BNS - Chart New-2024 - 240706 - 101025
BNS - Chart New-2024 - 240706 - 101025
BNS - Chart New-2024 - 240706 - 101025
Warrant Cases
Arrest & Production Arrest & Production Can go for 175 (3)
of Accused u/s 57 of Accused u/s 58 Can go for 156 (3)
before Masistrate before Masistrate Sub Sec.(4) is obligation Examination of the
Complainant 223
PCR 167 MCR 167 Can go for 225 Exam. of the
PCR 187 MCR 187 Can go for 202 Complt. 200
27 Evi. Act. Bail 437. 439 Can go for 226 Issue of Process 227
23 (2) Pros. Bail Dismissal Issue of Process 204
BSA 2023 480, 483 Can go for 203
Accused Appearance
and Bail
Confession 164
Investigations Negative Report
ENC - 244
Charge Sheet 193 Disharge 189 Notice to the EBC - 267
193 Final Report Complaint
Charge Sheet 173
Disharge 169 Protest or Private
Plea Bargaining 289 173 Final Report Complaint Evidence B4 Charge
Plea Bargaining
Success Failure Hearing on Charge
Discharge 245
Discharge 268
Judgement Summary Warrant If not Discharge 269
Cases Cases Discharge 239 If not Discharge 246
or i.e. Acquittal
Substance of Discharge 262 Evidence
Accusation 251 Substance of Framing of
Charge263 i.e. Acquittal
Accusation 274
Fram. Charge 240
Defense Evidence
Conviction Evidence of Evidence of Pros. Conviction on
on Pleading Pros. 277 309 / 310 Pleading Guilty
guilty Evidence of Evidence of Pros. 264 Argument
275 + 276 Pros. 254 274 / 275 Conviction on
Pleading Guilty 241
Conviction Statement 351 Statement 351
on Pleading Statement 313 If not Judgment
guilty 271 (1) / (2)
252 + 253 Argument Argument
248 (1) / (2)
Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment
255 (1) / (2) 278 (1) / (2) 271 (1) / (2) 248 (1) / (2)
Prepared by Adv. Shrinivas S. Balla