Malnutrition of The Childrenin Barangay Butong Quezon Bukidnon
Malnutrition of The Childrenin Barangay Butong Quezon Bukidnon
Malnutrition of The Childrenin Barangay Butong Quezon Bukidnon
Salan,Juliepearl Angela
December 3, 2023
Table of Contents
Research Instrument…………………………………………………………11
Research Design……………………………………………………………..11
Sampling Procedure……………………………………………………….…12
According to World Health Organization, WHO aims for a world free of all forms of
malnutrition, where all people achieve health and wellbeing. According to the 2016–
2025 nutrition strategy, WHO works with Member States and partners towards universal
access to effective nutrition interventions and to healthy diets from sustainable and
resilient food systems. WHO uses its convening power to help set, align and advocate
for priorities and policies that move nutrition forward globally; develops evidence-
informed guidance based on robust scientific and ethical frameworks; supports the
adoption of guidance and implementation of effective nutrition actions; and monitors and
evaluates policy and programme implementation and nutrition outcomes.
This work is framed by the Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal,
infant, and young child nutrition, adopted by Member States through a World Health
Assembly resolution in 2012. Actions to end malnutrition are also vital for achieving the
diet-related targets of the Global action plan for the prevention and control of
noncommunicable diseases 2013–2020, the Global strategy for women’s, children’s,
and adolescent’s health 2016–2030, and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
This study intends to find how relevant malnutrition is and how it affects the
health condition of the children living in barangay butong.
This study will assess the knowledge and attitude regarding malnutrition among
childrens in barangay butong who are malnurished.
2.1. Foods
2.2. Financial
3.1. Normal
3.2. Overweight
3.3 underweight
The beneficiaries of this study is the children who lives in Butong Quezon
Bukidnon. Children are more vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition, and studying its
impact on them can help identify problems at an early stage, allowing for timely
intervention. Also Health worker can benefit the study. Health workers on the ground
can collect essential data related to malnutrition prevalence, dietary habits, and health
status, which is crucial for research and policy development. They can identify and refer
malnourished individuals, especially children, for timely intervention, ensuring that cases
are documented and studied. Most beneficiary of this research is the parents. Parents
can provide important data on their child's dietary habits, growth, and health, which
researchers can use to study malnutrition trends. Parents play a crucial role in
recognizing signs of malnutrition in their children and seeking timely medical assistance,
aiding in early diagnosis and intervention.
The study will focus on Malnutrition of Children ages 0-5 years old, taking into
consideration the number of cases of childhood malnutrition in Barangay Butong. The
study will not encompass malnutrition resulting from specific health conditions or
diseases, focusing primarily on malnutrition due to dietary factors. This scope and
delimitation provide a clear outline of the parameters within which the research on child
malnutrition will be conducted, ensuring a focused and manageable study.
These are the terms that are commonly used in this study in order to provide a better
understanding of the study .
Health - A state of complete well-being that includes social, mental, and physical
components is called health. It represents the best possible functioning of a person on
several levels and extends beyond the absence of a medical condition.
Food - Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body's
growth, maintenance, and energy needs.
Children - Children refer to young human beings in the early stages of life, typically from
birth to adolescence.
According to Dilshad Ahmad (2022) the current era, malnutrition among children
considers main reason of morbidity and mortality in the world scenario while more
specifically in developing countries. Malnutrition in children severely affects their
physical growth and academic achievements. This study aimed to find out the effect of
socioeconomic factors on malnutrition, children aged under 5 years in Multan district of
Punjab province, Pakistan. The study used the data of 2497 children, obtained from
Multiple Integrated Cluster Survey 2018 and employed Binary logistic regression
approach for empirical estimation the effects of socioeconomic factors on malnutrition
among children. Empirical estimates of the study specified the prevalence of higher
frequency of stunting (18.58), wasting (28.43) and underweight (19.54) among children
particularly in rural areas of the study district Multan.
According to Olivier Mukuku (2019) The nutritional status is the best indicator of the
well-being of the child. Inadequate feeding practices are the main factors that affect
physical growth and mental development. The aim of this study was to develop a
predictive score of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in children under 5 years of age.
Methods. It was a case-control study. The case group (n = 263) consisted of children
aged 6 to 59 months admitted to hospital for SAM that was defined by a z-score
weight/height < −3 SD or presence of edema of malnutrition. We performed a univariate
and multivariate analysis. Discrimination score was assessed using the ROC curve and
the calibration of the score by Hosmer–Lemeshow test. Results. Low birth weight,
history of recurrent or chronic diarrhea, daily meal’s number less than 3, age of
breastfeeding’s cessation less than 6 months, age of introduction of complementary
diets less than 6 months, maternal age below 25 years, parity less than 5, family history
of malnutrition, and number of children under 5 over 2 were predictive factors of SAM.
According to Ratib Mawa, Stephen Lawoko (2018) Malnutrition remains a major cause
of morbidity and mortality among children under five years especially in developing
countries. The high burden of wasting and stunting among children under five years of
age is of great concern to policy makers and public health practitioners in Uganda.
Prevention and treatment of malnutrition is a priority in the United Nations 2030
development agenda. This study investigated the risk factors for wasting and stunting
among children aged 6-59 months in the general population in Uganda. Secondary data
from the 2011 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey was utilised. A sample of 2214
children was studied. Bivariate analysis and multivariate conditional logistic regression
was used to determine the association between risk factors and childhood wasting and
Yusuff Adebayo Adebisi et, al (2019) state that Malnutrition is one of the common
problems that afflict the poor in low- and middle-income countries like Uganda. The rate
of decline of malnutrition in the country has been very slow for the last 15 years. This
problem is of utmost concern in this era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in
which achieving the goals is imperative. The aim of our study was to review literature on
the prevalence and socio-economic impacts of malnutrition among children under 5 in
Uganda and provide recommendations to address identified gaps. This review assesses
available evidences, including journal articles, country reports, the World Health
Organization (WHO) reports, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency
Funds (UNICEF) reports, and other reports on issues pertaining to malnutrition among
children in Uganda.
Chapter 3
The researcher will be conducting the study at Butong Quezon, Bukidnon, the
study will be carried out. This area was chosen because of its practical accessibility and
potential familiarity with the research topic.
Studying malnutrition among children in Butong, Quezon, Bukidnon would likely
involve conducting research in the community itself. This might include visiting health
centers, conducting household surveys, interviewing families, and collaborating with
local health authorities to gather data on nutrition, dietary habits, access to food, and
overall health of the children in that area.
Map Location
Participants of the Study
The respondents of this study are the Health Workers. There are more than 23
Health worker in the barangay each purok have 1 Barangay Health Worker (BHW).The
researchers employed cluster random sampling. the 23 health workers and also the
captain of the barangay and the parents of the children who are malnurished are
selected to participate in this study as respondents. Additionally, the respondents were
made aware that the responses would be kept private and anonymous.
Research Instrument
The survey method that researchers used was the primary method in this study
such that we can be certain of our answers to certain questions.
The data collected through questionnaires was founded to assemble data on the
effects of psychological factors that have already been neglected or despoiled by
others. The researcher developed this questionnaire to collect information and data
about the psychological aspects that influence the parents learnings.
Research Design
This research design is to determiine the most common issues why mostly the
children in barangay butong is causing malnutrition, this research will take a
phenomenological approach, with data collected through surveys and questionnaires.
The data collected through questionnaires was founded to assemble data on the
effects of health factors that have already been neglected or despoiled by others.
The researcher developed this questionnaire to collect information and data about the
psychological aspects that influence the parents learnings.
Sampling Procedure