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64 Applied Interdisciplinary Theory in Health Informatics

P. Scott et al. (Eds.)

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Technology Acceptance Models in Health

Informatics: TAM and UTAUT
UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology,
Hall in Tirol, Austria

Abstract. Both the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory
of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) aim at understanding better why
users accept or reject a given technology, and how user acceptance can be improved
through technology design. Two case studies are presented where TAM and
UTAUT were successfully used in a health care setting to predict technology
adoption. Both models have found popularity in health care. However, recent
reviews show that TAM and UTAUT failed to provide stable predictive capabilities
for acceptance and use of technologies in health care. Reasons for this may be the
specific context of health care, where not only the technology, but also socio-
organizational and cultural factors influence technology acceptance.

Keywords. Health informatics; Assessment, technology; Intention; Attitude to

computers; Models, theoretical

Learning objectives

After reading this chapter the reader will understand:

1. How TAM and UTAUT attempt to predict and explain technology acceptance
and technology usage.
2. How TAM and UTAUT can be applied in health informatics projects to predict
and support health IT acceptance and usage.
3. The strengths and limitations of TAM and UTAUT with regard to prediction of
the support needed for health IT acceptance and usage.

1. Introduction to TAM and UTAUT

This section introduces TAM and UTAUT as two technology acceptance models. Both
have several similarities, which is not surprising, as UTAUT was among others
developed based on TAM. We decided to focus on TAM and UTAUT, from a longer list
of available technology acceptance theories (for an overview, see for example [1, 2]), as
both have found widespread adoption in health care.

Corresponding Author: Elske Ammenwerth, E-mail: elske.ammenwerth@umit.at.
E. Ammenwerth / Technology Acceptance Models in Health Informatics: TAM and UTAUT 65

Both TAM and UTAUT aim at predicting technology usage by looking at the factors
that will influence technology acceptance. Both theories focus on two questions to
explain technology acceptance and resulting technology use: Is the technology useful for
me? And: Is the technology easy to use?
UTAUT adds two further questions to this list: Does my social environment want
me to use the technology? And: Do I have the necessary technical and organizational
infrastructure to use the technology?
Now let’s have a more detailed look on TAM and UTAUT.

1.1. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

User acceptance is often a pivotal factor in the success or failure of a new information
system [3]. The goal of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is to understand better
why users accept or reject a given technology, and how user acceptance can be improved
through technology design. TAM was developed by Fred D. Davis in the late 1980s [4,
The Technology Acceptance Model is based on principles from Fishbein and
Ajzen’s Theory of Reasoned Action [6]. TAM hypothesizes that two particular beliefs,
Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use, are of primary relevance for technology
acceptance [7]. Perceived Usefulness is the expectation of a user that the system will be
useful for the job. Perceive Ease of Use is the expectation that the system is user friendly
and easy to use. Perceived usefulness is influenced by Perceived Ease of Use, as users
will find easy-to-use systems more useful [3]. Both beliefs are determinants for Attitude
towards Using. This Attitude towards Using is then a determinant of the Behavioral
Intention to Use, which can be interpreted as technology acceptance [8]. The actual
system usage is then determined by this Behavioral Intention to Use.
In a review of TAM usage in health care, Holden found that TAM was able to predict
30 - 70 % of variance of Behavioral Intention to Use, which can be considered reasonably
Table 1 summarizes the basic definition of the concept used in TAM. Figure 1 shows
the TAM model.

Table 1. Definitions of the variables used in TAM [8].

Perceived Usefulness An individual’s perception that using an IT system will enhance job
Perceived Ease of Use An individual’s perception that using an IT system will be free of effort.

Attitude toward Using An individual’s evaluative judgment of the target behavior on some
dimension (e.g., good/bad, harmful/beneficial, pleasant/unpleasant).
Behavioral Intention An individual’s motivation or willingness to exert effort to perform the
target behavior.
Use One specific behavior of interest performed by individuals with regard to
some information technology (IT) system.
66 E. Ammenwerth / Technology Acceptance Models in Health Informatics: TAM and UTAUT

Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) [8].

A number of TAM extensions have been proposed to overcome some limitations in

the original model. Several studies added single variables to the original TAM to increase
the predictive power of the model, such as individual user factors, organizational
readiness, or trust - an overview is given by Holden [8]. TAM2 by Venkatesh & Davis
(2000) [9] extended TAM with variables that were seen as influencing perceived
usefulness or user acceptance, such as subjective norm, image, voluntariness of use, or
job relevance. Further extensions of TAM, such as TAM 3 [10], added other concepts
such as computer anxiety or enjoyment.
The TAM theory of technology acceptance and use has gained significant popularity
in the field of technology acceptance research and is considered a “key model” [11] or
“gold standard” [8] in understanding predictors for IT acceptance. A PubMed query on
“Technology acceptance model” retrieved 340 papers (search done on 7 June 2018),
showing the popularity of TAM also within health informatics research.

1.2. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)

The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was published by
Venkatesh and Davis in 2003 [2]. UTAUT is based on an analysis and comparison of
eight technology acceptance models, among them TAM, TAM2, the Theory of Reasoned
Action and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The aim was to synthesize the multitude
of available models on technology acceptance into one unified model. The aim of
UTAUT is to assess the likelihood of success for new technologies and to understand
drivers of acceptance [2].
UTAUT describes four key variables: Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy,
Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions. Performance Expectancy is the expectation
of a user that the system will be useful for the job; it corresponds to Perceived Usefulness
in TAM. Effort Expectancy is the expectation that the system is user friendly and easy
to use; it corresponds to Perceived Ease of Use in TAM. Social influence is defined as
the degree to which a user perceives that important others believe he or she should use
the new system. Facilitating Conditions are defined as the degree to which a user believes
that an organizational and technical infrastructure exists to support system use.
In UTAUT, Behavioral Intention to Use the technology is determined by
Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Social Influence. Actual Usage is then
determined by Behavioral Intention to Use and the Facilitating Conditions. Gender, age,
E. Ammenwerth / Technology Acceptance Models in Health Informatics: TAM and UTAUT 67

experience, and voluntariness of use moderate the impact of the key variables on usage
intention and behavior.
The original UTAUT validation study [2] found that UTAUT was able to explain
70% of the variance of Behavioral Intention, which indicates high predictive power.
Table 2 summarizes the basic definition of the variables used in UTAUT. Figure 2
shows the UTAUT model. The similarities to TAM are obvious when comparing both

Table 2. Definitions of the variables used in UTAUT [2].

Performance Expectancy Degree to which an individual believes that using the system will help
him or her to attain gains in job performance.
Effort Expectancy Degree of ease associated with the use of the system.
Social Influence Degree to which an individual perceives that important others believe he
or she should use the new system.
Facilitating Conditions Degree to which an individual believes that an organizational and
technical infrastructure exists to support use of the system.
Behavioral Intention to Use Measure of the strength of one’s intention to perform a specified

Figure 2. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) [2].

A PubMed query on “Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology”

retrieved 80 papers from 2008 onwards (search done on 7 June 2018), showing the
popularity of UTAUT within health informatics research.

2. Usage of TAM and UTAUT in health informatics

This section describes two use cases of health informatics interventions where TAM and
UTAUT were applied.
68 E. Ammenwerth / Technology Acceptance Models in Health Informatics: TAM and UTAUT

2.1. Case Study 1: Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of electronic health
records among nurses: Application of Technology Acceptance Model

In this study of Ahmad Tubaishat from 2017 [12], 1.539 nurses from 15 Jordanian
hospitals using a nursing electronic health records (EHR) were surveyed using a 28-item
questionnaire based on TAM.
Results show that the nurses demonstrated a positive perception of the usefulness
and ease-of-use of EHRs, and their acceptance of the technology. Both Perceived
Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use had an influence on the intention to use EHRs:
The effect of Perceived Usefulness explained 51% of the variance of intention to use
EHRs, whereas Perceived Ease of Use predicted 42% of the variance.
Perceived Usefulness was affected by gender, professional rank, EHR experience,
and computer skills of the nurses, these variables explained 55% of the variance of
Perceived Usefulness. The Perceived Ease of Use was affected by nursing experience,
EHR experience, and computers skills, these variables explained 44% of the variance of
Perceived Ease of Use.
The authors concluded that training should include also basic computer skills, as this
may positively influence Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness and by this
may increase EHR acceptance.
The case study shows how the TAM based survey can help to identify factors for
further optimization of health IT implementation. In particular, it shows which variables
influence directly or indirectly Behavioral Intention to Use in this context, opening ways
to intervene e.g. by training.

2.2. Case study 2: Analyzing older users' home telehealth services acceptance
behavior, applying an extended UTAUT model

In this study by Miha Cimperman from 2016 [13], 400 Slovenian participants aged 50
years or older were surveyed on their acceptance of a home telehealth service using
UTAUT. Respondents were randomly selected equally across all regions. Respondents
first got a short written explanation of the idea of home telehealth service and were then
asked on their opinion on this. The survey comprised 47 standardized items based on
UTAUT. Three context specific predictors were added to the original UTAUT model,
namely Doctor’s Opinion, Computer Anxiety, and Perceived Security.
As expected, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Conditions,
and Perceived Security were found to have a direct impact on Behavioral Intention to
Use the home telehealth service. In addition, Computer Anxiety was found to be an
antecedent of Effort Expectancy with a strong negative influence, and Doctor’s Opinion
influence showed a strong positive impact on Performance Expectancy. Different to the
UTAUT assumption, Social Influence was not a predictor of Behavioral Intention, which
authors explained by the fact the elderly users may not be so much dependent on social
pressure [13]. The model of the six predictors explained 77% of the total variance of
Behavioral Intention to Use, indicating a strong predictive power of the revised model
The authors concluded that health professionals should be involved as social agents
to frame home telehealth services as useful and beneficial, as this will raise acceptance
among the users. Also, home telehealth services should be promoted as secure, to build
trust. Different types of technical equipment should be made available to reduce
computer anxiety. Due to low social influence, they see it as unlikely that early adopters
E. Ammenwerth / Technology Acceptance Models in Health Informatics: TAM and UTAUT 69

as pioneer users will contribute significantly to the diffusion of home telehealth services
among other users.
The case study shows how the UTAUT-based survey can help to identify factors for
the further optimization of health IT implementation before the technology is introduced.
This case study is one of the few examples where TAM or UTAUT were used in settings
where the technology was yet to be implemented.

3. Explanation of success or failure of health IT system

TAM and UTAUT have been developed with the aim to understand better why users
accept or reject technology, and to predict acceptance or non-acceptance of new
technology. TAM and UTAUT define acceptance as the intention to use, or the
willingness to use, a technology. The theories assume that intention to use is a direct
determinant for actual system use. Thus, TAM and UTAUT attempt to reveal factors that
have direct implication for the success or failure of technology, with success seen as
equivalent to actual system usage.
We must note that TAM und UTAUT have not been developed within a health care
setting. TAM was developed based on studies of an e-mail system and a word processing
system [3]. UTAUT was validated based on studies related to introducing an online
meeting manager, a database application, and an accounting system [2]. These types of
application seem not comparable to much more complex health care technologies, such
as computerized physician order entry systems, electronic health record systems, or
nursing documentation systems. In addition, these latter types of technologies represent
socio-technical information systems where the acceptance of a technology depends not
only on its functionality or ease of use, but on many other factors such as hardware
performance, training, support, and workflow integration. In particular, besides
individual factors shaping decisions to use a technology, organizational, cultural and
emotional factors will also influence technology acceptance in healthcare settings [14].
Overall, these socio-organizational-cultural factors are not well covered by TAM and
UTAUT. Besides, TAM was developed with a focus on technology which can be used
voluntarily. Typically, in health care, most technologies are mandatory to be used by the
staff. This all distinguishes healthcare from the settings where TAM and UTAUT were
developed and used.
Nevertheless, as the case studies and a short query in PubMed show, TAM and
UTAUT have found wide adoption in health care. Reasons for this can be the quite
simple assumptions of both models: System usage depends on only two (TAM) or four
(UTAUT) key variables, including the usefulness of the system for the work and the
ease-of-use of the system. This sounds quite intuitive and may have contributed to their
Still, in many health care studies where TAM or UTAUT were applied, authors have
added variables to extend the original TAM or UTAUT models to better adapt it to the
context of health care. Case study 2 [13] showed an example of this: The authors assess
the acceptance of home telehealth services by elderly patients and added three context-
specific predictors, namely Doctor’s Opinion, Computer Anxiety, and Perceived
Security. The authors argue that the “universal” variables in UTAUT are not specific
enough for health care and thus decided to add these three “context-specific” variables
as potentially important predictors for the acceptance of the telehealth service. And
indeed, all three context variables were found to be important predictors in the study.
70 E. Ammenwerth / Technology Acceptance Models in Health Informatics: TAM and UTAUT

Holden [8] lists several other examples where TAM or UTAUT were extended by
context-specific variables. This shows that despite their large popularity, both models
may need to be parsimoniously applied in more complex health care settings.
Holden also points to the fact the key variables of TAM and UTAUT are not
measured uniformly in different studies. Instead, studies often modify original survey
items to adapt the questions to the local study context (either by rewording questions or
by adding completely new questions). All this shows TAM and UTAUT are somewhat
unspecific for health care settings.
In general, both TAM und UTAUT have been found to predict Intention to Use quite
well, with explained variance up to 70%. Yet, closer analysis to their application in health
care by Holden (2010) shows that only Perceived Usefulness was consistently found to
be a significant predictor of Intention to Use (in all of the 16 reviewed studies) [8]. In
contrast to this, Perceived Ease of Use was found to be a significant predictor of Intention
to Use in seven of 13 studies only [8]. And Social Influence, an UTAUT variable, was
found to be significant predictor in four of eight studies only. Also Gücin (2015) states,
based on a literature review, that Perceived Usefulness is “the most powerful predictor
of the technology acceptance” [15].
Summarizing these findings, we see that the key assumptions of TAM and UTAUT
could not be confirmed in a large number of technology acceptance studies in health care.
These findings indicate that health care is indeed a special setting where the simple
assumption of TAM and UTAUT may not fully match the more complex reality. Holden
(2010), for example, summarizes that Perceived Ease of Use may not be that important
for technology acceptance and usage when users are sufficiently experienced with the
system or when they have sufficient IT support. Also, Social Influence may not influence
physicians as users so strongly, as they are more independent and “immune to peer
pressure” [8]. Also, after an analysis of several acceptance theories, Gücin (2015) points
to the fact that the acceptance factors for health care professionals and patients may be
different, with patients seeing for example ease of use as more important than health care
professionals [15]. Also, he argues that important acceptance factors such as suspicions
of confidentiality and privacy or individual characteristics of the user (e.g. of early
adopters) may be strong influencing factors, but these are not considered in the original
models [15].
To conclude, while TAM and UTAUT have been broadly adopted as a means of
predicting technology acceptance and usage, the findings in health care are quite mixed.
Both the fact that many studies in health care cannot find support for some basic
hypothesis of TAM and UTAUT, and the fact that many authors added variables to the
original TAM and UTAUT models or revised the survey instruments to respond to
context influencing factors, point to the fact that the original TAM and UTAUT fail to
demonstrate strong predictive capabilities for technology acceptance in health care [14].

4. Conclusion

TAM and partly UTAUT provide a more technology-centered view on technology

acceptance, where acceptance is understood to mostly depend on the nature of
technology [14], i.e. functionality and ease of use. Socio-organizational, workflow,
cultural or emotional aspects as well as differences in user groups (physicians, nurses,
patents) are not well covered [14] and may explain why in several studies in health care,
basic assumptions of the model could not be confirmed.
E. Ammenwerth / Technology Acceptance Models in Health Informatics: TAM and UTAUT 71

Overall, when applied to health care settings, TAM and UTAUT failed to provide
stable predictive capabilities for technology acceptance and use2.

Teaching questions for reflection

1. What are the major differences between TAM and UTAUT?

2. How do TAM and UTAUT accommodate for socio-organizational or cultural
factors for technology acceptance and technology usage?
3. How could you use TAM or UTAUT when preparing for the hospital-wide
introduction of a nursing documentation system?


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[2] V. Venkatesh, M. Morris, G. Davis, F. Davis, User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a
Unified View, MIS Quarterly, 27(3) (2003),425-78.
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behavioral impacts, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 38(1993),475-87.
[4] F. Davis, A technology acceptance model for empirically testing new end-user information systems -
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[6] I. Ajzen, M. Fisbhein, Attitude-behavior relations: a theoretical analysis and review of empirical research,
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[8] R. Holden, B. Karsh, The technology acceptance model: its past and its future in health care, J Biomed
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[9] V. Venkatesh, F. Davis, A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: four longitudinal
field studies, Management Science, 46(2) (2000),186-204.
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Decision Science, 39(2) (2008),273-312.
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[12] A. Tubaishat, Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of electronic health records among nurses:
Application of Technology Acceptance Model, Inform Health Soc Care, (2017),1-11.
[13] M. Cimperman, M. Makovec Brencic, P. Trkman, Analyzing older users' home telehealth services
acceptance behavior-applying an Extended UTAUT model, Int J Med Inform, 90(2016),22-31.
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informatics, Health Policy and Technology, 2(4) (2013),222-8.
[15] N. Gücin, Ö Berk, Technology Acceptance in Health Care: An Integrative Review of Predictive Factors
and Intervention Programs, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195(2015),1698-704.

See also Chapter 16, “The NASSS Framework – a synthesis of multiple theories of technology

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