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Intellectual Property in Cyber Space

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The Intellectual Property Rights protect the original work in fields of art, literature,
photography, writing, paintings, even choreography in written format, and audio, or video
files. The IPR protects these works both in tangible and intangible form. Patent, Copyright,
Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Industrial and Layout Designs, Geographical Indications are
intellectual property rights for which legal remedies are available even for online

With the technological advancements and innovations in cyber world the global markets have
benefitted the copyright or patent owners. However, every good innovation has its own
pitfalls as violation of IPR has become one of the major concerns because of the growth of
cyber technology. The IPR and Cyber law go hand in hand and cannot be kept in different
compartments and the online content needs to be protected.

The ever-increasing and evolving cybercrimes are not confined to cyberstalking, frauds,
cyberbullying, phishing, or spamming but are also infringement of IPR- copyright,
trademark, trade secrets of businesses carried online, audios, videos, service marks by illegal
practices like hyperlinking, framing, meta-tagging, and many more.

What are Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace

IPR can be defined as – “Intellectual property rights are the legal rights that cover the
privileges given to individuals who are the owners and inventors of a work and have created
something with their intellectual creativity. Individuals related to areas such as literature,
music, invention, can be granted such rights, which can then be used in the business practices
by them.”

Types of Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights can be further classified into the following categories −
● Copyright
● Patent
● Trade Secrets, to name a few

Every innovation in technological zone becomes prone to threats. The cyberspace on one
hand has facilitated e-commerce, connecting with friends and family, publishing the literary
works, and sharing knowledge but at the same time these personal data or copyrighted or
patented data become vulnerable to various cyber-attacks.

It is best suited to have an effective intellectual property management strategy for all the
e-businesses encompassing a considerable number in cyberspace.

There are various laws nationally and internally to safeguard intellectual property against
cyber-threats, but it becomes the moral duty of the owner of IPRs to take all the required
protective measures to negate and reduce illegitimate virtual attacks.

Intellectual Property Rights in India

For the protection, the IPRs in Indian soil, various constitutional, administrative, and judicial
rules have been defined whether it is copyright, patent, trademark, or other IPRs.

Legislations Enacted to Protect IPR

In the year 1999, the government passed an important legislation based on international
practices to safeguard the intellectual property rights. The same are described below−

1. The Patents (Amendment) Act, 1999, facilitates the establishment of the mailbox
system for filing patents. It offers exclusive marketing rights for a time of five years.
2. The Trademarks Bill, 1999.
3. The Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1999.
4. Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Bill, 1999.
5. The Industrial Designs Bill, 1999, replaced the Designs Act, 1911.
6. The Patents (Second Amendment) Bill, 1999, for further amending the Patents Act of
1970 in compliance with the TRIPS.

A. Copyright Infringement:

“Copyright protection is given to the owner of any published artistic, literary, dramatic, or
scientific work over his work to exclude everyone else from using that work on his own name
and thereby gain profit from it.”

The infringement of these copyrights includes the usage without the permission of the owner,
making and distributing copies of software and unauthorized sale of the same, and
illegitimate copying from websites or blogs.

● Linking:

Linking refers to directing a user of a website to another webpage by action of clicking on a

text or image without leaving the current page. It poses a threat to rights and interests of the
owner of the website and the owner can lose the income as it related to the number of users
visiting the websites. It may lead users to believe that the two websites are linked and are
under same domain and ownership.

In Shetland Times, Ltd. v. Jonathan Wills and Another, it was held to be an act of copyright
infringement under British law and an injunction was issued as the Shetland News’s deep
link was supposed to be with the embedded pages of the Shetland Times’s web site, but they
were also linked to the Times’ website.
With digitisation there is a threat to copyright ownership and rights over their own innovation
as it has become easy to mould various components of copyright elements into variety of
forms by the process of linking, in-linking, and framing. This requires no permissions to be

Deep linking is challenging to manage as there are no clear-cut laws at both national and
international level and this ambiguity becomes advantageous for cybercriminals who try to
breach the copyrights. The rights of the owner of copyrights on one hand and free availability
of information on another is needed to be balanced to ensure smooth working of online
resources and businesses. Reading Sections 14 and 51, Indian Copyright Act, 1957, a legal
issue emerges whereby it is not clear as to the exact stage when the reproduction of the
copyrighted work is being committed. The ambiguity lies in tracing the copyright
infringement that is it at the stage of formation of deep link without the disclaimer of
accessing a link which needs no approval or at the time when a user accesses the link at his

Another challenge is with the in-linking links. On a browser visited by a user accessing the
link is created with map to navigate and fetch images from various sources, these images are
copied by final user who is clueless that he is retrieving those from different websites. Like
deep linking, the problem of tracing the infringement remains the same as it is difficult to
track the exact phase of reproduction of the copyrighted images. The in-line link creator is
guilty of copyright infringement though not directly distributing it but giving way to facilitate
making of unauthorized copies of the original website content thereby falling under the
purview of Section 14 Copyright Act, 1957. However, the final user has no mens rea or
knowledge of any violation of copyright and is thus caught off-guard.

● Framing:

Framing is another challenge and becomes a legal issue and debate subject over the
interpretation of derivation and adaptation under Section 14 Copyrights Act, 1957. The
framer only provides users the modus operandi to access copyrighted content which is
retrieved from a website to browser the user is accessing so they cannot be held responsible
for copying, communicating, or distributing the copyrighted content. The question arises
whether getting the copyrighted content from a website and combining with some more to
create one’s own will amount to adaptation or interpretation under law or not.

B. Software Piracy:

Software piracy refers to making unauthorized copies of computer software which are
protected under the Copyright Act, 1957.

Piracy can be of following types:

● Soft lifting – this means that sharing a program with an unauthorized person without a
licence agreement to use it.
● Software Counterfeiting – Counterfeiting means producing fake copies of a software,
imitating the original and is priced less than the original software. This involves
providing the box, CDs, and manuals, all tailored to look as close to original as
● Renting – it involves someone renting a copy of software for temporary use, without
the permission of the copyright holder which violates the license agreement of

C. Cybersquatting And Trademark Infringement:

Trademark means a unique identifier mark which can be represented by a graph and main
idea is to differentiate the goods or services of one person from those of others and may
include shape of goods, their packaging and combination of colours.

Cybersquatting is a cybercrime which involves imitation of a domain name in such a

manner that the resultant domain name can dupe the users of the famous one with an
intention to make profit out of that. This is executed by registering, selling, or trafficking of a
famous domain name to encash a popular domain name’s goodwill.

When two or more people claim over the right to register the same domain name then the
domain name dispute arises when a trademark already registered is registered by another
individual or organization who is not the owner of trademark that is registered. All domain
name registrars must follow the ICANN‘s policy.

Meta tagging is a technique to increase the number of users accessing a site by including a
word in the keyword section so that the search engine picks up the word and direct the users
to the site despite the site having nothing to do with that word. This may result in trademark
infringement when a website contains meta tags of other websites thereby affecting their

There are certain conditions which need to be fulfilled for a domain name to be abusive:

1. The domain name can be said to be abusive if it gives the impression to the users of
being same as another popular trademark which is a registered one and users
mistakenly access the fake one made with mal intention of gaining profit by diverting
users of popular trademark domain.
2. The registrant has no legal rights or interests in the domain name.
3. The registered domain name is being used in bad faith.

The various international conventions treaties and agreements for protection of intellectual
property in cyberspace are : “Berne Convention (1886), Madrid Agreement Concerning the
International Registration of Trademarks (1891), Hague Agreement Concerning the
Registration of International Designs (1925), Rome Convention for Protection of Performers,
Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (1961), Patent Cooperation Treaty
(1970) Agreement on the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (1994),
World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty (1996), World Intellectual
Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty (1996), and Uniform Domain
Name Dispute Resolution Policy (1999), in consolidation form the international instruments
that govern Intellectual Property Rights.”

Berne Convention (1886) protects the IPRs in Literary and Artistic Works and for the
developing countries specialised provisions are provided.

Rome Convention (1961) covers creative works of authors and owners of physical indicators
of intellectual property. It permits the implementation at domestic level by member countries
where the dispute falls within purview of adjudication by International Court of Justice unless
resorted to arbitration.

TRIPS (1994) is a multilateral agreement on intellectual property that has the widest
coverage of IPRs like copyrights and related rights.

UDRP (1999) is for the resolution of disputes on registration and use of internet domain


Section 51 of Copyrights Act, 1957 is noticeably clear that exclusive rights are vested in the
copyright owner and anything to the contrary constitutes copyright infringement thereof[12].
Since there is no express legislation to determine the liability of Internet Service Provider
(ISP), Section 51 can be interpreted to fall within the ambit with respect to the facilitation of
server facilities By ISPs for stockpiling user data at their business locations and which is
broadcasted for making profit through charging for services and advertisements. However, to
interpret in such a way the other ingredients are to be fulfilled in a cumulative manner, these
ingredients are ‘knowledge’ and ‘due diligence’ to hold ISP liable in abetment of
infringement of copyright.

Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules 2021 and Section 79 IT Act,

2000 provide conditional safeguard from liability of the online intermediaries, but at the same
time its open for interpretation under any other civil or criminal Act. IT Act 2000 makes an
intermediary non-liable for any third-party content hosted on its site. The 2021 Guidelines
entail following of diligent approach by the intermediaries to avail protection or exemption
under Section 79 IT Act, 2000. Therefore, it becomes crucial for initiative-taking judicial
interpretation depending on the facts of each case.


Cyberspace has no borders and Intellectual Property disputes have become a global concern
with mixed infringements and cross border disputes. For prescription, adjudication, and
enforcement of law the legal disputes will come under jurisdiction of a Court or not becomes
a worrying concern as there is no clear-cut rule of law. A country as a sovereign power has
powers to adopt a criminal law for to an offensive act was committed outside its borders may
but which has an impact within its territory. Following the international law, Courts can
assume universal jurisdiction to prosecute a cybercriminal.

Evolution of various of theories and legal concepts has been witnessed to deal with this much
anxiety of jurisdictional issues with respect to adjudicating the infringements of intellectual
property in cyberspace. The most significant of these are the Minimum Contacts Test, the
Effects Test, and the Sliding Scale Test or ‘Zippo Test’ taken from US Courts. The Minimum
contacts test is applicable where one or both parties are out of territorial jurisdiction of the
Court but there is a contact with the State in which the Court is located. The Effects test is
applicable at the territory of the Court the effects or injury of any cyber-crime is experienced.
The Sliding Test is related to personal jurisdiction regarding the interactions with commercial
information over the internet between the non-resident operators.

Section 75 IT Act, 2000 is applicable to cybercrimes committed outside India if the offence
involving a computer, computer system, or computer network placed in India. Section 4 IPC,
1860 extends its jurisdiction to offences committed in any place outside India targeting a
computer resource located in India. The courts in India can adjudicate against the intellectual
property infringements in cyberspace and they protect the intellectual property owners by
means of judicial activism and effective jurisprudence.


Along with the technological advancements and innovations it becomes imperative to protect
the sensitive data and information and the intellectual property online by resorting to stricter
legal measures. As newer types of cybercrimes affecting intellectual property are cropping
up, so it becomes essential to enact new laws as traditional regulations are not sufficient to
render justice as the challenges faced in protection or tracing the infringers of intellectual
property in cyber world is quite challenging.

For smooth sail and facilitation of global trade and e-commerce and various businesses
conducted online the import and export are necessarily provided a secured atmosphere to
protect IPRs. Novice and updated technological practices to protect copyrighted content is
absolute necessity like encryption, cryptography, digital signatures, and digital watermarks. It
is important to keep a record of all the work with ownership of IPRs to identify the author,
numbers or codes involved with such works. Taking the route of legal redressal of dispute is
not the only solution but it is very much required on part of copyright, patent, trademark, and
various other intellectual property rights owners to be initiative-taking and take all necessary
precautions in protecting their works and be updated with the current technological measures
of protection for IPRs. Social engineering attacks are generated or started by people, and the
answers and solutions to these problems would come from people only.

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