Jangle Phosphatidylcholine HPLC Method Development For Soy
Jangle Phosphatidylcholine HPLC Method Development For Soy
Jangle Phosphatidylcholine HPLC Method Development For Soy
A novel, efficient and simple approach for soy phosphatidylcholine analysis according to its fatty acid composition
was studied with reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The reverse-phase high-performance
liquid chromatography analysis was performed isocratically using UV detector and simple mobile phase solvents
consisting of isopropyl alcohol, methanol, and deionized water in the proportion of 70:8:22 v/v. The uniqueness of
the proposed method was the separation of individual fatty acids of soy phosphatidylcholine. The high-performance
liquid chromatography method for soy phosphatidylcholine was validated for linearity with correlation coefficient
of above 0.99 for all the peaks separated according to their fatty acid composition. The intra‑day and the inter‑day
precision studies provided the relative standard deviation of less than 2%. The limit of detection and limit of
quantitation values were also calculated for all the resolved peaks of soy phosphatidylcholine. Also system performance
parameters such as number of theoretical plates, capacity factor, tailing factor, separation factor, and peak resolution
were studied systematically and found well within the acceptable range. The proposed high-performance liquid
chromatography method was successfully applied to soy phosphatidylcholine extracted and purified from deoiled
soy lecithin without any interference of impurities or solvent peaks. Individually, the collected peaks of sample soy
phosphatidylcholine were subjected for mass spectroscopy. The mass spectra showed all the peaks having different
saturated or unsaturated fatty acid chains attached to glyerophosphocholine moiety of soy phosphatidylcholine.
The method developed is economic and well suited for estimation of soy phosphatidylcholine with its fatty acid
Phospholipids are major constituents of cell cosmetics domain depends mainly on the PC with
membrane and are found in all tissues and its saturated or unsaturated fatty acid content
subcellular compartments as mixtures of various and in many cases; lecithin with more than 50%
molecular species such as phosphatidylcholine PC content is used. On the other hand, in some
(PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), pharmaceutical formulations, especially those
phosphatidylinositol (PI), sphingomyelin (SM), used for neurological disorders, liver dysfunction
and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) depending on and in the preparation of liposome preparations,
the type of polar head groups and the degree of lecithin containing 80-90% PC is desired[5].
unsaturation of the acyl chains [1‑4]. Among these
phospholipids, PC represents a major constituent 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PC) (fig. 1)
of cell membranes. The demand for lecithin with consists of polar head group phosphorylcholine
high PC content from vegetable source is increasing attached to the sn-3 position of glycerol and
these days, particularly in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, differing saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
food and other applications due to their emulsifying esterified to the sn-1 and sn-2 position, whereby,
properties and nonantigenic nature. The application the fatty acid in position sn-1 are preferentially
of vegetable lecithins in pharmaceutical and saturated as a rule[6]. Different fatty acids attached
to glycerol moiety makes PC a very complex
*Address for correspondence molecule and consequently pose difficulty in
E-mail: rdjangle@gmail.com analyzing PC with its exact fatty acid composition.
May - June 2013 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 339
The major four fractions of elution from HPLC graph 780 (M+23). The fatty acid group giving molecular
were individually collected and subjected to mass weight of 780 may consist of 16 carbon atoms or
spectrometry in order to find the type of fatty acid 18 carbon atoms having 3° of unsaturation (double
groups present in the extracted and purified PC from bond). The double bonds present in this core can be
deoiled soy lecithin. The major peaks representing the associated with one fatty acid or it can be associated
retention time of 12.35, 15.57, 17.44, and 18.63 were with two fatty acids. The peak corresponding to the
collected. The mass spectra of all four peaks and its retention time 15.57 has a mass of 782 (M+23) which
fragmentation patterns are as shown in fig. 3. The may correspond to one fatty acid with 16 number
molecular weight of the peak corresponding to the of carbon atoms and one with 18 number of carbon
retention time of 12.35 was found to have a mass of atoms with two double bond present on either of the
fatty acid chain or one double bond on each fatty acid.
The molecular weight of the peak corresponding to the
retention time of 17.44 has a mass of 758 (M+23).
The molecular weight 758 is associated with two fatty
acids of 16 carbon number without unsaturation. The
molecular weight of the peak corresponding to the
retention time 18.63 was found to be 784 (M+23),
which may contain fatty acid with 16 number of
carbon atoms and one with 18 number of carbon
atoms with one double bond on either of the fatty
acid. The major fragmentation peak at 184 corresponds
to phosphocholine. The reason behind quoting of 16
and 18 carbon atoms is due to the fact that the soya
lecithin is known to contain majorly oleic, palmitic,
palmitoleic, linoleic, α‑linolenic and stearic acid, as
per the standard literature. PC from natural source is
a very complex molecule and mainly contain various
fatty acids. The fatty acid side chain present in PC
may vary with the source of its origin, and also
possibility of extensively peroxidized samples can
leave a highly saturated PC residue.
Fig. 2: RP‑HPLC chromatograms of phosphatidylcholine.
RP‑HPLC chromatogram of standard phosphatidylcholine (a) and
The method was validated for linearity, precision,
extracted phosphatidylcholine (b). accuracy, LOD, and LOQ. PC has shown good
linearity in the range of 100-1000 µg/ml for TABLE 4: SYSTEM PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS OF
individual peaks (Table 1) as this was the working DEVELOPED RP HPLC METHOD OF PC
Factor Peak
concentration range for the sample analysis.
1 2 3 4 5 6
The intra‑day and inter‑day precisions of PC No of theoretical Plates (n) 11253 13498 12651 15404 12797 16145
are presented in Table 2. These results show the (Acceptable limits, n>2000)
acceptable precision of the method, with % RSD Capacity factor (k’) 1.77 2.25 2.82 3.32 3.63 5.01
(Acceptable limits,
values much lower than 2%. The result also shows
that an excellent correlation exists between the Tailing factor (T) 1.164 1.167 1.162 1.138 1.086 1.243
peak area and the concentration of drugs within the (Acceptable limits T≤2)
concentration range. The accuracy of the method was Separation factor (α) 1.27 1.25 1.18 1.09 1.38
(Acceptable limits α > 1)
evaluated by adding the standard solution of 100,
200, and 300 (µg/ml) to the known concentration Peak resolution (R) 3.76 3.8 3.06 1.74 6.12
(Acceptable limits R>2)
of sample solution. The recovery at three different
levels of PC concentrations was obtained with an
average of 99.26% (Table 3) which was well within impurities present in the lecithin as showed in fig. 2b.
the limit of 98 to 102%. The LOD and LOQ for The results showed 99% purity of the purified PC.
smallest PC peak was found to be 7.26 and 22 μg/ml, Thus, it can be said that the proposed method of
respectively (Table 1), which also signifies the high RP‑HPLC was very much suitable for quantification
sensitivity of this method based on the signal‑to‑noise and analysis of PC.
ratio for LOD and LOQ. The signal‑to‑noise ratios
were 6.18 and 20.39, respectively. A novel, convenient, rapid, accurate, and precise
RP‑HPLC method was developed for the estimation
Once a method or a new system is proposed, it is of PC with various fatty acid chains from soybean
important to check the suitability of the method/ source. The assay provides a linear response across a
system against certain set parameters. The parameters wide range of concentrations. The low intra‑day and
such as number of theoretical plates, capacity factor, inter‑day with % RSD as low as 2, gives excellent
tailing factor, separation factor, and peak resolution recoveries of the eluted moieties. The proposed
allow the comparison of the peak shape, its peak method assures prolong life of column and system
and the baseline resolution. Alternatively, these due to simple organic solvents used in the mobile
parameters can be calculated experimentally to phase. The proposed method has been developed
provide excellent quantitative method of performance using UV detector which has made the method more
analysis (Table 4). economic than other methods reported in literature.
The mass spectrometry results confirmed that
PC extracted from crude deoiled lecithin by solid– various PC peaks from HPLC chromatogram were
liquid and liquid–liquid extraction followed by of different fatty acid chains. PC with its various
gradient column chromatographic separation as fatty acid chains can be separated by preparative
mentioned in the literature [28]. This extracted and chromatography in future using the proposed method
purified PC was successfully analyzed by the in economic way. Also, the proposed RP‑HPLC
proposed HPLC method with no interference of other method was successfully worked for extracted and
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