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Integrated science education in the context of the constructivism theory:

Some important issues

Article · January 2010


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1 author:

Vincentas Lamanauskas
Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy


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of education
in the 21st century
Volume 25, 2010

Integrated Science Education in

the Context of the Constructivism
Theory: some important issues

Vincentas Lamanauskas
University of Šiauliai, Lithuania
E-mail: v.lamanauskas@ef.su.lt

It is obvious that many scientists nowadays speak about constructivistic approach in

education. This topic is becoming very trendy. Is it correct to focus our attention only to the stu-
dy of this topic? This is a really complicated issue. There are quite a large variety of opinions,
as well as controversial. First of all it is obligatory to perceive the idea of integrated science
education in the context of constructivism as a theory of learning. Secondly, it is important to
understand and name the specificities of integrated science education implemented following
the principles of constructivistic teaching/learning. Thirdly, it is necessary to be able to predict
the possibilities of integrating the content of different subjects of science related to the specifi-
cities of students at different age stage as well as to material and human resources (Lamanau-
skas, Vilkonienė, 2008). Generally speaking previous studies implied that the development of
a constructivist-learning environment could contribute positively to changing student attitudes
toward science learning (Oh, Yager, 2004). However, we can not make an one-sided evaluation.
Who can deny that the traditional teaching and learning is wrong?
Constructivism may be considered an epistemology (a philosophical framework or
theory of learning) (Jean Piaget, 1967, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructivism_(learning_
theory)#cite_ref-0), which argues humans construct meaning from current knowledge struc-
tures. Knowledge should not be divided into different subjects or compartments, but should be
discovered as an integrated whole (McMahon 1997; Di Vesta, 1987).
The fact is that constructivism carries a major influence in contemporary science educa-
tion, although it has been the subject of a heated debate. Remarkably, one of the most important
implications of radical constructivism challenges the processes by which individual students
actively construct their own knowledge.
Constructivism has always skirted round the actual learning of an established body of
knowledge ... students will find that words are used in new and standardised ways: problems
which were never even seen as being problems, are solved in a sense which needs to be learned
and rehearsed. For a time all pupils may feel that they are on foreign land and no amount of
recollection of their own remembered territory with shut eyes will help them to acclimatise.
(Solomon, 1994, p. 16). Learning science involves being initiated into the culture of science. If
learners are to be given access to the knowledge systems of science, the process of knowledge
construction must go beyond personal empirical enquiry. Learners need to be given access
not only to physical experiences but also to the concepts and models of conventional science
(Driver et al., 1994, p. 6). Most science teachers try their best to explain things clearly, to make
of education
in the 21st century
Volume 25, 2010

 use of metaphors, to use demonstrations and practical work to flesh out abstractions, to utilise
projects and discussions for involving students in the subject matter, and so on. They realise
that many, if not most, things in science are beyond the experience of students and the capabili-
ties of school laboratories to demonstrate. The cellular, molecular and atomic realms are out of
reach of school laboratories, as is most of the astronomical realm. Most of the time even things
that are within reach do not work. It is a rare school experiment that is successful. For children,
a great deal of science has to be taken on faith. Good teachers do their best in the situation, and
try to point out why faith in science is warranted. In that case the approach of integrated teach-
ing/learning is the best choice.
The processes of integration are visible in science, technologies and economy including
education. The discussions about integrated education focused on the integration of teaching
content are frequently held. The future will show whether it is fashion or necessity. One point
is clear – the integration of teaching content is a burning issue of contemporary didactics. The
following main objectives make the dignity of integrated teaching evident:
• to conclude and classify knowledge imparted by sciences;
• to reveal the affinity of the key (general science) concepts;
• to reduce the flow of secondary information, to concentrate on teaching how to use
the sources of information (for example, encyclopaedia, reference books, dictionar-
ies, audio-video material, etc.);
• to make teaching/learning interesting, attractive, true to life, etc.
• to train pupils to adopt various classified courses in higher forms, etc.
Thus, integration is the development of a new wholeness from the previous different
units, components, for example, the content of teaching subjects, the kinds of activities, etc.
The characteristic features of the child or teenager should not be forgotten along with the theo-
retic examination and practic solution of the questions of integrated natural sciences teaching.
First, the processes of the child’s memory in terms of quality and quantity change (for example,
visual-sensorial, emotional memorable, etc.); second, the qualities of pupils’ cognitive activi-
ties (thinking, observation) are remarkably diverse (a particular group of pupils should manage
to perceive integrated material); third, a successful solution of the issues of psychologic adapta-
tion is considered to be an important point (new textbooks, new curricula, requirements, etc.);
fourth, contemplation on the basis of concepts prevails at school age, i.e. the world is accepted
as the generalization of the main features of objects and phenomena. Incidentally, such thinking
form only in childhood (Vygotskij, 1934); fifth, the level of abstraction increases together with
the degree of integration.

The younger the child the less s/he knows and manages, and therefore in terms of
him/her, the degree of the integration of subjects has to be limited

Certainly, teachers themselves should know more about the styles of teaching/learning
and different patterns of work organization (Eric W.K.Tsang, 1997). Pedagogues must com-
municate, argue and seek effective ways in order to hold teaching material in pupils’ memory
(Schlesinger, 1996). The author maintains that every integrated curriculum has to include two
modules – thematic and functional. The teaching curricula that should reproduce the integration
of content as well as of the process become notable. The integrated courses of natural sciences
should be coordinated with the systemic ones. The integrated course of teaching has to be
undertaken by the complex of training aids/resources for learning such as textbooks, work-
books, didactic material, teacher’s book (teaching methodology), visuals, etc. They guarantee
increased activities that are directly proportional to the efficiency of teaching/learning.
Vincentas Lamanauskas. Integrated Science Education in the Context of the Constructivism Theory: Some Important Issues
of education
in the 21st century
Volume 25, 2010

Table 1. Some factors on integrated natural science education 

efficiency (Lamanauskas, 2003).

Aspects of the significance of integrated Circumstances preventing efficiency of integrated natural

natural science education science education

• helps to model the entire (holistic) world-view; • the unsuitable, perverted view to natural science education;
• forms pupil’s individuality; • lack of teachers’ initiative and creativity;
• deepens and develops the kid’s world • teachers’ (particularly those of primary school) weak
outlook (understanding of nature); motivation of cognitive interaction with nature;
• establishes conditions for better mastering, • lack of teachers’ experience in the area of integrated
per ceiving and structuring natural sciences natural science education;
knowledge; • sufficiently high expenditure of working hours in order to
• establishes conditions to comprehensively efficiently formulate strategy of natural science education;
perceive relations between reason and result; • lack of the visual aids of natural science education and the
• establishes conditions to practically apply discrepancy of those to the required standards;
knowledge; • unequipped textbooks; the translated textbooks from
• helps to advance practical abilities and skills; foreign languages are particularly inefficient (not adapted
• establishes conditions for the teacher to to Lithuanian schools);
more colorful convey information; • the entire concept of integrated natural science education
• directly influences the quality of conveying is missing;
knowledge, evolves the motivation of cognitive • the teachers of elder generation are inert;
interaction with nature etc. • natural science education is a supporting part etc.

The constructivist theory of teaching must be based upon the constructivist theory of
learning (Selley, 1999). The constructivist framework challenges teachers to create environ-
ments in which they and their students are encouraged to think and explore the scientific knowl-
edge (Brooks & Brooks, 2001; Fosnot, 1996).
The elements of constructivist theory in the classroom may be summarized as follows
(Richardson, 2003, Brooks& Brooks, 2001):
• attention to the individual and respect for students’ background or prior knowledge)
• encouraging and facilitating group dialogue
• planned and often unplanned introduction of formal domain knowledge into the con-
• provision of opportunities for students to determine, challenge, change or add to
existing beliefs and understandings through engagement in tasks
• development of students’ metaawareness of their own understandings and learning
• use of cognitive terminology such as “classify”, “analyze”, “predict”, and “create”
• evaluating the students in process and give priority to their participation.

Constructivism has done a service to science and mathematics education: by alerting

teachers to the function of prior learning and extant concepts in the process of learning new
material, by stressing the importance of understanding as a goal of science instruction, by fos-
tering pupil engagement in lessons, and other such progressive matters. Constructivism has also
done a service by making educators aware of the human dimension of science: its fallibility, its
connection to culture and interests, the place of convention in scientific theory, the historicity of
concepts, the complex procedures of theory appraisal, and much else.
The integrated course of natural sciences should form the base amount of natural sci-
ence knowledge (in a broad sense), i.e. “a formal component”, as every teacher tries to identify
the priorities of his/her teaching subject and the criteria of the efficiency of peculiar teaching
of education
in the 21st century
Volume 25, 2010

 methods and forms. The preparation of the integrated course of natural sciences is a concur-
rent part of teaching, optional, extracurricular, etc. courses. The educational curricula have
to reflect the integration of the content of the teaching/learning process. The integrated and
systemic courses of natural sciences should be combined. A real correlation and its reflection
in the child’s psycho physiologic abilities, skills, aptitudes and interests during the educational
process at different age range is acclaimed to be a very important indicator of the content of
natural sciences integration. The integration of the educational process has to be coordinated
with didactic differentiation that is determined by unequal pupils’ knowledge, different interests
and teaching motivation, unlike intellectual motivation, self-control skills, etc. Self-sufficiency,
the principles of freedom of choice and responsibility, psychologic learners’ adaptation should
be stressed when preparing the integrated courses of teaching/learning. More attention should
be paid to schoolchildren’s personal perfection, the development of differentiated teaching and
evaluation, the accumulation, classification, assessment and usage of information and to the
development of other skills, the alteration of group and individual work in the educational
process. The integrated teaching course has to be guaranteed by the means of teaching/learning
such as textbooks, workbooks, didactic material, visual aids, etc. as well as by the teacher’s
proficiency to work at qualitatively new level in a new century. A crucial point is a practic check
of the set patterns of the content of integral natural science education that could be applied for
a particular socio-cultural environment.


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Vincentas Lamanauskas. Integrated Science Education in the Context of the Constructivism Theory: Some Important Issues
of education
in the 21st century
Volume 25, 2010

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Vincentas Lamanauskas Professor, Siauliai University, Natural Science Education Research Centre, 25-119
P.Višinskio Street, LT- 76351, Siauliai, Lithuania.
Phone: +370 687 95668.
E-mail: lamanauskas@projektas.lt
Website: http://www.lamanauskas.projektas.lt

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