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Ade, Agung Fachrully; Santoso, Sugeng; Nando Dwi Yulio (2021).

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Technology Readiness In The Pond Waterwheel Technology Development Project To Support Increased
National Shrimp Production (Case Study Of Pt. Barata Indonesia Persero), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains
dan Teknologi IV, ISBN 2477-4845 artikel 9, pp. 73 - 81, 2021. V

Agus Yulianto, Sugeng Santoso, Drajat Jatnika (2022), The Effect of Product Diversification, Taste, and Service
Quality on Customer Satisfaction, 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), 1103-
1111, Atlantis Press. https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/insyma-22/125977219 V

Ahmad, Khadijah et al. "Inovasi dalam Pengembangan Bisnis Berbasis Syariah" (2021).

Alika, V. A.; Santoso, S.; Nurmaliki, S.; Anisa, N. (2021). Marketing Strategy Sharia Financial Institutions to
Promote Sharia Fintech and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSES). Proceedings of the 1st MICOSS Mercu
Buana International Conference on Social Sciences, MICOSS 2020, EAI. doi:10.4108/eai.28-9-2020.2307373

Andrea, G., Santoso, S. (2020). Improving Economy of the Community Based on Sustainable Tourism and Creative
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Banten Province. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. Volume 5, Issue 1,
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BastiawanH., SantosoS., SahabA. I., YaminA., & AlmiraB. (2022). Analysis of Healthy Living Behavior, Age, and
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Gluten-Free Food Consumption. Journal of Consumer Sciences, 7(1), 51-67.
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Dewi, R. K., & Santoso, S. (2023). A comprehensive analysis of the creative economy’s value addition in Lebak
Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 12(6),
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Ditra Novtiansyah and Sugeng Santoso, 2023. Analysis of the Relationship between Risk Management in Sharia-
based Crowdfunding and Trust in the Community: Case Study of Al Fazza Nature School, Cimanggis, Depok
City. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(11), pp80-91 V

Dumilah, D. Komarudin, M. Ubaidillah, R. Siagian, S. Susanto, S. (2021). Peran Ekonomi Kreatif Dalam
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Endri, Syafarudin, A., Santoso, S., Imaningsih, E. S., Suharti, T., & Rinda, R. T. (2020). Consumption Behavior
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Lovika, A., Burhanuddin, B., Santoso, S., & Praktikno, I. (2022). Peran Literasi Keuangan Syariah Pada Pelaku
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Kewirausahaan, 10(2), 655-667. https://doi.org/10.47668/pkwu.v10i2.474 V

Novita Tania, Sugeng Santoso, Adyanto Kurniawan Hulu, Gunawan Wiyogo Siwantoro (2022), Potential Role
Analysis of Halal Certification Facilitation and Tangerang Emas Program Activation to Increase Culinary
Micro Business Income in Tangerang City, 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022),
1127-1134, Atlantis Press. https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/insyma-22/125977219 V

Putra, I.M.Y.;Santoso,S.(2020). Rekomendasi Mesin Pengupas Kulit Testa Kelapa Berdasarkan Tingkat
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Redata, L.; Kezia, R.; Solaiman, K. H.; Santoso, S. (2021). Analisis Korelasi Pendampingan Komunitas Terhadap
Inovasi Pelaku Ekonomi Kreatif Dan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Konsumen: Studi Kasus Pada Komunitas
Tangerang Berdaya Dan Pelaku Ekonomi Kreatif Kuliner Tangerang. Business Management Journal, 17(1),
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Rian Ubaidillah and Sugeng Santoso (2022), Analysis of Increasing Added Value Ecosystem Creative Economy
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Issue 09, 2022 pp. 59-65. V

Salmi Mohd Isa, Ivy Mak Choong Wei and Sugeng Santoso (2021). Adoption of E-wallet among Penang Residents
during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Roles of Rewards,. The 41th National and International
Conference "Global Goals, Local Actions: Looking Back and Moving Forward 2021” Vol. 1 (14), 1-24

Santoso S, Widyanty W, Nurhidajat R, Ramadhani Marfatah M, Mahmud G, Fahlevi M, Aljuaid M, Zhghenti T and
Shahid D (2022), System dynamics modeling for developing an agrotourism-creative economy in the
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Santoso, S., Donna, L.S.B., Kayani, I., Cahyanugraha, I.H., Arfiandi, D., 63 Aryati., D.. (2023). Analysis of
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Santoso, S., Hapsari, P. A., Difoasih, G., & Prianto, S. E. (2021). Analysis of Public Interest In Online Tourism In
The Middle of The Covid-19 Pandemic. JELAJAH: Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 3(1), 1–11.
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Santoso, S., Siswanti, I., Hidayat, R. N., Isa, S. M., & Marfatah, M. R. (2022). Measuring Model of Infrastructure
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Santoso, S., Soehari, T. D., Aprianto, Y., Andrean, D., & Henny. (2020). Value Creation In Fisheries Supply Chain
As A Role Model For Fish Protein Hydrolyzate Cluster Development. Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin, 11(3), 401 –
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Santoso, S.; Natanael, A.; Fatmawati, A.A.; Griselda, A.; Khoirunnisa, J.; Simanjuntak, M.; Bagus, A. A. R.
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Santoso, S.; Natanael, A.; Griselda, A.; Khoirunnisa, J.; Simanjuntak, M.; Bagus, A. R.; Merry, L. Z. (2021b).
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Santoso, S.; Nusraningrum, D.; Hadibrata, B.; Widyanty, W.; Isa, S. M.; Apriyanto, Y.; Henny. (2021). Policy
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Santoso, S.; Ubaidillah, R.; Balqis, B.; Sembiring, C. F. (2021). Community Role in Improving Muslim-Friendly
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Santoso, Sugeng, Fatmawati, Ari, Ubaidillah, Rian, Widyanty, Winda, AND Isa, Salmi. " Analysis of Muslim
Friendly Tourism Development in Indonesia" IQTISHODUNA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam [Online], Volume 10
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Sugeng Santoso, Daru Asih dkk (2021). Telaah Kebijakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Ekosistem Makanan Dan
Minuman Halal. Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi, ISBN 978-623-92020-7-1

Sugeng Santoso, R. Nurhidajat, Yayuk Arsih, Adhadi Praja, Sandi Perdian (2022), Application of Self-Service
Technology for Advancing Customer Satisfaction in Food and Beverage Retail Business, Jurnal Administrasi
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Sugeng Santoso, Rahma Septi Anzelina, Luthfi Aulia Safari, Dimas Iskandar, Fery Erwanda (2021). Pembiayaan
Dan Manfaat Financial Technology (Fintech) Syariah Pada 212 Mart, Syi’ar Iqtishadi: Journal of Islamic
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Sugeng Santoso, Selma Alfarisah , Ari Ana Fatmawati , Rian Ubaidillah (2021). Correlation Analysis of the Halal
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Beverage SMEs Actors, Jurnal Religious, 5 (2), 297-308. DOI :10.15575/rjsalb.v5i2.11627 V

Sugeng Santoso, Syafaat Pradipta, Trubus Sumantono, Ari Ana Fatmawati (2021). Pengembangan Desa Wisata
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Susilo, Y.; Wijayanti, E.; Santoso, S. (2021). Penerapan Transformasi Digital Pada Pemasaran Ekonomi Kreatif V

Syiva Nur Malasari, Sugeng Santoso, Yudha Pratana, Gerry Naldo (2022), Analysis of Google Meet Readiness as
Online Communication Media in the Era of Digital Transformation, 19th International Symposium on
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