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2 Conditionals Exercise

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1. Choose the correct option for these zero conditional sentences.

1. If you eat fast food, 6. He never buys lunch

a) you will gain weight. a) if he doesn't has cash.
b) you gains weight. b) if he no have cash.
c) you gain weight. c) if he won't have cash.
d) you gained weight. d) if he doesn't have cash.

2. If you study hard, 7. When you heat water,

a) you get good grades. a) it boils.
b) you got good grades. b) it's boiling.
c) you getting good grades. c) boils the water.
d) you will get good grades. c) it was boil.

3. When she works early, 8. Does ice melt

a) she woke up early. a) if it is in the sun?
b) she will wake up early. b) if it were in the sun?
c) she wake up early. c) if they are in the sun?
d) she wakes up early. d) if it will be in the sun?

4. When the radio plays, 9. What do you do

a) it's hard to hear you speak. a) if the teacher was sick?
b) it was hard to hear you speak. b) if the teacher had been sick?
c) it is hard to hear you spoke. c) if the teacher will be sick?
d) it's hard to hear you will speak. d) if the teacher is sick?

5. I always wear a jacket 10. Does the computer work

a) when it will be cold. a) if you use batteries?
b) when it is cold. b) if you used batteries?
c) when it was cold. c) if you will use batteries?
d) when it is being cold. c) if you had used batteries?

2. Choose the correct option for these 2nd Conditional sentences.

1. If I __________ more money, I would Reality: She doesn’t know how to speak
buy a car. French, so she takes lessons.
a) have 3. If he were older, he __________ vote.
b) had a) will
c) would have b) could
d) will have c) can
Reality: I don’t have enough money, so I d) will be able to
don’t buy a car. 4. The men would have money if they
2. If she __________ how to speak French, _________.
she would not take lessons. a) work
a) knows b) works
b) know c) worked
c) knew d) working
d) known

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5. What would you do if you __________ 8. Where would you __________ if you
the lottery? could go anywhere in the world?
a) win a) go
b) will win b) goes
c) won c) went
d) have won d) have gone
6. If Tom __________ to class, he would 9. Would you __________ to live in a big
learn more. house or a small house?
a) go a) like
b) goes b) likes
c) have went c) liking
d) went d) liked
7. The children would do better if they 10. Who would you meet if you
__________ more time. __________meet anyone in the world?
a) have a) can
b) has b) could
c) having c) can't
d) had d) will be able

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. We would learn a lot from dolphins if 6. If the weather ________ better, we
they ________. ________ to the park.
A. can talk A. were... would go
B. will talk B. is... would go
C. talk C. was... go
D. could talk D. were... will go
2. He's so stupid! If he ________ an animal, 7. If I ________ a penny for every can of
he would be a sheep. soda I've drunk in my life, I would be rich!
A. is A. had
B. is B. will have
C. would be C. have
D. were D. would have
3. If smoking were allowed, I ________ a 8. If he were a young man, he ________
cigarette. able to walk faster.
A. will have A. would be
B. have B. was
C. would have C. is
D. had D. will be
4. We don't mind camping, but if we 9. If her hair were black, she ________
________ enough money, we ________ in a completely different.
hotel. A. will look
A. have... stayed B. looks
B. would have...stayed C. would look
C. had... would stay D. look
D. had... stayed 10. If there ________ no mosquitos, there
5. We'd be on the beach if we ________ in would be no malaria.
Mexico! A. were
A. were B. are
B. will be C. was
C. would be D. would be
D. are
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4. Choose the correct option.
1.- I wouldn’t tell her if I ……….. you. She b.- would know
can’t keep a secret. c.- know
a.- will be d.- had known
b.- were 10.- If Anna ………….. a little taller, she
c.- am could become a model.
d.- had been a.- will be
2.- Paul would be a good artist if he …….... b.- is
more patience. c.- had been
a.- had d.- were
b.- has 11.- If I smoked a cigarette, ………… you?
c.- will have a.- would it bother
d.- have b.- will it bother
3.- If they invited me to their party. I c.- does it bother
………… absolutely delighted. d.- it bothers
a.- am 12.- If he ……….. swimming in such a
b.- will be rough sea, he wouldn’t have drowned.
c.- would be a.- wouldn’t have gone
d.- was b.- didn’t go
4.- He ……….. so many accidents if he c.- won’t
drove more carefully. d.- hadn’t gone
a.- hadn’t 13.- If I …………… Paul’s number I would
b.- wouldn’t have invite him to the party
c.- hasn’t a.- have
d.- won’t have b.- had
5.- I would help them if they ……….. to me. c.- am having
a.- had listened d.- had had
b.- listened 14.- If I …………. John, I’d ask Mary for a
c.- will listen date.
d.- would listen a.- will be
6.- If the weather ………. warmer, we b.- am
would go out. c.- were
a.- will be d.- would be
b.- had been 15.- If I sat on the armchair, I
c.- were ….................... more comfortable.
d.- is a.- would be
7.- Unless you ……….., you won’t find out b.- had been
the truth. c.- were
a.- will ask d.- will have been
b.- won’t ask 16.- If it were warm, we ………………. to
c.- ask the park.
d.- don’t ask a.- will go
8.- If you ……….. me, I will bring you the b.- went
book. c.- would go
a.- reminded d.- are going
b.- will remind
c.- would remind 17.- If they …………….. so much time
d.- remind surfing the internet, they would get better
9.- If I ……….. about your birthday, I marks in their exams
would have you bought a present. a.- don’t spend
a.- knew b.- hadn’t spent
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c.- didn’t spend
d.- didn’t spent
18.- We ……………… out in the garden if
it hadn’t been so cold.
a.- would had sat
b.- would sit
c.- had sat
d.- would have sat
19.- If I had bought more milk, I
……………….. enough for breakfast.
a.- would have
b.- had had
c.- would have had
d.- would had have
20.- If we walk so slowly, we
………………. late.
a.- will being
b.- will be
c.- be
d.- would be

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