HET - I Unit 1 - Edited
HET - I Unit 1 - Edited
HET - I Unit 1 - Edited
1. Introduction
Defining history of Economic thought
The interaction between Economic
history and History of economic
Scope and Significance of History of
2. Methodological Issues of Economic
Methodological Controversies in Economic
and Evolution of Various Methodologies
Economics as an Art and as a Science
The importance of Empirical Verification
The Rise of Logical positivism
3. Ancient Ideas of Economic Thought or Pre
Classical Economics
Hebrewa, Greeck, Plato, Aristotle, Xeno Phone
Synicism, Stoicism, Epicurism, The Romance
Medieval Economics and Feudalism–St. Thomas
Acquinas, Nicholas Oresme, Grasham
The Physiocratic school of Economic thought
4. The Classical School
Over view of the classical school
Factors for the Emergence of the Classical school
The forerunners: William petty , R. Cantillon ,
Dudly North , David Hume
Adam smith: Adam Smith and Industrial
revolution, Decision of labor, the measure and
values of labor, Cost of production theory, supply-
determined prices etc
Thomas Robert Malthus's population theory, The
theory of general Gults, The LDR, differential Rent,
The alternative cost of land, Land as a factor of
David Ricardo's system's : The labor theory value,
Capital costs and Labor values, The Ricardo effect, the
Invariable Measure of value, the fundamental
theorem of value, the effect of capital accumulation,
the trend of relative shares, the theory of
Comparative costs etc
Jean Baptist Say: Say; Say’s Law and classical monetary
theory, say's identity
5. The rise of Socialist thought
Pre-Marxian Socialist thinkers: Robert Owen,
Sismonde de Sismondi, Pierre Joseph Proudhon,
Proudhan, Lassale, Louis Bllance, Max Webber etc
Marxian Economics: Marx's Methodology, Value
and Surplus Value, The transformation Problem,
Solutions of the Transformation Problem,
Historical transformation, Profits as Unearned
income, etc.
6. The Marginal Revolution:
Overview of the Marginalist School, The
Maximization Principle
Forerunners of Marginalism: Antoine Augustin
Cournot and Herman Heinrich Gossen,
First - Generation Marginalists: Jevons,
Walras, and The Austrian School
Second - Generation Marginalists: Edgeworth,
Wicksteed, Clark, Wicksell, 7
Chapter 1
1.1. Defining History of Economic Thought
Thus, the history of economic thought-”Traces out the historical
changes of attitudes, mentioning analytical performances in
passed events.
8) The study will help students to know that economic ideas have
been instrumental to the shaping of economic and political policies
of different countries of the world.
1.4. The five major questions that we need to beat
in mind in considering the various schools of
thought include the following.
1) What was the historical background of the school? Or the
pushing factors behind?
2) What were the basic tenets of the school? Who were the
3) Whom did the school benefit? Or seek to benefit?
4) How was the school valid, useful, or correct in its time?
5) Which tenet of the school becomes long lasting contribution?
1.5.What was the historical situation in Ethiopia when these
ideas were developed elsewhere? 22