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Joseph’s School, Banka

Syllabus 2024-2025
Class X
Last date to submit summer project is 24/06/2024.
Tenses (March), Chapters: 7 & 10 (July) Chapters: 12 (October)
Chapters :8,15, 6 (April) Chapters: 1,2 (August) Chapters: 13 & 9 (November) Essay writing,
Chapters: 4 &14 (May) Chapters: 3, 11 (September) Essay writing, Letter, Letter, Notice, E-mail, Comprehension, Tenses,
Chapters: 5 (June)\ Notice, E-mail, Comprehension, Tenses, prepositions (As prepositions Entire syllabus
Essay writing, Letter, Notice,E-mail, per ICSE syllabus) (As per ICSE syllabus) (ICSE question pattern)
ENGLISH I TOTAL ENGLISH Comprehension(Examination asper ICSE syllabus) (ICSE question pattern)
Project: Five essays (Students' choice)But the essays must be as follows.
1. Descriptive, 2. Expository, 3. Narrative, 4. Argumentative &5. Reflective
Three letters(students' choice): One Formal, One Informal, One letter to the editor of
a newspaper
One E-mail, One Notice (Topic must be same)
Drama [Julius Caesar] Act 3 (Scene-I,II,III) Act 4 (Scene I, II, III) Poetry: The power of music
ENG- II Poetry [Treasure Chest] Poetry: Haunted House, The Glove and the Lions Poetry: When Great trees fall, A Considerable speck. Prose: The last lesson
Prose [Treasure Chest] Prose: With the Photographer, The Ellevator Prose: The Girl Who Can The Pedestrian Entire Syllabus
1. GST (March) 1. Ratio and proporation (July) 1. Mensuration (December)
2. Banking (March) 2. A.P&G.P (August) 2. Trigonometry (November)
3. Linear inequations (April) 3. Reflection (August) 3. Share and Dividends (November)
4. Quadratic equations (April) 4. Distance and section formula (August) Entire syllabus
ICSE Mathematics- For 5. Matrices (April) 5. Equation of straight line (August)
Grade X 6. Factorization (April) 6. Similarity (September)
7. Construction (May) 7. Loci (September)
8. Probability (June) 8. Angle properties of the circles (September)
9. Statistics (May)Project-Any four assignment from your book 9. Cyclic properties of a circle (September)
10. Properties of secants and tangents (October)
साहित्य सागर (गद्य):–पाठ -8,1,2,3 तथा व्याकरणमाचच - 8, व्याकरणअप्रैल - 1,व्याकरणमई - साहित्य सागर (गद्य) :–पाठ -9,10,4,5,6,7 तथा व्याकरणजुलाई साहित्य सागर (गद्य) :–पाठ - 1 से 10 तकतथा
2 , 3,व्याकरण , जून-पुनर्भ्ाचसएकाांकी सांचय -पाठ- 5,1 माचच -5,अप्रैल -1,मई - - 9,4,5 तथा व्याकरण, अगस्त -10, 6 तथा व्याकरण, हसतम्बर- व्याकरणअक्टू बर - पुनर्भ्ाचस नर्म्बर- पुनर्भ्ाचस
साहित्यसागरगद्य - हनबांध ले खन,पत्र ले खन *व्याकरण - चार ां स पानपररय जना कायच -१)दे शके सर्ाांगीण 4 तथाव्याकरणएकाांकी सांचय - पाठ हदसम्बर - पुनर्भ्ाचसएकाांकी सांचय -पाठ - 1 से 6
एकाांकीसांचय - हर्कास में आप हकस प्रकार से य गदान दें गें - एक पररय जना कायचद्वारा बताएँ | २)कबीरदास - 6,2,3,4 जुलाई - 6 , 2 अगस्त - 3 हसतम्बर- 4 * व्याकरण तकअक्टू बर - पुनर्भ्ाचस, नर्म्बर- पुनर्भ्ाचस हदसम्बर -
का पररचय दे ते हुए पहठतसाखी के आधार पर बताएँ हक उन् न ां े हकन-हकन हर्चार ां क व्यक्त - चार ां स पान पुनर्भ्ाचस, * व्याकरण - चार ां स पान
हकया िै |
1. Force. (March) 5. Refraction through a lens.(July) 9. House Hold circuits.(November)10.
2. Work, Energy and Power.(April) 6. Spectrum.(August) Electromagnetism.(December)
Concise physics-10
3. Machines.(April) 7. Sound.(August) 12. Radioactivity.(December)
PHYSICS ICSE Practical Physics
4. Refraction of light at plane surfaces.(May) 8. Current Electricity(September) Entire syllabus
June- Revision 11. Calorimetry.(September) NOTE- Total number of practicals 10 according
Project - Discuss about “lever” with diagram and example. (About 10 pages) October- Revision And the entire syllabus of quarterly. to CISCE.
1. Periodic table, Periodic properties and variations of properties. (March) 5C. Percentage composition, Emperical& molecular 10. Nitric acid (November)
2. Chemical bonding (April) formula (July) 11. Sulphuric acid (November)
3. Acids, Bases & Salts (May) 4. Analytical chemistry (May) 5D.Calculations based on chemical equations (July) 12. Organic chemistry (December)
Concise chemistry 5. Mole concept (June) 5A. Gay- Lussae's law & Avogadro's Law 6. Electrolysis (August) Entire syllabus
(Selina) 5B. Realtive atomic weight, Relative molecular mass, Mole concept. 7. Metallurgy (August) Practical: Identification of ion.
Practical: Test of Gas, Project: Electrondot, Structure of H2,O2,Cl2,N2, CH4, CCl4, 8. Hydrogen Chloride (September)
Nacl, CaO, Mgcl2 (One diagram in one page with description) 9. Ammonia (September) Revision
(October)Practical - Effect of heat on Salts
Concise Biology Chapter 1- Cell –The structural and functional unit of life (March) Chapter 7– Chemical coordination inPlants (July) Chapter 13 – The Reproductive system (October)
(Selina) Chapter 2 – Structure of chromosomes, cell cycle and cell division(March + April) Chapter 8- The Circulatory system ( July) Chapter 14– Human evolution (October)
Chapter 3 – Genetics – some basic fundamentals (April) Chapter 9- The Excretory system(August) Chapter 15 – Population – The increasing
Chapter 4 – Absorption by roots (May) Chapter 10 – The Nervous System(August) numbers and rising problems (November)
Chapter 5 – Transpiration (May & June) Chapter 11– Sense organ (September) Chapter 16- Pollution – A rising environmental
Chapter 6 - Photosynthesis (June) Chapter 12- The Endocrine system(September) problem (November)
Project:- Genetics:- Monohybrid & Dihybrid Cross Note- Entire syllabus
History History History
Chapter 1 – The first war of Independence (March+ April) Chapter 6- Mahatma Gandhi and the National movement Chapter 13- United Nations (October)
Chapter 2- Growth of Nationalism(April) Chapter 7- Quit India Movement (July) Chapter 14- Major agencies of the United Nations
Chapter 3- First phase of the Indian National Movement (May) Chapter 8- Forward bloc and INA(August) (November)
Chapter 4- Second phase of the Indian national movement (May) Chapter 9- Independence and partition of India(August) Chapter 15- The Non-Aligned Movement
Chapter 5- The Muslim League (June) Chapter10- The first world war(September) (December)
HISTORY & CIVICS Total History & Civics
Civics Chapter11- Rise of dictatorships(September) CivicsChapter 4. The Supreme Court (November)
Ch 1 The Union Parliament (April) Chapter 12- The second world war Chapter 5- The High Court and the Subordinate
Project:- (Civics) court (December)
1. History: - Reasons and outcome of First War of Indian Independence. Chapter 3. Prime Minster & Council of Ministers (July) Entire syllabus
2. Civics:- The Parliamentary System (Union Legislature) Ch 2- The President and the Vice- President (August)
From quarterly :- History Chapter 1
1.Topography (March) Chapter :- 11 to 22
2. Map of India Chapter 11- Mineral resources + Revision
3. Chapter- 7, 8, 9, 10 Send-up I (July) Chapter 12 & 13- Conventional sources
Topography (March) Topography, Map of India, Climate ( April) Chapter 7 & 8- & Non-conventional sources Agriculture-I
Total Geography Climate & Soil Resources (May)Chapter 9 & 10- Natural Vegetation & Chapter 10- (August)Chapter 14, 15, 16, 17- Agriculture –I, II, III, IV Chapter- 21, 22 Waste Management
GEOGRAPHY (RatnaSagar Water Resources (June)Project- .Agriculture [Topic: Major cropping season & crops, (September)Chapter 17- Agriculture- IV I and II (December)
Publications By their areas of production, suitable geographical condition etc. (Category- food crop, (October)Chapter 18 & 19- Manufacturing Industries-
R.K.Jain ) MAP – 10 oilseeds, fibre crop, cash crop) Agro Based and mineral based & Transport (November) Entire syllabus
Project:- Prepare a project on transport. Chapter 19, 20 - Transport
(a) Types of transport
(b) Their advantages & disadvantages
(c) Their role in developing our country.
(Chap-1 to 5) March -Chap-1, Chap-2 & Java Programs (Chap- 6 to 8) (Chap-9) (Entire Syllabus)
April-Chap-3 and Java Programs. May- Chap-4 and Java Programs June-Chap-5 and July-Chap-6 & Java Programs Aug -Chap-7 & Project Work:- 20 Java Programs.
Computer Applications
COMPUTER Java Programs Java Programs Sept- Chap-8 & Java Programs
{Logix 2.0)
Assignment- (10 Java Programs) Oct-Revision
Chap1:-Market and marketing. (March) Chap 6:- Financial Accounting and Reporting Chap 11:-Public relation(October +
Chap 2:-Marketing Mix. (April) (July)Chap 7 :- Banking and Bank Transactions November)Chap 12:- Issues of Environment
COMMERCIAL Chap 3:- Advertisement and Brand Promotion. (April) (August) Chap 8:- Fundamental concept of cost. (November )
APPLICATION Chap 4:- Sales and selling process.(May) (August)Chap9:- Importance of Human Resources ( Including Send-up1 and send-up2 Syllabus )
Chap 5:- GAAP. (June) (September) Chap10:- Recruitment Selection and
( Case Studies)Project topics will be discussed in class. Training (September)( Case Studies )
Chapter 1- Develop your personality (March) Chapter Chapter 6- Improve your memory (July) Chapter 7-
2- Imbibe Ethical values(April) Chapter 3- Know your Rights (April) Chapter 4- Be a master of your emotion (August) Entire Syllabus
Plan your Career (April) chapter 5 - Manage Your time (May) Revision (June) Chapter 8- Say "No" to corruption (August)
Moral Science Development Through
Chapter 9- Exercise your rights to information (August)
Value Education
Chapter 10- Beware of Aids (September) Chapter 11-
Meet your god (September)
SUPW SUPW Paper Quilling Tie and Dye Clay modelling

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