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NeuroImage: Clinical 21 (2019) 101593

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Predicting conversion from clinically isolated syndrome to multiple T

sclerosis–An imaging-based machine learning approach
Haike Zhanga, Esther Albertsa, Viola Pongratzb,c, Mark Mühlaub,c, Claus Zimmera,
Benedikt Wiestlera,1, Paul Eichingera, ,1

Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Ismaninger Strasse 22, 81675 Munich, Germany
Department of Neurology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Ismaninger Strasse 22, 81675 Munich, Germany
TUM-NIC, NeuroImaging Center, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Ismaninger Strasse 22, 81675 Munich, Germany


Keywords: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans play a pivotal role in the evaluation of patients presenting with a
Multiple sclerosis clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), as these may depict brain lesions suggestive of an inflammatory cause. We
Clinically isolated syndrome hypothesized that it is possible to predict the conversion from CIS to multiple sclerosis (MS) based on the
MRI baseline MRI scan by studying image features of these lesions.
Machine learning
We analyzed 84 patients diagnosed with CIS from a prospective observational single center cohort. The
patients were followed up for at least three years. Conversion to MS was defined according to the 2010
McDonald criteria. Brain lesions were segmented based on 3D FLAIR and 3D T1 images. We generated brain
lesion masks by a computer assisted manual segmentation. We also generated a set of automated segmentations
using the Lesion Segmentation Toolbox for SPM to assess the influence of different segmentation methods. Shape
and brightness features were automatically calculated from the segmented masks and used as input data to train
an oblique random forest classifier. Prediction accuracies of the resulting model were validated through a three-
fold cross-validation.
Conversion from CIS to MS occurred in 66 of 84 patients (79%). The conversion or non-conversion was
predicted correctly in 71 patients based on shape features derived from the computer assisted manual seg-
mentation masks (84.5% accuracy). This predictor was more accurate than predicting conversion using dis-
semination in space at baseline according to the 2010 McDonald criteria (75% accuracy). While shape features
strongly contributed to the accuracy of the predictor, including intensity features did not further improve per-
As patients who convert to definite MS benefit from early treatment, an early classification model is highly
desirable. Our study shows that shape parameters of lesions can contribute to predicting the future course of CIS
patients more accurately.

1. Introduction McDonald criteria 2010 (Polman et al., 2011), dissemination in space

and dissemination in time can be proven by MR findings. Together with
A clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) is defined as a single episode of the onset of clinical symptoms, this can be used to diagnose MS. Pre-
neurological symptoms suggestive of an inflammatory demyelinating vious studies have confirmed that patients presenting with CIS and
disease of the central nervous system. It is the initial presentation of abnormal MRI findings in baseline scans have higher risk for conversion
multiple sclerosis (MS) for many patients (Miller et al., 2012). Magnetic to MS (Zhang and Hou, 2013) and this risk is associated with the
resonance imaging (MRI) plays a key role in the evaluation of patients number of lesions (Fisniku et al., 2008; Tintoré et al., 2006).
with CIS. It may depict brain lesions which potentially substantiate the However, not all patients with CIS develop multiple sclerosis: 20%
suspicion of a chronic inflammatory disease. In fact, according to the of CIS patients do not convert after twenty years even with abnormal

Abbreviations: CIS, clinically isolated syndrome; MS, Multiple Sclerosis; CDMS, clinically definite Multiple Sclerosis; SVR, surface-volume-ratio

Corresponding author at: Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München, Ismaninger
Str. 22, 81675 Munich, Germany.
E-mail address: Paul.Eichinger@tum.de (P. Eichinger).
These senior authors contributed equally.

Received 3 July 2018; Received in revised form 23 October 2018; Accepted 4 November 2018
Available online 05 November 2018
2213-1582/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

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2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
H. Zhang, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical 21 (2019) 101593

findings in baseline MR images (Fisniku et al., 2008). Three years after matrix, 224 × 154; field of view, 230; TR, 10000 ms; TE, 140 ms; TSE
the first clinical onset, according to earlier studies 31–44% of the CIS factor, 20; number of slices, 96; acquisition time, 5 min; plane, axial.
patients experience new attacks which define clinically definite MS T1: Acquired voxel size, 1 × 1 × 1 mm3; acquisition matrix,
(CDMS) (Liu et al., 2011; Miller et al., 2012; Rocca et al., 2008; Tintoré 240 × 240; field of view, 240; TR, 9 ms; TE, 4 ms; number of slices,
et al., 2000). Note, that it is possible that patients are diagnosed with 170; acquisition time, 6 min; plane, sagittal.
MS according to the 2010 McDonald criteria but not with CDMS as Based on the FLAIR and T1 weighted images, two sets of lesion
defined above. This is the case, when a follow up MRI scan of a CIS segmentation masks were generated. One set was acquired by computer
patient shows new lesions such that the criteria of dissemination in assisted manual segmentation using BrainSeg3D (Lesjak et al., 2018).
space are fulfilled but the patient has not experienced a second clinical For this, a neuroradiologist (PE, 6 years of experience) identified and
attack in the meantime. This is referred to as “radiologically definite marked lesions on axial reformations of the FLAIR images. The precise
MS”. For radiologically definite MS, reported conversion rates are borders of these lesions within one slice were then delineated by the
higher than those for CDMS (Chard et al., 2011; Gaetani et al., 2017). segmentation tool, leaving the option to manually readjust the seg-
By identifying reliable parameters which predict conversion, pa- mentation. This segmentation set was used as the main tool during
tients with a CIS who profit from an early treatment could be selected further analysis. A second set of lesions masks was obtained with the
more reliably. For example, treatment with β-interferon and glatiramer Lesion Segmentation Tool (LST) (Schmidt et al., 2012), version 2.0.1,
acetate was shown to delay conversion to MS (Comi et al., 2009; Comi which was designed for the Statistical Parametric Mapping package for
et al., 2001; Jacobs et al., 2000). MATLAB (SPM 12, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging; MATLAB
MRI scans generate a large amount of data. Only a small part of it is and Statistics Toolbox Release 2016b, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick,
used in clinical routine because the images are only studied visually. In Massachusetts, United States). This provided a fully automated seg-
the past few years, strategies to analyze large collections of data have mentation set, using LST's lesion probability algorithm (initial threshold
emerged, as well as algorithms for solving classification and prediction 0.3). The second set of segmentations was acquired to assess the de-
tasks. Machine learning has become a promising way to process medical pendence of our classifier on the chosen segmentation method.
images. In the field of neurology and neuroradiology, such techniques
have been applied to various classification tasks, such as assessing
epilepsy (Song et al., 2012), pre-symptomatic Huntington's disease 2.3. Classification analysis
(Klöppel et al., 2009), gliomas WHO Grade II and III (Eichinger et al.,
2017) and Alzheimer's disease (Escudero et al., 2013; Klöppel et al., For each lesion individually, the single lesion volume, intensity
2008). Machine learning has also been used in MS to distinguish MS features (skewness, kurtosis and entropy of intensity histograms) and
patients from healthy controls (Yoo et al., 2018), different disease shape features (surface area, sphericity, surface-volume-ratio (SVR))
courses in MS patients (Ion-Margineanu et al., 2017; Zhao et al., 2017) were calculated automatically. Moreover the total number of lesions
and also to predict conversion in CIS patients. The latter was addressed and the total lesion volume were noted. The lesion surface area (A) was
by (Wottschel et al., 2015), who included clinical and basic lesion approximated through a marching cubes algorithm implemented in
features, and by (Kitzler et al., 2018), who analyzed lesion myelination. SciKit-Image. From the surface area and volume (V; given as n ∗ voxel
In this study, we investigated how a machine learning tool can help volume, with n being the number of voxels in the lesion), sphericity was
to identify CIS patients who convert to MS. To this end, we focussed on calculated as 36 V 2 .
lesion features in baseline MRI, in particular such features that describe The random forest algorithm, which is described below, requires a
shape and brightness, and assessed the performance of machine feature vector of the same length for each patient. We therefore could
learning classifiers based on these features. not include the single lesion parameters as described above because
patients differed in lesion numbers. To achieve a uniform parameter set
2. Methods in each patient, we generated descriptive statistics for volume, intensity
and shape features. Since merely averaging over all lesions in a patient
2.1. Subjects would neglect information on lesion heterogeneity, we included the
minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of each feature with
This study includes 84 patients who initially presented with CIS, i.e. respect to all lesions in this patient. In addition, we included the total
showed symptoms suggestive of an inflammatory central nervous dis- lesion volume, calculated as the sum of the single lesion volumes, and
ease without fulfilling the 2010 McDonald criteria for MS. All patients lesion count as further elements of the vector.
were part of a single center prospective observational cohort, which Random forest algorithms are an ensemble learning strategy based
was approved by the local institutional review board, and written in- on generating a forest, i.e. a collection of many uncorrelated decision
formed consent was obtained. All patients received a baseline MRI scan trees (Breiman, 2001). Generating uncorrelated trees is achieved by
during primary clinical work-up. These baseline scans were acquired repeatedly and randomly drawing samples and features with replace-
between 2009 and 2013. Patients were followed up regularly for a ment. As opposed to the traditional threshold-based random forest,
period of at least three years. An MRI scan after three years as well as which uses univariate models at each node, an oblique random forest
clinical evaluation was used to determine whether conversion into MS explicitly learns the optimal split between two groups using linear
had occurred. MS was defined according to the 2010 McDonald criteria. multivariate models. This approach has been shown to further improve
In particular, besides demonstrating dissemination in time by a clinical robustness and accuracy (Menze et al., 2011), especially in the case of
relapse, the occurrence of new MRI lesions sufficed to prove dis- correlated features. To predict conversion into MS, we generated three
semination in time as well. oblique classification random forest models using the “obliqueRF”
package in R 3.4 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna,
2.2. MRI acquisition and processing Austria): (i) A model based on intensity features, (ii) a model based on
shape features and (iii) a final model including both intensity and shape
All MR images were acquired using a 3 Tesla MR scanner (Achieva, features. Lesion count and lesion volume were included as features in
Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands). All MR scans contained a 3D each of these models. The hyperparameters “mtry” (number of vari-
Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence and a 3D T1 ables tested in each node; tested with 3, sqrt(number of variables) and 7
sequence, which were used for this study. The imaging parameters were variables) and “ntree” (number of trees generated, tested with 100, 200
as follows: and 300 tress) were optimized on the out-of-bag error, i.e. by testing on
FLAIR: Acquired voxel size, 1.03 × 1.03 × 1.5 mm3; acquisition the samples which were not randomly drawn for this tree during forest

Téléchargé pour Brahim Ait (aitbbrahim01@gmail.com) à ClinicalKey France Guest Users à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier sur juillet 08,
2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
H. Zhang, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical 21 (2019) 101593

generation. The coefficients of the split were found in a L2 constraint Table 1

least squares regression, tested for various regularization coefficients. Patient characteristics.
Non converter Converter
2.4. Data and statistical analysis
Gender 7 men 18 men Pearson Chi Square,
11 women 47 women p = 0,411
Model performance was validated by three-fold cross-validation.
Age Mean = 44,44 Mean = 41,89 2-tailed t-Test,
For that, the study collective was randomly divided in three subsets. STD = 11,21 STD = 8808 p = 0,308
One of these subsets was not used during the training process so that the EDSS at baseline Median = 1 Median = 1 Mann-Whitney U
algorithm was adjusted to only two thirds of the whole study cohort. test,
The remaining third was then used as validation set on which the al- Range 0–2.5 Range 0–6 p = .56
EDSS after 3 years Median = 0 Median = 1 Mann-Whitney U
gorithm was tested. This was done three times, so that every subset
functioned as validation set once and every subject was within the Range 0–2.5 Range 0–6.5 p = .08
validation set once. Only cross-validated performance measures are Mean lesion volume Mean = 71 Mean = 135 Mann-Whitney U
reported. Using a bootstrapping approach (with 100 iterations), we (mm3) test,
Range 22–314 Range 22–671 p = .0013
calculated feature importance scores to identify the features most im-
portant for classification from the oblique random forest. Feature im-
portance counts how often a variable was deemed relevant when
signed rank-sum test). One patient received Interferon Beta, one re-
chosen for a split at a node. This is achieved by a logistic regression
ceived steroids and one received plasmapheresis prior to the baseline
model which is employed at the nodes. The importance value is in-
MRI scan. Apart from those three patients, the remaining 81 patients
creased by 1 if a variable leads to a logistic regression model with
did not receive any therapy prior to their baseline scan.
p < 0.05 at a node, and decreased by 1 otherwise.
Besides the described random forest models, another predictive
model was also obtained based on the criteria for dissemination in
3.2. Classification results using brightness and shape features
space according to the 2010 McDonald criteria, analogously to (Filippi
et al., 2018). For this model, only the criteria of dissemination in space
To assess prediction accuracies of the random forest models and
have to be assessed. If they are fulfilled at baseline, then the prediction
compare them to those achieved by the classifier based on the 2010
is set to “conversion”. This model was included as a benchmark for the
McDonald criteria, we calculated the confusion matrix for each pre-
computer based models described above.
dictive model. Table 2 shows those confusion matrices.
Statistical analysis was performed using MATLAB 2016b (MATLAB
Table 3 shows statistical measures derived from the confusion ma-
and Statistics Toolbox Release 2016b, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick,
trices. We also included balanced accuracy (Brodersen et al., 2010) and
Massachusetts, United States). Demographic data of non-converters and
the diagnostic odds ratio (Glas et al., 2003), which are designed for
converters were compared using a Pearson's chi-square test (gender)
unbalanced cohorts, such as the one in this study with a conversion rate
and a two tailored t-test (age). EDSS values at baseline and after 3 years
of 79%. The shape-based random forest classifier (with 300 tress and 3
were compared between the groups by a Mann-Whitney U test. For each
variables tested at each split) achieved the highest accuracy. Particu-
group, the EDSS baseline value and the EDSS value after 3 years were
larly balanced accuracy and diagnostic odds ratio are markedly higher
compared by a Wilcoxon signed rank-sum test. The results from the
than for prediction according to the McDonald criteria 2010. Further
different prediction approaches as defined above were expressed as
comparing the classifier based on shape features with prediction of
confusion matrices and the following statistical measures were derived:
conversion according to the McDonald criteria 2010 by McNemar's test
accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value.
also showed a significantly higher predictive accuracy of the random
Moreover, we also calculated the balanced accuracy (Brodersen et al.,
forest classifier (p = 0.03).
2010) together with the posterior probability interval for α = 0.05
A second model based on shape features, but using lesion masks
using the MATLAB tools provided by Brodersen et al. and the diagnostic
from the automated segmentation with LST, performed similar to the
odds ratio (Glas et al., 2003). Confidence intervals were calculated for
accuracy, sensitivity and specificity as Clopper-Pearson confidence in-
Table 2
tervals. Those for positive and negative predictive values were calcu- Confusion matrices for different predictive models assessed in this study: (a)
lated as standard logit confidence intervals (Mercaldo et al., 2007). The 2010 McDonald criteria (dissemination in space (DIS) yes/no); (b) intensity
confidence interval for the diagnostic odds ratio was calculated ac- based random forest classifier using computer assisted manual segmentations;
cording to (Glas et al., 2003). The random forest classifier was com- (c) shape based random forest classifier using computer assisted manual seg-
pared with the classifier based on the 2010 McDonald criteria by using mentations; (d) shape based random forest classifier using automated seg-
McNemar's test. mentations from LST.
a) McDonald 2010 (DIS) Non-conversion Conversion
3. Results
Predicted non-conversion 4 4
Predicted conversion 14 62
3.1. Subjects
b) Intensity-based model Non-conversion Conversion
Our cohort included 58 female and 26 male patients. None of the 84
patients were excluded in the subsequent analyses. During the three Predicted non-conversion 11 25
years of follow up, 66 patients converted to MS (79%) while 18 patients Predicted conversion 7 41
did not. From the 66 patients who converted to MS, 33 had a second c) Shape-based model Non-conversion Conversion
clinical attack defining CDMS and in 33 patients, conversion was de-
tected based on radiological criteria. The relevant patient character- Predicted non-conversion 9 4
istics are summarized in Table 1. The two groups of converters and non- Predicted conversion 9 62

converters were not significantly different in terms of gender, age, EDSS d) Shape-based model (LST) Non-conversion Conversion
at baseline or after 3 years follow-up. Within the groups, neither con-
verters nor non-converters showed a significant change in EDSS during Predicted non-conversion 6 3
Predicted conversion 12 63
the observation period (p = 0.87 and p = 0.29, respectively; Wilcoxon

Téléchargé pour Brahim Ait (aitbbrahim01@gmail.com) à ClinicalKey France Guest Users à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier sur juillet 08,
2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
H. Zhang, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical 21 (2019) 101593

Table 3
Statistical measures derived from the confusion matrices in Table 2. Intervals are 95%-confidence intervals, except for balanced accuracy, where the posterior
probability interval for the level 0.05 is given (as defined in (Brodersen et al., 2010)). PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; DOR, diagnostic
odds ratio.
Mc Donald 2010 (DIS) Intensity-based model Shape-based model Shape-based model (LST)

Accuracy 0.79 (0.68–0.87) 0.62 (0.51–0.72) 0.85 (0.75–0.91) 0.82 (0.72–0.90)

Sensitivity 0.94 (0.85–0.98) 0.62 (0.49–0.74) 0.94 (0.85–0.98) 0.95 (0.87–0.99)
Specificity 0.22 (0.06–0.48) 0.61 (0.36–0.83) 0.50 (0.26–0.74) 0.33 (0.13–0.59)
PPV 0.81 (0.77–0.85) 0.85 (0.76–0.92) 0.87 (0.81–0.91) 0.84 (0.79–0.87)
NPV 0.50 (0.22–0.78) 0.31 (0.21–0.42) 0.69 (0.44–0.87) 0.67 (0.36–0.88)
Balanced Accuracy 0.58 (0.50–0.70) 0.62 (0.49–0.72) 0.72 (0.60–0.82) 0.64 (0.54–0.76)
DOR 4.43 (0.99–19.89) 2.58 (0.88–7.51) 15.50 (3.93–60.98) 10.50 (2.30–47.87)

one using the computer-assisted manual segmentations. dissemination in space and time. This differs from other studies where
To compare computer assisted manual and fully automated seg- only conversion to CDMS, i.e. the occurrence of a second clinical attack,
mentations, we assessed the correlation between the three most im- is considered. Hence, the reported conversion rate of 79% in our cohort
portant features, and found a high correlation for “mean volume” is noticeably higher than in previous studies. Note, that the rate of
(Pearson's r = 0.79, p < 0.0001), “minimum sphericity” (Pearson's CDMS in our cohort is 39% which is comparable to other studies like
r = 0.42, p < 0.0001) and “minimum SVR” (Pearson's r = 0.88, those mentioned in the introduction. Also, other studies that assessed
p < 0.0001). conversion into radiologically definite MS (which is equivalent to our
approach) demonstrated conversion rates comparable to those found in
3.3. The three most relevant shape features this study (Chard et al., 2011; Gaetani et al., 2017).
Comparing our approach to other studies with a similar aim, we
To explore the relative influence of shape features on the prediction focussed mainly on imaging features that describe lesion properties. In
of conversion, we calculated importance scores using a bootstrapping an earlier study (Wottschel et al., 2015), basic clinical features were
approach (Fig. 1a). While all features input into the classifier will combined with features of lesion localization to predict conversion.
contribute to the final prediction, we identified three features that had Opposed to our study, only basic intensity features (average lesion PD-
the highest importance for the final vote: Mean lesion volume (Fig. 1b), and T2-intensities) have been employed. Other studies used advanced
minimum sphericity (Fig. 1c) and minimum surface-volume-ratio MR techniques, such as measuring myelin water fraction in white
(Fig. 1d). As expected, minimum sphericity and minimum surface-vo- matter (Kitzler et al., 2018) or MR spectroscopy (Ion-Margineanu et al.,
lume-ratio had a significant positive correlation (Spearman's 2017). While these methods can provide new insight into how MS pa-
rho = 0.53, p < 0.001). tients can be assessed with MR imaging, they are not commonly used. In
Looking into the distribution of these features, the classifier found comparison, our study only relies on FLAIR and T1-weighted images
that lesions in converters were on average larger and appeared less which are considered to be part of a standard imaging protocol in MS
round (as expressed by a smaller minimum sphericity) compared to (Traboulsee et al., 2016).
lesions in non-converters. Interestingly, lesion count was not found to Further assessing the relative contribution of each feature, we found
be of high importance. Fig. 2 shows illustrative examples of a converter that mean lesion volume, minimum sphericity and minimum SVR were
and a non-converter, which demonstrate the differences in lesion ap- most important for the performance of our classifier: Lesions found in
pearance. patients converting to MS are on average bigger and less spherical. We
hypothesize that this difference in size and shape reflects the different
origin of lesions in converters: Inflammation in MS is considered to
4. Discussion most commonly occur along veins (Tallantyre et al., 2008; Tan et al.,
2000). The presence of a central vein within a lesion can be used to
In this study, we developed a random forest classifier based on le- differentiate MS from other causes of white matter hyperintensities
sion features in the baseline MRI to differentiate patients converting (Cortese et al., 2018; Maggi et al., 2018). This might favour the de-
from CIS to MS from those who do not. While shape features demon- velopment of more elongated, less spherical inflammatory lesions in MS
strated a high discriminative potential, intensity features did not con- converters. The typical “Dawson finger configuration” of MS lesions
tribute to improving this classifier. We demonstrated that both com- seen in sagittal images in fact reflects this and is an example of how
puter assisted manual and fully automatic segmentations yield shape neurologists and neuroradiologists use shape information to classify
features that can be used to construct an accurate classifier. This could lesions. On the other hand, the lesions found in patients who do not
point towards the use of shape features as more generalizable features. convert to MS may be caused by a different pathomechanism and
Moreover, this finding can help to transfer our technique to larger co- therefore differ in shape from the inflammatory lesions found in pa-
horts, for which manual segmentation becomes less feasible due to the tients converting to MS.
time required to generate the lesion masks. Intensity features have long been used in image analysis. However,
The resulting classifier was more accurate than predicting conver- analysis of MR intensities is impeded by several obstacles, including
sion using the dissemination in space criteria from the 2010 McDonald bias-field inhomogeneities and variations in scanner equipment and
criteria. In particular, this holds true for measures designed for un- sequences. Moreover, intensity values may change over time especially
balanced cohorts like balanced accuracy and diagnostic odds ratio. The early after lesion formation when the acute inflammation wears off.
random forest classifier resulted in a sensitivity of 94% and specificity Such features therefore tend to be poorly generalizable beyond the data
of 50% as opposed to 94% and only 22%, respectively for the 2010 set based for which they were designed. Shape features, on the other
McDonald criteria. The results for the 2010 McDonald criteria closely hand, are to some extent invariant against the input data. In comparison
match a recent study which assessed the performance of MRI criteria to to brightness features, they do not rely on absolute intensity values and
predict conversion in a large cohort (Filippi et al., 2018) but did not are robust against bias field distortions. Therefore, these features are
employ machine learning techniques. more comparable across different scanners. Within our cohort, we
In our study, we determined MS according to the 2010 McDonald found no meaningful contribution of intensity features to prediction
criteria, which also include radiological criteria to establish

Téléchargé pour Brahim Ait (aitbbrahim01@gmail.com) à ClinicalKey France Guest Users à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier sur juillet 08,
2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
H. Zhang, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical 21 (2019) 101593

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 1. Shape features most relevant for predicting conversion. (a) Bootstrapped importance plot, where each dot represents a feature (i.e. min, max, mean and std. of
the respective measure, for volume also total lesion volume). The higher a feature, the more important it is for prediction. (b-d) Boxplot diagrams of the three most
important features, which scored importance scores > 1: mean volume (b), minimum sphericity (c) and minimum surface-volume-ratio (d), separated by converters
(turquoise) and non-converters (red).

accuracy. In fact, a model solely based on intensity features performed unvalidated accuracies will be biased. Given the size of our cohort, we
worse than both the shape-based and McDonald-based model. chose a three-fold cross-validation to validate all predictions made by
Our study has several limitations: Shape features contributed most our classifiers. While k-fold cross-validation has been shown to give
to our model. However, the minimum diameter of a lesion that can be more realistic estimates of prediction accuracy than leave-one-out-
depicted is determined by the voxel size of the scan. Therefore, shape cross-validation, an independent validation in a previously unseen co-
features of small lesions can be influenced by the spatial resolution of a hort of patients would be preferable.
scan. Given a minimum size threshold for a lesion of 3 mm as proposed We selected the features which were used to develop the classifier.
in the MAGNIMS- and McDonald-Criteria (Filippi et al., 2016; Polman How other image features like texture features or more advanced, deep-
et al., 2011), 3D sequences with high spatial resolution (like those used learned features could contribute to prediction accuracy is therefore
in this study) are not very prone to these effects. However, extracting unclear. However, the size of our dataset precludes extensive testing of
reliable features for small lesions may become impossible when 2D large feature vectors. We therefore limited our analysis to pre-defined
images are used, which impedes the possibility of transferring our ap- features mentioned above.
proach to 2D images. In general, we limited on a narrow spectrum of features to specifi-
Complex machine learning algorithms are prone to overfitting and cally assess the contribution of lesion characteristics to classification

Téléchargé pour Brahim Ait (aitbbrahim01@gmail.com) à ClinicalKey France Guest Users à partir de ClinicalKey.fr par Elsevier sur juillet 08,
2024. Pour un usage personnel seulement. Aucune autre utilisation n´est autorisée. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
H. Zhang, et al. NeuroImage: Clinical 21 (2019) 101593

Fig. 2. Illustrative example images with overlaid le-

sion masks of a patient who converted to MS (upper
row) and another patient who did not convert (lower
row). These examples very prominently represent the
lesion features with the best discriminative potential.
Note the larger, less round lesions in the upper row
example. The numerical values for the converter (top
row) were: mean volume, 101 mm3; mean sphericity,
0.78; mean SVR, 1.64; the non-converter (bottom
row) showed the following values: mean volume,
33.8mm3; mean sphericity, 0.927; mean SVR, 2.1.

performance. How other clinical and paraclinical parameters like age, Funding
gender, baseline EDSS (these were already covered in (Wottschel et al.,
2015)), intrathecal synthesis of oligoclonal bands (Tintoré et al., 2008) This publication of this work was supported by the German
or inflammatory cerebrospinal fluid (Ruet et al., 2014) can be used to Research Foundation (DFG) and the Technical University of Munich
further improve prediction accuracy remains to be investigated in fu- (TUM), Germany, in the framework of the Open Acces Publishing
ture studies. Moreover, the disease course in MS patients is highly in- Program.
dividual. Therefore, rather than only predicting conversion in CIS pa-
tients, it appears an promising goal to predict different disease courses References
and identify those patients who are likely to profit most from early
treatment, taking into account different patterns of disease activity in Breiman, L., 2001. Random forests. Mach. Learn. 45, 5–32. https://doi.org/10.1023/
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Brodersen, K.H., Ong, C.S., Stephan, K.E., Buhmann, J.M., 2010. The balanced accuracy
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