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Ngugi Elias Kinuthia

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JUNE 2012

This research project is my original work and has not been presented for any of the
study programmes in any university
__________________ Date____________________

This research project has been submitted to me/us for approval as the university
____________________ Date___________________
Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies
Kenyatta University
Date _______________


Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies
Kenyatta University

This study is dedicated to my wife Salome and our children Hiram, Eric and Prince
for their undying love.
It is also dedicated to my parents Hiram and Julia; they taught me the virtues of

My sincere thanks go to my supervisors, Mr. Gatimu Kiranga and Dr. Norbert Ogeta
for their advice, support and inspiration. Their guidance has been invaluable in
developing this project to its potential.
I am grateful to all the principals of the participating schools for giving me access to
their schools. To all the teachers and students who participated in the study, i say
thank you. My thanks are extended to all friends and colleagues who have provided
generous support throughout my study.
I am also deeply grateful to my wife for her support and belief in me.
God bless you all.


Content Page

Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………ii



Table of contents…………………………………………………………………..…..v

List of tables………………………………………………………………………..….x

List of figures…………………………………………………………………………xi

Abbreviations ………………………………………………………………………..xii



1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………...1

1.1 Background to the study…………………………………………………...…….1

1.2 Statement of the problem………………………………………………….…….3
1.3 Purpose of the study……………………………………………………………..4
1.4 Objectives of the study……………………………………………………….….4
1.5 Research questions………………………………………………………………4
1.6 Significance of the study………………………………………………………...5
1.7 Assumption of the study…………………………………………………………6
1.8 Limitations of the study………………………………………………………….6
1.9 Delimitation……………………………………………………………………...6
1.10 Theoretical framework…………………………………………………………..6
1.11 Conceptual framework…………………………………………………………11
1.12 Operational definitions of terms………………………………………………..12


2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….13

2.2 Global trends…………………………………………………………………...13


2.3 ICT in Kenyan schools…………………………………………………………13

2.4 Learner-centered environment…………………………………………………15

2.5 Teachers and students perception of ICT………………………………………15

2.6 Digital content………………………………………………………………….16

2.7 Educational planning…………………………………………………………...18

2.8 Finances………………………………………………………………………...19

2.9 Motivation…………………………………………………………………...…20

2.10 Summary and gaps in the reviewed literature…………………….....................22


3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………………………………….....23

3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….23

3.2 Research design………………………………………………………………...23

3.3 Study locale…………………………………………………………………….23

3.4 Target population………………………………………………………………24

3.5 Sample and sampling procedure………………………………………………..24

3.6 Research instruments……………………………………………………….…..24

3.6.1 Principal‟s interviewschedule…………………………………….………24

3.6.2 Teachers questionnaire………………………………………………...…25

3.6.3 Students‟ questionnaire…………………………………………………..26

3.7 Piloting of research instrument…………………………………………………26

3.7.1 Validity………………………………………………………………...…26

3.7.2 Reliability…………………………………………………………...……27 Reliability of principal‟s interview schedule………………….….28 Reliability of teachers of computer studies questionnaires …..….30 Reliability of students of computer studies questionnaires……....31


3.8 Data collection techniques………………………………………………….…..33

3.9 Data analysis……………………………………………………………….…...34

3.10 Logisistical and Ethnical considerations……………………………..…..34



4.1 Background information of the respondents………………………………….....35

4.1.1 Background information of the principals………………………………...35

4.1.2 Background information of computer studies teachers……………………36

4.1.3 Background information of students of computer studies…………………38

4.2 Trend of enrolment in computer studies………………………………………....39

4.2.1 Principals views on the tread of enrolment in computer studies………....39

4.2.2 Teachers‟ view on the trend of enrolment in computer studies…………..39

4.2.3 Students‟ views on the trend of enrolment…………………………...…..40

4.3 Perceptions about information and communication Technology integrated in


4.3.1 Perception of teachers about Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) integrated in education………………………………………………42

4.3.2 Perception of students about Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) integrated in education………………………………………………44

4.4 Use of ICT in teaching and learning other subjects apart from computer


4.4.1 Principal‟s on the use of ICT in teaching other subjects apart from

computer studies…………………………………………………………46

4.4.2 Teacher‟s views on the use of ICT in teaching other subjects apart from

Computer Studies………………………………………………………46

4.4.3 Students‟ use of ICT in learning other subjects apart from computer


4.5 Current status of ICT infrastructure…………………………………………….49

4.5.1 Teachers‟ views on the status of ICT infrastructure……………………49

4.5.2 Students‟ views on the status of ICT infrastructure……………………..51

4.6 Problems teachers an students face in using ICT integrated in


4.6.1 Principals‟ views on problems teachers and students face in use ICT integrated

in education…………………………………………………………………….54

4.6.2 Teachers‟ views in the problems facing teachers and students in using ICT

Integrated in education………………………………………………………55

4.7 Discussion ……………………………………………………………………….57

4.7.1 Trend of enrolment in computer studies ……………………………………….57

4.7.2 Perception of teachers and students about ICT integrated in


4.7.3 Use of ICT in teaching and learning language ……………………………...…57

4.7.4 Current status of ICT infrastructure …………………………………...………58



5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………59

5.2 Summary of the findings………………………………………………………...59

5.2.1 Trend of enrolment in computer studies……………………………………59

5.2.2 Perceptions about information and communications technology integrated

in Education………………………………………………………………..60

5.2.3 Use of ICT in teaching and learning other subjects apart from computer


5.2.4 Current status of ICT infrastructure……………………………………….60

5.2.5 Problems teachers and students face in using ICT integrated in


5.3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………...61

5.3.1 Recommendations…………………………………………………….…61

5.3.2 Suggestions for further research…………………………………………62



Appendix I: Questionnaire covering letter ………………………………………..…66

Appendix II: Interview schedule for principals of secondary schools..……………...67

Appendix III: Questionnaires for computer studies teachers ….…………………….70

Appendix IV: Questionnaires for students of computer studies..……………………77

Appendix V: Work plan ………………………………………………….. ………..82

Appendix VI: Budget for the study…………………………………………………83

Appendix VII: A map of Kenya showing the Counties…………………………….84

Appendix VIII Research Permit……………………………………………………...85



Table 1: An analysis of environment related variables in a conceptual model of

instructional design………………………….…………………………….9

Table 2: An analysis of learner-related variables in conceptual model of

instructional design………………………………………...……………..10

Table 3: Background information of computer studies teachers………..……........37

Table 4: Background information of students of computer studies…………..........38

Table 5: Trend of enrolment in computer studies………………………………….39

Table 6: Trend of enrolment in computer studies……………………..…………...41

Table 7: Perception of teacher of computer studies about ICT integrated in


Table 8: Perception of students about information and communication technology

(ICT) Integrated in education………………………..………………...…45

Table 9: Principal‟s views use of ICT in teaching other subjects…………........…46

Table 10: Teachers‟ use of ICT in teaching other subjects…………………………47
Table 11: Student‟s use of ICT in learning other subjects apart from computer
Table 12: Student‟s view of their teacher‟s help to search additional resource using
ICT in other subjects apart from computer studies………………………48
Table 13: Student‟s personal rating of using ICT to learn other subjects…………..50
Table 14: Students views on networking of computers …..………………………...52

Table 15: Students‟ views on connection of the internet………………...….............53

Table 16: Students‟ views on mode of connection to the internet……..……………53

Table 17: Principals‟ views on problems teachers and students face in use of the ICT

integrated in education………………....………………………..……….54

Table 18: Teachers‟ views on the problems facing teachers in using ICT integrated in



Figure 1: Conceptual framework…………………………….…………...…………11

Figure 2: Number of years as principal………………………….……...……………36

Figure 3 Teachers‟ views on the number of students taking computer


Figure 4: Students‟ personal rating of the use of ICT in learning other


Figure 5 Number of computers in schools…………………...…………………..…..50

Figure 6 Students sharing a computer…………………………….………….........…51

Figure 7 Shows the students‟ rating of the computers in schools……...……..…..…52

Figure 8 ICT skills among teachers………………………..………………….....…...56



BOG: Board of Governors

DEO: District Education Officer

E- learning: Electronic learning

ICT: Information Communication Technology

IT: Information Technology

KIE: Kenya Institute of Education

KCSE: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

MOEST: Ministry of Education Science and Technology

NFS: Non-Formal Schooling

PTA: Parent Teachers Association

UNESCO: United Nations Environmental, Social and Cultural Organization.


This study sought to investigate the challenges of information and communication
technology integrated in education in Nakuru County, Kenya. This was following the
ministry of education emphasis on adoption of electronic learning in educational
institutions. While this policy is being implemented, the problem facing it is the slow
up take of ICT integration in secondary school education. The specific objectives of
the study were to: analyze the students‟ enrolment rate of computer studies as one of
the subjects offered in the curriculum in the last 5 years, establish the teachers‟ and
students‟ perception towards integration of ICT in teaching and learning, determine
the extent ICT is used in teaching and learning, find out the current status of
infrastructural facilities of ICT integrated in education in Nakuru County and find out
the problems teachers and students are facing in integrating ICT in education. The
study adopted a descriptive survey design. The targeted population was 27 principals,
27 computer teachers and 503 computer studies students. The researcher used 40% of
the principals‟ population, 52% of the computer studies teachers‟ population and 30%
of the computer studies students‟ population in the county. Purposive sampling was
used to select principals and computer studies teachers while simple random sampling
was used for the computer studies students. This gave a sample size of 179
respondents comprising 11 principals, 14 computer studies teachers and 154 computer
studies students. Data were collected using interview schedule for principals of
secondary schools and questionnaires for both teachers of computer studies and
students of computer studies in these schools. The data collected was both
quantitative and qualitative. Percentages and frequency distributions were used to
analyze collected data with the aid of Microsoft excel and statistical package for
social sciences (SPSS version 18.0). Data was presented using tables, bar charts and
pie-charts. The study findings indicated that there was an increase in enrolment in
computer studies in the last five years but this was not matched by a similar increase
in the number of computers in schools while the teachers and students lacked the
skills to use ICT in teaching and learning. It was recommended that the government
through the appropriate agencies needs to equip the schools with enough computers to
fully embrace ICT integration in education and also organize for in-service training
for all teachers in computer skills. The relevant digital content should also be
developed by K.I.E as additional resources for teaching and learning.


1.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose

of the study, the objectives of the study, research questions, the significance of the

study, assumptions of the study, limitations of the study, delimitations, theoretical

framework, and the conceptual framework.

1.1 Background to the study

According to the Republic Of Kenya (2006) there have been a rapid advancement in

the field of information technology (IT) and a resultant explosion in growth of the

information services sector. This has radically changed the world‟s economic and

social landscape. These changes have given rise to a new society based on

information and knowledge. This has further resulted in new avenues of development,

employment, productivity, efficiency and enhanced economic growth.

Globally, IT- led growth is creating jobs, raising productivity, increasing incomes and

opening many opportunities for increased trade and human development. Extensive

application of information technology now provides opportunities for new ways to

create wealth thus contributing significantly to poverty alleviation.

Further the government recognizes that there is a growing digital divide between the

countries that are highly endowed and developed in the field of information

technology and Kenya as well as between rural and urban areas in the country. The

objective of the government is to initiate steps to reduce this divide by using IT to

rapidly develop all sectors of the economy.


Further, the government recognizes information as a resource which must be

generated, collected, organized, leveraged, secured and preserved for national


In this respect the policy broad objective include: first ensuring that IT plays a key

role as an empowerment tool, addressing gaps relating to gender, youth, people with

special needs, rural and urban and disadvantaged groups.

Secondly, using of e-government as a tool to improve internal efficiency and the

quality of public service delivery and help in the fight against corruption.

Another objective is to encourage the use of IT in schools, colleges, universities and

other educational institutions in the country so as to improve the quality of teaching

and learning.

In addition the use of IT to generate additional employment and promoting

entrepreneurship for the new digital economy while encouraging and accelerating

investments and growth in IT hardware, software, internet training, IT enabled

services, telecommunicating and electronic commerce and finally the provision of

adequate infrastructure in the country for IT sector to flourish.

The national ICT policy mentions some strategies which the government will adopt to

realize the objectives among them being e-learning. On e-learning the government

intends to employ the following strategies as: promoting the development of e-

learning resources, facilitate public-private partnerships to mobilize resources in order

to support e-learning initiatives. Others include promoting the development of

integrated e-learning curriculum to support ICT in education and training as well as

establishing a national ICT centre of excellence. Another strategy is the provision of

affordable infrastructure to facilitate dissemination of knowledge and skills through e-


learning platforms. Moreover, the development of content to address the education

needs of primary, secondary and tertiary institutions and creating awareness of the

opportunities offered by ICT as an education tool would further enhance teaching and

learning. However, the realization of the policy objectives will depend on the

availability and adequacy of skilled human resource capacity. The government will

support the creation of necessary capacity by:-

a) Integrating IT subjects in the curriculum at all levels of education.

b) Establishing educational network for sharing educational resources and

promoting e-learning at all levels.

This initiative of creating the necessary human capital is very noble. However, it has

not taken root or impacted positively by significantly increasing the number of

students taking up computer studies. This shows that there must be some underlying

barriers or hindrances to the integration of ICT in education.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Attempts to enhance and reform education through ICTs require clear and specific

objectives, guidelines and time bound targets, the mobilization of required resources

and political commitment at all levels to see the initiative through.

Specifically, drivers and barriers to ICT use need to be identified including those

related to curriculum and pedagogy, infrastructure, capacity building, language and

content and financing.

Secondary school education is a major determinant of the capacity of a nation to

develop the required manpower in the modern sector of the economy. Without

sufficiently trained human resource any nation will not compete effectively in the

knowledge- based economy. The problem facing this initiative is the slow uptake of

ICT integrated in education and in secondary schools in particular. Hence, this study

sought to investigate the challenges of Information and Communication Technology

integrated in education in Nakuru County.

1.3 Purpose of the study

This study focused on the challenges which schools in Nakuru County were facing

as a result of ICT integrated in education.

1.4. Objectives of the study

The study was guided by the following objectives:-

i) To analyze the students‟ enrolment rate of computers studies as one of the

subjects offered in the curriculum in the last 5 years.

ii) To establish the teachers and students perception towards integration of

ICT in teaching and learning.

iii) To determine the extent ICT is used in learning/teaching of other subjects.

iv) To find out the current status of infrastructural facilities for the integration

of ICT in education in the Nakuru county.

v) To find out the problems teachers and students are facing in integrating

ICT in education in Nakuru County.

1.5. Research questions

The following research questions guided the researcher to achieve the stated


i) What is the trend of enrolment in computer studies as an examinable

subject in public secondary schools?

ii) What are the teachers and students perceptions about integration of ICT in

teaching and learning in public secondary schools?

iii) How often is ICT used in teaching and learning of other subjects in public

secondary schools?

iv) What is the current status of the available ICT infrastructure in the public

secondary schools?

v) What problems are teachers and students facing as a result of integrating

ICT in teaching and learning in public secondary schools?

1.6. Significance of the study.

The researcher hoped that when this study is completed to the satisfaction envisaged,

it will benefit the following groups:

1) The ministry of education for the purposes of policy making and effective


2) KIE for curriculum review and development.

3) Academicians and researchers in forming a basis for further studies in the area

of ICT.

4) Teacher training colleges in integrating ICT in pre-service training.

5) Teachers in the field in recognizing the potential of using ICT.

6) Students in public secondary schools in recognizing the benefits of ICT.


1.7. Assumptions of the study

In this study, the following assumptions were made:-

i) All respondents would be cooperative and provide reliable responses.

ii) That all optional subjects offered in a school have equal chances to be

selected by candidates sitting for KCSE.

iii) Some schools use other ICT syllabi a part from the KNEC syllabus..

iv) Teachers of other subjects have ICT skills.

1.8. Limitations of the study

The study was confined to students, principals and teachers of ICT in schools that

offer computer studies as a subject in the curriculum.

1.9. Delimitations

This study was done in public secondary schools in areas or schools that were easily

accessible along all weather roads in Nakuru County, although for more conclusive

results all areas should have been covered. This might not be possible due to financial,

time and other logistical constraints.

1.10. Theoretical framework

A theoretical framework is collection of interrelated ideas based on theories which

attempt to clarify specific phenomena. The theory to be adopted in this study is

Piaget‟s Theory of Intellectual development. As Orodho (2010) asserts, in Piaget‟s

Theory, knowledge is assumed to have a specific goal or purpose – to aid a person in

adapting to the environment. Knowledge is acquired and thinking process becomes


more complex and efficient as a consequence of the maturing child‟s interactions with

the world. Sloan (1985) explicates three aspects of Piaget‟s theory: accommodation

and assimilation, cognitive structures, and development stages. Once we have

understood each of these concepts and their relevance to learning, the place (or

misplacement) of computers in education gains clarity.

1.10.1 Accommodation and assimilation:

The polar processes of accommodation and assimilation form the logical centre of

Piaget‟s “genetic epistemology”. Although the newborn infant may completely lack

all formal knowledge and according to Piaget, all static “cognitive structures”, the

activities of accommodation and assimilation are sufficient to initiate cognitive

development. Accommodation and assimilation can perhaps best be understood

through their most vivid manifestations. In the case of accommodation, imitation

serves this purpose, and in that of assimilation, symbolic play or imagination. The

process of accommodation is one in which the subject transforms or creates inner

structures in order to accommodate new object. This seems to be accomplished by a

rehearsal, inner or outer, of the new experience. Piaget recognizes three levels of

imitation: imitation action, deferred imitation, and interiorized imitation. These

provide the vehicle for the constitution of both operative aspects of thought and,

through the last form of imitation, that of mental imagery.

Equally important is the complimentary activity of assimilation, which Piaget defines

as “the integration of external elements into evolving or completed structures of an

organism”. When a child selects a nearby pine cone to become a loaf of bread, and a

stone to be its knife it is “ assimilating” or integrating external elements( pine cone

and stone) into an existing structure (domestic activity).

Assimilation is an essential ingredient in development; it provides for continuity and,

indeed, is necessary for recognition itself. Yet if it existed alone, no development

could occur.

The will and imagination to change one‟s world, whether in play or later through

technological invention, must be coupled with selfless capacity for accommodation.

1.10.2 Cognitive structures:

Out of the interplay of accommodation and assimilation arise what Piaget terms

“cognitive structures”. Cognitive activities rely on the development of suitable mental

structures, and the construction of these structures is predicated primarily on action,

not language. Piaget writes: from the most elementary sensorimotor actions (such as

pushing or pulling) to the most sophisticated intellectual operations, which are

interiorized actions ,carried out mentally (e.g. joining together, putting in order,

putting in one-to-one correspondence), knowledge is constantly linked with actions or

operations, that is, with transformations.


Table 1 An analysis of environment related variables in a conceptual model of

instructional design.

First level Second level Third level

Macrostructure Program
Scope Unit
Work shop

Microstructure Lesson
Single subject
Media Projected
Non projected
Audio & audio graphic
Real or 3D
Process Mass instruction
Group instruction
Work embedded
Tactics Secure attention
Secure response
Provide reinforcement
maintain interest
Facilitate retention.
Presentation Assess performance

Form Receiver/ sender control

Interactive/ non
Expository/ Discovery

Order Cyclical
External base
Schedule Pacing
Reinforcement pattern

Table 2 An analysis of learner – Related variables in a conceptual model of

instructional design.

First level Second level Third level

Age Child
Adult and the aged
Demographic Sex Female
Cultural Ethnic
background Social -economic
Intelligence Information processing skills
Mathematical ability
Spatial ability
Cognitive Concrete –symbolic formal
Capacity Development development cognitive style
Physiological Perceptual development
development motor development
Pre-requisite skills Information processing skills
Basic skills content pre-
Experiential requisites
Competence background Family
Vocational and educational
Values Aesthetic
moral and religious
school – related
subject –related
Attitudes - academic
Self – concept - personal
- professional

- Goals
Motivational level - Interests
- perseverance

Source: Adams,1985 pg 136


1.11 Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework in figure 1.1 shows the relationship between dependent

variables and the independent variables. The independent variables for this study

include: ICT infrastructure, teacher and students attitude, administrative support and

availability of local digital content. The dependent variable in this study is effective

integration of ICT in teaching and learning in public secondary schools.

Figure 1 Conceptual framework

- Costly infrastructure
- High connectivity charges

Teacher/student attitude

Integration of
ICT in teaching
and learning

- Lack of support specialists
- Lack of in-service training

- Lack of local content

Source: Researcher, 2011


1.12 Operational definition of terms

Challenges:- difficulties encountered in the process of integrating ICT

in education.

Schoolnet:- grouping of schools that use ICTs to support education

process or agencies that facilitate and develop the use of

ICTs in the education context.





Literature in this chapter is reviewed under the following headings: Global trends,

ICT in Kenyan schools, Learner- centered environments, Teachers‟ and students‟

perception of ICT, Digital content, Educational planning, Finances and Motivation.

Finally a summary and gaps in the reviewed literature is given.

2.2 Global trends

2.2.1 ICT in Canada

The dramatic growth of silicon valley in the last decades of the 20th century parallel

the emergence of the ICT paradigm and sparked a dramatic interest in the process of

cluster development in Canada. The ICT in Canada is a large and dynamic sector

according to Lucas (2009). Of the almost 32,000 companies comprising the in 2005,

80% employed only one to nine people. There were only 120 companies with over

500 employees. There is also the emergence of schoolnets. Schoolnets can be defined

as groupings of schools that use ICTs to support the education process or agencies

that facilitate and develop the use of ICTs in the education context. Examples of

these type of schools are: schoolnet Canada, European schoolnet, schoolnet South

Africa, western Cape schoolnet, schoolnet India etc (UNESCO,2003).

2.2.2 ICT in Africa

Hung and Khine (2006) posits that ICT-enriched learner- centred environment

requires a holistic approach that calls for changes at three levels, teacher schooling

environment and learning activities. Fundamentally, however, it is teachers who with

support from parents administrators and policy makers can optimize the benefits of

ICT-enriched environments to make learner – centred a reality.

They further argue that education reform is often a disappointing business. In the case

of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education, various

countries have made massive injection of funds in the education sector, trying to

enhance a new generation of ICT literature capable of rapidly applying ICT for

enhancing economic competitiveness and quality of life.

Critics continue to emerge and highlight, on the one hand, the absence of evidence to

show that reform efforts to make education ICT-driven have induced any significant

impact and on the other hand, most students are still educated in the same way as their

parents were- that is, text book based learning and teacher centred teaching.

The lack of teacher skills to frame pedagogy is a major obstacle affecting the use of

ICT in learning and teaching.

According to Gebremichael et al (2006) as a continent, Africa represents 14% of the

world‟s total population, but accounts for less than 2% of the world‟s internet usage.

In sub-Saharan Africa, capital cities serve as the centers of economic, political,

educational, technological activities. Thus, these cities traditionally maintain the

highest concentration of ICT development and implementation. While these cities are

less developed than many American and European cities, the adoption and

development of various forms of information infrastructure have allowed urban

residents of these areas to adapt to ICT changes more readily than those in rural areas.

2.3 ICT in Kenyan schools

The ministry‟s policy framework indicates that there are a number of challenges

concerning access to and use of ICT in Kenya, including high levels of poverty,

limited rural electrification and frequent power disruptions. Very few secondary

schools have sufficient ICT tools for teachers and students. Most of the schools with

ICT infrastructure have acquired through initiatives supported by parents, the

government, NGOs, or other development agencies and the private sector including

the NEPAD e-school programme. The core problem is that Kenya lacks adequate

connectivity and network infrastructure.

2.4 Learner-centered environments

According to Lee (2002b), it is only when ICT integration gains a foothold in schools,

that the use of ICT-enriched learner centred environments will provide teachers with

the opportunity to develop more engaging lessons and facilitate the communication in

more dynamic ways than the non-interactive print media. As Chen (2011) argues

students may not only expect the performance to improve, reduce efforts or increase

social studies but also expect the e-learning system to conform to their specific

learning requirements. The design and implementation of an e-learning system should

carefully consider such an educational perspective. Sun, Tsai, Finger, Chen and Yeh

(2008) posit that E-learning is emerging as the new paradigm of modern education

worldwide, the e-learning has growth rate of 35.6%, but failure still exists. The great

advantages of e-learning include liberating interactions between learners and

instructors or learners and learners from limitations of time and space through the

asynchronous and synchronous learning network model.


In an e-learning environment, several factors account for user satisfaction. Those

factors can be categorized into six dimensions: Students, teacher course, technology,

system design and environment.

According to Papamkolaou and Grigoriadocietal (2002) the internet and the World

Wide Web in particular offer an innovative instructions delivery system that connects

learners with education resources. The hypermedia form of the educational material in

a web based educational system makes learning a task driven process, where learners

are motivated to explore alternative navigational paths through the domain knowledge

and different resources around the globe.

Bayler and Ritchie (2002) assert that computers when used as a tool to help students

analyze, compare, contrast or evaluate resources. The computer facilitates the

student‟s internal cognitive process by serving as an extension t their intellectual

capacity. This heightened capacity helps students think more critically as they

manipulate information. In other words they impact positively on higher order

thinking skills (HOTs).

2.5 Teachers and students perception of ICT

Regardless of the amount of technology or its sophistication, technology will not be

used unless faculty members (teachers) have the skills, knowledge and attitudes

necessary to infuse it into the curriculum (Baylor and Ritchie, 2002). Generally this

comes through self education or professional development. Schools can assist by

providing in service training that meets the needs of the faculty and by promoting

continual growth both within and outside school boundaries.


Teachers attitude to change influences teachers willingness to integrate technology

into classroom, there are teachers who see computers as tools to use in collecting,

analyzing and presenting information and those who see them as teaching machines.

The former are deemed to be more innovative with technology in the classroom.

According to Christensen (2002), positive attitudes towards computers are positively

correlated with teachers‟ extent of experience with computer technology. With

familiarity, anxieties and fears tend to decrease, and confidence increases. The

amount of confidence a teacher possesses in using computers and related information

technologies may greatly influence his or her effective implementation of technology

methods in the classroom. Computer anxiety is a major cause of resistance to using

computers. Increased computer experience reduces computer anxiety in many


Teachers are the main gatekeepers in allowing innovations to diffuse into the

classrooms. Therefore one of the key factors for effecting an integration of computers

in the school curriculum is adequate training of teachers in handling and managing

these new tools in their daily practices. World Bank (2007) points out skilled human

capital as a key role condition for success of ICT projects. Maintaining an ICT

infrastructure and launching new ICT applications depend on available pool of skilled

workers implying the need for technical training, general education and the capacity

to commercially exploit the knowledge that ICT makes available.

World Bank (2007) further reports that in some low income countries notably China,

India and other countries in East Asia – the ICT sector has proved to be a significant

generator of employment and economic growth. Through the application of modern

technologies coupled with increases in productivity, Vietnam‟s ICT sector has quickly

gained in competitiveness. Jordan has made skills development a priority as part of its

goal and become a regional centre and more importantly a knowledge economy. Its

ICT initiative supports a national vision for realizing the potential of ICT through a

set of actions that includes upgrading the skills of people across the country so that

they can better use and develop new technologies.

Thus all countries, regardless of income level, are in a position to learn from and

incorporate the experience of more developed countries, which have mainstreamed

ICT into all aspects of their economies.

The fundamental question is how to use ICT to foster productivity and innovation,

stimulate growth and prosperity, increase competitiveness in global markets and help

countries become genuine knowledge economies. In this regard education creates

choices and opportunities, reduces poverty and gives people a stronger voice in

society. It is the fundamental enabler of knowledge, economy. Well educated and

skilled people are essential for creating, sharing, disseminating and using knowledge

effectively in a global environment that is radically changing the type of skills needed

for economic success.

2.6 Digital content

Content development is a critical area that is too often overlooked. The bulk of

existing ICT based educational materials is likely to be of little relevance to education

in developing countries especially primary and secondary levels. There is need to

develop educational content (e.g. radio programs, interactive multimedia learning

materials or CD-ROM or DVD, web based courses etc), adapting existing content and

convert print based content to digital media. These tasks for which content

development specialist such as instructional designers, scriptwriters, audio and video

production specialists, programmers, multimedia course authors and web developers

are needed.

E-learning is the practical way to ensure access to higher education to most Kenyans.

With increased number of university entrants, pressure on facilities is now a

nightmare to institutions of higher learning. The initial arrangement to have classes in

shifts – daytime, evenings, weekends and during holidays – are stale. With improved

technology, and even the laying of fibre-optic cable, e-learning should now become a

reality in the country. (Wanyama, 2010,p.34)

2.7 Educational planning

As Hernes (1972) puts it not only has ICT transformed the way learning institutions

work, it also has changed the way we think about organized education, ICT has

become a medium in the original sense of the word, something in the middle, between

the substance to be learned and the student who is to master it. First, it liberates

provision of education from the constraints of time and place. Many courses can be

accessed from more or less anywhere and at any time. Second, training can be

customized by allowing materials to be adapted to individual levels and tasks to be

placed according to personal progress. The new education technologies alter the

means and modes of studying. Students can link to other students across boundaries

and across continents. Teachers in the remotest places can be encouraged to take part

in important professional development projects.

The pressing problem for educational planners is how to reach within a reasonable

time, the needs of the majority who are poor, uneducated and live in rural areas. The

question of equitable access is not just a question of who can use what is available on

the internet, however, but also of who can produce it.

2.8 Finances

Lee (2001) lists lack of financial resources as one major factor that restrains

information and communications investment in developing countries. Building ICT

infrastructure requires vast amounts of investments. The cost of technology, its rapid

evolution, and the special knowledge and skills required in its users poses substantial

barriers to effective utilization.(Siddiqui and Mujibul,2004)

2.9 Motivation

The idea that digital technology might help to motivate reluctant learners and provide

more meaningful contexts for literacy has captured the attention of increasing number

of educators (Carring and Robinson, 2010).Digital technology has been seen as key to

transforming education through enabling new relationships between teachers and

learners and allowing learners to take more control of their learning process.

Adams (1985) puts it that, in the classroom, students with learning and development

handicaps are benefiting from increasingly sophisticated instructional software.

Computer-based instruction has the potential to analyze a student‟s error and branch

the learner to a tutorial, record his or her progress, and make appropriate assignment

for next day. All teachers can use the computer as a valuable tool for both

understanding and designing individualized instruction for their students. Adams

(1985) lists ten generalizations about educational computing supported by research:


1) A variety of students can and do learn from the use of computers to aid


2) Teachers will remain the key to good instruction – computers will not replace


3) Time frames for learning are either slowed or quickened with computer


4) Computers can be misused (or underused) in educational settings

5) Student motivation for learning may be improved with computers. The holding

power of these machines must not be underestimated.

6) Management of anxiety and other human problems are major factors for teachers

and students new to computers

7) Interactive computer learning (with peers) seems far more effective than drill and

practice on the computer alone

8) Teachers and administrators need to be computer literate to integrate computers

into the classrooms and make them effective

9) The teaching/learning potential for instructional computing is increasing as the

technology develops ( the technology is changing so rapidly that studies are often

outdated before they come out)

10) It is extremely difficult to measure the effectiveness of computer-assisted

instruction empirically over a broad spectrum of experiences or subjects

Osin l (1998) posits that in computer-assisted learning (cal), the student learns by

interacting with a program stored in the computer. This program is designed to

react to the students needs according to pre-determined pedagogical criteria. This

has some benefits:


Each student may learn according to his or her cognitive level and learning

speed, independently of his or her classmates. Each student receives individual

guidance, with explanations tailored to perceived problems, and opportunities for

in-depth learning according to individual interests.

According to Siddiqui and Mujibul H (2004) new technology-based models of

teaching and learning have the power to dramatically improve educational


2.10 Summary and gaps in the reviewed literature

From the literature reviewed it emerges that ICT is a potential mover of the economy

and is of great benefit to teachers and students, however, in the Kenyan context even

where computer and the necessary peripheral equipment is available the rate of uptake

is quite slow. This study wants to fill this gap by investigating the underlying

problems facing the integration of ICT in education.




3.1 Introduction

This chapter is concerned with the description of procedures, strategies or actions that

were used in the study. This section focuses on research design, locale, sample and

sampling procedures, data collection techniques, research instruments, administration

of research instruments and data analysis.

3.2 Research design

As Kerlinger (1973) puts it a research design is a plan, structure and strategy of

investigating, which seek to obtain answers to various research questions. Kothari

(2004) calls it „the advance planning of methods to be adopted for collecting the

relevant data and the techniques to be used in their analysis‟. Descriptive survey is a

method of collecting information by interviewing or administering a questionnaire to

a sample of individuals (Orodho,2003). This study was a descriptive survey since the

researcher used interviewing and administered questionnaires to solicit the required


3.3 Study locale

The study was carried out in Nakuru County. The problem of ICT integrated in

education existed in Nakuru County and had not been investigated on to the best

knowledge of the researcher.


3.4 Target population

The target population for this study comprised of secondary schools in Nakuru

County, head teachers of these schools, computer teachers in the schools and the

students. The population comprised 27 principals, 27 teachers and 503 students.

3.5 Sample and sampling procedure

Due to lack of adequate funds and time, not all school headteachers, computer

teachers and students participated in the study. The researcher used a sample

population. Orodho (2010) defines a sample as a small part of large population, which

is thought to be representative of the larger population. He continues to state that any

statements made about the sample should be true for the entire population.

Study used purposive sampling to select 11 schools in Nakuru County distributed by

type of school, boarding status and sex. The student respondents were selected using

simple random sampling to give them equal chances of participating. 11 principals, 14

teachers and 154 students participated.

3.6 Research instruments

3.6.1 Principals interview schedule

Personal interviews as a method of collecting information are usually carried out in a

structured way, (Kothari, 2004). The interviewer (researcher) follows a rigid

procedure laid down asking questions in a form and order prescribed. The chief merits

of this system are:

a) More information and that too in greater depth can be obtained


b) Interviewer by his own skills can overcome resistance, if any, of the


c) There is greater flexibility under this method as the opportunity to restructure

questions is always there.

d) Observation method can as well be applied in addition to recording verbal

answers to various questions.

e) Personal information can as well be obtained more easily

f) Samples can be controlled more effectively as there remains no difficulty of

the missing returns

The researcher will use both open and closed-ended approach so as to get a

complete and detailed understanding of the challenges head teachers are facing

during ICT integration in education.

3.6.2 Teachers’ Questionnaires

An ideal questionnaire possesses the same properties as a good law: it is clear,

unambiguous and uniformly workable. According to Cohen and Manion (1995) its

design must minimize potential errors from the respondents. And since peoples‟

participation in surveys is voluntary, a questionnaire has to help in engaging their

interest, encouraging their cooperation and eliciting answers as close as possible to

the truth. The questionnaires helped the researcher cover a wide area and there were

no bias on his side or the respondent.


3.6.3 Students’ questionnaire

The students‟ questions proceeded in a logical sequence moving from easy to more

difficulty ones as Kothari (2004) recommends. Some questions were dichotomous in

nature while others were open-ended to elicit the feelings of the respondents. Brief

directions with regard to filling the questionnaires were given.

3.7 Piloting of research instrument

The researcher conducted a pilot study to determine the validity and reliability of the

instruments. In piloting, 5 convenient secondary schools were selected but were not

involved in the main study. The researcher administered the study instruments to the

randomly selected respondents in these schools.

3.7.1 Validity

Content validity refers to the degree to which a test samples the content area which is

to be measured (Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh, 1972). In order to pre-test validity of the

instruments and to perfect the questionnaires and interview items‟ concepts and

wording, content validity of the instrument will be used to measure the extent to

which the items represent specific areas covered by the study. Kasomo (2006) defined

validity as the qualitative procedure of pre-testing or a prior attempt to ascertain that

research instruments are accurate, correct, true, meaningful and right in eliciting the

intended data for the study. According to Orodho(2003), the validity of an instrument

is measured by its repeated reviews by experts and field tests. To validate the

instruments the researcher checked whether they were ambiguous, confusing and

poorly prepared items. The instruments were tested to ascertain their validity and

suitability in collecting the required data. The draft questionnaires were given to

lecturers in the department of Educational management, Policy and Curriculum

Studies of Kenyatta University who are experts to appraise the items

suitability in obtaining information according to research objectives. The researcher l

followed the recommendations of the experts.

3.7.2 Reliability

Mugenda and Mugenda (1999) explained that reliability is a measure of degree to

which a research instrument yields consistent results or data after an accepted number

of repeated trials. The test-retest technique of the research instruments was used to

eliminate biasness in order to fit within the required goals. The instruments were

tested in 5 schools and then re-tested after one week in the same schools. Twelve

responses from each of the 5 principals, 5 teachers and 5 students were used as raw

data points to calculate the correlation coefficient between the corresponding data

points for the two times the instruments were administered. The Pearson product-

moment correlation coefficient formula given below was used to calculate the

correlation coefficient in which: X values were the data points that is, number of

respondents of corresponding questions for the first trial and the Y value are the data

points obtained in the second trial.


∑xy – (∑x ) (∑y)

r= n

(∑x 2 – (∑x) 2) (∑y2 – (∑y)2)

n n

Where ∑xy = sum of the gross products of the values of variables X and Y

(∑x) (∑y)= product of the sum of x and the sum of y

∑ = sigma (meaning sum of) sum of the values obtained in piloting.

∑x2 = sum of squared values of x

∑y2 = sum of squared values of y Reliability of principal’s interview schedule

The researcher used 12 questions of the principal‟s interview schedule in the pilot

study to calculate the correlation coefficient (r). In the working shown below, x and y

were the data points obtained in the 1st and 2nd times of test-retest of the principals

interview schedule.

X Y XY X2 Y2

5 4 20 25 16
1 1 1 1 1
5 5 25 25 25
3 2 6 9 4
2 3 6 4 9
2 2 4 4 4
5 5 25 25 25
3 4 12 9 16
2 1 1 4 1
2 3 6 4 9
5 5 25 25 25
4 5 20 16 25
∑(_)=39 40 152 151 160

∑xy – (∑ x) (∑y)
r = n

(∑x2 – (∑x)2 (∑y2-(∑y)2

n n

r = 152 - (39) (40)


(151-(39) 2 (160-(40)2
12 12

r = 21


r = 21
25.43 r = + 0.825
30 Reliability of teachers of computer students’ questionnaires

The researcher used 12 questions of the teacher of computer studies questionnaire

used in the pilot study to calculate the r value. X and Y were the data points obtained

in the two periods that the questionnaires were administered to the 5 selected pilot


X Y XY X2 Y2

5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
3 4 12 9 16
2 1 2 4 1
5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
4 3 12 16 9
3 4 12 9 16
2 2 4 4 4
5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
∑(_)=49 49 217 217 221

∑xy – (∑ x) (∑y)
r = n

(∑x2 – (∑x)2 (∑y2-(∑y)2

n n

r = 217 - (49) (49)


(217-(49) 2 (221-(49)2
12 12

r = 16.92


r = 16.92

r = + 0.8993 Reliability of students of computer studies questionnaires

Twelve items from the students of computer studies questionnaires were used in the

pilot study to calculate the value r value. X and Y were the data points obtained in the

two periods that the questionnaire was administered to the 5 selected students in the

five pilot schools. The working is as shown below.


X Y XY X2 Y2
4 5 20 16 25
5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
3 4 12 9 16
4 3 12 16 9
2 3 6 4 9
5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
5 5 25 25 25
∑(_)=51 52 231 229 238

∑xy – (∑ x) (∑y)
r = n

(∑x2 – (∑x)2 (∑y2-(∑y)2

n n

r = 231 - (51) (52)


(229-(51) 2 (238-(52)2
12 12

r = 10


r = 10

r = + 0.8027

The correlation coefficient r values of + 0.8258, + 0.8993 and 0.8027 shown above

were very high.

According to Kasomo (2006) there are five 5 value categories denoting distinct

variable relationship, namely:

a) Very high; r+0.8 to + 1

b) high; r = 0.6 to 0.79

c) moderate; r= 0.4 to 0.59

d) Low; r= 0.2 to 0.39

e) negligible, r= 0 to 0.19

This proved that the instruments were consistent in eliciting similar data in the two

times they were answered by the respondents. Hence the instruments were reliable

and were used for data collection in the study. The pilot study was used to modify the

research instruments in the wording and format where necessary to make them valid

and reliable.

3.8 Data collection techniques

The researcher first got authorization letter from Kenyatta University and a research

permit from the permanent secretary in the ministry of Education. With these

documents permission sought from individual school principals. The primary data

was collected by use of the pre-tested questionnaires for teachers and students. These

questionnaires were administered and the interview schedule for the principals

conducted by the researcher in person.


3.9 Data analysis

The data collected was both quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative data was

analyzed using descriptive statistics. Where necessary the statistical package for

social sciences (SPSS) was used. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically i.e

organizing them according to the main themes, objectives and research questions.

Thereafter inferences, conclusion and recommendations were drawn.

3.10 Logistical and Ethical considerations

Orodho (2009) underscores the critical importance of logistical issues and the need for

the researcher to be aware of them prior to starting the research project. Before

proceeding to the field the researcher sought a permit from the National Council of

Science and Technology, Provincial Director of Education, Rift valley; prepared a

budget, timetable and packaged the instruments safely. During the field visits the

researcher adhered to strict discipline and punctuality was observed. After collecting

the data the instruments were serialized and edited. Direct consent was sought from

the participants who were assured of strict confidentiality and that the information

would only be used for this study.




This chapter contains the results and presentation of the findings. The study targeted

three categories of respondents namely; 11 principals, 14 computer teachers and

154students of computer studies totaling 179 respondents. An interview schedule was

used for principals and two sets of questionnaires administered to the teachers of

computer studies and students of computer studies in the sampled schools. This study

aimed at establishing the challenges of information and communications technology

integrated in education in Nakuru County. The findings were presented based on the

study research questions. The data collected was coded and entered in SPSS package

where analysis was done. Descriptive statistics were used to present the findings upon

which interpretations and conclusions were made.

4.1 Background information of the respondents

4.1.1 Background information of the principals

The researcher sought to establish the sampled principals‟ experience as principal.

The illustration in figure 2 shows the demographic information of principals

interviewed in terms of the duration of their service in the current position.


Figure 2 Number of years as principal

The findings presented in figure 2 show that 18% of the principals had an experience

of less than 5 years, 45% had an experience of between 5 and 10 years while 37% had

over 10 years experience.

4.1.2 Background information of computer studies teachers

Table 3 shows the background information of teachers of computer studies in terms of

gender, age, experience and level of education.


Table 3 Background information of teachers’ of computer studies.

Demographic scale frequency percent


Gender male 11 78.57

Female 3 21.43
Total 14 100

Age below 20 years 2 14.29

21-29 years 1 7.14
30-39 years 8 57.14
0-50 years 0 0
Total 14 100

Experience less than 1 year 0 0

1-4 years 5 35.71
5-10 years 4 28.57
Over 10 year 3 21.42
Total 14 100

Level of education certificate 1 7.14

Diploma 11 78.57
Degree 1 7.14
Masters 1 7.14
Total 14 100

The findings presented in table 3 show that male computer studies teachers were more

at 78.57 percent than female at 21.43 percent. Further, majority were in the 30-39

years age bracket (57.14 percent). Those in the 40-50 years age bracket were 21.43

percent. All the teachers had an experience ranging from 1 year to 10 years. The

majority (78.57%) had a diploma as the highest educational qualification while

certificate, degree and masters were 7.14% each.

4.1.3 Background information of students of computer studies.

Table 4 shows the background information of students of computer studies in terms of

gender and the present class.

Table 4 Background information of students of computer studies

Demographic Scale Frequency Percent


Gender Male 121 78.57

Female 33 21.43
Total 154 100

Class Form I 8 5.20

Form II 25 16.23
Form III 66 42.86
Form IV 55 35.72
Total 154 100

The findings presented in table 4 shows that 78.57 percent of the respondents were

male and 21.43 percent female. The respondents comprised 5.2% form ones, 16.23%

form twos, 42.86% form threes and 35.72% form fours.


4.2 Trend of enrolment in computer studies.

4.2.1 Principals views on the tread of enrolment in computer studies.

Table 5 shows the principals‟ views on the trend of enrolment in computer studies.

This was divided into form 1 and form 2 and those continuing to KCSE.

Table 5 Trend of enrolment in computer studies.

Question Response Frequency
Are all students exposed to Yes 6 54.55
computer studies at form 1 and 2? No 5 45.45
Total 11 100
Changes in the number of students Increasing 6 54.55
taking computer studies at KCSE level. Decreasing 4 36.36
No change 1 9.09
Total 11 100

The principals were asked whether all the students in form1 and 2 were exposed to

computer studies. The findings presented in table 5 shows that 54.45 percent studied

computer studies at form 1 and 2 whereas 45.45 percent did not.

The principals (54.55 %) also indicated an increase in the number of students who

took computer studies up to form 4 in the last five years, 36.36 percent of the

principals registered a decrease and only 9.09 percent encountered no change.

4.2.2 Teachers’ views on the trend of enrolment in computer studies.

Figure 3 show the teachers‟ of computer studies views on the number of students

taking computer studies up to form 4 in the last 5 years.


Figure 3 teachers views on number of students taking computer studies

As illustrated in figure 3, 50% of the teachers indicated an increase, 7.14% a decrease

while 28.57% and 14.29% indicated irregular and no change respectively.

4.2.3 Students’ views on the trend of enrolment

Table 6 shows the students‟ views on the trend of enrolment in computer studies.

Those in form 1 and form 2 were asked whether they intended to continue with it up

to form 4 and those in form 3 and form 4 were required to say how they ended up

taking computer studies. They were also asked whether there were others who wanted

to take computer studies but were denied the opportunity and if so what were the

reasons for limiting the number of the students.


Table 6 Trend of enrolment in computer studies

Query Response Frequency Percent

Do you intend to continue taking YES 21 63.64

Computer studies up to form IV? NO 12 36.36
(form 1 and form 2) TOTAL 33 100

How did you end up taking computer I was selected by 4 2.60

Studies my teacher
I selected myself 150 97.40
Total 154 100

Are there others who wanted to YES 54 35.06

take up computer studies but were NO 100 64.94
denied the opportunity? TOTAL 154 100

Reason for limiting the number of Inadequate number 44 67.69

students in computer studies of computer
8 12.31
Lack of computer
4 6.15
Poor performance
in mathematics 9 13.85
Poor performance
in computer studies
65 100

As illustrated in table 6, those who showed willingness to continue were 63.64

percent. However, the number that takes up the subject is limited. The reason for

limiting the number was given as inadequate number of computers as indicated by

67.69 percent of the respondents, 12.31 percent cited lack of computer teachers.

According to 6.15% and 13.85% of the respondents, poor performance in


mathematics and poor given respectively as the main reason of being denied the

opportunity to continue with computer studies .

4.3 Perceptions about Information and Communications Technology integrated

in education.

4.3.1 Perceptions of teacher of computer studies about ICT integrated in


The respondents were asked various questions related to their perception of ICT

integrated in education. A likert scale comprising of: strongly disagree, disagree, not

sure, agree and strongly agree was used and the results were as presented in table 7.

Table 7: Perception of teacher of computer studies about ICT integrated in


Query Scale
Strongly Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Frq %
a)Using ICT can make 0 0 1 7.14 0 0 5 35.71 8 57.14
abstract concepts more
b)Use ICT in teaching 0 0 1 7.14 0 0 7 50.00 6 42.86
can increase retention
c)Use of ICT motivates 0 0 0 0 1 7.14 9 64.29 4 28.57
students to learn
d) Use of ICT makes 0 0 0 0 1 7.14 7 50.00 6 42.86
learning students
centered with the
teacher being facilitator.
e) Use of ICT will make 8 57.14 6 42.86 0 0 0 0 0 0
the teacher irrelevant
f )Use of ICT will make 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 35.71 9 64.29
the work of the teacher
g) Use of ICT increases 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 42.86 8 57.14
the resources available
to the teacher
h) ICT makes 0 0 2 14.28 0 0 6 42.86 6 42.86
communication between
teachers and students
easier e.g through email

i)ICT makes
collaboration between
teachers easier e.g.
email 1 7.14 0 0 1 7.14 7 50.0 5 35.71
j)ICT makes it easier to 0 0 0 0 2 14.28 11 78.57 2 14.28
respond to the needs of
k)ICT makes classes 0 0 0 0 2 14.28 7 50.0 5 35.71
more interactive

The respondents were asked whether using ICT would make abstract concepts more

concrete. The majority (57.14%) strongly agreed and 35.71% agreed. When asked

whether use of ICT in teaching would increase retention rates, 50% agreed while

42.86% strongly agreed giving a combined respondent rate of 92.86%. on whether use

of ICT motivates students to learn,92.86% answered in the affirmative (64.29 agreed

and 28.57% strongly agreed).

4.3.2 Perceptions of students of computer studies about ICT integrated in


Table 8 presents the findings on the perception of students about information and

communications technology integrated in education. A variety of questions were

asked and a five point Likert scale was used which comprised of: strongly disagree,

disagree, not sure, agree and strongly agree.


Table 8 Perception of students about information and communication technology

(ICT) integrated in education

Query Scale
Strongly Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %
a)Use of ICT make 20 12.99 17 11.04 37 24.03 42 27.27 38 24.67
abstract concepts more
b) Use of ICT increase 7 4.55 9 5.84 48 31.17 57 37.01 30 19.48
retention of concepts
c)Use of ICT 2 1.30 1 0.65 3 1.95 53 34.42 92 59.74
motivates students to
learn more
d)Use of ICT make 3 1.95 3 1.95 11 1.14 77 50.00 56 36.36
learning student
e)I search for 12 7.79 11 7.14 5 3.25 67 43.51 55 35.71
additional information
from internet
f)I share education 29 18.83 45 29.22 45 29.22 42 27.27 24 15.58
information with peers
and teachers through
g) ICT makes classes 5 3.25 6 3.90 8 5.19 56 36.36 72 46.75
more interactive
h) ICT in education 4 2.60 0 0 6 3.9 36 23.38 107 69.48
has a lot of benefits
i)Our lessons are 117 75.97 27 17.53 2 1.3 3 1.95 4 2.6
boring with ICT
j)Use of ICT in 123 79.87 24 15.58 5 3.25 1 0.65 1 0.65
learning is a waste of

When asked whether the use of ICT made abstract concepts more concrete, more than

half (51.94%) either agreed or strongly agreed. The use of ICT motivated students to

learn more as indicated by 94.16 % of the respondents. However, the majority of the

students do not share information with peers and teachers through the internet as

shown by a combined 77.27% for those who strongly disagreed, disagreed or were not

sure. On the other hand, many felt that ICT made classes more interactive (83.01%).

The respondents also indicated that ICT had a lot of benefits in education (92.86%).

4.4 Use of ICT in teaching and learning other subjects apart from computer


4.4.1 Principals’ views on the use of ICT in teaching other subjects apart from

computer studies.

Table 9 shows the principals‟ views on the use of ICT other subjects apart from

computer studies.

Table 9 Principals’ views on use of ICT I teaching other subjects

Query Response Frequency Percent
Do your teachers use ICT in Yes 8 72.73
teaching other subjects?
No 3 27.27
Total 11 100
How would you rate the use of Adequate 0 0
ICT facilities in teaching other
subjects apart from computer
Inadequate 11 100
Total 11 100
Other than the cost of installing Hiring service 8 72.73
ICT facilities, what costs are
Updating software 3 27.27
Total 11 100

As illustrated in table 9, the principals were asked if their teachers used ICT in

teaching other subjects where 72.73 percent responded in the affirmative. However,

all these principals considered the use of ICT in teaching these subjects as inadequate.

Other than installing the ICT facilities, more costs were incurred in hiring services

and updating the software.


4.4.2 Teachers’ views on the use of ICT in teaching other subjects apart from

computer studies.

Table 10 shows the information on teachers‟ use of ICT in teaching other subjects

apart from computer studies.

Table 10 Teachers’ use of ICT in teaching other subjects.

Query Response Frequency Percent

Do you teach any other subject apart from Yes 8 57.14

computer studies?
No 6 42.86
Total 14 100
Do you incorporate computer skills in teaching Yes 6 42.86
these other subjects?
No 8 57.14
Total 14 100
Do other teachers use ICT facilities in their day- Yes 8 57.14
to-day work?
No 6 42.86
Total 14 100
How would you rate the use of ICT facilities for Inadequate 11 78.57
teaching other subjects?
Adequate 3 21.43
Total 14 100

As illustrated in table 10, the respondents were asked whether they taught any other

subject apart from computer studies. Those who taught another subject were 57.14%

while 42.86% did not. When asked whether they incorporated computer skills in

teaching these other subjects, 42.86% responded in the affirmative while 57.14% did

not. They also rated the use of ICT facilities by other teachers as inadequate


4.4.3 Students’ use of ICT in learning other subjects apart from computer


Table 11 presents the students‟ responses on the use of ICT in learning other subjects

apart from computer studies.

Table 11 Students’ use of ICT in learning other subjects apart from computer


Responses Frequencies Percent

Yes 78 50.65
No 76 49.35
Total 154 100

As depicted in table 11, those who use ICT to learn other subjects were 50.65% while

who did not use it were 49.35%. When asked whether their teachers helped them

search for additional resources using ICT in other subject apart from computer studies

(table 4.12), 49.35% agreed while 50.655 disagreed.

Table 12 shows the students‟ responses on their teacher‟s help in searching for

additional information using ICT in other subjects apart from computer studies.

Table 12 Student’s view of their teacher’s help to search additional resources

using ICT in other subjects apart from computer studies.
Responses Frequencies Percent
Yes 76 49.35
No 78 50.65
Total 154 100

Table 12 depicts that 49.35% of the teachers help their student in searching for

additional information while 50.65% do no


Figure 4 shows the students‟ personal rating of using ICT to learn other subjects. A

scale of: often, sometimes, not sure, rare, and never was used.

Figure 4 Students‟ personal rating of using ICT to learn other


As illustrated in figure 4, 14% of the respondents never use ICT to learn other

subjects while 26% rarely did. Another 3% were not sure. Only 37% used it

sometimes and 20% used it often.

4.5 Current status of ICT infrastructure

4.5.1 Teachers’ views on the status of ICT infrastructure

Figure 4.7 illustrates the number of computers in the schools that participated in the


Figure 5 Number of computers in schools

As shown in figure 5, the schools which had 10 computers were 9.09%, those with 20,

25 or 30 computers each were 27.7% while only 9.09% had 50 computers.

Table 13 shows the teachers‟ of computer studies views on the rate/ speed of the

computers in the schools. A scale of: fast, slow or moderate was used.

Table 13 Teachers’ views on the rate (speed) of the computers in schools.

Responses Frequency Percent

Fast 3 21.43
Slow 4 28.57
Moderate 7 50.00
Total 14 100

A great number of computers used in schools had a moderate speed as indicated by

50% of the teacher respondents (table 13). Only 21.43% regarded their computers as

fast while 28.57% considered theirs as slow. On whether the computers are networked

or not, 64.29% were networked while 57.14% were connected to the internet. The

most popular mode of connection to the internet was through modem at 50% and the

source of power for the computers was given as mains electricity (100%) with only

one school having a generator as stand-by.

4.5.2 Students’ views on the status of ICT infrastructure.

Figure 6 show the number of students sharing a computer in school.

Figure 6 Students sharing a computer

As the figure 6 depicts, 60% of the student taking computer studies share a computer

in school.

Figure 7 shows the students‟ rating of the computers in the school. A scale of: fast,

slow or moderate was used

Figure 7 shows the students’ rating of the computers in schools.





0 10 20 30 40 50

As illustrated in figure 7, 46.1% observed that the computers in schools were of a

moderate speed, 29.87% said they were fast while 24.03% thought they were slow.

Table 14 shows the views of the students on networking of the computers in the


Table 14 Students’ views on networking of computers.

Table 14: Students’ views on networking of computers

Responses Frequency Percent
Yes 100 64.94
No 54 35.06
Total 154 100

The majority of the students said that the computers are networked as presented by

64.94% while those who said theirs were not were 35.06% as illustrated in table 14.

Table 15 shows the students‟ views on connection of the computers in school to the


Table 15 Students’ views on connection to the internet.

Responses Frequency Percent

Yes 84 54.55
No 70 45.45
Total 154 100

On whether the computers are connected to the internet, 54.55% of the respondents

answered in the affirmative while 45.45% said they were not connected as shown in

table 15.

Table 16 shows the views of the students on the mode of connection to the internet.

Table 16 Students’ views on mode of connection to the internet.

Responses Frequency Percent

Telephone 26 31.70
Modem 48 58.54
Other (wireless) 8 9.76
Total 82 100

Most of the computers in schools were connected through the modem as given by

58.54% of the respondents. Other modes of connection were through telephone

(31.70%) and wireless, 9.76 percent as illustrated in table 16.


4.6 Problems teachers and students face in using ICT integrated in education.

4.6.1 Principals’ views on problems teachers and students face in using ICT

integrated in education.

Table 17 shows the principals‟ views on the problems teachers and students encounter

while integrating ICT in education.

Table 17 Principals’ views on problems teachers and students face in use of ICT

integrated in education.

Question Responses Frequency Percent

Does the school have ICT support staff? yes 2 18.18
No 9 81.82
Total 11 100
Are there times you experience breakdown in Yes 11 100
ICT equipments.
No 0 0
Total 11 100

Who repairs the breakdowns? Computer 2 18.18

Hire(from 7 63.64
Computer 2 18.18
Total 11 100

The principals were asked whether the schools had ICT support staff. Only 18.18% of

the respondents employed ICT support staff. However, 100% of the respondents

experienced breakdown of ICT equipments of which the majority hired repair services

from outside (63.64%) while the rest indicated that repairs were done by the computer

teacher and computer laboratory assistant at 18.18% each as shown in table 17.

4.6.2 Teachers’ views on the problems facing teachers and students in using ICT

integrated in education.

Table 18 shows the teachers‟ views on the problems teachers are facing in using ICCT

integrated in education.

Table 18 Teachers’ views on the problems facing teachers in using ICT

integrated in education.

Query Response Frequency Percent

Are there Yes 2 14.29
computers available
to teachers for use
in teaching?
No 12 85.71
Total 14 100
Where are the Classroom 0 0
computers kept?
Staffroom 0 0
Cyber room 2 14.29
Computer 12 85.71
Total 14 100
Does the school Yes 5 35.71
have ICT support
No 9 64.29
Total 14 100
Who services the Computer teacher 4 28.57
Computer 4 28.57
laboratory assistant
Hired (from 6 42.86
Total 14 100
Do the teachers in Yes 6 42.86
school have ICT
No 8 57.14
Total 14 100

Table 18 presents the views of teachers on the problems facing teachers in using ICT

integrated in education. When asked whether computers were available to teachers for

teaching, 85.71% indicated that they had no access to the computers as most of them

were kept in restricted areas such as computer laboratory as indicated by 85.71%of

the respondents. Majority of the respondents said the schools did not have ICT

support staff while a good number (57.14%) indicated that teachers lacked computer


Figure 8 shows ICT skills among teachers.

Figure 8 ICT skills among teachers

As figure 8 illustrates, 57.14% of the teachers sampled did not have computer skills

and only 42.86% were computer literate.


4.7 Discussion

4.7.1 Trend of enrolment in computer studies

The study sought to find out the trend of enrolment in computer studies in last five

years. The findings show that there was a general increase in the number of students

enrolling in the subject. The number of students wishing to continue with computer

studies was also high. However the number that took up the subject was limited due to

inadequate facilities and lack of enough computer teachers. Different methods for

limiting the numbers included their performance in mathematics and computer


Given the importance of ICT as a tool in education, it would be prudent to allow

many more learners acquire the necessary skills.

4.7.2 Perception of teachers and students about ICT integrated in education

Many teachers and students believed that ICT integrated in education was of great

benefit in terms of making abstract ideas more concrete, increasing retention rate and

motivating learners. Both perceived ICT in education positively.

4.7.3 Use of ICT in teaching and learning

The use of ICT in education was rated as inadequate largely due to lack of the

necessary facilities and lack of computer literate teachers. For initiative to succeed

these problems must be addressed.


4.7.4 Current status of ICT infrastructure

The number of computers in schools was inadequate. One computer was shared

between two or three students. This would definitely affect the effectiveness of

learning. More computers need to be put in place to address the problem.




5.1 Introduction

This study aimed at establishing challenges facing information and communication

technology integrated in education in Nakuru County. This chapter is organized in the

following sub-sections: Introduction, summary of the findings, conclusions,

recommendations and suggestions for further research.

5.2 Summary of the findings

This study was conducted amongst principals, Teachers of computer studies and

students of computer studies in secondary schools in Nakuru County. The study

sought to establish the challenges that face ICT integrated in education.

5.2.1 Trend of enrolment in computer studies.

The study established that the enrolment of students in computer studies was

increasing as indicated by 54.55% of the principals and 50% of the teachers of

computer studies. This was also replicated by the students‟ expression of intention to

continue with computer studies up to form four as indicated by 63.64% of the

students. However, there were challenges such as inadequate number of computers as

indicated by 67.69%, lack of computer studies teachers as shown by 12.31% of the


5.2.2 Perceptions about information and communications technology integrated

in education

The study established that the ICT made abstract concepts more concrete as indicated

by an overwhelming 92.85% of the teachers and also increased retention rates as

shown by 92.86% of the respondents. It was also established that ICT had a lot of

benefits in education as indicated by 92.86% of the respondents.

5.2.3 Use of ICT in teaching and learning other subjects apart from computer


The use of ICT in teaching other subjects was inadequate as indicated by 100% of the

principals. This also replicated by the teachers as 78.57% rated the use of ICT as

inadequate. The students use ICT was rated at 50.65% which was considered to be


5.2.4 Current status of ICT infrastructure.

The study established that the number of computers in schools was very low and this

made students to share a computer. Sixty percent of students shared a computer

especially in lower forms. However, most of the computers were of moderate speed as

indicated by 50% of the respondents. Most of the computers were networked and also

connected to the internet as indicated by 64.29% and 57.14% respectively. Mains

electricity was the main source of power for the computers as 100% of the schools

had electricity.

5.2.5 Problems teachers and students face in using ICT integrated in education.

The study established that most schools did not have the ICT support staff as

indicated by 81.88% of the principals and hired repair services from outside whenever

there was breakdown in the ICT as shown by 63.64% of the respondents. Another

major problem was that teachers lacked computer skills which were a prerequisite in

order to integrate ICT in education.

5.3 Conclusion:

The purpose of this study was to establish the challenges faced in information and

communications technology integrated in education in Nakuru County. The study

found out that there was increased enrolment in computer studies in the last five

years. However, the increase was not marched by a similar increase in the number of

computers in schools. In addition the qualifications of the teacher who taught

computer studies were found to be diploma while the teachers in other subjects did

not have the prerequisite skills to deliver using ICT. The number of ICT teachers was

inadequate if all the students were to be introduced to computer studies. The

perception of both the teachers and students to ICT was positive showing that they

supported its use to enrich the teaching/ learning environment. The lack of support

staff also made hiring of services from outside a costly venture.

5.3.1 Recommendations:

According to the findings, the researcher has made the following recommendations;

i. The government through the appropriate agencies needs to equip the schools

with enough computers to fully embrace ICT integration in education.


ii. The government through the ministry of education should organize for in-

service training for all teachers in computer skills.

iii. The curriculum development agency, i.e K.I.E, should equip schools with the

relevant digital content so as to give more resources to the teachers.

iv. The government should encourage school B.O.G‟S and P.T.As to put up the

necessary ICT infrastructure and give incentives for the same.

v. The government should introduce an award scheme for ICT innovations in

schools to encourage full participation.

vi. The required support staff should recruited.

5.3.2 Suggestions for further research:

The researcher focused on challenges of ICT integrated in secondary education.

Further studies need to focus on:

i. Challenges of ICT integrated in primary school education

ii. Challenges of ICT integrated in pre-service teacher training institutions

iii. Effect of in- service training of teachers in ICT on teaching and learning.

iv. Barriers to use of ICT in education administration



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Appendix I: questionnaire covering letter


Dear respondent,

I am a postgraduate student at Kenyatta University pursuing masters of education

degree. As partial fulfilment of the course, I am conducting a study on the challenges

of information communication and technology (ICT) integration in education: A case

study of Nakuru County. For this reason I would appreciate if you would kindly spare

a few minutes of your time to fill in the blanks in the attached list of questions to the

best of your knowledge.

The information in this questionnaire will be treated strictly confidential and at no

instance will your name be mentioned in this research. Also, the information will not

be used for any other purpose other than for this study. Your assistance in facilitating

the same will be highly appreciated. A copy of this research paper will be available to

you upon request.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Ngugi K. Elias

Kenyatta University

Appendix II: Interview schedule for Principals of Secondary Schools

Serial No. ……………………………..

Researcher: How are you Mr/Madam Principal?

Principal: _______________________________

Researcher: It is a pleasure to visit your school today and thank you very much for

sparing some time for this interview despite your busy schedule. The

researcher would like to assure you total confidentiality and that the

information gathered will be used for the purposes of this research. So you are

much welcome and thank you one again.


Researcher: This research is about the challenges of Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) Integration in teaching and learning.

Section One: Demographic information

1. How long have you been a principal?

2. What is the total enrolment of students in this school? ________________

3. Are you computer literate?



4. How many teachers does the school have?


Section Two: Trend of enrolment in computer

5. Are all the students exposed to computer studies at Forms one and two?

6. How are the students taking computer studies at form three and four selected?

7. Has there been any changes in the number of students taking computer studies

over the last five or so years at Form 4.

Section Three: Perception of teachers and students about Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) Integration in teaching and learning

8. Would you say your teachers are interested in the use of ICT in teaching?

9. What makes you think so?

10. What are the benefits of integrating ICT in teaching and learning?

Section Four: Use of ICT in teaching other subjects other than computer studies.

11. Do your teachers use ICT in teaching other subjects apart from computer studies?

12. How would you rate the use of ICT facilities for teaching in other subjects apart

from computer studies? Fair? Extensive? Or not at all?

13. What do you think would improve the use of ICT in teaching other subjects apart

from computer studies?

Section Five: Current status of ICT infrastructure.

14. Would you say the computers in the school are adequate or inadequate for both

teachers and students?

15. Are the computers networked?

16. Does the school have access to internet? _________________

17. How do you manage the cost of accessing materials from the internet?

18. Besides the cost of installing the ICT infrastructure, are there other expenses in

running the ICT facilities in teaching and learning that would make it prohibitive?

Section Six: Problems teachers and students are facing in ICT integration in

teaching and learning.

19. Does the school have ICT support staff?

20. Are there times you experience breakdowns in the equipments?

21. How do you sort them out?

22. In your view, what are the most pressing problems faced by teachers and as s

result of integrating ICT in teaching and learning

Thank you for your cooperation and may God bless you.

Appendix III: Questionnaires for computer studies teachers

Serial No. ……………………………..

This questionnaire is meant to collect information and challenges facing Information

and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in education. A case of Nakuru

County. Kindly answer the questions by writing a brief statement or ticking in the box

provided as will be applicable. The information provided will be treated strictly as

confidential as possible and at no instance will your name be mentioned in this


Section One: Demographic Information

1. What is your gender?

1. Male

2. Female

2. Indicate your age category

1) Below 20 years

2) 22-29 years

3) 30-39 years

4) 40-50 yeas

5) Above 50 years

3. How long have you been teaching?

1) Less than one year

2) Between 1-4 years


3) Between 5-10 years

4) Over 10 years

4. What is your highest level of education?

1) Certificate

2) Diploma

3) Degree

4) Other (specify) ___________________

Section Two: Trend of enrolment in computer studies

5. How many streams are there in the school.

1) One stream

2) Two streams

3) Three streams

4) Four streams

5) Other (specify) ___________________

6. How many students are taking computer studies per stream

a) Form 1

1) All

2) Other (specify) ___________________

b) Form 2

1) All

2) Other (specify) ___________________

c) Form 3

1) All

2) Other (specify) ___________________

d) Form 4

1) All

2) Other (specify) ___________________

7. How are the students taking computer studies selected?

What limits the number of students wishing to take computer studies?

1) Number of computers available

2) Number of computer teachers available

3) Other (Specify) _________________________

8. a)What is view concerning the number of students taking computer studies up-to

form four in the last 5 years.

1) Increasing

2) Decreasing

3) Irregular

4) No change

b) What would you attribute to the pattern observed above?

1) _____________________________________

2) _____________________________________

3) _____________________________________

Section Three: Perceptions of teachers about information and communication

Technology (ICT) integration in education:-

The following scale has been provided. Use the scale to fill the table below by

ticking in the appropriate box in the Likert scale:

Key: 1= strongly disagree 2= Disagree 3= Not sure

4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree


Questions Scale

1 2 3 4 5
a) Using ICT can make abstract concepts more concrete

b) Use of ICT in teaching can increase retention rates

c) Use of ICT motivates students to learn more

d) Use of ICT makes learning student-centred with the teacher being the

e) Use of ICT will make the teacher irrelevant

f) Use of ICT will make the work of the teacher easier.

g) Use of ICT increases the resources available to the teacher.

h) ICT makes communication between teachers and students easier e.g.

through email.

i) ICT makes collaboration between teachers easier e.g through email.

j) ICT makes it easier to respond to the needs of the students.

k) ICT makes classes more interactive.

Section Four: Use of ICT in teaching other subjects apart from computer studies

10. Do you teach any other subject apart from computer studies?



11.a) Do you incorporate computer skills in teaching those subject?



b) If no, why? ______________________________

12. Do other teachers use the ICT facilities in their day-to-day work?



13. How would you rate the use of ICT facilities for teaching in other subjects?



14. What do you think would improve the use of ICT in teaching other subjects other

than computer studies?


Section Five: Current status of ICT infrastructure

15. How many computers are currently operational ?______________________-

16. How would you rate the computers?

1) Fast

2) Slow

3) Moderate

17. Are the computers networked?




18.a) Are the computers connected to the internet?



b) If yes how?

1) Telephone

2) Modem

3) Mobile Phone

4) Other (specify) ____________________________

19. What is the source of power for the computers?

1) Electricity (mains)

2) Generator

3) Solar

4) Other specify

Section Six: Problems teachers are facing in integrating ICT in education

20. Are there computers availble for all teachers use in teaching



21. If yes, where are they kept?

1) Classroom

2) Staffroom

3) Computer laboratory

4) Other (specify) ____________________________

22. Does the school have ICT support staff?



23. Who services the ICT facilities (computers)?

1) Computer teacher

2) Computer laboratory assistant

3) Hired (from outside)

24. Are teachers in the school trained in computer skills? Yes [ ]No ]

25. In yours view what are the most pressing problems limiting teachers to integrate

the ICT teaching?

1) _____________________________________

2) _____________________________________

3) _____________________________________

4) _____________________________________

5) _____________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation and may God bless you.

Appendix IV: Questionnaire for students of computer studies

This questionnaire is meant to collect information on challenges of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) integration in education. A case of Nakuru County.

Kindly answer the questions by writing a brief statement or ticking in the box

provided as will be applicable. The information will be treated strictly as confidential

and at no instance will your name be mentioned in this research.

Section one: Demographic information

1. What is your gender?

1. Male

2. Female

2. Indicate your Class

1) Form one

2) Form two

3) Form three

4) Form four

Section Two: Trend of enrolment in computer studies

3.a) Do you intend to continue taking computer studies up to form four.



b) If your answer in 3(a) is NO, why


4. How did you end up taking computer studies?

1) I was selected by my teacher


2) I selected computer studies myself.

3) Other (specify) ___________________________________

5. Are there other students who wanted to take computer studies but were denied the




6. If yes in 5 above, why do you think, they were denied the chances of computer

study continuation?

1) Inadequate number of computers

2) Lack of enough computer teachers

3) Poor performance in mathematics

4) Other (specify) ______________________________


Section Three: Perception of students about Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) integration in education.

Instruction: Use the following scale to answer the questions by ticking in the

appropriate box in the Likert scale:

Key: 1= strongly disagree 2= Disagree 3= Not sure

4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree


Questions Scale

1 2 3 4 5

a) Use of ICT make abstract concepts more concrete

b) Use of ICT increase retention of concepts

c) Use of ICT motivates students to learn more

d) Use of ICT makes learning student friendly

e) I search for additional educational information from the internet

f) I share educational information with peers and teachers through email.

g) ICT makes classes more interactive

h) IC in education has a lot of benefits.

i) Our lessons are boring with ICT

j) Use of ICT in learning is time wasting


Section Four: Use of ICT in learning other subjects apart from computer studies

8. Do you use ICT in learning other subjects?



9. Do your teachers help you to search for additional resources using ICT in other

subjects apart from computer studies?



10. How would you rate your use of ICT in learning other subjects?

1) Often

2) Sometimes

3) Not sure

4) Rare

5) Never

Section Five: Current status of ICT infrustructure

11. Do you share a computer in your class



12. If yes in 11 above, how many students share one computer.


13. How would you rate the computers you use in school?

1) Fast

2) Slow

3) Moderate

14. Are the computers networked?



15. Are the computers connected to the internet?



16. If yes in 15 above, how?

1) Telephone

2) Modem

3) Mobile Phone

4) Other (specify) ____________________________

Thank you for your cooperation and may God bless you.

Appendix V: Work plan

This section presents the work plan for the entire study

Activity 2011 2012

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Jan Feb Mar Apr



Pilot study


of data

Analysis of





first draft




Appendix VI: Budget for the Study

This section presents the cost of conducting the whole research project from scratch
through data collection to compilation of the final research project report.
Item Description Quantity Unit Cost in
KShs. Total Cost in
No i). Stationery KShs.

1 Duplicating papers (reams) 5 500.00 2,500.00

2 File 3 100.00 300.00

3 Biropens 10 25.00 250.00

4 Computer services (internet 12 (1 per 2000.00 24000.00

access) month)

5 Typing, Printing and binding 12 3000.00 36000.00

6 Transport during consultation 12 2,500.00 30000.00

Sub-total stationery 93,050.00

ii). Other expenses (During Data collection)

1 Lunch 20 days @ 20 500.00 10,000.00


2 Out of pocket 20 " @ 200. 20 200.00 4,000.00

5 Transport 20 " @800 20 800.00 16,000.00

4 Assistant researchers @ 4,000 4 4000 16,000.00

Sub-total other expenses 46000.00

Total =

10% Miscellaneous cost = 10/100 x 139050 = 13,905

iii). Grand total 152,955.00


APPENDIX VII: A map of Kenya showing the counties


Source :Kenya maps, jpeg (accessed on 23rd march,2012)


Appendix viii: Research permit

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