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Behruz Ibodullayev - Changing Communities Research Plan

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Name: Behruz Ibodullayev Date: 05.12.


Individual Report: Changing Communities

Start your research:

What are the most important problems in your area related to changing communities?

What do you already think?

Rapid urbanization. Rapid urbanization can lead to various issues, including increased demand

for infrastructure, housing, and services.Demographic Changes that Shifts in demographics,

such as population growth or aging, can impact communities. Aging populations may require

healthcare and social services, while a younger population might require educational and

employment opportunities.

Are you prepared to change your mind?

Yes I am prepared to change my mind

What search terms will you use?

Urbanization, Demographic changes , Economic transformation, Social inequality ,

What key words and phrases will you skim-read for?

Rapid urbanization , difference , urbanization , demographic changes , society , inequality

(Remember to think about which problems are most important and why?)

Choose a country in a very different part of the world. What are their most important problems

related to changing communities?

Urbanization Challenges, Economic Inequality , Violence and Crime , Migration and

Displacement , Cultural Identity and Indigenous Rights , Environmental Sustainability , Access

to Education and Healthcare , Social Services and Infrastructure

What are the similarities and differences in the issues between the two areas?


● Urbanization Challenges
● Economic Inequality

● Cultural Preservation

● Cultural Preservation

Differences :

● Political structures

● Violence and crime

● Migration patterns

● Drug trafficking

In what ways do these two areas have different perspectives?

In Cultural Diversity , historical background , political systems , environmental context these

two areas have different perspectives

What is the most interesting issue you have found so far?

Tourism and Cultural Sustainability .

Come up with a question to help you plan a line of inquiry.

Possible Questions to Think About

● How effectively is Uzbekistan meeting the challenges of urbanization? What else should the
government do?

● How can we ensure that rapid urbanization does not lead to an increase in urban poverty?

● What is the best way to deal with the challenges of shrinking cities?

● How effective is social enterprise a tool for changing communities/addressing social problems in
Individual Report Plan

Topic area: Changing communities

Research Question: How effectively is Uzbekistan meeting the challenges of urbanization? What
else should the government do?

Research: What are the main ideas/pieces of information you have found out? List 5 in your own
1. Urbanization can strain social services such as healthcare and education, leading to

disparities in access and quality

2. Cities may experience income inequality, with certain groups facing challenges in

accessing economic opportunities.

3. Increased urbanization can lead to environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation,

and strain on water resources.

4. Rapid urbanization often outpaces infrastructure development, leading to issues like

inadequate housing, transportation, and sanitation.

Remember to keep a record of every resource you use!

● https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/uzbekistan/overview

● https://www.statista.com/statistics/455954/urbanization-in-uzbekistan/

● https://www.statista.com/statistics/275432/urbanization-in-mexico/

● https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/urban-threats

● https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/institutional-document/735126/uzbekistan-

Name the three perspectives on the issue you are investigating.

Personal: I think the government should build more learning centers or schools , because more

people need more learning centers.

National: Government may invest in the development and improvement of infrastructure,

including transportation networks, water supply, sanitation, and housing.

Global: These challenges may make countries to loose their economically global partners

What are the causes and the consequences of the issue you are investigating?

There are many causes that cause rapid urbanization and these challenges.According to

information taken from several sites , one of the primary drivers of urbanization is migration

from rural areas to urban centers in search of better economic opportunities, education, and

improved living standards . Most migration is caused by an increase in population . Natural

population growth contributes to the increase in urban populations. High birth rates and

improved healthcare contribute to rising urban populations. And also in this rapidly developing

society social factors, including changing lifestyles and cultural shifts, may contribute to the

preference for urban living. As there are causes of rapid urbanization there are consequences of

this issue . Rapid urbanization can lead to a shortage of affordable housing, resulting in the

development of informal settlements or slums with inadequate infrastructure. Because the

government can’t supply enough resources.The rapid influx of people can strain existing

infrastructure, leading to issues such as traffic congestion, inadequate public transportation, and

insufficient water and sanitation facilities . Rapid urbanization is also harming nature.
Urbanization often results in deforestation, pollution, and the loss of natural habitats,

contributing to environmental degradation. The more the population , the more vehicles. The

rise in the number of vehicles due to urbanization can result in traffic congestion, affecting

transportation efficiency and air quality. Increase in population may contribute to increased

crime rates due to factors like high population density, social inequality, and insufficient law

enforcement resources.Understanding these causes and consequences is essential for

policymakers to develop effective strategies that harness the benefits of urbanization while

mitigating its negative impacts. Sustainable urban planning, social policies, and environmental

conservation efforts are crucial components of addressing these challenges

What are some possible solutions to the problem you are investigating?
As I mentioned above there are many possible solutions to this problem/issue.So i’m going to

give some possible solutions to the problem as points.

● Social Programs and Education:

Enhance social programs, particularly in healthcare and education, to ensure that urban

residents have access to quality services and opportunities for personal and professional


● Job Creation and Economic Diversification:

Promote economic diversification and job creation within urban areas to provide residents

with diverse employment opportunities, reducing the pressure on specific industries.

● Affordable Housing Initiatives:

Implement policies and programs to increase the availability of affordable housing,

considering the diverse needs of the urban population

● Smart Urban Technologies:

Explore and implement smart technologies to improve urban management, resource

efficiency, and the overall quality of life for residents.

● Land Use Policies:

Develop and enforce land use policies that balance the needs of residential, commercial,

and industrial spaces to create well-planned and functional urban areas.

What have other countries done to fix similar problems?

As a citizen of Uzbekistan I can give some examples from more modernized and developed

countries such as Germany , Japan , South Korea , China and the United States . In Germany,

German cities, such as Freiburg, have embraced sustainable urban development by investing in

renewable energy, promoting cycling infrastructure, and implementing strict building standards

for energy efficiency. In Japan , Japanese cities like Tokyo have implemented comprehensive

earthquake-resistant building standards, considering the country's susceptibility to seismic

activity. Additionally, Tokyo has focused on efficient public transportation systems to manage

urban congestion. In South Korea , Seoul has successfully tackled issues of traffic congestion

and air pollution by investing in extensive public transportation networks, including subways

and buses. China has implemented massive urbanization projects, including the development of

new cities and the expansion of existing ones. The country has also invested in high-speed rail

networks to connect urban centers efficiently. In the US , Portland has implemented urban
growth boundaries to control sprawl and promote compact, sustainable urban development. The

city also prioritizes public transportation and emphasizes green building practices.

These examples demonstrate that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and each country's

response is shaped by its unique circumstances. However, successful strategies often involve a

combination of sustainable urban planning, infrastructure development, social programs, and

community engagement. Learning from global best practices can provide valuable insights for

addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization

Would this work in your country?

Yes No Maybe

Because using public transports instead of personal vehicles can make the air more fresh and
clear. And also it prevents terrific traffics in the urbanized cities.

Source Analysis:

Date published : This source is not too old . It is published in 2021 september

Author (If unnamed, write the organization or group responsible): : Anthony Gad Bigio
Reliability (Think about any potential bias the author may have. Is it an advertisement? Is it an article written
by a group that has a certain religious stance or political beliefs? Are the sources cited? Is there a list of
sources at the end of the article? Does the article provide ‘proof’ to the claims it makes—that is, does it support
the claims with facts, statistics or real-world examples?): This source is written by ADB (Asian
Development Bank). As it is written by a big company or organization it must be reliable. But
at the beginning of the book , the organization mentioned that : “ADB does not guarantee the
accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any
consequence of their use. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does
not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ADB in preference to others of a similar
nature that are not mentioned” So there can be some unreliable information in the book. But I
checked all the information that I got from this book. They were all reliable . This organization
has assistants and consultants from different countries of Asia . And it reduces the risk of any
potential bias or beliefs. They have a source list at the end of the book. They listed about 70-80

Issue/issues which the source deals with (briefly summarize how it is related to your topic of study:

This source explains the causes and consequences of the issue . Also there are topics about the
challenges of rapid urbanization time by time . You can find some statistics about how the
country is standing against these challenges of rapid urbanization.

Cause of Issue? (Are there reasons for why the author believes this issue to be important?):
This book contains most important issues such as challenges of rapid urbanization , shrinking
cities and so on. In many countries across Asia standing against the challenges of rapid
urbanization is one of the most important issues. That is why the author chose this issue

Perspective? Is it local, national or global? (If it is belonging to multiple, briefly explain why, how does the
perspective of author compare to your thoughts on the issue?): The book is written by the leadership of
the organization ADB. So the perspective is global. While reading the book I noticed that my
personal perspective was much different compared to global perspectives.

Consequences? That is, does the author of the source identify what may happen as a result of the issue raise?
Does the author identify any future scenarios?) If so list examples of future scenarios
I found one of the future scenarios which is mentioned as : Such accelerated urbanization could
be the consequence of liberalizing land property and removing mobility constraints, which
could trigger land speculation.

Conclusion and further research (reflect on why this will be useful for your IR, and if it helped you to look for
research in other areas related to your topic, how has my initial understanding about the topic changed
because of this source?):
How effectively is
The book contains many reliable statistics and information according to my topic “
Uzbekistan meeting the challenges of urbanization? What else should the government do?” All
the information is written from a global perspective. They have a source list at the end of the
book. There is information about how the country is harnessing the potential of urbanization ,
how it is meeting the challenges of rapid urbanization.My intital understanding changed
because of this source . I thought that only in middle Asia there are urbanization problems .
After reading the book I changed my mind.

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