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Class 4 - 1-6-2024

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BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

Putin warns Turkey after True / False

shooting of warplane a) The article says President Putin asked Turkey
to pay money to Russia. T / F
28th November, 2015
b) A Russian F-16 fighter jet was shot down by
Russia's President Turkish warplanes. T / F
Vladimir Putin has c) Turkish pilots said they gave 10 warnings to
warned Turkey the Russian pilots. T / F
that it would pay
for the downing of d) The Russian pilot said he heard two of the
one of its war warnings. T / F
planes on e) President Putin does not want Russians to
Tuesday. This holiday in Turkey. T / F
comes after two
Turkish F-16 f) The article says 4.4 million Russians will
fighter jets shot down a Russian Su-24, saying the holiday in Turkey this year. T / F
Russian jet was flying over Turkish airspace. g) Turkey gets 60 per cent of its gas from
Moscow denies this and said its plane was in Russia. T / F
Syrian airspace. Turkey has warned Russia several
times before after Russian planes flew over h) Russia had planned to build Turkey's first
Turkish territory. Turkey said its fighter pilots nuclear power station. T / F
warned the Russian planes 10 times before it fired
missiles at it. However, the Russian pilot who Synonym Match
survived the shooting said he received no
warnings at all and that he was not flying in 1. warned a. in advance
Turkish airspace. Russia said the shooting was 2 denies b. encounter
planned beforehand.
3. several c. contests
President Putin has advised all Russians to avoid 4. territory d. refrain from
going to Turkey. He has also said Russia would cut
many economic ties with Turkey. Several major 5. beforehand e. advised
Russian holiday firms have removed packages to 6. avoid f. enterprise
Turkey. This could hurt Turkey as 4.4 million 7. ties g. a number of
Russians go there on vacation each year. Russian
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said a number of 8. face h. expected
big joint projects between the two countries would 9. due i. land
be stopped. In addition, Turkish companies with 10. project j. links
strong trading ties to Russia will also face more
difficult trading conditions. Turkey imports almost
all of its energy from Russia, including 60 per cent Discussion – Student A
of its gas and 35 per cent of its oil. Russia is also
due to build Turkey's first nuclear power station, a) How does this affect Russia and Turkey
which is a $20 billion project. fighting IS?

Sources: IrishTimes / Reuters / RussiaToday b) What would happen if Turkey shot down
another Russian plane?
Writing c) How serious could this situation become?

What are the pros and cons of air strikes in Syria? d) What will Turkey's economy be like without
What is the best thing to do? Russia?
e) Do you think Russia will cut off Turkey's
Chat energy supply?

Talk about these words from the article. f) Is the world becoming safer or more
Vladimir Putin / warplanes / fighter jets / denies
/ several times / territory / pilots / avoid / g) Could this lead to World War III?
economic ties / vacation / trading ties / imports h) What questions would you like to ask the
/ energy / nuclear power leaders?

LOTS MORE at http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1511/151128-warplane.html Copyright Sean Banville 2015

BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

Phrase Match
1. it would pay for the downing of a. survived the shooting
2 the Russian jet was flying b. times before
3. Turkey has warned Russia several c. conditions
4. the Russian pilot who d. beforehand
5. Russia said the shooting was planned e. going to Turkey
6. Putin has advised all Russians to avoid f. power station
7. cut many economic g. over Turkish airspace
8. face more difficult trading h. energy from Russia
9. Turkey imports almost all of its i. one of its warplanes
10. build Turkey's first nuclear j. ties with Turkey

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) What do you think about what you read? Role A – United Nations
You think the United Nations is best at bringing
b) Who do you believe – Russia or Turkey? peace to Syria. Tell the others three reasons why.
Tell them why their organization / country would not
c) How serious is this situation?
bring peace. Also, tell the others which would be the
d) Why did Turkey feel it had to shoot down the least effective of these (and why): Arab League,
NATO or Russia.
Russian plane?
Role B – Arab League
e) What do you think Russia will do to Turkey? You think the Arab League is best at bringing peace
to Syria. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
f) Which countries are doing what in Syria? why their organization / country would not bring
peace. Also, tell the others which would be the least
g) What will the situation be like in a few weeks
effective of these (and why): United Nations, NATO
from now? or Russia.
h) What advice do you have for the leaders of Role C – NATO
Russia and Turkey? You think NATO is best at bringing peace to Syria.
Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why
Spelling their organization / country would not bring peace.
Also, tell the others which would be the least
1. pay for the inogwnd of one of its warplanes effective of these (and why): Arab League, United
Nations or Russia.
2. flying over Turkish raeicpsa Role D – Russia
3. Moscow eednsi this You think Russia is best at bringing peace to Syria.
Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why
4. Turkey has warned Russia lesaevr times their organization would not bring peace. Also, tell
the others which would be the least effective of these
5. they fired islmeiss at them (and why): Arab League, NATO or United Nations.
6. planned hfaonbedre
7. idaov going to Turkey Speaking – Peace
8. cut many inocmoec ties Rank these with your partner. Put the one that would be
best to bring peace in Syria at the top. Change partners
9. Russians go there on nacotaiv often and share your rankings.
10. face more difficult trading otdscniino • United Nations • Saudi Arabia

11. Turkey tpmisro almost all of its energy • Iran • NATO

• Russia • Arab League
12. nurclea power station
• USA • Turkey
Answers – Synonym Match
Answers – True False
1. e 2. c 3. g 4. i 5. a
6. d 7. j 8. b 9. h 10. f a F b F c T d F e T f F g T h T
Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.

LOTS MORE at http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1511/151128-warplane.html Copyright Sean Banville 2015

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