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Time Series Forecasting Final Report

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Time Series Forecasting

Tejas Srivatsav Rachana Narayanan Vamsi Ratnakaram Gore Kao

Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA
tsrivats@andrew.cmu.edu rmuralin@andrew.cmu.edu vratnaka@andrew.cmu.edu gorek@andrew.cmu.edu

1. Introduction data is also complex and may exhibit subtle trends. In

addition, real-time stock prices can exhibit extreme volatility
Time series in the financial industry has long played from day-to-day trades. Therefore, it is of interest to focus
a major role in many business sectors in pricing, asset on speed of computation and reduction in error rates while
management, and risk management. Time series forecasting making fast predictions in the short term trend of a stock
is a technique for predicting future events and making price. We want to thus explore quantum alternatives to
scientific predictions by analyzing historical time stamped classical methods.
data, based on the assumption that future trends will hold
similar to previous trends. This involves using models fit
on historical data to predict future values. Therefore, the
aim of forecasting time series data is to understand how the
3. Related Works
sequence of observations will continue in the future. For
this topic, we specifically focus on predicting future stock
prices given established historical data. [1]. We have seen the use of parameterised quantum circuits
Predicting future stock prices will involve analyzing a (PQCs) where forward propagation is fully quantum and
few different components of the time series data. This can back propagation is classical. Previous works found that
include but is not limited to: PQCs perform similar or better than classical BiLSTM net-
• Trend - The upward or downward movement of the
works on financial time series forecasting with significantly
data over the time span. This can be both linear or non- less training time [1]. Their work applies the implementation
linear. We can look at global and local trends within from Quantum Long Short-Term Memory [2]. They replace
this too. the classical networks within a typical LSTM cell with a
• Seasonality - The repetitive fluctuation from the trend
PQC instead. This PQC architecture contains 3 components:
that occurs within a calendar year at fixed intervals or
• Data Encoding Layer - The input vector is trans-
formed into rotation angles corresponding to qubit
• Cycles - Cyclical fluctuations occur due to macro
economic factors like recession. Periodicity of cyclical
• Variational Layer: - Some basic operations occur in
fluctuation is not fixed as opposed to the fixed nature
the quantum domain.
of seasonality.
• Quantum Measurement Layer - The outputted ex-
• Irregularity - Also called White Noise, this constitutes
pected values are used to update the model and keep
the uncorrelated random component of the time series
track of desired cell state elements.
The goal in processing these components will ultimately Emmanoulopoulos and Dimoska note that within the
to be able to make informed, strategic and accurate decisions classical domain, transformer-based models have better pre-
on stocks. Currently, time-series problems are being solved dictive power for time series, however, there remains no
by conventional statistics (e.g ARIMA), machine learning robust implementation of quantum transformers.
models including recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and Sipio proposes using a similar approach to devise a
support vector machines (SVMs) to help us gain insights Quantum-Enhanced Transformer by performing the linear
on the trend of future stock prices. transformations for Multi-Headed Attention within the quan-
tum realm rather than the classical realm [3]. This mixed
2. Problem Statement architecture is used to perform sentiment analysis on the
IMDB dataset, however we expect that it will work just as
Forecasting stock prices is not always an exact prediction well for financial time series forecasting. This is what we
and the likelihood of forecasts can vary wildly. Time series aim to explore.
4. Methods
4.1. Classical LSTM

Figure 1. LSTM cell.

Classical LSTM or Long-Short Term Memory networks

are a kind of recurrent neural network (RNN) for sequence
and temporal dependency data modelling. They are a kind
of RNNs that can learn a longer range of sequences that Figure 2. Classical Transformer Architecture
are dependent on each other. Its range of applications in-
clude machine translation, and NLP models. Compared to Figure 2 represents a typical Transformer architecture.
a regular RNN, it partially solves the problem of vanishing Firstly the input is embedded with positional encoding in
gradients of the original RNN. order to capture the sequential relationships between the
They are composed of memory cells which are con-
data. This encoding allows the model to process data without
nected through layers of recurrent connections. Memory
preserving the sequential order.
cells are responsible for remembering information over long
Next it is processed by the encoder-decoder structure.
periods of time. Each memory cell in an LSTM contains an
The block on the left side represents the model’s encoder
input gate, output gate, and a forget gate. The input gate
layer and the block on the right up until the last linear
determines information allowed to enter the memory cell,
layer represents its decoder layer. Each encoder consists
the output gate determines which information is allowed to
of 3 layers where each layer has 2 sublayers. The first
leave the memory cell, and the forget gate determines the
sublayer implements multi-head self-attention, and the other
information that is forgotten.
implements a fully connected feed-forward neural network
Each LSTM cell at time step t has an additional cell
with two dense layers and a ReLU activation in between.
state. This allows gradients to flow unchanged and can be
Multi-head self-attention serves to linearly project the input
seen as the memory of the LSTM cell. This makes the
sequence in multiple ways so as to extract information about
LSTM more stable, and allows it to predict more accurately.
the elements’ relationships. In this case we used 3 heads so
These successes then further inspired RNN applications in
the input is projected in 3 different ways by 3 different
learning quantum applications from experimental data which
matrices WQ , WK , and WV .
has a sequential way as well.
The corresponding decoder uses the positional embed-
We consider the classical LSTM as a baseline approach
ding to reintroduce the sequential structure and outputs
for comparison with the quantum LSTM as this classical
predictions one by one based on preceding outputs. Finally,
approach is used in popular literature for time series fore-
the output of the decoder layer is fed into a linear layer and
casting tasks.
then a softmax activation to generate the final predictions.
Classically, people often use GPUs or other highly par-
4.2. Classical Transformers
allel compute units to take advantage of this architecture’s
Transformers provide a unique advantage over tradi- sequential independence. Another potential ideal compute
tional LSTMs in two main facets. Transformers are able to source would be quantum computers.
use multi-headed attention allowing the model to build var-
ious semantics using different parameters to create stronger 4.3. Quantum LSTM
models [4]. The other advantage lies in Transformer’s innate
parallelism. Since they do not have the sequential dependen- From the papers we see, we use RNN with variational
cies of LSTMs, we can run computations at a much greater quantum circuits (VQC), a kind of quantum circuits with
rate. tunable gate parameters (or trained) classically. We use a
hybrid quantum-classical approach, similarly seen in pre- Figure 4 shows the classical attention architecture. As
vious works [5], through optimizing with tuned repetitions. previously discussed, the attention architecture is what
We utilize greater power through quantum entanglement and makes the transformer unique. By encoding positional data
we leverage quantum parallelism, which allows quantum within the series itself, we longer need to process data
computers to perform multiple calculations simultaneously. sequentially and instead can process time series data in
The LSTM’s efficiency and trainability can be improved by parallel. The VKQ layers in Figure 4 are what build these
replacing some of the layers with variational quantum layers positional associations within the data and are able to iden-
making it a quantum classical hybrid model. tify trends.
In traditional LSTMs, the input data is processed using Recognizing these layers are the core of the classical
a series of fully connected layers and gates, which can be transformer, we made this the target of our Quantum opti-
computationally expensive. In contrast, Quantum LSTMs mizations. In order to do this we decided to use Pennylane’s
use quantum circuits to process the input data, which library which provides primitives for building Quantum
can potentially offer significant performance improvements Layers from defined Quantum Circuits [6]. In Figure 5 we
compared to traditional LSTMs. show how we use these primitives to build a Quantum Layer.
However, it is important to note that Quantum LSTMs
are still a relatively new and experimental technology, and
there is ongoing research into the best ways to implement
and use them.

Figure 5. Building and Implementing Quantum Layers

First we start by defining our quantum device (in this

case Pennylane’s local qubit simulator). Then we need define
our Quantum circuit with three key components:
Figure 3. QLSTM Cell. Each W represents a variational quantum circuit
(VQC) layer. • AngleEmbedding - Converts inputs in Quantum Gate
To implement QLSTM, we replace the key layers of the • BasicEntangler - Entangles Rotations w/ CNOT Gates
LSTM with variational quantum layers enabled by Penny- • qml.expval (PauliZ) - Returns Quantum Measure-
lane. ments (Expectation Value)
After this, we use Pennylane’s QNode function to con-
4.4. Quantum Transformers vert the defined quantum circuit into a Tensorflow Keras
Layer [6]. After this conversion, the quantum layer can be
The design of our quantum transformer was inspired treated as any other tensorflow layer and can be used as a
by the classical transformer architecture. We decided to building block for larger models. In this case, we gave each
approach this problem by replacing certain classical Dense quantum layer 8 qubits. This limits our sequence length to
Linear Layers with Quantum Layers. Specifically we tar- 8 as well. Recall in the transformer architecture we process
geted the Attention Layers in the Classical Transformer. data in parallel. In theory this speeds up execution when
using highly parallel machines like GPU’s which can run
operations across 100s of cores. This unfortunately doesn’t
translate perfectly to quantum computers. While we still
compute in parallel, size is a large factor when attempting
to use modern quantum devices limiting the amount of par-
allelism we can take advantage of. This makes the number
of qubits are the main limiting factor. Considering we have
3 layers per attention head and we have 2 attention heads,
this culminates in a total of 48 qubits. With this value we
are already hitting the limits of many of today’s quantum
computers, but we still wanted to explore the performance
Figure 4. Multi-Headed Attention Layers of this novel architecture.
5. Dataset choice We use Mean Squared Error (MSE) for the loss function
and the ADAM optimizer with a learning rate of 0.01. The
We used S&P 500 Index dataset, a multivariate dataset entire model is trained for 100 epochs. We use Root Mean
on stock market data. The dataset comprises data from 1927 Squared Error (RMSE) as the final evaluation metric for
to 2020. We filtered this dataset to look for values from 2010 both the train and test set in the classical LSTM model.
to 2020 because it took extensive time to run the quantum Figure 8 shows the training loss over the number of
methods on datasets larger than this. Figure 6 shows the epochs. The MSE loss starts around 0.42 and quickly con-
raw data plotted. We split our dataset to a 70% train, and verges to about 0.000365. The training RMSE reaches a
30% test ratio. The input parameters to all our models were value of 24.06. Total training time for 100 epochs is about
previous adjusted closing values, and the output parameters 2 minutes.
are new adjusted closing values.

Figure 6. Time series plot of raw data used.

The range of our data from 2010 to 2020 consists of Figure 8. Training MSE loss plot over 100 epochs.
2828 total data points. Prior to input to the models, all data
points are normalized between -1 and 1. The final output prediction results on the test set are
shown in Figure 9 with testing set RMSE of 137.24.
6. Experiments and Results

6.1. Classical LSTM

A small, simple model is used for the classical LSTM

to model the time series data. The architecture consists of 2
layers: the LSTM layer followed by the output Linear layer.
A hidden dimension size of 32 is used for the LSTM layer.
The overall model consists of 12928 trainable parameters in
the LSTM layer and 33 in the Linear layer, totaling 12961
total trainable parameters (shown in Figure 7).
Figure 9. Output prediction (blue) and groundtruth (red) of the S&P 500
adjusted close price test set using classical LSTM model.

6.2. Classical Transformer

Through experimentation we found that a small trans-
former model with a short sequence length had the most
predictive power on the test data. Specifically, our architec-
ture consists of 1 time embedding layer, 3 encoder layers, 3
decoder layers, and a linear output layer. The time embed-
ding layer was used to encode the dates as a combination of
Figure 7. Classical LSTM model parameters. a periodic (based on sine function) and linear component.
Each encoder layer has a multi-attention layer with 3 heads
A sequence length of 100 data points is used as input to and a feed-forward dimension with 2 dense layers and a
the model at each iteration. For a sequence length of 100, ReLU activation. A sequence length of 4 worked best, and
this includes 99 steps to unroll the entire LSTM and 1 last a dropout of 0.1 was used to prevent overparameterization.
step for the output prediction. This process models a many- The entire model consists of 345 trainable parameters in the
to-one problem for time series forecasting as the input is a encoder layers and 746 trainable parameters in total.
past sequence and the output is a single numerical prediction We use Mean Squared Error (MSE) for the loss function
of the adjusted close price. and the ADAM optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001. The
entire model is trained for 100 epochs so as to compare 6.3. Quantum LSTM
with the LSTM results, however it performed best on the
validation set after 27 epochs and so that is what was
ultimately used. As with the LSTM counterpart, we use Root
Mean Squared Error (RMSE) as the evaluation metric for With fewer network parameters, the QLSTM can learn
the train and test sets in the classical transformer model. faster than the classical LSTM.
Figure 10 below shows the training and validation loss
over the number of epochs. The MSE loss starts around 0.65
• 2 layers : LSTM and variational layer
and quickly converges to about 0.0010. The training RMSE
• 293 trainable parameters dependent on qubits
reaches a value of 39.72. Total training time for 100 epochs
• qubits and epochs varied
is about 6.5 minutes, however it converges after only 1.5
• Modified from the classical shallow regressional LSTM

We kept a batch size of 4, and a sequence length of 8.

We ran around a 100 epochs, and varied the epochs from
1, 20, 40, and 100. We use a single layer (shallow model)
for the interest of time as training many epochs took alot of
time. We also kept parameters small for the same reason.
Training time was heavily dependent on qubits and epochs.
We also use a Mean Squared Error (MSE) for the loss
function and the ADAM optimizer with a learning rate of
0.01. We use Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) as the final
evaluation metric for both the train and test set in this model
Figure 10. Training and Validation MSE loss plot over 100 epochs.
as well.
The final output prediction results on the test set are
shown in Figure 11 with testing set RMSE of 186.64.

Figure 11. Output prediction (blue) and groundtruth (red) of the S&P 500
Figure 12. Trained with 3 qubits and 20 epochs.
adjusted close price test set using classical transformer model.

As can be observed, the transformer predicts the test

set less accurately than the classical LSTM contrary to
our initial expectations. But even more surprisingly, the
transformer takes longer to train for the same amount of
epochs as the LSTM despite having almost 20 times fewer
trainable parameters. It is true that the architecture is more
complicated than what the amount of trainable parameters
might suggest, relative to the LSTM, however we thought
that the parallelization might lead to a speed up in compu-
tation. Clearly this was not the case, at least for the chosen
hyperparameters. The model tended to overfit the training
set when we experimented with a larger network and it
overemphasized earlier inputs when increasing the sequence
length. Part of the results might be explained by the the size
of the dataset and the number of features used, or perhaps
it is just the consequence of the task that we chose. Figure 13. 4 qubits, 20 epochs.
software with the current ML framework has been difficult.
But, this is a proof of concept that lends itself to more
experimentation given more compute power.

6.4. Quantum Transformer

The final model structure can summarized in Figure 17.

For the sake of training time we decided to only use one
transformer layer in the quantum implementation. According
to the model summary this model had a total of 243 trainable
Figure 14. 4 qubits, 40 epochs.

Figure 15. 4 qubits, 100 epochs.

Figure 17. Quantum Transformer Model Structure

When training this model we used a batch size of 4,

a sequence length of 8, and 2 attention heads. These were
the only parameters we attempted to tune. We trained On
average each training epoch took about 3-4 hours. This was
a limiting factor in how much we could tune and optimize
our parameters (discussed more in the next section), so we
decided to stick with 5 training epochs.
Loss Metrics:
• Training Data:
- Loss: 0.0010
- MAE: 0.0250
- Loss: 0.0010
• Validation Data:
- Loss: 0.0105
Figure 16. QLSTM vs LSTM train loss. - MAE: 0.0856
- Loss: 23.6646
We see that 3 qubits in general gives us negligible • Test Data:
results. Increasing the epochs shows better performance in - Loss: 0.1162
the classical LSTM, and the quantum LSTMs. We also see - MAE: 0.3089
that increasing the qubits causes lesser deviation. Experi- - Loss: 88.1149
menting with 5 qubits took approximately 1 hour per epoch, Figure 18 shows promising results with the train and
and generating graphs for 100 epochs was challenging. validation data, but falls apart when trying to model the
Despite their divergence, they manage to capture parts of test set. Overall, when we compare this model with the
the variation. Under the constraint of less parameters, we classical implementation we see that we actually suffer a
see that the QLSTM learns significantly more information lot in terms of performance. There are a few reasons as
in lesser time. It also learns local features well. Large to why we believe this is the case. First of all, due to
scale time dependent data modelling of time series data the size of each transformer layer, we were only able to
with a performance limitation in the quantum simulation use 1 transformer layer as opposed to 3 in the classical
compatibility with any of AWS’s offered devices and Pen-
nylane’s library primitives. When changing our quantum
device to any of the AWS offering’s our quantum layers
began outputting empty shaped tensors (i.e. nothing). We ex-
perimented with attempting to compile Pennylanes quantum
layer example on AWS and found similar issues. We had
to concede that the AWS Plug-in might not facilitate some
of the primitives that we were trying to use. As a result,
we were stuck trying to optimize our models in simulation
which took a really long time (although we anticipate due
to polling delays time would have been a constraint with
AWS’s quantum devices as well).
Some of our peers also faced issues with Pennylane’s
library and instead switched to IBM Qiskit to build their
models. We also would suggest any future attempts of this
project try out IBM Qiskit to build/train these models.
The previously mentioned quantum constraints also lim-
ited our choice of training data. From our survey of other
attempts to use transformer architectures for financial time
series modeling, it’s quite clear that its predictive power is
very poor unless lots of different time series data is incorpo-
rated. Under ideal conditions we would have used the entire
S&P 500 dataset, which dates back to 1927. We also could
have used other features from the dataset such as open price,
the daily high, the daily low, and volume to build a more
informed model. We speculate that incorporating additional
stocks or indices might further improve our model and create
Figure 18. Quantum Transformer Results the right environment for the transformer architecture to
model. We also were faced with the problem of time. As
we were limited to only feasibly training around 5 epochs, References
we believe that the model wasn’t able to learn enough.
We have reason to believe with more epochs, the quantum [1] D. Emmanoulopoulos and S. Dimoska, “Quantum machine learning
in finance: Time series forecasting,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00599,
model may be able to catch up to the classical model. When 2022.
tuning our classical model, we found that at a low number
[2] S. Y.-C. Chen, S. Yoo, and Y.-L. L. Fang, “Quantum long short-term
of epochs we would see flat lines in the test data, similar memory,” in ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on
to the quantum transformer’s output. Unfortunately due to Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2022, pp.
the time constraint and challenges associated with getting 8622–8626.
the quantum model to even build/train we were unable to [3] R. D. Sipio, “Toward a quantum transformer,” Jan 2021. [On-
try more epochs. line]. Available: https://towardsdatascience.com/toward-a-quantum-

7. Limitations and Future Works [4] A. Vaswani, N. Shazeer, N. Parmar, J. Uszkoreit, L. Jones, A. N.
Gomez, Ł. Kaiser, and I. Polosukhin, “Attention is all you need,”
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 30, 2017.
With this project we faced a few main challenges. One [5] A. Ceschini, A. Rosato, and M. Panella, “Hybrid quantum-classical
of our primary constraints was time. Initially, we expected recurrent neural networks for time series prediction,” in 2022 Interna-
training to be a trivial amount of time, however, we realized tional Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2022,
this was far from the case. Epochs took a lot of time to train pp. 1–8.
especially in simulation. Our Quantum LSTM even with it’s [6] M. Henderson, S. Shakya, S. Pradhan, and T. Cook, “Quanvolutional
relatively few number of qubits took on the order of minutes. neural networks: Powering image recognition with quantum circuits,”
2019. [Online]. Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.04767
This only got worse as the number qubits increased. With
our transformer architecture epochs were on the order of
We initially thought that switching from local simulators
to AWS similators or actual QPUs would help our training
times, but we were met by a different challenge here,
our code wouldn’t compile on AWS! For this project we
intended to use Pennylane’s AWS Plug-in, which promised

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