7 Years Guaranteed Rent
7 Years Guaranteed Rent
7 Years Guaranteed Rent
“ WOW!! Did I just hear you correctly? 7 Abi secured 7 years Guaranteed rent AND a
sale price of £79,000 at the end of that 7
Years guaranteed rent? What do I have
to do? Where do I sign? “
Fast forward two years and Abi now has 100%
Meet Abi rent every single month, in that time she has
Abi’s House was a small £50,000 2 bed house never needed to pay for any maintenance and
in Rotherham. It was in a fairly nice area yet was not only that, her house is now the best looked
still providing tenant problems! Lack of rent was after house on that street. Why..?
what caused Abi to be at her wit’s end and She put in a tenant buyer in place.
she’d even considered if she wanted to be a
landlord any more. - Sound familiar?
Tenant buyers are not like normal tenants, these formula’s we then work out what it will be worth
people want to own their own home, they just at the end of the contract. You, the property
don’t have the means to buy right now. This owner agree the term of the Rent 2 Buy contract,
strategy offers them a wonderful opportunity to these can be as short as 2 years or as long as
live in the home they will go on to purchase 10 years.
whilst helping them to save each month.
Before the contract begins with the tenant, we
We are talking about Rent 2 Buy, this wonderful agree the market value rent with the property
strategy is a huge win-win for both property owner and also a ‘top up’ the tenant buyer will
owners and tenants. need to pay each month.
It works for small and large houses, houses that This monthly top-up will accumulate to become
have sat stagnant on the market for a long time their deposit when the time comes to purchase
or houses that have been mistreated in the past the house. An added benefit of this top us is that
by tenants. it acts as a “safety net” for the property owner, or
you in this case. If the tenant buyer falls into
This could be the perfect solution for you if you
arrears, or has any specific maintenance they
are fed up of problem tenants or you are tired of
cannot afford, then money can be drawn out of
your house not selling.
this amount to cover it … Don’t worry there is a
very slim chance of this happening as tenant
buyers want both the house and the deposit they
are saving up for it, so it simply acts as that extra
level of safety.
MEET ANGELA her lovely property that you can see here, this was on the market
for 2 years without selling and she too had become quite fed up.
Angela came through our Rent 2 Buy process and now has a
tenant buyer who pays her £1500 per month and has a top up
on-top of this too. These tenants have great careers, just never
saved for a deposit, so this solution suited them perfectly!
With this option, the tenants get to live in this beautiful home and
save up to buy it with no added stress!
Q How do you value what my home will be worth
SO YOU’RE We hope you’ve found our guide helpful and we hope you’re now as
READY TO GET excited as we are about Rent 2 Buy!!
STARTED? Here at Diamond Estates, we want to help as many landlords and
tenants benefit from this awesome strategy, so the best way for you to
get started on your Rent 2 Buy strategy is to get in touch with us!
01302 898807