA
Business/Systems Analysis, Chartered Accountant/CPA, Cost Ac 273/SFS,Pocket-10, Sector-11, Rohini
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, System Analyst/T1039,BAZAR MATI MAHAL HAVELI, BAKHTAWAR KHAN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerB-472,Rajvir Colony,
Customer Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Network 6/2,ROOP
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TecWZ-205,SRI NGR, SHAKUR PUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerH NO 6260,BARA HINDU RAO,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, EDP/MI 1088 GANDHI GALI,FATEH PURI,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2163,MASJID KHAJ, CHANDNI CHOWK
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System2709 MOAHALLA NIYARIYAN,BEHIND S N MARG POLICE, STATION KAMLA
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy EE-2170,JAHANGIR PURI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, B3/21,RITA FLATS, ASHOK VIHAR PHASE II
Architecture, Other Architecture VPO J J COLONY,WAZIRPUR,
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Project Leader/ P1273/3,FIRST FLOOR, FARASH KHANA
Other Architecture, Others G-30/424,SECTOR-3 ROHINI,
Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/T 2112,BASTI PIPAL WALI, SADAR BAZAR
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysH NO 4900,GALI MAULVI WALI MOHALLA, SHEIKHAN PAHARI DHIRAJ
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tec43 SARASWATI ENCLAVE,PLOT NO 2 6/3 SECTOR-69, ROHINI
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 3876,GALI KANAHIYA LAL, CHARKHE WALAN
Architecture, Interior Designer N 16 A/233,Sanjay Basti, Timar Pur
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1730 SUIWALAN GALI,MOHD HANIF,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy 227 A,POOTH KALAN,
Architecture, Interior Designer 1774 P @ T QUATERS,KASHMIR GATE,
ERP/CRM, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit H NO 2628,CHATRA PRATAP KINORI BAZAR, CHANDNI CHOWAK
Architecture, Interior Designer 1/1376 (J-59),J BLOCK M S PARK, SHAHDARA
Architecture X 3608,GANDHI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture J 3 BHARWA LANE,,
Other Architecture 2554 SUNDER BHAWAN,CHOORI WALAN,
Architecture, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Defence, Design, Fe C-3/298 YAMUNA VIHAR,,
Data Warehousing, Mainframe, Software Engineer, System AnalWP 145 WAZIR PUR VILLAGE,,
Architecture, Interior Designer C-65 C-BLOCK,GHONDA EXTN,
Architecture, Interior Designer 38,KANCHAN PURI,
Other Architecture E-45,SOUTH ANARKALI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Desktop Support, System AdminiVILLAGE RAJAPUR,SEC-9, ROHINI
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-207,B BLock, Gokal Puri
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analy28,WADHWA MARKET, KINGSWAY CAMP
Architecture D 101/A,SWARN PARK, MUNDAKA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Database Administration (DBA) S-32 DDA COLONY SARAI,PHUSETIS HAZARI,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst A-48,KAITHWARA COLONY,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An25A GALI TANGE,WALI SHAHI MASJID, NEAR RASHEED MKT.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering DR DEEPASHREE 4-NEW,FLAT SHRIRAM COLLEGE, OF COMMERCE
Architecture A 1264B,DUBLE STORY,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati B 73 PUSHPANJALI ENCLAVE,PITAM PURA,
Architecture A 1/34,SECTOR 7, ROHINI
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-219,SURAJ MAC VIHAR,
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1971 GALI WALI,BEG MOHALLA, QABRISTAN TURKMAN GATE
Architecture A3/19,SEC-18, ROHINI
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/TesH NO 365,IIIRD FLOOR MAHABIR BAZAR, TELIWARA SADAR BAZAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect 154 SANJAY ENCLAVE,JAHANGIR PURI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software VIJAY F 11 11 A MODEL TOWN,,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ C 10/117 YAMUNA VIHAR,,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Desktop Support, I 211 VILL MATIALA,UTTAM NAGAR,
Architecture B 236 MIG FLAT,ASHOK VIHAR IV,
EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embedded Technology, GPRS, GSM WP-470,WAZIR PUR VILLAGE,
Other Architecture T 510,GALI NO 21, BALJIT NAGAR
Architecture B-406,Block-B, Nirman Vihar
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiRAJIB NAGAR,VALSWAZAIRY, A 21314
Architecture X 525,BHRAM PURI,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering D 17/335 SECTOR 3 ROHINI,,
Architecture 1990 OUTRAM LINES,GTB NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer BM 55,WEST SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture, Interior Designer 183 SURYA NIKETAN,IPEXTN II,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1496 SUIWALAN JAMA MAJID,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T E-40,Ashok Nagar, Kaccha House
Air Hostess, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA),BA/88,ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE-I
Architecture RZ 60/210,WEST SAGARPUR,
Database Administration (DBA), GIS, System Analyst/Tech Archi C-124 KADI VIHAR,NEAR NATHU PURA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft 2680/81 GALI KALEY KHAN,DARYA GANJ,
Art, Graphic Design, Printing, Visualiser, Other Advtg/PR/Events PUSTA ROAD,MAIN BAZAR, BALIMARAN
Architecture, Interior Designer IX /3406,OLD DHARMPURA, GANDHI NAGAR
Other Architecture BH-165/166 POORVI SHALIMAR,BAGH,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech327,KUCHA MIR, ASNIQ CHAWRI BAZAR
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiA 21,KIRARI, SULEMAN NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer C-3/15 MODEL TOWN,,
Application Programming, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, InformHOUSE NUMBER D-208,BASTI KHWAJA MEER DARD,
Architecture M 18,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 32,DAYANAND VIHAR,
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Interne A BLOCK,33/A GALI NO 3, JAGAT PURI
System Analyst/Tech Architect 297,SHAHBAD DAULATPUR,
Architecture, Creative Direction, Other TV/Film Prod. 290,TAGORE PARK EXTN,
Recruitment, Software Engineer, System Administration, System99/73 SEC 5,ROHINI,
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System AdministrB-20-B,BLOCK LAL BAGH AZAD PUR,
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, System AdG-20/287,SECTOR-07, ROHINI
Architecture E4-79 SULTAN PURI,,
Architecture B 2/11,MODEL TOWN,
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-15/26 OLD GOBIND PURA,,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ 4 MAIN ROAD DHIRPUR,,
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Ne 121,HARI KAT NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture M-72 JAGATRAM PARK,LAXMI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer F 472 FLAT JAHANGIR,PURI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An3/161 ASHOK NAGAR,SAHADARA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An2379,GALI CHANDNI WALI, TURKMAN GATE
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiA 9 JANTA COLONY,RAGHUBIR NAGAR,
Desktop Support, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Te136,PUNJAB KHORE,
Business/Systems Analysis, GIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect 4767 ALUKMI BAZAR,FATEY PURICLOTH MARKET CH, ANDNI CHOWK
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiC 26,JAWALA PURI,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect R-292 RAMESH PARK,LAXMI NAGAR,
Architecture, Other Architecture 497,LAXMI BAI NAGAR,
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Traini 3105,GALI THELE WALI, ARYAPURA SUBZI MANDI
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysJ 135 MAIN ROAD,KARTAR NAGAR 4TH PUSTA,
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect POLL NO 26,NANGLOI,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T BW 15A,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture, Interior Designer 96,BHAI PARMANAND CLY, MUKHARJEE NAGAR
Architecture B-21 AMARJYOTI COLONY,,
Architecture 1/2787 KASHMIRI GATE,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training 239 KARKARDOOMA,,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArFAUZI COLONY,MUKANDPUR EXTN,
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystA 46,J J COLONY, CHOWKHANDI TILAK NAGAR
Architecture 22/35 IIND FLOOR,TILAK NAGAR,
Architecture 11/119 WEST AZAD NAGAR STAND,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA-65 GALI NO 1,CRCULA ROAD, SONIA VIHAR
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys1/5980 KABOOL NAGAR,SHAHADARA,
Architecture 13/12 G NO 32,MAHAVIR ENCLAVE,
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Su GARHI MANDIR,BHAJANPURA,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B 112 MIG FLATS,ASHOK VIHAR IV,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Network Administration, SystemD 6,IST FLOOR POLICE STATION, CIVIL LINES
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 273,VILLAGE BANKHER,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An5355/6,NEW CHANDRAWAL, KAMLA NAGAR
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchHNO 353 GALI NO 4,WEST SANT NAGAR, BURARI
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/TechH NO G-7,RADHEY PURI, KRISHNA NAGAR
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechB-213-B BLOCK,ASHOK VIHAR-I,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage 2778,LALITA BLOCK GALI NO 3, SHASTRI NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 1709 POLI KOTHI SP,MUKARJEE MARG,
Architecture, Interior Designer 60/1 SVATANTRA NAGAR,NARELA,
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst83/9B,STREET NO 9, EAST AZAD NAGAR
Architecture 1/10920,SUBHASH PARK, SHD
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 284-A SIRAS PUR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis, Qual1826 LAL DARWAZA,SIRKIWALAN, HAMDARD MARG
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training H NO 994,HARI ENCLAVE KIRARI, SULEMAN S PURI
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Ar632,RANJ MAHAL GANJ, MEER KHAN DARYA GANJ
GIS, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect E-108,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AB 9/64,SEC 4, ROHINI
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An2738,GALI CHANDIWALI, SITA RAM BAZAR
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 251,DELHI GATE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft S 60/2 NEHRU VIAHR,,
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1237 CHOWK SHAH,MUBARAK BAZAR SITA RAM,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trai F-182 GALI NO-11,KHAJURI KHAS, P O GUKULPUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA 21 MASJID KALE KHAN,MEERDARD ROAD,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Anal2848,BAZAR PAHARI BHOJLA, AJMERI GATE
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming 19/73 B BLOCK/19,SARAI RONILLA,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect PKT E 4,H NO 15,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst C 100/13,CHUHAN BANGER,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering E-64 BEGAM VIHAR,E BLOCK VILLAGE, BEGAMPUR
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArA 56 GALI NO 4,NEW MORREN SHADARA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 2612/13 NAYA BAZAR,,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ RZ-B-GC,SITA RAM BAZAR, AJMERI GATE
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 202 MUKHERJEE NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T BH 631 A,SHALIMAR BAGH,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft CR 218 LILITA PARK,LAXMI NAGAR,
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Proj62 H,SEC 4, PUSHP VIHAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage B 42 EAST KRISHNA NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 2/15 MANGOLPURI,,
Embedded Technology, GSM, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1140,RAKAB GANJ,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A 1/359,ROHINI, SECTOR 17
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys771,HOUSE NO PHTAK KAROLI, FARASH KHANA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software D-111,DOUBLE STOREY, QTRS AHATA KIDARA
Architecture, Interior Designer D 24,SURAJMAL VIHAR,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 228 VIIL MUNDKA,,
Architecture, Interior Designer 33D,SHAKAR PUR,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysH NO WZ 601,SRI NAGAR SHAKUR BASTI, TRI NAGAR
Architecture C-182 VIVEK VIHAR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar512 LTMSL REGT,C/0 56 APO, DELHI CANTT
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea RZ9 52,WEST PATEL NAGAR,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 787 GALI NAI BASTI MUKIM,PURA SUBZI MANDI,
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TecG-6/13/14 SECTOR 11 ROHINI,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnG 35,GREEN PARK,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch3502/2 NARANG COLONY,TRI NAGAR PHESS-I,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect T 8/H,SARAI ROHILA,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syste L 56 2ND FLOOR,W PATEL NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Archit C 252,MOUJPUR,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 3700D/3A,SHANTI MOHALLA, RAGHUBAR PURA NO 2
ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architec872,JAFFRABAD GALI NO 30,
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect 453/9,MEHEROLI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnH NO 1230 C,MULTANI MOHALLA SUBHASH ROAD, BANDH ROAD GANDHI
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal C 194,SURAJMAL VIHAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 45-A,MALL ROAD,
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Archi2299,DHARAM PURA PAHAR WALI, GALI GOUF SCHOOL CHANDANI
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect B 7/10,VASANT VIHAR,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech2751 MAIN BAZAR SUBZI MANDI,,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchC 41/2,Shiv Mandir Road, Saroop Nagar
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect D 1/75,JANAK PURI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys 196/S SAVITRI NAGAR,,
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc12,GL I, EAST GURU ANGAD NAGAR
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech H 36,G S APTS, SECTOR 13 ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An2483 G KATRA RAJJI,SHARDHA NANG MARG,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software WB-38,GALI NO-3, SHARKARPUR
Other Architecture H NO 2158,TILAK BAZAR, KHARI BAOLI
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 7744/62,FAISHI BUILDING, SUBZI MANDI
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Network Administration, Sys206A SARITA VIAHR,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 1/4642,RAM NAGAR, SHAHDRA
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 5567,NEW CHANDRAWAL, JAWAHAR NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnE235-B,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysE-19,LAJPAT NAGAR II,
Architecture, Interior Designer 16/1568 E,BAPA NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Architecture, Interior Designer P 43, Sector 12, Noida New Delhi DELHI India
Other Architecture Hindu Noida U.P 201301 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnR-3, Sector-12 Noida-201301 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 40, Karni Nagar B, Opp Vrindavan Public School, Makarwali Road , Ajmer, R
Architecture, Interior Designer F 109, SEC 22 NOIDA (U.P.) 201301 India
Architecture, Interior Designer J 76 SECTOR -22 NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysKrishna Nagar, New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T KD -24/8, Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad U.P 201002 India
Architecture, Interior Designer flat no- 112 b-9/17 bha millinium tower sector-62 noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Mobile, Application Programming
Business/Systems Analysis, Legacy Systems, System Analyst/TecN-198, Sector - 12
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Se
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst C-84 OM NAGAR STREET NO: 5 BADAR PUR NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer MOHD. HAIDAR ALI Delhi DELHI 110095 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C 709 RAM VIHAR SECTOR 30 NOIDA 201301
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, SystemBihar BIHAR 841407 India
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applica C-118, Pocket-1, Kendryia Vihar, Sector-82, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E-82 Sector-39 Noida - 201301
Architecture, Interior Designer 70 C IInd Floor DDA SFS Flats Pocket 1, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys122, Aradhana enclave, najafgarh, delhi - 110043
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect E-219 Amar Colony Lajpat Nagar New Delhi-110024
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Architec J-4106, Gaur Green City, Vaibhav Khand, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy D- 401, Stellar Kings Court Apartments Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 Ind
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System 91 avtar enclave
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchT-620, Jaluvayu Vihar, Pocket P4, Builders Area, Greater Noida U.P. INDIA
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AH.No-164, Sector-15A Noida Pincode-201301 UP
Architecture 276/3,sector19.Gandhinagar,Gujarat
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Basant Vihar Colony.Near Tiger Locks, G.T.Road,Aligarh.up
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training c/o Jitendra yadav, Rasoolpur Navada, Sector-62, Noida (U.P.) PIN-201301
Architecture, Interior Designer b-286,Kalyankunj,Nioda
Data Warehousing, System Administration, System Analyst/TechII C 190 Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin - 201001
Customer Support, Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technolog V-3,2nd floor, Sector-12,Noida(UP)201301
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalB-8, Sec 53 Noida
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Internet/E- K-234, Nar Vihar - Part 2, Sector-34, Noida, U.P., Pin-201301
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect e-303,sector-15 Naya Baas noida 203301
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystHouse No. 16,Building no. C-109,Block -c,Paryavaran Complex,New Delhi-1
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/TechB 405 PMO Apartment sec 62
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training 1-9-1, Bharathi Nagar Colony, Temple Alwal, Secunderabad, AP
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applicatio S\O Mr-Mahendra singh Kaimawali,Iglas,Aligarh(U.P)
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys402-A, SWARNA GANGA APARTMENTS, SECTOR-6, VASUNDHARA, GHAZIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering HOUSE NO. 183, ST. -3 Delhi DELHI 110092 India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtherB-62,MEA Appartments, Sector 62,Noida-201301
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sys Noida
Architecture B 20, SECTOR 36 NOIDA
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T c/o Mrs. Saroj Bala, 2nd Floor, A-627, Sector-19, Noida-201301, UP, India
Legacy Systems, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect #303, Neelamber Appts, plot 18-19, sector 14 Near Hotel Blue Stone Kaush
Architecture, Interior Designer A-120 SECTOR-26 NOIDA
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Othe15 MODEL TOWN WEST , GHAZIABAD U.P , 20100
System Analyst/Tech Architect plot no 1/4,Dhanpat colony,Rajendra nagar,Sahibabad,Ghaziabad(UP)--20
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst ravishtayal@yahoo.com Noida
Other Architecture 296 Nyay Khand II Indiarapuram Ghaziabad 201010 UP
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1450, Usha Apartments, First Floor, Flat# 2, East Jyoti Nagar, Shahdara, De
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Archi454-A Regent, Shipra Sun City , Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Opp. arya samaz mandir , bajaja bazar ,Alwar(rajasthan)
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 352, Gandhi Nagar Roorkee UTTARANCHAL 247667 India
Architecture Bali Haryana India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H. No. Y-57, IInd Floor, Sector-12, Noida, U.P. India
GPRS, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArB 219, Scetor 50 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 146, Ground Floor, Jhilmil Colony Delhi DELHI 110095 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture Batla House Dehli DELHI 110025 India
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalB-84 Sector 27 Noida U.P. 201301
Architecture Village Chilla Saroda Delhi DELHI 110091 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture e 37.mayur vihar ,b6 pocket newdelhi
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst Mangal Apartment, A-102, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi-110096
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect B 204, Gateway Apartments, Plot No A 100/5, Sector 51 NOIDA (U.P.) India
Architecture g- 260, alpha - 2, greater noida. gautam buddha nagar. up
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 2510, Govind Rajeon Ka Rasta, Chandpole Bazar Jaipur RAJASTHAN 302001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnSarkar ki ali ,lower mall road Noida,UP
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Ar
Architecture, Interior Designer g-4 sector-12 Noida UTTAR PRADESH India
Legacy Systems, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArC-3, Fine Home Appartment, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, Delhi -110091
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysNOIDA
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst640, sector 28 ,Noida ( U.P)
Architecture, Interior Designer D 32, Swarn Nagri, Sector Tau, Greater Noida, G.B. Nagar
Architecture I 84, Third Floor Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
IT Consultant, Software Consulting, Software Engineer, System 12 B, pocket 4, Mayur Vihar Phase 1 Delhi 110091
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-51 Sector 26 noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnB-61, sector-56 Noida-201301
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnH. No. B - 96, Sector 55, Noida, U.P. (INDIA) - 201301.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, System Analyst/TH. NO. H-26, SECTOR-22 E NOIDA
System Analyst/Tech Architect Taranjeet singh johal AP-94 A Virat Apartment Pitampura. Delhi-88
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture B-7, Sector-47 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 IN
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architec Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Risk/Credit/Economic Analyst, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te13/828, Mandoli Extension, Delhi Delhi - 110093
Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, Project Leader/ B-176, Sector-51, Noida
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System#1366, Sector 29 Noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe Flat No. C-410 Plot No. A-124 Garima Vihar Sector - 35 Noida 201301
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec GP - 30, Pitampura, Delhi - 110088
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture FLAT NO. 880, SECTOR-37, NOIDA
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analy
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech J1108, Gaur Green City, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, 201010
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Customer Support, IT Consultant, Project Leader/ Project Mana 109, Sector-28 Faridabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage B-34/1, Sec-59 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 IN
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec B-188, II Floor Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201 301 India
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, S
Embedded Technologies, Microcontrollers, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GIS, System Analyst 8/803, Shakti Kunj APt, Sec 62, Noida, U.P., India
Other Architecture noida
Architecture I044, Windsor Park, Indira Puram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-2010014
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ G2, D-199 Ramprastha Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture c/o Dr. Piyush Rastogi B - 87, Sector 31, NOIDA
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture D-26,IInd Floor,Sect-39,NOIDA
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, IT , I 25-A, Shatabdi Vihar, E-15, Sector 61, NOIDA, UP 201307
ERP/CRM, GIS, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S V-1, 3rd floor, Eldeco Green Meadows Sector - PI Greater Noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se D-47, Sector-12, Noida
Architecture 391,Arun Vihar,Sector-37,Noida
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Project Management House No. 249 Sector 29 Ganga Apartments NOIDA - 201303
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L Flat 882, Sagar Presidency Sector 50 Noida, India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Program naveen kumar, room no-109c neha apartements sector pi-1 greater noida
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Network Administration, Security, System Administration, Syst A42, Trikuta Hills. opp ToT Mall, Sector 62 Noida 201301
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Internet/E-co#501,GH-40, Sector-20, Panchkula, Haryana
Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture E-219 Sector- Beta I Greater Noida (UP)
Architecture Block 221, serangoon ave-4, singapore
Architecture 36 G ,Parsvnath Estate , Omega 1 , Greater Noida.
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, System A73/2 Sector -1, Pushp Vihar New Delhi - 110017
Architecture bhupendra kumar s/o shree layak singh sharma near 100 ft road vikas nag
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality A A - 1/33C, JANTA FLATS, BEHIND A1 GURUDWARA, PASCHIM VIHAR DELHI
Architecture Gavendra Singh Kushawah E-262, Sector-22 Noida (U.P.)
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Desktop Support, H/ N-89, Sector-12(opposite Noida Stadium), Noida, UP-201301.
System Analyst/Tech Architect House No.-159, Top Floor, Block-H, Sector-12 Noida (UP)
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst#1021, 2nd Floor, Sector 8 Faridabad. (Haryana)
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te707, Regalia heights, Shipra Sun city Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Ware(Software Engineering) 267 /4B Sirdi Apartments Sector 1 , Vaishali Ghazia
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, NetworkE-55, Sec 39 Noida - 201301 UP
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystB-10/217B Sector 34 Noida
Other Advtg/PR/Events, Other Architecture, Other TV/Film ProdB-263, First Floor, Sector-19, Noida-201301
Architecture, Interior Designer, Production/Technical c-98, kewal kunj apartment, sector - 13, rohini. (Pb.)
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Banki B-21 Sector-19 NOIDA (U.P.)
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Mainframe, Project L 47B,D-4,Udyog Vihar,Sec-82,NOIDA
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
System Analyst/Tech Architect R-38,Raj Kunj, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
Application Programming, Banking -General, Data Warehousing,V-224,Sec-12 NOIDA(UP)-201301 INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect c-6/31, sector 31, Noida-201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, OperatWZ 4/B Rattan Park, Opp. Kirti Nagar, New Delhi 110015
System Analyst/Tech Architect 185-b sector-2 vaishali Ghaziabad
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectNot available
Architecture gh
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se G - 202 I FLOOR , JEEVAN ASHRAY APARTMENTS, SECTOR - 62, NOIDA, UP
Other Architecture • Address : 537-C Govind Puri Gali No.6 Kalka JI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-606 SuryaDharshan Tower, Near Nitin company Signal, OPP Mega mart,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 21, Panchwati extension,G.T.Road, Ghaziabad,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), System AnalB 219 Kendriya Vihar, Sector - 51, NOIDA
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst #1103, first floor, sector-43/B, Chandigarh. (U.T). India-160034
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Desktop Support, GIS, Project Leader/ P
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System A-78, Sector-26, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnG-663, GAMMA II, GREATER NOIDA 201308 0120
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, GI 194, Lumbini Apartment, Sector-14, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad, UP
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TecQ - 206 Jalvayu Vihar Sector - 21 Noida - 201301 Uttar Pradesh
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch98-T, Sector-7, SFS Flats, Jasola Vihar, New Delhi - 110025
Architecture KG-I/265 Vikaspuri New Delhi - 110018
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syst Piyush Mani First Floor, I-11,Sector 22 Noida-201301
Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-460,SECTOR-29,NOIDA,UP
System Analyst/Tech Architect 123/74 Dhakpatti Rajpur Dehradun 248009
Architecture d-157, Express View Apartment, Sector-93, Noida
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof House no 39, Shri ji nagar, Durgapur,Jaipur18,Rajasthan
Administration, Client Server, Network Administration, Office 199 - C, Regent, Shipra Suncity Indirapuram, Ghaziabad U. P.
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Saket Dham , Sec - 61, Noida
Architecture b-7-b rajat vihar sect--62 noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect Mahavir Enclave, Dwarika
Architecture, Interior Designer 98-C, B-10-A, UDAIGIRI-1ST SECTOR-34 NOIDA, U.P, PIN-201307
Architecture 22-Civil Lines Roorkee Talkies Market' Roorkee - 247667 Uttrakhand
Customer Support, Internet/E-commerce, Network AdministratioB-177, Kendriya Vihar,Sector-51 Noida.201301
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 1/15 OAK Road, Windsor Flats, Shipra Sun City, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad. U
System Analyst/Tech Architect Panchachuli Apartment Flat NO:- A/510 , Plot NO:- E/14 Sector- 61 , NOIDA
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Operations, Quality Assurance/Testing, Service Engineers, Software Engin
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), NetwL-386B SECTOR 12 PRATAP VIHAR GHAZIABAD
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-34 Sector - 22 Noda UP PIN : 201301
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture C-141 sec-19, noida
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, MainframA-4, OM-1 Apartments, Plot-32, Sector-5, Near Radhey Shyam park, Rajen
Application Programming, Back-end/Transactions Processing, BuB2B - 309, Janak Puri, New Delhi 110058
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B-100 Rama Park, Near Uttam Nagar New Delhi-110059
Architecture 880, sec-37 noida
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded TechnologieHouse No - 388/ Flat No-D3 Phase 2, Shoutex Delhi 110049 Email: ravirata
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof #453, Sector-23-A, Chandigarh 160022
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pro T-III/22, K.V.S. STAFF COLONY, SECTOR-33, NOIDA, G.B. NAGAR, U.P.
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System S
Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-85/1 First Floor– Opposite Johar Public School Abul Fazal Enclave Part
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-373,Raja Ji Puram,Lucknow-226017
System Analyst/Tech Architect CSC India Pvt Ltd, C-24, Sector 58, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 INDIA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An6/5, Cassia Road, Shipra Sun City, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad – 201010, Utt
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S H.No. 83, Ahinsa Khand 2, Indiapurum, Ghaziabad 201010
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 366/7, Main 100 Ft Road, Durga Puri Extn, Shahdara, Delhi 110093
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Desigaurav satyarthi E-261, sector-15, noida u.p.-201301
Other Architecture B-II-990,civil lines ludhiana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database selji
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-34/1,Sector-59,Noida
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syst A-1438 , Jahangir Puri, Delhi -33
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/R-562,Adarsh Colony, near Shiv Mandir, Muzaffarnagar(U.P.)
Architecture Neeraj Singh S/o Shri Ram Nath Singh, Lakhan Lal Colony, Mehta Road, Bh
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Second Floor, B-219, Sector-55, NOIDA
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Proje
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/Te D-373 Pandav Nagar Delhi 110092
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Data Management/ Statistics, System Analyst/Tech Architect 33, Prem Prayag, Garh road Meerut
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Servicing, Corporate Sales, Plot No. 139, A1 Bhagwati Apartments, Sector-4 Vaishali Ghaziabad 20101
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, Institutional Sales, FNo.111, Oriental Insurance Society, C 58/26 Sector 62, Noida
Other Architecture C-4/199, Gyan Khand-1, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, U.P.
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, SoftA-1256 G.D.COLONY,MAYUR VIHAR PHASE-III. DELHI-110096
Information Systems, Operations, System Analyst/Tech Architectpo:nehrugram vill:nathanpur dehradun,uttarakhand 248001. present addr
Business/Systems Analysis, Control, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Design f-211 alfa second greater noida u.p.
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ A 92, Sec 30, Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea HOUSE NO. C/357, S.G.M. NAGAR, FARIDABAD-121001 HARYANA
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati 173-B, Janta Flates Pocket-M Sarita Vihar
Architecture B-220, SECTOR-20 NOIDA U.P
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, GIS, NetwNoida
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Switching/Router, SyB-5 415 Yamuna Vihar Delhi 53
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des F - 91 Sector - 8 Jasola Vihar New Delhi - 110044
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, b-18 Asha Park,jail Road,New Delhi-18
Marketing Strategy, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Mar D-20,BETA-1 GREATER NOIDA G.B.NAGAR(UP) PH NO:09891190496
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System D-146, Sector 27, Noida. 201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Dis F-84, II - Floor, Sec-21, Jalvayu Vihar, Noida-201301
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-167 gangaram marg mandawali new delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect Narayan ka Bagicha, Jiwaji Gunj, Lashkar,Gwalior(M.P.)
Architecture L-73,sector-12,noida.(u.p)201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Financial Analysis, System Analyst/T C-71 Valmiki Marg Hanuman Nagar Khatipura Jaipur-302 021 [Rajasthan]
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded TechnologiesNoida
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testi 51, Greater Ganga, Mawana Road, Meerut
System Analyst/Tech Architect S-8, sector 11. noida
Other Architecture H.no-200 tahirpur dilshad garden delhi-110095
Architecture sec-14/ 132,Siddhartha Niketan, Kaushambi,Ghazibad(U.P.)
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechHYDERABAD, AP, INDIA
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc19/187, KRISHNA PURI MATHIA, ALIGARH-202001 U.P.
Architecture 626-c,shipra suncity Indrapuram Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S Shakuntala Hospital Jail Chauraha Mainpuri
Application Programming, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AnNew Delhi
Other Architecture sunder lal s/0sh.ratiram vill-balekiusufpur post- iqbalpur dist-haridwar(u.k
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Admini 15FF,4,Pocket-7, Noida,Pin-201301
System Analyst/Tech Architect Gyanendra Tripathi A-67, Sector-22 Noida - 20301
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaRavi Pratap Sector 44 Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect flat no 612, supertech avant garde, plot no 1, sector 5, vaishali ghaziabad ,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys A-99 Sector 30 Noida-201303 UP INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ 287, Asha Pushp Vihar, Sector-14, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad-201010
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginNoida
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchiC-153, Pkt-1, Sec-82, Noida
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System C\o Ved Prakash, B-130, Rail Nagar, Sector-50, NOIDA(U.P) -201307
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 180-B,Sant nagar , East Of Kailash , New Delhi-110065
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, GIS, Graphic Designin
Architecture E-53.SECTOR-50.NOIDA
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), InterAMRAWATI VIHAR, BEHIND GIRL'S DEGREE COLLEGE HALDWANI, DIST NAI
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, System Anal D-31 Sector 22 Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No E-311, Jalvayu Towers, Sector 47 Noida, U.P. - 201301
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, #71, POCKET-B, NEW MIG FLATS, PHASE-III MAYUR VIHAR NEW DELHI-110
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administ10-I, Police Colony, Model Town-2, Delhi-110009
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenan 2nd floor(back side), Khirki Extension, New delhi-110017
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T J108, Sector 22, Noida, UP. 201301
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArFlat no-D214, Jalvayu Towers Sector 47, Noida 201301
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT E-74,Siddharta Nagar,New Delhi.-14
Architecture A-770 SEC 19 NOIDA
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Int D-114, Sector 45, rail Vihar, Faridabad-121003 (HARYANA) INDIA.
Architecture, Interior Designer d-614 ,garima vihar ,sec -35 noida-201301
Architecture A-111,Sector 36, Noida 201301 UP
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnXavient Information Systems, D-42, Hosiery Complex, Phase II, Noida 2013
Architecture 1734, brahmputra appt. sec 29 noida
Architecture FLAT NO. 4304,F-4, ALOK VIHAR, SECTOR-50, NOIDA (U.P.)
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1/107, Vidhyadhar nagar Jaipur RAJASTHAN 302023 IN
Architecture 5a/130 n.i.t faridabad
Administration, Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Co 85B, Mohammad Pur New Delhi 110066
Architecture Plot No.53,D-Block, Sector -10, vasundhra, ghaziabad.u.p.
Administration, Application Programming, Database Administratf-3,plot no-322,gyan khand -1,Indirapuram,Gaziabad,U.P
Architecture H. No. 2934 , Sec - 3 , H.B.Colony , Faridabad . 121004 , Haryana
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Internet/E-co853/B,FLAT NO.S4,SECTOR 5 VAISHALI GHAZIABAD.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur B-195, N.T.P.C Colony,Sector-33, Noida (U.P),Pin code- 201301
Other Architecture 2067A BLOCK-C SUSHANT LOK Near maples Hieght GURGAON
Architecture, Other Architecture A-39, ground floor Sector-49 NOIDA 201301
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designi R-165, Jalvayu vihar, noida UP
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect 515, Sector-28, Noida
Architecture c-32, new ashok nagar, delhi-96
Architecture A-68 Sector-31 Noida
Architecture C/O. Mr. Subrata Biswas C-9, Mansara Appartment Vasundhara Enclave Ne
Architecture, Interior Designer 12SF, Ashiana Greens apptt.' indirapuram, ghaziabad,up
Architecture 74/4 Gobind appartment Govind garden Govindpura bhopal
Application Programming, Banking -General, Client Server, EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archi
System Analyst/Tech Architect V-146 , SECTOR-12 NOIDA
Architecture B-2, PKT.-2, KENDRIYA VIHAR SEC.-82 noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis
Architecture T-28,SECTOR-11,NOIDA,(U.P)GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR-201301
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T c/o Mr. Ashish Gupta D-46 Sector 55 Noida (U.P.) India
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech77-moore avenue, Netaji Nagar Kolkata-40
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Sukh Niwas, Red Cross Road solan, (himachal pradesh) 173212 IN
Network Administration, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, E-7,sector-55, noida, U.P, INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Training, Other IT Software
Architecture, Interior Designer A-49, SECTOR-17 A, NOIDA
Architecture C-3/171, SEC-31, NOIDA(U.P.)
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect B2-M/147, SECTOR-B, SBI COLONY, SITAPUR ROAD SCHEME, LUCKNOW
Architecture, HR/Admin, Interior Designer, Operations/Custom Kumar Srinivas H.No:C-490, Sector-19, Noida-201301
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystEWS-21, shanti nagar, damoh naka,jabalpur,MP
Architecture B-91 NTPC Township Sector 33 Noida U.P
Architecture B-137, sector-20, noida
Architecture E-143, Kalkaji, New Delhi (Mob-09868749433)
System Analyst/Tech Architect f-50,sector 39,noida 201301,UP india.
Architecture, Project Management, Other EP Mgmt/St Eng/CE A 115, Sector 61, Noida
Architecture d-2,sector-1, noida
Architecture d-2,balaji houses, payagpur house, birbal sahani road, lucknow
Architecture a,604 amarpali greens indrapuram ghaziabad
Client Server, Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture regent 158c shipra suncity indirapuram ghaziabad
Architecture 174-b , sector 19, noida
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture D-55,Smridhi Apartments,NTPC Township,Sector-33, Noida-201301(U.P)
Architecture b-27,b.e.l colony, brij vihar ghaziabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O Bilqees Fatma, B-1/112, Sector G, Aliganj Lucknow. 226021
Architecture sun_m2007@yahoo.co.in
Architecture B-102, sector-15, Noida
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Electronics, Other Fresh
Architecture 802/2,Eastend Apartments,Opp. Shipra Sun City, Indirapuram.Ghaziabad.
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An155-L,model town,panipat,haryana
Architecture Y-117 (A), SECTOR-12 NOIDA-201301
Architecture B-9 SECTOR 20,NOIDA
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 189-c, pocket-b, mayur vihar, phase-2, delhi-110091
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), E P-118,sector-11,Noida-201301
Architecture 15/22, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture C-44/226,shivaji-Marg,street No.16,Gamri-Bhajanpura,Delhi-110053
Information Systems, Lecturer/Professor, Private Tuition, Da D-801 , JAGDAMBE APARTMENTS , C-58/25 , SECTOR-62 ,NOIDA - 201301
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect flat 52 palm groves apartments sector 50 noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat no. - 305, Plot No B-12, Aastha Apartment, Shalimar Garden ext. -2, Sa
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur 5-A, First Floor, Inderprastha Colony, Sector 30/33, Faridabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analy
Application Programming, Service Engineers, Software Enginee E-93, Sector-15, Noida-201301 (UP)
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture B-11, Sec-26, Noida
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 226-Shipra Sun City Ghaziabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect ADD: HNO-2 DRONPURI, G.M.S ROAD DEHRADUN
Architecture, Other Architecture B6 2nd Floor, Pednekar Bldg., Opp. Civil Hospital, Thane - 400601
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea H.No 2405 Sector 37c Chandigarh.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 5/1, BAN Road, Windsor GF, Shipra Sun City, (Near Shipra Mall), Indrapura
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-65, First Floor, The Palladian's, Mayfield Gardnes, Sector-50, Gurgaon - 1
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture No 9,Ist floor, 2nd Cross ,Grape Garden VIVEKNAGAR BANGLORE 560047
Architecture S-205A, GALI NO-3 SCHOOL BLOCK DELHI-110092
System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O sri chandra ku. singh chandel Ramedi, hamirpur, U.P. Pin - 210301
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Software EnJC 31,NABI KARIM, PAHAR GANJ
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 2553,GANESH PURA, TRI NAGAR
Architecture 1736 SOHAN GANJ,SUBZI MANDI,
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architec 67A PKT-B,DILSHAD GARDEN,
Business/Systems Analysis, Risk/Credit/Economic Analyst, Syste CU 124,PITAM PURA,
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ER 2475,MASZID KHAZOOR,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeD 9,NEW POLICE LINE, KINGSWAY CAMP
Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, Project Leader/ B-1323,JAHANGIR PURI,
Architecture A-78,VIKAS, PURI
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System102,RESETTLEMENT COLONY, BLOCK-6 KHICHRI PUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe E-166 PREET VIHAR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec SD 86,PITAM PURA,
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project M 136 GAGAN VIHAR,EXTN,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analy68 DAYANAND VIHAR,VIKAS MARG,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, PH-120,NEHRU CAMP, KIRTI NAGAR
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 1613 GALI SAKKA WALI,SUIWALAN,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 2712 CHOWK,RAI JEE NAI SARAK ROSHAN, PURA
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 1653 DAKHNI RAI,DARYA GANJ,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S CF-2 HARI NAGAR,GHANTAGHAR,
Customer Support, IT Consultant, Project Leader/ Project Mana 509,RAMPARSTH,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage 951 GALI PATRA WALI,HAVELI HISSAMUDDIN, BAZAR BALLIMARAN
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec C3/105,ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE I
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Int D4/62 SEC 20,ROHINI,
Embedded Technologies, Microcontrollers, Project Leader/ Proj 1373,BAZAR CHITLI QABAR,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GIS, System Analyst 373 AGCR ENCLAVE,I P EXTENSION II,
Other Architecture 730-A/1,JAIN NAGAR, (KARALA)
Architecture A1/101 102,SECTOR 11, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ 25/13 GALI NO 1460,FEET MAIN ROAD, VISHWAS NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer 29/56,STREET NO 11, VISHWAS NAGAR
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec H NO 94,PREM GALI KOTLA, MUBARAKPUR
Architecture G 30/110 SEC 3 ROHINI,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, IT , I 1 357,SRIRAM NAGAR, GT ROAD SHAHDARA
ERP/CRM, GIS, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Arch3478/1 NARANG COLONY TRI NAGAR,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S C/10/10 YAMUNA VIHAR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se AG 14,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture M-175 SHASTRI NAGAR,,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Project Management 111/F 25/1,VILLAGE NAYA GAON, USMANPUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L D 55A,PANDAV NAGAR, NEAR MOTHER DAIRY
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data WareBE 106.,GALI NO 2, HARI NAGAR
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Program 4888,MAIN ROAD, BARA HIND RAO
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginC 1/201,NEHRU VIHAR,
Network Administration, Security, System Administration, Syst C-3,GURU RAM DASS NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Internet/E-co1850,BAZAR LAL KUAN, LAL DARWAZA
Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech ArchiteH NO 2136,MOH TANDA BASTI JULHAN, SARAI KHALIL
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 1/405 JANTA FLATS,SEC 6, ROHINI
Architecture 13/322 GEETA COLONY,,
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, System AZ-8 NAVEEN SHAHDARA,,
Architecture 54A,EAST AZAD NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality A B 975 B,AJMERI GATE,
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect G-3,Pusa Appts., Sec-13 Rohini
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Desktop Support, H/ E 391,SHAKURPUR, ANANDVAS
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 12,LAWRENCE ROAD, INDL AREA
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst85,INDER ENCLAVE, SULTAN PUR MAJRA
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te591/28 F,VISHWAS NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Ware670 NAL BHANN STREET,,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, Network66 MANU APPARTMENSTS,MAYUR VIHAR, PHASE-I
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystBC-13,WEST SHALIMAR BAGH,
Other Advtg/PR/Events, Other Architecture, Other TV/Film Prod127 SFS,PHASE IV ASHOK VIHAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Production/Technical 495 SHAHZADA BAGH,INDERLOK EXTN,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Banki H NO 15 PARK GALI NO 4D,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Mainframe, Project L 268,BHAJAN PURA, C, BLOCK STREET NO-9
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys B 51 GUJARAT APPARTMENTS,PITAM PURA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 150 ANAND VIHAR PITAM PURA,,
Application Programming, Banking -General, Data Warehousing,H NO 425,CHHATTA LAL MIAN, DARYA GANJ
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Operat100 U B JAWHAR NAGAR,,
Architecture SHOP NO 4,OLD MARKET,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 5337 KOLHA PUR HOUSE,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectD-7/92-B,KARAWAL NAGAR ROAD, POST OFFICE GOKALPURI DAYALPURI
Architecture 9B,POCKET 3, MAYUR VIHAR I
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A-396,NEW SEEMA PURI,
Other Architecture E 1/158,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof B1/383 SEC. 17,ROHINI,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 170A JANTA MAJDOOR CAMP,JAFRABAD,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect VILAGE HIRAKUNDA,TIKRI KALAN,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), System AnalB-836 NEW SUBZI MANDI AZADPUR,,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst C-2/10 DDA FLATS,SARAI KHALIL SADAR BAZAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se BH 93W,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System 71 B PKT I,MAYUR VIHAR PH I,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnS 558 SCHOOL BLOCK,SHAKAR PUR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 135 SAHIPUR SHALIMAR BAGH,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, GI 1253 86,SHATI NAGAR TRI NAGAR,
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tec711 NEW DELHI APARTMENT,VASUNDRA ENCLAVE,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchX-1868 A-4,RAJGARH EXT, STREET NO-13 GANDHI NGR
Architecture F 1 364 SULTAN PURI,,
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syst A 62 CHANDER VIHAR,,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-49,ASHOK VIHAR -I,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 2083 KUCHA CHELAN,DARYA GANJ,
Other Architecture A-39,A- BLOCK, CHAND BAGH
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof 94 A SHAKUR PUR KHAS,,
Administration, Client Server, Network Administration, Office 10848/9,PRATAP BAGH,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect A45 BATHLA APARTMENTS-43,I P EXTENSION,
Architecture H 3/4A KRISHNA NAGAR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 90/61A,MALVIYA NAGAR,
Architecture U 141/14 UPADHYAY,BLK SHAKKER PUR,
Customer Support, Internet/E-commerce, Network AdministratioBFH 58,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software BLOCK NO-11,HOUSE NO-229, TRILOK PURI
System Analyst/Tech Architect F 17,CHAND BAGH, F BLOCK
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce,D-16-361
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Netw2966,KAILASH NAGAR,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-175 ASHOK VIHAR,PHASE-I,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO-1274,PAAN PAPUSIAN, NARELA
Architecture 3/121 ROHINI,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-5/115 LAWRENCE ROAD,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, MainframFLAT NO 32 PARIVAR APPTT,PLOT NO 30 I P EXTN PATPARGANJ,
Application Programming, Back-end/Transactions Processing, BuA-145,RAMA GARDEN, GALI NO-3
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 814,HILL VEW APPTS, VASANT VIHAR MD
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded TechnologieVILLAGE & POST OFFICE,HOLAMBI KALAN,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof 3 BLOCK 150,KHICHRI PUR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pro H NO 411,KUCHA BULAKI BEGUM, ESPLANLE ROAD
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat 96 BHAVBALI ENCLAVE,,
Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analys2751,CHANDI WALI GALI BAZAR, CHURI WALAN AJMERI GATE
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 181,ANAND VIHAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect RU 365,PITAMPURA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 66-A KRISHAN KUNJ LAXMI NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnB 537/5,MAJ PARK,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S B 225/69,ASHOK NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 10950 GALI PIPAL WALI,MOTIYA KHAN, BAKRA MANDI
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware DesiA 14,GALI NO 1 NEW KARDAM PURI,
Architecture 4/78,GALI NO 11, TUKMIRPUR
Other Architecture B-9,335 SECTOR 3, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database HNO 50/8 IWEL LINE BAAR,SQUARE RING ROAD,
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1/4740,BABIR NAGAR, VISTAR
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syst H NO 125 B,TIHAR VILLAGE, TILAK NAGAR
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/BK1/173,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 3033/12 STREET 2,RANJEET NAGAR, WEST PATEL NAGAR
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, 5/24,A SWARG ASHRAM, NANDIR
Business/Systems Analysis, Insurance Analyst, Legacy Systems, H NO-62,VILLAGE HAMID PUR,
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/Te I 449 450,SUNDER NAGARI,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System KU 91 PITAMPURA,C 27 RASHMI APTT, HARSH VIHAR
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Internet/E- B-97 DDA FLATS,MANSORVAR PARK SHAHDARA,
Data Management/ Statistics, System Analyst/Tech Architect 118 SUNHERI BAGH,APARTMENT SEC 13 ROHINI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Servicing, Corporate Sales, 1/11592 SUBASH PARK,NAVEEN SHAHDRA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, Institutional Sales, A-274,PEERA GARHI CAMP,
Other Architecture HNO-10/121 SEC-15 ROHINI,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect AB 112 SHALIMAR BAGH,,
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, SoftA-5/98,ROHINI, SECTOR-18
Information Systems, Operations, System Analyst/Tech Architect2138,DHO BIWARA, KINDRI BAZARI
Business/Systems Analysis, Control, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Design 400 RAM PURA,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ JP 100 MAURYA ENCLAVE,PITAM PURA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea 45,MANAV VIHAR SEC 15, ROHINI
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati E 11/229 KHAJURI KHAS,,
Architecture H NO 25,POOTH KALAN,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, GIS, NetwWA-193,SHAKAR, PUR
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Switching/Router, SyCPA-55 CPA BLOCK,NEW SEELAM PUR,
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des 2843,GIAL PIPAL WALI, MOHLLA NIYRAYAAN
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, ARJUN CAM MAHIPALPUR,,
Marketing Strategy, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Mar WZ A3 KRISHAN NAGAR,,
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System 102 POCKET 4 SEC 2,ROHINI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Dis B 157,LOK VIHAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect CRIME BRANCH,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect G-5/56,Sector-16, Rohini
Business/Systems Analysis, Financial Analysis, System Analyst/T A 187 KOTLA VILLAGE,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded TechnologiesFLAT NO-2 KEWAL KUNJ,SOCIETY SECTOR 13, ROHNI
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 53/2 ARYA NAGAR LANE 5,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testi 1047 VIJAY PARK,,
Architecture A-13 NEW GUPTA COLONY,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 22-D,OLD GUPTA COLONY,
Other Architecture R 17,BELAGUM RAJSHER,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet D 290 A K 11 LAXMI NAGAR,,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech21 GALI BALJIT NAGAR,H NO 120, PATEL NAGAR
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArcB-47,B-BLOCK, SHASTRI PARK
Architecture F 93,KATWARIA SARAI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 1/5497 ST NO 16C,BALBIR NAGAR EXTN, SHAHDARA
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archi648 RANG MAHARL,GANJ MIR KHAN, CHITLI QABAR
Other Architecture 7807/8,AMAR MOHALLA, RAGHUBAR PURA
Application Programming, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AnCC 64 A SHALIMAR BAGH,,
Other Architecture FI-374,SUNDER NAGRI,
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Admini B 315,LOK VIHAR, PITAM PURA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 10188 GALI DURGA MANDIR,NAWAB GANJ,
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems Ana1869,STREET AHIRAN, MAIKA GANJ
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-102,BLOCK-B, SWASTHY VIHAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys 3667 GALI KHUDSIBEGUM,MOHALLA CHARANDAS,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ CHAMBER NO-482,CIVIL WING, TIS HAZARI COURT
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginAG-613 SHALIMAR BAGH,,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchiPKT H 18-28,SEC 7 ROHINI,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System F 4/125,SEC 16, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A 29,GOKAL PUR VILL, LONI ROAD SHAHDARA
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop SupB-91,MANSAROVER GARDEN,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), InterB-324 BLOCK-B,SANGAM PARK, R P BAGH
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, System Anal A/143 SHASTRI NAGAR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 15 H POLICE COLONY TOWAN,,
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, SHRI PROPERTY,SINDHU BOARDER,
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administ9/5125,OLD EAST SEELAMPUR, GALI NO 1 KAILASH PURI
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenan 476,,Village-Mandoli,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A-9/18,SECTOR 18, ROHINI
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Pro25 A EXTN II B,NANGLOI,
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar3/0250 KATRA PADAN,KHARI BAOLI,
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT H No-9/4971,Gali No-6, Old Seelam Pur
Architecture 417 MUKHERJEE NAGAR,,
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Int H NO177/4,G NO 7 BHOLA NATH NAGAR, SHAHADRA
Architecture F 231,BLOCK F, GANGA VIHAR
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An135 BLOCK-D,MANGOLI PURI,
Architecture B-192,MCD FLATS, NEW USMAN PUR
Architecture WZ 189 VILLAGE SHAKURPUR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 237 VASUNDHRA APPT. PLOT.,41, SECTOR-9 ROHINI
Architecture 923 Y BLOCK,MANGOL PURI,
Administration, Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Co FLAT NO-66,PKT, B-8, SECTOR-4, ROHINI
IT Consultant, Software Consulting, Software Engineer, System B4A/34 RANA PRATAP BAGH,,
Architecture B237/2,DERAWALA NAGAR,
Administration, Application Programming, Database AdministratU 135 SHAKAR PUR,,,
Architecture 379,SEC-R18 BLOCK-C, ROHINI
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Internet/E-coWZ 40 AAP,HOUSE GALI NO. 7, RAMGARH COLONY
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur H NO 1318,JAFRABAD, GALI NO 42
Architecture, Other Architecture 7 C BKL 13 PKT B ASHOK,VIHAR PH III,
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designi J 1578 JAHANGIR PURI,,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect A 413,RANA PRATAP BAGH,
Architecture A 71,BHSWLA DARY,
Architecture 1B 66 RAMESH NAGAR,,
Architecture 1/10,NANDI KHAJORI KHAS,
Architecture, Interior Designer KU-75,VISHAKHA ENCLAVE, PITAMPURA
Application Programming, Banking -General, Client Server, EDP AZ-55,Ashoka Appartments, Paschim Vihar
System Analyst/Tech Architect 3373-74,SINGHARA CHOWK, QUTUB ROAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis O/106 KRISHAN NAGAR,,
Architecture 2/69 GEETA COLONY,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 266,MEHRAULI,
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiF 154/2,PHASE I BLOCK F, VIJAY VIHAR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T L 690,TOKRI WALAN, AZAD MARKET
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech32-201 TRILOKPURI,,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO 724,KABRISTAN KABIR BASTI, MALKA GANJ
Network Administration, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, IX 748 SUBHASH ROAD,GANDHI ROAD,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ DHOOL SIRAS VILL,,
Architecture, Interior Designer B-2/389,YAMUNA VIHAR,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect IX/4698,OLDSEELAMPUR, GANDHI NAGAR
Architecture, HR/Admin, Interior Designer, Operations/Custom 91B/VB OPP MCDONALD,JAWAHAR NAGAR, KAMLA NAGAR
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystH-20A,SHAKAR PUR,
Architecture C-622 & 626,JJ COLONY, CAMP NO 2 NANGLOI
Architecture SEC-A-370,POCKET B&C, VASANT KUNJ
System Analyst/Tech Architect 30C/78,ROAD PUNJABI BAGH,
Architecture, Project Management, Other EP Mgmt/St Eng/CE 31 D KAMLA NAGAR,,
Architecture B 5,VASUNDHARA ENCL,
Client Server, Customer Support, System Administration, Syste C-7, NEW RANJEET NAGAR,,
Architecture K-422,,SUNDER NAGRI, NAND NAGRI
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect FATEH PUR BERI MOIN,TRUCK MARKET OPP, JAGDAMBI TEMPLE
Architecture 6-875,POCKET 6 SECTOR 2, ROHINI
Other Architecture D 196 A,GALI NO 5, BHAJAN PURA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 4242 GALI SHAATARA,AJMERI GATE,
Architecture F 103 PRASHANT VIHAR,,
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Mobile, SoftwareE-61,SULTAN PURI,
Architecture D 185,ASHOK VIHAR,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnG 23 VIJAY CHOWK LAXMI NAGAR,,
Architecture 160,WEST MUKHERJEE NAGAR,
Architecture 5404/4,NEW MARKET, SADAR BAZAR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect HNO 16 VILLAGE RAMJAN,PUR PO ALIPUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), E 12/347 GALI BASHESHAR,NATH OLD SUBJI MANDI,
Architecture A3 185,SECTOR 5, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software C4D 79B,JANAK PURI,
Architecture H NO B 5/116,SECTOR 7, ROHINI
Information Systems, Lecturer/Professor, Private Tuition, Da B 21 AMAN APP,SEC 13 ROHINI,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect FLAT NO 8 NIMRI PH II,,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 52/37E NAI BASTI,ANAND PARBAT,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur S-21 IIND FLOOR,AJAY ENCLAVE,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se B-1809 SHASTRI NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Service Engineers, Software Enginee 141,VEER NAGAR JAIN, COLONY
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project ManageC-90,MODEL TOWN III,
Architecture 32 ASHOK VIAR,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-11-255,SEC-7, ROHINI
Architecture, Other Architecture 41 SULTANPURI,SULTANPUR, MAJRA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L 1/143 /8,RAM NAGAR, SHADARA
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea 309,KUCHA SANJOGI RAM BAZAR, LAL KUAN NAYA BANS
Architecture 740 UTTAM NAGAR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 160 VILLAGE & POST,OFFICE BARWALA,
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Su 7/77 GEETA COLONY,,
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 19/311 DAYA BASTI,SAHZADABAGH,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture PHURBU LOLMA 30A,MAJNU KA TILLA, OLD TIBETTAN CAMP
System Analyst/Tech Architect B 24073,SHIVAJI VATRI, GHONDA
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Electronics SAROJANI NAIDU PARK,SASTRI NAGAR,
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Administration, Sy
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste Plot No.219, Sec.5., Vaishali, Ghaziabad
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 282, SF-2, NK-2, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad-201010
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys13C SkyLark Apartments DDA SFS FLATS GAZIPUR x ROADS NewDelhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testi
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystR-13 / 69 NEW RAJ NAGAR , GHAZIABAD U.P 201 002
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect MIG-18,Phase-1 ModelTown Bathinda 151001
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-172,Sector -27,Noida
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Administration, S564-C, Regent Shipra Sun City Indirapuram Ghaziabad
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Te F-703, Indian Oil Apartments, Sec.- 62, Noida, U.P. - 201301
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
Other Architecture h-50,rohitash vihar gaziyabaad
Architecture S-11 Sector-11 Noida-201301 U.P
System Analyst/Tech Architect Ajeet Singh 3rd Floor F - 89 Sector - 22 Noida
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst 95 A,Arawali Appartments, Sector 52 , Noida
Other Architecture D-1/116C, Arawali Appt. Sector-52, Noida - 201301
Hardware Design, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Soft 85-D, Pocket-A, Mayur vihar Phase-II, Delhi-91
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Banking/Insu
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, 11B/10,Old Campus, H.A.University,Hisar,Haryana
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Architecture 1667/29, NOIDA
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Control, IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Project Lea
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste H-415, SECOND FLOOR, VIKAS PURI, NEW DELHI - 110018
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, S A-205, Mansara Apartments, Vasundhra Enclave, New Delhi -110096
Architecture sector-44,chellera village,street no-3, noida(U.P)
Architecture B-148, Pocket-VII,Kendriya Vihar-II, Sector-82, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Architecture F-6/6235,AlokviharII,Sector-50 Noida-U.P-201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, System Analyst/TA3/102, Block-4, kailashdham Apartments, Sector-50,Noida
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalS/O MR. ISHTIAQ ALI HOUSE NO: 39C/37A J.K. COLONY KARELI, ALLAHABA
Application Programming, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture EMP-43/204, thakur village ,Kandivali (E) MUMBAI-400101
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer144-A ,, Shipra Suncity ,, Indirapuram ,, Ghaziabad -201012
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, H/W Installation/MainR-12,First Floor Sector-12 Noida(UP)-201301
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Hno 2280 street no 173 trinagar newdelhi 110035
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-3, Ram Vihar Sect0r-30 Noida - 201301 U.P.
Other Architecture B-7/7B, Mayur Vihar Phase-III, New Delhi-110096
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Network Administrati C-006, Sec-10, Plot-7 DWARKA
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Desktop Support, Operations, Quality Assurance/Testing, Syste E-224 Sector-15 Noida.
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Network AdministrF-214 Lado Sarai N.D.-30
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, NOIDA
Other Architecture G-46 , ALA-2 GREATER NOIDA U.P.
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-107, Pocket-7, Kendriya Vihar-2, Sec-82, NOIDA. 201304.
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. C 502, Stellar Green Appt Sector-44, Noida (UP)
Application Programming, Desktop Support, Hardware Design, M1/299, Thiruvallure High Road, Molasur, Sunguvarchatram Post, Kanchipur
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training 2130, Sector-7D Faridabad, Haryana-121006
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 408 Sector 29 Noida 201303
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerHouse No 2121, Sector-71 Mohali Near Chandigarh
Architecture, Other Architecture Beta-1,Greater Noida, U.P.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 257-D,Regal Shipra Suncity,Indrapuram Ghaziabad,UP 201010
Audit & Risk, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, NeC 72 Sector 20 Noida-UP PIN 201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 60 C/3 SHAKTIVIHAR COLONY SARDAR PATEL G, NEAR HEERA HALWAI CIV
Architecture N-472,SECTOR-25,NOIDA(U.P.)
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Software EngineerD/O SHRI. D.V.SINGH O-7/5, PARIKALP NAGAR EAST , P.O.- LDA COLONY, L
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SystemIII E- 7/7, NEHRU NAGAR, GHAZIABAD
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Softw R- 261 , Sector - 21 , Jalvayu Vihar , Noida , Gautam Budh Nagar , U.P 2013
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-155A, Sec.26 Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-83,Pkt-II, Kendriya Vihar-II, sec. 82, Noida UtterPradesh
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystC - 150, Sector - 19, Noida - 201 301
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar20/202,East end Appartment,Mayur Vihar Ph-1(Ext),New Delhi - 110095
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Soft india
Architecture, Interior Designer 1418, GARAGE, SEC-29, NOIDA, U.P
Architecture A-102, SECTOR-55, NOIDA
Other Architecture 270-B, C-BLOCK, SEC-19, NOIDA, U.P.-201301.
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Proje4 B, SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE COLONY, RATANADA CIRCLE, JODHPUR
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil H.No.303/5 18 civil lines Haridwar rode Roorkee pin-247667
System Analyst/Tech Architect ROORKEE-247667 DISTT.HARIDWAR UTTARANCHAL
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No 406,Regelia Heights,Shipra Suncity,Indirapuram.Ghaziabad
Architecture ghaziabad
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Operations, System Analyst/Tech I-9 Top floor, sector-22 Noida-201301
Architecture, Interior Designer 9873280150
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect F-58, sector 21, Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh
Architecture B-407, Amrapali Greens, 1/3, Vaibhav Khand, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer A-11 Sector-14 Noida
Database Administration (DBA), Insurance Advisor, Network Adm 359-C, REGAL , SHIPRA SUN CITY INDIRAPURAM- GHAZIABAD U.P
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect E-37 Sector 41 Noida
Architecture c/o shri J.D.Ram R/23 SanjayGandhipuram lko.
Architecture, Building/Residential, Commercial, Design, Interi C-18 Sec-12 Noida (U.P.) 201301
Architecture c-129sec19 noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Da1174/2222, NAYAPALLI, BHUBANESHWAR-12 ORISSA
Application Programming, Customer Service (Web), Graphic De K 218 NarVihar Part II Sector 34 Noida - 201301 UP
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ConfiguraA-75,Sector 31 Noida
Architecture 156 JOR BAGH NEW DELHI 110003
Architecture A-9, APJ hOUSING, Apeejay Institute of Technology, 1A Institutional Area,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 35-B, Block-G, Kanchanjunga Apartments Sector 53, Noida - 201307, India
Lecturer/Professor, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousi 19 c ho no 223 noida u.p
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
Client Server, Security, System Administration, System Analyst/ 15-A, Block-C, Rajat vihar Appartments Sector-62,Near 12-22 Bus stand, N
Architecture f-04, cm, market beta-i greater noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerB-196, GAIL Apartments, Sector 62, NOIDA-201301
Application Programming, Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Proj 599 A, REGAL, SHIPRA SUNCITY, INDIRAPURAM
Application Programming, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project ManaAsif A-1202, Amrapali Vaishali, Sector - 3, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, UP, INDIA -
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Security, System Administrati 704 III BLOCK EAST END APPT. INDRAPURAM , GHAZIABAD
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Fo 32, Satish Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700026
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Administration, Sy 26-B, Pocket A-2,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/VP-142/C, Maurya Enclave, Pitam Pura, Delhi - 88
Architecture c-801, shubhkamna Apartment, F-31 sector 50, Noida.
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec ADD. - P7, SECTOR11 NOIDA
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-12, Sector-30, Noida, G. B. Nagar, UP - 201301
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Proj N-50 SECTOR-12 NOIDA
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea C-54, Sector-50, Noida
Banking -General, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, SystemQ.NO 5H/161, MATHURA REFINERY NAGAR MATHURA-281006
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Syst
Other Architecture # 420, sector - 37 NOIDA, UP 201301
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, Land development, Other Architecture, Other Bus. Consultants
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Pro AC-113-C, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. 5/10 Swarg Ashram, Near Radio Colony, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-1100
Software Consulting, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT S 18 21, RVL Colony West, Coimbatore - 641015
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, Syst
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manag 190, MAHASWETA NAGAR, UJJAIN (MP) PIN- 456010
Network Administration, Service Engineers, System Administrat #197, Village- Kansal, near Punjab & Haryana High Court Chandigarh, Distt
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-4/196 PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110063
System Analyst/Tech Architect WZ-733,1st Floor, Rishi Nagar, Near Rani Bagh Main Market, Shakur Basti,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, AASHISH BHATEJA 116, Mahagun Manor F-30, Sector 50, NOIDA, UP, India
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst A-402,1/3 Vaibhav Khand,Amprapali Green, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad 20101
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst661,Kailash nagar Ghaziabad NCR
Client Server, Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A-16 street no 4 om nagar mohannager ghaziabad UP 201007
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerHouse No 11 ,New Gandhi Nagar,Ghaziabad , Uttar Pradesh. PIN-201001 .
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, SystemVikas Uppal, Near Grain Market, Rayya Mandi(ASR)-143112, Punjab
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati H.no.S-83 Sector-12 Noida U.P.
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-5,Sector-15, NOIDA
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader
Architecture M-16, Green Park Extn., New Delhi-110016
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat no: C-195, Rail Nagar, Sec-50 Noida
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Administ Sector 22,B-63,Noida 201301,Uttar Pradesh
Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Visualiser, Ot FLAT NO.-56, NIRUPAM VATIKA, SEC-62, NOIDA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software C/O Mrs. Neelam Bisht E -3 Sector 12 , Noida ( U.P.) pin : 201301
System Analyst/Tech Architect New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H-231, Sector-22, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Ana Lane no 5,Qayoom-colony,Rawalpora,srinagar,J&K-190005. Presently: Sec
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B-456/A Sector 19 Noida Gautam Buddha
Architecture ramsagar0709@yahoo.co.in
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, A-36 SECTOR 12 NEAR POST OFFICE, NOIDA
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-285 B, Sector 19, NOIDA, UP
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), IT Consultant, Software Consulting, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Ar
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, Finance, IT , Internet/E-comm
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Network AB- 425/B SECTOR 19 NOIDA U.P 201301
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Operations, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ProjecB-17, PALIKA NIWAS , LODHI COLONY, NEW DELHI -110003
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, B-250,SECTOR-50,
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project ManagSEC 31,VILL NITHARI, GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 49C,BLOCK D-4 LIG, UDYOG VIHAR SECTOR 82 NOIDA
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste H No- 60,Shyam Sha, Sec- 8
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec C 37,SECTOR 56,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysH-19,Sec-25,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, InternVILLAGE SAURKAHA,JAHIDABAD,
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystD 96,SECTOR 41,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect E 209,SECT 27,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect D 98,SECTOR 48,
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Administration, SB 5/61 PHARMA APTS,88 I P EXT, PATPARGANJ
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Te 1088,KATRA GULAM, MOHD LAL KUAN
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Se670,DR KUKHERJEE NAGAR,
Other Architecture H NO 700/63 ST NO 24,VIJAY PARK MAUJPUR,
Architecture 590,VILL MUNDKA, NANGLOI
System Analyst/Tech Architect 179 C,POCKET J & K, DILSHAD GARDEN
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst C 3/276,JANAK PURI,
Other Architecture 535/604,ADARSH MOHALLA GALI NO 05, -02 MAUJPUR
Hardware Design, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Soft 3681/7,NARANG COLONY, TRI NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A 1/328,JANAK PURI,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, E1/10 MODEL TOWN,,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syste1-C GALI NO 2,EAST GURU ANGD NAGAR, NEAR RADHU PLACE
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/ C-111 SHAKUR PUR COLONY,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste B 1/37,ASHOK VIHAR, PH 2
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, S A/68 NEHRU GALI MANDAWALI,,
Architecture 2509 8,AJMAL KHAN ROAD, KARLBSH
Architecture D-55,SHAKARPUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, System Analyst/T67 D,KAMLA NAGAR,
Customer Support, Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technolog D 51 IST FLOOR PRITVI,RAJ ROAD ADARSH NAGAR,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect WZ 283/86,WEST BLOCK VISHNU GARDEN,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalA2-170,SECTOR 3, ROHINI
Application Programming, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Software EngH NO A-49,GOKAL PUR VILLAGE,
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testi C 57 KANCHAN CHANGA APPT,IPEXT90,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software EngineerB-535,G N 13 SUBHASH MOHALLA, NORTH GHONDA
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, H/W Installation/Main3558,GALI THAN SINGH, BAZAR SITA RAM
Architecture, Interior Designer B 45,CHANAKYA PLACE, PANKHARA ROAD
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysE 44,SOUTH ANARKALI,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech B/21,T CAMP, KHICHRIPUR
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-14/164,SEC-7, ROHINI
Other Architecture 1507/106,TRI NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Network Administrati 1/4226,RAM NAGAR EXTN, SHD
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech 39/7 RAJPUR ROAD,,
Desktop Support, Operations, Quality Assurance/Testing, Syste 100 D POCKET I,MAYUR VIHAR PHASE I,
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Network AdministrE A/2 MODEL TOWN,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, GALI NO-17,MUKAND PUR EXTN,,
Other Architecture 143,PITAM PURA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect R 59D,DILSHAD GARDEN,
Application Programming, Desktop Support, Hardware Design, MD-11/116,SECTOR-8, ROHINI
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training D 71 C BLOCK,GANDHI VIHAR, ADARSH NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 387 PKT 8 SECTOR 8 ROHINI,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser3933 GALI SATTE WALI,CHAWRI BAZAR,
Architecture, Other Architecture M 145,SANGAM VIHAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect D 275,GANESH NAGAR, PANAV NAGAR COMPLEX
Other Architecture A 34,MAJLIS PARK,
Audit & Risk, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, NeC-444 SARASWATI VIHAR,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 747 MUKHERJEE NAGR,,
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, Switching A-115,SARASWATI VIHAR,
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Software Engineer562 SHIVAJI ROAD,NAJAFGARH,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System1/5627,STREET NO 12 SHIVAJI PARK, BALVIR NAGAR EXTN SHAHDRA
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Softw B-83/5,SUBHASH MOHALLA, UTTARI GHONDA VISTAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect B C 103 B SHALIMAR BAGH,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect V & PO KARALA,,
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst3657 GALI RAM NATH PATWA,PAHAR GANJ,
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArD-94 PREET VIHAR,,
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Soft E-172 PARSHANT VIHAR,,
Architecture, Interior Designer 345 VILLAGE BANKNER,NARELA,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Proje9 MELA RAM MARKET,CHAWRI BAZAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 11/26 STREET 2,OLD GOVIND PURA, EXTN
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 24 MODEL TOWN III,,
Architecture WZ A 60/1,KRISHANA PARK EXTN, GL NO 10
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-61,JANGPURA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect G-172 JANTA MAJDOOR,CAMP JAFRABAD BLOCK G,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Operations, System Analyst/Tech 7660,SHEKH SAHAN STREET, QURESH NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer 2860 CHAIL PURI,KINARI BAZAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect D 5 TULSI APTS,SEC 14, ROHINI
Architecture B 1/179,NAND NAGRI,
Architecture 2191,BAZAR CHITII QABAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 1615,KOTLA, M PUR
Database Administration (DBA), Insurance Advisor, Network Adm 54 B,JYOTI APPTS SEC-14 EXTN, ROHINI
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-365 VIJETA VIHAR,ROHINI SECTOR-13, NEAR BRIGHT FOUNDATION
Architecture A1,EAST BALDEV PARK,
Architecture 1 ASHOK BHATT COM,,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Commercial, Design, Interi A9 SHIVPURI EXT,,
Architecture C-6/180,YAMUNA, VIHAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Da2094/4A L-5 GALI 15,PREM NAGAR,
Application Programming, Customer Service (Web), Graphic De 198 B,DDA FLATS, GAZIPUR DAIRY FARM
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ConfiguraB-725 AVANTIKA,SECTOR 1, ROHINI
Architecture 14/22 SAKET BLOCK,MANDAWALI,
Architecture 353 BLOCK RU,EAST PITAM PURA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A-306 DERAWALA NAGAR,,
Lecturer/Professor, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousi D1 SECTOR-I,ROHINI,
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manage1/11034 SUBASH PARK,,
Client Server, Security, System Administration, System Analyst/ PD 29 A,PITAM PURA,
Architecture A-2/91,SECTOR-3, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerPLOT A/105 JUGGI NO B429,WAZIR PUR INDL AREA,
Application Programming, Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Proj B 4/52 PH II,ASHOK VIHAR,
Application Programming, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project ManaD-8, DELHI GOVERNMENT,OFFICER'S FLATS MODEL, TOWN-I
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Security, System Administrati 400 MANGOL PUR,KALAN,
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Fo B-250 AVENTIKA,ROHINI SECTOR-I,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Administration, Sy A 29 ROSE APTS,SECTOR 14, EXT ROHINI
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/B-47,PREET VIHAR,
Architecture D-23,BALI NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec FIAT NO 153,NEELGIRI APPARTMENT, SECTOR 9 ROHINI
System Analyst/Tech Architect T2 72,GOPAL APPARTENTS, JAMIA NAGAR OKHLA
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Proj BA 9A ASHOK VIHAR PHASE I,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea VPO-BHALSWA,,
Banking -General, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System135 NEW LAYALPUR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A-288 GAMARI EXTN.,PRAGATI VIHAR,
Other Architecture UP-42 PITEMPURA,,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, HOUSE NO 558,HAIDER VILLAGE,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Pro C 1/139,SEC 16, ROHINI
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec A4/30 A,INDER LOK DDA FLAT,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect NP 97B PITAM,,
Software Consulting, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT S 295,DHAKA VILL, KINGS WAY CAMP
Legacy Systems, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Ar68 SAHIPUR VILLAGE,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, InternI-100 MANGOL PURI,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec 1135,GALI SAMOSAN, FARASH KHAN
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst J 20A,RAMESH NAGAR,
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manag E 382 GL 23-25 FOOT ROAD,MUSTAFABAD,
Network Administration, Service Engineers, System Administrat 13 CHITRA VIHAR GROUND FLOOR,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect H No-1/383,Block-1, Trilok Puri
System Analyst/Tech Architect 858/52 LEKHU NAGAR TRI NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, D 94,NORTH GHONDA, MAUJPUR
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst 197/1,PADAM NAGAR, KISHANGANJ
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystN-58 B,LAXMI NAGAR,
Client Server, Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech G 515 J J COLONY,WAZIR PUR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser1382,CHATTA RAJAN, FRASH KHANA
Architecture T 87/7,GAUTAM PURI,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System104-C POCKET-B,MAYUR VIHAR PH-II,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati 156 GOODWILL APARTMENT,SECTOR 13, ROHINI
System Analyst/Tech Architect 93,MAUSAM APPTS, WEST ENCLAVE, PITAMPURA
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech WZ 1786/A,MULTANI MOHALLA, RANI BAGH
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic H 1/59,SECTOR 11, ROHINI
Architecture ASHOK VIHAR,PHASE-II, C-2/10
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-405 SHASTRI NAGAR,,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Administ G-723,MANGOL PURI,
Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Visualiser, Ot 158,SANT NAGAR, WEST KAMALPUR BURARI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 1877,GALI MATA WALI NAI, SARAK
System Analyst/Tech Architect D 25,CHANAKYA PLACE,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 52A IIND FLOOR,MUNIRKA VILLAGE,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Ana H 34/116 SECTOR 3,BLOCK 34, ROHINI
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B 79/2 GALI NO 9,EAST AZAD NAGAR, KRISHAN NAGAR
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, N 28A/514,AZAD COLONY, WAZIR PUR IND. AREA
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-64,GL-2 SHIV VIHAR, PHASE-II KARAWAL NAGAR
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), IT Con G 1/76,SEC 16, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S F 15 PREET VIHAR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Network AE 269,NARAYANA,
Architecture D-28 JHILMIL COLONY,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 357,KABUL NAGAR,
Operations, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit 15,L ENCLAVE IIND FLOOR, VIKAS MARG
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ProjecBARRACK NO 7,PS GEETA COLONY,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An302, Regalia Height, Shipra sun city, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010 Indi
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ED JSS BOYS HOSTEL, Bishanpura Sec 58 Noida UP 201301
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec B-98 , Sector - 36 NOIDA 201 301(UP)
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Operations, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit Flat # 01, Ground Floor, Aditya ApartmentsPanjagutta, Hyderabad (A.P.) 50
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Othern-129, noida ,sec-12 u.p.
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E- c-67,sec-57 noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ 6/501, shakti kunj, sector 62, noida (UP) - 201307
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1476,c/o Ltp.Dharampal,park view appartments,sector-29,Noida.
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati avin sijariya b-101 neelkanth appt. sector 62 noida (u.p.)
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Secur
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se J-214, Patel nagar 1st, Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,2nd floor, B-167, Amar clony, Lajpat Nagar 4, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se D/184 Sector 27, Noida, UP
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A9/18 semal road shipra suncity inderapuram ghaziabad uttar pradesh
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manage 203, Udaigiri Apartments Kushambhi Towers ,Ghaziabad-2010101 (UP)
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project LeB-25, Pushpanjali Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi - 110034.
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Int B-58 Old Colony Kasimpur Power House Aligarh U.P. 202127
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 154 A C2 Phase III Mayur vihar Delhi
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader418 SECTOR 29 NOIDA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 19/11, Ashoka Road, Shipra Suncity, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, UP
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B-77, Sector-23, Noida
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Service Engineers, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc c-312,sec-22 noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ E-106, Ashiana Orchids Sector- Gamma II Greater Noida U.P.
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems P J-201, Patel Nagar- I , Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Application Programming, Client ServA-52A Sector 23 noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Ar
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project D-192 Sector-49 Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ B - 153, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar New Delhi 110047
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Operations, D-16 Sector-15 , Noida U.P-201301
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Database Admin c/o Harish 374,sector-19,Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect Rahul Kumar Pandey C/O Ravi Prakash Pandey G-206, sector-22 , Noida,No
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect P-481, Sector 21 Noida (U.P.)
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S A-452 Sector-19 Noida 201301 UP India
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys Flat No 1609, Regalia Heights, Shipra Sun City, IndiraPuram, Ghaziabad, UP
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ FLAT NO. 185, RAIL VIHAR, SECTOR-33,NOIDA
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, top flr H-149 Sector-22 Noida (UP)-201301
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech AE- 24 Tagore Garden New Delhi INIDA
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leade4/B, Nivrutti bldg, Peru Baug , aarey road, goregaon East, Mumbai 400063
Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Inspection, Six S E-363 Sector 15,Noida- 201301
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Su F/132 Sector 27 Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leade95 FF, Jaipuria Enclave, Kaushambi, Gaziabad, UP, India
Special Education Teaching, Network Administration, Software Noida
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech F-32 Sector-20 Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect Gayettri Devi C-49,Sec-19,NOIDA(U.P.)PIN:201301 Contact no. 989139098
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture C 709 RAM VIHAR SECTOR 30 NOIDA 201301
Financial Analysis, Business Analysis, Research Associate, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-3/226,Sector 31 Noida
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Othe
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A-441 Sector-19 Noida,UP
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Internet/E AIIMS APTS, Mayur Kunj, Phase - I, Mayur Vihar Extn, Delhi - 96
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sof 193 C, Aravali Apartment, Sec-52, NOIDA
Other Architecture A-2/12,Janata Complex sector - 71 NOIDA
Network Administration, Security, Switching/Router, System Adm G-97 naraina Vihar New Delhi -28
Private Tuition, Special Education Teaching, Business/Systems a-28 FF , sec-35 noida
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnC 39,SEC 6, G B NAGAR
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ED INDEUTSCH INDUSTRIES,PLOT NO 39-40-41,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec H N 38,POCKET B 9 SECTOR 34,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste B-204,ATS GREENS, A-86 SECTOR 50
Operations, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit F 21 SEC 9,,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other11 CHHELERA SEC 44,,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E- T-4 SECTOR-12,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ L-196 SEC-25,,
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect VILL CHALLERA GALI NO-1 SEC-44,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati C2-33,Vasant Appartment, Sector-62
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network AdministraA 53,SECTOR 27,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training V 1/6,SECTOR 12,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H 69 SECTOR 41,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,680 SEC 28,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se HOUSE NO 445-B,BLOCK 'Z', SECTOR XII
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech AP-329,SECTOR 21,
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manage C518 SECTOR 19,,
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project LeC 62,SEC 19,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Int G 569 ALPHA II,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, M 62 ALPHA 2ND,GREEERT,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderBABVNIA ROAD,POSPS SIWAN BIHAR C-154, SECTOR-15
System Analyst/Tech Architect A455 SECTOR 19,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S C-80,SECTOR-53,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System J 41 42,SEC. 18,
Service Engineers, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc 98A DHAWALGIRI APPARTMENTS,SECTOR-11,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ D-150,SEC-41,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S VPO HARALA,SECT 5,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems P C-8/200 NTPC TOWNSHIP,SECTOE -33,,
Application Programming, Application Programming, Client ServC 2/37 SECTOR 31,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Inter C 136 A SECTOR 20,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project A 122/41,NOIDA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ HIMGIRI APPTS,B-14/125, SEC-34
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Operations, M 115,SEC. 12,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Database Admin NEW CR NO 548,VANDANA ENCLAVE, KHORA ENCLAVE SEC 57
System Analyst/Tech Architect 88,JALVAYU VIHAR, SEC 25
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 24 C/B-5,DHAWAL GIRI, SECTOR 34
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CA-45,SECTOR 19,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S H 142,SECTOR 22,
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys A 367,SEC 19,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ E 60,SECTOR 36,
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, C 75,SEC 10,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech BHANGAL PH II,GB NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect FALT NO 210,C 58/18 SAHRD KUNJ,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leade593,SECTOR 29,
Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Inspection, Six S A 5,SEC 26,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Su SEC 18 OCEAN PIAZA,B 165 SEC 22,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leade59-B/A-3,LIG Flats, Sector-71
Special Education Teaching, Network Administration, Software Room No-211,G N Boys Hostel, G B Nagar
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech P-2 7th Floor,Gaurav Adhikari Appts, Sec-26
System Analyst/Tech Architect F 84,SECTOR 27,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, QuaE 227,SEC 27,
Architecture SEC 37 A1/2,G B NAGAR,
Financial Analysis, Business Analysis, Research Associate, ERP B1C SEC 10 NETWORK,PROGRAMS,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture RC-163 KHORA COLONY,,
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Network Administ 3/266 B-10,Bajaj Bhawan, Sector-3
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft GBN,CHHALERA, SECTOR 44
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T GALI NO-2,CHHALERA, SECTOR-44
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Internet/E C 168 SECTOR 15,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sof 1527,SECTOR-29,
Other Architecture D 58,SEC 56,
Network Administration, Security, Switching/Router, System Adm H-119,BETA-2, GREATER NOIDA
Private Tuition, Special Education Teaching, Business/Systems C-40,SECTOR-59,
Information Systems, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Ad K-91, Sector - 25, Jalvayu Vihar, Noida (U.P.), Pin: - 201301
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr B-410,Sagar Appt, C 58/15,Sec-62 Noida
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 1503 Sector 29 Park VIew Appatrments Noida (UP) - 201301
IT/Telecommunications, Embedded Technologies, Software Eng H No 210 -B PANDAV ROAD SHADARA DELHI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect a-2/6,peshwa road,gole market,new delhi
Retail Finance, Other Finance, Business/Systems Analysis, Inte B264, Sect 26 NOIDA
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AdmTarun Gupta (SFA) A-1 C/D, Sector - 16, Noida.
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-1096 New Friend`s Colony, New Delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 51-C/B-5 , Dhawalgiri Appts. , Opp. Mother Dairy Booth, Sec-34, Noida - 20
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 28, Nirupam Vatika, C 58/14, Sector -62, Noida, UP
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Network Administration, Software 13/22, Barahseni Street Barabazar, Aligarh 202001
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, SoftwA-212,Sec-15 Noida
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 93, Santosh Sagar Colony, Bramhapuri Road, Jaipur, 302002
IT/Telecommunications, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft A-166, Sec-26, Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, ERP/CRM, P 192-C, B-10, Sector-34, Noida,(U.P) Pin-201307
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Business/Sy 19,Russa Road South 1st Lane, Tollygunge, Kolkata-700033
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeH 154 Beta II Greater Noida UP
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemI-7, Sai Apartments, Sector 13, Rohini, New Delhi-110085
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software En2H/106 A NIT Faridabad Haryana PIN 121001
Electrical/Electronic, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A - 59 , Sector 23 NOIDA - U.P ( Pin - 201301 )
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Training & Development, Network Administration, Project Lead z-115,sector-12,noida (u.P)
Six Sigma, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CFlat N0. 81-D, Kanchanjunga Appartment, Sector-53
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 186 Delux Appartment, Vasundra Enclave Delhi-96
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoftwarC-76, Nar Vihar-I,Sector-34,Noida
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/T
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded T4/4, Uncha Mandi, Chowk, Allahabad-211003
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech#B-76,Sector-56, Noida
IT/Telecommunications, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, I 38 civil lines,hno. 429/a roorkee
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc E-36 sector -20 noida
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Administration,B-101, Pocket # 7, Kendriya Vihar II, Sector # 82, Noida: 201301, UP, INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CB-37 sector 55 noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assur 7/57, First Floor, South Patel Nagar, New Delhi
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Proj D1, Sec-2, Noida, UP
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys C - 175 Sec 19 Noida UP India Pincode: 201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Inter House No: A-38 Char Masu Ki Kripa Sector 53 Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CA-513, MEA Appartment, Noida
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeHouse No 115, Sector 37, Arun Vihar NOIDA, U.P. 201303
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof 656 Sector 28 Noida (U.P)-201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ C-96,Sector -21, Noida ( U.P)
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Soumik Roy E-61, First Floor Sector-27, Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Information Systems, Data Warehousing, Database AdministratiL-195, Sector-25, Noida
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystS-55, sector-12, Noida, U.P, India, 201301
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Customer Service, Information Systems, Customer Service (Voic B2/45, GAIL VIHAR SECTOR - 23 NOIDA UP 201301
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati House No. A-50, Sec-12, Noida, 201301
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No-93A/2,Bhatia Colony,Ballabhgarh,Faridabad,Haryana
Information Systems, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Ad JAGDAMBE APARTMENT,FLAT D 601 PLOT NO 25, POCKET 58 SECTOR 62
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr C-43,SECTOR 40,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ KUNDA COLONY BHANGEL PH II,,
IT/Telecommunications, Embedded Technologies, Software Eng V 5,A K R PUR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-169 SECTOR 10,,
Retail Finance, Other Finance, Business/Systems Analysis, Inte 34 B,NEELGIRI I, SEC 34
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AdmH NO B/183,ALPHA I GREATER NOIDA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NO 370,SECTOR-15A,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-6/170 SECTOR 3,,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech F 88 SECTOR 20,,
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Network Administration, Software D 105,SEC 40,
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, SoftwVILL GARHISHADMARA,PO KUKESHARA, G B NAGAR
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste V-265B,SECTOR-12, GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR
IT/Telecommunications, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft P 451,SECTOR 21,
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, ERP/CRM, P LG SURAJPUR,G NOIDA,
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Business/Sy A71A,SECTOR 54,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeVILLAGE,SADARPUR, SEC-45
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemV 185,SECTOR 12,
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software EnC-350 A,SECTOR-19,
Electrical/Electronic, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A 28,SECTOR 57,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 5199 SEC 40,G N NAGAR,
Training & Development, Network Administration, Project Lead G-181,SECTOR-20,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TB-188,SECTOR 12,
Six Sigma, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CVillage,Atta Sec-27,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech F 136 NAR VIHAR II,SECTOR 34,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoftwarA 161 SEC 26,,
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analysi B-146 SECTOR 17,,
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst HAROLA VILLAGE,SEC 5,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded TRAGHUNATH PUR,SECTOR 22 NOIDA, GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Wr3C MANSAROVAR PARTMENTS,SECTOR 61,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechG-57 SEC-4,,
IT/Telecommunications, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, I 50-B,DHAWALGIRI APTS, SEC-11
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc D 21 SEC 40,,
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Administration,C-20,SECTOR-10,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CC-140,SEC-21,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assur B 16/11,, SECTOR 71
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Proj VILL SHAHPUR P O GHEJHA,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys C-403,SAKET DHAM SOCIETY, SECTOR-61
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Inter H NO 382,SEC 29,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/C28C,NILGIRI I, SEC 34
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeA-18,KALYAN KUNG BAROLA,SECTOR 49,GB NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof H NO 33 A,BLOCK SEC 35,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 265B GANGA APPERT,SEC 29,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ D 37,NILGIRI 1, SEC 34
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeBABA ARCADE OPP TOHSI JAR,SEC 2 HOROLA SEC 5,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech E-298B SECTOR-27,,
Information Systems, Data Warehousing, Database AdministratiVillage Silarpur,G B Nagar,
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystF-59 SECTOR-20,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect E158 SECTOR 15,,
Customer Service, Information Systems, Customer Service (Voic Y-117/A,Sec-12,
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati E 58 SECTOR 40,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect SECTOR-53, VILLAGE GIJHOR,,
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati s-101 sec-12 Noida
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati A-81 SECTOR 15,,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect 6/6 cassia road nova flats shipra suncity, indrapuram ghaziabad
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT D-65, Ramprastha, P.O. Chander Nagar, Dist. Ghaziabad, UP - 201011
Architecture Sector 5, 2/12, Rajender Nagar, Sahibabad Ghaziabad U.P 201005 IN
Architecture 732, Sector -5, Vaishali Noida Gautam Budh Nagar India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste SB 72, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP) 201002
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I A1/1006 Krishna Apra Garden, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, UP 201010
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Sector-5, 2/12, Rajender Nagar, Sahibabad - 201005
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech 69-A, MIG, Gyan Khand-4, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (U.P.) - 201020
Architecture B-223/5 indra vihar Khora colony Ghaziabad/Noida
ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architec10-D/12 sec-10 Vasundhara GZBD (U.P.)
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 12/614, FRIEND SOCIETY, VASUNDHRA, GHAZIABAD
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, H/W Installa Sector 2 B,House No 511,Vasundara,Ghaziabad,201012
Architecture Praveen Kumar C/o Harish Sharma Flat No-607,Block-F sector-17 Vasundh
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering c/o Sh. KC Rai H.No.26,shiv Nagar, Lal Kuan,Ghaziabad
Architecture A-240, Param Hans Vihar Loni UTTAR PRADESH 201102 India
Architecture, Interior Designer D-137, Brij Vihar, PO-Chander Nagar, Distt-Ghaziabad-201011, UP
Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Analysis, System Analyst/Tec IMT Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer PHULVARI MUHALLA, VILL. + POST: - MANIAR DISTT: - BALLIA, UP PIN: - 27
Architecture, Interior Designer Near krishna palace, Devi Pura I Bulandshahar UP 203001
Architecture 103,gomuhk appt kaushambi gzb.
Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, GIS, Information SystC-267, Janakpuri Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201005 India
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, E Chitta Ranjan Park New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T ka-22,kavinagar,ghaziabad.u.p 201001
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No.192, Ekta Marg, Baudh Vihar, Vijay Nagar, Bypass Road, Ghaziabad (U
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, Mainframe, Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, S
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se E-835A, M.I.G Ghaziabad U.P 201002 India
Architecture 2B 416, VASUNDHRA GHAZIABAD
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syst SD-326, Shastri Nagar, Ghazaiabd-201001, U.P.
Architecture S-8, Tushar Apatt-III, Plot No.625, Shalimar Garden Extn-I, Ghaziabad, U.P.
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training Flat C-1/ Plot C-7, Aparna Apt -2 , Shalimar Garden Ext -2 , Sahibabad, Gha
Architecture, Interior Designer Shama Gupta, House No. 1032, Sector-1, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad - 201010
Architecture Flat No. D- 2 /C -2, I.I.T Campus ,Hauz Khas , New Delhi - 110016
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AA311 nandgram ghaziabad
Architecture 9/178 A-Sector3, Rajendra Nagar, sahibabad, ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer Nitikhand-3, GHAZIABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer III/B-40, Nehru Nagar, Near HOLICHILD SCHOOL, Ghaziabad(U.P.)
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering H.No. 202, Christ Nagar Ghaziabad U.P 201009 India
Art, Film Production, Graphic Design, Production/Technical, Other Architecture, Other TV/Film Prod.
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tea-14,rakesh marg,ghaziabad,u.p
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect Mahagun Mansion,osimo 202,1/4 vaibhav khand,Indirapuram ,Ghaziabad,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy HNo 1/200 A, Sector 1, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, UP 201001
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems Ana15/932, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 18/538,Indira Nagar, Lucknow U.P.
Other Architecture S/o Shri Babu Ram Makanpur,near IndiraPuram Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin-2010
Other Architecture
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, System165/4, Sec 15, Vasundhara Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T P-85A, Sector-23, Sanjay Nagar, Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T III-E/181, Flat NO.03, Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad (U.P.)-201001
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Kashampur Khola Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) 251315 India
Architecture, Editor/Journalist, Interior Designer, Other TV/Film310 Ram Nagar, Ghaziabad
Architecture Plot No:-774,Sector 2B ,VASUNDHRA GHAZIABAD,(UP),Pin 201012
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Da New Delhi Delhi India
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AFlat No.C-305, Super Tech Icon, Near Sai mandir, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture, Other Fresh Grad, Others E/36,HIG,LAJPAT NAGAR, SAHIBABAD, GHAZIABAD,U.P.
Architecture c-12 lohia nagar zhaziabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect CHANDRAKANT MAURYA , 3rd-k,127, R.K PURAM(Near rakesh Marg)Ghaz
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Soft 128-SF, Aashiana green, indirapuram , ghaziabadUttar Pradesh
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil B-L-43,(WEST) SHALIMAR-BAGH, DELHI-110088.
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Investment Banking, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tec
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C/O SHRI J.C. SRIVASTAVA KI-85, NEW KAVI NAGAR, GHAZIABAD-201001
Architecture, Interior Designer FLAT NO. 1204, Devika Apartment, Sec-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad
Architecture, CAD/CAE Vasundhara
Architecture, Interior Designer Abhishek Agrawal,sector 13 plot no. 1085,vasundhara,ghaziabad, uttar pra
Architecture House No.244a, Indirapuram Nayakhand 1st, Near Police Station, Ghaziab
Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Internet/E-comme C/o Atul Pashad Deb, c 10/17, Niru Sadan, DLF NCR Ankur Vihar, Near Kris
GPRS, GSM, IC Programming, Mobile, Network Administration, Net 801-RAVI TOWERS SEC-4, VAISHALI GHAZIABAD-201010 UTTAR PRADESH
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture M BLOCK SHASTRI NAGAR GAZIABAD(UP) 201001
Architecture Defence colony muradnagar ghaziabad U.P.
Architecture 10-d/141,vasundhra,ghaziabad,utaar pardesh
Architecture 39, Siddharth Niketan Uttar Pradesh INDIA India
Architecture B-533 Double Storey, Brij Vihar, Ghaziabad, Uttrar Pradesh.
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Data53,Old Anand Vihar Basti U.P 272001 India
Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture A-265A Nand Gram Ghaziabad-201001
Architecture H.No: 164/S2, Shalimar Garden, Extention -I, Sahiababad Ghaziabad (U.P)
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, De D-247/a, Brij Vihar ghaziabad
Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, Subhash Nagar, Gandhi Colony Muzaffarnagar UTTAR PRADESH 251001 In
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft c-235,lohia nagar, ghaziabad(u.p.)
Banking -General, Desktop Support, Mobile, Quality Assurance/TP-269 ,Sec-12 Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad (U.P.)-201001
Architecture, Interior Designer E-6041, Gaur Green City, Plot No 8, Vaibhav Khand, Indirapuram Ghaziaba
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect, 619 Niti khand -1 Indirapuram Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 26,GDA Colony, Patel Nagar 1, Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat No. 115, Sector-5, Vasundhara, Patrakar parisar
Architecture b-3, om ganga appt, plot no-125, r.s.park, sahibabad, gzb, u.p-201005
Architecture, Interior Designer HRC Engineers Estate Pvt. Ltd, Indrapuram Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 20
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S D-126, Sec.-23,Sanjay Nagar, Gaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture shivpuri vijaynagar sec.9 h.n. 789
Architecture, Interior Designer b-283, shalimar garden main sahibabad (gzb.) u.p.
Admin/Facilities Mgmt, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Ad355, sameer vihar modinagar Ditt- ghaziabad (U.P)
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ B-312 Single Storey Brij Vihar Ghaziabad U.P. 201011
Architecture, Interior Designer Gali No-4 Bhupender Puri Modi Nagar Ghaziabad UP (201 204) India
Architecture, Interior Designer Type one, block 1, H.No. 16 O.F Muradnagar UTTAR PRADESH India
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech AIndirapuram Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201010 India
Other Architecture, Interior Designer R 8/93 Raj Nagar Ghaziabad U.P India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnE 46, Radhakunj Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201011 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect M.I.G.-11, SECTOR-16, SIKANDRA, AGRA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I 533-A,Regent, Shipra Sun City Indirapuram, Ghaziabad -201014
System Analyst/Tech Architect 3001,4B,Vasundhra
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Proj12/523, Sector 12, Near Jaipuria College, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, U.P., PIN
Architecture 13/1133, VASUNDHRA, GAZIABAD
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Hno 311 sector 2B Vasundhra GZB
Network Administration, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Training
Architecture, Interior Designer AT SHASTRI NAGAR, GHAZIABAD
Other Architecture Govind Ballavh Sati C/o Sh. Ramchander Sati B-54, East Vinod Nagar Delhi-
Architecture, Civil 132-A,Brindawan garden, sahibabad,Ghaziabad,U.P.(201005)
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, So CC-1/30, Avantika, Ghaziabad-201002
Architecture 395-b,regent flat,shipra suncity,indirapuram,ghaziabad-201010 (up)
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr E-31, . RADHA KUNJ, BRIJ VIHAR, GHAZIABAD
Client Server, Customer Support, Legacy Systems, Operations, P N-8 Patel Marg n/o Shiv Mandir Ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Rele L-54, Sector XI NOIDA
Other Architecture 43 main shyam park sahibabad ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture KM-79 KAVINAGAR GHAZIABAD U.P 201002
Architecture 10/d,-141,vasundhra,ghaziabad, uttarpardesh
Client Server, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, NetHouse No. 3, Karhera, Near O.B.C. Bank,Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P. Pin
Administration, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Cu G-3, B-72, Shalimar Gdn., Ex-II, Sahibabad(Ghaziabad) Pin-201005
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Desk427 Ext-1 Shalimar Garden Sahibabad,Gzb 201005
Other Architecture VILL- Kadrabad P.O. Govindpuri, Modinagar Distt. Ghaziabad -201201
Other Architecture 56hfvc
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Deskto east katras colliery area no-4 katrasgarh dhanbad jharkhand 828113
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Softwplot no:466,shakti khand-3. indirapuram,ghaziabad.
ERP/CRM, Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 268- B, shipra Suncity Indirapuram Ghaziabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A-90/A Nandgram, Ghaziabad
Architecture A-307,Vasundhra Valley Apartments, Sector-6 ,Vasundhra, Ghaziabad.
H/W Installation/Maintenance, IT , Internet/E-commerce, NetwoR-7/ B-6, Raj Nagar,Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin Code : 201001
Architecture 3/60 sector-2 rajendra nagar sahibabad ghaziabad up
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, NetworkSD-512 shastri nagar ghaziabad UP 201002
Other Architecture
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 3/1326 Vasundhra Ghaziabad
Architecture, Interior Designer SB-122, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Banking -General, Private Tuition, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Trading
Architecture Flat No. 204, 6/63, Vishali, Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 90-D, Shipra sun city indirapuram, ghaziabad, UP-201010
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database sector-2B,142,vasundhara,ghaziabad,UP,India
Architecture I-102, Jasmine Block, Niho's Scottish Gardens Ahinsa Khand - 2 Indirapuram
Architecture 465/5,2nd floor,sector-5,veshali,gaziabad
Software Engineer, Statistical Quality Control, System Adminis A-16 Street no 4 Om nagar mohannagar ghaziabad UP 201007
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet 147, Sri Krishna Aprtments, Sector-6, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, U.P-201012
Architecture, Other Architecture plot no-54, first floor, ashiana greens, indirapuram, ghaziabad, uttarprade
Client Server, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Netwo G-291, Sector-23, Sanjay Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P., India
Architecture c-1451/5 indra nagar lucknow
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/TechG-156, GOBIND PURAM, GHAZIBAD -201001
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Administratio8/1 Nova Flats, Jacranda Road, Shipra SunCity,IndiraPuram,Ghaziabad
Architecture b-43 gyan khand - iv ghaziabad
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop SupBangalore
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, #201, H.No.2-19-9, Suraksha Pride, Kalyanapuri, Uppal, Hyd-39
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, DFlat no: 221, Mahagun Villa, 4/30, Sector-4C, Vaishali, Ghaziabad.
Architecture, Interior Designer 66 A Sector II B, Sadhna, Vaishalli, Ghaziabad (U.P.)
EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TechSEM - 11/1 (SEMAL ROAD), SHIPRA SUN CITY, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD
Architecture Gyan Deep Appartments, Flat Number-211, GH-II, Sector-II,Vasundhara, G
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech23 k/1 maliwada ghaziabad up
System Analyst/Tech Architect 2nd main taverekhere road, Bangalore
Architecture ADD. : 914-A, NEW KAILASHNAGAR
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 358-Mauhari Bagh ,Civil Line Unnao (U.P.)
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiD/O MR.N.K.GUPTA A-112, PATEL NAGAR-2ND GHAZIABAD (U.P.)
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Network AdministratiH - 444, GOVINDPURAM, GHAZIABAD.
Client Server, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect 12/4, Semal Road, Windsor, Shipra Sun City, Ghaziabad UP
Software Engineer, Statistical Quality Control, System Adminis C-2/59,TANISH APARTMENT, RAJINDER NAGAR SECTOR-5 SAHIBABAD
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet B161 B1 SHALIMAR GARDEN,GHAZIABAD,
Architecture, Other Architecture 53 MANSI VIHAR,SEC 23, RAJ NAGAR
Client Server, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Netwo 717 LAL QUATER HAPUR,ROAD GHAZIABAD,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,5/67 VAISHALI,,
Architecture 74 PUNJAB LINE,,
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/TechR 5/17,RAJ NAGAR,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System AdministratioHOUSE NO 51,GULDER VILLAGE,
Architecture 9/47 JUDGE COLONY,VAISHALI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 232A,SEV 1 VAISHALI,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Sup5/185,VAISHALI,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, K T 96,KAVI NAGAR,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, DH NO 227,TRIVEDI NAGAR, NONI 13/690 VASUNDRA
Architecture, Interior Designer A/186,SURYA NAGAR, NEAR VIVEK VIHAR
EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech812 PRIT BAHAR LONI GZB,,
Architecture R 8/18,RAJ NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechISLAM NAGAR CHAMAN COLONY,NEW BUS STAND,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 3/4 SIHNI GATE,,
Architecture 4 B 3167,VASUNDHARA,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 146,NEW ARYA NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiRam Lila Garound,Sec-10 Raj Nagar,
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System AdministratR-14/167,RAJ NAGAR,
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Network AdministratiC/O P C SHARMA,INDER GARHI HAPUR ROAD, PO ADHYATMIK NAGAR
Client Server, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System An15/965,VASUNDHARA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software EngiEM-5, Excel Apartments, 180, Main GT Road, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (UP)-2
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Administration, System AnR/9-255, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP-201002, India
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys132,Seemant Vihar Kaushambi, Ghaziabad(UP)
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser275-D ,SHIPRA SUN CITY,GHAZIABAD
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, InAE-96,AAVANTIKA,ANSALS, GHAZIABAD(UP)-201002
Desktop Support, Information Systems, Software Engineer, Sys 06/4 Professors colony Hawai Patti Faizabad-224001
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect S.J-42, SHASTRI NAGAR, GHAZIABAD, UP
Application Programming, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embed G-128, Patel Nagar-III, Ghaziabad - 201001
Other Architecture surajit debnath, plat-b,195,flat-g1,Shalimargaden,Ex-2,Shabibad, Gazibad,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engi95 AFGAAN MOHALLA,DELHI GATE,
Architecture A 77 INDIRA PURI,,
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Administration, System AnITE 10/A,KAMNA VAISHALI, SEC 2
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys328 SECTOR,19 SATYAM KHAND, VASUNDARA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser9/83-A SECT 3 RAJENDER,NAGAR SAHIBABAD GHAZIABAD,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, InC-26 L-3 JDP APPT EXT,II SHALIMAR GARDEN UP,
Desktop Support, Information Systems, Software Engineer, Sys 403 PANCHMARI KAUSHAMBI,,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect 254,VIJAY NAGAR,
Application Programming, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embed B 168,SECTOR 23, RAJ NAGAR
Other Architecture GORA BAZAR,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr B-9 Surya Nagar Ghaziabad U.P.-201011
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ER 2C/222, VASUNDHARA, DELHI LINK ROAD, GHAZIABAD, UP, INDIA
Information Systems, Lecturer/Professor, Database Administrat KH 202,New Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 113, sona enclave; opp.suman cinema; MODINAGAR-201204; Ghaziabad U
System Analyst/Tech Architect K-H-252, New Kavinagar, Ghaziabad-201002
Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer,B-46,Sector - 9 New Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad(201009)
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr L-113, sanjay nagar, sector-23, ghaziabad, u.p -201002
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Inter SRA 134A Shipra Riviera Indirapuram Ghaziabad UP
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech C/O, Dr. A. K. Verma, 1/C, Rajendranagar, Patna, Bihar, India. PIN - 800016
Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administrat 15/10 Ashoka Road Shipra SunCity Indirapuram,Ghaziabad-201010
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArD 9/1 RailVihar IndraPuram Ghaziabad
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System s-43,shalimargarden,ext-1 sahibabad,gaziabad up
Lecturer/Professor, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Su H.N.1692,adarsh nagar coloney,modinagar more ,hapur(ghaziabad)u.p. pi
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Software9/246 Raj Nagar Ghaziabad UP India
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof PRIYANKA GIRI,M.C.A(THIRD YEAR),GIRLS HOSTEL,INSTITUTE OF MANAGEM
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 720 VIVEKA NAND NAGAR,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ER C-112,BRIJ VIHAR,
Information Systems, Lecturer/Professor, Database Administrat B 156,SHALIMAR GARDEN EXTN II,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr SIGNAL SECTION,AIR FORCE STATION, HINDON
System Analyst/Tech Architect 644 BOMJHA PATEL MARG,,
Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer,144 PREM NAGAR,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr A 81,ARYA NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Inter NO 28,WING AIR FORCE STATION, HINDON
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech TOWWAS PVT LTD,,
Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administrat B-57 A,Nand Gram,
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Ar130 Nanda Gram,Block-F Sihani Gate,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System J 153 PATEL NAGAR,HAPUR ROAD,
Lecturer/Professor, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Su FLAT NO 709 HIMGIRI,APARTMENT KAUSHAMBI, GHAZIABAD U P
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, SoftwareS 2,765 SEC 5, VASLI
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 299/1 KALI PURA,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof A 317,SURYA NAGAR,
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, System Administra 200, south west block, alwar(rajasthan) 301001
System Analyst/Tech Architect 603/7,SECTOR 7,
Direct marketing, Market Research, Marketing Strategy, Produ V-15/44, PINK TOWN,HOUSE DLF, SEC-3,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS 304-4 JAWAR NAGAR,JACABPURA GURGAON,
Business Analyst, Corp Communications, Events & conferences, 660/7,URBAN ESTATE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-125,ANSAL PALAM VIHAR,
Compensation/Payroll, Consulting, Employee Relations, Perfor CRP KADARPUR,,
Maintenance, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administrat H NO 374,SARASWATI VIHAR, CHAKKAR PUR
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training C/O SUMER SINGH,VPO CHAKKARPUR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O BALESHWAR SHARMA,H NO 7024/3, RAJIV NAGAR
Front Office, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Net VILL HARSHU,,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec H NO 32/8,HANS ENCLAVE,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), QualC/O ABHAY SINGH,NEAR SIMENS COMPANY, SEC 18 VPO SARHAUL
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Ana966/1,ASHOK VIHAR, GALI NO-4A
Project Management, Business/Systems Analysis, Project LeaderJCM-42A/FF01 PHASE-II,DLF QUTAB ENCLAVE,
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tec575 SECTOR-10 A,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnC 1855,SUSHANT LOK I,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, LegH NO 215 SEC 15,PART I,
Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software EngiC/O RAJINDER LAMBA,A 36 SECTOR-5, ASHOK VIHAR
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwa HNO 1650,SECTOR 10 A, HOUSING BOARD COLONY
Business Analyst, Market Research, Data Warehousing, Databas135 P,SECTOR 56,
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 467/10 KRISHNA COLONY,,
Information Systems, Business Process Reengineering, Business H NO 519/5,PATEL NAGAR,
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manage 447 PH-V,TCS,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, SystemH NO 51 WARD NO 7 NUH DIST,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 571/19,SHIVAJI NAGAR,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft H NO 593/25 GALI NO 14,MADAN PURI, BALDEV NAGAR
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, FLAT NO 105,ANMOL TOWER, SUKHMALI CHOWK
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Em H NO-3,SIKENDER PUR GOSI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software Eng 217/13,ROSHANPURA,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, 26 JYOTI PARK,NEW COLONY,
IT/Telecommunications, Business/Systems Analysis, Configurati H NO 1857 VIL,SARHU,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System A H NO C18/3,SHEETLA COLONY, NEAR SHEETLA MANDIR
IT/Telecommunications, Logistics/Transport/Supply, Embedded H NO 265 GALI NO 6,MADAN PURI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP MADIPUR H O 34/3,,
Business Process Reengineering, Business Analysis, Feasibility H NO 26,SEC 10,
System Analyst/Tech Architect SEC 31,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Projec573/27,GALI NO 9, MADAN PURI
Corporate Planning/Strategy, Cost Reduction, Feasibility Studie 1748 MARUTI KUNJ,BHONDSI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst SEC-31,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS, Te H NO 190,SECTOR 4, TEH GURGAON
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Pro H NO 849/18 BARF KHANNA,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming B-1160,Z COLONY,
Basic Research, Design Engineer, Research Scientist, Business H NO 103,SECTOR 7,
Investment Banking, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engin 559/22 SHIVAJI PARK,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H-518,PALAM VIHAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr DIKANDER PUR GHOSI,PO DLF,
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Corporate Plannin VILL LOHSINGHANI,GHANGOLA, TEH SOHNA
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeJ 59 GF,SEC 51 MAYFIELD GARDEN,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft 285/23,HIRA NAGAR, GALI 3
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1434 SEC. 15,PART-II,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysC/O RAM PARKASH,144/15, RAM NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO-237,SEC-55,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Internet/E-com H NO G-30 1ST FLOOR,TULIP GATE SERC-57, SUSHANT LOK-2
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, C 52,SOUTH CITY 1,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project M H NO-31,VILL BADSHAH PUR, BLOCK 10 TEH
System Analyst/Tech Architect VPO RAJ SINGH,,
Actuarial, Banking -General, Business/Systems Analysis, Insura D BLOCK 20 RAIL VIHAR,SECTOR 56,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Project SHOP NO 7,ADMENTON MALL HOTEL, BRISTOL M G ROAD
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenaVPO BHONDASI,,
Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network AdministraH NO 605/3,WARD NO 20,
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect VPO BEGUMPUR,KHATE,
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Embedded186 T SEC. 7,URBAN ESTATE,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B 17/2,DLF, PHASE I
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys 938/3,GALI NO 2, RAJIV NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 552,RAVI NAGAR, BASAI ROAD
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, GPRS, GSM,HOUSE I NO-255,GALI NO-13, SHAKTI PARK KADIPUR
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Marketing/Bran C/O C P GUPTA,SHSHANT LOK I, BLOCK 2420
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NO-350,VILLAGE DAULTABAD,
Network Administration, Network Planning, System AdministratiGALI NO 6 ROOM NO 7,HOUSE NO 2351/3, AVR PUBLIC SCHOOL RAJIV NA
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop Support,C/O KALU PLOT,NEAR SARASWATI VIHAR, VPO WAZIRABAD
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H NO 1465,JAL VIHAR COLONY, S PUR ROAD JHANSA
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, Switching J 130 A,BANK LANE, NEW PALAM VIHAR
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechC/O DILIP GUPTA OB-12,DLF QUTAB PLAZA DLF, PHASE-I
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech423/173,SEC 12,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec SANCHOLI TEH SOHNA,,
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1151,DAYANAND COLONY,
Architecture V.P.O. DUNSAHERA,,
Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archit H NO 104/23,LAXMI GARDEN,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, VIL BHONDSI,,
Architecture 237/12,KRISHNA COLONY,
Architecture 720 A,SEC 17,
Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System AnH NO 26,BASAI ROAD,
Architecture H NO 477/28 A,HIRA NAGAR, WARD NO 18
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL,IBS CAMPUS OLD DELHI, JAIPUR ROAD DUNDAHE
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 998,SEC 14,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 171 HEWO APPTS SEC-15-II,,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginH NO 1339,SECTOR 17C ],
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/SystemC/O SURENDRA YADAV,NEAR NATU RAM COMPLEX, MAIN GURGAON ROA
Architecture H NO 380,VPO CARTERPURI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 1/2959,FIRST FLOOR, SUSHANT LOK 1
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des 534/4,RAM NAGAR,
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, S 66/21 ARJUN NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ER H NO 5,SURAT NAGAR, NR DHANWAPUR ROAD RAILWAY LINE
Client Server, Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, Mobil RANBAXY RESEARCH LABORATR,IES R&D II, SECTOR 18 PLOT 20
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysC 906,SURYA VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, D 717/1889,SURAT NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect UNIWROLD GARDEN,MAL BE TOWN SEC 47,
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, H NO 205,HARI NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se DAYA VIHAR,DHANKOT,
Corporate Sales, IT/Telecommunications, Relationship/Account 203/23,GANDHI NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,VILL DAMDAIMA,TEHSIL SOHNA,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, ER801,GALI NO 2, MADAN PURI
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, SoftwH NO 1582,HOUSING BOARD, SEC 10/A
System Analyst/Tech Architect VPO SUKHRALI,NEAR SEC 17, BEHIND OBC
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemC/O SATU SINGH,R NO 8 VILL MOHD PUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRH NO 1256/17,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, DatabaA 26/2,DLF PHASE I,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 219,SEC 29, NEAR SIGNATURE TOWER
Business Analysis, Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ H NO 91/1,KASBA NUH WARD NO 1, TEH NUH
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems C/O SUKBIR SINGH CHAUHAN,BASKUSHLA, NEAR SHIV MANDIR
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S C/O BABADEO YADAV,VPO MANESAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-271,SEC-30, JALVAYU VIHAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser12,NATIONAL MEDIA CENTRE, NATHUPUR
Other Architecture JAY BHARAT MARUTI LTD,SEC 36,
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/ H NO 1543,SEC 10,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se SANJEEV ASSOCIATES,SHOP NO 114, SUN CITY SEC 55
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArcVILL KHAIKA,POST SOHNA,
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Quality Assurance/Testing, S VILLAGE MUNDA KHERA,DIST GURGAON,
Banking -General, Software Engineer, System Administration, S LAXMAN VIHAR PH II,NEAR SHANI MANDIR,
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 26,BLOCK NO 92 SEC 15, KRITI NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 62/14,ARJUN NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L T13/17,DLF-111,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec VPO GHMDOJ,,
GPRS, GSM, IT/Telecommunications, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech VPO MANESAR NSG,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof H NO-2099,GALI-35, SURAT NAGAR PART-II
System Analyst/Tech Architect 19/A,MODEL TOWN,
Internet/E-commerce, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer,730 SECTOR-14,,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalVILL & POST TAJ NAGAR,, TEHSIL & DISTT
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof H NO 40,VILL BADSHAHPUR BLOCK I,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec H NO F-56,RAJENDER PARK, TEH GURGAON
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O RAJPAL SINGH,H NO 512, VPO BHONDSI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 748/22 GANDHI NAGAR,GALI NO 1,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, R-617,SECTOR-56, JALVAY TOWERS
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software EngineerHOUSE NO 506 SECTOR 4,WARD 9,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se P NO 211,FIRST FLOOR, SECTOR 56
EDP/MIS, Hardware Design, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeH NO 156/28,JYOTI PARK,
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArH NO 38,KRITI NAGAR,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoftwarVILLAGE GADAULI KHURD,,
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArSHOP NO 33,BLOCK D, MARKET SOUTH CITY II
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CDLF AIRIA,IALRAND MARG, DLF CITY PHASE II
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality AssCOMMUNICATIONS TEST DESINGH,INDIA PVT LTD SCO 27, SEC 14
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System AdministC/O RAM CHANDER GUPTA,NEAR ROSE GARDEN, VILL BHONDSI
Other Architecture FLAT NO 1391/31,SURAT NAGAR, PLOT NO 2
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, GIS, Ge C/O TIKAM RAGHAW,VILL BHONDSI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Direct maH NO 459,VILL DAMDMA, NEAR ROYAL GREEN FIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 15,GALI NO 5, RAJIV NAGAR
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sof924,SEC 31,
System Analyst/Tech Architect FLAT NO 91,HOPE APPARTMENT SEC 15, PART II
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ PPLOT NO 310,SEC 7, IMT MANESAR
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System AdministratioSHOPPIN MALL,SHOP NO 0115, DLF CITY PHASE I
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1172/31,HOUSING BOAND COLONY,
Service Engineers, Network Administration, System Administrat C 81,SUSHANT LOK II, SEC 56
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect 438 SECTOR 4 VRBAN ESTATE,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerC/O OM PRAKASH CHAUHAN,H NO 494/21 GALI NO 4, OM NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Releas CHANDANI EXPORTS,B 1 OLD DLF, SEC 14 SUNDER SINGH MARG
Architecture H NO 1432,SEC 15 PART II,
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, SoftwaU 23/30,GROUND FLOOR DLF CITY,
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems, Proj H NO 307,LUXMAN VIHAR PHASE II, NEAR RAILWAY LINE WEST RAILWAY C
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProC/O BINDER,H NO 367 GALI NO 5, HARI NAGAR
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnH NO 108,WARD NO 11,
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-co C 6/2,DLF CITY PH I,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 279,ANAND BROTHER, UDYOG VIHAR PHASE 2
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, GSM, Software Engine 54/7 URBAN ESTATE,,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 475,GADAULI KHURD,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst HERO HONDA MOTERS LTD,SEC 33,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T C-65 MAHENDER PARK,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, B 183,BELVEDARE PARK, DLF 3
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, C/O VIRENDER,GANDHI COLONY VILL JHARSA, NEAR HANUMAN MANIDR J
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project ManH NO 1569,SECTOR 21,
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System 829,SARASWATI VIHAR, OPP. DLF-II
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O LAL MOHAN YADAV,CHAKKAR PUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 413/3 ARJUN NAGAR NAI ABADI,,
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/TU 63 16,PH III, DLF CITY
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnH NO 1517/5,PATEL NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchP3C-53,PRINCETON ESTATE, DLF PH-5
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 279/13 ROSHAN PURA,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec VILL PO BADSHAHPUR,,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO 1,SEC 18,
Administration, Architecture, Event Planning, Facilities manag H NO-87,JAMAL PUR,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, GPRS, GSM, H/W H-19 S-24,,
Architecture 22 SHIVAJI NAGAR,,
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, C/O SURAJ SINGH SHOP 2,SECTOR 18 SMB TRECELLS, OPP SIMENSE COMP
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect J 1018,PALAM VIHAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ VILL KHAWAS PUR,PO JAMALPUR,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database AdminisH NO 684/35,SECTOR-1 GHAMDOJ, SOHNA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales 347/UMARLA,MODEL TOWN,
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TecH NO 1848 SEC 4,URBAN ESTATE,
Network Planning, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training BLOCK 17 FLAT 302,HERITAGE CITY,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, VPO KHURD,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeH NO 346 GALI NO 5,HARI NAGAR,
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Legacy C/O RAKESH SINGH,VPO NATHUPUR, NEAR DLF PH III
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), H/W Install 4 186,AWHO VIJAY RATAN, VIHAR
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst HNO.-78, HEWO APPARTMENT,,SEC-15, PART-II,,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network A WW 65 GROUND FLOOR,PERSONAL FLOOR, MALIBU TOWER
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Interne D A 544/1,BHIM NAGAR KHER II,
Architecture H NO 84,VILL KADARPUR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 95,ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE 2
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur H NO 470,WARD NO 1,
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, IT Consultant, Le C/O DHARMVEER YADAV,SHOP NO 205, DLF PH-3 STOP M SHOP MARKET
Architecture H NO 31/3,HANS ENCLAVE,
Architecture MAIN KARKET,,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 871/2,GANGA VIHAR, C/O SAROJ JAIN
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project M 673/18,OM NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 184 SECTOR 4,URBAN ESTATE,
Application Programming, Corporate Sales, Finance, IT , Projec 186/187/4,MODERN TOWN,
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project M C/ PURAN SINGH,VPO KHANDSA, NEAR ORIENTAL BANK
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Adminis 471/3,HATHA PANNA LAL, ROSHAN PURA
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechC/O RAJU YADAV,NEAR SHIV MANDIR SEC 44, VILL KANHAI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Claims/CoH NO 309,VPO ISLAMPUR, NEAR JMD SOCIETY
Architecture C 270,SUSHANT LOK I,
Architecture, Creative Direction, Interior Designer, Other Archi NEAR EXCEL MOTOR SHANTI GAS,SANTOSH KUMAR HINDUSTANS,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 691,SUBHASH NAGAR, NEAR SHEETA HOSPITAL
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sy H NO 1155,SECTOR 09,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 456,SUKHRALI,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Qual VPO M S G NIANESAR,,
Architecture 403/1,BLOCK A, PALAM VIHAR
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administra3/42,SHIVAJI NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Database Adminis293/12 GALI NO 8,KRISHNA COLONY,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ KUNAL AUTO,SEC-14, PLOT 16-17
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ConfiguraHNO-388,SUNAR WALI GALI, VPO DUNDAHERA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO 59,VILL AKLIMPUR, PO TEEKLI
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, ERPC/O ITM COLLEGE,SEC 23,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ H NO 449/11,PRATAP NAGAR,
Architecture H NO 789,NEW JYOTI PARK,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H-21,SEC-29,
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 8276,VILL NOORGARH,
Business/Systems Analysis, IT Consultant, Internet/E-commerce 839,SEC 22,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec H NO 7,SEC 15,
Office Management & Coordination, Office Services, Desktop S HNO 478/18,SARHAUL, NEAR UDYOG VIHAR
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Teacher 375/18,HIRA NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer KH-5,DLF PHASE-II,
Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, Equity Analyst, Merchant Banking,183 ANAND GARDEN,NEAR RAILWAY STATION, OPP GOVT PRIMARY SCHO
Architecture, Interior Designer J-1357 ANSAL,PALAM VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheVILL BHADSHAPUR,,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administr F 7/11,DLF I,
Architecture, Interior Designer HNO-969 OM NAGAR,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S DLF PHASE II,CITY SENTEV,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ H NO-1856,DLF PHASE-I,
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ER 1503/4,U E,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeH NO 142,VILL ISLAMPUR,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, SystemFLUOR DANTEL INDIA PVT LD,14TH FLOOR DLF SQUARE, DLF PH III
Architecture, Building/Residential, Plant/Facilities/Maintenan 904/2,GANGA VIHAR NEAR BUS, STAND
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, D VPO DARBARIPUR ROAD,BADHSHAAPUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GPRS, HNO-565/2,GALI NO-14, BALDEV NAGAR
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 286/12 HANS ENCLAVE,,
Business/Systems Analysis, IT/Telecommunications, Project Lea 1878,KHOTA COLONY, BADSHAHPUR
Architecture 154/31,LAXMAN VIHAR PHASE II,
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArcC 100,RAJIV NAGAR WEST,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administra H NO 2550,PH IV, CHAKKARPUR
System Analyst/Tech Architect G 12,SOUTH CITY,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchC 515,JALVAYU TOWERS, SECTOT-6
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT So 430/9,SUBHASH NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NO-51,VILL REBASAN,
Architecture B 38,SHIVAJI NAGAR,
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Software EngineePLOT NO 377 PHASE II,UDYOG VIHAR, NEAR RUBBER FACTORY
Network Administration, Security, System Administration, Syste A/130 GALI EMPLOYERS,GROUP HOUSING SOCIETY CO OP GROUP, GH 9 SE
Architecture VILL PO CHANDU,,
Application Programming, Customer Support, System Analyst/TeH NO 267/1,ARJUN NAGAR, WARD 21
Architecture H NO-681,IIND FLOOR, SEC-14
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser1B/30',ARAWALI VIEW RAIL, VIHAR SEC 56
Architecture 272/3-4,MORLA,
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Archi1349,OLD DLF,
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project ManagH NO 29,KIRTI NAGAR, JHARSA ROAD
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ H NO 28,VILLAGE SAHSAULA, TEH NUH
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AP 347 SEC 15 II,VIJAY RATAN VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ S/O RAJPAL YADAV,HOUSE NO-217, VILL BHONDSI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L C/O ARJUN SINGH,VPO BADSHAHPUR,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T ROOM NO-10,BLOCK-H, PALAM VIHAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded170,UDYOG BIHAR I,
Technical/Process Training, Other Customer Service, Data Ware U 64/17 DLFA PHASE III,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 93 1ST FLOOR,PALAM VIHAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys 427/5,LAXMAN VIHAR,
Architecture, Project Management, Other Architecture B 701,SURYA VIHAR, PALAM
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, KUMAR INTERIOR,SAI BHAWAN, BASAI ROAD
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 92,SEC 23 LAXMI GARDEN,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch206 WARD NO 23,C/O PARTAP SINGH, HEERA NAGAR
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, G 110 RAIL VIHAR,SECTOR 15-11,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer 67/15,NEW BASTI,
Architecture H NO 148/21,RAJ NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ 44/2,RAJIV NAGAR,
Architecture 11/9,SHIVPURI,
Architecture H NO 1663 SEC 31,HOUSING BOARD COLONY,
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Software Engineer, SyH NO 182/3,NAHAR PURA,
Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System An839/18,OM NAGAR,
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, C/O SURESH SAGAR,NEAR RAM CHOWK VPO DUNDHERA,
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DB VILL & PO OFFICE KHERKI,DAULA,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 375/18,CIVIL LINE,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SofHOUSE NO 118,P W D COLONY,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 104/22,SILVER OAKS APARTMENTS, DLF PHASE I
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO MS 8/703,KENDRIYA VIHAR, SECTOR 56
Architecture H NO 480/7,UPPER FLOOR,
Architecture, Other Architecture, Other Education 669/2/2,PATEL NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software H NO 256,SECTOR 9,
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArH NO-95,CHANDER NAGAR,
Customer Support, Network Administration, Network Planning, H NO 576,VILL KHERKI DAULA, OPP HALDIRAM NH 8 GUPTA HOUSE
Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analys1041,NATHUPUR,
Other Architecture 1213/17,RAJIV NAGAR,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchH NO-07/14,JACUBPURA,
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA1560,SECTOR 15 PART II,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SofH NO 929/3,GALI NO 2, RAJEEV NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AH NO 3342,KUBHIYA PATTI, VPO JHARSA
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiC/O RAJENDER PARK,NEAR RAJEEV GANDHI SCHOOL, GALI NO 1
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, DesignEP/38/16,NAI BASTI BACK SIDE, CRG SYYDICATE BANK
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project H NO 855,SEC 7,
Client Server, EDP/MIS, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Desi2022 Sector 9
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Data Warehousing, E WOODEN HUT,OPP HANUMAN MURTI, SADAR BAZAR
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, System AdministH NO 61,SEC 41,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 431,SEC 23,
System Analyst/Tech Architect D 2/18 A WMI,QUTAB ENCLAVE, DEODAR MARG DLF PH I
Customer Support, GPRS, GSM, H/W Installation/Maintenance, PVPO NATHAUPUR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 803,NAI BASTI,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O NARENDER KUMAR,NEAR RAILWAY CROSSING, NEW PALAM VIHAR C
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, H NO 517,RAJIV NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Ware508/9,DAYAL MARKET,
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, ERP/CR C/O KANNU GENERAL STORE,MAIN ROAD BADSHAHPUR, NEAR GRAMIN B
Architecture HOUSE NO-590,SECTOR-14,
Banking -General, Business/Systems Analysis, Financial Analysi H NO 295/10,PREM NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerH NO 1210,GALI NO 6, RAJIV NAGAR
Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 1022,GALI NO 8, MADAN PURI
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software MIRJAPUR 20/6,,
EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, SystMA 1/1 4B,GARDEN ESTATE,
Other Architecture I-816,JAL VAYU TOWERS, SECTOR-56
Business/Systems Analysis, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Syst 140/4,GALI NO 6 SHAKTI PARK,
Architecture C/O AMIT,15/17, GANDHI NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se SIEMENS,TOWER (B) PLOT NO 6A, SECTOR 18 HUDA AREA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ H NO 212/1,VPO DAULATBAD,
Architecture 179/1,ADARSH NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerH NO 376 SEC 17,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerSOUTH CITY 2,1312/B1 BLOCK,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 319,KENDRIYA VIHAR, SEC-56
Client Server, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administrati VILL SALAMBA TEH NUH,,
Other Architecture C 504,RAIL VIHAR, SECTOR 15 PART II
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect H-2,VILL GHATA,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderVILL BANDWARI,,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Administration, S 43/3,SEC 17,
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/ PLOT NO-644,SECTOR-34,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginGH 178 H NO 110,BASERA APTT, SEC 56
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat HNO-2563 VILL JHARSA,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Administra38/4,BEVRLI PARK, DLF PHASE-II
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ 1092 B,SECTOR-31,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An537/31 NEAR PANJIRI PLANT,MAIN RAILWAY ROAD, LAXMAN VIHAR PH I
Other Architecture 76,BADSHAH, BLOCK I
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, ERF 171 Omex Exec. Floors Sec 57, Sushant Lok -II Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), QualU 34/35 DLF Phase III Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-406, New Arohi Apartments, Sector 12, Plot No. 13, Dwarka, New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Green BAY WISCONSIN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnSushant Lok, Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, IT/Telecommunications, Insurance Analyst, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/
Quality Assurance/Testing, Stock Broking, System Analyst/Tech I-187 Ashok Vihar Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Project Leader/ Proje Noida
Architecture House No.DD 248 Faridabad HARYANA India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec #1200, Sector- 15/II, Gurgaon
Architecture Present Address House No.-701A/210, Gali No.1, Laxman Vihar, Phase-II G
Architecture, Design Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Prod DURGA COLONY ,PALWAL ROAD,SOHANA,GURGAON,(HR)
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Near Goshala, Charkhi Dadri Bhiwani Haryana India
Architecture, Film Maker, Interior Designer, Other TV/Film Prod 707/9, subhash nagar, gurgaon
Other Architecture Jitende Kumar s/o lat Madan lal vida pheet mager behind bul-bul hotal jin
Architecture C-122, Gali No. 3, J.J Colony Madan Pur Khadar, Near of Sarita Vihar New D
System Analyst/Tech Architect B/o Mr Meva Lal Ji H.No. 313/84 C Tulsi Nagar, Inderlok New Delhi-110035
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 1F,POCKET 3, MAYUR VIHAR , PHASE 1, DELHI-91
Other Architecture Mr.jitenderJanta Aousdayala, Patyala Chowk
Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Direct ma4-C-3, Housing Board, Pawanpuri, Bikaner - 334003 (Raj.)
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys1453/5, Patel Nagar Gurgaon
Application Programming, Client Server, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syst
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tea-9/6,sector-18,rohini delhi-110085
Architecture 24/police line
Architecture RZE-83 Nihal Vihar New Delhi HARYANA 110041 IN
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Releas 655/21,Shanti Nagar, Gurgaon
Architecture F-419 New Palam Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122017 India
Architecture Village-Chapaguri, Post-Kalpani, Distt-Cooch Behar, Pin-736171 (W.B.)
EDP/MIS, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech ArchiSector 2, Type 2, Quater Number 706, Sadiq-Nagar New Delhi DELHI 11004
Other Architecture 538/8 jyoti park Gurgaon(haryana)
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Keshav Kul, 352, Nanak Ganj, Sipri Bazar, Jhansi - U.P.
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, EmbeddAricent, Plot 31, Electronic City, Sector 18, Gurgaon- 122015 HR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea #126, Sector-2 , Old Mahabir Nagar ,New Delhi
Application Programming, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H. No. # 655/21, Near NH-8, Shanti Nagar, Gurgaon (Hr.)-122001
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ # 4/22, Nehru Nagar(Near Lajpat Nagar), New Delhi
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System D-24 Divine Park View Appartments, Abhay Khand 3, Indirapuram,Ghaziab
Architecture h.no 507-b/9, subhash nagar gurgaon
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchGANESH COLONY MOHINDERGARH ROAD , NARNAUL HARYANA
Other Architecture H. No Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 IN
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof R 851, New Rajinder Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110060 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst M-105 Ridgewood Estate DLF phase IV Gurgaon Haryana
Architecture, Other Architecture H.No.-525,Sector-15,Part-1 GURGAON-122001
Other Architecture unitech house south city l block gurgaon harayana( re-iv)
Architecture 286/14, JACUBPURA , GURGAON
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect Chalchal prag ckowk ,Dhani bazar Barmer
Application Programming, Desktop Support, System Analyst/TecHCL COMNET SYSTEMS & SERVICES, PLOT NO. 244, UDYOG VIHAR PHASE-1
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect F-5 Phase-1 New Palam Vihar Gurgaon Pin-122017
Architecture 31, Surya Nagar Jaipur RAJASTHAN 303106 IN
Business/Systems Analysis, Operations, System Analyst/Tech Ar HN 33, Anand Garden Gurgaon haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer, Project Management H.no-37, abheypur Panchkula 134111 HARYANA
Other Architecture h.n 403 new avas vikas saharanpur. U.P
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof h. no. 1371, street no. 3, laxman vihar phase 2, gurgaon haryana 122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Network Planning, System Analyst/TD-6,exclusive floor, Gurgaon, haryana
Other Architecture Ravikant s/o sh.Rajender Singal, ashoka colony,h.no.101,bhiwani, haryana
Other Architecture H. No. 24, Police Line Gurgaon(Haryana)
Client Server, Customer Support, H/W Installation/MaintenanceS/O GOVERDHAN LAL JOSHI 510, SHIV COLONY UDAIPUR ROAD BANSWAR
Architecture m/s veekay autoparts, plot-50,sec-34,gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 44 / L, New Colony Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/TesC/O LAJPAT MANCHANDA 175 , SEC- 12 A, GURGAON HARYANA
Architecture B/133 Shanti Vihar, Gali no 3 Radhaswami Satsang Vyaas,Deenpur, najafga
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Gurgaon Haryana
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Vasundhra Ghaziabad (U.P.) 282002 India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect DLF Phase II gurgaon, India
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Gurgaon Haryana 122017 India
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystHNO. 71/2 fakarpur 122001 (Gurgaon) Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), H/W Install mitm boys hostel, room no.-309, A.B.Road, Pigdamber, Rau, Indore
Other Architecture vivekanand nagar pokharayan kanpur(dehat) -209111
Architecture house no 1272 / p sec- 23 a gurgaon
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No.2, Canara Apartments, Sector-13, Rohini, New Delhi-110085
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop Support,MS11/902 Kendriya Vihar , Sec 56 , Gurgaon , Haryana 122002
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 8/202, Heritage City, MG Road Gurgaon HARYANA 122022 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, H/W Installation/Maintenance, NeFlat # 103, MS-3, Kendriya Vihar, Sec-56, Gurgaon
Actuarial, Banking -General, Business/Systems Analysis, Insura 36, Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi 110025
Architecture A-2, 315 JVT Sector-56 Gurgaon.
Architecture u-15/56,pink town house,DLF phase-3 gurgaon-hariyana
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Ana Dronacharya Govt. College Hostel Room No.-15 new Railway Road, Gurgao
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect Anshuman Sharma c/o Mr. P.C. Jain, 1325/4/5, Patel Nagar, Gurgaon(Hary
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture h.no 188, vill - gurawara haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se DA-6E L.I.G Flats Hari Nagar New Delhi - 110064
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data WareHouse number-141/28,Jyoti Park, Sector-7(Extension), Gurgaon(Haryana)
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys 83,Vindhayanchal Nagar Indore MADHYA PRADESH 452002 India
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Osram India Pvt. Ltd.,signature towers, tower-B, 11th floor gurgaon-12200
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec C 286 Sushant Lok -I Gurgaon
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System A H.No.-262 Sector-23 Gurgaon
Front Office, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Net 5/94 shivaji nagar, gurgaon
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer D 2035, Palam Vihar Gurgaon HARYANA 122017 India
Architecture, Interior Designer HOUSE NO:2612, DLF CITY, PHASE-IV, GURGAON-122002
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SystemFlat # 47S, SFS Flats New Delhi DELHI 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 19/34A, TILAK NAGAR, NEW DELHI
Accounting & Finance, Application Programming, Aviation, Busi 262,sec-55,plot-73 C.G.H.S gurgaon
Other Architecture new road, court road pareek classes, alwar.(rajasthan)
Architecture 147,sector 15 part 1,gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des 220, Oriental Insurance Co-operative Housing Society, C - 58/26, Sector 62
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CE-102/1 Naraina Vihar New Delhi- 110028
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A96-d, dhawalgiri appartments, sector-11, noida
Architecture pradeep kumar s/o sh.naurang singh v.p.o. khandewala,distt. gurgaon (Hr.
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project H. No. 200/15, Uttam Nagar, Baroda Road, Gohana, Sonepat, Haryana PIN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 89, Ground Floor, Ashoka Enclave Part I, Sector-34, Faridabad, Haryana, In
Architecture H.No. A-23/6 Sheetla Enclave Gurgaon- 122001
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture c-30 suncity, sector-54. gurgaon Phone No.-+91-9997834006 +91-9873323
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser265, Paryatan Vihar Appartments,B-4 Opposite Dharamshilla Cancer Hosp
Architecture RZ 43 a, Gopal Nagar,nanak Pyau, Main Dhansa Road, Najafgarh New Delh
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ B-302, Bancourt Appartments, Sushant Lok-1, Sector-43, Gurgaon Haryana
Architecture Vill. Namamau,Post Mauhar, Dist Fatehpur (u.p.)PIN-212665
Architecture, Interior Designer PL.No.77 Pancholi Vihar New Sanganer Road Jaipr (Raj.)
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administr MAIN PATAUDI ROAD, GURGAON, HARYANA
Client Server, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administrati CHAMAN VERMA (TECH ASTT. CSE/IT DEPTT.)C/O JCDM ENGG COLLEGE,JC
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project M 6/405 New Rachna Park,Manorama Nagar,Thane,Mumbai
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech3A-158, N.I.T FARIDABAD
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture SYED COLONY, NEW SIR SYED NAGAR, ALIGARH 202002
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Flat 744, Pocket 1, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110045
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Int 528/5 First Floor, Mata Mandir Road, Sector 5, Gurgaon 122001
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project M 30 0 D Aravali View Rail Vihar Sector 56 Gurgaon
Architecture U-38A/5-6 DLF CITY, PHASE-III, GURGAON, PIN-122002
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ProjecC - 1721, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon Haryana
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leade 7, Jai Shri Krishan, Arjun Nagar (South), Jaipur-302015
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArGurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Project Management C-1640A 2nd Floor Sushant Lok Phase-1, Gurgaon-122001 Haryana, India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System A 666, Four Storied Building, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-110027
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch1359,maruti vihar,chakkarpur,gurgaon,Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer B - 34/A , OLD DLF COLONY, SECTOR - 14, GURGAON
Architecture, Creative Direction, Interior Designer, Other Archi 392, SUNLIGHT COLONY NO - 1 ASHRAM, NEW DELHI - 110014
Other Architecture Ajit yadav, S/o Rohtsh singh, Village Gangaicha ahir, post of Bikaner, Distri
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training B-7 CBRI SHANTINAGAR COLONY,ROORKEE
Architecture in front of B-16 karichari colony tijara road alwar raj.
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS, Te DEEPAK YADAV s/o Major Shri Krishan, #188, Sector-1, HUDA, NMT, Rewa
System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS House No. 1678, Sector 6, Bahadurgarh
Architecture 9416395222
Architecture vill. gangaicha ahir, p.o.-bikaner, distt.-rewari, haryana
Architecture vill.- Majra(Bhalkhi) P.O.- Kund Distt.-Rewari (Haryana) Pin Coad No.-12310
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Gurgaon
Other Architecture House No.- 984, Saini Mohalla Qutubpur,Rewari, [Haryana]-123401
Electrical/Electronic, Service Engineers, Software Engineer, Sys # 79, Street - 5, Shanti Nagar, Manimajra, Chandigarh, U.T. - 160101
Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/T8/116, Binaganj- Road, Chachoda, Distt- Guna, M.P., Pin- 473118
Architecture U - BLOCK, 37/5 GURGAON HARYANA India
Other Architecture 12th Passed From N.OS.DELHI 2004 Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Architecture Vill. Gujjar Ghatal, P.o. & Teh. Maheshwari, Distt. Rewari
Architecture, Other Architecture Vill.-Majra (Bhalkhi) Post-kund, Distt-Rewari, (Haryana)
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TecH.No225 Street P.N.B Near Rori Bazar Sirsa(Hry.)
Architecture Moh.Gujran Chowk V.P.O Bawal Distt.Rewari(hr)
Architecture V.P.O.- Khandewla Gurgaon HARYANA 122504 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No.1646/3 Rajiv Nagar Gurgaon
Architecture Gurgaon HARYANA 122001
Architecture Jasvir Singh R/O. H. No.2165 near shashtri market,Sec-22-C, Chandigarh
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectM-788,Kaveri Garden Ganapathy Maanagar Ganapathy, Coimbatore , Tam
Architecture, Interior Designer near sec-22 maulahera gurgaon.haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer Village Ghasitpur,Post office kuldeep nagar,distt.and tehsil ambala cant.
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Gurgaon Haryana
Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture State Haryana Fatehabad UTTAR PRADESH India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S House No. 208, Sector - 22, Gurgaon - 122015, Haryana
Architecture vpo mangali aklan distt.& teh. hisar
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture H-702 , maple heights , behind gold souk sushant lok, gurgaon
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, H/Room No:- 3B, U Block 5/49, DLF Phase 3, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Training
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysGurgaon HARYANA India
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TecGurgaon
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArDIST - JUANGADH GUJARAT
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Adm 341-A,D-Block,Ganesh Nagar Pandav Nagar,New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer Gurgaon HARYANA India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H-395A , Palam Vihar , Gurgaon, Haryaya 122017
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnGurgaon
Architecture, Building/Residential Gagan Sandhu #223,Sushant lok-1 ,B-Block Gurgaon
Architecture, Civil, Oil & Gas, Structural/Stress
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystH.No: 1422, Sector - 4, Gurgaon (Hr).
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis, Da A4/127, SUNRISE APTS, SEC 13, ROHINI DELHI
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T E-112 , Narwana Apt. , I.P Extn , Patparganj , Delhi 110092.
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Administration, System JB/8F LIG FLATS, HARI ENCLAVE, HARI NAGER-64
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect 484,sec-14,pocket-1,phase-2,dwarka
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar1795, Sector-13, urban Estate, Karnal
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-8,Lovely Apartments Mayur Vihar Phase-1
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechH. No. 464, Sector-5, Gurgaon (HR).
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H. NO :848 sector 10 A , Gurgoan (HR)
Other Architecture V.P.O. - Darbi, Disst. Sirsa, Haryana 125060 India
Architecture, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Organization Deve 338-A,Sector 21, HUDA, Gurgaon 122017
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchDLF Phase - 3 Gurgaon.
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ Sec.-31, Plot no.-461 Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S e-401 uniworld city
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ASec-22,Pkt-9,No.70 Rohini Delhi-110085
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec New Delhi, India
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programm Flat no 28, Priya Apartments, Batuk Bhairo Lane, Kamachcha, Varanasi Noi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering vill-Aghair,post-pather Dist-Mahendergarh (Haryana)
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 250, 1st floor, sector 35, Faridabad, Haryana.
Administration, Database Administration (DBA), Mainframe, QuaHouse number 440,Sector 31,Gurgaon
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech ArcA-296 Kendriya Vihar, Sec-56, Gurgaon
Other Architecture M-60/61A,Batla House, Jamia Nagar, Okhla New Delhi 110025 India
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginMS-05 -505 Chennai TAMIL NADU India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysHouse No - 1769, Sector-23, Gurgaon - 122017 (Haryana)
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software, Database Ad C1, 2941, Sushant Lok 1, Gurgaon
ERP/CRM, Network Administration, System Administration, Sys house no 277 sector 4 gurgaon
GPRS, GSM, IT/Telecommunications, Mobile, Project Leader/ ProP1/53,DLF Phase-II, Second Floor, Gurgaon-122002
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Rolta Technopark,plot no 187, Udyog Vihar,Phase 1, Gurgaon (HR)
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T1174, sector 21 gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur B-145 Sector-41 Noida-201303
Architecture H.No.B-60, Rajendra Park Near Railway Station, Gurgaon
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No 1018 , First Floor, Sector 21, Gurgaon, Harayana 122016
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer House. No. 26 Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Architecture Vill - Manuwas, Teh -Nuh , Disit - Mewat(Nuh), State - Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Anhno 963 sector 21,gurgaon
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy House no. 875, sector-31,Gurgaon,haryana
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architec F-908, Wembley Estate, Rosewood City, Near South City-II, Sector-49, Gurg
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste Location GURGAON HARYANA India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Internet/E-commerce, Software Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft 2782, Sector 23, Gurgaon
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TFlat-28,BPCL APPT,SEC-62,NOIDA
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ #386, Atul Kataria Marg, Rajiv Nagar Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec Gurgaon, Haryana
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenan #1440, 2nd Floor, Sector 21, Gurgaon
Architecture, Marine Engineering K.U.K 2007 GURGAON HARYANA 122001 IN
ERP/CRM, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit S-82, School block , Shakarpur, Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture h.no. 228/10, hans enclave gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance, Quality Assuranc H.No -1407, Sec-10A Gurgaon-122002
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysA1/5, DABC Avenue, Aishwariyam Phase -2 ,Mugapair West, Chennai
Architecture, Interior Designer gurgaon
Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Technical Writing
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 4310,Sector - 23 A, Gurgaon. Hr.
Architecture Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 119 Aravali Appartment, Alaknanda New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Security, System Anal
Architecture, Interior Designer D9/6 Ground Floor, DLF Exclusive Floors, DLF Phase-V, Gurgaon, Haryana 1
Architecture, Interior Designer 486,sector 31, near jalvahu vihar Gurgaon.haryana 122002
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat*302, GH-70 , Sector-20 , Panchkula.
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), QualKendriya Vidyalaya,A.F.S Sector-14 Gurgaon
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer 94,maitri appartment,mayur vihar,phase-1 ,delhi-110091
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Archite
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems 608/5, Gali No. - 3D, Patel Nagar Gurgaon, Haryana
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An(New Delhi)
Architecture 5/6 Jasmine Street, Vatika City, Sector-49, Gurgaon, Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat D3-3191 Vasant Kunj New Delhi - 110070
IT , Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, House No:- 1667, Sector 10A, Housing Board Colony, Gurgaon
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, SANDEEP SINGH 569, SECTOR 22, PKT B, GURGAON, HARYANA
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.N. B-4,Gali No. 6 Sheetla Enclave Gurgaon(Haryana) 122001
Architecture 1321-P, Sector-46 Gurgaon Haryana 122003 India
Architecture, Other Architecture G -4/2 1ST FLOOR, MALVIYA NAGAR, N. DELHI
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, IT , Network AA-488 1st Floor Sharita Vihar New Delhi - 76
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A-226D/7A, Mahavir Enclave-II New Delhi-110059
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AA/122, 2nd Floor, South City - II, Near Sohna Road, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 1395, Sector-15 II Gurgaon Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeKrishna Kunj, CW-66, Malibu Towne, Sohna Road, Gurgaon-122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, N p-29, sector-5, 1st floor, part-III gurgaon
Application Programming, Corporate Sales, Finance, IT , Projec H.No. 466, Sector - 40 Gurgaon (Haryana) - 122001
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engin702, Ms/10, Kendriye Vihar, Sector 56, Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect B- 1144(FF),IFFCO COLONY , SECTOR - 17B, GURGAON HARAYANA-122001
Architecture C-81, Kendriya Vihar, Sector-56, Gurgaon-122003
Customer Support, Network Administration, Network Planning, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture House No. 827, Sector 17A, Gurgaon, India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 409, sector 16, faridabad
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applica C-324-B,Sushant Lok-I Near Mapple Height Building Gurgaon Haryana - IND
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture D-267, Sushant Lok Phase - 2, Sector - 56, Gurgaon - 122 011 Haryana.
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Administration, S House No 901 , sector 9 , Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No 19/E, Sector 40, Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec A-72, Sector-21, Jalvayu Vihar, Noida, UP-201301
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy BVM-36, DLF-Ph-2,Gurgaon
Application Programming, Client Server, Mobile, System AnalystC - 574 New Friends Colony New Delhi - 110065
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnHouse No 990 Setor 7 C Faridabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assur
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/TH.NO 879, SECTOR-40, GURGAON, HARYANA INDIA
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer DLF
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Shaily Shah J-104 Rail Vihar Sector 15, Part II Gurgaon 122001
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, Switching U-7/21, DLF-PH III, Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer House 801, sector 55, Gurgaon, Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Analyst/Tech Architect 8/1 Harmony Homes Sushant Lok-3 Sector-57 Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer 155, Shivalik Apartments, Alaknanda, Kalkaji New Delhi DELHI 110019 Indi
Other Architecture Street No.-3R, Balbir Basti, Faridkot Punjab(PIN-151203)
Customer Service (Web), Operations, Quality Assurance, Quality365/4 Ram Nagar Gurgaon-122001 Haryana
Business Process Reengineering, Business Analysis, Feasibility U 36/43 DLF City Phase 3, Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analy
Network Planning, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training A-233, SF, Today s Blossoms-I, Sector-47, Gurgaon ( Haryana)
Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/M H No. B-26 Sanjay Gram Old Delhi Road Gurgaon -122001 Haryana
Other Architecture HNO-C/86,RAJENDRA PARK GURGAON HARYANA 122001 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect S.K.Jain Sahaj Kunj, 877/5 Gali no. 6 Patel Nagar Gurgaon - 122001 Haryan
Architecture b-603 sanskriti appts. gh-5 sector-43 gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GPRS, 2/995,peer baba,world bank coloney. p.o. millap nagar roorkee. distt-harid
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H.No. 163, Sector 17 Faridabad-121002
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect Surya CGHS Appartments Flat - 604, Block A Plot GH-71, Sector - 55, Gurga
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect 109, Shri Krishna Appt. Sector 6, Vasundhra, Ghaziabad
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project ManagePlot 1566, Sector 17C, Gurgaon Haryana, India. 122001
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applica Delhi / NCR, India.
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analys Flat No 11, House No 5, Friends Colony, Sector 15 Part 1, Gurgaon, Haryan
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ m-130 1st floor Blossom -2 Sec -51 Gurgaon haryana.
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArFlat no 238-A, Shipra sun city, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India
Migrations/ Transitions, Network Administration, Shift Supervis 76D,DDA FLATS. MASJID MOTH PHASE 2 GREATER KAILASH -2 NEW DELHI
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DB E-31, Nehru Ground NIT Faridabad
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst 130,Sahyog Apartments, Mayur Vihar, Phase-1, Delhi-110091
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 505-P, Sector 15-I, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture, Civil H No 830/1-a,Haibat pura,Najafgarh,New Delhi-110043
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, CustomerAmit kumar Dwivedi C/o Sri Narendra Yadav Room no. 04, Near Shani Man
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Desktop Support, System Analyst/6/355, Geeta Colony, Delhi - 110031
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysC-76, Kendriya Vihar, Sec-56, Gurgaon
Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Industrial/Utility, Inte H.NO.-394, SECTOR-40, GURGAON-122003 HARYANA
Business/Systems Analysis, Network Administration, Network PlFlat N. 173, Keshav Kunj Sector 22, Dwarka New Delhi
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, System Administ159, Ground Floor, sec 30-33, IP Colony, Faridabad.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Royal- 609, Supertech Estate, Judge Colony, Opp. Galaxy Multiplex, Sec. 9,
Architecture, Other Architecture D-211, Shivalaya Apartments GH plot-14, Sector-56, Gurgaon-122002
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Flat no 102, T-5, Sushant Estate, Sector-45, Gurgaon - 122003 Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Sector 49, Sohna Road Gurgaon HARYANA 122002 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 18-13A, Central Town, Jalandhar
Architecture c-603 rail view classic appartments sector 57 Gurgaon Haryana
Administration, Architecture, Event Planning, Facilities management
Banking -General, Software Engineer, System Administration, S 261,Sector 23,Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerC1A/30A, JANAKPURI,NEW DELHI-58
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, Desktop Support D-7/1, DLF Exclusive Floors, DLF Phase-5, DLF City, Gurgaon(Haryana) 1220
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch104 Maitry Apartment, Sector 56, Gurgaon. Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S D13/8/FF,DLF Exclusive Floors,DLF Ph-V, Gurgaon-122001
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-282, SUshant Lok Phase III, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System441/12, Krishna Colony, Gurgaon-122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Int C-30, Millennium Appartmcnts Sector-18, Rohini, Delhi-110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect A4/127, SUNRISE APTS, SEC 13, ROHINI DELHI
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales 444, IInd Floor, Sector-31 Gurgaon - Haryana - 122001
System Analyst/Tech Architect 424,Sector-21,Urban Estate,Gurgaon,Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnB-8, Parsavnath Green Ville, Sohana Road, Opp. Omaxe Gurgaon Mall, Gur
System Analyst/Tech Architect 11-B, Pocket - B, Vikaspuri Extension, New Delhi - 110018
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tec3218D, Chanderlok Society, DLF Phase IV, Gurgaon 122002
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRU-7/28, DLF Phase III, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122001
Architecture 1372, Sector 4, Urban Estate, Gurgaon -122001, Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch SADAR BAZAAR, JUTOGH CANTT SHIMLA, HIMACHAL PRADESH PIN-17100
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer A 47/9, D.L.F. City 1, Gurgaon, Haryana 122002 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect 516 A,Sec-7 Gurgaon
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 1016,SECTOR-23A,GURGAON,HARYANA
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysB-11,Plot No-20,R.D Apartment Sec-6,Dwarka, New Delhi -110075
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste C-185, Sector 19, Noida. UP, Inida . PIN 201301
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analy
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Top Mgmt
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Personal/Retail, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software E
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 91-E, POCKET -4, MAYUR VIHAR PHASE 1 DELHI 110091
Architecture, Interior Designer Opp. Police Station, Tauru, Distt.-Gurgaon Haryana Pin.- 122105
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Sector-14, Gurgaon
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr P3B-047, Princeton Estate, DLF City, Phase-V, Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, IT Consultant, Internet/E-commerce TechnoCrates, Flat NO. 507, Block No. 24-25, Sector-56, Gurgaon,Haryana
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SofT-7 Flat No: 1201 Valley View Estate Gurgaon Haryana
Architecture Shyam Prakash Sharma H.No. 610, Sector-10 Gurgaon-122001 (HR)
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Program B-I 677/16 Street no.-7, Upkar nagar, Civil lines Ludhiana PUNJAB India
Architecture, Interior Designer 408, heights, the retreat, south city-1 ,gurgaon, haryana
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystH. NO 998 , SECTOR -21 , GURGAON , HARYANA -122001 , INDIA
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft D-803, Vigyan Vihar, GH 19, Sector 56, Gurgaon, Haryana
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeC2-1268, FIRST FLOOR, PALAM VIHAR , GURGAON HARYANA 122017
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, G-88A FF South City 2 Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Networ 425,sec 27,Gurgaon,India
Interior Designer, Life Insurance, Private Tuition, Other Archite S-214 Ground Floor Palam Vyapar kendra Palam Vihar Guragon 122017
Architecture D-8/3, Second Floor, DLF Exclusive Floors, DLF Phase V, Gurgaon-122 002
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No. 1628, Sector-28, Faridabad - 121008
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testi 1190, Sector-15, Sonepat-131001. Haryana. INDIA.
Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect CIA-032, Carlton Estate - I DLF Phase - V Gurgaon
Architecture J-149, First floor, Mayfield Gardens, Sector-51, Gurgaon, Haryana-122018
Other Architecture 830-P, Sector - 10 A Gurgaon - 122001 Haryana(India)
Architecture RZF- 758/1D, Street No.1,Raj Nagar II,Palam colony,New Delhi:-110045
Client Server, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech AA/248/A, lajpat nagar, sahibabad Ghaziabad u.p (201005)
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA4-A, FRIENDS COLONY, JHARSA ROAD, GURAGAON - 122 001.
Business/Systems Analysis, Migrations/ Transitions, Quality Ass #123, Flat No. 101, Sector-6, Vaishali Ghaziabad
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec WW 22 Ground Floor, Malibu Towne, Gurgaon -122001
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Systemc-9 MIG flats Pkt-5 Mayur Vihar-3 Delhi-96
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-1/600(G.FL), COSMOS EXECUTIVE FLOORS,PALAM VIHAR,GURGAON, HA
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-co H.No-125, IInd Floor, Block-C South City-II Sohna Road, Gurgaon
Administration, Application Programming, Banking -General, DaPiralasseril, Kuzhimattom.P.o Kottayam, Kerala Pin 686533
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec G-71 3erd Floor Abul Fazal Enclave Okhla Village Jamia Nagar New Delhi 1
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. 2619, Sec-23, HUDA, Gurgaon, Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configura149, Gajju Katra, Shahdara, Delhi-110032
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Administratio 3rd - C / 76, 1st Floor NEHRU NAGAR GHAZIABAD (U.P) 201001
Architecture 507 b/9 subash nagar, gurgaon (HR)
IT/Telecommunications, Business/Systems Analysis, Configurati Flat no-276 Chandanwari Society Sector -10 Plot no-8 Dwarka New Delhi-1
Architecture, Interior Designer H. No. 3618, FIRST FLOOR, SECTOR 23, GURGAON 122 017, HARYANA INDI
Architecture, Interior Designer H/NO.-17 SARASWATI VIHAR GURGAON HARIYANA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Archit
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech ArchiC-13/16(2nd floor), Platinum Courts, ARDEE city, Gurgaon 122002
Architecture, Interior Designer Sector 1, Pocket 2, DDA SFS Flats DWARKA GUJARAT India
EDP/MIS, Hardware Design, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, O
Project Management, Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader381, Punjabi Bazaar, Kotla Mubarakpur New Delhi - 110003
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Legacy Systems, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/ f-43, street No 16C, Sadh Nagar, Palam Colony, New Delhi -110045
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
System Analyst/Tech Architect House No-1780 Sector-7E Faridabad
Other Architecture H.No.277 V.P.O. Farrukh Nagar Distt. - Gurgaon (Haryana)
Internet/E-commerce, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer,410/14 sector gurgaon haryana 122001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnC - 259 Sushant Lok - 3 GURGAON , HARYANA 122003
Business/Systems Analysis, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Netw121c/2 Old Tejab Mill Bhola Nath Nagar Shahdara Delhi
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec H.N. C-2272A, Phase I, Sushant Lok, Gurgaon.
Architecture sector-15 part-1 HUDA gurgaon (hr.) mob:-09811499809
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Teacher
GSM, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect # 504 Sector 12 panchkula Haryana
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System104, MS-04, Kendriya Vihar, Sec-56, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L J-103, Wembley Estate, Rosewood City, Gurgaon
IT/Technical Editor, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical WD-201, Vigyan Vihar, Sector 56
Architecture Flat No. 501, Tower : Karnak, Near Sai Dham, Sector : 49, Sohna Road, Gur
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ B-102, Regency Park 1 DLF Phase IV Gurgaon - 122002 Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Investment Banking, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 791 sector-4 gurgaon
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch15/28 Top Floor, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi - 110008
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Corporate Plannin C3-506, Hridaydeep PWO Housing Complex Sushant Lok-1, Sector 43 Gurg
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect1683 E-1 , Todarmal Colony , Najafgarh , New Delhi - 110043
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Datab HOUSE NO. 504, SECTOR-5, SHEETLA MATA RD. GURGAON - 122001
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Software Engineer, System An 162/11, Inderpuri Jacompura Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer
Other Architecture h.no.-959,gli no.-8, luxman vihar ,phase-2 gurgaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T gurgaon
Business Analyst, Corp Communications, Events & conferences, C 1916A, Sushant Lok I, Second Floor, Gurgaon, Haryana, India - 122001
Architecture D 7/18 (sf) dlf exclusive floors dlf city, phase 05, gurgaon
Architecture MS 07- 201, Kendriya Vihar Sector- 56 Gurgaon- 122003
Architecture Shanti Aptt., Flat no:-271(SFS), Pkt.-6, Sec.-23, Rohini, Delhi-110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1103, Tower II, Sushant Estate, Sushant Lok, Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect 68/132, Sector III, R. K. Ashram Gole Market, Connaught Place, New Delhi-
Architecture 171/587,Swastik General Store Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality AssE-952, Saraswati Vihar, Delhi - 110034
Network Administration, Network Planning, System Administrati301, MS-12, Kendriya Vihar, Sector 56, Gurgaon Haryana 122002
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/ D-72, Krishna Park, Khanpur, Devli Road New Delhi-62
Business Analyst, Direct marketing, Business/Systems Analysis, #121 Sector 14, Gurgaon.
Client Server, Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System
Other Architecture house no 170 II floor sector 17 a gurgaon 122015
Architecture R-Z-D 185, DASHRATH PURI new delhi-110045
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T GURGAON, HARYANA
Architecture E-603,MapleHeights sushant lok-1 b/h Gold Souk gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Custom Central Delhi New Delhi - 110001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Mana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnU-1/54, DLF-3 Gurgaon
Other Architecture C4A-046, Carlton Estate, DLF City Phase - 5 , Gurgaon, Haryana -122002
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft C-204, Anusandhan Apartments, Plot No.22, Sector -6, Dwarka, New Delhi
Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Architect, GSM S/O M.W.O.S.C.Saraswat Qtr no. 86/1 Safed Sagar AFCCTS Sohna Road Gu
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 138, 2nd Floor, Ashiyana Greens, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, (U.P.)
Architecture H.NO.-180/12,ARJUN NAGAR, GALI NO.-12,GURGAON.
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Desktop Support, System Analyst/H.No 7001 Block A Davinder Vihar Sector 56 Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerG-101 Smriti Apartment, Plot No: 46 Sector 56, Gurgaon
Architecture 454, old court road, Rewari
Architecture, Interior Designer Near dayanand school, patli gate palwal
Other Architecture 2083/31,kamla nagar,Rohtak-124001
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administra A-14, JALVAYU VIHAR, SECTOR-30, GURGAON, HARYANA-122001, INDIA.
IT/Telecommunications, Technical Sales, Data Warehousing, DatJal Vayu Tower Sector-56, Gurgaon
Architecture F - 401, Rail Vihar, Sector 15 Part 2 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project ManaD-11/10, Ist Floor, DLF Exclusive Floors, DLF Gurgaon HARYANA 122009 IN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 146 - A/1, Adarsh Nagar, Gurgaon - 122001
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Softwa367 sector 10-a gurgaon haryana 122001
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System House No. 193/7, Sector - 7, Gurgaon, 122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 471/11, Rattan Garden, Gurgaon Harayana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 701/MS-4, Kendriya Vihar, Sector-56 Gurgaon HARYANA 122003 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, D D-3/3C, DLF City Phase I, Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, IT , Legacy Systems, Mainframe, Pro House No 16, Sector 23 Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat no D-502, Plot No-1, Sector-5, Ganinath Nikunj Apartment. Dwarka Ne
Architecture, Interior Designer Ar. Anil kr. Sharma 1144 sector 15 part 2 Gurgaon 122001
System Analyst/Tech Architect SRB41C,Shipra Reviera,Indrapuram Ghaziabad(NCR),PIN-201010.
GIS, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchA-197, Pocket-B, Mayur Vihar, Phase-II Delhi-110091
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectPRASHANT AKHAWAT I-65, First Floor, South City 2, Gurgaon - Haryana 12
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA 24, Mangal Apartments, 16, Vasundhra Enclave New Delhi - 110096 IND
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administra1141 sector 4 urban estate , gurgaon ,haryana -122001
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Village Patauda Jhajjar Haryana 124108 IN
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manager678, SARASWATI VIHAR, CHAKKARPUR, GURGAON
Other Architecture 72/4 2nd Floor, Mehrauli, Delh-110030
Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System AnalyC2B/43A, JANAK PURI, NEW DELHI - 110058
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ PFaridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-2225, Second Floor, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon
Architecture house no 4660,sector 23a, gurgaon
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Information Systems, Business Process Reengineering, Business BH004, Abhimanyu Appats., Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-110096
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, IT Consultant, Le 82A/1, East Moti Bagh, Delhi - 110007
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, MainframRoom# 135, TakshShila Hostel, Management Development Institute, Gurg
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, A-19 GF, Southend Floors, Sohna Road, Gurgaon
Architecture kshitiz kapoor, C-2197 Sushant Lok, phase 1, gurgaon 122001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 490 , sector 14, gurgaon - 124001
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchPrinceton Estate 2B-93, DLF Phase-5, Gurgaon - 122002
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, C-276, Sushant Lok Phase-1, Gurgaon.
Architecture Saraswati Vihar, Gurgaon
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Pro188, Friends Colony, Railway Road, Faridabad Old. Haryana 121002
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data WareHouse No. 260, Sector-4, Urban Estate Near Blue Bells School Gurgaon - 12
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Ar B-627, Sector-49, Sainik Colony, Faridabad, 121001, Haryana
System Analyst/Tech Architect Jeet Narayan Singh 3335-F, Chandralok, DLF Phase-IV Gurgaon -122002 (IN
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GraphicSector 7A/166, Faridabad, Haryana - 121006
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Sy 12/1/1 Mahesh Pal Lane,Santragachi, Howrah (West Bengal)-711104
Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Data Warehousing, E EMPLOYER: 4 WEEKS CURRENT
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical WrB-10 Rohit Kunj Pitampura N.Delhi-110034
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture P-2C/15, Princeton Estate, DLF Phase-5, Gurgaon.
Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System An512,Phase V, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon-122016
Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network AdministraE-19 Kalindi Colony opp. Maharani Bagh New Delhi 110065
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No: 993, Pocket: B, Sector: 22, Gurgaon
Architecture q-2/3 dlf city phase-2 gurgaon, haryana india
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Banking -General, Business/Systems Analysis, Financial Analysi SAJAN HUSSAIN, 16-11-16/N/57, Prashanthnagar, Malakpet, Hyderabad, P
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Archit
System Analyst/Tech Architect 223, Heritage Towers, Sawan CGHS, Sector-3, Dwarka, Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, S C-40 IARI Pusa Campus New Delhi - 110012
Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archit #1105, First Floor, Sector - 17B, Iffco Colony, Gurgaon - 122002
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T HNo:1285, Sec:15, Part:2, Gurgaon, Haryana. 122001.
Corporate Planning/Strategy, Cost Reduction, Feasibility Studie w1b-151, wellington estate, dlf phase-5, gurgaon-122002, haryana, india
Architecture 4/57, Shivaji Nagar, Gurgaon-122001
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System AnSEC 52 GURGAON
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 3/C-1, Hindustan Times APartments, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi - 110091
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiGurgaon
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar780, GH- 5/7 Paschim Vihar New Delhi - 87
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeE-3/144 Nehru Vihar Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Databa26/116 West Patel Nagar New Delhi-110008
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArcS 12 A , Windsor Court DLF City, Phase 4 Gurgaon, Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software E-46, Radha Kunj, Brij Vihar, Ghaziabad, U.P. - 201011
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin H.NO.-934 Sector-6, Urban Estate,Karnal(HR.) pin:132001
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Legacy 1/236,2nd Floor,Subhash Nagar,New Delhi-27
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Desktop Supp House No.199 Sector - 17A Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-c H.NO 657, VIKAS NAGAR GURGAON
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software Eng Ho. No. 1276 First Floor Sector 31, Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea Flat No. 427 DDA SFS Flats Phase I Dwarka Sector-22 New Delhi-10075
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/FLAT NO-G-1, PLOT NO 414, SECTOR-4, VAISHALI, GHAZIABAD
Maintenance, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Customer Su
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ #4673/23A Gurgaon - 122001
Architecture, Interior Designer K 15/12, DLF Gurgaon HARYANA 122002 India
Office Management & Coordination, Office Services, Desktop S A-828, IInd Floor, Near Hanuman Mandir Shastri Nagar Delhi - 110052
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, SoftwRZ F1/205-A,LANE NO.2,MAHAVIR ENCLAVE,PALAM,NEW DELHI-110045.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ W IB - 114 Wellington Estate DLF Phase V Gurgaon-122001
Architecture, Other Architecture 16/415 Lodhi Colony, New Delhi 110003
System Analyst/Tech Architect 86,Padmavati Colony Indore (M.P)
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Desig
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality A IC-2 1203 Essel Towers Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Direct marketing, Market Research, Marketing Strategy, Produ hno-667 sec-10a Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer 454/1 subash nagar jhajjar haryana c/o house no 105 village jharsa gurgao
Architecture C-164, Sushant Lok-1 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming Flat # 41, HEWO Appartments, Sector 31 Gurgaon HARYANA 122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Custom Flat 161, 6th Floor, Suvidha Apartments Group Housing Society No: 10 Sec
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Interior Designer, Project Management, Other Architecture
Banking -General, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, Relationship Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training, Oth
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-14,B.S Nagar Airport Rd,Gwalior(M.P)
System Analyst/Tech Architect s-57 krishna marg bapu nagar,jaipur(rajasthan)
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/Systems A 506 Purbasa Anandlok Housing Socity, Mayur Vihar Phase I, New Delhi 1
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste #105, Vaswani AstoriaApt., Kariamana Agrahara, Varthur Hobli, Bangalore
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc143-b punjabi bagh,patiala,punjab
Architecture, Aviation, Bridge, Civil, Commercial, Design, High room no 109, U-block 36/47 Dlf Phase 3 gurgaon, delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchHouse # 559, First Floor Gurgaon Haryana- 122003 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect 303,tower 2 ,sagvi Co-operative Society,Sector -55,Gurgaon,Haryana.1220
IT/Telecommunications, Logistics/Transport/Supply, Embedded #1241, Sector 17-C, Gurgaon.
Architecture house no. 45 makhla(saradapalli), p.o. makhla, dist. hooghly, pin 712245 /
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft Rajnish Kumar C/o S.K. Ahuja H.N.- 879 2nd floor, Gugaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B-93 Amar Colony (3rd Floor) Lajpat Nagar - IV New Delhi-110024
Architecture, Other Architecture, Other Education Flat No. 23/3A, Rail Vihar, Sector-56, Gurgaon,Haryana, INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Database Adminishouse no. 2496, sec-23, gurgaon, haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Legacy Sy594, Sector 7 Urban Estate Gurgaon 122001
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, DEVENDER VIHAR PLOT NO-35 SECTOR- 56, GURGAON HARYANA-122001
Architecture, Interior Designer v.p.o. gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network A jagdish cottage north oak sanjauli shimla 171006
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwa 230/9 C, Mandawali, Delhi-110092
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems, Proj 5A/19, FIRST FLOOR, W.E.A
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Electr 1098, Sector 23-A,Gurgaon Haryana INDIA
Architecture House No 1005 / 27 Gali No 11 Mandan Puri Gurgaon 122001
Architecture, Special Education Teaching c-2-57 Raju park devli road New Delhi 110062 INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP 437 vinoba basti sri ganga nagar
Service Engineers, Network Administration, System Administrat preet hospital,mahlana road sonepat-131001
Application Programming, Architecture, Database Administrati H. NO. 2129/21, Ramphal`s House, Patrol Pump Ke Samnewali Gali, Kamla
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Program
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, N p-29, sector-5, 1st floor, part-III gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 1852 Sector-28 Faridabad Haryana
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat #12, Rakshak Apartments Retreat Society, South City - 1, Gurgaon(Har
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst TVSNet Technologies Ltd, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture house no. - 106, sector - 4, urban estate, gurgaon - 122001
Architecture, Interior Designer indira basti Sunam punjab 148028
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,gurgaon
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginC-65, New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi - 110096
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, A.V.R.Murthy #973,Vivekananda Block, Saraswathi Vihar, Chakkarpur, Gur
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectBL-110, L Block Hari Nagar New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manag #C-073 Belvedere Park DLF III Gurgaon Haryana, India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Client Server, Application Prog C/o Mr. Pramod Kumar Sharma 628-A, BLOCK - A, PALAM VIHAR, GURGAO
Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchiteH.No. 451, Mahvir pura Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, SystemA-21 East of Kailash New Delhi
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst R-22/1A,Ginni Aptt, Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, D- 5/12, G.F, Ardee City, Gurgaon (Haryana) 122002
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, In C-99, 2nd Floor, Sector 52, Platinum Greens, Ardee City, Gurgaon
Architecture u 21/21 top floor dlf phase-3 gurgaon.
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-65, SOAMI NAGAR, NEAR PANCHSHEEL ENCLAVE NEW DELHI - 110 017
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys2/156A, Sree Colony, P.O. Regent Estate, Kolkata - 700092, West Bengal.
Architecture 21-B pocket B, Dilshad Garden, Delhi -110095
Architecture 4,satbari,near new masjid ,chhatarpur,mehrouli,new delhi-10074
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mobile, Project Lea 120, Amrapali Appts, IP extension, PatparGanj New Delhi 110092 IN
Architecture House #42Nihal Bihar BIHAR 122017 India
Hardware Design, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Archi km -163 kavi nagar ghaziabad
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, C-146 Kendriya Vihar Sector-56 Gurgaon
Architecture 213, sector-4, gurgaon,haryana-122001
Other Architecture A-214, BLOSSOMS-1, TODAY APARTMENT, SEC- 47, GURGAON-122001
Business Analysis, Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ 431 sector-28 Noida 201303 India
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar45,Masjid Moth, South Ex-2, New Delhi-49.
Architecture 4/1926, BHOLA NATH NAGAR SHAHDRA DELHI - 110032
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Qu217-B, Miya Colony, Gurgoan, Haryana-122016
Other Architecture H.N0 807/18 OM NAGAR GURGAON 122001 NEW H.N 224/20 OM NAGAR
Architecture 408 Ivory Tower South City I Gurgaon,Haryana, India
Architecture, Interior Designer h.no.125b/30,malviya nagar, sonipat.
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syste1965 Sec 4, U.E., Gurgaon, Haryana.
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Basic Research, Design Engineer, Research Scientist, Business K-710 Jahangir Puri New Delhi - 110033
System Analyst/Tech Architect C - 17, Apporva appts. plot no. 14, Sector 5 , Dwarka, NDLS - 75
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, ERP/CR C-626, Shuhsant Lok Phase I Gurgaon, Haryana
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis, Tech2902 San Marino Apts Sector 45 Gurgaon Haryana 122001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerA-402, Medinova Towers, Sector 56, Plot 50, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop SSec -51,J-160 First Floor May Field Garden Gurgaon 122001
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderDLF - V, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TePrahalad singh niwas Guru Ranjeet Singh Akhara Ghitorni New Delhi
Other Architecture b-249 JHILMIL COLONY, NEAR VIVEK VIHAR, DELHI - 110095
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trainer/Faculty
Architecture, Interior Designer House No. 1699/3 Street No. 11 Rajeev Nagar Near New Mata Road Gurga
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, GPRS, GSM, Hardware Design, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Quality A
Architecture H.No. 539, Street # 08 Madanpuri Gurgaon (Haryana)122001
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechHouse # 431 Sector 21 Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer sec-12
Corporate Sales, IT/Telecommunications, Relationship/Account SHIVANGEE PARASHAR 392 Sector 21, Gurgaon,Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Q2/22, DLF ASE-2, GURGAON
Architecture, Interior Designer 21,Smriti Vihar Colony Lucknow UTTAR PRADESH 226012 India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 1361/7 extension, urban estate gurgaon-122001
Architecture md.moqaddas azam s.f-37, vyapar kendra, sushantlok, phase-1 gurgaon-1
Other Architecture Kirtinagar ,Sector -15 , Part-1 , Jharsa Road, Gurgaon , Haryana .
System Analyst/Tech Architect 102 , Promise Appartments, Vikas Puri , New Delhi-18
Architecture harsukh Jeet Kaur Indira niketan working girls hostel laxmi bai nagar, near
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnH.No.583,First Floor,Sec-22B,Gurgaon-122015
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AC/o Mr. Jai Prakash Gupta, #215-B, Miyanwali Colony, Near Bus stand Gurg
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Software EngineePocket D-7 / 17, Sector - 6 Rohini, New delhi-110085
Architecture, Project Management, Other Architecture 121001 HARYANA INDIA
Architecture VISHAL SHARMA #1262, sec.-45 Gurgaon. ph. 09873018006 e-mail: veisha
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Banki C-74,Ground floor,Ardee City,Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 1524, Sushant Lok, Phase-I Gurgaon Haryana India
IT Consultant, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch# 132, Shakuntalam Appartments Plot No.16, Sec-10 Dwarka, New Delhi 1
Architecture, Interior Designer Vill. & P.O. Sultanpur Hisar HARYANA India
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project ManC/O Mr. Anil Gupta 879/6 Chandulal Compound Near Apna Bazar Opp. Gh
Architecture, Other Architecture
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage Saket; New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer Hno. 147, Sector 15 Part 1, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical WrHouse No-C-13, OLD DLF, Near Sector-14, Gurgaon, Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture D-73, Phase-IV, Near Shiv Mandir, Aya Nagar, New Delhi-110047.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An303 shangvi appartment Gurgaon
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, Hindustan Lever Limited. Plot No. B Block No. A, South City-1, Delhi Jaipur
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer
Audit & Risk, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Security, Switching/ N-354 Ground Floor Sector-51 Gurgaon
Architecture 124-d/ ac-2, shalimar bagh, delhi-110088
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO-2022/A SECTOR-3 FARIDABAD
Architecture bere chawl, above jogmaya super market,talera road, chinchwad, pune 41
System Analyst/Tech Architect, ERP/CRM, Application Program H.No. 672, Sec - 22 B Gurgaon HARYANA India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No 1081, Sector 23 A Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Other Architecture 38, NEW JAWAHAR NAGAR KOTA
Architecture, Other Architecture 1350 A, MARUTI VIHAR Chakkarpur, GURGAON. HARYANA - 122002.
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys 49,shivalik vihar, Block G, Naya Gaon, (Near Chandigarh), 160103, India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture himanshu chopra #1642, First Floor, Sector-4, Gurgaon.
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Network Administrati 2nd floor, C-1264 , Sushant Lok-1 , Gurgaon , Haryana . 122002.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H.No.687, Sector 9 Faridabad Haryana 121006 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 818, Saraswati Vihar, Near Sahara Mall. Gurgaon
Other Architecture
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-co V- 620 Gautam Vihar Street# 2 Ghonda Delhi 110053
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System House No:-1843/3, Rajiv Nagar, Gali No:-8, Near CRPF, Gurgaon.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect G-136, Vijay Rattan Vihar, Sector -15, Part -2 , Gurgaon - 122001
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiHouse No 250,hanse Enclave,near Rajiv chowk,Gurgaon,harayana
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Planning, System Analyjorashibmandir lane,jagudaspara p.o.+dist.:-hooghly pin:-712103
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, SystemK - 25 A, Kalkaji, New Delhi
Application Programming, Banking -General, Business/Systems APlat No. 1078, Sector-39, Gurgaon- 122001, Haryana
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec S-31/22, DLF PH-3, GURGAON
Architecture B-13,2nd floor, Georgian Heights, Sector-50/51, Gurgaon
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Archit64, Near Kankrola Mor, Vipin Garden, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi - 59
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchHouse no.E-594 Faridabad Haryana 121001 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No.473, Sector-27, Opposite DLF City, Phase-I, Gurgaon-122002
Architecture, Interior Designer H - 118, R. No - 212, Raj Nagar-2/3, Near-DPSS, Palam Colony, New Delhi -
Architecture, Interior Designer 3 first floor ganga aapppartment shivaji nagar,gurgaon,haryana
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Quality Assurance/Testing, S 101, SEC-15 PART-1, KIRTI NAGAR, GURGAON HARYANA
Architecture u-25 pink town houses, dlf phase III gurgaon india
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sy 1326, SECTOR-4 GURGAON
Architecture pawankumar vpo-khori disst-rewari pin-123101
Architecture, Interior Designer 850 Saraswati Vihar MG Road Gurgaon 122 002
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 135, AGCR ENCLAVE, NEW DELHI
Architecture 9B, PIB Gharondha Apartments, SECTOR 56 Gurgaon HARYANA 122002 Ind
Other Architecture Street No.-3R, Balbir Basti, Faridkot Punjab(PIN-151203)
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, RecruiH.No.-1111, Groud Floor, Sec-23A Gurgaon-122017 Haryana.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 398/23 Street 1,Heera Nagar Gurgaon (HR)
Architecture 10th Class from U. P. Board in 1989-90 New Delhi HARYANA 110094 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se U-8/46, DLF- Phase-3, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet house no 435 sector - 4 Near Blue Bells Public School Gurgoan 122001 Har
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software PWO, TOWER - C5, FLAT NO. - 502, GH - 1, SECTOR -43, OPP. PARK PLAZA,
Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Ar Jasola Vihar, New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te151A/2 FF Govind Puri Kalkaji New Delhi-110019
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT So No.307, SCO-36, Sector-31, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122001.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 422/15. Kailashpuri, Bulandshaher, (UP) PIN - 203001.
System Analyst/Tech Architect House No. 38, Gali No. 5 Rajiv Nagar, Gurgaon, Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer CIVIL VETY. HOSPITAL , BURT ROAD FEROZEPUR CITY. PUNJAB-152002
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys 120/8 model town,Gurgaon(Haryana)
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, GPRS, GSM, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network Planning, Security,
Architecture, Interior Designer GURGAON HARYANA 122001 India
Other Architecture GEETA PROBHU HUSBAND S NAME: MR. S.PROBHU 1846/III,House Fed Co
Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance/Testing, Quality Control, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software, Other Quality
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No-1403, Wing-A National Park View-2 Raheja Estate,Borivali-E. Mum
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Administra6050-H, devendar vihar, sector 56, Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Database Administration (DBA), Human Resources, Information Tonk Road Jaipur, and Old DLF City ,Gurgaon.
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 17/4 new ashok mohalla nangloi .new delhi.110041
Other Architecture .17 Gurgaon HARYANA 122 001 India
Architecture M.G Road Gurgaon (Haryana)
EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect BLOCK-A, HOUSE NO. - 114, SURYA VIHAR, GURGAON, HARYANA- 122001
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 2251/6B2 , NEW RANJEET NAGAR , NEW DELHI -110008
System Analyst/Tech Architect c/o d.p.s.yadav h.no.937 rajeev nagar,gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect 2806 sec 23 gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ D-8 Punjabi Basi ,Nangloi Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L 510-p, sECTOR-14
System Analyst/Tech Architect 888 sector 4
Architecture, Interior Designer E-80,First Floor, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi-110028.
Architecture h.no-81a new palm vihar phase-2 gurgaon
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 184-A, DG-2 Vikas Puri New Delhi-110018
Architecture, Event Management, Graphic Design, Interior Desi RAJIV NAGAR GALI NO-11 GURGAON
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.No. 485/1, Bhim Vihar Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, SystA-4/8-9, 2ND FLOOR, SECTOR - 4, ROHINI, NEW DELHI - 110 085
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Product Development, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software E
Application Programming, Client Server, Mobile, Network AdminPERSUING MCA FROM MEERUT
Systems Programming, IC Programming, System Analyst/Tech Arc C-85, FF Old DLF Sector 14 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 India
Portfolio/Fund Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoftwarHOUSE NO. 1520, SECTOR-21, GURGAON
Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, Microcontrollers, Project Leader/ Project Manager, RF Engine
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. 530, Sector-7, Urban Estate, Gurgaon, Haryana
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenaB 34 , OLD Dlf Colony, Gurgaon Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L 1675-A,Housing Board Colony,Sector-31,Gurgaon.
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerceJA 17 IIIrd Floor,Khirki Extn Malviya Nagar,New Delhi-17
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Qual A-42, Friends tower, Sector-9, Rohini, New Delhi-110085
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Ma
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Releas B-3 Shivlok Appartments, Sec.6 ,PLot 6 Dwarka, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/System5-A, First Floor, Inderprastha Colony, Sector 30/33, Faridabad - 121003
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Pro 823\25 Chinyot Colony Rohtak
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 69-b, Ram Nagar, Ambala, 133001, HARYANA, India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Gurgaon - India
Architecture vill chhatarsa kanpur dehat
Other Architecture 22/30-B ,TILAK NAGAR, NEW DELHI-18
Architecture, Other Architecture PLOT NO.1, SECTOR 29 RITES LTD. ARCH& PLANNING DIV. GURGAON,HAR
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AAZ-61 Palam Vihar Sector-6 Dwarka India New Delhi
Architecture House no-708,Gali no-12 Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 IN
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect C - 2633 Sushant Lok, Phase - 1 Gurgaon - 122002
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Technical/Process Training, Other Customer Service, Data Ware House No - 1319, Sector - 17C, Gurgaon - 122001, Haryana.
Business Analyst, Market Research, Data Warehousing, Databas66 Priya Apartments Prashant Vihar Delhi -110085
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnH.No-1529, Sector - 6, Bahadurgarh (Haryana)-124507
Architecture, Interior Designer C/o Pawan Kumar D/5 455, Sangam Vihar New Delhi -110062.
Architecture 85 A MIG Sector-82 Noida
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Operatrz/64-65/b, vashist park , janakpuri new delhi -110046
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se B-64, Shivalik Nagar, BHEL, Ranipur, Haridwar - 249403 Uttaranchal India
Architecture, Other Architecture Plot no-621, Sector-23, gurgoan, Haryana-122017
Architecture k-10/7, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon, Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C/o Mr. R.C.PROSAD KUWAR SINGH COLONY AIRPORT ROAD, HINOO.RANC
Architecture, Other Architecture House No. # 486 Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec J1/400,2nd Floor,DDA Flats, KalkaJi, New Delhi 110019
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer D-72,NEW PALAM VIHAR,PHASE-1 GURGAON.122017.
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture Gurgaon HARYANA 122017 India
Architecture, Interior Designer House no.535 Street no.5 Adarsh nagar Dharampur Dehradun uttranchal
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof 739-b Sushant Lok Phase 1 Gurgaon Haryana
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect 101 sec23 ggn
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S House No: 972, Sector 17-B (near IFFCO Colony) Dist: Gurgaon,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysIndia
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechH.No-761/6 Shastri Nagar Kurukshetra-136118 Haryana
Architecture #1886 Sector-45, U.E., Gurgaon.
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, E H.no TR-20,BLOCK C, Yaumannagar, haryana
GPRS, GSM, IT/Telecommunications, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech 29 HOUSING BOARD COLONY, SECTOR 7 EXTN., GURGAON 122001
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manag503, Plot 31, Sidhartha Society,Sector 56,Gurgaon
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArMS-9/206,Kendriya Vihar, Sec-56,Gurgaon Haryana[122001]
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1284 -17/C Guragaon
Network Administration, Network Planning, System AdministratU-13 / 25, DLF Phase 3, Gurgaon, Haryana.122002
Desktop Support, Service Engineers, System Analyst/Tech ArchitEA-148/1, Ground Floor, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-27
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer
Architecture, Interior Designer C-31, Housing Society, South Extension - Part 1, New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, GSM, Mobi DU - 58 Pitampura Delhi - 110088
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System A
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysM-109 SOUTH CITY-I, GURGAON - 122001 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture u 44/41 dlf, phase 3 gurgaon-122002
System Analyst/Tech Architect Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer 801, Sector-9 Faridabad HARYANA 121001 India
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiRohini , New delhi
Architecture H.No.13/1, Gali No. -1, Ambedkar colony, Gurgaon, Haryana-122001
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-119, Ground Floor, Ardee City, Sector - 52, Gurgaon - 122011 (Haryana)
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project M Block - `I`, H.No: 763, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon Distt. Haryana- 122017
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Flat No.11 Dharam Kunj Appartment,Sector-9,Rohini
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr House No -48, Sector-22, Gurgaon-122015
Architecture, Interior Designer h.no-1302-a rajeev nagar old delhi road gurgaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec Flat # 108,GH-13,Navshakti Society,Faridabad,Haryana-121003
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SystemTA4, 608,Valley View Estate, Faridabad-Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon 122003
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnH.N. 678 Urban Estate Sector 7 , Gurgaon, Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy gugaon
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnNetaji Subhash Apartment, Flat # 132, Pocket-1, Phase-1, Sector-13, Dwar
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch603, Ashoka Apartment, Sector 56 Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-2/11, Flat No. 7 Lane No.-2, IGNOU Road, Saidulajab Extension, New Del
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemH-4/13 (Ground Floor), Sector-11, Rohini, Delhi - 110085
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoftwarD-15/15A FF , Platinum Floors. Ardee City, GURGAON 122002
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture H.No-70 Sec-14 Gurgaon Noida INDIA India
Architecture D-6,334/1,SECTOR-6,ROHINI,NEW DELHI
Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/TechH.NO.1, GALI NO.2, RAJIV NAGAR, GURGAON
Other Architecture 92 new mangla pupi new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 13, PATEL MARKET WORKSHOP ROAD YAMUNA NAGAR - 135001
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeF-219,LADOSARAI,MEHRAULI , NEW DELHI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser2340, Streel # 9, SGM Nagar Near Badkhal Lake, Faridabad (Haryana)- 121
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C1013, Devinder Vihar, Sec-56, Gurgaon
Other Architecture H. No. 663/34, Jawahar Colony, N.I.T Faridabad Haryana 121005 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, 45,mausam vihar delhi - 110051
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Legacy S HNo: 507, Sector-21B, Faridabad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A-236, Regency Park 1, DLF Phase 4, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EmbeddedGurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Sector-17a,gurgaon
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Software Engineer, Sy648/30,Faridabad
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System AdministratioE 101 Smriti Apartments, Plot 46,Sector 56, Gurgaon Haryana
Information Systems, IT/Technical Content Developer, Business 1/81, Plot 81, vaishali , sector I , Ghaziabad-201012
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Releas B 63 Anoop Nagar, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi Delhi 110059
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Embedded Technologies, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 379, Sector 19 Faridabad Haryana 121002 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Adminis D-39, G.F., Uppals Southend, Sohna Road, Gurgaon - 122 012
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analys
Architecture LIG. FLAT NO-495 PKT-3C SEC-16B DWARKA delhi110078
System Analyst/Tech Architect P1B-145, Princeton Estate, DLF Phase 5, Gurgaon-122002 Haryana
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/T483, Ground Floor, Saraswati Vihar, Gurgaon (Haryana)
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-101, FF, Greenwood City, Sector-45 Gurgaon
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystE-601,Maple Heights, Sushant Lok-I, Sector 43, Gurgaon,Haryana.
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/TecPorject Manager(ERP Projects)
Architecture, Data entry, Front Office, Receptionists, Other Arc 1546 Sector 17-C Sukhrali, Near M D I , Gurgaon - 122001
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software, System Admi 726, 2nd Floor, Sector 31, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122001
Architecture 804, Tower-9, Valley View Estate Gurgaon-Faridabad Road, Gwal Pahadi, g
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 858 SECTOR 17B, GURGAON 122001
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture c-47 minto road complex new delhi 110002
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SystemH No. 362-C, sector 14, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System AdministHouse No. 369. Sector-4 Urban Estate, Gurgaon - 122001
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I Kuldeep Kumar C/o Sh Dayanand Post Master, Post Office, New Colony, Gu
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1705-A ,HOUSING BOARD COLONY SECTOR -31 GURGAON
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys H - 65, Sector - 25, NOIDA, U.P, India (201301)
Architecture, Other Architecture 1129, N-4 D Sector,Piplani,Bhopal MP.462021
Architecture, Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Flat No. C-27, Kendriya Vihar, Sector - 56, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture 136, Shitla Mata Colony, Gurgaon.
Application Programming, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Arc18, Nalanda Apartments, Vikas Puri, New Delhi - 110018
Architecture MS-8/603, KENDRIYA VIHAR, SECTOR-56, GURGAON. HARYANA-122003.
Architecture 273/1/1, Adarsh Nagar, gurgaon
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Mana 23, Jagdamba Apartments, Sector-13, Rohini, New Delhi-110085
Compensation/Payroll, Consulting, Employee Relations, Perfor 9/2436 Street No.13 Kailash Nagar Delhi-110031
Architecture 538/28,jyoti park,gali no.8,gurgaon.
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Customer Service (Voice), Desktop Support, Grap U-42/22, Ground Floor, DLF Phase-3, Gurgaon, Haryana-122002
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tec
Other Architecture 801 bhagwanti appartments,sec 56 gurgaon,haryana.
Application Programming, System Administration, System AnalyQ-421, South City I, Gurgaon Pin 122001
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arch53/46 Gurgaon(Haryana)
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT So #485/13, Defence Officers Enclave (East), Chankyapuri, New Delhi - 54
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engine
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Network Planning, GSM
Architecture, Building/Residential, Plant/Facilities/Maintenan Flat-70,Sec-1,Sadiq Nagar,New Delhi-110049
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-14/3, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. Pin - 110057
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security C - 34, Old DLF Colony, Sector 14 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 India
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Service Engineers, System H No - 63 DOUBLE STOREY SONEPAT - 131001
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture A-356 kendriya vihar secto 56 gurgaon
Architecture c-132, G.F., south city -2, gurgaon
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArcC1/39 Second Floor Ardee City, Setor 52 Gurgaon - 122003
Architecture H.NO: 127, SECTOR 10 GURGAON
Architecture h.no 847/b nangla road jawahar colony nit faridabad
Architecture RZF 757/15A Gali No - 2, Palam Colony New delhi - 110045
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client ServHouse # 1244, sector 31 Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer D-054,RIDGEWOOD ESTATE, DLF - PHASE IV,GURGAON,HARYANA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis, In Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectK-35, Fateh Nagar, New Delhi -18
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnC 2171 Sushant Lok I Gurgaon
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect #M-239 2nd floor South City 1 Gurgaon Haryana
Other Architecture Village – Kankrola P.Office – Bhangrola Distt.-Gurgaon (Haryana) Pin -
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project C-75, Old DLF Colony, Sector-14, Gurgaon - 122001
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, CAD/CAE No. 203, Sagar Park View Opp J P Park Brindavan Nagar Mattikere Bangalo
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Systemhouse no :430, Ground floor, sector-21, Gurgaon-122016 Haryana, India.
Architecture 626 patel nagar gurgaon haryana 122001
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Radhe Niwas Dr. Lohiya ward Gondia-441614 (MS) Tel.No. 07182250735 m
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 304,captain apartment chakkarpur bihari market gurgaon
Architecture sudamdih riverside lal maidan colony q no m/297
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, GPRS, GSM, H/W InH NO - 930, Sector 23 A, Gurgaon
Architecture, Business Strategy, Feasibility Studies C/O MR. J.M. SOOD C-1/1300
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Releas H No. 882,Sec 31 , Near Market , Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Claims/CoD8/5, Ground Floor, DLF Exclusive Floors, DLF Phase V, Gurgaon-122002
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, GPRS, GSM, H/W 934a/17b , GURGAON , HARYANA -122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System A110, FF, AYAACHI APARTMENT, PLOT NO. 1, SECTOR - 45, NEAR DELHI PUB
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Lecturer/Professor, Network Administration, Network Plan
Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical WriDaulatpur Chowk, Distt. Una H.P 177204 India
Architecture, Other Architecture E - 1005, Maple Height Apartment Gurgaon HARYANA 122002 India
Architecture, Other Architecture Correspondence: 3178B, Sector 23, Gurgaon, India-122015
Architecture 739, sector-21, gurgaon haryana
Architecture plot-49, sector-39, gurgaon
Architecture C/O R.S.NAIN, SECTOR -46, HOUSE NO.2133 GURGAON - 220 001
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 128/539 "k" block, kidwai nagar, kanpur (U.P.)
Architecture h.no.143,islampur colony near a.f.c.c.t.s sohna road gurgaon
Admin/Facilities Mgmt, Architecture, Commercial, Land devel Flat No-55,Shama Apartment,Plot No-32,Secor-10,Dwarka,New Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, H/W InstaS/O S.P. GUPTA, 113-A MINI MIG, PHASE-II, INDIRAPURAM, GMS ROAD, M
Application Programming, Customer Support, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, GIS, GSM, H/W Install
Architecture F23 hazi colony ghaffar manzil part ii jamia nagar okhla new delhi 25
Other Architecture Flat No. 279, Pkt-6, Sector-23, Rohini, Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project FLAT NO 104, GANPATI APARTMENT, PLOT NO GH-27, SECTOR 56, GURGA
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sy S-129, 2nd Floor, Uppals Southend, Gurgaon- 122001
Admin/Facilities Mgmt, Application Programming, Back-end/Tra6753/10, Street No-3, Dev Nagar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005
Other Architecture 882,veersawarkar,sarswati vihar,near first india oalace, gurgaon hr
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Analyshans enclave gali no 10 room no 206gurgaon(haryana)
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, B-35, Sarswati Enclave, Near Sec-10, Gurgaon
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 100/52 Silver Oaks, DLF Phase 1, Gurgaon 122002
System Analyst/Tech Architect 760,sector 14, near sector 14 market Gurgaon-122001
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GIS, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Syst J-1/37 DLF City-II Gurgaon, Haryana
GSM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Flat no :- 374, Sector - 13'A', Dwarka , Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 3225/A, Setor-3, Faridabab, Haryana 121004 India
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TePLOT NO127A, BAKSHI NAGAR,ROULKI JAMMU. PIN-180001
Architecture G-181, Greenwood City, Sector-40, Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer A-74, Chattarpur Enclave, Phase II New Delhi- 110030 India
Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, Equity Analyst, Merchant Banking,3230, Sector 23, Gurgaon Haryana - 122017
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, GIS, Geology and Geoinformatics, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, Sto
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ H.No.-10, Bank Street, Kadipur, Gurgaon, Haryana-121001
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec New No. 635, Gobind Nagar, Naya Gaon, District Ropar, Punjab. Pin 16000
Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T C-76, Sector 20, Noida 201301.
Architecture C-257, Dr, Ambedkar Nagar, Khanpur Sec-II, New Delhi-62
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S MS9 203 KV SEC56 GURGAON
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering vikaskumar hudacolony,opp.cyberpark gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An4673, FF, Near Columbia Asia Hospital, Sec-23A Gurgaon HARYANA 12200
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 154, 1st Floor, SatyaNiketan,(Near Motibagh Gurudwara), New Delhi,1100
Architecture KAITHAL HARYANA 136027 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AF-183, S-2 Dilshad Coloney Delhi
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect # 1021-A, Electricity Colony, Sector 52-B, Chandigarh - 160036
Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech DLF Phase III, u-5/8, gurgaon, haryana
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchB.P) NIT Faridabad HARYANA India
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, SoftwaH. no - 1413 Sector - 9 Faridabad , Haryana - 121006
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/C53/46, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An948, Sec - 23A Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, IT Consultant, Man
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 118, EWS Block, Ansal Sushant Estate, Sushant Lok- 1, Gurgaon, HR India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 266,RANIDURGAVATI WARD MANDLA (M.P)
Architecture, Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Project 223-b,Sushant lok,Gurgaon.
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administra3rd Floor, 31/20, Near Salwan Pulbic School, Old Rajindera Nagar New Del
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AH No-742 Saraswati Vihar Gurgaon
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenaHs No - 334/3, Prem nagar, Near MAMATA Hospital, Gurgaon Bus Stop, Gu
Architecture rd. no-15, q.no-58-1-8 adityapur-2 jamshedpur jharkhand pin-831013
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Marketing/Bran 145 Shankar Kuti Suraj Kund Road Meerut
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Internet/E-com C 13 GF UPPAL SOUTHEND GURGAON
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Desi House No. 469, 2nd Floor.Sector-14. Gurgaon. 132103
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DB IA/29A, Ashok Vihar, Phase - 1, Delhi - 110052
Architecture, Other Architecture R 25 Rajouri Garden New Delhi 110027
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SofJ-177, Second Floor, Mayfield Gardens, Sector-51, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysC2/165 First Floor, Janakpuri, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C48, Kendriya Vihar App., Sec-56 Gurgaon Haryana
Other Architecture House No 373, Sec-17A, Gurgaon -122001
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-705 Gitanjali Apartments, Vikas Marg Extn, Karkardooma, Delhi - 92
Architecture H.No-701-A Gali No.-1, Laxman Vihar Phase-II Gurgaon (Hry.)
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea SECTOR 17/C, GURGAON, HARYANA PIN: 122001
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Planning, System Analyh.no- 1764/3, rajiv nagar sec-14, Gurgaon Haryana, 122001
Customer Support, GSM, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network 326, DEFENCE COLONY, SECTOR - 17A, GURGAON, HARYANA -122001
Architecture house no. 310 vpo. sidhrawali distt. gurgaon (har.)
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Database Administration (DBA), S U-39/10-11, DLF Phase 3 , Gurgaon - 122016
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, HVAC, Interior Desi H.No.-187,Sector-15A,Faridabad(Haryana)
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Customer Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr H.No-454,Tagore Garden Extn. N.D-23
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 457/14 U.E karnal
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mainframe, Software Engineer, SyFlat no. 965, Sector 14, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Customer Support, System Analyst/TeN-305, Sector 8, R.K.Puram, new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer New,P.W.D. B&R colony , Q. No. 9 , Narwana (Jind) Haryana 126116
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 2140,B/4,Rajivnagar, Sector-14,Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ER A/3,325 SECTOR-8 ROHINI DELHI-110085
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arc
Other Architecture House No. 918/31 Gali No. 02,Phase I, Laxman Vihar, Gurgaon-122006 (HR
Other Architecture house no H-7 huda colony sector 46 gurgaon
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No 209, Block B/5 Munirka Nr. Anupam Restaurent N.Delhi
Architecture H. No.2003/A , Gali No. 3 Rajiv Nagar (Gurgaon)
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchRitu Raj Bordoloi. House No. 63/9-Tushar Kunj. Behind Sri Ram Hospital. Si
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Proj #7/2/4, Opposite Millenium, Annaih Reddy Road,Ulsoor, Bangalore 56000
Architecture 2-prabhunivas,nilamparksociety. memnagar,ahmedabad-380052 gujarat,in
Architecture Jaipur RAJASTHAN 302017 India
Data Warehousing, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst B5-705, L&T South City, Arekere Mico Layout, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalo
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect Lingaraj mishra
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect House No 12-7-110, Flat No 303, SUVARNA Apartments, New Mettuguda,
Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 299 sector 7, Urban Estate Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applicatio D 121, Windsor Park, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-306, Varun, DSK Vishwa, Dhayari, Sinhagad Road Pune India 411041 Ind
Architecture HOUSE NO-1823 SEC-1,PUSP VIHAR NEW DELHI-110017
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1241,sec-15 part-2,gurgaon
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Analc/o Shailendra Varshney House No. 302 Rose Tower Green Valley, Sec 41-4
Architecture H.N. 293, Gali No, 2, Rajiv Colony, Gurgaon
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Commercial H.No.232,shanti nagar near bus stand, Nilokheri,KARNAL Haryana PIN-132
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Structural/St 1/11449, St. No. 2, Subhash Park Ext., Shahdara, Delhi-110032, India
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.NO.250,block-c yamuna vihar delhi.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1029 SECTOR 7 EXTN. URBAN ESTATE, GURGAON 122001, HARYANA
Other Architecture Mr.Jan Herwig R/o N-3/5,First Floor,DLF City,Phase II,Gurgaon,Haryana,Ind
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No. EZ-18, New Palam Vihar Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech permanent address hno 341,Sector 8 Panchkula haryana present address
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/T1523-A HBA colony Sec-31 Gurgaon
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArSN-120,Tarun Nagar,Dangania,Raipur
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 441,Bhim Nager ,Gurgaon (Hr)
Architecture S/o Mr.Krishan Chand Kamboj Ward No.3 H.No.122/4 Vishvakarma colony
Architecture, Interior Designer vill-gangaicha ahai, distt-rewari, haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer Sandeejakhar s/o Rajbir singh V.P.O.-salhawas Distt.-jhajjar Haryana 12414
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, P #536 Sector No.31 gurgoan Haryana - 122001
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Electronics S-31C/12, DLF-PHASE-3, GURGAON-122002, HARYANA
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Lecturer/Profc/o Mr Rajeev Misra sec 22B 519 near anand farm gurgaown,Haryana
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 216, Basera Appartment bahind Kendriya Vihar, Sec. 56, Gurgaon (Haryan
Architecture V.P.O.-Pingore, Distt.-Palwal(HR) Pin No.-121105
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, SystemGorakhpur UTTAR PRADESH 273010 India
Other Architecture Manoj Kumar,H.No.11,DDA SFS Flats , Pockets -1, Sector -4 Harmony Apar
Architecture, Interior Designer 1069, sector-50 B,Progressive Housing society, Chandigarh.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA 303, Rail Vihar, Sector 15, Gurgaon
Client Server, Desktop Support, Graphic Designing/Animation/ H-414 Jalvayu Vihar, SECTOR-30 GURGAON
Other Architecture 1D-106,N.I.T,FARIDABAD. HARYANA,INDIA-121001
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 1007, HB Colony, Saraswati Vihar New Delhi DELHI 122009 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Flat 223, HEWO Apartments, Plot No. 42, Sector 56, Gurgaon - 122001
System Analyst/Tech Architect, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer
Architecture R/O. H. No. 02, St. No. 06 Gurgaon HARYANA 122017 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect E-51, Sun City Sector 54, Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System ACD/1-B LIG FLATS HARI NAGAR NEW DELHI 64 Gurgaon HARYANA India
Architecture Sunny Cottage, Near Dargah, Ghora Chowki, Shimla (H.P.)
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S A13, Mahipalpur, Vasantkunj, New Delhi
Architecture, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Feasibility Studies, D-211, Shivalaya Appartments, GH Plot No-14, Sector-56, Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect Hno 681,Pkt-1, Paschim Puri, New Delhi-110063
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Database Admin Behind Langre Baba Temple Modinagar UTTAR PRADESH 201201 India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 63, Munirka New Delhi 67
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/house no 86, sector-22, gurgaon. 122015
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Da 1544,sector-10A,Gurgaon,Haryana
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer j/a20e,3rd floor, hari enclave, hari nagar new delhi 110064
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat 604, Tower 6, Malibu Town, Sohna Road Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 In
Architecture, Interior Designer 3692, Mamman Street, Pahari Dhiraj, Delhi.
Architecture SEC-32, GURGAON
System Analyst/Tech Architect E - 215, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076
Architecture near Daya nand Sr. sec.schol Patli Gate Palwal (Faridabad)
Architecture, Civil House No: 317, Phool Bagh, Husaingang, Lucknow, U.P. (INDIA)
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, A-14, Sec-2, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, Counter Sales, Cus 21-A, Pocket 5, MIG Flats, Mayur Vihar, Phase- 3, Delhi 110096
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, GSM, Software Engine Gurgaon,Haryana
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect gurgaon
Other Architecture h.no.16,naharpur,rohini sec.7 new delhi
Data entry, Front Office, Receptionists, Other Architecture, Oth Village Isherheri Post Office Bahadurgarh Dist Jhajjar Haryana Pin Code 12
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur C-28, RBI COLONY, HAUZ KHAS NEW DELHI DELHI- 110016
Architecture, Event Management, Film Production, Graphic Desi#844, Sector 7 (Ext.) Gurgaon
Architecture Surender Kumar S/o Late Sh. Murari Lal V.P.O. Khudana Distt. Mohinder G
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO. 457, Gali No.1, Durga Colony, Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar Haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se J-203 Wembley Estate Rosewood City Sector - 50 Gurgaon 122002 Haryan
Architecture 382F, 2nd Floor, Chirag Delhi, New Delhi-110017
Client Server, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System AnFlat No. 9 , Sukh Dham Apartment. Tide Colony, Nashik
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechArunoday Building, Near Jakat Naka,IngleNagar,Warge,PUNE-52
Architecture, Interior Designer #553, Sec-17A , Gurgaon
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ C-605 Surya Vihar Old Delhi Gurgaon Road Gurgaon 122016
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior Desi 41, 1st Floor, Saraswati Vihar, Housing Board, Chakkar pur, Gurgaon
Other Architecture Gurgaon Haryana 122002 India
Architecture H.No. 1249 A Maruti Vihar Chakkarpur GURGAON
Architecture C/1/772 MADANGIR , NEW DELHI INDIA
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Network Administration, Network Planning, Switching/Router, S816, Phase-6, Mohali Punjab - 160055
Architecture 4013, SECTOR - 23, GURGAON PIN CODE- 122015
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysD-1055 , Indira Nagar , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh ,INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Banking/Insurance
Architecture B 34, Westend Heights, DLF 5, Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/TeGeeta Bhawan, Rajeev Nagar Gurgaon Haryana 122001 India
Application Programming, Network Administration, Project LeadP2B-068, Princeton Estate, DLF Phase V, Gurgaon - 122002.
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, IT/Telecommunications, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 898 FF, SECTOR 17B, GURGAON, HARYANA
Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/T 2103, Golf Link Apartment, Sector 54, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/T
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Network Planning, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Consulting, ERP/CRM, System Administration, Configuration/Release
Architecture, Interior Designer 1700/A,HOUSING BOARD COLONY,SECTOR-31,GURGAON,HARYANA
Other Architecture D2-103, Jeewan Park New Delhi HARYANA 110059 IN
Architecture H.-367, WARD NO.-2, GALI NO.-5A, SECT.-5 ROAD, SHEETLA COLONY, GUR
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Relationship Mgmt, System A Gurgaon, India
Client Server, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Tes#198 SECTOR 14 pkl
GSM, Hardware Design, IC Fabrication, IC Programming, MainfraG202-A, FLOOR II, SUSHANT LOK II, SECTOR-57,GURGAON HARYANA-1220
Architecture, Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Corporate Pl M-10/39, DLF CITY PHASE-2, GURGAON, HARYANA, INDIA 122002
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture 813,sec3,pushpvihar,new delhi 110017
Architecture, Other Architecture 455 SECTOR 10 A GURGAON
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, D 2365 Aravali Vihar, Sainik Colony, Sector 49, Faridabad.
Architecture House no. 1073/3, Rajiv nagar, Gurgaon
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchB1/118,New ashok Nagar ,new delhi-110096
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O Kartar Singh Siwas, Deovli Village, New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchGurgaon HARYANA India
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Network Administration, Network Planning, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec
Mobile, Service Engineers, System Analyst/Tech Architect J25, Judge Compound, Nehru Place, Agra.
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea 13, kakadwadi shigne building girgaon mumbai 400004
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec #164, BEML Layout, 6th stage, 4th cross, Bangalore India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 10/105 Subhash Nagar, New Delhi 110027
Other Architecture asdfsadfsdfsdfsadfsdfsdf
Architecture Village and Post office Daultabad Distt. Gurgaon State Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer 860,sec-23A, palam vihar, Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect #B-12 Sanjay Gram, Opposite Sec-14, Gurgaon
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste #501,Sec23,Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer G 2 Bhagyashree Apt, 465-B, 5A/16 cooper colny Satara MAHARASHTRA 4
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Sales/BusDev FLAT NO. 09, HOUSE NO. 1726
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other H.No. 145, Roshanpur Daurli Meerut
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture wz-541, rishi nagar, rani bagh, delhi - 110034
Other Architecture vpo. mirchpur, dstt. hisar, pin 125039
Architecture, Other Architecture
Architecture C/o Maman Singh Dundahera Gurgaon(Haryana)
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tec 1150,sector 21,gurgaon,haryana 122016
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. No. 144, sec--9 Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer Raj Kota RAJASTHAN 324005 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Vill. & P.O. Sultanpur Hisar HARYANA India
Architecture akd tower gurgaon
Other Architecture 955,Saraswati Vihar Houing Board Colony ,Chakkarpur ,Gurgaon , Haryana
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 2318-N/3, Rajiv Nagar, Opp. Sanjay Gram, Gurgaon-122 001.
Architecture, Interior Designer Rania gate, gali kahi wali, near hanuman mandir, Sirsa-125055
Architecture 161, Near Ram Mandir Gurgaon Haryana 122103 India
Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft H.No-130,Pocket-3,Sector-24 Rohini,Delhi-110085
Other Architecture 448/2, 4/8 MARLA SHAKTI NAGAR, GURGAON
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, DesignA-64, Sector 8, Dwarka, New Delhi - 75
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Network Administration, Security, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Architecture, Interior Designer 189/13, near old bus stand sohna(gurgaon)
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, Flat No. 165, Akshardham Apartments, Pocket 3, Sector 19, Dwarka, New
Business Analyst, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System B-702 Saraswati Appt Patparganj Delhi-110092
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, IT/TelecommunicatiFlat No. 2A, MSD Flats, Minto Road Complex, New Delhi-110002
Architecture House no 1401 gale no-13, Patel nagar Gurgaon HARYANA 122002 IN
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst 2318/O/3 RAJEEV NAGAR OLD DELHI ROAD , GURGAON PIN 122001, HARY
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des j-2/43,1st floor,dlf phase-II,gurgaon(haryana) per add-lg-02,sagar garden h
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Administration, Desktop Support, GPRS, GSM, H/W Installation/PLOT NO. 6, STREET NO. 17,, NEW PAWAN NAGAR BATALA ROAD,
Other Architecture 3/22, Gali No - 1 Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect A 302, Sanskriti Apts, Sector 43, Gurgaon
Customer Support, GPRS, GSM, H/W Installation/Maintenance, PI-F,Radhe Krishna 33,Sarojini Street Ramnagar Coimbatore-Tamilnadu-641
Internet/E-commerce, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic H.NO-537, URBAN ESTATE SEC-52A, GURGAON
System Analyst/Tech Architect 236/sec 5 Ciranjeev vihar Ghaziabad UP 201001 India
Architecture, Interior Designer #C-19/8, Cosmos Floors Ardee City , Gurgaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Gurgaon India
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT S
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat No- H-128, 2nd Floor, Dharam Colony, Near Ansal Plaza, Palam Vihar E
Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System An#37-0C, Aravali View Rail Vihar, Sector-56, Gurgaon Pin-122003, Haryana (
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Te53, Ohm Ganesh Nagar Vadavalli Coimbatore-641041
Other Architecture sandeep s/o Inder Singh V.P.O. Birdhana distt & teh Jhajjar HARYANA 1241
Architecture, Interior Designer phone, , D2/3- 2nd floor, Ardee City, sec-52 Gurgaon HARYANA India
Architecture, Interior Designer Hno.168c East Chawla Colony,Ballabgarh city, pin:121004 Faridabad(Harya
System Analyst/Tech Architect HNO 1704 A SEC 10 A GURGAON
Architecture Hno.-373, sec. 17A , Gurgaon 122001
Architecture F-123 II FLOOR SUNCITY, SEC.-54 GURGAON, HARYANA-122001
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT
Architecture no.553, sector 5, gurgaon, Haryana
Architecture 1586/25, Amer Colony, Pataudi Road, Gurgaon - 122001
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect Gurgaon
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysGurgaon, INDIA
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys N- 195 First Floor,South City -1, Gurgaon, HARYANA – 122002
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys7/9, Hamelia Street, Vatika City, Sector-49, Sohna Road, Gurgaon. PIN-122
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Planning, Project LeadeL1/178D, DDA Flats, Kalkaji, New Delhi - 110019
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-18A FIRST FLOOR SANGAY GRAM GURGAON
Architecture Sec-14, House Num- B-41A, Old DLF Colony,Near Shyam Sweets, Gurgaon,
Architecture, Interior Designer Hno.-1370, sector- 7 ext, Gurgaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T house 307, sector 12 A, Neear Shiv baba peer mandir, gurgaon
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec C3-311A, SFS Flat Pankha Road Near Dabri Red Light Janakpuri New Dehli
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ Flat No.: 10-B, Pocket 1, DDA SFS Flats, Sector 7, DWARKA, New Delhi - 11
Architecture 570/5 patel nagar gurgaon
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H. No 769, Sector 17-A, Gurgaon
Architecture G-13/13, DLF City-1, ARCHITECT Gurgaon Haryana 122002 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Home No.B-183/2 New Ashok Nagar,New Delhi-96, india
Application Programming, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Arc10 - 161, Lodhi Colony New Delhi DELHI 110003 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ House No. 2226, Sector -27C Chandigarh-160019.
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech ArcHouse No. 788, Sector 17-A, Gurgaon 122001.
Architecture, Interior Designer 304, captain appartment near sahara mall, ckkarpur gurgaon
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T D - 260 B, Sector D, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road Lucknow - 226012 Uttar Pra
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software EngiMB-97A,Shakarpur,Delhi-92
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Otherc/o Jitender Ahuja, H-No: 1553, Sector 17 C Gurgaon Haryana - 122001
System Analyst/Tech Architect U-20/32,DLF phase-3 Gurgaon
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Other Architecture Ambedker Colony, Baluda Road Ward No. 4, Sohna, Distt. - Gurgaon. (Hr.)
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Pa-102, neelkanth HCS, plot#9, sector -3, ghansoli , 400709, navi mumbai
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 223,224 Udyog Vihar Phase 1 NIIT Technologies, 2nd Floor, Gurgaon 1220
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H No. 41 H, Sec. - 40, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Architecture H.N-130, VILL.-SAINI KHERA : OPP. SEC.-29, GURGAON
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnAbu Dhabi - UAE
Architecture, Interior Designer village palwali p.o.kheri kalan,distt.faridabad(haryana)
Business/Systems Analysis, Legacy Systems, System Analyst/TecH.No. 721,Sector 7-C,Faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer H. no. 677A, Ward No. 2 Khatri Wara, old faridabad,Haryana
Interior Designer, Other Architecture House No. 2271/sector-8 Faridabad HARYANA 121006 India
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchHouse No. 1304 Faridabad Haryana 121002 India
Architecture House no-184/18, Faridabad
Systems Programming, GIS, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System A.M.C.F. -89, Arya Nagar Faridabad HARYANA 121004 IN
Architecture 1332A, SECTOR-29, H.B.COLONY, FARIDABAD, HARYANA-121008
Other IT Hardware, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System AnalystF1/214 CHARMWOOD VILLAGE, EROS GARDEN, FARIDABAD , HARYANA
Architecture manojkumar c/o subhash chander q.no:-1931 NH-4, new colony, Faridaba
Architecture DIST. FARIDABAD, HARYANA 121004
Bank Assurance, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, IT , Marketin H.no-164, Sec-11,Bloc-e, Faridabad
Application Programming, Banking -General, Software Engineer,Bunglow Plot 5E/27 N.I.T Faridabad - 121001
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, System AnaB-1190, SECOND FLOOR (FRONT SIDE), GREEN FIELDS COLONY, FARIDABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.No.-1337, Near N.V.M. Sr. Sec. School parwatiya colony 2nd N.I.T Farida
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect Room no.2127, Meadows The Residency, 12/1,Delhi-Mathura Road, Farida
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NO.685-686 NEW TA COLONY N.I.T FARIDABAD . HARYANA
Other Architecture H.No. V-143 Gandhi Colony NIT Faridabad, Haryana 121001
Interior Designer, Other Architecture house no.1058,sector-18 old faridabad haryana
Architecture Kailash Ngr Plawal Haryana
Architecture H.NO. - 1520 A , SECTOR-29, FARIDABAD.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture sec-25,ballabgarh,faridabad
Architecture Distt FARIDABAD HARYANA 121 102 IN
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr H.NO-163, SEC-23 H.B.COLONY, FARIDABAD ,HARYANA
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, S House No - 3045A Sector - 3 Faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-87, Om Enclave, Part-1 New Delhi Delhi India
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect `NITYASUNDRA NILAY` F-1699, Sector 49, Sainik Colony Faridabad (HARYA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I e-846 s.g.m. nagar n.i.t. faruidabad
Architecture h no-668, sector-18, faridabad, haryana, pin-121002
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, Syste HOUSE NO. 978, SECTOR 16 FARIDABAD-121002
Architecture SEC-3, Faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture, Others Hno-520,Adarsh Nagar,Near Rathi School,Ballabgarh,Faridabad,Haryana
System Analyst/Tech Architect h.no 95 block no -3F,N.I.T, N.H.3,faridabad-121001
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applica 3F-111, N.I.T. FARIDABAD, HARYANA
Architecture, Interior Designer FCA-1346 BLOCK- C S.G.M NAGAR NIT FARIDABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No.-243 Faridabad Haryana India
Architecture, Interior Designer 633, Sector-10 Faridabad HARYANA 121006 India
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Archh. no. 753,sector-16,faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer H.no:-504, sector:-16 Faridabad haryana-121007
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.no 1250 sector 17 Faridabad, Haryana
Architecture asdd
Architecture h.no. 304, sec-22,h.b colony faridabad (haryana)
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer 408, Sec-21/A Faridabad HARYANA India
Architecture, Other Architecture H.NO.-1857 SEC.23A FARIDABAD ,HARAYANA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture House No.438, Gali No.5 Faridabad HARYANA India
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech A292, Sector 45 Faridabad Haryana 121003 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect VPO Kheri Kalan Near Bus Top Kheri Kalan Sec-89 Faridabad Haryana -121
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech AHouse no. 1020, Sector-14, Faridabad-121007
Other Architecture 542,sec 21-B FARIDABAD
Architecture h.n.534 sector 21 B faridabad
Other Architecture MCF-5774,SEC-23,SANJAY COLONY,FARIDABAD
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ House No. 2143, Sec 7/D Faridabad Haryana India
Architecture E-521, Gali No-10, Dabua Colony, NIT FBD, HARYANA,
Architecture, Interior Designer 7d Faridabad HARYANA India
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/TecH.No. 1557, Sector-55 Faridabad-121005 Haryana - India
Architecture H. No.244, Sector 18, HBC, FARIDABAD 121 002
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. No. 5141, Sector-3 Faridabad HARYANA India
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect 2234/16, Faridabad -121002, Haryana
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T hno 1488 block-c sgm nagar faridabad haryana 121001
Architecture Bhagat Singh Colony, Near Sec-3 Ballabgarh, Faridabad.
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 80,VILL SHEKPUR, TEH PALWAL BALLABGARH
Business/Systems Analysis, Legacy Systems, System Analyst/TecH NO 405/A,SEC 16 SANTOSH NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 330,SEC 15 COLONEL WALI GALI, ANANGPUR DAIRY
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 17,SEC-10, BALLABHGARH
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchH NO 635,THARMAL POWER HOUSE COLONY, NIT
Architecture 1610 SEC-16,,
Systems Programming, GIS, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System DY 406/1,BHIMSAN COLONY, BALLABGARH
Architecture 2311 SEC-3,BALLABGARH,
Other IT Hardware, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System AnalystHOUSE NO 1021 SECTOR 10,,
Bank Assurance, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, IT , Marketin H NO 32/GF,CHARAMWOOD,
Application Programming, Banking -General, Software Engineer,H NO 403,GALI NO 7, DABUA COLONY
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, System AnaH NO NBC 446,WARD 2,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO 475/9,JAGDISH COLONY, BALLABGARH
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 1891,JAWAHAR COLONY,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO FCA 653,SGM NAGAR BLOCK C, NIT
Other Architecture H NO 540 GALI NO 16,SEC 30 VILL ATMAD PUR,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture ANANG PUR DAIRY,,
Architecture H NO 2099/2,WARD NO 11, GANDHI COLONY
Architecture H NO 1044,SEC 16,
Architecture, Interior Designer A-21/4,BABA BALAK NATH ROAD,
Other Architecture H NO 324,BHOOR COLONY,
Architecture, Interior Designer VILL SAHUPURA,TEH BALLABHGARH,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ RAO TRADERS VILLAGE,MOHALLA POST OFF GADPURI, TEHSIL BALLABGAR
Architecture VILLAGE JAJRU,,
Architecture SE 865,WARD 2 SEC 23, SANJAY COLONY
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr H NO 707,NEW PARVATIYA COLONY, NIT
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, S H NO 525,SEC 10,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 1400 SECTOR 15,FARIDABAD,
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 829,RAJA GARDEN OLD,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I H NO 305/2,VILL TILPAT,
Architecture P 204,SGM NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, Syste 427/15,VEDRAM COLONY, PART II
Architecture H NO 100,SEC 15A,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture, Others BHIKAM COLONY,G NO 1, BALLABGARH
System Analyst/Tech Architect 2D-89 NIT FARIDABAD,,
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applica H NO 107,RAILWAY COLONY, NIT
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 50,BAPU NAGAR, BALLABGARH
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 19,SECTOR 7,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch240 G F SEC 3,FARIDABAD,
Architecture 739 GOPI COLONY,,
Architecture, Interior Designer 264 A,SAINIK COLONY,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO 1794,SEC 55,
Architecture H NO 413,SECTOR 3,
Architecture H NO 1861,SECTOR 8,
Architecture, Interior Designer RAJEEV COLONY,SEC-25, BALLABAGARH
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S H NO 180,WARD NO 4,
Architecture, Interior Designer 6181,SECTOR 7,
Architecture, Other Architecture 316,NAI COLONY, SEC 33
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 601 SECTOR-22,,
Architecture H NO SE/52,NIT,
Architecture H NO 36,WARD NO 9, BALLABGARH
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech A104,HARPALLI, PALWAL
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NO 368,PALWAL WARD 10, TEH PALWAL
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech AH NO 3375,WARD 2, VILL SARAN
Other Architecture H NO 708,WARD 28,
Architecture H NO 101,ARAVALI HIGHS GH 8, SEC 21C NIT
Other Architecture H NO 121,SEC 10,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 549,SEC 16 A,
Architecture C 1256,SGM NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 353/2,AHIR WARA,
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/TecSECTOR 15A,AJRONDA, NIT
Architecture HNO-4410,PARVATIYA COLONY,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO 361,SEC 10,
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect SFI 10,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I A 25,SHIV DURGA VIHAR, LAKDPUR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T JAGRAM SARPANCH COLONY,PALLA NO 1,
Architecture 1227, Sector 15, Faridabad, Haryana, India 121007
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT 483, Sector - 7 B, Faridabad, Haryana PIN-121006
Architecture, Interior Designer H 107, Batla House, Jamia Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer f-466, S.G.M nagar faridabad Haryana India
Architecture BALDEV RAJ House No. A/61, 21B, Indera Gandhi Colony, Faridabad Mobil
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtherFaridabad HARYANA 121006 India
Architecture 2k-7, near hanuman mandir, N.I.T FARIDABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering H.NO. -145/A, Shiv Colony, Palla no.-1 Faridabad HARYANA 121003 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No. F 2857, Sec. - 7 / E, Distt Faridabad Haryana India
GSM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 158- Ashoka Enclave Main Faridabad Haryana India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof H.No- 722, Sec- 10 Faridabad, Haryana
Architecture H.NO.1424 Sec-8, Faridabad, Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No. 504, Block-A, Dabua Colony, NIT Faridabad-121003 Haryana
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Network Administration, Quality 907/7c,faridabad Haryana
Architecture H.no.-819, Adarsh Nagar, ballabgarh faridabad
Architecture V&P.O.-Fateh Pur Billoch, Teh.-Ballabgarh,121004, Distt.-Faridabad, Harya
Other Architecture d-539 west vinod nagar delhi-92
Other Architecture Hno559-a moh.inder puri palwal dissit. faridabad
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Administration, Sy HNo. 1278/28 Faridabad Haryana-121008
Operations, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software H.No D-284, Sec 15-A, Ajronda Village, Faridabad, Haryana
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pro H.NO.-2793, Jawahar Colony, N.I.T Faridabad. Haryana-121005
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaFARIDABAD (Delhi NCR) HARYANA
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O CHARAN SINGH, H. NO. 376,SEC.- 11D,FARIDABAD HARYANA-110006
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System AdministratioDU-243, Kalra Colony Palwal
Architecture H.NO. 1899 SECTOR 2 FARIDABAD 121004 HARYANA
Architecture c/o radhika medicos, opp. govt. sr.sec.school, sarai khwaja, po: amar naga
Architecture 449 sec5
Architecture MCF-45 sanjay colony Near J.C.B.India ltd. Ballabgarh(Fbd)
Database Administration (DBA), EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, 3EE/177 NIT FARIDABAD
Architecture V.P.O. Sondhad Tehsil Hodal Distic Faridabad (Haryana)121106
Architecture V.P.O. Sondh Tehsil Hodal Distic Faridabad (Haryana)121106
Architecture H. No- 1711, Gurudwara road, Jawahar Colony, Haryana pin Code- 121005
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 368/2,Old Baselwa colony,Faridabad(OLD)
Architecture, Civil, Oil & Gas, Structural/Stress VILLAGE-KALIAKA , P.O.- SOHNA TEHSHIL & DISTT- GURGAON(HR).122107
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), DeskHouse No. 10, Sector - 15, Faridabad, Haryana, 121007
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,H NO 461/1,WARD NO 15 NEAR MASZID WALI GALI, SARAI KHAWAJA
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect VILLAGE SIHI,SEC 8, BALLABGARH
Architecture, Other Architecture H NO-6,EAST VINOD NAGAR,,COLONY NIT FARIDABAD,
Information Systems, IT/Technical Content Developer, IT/Techn H NO 2192,SGM NAGAR, BALLABGARH VILL BADKHAL
Architecture 40 SEC 23,BALLABGARH,
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Mobile, Netwo 3A 151,NIT,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 284,DEEPAWALI COLONY, ISMAILPUR
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Network Administration, Quality 52 A 100 FEET ROAD,, BALLABHAGARH
Architecture H NO 199,SEC 28,
Architecture H NO 45B,WARD NO 4, OLD FARIDABAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect 250 SEC 19,,
Architecture DB-79,DABYA COLONY,
Other Architecture 1276,JAWAHAR COLONY, NIT
Architecture 1329 SEC 16,,
Other Architecture H NO-858,TILAK NAGAR, NIT
Architecture H NO 1884,SEC 8,
Architecture 215,SEC. 30,
Architecture 656 SECTOR 23,,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Administration, Sy HOUSE NO E-654 E BLOCK,,
Operations, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 2274,SECTOR 7A,
Architecture HN 5E/71,JAWHAR CLY, NIT
Architecture H NO 3F 61,NIT,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pro 819,SEC 07C,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof H NO 160,WARD NO 9, TEH BALLABGARH
Architecture 3/E 47 NO 10,,
Architecture H NO 241,SEC 18,
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaC I A STAFF,SEC 30, POLICE LINES
Other Architecture ROYAL TOOL INDIA,SEC 24 PLOT NO 74, NIT
Other Architecture 3203,BHATTA COLONY, SEHATPUR
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect VILL ATALI,TEH BLLB, DIST
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Mai 3E 29 NIT,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect S-A27,, NIT
Architecture 2617 SECTOR 7A H B C,,
Architecture H NO 5,AMAR COLONY,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System AdministratioH NO 197/18,PALLA NO 3, KH 3
Other Architecture H NO 187,WARD 9, BALLABGARH
Architecture H NO F 146,A L NAGAR NIT,
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Administration, DA 32/A83,,
Architecture H NO 526,SECTOR 21C,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming H NO 344,GAZIPUR TEH,
Architecture, Interior Designer A-1349,DABUA COLONY,
Other Architecture HOUSE NO-1804,SECTOR-29,
Architecture 544,SECTOR 7B,
Architecture 3E/34,NIT,
Architecture 952 SEC,21 C,
Database Administration (DBA), EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, HE NO 3F/69,NIT,
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, IT , Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syste H NO 1575,SECTOR-24, SANJAY COLONY
Other Architecture H NO 1115,BABA NAGAR TEH FARIDABAD,
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, System Administr 2534,SEC 16,
Architecture 1131 WARD NO 4,NEW JANTA COLONY, NIT
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil HNO-497,SECTOR-21-B,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 36,NEW TILPAT COLONEY, SARIA KHWAJA
Architecture, Interior Designer 135,WARD NO 15, NEDRAM COLONY
Architecture, Civil, Oil & Gas, Structural/Stress SANJAY COLONY,SEC 22, PALLA NO 211A NIT
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), DeskPC 1602,PARVATIYA COLONY, NIT
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, D 498 SECTOR 10,H B COLONY,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec H NO 511,IIND FLOOR SECTOR 35, KANISHKA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,House No. 1100, Sector 14 Faridabad - 121007 Haryana, India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect #648/2, Sector 38-A, Chandigarh-160014
Architecture, Other Architecture
Information Systems, IT/Technical Content Developer, IT/Techn 104, IInd Floor, Ashoka Enclave Main Sector 35 Faridabad
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Mobile, Netwo H.No.-19,ESI Campus,sector-8,Faridabad.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 436/37, sector-37 faridabad-121003
Architecture 572 sector-21b, faridabad
Architecture G-7 1st Floor Rama Place Faridabad
Architecture Anuj Goswami,NIT-2,Block-D,HNO-38,Faridabad,Harayana-121001
Architecture h no. 748 sector 22 faridabad
Architecture H.NO.-376, GANDHI COLONY FARIDABAD-121001
Architecture 97-A,ground floor,I.P colony ,sec-30-33,faridabad,haryana
Other Architecture House no -442 Gali no -9 New Baselwa Colony Old Faridabad(HARYAN
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Mai House No-182 ,sec-46, Faridabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect 2055 sector-8 faridabad haryana
Architecture Plot No.16, 2nd Floor, Shakti Khand-3,Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010.
Architecture Q No.-1943, Type-III , NH-IV Faridabad (121001) Haryana
Other Architecture
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Administration, 730, 15A Faridabad (Haryana)
Architecture 1F-69, N.I.T. FARIDABAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming house 82 gali no 2 new baselwa copnoly faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer plot no 231 adersh colony palwal faridabad haryana
Other Architecture D-239,Ajronda Sector-15A Faridabad Haryana
Architecture c-200, Dabua Colony, NIT faridabad
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, IT , Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syste Flat No. 16, AIIMS Apartment GH-5, Sector-21D Faridabad-121001
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, System Administr House No. 162, Sector- 17, Faridabad- 121002
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, D 166, G.F., Ashoka Enclave III, sec. - 35, Faridabad, haryana 121 001
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Block C,Flat No 53,Ground Floor, Dayalbagh Colony - Faridabad
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture hno.916 sector 14 faridabad,haryana
Embedded Technologies, Lecturer/Professor, Network AdministrH.No. 411 sector-7/B Faridabad-121006 Haryana
Other Architecture H.NO-1869 JAWAHAR COLONY N.I.T. FARIDABAD HARYANA-121005
Data entry, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No.1499, Sector -23A, Faridabad - 121005 Haryana
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software E 465,Sector-37, Faridabad, Haryana Pincode-121003
System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O MR. K. K. NAG HOUSE NO.-292, SECTOR-21/B, NEAR RYAN INTERNATI
Application Programming, Client Server, H/W Installation/Main 840/15 sector 15 sector 15 Faridabad. Haryana-121007
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Customer Service (Voice), C 5L-11A, NH-5, N.I.T, Faridabad-121001, Haryana.
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Project Management B- 297, Moh- Bhatan, Qazi Para Road Kumar Electric works, Bijnor-246701
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, Legacy Systems, Medical/PhH NO 146,SECTOR 8,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 2624,SECTOR-16,
Architecture 3D/53,NIT,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 7,E S I DISPANSARY, SEC 7D
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr SECTOR-9,H NO 86,
Embedded Technologies, Lecturer/Professor, Network AdministrH NO 306/1,A C NAGAR,
Other Architecture H NO 1536,SANJAY COLONY, SEC 23
Data entry, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 288,SECTOR 30,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 110/18,,
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design 683 RAJA GARDEN OLD,,
Architecture H NO 259,HSEB COLONY, SECTOR-23
Architecture H NO 211,SEC 23, JEVAN NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C2 CISF COMPLEX NTP,,
Other Architecture H NO-38,VILL FATEHPUR CHANDELA,
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software E IA/220,NH 1, NIT
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 595 BALLABGARH,,
Application Programming, Client Server, H/W Installation/Main H NO 70,WARD NO 11,
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Customer Service (Voice), C FCA-1514B,BLOCK C, SGM NAGAR
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Mana RAMBIR SINGH S/O TUNNI RAM,30 FOOT ROAD, NEAR LAL KOTHI SUBHAS
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Project Management D 409,AJRONDA SEC 15A,
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, Legacy Systems, Medical/PhK - 67 , JAL VAYU VIHAR SECTOR - 29, FARIDABAD
Architecture plot no.-1132, sector-19, faridabad-121001
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-74, Adarsh Nagar, Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana-121004
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 471 Sector 7B Faridabad PIN 121006
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No. 504, Parwana Appts, GH-8, Sector-21 D, Faridabad Haryana, India
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design
Architecture H.NO. 718, SECTOR 9 FARIDABAD HARYANA 121006
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 754/31 Faridabad - [Hariyana]
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Mana Faridabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop SupportH.no.-290 SECTOR-18 FARIDABAD
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se SECTOR-21D, H.No.-477F Faridabad Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer Present;-C/o Jagwati Chadna Madical Center Sect18A Kothi No52 Near Sub
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, 3C-249,NIT,
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Project Leader/ H NO 3472,WARD NO 15, SEHAT PUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database 1A-81,NIT,
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop SupportH NO 2771 SEC 7A,,
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A2347,WARD NO 9 NANGLA ENCLAVE, PART 2
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO B 59,ASHOKA 2,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 170,IGC WARD NO 14, SEC 21/B
Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech H N 1057 SEC 7C,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati 15 B,SECTOR-21/B, SAHIBABAD
Architecture H NO 1709,SEC-29,
Architecture HNO 846,NANGLA ENCLAVE, NIT
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Flat No. 54, Promise Apartment F-Block Vikas Puri New Delhi - 110018
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Project Leader/ #119/2 purani mandi mandi (H.P.)
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database House No. 830, Sector 28, Faridabad, Haryana.
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A256, Ashoka Enclave part I Faridabad, Haryana
Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech house no -1953 sector - 7/d faridabad 121006
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati 867 sec 28 faridabad haryana
Architecture 2m/61 n.i.t.faridabad haryana
Architecture 74-B,1ST FLOOR, GARHI, EAST OF KAILASH, NEW DELHI-110065 Email: sha
Architecture d-373 surya colony sehatpur ext. faridabad
Engineering/Manufacturing, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality #805, sector-15 Faridabad PIN : 121002 Haryana India
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec 18/3,PUNJABI MOHALLA, BALLABGARH
Engineering/Manufacturing, Business/Systems Analysis, Quality H NO 610/A,NEKPUR,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Anal198/3 SARAI KHAWAJA,,
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syste 392/1,WARD 25, SAINI MOHALLA BALLABGARH
Data Warehousing, Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, In C/O SHARMAN,H NO 943/8,
Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1 D 72,NIT,
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/TechFCA 162,SEC 21-B,
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Administration, Sy H NO.419 SEC-8,,
Customer Service, Information Systems, Operations, IT/TechnicaSECTORS LIMITED,RED CENTRE PET SEPT 25 K, MATHURA ROAD
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft 1833 SECTOR 9,,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec H.NO.-483,Sec.-16/A Faridabad
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Analfca-17,adarsh nagar ballabgarh,faridabad,haryana-121004
Data Warehousing, Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, In 431/21D Faridabad Haryana pincode-121001
Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect 317 sec-16 Faridabad-121002
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech3 B/12 A B.P N.I.T FARIDABAD 121001 HARYANA
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Administration, Sy House#971,Sector-19,Faridabad,Haryana-121002
Customer Service, Information Systems, Operations, IT/Technica1817 Sector - 28, Faridabad, Haryana
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft 2089 Sec-28 Faridabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 302,double storey, old seelam pur delhi.
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof F-26/11, Sector-7 Rohini,New Delhi-85
GSM, RF Engineering, System Analyst/Tech Architect D 4A,Street-1,2nd floor,Laxmi Nagar,Delhi
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), ERP 63, GAGAN VIHAR MAIN , NEAR PREET VIHAR, DELHI
Other Architecture B 117,East Vinod Nagar Delhi HARYANA 110092 India
Other Architecture A-154, First Floor Nai Chaupal, Dhakka Village Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 2/12 chinnampalyam pollachi tamilnadu india
Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture 4565 Roshanara Road Arya Pura Delhi-110007.
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Softw BG-3/3C, PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI - 110063
Architecture, Interior Designer J-73/B New Delhi 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture c-64 hari nagar new delhi
Architecture H 2/3,malviya nagar,new delhi
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture s/o arjun singh near GLA college gate daltonganj jharkhand
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se patrick wilson 132-d pocket-b m.i.g flats dilshad garden delhi-110095 india
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T WA-177A, First Floor, Shakarpur, New Delhi-92
Other Architecture H-NO- D,55Old subzi mandi malka ganj delhi-110007
Architecture, Interior Designer 385/A SECOND FLOOR (Left Door) CHIRAG DELHI NEW DELHI-110017
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/T E-1st-148 J.J COLONY,MADANGIR,NEW DELHI-62
Architecture, Interior Designer Ward no. 7 , Near the Railway station, Mukundgarh mandi, dist.- Jhunjhun
Architecture b-100 sakarpur laxminagar new delhi. contact no. - 09457896797,9718632
Architecture, Interior Designer Sandeep,Pilnji, Near Sarojini nagar,New Delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.NO.-7, SEC-17, PKT-D, DDA MIG FLATS, DWARKA, NEW DELHI
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys 1/10 Roop Nagar Delhi DELHI 110007 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B4, AMBEDLER COLONY, BIJWASAN NEW DELHI-110061.
Application Programming, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech ArcMr. Neeraj Chaurasia H.No-6, Street-M, Old IIT Campus, Hauz Khas, New D
Architecture, Interior Designer Mailing Delhi DELHI 110051 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture b-269 new ashok nagar delhi
Art Director, Creative Direction, Event Management, Film Produc7/76 Geeta Colony Delhi 110031 India
Architecture - 99 and 100, Block:- D-1 Nagri Delhi 110093 IN
Architecture 1515, 3rd Floor, Wazire Nagar, Kotla Mubarkpur, New Delhi, Pin 110003
Architecture, Interior Designer 494/22 Zakir Nagar Okhla, New Delhi-110025.
Other Architecture C/o Suzette.J.Paswett Flat No.65 Sec-11,Pocket-1 Dwarka NewDelhi-11007
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture j1/22/4 krishna mandir road, maalviya nagar , new delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T c/o M. D. joshi 2nd floor A-136 New-Ashokanagar New delhi 110096
Architecture, Interior Designer 1217 sector -8 R.K. PURAM New Delhi DELHI India
Interior Designer, Other Architecture D D A FLAT, 32-D PANDAV NAGAR NEAR SHADI PUR METRO STATION NEW
Architecture N 87, Batla House, Jamia Nagar VITA MAHARASHTRA 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 14/14,opp. Deshbandhu College, semibasement, Kalkaji, New Delhi 11001
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi DELHI 110065 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 123, Gangotri Appartment Pocket1, Phase1 Sector 12, Dwarka New Delhi 1
Architecture H.NO.499 NEW DELHI DELHI 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 127-D,Pkt A-II, Mayur Vihar Phase III, Delhi 110 096.
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trai B 238/14, Gagan Vihar,Meethapur Extn., N Delhi DELHI 110044 India
Architecture 1814 lodhi road complex new delhi 110003
Architecture, Interior Designer SARITA VIHAR ,G-141 New Delhi DELHI 110076 India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Wr33 Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar New Delhi HARYANA 110087 India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech House no.-171,pkt-23,sec-24, Unity apartment,rohini Delhi-110085.
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi
Architecture B308 Sudershan Park,Moti Nagar New Delhi 110015 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H-152, SINDHI COLONY, MORENA-476001, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 324,pocket-4,sector-2,rohini,delhi
Architecture A-48/2 Gali No-10 West Vinod Nagar New Delhi-110092
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ RZ-160A SANTOSH PARK UTTAM NAGAR NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer L-26H, Sheik Sarai Ph II, New Delhi.
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect # 530/6, Govindpuri, New Delhi
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect LOCAL] : C-3 GULMOHAR PARK, NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer Malyiva nagar 17,New Delhi ,India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2579, Shadi pur New Delhi DELHI 110008 India
Architecture, Interior Designer dda flat-2 ground floor, sarvapriya vihar near iit gate, new delhi.
Architecture 105, G 1st, madangir,new dehli
Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archit Street G-25 IIT Campus New Delhi-110016
Architecture, Interior Designer 1246-II-A/13 Govind Puri Kalkaji,New Delhi 110019 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 410-C Street no.5 Govind puri Kalka Puri 110019 India
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1/10 Nirankari Colony, Near SBI bank, Delhi-9
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/TeADD- H 37, SEC 7 DWARKA GUJARAT 110075 India
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Install H.No.-109, Rahul Kunj, Dallupura, P.O. Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi - 11
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture x-1/ 36 E, phase -1,Budh Vihar delhi-86
Architecture, Interior Designer H-14A Laxmi Nagar Delhi HARYANA 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture 2/4-5 trilok puri near mayur vihar delhi-110091
Architecture WZ-203, ShakurPur Gaw Ballia U.P 277209 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H-25 raj nagar Part -2, Palam colony , new delhi-110045
Architecture k-47h,top floor.sheakh sarai,phase-2,new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 130, Tamoor Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110065 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture D-48A Hauz Khas NEw delhi
Architecture 9911621427
Architecture, Interior Designer Room no.G-129, Jawahar bhawan.IIT Roorkee.
Architecture A-24, Seema Appts, Plot No 7, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis 183, Harmony Apartments, DDA FLats, Pocket 1, Sector 4, Dwarka, New De
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Software Engin 173/GH4, Meera Apts., Paschim Vihar New Delhi Delhi 110063 India
Architecture, Interior Designer B 9/4 ABUL FAZAL ENCLAVE, ar NEW DELHI DELHI India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Prog Lado sarai ,new Delhi
Architecture Door No.242, Ekta Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110022 India
Architecture, Interior Designer F-138/1, III FLOOR NEW DELHI DELHI 10025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T L-4 SECTOR-M-81, ALIGANJ, LUCKNOW
Architecture, Interior Designer wz-1 h block, sant nagar extn. new delhi-18
Architecture, Interior Designer D 112 Dildar Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110019 India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtherN-42, Phase-I, Budh Vidhar Delhi-110086
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeB. Tech. Electronics Engg. Department Delhi DELHI 302018 India
Architecture, Interior Designer S.DELHI INDIA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-193,First Floor, Jhilmil Colony New Delhi DELHI 110095 India
Architecture New Delhi HARYANA 110017 India
Architecture, Other Architecture flat.no-106 aakriti appartment sector-4 plot.no.-6 dwarka ,new delhi 1100
Architecture, Interior Designer 17, S.R.K New Delhi DELHI 110025 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T S/O:Sri Madan Jha,Puwai Tole,Kalikapur,Kaluahi,Madhubani(Bihar) Pin:847
Architecture, Interior Designer jai sarai new delhi
Other Architecture C 133 Mansa Ram Park, Uttem Nagar DELHI 110031 India
Other Architecture Name- Subodh Kumar S/O Sh. Shyamlal Vill & Post - Mawan Khurd(Meeru
Architecture V.P.O. Rawta New Delhi DELHI 110073 India
Architecture, Interior Designer room no-21, j.s.hall, b.road, churchgate, mumbai
Architecture HOUSE NO FARIDABAD HARYANA 121001 India
Architecture C 1555, Indira Nagar Lucknow UTTAR PRADESH India
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 43A Rattan Bagh Veena Enclave Nangloi New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi, India
Other Architecture b-17 Palika Dham Bangla sahib marg Gole Market new delhi-110001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se B/1262, Jahangir Puri, Delhi -33.
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System A12/27, East Punjabi New Delhi,110026 India
Architecture sarang Agrawal j4/39 A, flt no. B-10, near laxminarayan mandir, khirki exte
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-4,ABUL FAZAL ENCLAVE,JAMIA NAGAR, OKHLA,NEW DELHI--110025
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystC-116 DDA Flats, 'A' Block Jahangir Puri, Delhi-110033
Other Architecture
Architecture WZ-1131 Rani Bagh
Architecture H.No 365/6 Zakir Nagar Okhla New Delhi 110025
Application Programming, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tec363 om nagar gali no-2 sardhana road meerut.
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No.47,Gali No. 26j Molar Band Extn Badarpur New Delhi-44
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect Taranjeet singh johal AP-94 A Virat Apartment Pitampura. Delhi-88
Architecture G-31/33,Sec.-3 Rohini,New Delhi-110085
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 986, Indra Nagar, Bishan Chowk Meerut UTTAR PRADESH 250002 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 1626, 2nd floor, Gulzari gali Kotla, Mubarakpur New Delhi-110003
Architecture, Interior Designer b-3, om ganga appt, plot no-125, r.s.park, sahibabad, gzb, u.p-201005
Architecture s/o Syed Mumtaz Ahmad alba colony, ranipur road, phulwari sharif, Patna
Architecture, Interior Designer VIJAY PAL SINGH , new kapil vihar, House no.3/3745, paper mill road,near
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software WZ-293 basai dara pur new delhi-110015
Architecture, Interior Designer Vill:Nagala Beech,Post:Nehchani,Dist:Agra
Architecture F-191/E, III Floor, Street No-19, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi-92
Architecture New Delhi moti nagar110015 India
Architecture, Interior Designer B-9, Main Road, Amar Colony Delhi DELHI 110094 India
Architecture 3rd Floors Bhagalpur Bihar 813204 India
Architecture Khanpur Block-D 137 AmbedKar Nager New Delhi 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. No. D 186, Swroop Nagar Delhi 110042 India
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architectj-75,laxminagar,Delhi 110092
Architecture 477 - hardev puri , gautam nagar , new Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.no. 1555,Sector -5 , new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture I-89,GF-4,BATLA HOUSE, JAMIA NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110025
Marine Engineering, Other Architecture 28/A BEGUMPUR MALVIYA NAGAR NEW DELHI
Other Architecture C-65, Sudarshan park mithapur Extn. Badarpur New Delhi- 110044
Architecture, Interior Designer K-120 Abul fazal enclave, Jamia nagar okhla New Delhi-110025
Architecture, Interior Designer B-203a, lajpat nagar, sahibabad, ghaziabad
Architecture NEAR GOVT.SCHOOL DELHI 110036 India
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 4-E-18 Jawahar Nagar Sri Ganganagar -335001
Network Administration, RF Engineering, System Analyst/Tech Ahouse no-1606 street no 8 sanjay colony sec-23 faridabad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H.No.-95,2nd floor, Near veer public school, Kapas hera, New delhi, 11003
Marine Engineering, Other Architecture H. NO 200, Katwariya Sari, Qutab insitutnal area New Delhi Delhi IN
Architecture, Interior Designer 255 panja sharif chota bazar kashmiri gate delhi 110006
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer 1795/5 prasadi gali kotla mubarakpur 110003
Architecture, Interior Designer Sec-1, H. No.-116, Chiranjeev Vihar, Ghaziabad, U.P.
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Othe G-21/18,sec-7,rohini,delhi-85
Architecture Q. no. 160, Sector - 4 R.K. Puram New Delhi-22
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArJ 44 pandav nagar delhi 92
Architecture, Interior Designer Nz-806 A Palam Colony New Delhi-45
Architecture delhi
Architecture B-43(A) Lajpat Nagar Sahibabad Ghaziabad U.P 201005 India
Architecture, Graphic Design 55c ayodhya enclave sec-13 rohini.delhi-110085
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, IT Consultant, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiHouse # 81 Second Floor, Shalimar Bagh New Delhi DELHI India
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Switching/Router, Embedde RAJIV RANJAN, C\O-AJIT SINGH KHATRI, H.N.214\A, GALI N.-9, LAXMI NAG
Architecture 70/3 room no 5 safdarjung enclave. humayunpur village near NCC gate. ne
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Embedded Technologies, Appli H.no.47,"Paradise", Patho ki Mangri, Sevashram, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Pin 3
Application Programming, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Softw
Architecture a/18/380 brijpuri delhi=110094
Architecture, Interior Designer L-26H shiekserai-II, new delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer c-4, Masjid Moth, South Ex-2 New Delhi
Architecture, Other Architecture 3496, Bank Street, Karol Bagh ,NEW DELHI 110005 India
Other Architecture H no-B-104,street no-9,New Usmanpur Delhi-110053
Architecture, Other Architecture i-165 ashok vihar ph-1, delhi
Architecture # 414, Housing Board Colony near Baldev Nager Ambala City Haryana
Other Architecture c/0 satbeer h. no 155, asola fatehpur bari, new delhi-110047
Architecture HOUSE NO-485 SECTOR-5 R.K.PURAM NEW DELHI-110022
Architecture H-263 ,beta 2nd NOIDA INDIA
Architecture 10/A-1 Hindustan Times Aptts, Mayur Vihar Phase- 1 Delhi 110091
Administration, Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech C-39, Sector-15, NOida
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystBRIHASPATI NIWAS, . NEAR - GAYTRI MANDIR, SHASTRI NAGAR, MUNGER
Architecture Pocket 12 New Delhi 110025 India
Architecture b- 137, new ashok nagar, delhi-92 near noida(up) sect. -14,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 31, A bhawani kunj, behind D2, vasant kunj, New Delhi- 110017
ERP/CRM, IT/Telecommunications, Internet/E-commerce, System PRASHANT KUMAR MISHRA C/o AJAY MISHRA . D-9/9 RAIL VIHAR INDRA P
Architecture C/O Sukhbir Singh, House No 98, Room No-56, Near B.N.D. Public School,
Architecture okhla
Architecture, Other Architecture house no. 28 - B, J - pocket, sheikh sarai, phase - II, new delhi
Other Architecture E-12 HARI NAGAR EXT NEW DELHI INDIA India
Administration, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Cu C/O surendra Singh, F-66,Room no.12, Katwariya Sarai, Hauz Khas New de
Interior Designer, Other Architecture c-4\2,vasant vihar,new-delhi-57
Architecture x-107 stree no -10 bhrampuri near new usmanpur delhi-53
Architecture AB-2, Shalimar Bagh, delhi- 88
Other Architecture 411, Golden Height New Delhi HARYANA 110075 India
Architecture, Interior Designer V. MAHIPAL KHERA, P. ARJUN GUNJ , LUCKNOW
Architecture 87A Munirka enclave
Architecture c-32 pkt 1 kendriya vihar sector 82 noida delhi
Architecture 17/466 kalyanpuri new delhi-91
Architecture 181/C-3, baant lane, railway colony, paharganj, new delhi-110055
Architecture 32, Raoji Bhawan Indore MADHYA PRADESH 456006 IN
Architecture (U.P.) Saharanpur UTTAR PRADESH 247001 IN
Architecture, Data entry, Interior Designer, Personal/Secretaria B-36, Street No.-10,Mandawali New Delhi 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 159/6, Zakir Nagar, okhla, New delhi-110025.
Architecture, Interior Designer e-35/f, A.F.E, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, N.D.-110025
Architecture siddharth ext.,aashram,delhi
Other Architecture f-20,shaeen bagh, okhla , jamia nagar, new - delhi - 110025
Other Architecture C-11, Baraj Colony Pashulok, Rishikesh,Uttrakhand.
Architecture WZ-731, Naraina Village
Other Architecture SITE 4/90, VIKAS PURI NEAR BUDHELLA, NEW DELHI - 110018
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft H.No. 94/A, Street No 8 Zakir Nagar, Okhla New Delhi 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer 35/1175 Madangir DDA Flats. New Delhi-62
Other Architecture 15/78 Subhash Nagar New Delhi 110027
Architecture B-29,streetno.8,shashi garden mayur vihar f-I,newdelhi 110092
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.N. 5C/29, VISHNU GARDEN KHAYALA, NEW DELHI-110018
Operations, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, M- 4/62 VINAY KHAND, GOMTINAGAR LUCKNOW
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, System Admini RZ 74/A, Mahindra Park, Near C 1 Janakpuri New Delhi HARYANA 110059
Architecture, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Inte12/119 geeta colony delhi 110031
Other Architecture 578b/17, zakir Nagar, okhla, new delhi 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer L1-B 3rd floor malviya nagar new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch HOUSE NO.348, BADKHAL Shivaji nagar MAHARASHTRA 560051 India
Architecture Room No. S-14, Corbu House Boys Hostel, PEC Campus, Sector - 12, Chand
Other Architecture Sunil Kumar s/o Late Sh. Jagdish Rai, Vill. Rewar, P.O Dhabi Tek Singh, Teh.
Architecture j-1/22/4/unit-1 flat,no. -1 khirki ext, malviya nagar, new delhi
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No.-184,Block-30 old, Trilokpuri, New Delhi-110091.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 13/1425 Govind Puri, Kalka jee, New Delhi- 19
Application Programming, Customer Support, Network Administr91 09369857079 House no-F-66, 1st Floor Gali no-1 Saidulajab Opp Saket
Architecture, Client Servicing, Event Management K-237, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 76
Architecture A-56, Ganga Vihar, Opp. Yamuna Vihar Delhi HARYANA 110094 India
Architecture, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Inte211-A Masjid Moth South exe Part II New Delhi 49
Other Architecture Plot No 649 Flat No.- F3 Shalimar Garden Sahibabad
Architecture B- 145 , MAYUR VIHAR PHASE 3 , NEW DELHI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S Flat No-123, Patrakar Vihar, NyayKhand-1, Near Indirapuram Police Chowk
Application Programming, Design Engineer, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip3388/b mahindra park,rani bagh,delhi-110034
Architecture 402/B-2 west central railway tuglakabad new delhi 110044
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop B-24, Street No.2, West Jyoti Nagar Extension, Loni Road, Shahdara, Delhi-
Other Architecture f/162 street no. 7 chand bagh yamuna vihar
Architecture Flat No. 134, Sector 19 Pkt 2 New Delhi INDIA India
Application Programming, Data Management/ Statistics, Data WA-15/1 Dashrathpuri, New Delhi-45
Other Architecture e-1/109 shiv ram park nangloi new delhi-41.
Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech ArchD-34,O.D.S ,Lajpat -4, New DElhi- 110024.
Architecture 66/18 zakir nager okhla 110025
Architecture N- 84 pensheel park ND-17
Other Architecture e-mail: saar_rizvi1@yahoo.com
Other Architecture A-140, VISHNU GARDEN NEW DELHI-110018
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectSalamkayala E-212,Pragati Vihar Hostel Lodhi Road New Delhi, ND 110003
System Analyst/Tech Architect V&P.O Auchandi Delhi -39
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect JB-23,Flat no.3,Upper ground floor,Gupta colony,Malviya nagar,New delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T RZ-63, Gitanjali Park, West Sagarpur, Delhi-46
Architecture A-71, kesho ram park uttam nagar, new delhi-110059
Architecture batla house okhla
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 3091,Sushila street,kali maszid,behind asaf ali road,Delji-110006
Architecture, Interior Designer Aligarh UTTAR PRADESH 202002 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Flat No. 496, Type III, SPG Complex, Sector 8, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110077
Client Server, Network Administration, Network Planning, Swit H.No 682, pocket 1, Paschim Puri New Delhi. - 110063
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst109 PATRAKAR PARISER, GH-2, SECTOR-5, VASUNDHRA , GHAZIABAD
Architecture vpo-mandkola, teh-hathin, distt-mewat NUH Haryana 121103 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 72 Zair Quila Unnao U.P 209801 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T E-12 House no:629 West Vinod Nagar New Delhi PIN-110091
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Techemergency colony q.no.729(f) Katihar(bihar)pin;854105
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Administration, System
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage G-11 Bali Nagar New Delhi-110015
Architecture 123, mahaveer nagar, tonk road, jaipur
Application Programming, Broker, Business/Systems Analysis, D H NO 4 , TYPE V , NDMC , RAJESH PILOT LANE RAJESH PILOT ROAD NEW DE
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-45,PHASE-III,GALI NO.7,PREM NAGAR, NAZAFGARH,NEW DELHI-110043
Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, System Analyst/TechC-5/130-A LAWRENCE ROAD KESHAV PURAM, DELHI-110035, INDIA + , + V
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 3/17 Rana Pratap Bagh Delhi 110007 IN
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr BU-243 UTTARI PITAMPURA DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Gr Scientist Hostel-I,DRDO Township,CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore
Other Architecture 7/43, Nehru Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer VILL-Nirana, Po - Bhikki Muzaffarnagar U.P 251001 India
Other Architecture, Interior Designer 52-A,First Floor,Malviya Nagar,New Delhi-17
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syst Maharani Bagh, New Delhi -25
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System AdministrVikash Shukla 176/2 JASOLA VIHAR NEW DELHI 25
Architecture, Interior Designer C-5, JE-10, Malviya Nagar
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C/O - Harbjhan Singh, WZC-18, Gali no-11, New Mahavir Nagar, Janak Puri
Other Architecture H.No-90 Gali No. 14 Noor Nagar, Jamia Nagar New Delhi-110025 Contact N
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture BADAPALLI-POST, UTHANGARAI-TK, KRISHNAGIRI-DT, &NBS P; PIN: 63530
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Md Qais Akhtar, 352e/10, Munirka Village, New Delhi 110067
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/TechB-18, Manavsthali Apartments, Vasundhara Enclave New Delhi - 110096
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C -265; PANDAV NAGAR, DELHI-92
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture C/O Daya Ram H-No. 29 sarai jullena,New Friends Colony,New Delhi-25
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering k-1105,sec-23,sanjay nagar gaziabad,U.P.
Other Architecture Village Adampur Distt shahjahanpur(U.p0
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystC-591,Sec-1,Avantika,Rohini,New delhi-85
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ C-3/82 New Delhi DELHI 110045 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, System Anasanjay gupta C/O Mr.Krishnmohan Home No.-K-458,anand vas shakurpur,
GSM, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-387, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110076
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Room No:13,New PG Boys Hostel,Hamdard University,New Delhi 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer B-50, Sector-27 Noida Uttar Pradesh 201 301 India
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MPocket D, Flat No. : 213, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/21 Power House Colony, Near Chef Office Gorakhpur U.P 273008 India
Architecture Flat No 21 Nehru Nagar New Delhi delhi110065 India
Architecture, Interior Designer c-711 Sudershan park (Near Moti nagar)
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr R-Z-35, Room No-20, Katwariya Sarai, NEW DELHI 110001
Architecture Room no-206, Building no K/22, panjabi market kotla mubark pur new del
Interior Designer, Visualiser, Other Advtg/PR/Events, Other Arc dwarka sec-19, pocket-III, akshardham apartments.
Other Architecture A-144,SANJAY COLONY New Delhi Delhi IN
Other Architecture 17/154 Subhash Nager New Delhi
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst A 31 139 c mata mandir marg gali no. 5 moujpur delhi 110053
System Analyst/Tech Architect 11/8 Ashok Nagar, Near Tilak Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110018 India
Architecture R-4, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 16
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture D-422 ST.NO. 9/F BHAJANPURA, DELHI-53.
Architecture, Interior Designer wz-694,naraina village.New delhi-110028
Architecture, Interior Designer House No. 1869, Sector 3, Pushp Vihar, M.B. Road, New Delhi 110017.
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No.412,Panchayati Colony,Bankner,Narela,Delhi 110040.
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System SA-84, Madhu Vihar, I.P. Extn. New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer B 5/104 SAFDARJANG ENCLAVE NEW DELHI DELHI 110029 India
Architecture, Other Architecture S. T. Colony, Jamb road, Yavatmal Maharashtra 445001 India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 125,third floor, masjid moth, new delhi 49
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 216 A 13 GOUTAM NAGAR NEW delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 212 MASJID MOTH SOUTH EX-2 NEW DELHI -110049
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture R-Block,H.No-1040 MANGOL PURI New Delhi Puri 110083 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 8/21 vpv colony Kumbakonam TAMIL NADU 612 001 India
Architecture Flat No. 330-B , Pocket-n Janta Flat , Sarita Vihar New Delhi -76
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture J-18 KRISHAN VIHAR P.O.- POOTH KALAN NEW DELHI -110086
Architecture, Other Architecture RU-11, PITAMPURA, NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer E 2, 15/827 Nehru Vihar DELHI 110094 India
Architecture House No 5251 Gali No 115/4 B-Block Near Khusal Complex Delhi 84
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-40/C,3rd Floor, Street No.-2, Laxmi Nagar New Delhi DELHI -110092 Indi
Architecture 140-a, kilokari, Delhi
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtherA-19, Ganesh Nagar, Pandaw Nagar complex, Near-Mother dairy, Delhi-11
Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture E 112, 1st floor, Abul fazal enclave part 1 kothi MADHYA PRADESH 110025
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), System Anal70, Sreshtha Vihar New Delhi
Other Architecture H. No. 388, jagdish colony, ballabgarh Fridabad.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture N 64/A, Vishnu Garden New Delhi DELHI 110018 India
Architecture, Data entry, Editor/Journalist, Front Office, Recept jITENDER kUMAR DHANIA H.NO.1885/30, VIKASH NAGAR SONEPAT
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, C-410, ILA Appartments, Vasundhara Enclave Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer F-286, Pandav Nagar, Patpar Ganj,Delhi-91
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture RZF 100/40A Street no 41 A, Sadh Nagar Part II Palam Colony New Delhi D
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering B-11 (2nd floor) Sec-49 Noida (UP)
Architecture 24/68A Tilak Nagar New delhi-110018
Architecture Wz-143A/2B, 2ND Floor,New Mahavir Nagar,Gali-10, New Delhi-110018
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 12/311 madangir delhi-62
Architecture B-49 saheen Bagh jamia nagar okhla new delhi 110025 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming Kendriya Vidyalaya, TP Block,Pitampura,Delhi- 110088
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tec C 161, C-Block, Nanakpura, Moti Bagh - II New Delhi DELHI 110021 India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect 83, DHAKA, KINGSWAY CAMP, DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechB2-518, Chitravani Co-operative society, Pimpripada, Malad Godda Jharkh
Architecture, Interior Designer 73/103-104 Rajpur Ext.Near DLF Chattarpur New Delhi -110068 Mobile no
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Anubhav Sinha R - 118A, B-8, Second floor, Apna Apartment Khirki Extensi
Architecture, Interior Designer 5/42 viram khand gomtinagar lucknow.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 3009, D3-Vasant kunj, Pocket-C New Delhi, 110070
Architecture House no, 170 Gali no ,3 Indira Colony Sahibabad Ghaziabad 201005 (U P)
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Vill.& P.O New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer 57- Zakir Bagh ,oppsit surya hotel,new delhi,110025 India
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/TechC-75,2nd floor Malviya Nagar Delhi-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ-54A, Geetanjali Park ,West Sagarpur,New Delhi, INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-75A JEEVAN PARK,PHANKA ROAD,NEAR JANAK PURI,NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-8 ,SAGHIRE APARTMENT, MEDIAL RAOD , ALIGARH -202002 UTTAR PRAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft Sonepat 131001 India
Other Architecture H. no. k-40 Amar colony nangloi delhi-110041
Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-129West Nathu Colony, Mandoli Road Sahadara Delhi DELHI 110093 Ind
Architecture 4th floor, flat no.401 New Delhi DELHI 110025 India
Other Architecture V.P.O. - DHATIR TEH. PALWAL Faridabad HARYANA 121102 India
Architecture, Other Architecture c-11/4 S.F.S Flats Saket,New Delhi-110017
Architecture v.p.o. ujwa, najafgarh new delhi - 73
Architecture, Other Architecture Flat no.37,D.D.A Flats,sec.11,pocket 1,Dwarka New Delhi-75
Architecture, Interior Designer Type 2/115 GSI Colony, sector 'Q Aliganj Lucknow India
Architecture, Interior Designer 28th G.F. Kailash Hills East of Kailash New Delhi 65 New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer Kanpur UTTAR PRADESH 208005 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 8/300 lalita park laxmi nagar delhi
Architecture R.K.Puram, Sector-6, House no.785,
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ - 325/299 Geetanjli park sagar pur New Delhi 110046 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 15,B-pocket,Sukhdev Vihar, NEW DELHI, INDIA-282002
Architecture, Interior Designer E-1, First floor, Amar Colony, pin-110024
System Analyst/Tech Architect New Delhi..
Architecture B-15, D-BLOCK, D.D.A FLAT, VASANT VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110057
Other Architecture 401, 59A BERSARAI, OPP.OLD JNU NEW DELHI
Architecture 40, nimri colony, phase 2, MCD flats, ashok vihar delhi 110052 India
Architecture c-2-57-raju park devli road khanpur New Delhi 110062 INDIA
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst5, Unique Corner, opp Ayppa temple PUNE MAHARASHTRA 411015 India
Architecture Shashi Kanta PandaWZ 864 Naraina Village, NewDelhi 28
Other Architecture New Delhi HARYANA 110093 India
Architecture B-Block kaushik Enclave Burari New Delhi 110084 Burarari delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Servicing, Logistics/Transpor 2/70 3rd Floor Left Jangpura - A New Delhi 110014
Architecture F-41, 2ND FLOOR, LAJPAT NAGAR-II, NEW DELHI-110022, INDIA.
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Training to rajesh kumar c/o shri madheshwar singh east lohanipur railway hunder
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 14 satya puram colony, balaganj lucknow(uttar pradesh), india
Architecture, Interior Designer House .No-65/780 ,Panchkuian road New Delhi 110001 IN
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch7661 G.T.ROAD, NEAR BIRLA MILLS DELHI 110007
Architecture a
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnB-66, Sector-14, Noida - 201301
Architecture New Delhi 110095 India
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech 48, Aditya Sadan New Delhi DELHI 110001 India
Architecture B51/A KALKA JI NEW DELHI.
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A3859 Gali Kaysthan Charkhewalan Chawri Bazar
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Application Programming
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/T h.no 111/2 Panchkula sec 2 H.R(chandighar)
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T E-247 Ashok Nagar Shahdara Delhi-110093
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnG-60 Ist floor, ShakarPur New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect BB 43 C Janak Puri New Delhi Delhi 110058 India
Architecture, Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiF 1/ 228, Madangir New Delhi DELHI 110062 India
Architecture C/O. G.S.RANA New Delhi HARYANA 110030 India
Other Architecture PO. Jaroda Meerut UTTAR PRADESH 250104 India
Architecture, Other Architecture H-79, MANGOL PURI, NE DELHI-110083.
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ 62/271 Hans Park West Sagar pur New Delhi-110058 India
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture 4/589,Street Ist Bagh uttar PRADESH 202002 INdia
System Analyst/Tech Architect, ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Te 32B/1, Govindpuri, Kalkaji, New Delhi - 110019
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture c/o budda vihar,munirka,delhi
Other Architecture 85/s nihal vihar delhi-110041
Architecture C/o Ashok Kumar Bidla New Delhi HARYANA 110 030 India
Other Architecture D-352, Gali No. 9 Delhi-110053 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 11/24, Pachbiga Station Road JOURA Indore 476-221 India
Other Architecture 315, Near asian Publice School New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering
Architecture A221- Bharat Vihar, Rajapuri Uttam Nagar New Delhi 110059
Architecture brahmanwadi pipe road kurla (w)mumbai
Architecture, Interior Designer house No. 297/11, Jaswant Nagar, Garha Road, jallandhar Delhi DELHI Ind
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-7,FIRST FLOOR,92-A,MADANGIRI,NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer M-335,sewa nagar,dew delhi-110003
Architecture, Civil, Design, Mechanical, Oil & Gas, Structural/St 216-d m poket janatha flat saritha vihar new delhi
Architecture c 17/ 2 sfs flat saket new delhi-17
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Wr11/5, 3rd Floor, Indira Vikash Colony, Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Building/Residential, Civil, Commercial, Interior Designer, Pro E-7C, 672/10, Sangam Vihar New Delhi HARYANA 110062 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering H 365, Naraina vihar, Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 137, Anukampa Society, Abhay Khand - 4, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, UP, 20
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect 75-B Prasad Nagar L.I.G. Flats New Delhi - 110005
Other Architecture Devraj Maharana F-328, 3rd Floor, Old MB Road, Ladosarai New Delhi-110
Architecture, Interior Designer B 632 G.D Colony Mayur Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110096 India
Other Architecture Male, Unmarried Delhi 110034 India
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect Sector-16A,Faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T D-6, M.C.D. -Flats Azadpur Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer A-12, Nanda Road, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi 110033
Architecture, Interior Designer 369-A,SHIPRA SUNCITY GAZIABAD UTTER PERDESH
Architecture vill+ p/o- chhatarsa disst. kanpur dehat
ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect22- MASIHGARH, SUKHDEV VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110025
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Sec-45, Sadarpur Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Architecture Prem Niwas, 14-A, Vijay Block, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92
Architecture H. NO-1523/53A Molarband DELHI 110044 India
Architecture 28 B / 34, Allahpur Uttar Pradesh 110006 India
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Mainfr 803, B6, Krishna Apra Gardens, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad-201301
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A11,Shiv Shakti Appartment,Plot No. GH-15,Sector 21 C III,Faridabad
Architecture B-168,VIKAS NAGER,UTTAM NAGER,NEW DELHI-110056.
Architecture, Interior Designer 35/1152 madangir DDA flat , Ist floor BRT corridor New Delhi 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer c 161 saraswati kunj 25 I.P. Extension delhi - 10092
Mobile, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architec 30 RPS Sheikh Sarai -1 Malviya Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110017 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat No. B - 114/14 Mohammadpur, Near RK Puram Sector2 Church New D
Other Architecture H. No. E 194/12, Hari Nagar Part 2 Badarpur 110044
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystWZ - 364, Street # 21, Shiv Nagar, Jail Road, New Delhi - 110058
Graphic Design, Other Architecture, Other TV/Film Prod. plot no-35/38, street no-17 jain road, bhagwati grd ext kakrola mord, utta
Architecture, Interior Designer 33/1057, 4th Floor, D.D.A. Flats, Madangir New Delhi HARYANA 110062 In
Architecture T-78 ,2rd Floor Righthand side Kirki ext.New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TecRZB-147, Janaki Puri (New),Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, R/16 Jakir Nagar, Okhla, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Securi 7A/21 W.E.A. KAROL BAGH NEW DELHI, INDIA 110005
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 310, First Flore DDA- SFS Flats Mukhrjee Nagar, Delhi- 09
Architecture b-355 shakur pur new delhi 110034
Architecture, Interior Designer E-44,Gali No-7 Sashi Garden mayur Vihar-1,New Delhi 91
Architecture B-38,STREETNO-4,BHAJANPURA DELHI-110053
Architecture H.NO.B - 19 1st FLOOR B-BlockWest Vinod Nagar patparganj New Delhi - 1
Architecture ajaykumarjaryal s/o sh. amarnath vill. kuant p.o.jhallen teh. nadaun distt. h
Architecture, Interior Designer flat no. D4, 602 D/8, Ward no.3 Rose Apartment, Mehrauli
Other Architecture F-3, 2nd floor khajoori road jamia nagar new delhi-110025
Research Associate, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Ar Puneet Kumar Sharma C/o Om Prakash F-41, Lado Sarai, New Delhi Pin- 11
Other Architecture House NO. B-27, Ambedkar Colony Bijwasan New Delhi
Architecture of Communication, H.No. 1 A 33 mahaveer nagar extn kota RAJASTHAN 32
Architecture, Interior Designer ADD.- WZ H-66, SANT NAGAR EXTN., NEAR TILAK NAGAR, NEW DELHI-18
Other Architecture R-235/6JOGA III FLOOR JOGA BAI EXTN. OKHAL N.D.25
Architecture, Interior Designer 402, S.F., Sant Nagar,East of kailash NEW DELHI-110065 INDIA
Architecture Atul Kumar Vill.+Post= More-Khurd Mawana (Meerut) Pin. 250404
Banquet Sales, Software Engineer, System Administration, Syst H. No.263, X-Block, New Roshan Pura, Najafgarh, New Delhi 110043
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, Db- 29 sec 56 nodia
Architecture C/o Dr. A.S.N. Rao New Delhi Delhi India
Other Architecture V.P.O. - Darbi Sirsa Haryana 125060 India
Mobile, Personal/Retail, Purchase, Relationship Mgmt, Softwar Manikesh Kr.Patel H-19, Opp I-8,Street no -1, Garhwali Mohalla Laxmi Nag
Architecture c-17/2, Saket New Delhi
Architecture rz 134/2 durga park street no. 5 new delhi 110045
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.NO.5,NAJAFGAGH ROAD V.P.O, NANGLOI, NEW DELHI-41
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H-92-A, LAXMINAGAR, NEW DELHI-110092
Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-35/F, Abul Fazl Enclace, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi-25
Architecture swayamprabha kalyana mantapa back side road,kamakshi palya,minakshi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 54-D, A-POCKET, DILSHAD GARDEN, NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-119 Freedom Fighter Colony Village Neb Saria New Delhi-110068
Architecture house no:137 Block no:6 Cariaapa Vihar delhi cantt-110010
Architecture Ber sarai 09006362967
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software Flat No-1,Sai Appartment ,Peel Khana, Ward no-6, Mehrauli, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer VILL - TAHIR PUR H N-253 DELHI HARYANA 110095 India
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, So C-163,Gali NO-38, Mahavir Enclave-3,New Delhi-59,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-12EastKailash, FirstFloor New Delhi, India 110065.
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, B-167, Nehru Vihar, Near TimarPur, Pin 110054
Architecture, Interior Designer Village Boh, Distt.Ambala, Haryana
Architecture C-98 Rama Park Uttam Nagar New Delhi-59
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS E-108 B K Dutt Colony,Lodi Road,New Delhi-110003
Architecture Nala No.-1 Morena Madhya Pradesh 476001 India
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Install H.NO. 22 OLD KANCH GHAR AMBALA CITY - 134003 HARYANA
Architecture Street no 22 Zakir Nagar New Delhi INDIA India
Architecture, Marketing Strategy, Direct marketing, Direct/Com D- 217A, KRISHNA PARK DEVLI KHANPUR NEW DELHI -110062
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E-15, Ridge Wood Estates, DLF phase Gurgaon
Mobile, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture 135/15 amrit puri_B east of kailash New Delhi-110065
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Qu 72 A Dilshad Garden New Delhi
Architecture 80-D, Block-L, Saket, New delhi-17
Architecture Gajendra Gobari House no.-1034/32 Madangeer DDA Flat, Khanpur-11006
Desktop Support, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/TeA-3, Green City Building, First Floor, Sector 59, Noida, UP- 201301
Other Architecture Md. Khurshid Alam M-5, 3nd Floor Front, Abul Fazal Enclabe Jamia Nagar,
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop SupHouse No. WZ-520 Naraina 110028 India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr DDA flat 30/957 Madangiri New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software, Software EngFlat No - 81, Kamdhenu Apartments, Plot 51 New Delhi HARYANA 110085
Architecture, Finance/Budgeting, Loan/Mortgage, Retail Financ 111/27 jones gunj ajmer
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 60/2 Old Jasola Village New Delhi 110025 India
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), System AnalB2-178,PASCHIM VIHAR,NEAR JWALA HERI MARKET,NEW DELHI-110063
Architecture rz17/234 p block dayal park west sagar pur,new delhi=110046
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SofPune
Architecture B-557,Sector-1,Avantika,Rohini,New Delhi 110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect Enclave, Phase-II, Delhi Chhatarpur MADHYA PRADESH 110074 India
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst15/41, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi-110027.
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-99 First Floor, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar 4, New Delhi - 24
Architecture B- 218 SAROOP NAGER DELHI-42
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Pune
Architecture New Delhi Delhi IN
IT/Technical Content Developer, Software Consulting, Software Ashish Ojha 1251/2B J.P.Nager Adhartal JBP[M.P.] India
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Network Admini First Floor, 58 Vigyan Vihar, Delhi - 110092
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Sector-63 Noida INDIA India
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, 665B/8, Third Flour New Delhi 110019 India
Architecture c-333 multani dhanda paharganj new delhi
Architecture RC-250,PrasantGarden,Khoracolony Noida.201301.(U.P)
Architecture 285 second floor masjid moth south ex-2 new delhi-49
System Analyst/Tech Architect 36/13A, WEST PATELNAGAR, NEWDELHI-100008
Architecture k-38, second floor, Shriniwash puri, New delhi.
Architecture D4/301, KOUSHAMBI, GZB.(U.P)
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, System AdminisQ. No.-5,New Police Line ,ARRAH, Bhojpur, Bihar
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati 26-A, Pocket-2,MIG Flats,New Kondli, Mayur Vihar, Phase-3,New Delhi-96
Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance/Testing, Quality Control, Trichy. Tamilnadu
Other Architecture rz1/70 lane no-2 tughlaabad extn
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Software EngineC/o- R.P.S.Dhillon WA 22D(3rd floor) Shakarpur delhi-92
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc186-b a1-pachim vihar new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer A-40, Ramesh Vihar Colony, Alogarh
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E- F-25, ST.NO.2, MANDAWLI UNCHEPAR, NEW DELHI - 110092
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO. B-57 NARESH PARK EXT., NANGLOI , NEW DELHI-110041
Architecture, Interior Designer
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OthePlot No.211 Flat No.3 First floor Street No-5 Masale Wali, Karkardooma Vi
Architecture Q.No - C-293, East kidwai Nagar, New Delhi.
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System A2994/4A South Patel Nagar, New Delhi
Client Server, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arc183 A, 5th Floor, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110029, Ind
Architecture M.I.G. flat no. 56, first floor, D.D.A. flats, Dwarka, sector-18B, New Delhi
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Net94 shakti vihar pitampura
Architecture, Interior Designer c-93 dakshinpuri ambedkar nagar
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalD-3/449, Sector H, LDA Colony Kanpur UTTAR PRADESH 226001 India
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT 1986, sector - 6 Jhajjar Haryana 124507 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, OperatH-1498 Chittaranjan Park New Delhi 110 019 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect T-29 Top Floor malviya nager N.delhi-17
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B 325 ,milan vihar-2nd abhay khand-3rd indirapuram, ghaziabad
Client Server, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-8/210, Ph-4 New Delhi DELHI 110047 India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System C 13 HIL colony Moti Nagar Karampura New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, CustomerRz- 25A Kailash Puri Street No.- 1A Palam Colony New Delhi 110045 India
Architecture 9958168487
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming 28-29 tulsi bagh phase-2 dayal bagh agra-2
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-100 DDA FLAT KALKAJI NEW DELHI INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 481, DDA SFS Flats, Sector 22 New Delhi Delhi India
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-529, BUDH NAGAR INDER PURI NEW DELHI - 110012
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), System Administrc-548,vikas puri new delhi
Architecture ALTAF AHMAD Delta Star Contacting Co. Ltd P.O. Box No- 8516 Riyadh- 11
Architecture H.No 1302 Mahipal pur New Delhi 37
Application Programming, Compensation/Payroll, ERP/CRM, SoftH/NO -259, SECTOR-1 VASHUNDHARA GHAZIABAD-201010
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AdmiB 106. S-3, Dilshad Colony delhi 110095
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys 37/1269 DDA Flats Madangir New Delhi 110062
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Administration, Softwar 181/B, LIG Flats, Pocket 12, Jasola Vihar New Delhi 110025
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System S 68 C, Everest Appartments, Pocket A-3 New Delhi Delhi India
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste C -21, Suvidha Appts sector - 13, Rohini delhi - 110085
Architecture, Interior Designer D-135, SEC-2 KHANPUR New Delhi 110062 India
Business/Systems Analysis, GSM, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectDelhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Anblock (E Flat -32), Mayur vihar phase-2 delhi.
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec A-2/66, Sec-3, Rohini, Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr WP-76/C,Mauyra Enclave,pitampura NewDelhi-110088
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Archih-166 b ,patparganj mayur vihar
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat.N.1,D-7 Siddharth nagar,near New Delhi ,India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An#101,2nd Floor,Subhash Khand,Giri Nagar,Kalka ji,New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect 4/163, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi-110027
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer A-60 Malviya Nagar , N.D-17
Other Architecture 247/296,3rd FLOOR Street No.11 New Delhi Delhi India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A2/100,Second Floor,Sector-16, Rohini,New Delhi,India,Pin Code- 110085
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archit
GIS, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Krishna Aangan, CD 49 F DDA Flats, Hari Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110064 Ind
Architecture, Interior Designer 84C, Second Floor, D.D.A. Flats, Shahpur Jatt, New Delhi
Other Architecture H-61-A, Mansarover Park Shahdara Delhi- 110032
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AD-157, Chhattarpur Extn, New Delhi-110074
Architecture 7312, sector d-7, vasant kunj. new delhi-110070.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Plot no-81, 82-A; R-III-B, Mohan Garden, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059
Application Programming, Banking -General, Business/Systems An KK - 19 Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad, UP
Architecture a-8,green park new delhi
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Management Consulting, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Bus. Consultants
Architecture, Interior Designer M -167 Jalvayu Vihar Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture R-Block 26-B, Dilshad Garden Delhi 110095 India
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystA-71(1st Floor), Opposite MCD Office (West Delhi), Tagore Garden Extensi
Architecture bharat nagar ,newdelhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S sanjay kumar tiwari q1/c 1st floor srinivaspuri 110065
Architecture, Interior Designer, Project Management
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Other Architecture 143-Himayunpur,Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer a-376/7 shalimar bagh delhi-88
Architecture, Interior Designer Village -Bard Gonia Deoria UTTAR PRADESH 274201 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft 1-D, Pocket- F, Mayur Vihar phase 2 New Delhi DELHI India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture L-IV/86, Sector-M, Aliganj,Lucknow-24
Architecture, Interior Designer C-10/3 Vasant Vihar NewDelhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 10/331, Awas Vikas Colony, Yojana no.-3 Jhusi Allahabad India
Architecture J-28b,Ground Floor,Sheikh Sarai Ph-2, New Delhi-17
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 631 Second flour, DDA Janta Flat Badarpur New Delhi
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchSports & Music New Delhi DELHI 10068 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Client Servicing, Con 4/166,first floor,lalita park,laxmi nagar delhi -92
Architecture Flat No-201, F-97, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi, 110016.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture 51 loknayak apartments sector 9 Rohini New Delhi
Architecture House No -1515 type -II D.A. Flates Gulabi bagh Delhi DELHI 110 007 India
Architecture, Other Architecture, Marine Engineering Delhi DELHI 110082 India
Architecture B-401, Basement, New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025
Architecture f 43 batla house okhla n delhi 25
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AQ, No. 12 P.T.S Colony Malviya Nagar. New Delhi-110017
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Desktop Support y-1338 Mangolpuri delhi -83
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admini Flat No. 237, Sanjay Enclave Colony, OPP. J.T.K. Depot, Delhi -33. Ph. 0999
Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web DE-132, G.F., Greater Kailash-III New Delhi DELHI 110048 India
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Dewz-60 A naraina new delhi
Architecture b-355 shakur pur new delhi 110034
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering A 23, street No.11 Burari Delhi 110084 India
Interior Designer, Other Architecture X-6, NAVEEN SHAHDRA, DELHI=110032
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A-864, GD Colony, Mayur Vihar ph-3, New Delhi-96
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 67A, Lane -2, Ratan singh marg, New Delhi, 110044
Other Architecture Cebu PH
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AF-240B,1st Floor,Gali No-12, Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-92
Architecture A-15/6, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057
Architecture E-504, Mayur Vihar, Phase -2, Delhi-110091
Architecture, Interior Designer P-46 Zakir Nagar West Okhla New Delhi
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer h.no-79 nahar pur sec-7 rohini delhi-85
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture P5/71 mangol puri new delhi 83
Business/Systems Analysis, Switching/Router, System Analyst/T N-9, Green Park Main, New Delhi 110016
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H-420,D.D.A Flats,Naraiana Vihar, NEW DELHI-28
Architecture, Interior Designer A 5/158A, Pashim Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110063 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 1/10050- D, West Gorakh Park, Street No.-5, Shahdara Delhi- 110032
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect F-172, DILSHAD COLONY, DELHI-110095
Architecture ARVIND KUMAR H.No. C-75, First Floor, Bharat Nagar, New Friends Colony
Architecture ab-20 shalimar bagh
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture J3/78 Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110017 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Badarbagh Aligarh UTTAR PRADESH 202002 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, H-3/270,Sector-16,Rohini,Delhi-85
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect G 17 C, Top floor, South Extension-II New Delhi-110049
Architecture, Interior Designer E - 42, Satyawati Colony Delhi DELHI 110052 India
Architecture delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 188-D, DDA LIG Flat, Jasola, PKT-12, New Delhi-25
Client Server, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect 448, 2nd Floor, Nimri Colony, Ph-4, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi- 110052
Architecture, Interior Designer 129 D.D.A FLAT NEW RANJEET NAGAR NEW DELHI 110008 India
Architecture A-267, Minto Road, New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Desktop Support, Net D-57A, Dashrathpuri, Gali No 8A, Dabri Palam Road, new delhi - 45
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering c-75,first floor,panchsheel vihar,malviya nagar ,new delhi-17
Architecture, Interior Designer F-2140, Netaji Nagar, New Delhi-110023.
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture N-41,D-40 JJ Kaimp Suraj park Samipur Badli Delhi-10042
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B-5/417, Ekta Gardens, 9, Patparganj, I.P. Ext, Delhi - 110092
Architecture, Interior Designer Bajaj Sadan, Opp. SBBJ Bank Shahpura Jaipur Rajasthan PIN 303103
Architecture, Other Architecture 1/10573-A Street No. 2 Mohan Park Naveen Shahdara Delhi - 32
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect vill-jeetpur,p.o.-sakauti tanda distt.-meerut (u.p)
Architecture 85-2nd Floor, Madangir Village New Delhi Delhi 110062 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An6, bajaj house, guru angad nagar new delhi 110092
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture HO.N.1068, Gali No. 70 New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture, Interior Designer 7-G,POCKET-K,SHEIKH SARAI-II,NEW DELHI-17
Architecture flat.no-412, gangotri Appartment,pkt-1,sector-12,Dwarka,New Delhi-75
Architecture D-303 prem vihar,karawal nagar,delhi -110094
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-75, Lajpat Nagar 1 Ground Floor, New Delhi-24
Architecture chetan dutt pateriya c/57 new saket nagar,tansen road gwalior,m.p.
Client Server, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 16 Teachers Hostel, Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 392,Sunlight Colony No-1, opp = Maharani Bagh, New Delhi=14
Architecture wz-37, prithvi park, tilak nagar, new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer House No . A 235, Savitri Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110017 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture New Delhi 110062 India
Architecture H NO. 509 POOTH KALAN DELHI 110086 Delhi India
Interior Designer, Other Architecture D-286/11 Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-110092
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, System Analy Arvind Kumar C/O Joginder Singh House No. 48 Ground Floor Street No.7 S
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ-214, Dwarika Vihar, Najafgarh, New Delhi-43
Architecture, Interior Designer 164 4th floor masjid moth south ex part 2, new delhi
Architecture B-677, 78, Hastsal Colony New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Rz-B-120, Nihal Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110041 India
Architecture, Interior Designer f-10/58, sector 15, rohini, delhi, 110085.
Interior Designer, Other Architecture NEW DELHI HARYANA 110024 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture S-40,Palika Dham, Gole Market, New Delhi-110001 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An41 kilokari maharani baug new delhi 110014
Customer Service (Web), Desktop Support, System AdministratioA-170 Devli Extn. New Delhi - 62
Architecture, Other Architecture C/o- Ram Prakash New Delhi DELHI 110065 India
Other Architecture # 6156-a, sec-3, fbd, haryana
Architecture F-128,VENUS APP Delhi HARYANA 110085 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture # 42-B, Pocket-B, Ashok Vihar, Phase-II, Delhi-110052.
Other Architecture Chirag Agarwal, Rz 26 p / 100, Gali No 1, Indra Park Palam Colony, New De
Architecture, Art Director, Creative Direction, Event ManagemenJ/1A, DDA MIG FLATS, ASHO-VIHAR, PHASE-1, DELHI-110052
Architecture E-12/3A third floor, flat no. 8 Hauzrani, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No.- 11, Ground Floor, Old F - 35, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi - 110016
Architecture, Interior Designer 18-a, pocket-a,sukhdev vihar,delhi,25
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat No.-201, 1-E Jia Sarai, Near IIT-Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO. 63 B, JANTA GARDEN PATPER GANJ, NEW DELHI, NEW Delhi DELHI 1
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture vill-jhanjhari p.o.-bhaini khurd karnal haryana
Market Research, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Soft 54, maya cottage shakarpur khas delhi
Other Architecture S-103 Pandav Nagar, Delhi-92
Other Architecture A -13, South Ganesh Nagar New Delhi HARYANA 110092 India
Other Architecture New delhi Zakir nagar (gadha colony) Building no-A-33
Architecture devli ext new delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Administration, System Anal 5/54, 2nd Floor,Nehru Nagar,Near PGDAV College, New Delhi-110065
Architecture H.No.-`A`,96, Surya vihar-2, Near Agwanpur P.O.-Tilpat Distt.-Faridabad (H
Architecture, Other Architecture Rz -21A, gali no. 9 madan puri sagarpur west new delhi 110058
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architec D-30, Flat No.-4,Sagar Niwas,East Vinod Nagar, Delhi-110092
Architecture, Interior Designer c/o Smt. Gayatri Devi Mishra Sadar Bazar, Ward No.31,Rajanandgaon(c.g.)
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System SHouse No.209/II BGN Market Munirka South Delhi
Other Architecture house no.-16,west guru angad nagar,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Fa-29,3RD floor Mansarovar Garen
Architecture D-1/1157, Vasant kunj, New Delhi.
Other Architecture House No. 770-B, Govindpuri, Kalkaji, New Delhi
Architecture 2b-9, Single Storey, Ramesh Nagar New Delhi 110015
Architecture, Other Architecture Wazirpur Industrial Area Near Ashok Vihar Water Tank. New Delhi
Marine Engineering, Other Architecture P-95, street no.4, Batla House, Jamia Nagar Okhla, New Delhi-110025
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System C-2, Ram dutt enclave Uttam Nagar New Delhi - 110059
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MM-27B, METEOROLOGICAL COMPLEX, LODI ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110003 DE
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 429/112, Moazzam Nagar, Amberganj Lucknow UTTAR PRADESH 226003 I
Client Server, Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web 75 C/o Santoshi Ma Telecom, 4th Floor, Street# 4, Guru Ram Das Nagar, La
Architecture, Interior Designer Nitin D-15/24,Ist Floor Sector-3 Rohini New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 164, 4th Floor, Masjid Moth, South Ex-2, New Delhi-110049
Architecture F-81, 2nd floor, lajpat nagar-1, New Delhi-110024
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arcj1/222, 3rd floor DDA Flats kalkaji new delhi-19
Other Architecture B 3 indira enclave near ignou new delhi 68
Architecture, Bridge, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Highway/Roadway, Structural/Stress
Other Architecture 557/GH-9, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110087
Architecture 206/22ghaffar manzil ext. jamia nagar okhla new delhi 110025
Architecture h.no.642 f6 hgi labour colony sultanpuri new delhi 83
Interior Designer, Other Architecture Gali No.- 7, Gautam Colony, Narela, New delhi- 110040
Architecture n-165 ladoo sarai new delhi -30
Quality Assurance/Testing, Risk/Credit/Economic Analyst, Syste 1487C, Near Agarwal Sweets, Khanpur Extension, New delhi- 110063
Other Architecture a4/411 1st floor paschim vihar new delhi 110063
Architecture, Interior Designer Shahdra
Architecture B-15, Sector -22 Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer A-207, Devli Extn. New Delhi - 110062
Other Architecture 1/12 Flat no.A-7 Aastha Appartment Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201005 I
Other Architecture A-340 JAWALAPURI NONGLOI DELHI-41
Architecture narayan kumar computer operator modi mill okhala industrial area phase
Administration, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Cu A-13/286, BRIJ PURI, DELHI 110094
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy 12/45,Subhash Nagar, New Delhi
Architecture B-41, SECOND FLOOR, SEC-15, NOIDA
Architecture A/ 4/D ,new four story , tagor garden ,delhi- 110037
Architecture 414,HOusing Board colony sec-19 baldev nager ambala city
Architecture, Interior Designer rz26p/139,indira park,new delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerc
Architecture D-43 VIiswakarma Colony New Delhi-44 ,
Architecture, Interior Designer SANTOSH A. SADANPAWAR C/O kukubhai F-22, Katwariya Sarai. New Delh
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Event Management, Film Production, Graphic Des H-5/43 Rohini Sector 11 New Delhi 110085 India
Other Architecture HN 314 SEC 17-A GURGAWA
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea 630/3, block-c, Pandav Nagar New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchA-34/a, Rama Park, Uttam Nagar New Delhi HARYANA 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 148 m pusph vihar new delhi 110017
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 12/596 west guru angad nagar, laxmi nagar, Delhi-110092
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software WZ M.28, Street No.5, New Mahavir Nagar, New Delhi-110018.
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T D-92, MMTC Colony, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110017
Other Architecture C-14, Sultanpur Colony Mehrauli, New Delhi 110030
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 262/G, St. No. 13, Sitapuri-II New Delhi-110045, India
GIS, Service Engineers, System Analyst/Tech Architect G-24/5 , MAIN MARKET RAJOURI GARDEN NEW DELHI-110027
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training 57-F, swaroop park,sahibabad,near sahibabad police station, Ghaziabad (U
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AHouse No.1/7512, Lane no. 12, East Gorakh Park, Shahdara, N.Delhi-32.
Architecture veer sawarkar, 828 sarswati vihar gurgaon hr.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnA 6/1, Sector 13, RK Puram, New Delhi - 110066
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati AP 24 B,Pitam Pura,Delhi
Architecture F-37, KATWARIA SARAI ROOM NO. 5 NEW DELHI - 132103
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admini B-5/270 Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Delhi
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commer House No 192, Gali No. 8, I Floor, DDA Flats, Madangir, New Delhi, 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer C-48, Jawahar Park, Near Sainik Farms, M.B Road, New Delhi-110062
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administra 4672, pahari dhiraj, sadar bajar, delhi -6
Systems Programming, Switching/Router, GIS, System Analyst/Te#17/24, Green Field Avenue, Vandiamman Kovil Street, Padikuppam, Mog
Application Programming, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software F.C.A.-200 BLOCK-C S.G.M. NAGAR NH-IV FARIDABAD (HARYANA) PIN-121
Architecture Block 30 Ext, House No. 342 Delhi 110 091 India
Architecture Rabishankar Prasad A-28 Krishi Vihar New Delhi- 110048
System Analyst/Tech Architect 872, Sector- 6 Urban Estate, Karnal- 132001
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture C/O Col Rajeev Sood 137/ 6 Cariappa Vihar New Delhi Cantt 110010
Architecture H. No. 208, Village Tekhand, Mata Mohalla, Okhla Phase - I, New Delhi - 11
Architecture, Interior Designer I-415,sewa nagar,new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture gali no. 02,b-175,majlis park,aadershnagar,delhi-110033.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture House No.424,Street No.03 New Delhi HARYANA 110091 IN
Architecture H-86, 21-block, Lodhi Colony New Delhi 110003 India
Other Architecture H. No. 4942, Gali No.113/6, B-Block, Sant Nagar, Burari, Delhi. Pin-110084
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur 12/122, Dakshinpuri New Delhi-62
Architecture A-291 P T S COLONY, MALVIYA NAGAR, DELHI-17
Architecture A-18, Amrit Nagar, South Ex.-I New Delhi HARYANA 110049 India
ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architec20/2, Jia Sarai, Near IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Other Architecture A-335 indra enclave phase-2 mubarkpur road,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ C-24, Old DLF, Sector-14, Gurgaon, Haryana - 121001
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Graphic Designing Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 76
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchJ-32, Flat No-8, Laxmi Nagar Delhi-110092
Architecture, Building/Residential, Corporate Planning/Strategy A-12,Thermal Power House Colony,nera Bata Chowk.N.I.T, FARIDABAD 12
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, D 5/25, Vashist Park, Opp Janak Cinema, Janakpuri, New Delhi 46
Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No. 619/144, Chatterpur Village New Delhi HARYANA 110074 India
Architecture N 99/A, Abul Fazal Enclave,Part !,Jamia Nagar New Delhi HARYANA 11002
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyj4/111DDA flate kalkag
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 188-A,Third Floor, Patparganj,NEW DELHI-110091
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Network Admini house no 57, flat no 5 , Munirka
Architecture 273/69 street no. 10 ghaffar manzil colony jamia nagar New Delhi 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer 1407/ 3rd Floor, Wazir Nagar New Delhi HARYANA 110003 India
Architecture B-2/B-1 IIT campus hauz khas new delhi-110016
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect House no. 36, Radhika Apartment, Sector 14, Pocket 1, Dwarka, New Delh
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AA-304 ashoka Apt sector-9 rohini delhi-85
Other Architecture 1150/9 uttam vihar colony near azadgadh rohtak (Haryana)
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Network AdministrQ-55,Senior Citizen Complex, Sec-P4, Infront of Black Gold Apptts, Greater
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training 1st Floor, A-7 Guru Ramdas Nagar ,Laxmi Nagar New Delhi 110092 India
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal 244/26 vishal nager sonepat haryana
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet 1/B/1, 1st Floor, Goyal House, Jia Sarai, Nr. IIT, New Delhi 110016
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ 176/2 Jasola Vihar New Delhi-110025
System Analyst/Tech Architect Vayusenabad Qtr no 57/1 Post - pushpa bhawan New Delhi: - 110062
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwa Janakpuri, New Delhi-58.
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchF-10/31 Krishna Nagar
Architecture, Interior Designer, Others Rz B-82 kailash puri palam colony New Delhi-110045
Other Architecture C-3/1, Sakurbasti Railway colony, New Delhi-34
Architecture MUNESH KUMAR SHARMA Qtr.No.B-33 Type-II New Police Colony, Krishna
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst B-48, Sector-53 Noida INDIA
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect b 502, Shri Balaji Appts, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software F-48 Street No.2 West Karawal Nagar Pusta Road Delhi -110094
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-4/701, Topaz, Gulmohar Orchid, Kharadi, Pune
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Krishan Avtar Shelly, Jalandhar-144008, Punjab
Architecture C2/40,Block-C Raju Park,Khanpur, New Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer QU 114-B North Pitam Pura New Delhi 110088
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Dwarka New Delhi
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, 30, Jiasarai, Near IIT New Delhi -16 India
Architecture, Interior Designer D 370, KRISHNA PARK, DEVLI ROAD KHANPUR NEW DELHI DELHI 110062 In
Architecture, Interior Designer 65/774 panchkuian road new delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage 336 LIG DDA FLATS PKT-B Hastsal , Vikaspuri New Delhi 110059 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste 172C hari Nagar Ashram New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer H.no. 207 B, Rajput colony, Barola, Sec-49 Noida. Gautam Budh Nagar. U.P
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 113-G, K-POCKET, SEIKH SARAI -II, NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer b-23 first floor lajpat nagar-1 new delhi-1110024
Architecture, Interior Designer 48, BHAWANI KUNJ BEHIND D-2 VASANT KUNJ NEW DELHI -70
Architecture, Other Architecture D-207,Prashant Vihar,New Delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheKH-20 Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 29 Bhagwan Budha Appartment Parwana Road Pitampura, New Delhi - 34
Architecture 332 sita ram indarapuram gzb
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 69, Sukh Vihar, Near Parwana Road, Opposite preet Vihar, Delhi 110 051 I
Architecture, Interior Designer J1-22 IInd Floor DDA Flats Kalkaji New Delhi-19
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysHno-A/9, Street No - 15, Indra Park, Chander Ngr Delhi-110051
Architecture 63, GF, Bannu Enclave, Near St. Prayag Public School,Pitampura, New Delh
System Analyst/Tech Architect 488,Ashoka Enclave-III Sector-35 Faridabad (HR)
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Type-a, Block-9/141, Indian Air Lines Colony, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ QU 46-B Pitam Pura
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Ar 85-C, JG-3, Vikas Puri New Delhi Puri 110018 India
Architecture, Interior Designer A-269,CHATTAARUR ENCLAVE,NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer D-44, Gadda colony.GF. Zakir Nagar west Okhla New Delhi 110025 India
Architecture 105, sarang residency, gh4, sec 21c, part 3, faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer X-107 Gali No:-10 Bhrampuri Near New Usmanpur Delhi -110053
Architecture, Interior Designer C-163, Second Floor,Pocket-A INA Colony, New Delhi, 110049
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysNAME: HEMANTA KU PRADHAN ROOM # 32, F-95, Katwaria Sarai, New De
Architecture, Interior Designer D-5, Plot No–8, Anupam Encl. Phase –2, IGNOU Road, Saidulajab, New
Architecture j-3/47-c,khidki extension,malviya nagar,new delhi -110017
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystC/O KARTAR SINGH SIWASH 272/A, DEVLI, NEAR DEVLI APARTMENT, KHAN
Architecture E-12/1A, khirki extn. Malviya Nagar New Delhi-110017
Architecture F12/3 Nafees Road Batla House Okhla new Delhi 110025
Architecture I-28, Krishan Vihar New Delhi 110086 India
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiB-2-a/80, Janak puri New delhi 110058
Architecture 136 A, Portion A, Phase 1, Ashok vihar Delhi 110052 Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer House No. 10, Ram Nagar New Delhi HARYANA 110055 IN
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 9812,c-9,vasant kunj, New Delhi -70
Other Architecture G A-85,B Pul Prahladpur Badarpur ASSAM 110044 IN
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E 62 Sector 20 Noida Uttar Pradesh
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer 202 B/1, Basant Lane, Railway Flats, New Delhi-110055.
Architecture, Interior Designer l-72B MALVIYA NAGAR NEW DELHI-110017
Other Architecture F 12/12 Second Floor Joga Bai Extension, Jamia Nagar Okhla (New Delhi) D
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchFirst Floor, 160 CSP, DDA Flats, Krishna Nagar, Near Anupam Sweets, Safda
Architecture, Interior Designer B - 405, First Floor, Gate No. 2, Greenfields Colony Faridabad Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture RZ-164, UTTAM VIHAR, UTTAM NAGAR, NEW DELHI - 110059
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer WZ-178, PLOT NO. 385, TILAK NAGAR, CHAND NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110018
Architecture H.no. 3/57 Nehru Nagar Ashram Delhi
Architecture App no. 1710, Flat no.2 Street No. 25, Tughlakabad New Delhi
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System BHASKAR WANKHEDE 2048 TYPE IV DELHI ADMINISTRATION FLATS GULAB
Architecture B1/17B Gali No:-7,Raja Puri Uttam Nagar New Delhi:-110059
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Block-B, House No: -1033, Sangam Vihar,New Delhi-110062,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B -93 SOUTH MOTI BAGH ,New Delhi 110021
GIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Desktop Support 574/C, Moti Ram Road, G. T. Road, Shahdara, Delhi - 110032
Architecture, Interior Designer MB. NO.:9818701976
Other Architecture C BLOCK 1254 SANGAM VIHAR NEW DELHI 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer 50D/1,gautam nagar,2nd floor new delhi 110049
Architecture, Other Architecture new colony near railway station Barara distt. Ambala State HARYANA Pinco
Architecture, Interior Designer 15 /217 Delhi DELHI 110091 India
Architecture house No.-1259,Type-II, Lakshmi Bai Nagar, New Delhi-110023
Architecture Aditya P. Pathak, DDA Flat-2, Ground Floor, Sarvapriya Vihar, Near IIT, New
Architecture devbhoomi awas limited 304 third floor ,siddarth building-96,nehru place
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect SECTOR 128 SULTANPUR NOIDA (JAIPRAKASH ASSOCIATE LIMITED Noida U
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch99 North Avenue New Delhi DELHI 110001 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect 73-B, Jhang C.G.H.S., Sector-13, Rohini, Delhi-110085 (India)
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Commercial, Interior Designer, Structural/Stress
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech ArCR 264, lalitapark lakshmi nagar New Delhi DELHI 110092 India
GIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Administration 91a , Khirki Village, Malviya Nagar, NEW DELHI 110017
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 61, 2nd Floor, Kilokari, Opp-Maharani Bagh New Delhi DELHI 110065 India
Architecture, Interior Designer IIIrd floor, R 25 New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture, Interior Designer BHARAT SHARMA ADDRESS: G-1187 M.S.Park Shahdara Delhi-32
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Elec Yogesh kr Dubey C/O shakuntala kakkar E-79, Jhilmil Colony, Shahadara, N
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project ManagerH.No.Y347/A,Sector 12, Noida (U.P)
Architecture RZ-164,Q Ext. , Uttam Vihar, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Desktop Support, Training H-26,Second Floor,Masjid Moth,GK-2, New Delhi , Pin:110048
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Service Engineers, Shift Supervision, System Analyst/Tech A
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnD-22, Greenvalley Appartments, Sector-18, Rohini, New Delhi-85
Architecture, Interior Designer VISUAL TECHNOLOGIES (INDIA) PVT. LTD 370-371/2 FIRST FLOOR, HOSPITA
Architecture, Interior Designer D-89, Mohan Garden New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering V&PO - Najafgarh Delhi 110043
Architecture, Interior Designer C-23, Nanhe Park, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. No. 266 - D / 2, Ward No. 2 New Delhi DELHI 110 030 India
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec H.NO. 421, BHIM GARH KHERI EXTENSION- PART II, GURGAON. HARYANA,
Architecture 983, Sector - 5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi. - 110022.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 22-A Pocket A-10 kalkaji ext. New Delhi 110019 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 33/1055, 4 th floor DDA Madangir, new delhi-110062
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Govind puri, gali no. 10 puri ORISSA 110075 India
Architecture C/o, Ashok Bhardwaj 464 A, Chirag Delhi,-110017 New Delhi.
Architecture Gajendra Singh c/o Shri Chhanno Singh Prov. Branch P-4 C.O.D. Agra, Pin-2
Architecture 545,Baba Haridas Nagar,Tikari Boarder New Delhi- 110041 Other Ph: +91-
Architecture k-98 G, Sheikh Sarai-II, N. Delhi-17
Architecture, Interior Designer Rejeesh.V.K Room # 9, 55-B Ber Sarai, New Delhi- 16
Architecture, Interior Designer A-42 Jhilmil Colony, Shahdra Delhi DELHI India
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Administration, System Anal Rz 820 St.No.5 Main Sagar Pur New Delhi-46
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 6/76 malviya nagar, new delhi 110017
Architecture, Interior Designer F3250 RAJAJIPURAM LUCKNOW
Architecture, Interior Designer F- 464 Vikas puri New Delhi
Architecture Hari om Gali no-2 Delhi HARYANA 110032 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat no. 54,Punjabi Bagh Appts, S.F.S D.D.A Flats , New Rohtak Road, New
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture K-98(G),Top Floor, Sheikh Sarai-II,New Delhi-17
Architecture, Interior Designer f-1/28 sector-11 rohini delhi-110085
Architecture, Interior Designer 10/337,Ground Floor, Sunder Vihar, Outer Ring Road, New Delhi – 1100
Architecture 384 ,D-16,SEC-7 New Delhi -85
Interior Designer, Other Architecture S/O SH. ALIMUDDIN KHAN Delhi HARYANA 110092 IN
Other Architecture 1034/32 DDA Flat Madangher Khan Pur NEW DELHI 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer Q.NO. 29/PC Police Station Parliament Street New Delhi 110001
Architecture, Interior Designer Mehrauli new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer c-8/f,vijeta vihar,delhi police society, rohini, delhi-110085
Other Architecture A-40 Kiran Garden Uttam Nagar (w) New Delhi-59
Architecture 3a34 Mahaveer Nagar Extn. KOTA (RAJ.)
Architecture, Interior Designer rz d /43 syndicate enclave raghu nagar n.delhi 45
Other Architecture B-14, N.I.P.C.C.D Flats New Delhi DELHI 110016 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 234 badarpur NEW DELHI -
Architecture 438 vikas puri , n d
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I u 1/33,budhvihar,phase 1,new delhi (110041)
Architecture, Interior Designer o Late Sri Rampal, House No. 355-356 Sector-09, Jagarti Vihar Meerut U.P
Architecture, Other Architecture z-142 sector 12 noida.
Architecture house no - 2994, street siraj ganj, bahadur garh road, sadar bazar, delhi-11
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 1411-A, 3rd Floor, Gali No-13 New Delhi 110019 India
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi DELHI 110085 India
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, 1/25 jangpura extention. new delhi-110014
Architecture, Other Architecture RZ-141,C-2 BLOCK STREET NO.-2 MAHAVEER ENCLAVE,NEW DELHI-110045
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 37, Unique Appts , Sector-13, rohini, delhi-85
Architecture, Interior Designer H. No- 34 A/1, 2nd floor 6th street Arjun Nagar, (Safdarjang Enclave) New
Embedded Technology, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trainer/C65,Ekta Behar,Jaitpur,Badarpur,Delhi Pin-110044
Architecture, Interior Designer S 162, pandav nagar, near Rajendra Ashram, DELHI 110092
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste 7/4 vaiagai street Besant nagar chennai
Architecture, Interior Designer Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 46 durga park near vasundhara enclave delhi-110096
Application Programming, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Ma # 1793-A, First Floor, Parsadi Gali, Kotla MubarakPur, New Delhi-110003
Architecture House No. L.I.G-91 Shekhupura Colony Alignaj Lucknow.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Other Architecture M-8 Shri niwas puri new delhi
ERP/CRM, Features Editor, Features Writer/Resident Writer, IT/ Hp 26, Pitam Pura
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO.-R/31,SECTOR -11,Noida, india
Architecture, Interior Designer 18,veer nagar jain colony (near gur mandi)delhi-110007
Architecture, Interior Designer B-1/26 Kiran Garden, New Delhi-110059
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture HOUSE NO.362, SECTOR-3 PUSHP VIHAR , NEW DELHI
Architecture 297-e Guru Govind Singh Marg East Babarpur, Shahdara , Delhi-110032
Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administration, System Admi H.No-916, Jawahar Colony Faridabad (Haryana)
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 91 BP-Block, Maurya Enclave, Pitampura New Delhi 110088
Architecture rz 211 gali no 11-a kailash puri n delhi
Other Architecture K-86 Abuj Fazal Enclave New Delhi HARYANA 110025 India
Architecture Rz-P-7/1 Raj Nagar Part-11 Palam Colony New Delhi-110045
Architecture 43 SE-11 DWARKA-75
Architecture A- 41, F- Block Abul fazal enclave, jamia nagar. new Delhi-25
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T rz -38/209 west sagarpur new delhi
Architecture c-172 luxmi pakk nagloi dehli.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur H. N. 58, 59, Defence Enclave, Part 2, Balaji Chawk Mohan Uttam Nagar De
Architecture JF-2B III floor Gupta Colony khirki extention maviyanagar Delhi
Architecture, Art, Art Director ghghgh
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.No. J-27 Street No.39 Rajapuri Uttam Nagar Delhi 110059
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati Noida
Mainframe, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit EG-38, IIIrd Floor, Inderpuri, New Delhi - 110012
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T K - 15/302, 2nd Floor New Delhi 110016 India
Other Architecture SAKURPUR H-221 NEW DELHI
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Internet/E-comm Gandhi Vihar, A-Block, House No-281 Near Mukherjee Nagar, New Delhi-9
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-213/9, First Floor, Shahin Bagh, Okhla Head, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network AdministJ3/ 311, 2nd Floor, DDA Flats, Kalkaji, New Delhi
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TecA 27, Rohit Kunj, Pitampura Delhi 110034 India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnO-7091, Devender vihar, Sector-56, Gurgaon
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech A684/1, Anand Parbat, Military Road New Delhi 110005
Architecture, Interior Designer 44/1, Haroon Nagar Colony Phulwari Sharif Patna 801505 India
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderDelhi
Architecture, Interior Designer c 69/a zakir nagar near SBI Bank New Delhi-25
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Flat No. 88, Sector 3, Type 4, Sadiq Nagar, New Delhi
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Proj B-5,105 Deluxe Appartment Vasundhra Enclave Delhi-110096
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C/O HARISH CHANDRA PAL B-863 (B-218 OLD NUMBER) NEW ASHOK NAG
Architecture, Interior Designer S/o Sh.Ashok Singh, Flat no. 131, Sector-9, Pocket-II, Dwarka New Delhi De
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering b/49 okhla, abufazal enclave thokhar no 8
Architecture, Bookkeeping, Cashier, Interior Designer, Restaura 507, fourth floor chirag delhi new delhi - 17
System Analyst/Tech Architect 169/A-1, Basant Lane, Railway Colony, New Delhi-55
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysB-7/G-2 Dilshad Garden, Delhi - 95
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-319/3 Andrews Ganj
Architecture, Interior Designer, Plant/Facilities/Maintenance House No. 157, Patiyali gate Etah UTTAR PRADESH 207001 India
Architecture t-46, sec-12, noida
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchFlat No. 522, Bank Vihar Apartment, Plot No. 16, Dwarka, Sector 22 New D
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B25, Sector 51 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201 307 India
Architecture # 1, 24th Cross, Kaggadasapura Bangalore INDIA India
GSM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software R-113, Street-5, East Vinod Nagar Delhi-110091, India
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO: 139 CHOUHANPUR KARAWAL NAGAR DELHI-110094
Business Consulting, IT Consultant, IT/Telecommunications, Pro 280-A, Pocket-2, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-110091, India
Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Prashant Vishal Kumar A 48, Takshshila Apartment, 57 IP Extension, Patpa
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Database AdministrAnand Vihar, Delhi 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Hno-001, Orchid Apartment, Omaxe green vally Sector 41-42 Faridabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Network AdminSouthGate, Chand Chaura, Gaya(Bihar)
Architecture A-781 shastri nagar Delhi-110052
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture T-18 F, Atul Grove Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Traini E-2/176-178,Delhi DELHI 110085 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 106, Type 2, BTPS Staff Colony, NTPC, Badarpur, New Delhi - 110044
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture New Delhi DELHI 110053 India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnSector 23 Gurgaon
Architecture RZ-12A Raghu Nagar,syndicate enclave new delhi
Architecture, Project Management
Architecture N-3,Green Park Main,New Delhi
Architecture D-1/138,Sector - XI, Rohini , Delhi - 110085
Architecture A-2/57,Sector-8, Rohini Delhi-110085
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste 692, Pocket E, Mayur Vihar Phase II New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture E-449A/19 Khajuri Khas colony Delhi-110094
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administration, System flat no- 374, sec-13 , pocket-A, dwarka, delhi
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System HNo-G-II-68, Madangir (Ambedkar nagar) New Delhi 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture FLAT-7H TOP POCKET-K, SEIKH SARAI-2 NEW DELHI-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C-97,BETA-I, GREATER NOIDA.UP-201308
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof A3, G99, DDA Flats Mayur Vihar, New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T C6A, 99C Janak puri New Delhi - 110058
Customer Support, Project Leader/ Project Manager, RF EngineeWB-13 A , GALI_NO-1, SHAKARPUR, DELHI
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect b-379b,sec-19, noida-201301
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 125-D, Pocket A DDA Flats, Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer B-152/1, 2nd Floor, Ganesh Nagar, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018
Application Programming, Client Server, Quality Assurance, QuaC4F-124, I Floor, Janak Puri
Architecture, Interior Designer K-27, Aastha Appt., 3rd Floor New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture 205,Masjid Moth, third floor, opposite ansal plaza, new delhi-49, india.
Application Programming, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Software Eng125, Ist Floor, Ashiana Green, IndraPuram, Ghaziabad, U.P. - 2010101
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnC/o kailash chand 316/331,lado sarai New Delhi-110030
System Analyst/Tech Architect Newtown Square PA 19073 US
Architecture, Interior Designer, Project Management D-143, Saurabh Vihar, Jaitpur , Badarpur, New Delhi 110044
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys 54-D, Pocket-6, MIG Flats, MAyur Vihar - III, New Delhi - 110096.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se D101 Sec 4 Plot 13 Dwarka New Delhi
GSM, System Analyst/Tech Architect G-111, DILSHAD COLONY DELHI-95
Architecture flat no.-3,K-38,Khirki extn,Malviya Nagar,New Delhi DELHI 110017 India
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch146-B, POCKET 6, MIG FLATS UR VIHAR ASE III, DELHI-96
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO-68,VILL.MADAN PUR DABAS P.O.-RANI KHERA, NEW DELHI-110081
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Flat No. 38, Sector-7, Pocket D/10, Rohini, Delhi
Other Architecture l-125, first floor, belusarai, Bihar
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T C-16 shatabdi Enclave,Hindon Vihar Sec-49 Noida
Architecture 100 A/7,II floor,gautam nagar new delhi-49
System Analyst/Tech Architect H-No 5-11-293, Venkateshwara Nagar, APHB, Moulali, Hyderabad - 40.
Architecture H.No. 5 Block No. 65 New Delhi India
Architecture ab-20 shalimar bagh delhi - 110088
Legacy Systems, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArB-19, Sector 62, Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys32 Asola Fatehpru beri New Delhi-74
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture DEVARA. SREENU, : H.NO.373/2, RAILWAY QUARTERS, : NORTH LALAGUDA
Architecture, Interior Designer c-1/243 at yamuna vihar delhi-110053
Architecture K-3/13, St. no. 11, Gangotri Vihar Delhi HARYANA 110053 India
Architecture c.s.p-19,east of kailash,lajpat nagar,new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer Vijh 25, National park, Lajpat-nagar-IV New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture, Other Architecture NEW DELHI DELHI 110059 India
Other Architecture c/o- O.P Varadwaj 18-A sarai julena po- Jamia nagar okhla road New delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System ANew Delhi DELHI 110070 India
Architecture, Interior Designer p-91 basement c.r.park new Delhi-19
Architecture, Interior Designer GG 1, 74/C, MIG FLATS VIKAS PURI New Delhi - 110018 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture G-31,Quarter no.-33,Sec.-3 Rohini,New Delhi-110085
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture RZ 150-151 T-Extention, Near Vishwas Park, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 1100
Architecture, Interior Designer I 28, Krishan Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110086 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 273/69, Ghaffar Manzil, jamia nagar okhla, new delhi 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture D-903 Netaji NagarNew Delhi -1100 23
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System1485/13, 3rd Floor,Govindpuri,kalkaji,New Delhi-19
Architecture Present address: J-4/56-B, Ist Floor, Khirki Extension New Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer HOUSE NO.-50, GALI NO.-14,A-2 BLOCK, WEST SANT NAGAR,DELHI-110084
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture sector- 5/135 Vaishali Ghazibad
Architecture RZ-G-9B WEST SAGAR PUR NEW DELHI -110046
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture j-62,vishnu garden new delhi-110018
Architecture F-106, Ganga vihar Delhi DELHI India
Architecture H. No. Q-51, Q Block Mohan Uttam nagar 110059 India
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 543, Banarsi Bagh Lucknow 226001 UP
Architecture, Interior Designer 7383-B, IIIRD FLOOR, PREM NAGAR NEW DELHI. PIN 110007
Architecture T61-AB, Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer 212, DPS Apartments, Plot no.16, Sector 4, Dwarka New Delhi DELHI 1100
Architecture, Interior Designer Villa No.-61(GF), Block III, Eros Garden, Charmwood Village, Faridabad - 12
Other Architecture, Interior Designer H-25, Sector-25 Noida
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchitIAH-101-103,shaktinagar,sonebhadra,UP.INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer D-2, 2nd Flr, Opp. MCD School, Noor Nagar, Jamia Ngr, Okhla, New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Database Administration (DBA), NO ADDRESS
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I House No. B1/7A Paschim Vihar DELHI 110063 India
Architecture Sanjay Devrani 425 Sector 7 Pushpvihar New
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-279 Harinagar Harinagar,New Delhi
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior De G 1 type I NDMC Staff Quarters Kaka Nagar, near Zoo New Delhi 110003
Architecture prince P.a 2/30B Rajnivas sarai juleena Okhala Road New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Lecturer/Professor, Teacher, Other Architecture, Other Education
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech k-2112 C.R.Park
Architecture RZF 222/22 A Gali No 31-C Sadh Nagar Palam Colony New Delhi-110045
Architecture sq 403,bis manak bhawan 9 bsz marg n delhi 110002
Architecture, Interior Designer A-4, Near Health Center Chhawala, Najafgarh New Delhi-43
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalH/o Digvijay Kumar Sinha Building No.- B17 South Ganesh Nagar, New Pat
Architecture, Interior Designer F-236, Shaheen Bagh,Abul Fazal Enclave-part 2 New Delhi 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 1/23, 2nd floor, Rameshnagar, newdelhi, 110015
Event Management, Graphic Design, Other Architecture 7 / 198 D.D.A. FLATS EAST OF KAILASH GARHI NEW DELHI 110065
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-298, 2nd Floor, Lado Sarai, New Delhi 110030, India
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AH-1st , 308 First Floor. Madangir,New Delhi 110062
Architecture # 871/28, madangir, delhi.
Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Project Management, Other Architecture
Architecture 871/28,DDA Flats,Madangir,New Delhi-62
Architecture C/O – O.P Varadwaj 18-A Sarai Julena , 3 rd floor Po – New friends col
Architecture a-294 lal kuan chungi no-2 new delh(110044) near badarpur road
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, E-92 ASHOK VIHAR PHASE-1 NEW DELHI - 110052
Other Architecture H.No. 85, St. No.14, NOOR NAGAR JAMIA NAGAR NEW DELHI-11025 INDIA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnE1500 neta ji nagar new delhi 23
Architecture, Interior Designer E – 206, First Floor DDA – Flat Bindapur, Dwarka New Delhi – 11007
Architecture, Interior Designer A-178, sector-23, sanjay nagar, Ghaziabad.
Architecture, Interior Designer C-293, East Kidwai Nagar New Delhi 110023 India
Architecture k 34/5 khirki ext. malviya nagar new delhi
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect WZ-103/2, MUKHARJEE PARK, TILAK NAGAR, DELHI, DELHI 110018 ULAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Servicing, Corporate Sales, Customer Service (Web), Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Archite
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance/Testing, Relationship Mgm
Architecture 871/28,dda flats ,madangir,new delhi-62,india
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, # 4943/3, First Floor, Shiv Nagar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110005. Ph : 9871
Architecture A24-b vishwash parkext.uttam nagar
Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Interior Design BC-3F, DDA FLATS, MUNIRKA, NEW DELHI - 67
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture # B=124,Jagat Puri, New Delhi
Architecture RZ - 21 South Ext. Part -3 Dayal sar road uttam nagar new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. no. 117,Uprani Mohalla New Delhi HARYANA 110037 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Printing, Other Advtg/PR/Event 7/177, 1ST FLOOR, RAMESH NAGAR
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-4 DURGA VIHAR , NEAR SAINIK FARM DEVLI EXT.NEW DELHI - 110062
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System C-3/85, FF, Janakpuri
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design 277, Bal Mukand Khand Giri Nagar Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019
Architecture, Art Director, Film Maker, Graphic Designing/Anim 144, Vidya Vihar, Appartments West  Enclave, Pitampura, New Delhi-11
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Electrical/E C-137A, DASHRATH PURI, DABRI, PALAM ROAD, NEW DELHI
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystSEC-82, NOIDA DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ C 131, Leiah Appartments, B 15, Vasundhra Enclave, Delhi - 110096
IT/Telecommunications, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechnicF 21, Plot 13-B, The Palms, Dwarka, Sector - 6, New Delhi- 110075
Architecture moh, milkiyana Phulwari Sharif Patna,pin,824120
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System J-301, Shriram Samruddhi, Kundalahalli Gate, Varthur Main Road, Whitefie
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Flat No.A 404, Thiruvizha CGHS, PLOT-37,SECTOR-10, NEW DELHI -110075
Architecture, Interior Designer R-Z-A-17,Nihal Vihar, New dELHI-41
Architecture, Interior Designer 7/46, Nehru Nagar , New Delhi-65
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnF1/115 South End Appartment, Eros Garden, Charmwood Village Faridaba
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 40/188, 1st Floor, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi - 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer 21-24,SAVITRI NAGAR,3rd FLOOR MALVIYA NAGAR , NEW DELHI-17
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer B-31, lllrd Floor, Johri Farm, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi- 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture L-41H, Sheikh Sarai-Phase 2, New Delhi-110017
Architecture 5/602-C1,Shakti Kunj Apartment Near FORTIS Hospital Sector -62 Noida 20
Architecture, Interior Designer D-15 / 203 sec - 3 rohini, delhi - 85
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 3152, Sector A, Pocket B&C, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070
Architecture, Interior Designer Imli Chatti, Leyaqute Bagh BIHAR 842001 India
Architecture, Interior Designer M-506, Habitat Apartments, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi, 110096
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerB-402 Gali No 4 majlis Park Delhi-11033
System Analyst/Tech Architect s-28,sunder block shakarpur
System Analyst/Tech Architect, ERP/CRM, System Administration
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat 2 Top floor 23/1 Mehrauli New Delhi-30
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Release A-18, Indian Express Apartments Delhi 110096 India
Architecture Avinash Kumar E-87, Sector-11, Dlf, Faridabad - 121008
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A/2, 86 A Lawrence Road, Delhi - 110035
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Custom 218/11, DELHI CANTT, SADAR BAZAR, NEW DELHI
Architecture Pocket L,sarita Vihar,New Delhi-76
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L H.n. 309 sect 2c vasundhara Ghaziabad
Architecture, Other Architecture
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysK-35, Tara Apartments New Delhi Delhi 110019 India
Application Programming, Mobile, Software Engineer, System A A-805, Daffodil Apartments, Plot 36, Sector 6 Dwarka, New Delhi, 110075
Other Architecture 228, NTPC, Mathura Road New Delhi Mathura India
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec E-36,Satyawati Ngr, Ashok Vihar, Delhi - 52, India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch D-59 , 2nd floor east of kailash New delhi
Architecture 13 a bhawani kunj, BEHIND D-2 VASANT KUNJ. NEW DELHI - 110034.
Architecture, Interior Designer I- 45, Lajpat Nagar-3. New DElhi -24
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Syste A-44, Mansarover Park Delhi 110032 India
Architecture A-94/3,sfs flats, Saket 110017
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training
Architecture, Interior Designer H.no. 99, flat no. K New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Dwarka
Architecture, Interior Designer Plot No-368/105, Manju Building, Shere Panjab Society, Andheri (E) Mumb
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Software Engineer
Architecture EWS-2, Kotra, Sultanabad, Bhopal.Pin 462003 (M.P.)
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2, niti Khand-II, Indirapuram Ghaziabad, U.P.
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 7, college lane, post office bengali mkt new delhi - 110001
Architecture, Interior Designer YOGESH SHARMA 7/46,2ND FLOOR, NEHRU NAGAR, NEW.DELHI-65
Graphic Design, Visualiser, Other Architecture 460, Sunlight Colony II Ashram New Delhi
Architecture Delhi DELHI 110034 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Krishna Park, Tilak Nagar , New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 3343/12, 3RD 60 FEET ROAD, E-2 BLOCK, MOLAR BANDH EXTN. BADARPUR
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech 35,C.O.D. Colony Shahganj Agra
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S H.No. 712, Sector 30 Faridabad -121003 (HARYANA) India
Architecture 2992,Street No.70/E-II, 3rd 60 Feet Road, Molar Band Extn., Badarpur Bord
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, System AnalNew Delhi
Architecture c6,600 vasanthkunj newdelhi
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchRZD-1/124A, Ground Floor, Mahavir Enclave, New Delhi 110045, INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software #F-8/4, Pandav Nagar, Delhi-91
Architecture, Interior Designer 1776,ARYA BASTI KOTLA MUBARAK PUR NEW DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea 6-D, POCKET A-1, MAYUR VIHAR PHASE III, DELHI 110 096
Other Architecture wz-510, basai dara pur new delhi 110015
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 3 Mathruchaya Society,Kalyani Nagar Pune- 411006,India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnDelhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 39/1322, DDA Flats, Madangir, New Delhi 62
Architecture C.S.P- 19, East of Kailash, Lajpat Nagar,New Delhi.
Architecture C-1/49 Yamuna Vihar Delhi -110053
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste S-102 A , School Block , Shakarpur, Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A - 118 Delhi DELHI 110007 India
Architecture, Interior Designer C-15,Vikram Nagar firoz shah kotla new delhi
Other Architecture H.NO-334, SEC-6,ROHINI DELHI HARYANA 110085 India
Client Server, Customer Service (Web), Mobile, Operations, Pro GARVIT SAXENA Dwarkapuri, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C/O. Dr.Dev Raj Bhogal,F-39 (322) Gali No-7.Amrit Puri-B,Garhi ,Lajpat nag
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Planning, Quality AssurH. No. - 195, Pocket-12, Sector - 24, Rohini Delhi - 110085
Architecture, Interior Designer 258-B, Pritampura New Delhi Delhi IN
Other Architecture saptarishi apartment,plot no-128,pocket-7 rohini sector-23 New Delhi-85
Architecture 27/94/7d/1 , jwala nagar, bazar gali,shahdara,near amar ashram school, d
Architecture rz L 24 b ,west ssagar pur delhi 46
Architecture new delhi india
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Nanki Bhawan,Sadar Bazaar,Ambala Cantt,Haryana
Other Architecture rajeev kumar c/o o.p.jalpan grah & sweet kanth road harthala moradabad
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Archi J 4/44 2nd Floor,Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar, Delhi 110017
Architecture Angilimoottil (H) changaroor po Mallappally Pathanamthitta (Dist) Kerala S
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop Supportwz-2190 shadi khampur, opp west patel nagar, new delhi-110008
Customer Support, Data Warehousing, Database AdministrationD-190 Karampura New Delhi 110028
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Planning, Quality AssuranBM-68 Nehru Nagar Bhopal
Architecture 320, New Mohanpuri Meerut UTTAR PRADESH 250001 India
Other Architecture 1014, Sector 5, R.K. Puram New Delhi Delhi India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys216, Aashirwad Enclave, patparganj, Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture vill pungh po & tehsil sundernagar district mandi himachal pradesh pin 17
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,New Delhi
Architecture Rz 426/c Street No. 11, West Kailash Puri, Palam Colony, New Delhi- 11004
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), SoftwJE / 33 A, GUPTA COLONY, KHIRKI EXT. MALVIYA NAGAR NEW DELHI - 110
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, ERPH.No. 395 Chhattarpur New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheJagannath Puri 281001 India
Architecture New Delhi 110062 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Flat # 002 HM Green Oak Marappa Garden, Jaya Mahal, Division 92, Banga
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System H- No-2/25.Udhisthar Gali.Pandav Road.Vishwas Nagar.Shahdara.Delhi-32
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-26/33,II Floor, Masjid Lane Saidullajab colony IGNOU Road New Delhi-30
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Architect E-11,Greater Kailash,Part 1 New Delhi
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Network Admin301, Kailash Towers New Delhi Delhi 110065 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 16C, Pocket L Shekh Sarai-II, New Delhi-17
Architecture flat no.-29 Akash ganga apartment pkt.- 4, sector-24 Rohini delhi-88
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture PP-2, F-1, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI. INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture flat no 6,III floor,bldg no 36,Panchsheel Vihar, Malviya nagar,NewDelhi 17
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys F002 Yamuna Apts ,Alaknanda N Delhi Presently working in Mumbai
Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/TechAbu Dhabi
Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysJ-A/ 24-E, Hari Enclave Hari Nagar, New Delhi -110064
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 392, Vasant Enclave New Delhi - 110057 India
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec C-285, Vivek Vihar Delhi 110095 India
Architecture, Interior Designer J.K Apartment Dwarka
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeHouse No. 922, Sector-21D, Faridabad-121001, Haryana
Architecture, Interior Designer 504, ASHADEEP APARTMENT SECTOR 21-D FARIDABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer B-4/47,Pharma Apartment,I.P. Extension,Delhi-92
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 235 Subham Apartment Dwarka Sec-12 Pkt-4 New Delhi-75
Other Architecture Vasnthkuju,N.Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 1363, Sector 37, In front of Golf Course, Moida
Architecture, Interior Designer MANPREET SINGH 58-B NEW LAYAL PUR EXT DELHI 51
Architecture 45- a millennium apts. sec-13 rohini delhi 110085
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiHouse No. 766-B/7, Govindpuri, Kalkaji New Delhi 110019 India
Architecture E-11/9A1, HAUZ RANI MALVIYA NAGAR N.D-17
Architecture P.No.17, Nand Vihar, Gajsinghpura, Near heerapura power house, Ajmer r
Architecture S/o Sri R.K.Singh Rani RAJASTHAN 246761 IN
Architecture Type I/146 Sector ?K?P&T Colony Aliganj,Lucknow.226024
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture s84/3a,sunder block,shakarpur,delhi-92
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture h.no.395 shibbanpura Ghaziabad U.P.
Architecture, Interior Designer 1092/1A, WARD NO.1 MEHRAULI N.D-30
Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchiK. G. 41, New Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad - 201 002
Architecture 157, J&K Block, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92
Architecture, Interior Designer K-33H,sheikh Sarai ph-2 newdelhi-17
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. No. 135, Main Road, Khichri Pur Near Sharma Dairy New Delhi 110091 I
Architecture, Interior Designer HN. - A-50, Budh Vihar, Colony Tajpur Pahari, Badarpur, New Delhi DELHI 1
Architecture, Interior Designer 52-A, Top Floor, Gautam Nagar N-Delhi - 49
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture LUCKNOW UTTAR PRADESH 226001 India
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture B-82, Village Ramgrah Jhangir Puri Delhi- 110033
Architecture C/o-Rajdhani Fibre Glass U-136 Vikas Marg Shakarpur N.Delhi 110092
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechJC -21 Gf Khirki Ext. Malaviya Nagar New Delhi-17
Architecture House No-634,Sector-8,Faridabad Haryana-121006
Architecture, Interior Designer A-27, Vishnu Garden New Delhi - 110018
Architecture SHALI BAGH, AZAD PUR, DELHI-110088
Architecture, Interior Designer 19/6 Shakti Nagar Delhi 110007 India
Architecture, Interior Designer house no -14 azadpur - kewal park delhi
Architecture m-96,97 raghubir nagar new delhi-110027
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No. x/1033, New Chand Mohalla Gandhi Nagar Delhi 110031 IN
Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, SoftwaC/O Parakh Jewelers Budh Bazar,Thakurdwara Moradabad,U.P. India-2446
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ED 464 Sector-V Pushp Vihar New Delhi - 110017.
Architecture, Project Management 18/6, 2nd floor, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Network Administration, Network Planning, System Administratib-4,sultan apt,sahdulla jab, n delhi
Architecture 125- SALAWALA, NEAR K.V. NO-1 DEHRADUN
Architecture D-94B, 2nd Floor, South Ganesh Nagar, Delhi- 92
Architecture, Interior Designer R-929 mangol puri n.delhi 83
Architecture A-90, first floor(front), ashoka enclave part 2, faridabad, haryana pin 1210
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded TechnologiesG-2065, Gaur Green City, Plot No. 8, Vaibhav Khand, Indrapuram, GhaziaB
Architecture kharsia (c.g.)
Architecture B-4/47, Pharma Apartment, Main Market, Madhu vihar, IP Ext., Delhi - 110
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software Delhi
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginFlat # B - 57, Sita Appts., Sector - 14, Rohini, Delhi - 110085 INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser221B, 3rd Floor, M-Block, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-76
Architecture Badi Haveli,Bhainsasoor,Biharsharif,Nalanda,BIHAR(INDIA)
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Defence, Design, Electrical/Electronic, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Project M
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec B-30 OVERSEAS APARTMENTS, SECTOR - 9, ROHINI, DELHI-110085
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste FF-17, Siddha vinayak appt., Indirapuram,Ghaziabad
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProDETAILS : H.NO-131 PALAM EXTENSION NEW DELHI -110045
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer #2174, first floor, Phase-10, Mohali
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An18, Rishabh Vihar, 2nd Floor, Vikas Marg Extension Delhi HARYANA 11009
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Te21C Royal Apartments Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201010 India
Architecture, Interior Designer C-441, N.S.A. Colony, Vishwas Nagar,Delhi 110032 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer A-43, Fourth floor, shiv bhole apartment, Dwarka,New delhi.
Architecture, Other Architecture Kalkaji New delhi-19
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 358-B, STREET 16-E PALAM COLONY, NEW DELHI- 110 045
Architecture, Cabin Crew, Flight Steward, Ground Staff, Interior Designer, Ticketing, Tour Planner, Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), EDP5/18, SARVA PRIYA VIHAR NEW DELHI- 110016 (INDIA)
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Flat No -2, Luxmi Vihar Society, Block H-3, VikasPuri, New Delhi, Pincode -
Client Server, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arc15/30B, Floor, Tilak Nagar New Delhi. India
Customer Support, Data Warehousing, Database AdministrationA-2/142 Sector- 5 Rohini Delhi - 110085, INDIA
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-65/A Kausambhi, anand vihar New delhi
Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engi LD 27, Pitampura, Delhi, 110034
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectA-26, Second Floor, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar - 4, New Delhi - 11002
System Analyst/Tech Architect Rajouri Garden, New Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Architecture, Corporate Sales, Institutional Sales, Interior Desi 125, KAILASH VILLA, FLAT NO. 2, SAVITRI NAGAR, NEW DELHI: - 110 017
Architecture D-2035 Palam Vihar Gurgaon.
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Strategy, A-110,Freedom Fighters enclave, First Floor, Gate no. 2, IGNOU Road, New
Other Architecture H. No.- 660 Delhi HARYANA 110082 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/T
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysS-64, IInd Floor, Pandav Nagar, Patparganj, New Delhi-110092
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, EDP/MIS, Project Lea Rohini Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage Sector 30,Noida
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture a/14 , surya sagar appartments ,satellite,ahmedabad,gujarat ,india...38001
Architecture, Interior Designer B-1 Soami Nagar (s) New Delhi-17
Architecture House no.266/2p word no.02,
Architecture, Interior Designer 12,Avvai Nagar, Padi Post, Chennai - 600050.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering S-4,Block-5,kalyanvas, Mayur vihar-II, Delhi-91
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys72B Pink Apartment, Nasirpur, Dwarka New Delhi -110075 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Flat No-151, DDA Flat Surabhi Apartment, Sector-11 Dwarka, Delhi (India)
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, C3,3rd Floor,F-62/40,Omraj Appt., Katwaria Sarai New Delhi-110016
Architecture House No-38 F, CD Block New Delhi 110064 India
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchHouse No. 53 New Delhi DELHI 110015 India
Embedded Technologies, Network Administration, System Analy110 Shakti khand 3 Indrapuram Gaziabad / Noida
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 1104 sector-17 faridabad(haryana)
Architecture, Interior Designer Plot-3, Street-D1, Om Vihar Ph-5 Uttam Nagar New Delhi 110059 INDIA
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys C-201, Kesar Garden, Sector 48 Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer 11/151 a gwaltoli, kanpur-208001
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 314B, J&K Pocket, Dilshad Garden, Delhi --110095
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-44A, First Floor, Kalkaji, New Delhi
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysB-505, PLot No 37, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectNew Delhi
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network D-299, Swarn Jayanti Puram, Near Sadarpur, Govindpuram, Ghaziabad-201
Other Architecture R-305 Ramesh Park Laxmi Nagar Delhi 110092
Architecture C-90-A, Street No. 1,Janta Garden Pandav Nagar Delhi -1100 91
Architecture 10263-A, STREET #1, West Gorakh Park Delhi DELHI 110032 India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste C/O P.Singh , H.NO. C-62/B, Opp. Sanjay Lake Park, PandavNagar, Delhi-92
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 690/2, Saini Vihar Mundka, Delhi-110041 Cont. no.- 9968560039,
Architecture 6/k/5A, Mahibal Pur, New Delhi.
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, H/W Install106-F, Sector 4, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi 110017
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Administra Flat No.305,DDA Flat,Sector 5, Pkt 1,Dwarka,New Delhi - 110075
Architecture M-16 Abul Fazal Enclave Jamia Nagar,Okhla New Delhi
Architecture 997b/9a, gali no-38, sadh nagar-II, palam colony, new delhi-110045
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT H.No 588 Chirag delhi. nd 17
Architecture patparganj
Architecture, Interior Designer 65B, Dhawal Giri Appt., Sector-11, Noida
Other Architecture RZ-45f/1 New Delhi HARYANA 110046 India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec B-190, First Floor, Pandav Nagar, New Delhi-110092
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, H/C/o-Aul Pashad Deb, c-10/17, Niru Sadan, DLF NCR ,Ankur Vihar, Near Kris
Application Programming, Client Server, EDP/MIS, GIS, Project 1085, Sector-46, Faridabad
Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Ar188 PKT 23 Sector 24 Rohini Delhi-85
Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 28 Pocket 1 Kendriya Vihar - 2 Sector 82 Noida 201304
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An35, RPS Colony, 4th Floor, Opp Ambedkar Nagar Bus Depot, Madangir, New
Architecture, Interior Designer kaleem Afroung Zaidi, Kashan-E-Jabeen, Near Firoz Hospital . Sir Syed Nag
Architecture, Interior Designer 9/36, 3RD FLOOR, NEHRU NAGAR, NEW DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Flat no. 7500,Sector D Pocket 7,Vasant Kunj New Delhi HARYANA 110070
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchAvant Garde Flat No 511, Plot No 1, Sector 5, Vaishali Ghaziabad – UP-In
Architecture, Interior Designer kranti Singh Flat No-122,ph-II,Pkt-b,dwarka Sector-14 New Delhi
Architecture A-576 ,Mayur Vihar Phase -III
Architecture # 193, New Housing Board Colony Ambala HARYANA 134007 India
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar70-B, SUPER MIG, EXPRESS VIEW APT, SECTOR - 93, NOIDA, UP- 201304
Architecture, Interior Designer H. NO. V - 54A, SECTOR - A, BHAGWATI VIHAR, UTTAM NAGAR NEW DELH
Architecture, Interior Designer 20 Nav Jagriti Apts,Vasundhara Enclave,N Delh110096
Architecture, Interior Designer T/74,C Kirki Extn, Malavya Nagar, New Delhi 17
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec A-12, Shivlok Appartments, Plot No. - 6, Sector - 6, Dwarka, New Delhi - 11
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 92, Old Prasad nagar, Phase-01, New Delhi-5
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 31 VAISHALI COLONY NEW DELHI 110045 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture Nai basti Mohd. Ali Road, Moradabad-244001
Architecture, Interior Designer 60-B, Pocket-12, DDA Flats, Jasola Vihar, Near Apollo Hospital, New Delhi-
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage 179-B, Pocket A-3, Mayur Vihar 3, Delhi 110096
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeE-21/76-77, Ground Floor, Sector 3, Rohini, Delhi-85
Architecture L-42, Gr. Floor , Sector 11, Noida
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/System551,Vikas Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi 110018
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, QuC- 41, The Eastend Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ext 1, New Delhi 110096
Architecture, Design, Project Management, Other Architecture
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Administration 219, 1st floor, Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110087
Architecture Flat No. 376, Plot No. B/8, Paryatan Vihar Co-operative Housing Society, V
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Resi.10/33, Ward no.1, near Qutub Minar, Main Road, Mehrauli New Delh
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 62 SECTOR A, POCKET C, VASANT KUNJ NEW DELHI-70
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T G - 1 /511 Uttam Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C 120, Saraswati Kunj, 25, I.P. Extension, Patparganj Delhi DELHI India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Embedded Technologies, Inter Pkt A-3, H.No. - 60- 1, Sector - 7, Rohini, Delhi -110085, India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech ArchitJaidev Sharma Q-185, DILSHAD GARDEN DELHI 110095
Architecture, Interior Designer b-58/1,3rd floor,gali no. 2, JAGAT PURI, DELHI-110051
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Room No.-3, Plot No.-39, Near Qutab Enclave, New Delhi-110016, India
Data entry, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Graphic 4/250 Vaishali Ghaziabad (U.P.)
Architecture, Interior Designer C 277A, sec 57, Gurgaon
Architecture Flat no. 806, Plot No. B-9/10, Prangan Society, Sector-62, Noida (U.P.) 201
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TecDelhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage B 312, Plot No. B 9/7A, Neelkanth Apartments, Sector 62 Noida UTTAR PRA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture J-14-B,MS Park, Shahdara, Delhi-32
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst New Delhi
Other Architecture 2,1st floor ,chirag delhi New Delhi-17
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admi Sandeepan Chowdhury C/o Sri N.K.Bhttacharya RZ-197/D, Gali No 15 Tugh
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Des C-15, Mansarovar, Sector-5, Plot No-3, Dwarka, New Delhi-110045
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys 12222
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM 334, Sector-13, Vasundhra, Ghaziabad-U.P
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-445, New Ashok Nagar, New elhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se CC - 98 A, Shalimar Bagh New Delhi - 11008
Other Architecture H-61/B, Krishan Vihar New delhi Delhi -110086
Architecture, Building/Residential, Project Management, Other 07, Paryavaran Complex New Delhi HARYANA 110030 India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectC-601, Sec7 Dwarka New delhi
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 2/218 Subhash Nagar New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer H-30, Second Floor ODS, Lajpat Nagar IV New Delhi,110024 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Relationship Mgmt, Software B1/155, ARAVALI APARTMENTS SECTOR 34 NOIDA
Architecture H-355 raj Nagar-II Palam Colony, New Delhi-45
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysJ-2098 Gaurgreencity, Indirapuram Ghaziabad UP 201010
Architecture E-1, Ridge Castle, Dada Bari Road, Mehrauli, New Delhi
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, L-234, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi -110076.
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syst
Architecture, Other Architecture A-152, NEW FRIENDS COLONY, NEW DELHI-25
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System864 Veer Apartment, Sector -13, Rohini. New Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manag 177 B, Pocket F, Phase II, Mayur Vihar, DELHI 110091 India
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 7/5 Tilak Nagar New Delhi
Architecture 173, R.K.Puram sector-12 N.D-110022
Architecture, Interior Designer Friends Enclave,Near Railway Crossing Nangloi, New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect J1/156 DDA FLAT KALKAJI, NEW DELHI-19
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Database Administration (DBA) 40/227, C.R. Park, New Delhi - 110019
Architecture 57 NEHRU PLACE, 5TH FLOOR NEW DELHI - 110019
Architecture rambag, civil lines mirzapur
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysA-259, Shivalik, New Delhi - 110017
Architecture New Delhi DELHI 110064 India
Embedded Technologies, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Architecture 125B/30 MALVIYA NAGAR, SONIPAT
Architecture B-9/6399, VASANT KUNJ, NEW DELHI-70
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, 301 BLOCK-7, NURES RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX, SRI NIWAS PURI NEW DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, IT , Network Administrati Flat No. G-4, Sector - 5, Rajinder Nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea F-314 Sarita Vihar NewDelhi - 76
Architecture flat no-362 sector-3 pushp vihar new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer KHRADI, PUNE-14
Architecture, Interior Designer Narendrasinhji D. Vansadia At post Tanchhac Taluka Amod District Bharuc
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 206/3 Kirti Apartments Mayur Vihar Phase 1 Extension Delhi 110091
Desktop Support, IT , Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy
Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Production, Other Architecture, Other Top Mgmt BL-53 ANAND VIHAR JAIL ROAD.
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, E-35/F, Abul Fazl Enclave Okhla, Jamia Nagar New Delhi - 110025 India
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Corporate, Data W H-26 Green Park Extension New Delhi-110016
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys74-D, Dhawalgiri Apartments, Sector-11, Noida - 201301
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/MaintenaA-22, Top Floor, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArHouse No. 40 Suvidha Kunj Pitampura Delhi-110034
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemNEW DELHI. INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture FLAT NO 204 PLOT NO 32 Aaderish residence welfare society shalimar gar
Architecture C-4/91/2 S.D.AREA NEW DELHI - 110016
Architecture, Interior Designer A 220, Sangam Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110062 India
Architecture H.N. 1/5445 GALI NO. 15 BALBIR NAGAR EXT. SHADARA DELHI-110032
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture NEW DELHI-19
Architecture, Channel Sales, Corporate Sales PH. NO. - ,9988681278 PLACE: Chandigarh
Architecture 401/A-10 Mahagun Est. -VII, Shalimar Garden Ext. - II Sahibabad ,Gzb. Utta
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch 24 akbar road new delhi
Other Architecture 123 NEW DELHI 10018 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Embedded Technologies, Projec Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 2-G,PKT-4,MIG COMPLEX, MAYUR VIHAR-III, DELHI-110096
Architecture wz-541 rishi nagar, rani bagh, delhi110034
Architecture House No. 1961, Sector 28, Faridabad, Haryana, India
Architecture f-117,lado sarai new delhi
Architecture Plot No 156/1 Neb Sarai New Delhi-68
Architecture F - 3 / 80, SECTOR - 15, ROHINI DELHI - 110085, INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer B 1454 Sangam Vihar, Near SHAN E ELAHI masjid, New Delhi 110062
Application Programming, Network Administration, System AnalBates141, 3rd Floor, Milap Bhawan 8A Bhadurshah Zafar Marg
Architecture b-9/ 63-b sector - 34 noida
Architecture, Other Architecture 3 2007 MR.RAJESH KU MAL
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S House No. 847, Sector 9, Vasundhara Ghaziabad 201012
Other Architecture House No. MPT-513 New Delhi Delhi IN
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture PLOT N0- 35,R-EXT.GALI NO.2, R- BLOCK, VIKAS NAGAR UTTAM NAGAR, N
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 4597/14 Jai Mata Market, Tri Nagar Delhi- 110035
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Har 6/178, Geeta Colony
Architecture Flat No-315,Janaki Apartment Plot No-7,Sector-22,Dwarka, New Delhi-75
Architecture, Interior Designer M-402 Habitat Apartment New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer H. No-777,K-II Block, Sangam Vihar,New Delhi-62.
Architecture H. No. 163, street no. 14, balbir nagar ext. shahadra delhi- 110032
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Flat no #. 96 DDA, Pocket 1, Sector 23 , Dwaraka, ND
Logistics, Planning, Purchasing/Sourcing, Warehouse, Inventory Control/ Materials, Production/Manufacturing/Maintenance, Project Lead
Other Architecture 01-09-2006 to TILL DATE NEW DELHI DELHI IN
Architecture E- block, Vikas Bhawan,I.P.Estate, TCPO, New Delhi
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProA-8 ARJUN NAGAR Street No. 1 NEAR KRISHNA NAGAR New Delhi Delhi 51
Architecture new delhi, jama masjid road
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Flat No. T-7, Laxmi Appt., Road No-4, Gali No.-11 Near IPH, Mahipal Pur, N
Other Architecture 128, sfs dda flats, munirka enclave, new delhi
Other Architecture A 176 Lane No.27,Bharat Vihar,Rajapuri,New Delhi-59, No New Delhi Delh
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Pandav nagar.
Architecture D-263, Nai Basti, Abul fazal, Jamia Nagar Okhla, New Delhi-25
Architecture 19, Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016.
Operations, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Delhi
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 66-D, Pocket IV, Mayur Vihar, Phase I, New Delhi - 110 091
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysA-87,Shankar garden,near vikas puri police station New delhi-18
Architecture, Client Servicing, Creative Direction, Event Manag B3-B/ 45-A, Janak Puri New Delhi - 110 058
Architecture 91/3, hans enclave, n.h.-8, Gurgaon, Haryana, India - 122001
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Studio Plus, C-7,First Floor, Panchsheel Vihar,Khirki Ext., Malviya Nagar, Ne
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Other Architecture BG-7/124, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-515, Sector 47, Noida-201301
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemD-2, Shree Ganesh Apartments, Partprganj, Delhi
Architecture A-163,LADO SARIA,N.D-30
Architecture Ho.No - 357, gali no- 10,Phase-4,Aya nagar, New DELHI -110047
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, ERP/C
Architecture, Interior Designer F201/2 shahin bagh af enclave jamia ngr okhla new delhi 110025 india
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer A-1/232, Janakpuri, New Delhi.
Configuration/Release Mgmt, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administ
Other Architecture FLAT NO: 518 SEC. 17 POCKET -A DWARKA NEW DELHI 110075
Other Architecture A-140, F-3, DILSHAD COLONY, DELHI-95 mob.9811612765
Administration, Architecture, Facilities management, Interior H.No.80 hari nagar village Badarpur New Delhi 110044
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, LegP-2/24, Block-15 Kailashdham Appartments Sector-50 Noida
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderWZ-79 First Floor, Meenakshi Garden, New Delhi- 110018.
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), IT , Internet/E-commerce, Netw3-C , Pocket-A, SIDHARTHA EXTN. NEW DELHI-110014.
Architecture, Interior Designer c/o MK DAWAR,C-161,SECTOR26 NOIDA,(UP)
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati Toronto Canada
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Adminis 4C/313, Second Floor, Vartalok Apartment, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad - 2010
Client Server, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Mai 116, Shree Krishna Appartment, Sector 6, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad. UP
Architecture, Interior Designer A - 31, Lano No. 1 Abul Fazal Enclave New Delhi - 110025
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Architecture, Interior Designer WZ-42, SHIV NAGAR, LANE NO: 3, NEAR JAIL ROAD, NEW DELHI
Architecture C1/10,shivdurgavihar,lakarpur,Faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer MILIND ANGAITKAR, MES QUARTER, RED FORT, DELHI-110006
Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoB-3 / 377 Paschim Vihar New Delhi - 110063
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech
Architecture, Interior Designer C/o Harsh Nath Verma S/o late sh.G.S.Verma,713/19, new colony, Behind
Architecture, Interior Designer A 104, Sector 9 Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201009 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalyG1006, Wembley Estate, Rosewood City, Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 171/75 Pratap Nagar Jaipur RAJASTHAN 302019 India
Architecture, Interior Designer a-116/14, som bazar, gamri, delhi-110053.
Architecture 119 Aravali Appartment, Alaknanda New Delhi
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 301,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 514,II Floor, Sector-01, vaishali Ghaziabad U.P 201010 IN
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 409/16, Faridabad-121002
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-119, gali no.- 6, East Vinod Ngr. Delhi-110091
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture G-74 Beta -2 Greater Noida UP
Architecture, Interior Designer, Operations/Customer Care, O R-202, Ground Floor, Greater Kailash-1, New Delhi - 110048 India
Architecture D - 976, 3RD FLOOR, NEW FRIENDS COLONY, NEW DELHI 110 065 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer Faridabad,harayana
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-1/597A, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
Architecture, Building/Residential, Commercial, Design, Interior Designer, Project Management, Quality
Embedded Technologies, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, ProjectG 90 Sector 25 Gautam Budha Nagar Noida UP-201301
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture A-101; SECTOR-26, NOIDA-201301
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati H-81, BATLA HOUSE, FIROJ GHANDHI STREET, PO JAMIA NAGAR NEW DELH
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. NO.-B/11, INDER INCLAVE PHASE-1 KIRARI SULEMAN NAGAR DELHI 110
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ31/230 Dayal Park West Sagarpur New Delhi 110046
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 28 D Navyug Apartment , F Block Vikaspuri , New Delhi -110018
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste Delhi
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Network AdmiA-1/72, Janakpuri New Delhi 110058
Other Architecture B-36, Badarpur Boarder, New Delhi-110 044
Architecture B-1, Ram Vihar, Johri pur (Extn.)Delhi-110094
Architecture c-157,gk-1,new delhi,110048
Architecture L 471 sarita vihar New Delhi
Design, HVAC, Industrial/Utility, Other Architecture 1493, Gulabi Bagh, Delhi - 11007
Client Server, Corporate Sales, EDP/MIS, IT/Telecommunications, Network Administration, Network Planning, System Administration, Syst
Architecture, Interior Designer A-1/9A,LAWRENCE ROAD, NEW DELHI-35
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Serv254-D, MIG DDA Flats, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 110 027 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer 47/4708,REGHAR PURA KAROL BAGH,NEW DELHI-110005 India
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys441 Ganpati Appartments, Plot No-6, Sec-9 , Dwarka, New Delhi - 48
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 231 ,PHASE-II ,VASANT VIHAR, DEHRADUN,UTTARANCHAL-248006
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-103,Ashiana Plot No.14,Vaishali,Ghaziabad
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Design, Interior D # 93, swami enclave , dhakauli, zirakpur , punjab
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 136, POCKET-1, SECTOR-23, ROHINI-DELHI-110085.
Architecture, Interior Designer B1/14, Rail Vihar Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH India
Architecture, Other Architecture R-61, New Colony, Gurgaon
Business Alliances, Channel Sales, Client Servicing, Corporate D1/107 1st Floor Janakpuri New Delhi 110058, India
Application Programming, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E- 18A/32; Gali No. 18; Manavkunj, Mukundpur Extn. Part-2; Delhi - 110042
CAD/CAE, Civil, Defence, Design, Design Engineering, Engineer H No. 1276, Sector-2, RK Puram New Delhi 110022 India
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, IT , Project LeadHOUSE NO - 408, SECTOR - 14, ROHTAK - 124 001, HARYANA, INDIA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 5-4/456(08),Ayodhyapuri Street No.01,Meenakshi Road Hapur-245101
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Proj C2-165 Janakpuri New-Delhi 110058
Other Architecture behind main hospital durg (c g)
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Syst E-89 RAMESH NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Freelance Programme WZ 44/6, Ground Floor, St. No. 12, Krsihna Puri, New Delhi - 110018
Architecture B-185 Pocket-3 Bindapur dawrka,Newdelhi-59
Application Programming, GIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect 27B, POCKET A13 KALKAJI EXTENSION NEW DELHI 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture delhi, india. phone=+91-1332-277248 +91-9999225562
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B-202, Amarpali, Apartments, Plot No 11/2, Sector-3 Vaishali, Ghaziabad, U
Architecture c/o Suneel Dravid Annapurna, 413/1, D, Gangawesh, Kolhapur - 416002 &
Architecture B-293, LOK VIHAR, PITAMPURA, DELHI-110034
Architecture s-1,eros project office, I.T.T.Tower, nehru place new delhi-110019.
Architecture 395/8, NATHU COLONY, NATHUPURA DELHI -110084
Architecture, Interior Designer
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, IT Consultant, Management Consulting, ProjPradipto Majumdar B-6/380, Ist Floor, Sector-7, Rohini, New Delhi-110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manag 126, DIN Apartments, Plot No. 7, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075
Architecture 112-A, pocket D-2 MAYUR VIHAR III DELHI-96
Architecture K-120, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015
Architecture, Interior Designer South City II, Gurgaon, India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, CustomerCD / 39E, Hari Nagar New Delhi India,110064 IN
Architecture E-001, Jhulelal Apartments, Road # 44, Pitampura, Delhi 110034
Architecture, Other Architecture 1103, sector 37 Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer 21/700,TOP FLOOR,D.D.A FLATS,KALKA JI,NEW DELHI-110019
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B 402, Residency Gurgaon HARYANA 122003 India
Architecture AG-1/ 51A, Vikaspuri,NewDelhi-110018.
Architecture Qtr no 92/1 bird wood road near kv 1stc jabalpur cantt post office jabalpu
Architecture, Interior Designer 161-d ,pkt-4 mayur vihar phase-1 new delhi-110091
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 115-C, SHIVAM ENCLAVE, DDA MIG FLATS, DELHI-110032
Architecture G-124/6 DILSHAD COLONY NEW DELHI-110095
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 3026/7, RANJIT NAGAR NEAR SHIV CHOWK NEW DELHI-110008
Architecture, Building/Residential, Business Process Reengine 203-B Mount Kailash, East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065
Architecture, Other Architecture 3442,43 ground floor pockt-2 sector-3 faridabad (haryana) india
Application Programming, IT , Internet/E-commerce, Network AdP-79 B SHANKAR VIHAR DELHI
Other Architecture 59,shubham aptt, plot-37,patparganj,i.p.extn,new delhi-92
Architecture B-4/903 Krishna Apra Garden Indrapuram,Ghaziabad U.P
Architecture D3/3448, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat no-217 Varta Lok, Sec.-4C Vasundhara, GHAZIABAD ( U.P. )
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C-1/63 (II Floor) Janakpuri New Delhi-110058
Architecture, Interior Designer E-116, SARITA VIHAR, NEW DELHI - 110044, INDIA
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaPOCKET-B/6A, DILSHAD GARDEN, NEW DELHI - 110 095
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B-14, Defence Colony New Delhi -110024
Architecture 164 Anupam Apartments, M.B.Road, Saket, New Delhi 110 068
Architecture 11 C, Pocket A-10, Kalkaji Extn New Delhi 110 019 India
Architecture C-9/9025 Vasant Kunj New Delhi-70
Architecture, Other Architecture 145/7 Vayasena vihar New Delhi DELHI 110062 India
Architecture P-801,Paras Apartment sector-30 Faridabad-HARYANA e-mail id-dinesh72
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C-109, PAUL POTHEN NAGAR P.O.: IFFCO TOWNSHIP DIST. BAREILLY (UP) P
Architecture, Civil B-340 rajendra Nagar avas vikas. Bareilly. Uttar Pradesh.
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect6089, PHASE III, Modern Housing Complex, Manimajra UT (CHANDIGARH)
Architecture, Interior Designer L-1/111A, DDA FLATS, KALKAJI, NEW DELHI-110019. INDIA
Architecture B-171, YOJANA VIHAR, DELHI - 110092
Architecture C-5A/33, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded Technologi 809 SECTOR A POCKET B/C, VASANT KUNJ NEW DELHI 110070 India
Architecture c-188 east kidwai nagar,new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer D-1 Amar Colony Lajpat Nagar 4 New Delhi 110024
Architecture, Interior Designer J - 120, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076
Architecture, Other Architecture 3213 lal darwaza bazar sita ram delhi-110006 . india
Architecture, Interior Designer 38 maitri apartment, A-3 Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110063
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Land development B-57 HPL Colony, Jangpura, New Delhi - 110014
GIS, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture, Building/Residential, Commercial, Design, Interior B-5/104 Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110029
Architecture, Other Architecture 17 SPA Residential Complex, New Friends Colony. New Delhi 110065
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Land development, Urban Development 539,HAWA SINGH BLOCK, ASIAN GAMES VILLAGE, NEW DELHI, 110049
Architecture, Building/Residential, Commercial, Design, Interior B-152/1,2nd floor, Ganesh nagar, Tilak nagar, New Delhi-110018
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/TechGH-4/223 Meera Apartments Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110063
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Quality Assurance/Testing, S 3rd,Floor,C-61,Dayanand Colony, Lajpatnagar-4. New Delhi-110024
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems PrograGali.no. -4, Conductor Colony,Burari,New Delhi-84
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechI-426B street no. 12 saurabh vihar Badarpur New delhi-44
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Client Server, Network AdminAshu Niwas, Ratiya Marg, Sangam Vihar, New Delhi- 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer 8/21.,Vpv colony,manikkara street Kumbakonam Thanjavur 637408 India
Architecture, Interior Designer C 36 Jal Vihar Colony New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture, Interior Designer 42-firoj gandhi colony sec-e aliganj lucknow ( u.p )
Architecture, Interior Designer 5/85 chopasni housing board, jodhpur
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ 1811/A,2nd floor,near DDA park,kotla mubarakpur, kotla,south Ex-I
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, System AnalysH.No- 117, PKT-14/D, Sector – 3, Rohini Delhi -110085
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect H-23, Nivedita Kunj, Sector-10 R K Puram New Delhi DELHI 110022 India
Architecture, Freelance Artist, Freelance Illustrator, Interior De d/44 kirti nagar new delhi 110015
Architecture, Interior Designer A-1/198C, DDA FLATS PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110063
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture ho.no.3266,gali no.72 - molarband badarpur border New Delhi 110044
Application Programming, Desktop Support, GPRS, GSM, GraphicB-702, YOUNG AHERIA C.G.H.S LTD., , PLOT NO-2,SECTOR-7, DWARKA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Application Programming, Soft S\O Mr-Mahendra singh Kaimawali,Iglas,Aligarh(U.P)
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software IIIrd floor, 16/12 Indra Vikas Colony, Near Mukharjee Nagar, Delhi - 09
Architecture hno-59,second floor,kilokri, maharanibagh,new delhi,110014
Architecture, Interior Designer 46-A, Pocket-F, Mayur Vihar Phase-II New Delhi- 110091
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/W
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnNew Delhi DELHI 110075 India
Architecture, Art Director, Film Maker, Graphic Designing/Anim D-1/1269, street no-31, harsh vihar Delhi
Other Architecture 11/412, LALITA PARK LAXMINAHAR DELHI- 110092
Architecture, Interior Designer C -286 Abul fazal enclave part II okhla new delhi 110025
Other Architecture c-257/2 shaheen bagh A.B. ll okhla jamia nagar new delhi 110025
Other Architecture d-263,4th floor, abul fazal enclave, near makki masjid, jamia nagar okhla -
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Other Architecture Address for Communication: B-77 DDA Flats Kalkaji New Delhi-19
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System c/o: Kanhu Charan Patnayak, A-57, Nilgiri Hostel, IIT-Delhi, Hauz Khas, New
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S Sector-9, House Number : 398 R.K Puram New Delhi 110022
Other Architecture 151/2, Neb Sarai, IGNOU road, Saket, New Delhi: 110068
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect L.I.G.-149,Govindpur Colony, Allahabad-211004,U.P.
Other Architecture 4-type4,staff coloney BTPS badarpur new delhi-110044
Other Architecture E-544 Street No Mahavir Enclave Part III NEW DELHI INDIA India
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer s/o. Mr. K.S.Srivastava Laxmi Niwas, Imlaha Street, Mirzapur (U.P.)
Architecture l-25 d,luxmi nagar,new delhi
Architecture e74, third floor,lajpat nagar 2, new delhi.24
Other Architecture E 82/3 MOHAMADPUR , R.K PURAM , NEW DELHI I
ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System AR-15,RITA BLOCK, MAIN MARKET, SHAKARPUR,NEW DELHI-110092
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T SMQ 105/13,A.F STN PINTO PARK,DELHI CANTT,NEW DELHI-11010
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 4608,Darya Ganj New Delhi-2
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. NO . A-34 GAZIPUR 96 NEAR DURGA MANDIR
Architecture 140-A Kilokary,maharany Bagh 110014
Architecture, Interior Designer C-237,Ghraouli Delhi HARYANA 110096 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software T74/B khirki Extension malviya nager New Delhi 110017
Architecture, Interior Designer Sunlight Colony -2 New Delhi 10014
Other Architecture 854/56, LEKHU NAGAR, TRI NAGAR, DELHI-110035
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 2348-C Raja Park Rani Bagh RANI RAJASTHAN 110034 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 10, D.D.A. STAFF QUARTERS, BER SARAI NEW DELHI DELHI 110016 India
Network Administration, Performance Mgmt, Software Engineer,B-62, gali no-3, badarpur new Delhi-110044
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Pandav Nagar Delhi DELHI 110092 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect 282,PARTAP KHAND,VISHVKARMA NAGAR DELHI-110095.
Customer Service, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing,M 54/6 Jamshedpur 831001 JHARKHAND India
Architecture h no 376 w no 4 Mehrauli New Delhi-110030
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems A/9 Raja Puri, Gali No-4 Uttam Nagar New Delhi 110059 India
Architecture dr m n ghosh road raniganj burdwan(w b)
Architecture, Interior Designer 3019,block-2,sector-4A vasundhara, Ghaziabad (up)
Architecture Rz-B2/9,Vijay Enclave,Palam Dabri Road,New Delhi-45
Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-2, 131,Nand nagri, New New Delhi Delhi India
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyscb 54 d dda flats hari nagar new delhi 10064
Architecture Delhi DELHI 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer c-157,gali no-6, ganga vihar delhi pin-110094
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S B-27/3 okhla vihar jamia nagar new delhi-25
Architecture, Other Architecture 468-A/ 9 Block C, Tanki Wala Road, Om Nagar, Badar Pur, New Delhi 1004
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web De16-A, PARTAP NAGER, MAYUR VIHAR PASE-1, NEW DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, D 777 LIG Flats Hatsal Utam Nagar New Delhi-110059
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ DELHI HARYANA 110091 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A 542, gali no.6, Meet nagar sahadara Delhi-110094
Other Architecture G-1-187 MADANGIR 1100062
Architecture Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-17
Architecture WZ-H-30a Sant Nagar EXT Tilak Nagar New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Trainer/ 207 Vinay nager sector 2A Gwalior MADHYA PRADESH 474012 India
Architecture 20/19, LODI COLONY NEW DELHI DELHI 110003 India
Architecture a-23 acharya niketan mayur vihar phase-1 delhi-91
Architecture 656/14 jhajjar cantt distt. jhajjar. haryana 124103
Other Architecture I- Block 4/265 Sangam Vihar New Delhi 110062
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalyG-1068, SHAKURPUR DELHI-110034
Banking -General, Data entry, Front Office, IPO, Software Engin House No.D-413 Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095. PH.9910035474
Architecture A 950 gharoli dairy colony ,behind hanuman mandir ,mayur vihar phase-3
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Te28A/8, 1st floor,Jia Saray,Near IIT,New Delhi.
Architecture 29-B Raavi Appartments, D-Block Vikas Puri New Delhi Puri 110018 India
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer H-78/4, 2nd Floor, Muradi Road, Batla House, Okhla, New Delhi-110025
Architecture, Interior Designer 18- central gandhi smarak nidhi rajghat new delhi-2
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TJG24A,FLAT NO-5E,KHIRKI EXTENSION,MALVIYANAGAR,N.DELHI-110017
Architecture Uttam EF- 640, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi 110023
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystD-362, jahangir puri delhi-33
Architecture N-5a, sailing club road,jamia nagar,okhla-110025
Other Architecture c-35,abul fazal ext. shaheen bagh jamia nagar okhla new delhi -110025
Architecture, Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Paint Sh 4612 arya pura subzi mandi Delhi 110007 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech AC 9, ESI Colony, Sarvodaya Nagar Kanpur U.P 208005 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 134, ground floor, khirki village, south delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer vivek ranjan s/o- binod singh vill.+p.o.- amoura p.s.- gorari(karakat) dist- ro
Architecture 37 Bharat Nagar, Near New Friend's Colony, New Delhi-25
Architecture d-263, abul fazal enclave, near makki masjid , nai basti ,jamia nagar okhla,
Architecture 24 adhcheni,near NCERT, new delhi
Architecture P-87(GF), C.R.Park,New Delhi-1100019
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect c-686,c-block,vikas puri New Delhi-18
Other Architecture 18/a, Nagali sakrawati, Najafgarh, New delhi
Architecture, Graphic Design 1/11193-A,Subhash park st. no.12 Shahdara, delhi - 110032
Architecture, Interior Designer B-3/2, P&T Quarter, Possangi Pur Mkt., Janak Puri, N.D.-58
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering 2992, Gali no.4 Patel nagar,Ranjeet Nagar(Near Shiv Mandir),New delhi.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 214,14, balbir nagar(ext) shahdara delhi-110032.
Architecture, Interior Designer 206/c 19, SHALIMAR GARDEN, EXT 2, SAHIBABAD, GHAZIABAD, UP-201005
Architecture A-1/207 Hastsal Road Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System ADG-2/190B, Vikas Puri, New Delhi 110018
Network Administration, Switching/Router, System Administrati2nd floor, house no.95, c.s.p. flat east of kailash, new delhi
Other Architecture A-90 Motibagh Part -I New Delhi - 110021
Architecture mohd tahir house no.175 ,first floor line no 09,zakir nagar new delhi india
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechQ.NO.-5,TYPE-III,KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA CAMPUS,AIR FORCE STATION TUGH
Architecture Vill- dakhnai Post- kamara Distt- Auraiya Pin code- 206250 (U.P.)
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, DatC-585/7,SGM NAGAR,FARIDABAD,HARYANA-121001
Architecture F-97 RM NO 201 KATWARIA SARAI NEW DELHI 16
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Pramod.s, C/o Arathi.P.M 18 old, Mahanadi JNU,NEW DELHI-110067
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Syst I-66,Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-15
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems Anal 443,p0cket-E,mayur vihar ,phase-II delhi-110091
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Service Engineers, Sy
Other Architecture II-B/161,NEHRU NAGAR GAIZIABAD (UP) 201001
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Software Engineer, MPT-485,Sarojini Nagar New Delhi-110023
Architecture, Interior Designer c-286 abul fazal enclave part -2nd okhla new dehli 1100025
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System A-215 New Ashok Nagar,New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect c/o-Ram Chandra Mahato house no.-281/10, lakhapat colony-1, mithapur
Architecture Imran Ahmad,301/6,Zakir Nagar,Okhla New Delhi,110025 India
Other Architecture jawaharpuri police chowki front street (badaun) UP
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Case Mo g 10 govind puram ghaziabad-201002
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Network AdministB-1/118,Sector-G, Janki Hospital Lucknow UTTAR PRADESH 226021 IN
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), H/W Installatio L- 59 A Street No. 20 New Mahavir Nagar New Delhi -110018
Architecture J-Pocket,25-D,Top Floor Sheikh Sarai-II New Delhi-110017
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administr 17-18, Industrial Estate, Varanasi-221106, UTTAR PRADESH, India.
Architecture rzc-151B dashrath puri dabri palam road new delhi-45
Architecture d-17 veena enclave, ratan bagh nangloi ,new delhi-110041
Architecture 26-A, Noor Nagar New Delhi
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Customer Service (Voice), C 87 A, DAKRA BAZAR, NEAR DURGA MANDIR, GARHI CANTT, DEHRADUN 24
Architecture, Interior Designer Room No-35,A.M.K Hostel,Jamia Millia Islamia,University Campus, New De
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, Graphic Designing/Animation
Graphic Design, Other Advtg/PR/Events, Other Architecture, Ot 615 CHIRAGH DELHI NEW DELHI-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer MEHRAULI NEW DELHI DELHI 110030 India
Architecture SPA Boys Hostel, Room no. F 63, New Friends Colony , Tamur Nagar, Maha
Architecture L.I.G flat no.495 PKT-3c SEC-16B DWARKA,NEW DELHI-110078
Architecture E-104/18, Qamar Manzil Zakir Nagar, Okhla New Delhi –110025 India
Other Architecture O-9, Gaffar Manzil-II New Delhi HARYANA 110025 India
Architecture A-24bStreet No-6Uttam Nagar
Architecture gali no-5 amar market jait pur badar pur new delhi 9268667646 please con
Architecture, Interior Designer C/o Sudan Singh Tokas, House No. 153/B, Near Moti Barat Chowpal, Muni
Architecture, Other Architecture Mayur Vihar Delhi 110096 India
Network Administration, Network Planning, Switching/Router, SH3, 294, 2nd Floor, Rohini, Sector-16, Delhi-110 085
Business Analyst, Channel & Segment Management, Corp Communi S/O Muhammed K.K. Supt.Archaeologist, Archaeological survey of India, R
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser1/161, Chiranjeev Vihar Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201002 IN
Other Architecture A/2 Sir Sayyed Road Zakir Dehli DELHI 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Indian Airlines Colony Block:- 4 House No. 127 Basant Vihar New Delhi 54
Architecture 49 / D, Mohammad Pur, R. K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066
Architecture M-112 lado sarai mehroli new delhi 110030
Architecture, Interior Designer 11152 street no-11, subash park ,shahdra, delhi-32
Architecture 25,ekjot apartment,pitam pura,new delhi-110034
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Visualiser, Ot j-42 vishnu garden new delhi -110018
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, CustomerB-2/23,SECTOR-16,ROHINI,DELHI-110085
Architecture, Interior Designer B-220, Street No. 2 Delhi HARYANA 110053 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 4206, Arya Pura, Subzi Mandi, Delhi-110007
Architecture Magam Siva Krishna Spa Boys Hostel R no S- 73 Magaranibagh New Delhi 6
Architecture, Interior Designer L26H, Sheikh Sarai 2, New Delhi 110017
Architecture, Interior Designer B-2,KHASRA NO. 24,NEAR SHIVALIK SCHOOL,SAKET,NEW DELHI
Architecture 26 - A, Shyam Colony ,Ph - 2 Delhi 110086
Switching/Router, Systems Programming, GIS, Information Syst I-245,Naraina Vihar,New Delhi-110028
Architecture 10th passed from U.P Board from Allahabad New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture F-43 Katwariasaria
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S EC-23, KUMAON HOSTEL, IIT Delhi, HAUZ KHAS, 110016, India
Other Architecture sant nagar new delhi -84
Other Architecture 631/22 zakir nagar new delhi-25
Other Architecture 56a,mehrauli
Architecture Dm- 84, Sukulia, Vijaynagar, indore-452010
Other Architecture 4,bhorgarh, narela, delhi-110040
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 91-E,Pocket-C, siddhharth extension,New Delhi
Architecture c-262 avantika rohini sec-1 delhi 110085
Other Architecture V.P.O. Lag-Baliana Chennai TAMIL NADU 177107 IN
Architecture P 1 ghaffar manzil ext, Part 2nd, Jamia Nagar New Delhi HARYANA 110025
Architecture A - 5, Derawal Nagar, New Delhi-110052
Architecture 7A 4th floor New delhi HARYANA 110025 India
Architecture 258 A Defence colony new delhi
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Hardware Design, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Network Planning, So
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, IT ConA5A/22B Janak Puri New Delhi 110058
Architecture BF-14, Madangir New Delhi 110062
Architecture, Art Director, Bridge, Building/Residential, Civi K-47, SEC-11, NOIDA, U.P.-201301
Architecture 3rd floor, J-3/78, MALVIYA NAGAR, NEW DELHI-17 P: +91-9953068688
Other Architecture F-55 nauroji nagar N D-29
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Sher singh bazaar. kotla mubrak pur 1721/2 south ext.
Systems Programming, Information Systems, System Analyst/Tec21-H, A/2 Mayur Vihar Phase-3 Delhi-110096
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil 271, CIVIL LINES NEAR PILI KOTHI, ETAWAH
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Network Planning, S S-11d, Pandav Nagar New Delhi Delhi India
Application Programming, Signal Processing, Software Engineer New Delhi 110 030 India
Other Architecture P-88 20' ROAD BATLA HOUSE okhla-NEW DELHI -25
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Plot no. 379, Laxmi nagar, via paota `B` road, jodhpur. Rajasthan
Architecture e-35 madhu- vihar gali no 16 near hansan pur depot
Other Architecture B3/304 Nand Nagri Delhi 110093
Architecture, Interior Designer S/O Sh. J.S. Rawat, Lower Kalabarh, Near Bishop House, Kotdwar Pauri UTT
Architecture, Other Architecture B 59 SF, Parsavnath Paradise, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Administration, NWZ-33, III Floor Street No.11 Krishna Puri (Near Tilak Nagar) DELHI-110018
Architecture, Interior Designer NEW Delhi-83 NEW Delhi Delhi India
Architecture wz-42, todapur new delhi -110012
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administrmanoj kumar singh c/o P.C. Sharma house no 16 , room no 607 , hauz kha
Architecture LIG FLAT NO-495 PKT.-3C SEC.-16B DWARKA, NEW DELHI-110078
Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Ahouse no. 30 civil line near police line bulandshahr up
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture U-26, Phase - 2, Sharma Colony, Budh Vihar, Delhi - 110 085
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Vill.- Ghuggar Tanda Kangra Himachal Pradesh 176061 India
Architecture, Civil, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 49-A, Adil Nagar Kurse Road Lucknow UTTAR PRADESH 110049 India
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalB-402 , PTS colony , Malviya Nagar New Delhi-110017
Architecture a-405 mandawli
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Room no.102, Narmada Hostel New Delhi 110067 India
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech RZ-4/211,Street No-8F,I-Block,West Sagarpur, New Delhi-110046
Architecture H No 118A ISHWAR COLONY BAWANA DELHI 110039 India
Other Architecture Sankarji.A.R., C/o.Mr.R.Raman, R-9, Sector XI, NOIDA-201301
Architecture D7/2 New Delhi 110025 India
Architecture R.P.S Flat no. 124, Sheikh Sarai New Delhi HARYANA 110017 IN
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Internet/E-com H. No. 62 Begampur Post off., Malviya Nagar, Delhi-110017
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft MOH-MAHMUDPURA,KANTH
Client Server, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, B-3, Brij Vihar, Pitampura
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer FLAT NO-89 A, POCKET A-1 DELHI 110096 India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr s/o shri s.c gairola new vekas colony srinager road pauri garhwal
Architecture dr daisy rani 318/b,shakurbasti delhi-34
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, IT/Telecom Rz-1101, B-13, Street No - 13, Sadh Nagara, Colony New Delhi - 110045
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, SystemAG - 225 Shalimar Bagh Delhi - 110088
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software En
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr KARIVATTATH HOUSE, PALACHIRAMAD, EDARIKODE PO , MALAPPURAM D
Architecture j-108 jaitpur,badarpur N D-110044
Other Architecture 1005, Lodhi Colony New Delhi HARYANA 110003 India
Architecture, Interior Designer R-40, Raghubir Nagar NEW DELHI 110027 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 4B/8,top floor Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 174,IInd Floor Sant Nagar, East of kailash New Delhi, 110065
Architecture Indraprastha Apartment, Flat No. 89, Pocket 3, Sector 12, Dwarka
Other Architecture aksh rana s/o sh.surender singh rana 625/11 ram gali kirti nager sirsa hary
Other Architecture H.No83, NebSarai, IGNOU Road, New Delhi- 110068
Architecture T-1189 MANGOL PURI NEW DELHI-110083
Architecture sh.baljeet singh madaan kothi no.1 behind anaj mandi fatehabad(haryana
EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Network Administration, Software 98-C, DDA LIG FLATS, MOTIA KHAN, PAHAR GANJ, NEW DELHI- 110055
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admini JAMIA NAGAR, OKHLA NEW DELHI
Other Architecture s-27, private colony shriniwas puri new delhi 65
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof 3/10 9A, Lalita park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Sup13A/1; Abocve Juneja Timber; Near AND Colleage Gobindopuri; Kalkaji nd
Media Planning, Network Planning, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture B-37 sultanpur UTTARANCHAL 110070 India
Account Direction, Administration, Architecture, Art, Client Se 127/318 U block nirala nagar Kanpur UTTAR PRADESH 208014 India
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, GraphiB-5, Tulsi Appts, Sec-14, Rohini, Delhi.
Switching/Router, Other IT Hardware, System Analyst/Tech ArchBlock 6, H. No 3B, Mandir Marg, Gole Market, Sector - 2 New Delhi HARYA
Other Architecture Sugar Factory Colony, Dist Muzafferpur, Bihar Motipur BIHAR 843111 IN
Other Architecture Vill. Tandikana, P.O Adushpur Cuttack ORISSA 754010 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se er. s.k sinha 136,ashirwaad, vasant enclave new delhi
Architecture new boys hostal j.m.i. okhla new delhi110025
Architecture, Interior Designer 3rd floor, E-74, lajpat nagar-2, new delhi
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Network Admini c/o Riyaz Guest House, Bishember Nagar,Baba Daram Dass Road, Srinagar
Architecture, Interior Designer Ladosarai,F-24,205,Mehuruli,New Delhi-30
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other 20-A,pkt-5,new kondli , mayur vihar phase-III, delhi-11096
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture M-83C Prem Nagar Uttam nagar New Delhi 110059 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer b-17, gali no.1, madhu vihar uttam nagar (110059)
Architecture, Interior Designer 103-A Model Town Karnal
Architecture, Interior Designer 232 pkt 1 & 2 Sect 3 Dwarka New Delhi- 110075
Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Administration, Sywz-215,sahkur pur,new delhi-34
Architecture hno. 329 village - auchandi delhi-110039
Other Architecture A1/29, Gali No.-2, Raja Puri, UttamNagar, New Delhi
Architecture Wz-1351, Nangal Raya New Delhi HARYANA 110046 India
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Internet/E-c FlatNo.193,DDA SFS Flats, Sector 22,Pkt-1,Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Indi
Other Architecture F1/17 Zakir Nagar, Okhla New Delhi 110025 India
Other Architecture 3-b-94 vishnu garden
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture P.O. Aunsi, Babhanganwa Madhubani Bihar 847121 India
Other Architecture 229, Nangli Sakrawati New Delhi 110043 India
Application Programming, Back-end/Transactions Processing, Sof56, C , Radha Vihar Agra (U.P.).
Account Direction, Architecture, Art, Audit & Risk, Bookkeeping pratosh mishra H.no-1126 pana paposiyan narela delhi-40
Architecture, Interior Designer c\o Anand Prakash House No: F -50/51 Dakshinpuri NearDevli More Khanp
Quality Assurance, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Ar 1984 Rani Bagh Delhi-110034
Architecture A-117, HARI NAGAR NEW DELHI, 110064
System Analyst/Tech Architect c-262,2nd floor,sector-4, vaishali gaziabad
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-981,Gola Niwas,New Ashok nagar ,Link road ,Delhi-96
Architecture E-424-25 MadiPur new Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 107, Surendranagar, Amba apt, Nagpur-15
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se h.n.-333 kar kar dooma, delhi-11092
Architecture F-11 Naveen Shahdara Behind Shyam Lal College New Delhi
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), GrapRZ-B18A Gali No-06 Kailash Puri Extn. Palam Colony New Delhi-110045 Inf
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchH-36(G.F), Residency Greens Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India
Architecture, Interior Designer D-31,second floor,abul fazal enclave,jamia nagar,okhla,new delhi-110025
Other Architecture A-204 Street no. 06, Mahavir Enclave part-2, New Delhi 110059
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture Flat No.290, Pocket-B, MIG, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi- 110075
Architecture 66/18 ground floor zakir nager okhla New Delhi 110025 India
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArcAbdul wahid,68-alnoor apartment,okhala main,near chupala,jamia nagar,n
Other Architecture v.p.o-chandhat Teshil-palwal Distt-Faridabad Haryana
Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network Admi
Architecture Dharmpal garg, Kariana store, Kapil muni road Kalayat distt.Kaithal, (harya
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaAbhishek vivek, Malti kunj, B-33 , Aya Nager
Architecture 12-A Old Anarkali, Krishna Nagar Delhi-110051
Application Programming, Client Server, Desktop Support, Soft C-30/230, Badwaal Villa, Guru Nanak Pura, Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-110092
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System100 G(Top Floor), Pocket K, Sheikh Sarai Phase 2, New Delhi 110017
Architecture RZ2048/27 Tugalakabad Ext. New Delhi 110019
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, GIS, Internet/E-commerc
Architecture, Interior Designer Lucknow UTTAR PRADESH 226010 India
Other Architecture h-48,muradi road batla housae new delhi-110025
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture 1942
Customer Support, External Hardware, GPRS, GSM, H/W InstallatH.no.-1491-A , sector-29 , Faridabad - 121008 . Haryana.
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Quality AssuraB-20 Shaheen Bagh...New delhi
Other Architecture NEW Delhi-83 NEW Delhi Delhi India
Architecture rps 90 DDA flat, sheikh sarai, new delhi
Database Administration (DBA), GIS, Graphic Designing/Animati IIITM-K Park Center, Technopark Trivandrum- 695 581 Kerala, India.
Architecture Sujit Kumar Brahma A-05 Kasturba niketan , Lajpat nagar-II New Delhi-24
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture New Delhi DELHI India
Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer V.P.O:-Rajas, Teh.:- Laxmangarh , Dist.:-Sikar(Rajasthan)
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security B 208 A Ramprastha Ghaziabad, India
Architecture, Interior Designer DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture RZ 16, Durga Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110043 India
Architecture, Other Architecture A 139/4 Mahavir Enclave Part 2 New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect vill hassanpur, p.o ujjwa, New Delhi 110073
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training, Other IT Software zone no 1, holding no-166/1, Birsanagar,Telco, Jamshedpur-831004, Jhark
Architecture 120/64, silver oaks, dlf phase 1 gurgaon HARYANA India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture G-165, Ground floor, Dilshad colony Delhi DELHI 110095 India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect878, Pocket 6-1, Sector 2, Rohini, Delhi - 110085
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SystemC-5/33, Lawrence Road.
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer Vrindavan Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering chandan das c/o-m.m.das v+p-sehara,dist-burdwan west bengal
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO, 2133 OKHLA INDUSTRIESPHASE-I,NEW DELHI
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Flat no 706, Mangla Towers, Plot no 84, Sector-14, CBD-Belapur Navi Mum
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArM.C.K.R HOSPITAL, OFFICERS FLAT 2, LAJPAT NAGAR 3, NEW DELHI 110024
Architecture 5/48, sector - 5, rajender nagar, sahibabad up-201005
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchC/O Sh. D.N.Batra, 28/31-32, West Patel Nagar New Delhi-08
Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-76, Pocket-IV, Kendriya vihar, Sector-82, Noida-201304
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-3/G-13, southend appt., charmswood village, surajkund, Faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer jujes banglo road ahemdabad
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemJ-4/14 3rd Floor, Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-17
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat No-179 4th floor vasant apartment, pincode-110057
Architecture, Interior Designer N-14 abul fazl enclave, jamia nagar, okhla, new delhi-25
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Sector 20 Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture Add.Ho.No.1238/Gali No.3 Chouhan Bagar,Seelampur Delhi 110053
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture D-35 Shyam Park Ext. Shahibabad, Gaziabad, U.P.
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/ H No 688 Huda Ph-1 Sect-11 Panipat 132103
Architecture, Interior Designer C - 4/2 Kabir Nagar Babarpur Delhi India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I 31\14 Punjabi Bagh Extension New Delhi DELHI 110026 India
Architecture C/O Shri Shyam Singh Rawat, Rz 383 Kailash Puri Ext. Street No 11-B, Palam
Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-22/8 G.No.19 Kamal vihar Sant Nagar, burari Delhi-110084
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechC 41, Arya Nagar Apartment, I.P Extension. Patparganj Delhi In India
Architecture, Interior Designer mcf 514 sanjay colony sec-22 nit faridabad
Architecture H 36/26, DLF Phase-I Sikanderpur Gurgaon India
Architecture, Interior Designer Delhi DELHI 110085 India
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer Munshi Bazar Alwar Rajasthan 301001 India
Architecture H.no. 467 Ekta Vihar Mithapur Extension Badarpur Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer F-113 Jawahar Park Laxmi Nagar Delhi-92
Architecture, Interior Designer C 90, room no.-F2 Delhi DELHI 110016 India
Architecture Mohalla- Bajitpur,Back of Puja Flour Mill Post- Digha Ghat, Patna-800011.(
Other Architecture Hno: 794/ 19 II H.U.D.A., Kaithal - 136027 (Haryana)
Architecture B 355, SHAKURPUR NEW DELHI DELHI 110034 India
Architecture, Interior Designer d 185, Tagoar garden New delhi DELHI 110008 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A 30, .Top floor, Chandra Bihar delhi, India
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi 110016 India
Architecture, Interior Designer b-283 shalimar garden main sahibabad (gzb.)
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T #435/202 Sharu Nivas, 5th cross Maniswappa lyt Hal 3rd Stage, Bangalore
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ A -7 , Rama Road, Adarsh Nagar, New Delhi DELHI 110033 India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect vill,po= mahamdapur district=pratapgarh u.p. pin=230502
Architecture 585 Sector-6 R.K.Puram New Delhi DELHI 110022 India
Art, Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Prin 9/106, ramesh nagar, second floor , back side, new delhi
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Graphic Designing Madhapur, Hyderbad
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Software Engineer75,khwaja kutub west near bank of baroda, bareilly
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 440, Churiya Mohalla, 13, 4th Floor, Sarita Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110016
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO-3 llND FLOOR, LANE -43 NEW DELHI DELHI 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer HOUSE NO 1/4838ST NO 13, BALBIR NAGAR EXT, SHAHDARA DELHI 11003
Architecture, Interior Designer Village -Bard Gonia Deoria UTTAR PRADESH 274201 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Lakshmi Nagar, Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar70E/6, 2nd Floor,Amrit puri B, Garhi,East of Kailash, new delhi-65
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech #68, WOC, Bangalore
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Mayur Vihar Phase - III,New Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArS-51, School Block Shakarpur, New Delhi, India
Business Analyst, Corp Communications, IT/Telecommunications, International Business, Market Research, Marketing Strategy, System An
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 244, New Ashiana Appt., Plot-10, Sec-6, Dwarka, Delhi -110075
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystAB-856, Sarojini Nagar Near Vinayak Mandir New Delhi
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil Abhijit Goswami Flat No: 39, Sec: 14, Pkt: 1 Dwarka New Delhi 110075 Cel
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2384, GALI RAVI DASS, SITA RAM BAZAR, DELHI-110006
Architecture, Interior Designer D 17/229, Rohini, Sec -3, Delhi -110085 India
Architecture, Interior Designer L-3/33,VINAY KHAND-3 Lucknow UTTAR PRADESH 226 010 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Plot No- House No-181, DDA-Suryodaya Apartments, Pocket-8, Sector-12,
Architecture B, 12/2 abu fazal enclave near Ramzani Mousque jamia nagar okhla, delhia
Other Architecture B-35 ali vista bader pur border
Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analys#3072/U, Old Ranjit Nagar, New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Vikas puri ORISSA India
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture A-192/193, Vipin Garden Kakrola more, Uttam Nagar. New Delhi. 110059
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec D-90,PRASHANT VIHAR,ROHINI SECTOR-14 DELHI-110085
Other Architecture kashmiri colony , najabgrdh, new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 135 Chilla village, Behind Riverside sports club, Mayur vihar Phase-1,Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati RANMAST KHAN &CO. GOLNAGAR, JALESAR ETAH U.P. PIN-207302
Art, Event Management, Film Production, Graphic Design, VisuaD-123/124, 3rd floor, gandhi vihar, delhi-9
Architecture JAORA MADHYA PRADESH 452001 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 163, Samrat Apartment Vasundhra Enclave New Delhi - 110096
Architecture, Interior Designer c.s.p- 19,east of kailash,near iscon temple,new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer WZ 1491 Rani Bagh Delhi-110034
Architecture, Interior Designer Bhagirathi apptmt.,B-Block, Sect-62, Noida
Other Architecture 25/2 kamangran near jama masjid chowk budaun uttar pradesh 243601
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MaH.NO. 1708, JAWAHAR COLONY N.I.T. FARIDABAD
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys42/GH-12, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchB - 107, Ist Floor, Street No : 10, Shashi Garden Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Delh
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect 16/64, Ground Floor, Street No. 2, Joshi Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005
Architecture, Other Architecture Gupta Boy s P.G. House. Room no. 208. 12/4, Main Mathura Road, Sarai K
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.no.-259, Bh New Delhi DELHI 110088 India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture J 4/94, First Floor New Delhi DELHI India
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AHouse No 509, Block 13 New Delhi DELHI 110003 India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System House No.: 165, Block - B, Nehru Vihar, Near - Timarpur, Delhi - 110054
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechF-20 Nauroji nagar new delhi-29
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Systemf-1 227 sector-16 rohini
Architecture, Interior Designer Dilshad Garden, New Delhi-110093.
Architecture P-27,Road No-1A. H.B.Town Sodpur Kolkata-110 West Bengal
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect 211, Pocket B, Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi 110 025
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ 159, DURGA PARK STREET-07, PALAM NEW DELHI DELHI 110045 India
Architecture 181 sooryoday appartment DDA Pocket 8 sector 12 Dwarka Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture rz-243/19, tugalkabad extn
Architecture, Other Architecture C-539 Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi - 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture Plot No.139, Munirka, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture S-29,(F.FL.)GREATER KAILASH-II, NEW DELHI 110048. INDIA
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project T-2, Nehanu vihar, Laxmi nager New delhi -62
Architecture C145 Golf View Appt. Saket N.Delhi 145 C BLOCK Golf View Appartment Sa
Other Architecture 203,indira niketen working girls hostel,laxmi bai nagar,New Delhi.
Architecture Ground Floor, M-36, Chitranjan Park, Delhi.
Interior Designer, Other Architecture S-316 GREATER KAILASH, Part 1, New Delhi -110048
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-3, Kailash Apta, Lala Lajpat Rai Marg, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerD-GH/1,H-306, AJNARA ENCLAVE, CHANDER NAGAR GHAZIABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer h.no.3107/33,street no.-5,ranjit nagar, near south patel nagar,new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture c/o savitri niwas, f-7, st. no 41-b, sadh nagar-2, palam colony, new delhi-4
Architecture 17, Shreshtha Vihar, I. P. Extension II Delhi 110092 India
Architecture 14a/81, w.e.a karol bagh New Delhi
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Design, Finance/Budgeting, Financial Analysis, Land development, Project Management, Urb
Architecture, Other Architecture Flat-143, HIG DDA flats, Sector-18B, Dwarka, New Delhi-79 , India
Architecture, Interior Designer h/no-1337 sec -19 faridabad
Architecture 119 C, Shalimar Bagh New Delhi Delhi IN
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchC6A 45 B Janakpuri New Delhi 110058
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer flat no.-19,pocket-3,paschim puri,punjabi bagh club road, delhi-110063
Architecture C-22, Second Floor, Shivalik, Malviya nagar New Delhi 110017 India
Architecture 1066, type-22 Lodhi Colony New Delhi -110003 INDIA
Architecture 29/2, alipur road, civil lines, delhi-110054
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectFlat No. BC/b3 Sri Agrasen Apptts. Plot 10 Sector 7 Dwarka Phase-I New De
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArG-78, Ansari Nagar, AIIMS Campus, New Delhi
Architecture 7312, Sector D - 7,Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110070 India
Architecture H.NO. 660, BASANT AVENUE LUDHIANA PUNJAB 141013 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Desi2/111,Sunder Vihar, New Delhi -110087
Architecture C/o Avhijit Patro, 10C, Pocket K, Sheikh Sarai-II New Delhi-110017
Architecture House # 554,First Floor, GH 5&7 ,Meera Bagh Paschim Vihar N.D. 110087
Architecture c-2 136,janak puri,new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C-707, Plot No. 12, Sec-9 New Delhi INDIA India
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 1031,sector-28,faridabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E-1201 Neelpadam kunj ghaziabad
Architecture 6/123, Shivaji Nagar Gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer, Office Management & Coordina D1/61 RABINDRA NAGAR near Khan market
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, B-7, LIC Building, Jeevan Sarita Colony New Delhi Delhi India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 3-B M.I.G DDA FLATS GULABI BAGH, DELHI-11000
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ Indian Institute of Management Noida Lucknow 201 307 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 11 B Court Road Civil Lines Delhi 110054
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture A-49,SOUTH EX-1, NEW DELHI-110062
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch 29-D,Pocket-D,Sidhartha extension,New Delhi.110014.India
Architecture c4a/ 12-c top floor janakpuri new delhi-58
Architecture A-754 Sector-19 Noida U.P 201301 India
Architecture B 12/151,Dev Nagar,Karol Bagh,Delhi-110005
Architecture, Other Architecture Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 14-E ,MAHABAT KHAN ROAD ,ROUSE ANENUE NEW DELHI 110002 IN
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste 12/244 Lodi Colony New Delhi-110002
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 276-D, POCKET-II, ASE-I, UR VIHAR NEWDELHI 110091
Architecture FLAT NO..251,Paradise Appt.,E-3,SECTOR-18,ROHINI,NEW DELHI-110085
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 62B Trisol Colony, Chawla, new Delhi-45 (near Brijwasan)
Architecture 733, Metroview Apartments, Sec 13B New Delhi DELHI 110075 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat No B/643, First Floor, Near Sunrise Play School, G.D.Colony Mayur Vih
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 1431 d1 vasant kunj New Delhi , 110070 India
Architecture DG 996, Sarojini Nagar New Delhi 110023 India
Architecture, Other Architecture Saket
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture S-5, B/15, JNC Regency, Shalimar Garden, Ext - II, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, U
Architecture 217, Star Apartments, Sector 9, Rohini, New Delhi 110085.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-24 South Ex part I New Delhi 48
Architecture Lajpat Nagar-I
Architecture, Art, Interior Designer, Visualiser, Other Architec M-39 LAJPAT NAGAR II, NEW DELHI 110024 INDIA
Architecture, Other Architecture ARCHITECT & URBAN PLANNER Bangalore KARNATAKA 560037 India
Architecture, Other Architecture 11391-1 Iager Blvd Fulton MD 20759 US
Architecture 155/10 Block, Lodhi Colony New Delhi DELHI 110003 India
Architecture, Other Architecture
Architecture 68 A,J&K Pocket Dilshad Garden Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture QU-77/C Pitam Pura Delhi DELHI 110088 India
Architecture B-94 dayanand colony lajpat nagar 4 new delhi 110024
Architecture 68D Pocket A Sukhdev Vihar New Delhi-25
Architecture, Interior Designer H 25, Shivaji Park New Delhi DELHI 110026 India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysA-60 Pocket 8 Kalkaji Ext. New Delhi 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer 29/69, west patel nagar, near gurudawara, lew delhi-110001 LUCKNOW.
Architecture, Interior Designer c/o Mr.Rajesh Kumar Gupta (c.a.), A-5 Krishna Nagar, Mathura.
Architecture, Interior Designer 210-E Pocket-1, Mayur Vihar phase-1, New Delhi
Architecture Mayur Vihar Ph-1 New Delhi
Architecture Flat No. E-17, 'Sahyadri' Appartment, Plot No.9A, Near Madhu Vihar Mark
Architecture T-50 /2 MES QUATER ORDINANCE DEPOT, SHAKUR BASTI New Delhi-1100
Architecture H No 108 Narayna Village New Delhi 110028 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 198/9, GARHI, EAST OF KAILASH,NEW DELHI -110065
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalRohini Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C-1-772 madangir, new Delhi-110062
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-1180,1st floor,CR park,New Delhi-19
Architecture B-365 second floor C. R Park New Delhi-110019
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat No396, DDA SFS, Pocket-1, , Sector-9, Dwarka, New Delhi-75
Architecture D/O prof awadesh kumar, adarsh nagar , lane no 3,majhaulia, muzaffarpur
Architecture, Interior Designer 3 b ayodhya appartments rohini sector 13 new delhi 10085
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Design, Interior B2/92, safdarjung enclave, new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Rz 20c/7 Main Sagar Pur Street no-2 New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 11/26 A Old Govind Pura Ext preet vihar Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer H. NO.-42, BLOCK-D-1, SITA PURI PART-I, NEAR DABRI, NEW DELHI-110 045
Architecture FCA-232a
Architecture, Interior Designer 887/58,lekhu nagar,tri nagar,delhi-35
Architecture, Interior Designer C-14 Nightingale Apartments Vikas Puri New Delhi Delhi-110018
Architecture, Interior Designer D7,7146,Vasant kunj New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture P-466, Jal vayu vihar,Sector-21, Noida
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ A-74 Janta Colony, shivaji Vihar New Delhi HARYANA 110027 India
Architecture, Other Corp Plng East Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer B-77 / 2 Block a Ashok nagar shahdra 110093
Mobile, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project ManagH.No35,Type5 Thermal Colony Panipat
Other Architecture H NO 119 Asola Fatehpur Beri Chattarpur New Delhi 110074
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, NeD-2,2427,Vasant Kunj, Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administra hno97 3a nit faridabad
Architecture 38, Rampuri, 11nd Floor, Kalkaji
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect D 17/203,Sector 3, Rohini ,Delhi-110085, India
Architecture, Other Architecture K104H,SHEIKH SARAI PHASE 2 NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A -16, Pharma Apartment, 88, I.P Extn., Patparganj Delhi HARYANA 110 09
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, SystemB-50-B,DAYANAND COLONY,LAJPAT NAGAR,DELHI-110024
Architecture Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 188/1 savitri nagar,opp- malviya nagar new delhi-17
Architecture NEW DELHI HARYANA 110065 India
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 136-D,pocket A-2,Mayur vihar ph-3,New Delhi-110096,
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer NOIDA, sector -61 NOIDA INDIA IN
Architecture, Interior Designer neha guta e-158 1floor near durga mandir preet vihar east delhi
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Quality Assurancec-27 d.d.a colony west gorakh park shahdara,street no-3
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Other Architectur House no 928-29-30, N -Block, Mangol Puri, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 13/ 175 MALVIYA NAGAR MAIN MARKET, New Delhi, INDIA
Architecture B-2/R, New colony, Distt. Palwal - 121102
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnC-341A SUSHANT LOK - I GURGAON HARYANA 122009
Other Architecture TC-95/96,PANDAV NAGAR ,NEW DELHI-8
Other Architecture Room No. 304, YWCA of Delhi, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat D -249,Pocket-11, Janta Flats, Jasola Vihar.
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture d-157 b brij vihar gzb.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer
Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OthB-442, SUDERSHAN PARK, MOTI NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110015 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-1/2 BANK ENCLAVESHASTRI NAGARGHAZIABAD.(U.P)
Architecture ghaziabad
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Commercial, Desi YWA Hostel No -2, Avenue -21 Saket, New Delhi-17,India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 76D,Pocket -4, Phase 1, Mayur Vihar New Delhi HARYANA 110091 India
Architecture 29 sant nagar near nehru place delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer Shobha Dogra C/OMr.B.S. Bhoj,Flat no D-2/C-2,I.I.T. Campus,HAuz Khas,Ne
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Administration, System Anal 120 Karamchari Nagar Bareilly UTTAR PRADESH 243001 India
Architecture C-85 mohammed pur,r.k.puram, new delhi-110066
Architecture, Interior Designer BM-72 (WEST) BAGH MADHYA PRADESH 110088 India
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ H.No. 32, First Floor, Kiran Vihar Delhi DELHI 110092 India
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys 38A/1 shri ram road civil line delhi
Other Architecture sec.-3 faridabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT Softw Alleppey Dist Alleppey Kerala 690507 India
Application Programming, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Architecture, Interior Designer T-90, Venus Apartmants, Sector-9, Rohini, New Delhi-85.
Architecture, Interior Designer c-22/a acharya niketan, mayur vihar, phase-1, delhi-91
Architecture, Interior Designer 102, SATYAM ENCLAVE GHAZIABAD U.P 201005 India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Other Architecture H. No.-588 Avas Vikas Haridwar UTTARANCHAL 249407 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 45,jaina building roshana road,delhi 110007
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 7800, f/f, ram gali, roshanara road, delhi 7
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture B-79 JANG PURA B NEW DELHI- 14
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software, Others 34-B, Pocket –B SFS Flats, New Kondali,Mayur Vihar-III New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training R-640 model town panipat
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture WO TC TYAGI J-38, S-4 DILSHAD COLONY, DELHI-110095
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Room No. 212, 3rd floor, Indira Niketan Working Girls Hostel, Near Sarojin
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec AF-16 SHIVA ENCLAVE, A-4 PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer a-179, pkt-11, janta flats, jasola vihar
Architecture, Interior Designer 730, Pocket-5 Mayur Vihar, Ph-1. Delhi 110091 India
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch38 a/1 shri ram road civil line delhi
Other Architecture 94,pragati Apartments,paschim vihar,punjabi bagh clubroad,New Delhi110
Architecture, Interior Designer SOUTH EXT. PART-1, NEW DELHI, INDIA
Other Architecture l-1st, house no. 1093, street no. 9, sangam vihar, new delhi-110062
Architecture, Interior Designer House no-142 E.S.I.Colony Basai Darapur, New Delhi-15
Architecture noida sector 27 d56
Architecture, Interior Designer Apt # 121 Royal Residency . Sector-9 Plot No 5 New Delhi Delhi 324005 Ind
Client Server, GPRS, GSM, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Inter E-77 sector-22 Noida.
Architecture c/o-Pankaj Kumar Shukla S-472A,Flat-1 ,3rd floor Shakarpur Scool Block De
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Te
Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Archit A-3/207 Sec-5,Rohini Delhi-110085
Architecture 372/1, D-6, Sector-6, Rohini, Delhi - 110085
Architecture H. no.-2402/A, sec.-3, ballabgarh, faridabad, haryana
Architecture, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer 4398, B-5&6 Gate no.3 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-70
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 55-d pocket a dilshad garden
Architecture, Interior Designer Bhuvneshwar, India
Architecture H/No. 41, Bhagwati Danga, P.O Chinsurah (R.S) Distt. Hooghly, West Benga
Architecture, Interior Designer HOUSE NO.-198, WARD NO.- 2, MEHRAULI, NEW DELHI-110030
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training H.No.- 1465 New Delhi HARYANA 110003 India
Architecture, Other Architecture C-90 ANAND VIHAR, NEW DELHI 110092
Application Programming, Process/Chemical, Other EP Mgmt/St5/1, STREET NO. 3 GEETA COLONY, DELHI-110031
Architecture, Interior Designer Address: House No. HL 271, Phase 2, Mohali 160054 Panjab, India
Interior Designer, Other Architecture B5&6 /4267, Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110070 India
Architecture 274, Sec 37 NOIDA INDIA India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Database Administration (DBA), Room No-251, Old block, Meera Bhawan, BITS-Pilani,Rajasthan-333031
Architecture m/s-10 hari nagar
Architecture, Interior Designer 953-t/2 kotla .arjun nagar south extension-1 new delhi
Interior Designer, Other Architecture C/o Mr.Sumit Dhingra, H.No.33, Top Floor, Vijay Block, Near Naththu Swee
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T M-48 C, Pocket-M,SaritaVihar,New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect d 132, Bathla Apartment, 43 i.p. Extension, Patparganj Delhi HARYANA 110
Architecture A1/11, Street No-11, Khajuri khas New Delhi-94
Architecture, Interior Designer 50D/1, 2nd Floor, Gautam nagar,Near U.P. Dairy,new delhi-49
Architecture H.No. 92 Gali no. 10 Press Enclave Vikas Nagar (Hastsal villag)N.D. 110059
Architecture, Interior Designer 1a/66 nit faridabad 121002
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-471, DURGA MARG, MANDAWLI NEAR MOTHER DAIRY PLANT DELHI.110
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer MEENU PANDITA KAUL Hno 322 Sector 2B, 2nd Floor Vaishali Ghaziabad N
Architecture 68A Jawala Nagar Near Pal Gali Shahdara Delhi-32
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering Partap Garden Near Bindpur New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering qrno c-73, bccl colony, karmic nagar, dhanbad,jharkhand.
Architecture East vinod nagar Delhi
Legacy Systems, Network Administration, Quality Assurance/TestFlat No. 18, Sadbhawana Apartment, Plot No.13, IP Extension, New Delhi -
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr k-72,2nd floor,B.K.Dutta colony,near safdarjang airport,New Delhi,pin-110
Architecture sd-4 , pitampura, new delhi-110088
Architecture, Interior Designer E-56 2nd floor moti nagar new delhi -15
Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture H. No.34-B ground floor Shahpur new delhi 110049 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture South Delhi Polytechnic(Lajpat Nager-iv)New Delhi
Architecture S3- Param puri, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 110059 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/TeE 13 SOUTH EX - 1, 4TH FLOOR, NEW DELHI, PIN 110049
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr Pont Nagar,Jangpura
Architecture 377,first floor ,I.p colony faridabad
Other Architecture F 38, 3 Floor, South Ex Part 1 NEW DELHI DELHI 110049 India
Architecture Banthara bazar near punjab national bank lucknow.
Architecture, Interior Designer k27- aastha appt, malviya nagar, New Delhi India
Architecture House no-184/18 H.B.C,Faridabad
Architecture Sector C Pocket 9 Flat No. 9027 New Delhi 110070 India
Architecture 3268/2 sector 44 - \d chnadigarh
Administration, Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Int
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Adminis
Architecture K-3/18, STREET NO 10, DELHI 110053
Architecture, Interior Designer Sector-6 House No.-62 Ghaziabad U.P 201001 India
Architecture Delhi DELHI 110091 India
Architecture F-7/18, Krishna Nagar Delhi 110051 India
Architecture c-92/4 sewa sadan sangam vihar khanpur
Architecture, Interior Designer 444, Narsigngarh Purva, Chhattarpur-474001 Madhya Pradesh
Architecture, Interior Designer 420 kohat enclave pitampura new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer E 239 EAST OF KAILASH LOWER GROUND FLOOR NEW DELHI-48
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-117, shakti nagar ext., ashok vihar, delhi-52
Architecture Saarvodaya girls hostel ,Munirika.New Delhi.
Architecture 112 peer jalil (south) gola ganj lko
Architecture A-2B/98-A,Eketa appartments Paschim Vihar,New Delhi 110063
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture c-201 , kaveru appts, sector-6, plot no. 4, dwarka -110075, new delhi
Architecture AG-115, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-88
Architecture Flat 151, DDA SFS, Sector 5, Dwarka, Delhi
Architecture D-335 West Vinod Nagar I.P.Extention New Delhi-110092
Architecture young women's asso hostel, Avenue-12, Saket New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture B-5/120,Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029
Architecture b-128 ashok nagar Delhi 110093 India
Architecture B-196 SHYAM NAGAR PALWAL
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture S-2 Ekadantha Residency Srinivas Reddy Layout Bangalore KARNATAKA 56
Architecture 699 west parmanand Delhi - 09
Architecture T-12, Railway colony, Pul Mithai near D.R.P. Line Delhi-110006
Architecture, Interior Designer 1502,Sector-7,Pushp-Vihar,New-Delhi-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer 79 t.k. giri nagar, kalkaji, new delhi
Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No-3, Nehru Road, Kewal Park, Azadpur, Delhi-110033
Architecture 36 N, Sec-4 DIZ Area, Raja Bazar New Delhi HARYANA 110001 India
Architecture, Other Architecture 17/120, st. no.-2 than singh nagar anand parvat new delhi-110005
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer
Architecture, Interior Designer US.271B North School Block Mandawali Fazalpur near patparganj, Delhi-92
Architecture, Interior Designer AG-115, SHALIMAR BAGH DELHI - 110088
Architecture Sadh Nagar New Delhi Delhi India
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystE-124\125, `E` Block, Pandav Nagar, Delhi-91.
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), MobilD-510, West Vinod Nagar Delhi 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer sarpanch kabara,gali no-1,house no-24,mandavali,New Delhi-92
Architecture, Interior Designer 437/A,Kashmiri Bagh,Kishan Ganj,Old delhi-7
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof Adhyajha hostel, C-3, Bhim nagri, Safdarjung Development Area, New Delh
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 347 -AVIPIN GARDEN NEAR DWARKA MOR,NEW DELHI-59
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture house no. 136 sec20 rohini new delhi
Other Architecture Delhi HARYANA 110085 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 258, Vipin garden, Najafgarh road New Delhi HARYANA 110058 India
Architecture, Office Management & Coordination, Teacher H-70, Vikaspuri Delhi- 110018
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture S - 221/86A,Gali no.3,near Sachdeva store,vishnu garden
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 4302/3, Bhairown Street ,Jogi Wara, Nai sarak, delhi-110006.
Architecture, Interior Designer B-650,D.D.A. Flat, Bindapur,Near DWARKA ,NEW DELHI
Architecture H.No.10-A, Kundan Nagar, Street No. 4, P.O. Laxmi Nagar, Delhi- 92
Architecture, Interior Designer bfh-55,top floor,near jaspal kaur public school,shalimar bagh,new delhi-88
Architecture 24,Tagore gali, Babarpur, Shahdara ,Delhi 110032
Architecture, Interior Designer H. NO Noida INDIA 121001 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Others 129,lancer's road mall road Delhi 110054 IN
Architecture A-47 south extension, part 2
Architecture, Interior Designer 21 Avenue, YWA Hostel, Saket, New Delhi - 110017 India
Architecture, Interior Designer G-127,Mahavir Enclave, New Dehi-110045.
Architecture c/o chemali devi m.g.polytechnic hathras
Architecture, Interior Designer II M 1/ A1 LAJPAT NAGAR-2nd NEW DELHI 110024 India
Architecture 101B,Himachal appt, sect-5, plotno-21, new delhi-75
Architecture, Interior Designer 13/1, Ashok Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110018 India
Application Programming, Mobile, Software Engineer, System A 2/68, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi- 110032.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture BLOCK -19 House No.924 New Delhi DELHI 110001 India
Architecture, Interior Designer F- 109, Nariana Vihar, New Delhi - 110028 New Delhi-110063
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture C-1/1609 Vasant Kunj
Architecture, Interior Designer block, bg5a-25a , flat no.-25a, paschim vihar, new delhi - 110063
Architecture 110 092 India
Architecture F-73, street No.3, West Vinod Ngr, Delhi 110092 India
Architecture 2nd Floor New Delhi Delhi India
Other Architecture khanpur extn duggal colony New Delhi
Architecture New Delhi DELHI 110003 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat no 1, T 24 New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture New Delhi HARYANA 110023 India
Architecture, Interior Designer C-3/57 SADATPUR EXT. KARAWAL NAGAR DELHI-94
Architecture, Interior Designer 198 Munirka Vihar OPP J.N.U NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer P-30, Second Floor, Sector 12, Noida-201301
Architecture 10/18 Geeta Colony Delhi DELHI 110031 India
Account Direction, Architecture, Art Director, Creative Direct pocket/d/17 sector-3 rohini delhi-110085
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trai ...................
Architecture 6062/2, Street no. 3 krol bagh delhi-110005 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Software Engineer, Technical WrA-2 / 52 AASHIRWAD APPTS PASCHIM VIHAR . NEW DELHI -63
Architecture, Interior Designer 17/4 new ashok mohalla, nangloi. new delhi-110041
Architecture, Interior Designer 32-A Kamla Nagar Delhi DELHI 110007 India
Architecture C-43,arya nagar c.g.h.s. i.p.ext., patpad ganj , delhi-92
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Applica House no-124,sec-3 Vasudhra,GZD, UP 201012
Architecture, Interior Designer H. no 685/4 Rk puram New delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer D-101, upkar apartments, mayur vihar phase-1, delhi -91
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture EA-103,Inderpuri New Delhi DELHI 110012 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 144SFS Delhi 110009 India
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Soft A 61A Jeevan Park, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchiNew Delhi DELHI India
Architecture E-194 KARAM PURA NEW DELHI-110015
Architecture, Interior Designer f-228 lado sarai new delhi 110030
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect F-1/B Jagat Puri, Parwana Road Delhi-110051
Architecture D/O R.Prasad Sector 4G, Qr. No. 3020 Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand Pin-827
Architecture, Interior Designer 36 Rajindra park New Delhi-110060
Architecture, Interior Designer 8/121, sarai hussani, faridabad old, haryana
Other Architecture 7/80,Double Story Type-I Panchkuian Road New Delhi-110001
Architecture, Interior Designer E-13, 4th FLOOR,SHALIMAR APPARTMENTS, MASJID MOTH, SOUTH EXT.-II
Architecture 4/3 Ashoke Avenue, A Zone Durgapur WEST BENGAL 713204 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture E-96/A ,Greater Kailash-2 New Delhi
Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/WB6, KAILASH APPARTMENT, SECTOR 4, POCKET 2. DWARKA, NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer c-348 f-12a shalimar garden ext-2 gaur enclave 2 shahibabad gzd.
Architecture New Delhi Delhi India
Architecture subhanchal hostel,Opp. Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi
Architecture 29/4,Ward No.-1 Mehrauli New Delhi New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect 3B LIG FLATS, MAYAKUNJ, MAYAPURI NEW DELHI-110064
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 143,street no.4 Durgapuri extension durgapuri
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal D-93 Third Floor New Delhi 110024 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Tr87 Sarai Jullena Opps Escorts hospital Staff gate NFC
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/TeWE-26, Mohan Garden, New Delhi-79
Architecture, Interior Designer 3488, d3 ,vasant kunj , new delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S K - 77, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi - 110015
Architecture B/569 D.A. FLATS TIMAR PUR DELHI Delhi 110054
Architecture, Interior Designer FLAT NO. 40, POCKET 15, SECTOR 22, ROHINI NEW DELHI DELHI 110085 In
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat no. 326, Plot no. 104, Ashirwad Enclave, Patpar Ganj, DELHI-110092
Architecture, Interior Designer C-1483, Wazir Nagar, Kotla, South Ex Pt-1, Pin - 49
Architecture, Interior Designer laxmi nagar new delhi-92
Architecture U-12, Upadhyay Block, Shakar Pur Delhi - 110092
Architecture, Interior Designer bfh-55,top floor,near jaspal kaur public school,shalimar bagh,new delhi-11
Architecture 536,sector-19,pocket-3,dwarka,new delhi-75
Systems Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Business/Systems Analysis
Architecture, Interior Designer B-507, Ram Vihar sec-30, NOIDA
Architecture, Interior Designer C-1/34-B, Mayur Vihar Ph-3, NewDelhi-110096
Architecture, Interior Designer 687, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar DELHI 110009 India
Architecture, Interior Designer a-4/c-41, janakpuri, N.Delhi-110058
Architecture, Interior Designer 25/16 G.F West Patel Nagar New Delhi Delhi IN
Architecture 4817/24, daryaganj, prahlad lane, ansari road, New Delhi DELHI 110002, In
Architecture NEW DELHI HARYANA 110065 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 59/2, Moti Tabela No. 1 Indore MADHYA PRADESH 452004 India
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheJ-4/71 B, D.D.A. FLATS, KALKAJI, NEW DELHI-110019
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO. S-236 School Block, shakarpur DELHI 110092 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser523, Mahagun Villa, Plot No 4/30, Sector 4C, Vaishali, Ghaziabad Uttar Pra
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ 79 Uttam Nagar New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture b-2,pocket-II,kendriya vihar noida(u.p.)
Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-22 N.I.H.F.W Campus,Munirka,New Delhi-67
Architecture, Interior Designer h/no-512/7b, street no-10,vijay park, mauj pur delhi-53
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Design, Feasibility B-3D, Gangotri Enclave, Alaknanda, New Delhi 110 019
Architecture, Interior Designer 31-A Krishan Kunj [ext] laxmi nagar delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat F-9, First Floor, Aashirvaad Apartments, Property No.- 886, Ward No.-
Architecture, Interior Designer 143/ G-20, Sector-7 Rohini Delhi 110085
Architecture singh.annu.07@gmail .com Bihar BIHAR India
Architecture, Interior Designer A-12,CC Colony, opp R P Bagh,Delhi-07
Architecture, Interior Designer wz-1086j/3 basai dara pur new delhi 110015
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi Nangloi 110041 India
Architecture L-II/25/1168 SANGAM VIHAR, NEW DELHI-62
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database 314, sector 4 R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110022
Architecture delhi -110033
Other Architecture 1337, Near N.V.M. Sr. Sec. School Faridabad Haryana 121005 India
Architecture D-6,334/1 sector-6,ROHNI,DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Teacher a-174 shastri nagar delhi-110052
Architecture, Art, Business Insurance, Client Servicing, Commissiwz-1270 nangal raya near arya samaj mandir New Delhi 110046 India
Architecture, Banking -General, Interior Designer H.No. 2264.new New Delhi HARYANA 110008 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 99,krishi aptt,sector-13,rohini,newdelhi
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Rec D/O . LATE MAJ.S.P.S ARORA B-517 NEW FRIENDS COLONY NEW DELHI
Architecture Q1/7 Flat 12 ,Sri Niwaspuri , New Delhi
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer
Network Administration, Network Planning, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture, Business Consulting, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechDelhi-110009
Architecture, Interior Designer H No. 184, Palla No 3, Power House, Near NHPC Complex, Faridabad,
Architecture 2b-416, vasundhra, gzb
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S C-6/6109, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, India 110070
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sys c/o S.S Laur 447, Nitikhand-2 Ghaziabad U.P
Other Architecture
Architecture M-93, Saket
Architecture rz-82/165 durga park gali no.8.new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer House No.-236, 2nd floor, khanpur, New Delhi
Architecture s-5,sai raj towers,road no. 11,jubilee hills,hyderabad
Architecture D-110 Trisol Colony. chawla. near brijwasan. new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C/o Mr. R.C.PROSAD KUWAR SINGH COLONY AIRPORT ROAD, HINOO.RANC
Other Architecture A-2/1, DDA staff flats Old Rajinder nagar, New Delhi - 110060
Architecture G-59/60, FLAT NO.T1 Shiv Skati Apartments, Kiran Garden, Uttam Nagar, N
Architecture 3, friends colony Phagwara PUNJAB 144401 India
Other Architecture B.5 C C Colony Delhi HARYANA 110007 IN
Architecture, Building/Residential, Commercial, Design, Envir Delhi
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-comm A 61A Som Bazaar Jeevan Park (near Power House) Uttam Nagar
Architecture H.N. 4128 GALI NO. 14 Shanti mohalla (gandhi nagar)Delhi -110031
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Traini C-7/44, SECTOR-8, ROHINI NEW DELHI DELHI INDIA
Other Architecture 134 New Delhi 110029 India
Architecture, Events & conferences, Features Content DeveloperH no 215, sector 36 a , Chandigarh 160036
Architecture, Other Advtg/PR/Events, Other Architecture
Other Architecture D-16/123, SECTOR-7, ROHINI,DELHI-85.
Architecture D-11/132 Sector 8 Rohin , Delhi 110085
Architecture House No.-100, F-Block,Gali No.-4 Dayal Pur Extn. Karawal Nagar Road Del
Architecture 303 Tilak khand giri nagar kalkaji New delhi 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer F-1/23 KRISHNA NAGAR DELHI-110051
Architecture, Other Architecture RZ-82/165 gali no.8 durga park New Delhi-45
Architecture, Interior Designer 117, Cross Road Sant Nagar, Burari Delhi-84
Architecture, Interior Designer 955,gali tota maina behind novelty cinema delhi-110006
Other Architecture c 439,brij vihar,ghaziabad
Architecture RA 96, Inder Puri New Delhi HARYANA 110 012 India
Architecture Ho.no.F.C.A.376, gali no.4 East chawla colony ballabgarh (Faridabad)
Architecture No.27, 11th C-Cross, Vyalikaval Bengaluru KARNATAKA 560 003 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Plot no 209 & 210, Chitlapakkam Main, Road, Selaiyur, Chennai 600073 In
Architecture 401, munirika village, fourth floor, delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer SEEMA BIVA A-77/3 DILSHAD COLONY DELHI-95
Architecture K-83A (3rd Floor), Kalkaji New Delhi - 110 019, India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture b/3 atul colony ankleshwar
Architecture, Interior Designer E-96/A, GK-2, N. DELHI.
Architecture Court Compound Khunti Ranchi JHARKHAND 835210 India
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer flat no.-26,second floor,ashoka enclave main,sector-34,faridabad,haryana
Architecture M-49 Second Floor Saket New-Delhi-110017
Architecture C4F 110 janakpuri new delhi
Architecture opp. civil rest house g.t. road mukerian punjab
System Analyst/Tech Architect 8/1 Subhash Nagar New Delhi-110027
Architecture Present: E-133 , G.F,Saket, New Delhi - 17 Permanent : Chinsurah, Dist. Ho
Architecture H-86, 21-block, Lodhi colony New Delhi 110003 India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, CustomerDA-19F, Hari Nagar, New Delhi-110064
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 2c 276, vasundhara,ghaziabad, u.p 201012
Architecture 18/3 ywa,21-avenue saket
Architecture sidharth nagar,Ashram
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat II-E 49 B Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad U.P 201001 India
Architecture B - 229 Gamma - I greater noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect No New Delhi HARYANA 110060 IN
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat BE(S) 17-18 Hari Nagar, New Delhi
Application Programming, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing219 Parshva vihar,I P Extn., Patparganj, Delhi-110092
System Analyst/Tech Architect HNO-23,SECTOR -4 TYPE- 4 NAYA NANGAL.DISST ROPAR, PUNJAB
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 1/2330,Street no.9,Ram Nagar, Delhi-110032
Other Architecture A106 new friends colony new delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Prog him vihar apartment mother dairy
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/TechB-9/A Tagore Garden(extn),DDA Flats Behind Holy Child School New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C4A 12-C, AKPURI NEW DELHI
System Analyst/Tech Architect 216, Amrapali Apartments, Patparganj, Delhi
Architecture 95/15, G-Block, Sector-15, Rohini, Delhi
Architecture 1573 laxmi bai nagar, new delhi.
Architecture 176,sharda niketan pitam pura delhi
Architecture house no-2, C.P.W.D. inquiry office,sector-8, R.K.puram, New delhi-110022
Architecture, Interior Designer, Sales/Business Development I-A,17c Phase 1,Ashok Vihar, New Delhi.
Architecture pushpak sundernagar nageshwarwadi. Aurangabad Maharashtra.
Architecture D-25, ABSS Society anangpur, Suraj Kund Road New Delhi
Architecture 45,sector-2,type-3,sadiq nagar, new delhi-49
Architecture New Delhi
Architecture D-5, Plot no-8 Anupam Enclave Ext. Ph II IGNOU Road Saidulajab, South of
Other Architecture Mayur vihar, phase 1, Delhi -110091 India
Architecture H.no-376, v.p.o Jawan Teh.-Ballabgarh Dist.-Faridabad (HARYANA)121004
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Pr14/I, Maitri Avenue, Gandhinagar Road, Motera, Ahmedabad GUJARAT 38
Architecture C/O KAMELESHWAR RANA near r.k. modern school sec-22 noida (u.p)
Architecture 2C/WH-32 N.I.T Faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer B-XX 1774 Street No-2 Maharaj Nagar, Ludhiana Pb
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Neelam Patra C/O: Rabi Narayan Patra At: Patara Sahi PO: College Square
Architecture, Interior Designer 5/504 EASTEND APARTMENT, MAYUR VIHAR, PH-1 (EXTN), DELHI - 110096
System Analyst/Tech Architect 0H.no- 49 Block-D Sector-14Panjab University Campus Chandigarh-160014
Architecture c-62 vivek vihar delhi-95
Architecture, Other Architecture M-45 (SECOND FLOOR), CHITTARANJAN PARK NEW-DELHI, 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer Q 1/7, Flat No.6 New Delhi HARYANA 110065 India
Architecture c-33, sec-27 Noida
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Operat2584,Ground Floor, Hudson Lines, Delhi-110009
Architecture 143A,Taimoor Nagar, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi-110065.
Architecture A-1/6 New Kondli,New Delhi-96 Mayur vihar phase-3
Architecture A-20 AMAR COLONY New Delhi Delhi India
Other Architecture 2116, Sector-9 Faridabad HARYANA 121006 IN
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect I-12 Lajpat Nagar, Part 2 New Delhi HARYANA 110024 India
Other Architecture h.no45 okla tank, new delhi 20
Architecture V-238, Sector 12, Noida UP 201301
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Kavita Nagpal House No. 3, First Floor School Road Khanpur, New Delhi - 6
Architecture, Interior Designer HNO. 154, MODEL TOWN, PHASE II, BATHINDA, PUNJAB
Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-178 Naraina Vihar ff new Delhi-28
Architecture, Other Architecture L-10, Street No-14, New Mahaveer Nagar, New Delhi-110018
Architecture N-30, SOUTH EX-1
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalyA-120, Second Floor, Lok Vihar, Pitam Pura Delhi 110034 India
Operations, Technical/Process Training, Network Administratio R-869 , GF , New Rajinder Nagar , New Delhi - 60
Architecture 304, shri ram's punarvasu apartment, kondapur, H'BAD
Architecture 123 jyoti nagarJalandhar PUNJAB 144001 India
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Malviya Nagar,New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer F3/9, ground floor, back side, malviya nagar, new delhi - 17
Architecture, Interior Designer H. No. 1065, Sector - 28 Faridabad HARYANA 121008 India
Architecture 173 C, Second Floor, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi Indore
Architecture, Interior Designer N-264 Raghubir Nagar New Delhi 110027 India
Architecture, Interior Designer GH-6/170, Paschim vihar
Architecture 7/68, Subhash Nagar,New Delhi-27
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2505 darya ganj
Architecture, Other Architecture, Interior Designer 174 Meenakshi Garden New Delhi DELHI 110018 India
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst B3/347 SECOND FLOOR PASHIM VIHAR NEW DELHI-110063
Architecture 192 BU Pitampura Delhi
Architecture RZ 9/91, GaliI No. 2 New Delhi DELHI 110046 India
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 1/3947 RAM NAGER, LONI ROAD SHAHADRA, DELHI - 110032. INDIA
Architecture RZ-J/64A,220 WEST SAGARPUR-46
Architecture 91a lane no.4 krishana nagar safdarjang enclave
Other Architecture keshav kishor 188 Sarvodaya Nagar(vijay nagar) ghaziabad
Architecture, Project Management
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), NetwG-73-C Tilak Vihar New Delhi-18
Application Programming, Back-end/Transactions Processing, BusRK-20, MAIN JAIN ROAD, MOHAN GARDEN NEW DELHI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr A-109, PRIYADARHINI VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110092
Architecture 57-E Railway Colony Tughalkabad, New Delhi-44.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data War 2 / 34, IInd FLOOR NEW DELHI HARYANA 110 060 India
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Software EngineerB-605, River View apts, Mayur Vihar ext., Phase 1, New Delhi
Architecture Anita Kanojia D/o Jagdish H.No. 1104, Lodhi Road Complex, New Delhi - 11
Architecture 2077 K BLOCK NEW DELHI DELHI IN
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture C/o Anamika varma, J1/91, Third Floor, Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar, N
Architecture A3/91 Third Floor, Janak Puri New Delhi 110058
Other Architecture 326, Pocket-6, Sector-2, Rohini New Delhi 110085 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Mrinalini sahu d/o S.K.sahu near sighnath cinema. Bahraich {u.p}
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software, Other Mark D55/125-F Aurangabad Varanasi UP
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An2251/6B2 new ranjeet nagar,guru nanak nagar,new delhi-08
GPRS, GSM, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, H/W k1\37Ins model town delhi-9
Other Architecture DELHI
Architecture B-130,Sita Puri Part-II,Near Dabri,New Delhi-110045
System Analyst/Tech Architect 9/16 ramesh nagar new delhi
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, System Analyst/kalkaji,delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer H.no. -6, Ist Floor NEW DELHI DELHI India
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Other Architecture HOUSE NO.3111, SECTOR 21-D, CHANDIGARH. -160022 ,
Architecture, Interior Designer ardee city, gurgaon
Architecture, Interior Designer 3/282, Shradhapuri Kankerkhera Meerut UTTAR PRADESH 250001 India
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Ara/59 street no-5,meet nagar delhi-110094
Architecture Vill. Chakrana, P.O Leahri Saral Teh. Ghumarwin, Distt. Bilaspur (H.P) Pin-1
Architecture, Interior Designer E- 59, FIRST FLOOR, SECTOR-54 SUNCITY GURGAON
Architecture, Interior Designer 49,Ring Road,Lajpatnagar-3,New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer Block nil-9a, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer 2A MIG Flats, Sheikh Sarai, Phase-I, New Delhi India
Architecture, Other Architecture Flat-143, HIG DDA flats, Sector-18B, Dwarka, New Delhi-79 , India
Architecture, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer C-4, Ferozshah Kotla, Vikram Nagar, New Delhi – 110 002
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering
Architecture, Interior Designer RZF 1/24, ST 1 NEW DELHI DELHI 110045 India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 42, Ist Floor, Jeevan Park New Delhi DELHI India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T D/91, C/O Vikash Building Materials Delhi110092 India.
Other Architecture, Interior Designer 243,R.P.S colony Dr Ambedkar nagar Sec -iii New Delhi-110062
Architecture 4322/6, Jai Mata Market Delhi DELHI 110035 India
Architecture, Interior Designer W-12/29 DLF Phase 3 Gurgaon Haryana
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architec Pocket E, 168-D, Delhi-110095 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 53, Mausam Vihar, P.O. Krishna Nagar Delhi-110051
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 88-A, 3rd Floor, Bhagwan Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110014 India
Architecture, Interior Designer R-147, Sir Syed Road Jogabai Extn Jamia Nagar Okhla-110025
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training EAST of KAILASH, NEW DELHI-
Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture L 1/271-A, DDA flats, Kalkaji New Delhi DELHI 110019 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 7/151 Ramesh Nagar New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture, Interior Designer C/O Mr. Prem Singh Mehra 1854 New Delhi 110023 India
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture vpo manai district kangra h.p 176210
Architecture, Interior Designer 1/186/28 fire quarters sadar bazar delhi cantt-110010
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programm D-159, FF Saket New Delhi 110017
Architecture, Other Architecture 18 Masihgarh, Sukdev Vihar New Delhi 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer L-I-A/25,Gali no.-13,sagam vihar inside sainik farm,Khanpur
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture House no. 24, Hem baruah path Guwahati ASSAM 781006 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech A81,Vasudha Enclave Pitampura DELHI-110088
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 1013,sec-a,pkt-a, vasant kunj, new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer a-20 freedom fifhter enclave, neb sarai
GSM, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.NO-881, SECTOR 7/C FARIDABAD HARYANA
Architecture dr m n ghosh road raniganj burdwan(w b)
Architecture, Interior Designer House no.365, f 6, sector 40 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India
Architecture MPT - 531 SAROJINI NAGAR New Delhi - 23
Architecture, Interior Designer RZH - 727, Street No. 14, Raj Nagar Part - II, Palam Colony Delhi DELHI Indi
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi DELHI 110003 India
Architecture, Interior Designer B-231-32, Dakshin puri Dr. Ambedkar nagar N.D 110062
Other Architecture L-1A, 307/16, Sangam Vihar New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer House No-C-19, Shiv Park Khanpur Ambdekar Nagar New Delhi-62
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 61, 2nd Floor, Kilokari, Opp-Maharani Bagh New Delhi DELHI 110065 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Delhi Road, SAHARANPUR Delhi DELHI 247001 India
Architecture, Interior Designer L 13, BUDH VIHAR PHASE 1 New Delhi DELHI 110086 India
Architecture, Interior Designer New Delhi DELHI 110019 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S C-3/3140 Vasant Kunj New Delhi 10070 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 111,Abhinav Apartment Vasundhra Enclave New Delhi-110096
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Delhi DELHI 110082 India
Architecture h. no. 37, sahipur, shalimar bagh, delhi - 110088
Architecture, Interior Designer H 1/2, Jai Prakash Nagar Ghonda Delhi DELHI 110053 India
Architecture Mumbai MAHARASHTRA India
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalRoom No - 1, House No 136, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi 16 India
Architecture B-2 street no. 18 Zakir Nagar New Delhi 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer 19/218,Satyam Khand Vasundhra Colony, Link Road, Ghaziabad. (U.P.)
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst HOUSE NO. 165-D, Pocket-A, Mayur Vihar Phase-2,Delhi INDIA
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech ArE-368 , Pkt.-E , Beta-I , Greater Noida , UP ,201308
Architecture 5b safdarjung enclave delhi
Other Architecture Flat No. E - 420 Pocket - III Bindapur DDA FLATS, Uttam Nagar New Delhi D
Architecture 23 year New Delhi DELHI 110070 India
Architecture 92/3 devli extension new delhi 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer shafquat imam, G-66/2, Sheen bagh, abul fazl enclave new delhi, 110025
Architecture H-183/2 Sainik farms New Delhi DELHI 110062 India
Architecture, Interior Designer B-802, Tower B, Kanishka Towers, Sector - 34, Ashoka Enclave - I, Faridaba
Architecture, Interior Designer H. No.-203, Gali No.-5 New Delhi DELHI 110043 India
Architecture, Interior Designer delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer RZF-222/81 STREET NO.34 SADH NAGAR IInd PALAM COLONY NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 7/4 Kulothungan Street Chiltlapakkam Chennai 600 064
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture wz 220 narayana gaon , new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture M-76 A Senond Floor , Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017
Architecture Police Apartment New Delhi DELHI 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer M-63,3rd floor, F Enclave, Okhla, New Delhi-10025
Architecture A 31/22 C, Netaji Gali-1, Maujpur, Shahdara, Delhi-110053
Architecture, Interior Designer c-67 iti township, Mankapur, Gonda,U.P
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T D 12/39 Sector - 8 Rohini New Delhi 110085
Architecture, Art, Creative Direction, Visualiser, Other Architect E-160, South moti Bagh, Part II
Other Architecture Kaithaparambil House Changanacherry Kerala 689 600 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2511/F9 overseas apartment, sector-50, Noida
Architecture C\0 DR. M. Z. SIDDIQUI D-829, DILSHAD GARDEN, DELHI-110005
GSM, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectSP 16, Subroto Park Delhi DELHI 110010 India
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnF-376 Nanakpura New Delhi - 110021
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 1195 Nagal Raya New Delhi DELHI 110046 India
Architecture, Interior Designer C-124 Sector-41 Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer C/O M. P. Sharma, Baijal Kothi, Gali no-1, Morar , Gwalior. 474006
Architecture, Interior Designer F - 3 / 176, Ist FLOOR, SECTOR 16, ROHINI, DELHI -110085
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchA-686, Ground Floor, Near Little Scholar School, Sector 19, NOIDA-201301
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 40, LUCKY HOME SOCIETY, PLOT 19/1, SECTOR 13, ROHINI DELHI 110085 I
Architecture Flat no-91, Pocket-6, Sector-12, Dwarka New Delhi DELHI 110075 India
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal 90/65 B, First Floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 110017.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 143-D, GG 1 BLOCK, VIKASPURI NEW DELHI DELHI 110018 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture FLAT 108, DDA, MULTISTORIED BUILDING NEW DELHI DELHI 110045 India
Architecture, Interior Designer b-8, housing society, south ext.part -1, new delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture Gavendra Singh Kushwaha 266-D,Ward No. -2, Mehrauli, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 4C Friendz Apartment nai Basti Devli New Delhi 110062
Architecture, Interior Designer Ho.No 187 Nizamuddin West New Delhi DELHI 10013 India
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchNOida
Architecture, Interior Designer N/C 1 Canal Colony, Okhla, New Delhi 110025. India
Architecture, Interior Designer Q 104A, Vikas Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
Business Analysis, Client Server, Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, WZ-7A/1 G.Floor Stret No. 3 Hind nagar, PO Tilak Nagar
Architecture 656/14 jhajjar cantt distt. jhajjar. haryana 124103
Architecture New Delhi DELHI 110017 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H.no 194 Rithala, Rohini New Delhi DELHI India
Architecture, Interior Designer +91 9953767938
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security A-104, Nand Ram Park, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
Architecture 1-A, Jogabai, batla house N. Delhi DELHI 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-21/10 street no.8 subhash vihar north ghonda bhajanpura.
Desktop Support, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System AnalVill- Sihaul, Po. - Sihaul, Via - Panchgachhia Saharsa Bihar 852124 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Present Location- WZ 537, Sadh Nagar, Palam colony New Delhi DELHI Ind
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 120-A, Noor Nagar, Okhla New Delhi DELHI India
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System A504 B TARIKA APARTMENTS, SEC43 GURGAON, HARYANA
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal R Kamalanathan, H.No. G-15/S1, Ground Floor, G - Block, Dilshad Colony, N
Architecture C 93, 2nd Floor Pandav Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110092 India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 508/2 Balaji house New Delhi DELHI 110062 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering Teekli Gurgaon HARYANA India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Training M-37, Saket, New Delhi-110017
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect 15/150 Amritpuri _ B , East Of Kailash, New Delhi - 110065
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture New Delhi DELHI India
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-22, Abul Fazl Enclave Jamia Nagar Okhla New Delhi - 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer A 862, Pankha Road, Uttam Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer 44-Gangotri Apts ,Sector-12,Dwarka , New delhi110075 India
Other Architecture d-283, devli road khanpur, new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer Hc-14,Takshshila Parisar,Rajendra Nagar,AB Road,Indore
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys38 Kamayani Kunj 69 I P Extension Patparganj Delhi - 110092
Architecture C-3/1, SFS, SAKET, NEW DELHI-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer 7/10, Kalka ji Near Deshbandhu College New Delhi
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect 691, Sector 8 Faridabad, Haryana India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnD-109/7, Freinds House, Shaheen Bagh, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech SRB-74B, SHIPRA REVERA, GYAN KHAND 3, INDRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Quality Assurance/Testing, SystemLOCATION : NOIDA, INDIA. TIME
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B-172,south motibag,new Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C 667-68 HASTSAL ROAD UTTAM NAGAR NEW 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F 95/6, Ground Floor, Shaheen Bagh New Delhi DELHI 110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture N136/5 AMAR MARKET JAITPUR NEW DELHI DELHI India
Architecture H.no-8/26 Ber sarai Near J.N.U New Delhi-16
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture RZ-26P/55A, Indra Park Gali No.-1, Palam Colony, Sagar Pur, New Delhi - 1
Architecture, Interior Designer Additional township colony ,Mathura road 110044 India
Network Administration, RF Engineering, System Analyst/Tech Ahouse no-1606 street no 8 sanjay colony sec-23 faridabad
Architecture RZ2533/27 Tugalakabad Ext. New Delhi 110019
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr F-10 Gali No:4 , M.B. Nagar , Badarpur Border , New Delhi
Architecture c-41 west jyoti nagar H-B, Loni Road shahdara Delhi 110094
Architecture R.K.Computer E-18, Muradi Road Jamia Nagar, Okhla New Delhi-110025
Configuration/Release Mgmt, System Administration, System An62-D, Pocket - A, SFS Flats New Delhi DELHI 110096 India
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst126-H, Jharna Tola, New Colony Kunraghat Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 2730
Architecture, Interior Designer 207\15 3RD FLOOR PRAKASH MUHALLA , EAST OF KAILASH, NEW DELHI
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Application Programming, Softw
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/TecA5-B/290, Shanti Kunj, Paschim Vihar Delhi, ND 110035
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Anal#264, DDA MIG flats,pocket -A, sector-13, Dwarka, New Delhi , 110075 Loc
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer 1/122 New Colony Birlanagar Gwalior (M.P.)
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch20/3C Rail Vihar SECTOR 56 GURGAON PIN 12202
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A2087/14 -B Hanuman Chowk New Delhi DELHI 110008 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B-55A, 3rd Floor, Shaheen bagh, Jamia Nagar, Okhla New Delhi-25
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalCB- 44-C SHALIMAR BAGH DELHI-110088
Architecture House No- 8 Gali No- 15 Burari DELHI 110084 India
Architecture, Interior Designer #37, New Gobind Nagar Jalandhar PUNJAB India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture G 229, Sec 5 New Delhi DELHI 110062 India
Architecture H.No. 853, village & post office ladpur delhi 110081.
Architecture, Interior Designer 1/9307-A, St-2, West Rohtash Nagar, Partap Pura, Shahdara Delhi- 110032
Architecture 251, Green Heavens, sector 4, Dwarka
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 187, Madhuban, New Delhi
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechnicaB 115, Street No 9, New Usmanpur 110 053 India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manage 1, Harnam Das Road Civil Lines Meerut (U.P) India
Architecture 118, Village Budhpur P.O Alipur Delhi India
Architecture, Interior Designer Flat No. 44, Pocket - V, Sector - 2 New Delhi 110085 India
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 62, Vidyut Nikunj, plot 112, I.P Extn. Patparganj, Delhi -110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering H.no. -6, Ist Floor NEW DELHI DELHI India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering f-93/4 shaheen Bagh okhla new delhi110025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer delhi DELHI India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System An306, Matawali Gali, Munerka, New Delhi Pin-110067
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No. B 121-A, Panchsheel Vihar, Malviya Nagar, Behind Sheikh Sarai mark
Architecture B-584 SECTOR-1 AVANTIKA ROHINI DELHI, 110085
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering 20 mm way
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An11/402 Eastend Apartments Mayur Vihar Phase I Extn. New Delhi - 110096
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture h-146 R.P.S. Colony khanpur New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project Mahno-C4H - 168B JANAKPURI New Delhi-110058
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst A 2/28, Ashram Apartment New Delhi DELHI 110063 India
ERP/CRM, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect 2-A Madanpur Khadar (Sarita Vihar) New Delhi Near MCD Dispensary
Architecture A 1/341 Madhu Vihar New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-391, Bunkar Colony, Ashok Vihar, Phase-4, New Delhi-110052
Architecture C 5/187 Sector- 5 Rohini, New delhi 85 New delhi DELHI India
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No. 544, First Floor sector 18 B phase 2 dwarka L & T society New Delh
Back Office, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, ProWZ - 1598 G/1E, Nangal Raya, New Delhi - 110046
Architecture, Interior Designer H. NO, i - 39, VIJAY VIHAR ASE-I SECTOR-5, ROHINI DELHI-110085 6
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H. No-321, STREET No- 7A JHARODA EXT-II DELHI-110084
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysMalviya Nagar. New Delhi
Architecture ADD-Q 118 Mohan garden,nd-110059 India
Architecture, Other Architecture 201 Singhal Building Sadar Bazaar Near Gurudwara Delhi Cantt 110010
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-14 Lajpat Nagar - II
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys 5/2b - 2nd Floor Malviya Nagar New Delhi - 17
Architecture, Interior Designer B 168, Vikas Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110059 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H 2/25, Sector 16 Delhi DELHI 110085 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture house no. 104, building no. 1-B patliputra nagar
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arch32B/1, Govindpuri, Kalkaji, New Delhi - 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.No.1463/13, Lane No.13 kalka HARYANA 110019 India
Architecture, Interior Designer Rankoli Bhiwani HARYANA 127025 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO. S-236 School Block, shakarpur DELHI 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer H.N.-626, Gali No 3 Delhi DELHI 110093 India
Architecture S-23, 3rd Floor, Right Side, New Delhi- 110065 India
Architecture, Interior Designer E-46, Satyawati Colony, Ashok Vihar-III, Delhi-110052
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture New Delhi ,110066
Architecture, Interior Designer B-67, G. Floor, Paryavaran Complex, Main IGNOU Road, New Delhi 110030
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering praveen.n 2550,dlf phase-4 chandralok gurgoan
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-6,Parmanu Nagar , Sector - 4 , Vashi , Navi Mumbai.Mumbai 400703
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 46 durga park near vasundhara enclave delhi-110096
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering 112 Savita Vihar New Delhi DELHI India
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalysBLOCK-9, STREET-3, DEVNAGAR, KAROL BAGH, NEW DELHI
Architecture 117 -a , malikpur , model town -3 near g.t.b. nagar
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Flat No.41, Pocket A-4, Konark Apartment, Kalakaji Extension New Delhi-1
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System20, Second Floor, Kaveri Street, Sri Devi Karumari Amman Nagar Extn., Vija
Architecture 32 khatriwada raoji bhawan ujjain (m.p.) 456006.
Architecture Rohit kumar Chilla Chowk Lovely Medicose, Mayur Vihar phase-1 Contect
Other Architecture village & post office ghevra new delhi -81
Architecture B-1/55, SEC-17, ROHINI, NEW DELHI-85
Architecture H.no.162 Pandav nagar Delhi-110091
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Design Engineering, Industrial Engine C-Ist/870,MADANGIR DR.AMBEDKAR NAGAR SEC.4 ,NEW DELHI 110062
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect WB-48,Shakkarpur,Delhi-92
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, H 207 Bhera Enclave Outer Ring Road Paschim Vihar
Architecture RZF-550, Raj Nagar-II, Palam Colony. Netaji Subash Marg, New Delhi-1100
Architecture No:373,2 nd floor,J-block,Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019.
Architecture RZ- 62/271 HANS PARK WEST SAGAR PUR NEW DELHI- 110058
Architecture wz-61A/14 Vashisth Park, Pankha Road, New Delhi-110046
Architecture, Interior Designer 460 VIKAS NAGAR NEEMUCH 458
Architecture d/401 habitat housing society b-19 vasundra enclaves delhi 110096
Architecture, Interior Designer H.no-25 shivpuri samaypur delhi-110042
Other Architecture 35/311 Trilocpuri Near gurudwara mayur vihar phase 1 New Delhi 110091
Architecture d-189 mohan garden uttam nagar new delhi-59
Architecture Danish Iqbal ADDRESS: A- 175 Abu Fazal Enclave, Gali No. 7, Shaheen Bag
Architecture, Interior Designer L-ext-270, Mohan Garden New Delhi- 110059
Other Architecture rdyfsdgsdg
Architecture 302, Sector 16-A, Faridabad, Haryana Agra UTTAR PRADESH 282001 IN
Architecture H. No. 103-A, First Floor, Street No. 17, Zakir Nagar, New Delhi-110025
Architecture 9971745246
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), InformationAmit Kumar Flat No:-S3 Plot No:-95 Sector 6 Vaishali Ghaziabad
Other Architecture C-15,New Multan Nagar,Delhi-110056,India
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect E-6, BABA NIWAS, FIRST FLOOR, GANESH NAGAR, NEW DELHI-92
Architecture Rzf 550 Rajnagar palam colony, New delhi-45
Other Architecture ground flour tata indicom apartment sec.-53 gizhor noida(u.p.)
Architecture, Art, Creative Direction, Event Management, Film Pd-424 west vinod nagar,patli gali
Architecture 335-E MAYUR VIHAR PHASE-2 DELHI 110091
Internet/E-commerce, Application Programming, Database Admin F-76, ROOM NO.-7, KATWARIA SARAI, NEW DELHI-110016
Switching/Router, Private Tuition, System Analyst/Tech Archite K-77 royal appartments batla house new delhi
Architecture C 491/A, LANE NO.20, BHAJANPURA, DELHI 110053
Architecture 817,LIG Flats,Pocket-B,Hastsal,Vikas Puri.New Delhi-110059
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, SoftwarFlat No - 99 Sarvahit Residents Dwarka sec 17-A New delhi - 110075
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 118B, Panchwati Apartments, 9/9, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 20130
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1st Floor, 102-Kotla, Mayur Vihar Phase - I, New Delhi
Architecture f-152, room no.- 102 Katwaria Sarai. New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, News Anchor/Compere R.K.Puram sec-5/1691 New Delhi-22
Customer Support, Data entry, Desktop Support, H/W Installati E-13 INDRA GANDHI MARG EAST VINOD NAGAR DELHI - 110091
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat 3106 Block 3, Gayathri Towers, Madinaguda, Hyderabad - 500050
Other Architecture okhla new delhi Mob-9250578220
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Chennai
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect Pkt R 16/A Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095
Architecture vill dariya pur khurd post - office ujwa new delhi - 110073
Architecture, Interior Designer A-79/E, Saheen Bagh, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi-110025
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I C-3/3, Mandawali Fazalpur, Unchai Par, Gali No.1, Delhi.110092
Architecture c-96a,ug-2,shalimar garden,shahibabad.
System Analyst/Tech Architect 63,gagan vihar (main) delhi-110051
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T RZ2048, Lane No. 27, Near Tara Appartments, Tughlakabad Extension, New
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Int Md. Talha Firdous 11/357, 4rd Floor, Lalita Park, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect 26-C;POCKET B; DILSHAD GARDEN; DELHI95
Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, Graphic Designing/Ani 21E, West Vinod Nagar, Delhi -110092
Architecture 9-A, Radha Puri, Ext-II, Street No.-1, Delhi-110051
Business Analysis, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Rel 42,Pragati Kunj Apartments,DDA Flats,Pocket6,Plot4-5,Nasirpur,Dwarka-1
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archit
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-48 Mayfair Gardens Hauz Khas Enclave, nd 16
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales
Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/TechF-1, Palika Niwas, Lodhi Calony, New Delhi, 110003
Architecture E-202,Sector-15,noida
Architecture B-242, Palam Ext - 1 Sector 7, Dwarka New Delhi-110045
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Main 16/2 Semal Road, Shipra Sun City, Indrapuram ,Ghaziabad, U.P.
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Special Educatio 65-C Pocket C Siddhartha Extension New Delhi-110014
Architecture RZ-85-D, Street No. 3,Ravi Nagar Extn.,Vishnu Garden,New Delhi-110018
Architecture, Interior Designer SANT NAGAR, BURARI DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 332-A, West Guru Angand Nager, Gali No.6, Radhu Palace, Laxmi Nager, D
Architecture h. no. 37, sahipu, shalimar bagh, delhi - 110088
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ E-15/188, SECTOR-8, ROHINI, DELHI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect SP-7,Maurya Enclave, Pitam Pura,Delhi-88
GPRS, GSM, Mobile, Network Administration, Network Planning,85 Rajouri Apartments, Mayapuri , New dElhi-110064, India
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeC-801,P.N.B App. Sec.-4 Plot No. -11,Dwarka,New Delhi-75
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 72/1 2nd croos road, new thippasandra, banglore
Architecture C-623 Sushant Lok-1 Grgaon Haryana (Idia) 122002
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Other Architecture, Other EP Mgmt/St Eng/CE TF-1, (C-5), Surya Kiran Complex, Indra Enclave, Near IGNOU, Neb Sarai, N
Other Architecture Linu Samuel D.D.A Flat ladosarai New Delhi-30
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, SoftwareC/o Arun Vishwakarma 5/504, Eastend Apartment Mayur Vihar - I (ext) Ne
Architecture, Civil RZ-54A, Geetanjali Park, West Sagarpur, New Delhi
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TecD-87, IInd floor Street No.-5, Laxmi Nagar New Delhi-110092
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arc
Architecture, Interior Designer C-57/6, Dronacharya Gali No.-2, Mohanpuri, Moujpur, Delhi-110053
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engin#1124/a, sector 46b, chandigarh-160047
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/Te Flat# 204,Sec-17 e pocket, peepal's apartment Dwarka-75
System Analyst/Tech Architect DU-20 PITAMPURA DELHI 110034
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop DG-II Flat no-284-CVikas PuriNew Delhi-110018.
Architecture D-85, Second Floor Anand Niketan New Delhi - 110021 India
Other Architecture WZ-3300, Mohindra Park, Rani Bagh, Opp. Andhra Bank, New Delhi 11003
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E Flat No. 233, Plot No. 50, Parshav Vihar, Patparganj, I.P.Extn. Delhi-110092
Information Systems, Data Warehousing, Database Administrati4/155 Subhash Nagar,New Delhi-110027
Other Architecture 17/154, 3rd floor, subhash nagar, new delhi - 110027
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBABlock B, House No.: 165, Nehru Vihar, Near Timarpur, Delhi - 110054.
Architecture babyjoseph 114-A kilokari maharanibag delhi
Other Architecture E-14 Mansarover Garden New Delhi-110015
Network Planning, Service Engineers, Switching/Router, System C/O Chandan Chandraker, H No. A-273, Gandhivihar, Near Mukherjinagar,
Business/Systems Analysis, Financial Analysis, System Administ Flat No 386-D, Regent Shiprna Sun City, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad U.P. 2010
Architecture L-19, lajapt nagar, delhi
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), Network Adm 485,SECTOR-6, R.K.PURAM. NEW DELHI-110022
Architecture, Design GH-13,FLAT NO.574. PACHIM VHIR ,NEW DELHI
Architecture mehroli woard no.2 177-f/10
Desktop Support, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No. G-224 Sarita Vihar New Delhi
Other Architecture A-13/4 Nehru gali Mandawali Fajalpur New Delhi-110092
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Network Planning, SeL-1st,9/701,sangam vihar,new delhi-110062
Admin/Facilities Mgmt, Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Employee Rela
Architecture c-11, minto road complex minto road new delhi-110002
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 59/7 kalkaji new delhi-110019
Architecture flat no 4, sanjeeta appt., near sales tax office, hotgi road, solapur. maharas
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No. 986, Sec-14, Gurgaon
Architecture J\18 Hari nagar Beri wala bagh New delhi 110064
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr A-17, SHANTI PATH , TILAK NAGAR,JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 96/4 New Shakti Nagar Bathinda
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerHOUSE NO-605, STREET NO 21, ZAKIR NAGAR, JAMIA NAGAR, NEW DELHI-
Architecture G.B.Dutta road, Naya khatal, Near keya more, Post:- Sodepur, Kol:-700110
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, c/o ashraf, rno-248, jahelum hostel, jnu, new delhi india-110067
Other Architecture A-403,Somdutt Chamber-I, New Delhi-110066
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect wz-616,Naraina Village, New Delhi-110028
Architecture 790 sunlight colony II New Delhi -110014
Architecture 379/a Than Singh Nagar Anand Parvat Karol Bagh New Delhi-110005
Architecture C-96/S-4,Ajay Plaza, Shalimar Garden Ext.-II, Sahibabad,Ghaziabad,(U.P.) P
Architecture 1227/13, Govindpuri, Kalkaji New Delhi-110019
Architecture c-303 partap gali ,nanakchand basti,kotla mubarkpur, south ex-i
Architecture, Interior Designer
Other Architecture
Customer Support, Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Netw 1/40, Ramesh Nagar New Delhi-110015 Mob:9871212262
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT Softw 275-C, FF, Pocket II, Mayur Vihar Phase 1, New Delhi-110091
Architecture b 30 shivalik malviyia nagar 110017
Architecture D - 13 Anand Niketan New Delhi 110021
Architecture C-322,N.I.T, FARIDABAD, DABUA COLONY (HARYANA)121106
Architecture, Interior Designer House No.-851, Sec.-31 New Delhi Delhi IN
Other Architecture Rahul Kunj, Dallupura, P.O. Vashundhra Enclave Delhi-110096.
Client Server, Desktop Support, Ground Staff, H/W Installation 158/5-W, RamNagar Colony ITI Aligarh
Architecture 3/42, dakshinpuri, new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer D-116 M.C.D COLONY AZAD PUR DELHI-110033
Customer Service (Voice), Mainframe, System Administration, S A-10/120 First Floor,Moti Nagar,New Delhi-110015
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Interior Designe VAISHALI ENCLAVE-20 AVANTIKA-2 A.D.A. COLONY RAMGHAT ROAD ALIGA
Bookkeeping, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commF BLOCK, HOUSE NO. 342 MANGOL PURI, NEW DELHI 110083
Architecture, Interior Designer v.p.o.-Amrauli,Teh.-Palwal, Distt.-Faridabad, Pin-121102(Haryana)india
Architecture jd 17/4 flaot no. 2 gupta colony malwia nagar,new delhi
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Interior Designer, A-20,Chittaranjan Park New Delhi - 110019
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System c/o rampal singh village- Chhallera, gali no-3, sec- 44 , noida
Application Programming, Automotive, Business Analysis, Busin Plot 75-76, Pocket 8-B First Floor, Sector 11 Rohini, Delhi-85
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/C/O B.K.GURG, H.NO.-313, SEC-19, FARIDABAD HARYANA
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T AD - 50 A, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 110088
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T D-10 TULSI APPARTMENT SECTOR-14,ROHINI DELHI- 1100085
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect J1/9B Third Floor Khirki Extension, Near Amar Associates, Malviya Nagar â
Architecture F-3/9, G.F, MALVIYA NAGAR, ND 17
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Mainframe, Software Engineer,
Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, Information Systems, Software EnL-125 A,Mahipalpur,New Deldi New Delhi-110037
Desktop Support, Operations, System Analyst/Tech Architect H.No 530,kucha Pati ram,bazar Sita Ram,Delhi-6
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, System AdmiRP 168, Near mata chowck, Rangpuri, New delhi.
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Structural/Stress, Other Architect wz-139b naraina village, new delhi-110028
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T BG-3 / 70-D PASCHIM VIHAR NEW DELHI - 110063
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, In59B, TAIMOOR NAGAR,NEW DELHI 110065
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect House No. - 747 Faridabad HARYANA 121001 IN
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyste-50,3rd floor,old double story,lajapat nagar,phase -4,New delhi
Application Programming, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech ArcC-12-336 Yamuna Vihar New Delhi -110053
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database H.No 142 Third Floor, Satya Niketan, ND-21(New Delhi) OR H.No 232 A Vin
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerB-405, New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi - 96
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal D-59A, RAJPUR KHURDH COLONY, CHHATTARPUR, NEW DELHI
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin H.N.-185/32D, Krishna Gali No.-7, Maujpur, Delhi-53
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System AnalyC/O:Dr H.K. Jha Plot:A 2-3,Rajiv Nagar Extension,Begumpur,Opp Sec-22, Ro
Customer Support, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech 648 saraswati vihar Gurgao
System Analyst/Tech Architect B/50 ,SHAYMNAGER,CHANDIWALA ESTATE,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engi 1/201 Shri Ram Nagar Shahdara Delhi - 110032
Other Architecture
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Mechanical, VIJESH T 314 D N POCKET JANTA FLAT SARITHVIHAR NEW DELHI 110076 P
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechT-37,HUDCO Place,Andrewsganj new delhi-49
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin B-2/B 150 Janak Puri New Delhi 58
Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, Networ 7 Duplex , Rajat Vihar , Sector-62 Noida 201301
Architecture 1449/51, B-7, Durgapuri, Delhi-93
Architecture A-162,C/O Shyam Rathi,Behind Munirka Enclave,Munirka.New Delhi
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst#B-187,pocket-1,Kendriya vihar -2, sec-82, NOIDA
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec B-180 East of Kailash
Architecture, Interior Designer DEEPAK KUMAR RZ673/3 Sadh NagarII, E-Block , Street No.20 Palam Colon
Architecture c-67 iti township, Mankapur, Gonda,U.P
Architecture RC No. 109, Street NO 6, Shani Bazar, Makanpur, Khora Coloney, Ghaziaba
Architecture f-47/b room no -35,katwaria sarai new delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TrainD-78,IInd floor,Amar Colony,Lajpat Nagar-4
Architecture 9999733284 saket newdelhi
Design Engineer, Network Administration, Software Engineer, Amba Apts, JA-24,Khirkee Extension, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-17
Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other 425-B 1st floor, Sant Nagar, East of kaliash New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys C 5/19 SECTOR 15 ROHINI NEW DELHI 110085 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer ROHIT Y. SONTAKKE C/o Kukubhai F-22. Room No. 305. Katwariya Sarai. N
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TT 1482/1, 2nd Floor, Street No: 5, Wazir Nagar, Kotla Mubarakpur, New De
System Analyst/Tech Architect 9A, Dhawalgiri appt. Sec-11, Noida u.p. 201301
Architecture h.no. 74 kundan nagar gali no. 3 delhi - 110092
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Othej-3/263 dda flats kalkaji new delhi
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Install house no1,KG-3,Vikas puri, Delhi-18
Architecture, Interior Designer 13/456 Vasundhara Ghaziabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Des B2B/ 304, Janak Puri, New Delhi.
Client Server, Network Administration, Switching/Router, Syste 249-L, Adarsh Nagar, Tiwaripur-I, Jajmau, Kanpur
Architecture, Interior Designer N-6 Mohan Garden Ghurudawara Road, Uttam nager
System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture SANJAY KUMAR Mob- +91-9891177710 Rz-29/A, Gali No-3 Mohan Block, S
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Architecture F/82 Harhesh Nagar Okhla Tank Mathura Road, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 554 LIG FLATS 1st FLOOR HASTAL UTTAM NAGAR NEW DELHI-110059
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H.no 1644 mamarpur narela delhi 110040
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchPermanent Address:- Flat No-249,Ankur Apartment,7, I.P Extension, Patpa
Architecture rz-g-15,west sagarpur,new delhi
Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Others 1011 Baba Kharak Singh Marg, Near CP, New Delhi - 110001
Architecture z-26 uttam nagar new delhi 110059
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, S 672-A, Shakarpur School Block, New Delhi 92
Architecture, Interior Designer w-2 BHAGAT SINGH GALI BABARPUR SHAHDARA DELHI 110032
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwarc-75, Sector 53 Noida
Architecture 3rd Floor 161-e,Gautam Nagar,Behind Indian Oil Building,Green Park New
Architecture #305,85/4, Ashiana Apartment,Mehruali- 30
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop Support237,3rd Floor,RPS Colony,Khanpur New Delhi-62
Architecture H.no:-3280,Pocket-B & C, sector-A Vasant Kunj. New delhi-70
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admi H-11, Viola, Warje, Pune
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AdF-132, Sector-27 Noida U.P. 201301
Client Server, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Mai S-49, School Block, Shakarpur, New Delhi, 110092
Architecture, Other Marketing/Media S-1,type 4 qtrs,h.p.p.w.d colony,kacheri,dharamshala h.p.
Back Office, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Ar B2 MODEL TOWN -2 FIRST FLOOR FRONT SIDE DELHI-9
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, IC Programm 2ND 1981 BM-127, 2ND FLOOR, WEST SHALI BAGH, NEW DELHI
Architecture C/o Dharma Electronics #147,Near Balhara Chaupal, Main IGNOU Road Ne
Desktop Support, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing,QTR NO 96E,SAINIK NIWAS,AIR FORCE STATION,ARJANGARH,NEW DELHI-1
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des Abhijeet, Flat # 141, Varun Apartment, C-58/28, Sector-62 Noida-201301
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, System251/A, C/o KawalSingh Tokas, Near H. T. General Store, Munirka
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programm
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnRZF-200, St.-20, Sadh Nagar-2, Palam Colony, New Delhi-110045
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Distribution, ED 125/27, Netaji Nagar, Meerut
Architecture s/o- Late Dileswar Naik at-po- rangadhipa(new colony), dist- Sundargarh, s
Other Architecture vikas sharma 436, Ground floor, Sec-35 faridabad
Architecture, Creative Direction, Event Management, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Road Shows, Visualiser, Other Architecture
Architecture 39-I,Police Colony Model Town-II,Delhi-110009
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys F-57A, KHANPUR EXTENSION, BEHIND AMBEDKER BUS DEPOT P.O - PUSHP
Architecture 2 Shivmangal Nagar, Lalaram Nagar,Indore (M.P.) 452001
EDP/MIS, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Systemwz-491 ms block hari nagar,new delhi 110064
Other Architecture a.139 devaly extn new delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer C-27 South Extension Part One New Delhi-110049
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture 4a/786 Mandawali Fazalpur near m.c.d. School Gali no-1
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys C-10 Pandav Nagar, New Delhi.
Architecture Village: Pandraheda, Post: Rindlya Rampura, Teh: Todaraisingh Distt: Tonk
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea B-3112/79 Sant Nagar, Burari, Delhi-110084
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch Atul Kumar G40- Dilshad Colony Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Syste H NO. 2705 FF , SECTOR - 16 FARIDABAD - 121002 HARYANA
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture H. No.DC 2156 Nagla UTTARANCHAL 121001 India
Architecture 122 Bhagwan Nagar ASHRAM. DELHI
Architecture 25- F, ARAM BAGH, NEW DELHI -110 055 INDIA
Architecture 191/82, Bagh Sher Junj, Near City Station, Lucknow
Other Architecture 41 Site-2 vikas puri New Delhi- 110018
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalC/O Mr. Sukhbir Singh H NO- 117 Sarai Sohal, Palam Colony New Delhi - 11
Other Architecture M-71,Sourabh Vihar Jaitpur road, Badarpur
Architecture, Interior Designer E-198, STREET NO. 6 EAST VINOD NAGAR - DELHI-110091
Architecture F-501, Mapel Heights, Sushant lok -C Block. Gurgaon, Haryana
Architecture D-50A WEST JYOTI NAGAR, DELHI-94
Other Architecture D 10, J pocket, Seikh Sarai, New Delhi 17
Architecture SONAL J. PARKHE C- 44 , 2ND Floor Jangpura Extn. New Delhi-14
Architecture Cadd Centre Training Service Pvt.Ltd Apra Dwarka Plaza-1,Dwarka Sec-10 p
Architecture 290,sector 3A, Vaishali,Ghazibad,U.P
Architecture RZ -164, Q. Ext.,Uttam Vihar, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 110059 IN
Architecture, Interior Designer B-145, D.A.Flats, Timar Pur, Delhi-54.
Architecture B/14 H.N. 214 Munirika New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser114, Laxmibai Nagar, Type IV Qtrs, New Delhi-110023
Architecture Akram Ali Khan S/o Anwar Ali Khan Moh.Sotha Near Masjid Chameli Ki Bud
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 102,Sangam Appartment Opp. Ambika Vihar, Paschim Vihar New Delhi –
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, A-5 Sports Complex, Delhi Road, Meerut - 250002
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 24/731,DDA Flates, Madangiri, Saket, South Delhi 110062
Channel & Segment Management, Market Research, Network Admin H-110. Phase-2 New Palam Vihar Gurgaon
Architecture, Building/Residential, Project Management B2, 104 (A) Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi - 110029
Financial Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-119 ASHOK VIHAR PHASE-1 DELHI INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea J-9, HARI NAGAR, NEAR AUTO MARKET, NEW DELHI-110064
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 36C, KRISHAN KUNJ EXTENSION NEAR BANK ENCLAVE LAXMI NAGAR NEW
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerS-1/59 Old Mahabir Nagar, New Delhi-110018
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Syste F-95, Room No.-13,Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), SoftwF10/2, Joga Bai Extension New Delhi
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchitRo. 3, 25 Jia Sarai Near IIT New Delhi pin- 110016
Client Server, Desktop Support, System Administration, System Sachin Kumar C/o Jaykumar Agerwal D 151/2,Madhuban Mohala North Gh
Customer Support, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Supghaziabad, uttar pradesh
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture rz 31 a madan puri west sagar pur new delhi-110046
Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tc5c/30c ,janakpuri,newdelhi
Architecture rz-1 matyala ext. near navada matro station new delhi-110048
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ H. No.: E-107, 1st Floor, Ganesh Nagar, Near mother dairy, New Delhi -110
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/ MAHISOURI ROAD JAMUI JAMUI,(BIHAR) INDIA 811307
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Administration, Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Supp C-63/Z-4 Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 17405, Street No.3, Minocha Colony, Bathinda – 151001, Punjab, In
Architecture, Interior Designer M4/13a Model Town-III rd Delhi-110009
Architecture e-137/7 shaheen baag jamia nager okhala new delhi
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), SoftwIcreon Communication Pvt Ltd, C-103,Sec-2,Noida,U.P
Architecture House No. 1374,Sector-55 Faridabad(Haryana)121 005
Architecture BC-25-A EAST SHALIMAR BAGH DELHI-110088
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat # 8, F-128/1c, Mohammadpur, Behind Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-
Architecture, Interior Designer 302, Parshva Vihar -50 IP Extention, N.Delhi-92
Other Architecture e-203 sector-22 noida
Architecture k-4/49,st.no.27,west ghonda,bhajan pura,delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering Flat No- p2, First Floor, Pradhan Complex(Chairman Complex), Mandawali
Architecture 292 prakash mohlla, east of kailash new delhi ,near sapana cinema
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer 162, SIDDHARTHA NIKETAN, SEC-14, KAUSHAMBI, GHAZIABAD, U.P. INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Embedded TechnolS-304, School Block, Shakarpur, Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Training
Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-174,Greater Kailah -II New Delhi-110048
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect 171-174/6 mandawali delhi 92
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Commercial, Design 6-A, Pocket-3 Mayur Vihar Phase-1 Delhi-110091
System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect RZ- 26 P/159, Strert No. 10F Indra Park Palam Colony New Delhi-110045
Architecture C/o - Sushil Pawar Room no. 9, 75, Ber Sarai. In Front of Old JNU Campus N
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Techdelhi.,phase --1
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, System AH N0 1354 Sector 37 Faridabad 121003
Other Architecture H.NO.3412, B-89, SANT NAGAR, BURARI, DELHI.
Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech PEL, D-10, SEC-3, NOIDA UP O
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), GrapN 59 VIJAY VIHAR UTTAM NAGAR -59
Architecture, Interior Designer 24-B, KRISHAN KUNJ, LAXMI NAGAR, DELHI, 110092
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 5/351, TRILOK PURI DELHI 110091
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/TestingB-7, IInd floor, Saraswati Garden, New delhi-15
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Legacy Systems E-236,2nd floor, sushant lok 1, near sai baba mandir, opp. paras hospital, g
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 521/8, Street No. 4, Vijay Park, Maujpur Delhi 110053
Architecture, Interior Designer A & B Block-90/5, Top floor Malviya Nagar, Delhi.
Architecture Puneet Sharma plot no.-11, flat no.- 301a , prabha appartments, dwarka, s
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems Ana165,Suraj Apprtment,DDA MIG Flats,Suraj Kund Road, New Delhi 42
Architecture rz- 223/a , gali no. - 4 , durg park , west sagarpur - 110047
Architecture O-2,Second Floor,Old double storey, Lajpat nagar-4, New Delhi-24
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin WZ-L-16, Street No.-14, New Mahavir Nagar, Janakpuri East, New Delhi-18
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Pitampura, Delhi-110034
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project ManageB-2/39 A Lawrence Road Delhi-110035
System Analyst/Tech Architect 13/182, Geeta Colony, Delhi-110031
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Analyst/Tech Architect DISTRICT: BHAGALPUR STATE: BIHAR - 812112 INDIA
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Network AdministrationB-56A, Rama Park, New Delhi - 110059
Architecture, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Cost Reduction, Fea Flat-12,Sector-17,Pocket-E,Peepal Apartments,Dwarka,Phase-2 New Delhi
Architecture cn-78, gali no-2, sangam vihar, wazirabad, delhi
Architecture 43- lodhi road complex, pragati vihar, new delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect 16/404, Vasundhara,Ghaziabad
Other Architecture HOUSE NO. BE-149 GALI NO. 5 HARI NAGAR, NEW DELHI110064
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect Plot No 30 Pan card club road cosmos colony Baner Pune
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, Desktop Support 348/A (4th Floor), D-Block, East of Kailash, New Delhi.
Architecture wz-1157,ground floor rani bagh delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-11/40 Sector -18, Rohini, Delhi-110085.
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Amit F-163,3rd floor Laxmi Nagar New delhi,110092
Architecture 233-A Regent, Shipra Suncity, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010, Uttar Prad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B-161 PKT II Sector 7 Dwarka New Delhi
Architecture 34/A, MIG Flat. Seikh Sarai PH-I New Delhi-110017
Architecture Vill.+Post Tatki (Babain) Distt. Kurkshetra(Haryana.)
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer F-18/1,NAFISH ROAD,ZAKIR NAGAR, OKHLA VILLAGE,N.DELHI
System Analyst/Tech Architect APPASAMY ASSOCIATES, 115, POCKET C-8, SEC-8, ROHINI, NEW DELHI
Architecture 3rd floor, khirki extn. malviya nagar new delhi
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AdmVILENDER KUMAR____ _ BLOCKD1C/34C D.D.A FLAT JANAK PURI NEW DE
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect R-98B, khirki extension, Malviya Nagar, new Delhi 110017
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se D-215, Near Water Tank, Sector - 55, Noida
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Security, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trainer/Faculty, Training
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystK-block, Gali No 6 Mahipal Pur New Delhi E-mail –sobhnath@rediffmail.co
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 4, Kaveri Appts, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad
System Analyst/Tech Architect 269 B Regal Apt, Shipra sun city Ghaziabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 49-A/3 Jnakpuri Sahibabad Ghaziabad
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystMehta medical Centre. Mayur vihar ph-1 delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect sector-3 f-852 vaishali ghaziabad
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T New Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 625, 2nd Floor, Sector -3F, Viashali, Ghaziabad. UP, INDIA.PIN-201009
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat 17/67,3rd Floor, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi - 110027
Architecture 104/86, RAMBAGH, KANPUR
Administration, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenancec/o-Miss kishori kotkar 4 kohinoor corner, kotkar lane. 37/2 Bhau patil Roa
Architecture HOUSE NO. 637 ALIPUR DELHI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, 85-E, Top Floor,Pocket -I,Mayur Vihar Phase -I New delgi -91
Other Architecture RZ A- 41 & 42 ,Jai Vihar ,Najafgarh, New Delhi - 110043. (Near New Solank
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 277,Ashram,New delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect F-41 IInd Floor Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business Strategy, IT Consultant, Ma New Delhi
Other Architecture House No.3433, Street NO. 76, MolarBand, extn., Block E-2, Badarpur, New
Architecture, Other Architecture D-27/657, chatterpur Hills new delhi-110030
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Noida
Administration, Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network AB-31, Ganga Vihar (Opp: Yaumna Vihar) New Delhi-110094
Business/Systems Analysis, IT/Telecommunications, System AnalC-2/3, WELCOMGROUP, Plot-6, Sector-3, Dwarka, New Delhi
Other Architecture W-273, Prem Nagar-II, Opp. Gupta Properties, Nangloi, Delhi - 110041
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SofF-182/A Laxmi Nagar
Architecture 135/1 jawahar colony faridabad
Architecture, Interior Designer F-458 Krishna Nagar Kotla Mubarakpur New Delhi 110003
Architecture, Interior Designer 96-D, Pocket C, Sidharth Extension, New Delhi-110014
Architecture, Interior Designer 337, shahpur jat, new delhi 110049
Architecture Lajpath Nagar, Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec 87A 4th floor krishna nagar safderjung enclave
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A-81, New Ashok Nagar, Delhi-96
Architecture 134-gagan vihar extn. new delhi-110051
Architecture F-288A, LADO SARAI, NEW DELHI-110030
Architecture 33A Kilokari,3rd Floor,New Delhi-14
Architecture 74/1, sector-1, vaishali, gaziabad, up
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, System221/D-14/Sec-7, Rohini, New Delhi.
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Interior Designer, H. NO. 1578, STREET NO. 16, NEW MUSTAFABAD NEW DELHI
Architecture D-141,Sarita vihar, new delhi-110044
Architecture, Interior Designer F-38, milap nagar, nr uttam nagar metro station, uttam nagar, new delhi-1
Architecture c/o Moola Chandra Soni Jwellars,Gali No. 2,Chhalera SEC - 44, NOIDA THA
Other Architecture
IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Software Consulting, Sy RZH-198,Raj Nagar Part 2 , Palam Colony
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginAlok sharma I 140 Govindpuram, Ghaziabad. Phone 0120-2765566 ;09908
Architecture JB-23 3rd floor gupta colony khirki ext malviya nagar new delhi-17
System Analyst/Tech Architect #853, D Block, Saraswati Vihar, Pitampura, Delhi, 110041
Architecture jijo abraham 37/1244 dda flat madangir khanpour new delhi
Business Consulting, IT/Telecommunications, System Analyst/Te623, Mentova, Mahagun Mansion, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, U.P. 201010
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, 20/604 , East End Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1 Extn. New Delhi 11--9
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training
Architecture mentioned in cv
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 175, Sector A, Pocket C Vasant Kunj Delhi - 110099
Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Man372 L Sarita Vihar New Delhi 110075
Architecture H.No.-3a, G.No.-2, West Guru Angad Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92
Architecture house no-660 vill.& P.O.-khera khurd near st.johns school delhi-110082
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 243/6, Street No.2, School Block, Mandaawali, New Delhi-92
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 28 A, Pocket-F, Mayaur Vihar Phase-II, New Delhi-110091
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Service (Voice), Customer 7S/255 Sunder Vihar New Delhi-110087
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, GSM, Project LB-293 Lajpat Nagar Gaziabad
Architecture H. NO.- Q-51 BLOCK NO.- Q Mohan garden uttam ngr.delhi-110059
Architecture d-15, ashok nagar shahdara
Architecture R-145, NIHAL VIHAR, NANGLOI, DELHI.-41.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se L-261 Street No 9B Mahipalpur Extn. New Delhi Ph: 9891075443 (9 AM 5 P
Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, SoftD-1 E-20 Hudco Place, Andrews Ganj Ext., New Delhi-110049, India
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, H/W Installation D-1061,Vasundhara New Friends Colony New Delhi-110065
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft HOUSE NO.-B-130, FLAT, NO-B1 PANCHSHEEL VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110019
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Data Warehousing, Network Administration, Network Planning, CP-1755, Sushant Lok, Phase-I, Gurgaon
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System S C-6 / 100 B KESHAV PURAM NEW DELHI -110035
Architecture, Interior Designer DG-3/190 VIKAS PURI NEW DELHI-110018
Architecture sector 15,faridabad,haryana.
Architecture B-3/25B lawrence Road, Delhi
Architecture D-141, Ground Floor, Sarita Vihar New Delhi 110076
Other Architecture
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T I-33/2,Batla House, Okhla New Delhi
Other Architecture
Architecture, Aviation, CAD/CAE, Civil
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Plant/Facilities/Maintenance H.NO. 1285, TYPE-II, III FLOOR, M.S.FLAT, TIMARPUR, PH.NO. : , NEW DELH
Database Administration (DBA), Data Warehousing, Internet/E- 230/2 4TH FLOOR PITAMPURA VILLAGE MADHUBAN CHOWK NEAR RAMA
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Graph 9/759 Lodhi Colony New Delhi
Other Architecture ff-382 chirag delhi pin code 110016 new delhi
Architecture D-106, gali No. -50, Mahavir Enclave Part-III, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-1100
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-43, Gujarawal Appt VikasPuri New Delhi, 110018.
Architecture B-703 lane -2 ganesh nagar-2 delhi-92
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof Block B Flat Number 114 Mahaveer Marvel, Kodichkannali Road Nr. Vijaya
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect 28\42, 3RD FLOOR WEST PA NAGAR NEW DELHI -110008
Other Architecture Vill-Chhawa,Post-Kosli, Tehsil-Kosli, District-Rewari(Haryana)
Other Architecture H.NO. B-27/2, RAMA VIHAR, DELHI-110 081
Network Administration, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect, H.NO.446/47,IInd FLOOR,GALI NO 13, WEST GURU ANGAD NAGAR LAXMI
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect Kalkajee; Delhi
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System 93 - B, Pocket -2, Sector - 12, Dwarka, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ B46,Duggal Colony Deoli Road Khanpur New Delhi 110062
Architecture 4/41,second floor malviya nagar,New Delhi-110017
Architecture, Interior Designer M.I.Khan 12/667 Indira Nagar Lucknow
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA)X-1700A,STREET NO. 16,RAJGARH COLONY,JHEEL, DELHI-110031
Architecture 4/41,Second Floor,Malviya Nagar,New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect E-1\6\35, Sector no. 15, Rohini New Delhi - 110089
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, SF-3/118, Sector 6, Vaishali, Ghaziabad-201012
Application Programming, Client Server, Mobile, Software Engin351 A Shipra Sun City Ghaziabad
Architecture 139 g pocket a2 mayur vihar phase 3 new delhi
Architecture 99 k , gali no 1 , saidulajab, new delhi
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Process R M-452 Guru Harkishan Nagar Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110087
Architecture, Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Interior Desi wz-315 a nangal raya,delhi cantt new delhi-46
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System S
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 1068, Flat No-7, Ward no-1, Mehrauli, New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect CB - 30C, 2nd Floor, DDA Flats, Hari Nagar, New Delhi - 110064
Architecture t1/9,staff quater,kendriya vidyalaya no-1 delhi cantt-10 sadar bazar road n
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ProjecH-221 FF vikas puri ND -110018
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer 184-A-CIVIL LINES BAREILLY (U.P.)-243001
Client Server, Network Administration, Network Planning, Secur26/4 Pant Nagar Jungpura Extension New Delhi 110014
Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Ma EC-11, A ENCLAVE HARI NAGAR NEW DELHI
Architecture d-5/180 Sultanpuri New Delhi-86
Application Programming, Legacy Systems, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture 423/34,Zakir Nagar, Okhla 110025.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se c/o Mr Tasneem 51-A, 4th Floor, Rose Apartment,Krishn Kunj Extn Laxmi n
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ #989, V.P.O. Bakhtawarpur, Tigipur Road, Delhi- 110036
EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce,NIRU N SADAN C/O-ATUL PRASHAD DEB C-10/17,ANKUR VIHAR DLF NCR,NE
Other Architecture 365/6, Zakir Nagar, Jamia New Delhi HARYANA 110025 IN
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer 2nd Floor, 1690/2, Govindpuri Extension, Kalkaji, New Delhi HARYANA 110
GIS, Network Planning, System Administration, System Analyst/TC5\12 First Floor Mianwali Nagar Paschim Vihar ND - 87
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT So D 65/1 4th floor arjun nagar NEWDELHI 29
Other Architecture e-205,amar colony lajpat nagar nd-24
Architecture wb-180, gali.no.-9, ganesh nagar-2 shakar pur school block, delhi-92
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/System40/195 FIRST FLOOR C R Park Kolkata
Architecture 2/24 NEHRU NAGAR NEW DELHI-65
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, B-24, Rajpur Khurd, P.O. Maidan Garhi, Near Tivoli Garden, New Delhi - 11
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect --UN DISCLOSED--
Architecture, Environmental Consulting, Interior Designer, Other Bus. Consultants
Business/Systems Analysis, GPRS, H/W Installation/Maintenanc 6/10 Subash Nager New Delhi 1100027
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, M-107, Ground Floor, Greater Kailash Part One, New Delhi - 110048, India
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Legacy Systems, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manag
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Mutual Funds, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture Flat no. 249,Pocket A-4, Konark Apartments, Kalka Ji Extn, New Delhi -19.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Project Leader/ Project
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerC-71, 7th Floor, Oasis Aptts, Sector - 55 Gurgaon, 122003
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtherEDP Wing , AFCAO, Subroto Park New Delhi Delhi - 110010
Architecture, Interior Designer 403,Lane no. 15, Near Quraishi Appartment Gaffar Manzil Jamia Nagar Ok
Other Architecture Rz42A/195 durga park st no14c
Architecture, Interior Designer 378 sector 5 gurgaon
Insurance Advisor, Personal Banking-Liability, Other Architectur 11,Vasant Nagar, Vasant vihar, New Delhi-110057
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 813, Shakti Khand - 4, Indirapuram Ghaziabad
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 280/b, harinagar, ashram, new delhi,110019
Business Consulting, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech478, First Floor, Park Avenue, above Jain store, Sector - 4, Vaishali, Ghaziab
Architecture D 57 sarita vihar New Delhi
Client Server, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaA-179,1st Floor, Ganesh Nagar, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Mainten D-106, Saket, New Delhi-110017
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network A Hemant Goel R-34, Rita Block, Shakarpur, Delhi- 92
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec A 603, Sai Baba Apts, Sector -9, Rohini - 110085.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se # 103 DS Kothari Hostel, University of Delhi, Delhi, 110007
Architecture B-1,Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, New Delhi
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture B-4/47,Pharma Appartment,I.P.Extention,Delhi-92
Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech C-331/B Part-I Palam Extension Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075
Architecture 89, ram vihar karkardooma e. delhi-92
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MHouse No - 438 Sector - 5, Vaisali Ghazabad (UP)
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal E - 751 , MV - II
Architecture B-6 / 18, SECTOR 3, ROHINI, NEW DELHI, PIN NO. 110085
Architecture 32/406 mahagun buiding shalimar garden sahibabad,U.P
Architecture PRABIR PRASAD JENA New Delhi 110023 India
Architecture 46, regal buliding, connaught place new dlhi-110001
Architecture, Interior Designer C-1/171, YAMUNA VIHAR DELHI-110053
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business/Systems Apocket -k- 83 H (top floor) sheikh sarai II, new delhi 110017
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Process Reengineering, Business Strategy, Business/System
Other Architecture dda flat no. 310 tigri new delhi-110062
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, EDP/MIS, Investor Relationship, System Analyst/Tech
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, N-7, 2ND FLOOR, KALKAJI, NEW DELHI, INDIA 110019
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Legacy Systems 302, E.I.L. Apartments, Plot-13, Pocket-6, Naseerpur, Dwarka Phase-I, New
Architecture DII-50, Ansari Nagar (East), New Delhi-110029.
Client Server, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect 8271, C-8, Vasant Kunj
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No. A-8/3, Plot No. 4/1 Shivajee Apartments Sector-14, Rohini, Delhi 1
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System B 307, Devkripa Housing Society Virat Nagar, Virar (W) , Mumbai Dist. âÂ
Other Architecture --------------------------
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administration, System AH-131 Aya Nagar Extn, Block “H”, Phase VI, Near Gurudwara, New D
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Interne
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat No. 427 DDA SFS Flats Phase 1 Dwarka Sector 22 New Delhi-110045
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Lecturer/Professor, Desktop Support, Software Engineer, Syste 246/3 FF,GOVINDPURI, KALAKAJI,NEW DELHI PIN-110019
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se House: 98, Sector: 11D Faridabad, HARYANA INDIA - 121006
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B-4/22, RAJASTHALI APPTS, MADHUBAN CHOWK, PITAMPURA, DELHI-110
Architecture WZ-578C, Naraina Village, New Delhi.
Other Architecture 1635 Babu Park Kotla Mubarakpur New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, 81, Vaishali, Dwarka Road, Opp. MTNL Exchange, Near Pankha Road, New
Architecture A-7 Parwana Apts. Mayur Vihar Ph-I Ext N. Delhi - 110091
Other Architecture h.no-f39/27,shaheen bagh. near kalindi kunj,okhla, new delhi-110025
Architecture, Interior Designer
Other Architecture B9/290, sECTOR-5,Rohini,New Delhi-85
Architecture 189 tagore park,2nd floor delhi-110009
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture JANMEJAY CHAUDHARY H No.21, Sec-28 Faridabad Haryana . 226024
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Project L D-454, Street # 18, West Vinod Nagar
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S E-42 First Floor Moti Nagar
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se F-49, Lado Sarai, Mehrauli, New Delhi - 110030
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur 216 Canara Apartment Sector 13 Rohini
Client Server, Customer Support, Network Administration, Proj LUXMI VIHAR SOCIETY, BLOCK H-3, VIKASPURI, NEW DELHI
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other Banking/Insurance, Other IT Software
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commer Flat#424, Gaur Green Avenue, Abhay Khand II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 2
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech C/O Arun Sagar Singh WZ-629, Shri Nagar,Shakoor Basti, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 47, Mitra Vihar, Opp. Saraswati Vihar, Delhi - 110034
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Flat no-342, DDA Multi Storey Appartment,A Block, Sector 18B, Dwarka, D
Architecture, Interior Designer 266 R.P.S. COLONY, MADANGIR, NEW DELHI-110062.
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/C33/9, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, DELHI 110 060 INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer 289, masjid moth southextension part-ii
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Commercial, Design, C/o Mr. Teekam Singh Jadon Delhi HARYANA 110096 IN
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Consultin Delhi
Architecture C 4 G/ 111 B, Janakpuri, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 126, Shubham Apartments, 37, IP Extension
System Analyst/Tech Architect W.Z.-454, Syndicate Mkt Road, Raj Nagar, Palam Colony, New Delhi - 1100
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-14/E, DDA Flats, Munirka, New Delhi, India 110067
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Network Planning, Pr196-D DDA MIG GREEN FLATS RAJOURI GARDEN NEW DELHI
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, Project Management
Architecture C/O Ch. Mam Chand Sejwal, M-212, Bhola Ka Bagh, Lado Sarai, New Delhi-
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, IT/Telecom C-6/204, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi - 110053
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture DG - 2, 88 A, Vikas Puri, New Delhi - 110018
Architecture, Interior Designer h.no. - 108 , 2nd floor, Pocket - 40 , C.R. Park, New Delhi -110019
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, Network Administra MC2, Plot 11/71, Sector 3, Rajinder Nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad - 201010
Architecture Gurudatt P. Meshram Behind Dropadi Traders Sharda Nagar, Kudwa, Gond
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect #009, D-Block Alpine Park Apartment, Begur Road Bommanahalli, Bangalo
Application Programming, Mobile, Risk/Credit/Economic Analyst, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An331-Krishi Apts, D-Block, Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 62, Bhagwan Buddha C.G.H.S. Parvana Road, Pitampura, New Delhi-11003
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Proj D 89, SF, South City II Gurgaon, Haryana
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se NO AVILABLE
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
System Analyst/Tech Architect #12/1, Church Road, Tijaran Lane, Jinsi, Jehangirabad, Bhopal-462008 M.P
Other Architecture, Other TV/Film Prod. 263-D, J&K Pocket, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-93
Other Architecture
Building/Residential, Civil, Industrial/Utility, Land developme Flat No. 103 Block 2 DDA Multistoried flats Motia Khan Pahar Ganj New De
Architecture d14/110sec.8,rohini,delhi
Other Architecture DIHRM 18,Satsang vihar marg New Delhi 11oo67
Architecture, Other EP Mgmt/St Eng/CE Delhi 110092 IN
International Business, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales
Architecture, Interior Designer N-273, Sector-25 NOIDA, 201301
Architecture BLOCK - C-12, H.NO:- 319, YAMUNA VIHAR, DELHI
Architecture 11,samaspur,mayur vihar 1 ,delhi 91
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture House No-7, Ist Floor Jogabai, Near Rahmani Masjid Okhla, New Delhi-110
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), ProjeII-B,142,Nehru Nagar,Ghaziabad (U.P)
Application Programming, GPRS, GSM, Mobile, Network Planning, A-251A,Lajpat Nagar Sahibabad,Ghazianad-201005 Delhi-NCR INDIA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engine
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-704, Katyayani Aptt, Plot No 8, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi
Architecture G.T. ROAD SHAHDARA DELHI - 110 053
Architecture, Interior Designer E-560 Opp. Delhi Bazar, Palam Extn., Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075
Other Architecture f8b/1third floor janta garder pandav nagar 10092
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 3RD FLOOR, H.N.1182, LAXMAN GALI, ARJUN NAGAR, KOTLA MUBARAKPU
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), InterD-6, 6119/3, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiFlat No. 90-C, DDA LIG FLAT Pocket-12, Jasola Vihar
Client Server, GIS, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware De House No. 1096 Rani Bagh, New Delhi - 110 034
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec TULSI PUR, CHHAWANI LINE, GHAZIPUR U.P. PIN CODE : 233001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerVikas Puri, Nd 18
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, Database Admin F-2/7, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,House 427/7, Area 37/D, Landhi-1, Karachi, Pakistan P.O.Box 75160
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture new delhi
Architecture h/no 43 main shyam park ghaziabad
Architecture 1/10,2nd floor,Shipra Sun City , Kad Road , Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (u.p.) -
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network Planning, System Administration, S
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerD-289, Vivek Vihar, Delhi 110095
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste Flat No. 52-A Pocket GG-II Vikas Puri New delhi, 110018
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se CII/48,MANGAL APTTS,PLOT NO.16 VASUNDHRA ENCLAVE NEW DELHI-11
Architecture E-10,Milap Nagar Uttam Nagar New Delhi-110059
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A1/238 A DDA Flats Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110063
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture D-114, Rail Vihar, Sec. 45, Faridabad
Architecture F-2603,NETAJI NAGAR,NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture, Others L-43,Sector-12 Noida,U.P
Investment Banking, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerH - 452 Vikas Puri New Delhi - 110018
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst q.no.22 m.c.d colony Delhi-110053
GIS, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Project LeaB-42 Shanker Garden , Vikas Puri , NewDehi-18
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analysis A-283, Surya Nagar, GZB
Configuration/Release Mgmt, GSM, Project Leader/ Project ManR-9 IST FLOOR PRATAP MARKET JUNGPURA NEW DELHI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se HOUSE NO 404, V P O KAKROLA,(Dwarka) NEW DELHI- 110 043
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat 231, Sita Ram Apartments, Plot No.102,I.P Extension , Patparganj , De
Architecture 63,Flat no.2,upper ground floor , st.no.-2,krishan kunj extn.-1,laxmi nagar,
Application Programming, Architecture, Configuration/Release B-2/435, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi
Architecture 25- chandu park krishna nagar delhi 110051
Architecture C3A/142A, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect Bhupender Pal S/o Sh. Jaipal Singh H. No 153, Rajput Mohalla Ghonda, De
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Mainframe, Sys New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer
Lecturer/Professor, Network Administration, Project Leader/ P 942/40, Zakir Nagar (Behind Ashoka Park) New Delhi - 1100 25, India
Architecture D-390, Defence Colony New Delhi 110024
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te185/19 khakaan manzil, wazeergunj, Lucknow
System Analyst/Tech Architect delhi
Architecture, Channel Sales, Other Sales/BusDev GD-191, IInd Floor , Pitam Pura New Delhi-88
Architecture, Business Strategy, Other Architecture 142, NEHRU NAGAR AGRA
Architecture QTR.NO 96/12, SECTOR-1, PUSHP VIHAR NEW DELHI-17 Mobile. 09868322
Direct marketing, Marketing Strategy, Product /Brand ManagemD-135, Chattarpur Extn, New Delhi 110074
Business Strategy, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Data WarehousDH 302, Abhimanyu Apartments Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi - 96
Architecture C/O R.S.NAIN, SECTOR -46, HOUSE NO.2133 GURGAON - 220 001
Architecture M - 69, Saket, New Delhi - 110017
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Database Administ 3076 Shah Ganj, Kucha Pandit, Delhi - 110006, INDIA
Architecture F-138, NAUROJI NAGAR NEW DELHI-110029
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, IT Consultant, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Consulting, System A
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E- 2/340, First Floor Subhash Nagar, New Delhi - 110027
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing
Architecture P.O.-SEC.17A, GURGAON- 122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Custom A-3/104, AK PURI, NEW DELHI, INDIA
Architecture B-20/18 molar band ext. Badarpur New Delhi-44
Architecture village dariya pur khurd p.o. ujwa new delhi 110073
Architecture 8813-14B, Raja Lane, Shiddi Pura, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser25-B / JD Block, Pitampura, Delhi-110088
Architecture, Project Management
Architecture, Design, Land development, Project Management 268, Sector A, Pocket c, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, B-200/GL-4, Shalimar Garden Main Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin-20100
Client Server, Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Network Planning, Secur
Architecture, Interior Designer, Office Services, Other Architect G 419 2ndFloor sector 57Sushant Lok-2 Ext.Gourgaon H.R.
Architecture, Bank Assurance, Company Secretary sec-10, noida
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Service Engineers, S 1897/17,2nd Floor, Govindpuri Extn,Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Institutional/Industrial SecGH-14/1043, Paschim Vihar New Delhi - 110087
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Release 309,UTC MILLENIUM,B-BLOCK SALIMAR GARDEN EXT -2 GHAZIABAD
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EmbeddedApt A-1223, Gaur Green Avenue
Architecture 90, nav jagriti aptt., vasundhara enclave, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer A-53,Preet Vihar,
Client Server, Network Administration, Network Planning, Qualit17-G/406, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, UP
Administration, Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, K - 19, SECTOR - 12, NOIDA - 201301. U.P
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys
Architecture BG - 6 219-A, PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI - 110 063
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture permanent add: B-568 Ranjit Avenue, amritsar-143001
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Plot 6, 3rd Street Padmavathy Nagar Velachery Chennai 600042
Other Architecture d-73 east gokal pur delhi-94
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture pl see cv
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 123 Gali wala bagh New Delhi
Architecture 45 D , D.D.A. Flats , Pandav Nagar , Shadipur Depot , New delhi. - 110008
Architecture e-339,sector-15 behind alka cinema noida gautam budha nagar(up)
Architecture 157 C, D.D.A Flats, Gazipur New Delhi-96
Architecture 135,pkt-11,sector 21,Rohini, Delhi.
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ER 83, Ashirwad Apts. 74, I. P. Extension Delhi - 110 092
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-comm H.No: MU-7B, Vishakha Enclave, Pitam Pura, New Delhi - 110 088
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop GH-8/661 PASCHIM VIHAR NEW DELHI-110087
Architecture HOUSE No. 439 BLOC-26 HIMMAT PURI NEW DELHI PIN CODE- 110091
System Analyst/Tech Architect 411 shiv kala apt,D19,sec 51,noida-201301
Architecture HOUSE # 92, GALI # 4, KARAWAL NAGAR EXTENSION DELHI-110 094
Architecture C-2/152, Lodhi Colony New Delhi - 110003
Application Programming, System Administration, System AnalyROOM NO. 440, D FIN P, AIR HQ VB , RAFI MARG. NEW DELHI - 110003
Architecture, Commercial B-22 b,Vijay Nagar,Delhi-110009
Administration, Application Programming, Client Server, EDP/ E-97 Flat Block - B ( 2nd Floor) Bengali Colony, Mahavir Enclave, New Delh
Architecture v.p.o.-sondh teh.-hodal distt.-faridabad haryana
Corporate Sales, Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenan844 Krishi Apartments., Vikas Puri, New Delhi - 110018
Architecture 172, Anupam apartments M. B. Road, Saket, New Delhi-68
Other Architecture
Other Architecture T--506/EGF 1st lane baljeet nagar New Delhi
Architecture A-113 MADI PUR COLONY NEW DELHI-110063
Architecture v.p.o.-sondh teh.-hodal,disstt.-faridabad,haryana 121106
Architecture 26C, Street No.-4, Jagatpuri Extension Shahdara, Delhi-110093
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnGH-10/81-C, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110087
Architecture H.NO.2011, SECTOR- 16
Architecture A-433,Double Storey,ground floor,kalkaji,new delhi
Architecture H.NO-F-286, PANDAV NAGAR, PATPAR GUNJ, DELHI - 110091
Architecture f-15/s, saket, newdelhi-110017
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP 169, sector 6, chiranjiv vihar, ghaziabad. u.P
Architecture, Interior Designer B2/B-162 JANAK PURI NEW DELHI PIN-110058 (INDIA)
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database POURNAMI’, Near AKG Hospital, Talap East, Kannur 670002, Kerala, India
Architecture, Interior Designer A-1/73 JANAK PURI, NEW DELHI - 110058
Architecture, Interior Designer B-102, SAINIK NAGAR, UTTAM NAGAR, NEW DELHI 110 059
Architecture A-155,Palam Extention,New Delhi 110045.
IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Recruitment, Software CC / 136, Lajpat Nagar - Ist, New Delhi - 110024
Architecture, Business Development, Interior Designer, Product J-6/61 Second Floor Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 110027
Architecture 35/A, Kasturba Nagar, Bhopal - 462023, (M. P.), India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A 202 Pawitra Apartments Vasundhara Enclave Delhi
Architecture e-4/51 sector-16 rohini delhi-110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-2451 Netaji Nagar New Delhi-110023
System Analyst/Tech Architect 18 Siddhartha Enclave Near Ashram Chowk New Delhi
Architecture, Aviation, Bridge, Building/Residential, Civil, H D-502, Shubham Apartment, Plot No.13, Sector-22, Dwarka New Delhi-110
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se D-19A Street No.5 Mahavir Enclave New Delhi - 110045
Architecture Elevinamkuzhy, Mukkoor, Palackathakidi P.O., Kunnamthanam, Thiruvalla,
Architecture, Civil, Design, HVAC, Interior Designer, Maintena C/O K. S. RAWAT B-28, JAWAHAR PARK, DEVOLI ROAD, KHANPUR, NEW DE
Administration, Operations, Work Flow Analysis, Data Warehous304,SHUBHAM APARTMENTS SECTOR-12,POCKET-4, DWARKA NEW DELHI
Architecture, Other Architecture 15/62, SUBHASH NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110027
Information Systems, IT Consultant, Network Consulting, Soft L-051 , Aspen Heights , Windosr Park 5 Vaibhav Khand , Indirapuram Ghaz
Product Development, Project Management, Quality, Quality AssG 1390, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi 110019
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, CI -21, CRRI STAFF COLONY, MAHARANI BAGH, New Delhi - 110020
Administration, Architecture, Office Management & Coordinati 198/17A,GROUND FLOOR,RAMESH MARKET, EAST OF KAILASH, NEW DELH
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Commercial, Design, In 132-H, Pocket A-3, Mayur Vihar Phase III, Delhi 110 096
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Project Ma FLAT NO. 61, VIDYA VIHAR C.G.H.S., PLOT NO.-48, SECTOR-9, ROHINI, DELH
Business/Systems Analysis, IT , System Analyst/Tech Architect Z-304, Siddartha Apartments Maharana Pratap Encalve Pitampura - Delhi
Architecture, Other Architecture 1 416, Golden Heights, Pocket 8, Sector 12 Dwarka, New Delhi 2 A 2, Gaut
Architecture, Design, Land development, Urban Development 2359/B-2 vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070
EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect 68 PARIVAR APARTMENT, 30 I.P. EXTN, PATPAR GANJ, NEW DELHI 110092
Architecture 16,Nilgiri Apartments Alaknanda New Delhi--110019
Architecture, Other Architecture 42 Kala Kunj, AO Shalimar Bagh Delhi - 110088
Architecture 4485, Sector-B, Pocket5&6, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070
Administration, Architecture, Event Planning, Facilities manag PLOT NO.C-11, FLAT S-3, KAUSHAMBI,GHAZIABAD, UP201012
Architecture 616/7,basant vihar colony palwal faridabad haryana-12102
Architecture M-32,hajy Colony,jamia nagar okhla 110025
Application Programming, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Private 11/9, Punjabi Colony, Alopibagh, Allahabad, U.P.
Architecture, Other Architecture, Others E-1, Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi-110024.
Architecture shemeer.tm thekkenthiruthinmmel(h) pengamuck(po) karichal kadavu 680
Architecture patna
Database Administration (DBA), Information Systems, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst
Architecture H. NO. 446 QUTAB GARH DELHI
Architecture 46-A, East Laxmi Market, Street No.-3, Delhi - 110092
Other Architecture BC-BLOCK, H.NO. 209-C SHALIMAR BAGH NEW DELHI-110088
Corporate Planning/Strategy, Environmental Consulting, Feasibil21-E, Shivalik Appt., Plot-32, Sec-6, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075
Architecture 92/17 Zakir Nagar Okhla New Delhi
Other Architecture 47,pkt03,Sector - 24, Rohini Delhi 110085
Architecture 201 2nd floor New Delhi INDIA IN
Other Architecture 510 baba ganga dass gali, kaithwara, Delhi-110053.
Architecture mob. 9999069375 f-12/7, Joga Bai Extension IInd floor, Jamia Nagar Okhla
Architecture, Design, Electrical/Electronic House No. 122, Zakir Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi- 110025
Architecture plot no.7,ravji ka bag,near tiwari floor mill, kartarpura rly phatak,jaipur
Architecture 7/23 sec-2 rajendra nagar,sahibabad, ghziababad ,uttar prasdesh.
Customer Service, Information Systems, System Analyst/Tech ArT-477, BaljitNagar, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi Mobile No +91987175798
Architecture D-10, SECTOR-61, NOIDA
Architecture 448- Sec 4, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022
Architecture S/o Indra Deo singh Moh: Srinagar, Masaurhi PO+PS: Masaurhi Dist: Patna
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 1321 sector 23A Gurgaon Haryana
Other Architecture rtyrtytry
Other Architecture Gaffar manzil Jamia nagar new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer a17 d4 iit campus, hauzkhas, n.d-16
Architecture, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, InterE-253, GALI NO. 7, PUL PEHLAD PUR, NEW DELHI-110044
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web DeAshok Vihar, Delhi 110052
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database GURGAON HARYANA -122001
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Architecture 20, Chaudhary Colony Saket Nagar BEAWAR- 305901 (raj) INDIA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect K-148, KARAWAL NAGAR, DELHI 94
Client Server, Customer Service, Data entry, Database Adminis 1662/3, Street No. - 17 3rd Floor, Govindpuri Kalkaji New Delhi - 19
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support 26-C GAYATHRI APTS SEC-9 ROHINI DELHI-110085
Interior Designer, Architecture, Building/Residential ASSISTANT ARCHITECT C 1ST - 815 MADANGIR NEW DELHI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 432/S MODEL TOWN, YAMUNA NAGAR HARYANA
Architecture ghdgh
Other Architecture 414chhattar pur n.d-74
Architecture, Data entry D-123/4 Bhajanpura delhi 110053
Architecture B / 10 Shaheen Bagh Abul Fazal Enclave II Okhla, New Delhi -110025.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Control, EC/o Dr. Gaurav Agarwal, R. No. 4, P.G. Block, Dharamshala Building, Hindu
Other Architecture P.P.Associates South-Ex Part 2 Plaza-1 Newdelhi-110049
Architecture H.No-K-296C Gautam ViharShiv Mandir street no-5 West Ghondha Delhi 1
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Inform61-D,Pocket- A, Vikas puri Extn Outer Ring Road New Delhi -18
Application Programming, Banking -General, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Information Systems, Quality Assurance/Testing, So
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Embedded Technologies, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, Sy
Banking -General, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchH.No.6/721,vats colony line par,near ambedkaer bnawan.Bahadurgarh(Ha
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Analyst/Tech Architect VELLORE UNIVERSITY, VELLORE
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture 99 -G block sriniwaspuri New Delhi-65
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S A55 MTNL APT. GH17 PASCHIM VIHAR NEW DELHI-110087
Architecture b-216 sadatpur colony delhi -94
Other Architecture s-2 plot no-413 shalimar garden ext-1 sahibabad gzb.
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Network house
A no. 111 D-7, Sector-6, rohini- new delhi
Other Architecture k-88/2 abul fazal enclave okhla jamia nagar new delhi -25
Application Programming, Client Server, Customer Support, Da 5/2 APPAREDDYPALYA DOUBLE ROAD NEAR ESI HOSPITAL, INDIRA NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnB-31, First FLoor, Ganesh Nagar, New Delhi-110018.
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati D-82,New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110096
Other Architecture mandawli b-36 Mo. 9312195808
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 8th block, 2nd floor, C-DOT Campus, Mandi Gaon Road, Mehrauli, New De
Architecture 573, saikripa colony. indore.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch S-23 jawahar bhawan iit roorkee. roorkee.pin-247667
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software EngineerGG-35,Hindalco Renukoot, Sonebhadra U.P
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 308 sector-17 huda jagadhri yamuna nagar Haryana
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrat room no 23 cb hostel jnu campus new delhi -110067
Application Programming, Client Server, Mobile, Software Engi H/O Indrajeet Singh Pawar, RZ 51, Ground Floor, Ber Sarai, hauz Khas, New
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), InterB-3A/305, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/THOUSE NO. A2-171, MADANGIR, NEW DELHI 110003
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ G-2422 NETAJI NAGAR NEW DELHI
Other Architecture 249/6,Lalita park,Laxmi Nagar New Delhi HARYANA 110092 IN
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Design, Highway Late Shri. Rampravesh Singh, 352 , Tilak Khand Giri Nagar Kalka Ji Pin Code
Architecture, Interior Designer MITWAA STREET, WATER WORKS ROAD, MANSA (PUNJAB)-151505
Architecture 39/a bharat nagr new friends colony
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerD-6,Amar Colony,Lajpat Nagar-4,New Delhi.
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec Nehru Bal Niketan, Nr Dadri ,Gt, Shanti Nager, Gali no 2, Bhiwani ? 127021
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-20,Flat No-201,New Delhi-110092
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBAWz-220, Basai Dara Pur, Near Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi- 110015
System Analyst/Tech Architect Idgah Bagicha By Pass Road aron Dist.(Guna)M.P. Pin- 473101
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, S ROOM NO. - 218 BOY S WING, CHANDRABHAGA HOSTEL JNU CAMPUS, NE
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec South delhi
Architecture 91-e,pocket-c, ashram chok, new delhi-14
Architecture F-13/17, First Flr., Joga Bai Extn., Jamia Nagar, New Delhi
Architecture c-234, mahaveer marg, vaishali nagar,jaipur-302021
Architecture C-1/294,Sector-H,LDA Colony,Kanpur Road, Lucknow-226012
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Da 1325near shashtrinagar sultanpur 228001(up)
Architecture ghaziabad
Architecture, Design, Urban Development, Other Architecture H 1493 Cittaranjan Park 1st Floor New Delhi 19
Architecture a-13,tyagi vihar,nangloi,delhi-110041.
Other Architecture CS – 91/210,Ground Floor South Ganesh Nagar New Delhi –110092
System Analyst/Tech Architect 266A ward no. 2 mehrauli 110030
Architecture 322, Sant Nagar, New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech4761/9, DEPUTY GANJ SADAR BAZAR DELHI - 110006
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect1302/88 tri nagar delhi 110035
Architecture j 4/2 fourth floor, khirki extension, malviya nagar
Architecture, Interior Designer, Media Planning 90,Village PitamPura New Delhi - 110034
Architecture T-80 Saraikale khan hazratnizamuddin new delhi
Administration, Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Graphic Design Con
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ Guru Kripa 32 C/16 Sachcha Vihar, Auckland Road Allahabad-211001 U.P.
Private Tuition, Teacher, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software K-412-13, Jahangir Puri, delhi-33
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Network 7/A, NEAR KHA DAIRY KAILASH NAGAR GHAZIABAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming c/o Sh Nawal Singh , # 119 Near FPS - 7276, Village Shahbad Mohammad P
Architecture, Interior Designer d-11/78,sector-8,rohini,delhi-110085
Architecture, Interior Designer 169, kakrolla housing complex, new delhi-59
Architecture f-286 pandav nagar patpar ganj delhi 91
Other Architecture f-8/8,floor no-3,strno-6,zakir nagar okhla,new delhi-25
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Other Architecture j - 42 a, pandav nagar, near mother dairy, new delhi - 92
Architecture 1/2503 MOTI RAM ROAD SHAHDRA DELHI-110032
Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Network Administration, Pro
Architecture, Interior Designer 836 apaschim puri pocket 2
Other Architecture Falat No. - 304, Block - X, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Marg, Sarojini Nagar, Ne
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 21/13 west patel nagar, New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, Da 220/19, ONKAR NAGAR-B,TRI NAGAR,NEW DELHI-110035
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems, SoftwareBlock Nil - 35A, Malviya Nagar New Delhi - 110017
Architecture F-201 2nd Floor Ghaffar Manzil Jamia Nagar New Delhi
Architecture B-10,j4-39-a,khirki extension,malviyanagar,new delhi-17
Other Architecture 26A, amrit ngr. ndse-1
Architecture 33/16, Shakti Nagar, Delhi - 110007
Architecture, Interior Designer H.No.47, Gali No. 26j molar band Badarpur New Delhi 44
Other Architecture 34/b railway colony tughlkabad new delhi 44
Other Architecture #42 ram nagar,knl,Haryana
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded TA-120, Defence Colony Mawana Road, Meerut-250001 U.P,India
Other Architecture WARD NO.34 JHUNJHUNU
Other Architecture F-130, Saheen Bagh, Jama Nagar, New Delhi-110025
Architecture, Art, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Other Adv B-27/G-2 Ramprastha,Ghaziabad U.P. 201011
Other Architecture WZ - 39, Roop Vihar, Nawada, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi - 110059
Interior Designer, Other Architecture # C-14 CTI Complex, Raja garden, New delhi.
Architecture 25 keshav road luxman chowk , dehradun 2480011, uttaranchal
Other Architecture A-210,NEHRU VIHAR DELHI- 110054
Architecture c-1555 Indira Nagar ,Lucknow Uttar Pradesh-226016.
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T E-2,182 FROUP VI SECTOR XI,ROHINI,DELHI
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-2848, Netaji Nagar, New Delhi-110023
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programmin
Architecture b 38 fateh nagar near tilak nagar new delhi
Architecture 21, row house, patel nagar, airport road, indore, (madhya pradesh)
Architecture WZ-10,Palam Chouk,Above Janta X.ray Palam , Delhi
Architecture hosue no 415 near post office aali village sarita vihar new delhi 11oo76
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Dat67 shakti vihar,pitampura,delhi-34
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft C/o Mr. S.P. Ghildiyal Flat No. 432 Sector-13 Pocket-B Dwarika New Delhi
ERP/CRM, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AnalysD1A-123 Janakpuri
Architecture F-45 , Batla House Jamia Nagar , Okhla , New Delhi – 110025
Architecture, Interior Designer N-41 BATLA HOUSE HOUSE,OKHLA,JAMIA NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110025
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te353 A.G.C.R ENCLAVE KARKARDOOMA DELHI-110092
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming R.K Computers, E-18 Shop No:-1, Muradi Road, Batla House, Okhla , New D
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data War 26, Ranjeet Singh Block, Khel Gaon, New Delhi-110049
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-co
Other Architecture G-65/D1 Dilshad Colony, Delhi 110095.
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Desktop Support, A-145, 3rd Floor New Ashok Nagar New delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pro 341 2nd Floor,DDA Flats, Badarpur,New Delhi -110044.
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, In plot no.99 Anand Nagar opposite Inderlok metro station -110027
Other Architecture
Architecture, Interior Designer s-65, spa hostel, new friends colony, taimoor nagar, new delhi-65
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr B-313 ,New Ashok Nagar,Delhi
Architecture E-36-B, SEC-27, NOIDA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect c/o Mr Vijay Kumar F-261,Pandav Nagar,Gali No. 7, Delhi-110091
Other Architecture House No.105/5A, Batla House Jamia Nagar Okhla New Delhi-110025
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch 761/23 Faiz Road, Karol Bag, New Delhi
Other Architecture H.No. 1399A/5, Patel Nagar Gurgoan, Haryana
Architecture Govind Bhawan bay pass cross ghaili road niwai tonk rajasthan-304021
Architecture B-23, First Floor (Back side entry), Lajpat Nagar-I, New Delhi
Information Systems, Network Administration, Operations, Qual14/30 Shakti Nagar Delhi-7
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Grap31,k.k.extension laxmi nagar delhi
Other Architecture
Other Architecture KP/327, Maurya enclave, Pitam Pura, delhi-110088
Architecture, Interior Designer 91,Village PitamPura New Delhi - 110034
System Analyst/Tech Architect 9/D-6, sector-6 rohini delhi 110085
Architecture ikram bakery wale,.imli bagh galib road kamptee dist nagpur maharashtra
Architecture RZ - 30/3 VAISHALI EXT DELHI 110045
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic G-54 Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015
Architecture s-71 spa boys hostel,taimoor nagar maharani bagh new delhi 110065
Architecture, Interior Designer 246, main bazar Chirag delhi, New delhi-110017 India
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-com 83/2, IST MAIN, 4TH CROSS, VIVEK NAGAR, NEAR CANDRA BANK BANGALO
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Anal22/315, trilok Puri, New Delhi-110091
Architecture delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect R-268, Ramesh Park, Gali No.-12,Laxmi Nagar,New Delhi-110092
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Releas C-21/A,KALKAJI,NEW DELHI1-110019
Architecture 113/1/b, baba gangnath market, munirka, new delhi
Architecture s/0 Rajendra Sah ( sonar ) banuchapar(east), bettiah, w. chamapran, bihar
Service Engineers, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchRananjoy Mitra C/O Dipak Das Munshi, J-1897,C.R.Park, New Delhi.
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, InternJ-238, Patel Nagar-I, Gaziabad, U.P.
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechDC-621,DABUA COLONY N.I.T. FARIDABAD 121001 HARYANA
Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration flat 25 HCL tower sector 62 NOIDA
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Editor/Journalist, Gr 674, KYD GANJ KRISHNA NAGAR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H No 4,Gali No 2, New Krishna Nagar, Delhi-51
System Analyst/Tech Architect E-82,Bhagya Vihar,Jain Colony,Rani Khera,Delhi-110081
Other Architecture x9/18c st no.9 brahmpuri near moni baba mandir delhi 53
Architecture DB- 329 Ward - 2, Shiv colony Chanderwati Bhawan near new grain mkt.Pa
Editor/Journalist, Film Maker, Interior Designer, Production/Te M-17 3rd Floor, Guru Hari Kirshan Nagar , Pashim Vihar , New Delhi - 1100
Architecture, Other Architecture WZ-153, Temple Lane, Shadipur, Newdelhi 110008
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, 143 Balco Apartments Plot no. 58 Patparganj Delhi 110092
Signal Processing, System Analyst/Tech Architect F-65 katwaria sarai,4th floor ,room no.10 new delhi-16
Art, Client Servicing, Event Management, Interior Designer, Visualiser, Other Architecture
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Technical Writing
Architecture 167 chander nager dehradun
Architecture I-89, GROUND FLR. NO. 04,BATLA HOUSE,NEW DELHI -25
Other Architecture
System Analyst/Tech Architect S/O K.C.SHARMA, WARD NO. 2, KATHUA, J & K
Mainframe, Network Administration, Security, Software EngineeH.no1239,sector-17,faridabad-121002
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Other IT Software
Application Programming, Corporate Sales, Database AdministraVIMAL L1/13B,DDA FLATS KALKAJI,NEW DELHI-19
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Networ Room no. 123 Patel Hostel , MNNIT Allahabad-211004
Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy Prakash Anand C/O Shree Raj Singh(A.S.I) H.No 33/56, Katwaria Sarai, Nea
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training
Other Architecture s-378-, shakkrpur school block,laxminagar,delhi
Architecture H.No.162 DABRI VILLAGE MAIN NASIR PUR ROAD N.D.-110045
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.NO,-242,HASTSAL VILLAGE UTTAM NAGAR, NEW-DELHI-59
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), EmbeAnurudh Dwivedi HNO 307,Near pump house babina cantt dis. Jhansi
Customer Service, Data Warehousing, Database Administration 271 (3rd floor) Maszid Moth South Ex part-2 NewDelhi 110049
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati B.48 Ground Floor Sector-31,Noida U.P. Pin Code:-9810969028
Client Server, Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Ana O-31, STREET NO.-22, NEW MAHAVIR NAGAR, NEW DELHI - 110018
Architecture DELHI-65 FATHER
Architecture 335-e mayur vihar phase-2 delhi-110091
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, IC Programmin D-363-TYPE 4,GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT,OPP INA MARKET , LAXMI BA
Architecture bb-323 ashoka basti nabi karim phar ganj new delhi 55
Architecture F-6b,street no.14,jagat puri delhi 110051
Other Architecture 435 street of Mantesary School Shivaji Nagar Pilkhuuwa (Ghaziabad) U.P 2
Architecture, Other Architecture
Architecture Md Kalimullah 2b,1st Floor,Gali No.22, Zakir Nagar, Okhla,New Delhi 1100
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Business/Systems Analysis, Channel Sales, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, FA-8/254, EAST GOKAL PUR LONI ROAD, SHAHDRA, DELHI-94
Other Architecture 22RZ/E-22, Jai Vihar Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043.
Architecture 1-h,pocketa-3,mayur vihar phase-3,delhi-110096
Accounting & Finance, Application Programming, Business/SysteB-17
Architecture 93,Central Street, Velaiyampakkam (Post), Thiruvannamalai(District), Pin:6
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/SystemG-144, Preet Vihar,New Delhi-110092
Other Architecture B38 RANA PARK SIRAS PUR DELHI 42
Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture j4/77b second floor khirki extension malviya nagar new delhi
Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, Syste k/26 Mahipal pur vasant Kunj Road
Architecture B-170 Chowkhandi DDA Colony Tilak Nagar
Architecture j-3/56 khirki extension. malviya nagar. delhi
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 1753, SECTOR-23 GURGAON,.HARYANA.
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Information Sy
Other Architecture LIG 84 HUDCO BHILAI
Architecture, Other Architecture G-33,Shahen Bagh,abul fazal, okhla n.delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture rz 31\3, street no-1 durga park
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeA-32,Rose Aptt, Sec-14,Rohini, Delhi-85.
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, So III H 297 Nehru Nager,Rakesh Marg Ghaziabad(U.P.)
Architecture B-87,Mahavir, Enclave-Ii
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer J-2B,Mukh Ram Park,
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Embedded TechnolH-3/103,MAHAVIR ENCLAVE, DABRI PALAM ROAD
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, System AdministrationD-139,MADI PUR COLONY,
Application Programming, Client Server, Design, ERP/CRM, Embe57/7,ASHOK NAGAR,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture RZ-117,NAND VIHAR, KAKROLA
Architecture, Interior Designer 16/4,MOTI NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O 50 APO AH R&R,DELHI CANT,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 39 LAXMAN NAGAR,ARJUN NAGAR AREA,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Commercial, Design B 2/28,MADHUVRUND SOC, GHATLODIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 160,COLONEL GANJ,
System Analyst/Tech Architect R/090 A SCHEME NO 8,,
Architecture 11/21 8TH BISWA JATWARA,MOHALLA,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechHN O 22/236,MAHABIR PARK,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, System A1804 SECTOR 6,NEAR GAJRAJ HOTEL,
Other Architecture 517/6 SANT COLONY,,
Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech 7/277,VIVEKANAND NAGAR,
Architecture 25/658 CHHIKARA COLONY,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System HOUSE NO 149 GALI NO,1 DHARMPURA,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Grap1113 SECTOR 6,BAHADURGARH,
Architecture, Interior Designer 34,NAMIYA BOARD,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 318 BHEKEM COLONEY,,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/TestingH NO 62 100 FEET ROAD,SHAYAM COLONY,
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Legacy Systems H NO 664,SEC 24, TIRKHA COLONY
Architecture HO NO CC-6/1,CHAWLA COLONY,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 9/354,MALGODAM ROAD, A 99 AGGARWAL COLONY
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 2203,SECTOR-8,
Architecture BHUDUT COLONY,GALI NO 2, H NO 340
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaH NO 54 SCF,SEC 3,
Architecture LAKHPERA BAGH,,
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin HOUSE NO 36,VILLAGE DULDULIYA, PIRPAINTI
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ VILL-JATI LOHARU,,
Database Administration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project ManagePINJANWAN KURTHA,JEHANABAD,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 11 CHIPPIPADA,NAGINA,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Analyst/Tech Architect 235,CHIKPATTI, MOTIHARI
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration1741,SEC 44 B,
Architecture, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Cost Reduction, Fea NO 1 ADDASWAMY ST 7TH,AVENUE, HARRINGTON ROAD
Architecture WARD NO-11,SOHNA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect VPO LADPUR,DISTT JHAJJAR,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect SHYAM GALI BOUHRAN,,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, Desktop Support E 208 SEC 5,DISH G B NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect PLOT NO-592/2,SECTOR 7,
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect KHURIA KAUN BASARTPUR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, PADLEY GANJ,NE RAILWAY, HOUSE NO 392
Architecture E 125,GAMA I,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H-100,BETA 2, G B NAGAR
Architecture 135,NEW ARYA NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 104/105 SILVER OAKS APPTS,DLF PHASE -I, GURGAON
Architecture, Interior Designer VPO JANTI KALAN,SANOPAT,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 178 B NEW COLONY,GURGAON,
Architecture H NO 7815,VILL RAJ NAGAR GUN,
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AdmVPO KAPRO BLOCK 1,H NO 29, TEH NARNAUND
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 188 MOHLLA CHAUK,AMROHA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se HOUSE NO 357,INDIRA VIKAS COLONY,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, SecurityA-85 NATWAR NAGAR,DHAYOLI PIYAOU,
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst221 TIGHARIYA TH TODABHIM,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 241 SECTOR 14,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-78/ SADAR BAZAR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 37 ANAJ MANDI,,
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst67/47A,BELGACHIA ROAD,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 128/3,HAZKA ROAD,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T LOWER KALABARD,KOTDWARA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect SHIKH SARAI KHERI TOWN,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, SITARA MASJID,MUSTAFABAD,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat HNO-17/486,SECTOR-17, INDIRA NAGAR
Architecture 359 MOTI NAGAR,,
Administration, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenanceH NO 142 VILL & PO MANGRONI,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet 6A/2,KRISHNA NAGAR,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, 5/20 A,MOTI, NAGAR
Other Architecture B-2,BUDH NAGAR INDERPURI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A-9 MAHENDRU ENCLAVE,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect AA-191,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Application Programming, Business Strategy, IT Consultant, Ma B-1109,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Architecture, Other Architecture C-6/12,KRISHNA NAGAR,
Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-10/195,YAMUNA VIHAR,
Administration, Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network AX6/2,GALI NO-8, BRAHAMPURI `
Business/Systems Analysis, IT/Telecommunications, System AnalT-248,GAUTAM PURI,
Other Architecture GF-1/2512,MOTI RAM ROAD, SHAHDARA
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SofF-43,SARAI PHOOSE DDA COLONY, TIS HAZARI
Architecture, Interior Designer AA-67,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture, Interior Designer B-42 PLOT NO-47,FRIENDS TOWER, SECTOR-9 ROHINI
Architecture, Interior Designer E-28,BLOCK-E T-HUTS, SHAHIBABAD DAIRY
Architecture 1957/151,GANESH PURA, TRI NAGAR
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec 25/2,SHIV MANDIR GALI, MAUJPUR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H NO-131,BURF KHANNE WALI GALI, BADLI
Architecture HAJI YASIN H NO-894,GALI NO-30/6, JAFRABAD
Architecture B-42,BLOCK B, INDIRA VIHAR
Architecture 497,GALI NO-2, KARDAM PURI EXTN SHD
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, SystemPLOT NO-02,I P EXTN PPG DEPOT, TRILOK APPARTMENT
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Interior Designer, 122 1ST FLOOR,NIRMAL APPARTMENT, MAYUR VIHAR PHASE-I
Art, Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Prin 565,IST FLOOR, WEST PARMANAND COLONY
Architecture, Interior Designer EA-320,MAYA ENCLAVE,
Other Architecture F-6/78,ROHINI SECTOR-16,
IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Software Consulting, Sy 1977,IIND FLOOR, OUTRAM LINE
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginC-7A,NEW SLUM QTRS C BLOCK, PASCHIM PURI
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Ma84 BHAGIRATHI APPARTMENT,SEC-9 ROHINI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NO-14,GALI NO-2, ALI PUR
Architecture 5477,GALI NO-7, NEW CHANDRAWAL
Architecture W-155/136,RAKHI MARKET, ZAKHIRA
Business Consulting, IT/Telecommunications, System Analyst/Te2567/194,JAIN STHANAK ROAD, TRI NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, 2272/172,AAKIRA GALI GANESH PURA POST, TRI NAGAR
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech4493,GALI NO-11 JAI MATA MARKET, BUDH NAGAR TRI NAGAR
Architecture POCKET-1/102,SECTOR-20, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 4/239,RATTAN VIHAR, KIRARI
Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project ManH-214,JANTA MAZDOOR CAMP, JAFRABAD SEELAMPUR
Architecture H-222,H BLOCK, KARAM PURA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C/O MONTEMAN AUTOMATIVES,BASEMENT 4E/14, JHANDEWALAN EXTN
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 216,DDA FLATS, M S PARK, SHD
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Service (Voice), Customer 1S88/2F,INDIRA VIHAR, MUKHRJEE
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, GSM, Project LB-10,IST FLOOR, NEHRU VIHAR
Architecture C-10/2,DDA FLATS, JAHANGIR PURI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se D-824,JAHANGIR PURI,
Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software EngineeB-308,SUDERSHAN PARK,
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Soft303,ONKAR NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, H/W Installation ABDUL SULTAN,I-856 JHANGIR PURI,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft H NO-165,VPO BARWALA,
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 4/240,KHICHRI PUR,
Data Warehousing, Network Administration, Network Planning, N P -22 A-191,KAUSHAL PURI, AZAD PUR
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System S T-HUTS C-BLOCK,SHAHBAD DAIRY,
Architecture, Interior Designer HOUSE NO-07,VILLAGE BARWALA,
Architecture H-BLOCK,N-59, JAHANGIR PURI
Architecture 582,C BLOCK MANGOL PUIR,
Other Architecture C-52,BHAGYA VIHAR, MUBARAKPUR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T G6-A/D NEAR POWER HOUSE,RAILWAY COLONY, NARELA
Architecture, Interior Designer 149X-2-29A,BRAHAM PURI, BLOCK-X
Architecture 87/57,JAGJIT NAGAR,
Other Architecture C-8 G-4,DILSHAD GARDEN,
Architecture, Aviation, CAD/CAE, Civil A-33,FRIENDS TOWER APPT, SECTOR-9 ROHINI
Application Programming, GIS, Project Leader/ Project ManagerB-48-49,GANDHI VIHAR,
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Plant/Facilities/Maintenance I/11232 B,SUBHASH PARK,
Database Administration (DBA), Data Warehousing, Internet/E- 453, BLOCK-G,MANGOL PURI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 1894,SURAJ PARK ROHINI SEC-15, T-HUTS BLOCK-D
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Graph 186/C,NAHAR PUR VILLAGE, SECTOR-7 ROHINI
Other Architecture N-25 B/203,LAL BAGH AZADPUR,
Customer Support, Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech ArchiN-36B/137,LAKHI PARK, JAHANGIR PURI
Architecture L-236,J J COLONY WAZIR PUR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 266,G. T. ROAD KATRA GULKHAN, SUBZI MANDI
Architecture 2/1/A GALI NO-10,B&D-BLOCK, EAST AZAD NAGAR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof WP-101,WAZIRPUR, ASHOK VIHAR
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Arch41,MCD COLONY, BUNGALOW ROAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-749,ASHOK NAGAR,
Other Architecture D-33,J J COLONY, NANGLOI
Other Architecture E-52/53,NEHRU VIHAR,
Network Administration, Switching/Router, System Analyst/TechA-128,DILSHAD COLONY,
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect, H.NO.-42,SANIK VIHAR, PITAMPURA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-43,SECTOR-3, BAWANA INDU AREA
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System B-3,OLD GOVIND PURA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ M-364,M-BLOCK, MANGOL PURI
Architecture, Interior Designer 64,RISHABH VIHAR,
Client Server, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA)D-15/227,SECTOR-3, ROHINI
Architecture 73,PREM NAGAR,
Architecture 980-C- BLOCK,MANGOL PURI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analy3048-A,SANT NAGAR, RANI BAGH
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-72,PUSHPANJALI VIKAS MARG EXTN.,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-33,GANESH NAGAR, PANDAV NAGAR COMPLEX
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, 146/1,MUKAND PUR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Mobile, Software EnginB-83,SHAKAR PUR,
Architecture C-292,BLOCK-C, SURAJMAL VIHAR
Architecture G-202,NARAINA VIHAR,
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Process R HOUSE NO-1011,G-BLOCK SHAKURPUR, NEAR GAS AGENCY
Architecture, Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Interior Desi WZ-87,NIMRI-VILLAGE, SHASTRI NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce,G-66,KARAMPURA G BLOCK, KARAMPURA
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 5/172,LALITA PARK, LAXMI NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect 24/1,CHAWLA PARK, CHANDER NAGAR
Architecture 29/A,POCKET C, MAYUR VIHAR II
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ProjecA-93,JWALA PURI,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheA-128,SUDARSHAN PARK,
Architecture, Interior Designer B-368/369,J JCOLONY B-BLOCK, HASTSAL
Business Analyst, Corp Communications, IT/Telecommunications, 60 F-BLOCK,GALI NO-5, SHASTRI PARK
Client Server, Network Administration, Network Planning, SecurT-186,GALI RAM MANDIR, ROSHANARA ROAD SUBZI MANDI
Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, Project Leader/ Project Ma S/O RAJPAL SINGH,M.T CRPF, JHARODA KALAN
Application Programming, Legacy Systems, System Analyst/TechP2-30,MANGOL PURI,
Other Architecture D-16/94,SECTOR-3 BLOCK-D/16, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ 372,SHAKUR PUR J J COLONY, SHAKUR PUR BASTI
Architecture, Interior Designer E-178,SHAKUR PUR, J J COLONY
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SysD-48,DERAWAL NAGAR, MODEL TOWN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H.N.56,DHAKKA VILLAGE, NEAR KINGSWAY CAMP
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ B-7/132,SECTOR-3, ROHINI
EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce,S/O N S B CHOUDHARY,VILLAGE DALLU PURA, VASUNDHRA ENCLAVE
System Analyst/Tech Architect 7-220,JWALA NAGAR, KIRSHNA GALI NO-7 SHADHARA
Other Architecture 3/125,GALI GANGA RAM, SHAHDARA
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-687,NEW ASHOK NAGAR, NEAR DAIMAND TAILER
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar2811,HUDSON LINE 2ND FLOOR, KINGSWAY CAMP
Other Architecture H.NO. A-527,NEW ASHOK NAGAR,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer 170 A,MALIK PUR,
GIS, Network Planning, System Administration, System Analyst/T520-16,MAHA LAXMI MARKET, CHANDHI CHOWK
Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Adminis N-124,VISHANI GARDAN, KHYALA
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT So 818/80,GARHI VILLAGE, SITLA MANDIR
Other Architecture F-24/6,KRISHNA NAGAR,
Architecture E-13/4,KRISHNA NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/SystemA-228,NEW ASHOK NAGAR,
Architecture, Other Architecture U-157,SHAKAR PUR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 1072/1,IST FLOOR, MEHRAULI
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Project Leader/ Project Manager63 FIRST FLOOR,GURUDWARA MUNIRKA VILLAGE,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, B 1/435,JANAK PURI,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect J-14 PARSAD NAGAR MIG FLATS,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 264 L,DAKSHIN PURI,
Architecture, Environmental Consulting, Interior Designer, Othe WZ-A-11 STREET NO 13,KRISHNA PARK TILAKNAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, GPRS, H/W Installation/Maintenanc 7 SOUTH PATEL NAGAR,,
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, FG I/10-C,VIKAS PURI,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ J I, KAKA NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Configuration/Release Mgmt, MutualB 56 BLOCK B RADLAY SHYAM,PURI,
Architecture 22/4,ALI VILLAGE, BADARPUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 2711,GALI JAMAN WALI, MOHALLA NIYARIAN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerSEC-6/23,TYPE I, R K PURAM
Application Programming, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtherG-15,SOUTH EXT II,
Architecture 112,DDA FLATS, SHEIKH SARAI 1
Architecture, Interior Designer C-25 JANGPURA EXTENSION,,
Other Architecture H NO 54,VILL AND POST AYA NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer H 123,SH VIJAY PARK, PUNJABI BAGH
Insurance Advisor, Personal Banking-Liability, Other Architectur 66BB/1 GAUTAM NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 2251/4,SHADI PUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Project Leader/ Project Ma153 POCKET-II,PASCHIM PURI,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 770 LODHI ROAD COMPLEX,,
Business Consulting, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/TechS 75 GREATER KAILASH II,,
Architecture 124-C POCKET-A,SUKHDEV VIHAR,
Client Server, Switching/Router, System Administration, System 16 867,JOSHI ROAD KAROR BAGH,
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems Ana97,TURNK PARKING, MAJNU KA TILLA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 71/162 PREM NAGAR JANAK PURI,,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Mainten 16 186I BAPA NAGAR,HARDHYAN SINGH ROAD KAROL BAGH,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network A 92,OLD RAJINDER NAGAR,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec C 29,EAST OF KAILASH,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 386,VILL BAPRALA,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 9/61 SEC 07,ROHINI,
Architecture 59/9 OLD RAJINDER NAGAR,,
Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech 4B 14 ANTRIKSH,BHAWAN KG, MARG
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MH NO 5381,MAIN BAZAR, LADDU GHATI PAHAR GANJ
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal H NO 71,HUMAYU PUR, SAFDARJANG ENCLAVE
Architecture A-18,MANAK VIHAR,
Architecture 187 H 110,KILOKRI JEEWAN NAGAR,
Architecture H NO 20,SAVITRI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 14/69,SUBHAS NAGAR,
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business/Systems AQTR NO 508,SEC III, R K PURAM
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Case ModH 84,VIKAS PURI,
Other Architecture B/26/1,GALI NO. 7 B, MOLAR NBD
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ConfiguraB 85 INDER ENCLAVE,,
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, A-2B/64 A EKTA APARTMENTS,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Legacy Systems H NO 619 I BLOCK,GALI NO 8, SANGAM VIHAR
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystIIMC GIRLS HOSTEL,ARUNA ASAF ALI MARG,
Architecture 99 B,DDA FLAT, SHAHPUR JAT
Client Server, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect E 17,GANG PURA EXTN,
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect B 149,LAJPAT NAGAR I,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 89,MASJID MOTH, SOUTH EXTN II
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System C-5/38 SEC.-15 ROHINI,,
Other Architecture 2299 SEC. C2,VASANT KUNJ,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administration, System AG/29,GREEN PARK,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur A 10,SARVODYA ENCLAVE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-11 AMAR COLONY,LAJPAT NAGAR - IV,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Mobile, Project Leader/ PA 1,KIRTI NAGAR FIRE STATION, RAMA ROAD
Lecturer/Professor, Desktop Support, Software Engineer, Syste H NO 6,SECTOR A POCKET C, VASANT KUNJ
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se SECTOR-I 77/270 GOLE,MARKET,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S B 387,MEERA BAGH,
Architecture B 4 1ST FLOOR,LAJPAT NAGAR I,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, R 674 NEW RAJINDER NAGAR,,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect B 57,INDER PURI,
Architecture VPO RANGPURI,,
Other Architecture 343 SAROJINI NAGAR,,
Architecture 62 A POCKET C,SIDDARTH EXT,
Architecture, Interior Designer H 3 14 VIKSHPURI,,
Other Architecture C 208,A 6, SAVITR NAGAR NEAR S SARAI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 878,WARD 6 MEHRAULI,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 250,KAILASH HILLS, 2ND FLOOR
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Project L AB 120 AMAR PURI,RAB NAGAR PAHAR GANJ,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 48 POCKET-I,PASCHIM PURI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnB-1/179 PASCHIM VIHAR,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Switching/Router, System AnaB 27,SARITA VIHAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys G 13,GALI NO 17, SANGAM VIHAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se E 108,OLD GUPTA COLONY, NEAR VIJAY NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur 59 PASCHIM ENCLAVE,SULTAN PUR, MAJRA
Client Server, Customer Support, Network Administration, Proj SHOP NO-191,SAROJINI NAGAR MARKET,
Architecture, Interior Designer E 23,ARYA SAMAJ ROAD, UTTAM NAGAR
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Archi 243/7 NEHRU NAGAR,,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys I-30 KIRTI NAGAR,,
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commer 5/22 DAKSHIN PURI,,
Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech C 18/15,SHIVAJI PARK, PUNJABI BAGH
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se J 64 SAURAV VIHAR BADARPUR,,,
Architecture 8/68 PUNJABI BAGH,,
Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Architect WZ865 INDRA PARK,GALI NO 2 PALAM COLONY,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec E35 GREATER KAILASH ENCL.,,
Architecture, Interior Designer BANGALI MARKET,NDMC INKUARY,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CE-985,SARASWATI VIHAR, PITAM PURA
Architecture WB 96 GANELSH NAGAR,,
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ-94A,T-BLOCK UTTAM NAGAR,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Commercial, Design, 24/37, RAJINDER NAGAR,,
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Consultin 39 INDRA PARK,,
Other Architecture R 245 6 B,,
Architecture 247,ALIGANJ,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se S-37,FLAT NO-18, PANDAV NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect T507/1 ASHOKA PAHARI,THUTS FAIZ ROAD,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Z-42,DEEPAK VIHAR, VIKAS NAGAR
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Network Planning, Pr286 F/5,TRILOK PURI,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, B-502 SANGAM VIHAR,,
Architecture 36 C 2,RLY CLY TUGALAKABAD,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, IT/Telecom 35,CHHANNA MAL PARK, EAS TPANJABI BAGH
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO H 18/15 IIND FLOOR,BATLA HOUSE, JAMIA NAGAR OKHAL
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, Network Administra A 12,NIZAMUDDIN,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 170-A,KATARIA SARAI,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect AAKASHWANI BHAWAN,SANSAD MARG,
Application Programming, Mobile, Risk/Credit/Economic AnalystX-86,IIND FLOOR, WEST PATEL NAGAR
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnE-33 AMAR COLONY,LAJPAT NAGAR,
Back Office, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Pro16/493 E,BAPA NAGAR, PADAM SINGH ROAD
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-17,NDSE PART I,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur E 39,J J CAMP, TIGRI
Architecture EA-258,MAYA ENCLAVE,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Proj 1475,LAXMI BAI NAGAR,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 2/5141,KRISHAN NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 65,SAIKH SARAI,
Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, System AdT 30,MALVIYA NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 14/125,DAKSHIN PURI EXTN,
System Analyst/Tech Architect K 134 KRTI NAGAR,,
Other Architecture, Other TV/Film Prod. ROOM NO 601,CWC SEWA BHAWAN R K PURAM, SEC 1
Other Architecture M-28,SAKET,
Architecture 40/164,CHITTARNAJAN PARK,
Building/Residential, Civil, Industrial/Utility, Land developme RZ-77 B VAISHALI STREET NO- 2,,
Other Architecture WZ 4100 SUDARSAN PARK,,
Architecture K 26E,DDA FLATS, SAKET
Architecture, Other EP Mgmt/St Eng/CE 5E GOPALA TOWER 25 RAJENDRA,PLACE,
International Business, Mainframe, Project Leader/ Project Man40/7,ASHOK NAGAR, TILAK NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer A 15 NIZAMUDDIN WEST,,
Architecture F-119,MANSAROVER GARDEN,
Architecture K-2107,C R PARK,
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProUB 63,ANTRIKSH BHAWAN, 22 KG, MARG CONNOUGHT PLACE
Architecture L 1126/24,SANGAM VIHAR,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Proje402 PATIALA HOUSE COURT,,
Application Programming, GPRS, GSM, Mobile, Network Planning, RZ 225,GALI NO 16, TUGHLAKABAD EXTN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se K 201,KANGRA NIKETAN VIKAS PURI,
Architecture 12/26,SARVA PRIYA VIHAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 21/23,OLD RAJENDRA NAGAR,
Architecture H NO 102 MALL APTS,MALL ROAD,
Architecture, Interior Designer C-3 150 SULTANPURI,,
Other Architecture 89,SAROJNI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Top Mgmt WZ 610 D/S,NEW RAJINDER NAGAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 1143,RAKAB GANJ, DELITE CINEMA
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), InterH NO 210 BLOCK-C,GALI NO-2, SANGAM VIHAR
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech ArchiA-2/5 ADARSH APARTMENTS,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Client Server, GIS, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware De 137 EXTENTION-2,NANGLOI,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec H NO 15,GALI NO 5/2 A-BLOCK, SHAKTI BIHAR BADARPUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerC-12-D,DDA FLAT, MUNIRKA
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, Database Admin H NO 6396,BLOCK 7 GALI NO 3, DEV NAGAR KAROL BAGH
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,D II/319,PANDARA ROAD,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture GREAVES LTS 9* 10,BAHADUR SAFAR MARG, INDIAN EXPRESS BUILDING
Other Architecture 889 LAXMI BAI NAGAR,,
Architecture G 180,NARAINA VIHAR,
Architecture 238 MASJID MOTH,,
Architecture 238,VASANT VIHAR,
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenaB-335,SEWA NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser79,R K PURAM,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S LAJPAT NAGR,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste 3237,BEADON PURA SARASWATI, MARKET KAROL BAGH
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 507/42 BABAFARID PURI,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se J 19,HAUZ KHAS ENCLAVE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOTEL WESRERN,NHS RANGPURA,
Architecture H 6/9,MALVIYA NAGAR,
Architecture RZ-88/345,MOHAN NAGAR, PANKHA ROAD
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture, Others A 37 INDRAPURI,BOUDNAGAR,
Investment Banking, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System ARZ 3 96,NIHARL VIHAR,
Architecture T 112,BALJEET NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser2527/36,BHAGAT SINGH STREET, PAHAR GANJ
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeadeL-16C SAKET,,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst H NO 46 C,MEHLA MOHALLA, MADANPUR KHADAR
GIS, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Project LeaR 54 5 MATA SUNDRI ROAD,,
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analysis J 17,GANGARAM VATIKA, TILAK NAGAR
Configuration/Release Mgmt, GSM, Project Leader/ Project ManH-342,NANAKPURA, MOTI BAGH
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se ROAD NO 4,GALI NO 11, MAHIPAL PUR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat C 451,KUSUMPUR PAHARI,
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project LeH NO H 16/692,SANGAM VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect 308 ASIA HOUSE K G MARG,,,
Other Architecture A 193A,RAJU PARK,
Application Programming, Architecture, Configuration/Release A 16,JOGE BAI EXTN JAMIA, NAGAR OLKHLA
Architecture 7/393,TYPE II, R K PURAM
ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech Architect J 115,JOSHI ROAD,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Mainframe, Sys ROAD NO 72,H NO 26 PUNJABI BAGH,
Architecture, Interior Designer B-434,PASCHIM PURI,
Lecturer/Professor, Network Administration, Project Leader/ P 23/17 PUNJABI BAGH,EXTN,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te84 A/6 WARD NO 2,NEAR PRINCE PUBLIC SCHOOL, MEHRAULI
System Analyst/Tech Architect J 49,FIRST FLOOR, KIRTI NAGAR
Architecture, Channel Sales, Other Sales/BusDev F 104,KIRTI NAGAR,
Architecture, Business Strategy, Other Architecture A 28,PUNDRIK VIHAR, PITAM PURA
Architecture D-1/7 SEC 15,ROHINI,
Other Architecture 105-106-B,POCKET M, SARITA VIHAR
Architecture RZ A-3/132,DURGA PARK,
Direct marketing, Marketing Strategy, Product /Brand ManagemC 24,RAJOURI GARDEN,
Business Strategy, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Data WarehousD-11/89 SEC-7 ROHINI,,
Architecture B 632 WZ 21381,SUDERSHAN PARK,
Architecture BLOCK NO 2,PLOT NO 88/2 WHS, KIRTI NAG
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Database Administ 5/9,KISHAN GARH VILLAGE,
Architecture 97 A,MUNIRKA,
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, IT Co8A JANHIT APPTS,SEC-9 ROHNI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E- 2/133,SUBHAS VAGAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys 32 HOUSINGH SOCIETY,NDSEI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Custom J 161 B,RAJOURI GARDEN,
Architecture 823,LAXMI BAI NAGAR,
Architecture 94 A ARJUN NAGAR,,
Architecture AT 53,BALJEET NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser29 F,WARD NO 1, MEHRAULI
Architecture, Project Management C 4/14 ACHARYA NIKETAN,PATPARGANJ,
Other Architecture 709,PKT 1 PASCHI9M PURI,
Architecture, Design, Land development, Project Management 149A SUNLIGHT COLONY,DDA FLATS, HARI ASHRAM
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, A-255,SHIVALIK MALVIYA NAGAR,
Client Server, Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance337 SHAHPUR JAT,,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Office Services, Other Architect J 7116 UA,KALKA JI, DDA FLAT
Architecture, Bank Assurance, Company Secretary HOUSE NO-104,VILL AYA NAGAR,
Desktop Support, Network Administration, Service Engineers, S Z-60 LOHAMANDI NARAINA,,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Institutional/Industrial Sec20/32,DDA FLATS, DAKSHIN PURI EXTENSION
Architecture E-89,KALKAJI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Release MS-10 PNT QTR,A G ROAD,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EmbeddedSQ NO 33,SOUTH AVENUE,
Architecture, Interior Designer 339 VIKAS KUNJ,VIKAS PURI,
Architecture 1180,3 GALI 65 AT NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Client Server, Network Administration, Network Planning, Qualit1770,PATUDI HOUSE,
Administration, Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, 237,KHICHRIPUR VILLAGE,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Swi139,WARD NO 2, MEHRAULI
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture G355 SRINIWAS PURI,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 16/52,FAIZ ROAD, KAROL BAGH
Other Architecture ASOLA,FATEH PUR BERI,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2/14 VIKRAM VIHAR,LAJPAT ANGAR-IV,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S N-70/202,SAILING BOAT CLUB LANE, BATLA HOUSE OKHLA
Architecture B 400,SANGAM VIHAR,
Architecture S-111/51-B,B S F CAMP, KUSHUM PUR PAHADI
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ER 672 GALI NO 2,PUNJABI BASTI, ANAND PARBET
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-comm WZ 554-A SHIV NAGAR,GALI NO 20 SHIV NAGAR, TILAK NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop K-36E SAKET,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 348,NEW SUBZI MANDI, AZADPUR
Application Programming, System Administration, System AnalyB 47 ABUL FAZAL ENCLAVE,PART II OKHLA,
Architecture, Commercial RZF 760A/57,RAJNAGAR II PALAM COLONY,
Administration, Application Programming, Client Server, EDP/ F 12,GOPINATH BAZAR,
Architecture 444/4,WARD NO 4, MEHRAULI
Corporate Sales, Customer Support, H/W Installation/MaintenanJAG RAM SINGH YADAV,PO RAJOKARI,
Architecture V1 OLD NANGAL RAYA,,
Other Architecture DG II 254C,VIKAS PURI,
Other Architecture 3/115 GEETA COLONY,,
Architecture I 73,SAROJINI NAGAR,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An2630/4 STREET NO 7,GIHARI COLONY, SHAHADRA
Architecture C 447 GALI NO 10 MAH,JLIS PARK,
Architecture C-491 DEFENCE COLONY,,
Architecture 561/3,CHIRAG DELHI,
Architecture BN-37 EAST SHALIMAR BAGH,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP 48 H,PUSHP VIHAR, SECTOR 4
Architecture, Interior Designer F-228/3,ANDREWS GANJ,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database H NO 29,CHATTARPUR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 2/269 SUBHASH NAGAR,,
Architecture M-84,JAWAHAR PARK, KHAN PUR
IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Recruitment, Software CN 46 B VISHNU GARDEN,,
Architecture, Business Development, Interior Designer, Product C 600 AVANTIKA SEC I,ROHINI,
Architecture C 62 SHIVAJI PARK,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se WZ 29 PLOT NO 63,VISHNU PARK,
Architecture 1218/10 GOVIND PURI,KALKAJI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1090 TYPE-II,LAXMI BAI NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect WZ-144,GURU NANAK NAGAR,
Architecture, Aviation, Bridge, Building/Residential, Civil, H H NO 74C,BHARAT NAGAR, NEW FRIENDS COLONY
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 80-B DDA FLATS SHAHPUR,JAT OPPOSITE ASIAD VILL,
Architecture, Civil, Design, HVAC, Interior Designer, Maintena H NO B-5,SAGAR APPARTMENT, 6 TILAK MARG
Administration, Operations, Work Flow Analysis, Data WarehousH NO D 73/10,TUGHLAKABAD EXTN,
Information Systems, IT Consultant, Network Consulting, Soft 6971 GALI NO 13,MULTANI DHANDA, PAHAR GANJ
Product Development, Project Management, Quality, Quality AssA-7,MAVI MOHALLA, TEHKHAND
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, FI -298,NEW RAJINDER NAGAR,
Administration, Architecture, Office Management & Coordinati 6 BLOCK-8,DAKSHINPURI EXTN,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Commercial, Design, In H NO A 5 LAL QUATER,MANDIPUR PUNJABI BAGH,
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Project Ma STAFF QTRS,MODERN SCHOOL, BARAKHAMBA ROAD
Business/Systems Analysis, IT , System Analyst/Tech Architect 1/79,SECTOR A POCKET B, VASANT KUNJ
Architecture, Other Architecture 58,KEWAL PARK, AZADPUR
Architecture, Design, Land development, Urban Development H NO 437,BADARPUR VILLAGE, MAIN MARKET
EDP/MIS, System Analyst/Tech Architect 35/A,NAND NAGARI,
Architecture D 14 226 SEC 8 ROHINI,,
Architecture, Other Architecture 23 C SEC IV,GATE MARTEET,
Architecture C 125,DEVLI ROAD, KHANPUR
Architecture F-128 SARITA VIHAR,NEW DELHI,
Administration, Architecture, Event Planning, Facilities manag 2253/L2,NEW RANJEET NAGAR, MANDIR WALI GALI
Architecture B 94 K ENCLAVE I,,
Application Programming, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Private RZ-3139/35,TUGALKABAD EXT,
Architecture, Bridge, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Inter 58 MOTI BAGH,VILL NANAK PURA,
Architecture, Other Architecture, Others A1/54,HASTSAL ROAD UTTAM NAGAR,
Architecture 10/96,KAROL BAGH,
Architecture TC 3/5,NEW MOTI NAGAR,
Architecture 253,MUNIRKA VILL,
Other Architecture S 221/69,VISHNU GARDEN,
Database Administration (DBA), Information Systems, Network A181/18,D-BLOCK, AMRIT PURI GARHI
Architecture A2/98,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Other Architecture 150 SANT NAGAR,EAST OF KAILASH,
Corporate Planning/Strategy, Environmental Consulting, FeasibilB 9/79/1,SAFDARJUNG ENCLAVE,
Architecture 116 DDA JANTA FLATS,TIGRI,
Other Architecture H NO T-510/C-5,MILL MARH, BALJEET NAGAR
Other Architecture A-60,RAJOURI GARDEN,
Architecture, Design, Electrical/Electronic 307 TILAK KHAND,GIRI NAGAR, KALKAJI
Architecture 1200/10,GOVIND PURI, KALKAJI
Customer Service, Information Systems, System Analyst/Tech ArE-4 JAROURI GARDEN,,
Architecture A-110 GANESH NAGAR,,
Architecture F-3/264,SAGAM VIHAR,
Architecture 46 A,SOUTH EXTN PART I,
Architecture 575,BIJWASAN,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 2A /3,RAMESH NAGAR, SINGLE STORY
Other Architecture 209 SHAKTI CHAMBER 1378/21,NAIWALA KAROL BAGH,
Other Architecture B 85,PURU APTS SEC 13, ROHINI
Architecture, Interior Designer S-77,PRINCESS PARK, OFFICERS HSTL
Architecture, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, InterF38 MINTO ROAD,,,
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web DeH NO RZ 551,GALI NO 22, TUGHLAKABAD EXT
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database 9732,MULTANI DHANDA, RAM NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst H NO 412,BLOCK 87 GOEL MKT, SEC I PESHWA ROAD
Architecture 3/14,SUBHASH NAGAR,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 61,VPO GHITORINI,
Client Server, Customer Service, Data entry, Database Adminis 210,GAUTAM VIHAR,
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support N 210,GREATER KAILASH I,
Interior Designer, Architecture, Building/Residential 4 D/58,2AD FLOOR, OLD RAJINDER NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se BG 6/33C PASCHIM VIHAR,,
Architecture, Data entry C 201 SARITA VIHAR,,
Architecture H NO B-253,SOUTH MOTI BAGH,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Control, ERZ 47/4G DARAMPURA,NAJAFGARH,
Other Architecture V 302,RAJOURI GARDEN,
Architecture A-5/B-153 PASCHIM VIHAR,,
Other Architecture 66C PKT A 14,KALKAJI,
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Inform109 A MUNIRKA VILLAGE,,
Application Programming, Banking -General, Business/Systems An 3182,RANJIT NAGAR, SOUTH PATEL NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 1963 TURKMAN GATE,,
Banking -General, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchHNO-149,CHATTARPUR, MEHRAULI
Architecture, Interior Designer KERALA HOUSE,3-JANTAR MANTAR ROAD,
System Analyst/Tech Architect B 1/489,JANAK PURI,
Architecture, Interior Designer 17 JAIDEV PARK,DDA FLATS, EAST PUNJABI BAGH
Architecture 14 C,SANWAL NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 6/4,OLD CAMP RACE COURSE,
Other Architecture 213/7A,MUNIRKA GAAN,
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Network 770 A SEC-4 R K PURAM,,
Other Architecture P.S. NAND NAGARI,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Customer Support, Da 234,HUMAYUN PUR, SAFDARJANG ENCLAVE
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnWZ-524,BASAI DHARA PUR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati T HUTS 142,MEERA BAGH, PASCHIM VIHAR
Architecture K II 507,SANGAM VIHAR,
Other Architecture 138/13 PUSHP VIHAR SECTORI,,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect B 31,AMAR COLONY, LAJPAT NAGAR IV
Architecture 114 NEW CAYAL PUR,,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch WZ 65A PARTAP NAGAR,JAIL ROAD,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer122/11B,GAUTAM NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect GH 13/788,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrat 407 A,ROAD NO 4, MAHIPAL PUR
Application Programming, Client Server, Mobile, Software Engi 602 ASIAN GAMES VILLAGE,,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Inter170 BASTI HZT,NIZAMUDDIN WEST,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, System Analyst/TB 17,RAJAPURI, UTTAM NAGAR
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ 10155B WEST GORAKH PARK,GALI NO-1 SHAHDARA,
Other Architecture 439,DEVLI,
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Design, Highway 11/3606,RAMPURA KAROL BAGH,
Architecture 5-3/322 DDA FLATS,KALKAJI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser28/45 GF BLOCK-28,WEST PATEL NAGAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec H NO 54,SAROJINI NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect P 23 PILANJI VILLAGE,SAROJINI NAGAR,
Architecture 183 RAJA GARDEN,,
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBASTAFF NURSE OT,ESCORTSHEART INSTITUTE, OKHLA ROAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect 691/7,PUSHP VIHAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mobile, S RZ C 88,MAHAVIR ENCLAVE,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec D 472,LAJPAT NAGAR,
Architecture 133/9,KISHAN GARH, VASANT KUNJ
Architecture 12/250,KALYANPURI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Da RZ 51 C KAMAL PARK PALAM,ROAD,
Architecture, Design, Urban Development, Other Architecture 104 SOUTH ANARKALI,,
Architecture C 38 NEW GOVIND PURA,,
Other Architecture E-286 EAST OF KAILASH,,
Other Architecture F-143 B LIG,SECTOR-11, PRATAP VIHAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O S P CHADHA H NO-4076,ST NO-37 REGHARPURA, VISHNU MANDIR M
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech5/4,DAKSHINPURI,
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect63 TILAKKHAND GIRINAGAR,KALKAJI,
Architecture SHOP NO 3,LSC DDA MKT,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Media Planning 3037/37,BEADON PURA KAROL, BAGH
Administration, Application Programming, Business Consulting, B-5 VIKAS NAGAR,HASTSAL,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ RZ 276 BHD NAGAR,TIKRI KALAN,
Private Tuition, Teacher, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software 7 GANDHI MARKET,MIR DRAD ROAD,
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Network B 666 JAWALA PURI CAMP,NO. 4,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming H.NO. 23 SAIDOLAJAIB,,
Architecture, Interior Designer SUGAR MILLS BAGHPAT,AVANTIKA ROHINI,
Architecture, Interior Designer B1 B29 JANAKPURI,,
Architecture RZ-377 B,SHIV PUR, GALI NO-9 W SAGAR PUR
Other Architecture C/O R D AHLAWAT,HNO IF NEAR IIT,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 218,SATYA NIKETAN, 4TH FLOOR
Other Architecture 310 ASIAD VILLAGE,,
Architecture 148 SCINDIA HOUSE,,
Architecture F 22 JAWHAR PARK,,
Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/We JA 40F LIG G8,AREA RAJOURI GARDEN,
Architecture, Interior Designer 4112,RAGHAR PURA, KAROL BAGH
Other Architecture Q-37/2,BATLA HOUSE, JAMIA NAGAR
Architecture T-88,VISHNU GARDERN,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-222-A,LADO SARAI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, Da 328,BASAI DARA PUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems, Software161 A J J COLONY,PHASE II BLOCK -A, NANGLOI
Architecture F-89,JANAKPURI,
Other Architecture 15/10,WEST PATEL NAGAR,
Architecture H 16/949,BAPA NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Architecture, Interior Designer B-50/72,MOLARBAND EXT, BADARPUR
Other Architecture A 68/2,DEOLI EXT,
Other Architecture 38-D POCKET A SUKHDEV,VIHAR,
Architecture 17/5,KALKA JI,
Other Architecture 100 VILL BINDPUR,UTTAM NAGAR,
Architecture F-57,KALKAJI,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded TG-18 NANAK PURA,MOTI BAGH II,
Other Architecture 32/373 TAILOK PURI,,
Other Architecture E-16/882,ANAND PURI BAPA NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Architecture, Art, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Other Adv 227 DSIDC COMPLEX,OKHLA IND AREA PH I,
Other Architecture N-29 SRINIVAS PURI,,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture 2-II/271,SANGAM VIHAR,
Architecture RZD-3/66 MAHAVIR ENCL,,
Architecture 1491,LODHI ROAD COMPLEX,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T A 36,MANSAROVER GARDEN,
System Analyst/Tech Architect D 18,KHSH DEV POC, BUIDH VIHAR PH II
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mainfram642 E,BABA FARID PURI, WEST PATEL NAGAR
Architecture D 64,MUSUD PUR,
Architecture D13-176 SECTOR 7,ROHINI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, DatE 1/67 SHIV RAM PARK NANGLOI,,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft A 170 D,SHASTRI NAGAR,
ERP/CRM, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AnalysC-65 FATEH NAGAR,,
Architecture 1305,POORVANCHAL,
Architecture, Interior Designer B-53 KALU SARAI,,
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te37/1250-52,DDA FLATS, MADANGIRI
Architecture BI 413-414 RAGHUVIR NGR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming RZ 90A DHARMPURA,NAJAFRAGH,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data War D 73 TAGORE GARDEN EXTN,,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ D 2ND 2438 VASANT KUNJ,,
Other Architecture 40/168 C R PARK,,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Desktop Support, S-55,BHAIM BASTI, JAUNAPUR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pro EPT 37,P&T COLONY, DEV NAGAR KAROL BAGH
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, In 425 GALI NO 1,PREM NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 42-A POCKET-6 MIG-II,MAYUR VIHAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr H NO 878,WARD NO 6, MEHRAULI
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect AMITY BUIGNESS SCHOOL,,
Other Architecture RZ F 9/10,GALI NO 21, SADH NAGAR 2
Architecture 1022 GOBIND PURI,KALKAJI,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Marine Engineering, Other Arch 4367,MAIN BAZAR, KATRA KALAWATI PAHAR GANJ
Other Architecture B 173,G K I,
Architecture 309 SFS PHASE 4 ASHOK,VIHAR,
Architecture 486/1,G.T. ROAD, SHAHDRA
Information Systems, Network Administration, Operations, QualNA 83,A VISHNU GARDEN,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), GrapARY NAGAR KAROL BAGH,,
Other Architecture 2009 PILANJI,K M PUR,
Other Architecture WZ 64,MUKH RAM PARK, TILAK NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer CD-45 E,HARI NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 754,SARASWATI PURAM, J N U
Architecture 190A GAUTAN NAGAR,,
Architecture 10/50,SUBHASH NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic A-34 MEERA BAGH PASCHIM,VIHAR,
Architecture 584/6,GOVIND PURI, KALKAJI
Architecture, Interior Designer 195 DDA II,VIKAS PURI,
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-com NO A129,MUNIRKA VILLAGE,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 1983/8,CHUNA MANDI, PAHAR GANJ NEAR BARAT GHAR
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalB 2B-325,JANAK PURI,
Architecture R 304 VENUS,3423 HARI MANDIR, PAHARGANJ
Architecture T-594/1 BALJEET NAGAR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 21/3 MOTI NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Releas L 11 /142A,DDA FLATS KALKAJI,
Architecture G - 175,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Service Engineers, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Arch81/1,YUSUF SARAI, GAUTAM NAGAR ROAD
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, InternD 158 GALI NO 70,BAL UDHYAN MARG, UTTAM NAGAR
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechC 220,KALKAJI DDA FLATS, KALKAJI
Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration 11 P&T COLONY,PITAMPURA,
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Editor/Journalist, Gr A/159,TIGIR COLONY, AMBEDKAR NAGAR SEC 01
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T H NO 387,SECTOR S, R K PURAM
Other Architecture 53 41 B,OLD MAHBIR NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 8/6446,GALI NO-1 DEV NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Architecture T 30/1C,BALJEET NAGAR,
Editor/Journalist, Film Maker, Interior Designer, Production/Te THE MECH INF REGT,C/O 56 APO ARMY CAMP, KHANPUR
Architecture, Other Architecture ED 93 TAGORE GARDEN,,
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, 65A GAUTAM NAGAR,,
Signal Processing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 192 BLOCK A E,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture C4C/364,JANAKPURI,
Art, Client Servicing, Event Management, Interior Designer, Visu177 W 2,MEHRAULI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, TechnicaH NO-215,GALI NO-8, SHAHIN BAGH JAMIA NAGAR
Architecture 401/A,MUNIRKA VILLAGE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 88,GOPAL PARK,
Mainframe, Network Administration, Security, Software EngineeKELSON HOTEL,ROOM NO 211, PAHAR GANJ
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechH NO 362,VPO, GHEVRA
Application Programming, Corporate Sales, Database Administra166-D,2ND FLOOR, WEST PATEL NAGAR
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Networ H2/148 A,MAHAVIR ENCL,
Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy H NO C-88,BASTI TALIWALAN CN BLOCK, ANAND PARBAT
Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Admi C/O RAJENDRA,HNO-115, VPO KAPASHERA
Architecture D-213-1,FAZAL ENCLAVE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1668 LODHI ROAD COMPLEX,,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), EmbeEC-46 KUMAON HOUSE,IIT DELHI, HAUZ KHAS
Customer Service, Data Warehousing, Database Administration 310,SHAHPUR JAT,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati WZ 4 PLOT NO 5,RAVI NAGAR,
Architecture 2029 NAIWALA,KAROL BAGH,
Architecture H NO RZ 303/17,TUGLAKABAD EXTN,
Client Server, Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Ana H NO T-695 C,GALI NO 21 A, BALJEET NAGAR SHADI PUR
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, IC Programmin T 317/6,BALJEET NAGAR,
Architecture 6/402,TIRLOK PURI,
Other Architecture RZ 46C/5,WEST SAGARPUR, STREET-2
Other Architecture D-2,2394 VASANT KUNJ,,
Architecture, Other Architecture C2/214,JANAK PURI,
Architecture C-44/309,GANDHI NAGAR,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System 1980/54,TRI NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Channel Sales, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, F2/56,OLD RAJINDER NAGAR,
Other Architecture H NO S-31,SEC 10 TYPE 5, NIVEDIRA KUNJ R K PURAM
Architecture C-170 RAGHUBIR NAGAR,,
Accounting & Finance, Application Programming, Business/SysteJ1/83 FIRST FLOOR GUPTA,COLONY, KHIRKI EXTN MALVIYA NAGAR
Architecture H NO K 120,B K DUTT COLONY,
Application Programming, Business Consulting, Business/SystemRZ-E-3,MAHAVIR ENCLAVE,
Other Architecture H NO 4,JANGPURA,
Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archit H 31,SAURABH VIHAR, JAITPUR ROAD BADAR PUR
Architecture F-63/3 ABUL FAZAL PART,- II OKHLA,,
Architecture D 36,JAWAHAR PARK,
Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, Syste J3/45,2ND FLOOR, KARKHI MALVIYA NAGR
Architecture 177 E,WARD 2 MEHARAULI,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech B-55,NDMC SOCIETY, VIKAS PURI
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), DeskB 67,HARI NAGAR EXTN, BADARPUR
Other Architecture E 93,HARKESH NAGAR,
Architecture, Other Architecture T-33 BASTI,NIZAMUDDIN,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 11 NIZAMUDDIN EAST,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeF-197A GALI NO 2,MUNGAL BAZAR LAXMI NAGAR,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E- D 1/1 56,SATYA MARG, CHANKYAPURI
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, So C-60 MALVIYA NAGAR,,
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support 209,SULTAN PUR,
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectFlat No. 172, Surya appartments, Plot no 14, sec 6 Dwarka New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, IT Consultant, Internet/E-commerce, Management Consulting, Project Leader/ Proje
Architecture B-164 JANGPURA-B NEW DELHI-14
Other Architecture dilshad garden. delhi 95
Architecture D/O vijay kumar srivastava, bank manager, u.p. gramin bank, bhagwatigun
Other Architecture 237 S.F.S FLATS -4 ASHOK VIHAR DELHI
Desktop Support, Language Specialist, System Analyst/Tech ArchA 23/G4, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095
Architecture C-261, Sarita-Vihar, N.Delhi)
Application Programming, Client Server, Database AdministratioD-1,PANDAV NAGAR, NEAR SHANTI NURSING HOME,OPP.MOTHER DAIRY,
Architecture, Interior Designer 7/118 swaroop nagar kanpu
Architecture 71/113Prem Nagar janak puri new delhi 110018
Architecture C-12,Street No.-3,Sadatpur Colony, Post office Gokulpuri,Delhi-110094.
EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embedded Technologies, External 1734, GULABI BAGH DELHI-110007
Architecture pocket e flat no -103d, dilshad garden, delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer
Interior Designer, Other Architecture E-3/402, Rohini, Sector-18 New Delhi Delhi IN
Architecture, Building/Residential, Land development, Urban 165, vinoba puri, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi.
Architecture D1/4,AAI Colony, Mahipalpur, Delhi
Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/TWZ 18 GOLDEN PARK RAMPURA DELHI 110035
Architecture, Interior Designer plot # 1 ,Birbal road ,jangpura extension
Other Architecture E-56 2ND FLOOR MOTI NAGAR NEW DELHI-15
Other Architecture rzh-329/60a rajnagar part-2 palam colony new delhi-77
Architecture 1013, Sector ‘A’ Pocket ‘A’ Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture H-1455 C.R. Park New Delhi-110019
Architecture H.No. 55, akriti apartments, plot no. 62, I.P. Extn, Delhi - 110092
Other Architecture C/o.Shri.P.K.Verma Rajpur Dehradun-248001 IN
Architecture, Marketing Strategy, Other Architecture House No.- 248A New Delhi HARYANA 110016 IN
Other Architecture B-1/45, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029
Architecture Green Park Extn. New delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-10,LAJPAT NAGAR,NEW DELHI
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior Desi G-1277,Sangam Vihar New Delhi-110062
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, EDP/MIS, OperatiPOCKET GH-9 FLAT NO-172 PASCHIM VIHAR NEW DELHI-110087
Architecture M 242 Vikaspuri New Delhi
Architecture r-42 malviya nagar
Architecture c-81,d.d.a flats old rajinder nagar. new delhi-60. near about ganga ram ho
Architecture H.No. 3747/2 St.NO.-4, Dharampura Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-110031
Architecture 94, Type II North-West Moti Bagh New Delhi
Architecture Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer A-21, Harsh Dev Park, Budh Vihar Phase-II, New Delhi-110086
Architecture M 175 Vikaspuri
Architecture C-8/129 sector- 8 Rohini. New Delhi
Architecture FLAT NO. : LIG-95, 2ND FLOOR, SARITA VIHAR, NEW DELHI -110044
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F-1137, First Floor, C.R. Park, New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1406/2, Sheela Kutir, Bholanath Nagar,
Administration, Architecture, Interior Designer, Private Tuition A-15,freedom fighter enclave,neb srai,new delhi-110068
Architecture House No. - 1388, Sector - 3, Faridabad.
Application Programming, Claims/Collection Mgmt, Client ServeSO Flats - 1, Satyamarg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110021
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Strategy, 8-B, Pocket A Sukhdev Vihar New Delhi - 110025
Architecture WZ-111, TILAK VIHAR, 80 YARDS, TILAK NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110018
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture 11/150, malvia nagar New delhi 110017
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-13,Mukhram Garden Tilak Nagar Near JanakPuri New Delhi=110018
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming NAZIMA PARVEEN ____ _ 1674, GULABI BAGH, DELHI ADMINISTRATION FL
Other Architecture Flat No-109 , GaurGAlaxy, Vaishali Sector-5 GAziabad (U.P) 201010
Other Architecture Y.W.A Hostle no.2,SaketAvenue-21, New Delhi-17.
Architecture c-85 avantika,sec-I,ROHINI,DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer nanadanvan nagpur-9
Architecture B-1/211 paschim vihar new delhi-110063
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Database Administ #32 Ras Vihar Appartments, Plot 99, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi-1100
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Adminis 18/625,joshi road,new delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Network AH NO.-1377, SEC-12, R K PURAM, NEW DELHI
Architecture D-171A, NEW AHOK NAGAR DELHI-110096
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch169, MALL APARTMENTS MALL ROAD DELHI
Architecture, Building/Residential, Urban Development FLAT NO. 303, II FLOOR, PLOT NO. M- 26, LADO SARAI NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer h.no.25,sec-15a faridabad haryana pincode-121007
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, SoftwareType 1, D-block, Flat No.: 670, Netaji Nagar, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer 184/4 arjun nagar near safdarjung enclave new delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S b-15/392,bhagat singh colony,barnala road,sirsa
System Analyst/Tech Architect Room No.-5, First Floor F-124, Katwaria Sarai Near - Bus Stand New Delhi
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Architecture 203, blk 20 Dakshin Puri Delhi
Architecture katwaria sarai.New Delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 40,Ami Chand Khand, Giri Nagar Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019
Other Architecture flat no.-(s-2),Block no.-24 Kalyan vas Near Mayur Vihar Phase-II, Delhi-91
Architecture b-177,Pull Prahladpur,Delhi
Desktop Support, Host/Hostess, System Analyst/Tech Architect, HNo.113, VIP- Khar Khari Nahar, Najafgarh, New Delhi 110043.
Architecture, Interior Designer g-1/347 b, dal mill road uttam nagar new delhi-59
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Graphic Desi56/7 subhash road Dehradun uttrakhand-248001
Architecture F-79, LADOSARAI, NEW DELHI
Architecture 467-C Faisal Town Lahore
Architecture, Interior Designer 31 shivalik apartment 105 I.P extension delhi 110092
Architecture 3rd Floor, H.No 1, Vinobapuri, Lajpat Nagar - 2 New Delhi - 25
Architecture, Interior Designer FLAT NO-6, D-7,SIDDHARTHA NAGAR, ASHRAM, NEW DELHI
Architecture 14/84. Ground Floor, Vikram vihar, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Quality Assurance/Testing,F-55/B,HAri Nagar, New Delhi - 64
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pro 171-a , Khirki Extention, Malviya Nagar, NEW DELHI
Other Architecture H-1/6 Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110016
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Project Leade
Architecture, Interior Designer E-3/56, DDA LIG Flats, Sector - 18, Rohini, Delhi - 110085.
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), SystA-48/2, S.F.S. Flats, Saket, New Delhi
Other Architecture 389/TYPE IV, SECTOR-9, R.K.PURAM, NEW DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer 13-a,j&k pocket,dilshad garden,delhi
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, c/o sri r.n.pany 138,north avenue. new delhi
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, A-45, IInd floor,new multan nagar.
Lecturer/Professor, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality AsKalludumpil House, Kallely P.O., Konni, Dist Pathanamthitta Kerala 689691
EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Release 194H, Garud Apartments, Pocket 4, Mayur Vihar Phase 1, New Delhi
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arc503, Gobind Apartment,Vasundhara enclave
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Graphic Designing/A
Architecture, Interior Designer 87A, Pocket - I, Mayur Vihar Phase - I, Delhi - 91
Architecture c-72dabua colony faridabad
Application Programming, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software RZ-C-49, Dabri Extension east, New Delhi-110045
Architecture Current Address : A 26, Gaurav Apartment IP Extension, New Delhi 110092
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil D-47/3, Sangam Vihar, Near Sati Shakti Mandir, New Delhi 110062,
Architecture #L 49B, 2nd Floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, IT Consultant, FG-1/51A Vikas Puri New Delhi - 110018
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Othesec-8, pkt c/8/140, rohini delhi-110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec Bikaner Matching Center Sangaria-335063 Hanumangarh(Raj.)
Architecture 42-C ,Vaishali Appt. Kalkaji Extn. , Pocket-12, New Delhi-19
Architecture, Interior Designer DELHI
Architecture G-58, KARAM PURA, NEW DELHI-110015
Architecture, Interior Designer 9/2342, street no-12, Kailash Nagar, Delhi-110031
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, A-7/155-156,Sector-17,Rohini, New Delhi-110085
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ PDelhi
Architecture C-39,Pandav Nagar,Patpar Ganj Roiad,Delhi-110092
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Process RFlat 29C, Block C6A, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110 058
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, 15 H ,MIG flats,pocket 4,New Kondli Mayur Vihar 3,New Delhi
Interior Designer, Other Architecture Shiv Mandir Chitra gupta Road Main Bazaar Pahargunj New Delhi
Other Architecture B-14,N.I.H.F.W,near munirka new delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Adminis 163-164,H/O Mrs. Sudha Gaur, Pocket C-7, Sector-7, Rohini. New Delhi-11
Architecture 19/73 ,West Moti Bagh , Sarai Rohilla , Delhi -110035 ,
Architecture A-2/803 som bazar ganwari Delhi-53
Architecture 60 amrit nagar near southextension -part 1 new delhi -110003
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect welcome group housing society sector C-2/3 dwarka
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Software
Architecture H.NO.-39, KAVITA COLONY, NANGLOI, DELHI-110041
Architecture 94/1 daru bhondela ,jhansi,u.p
Architecture N-206, RK Puram,sector-8, New Delhi-110022
Architecture C-231 ADARSH NAGAR (NEAR AZADPUR) LANE - 08 DELHI-110033
System Analyst/Tech Architect H-51/14,Batla House, 1st floor, Near masjid shahab, Jamia milia islamia, N
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Architecture wz 407 sadh nagar palam delhi
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Structural/Stress Block no.:-3, House no.:-679, Dakshinpuri Exte..., New Delhi:-110062
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture, Interior Designer S-265, Greater Kailash Part - 2, New Delhi - 110048
Architecture c3/3 acharya niketan mayur vihar phase- 1 New Delhi 91
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training FTA 501,Ayurvigyan Nagar,Khel Gaon marg, Near Ansal PLaza, New Delhi-1
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-35 B Avantika Enclave Main Kanjhawala Road Mangol Puri Rohini Delhi -
Architecture D-333, Harsh Vihar, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-93. Contact No. 9968298242, 01
Architecture f-19/3, nafees road, batla house, new delhi, 110025
Architecture 1078, VIKAS KUNJ, VIKAS PURI
Other Architecture Sector 37, House no. 482, Faridabad (HR).
Architecture, Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Structural S-573A, School Block, Shakarpur, Delhi-92
Architecture E-305, Second Floor East of Kailash, South Delhi, Delhi
Interior Designer, Other Architecture
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Air Hostess, Architecture, Graphic Design Rati Jain # 16/179, Joshi Road Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005
Architecture, Interior Designer
Other Architecture R-97 vani vihar uttam nagar new delhi 110059
Architecture A-41/2, Shaheen Bagh Abul fazal enclave II Jamia Nagar, OKHLA New Delh
Architecture, Interior Designer a-147 sadhna enclave khoda colony ghaziabad
EDP/MIS, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Administration, Application Programming, Embedded Technologie Ward No.- 6, House No.- 776, Mehrauli, New Delhi - 110030
Architecture jangpura-a near sahi hospital
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech ArQTR NO.294 SECTOR-5, PUSHPVIHAR, NEW DELHI - 17
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Analyst/Tech Architect H.no.36,37,Model Town,Jind Road,Kaithal.
Other Architecture Rachana Kumari RZ-719/314-A, C/O Ram Sagar Chowdhary Gitanjili Park,S
Architecture C-102,GF, Platinum Greens, Ardee City, Gurgaon, Haryana
Architecture b,45 1\c-colony,swang coalieary,dis-bokaro
Architecture Flat No-18d Pocket-B Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095
Architecture 12/a onkarnager b delhi-35
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture C-2/606, sec-c, jankipuram, sitapur road scheme, lucknow-226019 uttar pr
System Analyst/Tech Architect EG 46, Inder Puri, New Delhi
Architecture 683/20, Faiz Road Karol Bagh New Delhi - 110005
Architecture 458,chanakya puri,sadar meerut.
Architecture gfhgfjhdkhk
Architecture c-78 Yadav Nagar, Delhi-110042
Architecture Ms Bhawna c/oMR. MADAN LAL KUMAR F.C.A-3119 S.G.M Nager street no
Architecture 1237 d1 vasant kunj new delhi 110070
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-240 BABA HARI DAS NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business/Systems 703,HIMGIRI APPTS KAUSHAMBI, NEAR SHIPR BUILDING
Architecture, Interior Designer 210 SATYAM ENCLAVE,SAHIBABAD, NEAR IME COLLEGE
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), SystA-138,LAJPUT NAGAR, SAHIBABAD
Architecture, Interior Designer 331,BRIJ VIHAR,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Interior Designer, VILL &POST,CHAPOLLA, SHIV MANDIR
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, 301,RAJI COLONY, SECTOR-12 VIJAY NAGAR
Lecturer/Professor, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality AsRC-552,INDRA VIHAR, KHORA COLONY
EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, SwitchP-18,SECTOR-23 SANJAY NAGAR, BEHIND ALT CENTRE
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Release 5/178,MOHAN NAGAR, KARAMCHARI SEHKARI SUMITI VASUNDHRA
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arc903,VIVEKANAND NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer S/O SHRI SERVDEO RAI,KL-126 KAVINAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S SIHANI NOOR NAGAR,BRAHSPAT BAZAR MAIN ROAD, NR SHOKEEN GENER
Architecture, Interior Designer 1210A,OLD VIJAY NAGAR,
Architecture J-366,DECTOR-23, RAJA NAGAR
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect286,NOOR NGAR SIHANI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, IT Consul 21,VIDYA VIHAR, OPP SHUSHILA ENTER COLLEGE
Other Architecture HOUSE NO-1106,SECTOR-19, FARIDABAD
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior Desi H NO 1167,SECTOR 9, FARIDABAD
Application Programming, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software GALI NO-2,RASHID MARKET, NEW GANESH PARK
Architecture C-713/12,SHRI RAM COLONY,
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil 158,RAM PURA, TRI NAGAR
Architecture 859,B-BLOCK, SECTOR-1 ROHINI
Architecture B-2/5,SECTOR-11, ROHINI
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, IT Consultant, U-15,IIIRD FLOOR, SHAKARPUR
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtheWZ-415,NARAINA VILLAGE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-707,RAILWAY LINE AREA, MAYA PURI PHASE-II
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec A 1/44,SECTOR 17 1ST FLOOR,
Desktop Support, Language Specialist, System Analyst/Tech ArchRG TRADE TOWER,PLOT NO-B-7, NETAJI SUBHASH PLASE WAZIRPUR
Architecture H NO-308,VPO BARWALA,
Architecture 13/316,GEETA COLONY,
Architecture 1/2973/15,RAM NAGAR, MANDALI ROAD SHAHDRA
Architecture, Interior Designer A-12,BLOCK-A, NANDRAM PARK
Architecture, Interior Designer 131,KAROL BAGH, ARYA SAMAJ ROAD
Architecture, Interior Designer C-3,C-BLOCK, ASHOK VIHAR PHASE-I
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 9/4137,GALI NO-12 AJIT NAGAR, GANDHI NAGAR
Architecture C-456,VIKAS PURI,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Project Leader/ PCHANDKI RAM AKHADA,CIVIL LINE, BELA ROAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect M 142,SAURABH VIHAR, JAITPUR RD BADARPUR
Architecture B 13 NARIANA VIHAR,,
Architecture D-21 A,RAJOURI GARDEN,
Administration, Architecture, Interior Designer, Private Tuition RB 49,RESERVE BANK COLONY, HAUZ KHASH
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming BI 180 G,LAJPAT NAGAR I,
Architecture B 2 SHJAM NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Process RH NO 40/2973,BEADON PURA, KAROL BAGH
Interior Designer, Other Architecture J 93,KIRTI NAGAR,
Architecture AE 31,TAGORE GARDEN,
Architecture, Interior Designer D B GUPTA ROAD 16 B/9,DEV NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Architecture 288 VIKAS KUNJ,VIKAS PURI,
Architecture, Design EPT 124,SAROJINI NAGAR,
Architecture H NO 176/13,GOVIND PURI,
Architecture, Interior Designer 48 MUNIRKA VIHAR,SFS FLATS OPP JNU,
Application Programming, Claims/Collection Mgmt, Client ServeWZ 141,WZ BLOCK, SHADI KHAM PUR
Application Programming, Business Analysis, Business Strategy, 945/3 FF,NAIWALA FAIZ ROAD, KAROL BAGH
Architecture B 1369,SAGAM VIHAR,
Architecture 4/190J-II B BLOCK,SANGAM VIHAR,
Other Architecture G 35,LAJPAT NAGAR II,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database AdministratioH NO F 8,LADO SARAI, NEW DELHI
EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embedded Technologies, External 27 C 3RD FLOOR,JAMRUDPUR, GREATER KAILASH-I
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture H NO C 99,JASOLA VIHAR PKT II,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, EDP/MIS, Operati65/05 BAPU DHAM,CHANKYA PURI,
Architecture, Interior Designer 2081,DARYA GANJ,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, SECTOR-5 HOUSE NO-30,R K PURAM,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture A1 PUSA ROAD,KAROL BAGH,
Other Architecture 256 GRD FLOOR,MUNIRKA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Adminis PLOT 12,NAWADA UTTAM NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software162,PRASAD NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 174,DAYANAND COLONY, LAJPAT NAGAR
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Grap224,ALIGANJ, KOTLA MUBARAKPUR
Architecture C-6/264,SULTAN PURI,
Architecture B-8/61 A DDA FLATS,INDER LOK,
Architecture 561/3,CHIRAGDELHI,
Architecture X-45 GREEN PARK,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO K-611,BER SARAI,
Architecture B-87,PANDAV NAGAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr E 50,PANCHSHEEL PARK,
Architecture B-233,G K- I,
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Structural/Stress E 85 2,NARAINA VIHAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 412,AIR FORCE STATION RACE COURSE ROAD,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training EG-67,INDER PURI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1218/10,GOVIND PURI, KALKA JI
Architecture A-319,KHANPUR,
Architecture G-9A,KALKAJI,
Architecture I-76,BLOCK-I, LAL KUAN
Other Architecture 2/5 F/F,KALKAJI EXTN,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Interior Designer, Structural C5A/57 JANAKPURI,,
Interior Designer, Other Architecture A-93 AMAR COLONY,LAJPAT NAGAR 4,
System Analyst/Tech Architect G 1 120 MADANGIR COLONY,DR AMBEDKAR NAGAR,
Air Hostess, Architecture, Graphic Design C/O FATEH SINGH,H NO D 48 WAR SARY DELHI, NEAR PARVESH MOBILE BE
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 5C ROOM NO 203,BER SARAI, MOHAN SINGH
Other Architecture G-32,WEST PATAL NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO P-84,OLD PILLANJI VILLAGE, SAROJINI NAGAR
EDP/MIS, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Ot H NO 51,RAMROAD GOPAL JI DAIRY,
Administration, Application Programming, Embedded Technologie 16/654E,TANK ROAD, KAROL BAGH
Architecture H NO 455,CHIRAG DELHI,
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Ar22/747 KALAKAJI,DDA FLATS,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO A-69,AYA NAGAR EXT,
System Analyst/Tech Architect M-23 WZ 179 HARI NAGAR,CLOCK TOWER,
Other Architecture H NO 309,VILL TUGHLAKABAD,
Architecture H NO C 6/6346,VASANT KUNJ,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect WZ-170A KHAM PUR OPP,WEST PATEL NAGAR,
Other Architecture 311 DDA FLATS,KHIRKI VILL,
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-28 NEW DESU COLONY,KILOKRI MAHARANI BAG,
Architecture H NO 76 DERA GAON,,
Architecture H NO F-89,KATWARIA SARAI,
Architecture D 7/7048,VASANT KUNJ,
Architecture H NO 130,MAIDAN GARHI,
Architecture 2433, first floor, Katra Rajji, Ajmeri gate,Delhi
Architecture c -155 gk 1 new delhi
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Supp d-55/3, west vinod nagar delhi-110092
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-130 Tagore Garden Extn New Delhi-27
Architecture c/o Biju,2c pocketB3 mayur vihar phaze 3 NewDelhi
Architecture, Interior Designer J1/161, D.D.A. Flats, IInd Floor, Kalkaji, New Delhi-18.
Architecture, Other Architecture
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch60, Cottage Enclave, A-4, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, IT/TelecommunicatiB-3/300, 2nd Floor, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110063
Network Administration, Network Planning, Switching/Router, SArun Rana C/O Sushil Chouhan D-120, Chungi No 3, Lal Kuan, M.B Road, N
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect d1/63, om vihar, phase 5, uttam nagar
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arcb-222, sec56, gugaon
System Analyst/Tech Architect H-14 Nav Bharat Appts Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110043
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech C2-401 Moraj Residency Sanpada Vashi Navi Mumbai
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administratio185-W-Block, Keshav Nagar Kanpur-208014
Direct marketing, Marketing Strategy, Graphic Designing/Anim 186-C QU-BLOCK PITAMPURA (DELHI-110088)
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), De House No 277, Masjid Moth, South Ex-2, New Delhii-110049
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Software EngiManoj Kumar Pachariya C/O Mr. PRADEEP SINGH VERMA HOUSE No. 296,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture D-196/A, EXT-II, NANGLOI, DELHI-110041
Architecture, Architecture, Architecture, Architecture 64 1ST FLOOR, VINOBHA PURI,LAJPAT-II,DELHI
Architecture, Art, Client Servicing, Event Management 955 gulabi bagh DA flats, Delhi- 07
Bio-Technology Research, Data Management/ Statistics, Datab F-3, PLOT NO. 60, NK-1, GHAZIABAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect e-124 sec052 noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect 196-R Model Town Sonepat
Architecture C - 27 Chander Vihar
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
Architecture 1527/28 Nai Wala Karol Bagh New Delhi-110005
Architecture vill.jjhanjhari. p.o.-bhaini khurd near-haveli(karnal)
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystB-22/5 Ramesh nagar New Delhi -15
Architecture, Interior Designer
Other Architecture sandeepyadav c/o dr mahinder singh yadav vill+p.o dundahera-122016
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network # 67/4-A, Zamrudpur, G.K.-1, New Delhi-110048, India
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Database A d1205/28 indira nagar, lucknow
Application Programming, Network Administration, Software EnGurmeet Singh s/o Sh. Dev Singh Village= Devi Dass Pura P.O - Pipli Dist.= K
Architecture 158, NEAR OIL MILL RAJOKRI, NEW DELHI-110038
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Deokhla, new delhi
Architecture, Art Director, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Proj c/o Kamal Choudhary 50 c II floor Bharat Nagar New Friends Colony New D
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Datab b-257/a,New Ashok Nagar,New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect c-8/42,sector-8,rohini,delhi-85
Operations, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit C/o Mahendra Singh Mahalwal C/o Tarun Singh Dhami(AC,ITBP), 83, Mada
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Network AdA-19, SHIVAM APARTMENTS D-BLOCK, VIKAS PURI NEW DELHI - 110018, IN
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/TD-158 Defence Colony New Delhi 110024
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr W-57, SECTOR-12, NOIDA-201301
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 1813/135 Tri Nagar Shanti Nagar Delhi 35
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, System Analyst/Tech
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems, Software83, Shivalik Apartments Alaknanda, Kalkaji, Pocket-‘A’, New Delh
Architecture, Interior Designer 4/31, Nehru Nagar, New Delhi 110 065
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, System251\A, C/0 Samay Singh Tokas, Near H.T. General Store, Munirka, New De
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechA-14, Ground floor Sec-2, Vaishali Ghaziabad-201010
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Releas D-6 Naraina Vihar New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Legacy Sy"Sur Mandir", G46, Bengali Colony, Mahavir Enclave, Palam
Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, Switching/Router, Syn 47 ....sec 12 ...teacher colony...pratap vihar...ghaziabad
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Architecture, Interior Designer A-457\C SOUTH GANESH NAGAR NEAR MOTHER DAIRY DELHI-110092.
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, E Plot No.-128, Basant Vihar , Scheme No.-3, Alwar (Rajasthan). 0991122483
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, A_7, Bhagirithi Vihar, Delhi-94
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, vikram singh jai Appartment,Ground floor,A-15 Sec.-2 Vaishali,(gzb)
Architecture, Graphic Design, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web89/3 Gali no- 9 Anand parbat Karol Bag New Delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture c-12 ajmal bagh noor nagar jamia nagar okhla new delhi
Architecture, Project Management Pl.n: 561/A, D.no#3,Gangai Street, Poompozhil Nagar,Avadi, Chennai, Tam
Business Case Modelling, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, K-12/3A, RAJOURI GARDEN , NEW DELHI-110027
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeB-/43, YAMUNA VIHAR DELHI -110053 DELHI
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te116, JD Maket, Pitampura, new delhi 110116
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenaWZ-219,GROUND FLOOR,STREET NO.13 SHIV NAGAR,NEW DELHI -110058
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft Katwaria sarai, New Delhi
Architecture 227,Main road patparganj,Mayur vihar-1 Newdelhi,110091
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect wz-1040 nangal raya delhi 110046
Architecture, Interior Designer I-9, Lajpat nagar-1, N.D.-110024
Architecture, Corporate Sales, Interior Designer Qtr. No-5, Sector-4, R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110022
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 103E SEC 27 Noida up
Architecture C 181Sector-23Telephone: 09968342735 Raj Nagar Ghaziabad(mobile) 099
Bank Assurance, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, Network Adminis
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, SofC-92, DDA Colony, West Gourakh Park, Shahadara, Delhi 32
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B-102, JAMIA ENCLAVE, GIRLS HOSTEL COMPOUND, JAMIA NAGAR, NEW D
Architecture, Interior Designer B-242,Palam Ext-1 Sector -7, Dwarka New Delhi-110045
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business Alliances, Business Analyst, Business/Systems Analysis, Channel & Segment Management, Compensation/Payroll, Consulting, Cor
Architecture d-192, bhagya vihar, ranikhara, delhi-110081
GSM, Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
Architecture h.no 300/3 trikuta nagar jammu
Architecture, Real Estate Sales ASHOK VIHAR, DELHI 110052
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Internet/E-comme NO 4, 4` CROSS, DWARKANAGAR BSK3RDSTAGE, BANGALORE
Architecture 64, I-floor , VinobhaPuri , Lajpat Nagar New Delhi.
Architecture east guru angad nagar,near radhu palace cinema, h.no.4, st. no. 2,delhi-11
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, GPRS, GSM,J-32 Saket New Delhi-110017
Other Architecture H.No. 436, Ground Floor Ashoka Enclave - III Faridabad
Architecture Plot No. RZ-51, Opp. J.N.U campus, Ber sarai, New Delhi-16
Architecture New Defense Colony Muradnagar Disst- Ghaziabad.
Application Programming, Client Server, Graphic Designing/Ani www.akeelakeel.batcave.net
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I 4008, Sec-23, Gurgaon-122001
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Electrical/Electronic, Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, 145D , Type 4 , Desu Colony, Vidyut Vihar, Near Sarai Kale Khan, New Delh
Architecture B-131, SECTOR- 50, NOIDA 201301
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, SystemT-2,F-127 Mohammdpur Bhicajee Cama Place New Delhi-110066
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Support, Desktop Support, E-105 A chanakya place Part I.janak puri new delhi.
Architecture # 566-A, SUSHANT LOK-C,GURGAON
System Analyst/Tech Architect #64, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash New Delhi -110065 (India)
System Analyst/Tech Architect I-16 Nanakpura Moti Bagh New Delhi
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchF-130/3A, Gautam Nagar, Yusuf Sarai, New Delhi -49
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch176A/3 Govind Puri,New Delhi
Other Architecture d-135 ganga vihar delhi-110094
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect sawan kumar singh 149,f iind floor dhakka kingsway camp delhi-110009.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Kamlesh/ Amit Roy 177-A, Ward No.-2, mehrauli, New-Delhi
Architecture No. 190, Thanigachalam nagar East Chennai 600110
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), So 5/4 Golf Link Sadan, Golf Links, New Delhi 110003
Architecture, Interior Designer Godrej Bhawan, Okhla, Delhi - 65
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect E 18 / 165, Rohini-|||, New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect 2254, mandir wali gali west patelnagar new delhi-08
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemHouse NO 100 radheyshyam park ghaziabad
Other Architecture H.No.-1200, GALI NO.-48A,BLOCK E-1 2nd 60 FEET ROAD SABZI MANDI MO
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, IntGupta Niwas, 1/6804, Gali Lahorian, East Rohtas Nagar, shahdara, Delh-11
Other Architecture shop no 4 t/272-gopal appt. okhla village jamia nagar,delhi 25
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded TechnologieWZ 33/A/1 New Mahavir Nagar, Near Jankak Puri New Delhi-18
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System An3/143, Avas Vikas Colony Mainpuri (U.P)
Architecture, Interior Designer
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Ar A-11, Mother Appartment, Sector-5, Dwarka, New Delhi
Architecture g-1380 c.r park nd-19
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystDoor No:15-1-48, paparajuthota, CHIRALA-523155 Andhra Pradesh.
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchiPOCKET-I, FLAT NO- 41/B, DILSHAD GARDEN, DELHI-110095
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Flat#606, Block-A, Vasundhra, Ghaziabad,UP Pin- 201012
Network Administration, Network Planning, System Administrat111, Kamal Vihar Apts., Plot-5, Sector 7, Dwarka, New Delhi -75
Total Quality Management, Project Management, Quality, SoftwC/o Mr.Sanjeev Kr. Sr.Acctt.,Room No- 315,O/o CCA-MEA,Akbar Bhawan, E
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A
Embedded Technologies, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, SoftwarH.NO-B-259, KENDRIYA VIHAR, SECTOR-51, NOIDA
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System AdministraKatwaria Sarai New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programmin
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Adminis 42 Amrit Nagar Ist Floor South Ex - I New Delhi
Architecture c/o-anil kumar, 266,d-5,ward.no.-02, mehrouli, new delhi-30
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, GIS, GPRS, GSM, Mo
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analysolo
Architecture Flat No.-11,Plot No.-72,Street No.-02,Krishna Nagar,Safdarjung Enclave, N
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software A-1/32, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110029
Administration, Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Supp H.No. 2388, Sector - 9, Faridabad - 121004 Haryana
ERP/CRM, Network Administration, Network Planning, Quality AA-2/6, Sector-8, Rohini. Delhi-110085
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystHouse no 28/7b Badarpur New Delhi 110044
Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Ar F-247 2nd floor Laxminagar New Delhi-110092
Architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S HOME : NEAR KALI MANDIR P.O. - GOMOH, DIST - DHANBAD PIN 828401 J
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A 332,Pkt-5 Sec-22 ROHINI New Delhi-110041
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syste c/o Mr.R.R.Sharma 1/7513-A,Street No-12 B East Gorakhpark, Sahdara Ne
Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Marine E d/96 dda flats kalkaji new delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer ED 64D Madhuban Chowk Pitampura, New Delhi, 110034
Architecture 275, 2nd floor, dayanand vihar
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Design, Events & conferences, Interior Designer, Marketing Str 2ndfloor,255,IPColony Sec30-33,FFbd.Haryana-121003
Architecture, Interior Designer 441A,IIIrd Floor, Chirag Delhi New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 151,Ambica Vihar Outer Ring Road Paschim Vihar
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Othe
Architecture 64, 1st Floor, Vinobha Puri, Lajpat Nagar- IV, New Delhi, India
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C-331/B Part-I Palam Extension, Sector - 7 Dwarka, New Delhi - 110045
Architecture J-1/163 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027 India
Architecture wz-24,titarpur, rajagarden,n.delhi
Other Architecture D-827 Saraswati Vihar, Pitam Pura Delhi-110034 INDIA
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Install 11034/3, DORIWALAN, EAST PARK ROAD, KAROL BAGH, DELHI - 05
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sy House# C-5 IDPL Town Ship, P.O Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Pin
Architecture architect.shan@gmail.com, ar_zeeshu@yahoo.co.in Mobil: 0091-9873332
Other Architecture 234lj0-23fg
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L B-2/64C,Lawrence Road, Keshav Puram
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Project ManagementHR 171, Prahlad pur, Near Badarpur Border Delhi, INDIA
Other Architecture 675 Janta Flats G.T.B. Enclave Delhi-110093
Client Server, Customer Service (Web), Internet/E-commerce, M1061, SECTOR- 15, VASUNDHARA, GHAZIABAD
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AA303, Dhauladhar appartments, Sector 5,dwarka, New Delhi, India 110075
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture K III/127,VSNL Colony, GK-I, New Delhi, 110048
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, E4/104, 3RD FLOOR, SUBASH NAGAR, NEW DELHI
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, System AdmiK106 Saurubh Vihar Jait Pur Badarpur New Delhi 110044
Architecture, Other Architecture, Other Fresh Grad, Others C/279 PUL PRHALAD PUR BADAR PUR NEW DELHI. 44
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T Hno - F-148, Karampura , New Delhi -15.
Banking -General, Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Process Reengineering, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analy
Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/TechA-100, RAMA PARK, UTTAM NAGAR, NEW DELHI 110059
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H. No:B-12, Pahse - 1, Aaya Nagar, New Delhi -47
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archi R-645 New Rajendra nagar New Delhi 110060
Architecture c-44,2nd floor, Jangpura Extension, New Delhi-110014
Architecture, Interior Designer D-9A,MOHAN GARDEN,UTTAM NAGAR, NEW DELHI-59.
Architecture rajeevranjan vasantkunj delhi
Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Hno-207/2 parvatiya colony Near shiv mandir NIT Faridabad-121005
Architecture noida
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Mobile, Software EngC-449 Modipon Colony Modinagar Distt.Ghaziabad UP Pin-201204
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin S/o Maj. S.S.Sambyal ward no. 2 samba J&K 184121
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, 103, SEC-12 , PKT-3, Indraprastha Apartments, Dwarka New Delhi
Business Consulting, IT Consultant, Management Consulting, So B 161 , Lajpat Nagar 1, New Delhi , India
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing S1 /335 Sce 4 Vashali Ghazibad
Architecture 40/44,c.r park, new delhi
Architecture B-134,3rd flr,lajpat naga, New Delhi-110062
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Desktop Support, Sys 0 26 A New mahavir nagar , Street no 21 , opp Vikas Kunj , New Delhi 1100
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
Architecture, Interior Designer koshal sharma 13-A,bhawani kunj ,behind D2,vasant kunj new delhi-70,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderSP-230/2 SUBROTO PARK NEW
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, j-1/29,malviya nagar,new delhi-17
Architecture, Design Engineering, Interior Designer, Packaging 11, 72 Krishna Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-29
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O MR. H. 0. VIJ, A-331/67, STREET NO - 7, RAJGARH COLONY, NEW DELH
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystJ-88/1, t-4 Katwaria Sarai New Delhi-65
Business/Systems Analysis, Channel Sales, Desktop Support, Pr Bmk-224,Kalkaji
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-675, First Floor, CR Park, New Delhi-110019
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database B-1/1738A, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-70
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, ProjC-12/23, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-110053
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sof C/O RASTRA RATAN ROOM NO- 239, 1ST FLOOR BUILDING NO-76 GANESH
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, H Sugriva Singh 1505, Outram Line Near Kingsway Camp Delhi - 110009
Architecture parvinder7372@gmail.com
Client Server, Customer Support, Network Administration, NetwRZ 2061A, STREET NO.27, TUGHLAKABAD EXTN NEW DELHI - 110019
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoftwarS8, SAPTHAGIRI KRUPA, UTHI LAYOUT OUTER RING RD. BANGALORE
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchH.No-4518, Gali Jatan, Pahari Dhiraj, Sadar Bazar, Delh.
Other Architecture C/o Late Choudhari Deshraj Singh, 109/B top floor, Main gali road, Katwar
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalyB2 / B - 268, JANAK PURI, NEW DELHI - 110058
Architecture c-44 jangpura ext new delhi
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web DeF-143 MotiBag-1 Near:- Charak Palika Hospital New Delhi 110021
Architecture C/o Sh. kanwar singh 117-a , malikpur ,model town -1, near GTB Nagar del
Architecture 27 C,Second Floor, Pocket - J,Sheik Sarai -II, New Delhi - 17.
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded Technologies, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engin
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture, Others 20/614, DDA Flats, Dakshinpuri , New Delhi -110062
Other Architecture RZ-137,B-Block Premnagar,Najafgarh New Delhi-43
Architecture A-315/1 Budha Marg Mandaval Delhi 92
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, 111-B, GG/I, Vikaspuri, New Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 152-A, Pocket -C, Mayur Vihar -II, Delhi -110091
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Proje G111A,SECTOR-9, VIJAYNAGAR GHAZIABAD
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), H/W Installation F - 27 SECTOR - 22 NOIDA-201301.
System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect
International Business, IT/Telecommunications, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-co
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administration, System 4/404, Geeta Arcade, Sheetal Nagar, Mira Road East Mumbai -401107
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Design, Interior Desi 130, Maitri Aptts, 28, I P Extn, Patparganj, Delhi 110092
Architecture, Interior Designer 102, F-17, Sector -8, Rohini Delhi - 110085
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sy C-193 ANAND VIHAR I.P EXTENSION PART : II DELHI -110092 INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal C-3/128,2nd Floor Sector-5 ,Rohini, Delhi-85
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support A-29, front of Hotel Crown Plaza, New friends Colony New Delhi-65
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 484-A, Alopi Bagh, Allahabad - 211006 UP
Architecture VILL-BAROLA SEC-49, NOIDA
Application Programming, Business Analyst, Business/Systems Ax/1789 street 12 rajgarh colony delhi 110031
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Project LeaderE-210, SARASWATI KUNJ APPARTMENTS, 25, I.P. EXTENSION, DELHI - 1100
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 39/13 EAST PATEL NAGAR, NEW DELHI
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Consulti 5 JANGPURA A FIRST FLOOR-REAR MATHURA ROAD NEW DELHI
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Adm H.No-4518, Gali Jatan, Pahari Dhiraj, Sadar Bazar, Delhi-110006.
Architecture kamal narayan house no 100 first floor bhai parmanand colony delhi -9
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 36-B Shatabdi Vihar, Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect delhi
Architecture 20/44,LODHI COLONY N.DELHI
Architecture, Interior Designer 47-D, Pocket-B, Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi-110014
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GIS, Network AdminiAddress: 40/31,2nd Floor Manohar kunj, Gautam Nagar new delhi-110049
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engin719/18 II Floor Zakir Nagar Okhla New Delhi 110025
Architecture 383 C, 2Nd floor,Bank Street Lane, Munirka
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Trainer/Faculty, Tr
Architecture d-45, Parshant Vihar , Rohini Sector -14, New Delhi -110085
Application Programming, System Administration, System Analys7B3RD FLOOR, FLAT NO. 09 OPPOSITE DDA JANATA FLATS, PHASE - 1, KAT
Architecture c-24,sec-40, noida,u.p.
Other Architecture, Other EP Mgmt/St Eng/CE B-10/118, Air India Colony Vasant Vihar. New Delhi
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network A 1415, Sector-15, Part-2. Gurgaon. India
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Administration RZC - 182, Nihal Vihar, Paschim Vihar, Delhi
Application Programming, Banking -General, Client Server, Pr D-10 Pandav Nagar Bunglow Plot, New Delhi-92
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trai 8/204,Sant Colony,Bahadur Garh - 124507
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch52/74 N-7, Lane No. 25, Anand Parbat, New Delhi 110005
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Desktop SupHouse# 15, Arjun Nagar,Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi-110029
Architecture 8/11,Double Storey, 2nd floor, Hospital Road, Jangpura Extension, New De
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Construction 735,736B, NK II Indirapuram Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat WZ-462/A, 1ST FLOOR, BASOIDARAPUR, RAJOURI GARDEN, ND- 15
Business/Systems Analysis, Design Engineering, ERP/CRM, Engineering, Industrial Engineering, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical W
System Analyst/Tech Architect Bangalore
Architecture sandeep C/0 omprakash verma Shahdara delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Logistics, Material Mana J 13 Sector 12 NOIDA
Other Architecture Nebu Kurian DDA M-8,C-1 Dilshad Garden New Delhi- 110095
Architecture, Interior Designer C-1/5, first floor, janak puri new delhi-110058
Architecture, Interior Designer #19/34A, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-18
Other Architecture E 160, East Kidwai Nagar New Delhi 110023
Architecture, Architecture, Interior Designer, Interior Designer Vaishali, kamana Ghaziabad UP 201010 Ph 0120-2779832 Mo 0987158800
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administration, System AF-35, S-F, Sun City,Sector-54, Gurgaon.
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, I447 Sector 4, 2nd floor, vaishali Ghaziabad-201010
Architecture, Interior Designer E-88 STREET NO-01 WEST VINOD NAGAR DELHI - 110092
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 1109, Phase 3-B-II, Mohali Chandigarh Mobile – 9216035139
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Corporate Planning/Strat 1/4, Shantikunj Alwar - 301001 Rajasthan
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 42/B 56 - Block DDA Flats Chittaranjan Park ( near Savitri Cinema) New Del
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems Ana5A, OM SHANTI TOWER, BANGLA SCHOOL LANE, OCC MAIN ROAD, RANCH
Architecture B-1/9, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System A-104, Karam Pura, N Delhi-15
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network Planning, Security, Switching/Router, System Admin
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst c-111, Aashirwaad Apartments, Plot No# 11, Sector - 12, Dwarka, New Del
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys Banglore
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerA5b/168-b,Janak Puri,New Delhi - 110058
Architecture 19 G/L Sheikh Sarai-2 N. Delhi-17
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser61B, Ber Sarai, Opp. OLD JNU Campus, New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se M-55 Senior Citizen Home Complex, Greater Noida, UP - 201301
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader28/414, TRILOK PURI, DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Des Flat No. 18, Pocket - C, Divya Jyoti Apt., Sector - 19, New Delhi
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect JG-2 736 A LIG Flats Vikaspuri New Delhi 110018
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administr 423 Rampura, Chander Qrtrs, Delhi - 110035
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce,A-5 Shivpuri, golden park
Architecture, Interior Designer 6183, Nabi Karim Pahar Ganj New Delhi-110055
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerSQ 63, 2nd Floor, Gulmohar Enclave, New Delhi - 110049
Other Architecture
Architecture House No. 705 ward no 3, D/16c, Mehrauli, New Delhi - 30.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Design, Network Administration, Project Management, Quality AE-16 National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra -136119 Haryana India
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EmbeddedB-1/90 Janakpuri, New Delhi. Currently in Pune
Operations, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 317, TOWER 1, MOUNT KAILASH, EAST OF KAILASH, NEW DELHI-110065
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analy1 - H / 86, NIT Faridabad, Haryana - 121001
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 217-C New Layalpur Colony, Near Krishna Nagar, Delhi-51
Architecture i-7 Garhwali mohalla Luxmi Nager New Delhi-110092
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arc
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System AdministratiG - 2/3 , Sector - 15 , Rohini New Delhi - 110085
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Investment Banking, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Archite
Architecture, Civil, Interior Designer 26,bhagwan nagar, new delhi-110014
Architecture 61-C, GG-1 Vikas Puri New Delhi-110018
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
System Analyst/Tech Architect JEEVAN APARTMENT, FLAT NO. A-302, PLOT NO. GH-7, SECTOR - 6, VASUN
Architecture H-19/83, Sector 7 Rohini, Delhi 110085
Architecture house no 11 nawada,(near allahabad bank) p.o.uttam nagar. new delhi 11
Other Architecture 23/50, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar New Delhi - 110060
Business/Systems Analysis, Cost Reduction, Customer Support, 7/31,Old Rajinder Nagar ,New Delhi-110060
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Syst 642/F-1, Shalimar Garden Extn. - I Sahibabad,Ghaziabad U.P - 201005
Client Server, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Maintenance, NetworkB8/195 IInd Floor, Rohini,Sector 3
Architecture J-1860, C.R.Park, New Delhi-110019
Architecture, Interior Designer haseeb ahmed flat no-F-16,abul fazal enclave jamia nagar new delhi-25
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EmbeddedDelhi
Other Architecture 30/112 ip extn delhi
Architecture, Marine Engineering Qr.No:-I / 211 (TOP FLOOR)New Delhi-110028
Architecture, Interior Designer 200/13, F1, Rachna Vaishali, sector-3,Ghaziabad, U.P
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des -9310881499
Architecture 128 M.B ROAD SAKET NEW DEHLI
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Netw
Architecture, Feasibility Studies, Policy Development, Project/ 93-B, Pocket A DDA (SFS) Flats Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi 110 025
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Admini
Architecture, Interior Designer KD-126,PITAM PURA DELHI-88
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft #115, Sector 28, Noida - 201301
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 149/150, 3rd floor, lane no 10, zakir nagar, okhla, new delhi-25
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 95 BHARAT NAGAR ASHOK VIHAR NEW DELHI 110052 INDIA , * 7
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Security, System Administra
Application Programming, Banking -General, Client Server, Proj E-133, Sector-27, Noida (UP)
Architecture House No.-359, fIRST floor, Block-D,lAXMINAGAR,DELHI
Architecture g-79b first floor kalkaji new delhi-110019
Architecture 2/71,second floor, old rajinder nagar, new delhi-60
Other Architecture H. NO. 7/832, Gali No. – 2, Near Malik Medical Store, N. N. Road, Line Par,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemC - 180 , Pandav Nagar Delhi - 110092
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data War C-3/3140 Vasant Kunj New Delhi 10070 India
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Channel Sales, Corporate Sales, Institutional Sales, Interior De B2/510 , Block 1, Plot E01, Kailash Dham Society, Sector 50, Noida UP India
Architecture, Interior Designer 47, New Pragatisheel Apartment Vasundhara Enclave
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AASHOK KUMAR H.NO -150 NIZAMPUR DELHI -110081
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, WZ - 10 A Tatar Pur Tagore Garden, New Delhi 110027
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea B11 - 8089 Nelson Mendela Road, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture 270-B pocket - N,Sarita Vihar.ND- 76
Application Programming, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-c H.NO-RZF-1/245 BStreet No-2 Mahavir Enclave New Delhi 110045
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, ProjecI 47 NanakPura West Moti bagh New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,502, Green Heavens Apartment, Plot 35, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Ware472, Ganpati Apartments, Plot No-6, Sector-9, Dwarka, New Delhi - 11007
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data F4/ 302 South End Apartment Charmwood Village,Faridabad
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CRnew delhi
Architecture, Other Architecture A-5/43a, Bhajan Pura, Delhi
Administration, Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Supp C-93, East Of Kailash, New Delhi - 110065.
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System180, Yadav Clinic, Guru Ram Das Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi 92
Architecture, Interior Designer D-43, Mohan Garden, Gurudwara Road, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi - 110059
Architecture, Interior Designer A-130 Surajmal Vihar Delhi
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Project Management1014, Sector 14, Faridabad, Haryana
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Tr
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM,
Bio-Technology Research, Data Management/ Statistics, Intern Soutend appartment 301 , mig flat dda pulpehaldpur , badarpur new delh
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy SystemC-1/90/DLF, Pradhan Apartments, Dilshad Extension II, Bhopura, Ghaziaba
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Interior Designer HOUSE NO. 1447 SECTOR -III PUSHP VIHAR. ( SAKET ) NEW DELHI -110017
Other Architecture D-714, 2nd Floor, Chittranjan Park New Delhi 110 019 Phone # ( Res. ) 011
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, D8-H, DDA FLATS MUNIRKA NEW-DELHI
Architecture, Civil, Design, Interior Designer, Land developm DAG & Associates 2/7 Jullena Comm. Complex Okhla Road, New Delhi - 25
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst Noida
Architecture Flat No.-6356, Pocket-C, Sector-6&7, Vasant Kunj, N.Delhi-110070
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Best,Better Than B.TECH,B.E,M.B.A, M.C.A Software Professionals In Applic
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, Network Planning, Pro18/3, Railway Flats, Chanakya Puri, New Delhi, PIN: 110021
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Hi D-84 III Floor Pandav Nagar Near Mother Daiery Delhi -110092
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Legacy324 Abhinav Apartments, B12 Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi - 110096
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys205,Srinivas Appartment,near BEML, G M PALYA,Bangalore. Pin-5500075
Architecture 143-A, Anukampa Apartment, Abhay Khand-4, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
Architecture A-1202,Wembley Estate,Rosewood City Sohna Road,Gurgaon (Haryana)
Architecture A-91,Minto road, New delhi-110002
Other Architecture 186, Mohalla Gurhai, Shahdara Delhi-32
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems,On Request..!!
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Inte Flat# 570, Pocket:A, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, India. 110076
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Ashok Vihar, Phase IV Delhi 110052 India
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Admini145,FIRST FLOOR ,PARTAP NAGAR,JAIL ROAD NEW DELHI-110064
Architecture 20-B, MIG FLATS RAMPURA, NEW DELHI-110035
Architecture, Interior Designer 95 - C, Green Apartments, G & JU, Pitampura, Delhi - 110034
Architecture ravi narwal c/o m.l. kapahi h.no. 705 a / 14 ward no0.3 mehrauli n.delhi-3
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Network Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, P AN-9D, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 110085
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, E-504, KRISHNA APRA RESIDENCY, SECTOR - 61 , NOIDA, UP 201301
Lecturer/Professor, Patent & IP, System Analyst/Tech Architect 120-A, Trilok Apartments, 85 I.P. Extension, Delhi-110092
Architecture C - 129, New Ashok Nagar, Delhi - 110096
Architecture D-224,Abul Fazl Enclave, New Delhi-110025
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop S16/70 subhash nagar new delhi 110027
Architecture C-81, Bathla Apartments, 43, IP Extension, Patparganj, New Delhi - 110092
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Industrial/Utility WZ-48/4B, 1ST FLOOR, GALI NO-8, KRISHNA PARK EXTN., NEW DELHI-110
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture PPAL L26 H, SHEIK SARAI PHASE 2 NEW DELHI 17
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech H.NO.155, SECTOR-3 FARIDABAD, HARYANA, INDIA
Architecture, Interior Designer, Project Management 269, SECTOR 15, URBAN ESTATE, SONIPAT, HARYANA PIN 131001
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leade126 Ambica Vihar P.O.Sunder Vihar New Delhi - 110087
Application Programming, Banking -General, Database AdministrC2/16 ACHARYA NIKETAN MAYUR VIHAR PHASE - I DELHI - 91
Architecture B-23,Radhey Puri Krishna Nagar Delhi
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manag Sanjeev Kumar Sinha 5/747, FF - 3, First Floor Vaishali, Sector - 5 Ghaziaba
Architecture, Interior Designer 15/23A. FF, TILAK NAGAR NEW DELHI
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Projec RZ-398, STREET NO-3, MAIN SAGAR PUR, NEW DELHI
Architecture 20-i,pocket-2,mixed housing, mayur vihar phase-3, delhi-110096
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Network Admi B-309, PRAGATI VIHAR HOSTEL, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110003
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administra A-364A, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon - 122017
Architecture, Other Top Mgmt 5/209, Viramkhand-5 Gomtinagar, Lucknow-226010
Architecture, Interior Designer A1/56A, VIJAY ENCLAVE, NEW DELHI
Architecture H.No 834,Bakhtawarpur Garhi,Delhi-36
Architecture 5/10,Second Floor, Nehru Nagar, New Delhi
Soft Skills Training, Technical/Process Training, Business/Sy Suresh Verma RA-45/A INDERPURI NEW DELHI PIN-110012 INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project D-121, ajay enclave new delhi 110018
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec C-2/72, Sushant Lok-I, Gurgaon-122002
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec B-46, Ground Floor ARDEE CITY Gurgaon, Haryana PIN -122002
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, IT , Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, DatC/ Sh, J.P.Srivastava, 204, Satpura Appt, G-3/365, Gulmohar Colony, Bhopa
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/1065 Flat No 4, Sharma Building Ward 7, Mehta Chowk (Near Tanishq Apa
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec C-603 ,Sarita Vihar
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 240 W.K. Road, Assora House Meerut-250001
Other Architecture other
Architecture, Interior Designer
Architecture v.p.o. sondh , teh.-hodal, distt.-faridabad haryana 121106
Architecture Vastulipi Architects & Interior Designers 4/543 Vivek Khand, Gomti Nagar
IT/Telecommunications, Technical Sales, Legacy Systems, Proje 722, SOUTH DELHI APTS., PLOT # 8, SECTOR-4, DWARKA, NEW DELHI - 110
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1215, Sector-8 R.K.Puram New Delhi - 110022
Architecture H.No-3, Road/Gali No -1 Block B, Pochanpur Extension, Sector 23, Dwarka
System Analyst/Tech Architect M-57, Near Jagat Ram Park, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Oil & Gas, Project Ma B-209,New Ashok Nagar,Near Mayur vihar phase-1,New delhi-110096
Architecture, Civil, Defence, Project Management HOUSE NO 12/139 AR VIHAAR, DHAULA
Architecture, Defence, Logistics, Material Management
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, M-1, Green Park Extension First Floor New Delhi - 110016
Other Architecture
Other Architecture 421, Sector 18, Housing Board Colony, Faridabad 121 002, Haryana, INDIA
System Analyst/Tech Architect I-181, ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE-1, DELHI - 110052
Architecture L-1/111A,KALKAJI,NEW DELHI-110019
Information Systems, Operations, IT Consultant, Software ConsuD-167 SAKET NEW DELHI 110017
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuratio 19 Maitri Apts A - 3, Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110 063 India
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec Quarter No.20 Type IV NCERT Campus Opp. Mother School Aurobindo Ma
Architecture C-1001, Celebrity Homes, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon 122 017
Architecture 145, charak sadan, vikaspuri, new delhi 110018
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architec VISHAL GARG H. No. 112, SECTOR-13 Urban Estate, Kurukshetra Haryana-1
Architecture rz-c 163, street no. 4 , madhu vihar near dwarka sector-3 new delhi-11005
GSM, Mobile, Network Planning, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Data Warehousing, Datab yowan khandelwal JCB339, delhi college of engg. bawana road new delhi 1
System Analyst/Tech Architect S/o:- Sri Bhola Choudhary, At- Teyai,po:-Dadpur,Distt:- Begusarai, Pin code
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenaC/0 Ramesh Tokas 92-a Prateek Market Munirka, New Delhi
Other Architecture D-11, S T C Colony MEHRAULI ROAD NEW DELHI 110017
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Em 36, DELHI ADMINISTRATION FLATS, NIMRI COLONY, ASHOK VIHAR, ASE 4,
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Software EngineeC/o N. K. Bansal, Near kaka sweets New Madho Nagar, Saharanpur Uttar P
Advertising/Media/Arts, Application Programming, Business An 71,sheme no 5, mangal vihar alwar raj 301001
System Analyst/Tech Architect Hno-373/1,d-6,sector-6,rohini,new delhi-10085
Architecture, Other TV/Film Prod., Others 4572,Roshnara Road, Delhi = 110007
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Supp D-6,THDC Colony,Azabpur Kalan,Mothrawala Road,Dehradun
Architecture h.no. 90b, chattarpur new delhi
Architecture 4th floor, B-80, Ansar Appartments, street no. 8, Gaffar manzil, Jamianaga
System Analyst/Tech Architect E-6, 1-1, SECTOR-18, NEW PANVEL, DIST RAIGAD MAHARASHTRA PIN COD
Architecture, Interior Designer 9/39, RAMESH NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110015
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/o Sanjeev Kumar, H.No.- B/148,2nd Floor, Near Shiv Mandir, New Moti N
Architecture 181/23 sutana panipat city haryana
Architecture sureshb kumar s/o sh. Balbir singh village- Bazar , P.O.- Ganiyar Distt. - Ma
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), IT Co8/5, Kalkaji Extension, Nehru Enclave, (Near Nehru Place), New Delhi - 110
Architecture, Automotive, Aviation, Bridge, Building/Residentia house no -49 room no -18 ,sarai julena,okhla new delhi-110025
System Analyst/Tech Architect
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support YASHPAL SINGH 2261/1 SHORA KOTHI CLOCK TOWER DELHI-7
Application Programming, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture New Delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect H/NO. B-22 NEAR DADADEV MANDIR PALAMGAON , NEW DELHI-45
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Ana A-66 , 3rd floor, Pandav Nagar, delhi-92
Architecture rz2096/27B Tughlakabad extn. new delhi 110019
Architecture z-425/a,sector-12,noida
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft Plot 670A Flat A- 2 ext-1 Shahibabad Ghaziabad Up
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Sainik Farms
Architecture b 97 malviya nagar, new delhi -17
System Analyst/Tech Architect 14/60, Punjabi Bagh (W), New Delhi - 110026
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-1/759 SHALIMAR GARDEN SAHIBABAD GHAZIABAD(U.P.)
Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Visualiser, Other Architectur Type - 2, 87, staff colony, BTPS, NTPC ,badarpur, NEW DELHI, Pincode - 11
Database Administration (DBA), GSM, H/W Installation/Maintenshahabad saidakadal srinagar
Architecture, Interior Designer 19,Krishi Niketan A-6 Paschim Vihar New Delhi-110063
Architecture, Interior Designer
System Analyst/Tech Architect 399, tughlaqabad village, bhangar mohalla,new delhi 110044
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 28-C SFS. B Block East of Kailash New Delhi -110065
Other Architecture Room no-LW 1, Tibetan Youth Hostel, Rohini, Sector 14, New Delhi 110085
Architecture H.No:-55, Azadpur Village, Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer c/o s.k bakshi wz-40A NARAINA DELHI CANTT 110028
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Project Leader/ Project Manager133/9, kishan garh, vasant kunj, new delhi
IT/Telecommunications, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Te CG-13,shiva enclave,A-4 Paschim Vihar,N Delhi-63
Architecture 9211503604 . TARUN_19834@ZAPAK.CO
Architecture, Interior Designer 179, KHIRKI VILLAGE MALVIYA NAGAR, NEW DELHI - 110017
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System AdministraPankaj kumar singh C/o Ghanshyam Singh D-42,Sharkarpur Delhi- 110092
Architecture C/O Ram Gopal G-1/26` Sector-11, Rohini,New Delhi-85
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, Internet/E- A-103 Dayanand coloney lajpat nagar-4 new delhi
Architecture, Bridge, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Pipel 9450883911
Architecture, Art, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, News Anchor/Compere, Strategy
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L C/O MR.UPENDRANATH SAHU, F-121 KATAWARIA SARAI NEW DELHI PIN-1
Application Programming, Client Server, Customer Service (Web193- A.G.C.R. Enclave New Delhi 110092
Architecture 1/1 Sec II Flat no. f-2 rajinder nager, sahibabad, ghaziabad, U.P, pin-20100
Architecture B-97,sector-20,noida-201301 u.p.
Other Architecture pipal wala mohala near old bank of baroda building V.p.o -badli delhi -110
Architecture h-3/26,vikas puri,new delhi-110018
Architecture 167/22, Zakir Nagar, Okhla New Delhi -110025
Architecture D-34, Ganesh Nagar Near Shiv Durga Mandir Pandav Nagar Complex Delhi
Architecture Permanent-: D-66 SHASTRI NAGAR, MEERUT, UP,250001 Temp.-:D-48A Ha
Administration, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, HR/Ad327 G, ASE I, POCKET 2 UR VIHAR NEW DELHI 110 091
Other Architecture Fc-51, shivaji enclave,raja garden, west delhi,delhi-27.
Customer Service, Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service 352- RAMA KRISHNA PURAM SECTOR-6 (IN FRONT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL) N
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, So AG - 641, SHALIMAR BAGH , DELHI-110088
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 303/1C Chelmsford road New Delhi 110055
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 77-A Street No-3 Durgapuri Extn. Shahdara Delhi - 110093
Business Case Modelling, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Corporate Planning/Strategy, Database Administrati
Architecture H.No. 3854/10, Kanhiya Nagar, Tri Nagar, Delhi - 110035
Architecture BP-94 pitampura Delhi-88
Architecture p-2, baird place, thimyya park,delhi cantt, new delhi-110010
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProKuldeep Singh Rana P.O- Manpur West Dewalchaur Haldwani (Nainital)
Hardware Design, Internet/E-commerce, Network Planning, Systs/o nb/sub phool singh dept. of pathology army hospital (R & R) delhi cantt
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerHouse No.-18,First Floor, Khirki Village, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeB-1 Solar Houses, I.I.t New Delhi 110016 India
Architecture ph. 9911509545
Architecture B-4/150 YAMUNA VIHAR DELHI:- 110053
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Servic C/O CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING PRESS STREET NO.6 NEAR PARK ABOHAR-15
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 205 eil cghs plot 13 pocket 6 nasirpur dwarka new delhi-110045
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System AdministratB-708, SECTOR-C, MAHANAGAR, LUCKNOW
Architecture 4/1041, vikas nagar, lucknow 226022
Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administrat Flat No. A-1, Overseas Apartments, Sector - 9, Rohini, Delhi - 110085
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software EngineerMMD1-261, SECTOR D1, NO. : 919891641155 LDA COLONY, : KAPILDEVVA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 14 Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110087, India
Embedded Technologies, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administr 1/9522, partap Pura, west rohtas Nagar , street No 2, Shahdara delhi-1100
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Anal478,khanjan purwa hardoi (u.p.)-241001
Architecture 271/7 amar bhawan chowk panipat - 132103 haryana
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil BE-138 GOLI No. 3 HARINAGAR NEW DELHI-64
Architecture 2/6 first floor sarvapriya vihar. new delhi- 110016
Application Programming, Desktop Support, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Network Administration, System Administratio
System Analyst/Tech Architect house no. C-55 m.b.r enclave pochan pur colony sector 23 dwarka new de
System Analyst/Tech Architect 42/168 judgy colony bijnore,up
Architecture H-47,Abul Fazal Enclave Jamia Nagar, Okhla New Delhi - 110025
Architecture hanumannagar behind telephone tower pulgaon-442302,tah-deoli, dist-w
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect M-103,Vikas Puri 110018.New Delhi
Architecture c/o vinod goel house no 42, 2nd floor galli no 7 arjun nagar,safdarjung enc
Architecture H.NO-61 BLOCK-B POCKET-9 SECTOR-4 ROHINI DELHI-110085
Architecture No.6,Nethaji street,Jaihindpuram,Madurai - 11.
Architecture IIITA ms200505
Network Administration, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, a-439 street no.9 jagat pur delhi-110084
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst 96, LANCER ROAD, MALL ROAD OPP. JAWAHAR KET E
Other Architecture A25 Jamia Ghfoor Nagar Jamia Nagar New Delhi-110025
Architecture, Bookkeeping, Company Secretary, Cost Accounting166 chandni chowk ratlam
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur RANJEET NAGAR, NEW DELHI
Software Engineer, Special Education Teaching, System Analys 13,Mela ground boldev mathura
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 335 1st floor prakash mohalla east of kailash new delhi 110065
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet sec-10/L-1 ndmc flats R.K. puram New delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer C-69 Jitar Nagar Parwana Road Delhi 110051
Database Administration (DBA), EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, C-222,HARI NAGAR, CLOCK TOWER, NEW DELHI-110064
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrat 8-D Pocket 3 Phase I Mayur Vihar Delhi-110091
Other Architecture h.no.243,kalyan vihar,polo road,delhi-9
Other Architecture 11, Church Road, Jangpura, Bhogal, New Delhi- 110014
Administration, Application Programming, Client Server, Datab C/o Sri MP Bhatt, 26,Vijay Block,Near Nathu s Sweets, Laxminagar, Delhi P
Administration, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware DesignB-802 Lajpat Nagar Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 24001
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-81 Moti Bagh - I, New Delhi 110021
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 405,Shivaji Nagar; Rustampur; Gorakhpur(U.P.)
Administration, Architecture, Art Director B-88,Street No.8,Kanti Nagar Extn., Krishna Nagar.Delhi-51
Other Marketing/Media, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Softwar631,ansh garment, super market, rishi nagar,ranibagh new delhi-34
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Interne OD - 10, Radio Colony, Kingsway, Delhi - 9
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded Technologies, Embedded Technology, GPRS, GSM, Mobile, RF Engineerin
Architecture ROOM.NO. 24 # F.NO. 98, KATWARIA SARIA, Hauskhas, N.Delhi_1100016.
Information Systems, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System AnalC-7-S, Vijeta Vihar, Sector-13, Rohini, New Delhi-110085, India
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec 163/b khirki village malviya nagar new-delhi 110017
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/ 248-a,shobha niwas,munirka Village,New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T N-584 , Raghubir Nagar New Delhi -110027
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Marketing Strategy, Product /Brand Managem House No - 185, Sector - 13, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad.
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AdmA-1/11,Main Road Maujpur, Gurunanak Gali ,Shahadra, Delhi-110053
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Mainframe, Softwared-14/35,tehrineem varanasi
Architecture H.NO.445/7 ASHOK MOHALLA DELHI-41
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet A-37, KESHAV KUNJ COLONY, PRATAP NAGAR, AGRA- 282010
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnaC/o Sultan Singh(Munshi), F-43,Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016
Application Programming, Aviation, Bridge, CAD/CAE, Civil, Def 721-a SHASTRI NAGAR KURUKSHETRA
IT/Telecommunications, Network Planning, Switching/Router, SyX-220, 2rd Foor, Savitri nagar, new Delhi, 110017
Application Programming, Customer Service, EDP/MIS, Informati169 Kirki Village Panchsheel New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Naimish Sinha C/o Mahendra Singh F 53/659 Ganesh Nagar II, Shakarpur,
Architecture c-153,tayyeb lane,near tayyab masjid thokar no#8,jamia nagar,okhla,n.del
Architecture, Interior Designer S-2, GALI NO-1, SUNDER BLOCK, SHAKARPUR, DELHI
Control, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embedded Technologies, sb-19 vindhyachal hostel iit delhi new delhi-110016
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Embedded Technology sunil kumar 148,s.g.puram lko.
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embedded Technologies, External Hardware, Graphic De
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software c/o arun srivastva 181, 5A BASSAPARA OLD FARIDABAD-121002
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDA/VLSI/A 24, maruti estate, phase-3, shahganj, Agra-282010
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech83-b jhilimil d.d.a flats Near vivek vihar police station delhi -110095
Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Total Quality Management, 64/145, Jawahar Nagar, Near Gaurav Glass House, Bhiwani(Haryana) -1270
Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Admin
Architecture C 67 JOHRI PUR,,
Architecture 158,KADAMPARI
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Supp ,,
Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Architect 3631-B GALI NO 5 NARANG,COLONY TRI NAGAR,
Architecture 51 TIMAR PUR GOVT QTRS,,
Architecture, Other Architecture W 16 E 103,R N NAGAR,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchT/43B YUDHISTER GALI,VISWAS NAGAR SHAHADARA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Corporate Sales, IT/TelecommunicatiV 136/17A,GALI NO 4, PARKASH NAGAR
Network Administration, Network Planning, Switching/Router, S585 INCOME TAX COLY,PITAM PURA,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect D4/1 AFE PART IIND OKHLA,,
Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Arc111 T HUT NIRANKARI,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect D 680 D BLOCK,KACCHA HOUSE,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech WP 87 WAZIRPUR VILLAGE,,
Architecture F-22/105,,Pocket F-22, Sector-3, Rohini
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System AdministratioD-91,,
Direct marketing, Marketing Strategy, Graphic Designing/Anim B 115,C R PARK NO 19,
Architecture N 86/125,LAURENCE ROAD,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), De T 411,CHAMPION ROAD HINDU RAO, AHATA KIDAPA BALA
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, Software Engi18/21 AZAD NAGAR,KISHAW GANJ,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 25,TYPE I MCD FLATS, KONDLI
Architecture, Architecture, Architecture, Architecture 8050,GALI TYRE WALI, BARA HINDU RAO
Architecture, Art, Client Servicing, Event Management D 76,SWAMI DAYA NAND CLY, KISHANGANJ
Bio-Technology Research, Data Management/ Statistics, Datab B-5/387 YAMUNA VIHAR,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NUMBER 202,BLOCK 12 GEETA COLONY,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 274 B-93 H B KONDLI,,
Architecture AK-26,SHALIMAGAR BAGH,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 100,RAM PURA,
Architecture H NO 1448 BLOCK C,JANAKPURI,
Architecture F1 V-134,PITAM PURA,
Architecture B-441,Jahangir Puri,
Architecture D 2/99,SEC 20, ROHINI EXTN
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst121/3 WEST AZAD NAGAR,STREET S KRISHNA NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer WZ 92,TODAPRU,
Other Architecture 98/1,CIRCULAR ROAD,
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System V/95,MOTI BAZAR KATRA NAWAB, CHANDNI CHOWK
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network B55/2 JAGATPURI,,
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Database A 1/1405 J 16,M S PARK, SHAHDARA
Application Programming, Network Administration, Software EnC 32/3,ANKUR ENCLAVE, KARWAL NAGAR
Architecture 4799/30,DEPUTY GANJ, SADAR BAZAR
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web DeC-46 SWAMI DAYA,NAND COLONY,
Architecture, Art Director, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 1/9555,BANSL ST NO 4, ROHTASH NAGAR
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Proj 118/2B,EAST MOTI BAGH, SARAI ROHILLA
Architecture H NO 1397,CHITLI KABAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Datab E 105/C LIG FLATS,DILSHAD GARDEN,
Architecture, Interior Designer W P,296 VILLAGE WAZIRPUR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect D5/111,LAXMI NAGAR,
Operations, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit B C/2,RAJPUR ROAD, CIVIL LINES
Architecture F 147 MAIN BAZAR LAXMI NAGAR,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Network Ad9/6 160,OLD SEELAM PUR,
Internet/E-commerce, System Administration, System Analyst/T3336 BAGICHI ACHHJI,SADAR BAZAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr B 151,AMAN VIHAR,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B 1750,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ER 210,OTRUM LINE, GTB NAGAR KINGSWAY CAMP
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems, Software4240,GALI SITARA A, AJMERI GATE
Architecture, Interior Designer 1434 CHATTA NAWAB,SAHEB FARASH KHANA,
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, SystemP-79,GALI NO 4, BIHARI COLONY
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech3/42,OLD RAJINDER NAGAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Configuration/Releas D 85,STREET NO 4, LAXMI NAGAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Legacy SyC1A-95A,JANAK PURI,
Desktop Support, Embedded Technologies, Switching/Router, SyB-52 RANA PARTAP BAGH,CC COLONY,
ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, OtEU-44-D,PITAMPURA,
Architecture, Interior Designer 2545- BAGHICHI,RAGUNATH SADAR THANA ROAD,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Customer Support, E AK 66 SHALIMAR BAGH,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 174,RAM PURA, TRI NAGAR
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, J 3/107,RAJOURI GARDEN,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 68,BAGICHI BHARGAV LANE, BOULWARD LANE
Architecture, Graphic Design, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web95/254 T HAT NEAR,NIRANKARI BHAWAN,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ V 32/6 ARVIND NAGAR,,
Architecture, Project Management X 1843,GALI NO 9, RAJGARH COLONY
Business Case Modelling, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, D-1/19A BUDH VIHAR PHASE-I,,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te4509,ARYAPURA, SABZI MANDI
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te520,JHEEL KHURENJA,
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/MaintenaD 91,PREET VIHAR,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft HAZIPUR BHENTA,MAULANA AZAD COLONY, LONI
Desktop Support, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-41 MALKA GANJ,,
Architecture, Corporate Sales, Interior Designer A 6,SUNDER APART, SEC 14 ROHINI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 839,NEHRU NAGAR, BALJEET NAGAR
Architecture WZ-51,Rishi Nagar, Rani Bagh
Bank Assurance, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administ 82,Block-T P, Pitam Pura
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, SofIX12862 KAILASH NAGAR,GALI NO-18,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-A/1250,NEWASHOKA NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 419 UDYOG SADAM,F1E PATPARGANJ IND AREA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 592,POCKET E MAYUR VIHAR III,
Business Alliances, Business Analyst, Business/Systems Analy D-348,Block-D, Anand Vihar
Architecture 1003,MANDI SARAI,
GSM, Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchitectD 381 T HUTS CLUSTER,D BLOCK PITAMPURA,
Architecture C 454,GALI NO 23 24, MUJLLAHA CLY GHAROLI
Architecture, Real Estate Sales 420 E,PKT MAYUR VIHAR,
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Internet/E-comme 945,GALI NAL BASTI, BAZAR SITA RAM AJMERI GATE
Architecture 52 DEE PALI,PITAMPURA,
Architecture 322/2,Moolchand Basti, Power House
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, GPRS, GSM,J 70,MAJNU KA TILLA,
Architecture 33/50 GALI NO 5,VISHWAS NAGAR,
Other Architecture 4/112 VISHAWAS NAGR,SAHADARA,
Architecture K 19/20/2,H VIHAR,
Architecture 1/2509,G T ROAD, SHAHDARA
Architecture 1/421,FRIENDS COLONY INDL AREA,
Application Programming, Client Server, Graphic Designing/Ani A- 655,Sec- 2, Rohini
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other I 1/11329 A GALI NO 7,SUBHASH PARK EXTN, NAVEEN SHAHDARA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 1819 GALI WAZIR BEG,TURKMAN GATE,
Electrical/Electronic, Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, D565,WEST GURU NAGADNAGAR,
Architecture 22A,KUNDAN NAGAR,
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, SystemC-506,GALI NO-11, MAGLIS PARK AZAD PUR
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Support, Desktop Support, 114 JOHARI PURI,NEAR SHAHDARA,
Architecture X/3245 GALI NO 04,RAGHUBAR PURA,
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 3/113,NAND NAGRI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 127 INDRA MKT,SUBZI MONDI,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchC 5 144,SEC 8, ROHINI
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch399, M-Block,Chander Shekhar Azad Colony, Kishan Ganj
Other Architecture H NO 29,RAJAPUR SECTOR 9, ROHNI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect T HUT E BLOCK,SAHIBABAD DAIYA,
Other Architecture 19/130,BASTI SARAI ROHILLA,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture B 5/130,SEC 3, ROHINI
Architecture A 204,MANAV APTT, SEC 9 ROHINI
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), So 144 GALI LOHAR WALI,RAM PURA,
Architecture, Interior Designer T 500,GALI AKHADEY WALI, MALKA GANJ
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 2730 K GALI,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 32A GALI NO 2,ANKUR ENCLAVE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 920/2,IMLI MOHALLA, SITA RAM BAZAR
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect VPO BUDH PUR,NEAR BUDH BABA TEMPLE,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture F - 1831,GALI 6, SUBAH MOHLLA
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemC 69 NEAR ESI PANA UDYAN,NARELA,
Other Architecture 28,VILL HAMID PUR,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 41,NEHRU KUTIA, MALKA GANJ
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, IntH NO 250,VILL SINGHU,
Other Architecture 375A 1 BLOCK,SULTANPURI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded Technologie10134 GALI MANDIR WALI,NAWAB GANJ,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnA/1/294,SULTAN PURI,
Architecture, Interior Designer HOUSE NO 683,VILLAGE MUNDKA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, System Analyst/Tech Ar C-1/50,SWARN PARK, BLOCK-C VILLAGE MUDKA
Architecture 1/9235,WEST ROHTASH NAGAR,
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystC-16/12,Sec-5, Rohini
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchiFLATIOS VASHUDHS APP,SEC-9, ROHINI
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech IX/5463 GALI NO-2,OLD SEELAMPUR, GANDHI NAGAR
Network Administration, Network Planning, System AdministratCIVIL LINE,DIXSON 16 8TH FLOOR, CSC MCD
Total Quality Management, Project Management, Quality, Softw5592,GALI CHANDI WALI, KUCHA AJMERI GALI
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrat GALI HANUMAN MANDIR,MANDOLI, SAMBOLI SHAHDARA
Embedded Technologies, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Softwar4561,GALI SHILARA, AJMERI GATE
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System AdministraC II 114,LAJPAT NAGAR II,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, MainframC 90,W Z NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Adminis B2/85,SECTOR-16, ROHINI
Architecture B 5-209,SEC 3, BLOCK B5 ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C/O SANJAY YADAV,BEHIND FONY FOOD VIL, CLUB KAPASHERA
System Analyst/Tech Architect K D 63,SOUTH PITAM PURA,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys81-122,JHILMIL COLONY,
Architecture H 140,A BLOCK, JAHANGIR PURI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Software 2508 CHURI WALAN SITARAM,BAZAR,
Administration, Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Supp R-7/96,DAMANI SHIP AGENCY,
ERP/CRM, Network Administration, Network Planning, Quality A30E B1 MAYUR VIHAR,,
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystRZ B/14,GALI NO 11 C, DURGA PURA
Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Ar P 21 PANA UDYAN NARELA,,
Architecture C 259C PANDAV NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S H NO 724,GALI SAUDAGRAM, BAILIMARAN
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech A 10/17,JAI DEV PARK, PUNJABI BAGH
ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syste C2-20,MODEL TOWN,
Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Marine E 536 NEEMRY COLONY,ASHOK VIHAR PHASE 4,
Architecture, Interior Designer E-58,Pratap Nagar,
Architecture 318 JAHANGIRI PURI,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce,2306B HUDSON LINE,KINGSWAY CAMP,
Design, Events & conferences, Interior Designer, Marketing Str H 122,DDA FLATS, ASHOK VIHAR II
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 212,B 9 SEC 3, ROHINI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se F-44 PARSHANT VIHAR,,
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, SystB-52,VIJAY VIHAR, RITHALA
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 341 VASUDHA APPTS,SEC-9, ROHINI
Architecture 36 LAL BAGH,,
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Install H N-2,VILLAGE BAKHTAWAR PUR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sy H No-2094-C,Main Road Ganesh Pura, Tri Nagar
Other Architecture D 51 VIJAY VIHAR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L 41,Sohan Park,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Project Management2459,KATRA RAZI FAZIL ROAD, SHARDHA NAND MARG
Other Architecture 1464 JANTA FLATS,GTB ENCLAVE,
Other Architecture ROOM NO 544,VAYU BHAWAN, RAFI MARAG
Client Server, Customer Service (Web), Internet/E-commerce, M2273 RODGRAN LAL KUAN,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, System AVPO MAJRA,,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 7974 MOHALLA SHAIKHAN,GALI SHAMSUDDIN PAHARI, DHIRAJ RANI JHAN
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, E128/1,Jahangir Puri,
Architecture H No- 104,Dlipur Village,
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, System Admi57 A /C 2,LAWRANCE ROAD,
Architecture, Other Architecture, Other Fresh Grad, Others C-5/401,Lawrence Road,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T B 9 E ROOM NO 220,PUNJABHI COLONY, NARELA
Banking -General, Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, BB 106 F NO 203,SHALIMAR BAGH, SHAHIBABAD
Customer Support, System Administration, System Analyst/TechSHIV DURGA VIHAR,B-1, LAKAR PUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 69,SEC - 9, ROHINI
Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archi K-2/1296-97,JAHANGIR PURI,
Architecture D 8/17,ROHINI SEC 15,
Architecture, Interior Designer M5C3 JALEYLAL APARTMENTS,PITAMPURA,
Architecture A-3176 P-Block,Pitam Pura,
Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech 43 A SAWAN PARK,ASHOK VIHAR,
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Mobile, Software EngHOUSE NO-14,STREET NO-3, RAM NAGAR KRISHAN NAGAR
Other Architecture 137/D,PKT I Sec-18, Rohini
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin 29/2,ALIPUR ROAD, CIVIL LINES
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, Y 433,CAMP NI, NANGLOI
Business Consulting, IT Consultant, Management Consulting, So SRS K102,PEEERA GARHI,
Architecture, Interior Designer J-345,J BLOCK, SHAKUR PUR JJ COLONY
Architecture H NO 130 4/2,BASELWA COLONY,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing C-558,CAMP NO-2, NANGLOI
Architecture 52-C,PKT B, RAM PURI
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Desktop Support, Sys F 14/53,MADEL TOWN II,
Architecture 18/3731,RAGHAR PURA, KAROL BAGH
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System C 75,NEELAMBAR APT, PITAM PURA
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 1940,GALI NO 20, AJIT NAGAR
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderVILLAGE KONDLI,F 103, GALI NO 4
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Software En5/64,TRILOK PURI,
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, 52 B,JAMMU & KASHMIR BLOCK, LAKSHMI NAGAR
Architecture, Design Engineering, Interior Designer, Packaging 7556,AMAR MOHALLA, OLD SEELAM PUR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 293 GL 1,EAST KARWAL NAGAR,
Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst201 AMBEDKAR,NAGAR BYE PASS, ROAD
Business/Systems Analysis, Channel Sales, Desktop Support, Pr 45/12,BANK BUILDING, MALL ROAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect 8665 NO-15,WATANTAR NAGAR, NARELA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database S 75A,PANDAV NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Proj66/B,GHONDLI VILL,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sof 54 GEET CIOLONY,,
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, H K 181,K BLOCK, SEELAMPUR
Architecture 603 MAYUR VIHAR,PHASE II,
Architecture 134A PKT A MAYUR VIHAR,, PH 2
Client Server, Customer Support, Network Administration, Netw491,BAZAR MATIA MAHAL,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 4/135,SULTAN PURI,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SoftwarD 39,BHAGAT SINGH PARK, SIRAS PUR VILLAGE
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchF-76,GALI NO-4, NEW USMAN PUR
Architecture 826 NATHUPURA BURARI,,
Other Architecture E 448 GALI NO-12,MUSTAGA BAD,
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analy4/2286,ST NO 3 4, BIHARI COLONY SHAHDARA
Architecture 17,NEW POLICE LINE,
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web DeAIR HOSPET KARNATAKA,STIT KINGSWAY CAMP,
Architecture 208B SHAHBAD DAULATPUR,,
Architecture 11/193 1ST FLOOR,GEETA COLONY,
Architecture 4511,NAI SARAK, ROSHAN PURA
Application Programming, Client Server, Embedded TechnologieSHREE RAM COLONY,RAJEEV NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture, Others V/926,MALIWARA, NAI SARAK
Other Architecture E 17/B BLOCK-E,CHANDER NAGAR,
Architecture A 11,MODEL TOWN,
Architecture 887 DR MUKHERJEE NAGAR,,
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, RZH-21,NIHAL VIHAR, NANGLOI
Architecture, Interior Designer B 476,RAJIV NAGAR, SRI RAM COLONY
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Proje 576-577,Pkt A Sec-6, Rohni
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), H/W Installation 454,MANDAULI VILLAGE,
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-177 BLOCK D,RAJEEV NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect RZ A-99-,Durga Puri, Dwarka Puri
System Analyst/Tech Architect D 30 DDA FLATS,JHILMIL COLONY,
International Business, IT/Telecommunications, Configuration/ 3639,CHAWRI, BAZAR SITA RAM
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administration, System A 4/156,PREET VIHAR,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Design, Interior Desi H No- 375,Sainik Vihar, Pitam Pura
Architecture, Interior Designer A 837 JAWALA PURI,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sy 1681,KUCHA CHALAN,
Business/Systems Analysis, System Administration, System Anal 940 AMBEDKAR CALY,CHATTAR PUR,
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support 76-A,KD BLK, ASHOK VIHAR PHASE-I
Architecture 313 TAKAND GAWO,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se B 153,GROUND FLOOR, GUJARAWALA TOWN PART I
Application Programming, Business Analyst, Business/Systems AE 78,SHAKUR PUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 136 B-5,SECTOR 4, ROHINI
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), EDP H No-567,R-Camp No-5, Jwala Puri
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Project LeaderA3/1917,GREEN APPARTMENTS, DAKSHIN VIHAR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 090,VANI VIHAR, GEETA ENCLAVE EXTN
Business Analysis, Business Case Modelling, Business Consulti C 2A/182,SECTOR, JANAK PURI
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, Network Adm S 150,PANDAV NAGAR,
Architecture 347 T HUTS,RADHU PALACE,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1 RLY LINE HUTS,SANJAY NAGAR, KAMLA NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect RZC 105,NIHAL VIHAR, NANGLOI
Architecture C-100,YADAV NAGAR, SAMAY PUR
Architecture, Interior Designer Q NO 21 B,POLICE COLONEY, NANGLOI
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, GIS, Network Admini6-C DEEP ENCLAVE,POCKET-D, ASHOK VIHAR-3
Architecture T 580 D 11,BALJEET NAGAR,
Architecture H NO A-29,DERAWAL NAGAR,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engin11/5,MOTI NAGAR,
Architecture H No-9/123,Reset Colony, Khichri Pur
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenan 10-C,Viskarma Park, Laxmi Nagar
Application Programming, System Administration, System AnalysB4/12 A B 4 KRISHNA NAGAR,,
Other Architecture, Other EP Mgmt/St Eng/CE 2830 GALI RAJPUTANA,SABZI MANDI, GHANTA GHAR
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network A 1615,BAHADUR GARH ROAD,
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Administration C-145,HANUMAN ROAD,
Application Programming, Banking -General, Client Server, Pr A 20 II,V B COLONY URJA VIHAR, PATPAR GANJ MANDAWALI
Business/Systems Analysis, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trai 2-5/51,YAMUNA VIHAR,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch936 GALI CHAH SHREEN,FARASH KHANNA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerNANGAL DAIRY,CISF CAMP IGI AIR PORT, NEAR MAHIPAL PUR THANA
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Desktop SupA-206,BLOCK NO A, SHASTRI NAGAR
Architecture 95/86,T-HUTS INDER LOK,
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Construction B 113,MANDAWAL,
Architecture B-13/1,MOONANAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer 2081 OUTRAM LINES,KINGSWAY CAMP,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administrat 72 A,PKT A 10, K APPTS KALKA JI EXTN
Business/Systems Analysis, Design Engineering, ERP/CRM, Engine 1502 PANJABI MOHALLA,SABJI MANDI, CLOCK TOWER
System Analyst/Tech Architect H No- 24,, Rohini
Architecture 148 PREM NAGAR,SULTAN PURI,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Logistics, Material Mana 194 ENGINEERG ESTATE,21 IP EXTENSION, PATPAR GANJ
Architecture B K 76,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Other Architecture C-24,MODEL TOWN,
Architecture, Interior Designer BE 92,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Other Architecture BN-52,WEST SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture, Architecture, Interior Designer, Interior Designer P W D-18,(CIVIL), BHAJANPURA
H/W Installation/Maintenance, System Administration, System AJ-3/127,J J Colony Wazir Pur,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, IC 136,C BLOCK, BHAGIRATHI VIHAR
Architecture, Interior Designer B-207,SARASWATI VIHAR,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec B-55 JAIN MANDIR GALI,MAIN MARKET, SHAKAR PUR
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Corporate Planning/Strat A-79,LIG FLATS, RAM PURA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se G6/49,SECTOR 15, ROHINI
Administration, Application Programming, Business/Systems AnaD 1/37 SECTOR 16,ROHINI,
Architecture D-37 RAM VIHAR,,
Architecture H NO 1554,BLOCK E, JAHANGIR PURI
Database Administration (DBA), System Administration, System 1 MC QUARTER,OPP ZEENAT MAHAL SCHOOL, RAM LILA MAIDAN
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin 110C,BLOCK VP (ABC), PITAM PURA
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst S 222,SCHOOL BLOCK, SHAKARPUR
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys 112,1 BHAGIRATHI VIHAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerF 14 V BLOCK,UTTAM NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerH No- 182,Tikri Kalan, B- 11 Dav Colony
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 1877/X,RAJGARH, STREET NO-11
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Project LeaderB 15,LAJPAT NAGAR 3,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Des 52 D POCKET F,M V II,
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect 14/8 GALI NUMBER 10,MADHU VIHAR,
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administr K-17/91/9,WEST GHONDA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce,11/258,GEETA COLONY,
Architecture, Interior Designer HOTEL SHAN ROOM NO 303,753 MOTER MARKET, JAMA MASJID
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Ser1233,LOHIA STREET, ROHTAS NAGAR
Other Architecture 4154,3RD FLOOR, NAYA BAZAR
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture SANGAM VIHAR,, LONI
Architecture A-758,A-Block Sector-2, Rohini
Architecture H NO CA-55A,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 104-B,POCKET J&K, DILSHAD GARDEN
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System Analys12/310 SHAHZADA BAGH DAYA,DAYA BASTI,
Design, Network Administration, Project Management, Quality A31/372,PREM NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 1/7256 C,SHIVAJI PARK STREET NO 2, SHAHADRA
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect 616 RANA UDYAN,NARELA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EmbeddedC 97 ST 9,KHAJURI KHASS,
Architecture BA 87,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Operations, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, ProjA 15,KRISHAN NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture 4/2894,SHALIMAR BAGH, SHD
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, System AnalyIX/ 9491,N STREET, GANDHI NAGAR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect B-138 Block-B,Bhagirathi Vihar,
Architecture A 7/446,GURU NANAK BAZAR,
Client Server, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network AdministA-191,VIKAS MARG, LAXMI NAGAR
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, System AdministratiJ-101/10,KARTA NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, InvestmenI 20C,PUTH KALA, KRISHNA VIHAR
Architecture, Civil, Interior Designer G BLOCK,NORTH KARAWAL NAGAR,
Architecture C-161 AVANTIKA,SEC-1 ROHINI,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 8027,GALI TYRE WALI, BARA HINDU RAO
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO C-1/14A,KESHAV PURAM,
Architecture 11032,WEA SAT NAGAR, KAROL BAGH
Architecture A-217 DERAWAL NAGAR,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnH NO WZ-39A,PH 2 OM VIHAR, UTTAM NAGAR
Other Architecture H NO 1000,GALI RAJAN FARASH KHANA,
Business/Systems Analysis, Cost Reduction, Customer Support, 1A /106,RANGRASAYN APP SECTOR 13, ROHINI
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Syst B 3/16,RANG RASAYAN ROHINI, SECTOR 13
Client Server, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network823,KATRA HIDDU BAZAR LAL KUAN, NAYA BANS FARASH KHANA
Architecture 1987/155,TRI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer D-1-139,Block-D-1 Rohini, Sector-20
Application Programming, Client Server, System Analyst/Tech Ar18/12 GALI NO 3,JHASI GARDEN, MAYUR VIHAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Embedded4/151,KHICHDI PURI, POST KALYAN PURI
Other Architecture B 235,SARASWATI VIHAR,
Architecture, Marine Engineering 1382,CHATTA RAJAN, FARSH KHANNA
Architecture, Interior Designer A-3/113,Sec-6, Rohini
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, Syste H NO 2282,CHATTA MOM, GRAN B C QABA
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des 17/327,ANAND PARVAT,
Architecture H No- 62/3,Trilok Puri,
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Business/Systems Analysi C- 4- 38,New Kondli,
Architecture, Feasibility Studies, Policy Development, Project/ 3242,GALI HAKIM BAQA, BALLIMARAN
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea G-135/9,Laxmi Park, Nangloi
Architecture, Interior Designer 120,CHANDU NAGAR,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft 128,BLOCK H, SAROJNI NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project M1023,FARASH KHANA,
Architecture B 884,MODI PUR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S A-51,Peera Wali Gali, Patpar Ganj
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Network H No-121,Gali No-22 Samay Pur,
Application Programming, Banking -General, Client Server, Proj 103-B Block B C,(East) Shaimar Bagh,
Architecture B-87,Shalimar Bagh,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemC 82 43,ASHOK VIHAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data War 176,,Sahyog Appartments, Mayur Vihar, Phase-i
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MaVPO DHARAJ PUR,,
Channel Sales, Corporate Sales, Institutional Sales, Interior De 181,HAKIKAT NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer A-31,Block-A, Kaithwala Colony
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech A128,Jaiha Apptss Plot No-26, Sec-13 Rohini
Back-end/Transactions Processing, Business/Systems Analysis, VILL,,NAHAR PUR, SEC-7ROHINI
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Relea C-382 C,New Ashok Nagar,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Project Leader/ Proj H NO 22,MODERN SCHOOL, BARAKHAMBA ROAD
Architecture D II/329 MADAN GIR,,
Application Programming, Client Server, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-c 9562/74,GOUSHALA BARADHARI, KISHAN GANJ
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, ProjecRoom No-67,Doctor Hostel, Dr. BSA Hospital, Rohini
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM,H NO 4184,GALI AHIVAN, PHARI DHIRAJ
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data WareH/561,CHIRAG DELHI, MAIN ROAD
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Flat No-50,Pkt-3 Sec-2, Rohini
Architecture, Art, Creative Direction, Visualiser, Other Architect 1V/1295,VAKIL PURA, JAMA MASJID
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, ERP/CR500/6 GOVIND PURI,KALKAJI,
Architecture, Other Architecture Gali No 6B VPO,Swatantar Nagar, Narela
Administration, Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Supp 1934,KUCHA CHELAM, KHARI BAOLI
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System151/31,MAHAVIR COLONY,
Architecture, Interior Designer B Block,Amrit Vihar, Burari
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 17,SILWAR PARK, NEAR CHANDAN NAGAR
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Project ManagementC-470,BHAJAN PURA,
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Other Architecture G B PANT POLYTECHNIC,Q NO 48 TYPE 1, OKHLA INDL ESTATE
System Analyst/Tech Architect 277,Sector-7 B/5, Rohini
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S HOUSE NO 2613,BARADARI, BALLIMARAN CHANDNI CHOWK
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S D 12,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Bio-Technology Research, Data Management/ Statistics, Intern C 49,HARSHDEV PARK, PH II BUDH VIHAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy SystemG 180 A,GALI NO 3, JAGJIT NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 7,KANTI NAGAR,
Architecture, Interior Designer B- 34,, Pitam Pura
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, 150,Krishna Nagar,
Architecture, Civil, Design, Interior Designer, Land developm G-78-B,Friends Colony Indl. Area, J J Camp
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Syst 333,GALI TELIYAN, TELIWARA
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H NO 1185 SADAR NALA ROAD,G NO 11 PAN MANDI HOSHIAR, SINGH MA
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect A-689,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Data Warehousing, Internet/E-commerce, Network Planning, Pro2177,ROD GARAN BAZAR, LAL KUAN
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Pro257,Sahibabad, Daulat Pur
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Hi D-6,Pandav Nagar Complex, D-Block
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Legacy5962 BABU KHAN GALI,BALLIMARAN,
Application Programming, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Sys7483,KATRA RAZI, SHARDA NAND MARG
Architecture 137/4,Sant Nagar,
Architecture Jhuggi H-2, S-19,Jahangir Pur,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Legacy Systems,H NO 44A,BOULEARD ROAD, TIS HAZARI
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Inte A-35,Shastri Nagar,
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 297,YOJNA VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiH No-25 Gali No-2,Village Gazipur,
Architecture C-467,Paprawat Village, Najafgarh
Architecture J-44,SSL-4 Top Floor, Dilshad Colony
Architecture, Interior Designer B-284,Twali Gali, Vijay Marg, Ghonda
Architecture G No-10A,Krishna Nagar,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, H/W Installation/Mainten B-6 Gali No-9,Jagat Puri Extn.,
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, P D-265/3,Ashok Nagar,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, F-13/16,Sector-15, Rohini
Lecturer/Professor, Patent & IP, System Analyst/Tech Architect D 1019,NEW FRIENDS COLONY,
Architecture 243,Guru Ram Dass Nagar, Laxmi Nagar
Architecture A-577,J J Colony Phase II, Nangloi Jat
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop S287/12,Karkardooma,
Architecture WB-287-P,Ganesh Nagar, Shakar Pur-II, GAli No-01
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Industrial/Utility 80/387,JHILMIL COLONY,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, QualityH 17 A,GARWALI MOH,
Other Architecture D-547,D Block Tishra Pusta, Sonia Vihar
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech E-215`,CHHAJJU PUR, BABAR PUR
Architecture, Interior Designer, Project Management H NO 1088/4,KATRA GULAM MOHD HAVELLI HISAMUDDIN, HAIDER BAZAR
Architecture E-346,GALI NO-11 E-BLOCK, SHASTRI PARK
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leade22F,PKT II, MAYUR VIHAR PH II
Application Programming, Banking -General, Database AdministrB-1116,Avantika Sec-1, Rohini
EDP/MIS, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manag E-199/A,Shastri Park (E-Block),
Architecture, Interior Designer 239/1,NEHRU NAGAR, BALJEET NAGAR
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Projec 22-A,Anar Kali Extn,
Architecture 6,Mukesh Market, Gandhi Nagar
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Internet/E-commerce, Network Admi K 1,18/759, SANGAM VIHAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Database Administra 1112/1 PANA PAPOSIA,NARELA,
Architecture, Other Top Mgmt 2310,HUDSON LINE,
Architecture, Interior Designer AB-167,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Architecture 4675,GALI MOHAN SINGH, APTT
Architecture 363,Kabir Nagar,
Soft Skills Training, Technical/Process Training, Business/Sy H No-34,Gali No-7, New Seelam Puri
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project L- 9/148,SULTAN PURI,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec B-87-P,Sheikh Shrai-II,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec 2940,CHOTI BARADARI BALLIMARAN,
Application Programming, EDP/MIS, IT , Network AdministrationC- 84,G NO- 16, NORTH GHONDA
Application Programming, Client Server, Data Warehousing, Dat24/14,Type I Uri Enclave, Delhi Cantt
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/F 3/14,Sec-11, Rohini
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec H NO X-190,GALI NO-3, BRAHAMPURI
Other Architecture 41-B,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C 114/2,BRIJPURI,
Other Architecture O-40B,Sharma Colony, Budh Vihar Ph-II
Architecture, Interior Designer A-Block,254 J J Colony, Wazir pur
Architecture 5/70,DMS COLONY, HARI NAGAR
IT/Telecommunications, Technical Sales, Legacy Systems, Proje C-600,JAHANGIR PURI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se HOUSE NO-1058,D-BLOCK, JAHANGIRPURI
Architecture A-479,GADI COLONY, KHEDA KALA
System Analyst/Tech Architect HOUSE NO-A-22,BADLI EXTN., VILLAGE BADLI
Architecture, Building/Residential, Civil, Oil & Gas, Project Ma 267,DAYANAND VIHAR,
Architecture, Civil, Defence, Project Management 633B,SRI NAGAR,
Architecture, Defence, Logistics, Material Management 226-A,FARMERS APARTMENTS, SECTOR-13 ROHINI
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, WZ-633 H/1,HARI NAGAR, SHAKUR BASTI
Other Architecture HOUSE NO-855,GLAI NO-24, SANT NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-2/474,SULTANPURI,
Information Systems, Operations, IT Consultant, Software Consu70,RADHEY SHYAM PARK,
Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, IT , Legacy Syst H NO-221,GALI NO-7, SAMIPUR BADLI
Business Consulting, Business/Systems Analysis, Configuratio J-51 D,JHUGG NR A GAS AGENCY, K GANJ
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 174D,REGENT APPT SHIPRA SUNCITY, INDRAPURAM
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architec E-2/251,BHUTAL GALI NO-2, SONIYA VIHAR
Architecture E-1248,Jahangir Puri,
GSM, Mobile, Network Planning, System Analyst/Tech Architect 559,VPO Pooth Khurd,
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Data Warehousing, Datab H No-L 370 B,New Vijay, Sector-9
Customer Support, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintena77-A,POCKET-A, MAYUR VIHAR-III
Architecture S-85,SECTOR-12,
Other Architecture 328-29,BLOCK-L, SUNDER NAGRI
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Em E20/73/74,,Pocket E-20,, Sector-3 Rohini
Embedded Technologies, Information Systems, Software EngineeB-34,ANAND VIHAR,
Advertising/Media/Arts, Application Programming, Business An 18,PUSHPA GARDEN, BAHAITA HAJEEPUR LONI
System Analyst/Tech Architect 420 MAIN SHYAM PAR,SAHIBABAD,
Architecture, Other TV/Film Prod., Others B-4/56,ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE-II
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Supp B-2/284,BLOCK B-2, NAND NAGRI
Architecture D-114/1,GALI NO-12, BHAJANPURA GAMRI E
System Analyst/Tech Architect 85/1,RAILWAY COLONY, SUBZI MANDI
Architecture, Interior Designer C-4/354,Yamuna Vihar,
Architecture C-5/43,YAMUNA VIHAR,
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect F-174,GALI NO-10 30 FUTA ROAD, KHAJOORIKHAS
Architecture D 264,Blk D, Anand Vihar
Architecture A-107,DILSHAD COLONY,
Architecture E-98,SHAKUR PUR,
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), IT CoB-42,SECTOR-30,
Architecture, Automotive, Aviation, Bridge, Building/Residentia 70,PREM NAGAR, GAUSHALA PHATAK
System Analyst/Tech Architect E-10/128,Sector-41,
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support K-379,SECTOR-6, ROHINI
Application Programming, H/W Installation/Maintenance, System H No-5 A,Mangal Bazar, Laxmi Nagar
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture C-7,C-BLOCK, LAL BAGH
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-1178,JAHANGIR PURI,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Ana A-16,GALI NO-2, KRISHNA NAGAR EXTN
Other Architecture 217/213,Village Rithala,, Budh Vihar
Architecture 41 A,RAVIDASH NAGAR,
Architecture 6926/156,JAIPURIA MILL, KAMLA NAGAR
Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft 27,HASAN PUR, BHOVA PUR KAUSHAMBI
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data 1146-41,AZADPUR VILLAGE,
Architecture Village Suthyana,Post Kuleshra, G B Nagar
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO-37,VILLAGE-KOT DADRI, G.B NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect 22,T-HUTS SHAKUR BASTI,
Graphic Design, Interior Designer, Visualiser, Other Architectur B-321,BETA-I, GREATER NOIDA
Architecture N-41 D-01,J J CAMP, SARAI PEPAL BADLI
Database Administration (DBA), GSM, H/W Installation/MaintenAmit Yadav,,House No-10/8, Sector-34
Architecture, Interior Designer INDREJ COLONY,NEAR SHIV MANDIR, BAWANA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 97 B,NP PITAM PURA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S B-20,BLOCK B, KRISHAN VIHAR
Other Architecture House No-93,Sector-7, Nahar Pur, Rohini
Architecture, Interior Designer 1/7534,GALI NO-12, EAST GORAKHPARK SHAHDARA
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Project Leader/ Project ManagerS/O JAGMOHAN SINGH,DALLUPURA VILLAGE, DALLUPURA
IT/Telecommunications, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Te C-68/8,GAMRI EXTN,
Architecture C-71,KARAM PURA,
Architecture, Interior Designer WZ-184,MADIPUR VILLAGE,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Administra144,J EXTN., LAXMI NAGAR
Architecture 2714,ONKAR NAGAR, TRI NAGAR
Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Support, Internet/E- 169/F/S,DDA TENAMENTS, VISHAL ENCLAVE
Architecture, Bridge, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Pipel JHUGGI NO-133,HARIJAN CAMP, KIRTI NAGAR
Architecture, Art, Graphic Design, Interior Designer, News Anc 2181,GALI NO-4 ISLAM NAGAR, NEAR JAMA MASJID
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L U-221,Kanwar Hostel,
Application Programming, Client Server, Customer Service (Web53 C,PKT-1 MIG, Mayur Vihar Phase-
Architecture C-6/10,GALI NO-10, CHAUHAN BANGAR
Other Architecture C-213,GALI NO-7, CHAUHAN BANGAR
Architecture B-29,NEW MULTAN NAGAR,
Architecture A-199,Majlls Park, Block-A
Architecture A 2/83,Rajiv Nagar, Bhalswa deary
Administration, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, HR/AdB-73,GALI NO-5 AZADPUR, RAMESHWAR NAGAR
Other Architecture 684,MANDOLI EXTENSION,
Customer Service, Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service 8,BLOCK-B-3 12.5 S, RAGHUBIR NAGAR
Application Programming, ERP/CRM, Embedded Technologies, So C-50,JAILER WALA BAGH, ASHOK VIHAR PHASE-II
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T S/O PARMOD SINGH,VILLAGE CHITHERA, DADRI
Architecture HOUSE NO-103 B-40,SECTOR-8,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se AW515,SANJAY GANDHI TRANS PORT NAGAR,
Business Case Modelling, Business Strategy, Business/Systems AD-99,HARIJAN CAMP, KIRTI NAGAR
Architecture E-165,SECTOR-27, NEAR INDIRA MARKE
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProH NO-156/224,DOUBLE STORY, NEW SEELAM PUR
Hardware Design, Internet/E-commerce, Network Planning, Syst24/2,SHANTI MOHALLA, MANDAWALI
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client SerY-1350,MANGOL PURI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati 22B,LIG FLATS C-4, KESHAV PURAM TRI NAGAR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeC-61Y,DDA FLATS, JAHANGIR PURI
Architecture H NO-2117, BLOCK-B,GALI NO-6 PREM NAGAR,
Architecture 229A-1,MASJID MOTH, ND-58-2
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Servic 62 63 64,GURU RAM DAS NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S RZ-42, IIND FLOOR,BACK SIDE MAHINDRA PARK, PANKHA ROAD UTTAM N
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System AdministratBE-404,GALI NO-7 HARI NAGAR,
Architecture G NO 7,RAJEEV NAGAR,
Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administrat 23/75A,Tilak Nagar,
Application Programming, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer19/21 A,TILAK NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se BB-100,BAGRIAN BASTI NABIKARIM, PAHAR GANJ
Embedded Technologies, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administr B-385,IIND FLOOR, NEHRU VIHAR
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalB-1/55,VISHNU GARDEN, KHYALA VILLAGE
Application Programming, Desktop Support, Graphic Designing/BG-7/130,PASCHIM VIHAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-715,JAHANGIR PURI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect E-53,AZAD APPTT., I P EXTN
Other Architecture H NO-213,JANTA FLATS PKT NO-6, PN 21 NASIR PUR DWARKA
Architecture WZ-79-A,RAJA GARDEN,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 516-517,Vishal Tower 10, Distt Centre Janakpuri
Architecture B-2/231,RAGHUBIR NAGAR,
Architecture A-94,ANAND VIHAR,
Network Administration, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, RZ-227,Narsingh Garden,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst 7/23,IIND FLOOR VIJAY NAGAR, DOUBE STOREY
Other Architecture 234,FRIENDS ENCLAVE,
Architecture, Bookkeeping, Company Secretary, Cost AccountingF-378,SUDARSHAN PARK,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Configur EE-2026,JAHANGIR PURI,
Software Engineer, Special Education Teaching, System Analys B-457,,B Block,, J. J. Colony Hasts
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S H NO-E-268,MADIPUR JJ COLONY,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet RZC-23,TEJ RAM PARK, NIHAL VIHAR NANGLOI
Architecture, Interior Designer B-308,MAHALAXMI APPTS, SECTOR-2 PLOT NO-4 DWARKA
Database Administration (DBA), EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, T-140,NABI KARIM, PAHAR GANJ
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrat B-27,VEER BAZAR ROAD RAMA PARK, UTTAM NAGAR
Other Architecture GH-2/57B,PASCHIM VIHAR,
Administration, Application Programming, Client Server, Datab J-11/42,RAJOURI GARDEN,
Administration, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware DesignS/O KASI MUDDIN,JHUGGI BHALSWA DAIRY,
System Analyst/Tech Architect B 175,NARAINA VIHAR,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 347,IST FLOOR, INDRA VIHAR
Administration, Architecture, Art Director E-403,RAMESH NAGAR,
Other Marketing/Media, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, SoftwarB-1,AYURVIGYAN NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Interne NEW F-109,RAGHUBIR NAGAR,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EmbeddedC-5/BS,KIRTI NAGAR,
Information Systems, ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, System AnalWZ 66 BLOCK,RAMGARH COLONY,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tec 66A,LIG FLATS MAYAPURI, NEAR PRESS
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, H/W Installation/ 51,SURAJ NAGAR, AZAD PUR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T F-12/2,MODEL TOWN II,
EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Marketing Strategy, Product /Brand Managem WZ-139 A/F2 GALI,NEW MAHAVIR NAGAR, TILAK NAGAR
Desktop Support, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech ArchiD-3,AMBEDKAR COLONY, CHHATTARPUR
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System Adm11,GALI NO 4, BIHARI PUR
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Mainframe, SoftwareG-24,SWAMI SHARDANAND PARK,
Architecture A-2/53,Janak Puri,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet 110,PRIYANKA CAMP, SARITA VIHAR
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnaD-39, Katputli Col,Rly. Colony, T-Hut, New Patel Nagar
Application Programming, Aviation, Bridge, CAD/CAE, Civil, Def C-14/40,MAIN ROAD R K A MARG C-BLOCK, CHAUHAN BANGAR
IT/Telecommunications, Network Planning, Switching/Router, SyF-222,SATAR WALI GALI, KHAN PUR
Application Programming, Customer Service, EDP/MIS, InformatiR-3/29,BLOCK-R3 MOHAN GAR, UTTAM NAGAR
Architecture 115,VPO BIJWASAN,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C/O NANHE KHAN,I BLOCK, SHAKUR PUR
Architecture WZ-76/295,MAIN SAGAR PUR,
Architecture, Interior Designer G-451,SANJAY COLONY, INDUSTRIAL AREA PH II
Architecture A1/31A,BLOCK-A1, PHASE-V OM VIHAR
Control, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designing, Embedded Technologies, 9/1,NORTH RLY COLONY, S P MARG
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Embedded Technology 3 AB,HASTSAL VILLAGE,
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, EDA/VLSI/ASICR-202,Vani Vihar R-Block, Uttam Nagar
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software 5/176,IIND FLOOR, SUNDER VIHAR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDA/VLSI/A 9/24,LADY HARDING HOSPITAL STAFF QTRS, BLOCK-24 BANGLA SAHIB ROA
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechA-57/C,HASTSAL VIHAR, UTTAM NAGAR
Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Total Quality Management, H-257,VIKAS PURI,
Database Administration (DBA), Graphic Designing/Animation/WWZ-454,SYNDICATE MARKET, RAJ NAGAR IST PAL
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Switching/Router Q.NO-1361-U-T3;SECTOR-1 TALWARA TOWNSHIP DISTT. HOSHIARPUR; PIN
Architecture H-68, TOP FL. SOUTH EX-1 NEW DELHI
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Switching/Router 21-X,Khureji Khas,
Architecture KHSRA NO 13,GALI NO 1/2, SWROOP NAGAR
Architecture A 459 JAITPUR EXTN,BADAR PUR,
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, NetworFF 48/608, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi- 92
Architecture 824,arjun nagar,opp.defence colony,new delhi,(basement)
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof 9/357,LALITA PARK, LAXMINAGAR NEW DELHI-110092
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, 105 Motibagh New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database WZ-452 B, Basai Dara Pur, New Delhi-110045.
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Network Planning, Switching/Router, System Administratio
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Commercial, Desi d-11,acharya niketan,mayur viher,phase-1,delhi-91
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Architecture, Project Management 4/10 JOKIM ESTATE, P.N ROAD BHANDUP(w) MUMBAI-400 078. MAHARA
Customer Service (Voice), Network Administration, Switching/R Y-29 Hudco Place Andrews Ganj New Delhi - 110049
IT , Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/ near p.w.d. colony,mahabir bazar, p.o/dist.Dhenkanal
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Softwa12, New Market, West Patel Nagar, Delhi 110 008. Mob No. (91) 98719190
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engin5/516,Sahyog Lane, Vashali Sec-V Ghaziabad, UP
Other Architecture D-218, RAJ NAGAR, PART-II, PALAM COLONY , NEW DELHI -110045
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te490 gali no-5 guru ramdas nagar laxmi nagar, new delhi-92
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnC/o Mr. Thomas C-2/10, DDU Hospital Quarters Hari Nagar New Delhi - 64
Network Administration, Switching/Router, System Administratic-374,Sector -22 Noida
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft C/O Dharamdutt Sharma WB-116, Gali No. 5 Shakarpur New Delhi -110092
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Software Enginee A-211 P.V Hostel,Lodhi Road NewDelhi-110003
System Analyst/Tech Architect 13/412, Vasundhara, (HIG Block) Ghaziabad Utter Pradesh
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin 1794/5 room no:5 or 1, karan hostel, parsadi gali, kotla mubarkpur
System Analyst/Tech Architect hudson lines GTB Nagar Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, 57-A 3 floor Sant nagar, East of kailash, delhi -65
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec A-1/17, FLAT NO.15, JANAK PURI, NEW DELHI - 110058
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ Wz G-32 Sant Nagar Ext. P.O. Tilak Nagar New Delhi - 110018
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testi a-188, street no. 1, Shakarpur, Delhi - 110092
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys C-IV,4019 Vasant Kunj,New Delhi-70
Other Architecture new gh-6/54,paschim vihar;new delhi-87
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr B-3/12 Sector - 15 Rohini Delhi - 110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Progra384,1st floor,masjit moth south ext.part-2 delhi -110049
Information Systems, Private Tuition, Special Education Teach 540/ 5A, Govindpuri, Kalkaji, New Delhi - 19.
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys O-34, Ist Floor, Pratap Nagar, Delhi-110007
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Administration, Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Supp 8/371, Rajnikhand, Sharda Nagar, Lucknow(UP)
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Hig 14/23 geeta colony, Delhi - 110031, India (Presently in Dubai)
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software EnginManju Niwas, A-1141 G.D. Colony, Mayur VIhar ph - III
Other Architecture 188, 2nd floor, Ashoka Enclave, Part-1, Faridabad - 121003
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop Support,AP 24 B,Pitam Pura , Delhi - 110088
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect E/1615,Dabua colony, Near sarvodya school NIT FARIDABAD
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-2/202 First Floor, Paschim Vihar New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 281,Lumbini Apartment, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad, U.P
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture
Architecture Ar. Dillip Kumar Kar U-28,2nd floor,West Patel Ngr.
Architecture, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, InteC-314 Sharda Nand Street Kotla Mubarak Pur,NewDelhi
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Software Engineer Type-4, Flat-16, L.B.S. Vidyapeeth Campus, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi - 110
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), System Analdelhi
Architecture, Interior Designer 40-D ,pocket-D,SFS DDA Flat. Mayur Vihar Phase-III New Delhi
Other Architecture 74c/1,gali no-4 chanchal park,najafgarh nangloi rd new delhi-110041
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwar248/31 Sonnet Apt, Sher-E-Punjab Andheri East Mumbai 400093
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Desi 180 Sector 16 Faridabad Haryana
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Embed41/59-A Ajanta Colony Garh Road , Meerut(U.P.).
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archf 17/ 35 sector-8 rohini
Architecture chirag delhi
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Channel Partnerships, I A-52,MTNL Staff Quarters,GH-17,Pashim Vihar New Delhi 110087.
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training Raj Apartments 667 Flat No.S-4, Shalimar garden Ext.-1 Sahibabad Ghaziba
Application Programming, Client Server, Operations, System Ad K - 15 Sarita Vihar 2nd Floor New Delhi - 110 076
Business/Systems Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Project Leader/ 23-B, Arravali Appts, Sector 52, Noida
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-93 Flat # 2 Katwaria Sarai Hauz Khas New Delhi
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Other Architecture 61/b govind pura delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L B-20-T, Delhi Police Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase I, New Delhi - 91
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-703,Shree ganesh apartments,plot-12b, sector-7,dwarka,110075
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te1-617,behind lic , kadiri-515591 anantapur dist A.p
Application Programming, Business Alliances, Business Analyst B-801 Harmony Apt, Plot-6B, Sector-23, Dwarka, New Delhi INDIA 110075
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Structural/Stress H.NO. M-829, C-BLOCK OPPOSITE BADA PARK ANAND NAGAR BHODAPUR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Archit
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, EDP/MI KP-164, Maurya Enclave,Pitam Pura, New Delhi - 110088.
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior Designer I-3, BnB Techno Place, Muradi Rd., Batla House, New Delhi-25
Customer Support, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Service En BL-110 , L Block Hari Nagar New Delhi-64
Architecture, Interior Designer POCKET-A, 8/24, KALKAJEE EXT. FIRST FLOOR NEW DELHI-19
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnDOEACC Centre Branch Office New Delhi, B-86, Defence Colony
Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Eng 36 Ekjot Appts, Road No:44, Pitampura, Delhi : 110034
Architecture C-373, Beta-I, Greater Noida, Gautam Budha Nagar, Delhi.
Application Programming, Operations, Shift Supervision, SystemC-146, GALI NO.3, SHIV VIHAR PHASE-2, KARAWAL NAGAR, DELHI-110094
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data WareG - 29, Sector 20, Noida
IT/Telecommunications, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechnicB-139,Duggal Colony,Khanpur
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se D 703, Nagarjuna Apartments, Mayur Kunj, Delhi - 96
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBAFlat No 251 Seemant Vihar Ghaziabad-201020
Architecture, Interior Designer
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Pankaj Malik, Ground Floor, B-3/299, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-63
Architecture, Interior Designer SRB-45C Shipra Riviera, Gyan Khand3 Indirapuram, Ghaziabad-201012
Application Programming, Quality Assurance/Testing, System An65, DDA Flats, South Enclave, Dakshinpuri Extn., Near Ambedkar Nagar Th
Other Architecture b-8, 387, paryatan vihar, vasundhra enclave, delhi
Application Programming, Client Server, Desktop Support, Inte D-1 / 29, Sector - 16, Rohini, Delhi - 110085
Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT H
Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst b 487 street no 2 majlis park adarash nagar delhi 110033
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 4170, Gali Ahiran, pahari Dhiraj, Sadar Bazar, Delhi 110006
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, D-232 West Patel Nagar New Delhi - 110008
System Analyst/Tech Architect B-17, Hill View Apartments, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, India 110057
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, System Administration, System An
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop SH. No 805 Sector 16 Faridabad - 121002 Haryana
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Architecture E.A-111, (GF) Inderpuri, NEW DELHI 110 012.
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, NetworC-417, Saraswati Vihar Delhi - 110 034
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Project LeadJ-53 2nd Floor Left Side , Lajpat Nagar-3 . New Delhi-110024.India
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, IT , Internet/E-comm
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical W
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, IT , Internet/E-commeC-10, Ganesh Corner, Dhapodi, Pune
Business Content Developer, Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, IT/Technical Content Developer, P
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, NetworkB-33,Vipin Garden Dwarka More, New delhi 110059
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati CRIS,Chanakyapuri , New Delhi
Other Architecture fateullah ganj thakurdwara, moradabad,u.p. india
Architecture 23, subham apartment, plot no.-37, patparganj, delhi-110092.
Architecture E-13, Second Floor, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash-III, New Delhi-48.
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se H.No - 753/Sector - 18, old faridabad, Haryana - 121002
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys 211, GH-13, Paschim Vihar New Delhi- 110087
Architecture, Design, Project Management prakash pavithran e 73, dayal bagh, near charmswood village, faridabad
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se F-160, Vikaspuri New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S B-75, TARANG APARTMENT, PATPARGUNJ(IP EXTN), PLOT NO 19, DELHI -9
EDP/MIS, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architec HNO. GD-3, BLOCK-"G", HARI NAGAR NEW DELHI-110058
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, Sy G-23/18, Sector-7, Rohini, Delhi, Pin-110085
ERP/CRM, IT , System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Top Mgmt
Other Architecture 45-46, g.f., Satya Niketan
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Ana
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), EDP214 B MIG Green Flats Ground Floor Rajouri Garden New Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L B-101, sector - 15, Noida
Business Case Modelling, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, Feasibility Studies, IT , Internet/E-commerce, Manag
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Project Management, RF Engineering, Switching/Router, Sys
Architecture h.no-79 Naharpur Sec-7 rohini delhi-85
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Administration, Syst 67/A, Room No-86,Prahallad Singh Tokas,Opposite Canara Bank,Munirka,
Application Programming, Control, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip Designinbinay kumar 29/h , hari om sharma near crown surya hotel sarai julena ne
Application Programming, Client Server, Customer Support, ERP393/5. Govind puri, kalka jee, New delhi-110019
Architecture 147/3 juhi lal colony kanpur 208014
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Service, System Analyst/Tedda sfs flat-38,surabhi apartments,sector-11,phase-I,plot-1,pocket-1,dwar
Architecture, Interior Designer rz-214, dwarika vihar,najafgarh,new delhi-43.
Application Programming, Client Server, GSM, Graphic Designin qtr-108,sector-5 r.k.puram new delhi-110022
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, HR/Admin, Human Resources, IT , Information Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Qua
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T D-16 181 Rohini, Sector-3 New Delhi-85.
Architecture, Interior Designer, News Anchor/Compere, Produc h.n.166 vpo mukhmelpur dehli-110036
Application Programming, Client Server, Desktop Support, EDP deepak shekhar c/o Raman kumar Flat No.-510 Technology Apartments IP
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof #816, Sector-41A, Chandigarh.160036
Other Architecture 4-H-12 ordnance factory Murad Nagar (up) Distt ghaziabad Pin 201206 IND
Operations, Accounting/Financial Products , Engineering/Manuf757,first floor,pocket-5,mayur vihar,phase-1,new-delhi-110091
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Syste
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-27, Road No - 16E, Molar Band Ext., Badarpur, New Delhi-110044
Architecture 9891592790
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, S c/o j.b.marne,flat no-17,sai prasad society,carve nagar,pune 411052
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System VILL:DISIRI NO.2 P.O:GELAPUKHURI DIST:SONITPUR STATE:ASSAM PIN:784
Architecture 63/82 ghaffar manzil jamia nagar okhla
System Analyst/Tech Architect sarita vihar new delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP 214, Karishma Apartment, Plot No. 27, I.P Extn., Patparganj. Delhi -110092
Client Server, Desktop Support, Network Administration, Networ2077,GANJ MIR KHAN, BAZAR SITARAM
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof 2770,G CHANDI WALI, PAHARI BHJLA
Client Server, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, 315 MANGOLPUR,KALAN,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database 40-B LIC DDA FLAT GOVT,PRESS MAYA PURI N,
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network A 4/2296 GOVERDHAN,BEHARI COLONY, SHAHDRA
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Commercial, Desi 250,BHARAT NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming 5875/1 GALI MANDIR WALI,JOGIWARA NAISARAK,
Architecture, Project Management F-5/64,Sector-15 Block F, Rohini
Customer Service (Voice), Network Administration, Switching/R SABHPUR VILLAGE,,
IT , Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/ B-190 G.NO-9 BHAJANPURA,,,
Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Softwa9/5791,SUBHASH MOHALLA, ST NO 4 GANDHI NAGAR
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engin1558,PANA MAMUR PUR, NARELA
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Te1712,JAHANGIR PURI,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnJ-12 LIC STAFF,QTR DILSHAD GARDEN,
Network Administration, Switching/Router, System AdministratiA 15,PANCHWATI, AZAD PUR
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Soft CIRCULER ROAD IV,PUSTA SONIA VIHAR,
Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Software Enginee 5,GURUDWAR GOVIN, KABOL NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect B 1/404 J J COLONY,MADANPUR KHADAR,
Desktop Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Admin AD 81A,SHALIMAR BAGH,
System Analyst/Tech Architect PKT-E19 H NO 100,SEC 3 ROHINI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, T149 ST-7 GAUTAMPURI,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec V-21 NAVEEN SHAHDARA,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/ A 368,MOTI BAGH,
Business/Systems Analysis, Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testi E 128,KRISHNA VIHAR,
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys G-198,J J COLONY, WAZIRPUR
Other Architecture 578,KATRA, NEEL CH CH
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 615/73,JAGDAMBA NAGAR, VIKAS PURI
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems PrograB -24,JAGAT PURI,
Information Systems, Private Tuition, Special Education Teach 36 A,SHAHPUR JAT,
Application Programming, Client Server, Software Engineer, Sys E 78,E BLOCK IIIRD PUSTA, SONIA VIHAR
Client Server, Network Administration, System Administration, 2229/1 GALI PARJI WALI,AHATA HAJJAN BI ROAD GARN,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect Q 33 PHASED BUDH VIHAR,,
Administration, Client Server, Customer Support, Desktop Supp 301A PKT J & K DILSHAD GARDEN,,
Architecture, Building/Residential, CAD/CAE, Civil, Design, Hig C 112/A,GALI NO 2 KHAJURI KHAS,
Application Programming, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engin5/70,MALVIYA, NAGAR
Other Architecture G 92,BLOCK 9, GEETA COLONY
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, Desktop Support,H NO B 17,J J COLONY WELCOME, BLOCK B
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect F5/12,BLOCK F KRISHNA NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 432/1/4,LAXMI VIHAR VILL, BURARI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect C 5/74 A,LAWRANCE ROAD, KESHAN PURAM
Application Programming, Database Administration (DBA), Syst G-6/80 SECTOR-15,, ROHINI
Other Architecture B 14,JHILMIL COLONY,
Architecture, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Inte60A,J&K, LAXMI NAGAR
Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Software Engineer 121,SHALIMAR VILLAGE,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), System Anal6438 GALI NO 2,MUKHARJEE GALI, GANDHI NAGAR
Architecture, Interior Designer 2983,KUCHA MAI DASS, SITA RAM BZR
Other Architecture 4258 GALI BARMA,SADAR BAZAR,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwar65,VAISHALI, PITAMPURA
Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Desi E 203 SFS FLATS,SEC 18, ROHINI
Client Server, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, EmbedS-1/57 BUDH VIHAR PH I,,
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch6554/1,DEV NAGAR,
Architecture 4560,ARYA PURA, ROSHNARA ROAD
Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Channel Partnerships, I 9/6532,SUBHASH MOHALLA, GANDHI NAGAR
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training C1/56 KESHAW PURAM,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Operations, System Ad 727/136 COOP SOCIETY,TAJPUR PAHARI,
Architecture 7/16,VISHWAS NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Project Leader/ D- 704,Saraswati Vihar,
Architecture 343 BHOLA NATH NAGAR SHDARA,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO C/1288,GALI NO 2/2 MATKEWALI, CHOUHAN BAGAR
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T G & J U-90A,PITAM PURA,
Other Architecture BF 13 SHOP NO,SHALIMAR BAGH,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L B-6,EAST BALDEV NAGAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 756,PREM GALI SUBHAS ROAD, GHANDHI NAGAR
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TeA7/46 GURU NANAK NAGAR,,
Application Programming, Business Alliances, Business Analyst E-47 ST. NO-2,GANGA VIHAR,
Architecture, Building/Residential, Design, Structural/Stress D 55/4,SHASTRI PARK,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se J 1/63H,GUPTA COLONY, KRIKHI EXTN MALVIYA NAGAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Configuration/Release Mgmt, EDP/MI F 26 D/S,MOTIA KHAN, PAHAR GANJ
Architecture 231-B POCKET-C MAYUR,VIHAR PHASE-2,
Architecture, CAD/CAE, Civil, Interior Designer M 57 B,QUALITY CAP, LODHI ROAD
Customer Support, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Service En VILLAGE,GHODALI,
Architecture, Interior Designer C-18,SH RAM COLONY, RAJIV NAGAR
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System AnF-18/24 SECTOR-8 ROHINI-85,,
Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Eng BACKONCHA FKD,,
Architecture 67 B NANGLI SAKRAVATI,,
Application Programming, Operations, Shift Supervision, SystemV/6,OLD NAGAL, DELHI CANTT
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Data Ware36 B,CC BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH
IT/Telecommunications, System Analyst/Tech Architect, TechnicA-197,JHILMIL COLONY,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se CPJ 2 130,CPJ, NEW SEELAMPUR
Client Server, Customer Support, Database Administration (DBAY-541-542 JANTA MARKET,NANGLOI,
Architecture, Interior Designer C-51 SHIV RAM PARK,NANGLOI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se A 550,JAHANGIR PURI,
Architecture, Interior Designer RZ 696,GALI NO 4, MAIN SAGAR PUR
Application Programming, Quality Assurance/Testing, System An102,KARKA RDOOMA,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se Q NO 649 EC 3BABA KAHRAK,SINGH ROAD,
Other Architecture T 224,GAUTAM PURI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Desktop Support, Inte 3003/0 NARANG COLONY TRI NAGAR,,
Customer Support, Desktop Support, EDP/MIS, Network Administ H NO 60,BEGUM PUR EXTN,
Client Server, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst 596,GALI SUTEY WALI, CHUNI WALAN
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 2067 OUTRAM LINES,KINGSWAY CAMP,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, K 3 A,BRAHM PURI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect S-546 SCHOOL,BLOCK-II, SHAKARPUR
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Support, H/W Installation 335,PRAMANAND COLONY,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop S866,SHISH MAHAL,
Application Programming, Client Server, Internet/E-commerce, 3 261 TRILOK PURI,,
Architecture H NO 123,BAKAURI, PO ALIPUR
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, Networ8 SOUTH GANESH NAGAR,OPP POWER HOUSE, PATPAR GANJ ROAD
Application Programming, Embedded Technologies, Project LeadB 4/109,ASHOK VIHAR PHASE II,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se B 3 221 SEC 6,ROHINI,
Application Programming, Client Server, Project Leader/ Projec F-270 SARASWATI KUNJ,PLOT NO 25 I P EXTN,
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, IT , Internet/E-comme76 A,INDIRA PARK, KRISHNA NAGAR
Business Content Developer, Business/Systems Analysis, Graphi G-27/178,,SECTOR-3,, ROHINI
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Network Administration, Network50 BHARGAV LANE,MCD QTRS, BOULEVARA ROAD
Application Programming, Client Server, Database Administrati 1813,RAJEV GANDHI NAGAR,
Other Architecture 366,VIJAY NAGAR, BAWANA
Architecture VPO,BURARI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se 7 AJMAL KHJAND,ROAD,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Sys E 20/114,SHASHTRI MOHL, PP GANJ
Architecture, Design, Project Management G-744,MANGOLPURI,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se POLICE STATION SHAKARPUR,,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client S 805 NEHRU VIHAR,,
EDP/MIS, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architec 521/13,MOUJPUR,
Database Administration (DBA), Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, Sy 2950,K KUSHAL RAI, KINARI BAZAR
ERP/CRM, IT , System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Top Mgmt H NO A-33,A BLCOK J J COLONY, WAZIRABAD
Other Architecture 2172 JAMUNA BAZAR,,
Application Programming, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Des E14/C,RIY COLONY LACO SHADE, KISHAN KUNG GAUSHALLA ROAD
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), EDPB 13/T 1,DILSHAD GARDEN,
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Project L 792,CHOWK TILAK BAZAR,
Business Case Modelling, Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data War 3 78,GALI N 9, GAGAN VIHAR
Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ ProJ-2/15,PHASE-1, BUDH VIHAR
Client Server, Software Engineer, System Administration, Syst A BLOCK,MUFAND PUR, GALI NO 3 PART I
Architecture BLOCK 5 FLAT NO 143,SEC. 17, ROHINI
Application Programming, Control, EDA/VLSI/ASIC/Chip DesigninC-162 ASHOK VIHAR PHASE-I,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Customer Support, ERPA 137A BLOCK,GANDHI VIAHR,
Architecture 13/647 MANDOLI EXTN,NAND NAGAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Customer Service, System Analyst/Te60 C POCKET-C,MAYUR VIHAR PHASE-II,
Architecture, Interior Designer H NO 6838,GALI NO 18, AHATA KEDARA
Application Programming, Client Server, GSM, Graphic Designin H-204 T HUTS,NEAR A BLOCK, ARUNA NAGAR
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, HR/Admin, Human Re 31/306,TRILOK PURI,
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 602/D-12,WARD 3, NEHRAULI
Architecture, Interior Designer, News Anchor/Compere, Produc C-9/197/SEC-7 ROHINI,,
Application Programming, Client Server, Desktop Support, EDP H NO 171-A,OLD TEZAB MILL, SHAHDARA
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Sof H NO-2A GALI NO-1,KUNDAN NAGAR, LAXMI NAGAR
Other Architecture F 53,KHAJURI KHASS,
Operations, Accounting/Financial Products , Engineering/ManufC-III/88,GALI NO 2 IIND PUSTA, SONIA VIHAR NR JAGDAMBA BHAWAN CIR
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Database A6-2 SHIVAJI APTT SEC-14,ROHINI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect G 17/97,SEC 15, ROHINI
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Software Engineer, S C 9/23,SEC 15, ROHINI
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System A 127 PH I SEC 3,PAPPANKALA,
Architecture RU-251,RU-BLOCK,, PITAMPURA
System Analyst/Tech Architect C 407,MAVILLA APTS, 7 MAYUR VIHAR PH I
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP 2251,AHATA ANJAN BI, ROAD GRAN
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, Soft Sanjib Dutta C/o Mr. S.P. Dutta Hashi Villa 1/9 Udaynagar Durgapur-71320
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Mai B- 37 Inderpuri, New Delhi
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof c-162, Pnadav NAgar , delhi -92
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr b-22 subash chowk laxminagar delhi-110092
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project 1040/32 dda flat madan gir new delhi
System Analyst/Tech Architect 399/5 C P Mission Jhansi(U.P)
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 47/A, Pocket – A, Mayur Vihar,Ph-2. Delhi - 110 091
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Project Leader/ Projec335 C-58/21 IOB Society Sector-62
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Project C39 Ntpc Township sec-33 Noida
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Flat No-342 Sec-3 R.K.Puram New Delhi
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystL-64, First Floor, SriNiwasPuri, New Delhi-110065
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech A-17,LIC Colony, Near Meera Bagh, Paschim Vihar New Delhi-11 0087.
Business Consulting, IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Te S-571 Greater Kailash-II New Delhi - 110048
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech D-83,laxmi nagar,Delhi-92
Six Sigma, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, House No-377, Sector-7, Urban Estate, Karnal-132001
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati B-66,binacaa hostel shakarpur-92
Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Customer Sup
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr f-601,sec-5,dakshinpuri,N.D-62
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 56H, Pocket A-3, Mayur Vihar phase-3, New Delhi. PIN : 110096
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Qua 166-D, Pocket-A, Mayur Vihar phase-II New Delhi-110091
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 51 Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057.
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, GraphicB-123,Pocket-B, Mayur Vihar,Phase - II, New Delhi ,110091
Customer Service (Web), Operations, Database Administration 42\132 New Ballygunge Rd A Block 1st Floor Kolkata (700039)
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business/Systems Analysis, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archit
System Analyst/Tech Architect 16-A, Bharat Appartments, IP Extension, Patparganj, Delhi-110092
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ Flat No: H2C Krishna Palace C-25 Shalimar Garden Ext-2 Sahibabad, Ghazia
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech B2/3, R.K.Puram, Sector-13, New Delhi -110066
Data Warehousing, Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemE-64 Street No-2 East vinod nager
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Lead B-7/17/1 Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi - 110029
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming 146 f KAHTAWARIYA SARAI NEW DELHI
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Purbachal, Cluster - III, Flat No - S/8, Saltlake, Kolkatta - 700097
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect
Business Process Reengineering, Business Analysis, Business St C-2/76, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058
Shift Supervision, Service Engineers, Desktop Support, Network D/94, B.K Dutt Colony. Opp- S.J Airport New Delhi - 110003
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystC-8, Kalpnamathi Housing Socity Near Bremem Circle, Aundh Pune – 4110
IT/Telecommunications, Business/Systems Analysis, Data WarehH.No. 84, Street No. 10, Shanker Nagar, Near Evergreen Public School, Del
Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System Administration, Sys Asst. E.D.P. ( Professional ) C/o Mr. Anurag Vidayrthi 1231 C, Sector 17C N
System Analyst/Tech Architect C-4A/42B, Janakpuri New Delhi-110058
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech D - 10 / 7 Sec - 8 Rohini Delhi - 110085
System Analyst/Tech Architect 1552, Kotla Mubarak Pur, New Delhi 110003
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Network Admi NATIONAL CRIME RECORDS BUREAU EAST BLOCK -7 RKPURAM NEW DELH
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwa 13/335, DDA Flats Madangir, New Delhi
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft A-202, Second Floor, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110045
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, SoftwaA-41, Chander Nagar, Ghaziabad - (U.P.)- 201011
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Systemc-3 sagar pur,New Delhi 46
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec D-33 Phompus Enclave Nehru Place New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-129, Tagore Garden Extn., New Delhi
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S A-1, Block No-3, Street No-4, Shalimar Park Extension, Delhi-110033
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
System Analyst/Tech Architect 89,amichand khand giri nagar kalka ji ,new delhi-110019
System Analyst/Tech Architect 56, Krishanpura, Sonepat - 131001, Haryana
Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, Syste Plot No. 670-A,Flat No.-A2 "Krishna Kunj",Shalimar Garden Extn-I,Sahibaba
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Network House
A No. 298, Sector-12 A panchkula
System Analyst/Tech Architect 306 , IInd Floor, Ram Nagar, Krishna Nagar, Delhi - 110051
Business Process Reengineering, Business Analysis, Business C Second Floor, B-4/198, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110029.
Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web De A-25, Ashok Vihar, Phase-1, Delhi 110052
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP j-c/7, Khirkee Extn, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 INDIA
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project HIG-214, Patrakar Vihar, Nyay Khand-I, IndiraPuram, Ghaziabad
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administ 5A/2B, Toot Sarai, Malviya Nagar
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MG-109, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi 110028
System Analyst/Tech Architect F-53 GF, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi-110024
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Pro58, UNI Appartments, Sector-11, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad-201012
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech8/1,Yaduraj Nagar,Kakaji ki kothi,Bharatpur-321001(Raj)
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic DesC-132.Golf View Appartments.Saket.New Delhi.Near PVR-Saket.
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Network Administration, Sys B- 25 ( GROUND FLOOR ) PREET VHAR, DELHI-110092
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Database AdmiA-39, nirman vihar, delhi-110092
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tec# 19837-A, Street No. 6, Bibiwala Road, Bathinda - 151001
Customer Service, Information Systems, Business/Systems Anal 2nd Floor,#34, Rampuri, Govindpuri Kalkaji, New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 1/10900, GALI NO. 6, SUBASH PARK, NAVEEN SHAHDRA, DELHI - 110032(IN
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Em 10/12- Shipra Sun City, Ashoka Road, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (U.P.)
Information Systems, Database Administration (DBA), Software 14/2054(munshipulia), indiranagar,lucknow-226016
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded TP-171 A, Sanjay Nagar, Sector 23, Ghaziabad, U.P.201001
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, So 127-B Pocket-C Mayur Vihar Phase-II Delhi-91
System Analyst/Tech Architect D-48/A Hauz Khas New Delhi
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr : Inderprastha Engineering college College, Site IV-Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Ana
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech20 vasant vihar i.t.i.chowk karnal haryana 132001
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiC/o Sri Vivek Chandra Plot no-80, Sector-6 Flat No-204 (F-4) Vashali (Ghazi
Information Systems, IT/Technical Content Developer, IT/Techn SRA-78C, Shipra Riviere, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201010
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Operations, b-114 dda flats kalkaji new delhi - 19
System Analyst/Tech Architect sushil kumar 38/39-o new gopal pura agra
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Systemc5d/48-b janakpuri, new delhi
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, H.No. 222, S-BLOCK PANDAV NAGAR, NEW DELHI,110092
Freelance Programmer, Database Administration (DBA), SoftwarNational physical Laboratory,JRF-Hostel,room-4/6,NEW DELHI-12
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiT-231,PARAM PURI,UTTAM NAGAR
Accounting & Finance, Data Warehousing, Database Administratc-3,iocl, indian oil corp., bijwasan , new delhi -110061
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Birendra Kumar House NO-268B,Ganga Apartment, Noida-29
IT/Technical Content Developer, Freelance Programmer, IT Con Jasbir Singh Tokas, 68-A, Mandir Wali Gali Munirka, New Delhi 110 067
Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Quality Assurance/Testing, Soft VILLAGE GAMRI,,
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Ana567B BLOCK BH,EAST SHALIMAR BAGH,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Mai C-4/49 A,BLOCK C4, LAWRENCE ROAD
Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect 1589,SUIWALAN, DARYA GANJ
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof WZ 825A,NARAINA VILLAGE,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 25 MALL APTS,OPP KALSA COLLEGE,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project F-10 MANSAROVER PARK SHAHDARA,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-1/8,PRASHANT VIHAR, OUTER RING ROAD
Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T 114A BLOCK AD,SHALIMAR BAGH,
ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Project Leader/ Projec19-ASHOKA PARK MAIN,ROHTAK ROAD,
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Project 118 PREM NAGAR,,
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ TP-3 PITTAM PURA,,,
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystB 16/1,KRISHAN NAGAR,
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, System Analyst/Tech RZ-108B,MAHENDRA PARK, UTTAM NAGAR
Business Consulting, IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Te D 34 GANGA VIHAR,,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 1/6559 STREET NO 5,EAST ROHTASH NAGAR, SHAHDARA
Six Sigma, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, B-7/108 SEC 4,ROHINI,
Desktop Support, Network Administration, System Administrati 1/11272 GALI NO 11 SUBHASH,PARK NAVEEN SHAHDARA,
Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, Network Administration, Software E2885 BRIJPURI C BLOCK,GALI NO 5,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 1365/9,NETJAI SUBHASH MARG,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech J1/3 POLICE STATION,MODEL TOWN,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, Qua KINGSWAY CAMP HUSAIN LANE,,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech H NO R 2/54 E,TUGLAKABAD EXT,
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, ERP/CRM, GraphicM 526 MANGOL PURI,,
Customer Service (Web), Operations, Database Administration H NO. 9 VILLAGE MANGOLPUR,KHURD,
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechD 356,CAMP NO II, NANGLOI
Business/Systems Analysis, Network Administration, Project Le A-1/11 SHAKTI NAGAR EXTN,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect H NO 411,KUCHA BALAJI BEGAM, CHANDNI CHOWK
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security 265,KALYAN VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Software Engineer, System Analyst/ C-144,DCM COLONY, IBRAHIMPUR EXTN
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, 1/24, BLOCK I,ROOP NAGAR,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 479 1A,BHAGAT SINGH ROAD, KISHAN GANJ
Data Warehousing, Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System E 28 A,RAJORI GARDEN,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemD692 GALI NO 2,CHOWHAN BANGER, NEW SEELAMPUR
Business/Systems Analysis, Internet/E-commerce, Project Lead C/O SAHEB SINGH,R NO 10A H NO F35/1, KATWARIA SARAI HAUZ KHASH
System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming H NO 17,GALI NO 7, SITA RAM BAZAR
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 3106,MOHINDER PARK, RANI BAGH
Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect 24 RAJPUR ROAD,NEAR STA OFFICE, CIVIL LINES
Business Process Reengineering, Business Analysis, Business St C 21 DDA FLAT,MATA SUNDRI ROAD,
Shift Supervision, Service Engineers, Desktop Support, Network B 59 NEW GUPTA COLONY,,
Network Administration, System Administration, System AnalystH NO 2144,GALI AHATA MIR, TURKMAN GATE
IT/Telecommunications, Business/Systems Analysis, Data WarehB 57 GANESH NAGAR,COMP PANDAV NAGAR,
Legacy Systems, Software Engineer, System Administration, Sys J 82/2,KARTAR NAGAR, CHAUTHA PUSTA
System Analyst/Tech Architect 2005 RAM BAG ROAD,AZAD MKT,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech 13/6,GEETA COLONY,
System Analyst/Tech Architect 31/1,NANGLI SAKRAMITI, NAJAFGARH
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Network Admi WZ 249,SHIV NAGAR, TILAK NAGAR JAIL ROAD
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwa 49 TAGORE PARK,,
Embedded Technologies, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Soft 338 T-Huts,G T Karnal Road, Azad Pur
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, ERP/CRM, Softwa6 KATRA GULAM M C,LAL KUAN,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System42 OLD CHANDRAWAL,,
Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architec 3058,MAHINDRA PARK, RANI BAGH
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect 3333,BAGICHI ACHIJI BARA, HINDU RAO
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S 2082 BASTI PIPAL WALI,SADAR BAZAR,
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security 233 KATRA PERAN TILAK,BAZAR KHARI BOALI,
System Analyst/Tech Architect B1/56 SEC 16 ROHINI,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect J EXTNSION 104105 LAXMI NAGAR,,
Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, Syste 1/4148,RAM NAGAR, SHAHDARA
Database Administration (DBA), Internet/E-commerce, Network WB A 122,GANESH NAGAR, II SHAKARPUR
Business Process Reengineering, Business Analysis, Business C 260 BHARAT APARTMENTS,SECTOR 13 ROHINI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web De 29 MOHALLA CHAPALWAL,VILLAGE BADLI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP C-1/289,YAMUNA VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project L 29/31,SUNDER NAGRI,
Administration, Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administ 137,MAYUR VIHAR PH-I, POCKET -1
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project MA 117 ASHOK VIHAR -I,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 111,SANGAM PARK, MODEL TOWN
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, ProC-95,PREET, VIHAR
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechS-213 BLOCK-21 PKT-6,DDA FLATS NASIRPUR,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Graphic DesC 135,PANDAV NAGAR,
Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Network Administration, Sys CD 91A,PITAM PURA,
Configuration/Release Mgmt, Data Warehousing, Database AdmiK-4/12,MODEL TOWN II,
Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/TecA 101 PRATAP VIHAR II,DESU TRANSFARM, NANGLOI
Customer Service, Information Systems, Business/Systems Anal H NO 47 NAI BASTI,BANKNER NARELA,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr A-13,MANGOLPURI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), Em W 112-110,JUWALA PURI,
Information Systems, Database Administration (DBA), Software H NO 1876,ALI PUR,
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), Embedded TB 107 KEDAR APTS,PLOT NO 15, SEC 9 ROHINI
Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, So 3244, TIRAHA BEHRAM,KHAN,DARYA GANJ,,
System Analyst/Tech Architect A 133,MAJLIS PARK, NEW SABZI MANDI
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr 5/6 SINGH SHABA ROAD,SUBZI MANDI,
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Networ 28 B,SHIVAM ENCLAVE, MIG FLATS JHIMIL
Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/TechV-31 GALI NO 22 VIHAY,PARK YAMUNA VIHAR,
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database AdminiC-336,VIVEK VIHAR,
Information Systems, IT/Technical Content Developer, IT/Techn A 17,RAJA BIHAR,
Customer Service (Voice), Customer Service (Web), Operations, 133 STREET NO 11,GOVIND VIHAR, KARAWAL NAGAR
System Analyst/Tech Architect A-83,COLONY CHATTAR PUR,,,
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, SystemB 3-34,SEC. 18 ROHINI,
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Internet/E-commerce, 1449/18,DURGAPURI EXT, SHD
Freelance Programmer, Database Administration (DBA), Softwar4923,GALI DARZIAN BARA, HINDU RAO
Business/Systems Analysis, Data Warehousing, Database Admini183/8 DARMIYNA MOHALLA,MANDI A 74 PANDAV NAGAR,
Accounting & Finance, Data Warehousing, Database AdministratH BLOCK 336 HOUSE NO,SHAKUR PUR,
Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech H NO 2136,CHAH INDARA BHAGIRATH, PALACE
IT/Technical Content Developer, Freelance Programmer, IT Con D-547 SAHABAL DAIRY,,
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Internet/E-commeH. No. 2661,New Housing Board Colony, Panipat 132103, Haryana
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/TestingH.no-2443, sec-16, faridabad 121002
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP C/O MUKESH NIGAM 5A/132, GALI NO.4, SAT NAGAR, KAROL BAGH, NEW
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS 106-C, POCKET-6, MIG FLATS MAYUR VIHAR PHASE-3 DELHI-110096
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Qu # 927 sector 9 panchkula haryana 134113
System Analyst/Tech Architect Flat no:121, Media Times Apartments, Abhay Khand_IV, Near Police Statio
Design Engineering, Electrical/Electronic, Internet/E-commerc C-114 Manav Apartments, Plot no. 3, Sector 9, Rohini, delhi-110085
Service Engineers, Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Proj Hno. 454, Type III, AyurVigyan Nagar New Delhi - 110049
Administration, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System A2806-E SUDAMA NAGAR,INDORE
Information Systems, Embedded Technologies, Mobile, NetworkL-8, SFS Flats,Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalShubhanchal Girl`s Hostel INA Colony, Near Vikas Sadan New Delhi
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwarc/o Mr. Rajesh Kumar,Q no.- c-39,Govt. Flates, Hanuman Road,Cannaught
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, Softwar C-14 Newtownship N.T.P.C. Badarpur New Delhi -110044
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect C/150 Prashant vihar Delhi-110085
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Proj 307,Dwarika Aptts, 27, Shalimar Garden Ext. I Sahibabad
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof 1, mall road opposite D.C. house karnal-132001 haryana
Information Systems, Embedded Technologies, ERP/CRM, MainfrAC-169-C,Shalimar Bagh,Delhi
Information Systems, Database Administration (DBA), Software H No. 840/13, Kanwal Colony, Kaithal-136027 (Haryana)
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr C-52, Soochna Apartments, Vasundhra Enclave, Delhi-96
Business/Systems Analysis, ERP/CRM, Quality Assurance/TestingHOUSE NO 72,RAJPURA, NEAR GURMANDI
Business/Systems Analysis, Database Administration (DBA), ERP C 118,PRASHANT VIHAR,
Database Administration (DBA), Software Engineer, System AnalHOUSE NO 1,GUR MOHD, NEAR A-29 J J COLONY
Customer Service (Voice), Technical/Process Training, Intern 414A,SHASTRI NAGAR,
Database Administration (DBA), System Analyst/Tech Architect B225/5 J GALI NO 7 ASHOK NAGAR,,
Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Proj C-28,4/3 KHAJOORI KHAS,
Business/Systems Analysis, Quality Assurance/Testing, Softwar E 54,GANESH NAGAR,
Service Engineers, Desktop Support, Internet/E-commerce, Proj TP 94,PITAM PURA,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS D 198 SECTOR 1,ROHINI,
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, Internet/E-commeHOUSE NO-415,SECTOR-19 SFS FLATS, POCKET-C ROHINI
Data Warehousing, Database Administration (DBA), ERP/CRM, Qu M 8D,ARJUN APPTS, VIKAS PURI
System Analyst/Tech Architect GALI WALI KUCHA PANDIT LA,L, KUCHA
Design Engineering, Electrical/Electronic, Internet/E-commerc 236 237,CIVIL WING TIS, HAZARI COURT
Administration, Data Warehousing, Software Engineer, System A12 A,INDRA PARK, KRISHNA NAGAR
Information Systems, Embedded Technologies, Mobile, Network2031 KANJ MEER KHAN,TURKMAN GATE,
Database Administration (DBA), Embedded Technologies, Softw4138 ARUA PURA,SUDI MANDI GALI, JAIN MANDIR
Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Softwar478/2,NAI BASTI, KISHAN GANJ
Database Administration (DBA), Quality Assurance/Testing, Sof 189 D,GALI 31 D SADH NAGAR, PALA COLONY
Information Systems, Embedded Technologies, ERP/CRM, Mainfr2517 TELIWARA,,
Information Systems, Database Administration (DBA), Software 9/37,GEETA COLONY,
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Pr B-2,Model Town,
ERP/CRM, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tec40/133 Ground Floor CR Park, New Delhi 110019
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture
Application Programming, Software Engineer, System Analyst/T C-16 shatabdi Enclave,Hindon Vihar Sec-49 Noida
Architecture, Interior Designer 3069, Sector A, Pocket B&C, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.
Architecture, Interior Designer WZ- 1306 A , NANGAL RAYA ,NEW DELHI
System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect D-371,Ganesh Nagar Complex.New Delhi-110092
Database Administration (DBA), Network Administration, Syste SEC-56,GURGOAN
Architecture, Interior Designer H.NO 407, Street No.10 Adarsh Mohalla Moujpur Delhi-110053 PH-98115-
Architecture, Interior Designer 184 A,pocket-c, Mayur Vihar Ph-II, New Delhi. 110091
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S L-234, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110076
Desktop Support, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech AB-23 C.C.Colony Delhi-110007
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S Delhi
Architecture, Interior Designer G-31,Quarter no.-33,Sec.-3 Rohini,New Delhi-110085
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, System AnW.Z-199, Khampur, West Patel Nagar,New Delhi-110008
Architecture, Other Architecture B 22, Navkunj Apartments Delhi DELHI 110092 India
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture # 42B, Pocket-B, Ashok Vihar, Phase-II, New Delhi-110052, India.
Architecture, Interior Designer, Other Architecture Flat no-3, DDA FLATS, POCKEt-7, SECTOR-12, DWARKA, NEW DELHI-75
Client Server, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech ArchDelhi DELHI India
Business/Systems Analysis, Project Leader/ Project Manager, S India,Delhi
Application Programming, Business/Systems Analysis, Client Se C/O Mr. Shiv Kumar Sharma 12/122, Dakshinpuri Ext. New Delhi-110062
Business/Systems Analysis, Financial Analysis, System Analyst/T E 26 IMT Ghaziabad Raj Nagar UP 201001
Interior Designer, Other Architecture Delhi_NCR H. No 9, Plot No 298, Sector-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, UP, India-2
Business/Systems Analysis, Desktop Support, System Analyst/TeH-68 2nd Floor Patel Nagar West New Delhi
H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Administration, SoftwaMohan Mittal C/o Mr. G. S. Ageawal 964, Sector A, Pocket B & C, Vasant Ku

Nagar, Delhi - 110018

Appartments, Sector 93/A, Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India

ation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Organization Development, Organization Structuring, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Relationship/Acco

ly, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh

r-41, Noida 201301 Near Raghav Medical Store)Ph: - 0120 2577120

now (U.P) PIN:226001


Sector-48 NOIDA-201301


282005 India

puram, Ghaziabad.

Sahibabad, District-Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201005

O-Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, UP-201005

r dairy, Sector-02, Rohini, Delhi-110085


110092 India

3 sector 21 c faridabad 121002

a) pin no-121004
n dadri road (u.p.)201301
am, Ghaziabad

I.P. Extension, Delhi-110092

Delhi 110095

ector-VII, Vaishali, Ghaziabad

ahibabad, Ghaziabad.

ndirapuram Ghaziabad

62, Near Fortis Hospital Noida, 201301

I New Delhi-110091

nclave, Delhi.

oida - 201301
IDA, UP 201301

alyst/Tech Architect, System Security

ram, Gahaziabad (UP)
Khand, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad-201010
Sec-62, Noida-201301
4 Vaishali , Ghaziabad -201010 UP

xtn. I, Sahibabad, (U. P.)

, New Delhi, Pincode - 110096

oida U.P pin: 201306

d - 201010 (U.P.)

ola Road, New Delhi 110025.

rket Sector 45 Noida 201301

aziabad - 201010

ew Delhi - 110025


eater NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India

Indirapuram, GHAZIABAD (U.P.). India

ech Architect

Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

m Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
sway, Sector-93A NOIDA UTTAR PRADESH 201 304 India

a Nagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad

ater Noida (U.P.)
ftware Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Gautambudh Nagar (Up) PIN : 201306
ad, Uttar Pradesh.India Pin-- 201010

.P.O, Mannar (Via) Kerala State

OIDA PIN - 201301

4, Greater Noida, UP 201308


pin: 201301


NOIDA 201301.
r-44,Noida,Uttar Pradesh-201301




1, Greater noida, India

niversity a-10 sec-62 noida pin-201307

an Apartment, Swarnim Vihar, Sec-82 Noida (U.P.) Pin: 201305

a, maumbai no 29.

oftware Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other Electronics, Other IT Software
yant, Distt- Singurali (M.P.) Pin- 486890



ESH 110048 India

ttarakhand pin- 249403

abad U.P 201010 India


puram Ghaziabad

82, Noida, G. B. Nagar, U.P.

Rishikesh (Dehradun) 249201


ar, Ghaziabad - 201007

IDC Industrial Area Udham Singh Nagar Bazpur Uttrakhand 262401


, New Delhi - 110062



puri, Opp Sector-5 Dwarka, New Delhi


a Khand-II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.

201301 India
HI 110029 India

aziabad UP 201001

y, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009

st Bengal, Pin.:712707

nd (opp. Siddharth Nagar), Borivili East, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 066 India

ad Nagar, Laxmi Nagar New Delhi 92


a UTTAR PRADESH 201303 India

ar lokesh Cinema Nangloi Delhi 110041

UTTAR PRADESH 201307 India
ctor-62 - (U.P)

Enclave, New Delhi 110096

SH 451551 India

TS, C-58/10, SECTOR 62, NOIDA-201 301

15,Rohini, Delhi.

New Delhi 110025 India

vdhan, Pune-411021
k-A Flat No 803
ELHI 110034 India

UTTAR PRADESH 201304 India

pus New Delhi DELHI 110065 India

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010

Rohini, Delhi-110085
UTTAR PRADESH 201005 India

Sector 5, Vaishali, Ghaziabad-201010

roject Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales

201308 PIN-201308

ta.West Bengal


201301 India



Sector-31-32 Faridabad

d, Pashan Pune MAHARASHTRA 411021 India

esktop Support, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Lecturer/Professor, Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer

beer nagar, motinagar, erragadda, hyd

IGNOU road, New Delhi


Khora Colony Noida. Near Mayur Vihar Phase-iii Delhi.

ent, Sector - 62, Noida

lyst/Tech Architect

259,Brahmpuri , Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh

uddh Nagar(U.P.)
nce/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Training, Other IT Software
D, DELHI-110051

den Estate, E-12 Sector-61,Noida

tside Consultant, Risk Management, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software


New Delhi-110026.

ex,Munirka,New delhi-67

mmerce, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software













ool, Makarwali Road , Ajmer, Rajasthan

yst/Tech Architect, System Security

gning, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

r 10, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110 075. India

rapuram, Ghaziabad - 201010

a UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India

ea, Greater Noida U.P. INDIA PIN - 201308

r-62, Noida (U.P.) PIN-201301

U.P., Pin-201301

yavaran Complex,New Delhi-110030

Secunderabad, AP


-19, Noida-201301, UP, India

4 Near Hotel Blue Stone Kaushambi Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201002 India


East Jyoti Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi 110093

247667 India

LHI 110095 India

ave, New Delhi-110096

5, Sector 51 NOIDA (U.P.) India
dha nagar. up

azar Jaipur RAJASTHAN 302001 India

neer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

ase-I, Delhi -110091

a, G.B. Nagar
nt Pitampura. Delhi-88
ems Programming

ector - 35 Noida 201301

ch Architect

urance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software

bad, 201010
alyst/Tech Architect

Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

lyst/Tech Architect

d, Uttar Pradesh-2010014

, UP 201307

r - PI Greater Noida

NOIDA - 201303
System Analyst/Tech Architect
ents sector pi-1 greater noida u.p

ma near 100 ft road vikas nagar teri bagia agra 282006


oida, UP-201301.

uram, Ghaziabad
ents Sector 1 , Vaishali Ghaziabad (UP) , India

U.P PIN-201010


pany Signal, OPP Mega mart, Thane (West) 400601

U.T). India-160034
upport, GIS, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
mbi, Ghaziabad, UP
301 Uttar Pradesh
elhi - 110025

Ghaziabad U. P.

DA, U.P, PIN-201307

ee - 247667 Uttrakhand

ty, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad. UP

t NO:- E/14 Sector- 61 , NOIDA
vice Engineers, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training, Other Fresh Grad, Other IT Software

ar Radhey Shyam park, RajendraNagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (UP)

x Delhi 110049 Email: raviratansingh@gmail.com Phone: 9958598698


alyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Trading, Other IT Software

chool Abul Fazal Enclave Part-1 Jamia Nagar, Okhla New Delhi - 110025

ar Pradesh 201301 INDIA

m, Ghaziabad – 201010, Uttar Pradesh.
iabad 201010
hahdara, Delhi 110093
n Lal Colony, Mehta Road, Bharwari- Kaushambi, Pin- 212201

g, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

or-4 Vaishali Ghaziabad 201010 IN

Sector 62, Noida

I. DELHI-110096
akhand 248001. present address: E-193 sector 22, noida


P) PH NO:09891190496

a Jaipur-302 021 [Rajasthan]


ost- iqbalpur dist-haridwar(u.k) pin code-247668

, sector 5, vaishali ghaziabad ,U.P

i, Ghaziabad-201010

0, NOIDA(U.P) -201307

ologies, GIS, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Mainframe, Mobile, Network Administration, Project


da, U.P. - 201301



Complex, Phase II, Noida 201301



. 121004 , Haryana

,Pin code- 201301


tment Vasundhara Enclave New Delhi -110096

vindpura bhopal
er, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Banking/Insurance, Other Finance, Other IT Software

H NAGAR-201301

l pradesh) 173212 IN

ng, Other IT Software


hani road, lucknow

U.P. 201010

ctor-33, Noida-201301(U.P)

j Lucknow. 226021

ther Electronics, Other Fresh Grad, Other IT Software

City, Indirapuram.Ghaziabad.
SECTOR-62 ,NOIDA - 201301

nt, Shalimar Garden ext. -2, Sahibabad - 201005, Ghaziabad (U.P.)

30/33, Faridabad
roject Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

pital, Thane - 400601

ystem Analyst/Tech Architect

(Near Shipra Mall), Indrapuram, Ghaziabad. UP - 201010

ardnes, Sector-50, Gurgaon - 122001

amirpur, U.P. Pin - 210301













er, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect


ager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

a, U.P. - 201301

Architect, Other Banking/Insurance

ement Consulting, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Consulting, Software Engineer, System Administration, System
LHI - 110018
lave, New Delhi -110096

2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.



iabad -201012
OIDA. 201304.

guvarchatram Post, Kanchipuram Dist, Tamil Nadu - 602106.

ziabad,UP 201010



autam Budh Nagar , U.P 201301


h-1(Ext),New Delhi - 110095


kee pin-247667


, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad


nology, 1A Institutional Area, Greater Noida

ctor 53, Noida - 201307, India

ardware, Other IT Software

or-62,Near 12-22 Bus stand, Noida(U.P).

ishali, Ghaziabad, UP, INDIA - 201010


M, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect

us. Consultants

y, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009

ager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

t/Tech Architect

a High Court Chandigarh, Distt- SAS Nagar Mohali, Punjab.

gh Main Market, Shakur Basti, New Delhi-110034

0, Sector 50, NOIDA, UP, India 201301
Indrapuram, Ghaziabad 201010 (U.P)

iabad UP 201007
, Uttar Pradesh. PIN-201001 .

di(ASR)-143112, Punjab

t/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software

a ( U.P.) pin : 201301

ar,J&K-190005. Presently: Sector-22, NOIDA, U.P

neer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software

Finance, IT , Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Mainframe, Production, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming,

ech Architect

DELHI -110003




ram, Ghaziabad - 201010 India

anjagutta, Hyderabad (A.P.) 500082


/Tech Architect, System Security

ghaziabad uttar pradesh

,Ghaziabad-2010101 (UP)

arh U.P. 202127

uram, Ghaziabad, UP

eater Noida U.P.

ect, EDP/MIS

ager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

ey G-206, sector-22 , Noida,Noida -201301

y, IndiraPuram, Ghaziabad, UP - 201012

regaon East, Mumbai 400063

01301 Contact no. 9891390985

Tech Architect
t, Systems Programming, Other IT Software

har Extn, Delhi - 96


Pin: - 201301

a (UP) - 201301

Dairy Booth, Sec-34, Noida - 201307

Jaipur, 302002



ct Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

82, Noida: 201301, UP, INDIA

U.P. 201303

rapuram ghaziabad


Ghaziabad, UP - 201011
haziabad U.P 201005 IN

Ghaziabad, UP 201010

ziabad (U.P.) - 201020

07,Block-F sector-17 Vasundhara Ghaziabad

SH 201102 India
haziabad-201011, UP

R DISTT: - BALLIA, UP PIN: - 277207

ar UP 203001

H 201005 India


ar, Bypass Road, Ghaziabad (U.P) E-mail: meenujbn@gmail.com
/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training, Other IT Software
arden Extn-I, Ghaziabad, U.P.
arden Ext -2 , Sahibabad, Ghaziabad UTTAR PRADESH India
sundhara, Ghaziabad - 201010
New Delhi - 110016

OOL, Ghaziabad(U.P.)

hand,Indirapuram ,Ghaziabad,(U.P), phone no.0120-4124894

am Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin-201010 Cont-01202605815 Mob. 9999148731


d (U.P.)-201001

ABAD,(UP),Pin 201012

ndir, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad,

RAM(Near rakesh Marg)Ghazibad

abadUttar Pradesh

Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

ishali, Ghaziabad

sundhara,ghaziabad, uttar pradesh

, Near Police Station, Ghaziabad.
LF NCR Ankur Vihar, Near Krishna Public School Loni Ghaziabad 201102 India

Uttrar Pradesh.
Sahiababad Ghaziabad (U.P) 201005

ar UTTAR PRADESH 251001 India

Khand, Indirapuram Ghaziabad

hibabad, gzb, u.p-201005

haziabad UTTAR PRADESH 201010 India

abad UP (201 204) India


201011 India

Ghaziabad -201014

undhara, Ghaziabad, U.P., PIN - 201012, India

ecurity, Training

B-54, East Vinod Nagar Delhi- 110091


,ghaziabad-201010 (up)

em Analyst/Tech Architect

an Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P. Pin- 201007

haziabad) Pin-201005
Distt. Ghaziabad -201201

nbad jharkhand 828113


6 ,Vasundhra, Ghaziabad.

, UP-201010

s Ahinsa Khand - 2 Indirapuram Ghaziabad - 201010, U.P

ziabad UP 201007
dhara, Ghaziabad, U.P-201012.
puram, ghaziabad, uttarpradesh-201012


uri, Uppal, Hyd-39

Vaishali, Ghaziabad.


GH-II, Sector-II,Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, U. P (INDIA )

Ghaziabad UP


, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (UP)-201005

aden,Ex-2,Shabibad, Gazibad, UP.Phone--Email--surajit_arta2yahoo.co.in


INAGAR-201204; Ghaziabad U.P.

tna, Bihar, India. PIN - 800016


more ,hapur(ghaziabad)u.p. pin -245101








T LTD SCO 27, SEC 14























tems Programming

ot No. 13, Dwarka, New Delhi -75

Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Other Sales/BusDev

No.1, Laxman Vihar, Phase-II Gurgaon (Haryana)


mager behind bul-bul hotal jind

ar, Near of Sarita Vihar New Delhi-110076
ar, Inderlok New Delhi-110035

334003 (Raj.)

m Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming

Behar, Pin-736171 (W.B.)

Nagar New Delhi DELHI 110049 India

urgaon- 122015 HR

urgaon (Hr.)-122001

Khand 3, Indirapuram,Ghaziabad(U.P)


110060 India

ayana( re-iv)



2, gurgaon haryana 122001

ny,h.no.101,bhiwani, haryana


atsang Vyaas,Deenpur, najafgarh N.D. 43

aon HARYANA 122001 India

Pigdamber, Rau, Indore

hini, New Delhi-110085

, Haryana 122002
YANA 122022 India

-15 new Railway Road, Gurgaon-122001

/5, Patel Nagar, Gurgaon(Haryana)

xtension), Gurgaon(Haryana)
ADESH 452002 India

r-B, 11th floor gurgaon-122001, haryana

g Society, C - 58/26, Sector 62, NOIDA - 201301 UP

handewala,distt. gurgaon (Hr.) PIN. 122504

ohana, Sonepat, Haryana PIN - 131301
tor-34, Faridabad, Haryana, India

+91-9997834006 +91-9873323329
ite Dharamshilla Cancer Hospital Vasundhara Enclave
nsa Road, Najafgarh New Delhi DELHI 110043 India
1, Sector-43, Gurgaon Haryana



Delhi - 110045
5, Gurgaon 122001

gaon-122001 Haryana, India

ew Delhi-110027

W DELHI - 110014
ha ahir, post of Bikaner, District rewari.

, Sector-1, HUDA, NMT, Rewari -123401

(Haryana) Pin Coad No.-123102

wari, [Haryana]-123401
andigarh, U.T. - 160101
a, M.P., Pin- 473118

HARYANA 122001 India

arket,Sec-22-C, Chandigarh
Ganapathy, Coimbatore , Tamilnadu

distt.and tehsil ambala cant.

hant lok, gurgaon

urgaon, Haryana - 122002

Delhi 110092.
ane, Kamachcha, Varanasi Noida UTTAR PRADESH India

New Delhi 110025 India

17 (Haryana)

Phase 1, Gurgaon (HR)

aon, Harayana 122016

h), State - Haryana

r South City-II, Sector-49, Gurgaon-Hariyana

n HARYANA 122001 India



Mugapair West, Chennai

anager, Security, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trainer/Faculty

F Phase-V, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001, India
aryana 122002

, System Analyst/Tech Architect

urgaon, Haryana

Colony, Gurgaon
Haryana) 122001

Road, Gurgaon

Road, Gurgaon-122001


uilding Gurgaon Haryana - INDIA

rgaon - 122 011 Haryana.

Tech Architect

roject Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Training

Gurgaon 122001

New Delhi DELHI 110019 India

roject Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

rgaon ( Haryana)
gaon -122001 Haryana
ANA 122001 India

gar Gurgaon - 122001 Haryana

illap nagar roorkee. distt-haridwar(uttranchal)

Plot GH-71, Sector - 55, Gurgaon, Haryana India

or 15 Part 1, Gurgaon, Haryana.

Ghaziabad (U.P.), India


-1, Delhi-110091
ct, Other IT Software

Room no. 04, Near Shani Mandir, Chakarpur, Gurgaon, Haryana

Opp. Galaxy Multiplex, Sec. 9, Vaisshali, Ghaziabad, U.P.

ctor-56, Gurgaon-122002
Gurgaon - 122003 Haryana

Gurgaon Haryana

F City, Gurgaon(Haryana) 122001, India

e Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect


hini, Delhi-110085

pp. Omaxe Gurgaon Mall, Gurgaon

elhi - 110018
urgaon 122002

01, Haryana

a, New Delhi -110075

roject Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software

/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

aryana Pin.- 122105

, Sector-56, Gurgaon,Haryana.

Gurgaon-122001 (HR)
es Ludhiana PUNJAB India

NA -122001 , INDIA
aon, Haryana

lam Vihar Guragon 122017

F Phase V, Gurgaon-122 002

1, Gurgaon, Haryana-122018

colony,New Delhi:-110045
u.p (201005)
GAON - 122 001.


hna Road, Gurgaon

ala Pin 686533
age Jamia Nagar New Delhi 110025

ABAD (U.P) 201001

Plot no-8 Dwarka New Delhi-110075


er, System Analyst/Tech Architect

city, Gurgaon 122002
chitect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
Delhi - 110003
ject Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming

ny, New Delhi -110045

ct, Other IT Software

on (Haryana)


, Sector : 49, Sohna Road, Gurgaon-122018, Ph : 9811570344(M)

- 122002 Haryana

Sushant Lok-1, Sector 43 Gurgaon - 122002

w Delhi - 110043
RD. GURGAON - 122001

on, Haryana, India - 122001

3, Rohini, Delhi-110085

Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001

RYANA 122001 India

aon Haryana 122002

Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming

Souk gurgaon

Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

Gurgaon, Haryana -122002

Sector -6, Dwarka, New Delhi -110075
Sagar AFCCTS Sohna Road Gurgaon

m, Ghaziabad, (U.P.)


Haryana 122001 India

Gurgaon HARYANA 122009 IN

n HARYANA 122003 India

Nikunj Apartment. Dwarka New Delhi 110 075 I

rgaon 122001

City 2, Gurgaon - Haryana 122001

clave New Delhi - 110096 INDIA

lave, Delhi-110096

Development Institute, Gurgaon

gurgaon 122001

d Old. Haryana 121002

Blue Bells School Gurgaon - 122001
21001, Haryana
Phase-IV Gurgaon -122002 (INDIA)

h (West Bengal)-711104

w Delhi 110065

agar, Malakpet, Hyderabad, Pincode - 500036

er, System Analyst/Tech Architect
, Dwarka, Delhi

Gurgaon - 122002

gaon-122002, haryana, india

Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi - 110091

gaon, Haryana

Architect, Other IT Software

) pin:132001

ector-22 New Delhi-10075

t/Tech Architect, Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Network Planning, Switching/Router

astri Nagar Delhi - 110052



igning/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Mainframe, Mobile, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manage

e no 105 village jharsa gurgaon

ystem Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software

rgaon HARYANA 122001
up Housing Society No: 10 Sector 56, Gurgaon (Haryana)

/Tech Architect, Training, Other Sales/BusDev

yur Vihar Phase I, New Delhi 110091

ara, Varthur Hobli, Bangalore-34

or -55,Gurgaon,Haryana.122002

a, dist. hooghly, pin 712245 / 1350A, Maruti Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana

floor, Gugaon
IV New Delhi-110024
n,Haryana, INDIA


Gurgaon 122001

mp Ke Samnewali Gali, Kamla Nager ROHTAK HARYANA - 124001

ch Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software

y, South City - 1, Gurgaon(Haryana), India

gaon - 122001

swathi Vihar, Chakkarpur, Gurgaon.


Ardee City, Gurgaon


kata - 700092, West Bengal.

ouli,new delhi-10074

nj New Delhi 110092 IN

EC- 47, GURGAON-122001

NEW H.N 224/20 OM NAGAR GURGAON 122001

Dwarka, NDLS - 75

ryana 122001

urgaon 122001

hara Ghitorni New Delhi

DELHI - 110095

ar Near New Mata Road Gurgaon Haryana

work Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, RF Engineering, Research Scientist, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Administration, System
DESH 226012 India

ushantlok, phase-1 gurgaon-122002, (haryana)

Gurgaon , Haryana .

s hostel laxmi bai nagar, near s.n. market, New Delhi

li Colony, Near Bus stand Gurgaon

. 09873018006 e-mail: veishal_190@yahoo.com

, Sec-10 Dwarka, New Delhi 110075

und Near Apna Bazar Opp. Ghanteshwar Temple, Gurgaon (Haryana)-122001

urgaon, Haryana

, New Delhi-110047.

Other IT Software
. A, South City-1, Delhi Jaipur Highway, Gurgaon-122001 ( Haryana )

era road, chinchwad, pune 411033 maharashtra

ON. HARYANA - 122002.

Chandigarh), 160103, India
Haryana . 122002.

Near CRPF, Gurgaon.

, Gurgaon - 122001
hooghly pin:-712103

51, Gurgaon
Nagar, New Delhi - 59

se-I, Gurgaon-122002
SS, Palam Colony, New Delhi -110045 India


Gurgaon HARYANA 122002 India

122017 Haryana.

Delhi HARYANA 110094 India

c School Gurgoan 122001 Haryana


, Network Planning, Security, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training

ROBHU 1846/III,House Fed Complex,Phase-10, Mohali.

ware, Other Quality
Raheja Estate,Borivali-E. Mumbai-400066


122001 India
EW DELHI - 110 085
Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software

122001 India

r/ Project Manager, RF Engineering, System Analyst/Tech Architect


n, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
ka, New Delhi
30/33, Faridabad - 121003

2001, Haryana.

ew Delhi -110062.

r - 249403 Uttaranchal India


alyst/Tech Architect

ampur Dehradun uttranchal

ny) Dist: Gurgaon,

N., GURGAON 122001


t 1, New Delhi
tem Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

rgaon, Haryana-122001
Gurgaon - 122011 (Haryana)

Distt. Haryana- 122017

aon Road, Gurgaon 122003

t-1, Phase-1, Sector-13, Dwarka, New Delhi, India, PIN-110078


Saidulajab Extension, New Delhi-110 030

URGAON 122002

NA NAGAR - 135001

ake, Faridabad (Haryana)- 121001

ad Haryana 121005 India

Gurgaon Haryana
Delhi 110059

urgaon - 122 012

oject Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect
gaon-122002 Haryana

3, Gurgaon,Haryana.

aon - 122001

aridabad Road, Gwal Pahadi, gurgaon-122003

m Analyst/Tech Architect

aon - 122001
er, Post Office, New Colony, Gurgaon Haryana-122001

rgaon, Haryana.


, New Delhi-110085

n, Haryana-122002
Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

ankyapuri, New Delhi - 54

ect Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
aryana 122001 India

gaon - 122003

delhi - 110045


yst/Tech Architect

ech Architect

Distt.-Gurgaon (Haryana) Pin -120001

avan Nagar Mattikere Bangalore - 560054

gaon-122016 Haryana, India.

4 (MS) Tel.No. 07182250735 mbl.No. 9422833300

rket gurgaon

on, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security

F Phase V, Gurgaon-122002


Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Trainer/Faculty, Training

HARYANA 122002 India

, India-122015

GURGAON - 220 001

na road gurgaon
or-10,Dwarka,New Delhi.

NDIRAPURAM, GMS ROAD, MAJRA PO, DEHRADUN Present Address: 2134/3RajeevNagar, gurgaon
upport, GIS, GSM, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Internet/E-commerce, Network Administration, Network Planning, Quality Assurance, Security, Softw
agar okhla new delhi 25


, New Delhi-110005
dia oalace, gurgaon hr

stem Analyst/Tech Architect

MU. PIN-180001

- 110030 India

merce, Software Engineer, Storage, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software, Other Oil & Gas
trict Ropar, Punjab. Pin 160001


New Delhi-62

3A Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India

Gurudwara), New Delhi,110021

andigarh - 160036
ase Mgmt, IT Consultant, Management Consulting, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Consulting, System Analyst/Tech Architect
m Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
nt Lok- 1, Gurgaon, HR India

Old Rajindera Nagar New Delhi

Hospital, Gurgaon Bus Stop, Gurgaon, Delhi - NCR

ur jharkhand pin-831013

or-51, Gurgaon

, Karkardooma, Delhi - 92
II Gurgaon (Hry.)

aryana, 122001

(Jind) Haryana 126116

tion, System Analyst/Tech Architect

an Vihar, Gurgaon-122006 (HR.)

m Restaurent N.Delhi
nj. Behind Sri Ram Hospital. Sikanderpur, Gurgaon. Haryana. PIN-122002
Road,Ulsoor, Bangalore 560008
ahmedabad-380052 gujarat,india

t, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560076

Apartments, New Mettuguda, Secunderabad- 500017

A 122001 India

d Road Pune India 411041 India

e Tower Green Valley, Sec 41-42 Faridabad (Haryana) India

heri,KARNAL Haryana PIN-132117

ara, Delhi-110032, India
esigning/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems


,Phase II,Gurgaon,Haryana,India
YANA 122001 India
kula haryana present address hno 957 sector 14 gurgaon

No.122/4 Vishvakarma colony baluda road Sohna, Gurgaon

as Distt.-jhajjar Haryana 124143

farm gurgaown,Haryana
har, Sec. 56, Gurgaon (Haryane)

ts -1, Sector -4 Harmony Apartments Dwarka, New Delhi- Con:- 9953939681

y, Chandigarh.

DELHI 122009 India

ctor 56, Gurgaon - 122001
A 122017 India

4 Gurgaon HARYANA India

Shimla (H.P.)

4, Sector-56, Gurgaon

AR PRADESH 201201 India

w delhi 110064
Gurgaon HARYANA 122001 India

al (Faridabad)
know, U.P. (INDIA)

e- 3, Delhi 110096

t Jhajjar Haryana Pin Code 124507

DELHI- 110016

O. Khudana Distt. Mohinder Grah (Haryana)

rgarh, Distt. Jhajjar Haryana
- 50 Gurgaon 122002 Haryana India


urgaon 122016
d, Chakkar pur, Gurgaon

ect, System Security

na 122001 India
gaon - 122002.

ministration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming

ation, Configuration/Release Mgmt, IT Consultant



Tech Architect


istration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software


aon State Haryana

olny Satara MAHARASHTRA 415001 India



hakkarpur ,Gurgaon , Haryana-122002

urgaon-122 001.

ndir, Sirsa-125055

et 3, Sector 19, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

, New Delhi-110002
aon HARYANA 122002 IN
) per add-lg-02,sagar garden homes,chuna bhatti,kolar road,bhopal(mp)


ar Coimbatore-Tamilnadu-641009-India
tems Programming, Other IT Software
ear Ansal Plaza, Palam Vihar Ext. Gurgaon HR.
urgaon Pin-122003, Haryana (India).

tt & teh Jhajjar HARYANA 124122

Gurgaon HARYANA India
y, pin:121004 Faridabad(Haryana)

ect, System Security, Other IT Software

RYANA – 122002

ohna Road, Gurgaon. PIN-122018.

Near Shyam Sweets, Gurgaon, Haryana , PIN- 122001

r mandir, gurgaon
ed Light Janakpuri New Dehli - 110058
r 7, DWARKA, New Delhi - 110075

ryana 122002 India

elhi-96, india

kkarpur gurgaon
d Lucknow - 226012 Uttar Pradesh

Gurgaon Haryana - 122001

Sohna, Distt. - Gurgaon. (Hr.) Mob. 9999954630

nsoli , 400709, navi mumbai
gies, 2nd Floor, Gurgaon 122002
A 121006 India

D, HARYANA-121008
1 NH-4, new colony, Faridabad(Haryana)


watiya colony 2nd N.I.T Faridabad Haryana 121005
/1,Delhi-Mathura Road, Faridabad-121003.
aryana 121001


D (HARYANA)-121102

nik Colony Faridabad (HARYANA) -121001

ec-89 Faridabad Haryana -121002






DELHI 110025 India

ndhi Colony, Faridabad Mobile: 9313846648 & 9891519033

bad HARYANA 121003 India

abad-121003 Haryana

21004, Distt.-Faridabad, Haryana

abad, Haryana
d. Haryana-121005


, sarai khwaja, po: amar nagar, faridabad- 121003


d (Haryana)121106
ny, Haryana pin Code- 121005

DISTT- GURGAON(HR).122107 PHONE NO.- 01275- 647948,680092



07 Haryana, India

35 Faridabad


olony Old Faridabad(HARYANA) 121008

puram, Ghaziabad - 201010.

01) Haryana
1D Faridabad-121001


bad, haryana 121 001

Colony - Faridabad



Electric works, Bijnor-246701





1 D, Faridabad Haryana, India 121001

Sect18A Kothi No52 Near Subzi Mandi Old FARIDABAD

s Puri New Delhi - 110018

NEW DELHI-110065 Email: shaanaachoo@yahoo.co.in


ganj jharkhand
had garden delhi-110095 india


ndgarh mandi, dist.- Jhunjhunu, (Raj.)

ct no. - 09457896797,9718632804


IT Campus, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16

pur, New Delhi, Pin 110003

ket-1 Dwarka NewDelhi-110075

nagar New delhi 110096

ASHTRA 110025 India
ent, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019

Sector 12, Dwarka New Delhi 110075

Delhi DELHI 110044 India

HARYANA 110087 India

nt,rohini Delhi-110085.

110015 India

r iit gate, new delhi.

ndhara Enclave, New Delhi - 110096.

arka, New Delhi-110075

et 1, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi

Delhi Delhi 110063 India

DELHI 302018 India

ELHI 110095 India

no.-6 dwarka ,new delhi 110075

ahi,Madhubani(Bihar) Pin:847227

110031 India
& Post - Mawan Khurd(Meerut) (U.P) Pin - 250401

ANA 110025 IN

arket new delhi-110001

minarayan mandir, khirki extension, malviya nagar-110017


pur New Delhi-44

nt Pitampura. Delhi-88
AR PRADESH 250002 India
ur New Delhi-110003
hibabad, gzb, u.p-201005
r road, phulwari sharif, Patna- 801505
.3/3745, paper mill road,near international public school. saharanpur (up).

New Delhi-92

Delhi 110062

W DELHI-110025

ur New Delhi- 110044

New Delhi-110025

-23 faridabad
Kapas hera, New delhi, 110037
rea New Delhi Delhi IN

U.P 201005 India

Mainframe, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

w Delhi DELHI India
npur village near NCC gate. new delhi 110049
ram, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Pin 313001
e, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
ger Ambala City Haryana
ew delhi-110047

Phase- 1 Delhi 110091


a(up) sect. -14,

New Delhi- 110017
6, Near B.N.D. Public School, Katwaria Sarai,New Delhi-16

se - II, new delhi

ariya Sarai, Hauz Khas New delhi-110016

anpur delhi-53

nj, new delhi-110055

delhi - 110025

W DELHI - 110018
ew Delhi 110025
I,newdelhi 110092
W DELHI-110018

New Delhi HARYANA 110059 India

ARASHTRA 560051 India

EC Campus, Sector - 12, Chandigarh 160012.
war, P.O Dhabi Tek Singh, Teh. Narwana, Distt. Jind (Haryana) 126116
nagar, new delhi

ali no-1 Saidulajab Opp Saket D Block M.B Road, New Delhi

HARYANA 110094 India

ear Indirapuram Police Chowki, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad-201010

w delhi 110044
n, Loni Road, Shahdara, Delhi-110094

i Road New Delhi, ND 110003

lony,Malviya nagar,New delhi-110065



li road,Delji-110006

, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110077


Haryana 121103 India

Delhi PIN-110091

stem Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security



Nagar, Bangalore

ew Mahavir Nagar, Janak Puri East New Delhi HARYANA 110018 India
r New Delhi-110025 Contact No: 9910257024,
AGIRI-DT, &NBS P; PIN: 635306
ew Delhi 110067
Enclave New Delhi - 110096


ends Colony,New Delhi-25

IOR M.P 474009 India

.-K-458,anand vas shakurpur, near netaji subhash palace. New Delhi-110034

University,New Delhi 110062

Gorakhpur U.P 273008 India

DELHI 110001
ket kotla mubark pur new delhi.

jpur delhi 110053

hi DELHI 110018 India

Road, New Delhi 110017.

,Delhi 110040.

DELHI 110029 India

tra 445001 India

i Puri 110083 India

612 001 India
har New Delhi -76
W DELHI -110086


Khusal Complex Delhi 84

New Delhi DELHI -110092 India

, Near-Mother dairy, Delhi-110092

hi MADHYA PRADESH 110025 India


t II Palam Colony New Delhi DELHI 110045 India

,Gali-10, New Delhi-110018

hi 110025 India

w Delhi DELHI 110021 India

pripada, Malad Godda Jharkhand 200097 India

New Delhi -110068 Mobile no.9958149228
Apna Apartment Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi – 110017

abad Ghaziabad 201005 (U P) India

110025 India

Delhi, INDIA

adara Delhi DELHI 110093 India

RYANA 121102 India

a New Delhi-75

lhi 65 New Delhi Delhi India

elhi 110046 India

NEW DELHI-110057

ihar delhi 110052 India

hi 110062 INDIA
MAHARASHTRA 411015 India
NewDelhi 28

0084 Burarari delhi

ELHI-110022, INDIA.
east lohanipur railway hunder road near devi asthan kadam kuan patna 800003.
ar pradesh), india
lhi 110001 IN

elhi-110058 India

110 030 India

476-221 India

ew Delhi 110059

ad, jallandhar Delhi DELHI India B-3/15 Model town New delhi

ANA 110062 India

dirapuram, Ghaziabad, UP, 201010

oad, Ladosarai New Delhi-1100030

LHI 110096 India


ector 21 C III,Faridabad
rridor New Delhi 110062

elhi Delhi 110017 India

Puram Sector2 Church New Delhi 29

New Delhi - 110058

ati grd ext kakrola mord, uttam nagar new delhi-110059
ew Delhi HARYANA 110062 India

ar, Delhi- 09

New Delhi 91

agar patparganj New Delhi - 11003

p.o.jhallen teh. nadaun distt. hamirpur (h.p)INDIA
ment, Mehrauli
Lado Sarai, New Delhi Pin- 110030
agar extn kota RAJASTHAN 324005 India

LHI-110065 INDIA
(Meerut) Pin. 250404
garh, New Delhi 110043

, Garhwali Mohalla Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi-110092


a, New Delhi-25
oad,kamakshi palya,minakshi nagar,bangalore-79.

aria New Delhi-110068

i cantt-110010

no-6, Mehrauli, New Delhi

134003 HARYANA

W DELHI -110062

geer DDA Flat, Khanpur-110068

9, Noida, UP- 201301
ul Fazal Enclabe Jamia Nagar, (Okhla), New Delhi-110025.
New Delhi HARYANA 110085 India

new delhi=110046

PRADESH 110074 India

gar 4, New Delhi - 24



Vihar, Phase-3,New Delhi-96

DELHI - 110092
EW DELHI-110041

Masale Wali, Karkardooma Vil Delhi – 110092

clave, New Delhi - 110029, India.

arka, sector-18B, New Delhi
R PRADESH 226001 India

rapuram, ghaziabad

lony New Delhi 110045 India


P.O. Box No- 8516 Riyadh- 1142 (K.S.A) Mobile: +966-554513092


Delhi 110025
Delhi Delhi India

alka ji,New Delhi

Delhi,India,Pin Code- 110085

r, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
ar New Delhi Delhi 110064 India
am Nagar, New Delhi-110059

N, N.DELHI-19,
her Bus. Consultants

Delhi), Tagore Garden Extension, New Delhi-27

274201 India
lhi DELHI India

I- 110 054, INDIA

si Allahabad India

agh Delhi DELHI 110 007 India



.K. Depot, Delhi -33. Ph. 09990516807 Email -vsnnehra@yahoo.co.in

LHI 110048 India


Shahdara Delhi- 110032

at Nagar, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, 110065

elhi DELHI 110017 India

har, New Delhi- 110052

DELHI 110008 India

m Road, new delhi - 45

ar ,new delhi-17

t, Delhi - 110092
r Rajasthan PIN 303103
Shahdara Delhi - 32

elhi 110062 India

or-12,Dwarka,New Delhi-75

ansen road gwalior,m.p.

Delhi 110025 India

agh, New Delhi=14

ELHI 110017 India

48 Ground Floor Street No.7 South Ganesh Nagar Delhi 110092

ra Park Palam Colony, New Delhi

1, DELHI-110052

Sarai, New Delhi - 110016

z Khas, New Delhi-110 016

EW DELHI, NEW Delhi DELHI 110092 India

ANA 110092 India


ollege, New Delhi-110065

P.O.-Tilpat Distt.-Faridabad (Haryana) pin.-121003
new delhi 110058
ar, Delhi-110092
ard No.31,Rajanandgaon(c.g.)

Water Tank. New Delhi

Okhla, New Delhi-110025


ow UTTAR PRADESH 226003 India
et# 4, Guru Ram Das Nagar, Laxminagar, Delhi 32

w Delhi-110049

new delhi 110025

sion, New delhi- 110063

R NEW DELHI-110025

bad UTTAR PRADESH 201005 India


okhala industrial area phase 3 new delhi

ger ambala city

esigning, Internet/E-commerce, Language Specialist, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Progr
22, Katwariya Sarai. New Delhi.

HARYANA 110059 India

New Delhi-110018.
ew Delhi-110017

EW DELHI-110027
ad police station, Ghaziabad (U.P.) pin-201005
Park, Shahdara, N.Delhi-32.

ELHI - 132103

Madangir, New Delhi, 110062

Road, New Delhi-110062

ovil Street, Padikuppam, Mogappair East Chennai TAMIL NADU 600107 India

New Delhi Cantt 110010

Okhla Phase - I, New Delhi - 110020.

ANA 110091 IN

gar, Burari, Delhi. Pin-110084. Mobile: 09312208835

RYANA 110049 India

w Delhi 110016
a Chowk.N.I.T, FARIDABAD 121005
akpuri, New Delhi 46
Delhi HARYANA 110074 India
r New Delhi HARYANA 110025 India

amia nagar New Delhi 110025

RYANA 110003 India

, Pocket 1, Dwarka, New Delhi

htak (Haryana)
of Black Gold Apptts, Greater Noida, UP

gar New Delhi 110092 India

T, New Delhi 110016

wan New Delhi: - 110062

e-II New Police Colony, Krishna Nagar Delhi-110051

ew Delhi 110075
Road Delhi -110094

R NEW DELHI DELHI 110062 India

New Delhi 110059 India

oida. Gautam Budh Nagar. U.P.


ad Pitampura, New Delhi - 34

e preet Vihar, Delhi 110 051 India

Ngr Delhi-110051
c School,Pitampura, New Delhi-110034

Vasant Vihar, New Delhi

hla New Delhi 110025 India

anpur Delhi -110053

ew Delhi, 110049
F-95, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi - 16.
IGNOU Road, Saidulajab, New Delhi 30
delhi -110017

110052 Delhi
NA 110055 IN

mia Nagar Okhla (New Delhi) Delhi-110025

r, Near Anupam Sweets, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029
olony Faridabad Haryana
W DELHI - 110059


akabad New Delhi
w Delhi:-110059
w Delhi-110062,

, Delhi - 110032

Ambala State HARYANA Pincode 133201

New Delhi-110023
Sarvapriya Vihar, Near IIT, New Delhi. Pin Code- 110016
darth building-96,nehru place new delhi - 19

-110085 (India)

DELHI 110092 India

New Delhi DELHI 110065 India

k Shahdara Delhi-32

, Jhilmil Colony, Shahadara, New Delhi.110092

H 282001 India
Delhi , Pin:110048
vision, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Rohini, New Delhi-85

LHI 110 030 India


0017 New Delhi.

Branch P-4 C.O.D. Agra, Pin-282001.
Delhi- 110041 Other Ph: +91-9213848078

lats , New Rohtak Road, New Delhi-63

ng Road, New Delhi – 110087

W DELHI 110062
t New Delhi 110001


-09, Jagarti Vihar Meerut U.P 250004 India

arh road, sadar bazar, delhi-110006.


gar, (Safdarjang Enclave) New Delhi-29

DELHI 110092
arakPur, New Delhi-110003


r, Shahdara , Delhi-110032

w Delhi 110088

A 110025 India
w Delhi-110045

ar. new Delhi-25



Chawk Mohan Uttam Nagar Delhi - 110059 India
maviyanagar Delhi

ar Delhi 110059

Mukherjee Nagar, New Delhi-9

d, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25

Patna 801505 India

ave Delhi-110096
ocket-II, Dwarka New Delhi Delhi India

ADESH 207001 India

16, Dwarka, Sector 22 New Delhi 75

-110091, India

tment, 57 IP Extension, Patparganj New Delhi 110092

ally Sector 41-42 Faridabad

ew Delhi - 110001

pur, New Delhi - 110044

hi DELHI India

ew Delhi 110062
ar, New Delhi-110018

plaza, new delhi-49, india.

haziabad, U.P. - 2010101

w Delhi 110044

New Delhi - 110096.

w Delhi DELHI 110017 India


, Moulali, Hyderabad - 40.


YANA 110053 India

Delhi DELHI India

a nagar okhla road New delhi-25

hi - 110018 India

Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 110059


ew delhi 110025
tension New Delhi.

LHI. PIN 110007

w Delhi-110017
warka New Delhi DELHI 110075 India
mwood Village, Faridabad - 121009 Haryana, INDIA

Jamia Ngr, Okhla, New Delhi


near Zoo New Delhi 110003

la Road New Delhi

m Colony New Delhi-110045

h New Delhi-43
South Ganesh Nagar, New Patparganj Road,Gali No.-2 Laxmi Nagar,Delhi-110092
t 2 New Delhi 110025 India

I NEW DELHI 110065

d floor Po – New friends colony Okhla road , New Delhi – 25
) near badarpur road


Dwarka New Delhi – 110075


System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales

ce/Testing, Relationship Mgmt, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Total Quality Management


New Delhi- 110005. Ph : 9871154414, 011-45034828.

m nagar new delhi

NA 110037 India


ew Delhi 110019
ave, Pitampura, New Delhi-110034 Phone: 9811025101, 011-2 7025987 Â Â


Enclave, Delhi - 110096
6, New Delhi- 110075

, Varthur Main Road, Whitefield, Bangalore 560037

CTOR-10, NEW DELHI -110075 (INDIA)

Charmwood Village Faridabad HARYANA 121009 India


hla, New Delhi- 110025

S Hospital Sector -62 Noida 201301

w Delhi 110070

lave, Delhi, 110096


6 Dwarka, New Delhi, 110075 India

NJ. NEW DELHI - 110034.

ab Society, Andheri (E) Mumbai

delhi - 110001


RYANA) India
olar Band Extn., Badarpur Border, New Delhi-110 044

, New Delhi 110045, INDIA

ELHI 110 096


GAR DELHI-110032


Amrit Puri-B,Garhi ,Lajpat nagar,ND-65

elhi - 110085

ohini sector-23 New Delhi-85

a,near amar ashram school, delhi-32.

nth road harthala moradabad mbl 9837651173

agar, Delhi 110017
Pathanamthitta (Dist) Kerala State
ar, new delhi-110008

SH 250001 India

andi himachal pradesh pin 174401 india

lam Colony, New Delhi- 110045


aya Mahal, Division 92, Bangalore

was Nagar.Shahdara.Delhi-32
ony IGNOU Road New Delhi-30
ector-24 Rohini delhi-88

r, Malviya nagar,NewDelhi 17
ntly working in Mumbai

4 New Delhi-75


Delhi 110019 India

erapura power house, Ajmer road, ,Jaipur (Raj.)


rma Dairy New Delhi 110091 India

, Badarpur, New Delhi DELHI 110044 India

Architect, Other IT Software

hakarpur N.Delhi 110092

agar Delhi 110031 IN

ra Moradabad,U.P. India-244601

, faridabad, haryana pin 121003

Khand, Indrapuram, GhaziaBad Khand MADHYA PRADESH 201012 India

adhu vihar, IP Ext., Delhi - 110092

Delhi - 110085 INDIA

er/ Project Manager, Project Management, Signal Processing, System Analyst/Tech Architect

W DELHI -110045

ension Delhi HARYANA 110092 India

ADESH 201010 India

warka,New delhi.

ELHI- 110 045

kasPuri, New Delhi, Pincode - 110018

t Nagar - 4, New Delhi - 110024

stems Programming
GAR, NEW DELHI: - 110 017

Gate no. 2, IGNOU Road, New Delhi

Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
New Delhi-110092

medabad,gujarat ,india...380015


Delhi -110075 India

ctor-11 Dwarka, Delhi (India) - 110075

Sarai New Delhi-110016

ar New Delhi 110059 INDIA

Govindpuram, Ghaziabad-201002

agar Delhi -1100 91

i DELHI 110032 India
e Park, PandavNagar, Delhi-92 , INDIA
nt. no.- 9968560039,

New Delhi - 110075

ony, new delhi-110045

F NCR ,Ankur Vihar, Near Krishna Public School, Loni, Ghaziabad-201102.

gar Bus Depot, Madangir, New Delhi - 110062

r Firoz Hospital . Sir Syed Nagar ,Dodhpur

New Delhi HARYANA 110070 India

, Vaishali Ghaziabad – UP-India -201010
Sector-14 New Delhi

ARYANA 134007 India

OR - 93, NOIDA, UP- 201304

or - 6, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

ar Apollo Hospital, New Delhi-110025

Ext 1, New Delhi 110096

New Delhi-110087
-operative Housing Society, Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi-110096
Main Road, Mehrauli New Delhi DELHI 110030 India
parganj Delhi DELHI India
hi -110085, India

e, New Delhi-110016, India

y, Sector-62, Noida (U.P.) 201301 India

ts, Sector 62 Noida UTTAR PRADESH 201301 India

rya RZ-197/D, Gali No 15 Tughlakabad Ext New Delhi - 19

ka, New Delhi-110045

A 110030 India

w Delhi,110024 India
yst/Tech Architect

d UP 201010

r, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

I 110091 India
oi, New Delhi


babad, Ghaziabad


c Taluka Amod District Bharuch Pin code 392 025 Gujarat, India
Extension Delhi 110091
em Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other Top Mgmt


New Delhi - 110025 India

w Delhi - 110017

e welfare society shalimar garden shaibabad Gzb UP 2102106


n Ext. - II Sahibabad ,Gzb. Uttar Pradesh - 201005

asjid, New Delhi 110062
urshah Zafar Marg


or-22,Dwarka, New Delhi-75

ahadra delhi- 110032

ng/Maintenance, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, EDP/MIS

NA NAGAR New Delhi Delhi 51

.-11 Near IPH, Mahipal Pur, New Delhi.

w Delhi-59, No New Delhi Delhi India

hla, New Delhi-25

Delhi - 110 091

tation New delhi-18

a, India - 122001
,Khirki Ext., Malviya Nagar, New Delhi- 110 017
ech Architect

New DELHI -110047

top Support, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sy
la new delhi 110025 india
ct Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect
EW DELHI 110075

Sector-50 Noida
Delhi- 110018.

Vasundhara, Ghaziabad - 201012

sundhara, Ghaziabad. UP
elhi - 110025
hitect, System Security

RT, DELHI-110006

istration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

a,713/19, new colony, Behind kuber bldg, Median garhi New Delhi - 110067
201009 India


P 201010 IN

Delhi - 110048 India


T, PO JAMIA NAGAR NEW DELHI-25 email-viqar5@yahoo.com


New Delhi -110018

g, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales

Delhi 110 027 IN

DELHI-110005 India
Dwarka, New Delhi - 48

r Extn. Part-2; Delhi - 110042


nakshi Road Hapur-245101

uri, New Delhi - 110018

DELHI 110019

Sector-3 Vaishali, Ghaziabad, U.P-201010

gawesh, Kolhapur - 416002 & lajpatnagar n.delhi

ace new delhi-110019.

r-7, Rohini, New Delhi-110085

warka, New Delhi - 110075


mpura, Delhi 110034

W DELHI-110019


W DELHI-110018
alpur cantt post office jabalpur 482001


NEW DELHI-110008

bad (haryana) india

n,new delhi-92
haziabad U.P


New Delhi 110 068

HARYANA e-mail id-dinesh7249@yahoo.co.nz


Manimajra UT (CHANDIGARH) PIN - 160101

110019. INDIA

EW DELHI 110070 India

w Delhi 110063

lony. New Delhi 110065

, New Delhi-110018
New Delhi 110063
r-4. New Delhi-110024


New delhi-44
w Delhi- 110062
nam Thanjavur 637408 India

rakpur, kotla,south Ex-I

w Delhi DELHI 110022 India

border New Delhi 110044

ukharjee Nagar, Delhi - 09

ew delhi,110014

aphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Mobile, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

gar new delhi 110025

ki masjid, jamia nagar okhla - 110025

Kalkaji New Delhi-19

stel, IIT-Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi
w Delhi 110022
elhi: 110068


Street, Mirzapur (U.P.)

N 110034 India
W DELHI DELHI 110016 India


elhi 110059 India

r, Badar Pur, New Delhi 10044


PRADESH 474012 India

95. PH.9910035474
mandir ,mayur vihar phase-3 delhi -110096

New Delhi Puri 110018 India

e, Okhla, New Delhi-110025


r okhla new delhi -110025

208005 India


ura p.s.- gorari(karakat) dist- rohtas state-bihar(india) pinn-802214
New Delhi-25
, nai basti ,jamia nagar okhla, new delhi- 110025

delhi - 110032
k Puri, N.D.-58
ear Shiv Mandir),New delhi.



ash, new delhi

09,zakir nagar new delhi india

code- 206250 (U.P.)


stration, Service Engineers, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

dehli 1100025

, lakhapat colony-1, mithapur ext., badarpur. new delhi-110044

Delhi,110025 India


w Delhi -110018
A, MAHARASHATRA 444 004 India



ia,University Campus, New Delhi -110025 India
Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design, Legacy Systems, Mobile, Network Planning, Quality As

s Colony , Tamur Nagar, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi 65.

EW DELHI-110078
New Delhi –110025 India

w delhi 9268667646 please contact me on this number

ear Moti Barat Chowpal, Munirka, New Delhi - 110067, India

chaeological survey of India, Red Fort,Delhi-110006

RADESH 201002 IN

27 Basant Vihar New Delhi 54

73 Magaranibagh New Delhi 65


New Delhi Delhi India


AS, 110016, India

New Delhi HARYANA 110025 India

stration, Network Planning, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Prog

LHI-17 P: +91-9953068688

jodhpur. Rajasthan

hop House, Kotdwar Pauri UTTARANCHAL 246172 IN

Ghaziabad, U.P
ear Tilak Nagar) DELHI-110018
NEW DELHI 110003 India

o 16 , room no 607 , hauz khas ,new delhi 110016

, NEW DELHI-110078
Delhi - 110 085
sh 176061 India
PRADESH 110049 India

r, New Delhi-110046
I 110039 India
I, NOIDA-201301

ARYANA 110017 IN
, Delhi-110017

r road pauri garhwal

Colony New Delhi - 110045

surance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software


w Delhi, 110065
3, Sector 12, Dwarka
ram gali kirti nager sirsa haryana(125055) phone 09813055998

naj mandi fatehabad(haryana)125050


leage Gobindopuri; Kalkaji nd - 19

PRADESH 208014 India

t, Sector - 2 New Delhi HARYANA 110 001 IN

r Motipur BIHAR 843111 IN
A 754010 India

ba Daram Dass Road, Srinagar, J&K, India

I, delhi-11096

110046 India
warka, New Delhi-110075 India

847121 India

arela delhi-40
hinpuri NearDevli More Khanpur New Delhi : 62

lege New Delhi

Colony New Delhi-110045 Infront Of Raimbow Public School

ANA 122001 India

agar,okhla,new delhi-110025
New Delhi 110059

ka, New Delhi- 110075

elhi 110025 India
ain,near chupala,jamia nagar,new delhi-110025

t/E-commerce, Network Administration, Service Engineers, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming,
ad Kalayat distt.Kaithal, (haryana) 136117
axmi Nagar,Delhi-110092
se 2, New Delhi 110017

RM, GIS, Internet/E-commerce, Mainframe, Mobile, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software

- 695 581 Kerala, India.

Lajpat nagar-II New Delhi-24

ELHI 110059 India

o, Jamshedpur-831004, Jharkhand

ELHI 110095 India

urdwan west bengal

or-14, CBD-Belapur Navi Mumbai - 400614


ar New Delhi-08
ge, surajkund, Faridabad

agar, New Delhi-17

eelampur Delhi 110053

LHI 110026 India

Puri Ext. Street No 11-B, Palam New Delhi DELHI 110045 India
ari Delhi-110084
atparganj Delhi In India

darpur Delhi India

t- Digha Ghat, Patna-800011.(Bihar)

a lyt Hal 3rd Stage, Bangalore - 560017

DELHI 110033 India
p. pin=230502


har New Delhi DELHI 110016 India

ELHI 110025 India
274201 India

Kailash, new delhi-65

P. , PIN-246761

Marketing Strategy, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales

rka, Delhi -110075

Dwarka New Delhi 110075 Cell: 09873149547

DESH 226 010 India

rtments, Pocket-8, Sector-12, Dwarka, New Delhi, 100075
sque jamia nagar okhla, delhia

m Nagar. New Delhi. 110059


ub, Mayur vihar Phase-1,Delhi-110091.

ETAH U.P. PIN-207302

New Delhi - 110096

daun uttar pradesh 243601

en Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Delhi - 110091

d, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005
, Main Mathura Road, Sarai Khwaja, Faridabad- 121003.

- Timarpur, Delhi - 110054

110 West Bengal

W DELHI DELHI 110045 India

ctor 12 Dwarka Delhi

110048. INDIA

OCK Golf View Appartment Saket New Delhi 110017

bai nagar,New Delhi.


south patel nagar,new delhi

-2, palam colony, new delhi-45

nt, Project Management, Urban Development

New Delhi-79 , India

gh club road, delhi-110063

ew Delhi 110017 India

ctor 7 Dwarka Phase-I New Delhi - 110 075

NJAB 141013 India

-II New Delhi-110017

h Paschim Vihar N.D. 110087


Delhi Delhi India

ow 201 307 India




ar Brijwasan)

elhi DELHI 110075 India

School, G.D.Colony Mayur Vihar, Delhi-110096

t - II, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, UP

Delhi 110085.

ARNATAKA 560037 India

110003 India

ew delhi-110001 LUCKNOW.
a Nagar, Mathura.

o.9A, Near Madhu Vihar Market, I. P. Extension, New Delhi 110 092
HAKUR BASTI New Delhi-110056

warka, New Delhi-75

e no 3,majhaulia, muzaffarpur, bihar
ew delhi 10085


Delhi Delhi-110018

ARYANA 110027 India

w Delhi 110074

arganj Delhi HARYANA 110 092 India




reet vihar east delhi


w Delhi, INDIA


New Delhi-110001


elhi HARYANA 110091 India

-2,I.I.T. Campus,HAuz Khas,New Delhi.

ESH 243001 India

110092 India

her IT Software
ew Delhi-85.

AL 249407 India

ur Vihar-III New Delhi

king Girls Hostel, Near Sarojini Nagar Market, New Delhi-110023


i bagh clubroad,New Delhi110063

har, new delhi-110062

5 New Delhi Delhi 324005 India


floor Shakarpur Scool Block Delhi-110092
stration, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

.S) Distt. Hooghly, West Bengal, Pin-712102

NEW DELHI-110030

160054 Panjab, India


ijay Block, Near Naththu Sweets, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi-110092

atparganj Delhi HARYANA 110092 India

airy,new delhi-49
ar (Hastsal villag)N.D. 110059


nd Floor Vaishali Ghaziabad NCR
HI 110059 India

o.13, IP Extension, New Delhi - 92

ang airport,New Delhi,pin-110003


110049 India

LHI 110049 India

Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, News Anchor/Compere, Production/Technical, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System
are Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

1 Madhya Pradesh


,New Delhi 110063

arka -110075, new delhi

et New Delhi

out Bangalore KARNATAKA 560037 India

Line Delhi-110006

HARYANA 110001 India

vat new delhi-110005

lpur near patparganj, Delhi-92


davali,New Delhi-92

Development Area, New Delhi, 110016 India


HARYANA 110058 India

shnu garden
k, delhi-110006.

Laxmi Nagar, Delhi- 92

ol,shalimar bagh,new delhi-88

110017 India

ew Delhi-110063
new delhi - 110063


e-1, delhi -91


o Steel City, Jharkhand Pin-827004

New Delhi-110001
BENGAL 713204 IN


ve 2 shahibabad gzd.


I NEW DELHI DELHI 110085 India
Patpar Ganj, DELHI-110092

ol,shalimar bagh,new delhi-110088

d, New Delhi DELHI 110002, India

ADESH 452004 India

Vaishali, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh-201010

Property No.- 886, Ward No.-8, Mehrauli New Delhi HARYANA 110030 IN
S DELHI-110031

Haryana 121005 India


New Delhi 110046 India


HPC Complex, Faridabad,



w Delhi - 110060
Kiran Garden, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi 110059

House) Uttam Nagar

hi nagar)Delhi -110031

Extn. Karawal Nagar Road Delhi-110094

y ballabgarh (Faridabad)
ARNATAKA 560 003 India
, Selaiyur, Chennai 600073 India

835210 India


rmanent : Chinsurah, Dist. Hooghly West Bengal

AR DELHI-110007

d Holy Child School New Delhi-110027


R.K.puram, New delhi-110022

ngabad Maharashtra.
ad New Delhi

OU Road Saidulajab, South of Saket New Delhi 110017

Faridabad (HARYANA)121004
era, Ahmedabad GUJARAT 380005 India
school sec-22 noida (u.p)

atara Sahi PO: College Square Cuttack Orissa

, PH-1 (EXTN), DELHI - 110096
y Campus Chandigarh-160014 India

K NEW-DELHI, 110019


A 110024 India
l Road Khanpur, New Delhi - 62

ew Delhi-110018

Delhi 110034 India

new delhi - 17
121008 India

at Nagar-IV, New Delhi Indore M.P 452009 IN


, DELHI - 110032. INDIA

ar) ghaziabad

ase 1, New Delhi
Road Complex, New Delhi - 110016

i Extension, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 110017

nema. Bahraich {u.p}

ar,new delhi-08

TAR PRADESH 250001 India

win, Distt. Bilaspur (H.P) Pin-174027

New Delhi-79 , India

lhi – 110 002

New Delhi-110062

DELHI 110014 India

ar Okhla-110025

I 110019 India

110023 India
k farm,Khanpur

SSAM 781006 India

RADESH 201301 India

Palam Colony Delhi DELHI India


r Nagar New Delhi-62

New Delhi DELHI 110065 India

110086 India

New Delhi-110096

I 110053 India

New Delhi 16 India

nk Road, Ghaziabad. (U.P.)

hase-2,Delhi INDIA

ATS, Uttam Nagar New Delhi DELHI India

zl enclave new delhi, 110025

4, Ashoka Enclave - I, Faridabad - 121001




a 689 600 IN

DEN, DELHI-110005

orar , Gwalior. 474006

ELHI -110085
ool, Sector 19, NOIDA-201301

OR 13, ROHINI DELHI 110085 India

Delhi DELHI 110075 India


DELHI 110018 India
EW DELHI DELHI 110045 India

2, Mehrauli, New Delhi

HI 10013 India
nda bhajanpura.
aharsa Bihar 852124 India
m colony New Delhi DELHI India

or, G - Block, Dilshad Colony, Near Kalyan Hospital, New Delhi - 110 095
HI 110092 India

Delhi - 110065

ew Delhi - 110025
DELHI 110059 India
elhi110075 India

nj Delhi - 110092

a Nagar, New Delhi-25


W 110059 India
lhi DELHI 110025 India

lony, Sagar Pur, New Delhi - 110045

-23 faridabad

r , New Delhi
a Delhi 110094
ar, Okhla New Delhi-110025
110096 India
Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 273001 India
pplication Programming, Software Engineer

warka, New Delhi , 110075 Location: Delhi

HI 110008 India
r, Okhla New Delhi-25

Pura, Shahdara Delhi- 110032


110085 India
anj, Delhi -110092 India

gar, Behind Sheikh Sarai market New Delhi DELHI 110017 India

ase I Extn. New Delhi - 110096 India

110063 India
lhi Near MCD Dispensary

New Delhi-110052
delhi DELHI India
dwarka L & T society New Delhi 110078 India
OHINI DELHI-110085 6

dwara Delhi Cantt 110010

NOU Road, New Delhi 110030

Mumbai.Mumbai 400703


alakaji Extension New Delhi-19

mari Amman Nagar Extn., Vijay Nagar, Velachery, Chennai-42, INDIA.

Mayur Vihar phase-1 Contect No- 9891976166

R SEC.4 ,NEW DELHI 110062

ubash Marg, New Delhi-110045

EW DELHI- 110058
w Delhi-110046

enclaves delhi 110096

ar phase 1 New Delhi 110091

ave, Gali No. 7, Shaheen Bag New Delhi Mobile No. 09999734680


Nagar, New Delhi-110025

Vaishali Ghaziabad


gizhor noida(u.p.)


w Delhi-110059
7-A New delhi - 110075
, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301

GAR DELHI - 110091

Y NEW DELHI 110045
uda, Hyderabad - 500050


elhi - 110073
ew Delhi-110025
No.1, Delhi.110092

s, Tughlakabad Extension, New Delhi

ark, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi
r, System Analyst/Tech Architect

t, Technical Sales

m ,Ghaziabad, U.P.

u Garden,New Delhi-110018

Radhu Palace, Laxmi Nager, Delhi=110092

i-110064, India
,New Delhi-75

ve, Near IGNOU, Neb Sarai, New Delhi 110068

tment Mayur Vihar - I (ext) New Delhi


w Delhi-110092
neer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
Moujpur, Delhi-110053

nt Dwarka-75

i - 110021 India
ndhra Bank, New Delhi 110034
parganj, I.P.Extn. Delhi-110092(INDIA).

Timarpur, Delhi - 110054.

dhivihar, Near Mukherjinagar, New Delhi 110009
apuram, Ghaziabad U.P. 201010

. PIN- 250622


MIS, ERP/CRM, Employee Relations, Internet/E-commerce, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training, Training & Development, Other Electronics, Other IT

, hotgi road, solapur. maharashtra, india




e, Post:- Sodepur, Kol:-700110.
w delhi india-110067

Bagh New Delhi-110005

Sahibabad,Ghaziabad,(U.P.) Pin 201005

ubarkpur, south ex-i

ew Delhi-110091


ave Delhi-110096.
W DELHI 110083

, sec- 44 , noida
Rohini, Delhi-85

I DELHI- 1100085
r Associates, Malviya Nagar – New Delhi 110017

ainframe, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming

,phase -4,New delhi

New Delhi) OR H.No 232 A Vinayak Nagar Sector 1st Upper Muthi Jammu.


m Analyst/Tech Architect

sion,Begumpur,Opp Sec-22, Rohini,New Delhi.




ave,Munirka.New Delhi
ck , Street No.20 Palam Colony, New Delhi-110045.

pur, Khora Coloney, Ghaziabad

a Nagar, New Delhi-17

m No. 305. Katwariya Sarai. New Delhi.

ar, Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi - 110003

A, DELHI-110094

N ,NEW DELHI110059

9/A, Gali No-3 Mohan Block, Sagarpur(W) New Delhi-110047

ad, New Delhi


rtment,7, I.P Extension, Patparganj.Delhi-110092

w Delhi - 110001

ARA DELHI 110032

n Oil Building,Green Park New Delhi-16

unj. New delhi-70

ramshala h.p.


haupal, Main IGNOU Road Neb Sarai New Delhi-68

28, Sector-62 Noida-201301

neral Store, Munirka
Architect, Systems Programming

, New Delhi-110045

ew colony), dist- Sundargarh, state- orissa

ser, Other Architecture


M.P.) 452001

Teh: Todaraisingh Distt: Tonk (Rajasthan), PIN: 304505



, Palam Colony New Delhi - 110045

Gurgaon, Haryana
Extn. New Delhi-14
warka Plaza-1,Dwarka Sec-10 plot not 204,205

ew Delhi 110059 IN

ha Near Masjid Chameli Ki Budaun (U.P.)

, Paschim Vihar New Delhi – 83 India

Delhi 110062

HI PIN CODE - 110048

W DELHI-110064


2,Madhuban Mohala North Ghonda,Gali no. 2 Delhi -53 +91-9871373822


new delhi-110048
mother dairy, New Delhi -110092

da – 151001, Punjab, India

hikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066

airman Complex), Mandawali Main Road, New Delhi -92
hi ,near sapana cinema

urity, Training

m Colony New Delhi-110045

In Front of Old JNU Campus New Delhi-110016

mandir, opp. paras hospital, gurgaon 122002.


rabha appartments, dwarka, sector 23, new delhi-100075

und Road, New Delhi 42
rpur - 110047
nagar-4, New Delhi-24
Janakpuri East, New Delhi-18.

ts,Dwarka,Phase-2 New Delhi-110075

y Baner Pune

haziabad - 201010, Uttar Pradesh.



Delhi 110017

culty, Training
mail –sobhnath@rediffmail.com sobhnathbhatt@yahoo.co.in

ad. UP, INDIA.PIN-201009

otkar lane. 37/2 Bhau patil Road Pune 411020

lyst/Tech Architect
-I New delgi -91
hi - 110043. (Near New Solanki Public School)

xtn., Block E-2, Badarpur, New Delhi-110044

arka, New Delhi
s, Nangloi, Delhi - 110041
Delhi 110003


tion, uttam nagar, new delhi-110059


Phone 0120-2765566 ;09908711131

ya nagar new delhi-17
elhi, 110041
npour new delhi
am, Ghaziabad, U.P. 201010
Phase-1 Extn. New Delhi 11--96

Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92

.johns school delhi-110082
li, New Delhi-92

ttam ngr.delhi-110059

elhi Ph: 9891075443 (9 AM 5 PM) 9868386456(7 PM- 8 AM)

ew Delhi-110049, India
w Delhi-110065

Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059

Kodichkannali Road Nr. Vijaya Bank Colony Off Bannerghatta Road Bangalore

ELHI -110008


Delhi 110062

HEEL, DELHI-110031

New Delhi-110087

alyst/Tech Architect, System Security

ew Delhi - 110064
hi cantt-10 sadar bazar road new delhi.
er, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Technical Writing, Other IT Software

ment,Krishn Kunj Extn Laxmi nagar New Delhi – 110 092


NA 110025 IN

kaji, New Delhi HARYANA 110019 IN

ur school block, delhi-92



Tivoli Garden, New Delhi - 110068

ne, New Delhi - 110048, India.

Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
ech Architect
Kalka Ji Extn, New Delhi -19.
gning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
aon, 122003
Delhi - 110010

Gaffar Manzil Jamia Nagar Okhla New Delhi-25

re, Sector - 4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad - 201010

New Delhi-110018

Delhi, 110007

w Delhi - 110075

NO. 110085

w delhi 110017
ness Strategy, Business/Systems Analysis, EDP/MIS, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Ar

onship, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software

seerpur, Dwarka Phase-I, New Delhi-110045, INDIA

ents Sector-14, Rohini, Delhi 110085, India

Virar (W) , Mumbai Dist. – Thane, Maharashtra, India PIN - 401303

e VI, Near Gurudwara, New Delhi, 110047

ation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Ana
ector 22 New Delhi-110045

I PIN-110019
INDIA - 121006

nge, Near Pankha Road, New Delhi - 110045

elhi - 110091
,okhla, new delhi-110025

dabad Haryana . 226024


nsurance, Other IT Software

II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad - 201013

akoor Basti, New Delhi

Block, Sector 18B, Dwarka, Delhi, India

110 060 INDIA


lam Colony, New Delhi - 110045


a Bagh, Lado Sarai, New Delhi-110030

, New Delhi -110019

ahibabad, Ghaziabad - 201010
rs Sharda Nagar, Kudwa, Gondia
tems Programming, Other IT Software
Road Bommanahalli, Bangalore-68
Pitampura, New Delhi-110034
ystem Analyst/Tech Architect

System Security
ngirabad, Bhopal-462008 M.P. India

Motia Khan Pahar Ganj New Delhi

DELHI - 11025

lyst/Tech Architect
HINI, DELHI-110085
Masjid Okhla, New Delhi-110025

01005 Delhi-NCR INDIA

ect Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
warka, New Delhi

7, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075


PIN CODE : 233001

Pakistan P.O.Box 75160

ndirapuram, Ghaziabad (u.p.) - 201314

ning, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software


chitect, Other IT Software

W DELHI- 110 043

on, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
.P Extension , Patparganj , Delhi -110092
shan kunj extn.-1,laxmi nagar,delhi-91

3, Rajput Mohalla Ghonda, Delhi India 110053

ew Delhi - 1100 25, India

W DELHI-17 Mobile. 09868322554

a Enclave, Delhi - 96
GURGAON - 220 001


oftware Consulting, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Sales, Other Bus. Consultants, Other IT Software, Other Sales/BusDev

, New Delhi-110005

d, Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin-201005

tion, Network Planning, Security, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT
Gourgaon H.R.

New Delhi-110019


em Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Technical Writing, Trainer/Faculty, Training, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software

ery Chennai 600042

Depot , New delhi. - 110008

autam budha nagar(up)

New Delhi - 110 088



ARG. NEW DELHI - 110003

y, Mahavir Enclave, New Delhi 110045

New Delhi-68

yana 121106
ara, Delhi-110093

, DELHI - 110091

Kannur 670002, Kerala, India

DELHI 110 059

tor-22, Dwarka New Delhi-110075 India

., Kunnamthanam, Thiruvalla, Kerala State


hav Khand , Indirapuram Ghaziabad - 201010 U.P.

H, New Delhi - 110020

EAST OF KAILASH, NEW DELHI-110065 01126460822;09811026714

O.-48, SECTOR-9, ROHINI, DELHI-110085

ap Encalve Pitampura - Delhi
warka, New Delhi 2 A 2, Gautam Nagar BHOPAL 462023 (M.P.)


w Delhi-110070
ABAD, UP201012

amuck(po) karichal kadavu 680544(pin)

dministration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Other IT Software

W DELHI-110088
New Delhi - 110075

IInd floor, Jamia Nagar Okhla New Delhi-110025

artarpura rly phatak,jaipur

abad ,uttar prasdesh.
elhi Mobile No +919871757988 E-mail ID: ajaxavi@gmail.com

i PO+PS: Masaurhi Dist: Patna, Bihar PIN: 804452



305901 (raj) INDIA

i Kalkaji New Delhi - 19

hla, New Delhi -110025.
Dharamshala Building, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi-7

et no-5 West Ghondha Delhi 110053

oad New Delhi -18
Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming, Other IT
mmerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
kaer bnawan.Bahadurgarh(Haryana)


TH EXT NEW DELHI-110003 CONTACT NO.: -9891438065

new delhi -25

Gaon Road, Mehrauli, New Delhi-110030

oor, Ber Sarai, hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016

RYANA 110092 IN
nd Giri Nagar Kalka Ji Pin Code-110019,
NSA (PUNJAB)-151505

r, Gali no 2, Bhiwani ? 127021 (Haryana

, New Delhi- 110015
M.P. Pin- 473101

r, New Delhi


Nagar New Delhi –110092

EDP/MIS, Graphic Design Consultant, IT Consultant, Information Systems, Internet/E-commerce, Software Consulting, System Analyst/Tech Architect, O
Road Allahabad-211001 U.P. (INDIA)

Village Shahbad Mohammad Pur, New Delhi - 110061.


e, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Recruitment, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Te

ingh Marg, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi



New Delhi 44


ut-250001 U.P,India

New Delhi - 110059

80011, uttaranchal

Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software

ore, (madhya pradesh)

ita vihar new delhi 11oo76

Pocket-B Dwarika New Delhi

Delhi – 110025


ad, Batla House, Okhla , New Delhi-110025

/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Maintenance, Network Administration, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Administration, S

etro station -110027

r nagar, new delhi-65

No. 7, Delhi-110091
Okhla New Delhi-110025
wai tonk rajasthan-304021
ar-I, New Delhi

ptee dist nagpur maharashtra

i bagh new delhi 110065



r,New Delhi-110092

bettiah, w. chamapran, bihar - 845438

97,C.R.Park, New Delhi.



GAR OKHLA NEW DELHI Mob-9718543341

andir delhi 53
Bhawan near new grain mkt.Palwal - 121102

shim Vihar , New Delhi - 110087

j Delhi 110092

No 33/56, Katwaria Sarai, Near IIT, New Delhi - 100016

OAD N.D.-110045

e babina cantt dis. Jhansi

NewDelhi 110049

R, NEW DELHI - 110018



r Pilkhuuwa (Ghaziabad) U.P 245304

Nagar, Okhla,New Delhi 110025


hiruvannamalai(District), Pin:606753.

nagar new delhi

Web Designing, Information Systems, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Softwa

m Analyst/Tech Architect




































sec 6 Dwarka New Delhi

nsulting, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Consulting, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

.p. gramin bank, bhagwatigunj, balrampur u.p. india


ce Gokulpuri,Delhi-110094.
nt Kunj, New Delhi 110070


Extn, Delhi - 110092

NEW DELHI-110087

-60. near about ganga ram hospital

EW DELHI 110059
Nagar, Delhi-110031

ew Delhi-110086

R, NEW DELHI -110044


Delhi - 110021

AR, NEW DELHI-110018

akPuri New Delhi=110018
GAziabad (U.P) 201010

nsion, Patparganj, Delhi-110092, India


Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

i Near - Bus Stand New Delhi

hitect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software

w Delhi 110019
ayur Vihar Phase-II, Delhi-91

New Delhi 110043.




2 New Delhi - 25

agar IV, New Delhi


nistration (DBA), Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
lhi - 110085.


Pathanamthitta Kerala 689691 IN

ihar Phase 1, New Delhi

ehousing, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programmin

Extension, New Delhi 110092 Mobile: +91 9971667032

dir, New Delhi 110062,

New Delhi-19



Vihar 3,New Delhi

Pahargunj New Delhi

ector-7, Rohini. New Delhi-110085.

new delhi -110003

ernet/E-commerce, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Fresh Grad, Other IT Software

NE - 08 DELHI-110033
shahab, Jamia milia islamia, New Delhi-110025

te..., New Delhi:-110062

Near Ansal PLaza, New Delhi-110049

oad Mangol Puri Rohini Delhi - 110083
3. Contact No. 9968298242, 011-22342437

ew Delhi-110005

amia Nagar, OKHLA New Delhi -25

w Delhi - 110030

ar Chowdhary Gitanjili Park,Street No-6G West Sagarpur,N.Delhi-46

aon, Haryana

eme, lucknow-226019 uttar pradesh

A-3119 S.G.M Nager street no-4 block-a














gi No 3, Lal Kuan, M.B Road, New Delhi. Pin- 110044 Phone No- 9910192574


,PUSA GATE 110008

w Delhii-110049

vill+p.o dundahera-122016

vi Dass Pura P.O - Pipli Dist.= Kurukshetra State= Haryana

gar New Friends Colony New Delhi

ngh Dhami(AC,ITBP), 83, Madangir Village,New Delhi-110062


esigning, System Analyst/Tech Architect

ocket-‘A’, New Delh

neral Store, Munirka, New Delhi

Enclave, Palam


lwar (Rajasthan). 09911224830 0144-2339617

15 Sec.-2 Vaishali,(gzb)

hil Nagar,Avadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu - 600062



Nagar Ghaziabad(mobile) 09919693192U.P 201002

chnologies, Network Administration, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
adara, Delhi 32
ation/Payroll, Consulting, Corp Communications, Direct marketing, ERP/CRM, Employee Relations, Events & conferences, Media Planning, Mobile, Netw


ema, h.no.4, st. no. 2,delhi-110092

, New Delhi-16

ear Sarai Kale Khan, New Delhi

e New Delhi-110066

110065 (India)

ngsway camp delhi-110009.

rauli, New-Delhi


htas Nagar, shahdara, Delh-110032

mia nagar,delhi 25
Puri New Delhi-18

23155 Andhra Pradesh.

, DELHI-110095
Pin- 201012
rka, New Delhi -75
O/o CCA-MEA,Akbar Bhawan, External Affairs,Chanakyapuri,New Delhi-110021
gineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming

Architect, Systems Programming, Training

uli, new delhi-30

hnology, GIS, GPRS, GSM, Mobile, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Technical Writing, Trainer/Faculty, Trainin

a Nagar,Safdarjung Enclave, N.Delhi-29



East Gorakhpark, Sahdara New Delhi-110032

Delhi, 110034

hitect, Other IT Software

chitect, System Security, Other IT Software

New Delhi, India
warka, New Delhi - 110045


r, Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Pin - 122016
oo.co.in Mobil: 0091-9873332704 Home: 0091-522-2648371


arka, New Delhi, India 110075


tegy, Business/Systems Analysis, Equity Analyst, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT S

r NIT Faridabad-121005

ziabad UP Pin-201204

ts, Dwarka New Delhi



p Vikas Kunj , New Delhi 110018

2,vasant kunj new delhi-70,

ems Programming


way Camp Delhi - 110009

TN NEW DELHI - 110019


floor, Main gali road, Katwaria sarai-16

al New Delhi 110021

l town -1, near GTB Nagar delhi -110009

New Delhi - 17.

ject Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming


Web Designing, Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Trai
oad East Mumbai -401107


s Colony New Delhi-65

ration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming

azar, Delhi-110006.
parmanand colony delhi -9

utam Nagar new delhi-110049 dd

al Writing, Trainer/Faculty, Training, Training & Development, Other HR/PM/IR/Tng, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
w Delhi -110085

Delhi 110005
are Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect
New Delhi-110029
d, Jangpura Extension, New Delhi-14



st/Tech Architect, Technical Writing

ew Delhi- 110095

120-2779832 Mo 09871588006

LHI - 110092
e – 9216035139

near Savitri Cinema) New Delhi - 19


tching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
Sector - 12, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

Noida, UP - 201301

or - 19, New Delhi

elhi - 110049

New Delhi - 30.


hetra -136119 Haryana India

istration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Network Planning, Security

agar, Delhi-51

tion, System Analyst/Tech Architect

System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software


p.o.uttam nagar. new delhi 110059.

elhi - 110060

,Ghaziabad U.P - 201005

e jamia nagar new delhi-25

Network Administration, Network Planning, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Strategic Alliances, System Analyst/Tech Architect
r, New Delhi 110 025
Maintenance, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software

khla, new delhi-25

HI 110052 INDIA , * 7
, Security, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

al Store, N. N. Road, Line Par, Bahadurgarh. Distt. Jhajjar (Haryana) 124507.

iety, Sector 50, Noida UP India

nj, New Delhi 110070

st/Tech Architect

ve New Delhi 110045

tor 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075 INDIA

9, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

mi Nagar, Delhi 92
m Nagar, New Delhi - 110059
ect, Systems Programming, Training
ehousing, EDP/MIS, ERP/CRM, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, IT , Internet/E-commerce, Legacy Systems, Project Leader/ Project Manage
ehaldpur , badarpur new delhi
tension II, Bhopura, Ghaziabad


i 110 019 Phone # ( Res. ) 011- 32452985

ex Okhla Road, New Delhi - 25

Kunj, N.Delhi-110070
oftware Professionals In Application Implementation, Integration,Analysis

hi, PIN: 110021

st/Tech Architect
ery Delhi -110092
nclave, Delhi - 110096
ALYA,Bangalore. Pin-5500075
4, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
na Road,Gurgaon (Haryana)

India. 110076

D NEW DELHI-110064


a, Delhi - 110034
ward no0.3 mehrauli n.delhi-30
tion, System Analyst/Tech Architect

61 , NOIDA, UP 201301

atparganj, New Delhi - 110092


ASE - I DELHI - 91

r Vaishali, Sector - 5 Ghaziabad ( U.P. ) Pin - 201 010

ase-3, delhi-110096
D, NEW DELHI - 110003


ryana PIN -122002

nalyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other IT Software, Other Top Mgmt
365, Gulmohar Colony, Bhopal (M.P.)
DELHI 110019
hta Chowk (Near Tanishq Apartments) Mehrauli New Delhi-110030


ryana 121106
43 Vivek Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow
4, DWARKA, NEW DELHI - 110075

Extension, Sector 23, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110 045

hase-1,New delhi-110096


elhi - 110016

abad 121 002, Haryana, INDIA

hi 110 063 India

Mother School Aurobindo Marg New Delhi 110 016

Estate, Kurukshetra Haryana-136118 E-mail: vishalgarg_9@yahoo.com

arka sector-3 new delhi-110059

ngg. bawana road new delhi 110042

pur,Distt:- Begusarai, Pin code:-851133, State:- Bihar
irka, New Delhi


ho Nagar, Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh, India, 247001

a Road,Dehradun

o. 8, Gaffar manzil, Jamianagar, okhla, New Delhi


Near Shiv Mandir, New Moti Nagar, Karampura, New Delhi- 110015

azar , P.O.- Ganiyar Distt. - Mahender garh haryana 123021

Nehru Place), New Delhi - 110019

new delhi-110025




pur, NEW DELHI, Pincode - 110044
ew delhi 110044

, Sector 14, New Delhi 110085

DELHI - 110017
-42,Sharkarpur Delhi- 110092


ad, ghaziabad, U.P, pin-201005

uilding V.p.o -badli delhi -110042

Pandav Nagar Complex Delhi-110092

, UP,250001 Temp.-:D-48A HauzKhaas, New Delhi mobile no.-: 09997740287,9990127566


Delhi - 110093
rategy, Database Administration (DBA), EDP/MIS, Freelance Programmer, Freelance Web Designer, IT Consultant, Internet/E-commerce, Joint Ventures,

w delhi-110010
alchaur Haldwani (Nainital)
my hospital (R & R) delhi cantt
iya Nagar, New Delhi-110017


a new delhi-110045

9, Rohini, Delhi - 110085

- 110087, India
eet No 2, Shahdara delhi-110032

tration, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
ony sector 23 dwarka new delhi 45

New Delhi - 110025

gaon-442302,tah-deoli, dist-wardha,maharashtra

o 7 arjun nagar,safdarjung enclave new delhi-110029

NI DELHI-110085

new delhi 110065

s Sweets, Laxminagar, Delhi Pin-110092

,ranibagh new delhi-34

S, GSM, Mobile, RF Engineering, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect

Hauskhas, N.Delhi_1100016.
elhi-110085, India

,Shahadra, Delhi-110053
R, AGRA- 282010
ai, New Delhi-110016


Ganesh Nagar II, Shakarpur, Delhi-92
no#8,jamia nagar,okhla,n.delhi.25

External Hardware, Graphic Designing/Animation/Web Designing, IC Fabrication, IC Programming, Information Systems, Input/Output, Internet/E-comm

e station delhi -110095

ouse, Bhiwani(Haryana) -127021
ware Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming




Kishan Ganj




































/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security


0 008. Mob No. (91) 9871919039

, NEW DELHI -110045

, new delhi-92
ers Hari Nagar New Delhi - 64

Shakarpur New Delhi -110092

Utter Pradesh
i gali, kotla mubarkpur

w Delhi - 110018
esently in Dubai)

abad - 121003


atwaria Sarai, New Delhi - 110016

hase-III New Delhi

gloi rd new delhi-110041
ast Mumbai 400093

ar New Delhi 110087.

rden Ext.-1 Sahibabad Ghazibad

r Phase I, New Delhi - 91


rka, New Delhi INDIA 110075

r, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
lhi - 110088.
se, New Delhi-25

86, Defence Colony

Nagar, Delhi.

W DELHI 110088
m Vihar, New Delhi-63
uram, Ghaziabad-201012
tn., Near Ambedkar Nagar Thaana, New Delhi - 110062

lyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software

delhi 110033
, Delhi 110006

w Delhi, India 110057

em Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security

alyst/Tech Architect

w Delhi-110024.India
ehousing, IT , Internet/E-commerce, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other
t/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Training

chnical Content Developer, Project Leader/ Project Manager, System Analyst/Tech Architect

anj, delhi-110092.
ilash-III, New Delhi-48.

rmswood village, faridabad


oftware Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Garden New Delhi

Internet/E-commerce, Management Audit, Outside Consultant, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Risk Management, Sales/Business Development, Soft
neering, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Telecom

posite Canara Bank,Munirka, N.D.-67Phone No-01128744066 Mob no-9868164066

wn surya hotel sarai julena new delhi - 25

,phase-I,plot-1,pocket-1,dwarka,new delhi-110075

eader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Top Mgmt

10 Technology Apartments IP Extension,Patparganj New Delhi-92

Distt ghaziabad Pin 201206 INDIA

sting, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
pur, New Delhi-110044

arve nagar,pune 411052


tn., Patparganj. Delhi -110092.









9 Udaynagar Durgapur-713203 West Bengal

Vihar New Delhi-11 0087.

hnical Writing, Customer Support, H/W Installation/Maintenance, Hardware Design

Delhi. PIN : 110096


Delhi ,110091
Kolkata (700039)

n, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Hardware Design, Network Planning, Security, Switching/Router
parganj, Delhi-110092
arden Ext-2 Sahibabad, Ghaziabad UP Pin-201005

, Kolkatta - 700097

Delhi - 110003
em Circle, Aundh Pune – 411007, India
r Evergreen Public School, Delhi-110051
idayrthi 1231 C, Sector 17C Near IFFCO CHOW, GURGOAN

ew Delhi 110045

xtension, Delhi-110033

alimar Garden Extn-I,Sahibabad,Ghaziabad

Delhi - 110051
New Delhi - 110029.

i-110017 INDIA
aPuram, Ghaziabad

a, Ghaziabad-201012

lhi.Near PVR-Saket.

inda - 151001


uram, Ghaziabad (U.P.)

, U.P.201001

ite IV-Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (201010)

m Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Programming, System Security, Embedded Technology, Network Planning, Security, Switchin

at No-204 (F-4) Vashali (Ghaziabad) U.P.

abad, Uttar Pradesh - 201010

m-4/6,NEW DELHI-12

tment, Noida-29
unirka, New Delhi 110 067





ipat 132103, Haryana


PHASE-3 DELHI-110096

y Khand_IV, Near Police Station, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad

9, Rohini, delhi-110085
elhi - 110049

Systems Programming
Vikas Sadan New Delhi
es, Hanuman Road,Cannaught Place.New Delhi-1
elhi -110044
ujpur Delhi-110053 PH-98115-09392 E-MAIL-sk4412@gmail.com

Delhi-110052, India.

npuri Ext. New Delhi-110062

aishali, Ghaziabad, UP, India-201010

ctor A, Pocket B & C, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110070

anager, Relationship/Account Servicing, Software Engineer, Strategic Alliances, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Corp Plng, Other IT Software, Othe
Testing, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming, Teacher, Technical Writing,
ork Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Archi
em Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Training
ect, Systems Programming, Other Top Mgmt
ect Leader/ Project Manager, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Sy
tem Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
Trainer/Faculty, Training
Assurance, Security, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
st/Tech Architect, Systems Programming
ch Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Software
Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security
twork Planning, Quality Assurance/Testing, Software Engineer, Switching/Router, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Systems Progr
tem Security, Systems Programming, Trainer/Faculty, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
ty, Systems Programming, Other Fresh Grad, Other IT Software, Other Srvc Engg
tect, Other IT Software
Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
Other Electronics, Other IT Software
er, System Analyst/Tech Architect

dministration, System Analyst/Tech Architect

t, System Security, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software, Other Security
ms Programming, Other IT Software
m Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Fresh Grad

m Analyst/Tech Architect, Technical Writing, Other IT Software

r, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
gramming, Other IT Software
itect, Systems Programming
edia Planning, Mobile, Network Administration, Performance Mgmt, Recruitment, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Arch
ng, Trainer/Faculty, Training
/Tech Architect, Other IT Software
ect, Technical Writing, Training
ect Leader/ Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Other Top Mgmt
commerce, Joint Ventures, Network Administration, Research Associate, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, Sys
t/Output, Internet/E-commerce, Microcontrollers, Mobile, Network Administration, Project Leader/ Project Manager, Signal Processing, Software Engin
tems Programming, Other IT Software
usiness Development, Software Engineer, Strategic Alliances, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Other Corp Plng, Other IT Software, Othe
Planning, Security, Switching/Router
ng, Other IT Software, Other Sales/BusDev
Teacher, Technical Writing, Other IT Software
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
hitect, System Security, Systems Programming
ch Architect, Systems Programming, Other IT Hardware, Other IT Software
System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming, Training & Development, Other HR/PM/IR/Tng, Other Marketing/Media
Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Technical Writing, Training
Processing, Software Engineer, System Administration, System Analyst/Tech Architect, System Security, Systems Programming
g, Other IT Software, Other Top Mgmt
er Marketing/Media

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