Backrooms Tabletop RPG v1.0 20240315
Backrooms Tabletop RPG v1.0 20240315
Backrooms Tabletop RPG v1.0 20240315
Artwork By
Emily McGlawn, Backrooms Artists, and Others
Special Thanks To
Wikidot, Fandom, YouTube, Kane Pixel, and every creator of Backrooms content.
Thank you for your time spent on the Backrooms.
The Backrooms Roleplaying Game is released under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license. No
content is under copyright, so you are free to share this book with anyone who might like it.
All content created by others under CC BY-SA has been credited to their original creators whenever
available. If the author was unclear, we included as much information as we can. The only third-party
content used in this book was released under the CC BY-SA license.
Cover image by deviantart/G-l-u-b-b-y | Above image by anonymous
Published in 2023.
Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………..4
Chapter 2: Characters……………………………10
Chapter 8: GM Tips……………………………..57
Okay, real talk time. There is no single source of canon for what belongs (and doesn’t) in Backrooms
content. Some love the videos. Others prefer Wikidot or Fandom. Still more only want Level 0, no
entities and nothing else. All of those are valid. Not all of those are used in this game.
This RPG creates its own canon because a tabletop game has different needs than online creepypasta.
For example, take Level 12. It’s a place where it’s unclear how to enter or leave; it cannot be
photographed or recorded; and nothing happens there. It’s a great concept that can work in literature–
but less so for an interactive game to play. Why bother visiting that place where nothing happens?
That’s why we replaced it with a different, more interactive level.
That’s also why we focused on the Wikidot site. Wanting the Backrooms to be just an empty Level 0 is
understandable, as there’s a unique fear that comes across with being u�erly lost and alone. But that
doesn’t lend itself to the kind of stories told by roleplaying games. It would be hours and hours of
explaining how nothing is there. This game needed more people, different ideologies, and all manner
of entities and objects so players have something to interact with while playing.
And because the Backrooms is open to everyone, some content can be more silly than scary. For
example, there’s an entity known as Jerry. It’s a sentient parrot that psychically controls people into
worshiping it. Because this is all a bit silly, we opted to keep it out of the game so it’s more on a horror
Lastly, this game is entirely free, so there was a limit on how much to include in this game. There’s a
ton of Backrooms content online, and this book would have taken forever to include the majority of it.
(It would also be a very long book.) Think of this RPG as a brand-new canon that takes the Backrooms
into new and different territory needed for a tabletop game.
Everyone should feel free to make stuff for this game! Want a favorite level or entity added to it? Look
at the entries in this book to get a feel for how they are wri�en, but then publish it! This RPG is
released under CC BY-SA 4.0, meaning you can add, delete, or otherwise remix the content here
(within license restrictions). You don’t even need our permission! We just ask that you credit us in any
product you create to work with the game, including new adventures.
Go ahead and start designing! After all, the Backrooms is big enough for many interpretations.
– WJ MacGuffin
NOTE: This game uses a few pieces of AI art because this is a free product. All other artwork is done
by real humans and credited as such. (All entity images in Chapter 11arebyEmilyMcGlawn.)
elcome to the Backrooms RPG! This is Backrooms home that might not take kindly to
a roleplaying game where you will humans.
play people stranded in a weird
universe outside of our own. During the game,
What Are The Backrooms Exactly?
you will create stories about fear, happiness,
In reality, the Backrooms is an online,
success, failure, and much more. Unlike video
decentralized art movement based on liminal
games, this will all be done with our
horror. People make images, text, and videos that
add to the lore and share it with the community
at large. No one runs it, so anyone can create
If the players or GM have never played a
content and contribute.
roleplaying game before, here is a brief
explanation. Otherwise, skip to the next section.
For the characters in this se�ing, no one knows
for sure what the Backrooms are but here is their
What Is A Roleplaying Game? best guess.
An RPG is a game where people play the role of
a character and make up a story as they play. The Backrooms are a series of small universes
Sometimes, that means rolling dice to randomly that are interconnected. Each universe has its
pick what happens next. Other times, it includes own theme, such as an empty office building, a
talking as if you were that character, such as forest at night, a large hotel, caves, fields of grain,
when your character has dialogue with someone and many, many more. Let that sink in; each
else. Think of it as improv theater without an universe is ONLY that theme; you can get an
audience; just some friends having fun playing a entire world filled only with empty offices. For
game. example:
One player will serve as a combination of play • Level 0 is 600 million square miles of empty
director, movie extra, and referee called the offices with no furniture and no workers,
Game Master (GM). They describe the scene, just yellow-wallpapered walls, damp
including other characters who are present. carpeting, and the hum of fluorescent
When it’s time to roll dice and add some random lighting.
elements into the story, the GM makes sure the
rules are followed. If there are any questions or • Level 5 is the inside of a 1920s hotel.
disputes, the GM steps in to politely se�le them.
• Level 8 is a dark series of dark caves,
The GM typically has some parts of a story complete with stalactites and stalagmites.
planned, and together with the players, they
explore the game’s se�ing and play at being • Level 17 is the nearly infinite inside of a
heroes: Rescuing people, fighting bad guys, and gigantic ship sailing on some unknown
exploring this strange series of extradimensional ocean.
spaces. There are allies to be sure, but there are
enemies as well as entities that call the Overall, there is a pa�ern to the levels. Level 0
6 can take you to Level 1, which in turn can lead to authoritarian government on residents. Together,
Level 2, which leads to Level 3, and so on down everyone tries to live a normal life inside the
the line. That said, there are near random Backrooms by working, loving, feeding, sleeping
connections to different levels, such as Level 1 and other basic human tasks. That’s just not
leading all the way to Level 19. Sometimes, these always possible.
connections are one way; Level 0 does not lead to
Level 2 but Level 2 goes to Level 0.
What Do You Do?
Why do the levels start at 0? Because that’s One great thing about roleplaying games is how
what computers and binary code consider players have the freedom to take the story in any
the first number. 1 is technically the direction they want. One confusing thing about
second number. roleplaying games is how players can take the
story in any direction they want. That said, here
are several common categories of what characters
People from Earth can accidentally noclip or fall
do in stories created by the Backrooms RPG.
through an invisible hole in our world and end
up in Level 0. (All new arrivals show up at that
• Explore the Backrooms: Although each
level.) This has been going on for at least a
mini-universe is small compared to our real
thousand years, and there are probably around
one, they are still quite big. Level 0 is
4,000 people currently calling the Backrooms
estimated at having 600 million square miles
home. That’s because there is no exit.
of space; the entire planet Earth only has 200
million square miles. And that is just one
Once someone arrives in the Backrooms, that is
level out of potentially thousands, maybe
their home now. They are effectively dead to
even millions of levels! People who live in
their family and loved ones, and sadly, they will
the Backrooms are especially interested in
never see them again–unless they can somehow
finding supplies, soil for crops, and
escape. Persistent rumors talk about people going
machinery or technology that falls in from
back home but none have ever been confirmed.
the real world, but sometimes a level itself
People here live off what they can find in
becomes problematic or risky to travel
different levels, which thankfully is more than
one might think.
• Rescue and protect wanderers: Although it
The Backrooms has its own fauna called entities.
is still very rare, more and more people are
Some are harmless, but many are at least
falling from our universe into the
dangerous if not outright deadly. Others are
Backrooms. Since there is no way back home
quite odd, such as glowing smiley faces, hound-
(so far), you might be asked to find these
like creatures with human heads, and human-
wandering people and protect them from
looking creatures with no faces. That is not the
harm. Because humans will be humans, you
only danger, though. People can die of hunger
might even have to protect people from
and thirst, and dying from wounds caused by
other people.
other humans can happen as well. No one is sure
what happens after someone dies in the • Scrounge for supplies: No one is sure how
Backrooms. many people live in the Backrooms, but
there are likely over 4,000 people sca�ered
In all this chaos are groups of people, such as the here and there. All of them need potable
Major Explorer Group (MEG). Some like MEG water and food, and there are no grocery
are overall helpful, while others like the New stores around. You might have to seek out
Backrooms Republic try to impose an
supplies ranging from wood to unexpired most virtual tabletop apps include a die 7
prescriptions. roller; if there is a se�ing for it, use dice pool
since that is the name of this kind of die
• Keep the peace: When supplies are scarce rolling.
like this, people can resort to trickery, theft,
or violence to get what they need. (Even if • Pencils/pens: If playing at a physical table,
that need is really just a want.) A person people will need something to write with–
might be called upon to escort supply preferably a pencil so they can erase things
convoys, investigate crimes, or in rare if needed. Online, make sure the VTT or
occasions get into combat. Of course, other method allows chat.
different groups have different definitions of
8 help people survive, but it can also lead to harsh
Then they need an adventure to go on. These are feelings and even violence. This game explores
like novels in a series; each one can take one or how tribal humans can get by throwing them
more game sessions to finish, but they are into a weird, chaotic environment with no
concrete stories with their own plots. Adventures governments.
can have an overarching plot connecting several
into one larger story; those are called campaigns. 3. Post-apocalypse (Without An
Chapter 13 goes into more details about this.
In many ways, a story set in the Backrooms can
The GM can use the introductory adventure in
feel like a post-apocalypse story without the
Chapter 14 of this book or create their own. More
apocalypse part. People in the Backrooms live in
on how to create your own adventures in
makeshift homes amid a twisted version of the
Chapter 13 as well.
old world, seeking supplies just to survive and
dealing with new dangers, including other
Four Key Themes people and monsters. While some food and water
is available (albeit in weird levels), many people
get their supplies by finding whatever flotsam
All stories are shaped by their se�ing, and stories
and jetsam flows into the Backrooms from the
created by playing the Backrooms RPG are no
real world.
exception. Each adventure tends to focus on one
theme more than others, but they can all appear
woven into each and every story. 4. Liminal Spaces
A liminal space is a location in transition from
one state to another. Think of a house still under
1. Fear of Being Lost & Forgo�en
construction. It’s not a home yet, but it’s not an
People want to be remembered, especially by
empty lot either. Liminal spaces tend to make
those they love. This is part of what defines us, as
people feel uncomfortable or even stressed out
our experiences and family/friends shape so
because, on some level, we recognize it’s not
much about who we are. That is why many
ready for us. Many levels in the Backrooms are
people fear being lost and forgo�en; that all the
liminal spaces, which is part of why humans
success and warm relationships they’ve had over
often feel uneasy there.
the years can easily and quickly disappear,
leaving them all alone.
• Fanbase: Another wiki but one that had a lawyers, and that typically requires you to buy 9
bigger problem with quality. Many prefer an expensive license before you publish
the depth of this canon but they have had anything.
troubles with quality control.
The CC BY-SA 4.0 is different from the usual
• Other sites: There are many others that are copyright situation. Here, you are absolutely free
adjacent, such as Secure, Contain, Protect to:
(SCP) or the Liminal Archives. • Share bits or all of this book, such as
printing copies, emailing it to friends, or any
• Videos: There are dozens if not hundreds of other format or medium. (Yes, owners can
Backrooms videos online. These tend to make copies of this PDF and give them to
diverge significantly from both wikis. Some friends.)
Backrooms fans only know the videos and
are surprised to learn there’s a lot of depth • Adapt bits or all of this book, such as
to the se�ing. changing the wording, writing supplements,
or even creating some new content like new
In other words, there is no single source for what Backrooms RPG adventures or new levels
The Backrooms should be like. That’s part of and entities.
what makes it so special; everyone can add to the
lore however they want, even making their own However, there are two requirements that must
versions. Given the differences between online be met before people can share things for free or
creepypasta and a tabletop game, we made the make up their own:
decision to do that. We started with the Wikidot,
added in ideas from other Backrooms media, and • A�ribute or give proper credit to the
removed anything that wouldn’t work in a original creators. For the Backrooms RPG,
tabletop roleplaying game. that means mentioning its author (WJ
MacGuffin) and the name of this book
(Backrooms RPG). People should also
CC Share-Alike mention how so much amazing content was
Explained created by the Backrooms community.
The Backrooms RPG is released under the • Any adapted or new content someone
Creative Commons A�ribution-ShareAlike 4.0 creates based on this game must be
International license (CC BY-SA 4.0). What does released under the exact same CC BY-SA
that mean? 4.0 license. In other words, whatever one
creates based on this game must be free to
First, know that CC BY-SA 4.0 is not the same as share and adapt just like this book.
an Open Game License. This has nothing to do
with OGLs. Let us be very clear:
The Backrooms RPG is 100% free.
Creative Commons is an international non-profit
that organizes and promotes different licenses for There is no cost, and anyone can download the
content. This includes what people can legally do PDF for free. (It is set up as Pay-What-You-Want
with someone else’s creative work (like a in case someone wants to tip us for our work, but
roleplaying game). Most games, books, shows, paying $0.00 is always an option.) It is also built
etc. out there are copyrighted and trademarked on the wonderful, creative works by the
like crazy. We can’t publish a game about Mario Backrooms community under the CC BY-SA
& Luigi without approval from Nintendo’s
10 license. If someone wishes to create supplements adapting and remixing content released
for this game–add in some new levels, talk about under the license.) It makes no sense to
other groups, and so on–they don’t even need charge people when so much content is
our permission! But they have to offer it for free available online for free.
just like this one.
2. We love the Backrooms so much that we
Why did we release this PDF for free? For two wanted to give back to the Backrooms
reasons. community. Think of this game as our love
le�er thanking all who created before us.
1. Most Backrooms content online is under the
same or a very similar license. (We are
efore players start making their characters, over perceived corruption).
they need a reason to be allies working
together, even just temporarily. They may • Possible purposes: Explore new levels
have noclipped into the Backrooms by accident, together; solve problems that face multiple
but what do they do now that they’re trapped groups; ally against large threats or even
there? . another group(s); collect resources needed
for a cross-group project.
In this game, a Group is a specific term meaning
a collection of people who come together under a • Allies: 1 character per group that came
common name and ideology. A Team, however, together for this team.
is much smaller. It’s a collection of like-minded
individuals that might belong to different • Enemies: A single character within one of
groups, the same group, or no group at all. For the included groups that completely
example, the Major Explorer’s Group is the disagrees with the team’s existence; 1-2
largest group in the Backrooms; your team could characters from groups not represented in
have a MEG explorer as well as people from the team.
BNTG, the Eyes of Argos, and more.
There are three types of teams for the players’ Every member in this team belongs to the same
characters: Alliance, Partisan, and New & group. People are not identical, as one group can
Confused. Review these three team concepts cover many different agendas and points of view.
with the players, and as a group, pick one to use. It’s less likely to have conflicts compared to an
There is no reason to pick a specific purpose; Alliance team, but there’s nothing to stop some
these are just the kind of adventures this team drama from creeping in.
might go on so players have an idea of what their
character will need. • Possible purposes: Promote and recruit for
the group; deal with a rival group causing
Each team also has some ideas for allies (friends problems; scout new base locations and
of the group that characters can rely on during expand the territory; fight threats specific to
the game) and enemies (just what you think it this group; find needed resources for an
would be). The GM will make these NPCs as the upcoming project.
players create their own characters.
• Allies: 1-3 characters that lead the group or
are the team’s main point of contact.
Members each belong to a different Group but
• Enemies: A single character within the
work together on a specific agenda, such as
group that disagrees with the team’s
keeping the peace or exploring new areas. The
existence as well as 1-2 characters from
team as a whole can work together nicely or
outside the group.
there can be group-related drama (such as the
Masked Maidens and MEG having problems
11 New & Confused
Rather than belong to any group, the entire team • Wanderer: The most common in-game
is made up of people new (or at least relatively nickname for people living in the
new) to the Backrooms. Maybe everyone Backrooms. Since levels are usually huge
noclipped into the Backrooms together, or maybe and most people walk everywhere, the
they all found each other after finding themselves name stuck. Throughout this book, when we
in Level 0 (the first place everyone goes to when refer to wanderers we mean the players’
reaching the Backrooms for the first time). Note characters (PCs).
that players can still pick any Archetype they
want and are not restricted to Newbies (see • Archetype: The role a character tends to fill
below). within a team, such as explorer, leader, or
medic. These are not literal jobs, as a
• Possible purposes: Find a group to trust or character with the soldier archetype doesn’t
join; explore this strange place; survive have to belong to anyone’s army. It also
independent of local politics; find an exit doesn’t limit actions, so that same soldier
back to Earth. can heal people. It’s just that she is more
trained in fighting.
• Allies: 1-2 characters that first met and
helped the group. • Motivation: What motivates a character the
most. This is primarily used for roleplaying
• Enemies: 1-2 characters that tried to take (i.e. knowing what your character would
advantage of the new arrivals. want in a scene).
physical Conditions and three mental 1. Pick an Archetype: The first thing to do is 12
Conditions. These can be healed during the figure out what kind of person each
game, and they reduce how many dice that wanderer is. Players pick one of the 11
can be rolled until treated. archetypes (commonly called “classes” in
other RPGs). Think of these as your
• Consumables: Items that can be used up, character’s personality and training from
such as food, water, or medicine. Some can back on Earth; a Merchant will have
be used repeatedly but others only have different strengths than a Medic or Soldier.
enough for one use. When out, you no This will also help when it’s time to set
longer have that item. starting a�ributes and skills, as a Soldier
will likely have more combat skills and
• Item vs. Object: In Backrooms lore, an strength compared to a Negotiator. Read
object is a specific, weird thing native to the through all 11 archetypes (below on pg. 16)
Backrooms like almond water or firesalt. For or just pick one. It’s a good idea to do this as
this game, we use item to refer to normal a group so the team is not all one archetype,
stuff (say a sandwich) and object as weird but players are welcome to play any of
things (say liquid pain) just like the lore them. This is a game for fun, after all.
2. Pick a Name & Age: Everyone has both, so
A�ention GMs! Just before this, you players should decide their character’s
probably helped the players pick what kind names and ages. Since the Backrooms is set
of team they will play. That means you have in the here and now but outside of Earth,
some ally and enemy NPCs. While players any modern name is appropriate. The same
are creating their characters, you should goes for age. A character’s age ma�ers, as it
create these NPCs by following the impacts how many points the player can
instructions in this chapter. spend on starting a�ributes and skills
Age Group Ages Skill Points
Young 17-25 15 10
26-50 14 12
Old 51+ 13 14
13 game, they can look at the motivation.
• Wits: Intelligence, wisdom, and education. As with a�ributes, there are some restrictions.
Roll Wits to find needed supplies, spot
entities before they spot you, and repair or • No skill can be lower than 0.
create simple devices.
• No skill can be higher than 2 for a new
• Empathy: Charisma, personality, and character. (They can go up to 5 eventually,
emotional intelligence. Roll Empathy to just not to start.)
manipulate people, heal Conditions, and
calm people down. • Except for an archetype’s favored skills, all
of which can go up to 3 to start.
Use a character’s age to determine how many
points that player gets to assign to different For a list of all 12 skills and what they cover, see
a�ributes: Young characters get 15, middle-aged chapter 3. In the meantime, here is a very brief
get 14, and old get 13. Players should divide summary of the skills.
these among the four a�ributes BUT with the
following restrictions: • Close Combat (Physique): Fighting up close
with fists, feet, or weapons.
• No a�ribute can be lower than 2, so you
must spend at least 2 points on each. • Force (Physique): Push, drag, carry, or even
break something.
• Stamina (Physique): Pushing through when Physique: 5 14
you’re exhausted. Agility: 3
Wits: 3
• Movement (Agility): Dodging, running, Empathy: 3
and finding your way through a level.
Then it’s time to assign 12 points over the twelve
• Ranged Combat (Agility): Fighting from a skills. I want Ava to be good at talking to people, and
distance with guns, arrows, or grenades. Physique is my strong point. I discuss things with the
other players and eventually decide on this
• Stealth (Agility): Hiding from entities, arrangement. I went up to 3 in Stealth because that’s
hiding things, and moving silently. one of my archetype’s favored Skills.
15 space provided. Then go ahead and create Write this in parentheses next to the Panic label
answers, writing them just below each question. on the character sheet. As this wanderer gets
If you are unsure what questions to pick, you can Panic during the game, record that next to the
always create your own with GM approval. 2+ Breaking Point. This way, players can quickly see
characters can have the same question but try to how close they are to becoming Broken.
keep those at a minimum.
At the start with the new character, there are no
Note that some of the questions can cover risky Conditions–yet.
ground, such as talking about avoiding abuse. If
anyone is upset by a question, please pick Equipment
something else. There are many ways to create All new Backrooms characters come with three
interesting characters without needing pieces of equipment. More can be found in the
something that bothers others. Backrooms, sometimes just si�ing on the floor
(like almond water bo�les) or through barter.
If a character ever becomes Broken by having too There is no currency in the Backrooms.
much Panic, they lose one of these questions and
answers. That means the memory is completely Players should write down their archetype’s
gone; there’s nothing left behind but a huge gap three things, and whenever you gain or lose
that makes no sense, and they literally cannot equipment during the game, be sure to record it
answer that question anymore no ma�er how on your character sheet.
hard they try. Lose all six Treasured Memories
and that character becomes an insane NPC and Example: I write down 0 next to Panic on Ava’s
the player cannot use that character anymore. character sheet, and I leave the physical and mental
Conditions section alone. Since I chose to make Ava an
Example: I look over the list of questions and explorer, I write down sturdy boots, bo�le of almond
immediately see, “What are your kids’ names and water, and food on my character sheet.
ages?” I like the drama that brings, especially if I lose
that Treasured Memory after becoming Broken.
Imagine a mother not remembering who her kids are! I
write that question down in the #1 space, then I write
down an answer: “Juan, age 7 and Maria, age 3.”
Then I do the same for the remaining five questions.
“Much of the Backrooms remain undiscovered, and that intrigues you. What lies beyond that hallway corner or
inside that room? Do known levels still have their secrets to uncover? Regardless of exactly why, you enjoy
walking around and exploring what the Backrooms has to offer.”
Explorers usually try to sneak past entities, but some will fight from afar if possible. They are also a bit
stronger than normal, as they have to keep fit to survive their treks through the levels.
• Get something named after you
Starting Gear
• Sturdy boots
• Food (3 uses)
“Someone has to be in charge, so why not you? You’ve always been drawn to leadership positions, be it to help
others or to order them around. The thing is, you’re naturally good at it. People tend to listen when you speak,
and your ideas carry weight. ”
Leaders are typically very good at manipulating people, instructing others how to survive in the
Backrooms, and in counseling individuals so they can be productive members of your team, group, or
• Get things done right by telling others how to do them right
Starting Gear
• Homemade club or knife
• Food (1 use)
“Making people feel be�er has always been important to you. You hate seeing someone ill or suffering, so you
started “treating” people playing as a kid and eventually became a medical professional: Doctor, nurse, EMT,
etc. It feels good to save a life, you know?”
Medics have some medical training (formal or otherwise), but they also have a keen eye to spot
injuries and resources, and the survival skills needed to find things like almond water in the
• Heal enough people that you get gifts and sway over others
Starting Gear
• First aid kit (3 uses)
“Sure, the money is great. But for you, the thrill comes from starting and closing a deal. You help sellers sell and
buyers buy, and that’s important if you think about it. Thanks to you, people get what they need to not just live
but thrive. “
Merchants often repair or at least clean up gear before they sell it. It also takes a strong back
sometimes to carry what’s for sale, and they know how to make you want to purchase something.
• Make sure every deal is lopsided to your benefit
Starting Gear
• Pocketstone
• Backpack
• Small knife
“What can you say? You’ve always been charming and great with words. You like keeping the peace, so you try
to de-escalate situations and create compromises instead of fighting. Sometimes, words are way more powerful
than violence.”
Negotiators are obviously good at manipulating you with their words, but they are also very
perceptive so they can catch people’s body language. They can even help people struggling with
mental health issues with a shoulder to cry upon or some supportive words.
• Skim a li�le off the top of every deal
Starting Gear
• Bo�le of rose water (3 uses)
• Police baton
“You recently noclipped into Level 0 like everyone does, and you’re still taking it all in. You found other people
thank God, but you are still trying to sort out what this place is all about. Perhaps more importantly, who are
you in the Backrooms?”
People in the Backrooms don’t know a newcomer yet, so these archetypes can be strong or weak in
just about any way humans can be. That said, newbies are typically welcomed as groups view the
newb as a potential ally and can be overlooked because folks don’t know the newbie.
• Acquire the wealth and power you were denied back home
Starting Gear
• Food (2 uses)
• Homemade club
“If people are stuck in the Backrooms, this is your life now. Someone has to make homes for people! These are
usually clustered inside bases, but you could create a homestead or even a new base in many parts of the
Backrooms. “
Pioneers obviously have strong backs, as they need to carry and heft supplies needed to make bases.
In addition, they know a thing or two about surviving in the Backrooms, including some medical
treatments so they can take care of themselves if alone.
• Stay independent regardless of what friends want from you
• Create homes so people can live normal lives (or as normal as one gets)
Starting Gear
• Hammer and nails (5 uses)
“You love helping others, or maybe you just love exercise. Either way, you’ve become a messenger and postal
carrier in this new world. You can memorize messages (some levels lack WiFi), and while you need any carried
items to be light, you also deliver small packages. “
Runners are clearly good at running and even swimming, and they can do either for a long time
before needing a break. They are also experts at moving unseen so they can slip past enemies or
entities while doing their job.
• Learn secrets by reading the messages you deliver
Starting Gear
• Solid running shoes
• Aluminum bat
“You always had a good eye for detail, and that has helped you find lost items, gather needed supplies, and so on.
You also know where to look for certain supplies, such as almond water fountains or where pocketstones can be
found. “
Scroungers often have to fight for resources, but some can create their own from parts. They are also
good at spo�ing things like almond water bo�les in levels.
• Have the most supplies compared to anyone in the team
Starting Gear
• Jar of liquid silence (1 use)
• Worn sack
• Homemade sword
“It’s not that you enjoy violence. You just knew how to apply it as needed, and you were very good at it. Over
the years, that led to working as a soldier, police officer, bouncer... really any job where it’s legal to be violent if
necessary. “
Soldiers are trained in shooting, so they tend to be dangerous with guns. They can also fight up close
and have plenty of stamina thanks to their training.
• Hide the immoral thing you did while training or fighting
Starting Gear
• Backpack
• Bulletproof vest
“You’re not just a good listener; you know how to use silence to draw out people’s thoughts and perspectives.
People love hearing your advice even though you try to help others find solutions on their own, and you have a
solid grasp of how human minds work. “
Therapists can carefully use their words to provide therapy or convince people to take certain actions,
but they also know how to live safely in the Backrooms–physically and mentally.
• See how many people you can manipulate and/or control
Starting Gear
• 2 joints (2 uses apiece)
roles to play in a story, so those might need just a
27 Creating NPC name, group, and archetype. NPC allies and
Allies & enemies are meant to be recurring characters, so
Enemies they should have more involved writeups.
• Spend 5 XP and the character can learn a Training Others 28
new Talent. Some are still limited by Player-characters can train other characters,
archetype, but all general talents are either giving them a new skill at 1 (such as Force
available. 1) or increasing their current skill rating by 1.
• Spend 5 XP and the character can learn a • You can only train others up to your rating
new skill. This starts at 1, and there are no in that skill minus one. For example, if you
limits on which skills a given character can had Close Combat 3, you could only teach
take. others up to Close Combat 2.
• Spend 5 XP to increase one of the character’s • Instead of costing 5 XP, this option costs 4
skills by 1, such as Therapy 2 becoming XP.
Therapy 3. However, the character must
have used that same skill successfully at • New Talents cannot be taught, only skills.
least one time during the game session.
Example: After our first game session, I could answer
• Spend 4 XP to learn a new skill/improve one yes to six of the GM’s XP questions. That means I get
by 1 if receiving training (see below). 6 XP to spend. Looking over Ava’s skills and talents, I
decide she should be be�er skilled at close combat. She
As with se�ing skills, no skill can be higher than has Close Combat 1 right now, so I spend 5 XP to get
3 except for your archetype’s favored skills. XP Close Combat 2. I save the remaining 1 XP for the
does not affect a�ribute ratings at all, but XP next game session.
does not go away until the player spends it.
3. When did you almost lose your life? 14. Who protected you from being abused?
4. Who is your biggest role model? 15. How did you lose your virginity?
5. Who is your closest friend? 16. Who saved your life literally or figuratively?
6. What weird but fun thing happened at your 17. What was your favorite birthday party?
18. Where did you meet the love of your life?
7. What made you religious?
19. What college or university did you a�end?
8. What is your favorite book series?
29 20. What is your go-to food when stressed? 42. What kind of home did you hope to have
when all “grown up”?
21. How did your child get out of the hospital?
43. What famous person do you have a crush
22. What job did you once have that you loved? on?
23. What was your favorite pet? 44. What medical condition did you overcome?
24. What is your favorite dish to cook for 45. What are the names and ages of your
guests? parents or children?
25. What was the best speech you ever gave? 46. What near accident changed your life?
26. What game do you play obsessively? 47. What city/country did you always want to
live in?
27. What is your favorite cocktail or drink?
48. Which holiday is your favorite?
28. What old car did you once own and love?
49. What teacher/professor helped you get
29. What never fails to make life be�er for you? through school?
30. What health scare did you beat? 50. Which sibling helped raise you when you
were younger?
31. What business did you start and develop?
The New Backrooms Republic
Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
The New Backrooms Republic is the fastest-growing group in the Backrooms. Why? Because we
offer safety, clarity, and stability in a world lacking all three. This handout reviews the main rights
and responsibilities of NBR Citizens; this does not take the place of memorizing the entire NBR
• To know your immediate superior and be able to contact them.
• To report any foreign agents (MEG, Masked Maidens, etc.) to your superior immediately.
• To use your ration card use to ensure NBR supplies last longer.
• To protect NBR citizens, territory, and assets from others even if that means an honorable
I hereby swear allegiance to the New Backrooms Republic and the Constitution for which it stands.
I shall, to the best of my abilities, serve the people of the New Backrooms Republic as defined by
leadership. I will use supplies only when needed, and will participate in gathering new resources.
X _____________________________ X _____________________________
he players all have a wanderer and they’re GM will explain when this happens.) Announce
in the Backrooms. How do they survive? what the character is trying to do and roll all the
What literally goes on during a game dice at the same time.
If someone gets at least one 6, then they
Many times, all a player needs to do is talk to succeeded at whatever they were trying to do.
other players or the GM or describe what their If someone gets more than one 6, they can
character does in the stories. They are playing a “spend” the extra successes on improving the
Backrooms wanderer, so during the game, they result depending on what skill was used.
will slip into that role like an actor taking on a If Someone doesn’t get any 6s, they failed at
character in an improv play. The GM will play whatever they were trying to do (but can push
any side characters and describe all the scenes as the roll–see below).
well as act like a cross between a director and a
referee. Making Skill Rolls
A skill roll is when players roll dice to see if a
Yet there are times when players will want risky action is successful or not using the core
characters to do something important and even mechanic explained above. The Backrooms RPG
risky. From running away from a smiler to uses the Year Zero Engine, a system of rules
scrounging for firesalt, they will be using their created for fast but tactical play, meaning rolls
character’s a�ributes and skills by rolling six- are decided pre�y quickly but there are
sided dice. (Talents are different enough to have important decisions one can make that affect a
their own chapter.) given scene.
This chapter goes over the main rules of the The Backrooms RPG includes 12 skills in total,
game, from when to roll dice to finding out if a but not every character will have them all. (No
roll was successful or not. Near the end, it also one is skilled in literally everything.) All skills are
explains what each skill does and gives some linked to one of the four a�ributes: Physique,
examples on how to use them and when they Agility, Wits, or Empathy, and this is described
apply. in the skill explanations below.
The Core Rule: Here is what you do when you make a skill roll:
Skill Rolls
• Listen to the GM who explains which
Whenever a player has to make a roll using their a�ribute and skill combination apply here.
character’s skills, it’s called a skill roll. Players (Ex: “Make an Sneak + Agility roll to see if
will be using regular six-sided dice each time you sneak past the howler.”)
they roll. Grab a number of dice equal to one
a�ribute and one skill added together (the GM • Look at the rating that skill has. Take that
picks which a�ributes/skills to add), plus any many dice. (Ex: Sneak 2 means grab two
other dice from equipment or special rules. (The dice.)
• Look at the a�ribute linked to that skill and and Vigilance 0, then they would roll two dice. 32
add that many dice as well. (Ex: Sneak is (Remember, other dice might be added from
linked to Agility. If they had Agility 3, they equipment or special circumstances.)
add three dice to the two dice from the skill
itself for a total of five.) Describe the Action
This is a roleplaying game, so it is played out in
• Roll all the dice in the “pool” and look for everyone’s imagination. When a player needs to
any 6s. roll dice to see if their character does the thing,
the player also has to describe what their
Players can only make one Skill roll for each
character is doing.
action–except for pushing the roll (see below). If
someone tries to hide in a dark corner from an
• Bad example: “I roll to shoot the howler.” It’s too
entity chasing them around the Electrical Station
dull and bland.
(Level 3) and fails the roll, that player cannot
simply reroll and try to hide at that spot again. • Good example: “I take careful aim with my pistol
They must try something new, as they already and shoot the howler in the head when it gets
tried that action once and it didn't work out. The close.” This is great because it creates an image
one exception is combat where, if you fail to hit in our minds’ eyes of what is happening.
the target, you can try that action again next
Not all actions are equally hard, so the GM can
Success vs. Failure set different difficulty levels for different actions.
If the roll has at least one 6 in the dice after This must be announced prior to the player
rolling, then the character succeeded! Whatever rolling so they can make an informed decision
they wanted to do comes to pass (but the GM about whether to act or not. Easier actions give
might alter this a bit to be�er fit the story). If they extra dice to roll whereas harder actions subtract
were trying to convince a MEG explorer to dice. If the number of dice subtracted for
describe a new level, that character would open difficulty exceeds the total number of dice that
up about their experiences. If they were trying to player would roll, then the action would
hide from a howler, they hide and it runs past automatically fail and no roll is needed.
If no 6s appear on any of the dice (such as rolling For example, Strength 2 and Force 1 normally
five dice and coming up with 1, 1, 3, 4, 5), then means rolling three dice. This becomes five dice
they failed–unless they successfully push the skill for a Really Easy difficulty; only one die for a
roll (see below). If they were trying to convince a Really Hard action; and an Impossible action is a
MEG explorer to describe a new level and the failure. If the difficulty takes away all dice, the
skill roll failed, that character says they cannot action cannot be done right now.
trust you and they divulge nothing. If someone
was trying to hide from a howler, it spots them. DIFFICULTY DICE
Really Easy +2
Easy +1
Rolling Without Skills
Normal 0
What happens if the GM says roll using a
Hard -1
particular skill but the character have a big, fat
Really Hard -2
zero for that skill? Then the player still rolls but
Impossible -3
with only the dice from the related a�ribute. For
example, if they had to roll Wits + Vigilance to
spot any nearby facelings, and they have Wits 2
33 to try and fix things if they are desperate enough.
That’s called pushing the roll.
Sometimes players can modify a skill roll before They simply roll a second time using the same
they roll the dice. These modifiers indicate how dice, difficulty, and modifiers that were just used.
to adjust the size of the dice pool just like the It’s literally a do-over. However, this adds +1
difficulty, such as a pistol giving extra dice if Panic to the character each and every time they
used. These can be positive or negative similar to push any skill roll. Also, the results are slightly
the difficulty, and they stack. (In other words, +1 different.
and +2 means a +3 modifier, whereas +1, +2 and -
1 would mean a +2 modifier.) • If they get at least one 6, then they succeed
like normal. Extra successes are spent on
As with the difficulty, any roll that needs a bonus effects as usual.
negative amount of dice or zero means the action
cannot be successfully done right now. • If they still have zero 6s after rerolling, then
they fail to do the thing and gain a second
+1 Panic. (Push and succeed? +1 Panic. Push
Extra Successes
and fail? A total of +2 Panic.)
What happens if a player gets more than one 6 on
a skill roll? These can be spent to improve the
• If they had at least one 6 originally but
action’s results by purchasing one-time bonus
wanted more, they can set aside the 6s and
effects. Each skill comes with three bonus effects
roll the remaining dice to see if more 6s
listed in their write ups below, and players
typically can spend any extra 6s to make the
bonus effect happen right there and then. These Example: Francis is back, and he wants to convince a
cannot be saved for later but players do not have MEG explorer to give directions to Level 2. The GM
to buy any; they can ignore the extra 6s if nothing says this is an Empathy + Manipulation roll. Francis
sounds appealing. has Empathy 3 and Manipulation 2, so his dice pool is
5 dice total. The GM says the difficulty is Normal, so
Example: Jackie is playing a BNTG Trader named no modifiers are applied.
Francis. While searching for almond water in the
caves of Level 8, a wandering smiler notices Francis Jackie rolls for their character Francis and gets 1, 2, 2,
and charges. Jackie says Francis will run away and try 4, and 5. There are zero successes, so Jackie decides to
to lose the entity, and the GM says this is a Movement push this roll. She adds +1 Panic and rolls all five dice
roll. Movement is linked to the Agility a�ribute, and again The new result shows 2, 4, 5, 6, and 6. There is
Francis has Move 1 and Agility 2. The GM says the no second point of Panic because the push was
difficulty is Easy, so Jackie picks up four total dice and successful, and Jackie can spend the extra success on
rolls them all at the same time. having the MEG explorer respect Francis.
Failure: Whatever you wanted to do fails. In • I Can Help: Give the extra 6 to someone
addition, the object in question is damaged and nearby for a similar Survival skill roll on
takes one Condition. their next turn only.
Success: Create, repair, or modify equipment as
You never roll Survival to find a place to hide
you wanted–within limits, such as not creating a
from enemies; that’s a Stealth skill roll since the
computer from some gum and a pallet.
purpose is to hide. Stamina is rolled to move
through environmental conditions; Survival is
• Be�er Than Before: +1 die whenever using
rolled to avoid taking Conditions from that
this device in the future permanently. Can
only be chosen once per item.
anderers in this game have innate
abilities (A�ributes) and learned Gut Feeling
abilities (Skills). They have one more Use Empathy instead of Wits for Vigilance rolls.
important aspect: at least one Talent.
Hard Hi�er
A Talent is a particular situation where their
Sacrifice your fast action in a combat turn to gain
skills become more valuable, such as gaining a
+2 for a Close Combat skill roll that same turn.
dice bonus when using a particular weapon or
healing someone near being Broken. These can be
used whenever a player wants, though the GM Inquisitive
can say some Talents may not apply in certain Push Wits rolls twice (instead of just once).
The following are General Talents, meaning any Use Physique instead of Empathy for Manipulate
archetype can pick from this list during character rolls.
creation or with spending XP points.
General Talents Perform a coup de grace without taking 1 Panic.
The Explorer’s Talents • Presale Check: +2 dice for all Jury-Rig skill
• Hard To Catch: Name one enemy you can rolls to repair (not create) equipment that
see. They have a -2 dice penalty if they try to you plan on trading.
hold or wrestle you.
• Retail Therapy: Remove 1 mental Condition
• Keep Exploring: +2 dice for all Stamina skill (for you only) after you successfully made a
rolls to keep moving despite fatigue or trade.
• EMT: +2 dice for all Medicine skill rolls The Pioneer’s Talents
when a patient has 2+ physical Conditions. • Mean Streak: Use Manipulation at a Hard
difficulty to cause +1 Panic in someone.
• Organ Damage: Increase damage from a
successful Ranged Combat skill roll you just • Shrug It Off: Ignore 1 die lost due to a
made by 1. physical Condition(s).
The Scrounger's Talents While some very weird and rare effects might
• Basic Necessities: +2 dice for all Survival grant one, the only real way to gain more talents
skill rolls to find food and water if they are is by earning and spending XP. It costs 5 XP to
available on the current level. gain a new talent, and the player must pick from
either their archetype’s Talents or the general
• Breakdown: Use Force at an Easy difficulty Talents. (A medic could not learn a pioneer’s
to break an item down into component parts talents no ma�er how much XP they have.)
that can be reused.
The Soldier’s Talents • Acid spit: The entity has a ranged a�ack
• Combat Training: +2 dice for either all Close either in the same zone or a neighboring one
Combat or Ranged Combat skill rolls. Must that causes 1 damage when it hits and a
pick either when taking this Talent. second 1 damage in the following round.
• Gallows Humor: Use dark humor right after • Armor: The entity has naturally thick hide
a fight for -1 Panic. This only affects the or some other form of protection. The
soldier and must be done within five number following the term Armor is the
minutes of the fight ending. armor rating; the GM rolls that many dice to
see if the armor blocked any damage (each 6
• Martial Arts: +2 dice on your next a�ack if takes away 1 damage).
you successfully block a close a�ack with a
Close Combat skill roll. • Chase: When chasing a wanderer, the GM
gets to reroll any 1s they rolled for the
chasing entity. This can be done once per
The Therapist’s Talents round.
• Cause Hesitation: Force one enemy to draw
• Deadly quiet: It can move so quietly that it’s
two initiative cards and use the worse one
hard to hear them approaching. The GM
for this combat scene.
gets +2 dice when rolling to sneak up on a
• De-escalation: +2 dice for all Therapy wanderer.
• Disturbing: Players must make a Movement roll was a failure, it moves to a 45
Vigilance (Wits) skill roll when seeing this new zone only.
entity. If successful, take 1 Panic. If
unsuccessful, nothing happens. (That’s • Speed: This entity gets two cards at the
because you failed to grasp the full start of combat and can pick either for
weirdness of what you are seeing.) their initiative. In combat, they can move
from one zone to a neighboring zone as a
• Dopplegang: It takes three turns, but the fast action (normally it’s a slow action).
entity can look identical to another human
wanderer. Sounding or acting the same • Sticky: If the entity has a successful close
might be true or not depending on the combat roll against a human, that human
individual entity. is now stuck to the entity. Once stuck,
neither can dodge close combat a�acks
• Flight: The entity can fly and can be high and both entity and human take a -1 die
enough to be in another zone (if the local penalty on all skill rolls until unstuck.
ceilings are higher than normal, so yes for
Level 11 and no for Level 0). • Swarm: During combat, many smaller
entities can swarm around or over a
• Invisible: The entity cannot be seen or wanderer, meaning that person cannot
sensed with normal means. Such an entity dodge any of their close combat a�acks. If
might be visible to only some people and swarming over something, any a�ack that
invisible to others. Any a�empt to sense misses hits that something instead and
the entity requires an Impossible skill roll. causes damage like normal.
iving in the Backrooms is no walk in the • Facing dangerous or weird entities that
park. Even if you ignore all the dangerous specifically cause Panic as described in their
levels, entities, and other people, you still Chapter 10 entries.
have to find food, water, and shelter. Then there
are the politics between groups, including the If a character ever gets more Panic than their
arrival and sudden leaving of Meridian Pass. In Breaking Point, then they are broken (see pg. 57).
other words, it can be very stressful to live here. More importantly, they lose a Treasured
To represent this, the Backrooms RPG has a Memory.
resource for characters called Panic.
Losing Treasured Memories
Panic One of the themes in the Backrooms RPG is the
fear of being lost and forgo�en. To support that,
Panic represents how composed and in control players chose six Treasured Memories when
people are. Panic 0 means having a happy and creating their wanderers. It’s not hard to lose
healthy mind, so the more Panic a character has, who you are when faced with the stress and
the more stressed that character becomes. All problems of the Backrooms.
characters start each new adventure at Panic 0
(unless the GM says otherwise). At certain times When a player’s character is has more Panic than
during the game, your character will earn Panic their Breaking Point in parentheses, that player
points. . must start by looking at the six questions on the
character sheet. Pick one of the six that has an
Specifically, Panic points can come from: answer you wrote down. Leave the question on
your character sheet but erase the answer
• Entering any Class 4 or Class 5 level. entirely. This means their character no longer
remembers that part of their life, and for the rest
• Noclipping into a level (even if you have of the game, the player is reminded of their loss.
visited there before).
For example, you may have chosen the question,
• Pushing a failed skill roll (it’s always “Who do you love the most?” and wrote down
stressful to see failure and power through the answer, “My son Liam.” This means your
it). character’s son is the person they love the most in
this world. If you lost this answer due to going
• Failing a pushed skill roll (in addition to the
past your Breaking Point, then your character
1 Panic caused by making the push roll).
cannot remember if they have a son named Liam
or not. “Did I have a kid back on Earth? Um...
• Starving, dehydrating, or being exhausted.
maybe? To be honest, I cannot remember
• When you get a third physical or mental anymore. Was it a son? Was his name Mike or
Condition (nothing happens with 2 of each, Ben? Sorry, it’s all a blank.”
only 3 of either).
Nothing replaces these memories; they are just
forgo�en, and wanderers can feel something is points. Instead, players “spend” their Panic
missing without knowing what exactly. points to “buy” certain Responses. Then they
apply the effects and lower their Panic points by
If a character loses all six treasured memories, that amount.
they become an NPC and cannot be played
anymore just as if the character had died. They GMs will notice that minor Responses cost more
are still alive, at least for now, but they have Panic points, whereas drastic Responses are
completely lost who they are and just sit there as cheap. Why is that? Because it encourages
if they were in a coma. players to bank their Panic points and skirt close
to the edge of losing a Treasured Memory. If you
Lost treasured memories cannot be recovered. have Panic 1, why spend it on freezing up when
Once lost, it is lost forever. However, this resets you can save up to buy Make some noise for 6
the character’s Panic back to zero. Panic?
Reducing Panic Players can spend Panic like this once they have
You can decrease your Panic points so you do not taken at least 1 new point of Panic. You cannot
have to lose a Treasured Memory. These are decide to spend Panic outside of that. A
called Responses and they are just that–ways you successful Therapy roll can break the character
respond to stress that lets some of it out. No one out of the Response early or it ends as described.
makes a skill roll or uses dice to take away Panic
Image by wikicommons/Yi�ili�
Prepared by: Justice Seeker Rachel Hoffin
Last year, MEG installed James Nguyen as the leader for Cave Raiders base
inside Level 8. He was tasked with securing the small base, then expanding
security to cover nearby caves full of important metal ores. During that time, MEG
deaths rose 67% while other wanderer deaths increased by almost 200%. No
new caves have been secured.
After careful research, we discovered Nguyen is spending most of his time getting
drunk and trying to have sex with other Cave Raiders personnel of any gender. He
has been tried and found guilty of letting his petty sexual perversions cause the
deaths of others. Justice Seeker Rachel Hoffin was brought in since she has an
existing friendship with a Cave Raider.
JS Hoffin infiltrated the group openly as wanting to catch up with her friend. That
got her into the base. Some hours later, Chief Nguyen sent everyone but one Cave
Raider to investigate Cave C-11 for iron ore. JS Hoffin was told to leave, but she
hid in a nearby alcove.
The two MEG members got into a heated argument when the other refused Chief
Nguyen’s advances. JS Hoffin then opened a bottle of liquid silence and threw it
all over all three and the immediate area. This dampened noise considerably, so
JS Hoffin shot both using a different gun for each. Then she placed the guns in
the two dead hands and tore open the other person’s pants.
When JS Hoffin returned a few hours later, the other Cave Raiders had returned.
They believe Nguyen got aggressive and assaulted the other person, and the two
pulled guns and shot each other. With no DNA or crime labs available, this story
should take root. JS Hoffin will continue to monitor the new Cave Raider leader
for signs of corruption as soon as MEG assigns one.
uring combat, it can be very important going again. Really, just like most board games.
who goes first. After all, you cannot
a�ack back if you are incapacitated or The GM will draw those initiative cards at the
even dead. That is why all combat begins with start of the first round of combat before anyone
se�ing the initiative, or the order in which has taken a turn. These cards stay with you
players and NPCs go. To get initiative, you will throughout this combat scene; you do not get a
need some initiative cards. new initiative card until the combat ends and a
new one begins. However, two players can swap
Initiative initiative cards at the start of any round. They
literally exchange cards and now go on their new
This is a pile of 10 cards numbered 1-10. You can initiative card turn.
pick one suit of Ace-10 from a standard deck of
playing cards. (If you can’t find a deck, just write What is a scene? Think of it as a discrete chunk of
#1-#10 on small pieces of paper.) When combat is a movie or episode that takes place in one
set to begin, the GM will let players blindly draw location. A group of wanderers haggling over
one card for their wanderer. Then the GM draws trades can be one scene; a fight against a smiler
cards for his NPCs. (A GM might pick one card could be a separate scene; and so on. Really,
for a pair of MEG explorers and a second card for think of them as blocks of time between when a
a nearby howler.) director shouts Action! and then shouts Cut!
A zone is the space where, either immediately or (You cannot shoot what you cannot see.) The GM 51
with just a step or two, you could engage in a may say things are blocking your LOS such as
melee a�ack (i.e. close enough to punch piles of boxes on Level 2 or another wanderer is
someone). These are abstract areas, not literal right where they really shouldn’t be.
Moving between zones during combat is
If you are standing near a faceling, then both you possible, although there might be barriers like
and the faceling are in the same zone. Therefore, locked doors preventing movement into the zone
you can either use the close combat skill and beyond.
fight up close and personal or, if you have a
weapon with a range of 0, you can shoot within Zone Modifiers
the same zone (using Short range described in Sometimes, a zone’s details can affect skill rolls.
the Range Categories table below). For example, fleeing a smiler in an open forest
will be easier than fleeing within a very clu�ered
If you are standing in your zone but that faceling warehouse. The GM may announce extra or
is in another zone, that means you are not close fewer dice for a skill roll depending on that.
enough for close combat skill rolls. Instead, you Players can always ask the GM if moving to a
just rely on ranged combat skill rolls (if you have certain spot, such as behind cover, will add or
a weapon that can reach). subtract from your dice pool before rolling.
52 Common Slow Actions Skill Rolls
A�ack (close or ranged) Close Combat or
Ranged Combat
Unarmed a�ack Force
Grapple or hold Force
Run into ba�le or away from it Movement
Persuade somene Manipulation
Heal a physical injury Medicine
Calm someone down Therapy
Watch for anything unusual Vigilance
Climb over an obstacle Movement
Move to a new zone Movement
During combat (close or ranged), each character use it to dodge. (You cannot dodge the same
can do two things: One slow action and one fast a�ack twice, but you can spend two fast actions
action (or two fast if desired). to dodge two different a�acks in our round.)
characters. Be sure to encourage your players to Chasing down a target typically requires several 53
either 1) avoid entities or 2) have a solid plan for Movement skill rolls. If the person is fleeing your
taking one or more down. zone, sometimes no roll is needed–you see them
run past you, so taking chase is easy. That said,
Actions in the GM may require skill rolls if the target is
Combat unusually fast or there are too many things to
collide with while chasing it down.
Describing Actions
When it is your turn and you want to fight, don’t Close Combat
simply say, “I a�ack” whether you are a player or
the GM. Instead, be sure to describe what the There are not a lot of guns in the Backrooms, so
character is doing in the fight. For example, don’t much fighting occurs up close. This is called close
say, “I made a Close Combat skill roll.” Get a bit combat (just like the skill), but what you roll to
descriptive: What weapon are you using, are you a�ack depends on how you are a�acking.
moving, and most of all, how would this look in a
movie or show scene? “I had my aluminum bat • If you are unarmed, then you use Force
ready, so when the UEC dope goes for the (Physique).
almond water, I swing hard at his ribs.”
• If you have a weapon, even a makeshift one,
This helps make the game feel more like a story, then you use Close Combat (Physique).
which is exactly what roleplaying games do.
In order to hit your target, you must get at least
one 6 in your roll just like a normal skill roll.
Movement in Combat Extra 6s can be spent on either a Force or Close
During a combat scene, you can always move Combat stunt such as Over There or Extra Hard.
within your current zone as a fast action. (You Collect the dice based on your a�ribute + skill
always get at least one fast action on your turn.) combination; but add any extra dice due to your
The GM might require a Movement skill roll in weapon. Check the Close Combat Weapons table
certain circumstances, such as big holes in the (page 176) to see if you get any bonus dice. For
floor or it’s a very clu�ered room, but you can example, hi�ing someone with a crowbar adds +1
move within your zone and still a�ack an enemy. dice to your pool.
Moving to a new zone is a slow action, meaning That same table shows how much damage is
you cannot move to a new one and still a�ack. dealt. (For unarmed, it’s always 1 damage). Each
You can still take one fast action as normal. At the point of damage causes one Condition in the one
most, humans can move up to two zones away in being hit. Extra 6s can be spent to add more
one round. damage (i.e. more Conditions). If the target has
all three physical or mental conditions and needs
Fleeing & Chasing to take a fourth, then that character is Broken,
Sometimes, running away is the smartest move– which is a defeat for sure.
especially when dealing with dangerous entities
like smilers and wretches. Typically, this requires Holding & Wrestling
a Movement skill roll to see if you can slip away Instead of causing a Condition, you can make a
without being grabbed or hurt. However, you can close combat a�ack to restrain someone, such as
only flee by entering a nearby zone (not the one ge�ing them in a headlock or pinning them to the
you’re currently in) and if that new zone is free of floor. Doing so is an a�ack using Force
enemies. If even one combatant is in the next (Physique). If the target has a free fast action, they
zone, you cannot flee there.
54 can try to dodge the hold using Force (Physique) • Range 1-3 means it cannot be used within
where each 6 take away one 6 from the a�acker’s this zone. It can only hit targets 1, 2, or 3
Force roll. zones away.
people are natural-born killers. Whenever a ambushed. 55
character does a coup de grace, the gain 1 point
of Panic right afterward. Detecting & Hiding
The keys to staying undetected are 1) staying at
Wander Rolls least 1 zone away and 2) making Movement
The noise from shooting a gun has a chance to (Agility) skill rolls.
a�ract entities. Whenever someone shoots a gun,
the GM must make an immediate wander roll for If you and the enemy are in the same zone:
that level. All results are ignored except for
entities, which appear normally. GMs should • And it’s a passive enemy, you can spot it
make sure players understand this so they don’t automatically at the start of your turn this
empty a clip into a smiler and then get upset round. However, the enemy gets to
with more show up. automatically detect you at the start of their
• You can hide from a passive enemy with a
Many entities rely on stealth to a�ack their prey. successful Stealth (Agility) roll. The GM
Many people use stealth to sneak past enemies. does not roll for the enemy in this case. If
Either way, people involved in a fight can you fail, it notices you.
sometimes want to stay hidden.
• It’s an active enemy in the same zone, you
roll Vigilance (Wits) and the GM rolls for
Ambush & Sneak A�acks
the enemy’s Stealth (Agility) to spot it and
To set an ambush, you must describe the plan to
the reverse to hide from it. Failed hide rolls
the GM. Then, at the start of the round, make a
means the active enemy gets one free a�ack
Stealth (Agility) skill roll. The target makes a
roll right now (close or ranged).
Vigilance (Wits) skill roll. If you have more 6s
than the target, pick one extra initiative card and
• To move past a passive enemy, you roll
choose the best card for you. Any extra 6s
Movement (Agility) while the GM rolls for
(beyond the 1 needed to succeed) subtracts -1 to
the enemy’s Vigilance (Wits).
your chosen initiative card (min 1).
If you and the enemy are in different zones:
If the target had more 6s, they get the same
effects: Gain an extra initiative card, pick one, • And it’s a passive enemy, you can spot it
then -1 for any additional 6s. with a successful Vigilance (Wits) skill roll.
You can also hide from it with a successful
Enemy Movement Stealth (Agility) skill roll. The GM does not
If you cannot see the enemy, the GM secretly roll for the enemy in this case.
notes where they will go, stay, or do any given
round. They can either write it all down or keep • Hiding from a passive enemy in 1+ zones
it in their head, whichever they prefer. Such away is automatically successful–unless the
enemies can either be active or passive. GM says there is no place to hide, such as
being in a large empty field. If you fail, it
• Active enemies cannot be ambushed, as notices you.
they are actively searching for a target.
• It’s an active enemy, you can spot it with a
• Passive enemies are not looking for Vigilance (Wits) skill roll against the GM
anything in particular and can therefore be making a Stealth (Agility) skill roll for the
56 enemy. If you have more 6s, you spot it Multiple Same Conditions
before it spots you. This is reversed (GMs What happens if a character is supposed to take a
rolls Vigilance and you roll Stealth) if you Condition but they already have it? Then they get
want to hide from the enemy. one of the other two Conditions for physical or
mental. If both of those are already taken, that
Conditions character is Broken (see below). If a character is
Hurt and they have to take a Hurt, they instead
When a character or object takes damage, it really take Suffering or Exhausted as well. (Example: If
takes Conditions. This is how the game keeps a player has to take a Suffering physical
track of injuries and damage. Condition and they already have that, they gain
an Exhausted or Hurt Condition instead.)
There are three physical Conditions. Each one
takes away 1 die from all rolls involving When you get a total of three physical or three
Physique or Agility (minimum 1 so you can mental Conditions, you also gain 1 Panic. (See
always roll something). Are you exhausted and Chapter 5 for more details.)
hurt? That means -2 dice for each relevant skill
Healing Conditions
Ge�ing rid of a Condition requires four hours of
• Exhausted: You are out of energy and can
rest (not necessarily sleep) and a Medicine or
barely keep moving.
Therapy skill roll. However, the skill roll can only
be done if you have one of the following
• Hurt: You have an injury bad enough to
resources that will be used up if the roll is
impact what you do.
• Suffering: You need food, water, or sleep;
also badly bruised. • Exhausted: Four hours of sleep (not just
There are three mental Conditions. Each takes
away 1 die from all rolls involving Wits or • Hurt: Medical supplies such as bandages,
Empathy (again, minimum 1). If you are scared splints, or medications.
and hopeless, you face -2 dice for each relevant
• Suffering: Food if hungry; drink if thirsty;
skill roll.
medical supplies if bruised.
• Outraged: You are not just upset but furious
• Outraged: Min 1 hour away from the person
and ready to snap.
or situation that angered them.
• Scared: You are seriously frightened, maybe
• Scared: A long conversation from someone
even for your life.
they trust.
• Hopeless: You feel there is no hope left, so
• Hopeless: Any successful skill roll by the
maybe think about giving up.
one with the Condition. (Doesn’t ma�er
what skill, just do something that’s
During combat, any weapon that causes damage
successful to get out of that funk.)
causes physical Conditions–though there might
be cases where a weapon causes mental
Note: The GM can alter the needed resource if
conditions too.
that makes sense in the story. For example,
someone could be Suffering from heat exhaustion
and needs time somewhere cool. Also, these are at the earliest point that it makes sense. 57
only for healing Conditions, not critical injuries
(see below). Remember, there is no winning or losing in a
roleplaying game! If your character dies, now
The Medicine or Therapy skill roll can be you get to try a new kind of character–or create
pushed, but if the second roll has no 6s, then you one very similar to your first if you prefer. Either
cause a new Condition of the same type. Yes, this way, character death in this game is only a
means you can make a character Broken if you temporary setback and you’ll be back in the
screw up enough. game in no time.
D66 Injury Effects
11 Winded N/A None
12 Stunned N/A None
13 Crippling pain N/A None
14 Sprained ankle N/A Cannot run until healed
15 Blood in eyes N/A -1 to anything needing vision
16 Concussion N/A Wits -1
21 Severed ear N/A Vigilance -1 (min 0)
22 Broken toes N/A All movement is a slow action
23 Broken hand N/A Cannot use that hand
24 Knocked out tooth N/A Manipulate -1
25 Impaled thigh N/A All movement is a slow action
26 Slashed shoulder N/A Cannot use that arm
31 Broken nose N/A Manipulate -1, Vigilance -1
32 Crotch hit N/A Agility -1
33 Broken ribs N/A Empathy -1
34 Gouged eye N/A Vigilance -1, Ranged combat -1
35 Busted kneecap N/A Can only crawl
36 Broken arm N/A Cannot use that arm
41 Broken leg N/A Can only crawl
42 Crushed foot N/A Can only crawl
43 Crushed elbow N/A Cannot use that arm
44 Punctured lung 1 day Physique -1
45 Bleeding gut 1d6 hours +1 damage when moving
46 Ruptured intestines 1d6 hours Agility -2
51 Busted kidney 1 day Movement -2
52 Severed arm artery 1d6 rounds Panic +1, cannot use that arm
53 Severed leg artery 1d6 rounds Panic +1, can only crawl
54 Severed arm 1d6 rounds Panic +2, cannot use that arm
55 Severed leg 1d6 rounds Panic +2, can only crawl
56 Cracked spine 1d6 rounds Panic +2, paralyzed
61 Ruptured jugular 1d6 rounds Panic +2, Physique -2
62 Ruptured aorta 1d6 rounds Panic +2, Physique -2
63 Disemboweled Dead Dead
64 Crushed skull Dead Dead
65 Pierced head Dead Dead
66 Impaled heart Dead Dead
Goes Insane
D66 Injury Effects
11 Confused N/A None
12 Overwhelmed N/A None
13 Pushed too far N/A None
14 Anxious N/A Wits -1
15 Exhausted N/A Stealth -1
16 Panic a�ack N/A Panic +1
21 Sullen N/A Empathy -1
22 Frozen face muscles N/A Manipulation -1
23 Whitened hair N/A Vigilance -1
24 Feeling worthless N/A Manipulate -1
25 Froze up N/A Cannot move
26 Trembling N/A Ranged Combat -1
31 Feeling mortal N/A Close Combat -1
32 Fighting & screaming N/A Stealth -1
33 Divided a�ention N/A Therapy -1
34 Disgusted N/A Medicine -1
35 Shaken N/A Manipulation -1
36 Stressed out N/A Physique -1
41 Muscle tension N/A Agility -1
42 Traumatized 1d6 days Panic +1
43 Furious 1d6 days Jury-Rig -1
44 Feeling abandoned 1d6 days Manipulation -1
45 Vulnerable 1d6 days Vigilance -1
46 Crushed spirit 1d6 hours Stamina -1
51 Ashamed 1d6 hours Empathy -1
52 Detached 1d6 hours Empathy -1
53 Paranoia 1d6 rounds Empathy -2
54 Dream state 1d6 rounds Panic +1
55 Revert to a child 1d6 rounds Wits -2
56 Amnesia 1d6 rounds Wits -2, cannot remember
61 Hypersensitive 1d6 rounds Panic +1, Physique -2
62 Refuses to speak 1d6 rounds Cannot use Manipulation
63 Obsessed with death 1d6 rounds Empathy -2
64 Hallucinations 1d6 rounds Panic +2
65 Catatonic Insane Insane
66 Heart A�ack Dead Dead
60 before it’s put out. If addicted and you do not take at least some each
day, then you get both a Suffering physical
Successes needed Condition and a Hopeless mental Condition until
Fire Size Damage
to put out either the character consumes some. Kicking an
Small 1 1 addiction is hard, but after three days, the player
Medium 2 2 makes a Physique roll. If successful, the addiction
Large 3 3 is gone.
• If the result is 1, the character has become If a wanderer tries to carry between double and
addicted to that substance. triple their Physique rating, they take a -1 penalty
to every skill roll. Carrying four times the
• If the result is 2-6, the character has not
Physique rating means -2 to all skill rolls and
become addicted.
cannot run unless they drop stuff.
Image by wikicommons/Kafziel
Hear and remember our stories.
There was a time when the True People were satisfied. They had
plenty of plants and game, and war was not yet known. Yet the
leader known as the Seeker was unhappy. The Mother of All Spirits
had cursed him with curiosity, so the Seeker spent his days
searching without knowing what he sought.
One day while hunting, the Seeker fell into a hole and found
himself in the Land of Yellow. He was the first person in the Other
Lands, and he was all alone. Being who he is, the Seeker began
exploring his new home.
The Seeker found a river flowing with clean water. Into this he
threw healing willow bark, and in doing so he created the Milky
Waters of Healing.
The Seeker stared into the darkness for so long that the darkness
stared back, creating the Smiling Ones.
The Seeker traveled the Land of Dark Caves and hurt his leg.
Using a knife and a jar, he cut out the pain and distilled it into
The Seeker explored the Great Ocean, the Land of Stone & Glass,
and the Land of Fields. He soon founded the Great Village of No Sky
and spent the night there in the Beverly.
hen people first arrive in the To adherents of this philosophy, the Backrooms
Backrooms, they tend to focus first on are examples of legacy code stuck in the
survival. Get food, get shelter, avoid program(s) where all sentient beings exist.
entities, that sort of thing. Once the immediate Reality is just a complex simulation but one
danger has passed and they are with other where some levels, objects, and entities weren’t
people, they inevitably ask, “What is this place?” needed after all. Those were not discarded but
walled off so people could not see them.
To be honest, no one knows. Currently, there are Noclipping into the Backrooms is like noclipping
three main ideas floating around that get the into a secret video game level. People are stuck in
most a�ention: Leftovers, Digital Reality, and the Backrooms because, as with Leftovers above,
God’s Punishment. no one on Earth needs access to Backrooms
materials or levels.
In this theory, some god or force of nature built Some believers turn this around so the Backroom
all of history at one time, literally creating reality levels are digital asset “mines”. For example,
from the big bang to the heat death of the each time a cave is needed in the real world,
universe. Any time there is a large project, there whoever created reality would copy-n-paste from
are always leftover supplies. A new house project the Cave System (Level 8); drop it into Earth;
might have extra wooden beams, drywall, even then change its appearance (or skin) and general
doors and appliances that did not get used. The shape to be�er fit into the landscape.
Backrooms are what is left over after the reality
creation project was finished. People live in the God’s Punishment
scraps and waste not needed to build the Rounding out the trio is a catch-all term for any
universe. who believe the Backrooms are some religion’s
hell or purgatory. Whether it’s Christianity and
Work sites can often have problems with bugs, Hell, Muslims and Jahannam, or Buddhists and
rodents, and the like. The Backrooms has that Nakara, they all feel that people stuck in the
too, but the problems are called entities. Some Backrooms are being tried or punished by a
feel all entities were once Earth-based life that divine being. To them, this explains why random
was warped by the Backrooms, while others say people just show up and why it’s so dangerous
they spontaneously appeared once the “project” here. It’s all due to mistakes people made back
was complete. on Earth, so coming here is our own fault.
these three ideas? Most think about it in the back use of a food) and a few cups of water (2 uses) 64
of their mind but focus more on day-to-day each day would suffice. Drinking only one use of
survival. Some simply say the Backrooms exists almond water satisfies both food and drink
and that’s all the wisdom or explanation you requirements.
could ever have.
Basic Easier to find than food but not by much. Again,
Necessities most Backrooms people drink almond water,
blood tea, or Lucky O’ Milk to stay hydrated.
Here is how people in the Backrooms get what Water itself can be found in many places in the
they need for day-to-day survival. Backrooms, though some is salt water while
others are dirty and full of toxins. Clean water is
Food found in bo�led form but some levels have pools,
There is some safe food to be found within the ponds, streams, or even working water fountains.
Backrooms. Some if it is unusual and found only Groups fight less over water rights because it’s a
in the Backrooms, such as almond water, blood bit more common.
tea, moth jelly, or greasy marshmallows. (All of
which are described in more detail in Chapter Almond water is so useful to humans living in
12.) That said, “normal” food does appear on the Backrooms that some people don’t trust it.
certain levels. There is no real hunting since Why is there a convenient liquid that satisfies a
entities are inedible to humans, so ge�ing food day’s worth of hunger and thirst? Why does it
often means searching Backrooms levels and also help cure wounds or panic? Why is it found
gathering food from boxes, kitchens, and more. in unlabeled bo�les throughout the Backrooms?
Some of these never refresh, while others It all seems too easy, so there are some that refuse
reappear every week or so. to drink it, sure this is a trap of some kind. Those
people don’t typically last very long in the
All groups (see Chapter 9) have teams of people Backrooms.
dedicated to finding enough food for their
people, which is why joining a group is all but Shelter
inevitable for most wanderers. Some have Some levels like Level 0 are entirely indoors, so
dedicated teams while others rotate members there are no weather effects to take shelter from.
into gathering duty. That said, most people in the Other levels, such as Level 7, are almost entirely
Backrooms are a few meals away from starving outdoors and shelter is almost impossible to find.
since people cannot just visit the supermarket. What really impacts wanderers are the lack of
Food can be found, but not enough to prevent beds. Many wanderers carry a homemade
conflicts over food resources. bedroll so they can effectively camp indoors.
A few groups have started agriculture (such as in All groups make their own bases, and some
the Level 10), growing basics like wheat, rice, include creating buildings and furniture out of
fruits, and vegetables. So far, there are no available supplies. Such structures tend to be
livestock farms in the Backrooms, mostly because ugly (a mishmash of different materials) but
there is no livestock to raise. That means most stable enough to provide shelter for their
people live a vegan diet unless they find a deli or members. Outsiders are often given shelter by
butcher’s shop that has not been looted. some groups like MEG but turned away by
groups like UEC. Some wanderers se�le down in
Thankfully, people do not need to eat and drink these pioneer se�lements, while others grab
as much compared to life on Earth. One meal (1 available space whenever they need it.
65 have washer/dryer combos that work. Detergent
Guards are typically set to watch for entities or or washing powder is just as scarce as soap.
problematic groups so those inside can rest and
recover. Medicine
This might be the most problematic of the basic
Hygiene necessities. There are no pharmacies in the
Most groups do not have enough water supplies Backrooms, but wanderers can sometimes find
for regular baths and showers, so most do a “sink full pill bo�les in levels where there are hospitals
bath” where they use a wet rag and some soap to or homes. Sometimes the medicine has expired,
clean the body. Some levels, like Terror Hotel but it otherwise acts just like in the real world.
(Level 5) or Infinite Apartments (Level 13) have The group St. Mercy regularly scours levels for
baths with safe water and wanderers can shower medicine, from prescription pills to OTC
there. Soap can be found in boxes in Hab Zone medications and even basic things like rubbing
(level 1) warehouses, but it is not plentiful. The alcohol. They have the largest stockpile, but each
same applies to brushing teeth. Cu�ing hair and group tends to have a medical team of some sorts
nails is easy, as scissors and clippers last forever with a few on hand.
once found.
Wanderers with chronic illnesses like diabetes or
Light PTSD can suffer in the Backrooms, as a regular
Most levels have their own light sources, even if supply of their needed medication can be hard to
people aren’t sure where the light comes from. come by.
Darker levels like the Cave System (Level 8)
require a flashlight, lantern, or literal torch or Socialization
there is no light. Light is very important in the Humans are social animals and need regular
Backrooms, as some entities like smilers hide in contact with others and to feel like they belong to
the darkness. There are a few levels that have something larger than themselves. That is why
some kind of day/night cycle as well. groups exist–to provide members with safe
experiences with other wanderers trapped in the
Not every level has working electricity, but Backrooms. The only problem is how often this
wanderers can acquire lamps and plug them in comes down to tribalism and one group hates
when there is. Light coming from fire (torches or another simply for being different.
campfires) is very rare since it’s hard to get rid of
the smoke, but they do appear when people are Socializing with others helps when you have
“roughing it” in far-off levels. entertainment options. There are no streaming
services or theaters, so most entertainment is
Clothing homemade. Skit comedy and stand-up are the
Some groups sew their own clothes out of fabric most common, but larger groups like MEG have
found in the Backrooms, but most people wear enough actors to stage small plays (wri�en here
the clothes they had when they noclipped into or from an Earth book that made its way to the
Level 0 and others found in levels like Level 1 or Backrooms).
Level 19. Finding something stylish or that fits
well is another ma�er entirely, though most WiFi
people have a few outfits they can change into. Believe it or not, some levels have a WiFi
network. Groups might make their own like
Washing clothes is like taking a bath or shower; it MEG in Level 0, but other levels like the Endless
can be done, most groups don’t have enough City or Abandoned Office has their own wireless
water to clean things regularly, and some levels network. Such “natural” networks usually do not
require a password. (Just know that some entities Even if one finds a plane or other vehicle, chances 66
like Partygoers know how to use the internet and are it is out of fuel or broken. So far, no group has
can message you online.) Signal strength varies managed to successfully domesticate any entities
wildly, sometimes due to natural features like to be ridden like a horse.
mountain ranges or other times for no discernible
reason. For a while now, MEG and BNTG have been
planning some kind of rail network like a
As a general rule, a level that’s mostly indoors monorail that makes regular trips through known
(like Level 0) has natural WiFi, but there’s none in portals, bringing mass transit to the Backrooms.
a level that’s mostly outdoors (like Level 10) or The resource and talent requirements are
indoors but something natural like inside a cave. immense (only so many engineers in the
Backrooms), so this project will likely never be
Travel built.
How do people get around in the Backrooms?
While that depends on what’s inside each level, Communications
by far the biggest travel method is old-fashioned The Backrooms is home to a rather odd situation
walking. If you are on Level 0 and need to visit with communications: It’s both very modern and
Level 1, you walk towards a known portal very backwards with li�le in between.
between the two and go through on your own
two feet. Most groups have dedicated runners to Most messages are sent by runners like ancient
run information and supplies from base to base times; people memorize your message (or write it
or even group to group. down if supplies are available). They carefully
pick their way through levels until they arrive at
The problem is that walking can be dangerous in their destination. Then they recite or hand over
the Backrooms. Is there a smiler hiding in that the message, ask if any reply is needed, and then
dark space? Is there a hidden noclip spot that will head back. All groups use runners to some extent.
drop you into an unknown level? Yet for most
people, walking is the only option. Each level’s WiFi (if they have it) connects
together, so emails and texts are also used.
The Major Explorer’s Group (MEG) have just However, these are not 100% trusted since some
begun pu�ing up trail signs to indicate safe entities like partygoers can use it.
routes through levels. They draw arrows and
sometimes leave small notes on walls or floors of There is no official postal system (beyond asking
a level pointing travelers to the next trail sign, on a runner to take a le�er to a destination), no
and on until they reach a portal or noclip spot. telephone or cell network, and not even telegram
The Backrooms Non-Aligned Trade Group lines. The one exception is radio. The FM band is
(BTNG) is doing the same, creating marks for full of static, but the AM band is relatively clean.
their caravans to visit other pioneer se�lements Some groups like MEG run “radio shows” where
quickly and (hopefully) safely. (Just beware; they broadcast recruitment messages and level
some messages drawn on walls come from warnings on a loop. At least one member of the
entities.) Eternal Repository plays hip-hop for a few hours
each day.
Vehicles are slim to none in the Backrooms. Gas is
even harder to find. A few electric vehicles have There are a few working two-way radios (aka
been found in Levels 11 and 22, but there are no walkie-talkies) to be found, but those are prized
exits big enough to fit those cars. If they work, items and are typically reserved for very
they can only be used for travel within their level. important missions.
67 Trading What happens if two traders cannot come to
There is an economy of sorts in the Backrooms, barter terms? The exchange fails. It’s not unheard
but it’s mostly based on barter. of that one trader will try to fight or steal from
the other, but there are usually underlying
Technically, there is no true currency that most or problems between the two parties prior to such a
all groups accept. The one exception is a use of conflict. Since there are no police or stable
almond water; those are so useful and safe that governments, there are no regulations on sales
traders in the Backrooms Non-aligned Trade and products. Buyer beware absolutely applies to
Group (BNTG) price items by how many almond the Backrooms communities. However, most
water uses it would take for a successful trade. traders rely on their reputation and usually offer
That said, prices are all over the map, even within fair trades.
BNTG. (Some bo�led lightning can cost 2AW
from one trader and 4AW from another.) BNTG is by far the biggest traders with caravans
following regular routes between outposts and
There are no proper shops or stores either. Large bases. But every group and even individuals get
groups like BNTG and MEG may have a “store” involved every now and then. Don’t be surprised
where they display objects they are willing to to find an independent trader wandering the
part with, but it’s not like they have marketing levels looking for a deal.
budgets. Most of the economy runs on two
individuals trading stuff. Things worth a lot of Are People Stuck in the Backrooms?
money back on Earth, such as gold or jewels, Yes, but that might be changing. Maybe.
have very li�le supply or demand. Instead,
people tend to focus on basic necessities first, People have been falling into the Backrooms
then things with entertainment or combat throughout history, just not as rapidly as modern
potential. As a general rule, the rarer the item to times. Throughout it all, wanderers have been
the Backrooms (not reality), the more you have to searching for a way to exit the Backrooms and get
offer in trade. back to Earth–and have failed every time.
Image by wikicommons/Tdorante10
Sure, there are tales and myths about people might be some phenomena that cause 68
noclipping back into reality, but none of them aging, but that NBR recruiter will look no
have ever been confirmed. Even reviewing the older in 20 or even 100 years from now.
oral history of The Lost reveals they were
trapped here hundreds or thousands of years • The same goes for the debilitating effects of
ago. Inevitably, a newbie will dedicate their life old age. Your eyes will get no worse but no
to finding a way back home. Most last a few be�er than they were when you noclipped
months before giving up and accepting their for the first time.
• People still need to eat and drink but much
All that might have changed with the arrival of less than on Earth. Here, a person can get by
Meridian Pass, a company back on Earth. They with 1 meal and 2 cups of water for a day.
created a technological marvel that opens a Thus, people still need the bathroom.
stable doorway between Earth and the
Backrooms. They used this device to enter the • Wounds heal normally, and what would
Backrooms and build some bases for research, all relieve or cure someone of an illness or
on the Tutorial level (Level 0). Recently, injury will work here in the Backrooms.
wanderers have discovered Meridian Pass seems Bones and skin knit back together like
to have closed this project; no more employees normal.
are found here, and the bases they built have
• At least so far, no one has been able to get
been boarded up and secured. Since they
pregnant and menstrual cycles are not
showed up, more people than usual have
experienced. The only kids or teens here are
noclipped into the Tutorial Level (Level 0).
ones who noclipped into Level 0 at that age.
Such young ones grow normally until they
Can whatever device used by Meridian Pass
reach adulthood, at which aging stops.
allow wanderers to get back home again? No one
knows for sure, but just the idea of leaving is
• There seems to be fewer germs in the
upse�ing the delicate balance of power and
Backrooms. Food takes a long time to spoil,
politics in the Backrooms. Should people leave if
and most corpses decompose very slowly.
they can? Is this their home now and should they
Common colds and the flu are rare in the
want to stay? Can any group control the exit
Backrooms, and while allergies can happen,
points? Time will tell.
almost no one gets a fever or a sore throat.
Biology, Life, & Death • Medicine is available but very limited. OTC
Physics in the Backrooms can get pre�y weird, painkillers aren’t that hard to find, but
and that’s true for living there–not just with specialty medications like antidepressants
levels and entities but with the biology of day-to- or insulin are often unavailable.
day living. In the Backrooms, a human’s body
behaves mostly as one would expect. Food and • Death happens normally (minus the
drink are needed, as are sleep, shelter, and decomposition or complications from old
socialization. However, there are a few notable age). With a minor exception for going
changes. hungry or thirsty, what kills a human on
Earth will kill a human in the Backrooms.
• People do not age in the Backrooms once (Going without food and water for too long
they are done with puberty, which would means turning into an entity known as a
explain how The Lost are still holding onto wretch.)
their native languages and cultures. There
69 Laws and Customs • Each group has its own rules which are
Although MEG and NBR might disagree, there close enough to laws. Groups like NBR may
really is no government here. That does not mean have plenty of rules to keep members in
there aren’t laws, mores, customs, and the like. So line, whereas a group like BNTG keeps
far at least, every group seems to respect the things very loose so as not to interfere with
following. normal activities.
• If you claim a spot for your home, no one • Killing entities is allowed, but killing
can go inside without your permission humans is usually hated. There can be
unless you claim way too much space. exceptions such as for self-defense, but
murder is still a serious crime.
• Finders-keepers apply to objects and items.
If it’s just lying there on some level, it’s free • Each group also has its own leadership,
for the taking. Once you have it, it is yours from MEG’s democracy to UEC’s completely
until you give it away. Most leaders come top-down totalitarian regime. There are
down hard on theft, as ge�ing enough treaties between groups, and overall, society
supplies to stay alive can be dangerous and here recognizes one cannot break a treaty
difficult. without a very good reason.
• However, if you find a large supply of • Rather than rely on contracts, most people
something (say almond water) and there are seal a deal with a handshake. Again, a
other wanderers present, you cannot keep it person’s word is important. If you break
all to yourself. You do not have to split it deals repeatedly, people will hear of it and
equally, but it is considered polite if you you’ll likely never make another one.
give those nearby a piece of what you
discovered. • There is no judicial or prison system in the
Backrooms. Each group handles their own
• If someone needs help, either aid them criminals, though there are usually
directly or contact someone else who can. arguments aplenty when two groups differ
Do not abandon innocent people to their on how to punish a member who hurt that
fate. other group’s people. Some groups rely on
capital punishment, whereas others rely on
• Trust is important in this environment, so peer pressure, ostracizing, banishment, or
people who lie or go back on their word are threats.
viewed with mistrust and suspicion.
There is one very important difference from
• Most of the Backrooms uses barter for trade, Earth: There is no social safety net.
so it’s considered immoral to trick anyone
by offering crappy stuff made to look really If someone goes hungry in the Backrooms, others
useful. can help but you won’t receive assistance outside
of kind volunteers. If you are homeless, you are
• Knowledge is power in the Backrooms, so expected to join a group or make one of your
some groups (like UEC) keep info to own. There is definitely an anachro-capitalist
themselves. Others (like MEG) readily share vibe since there is no government.
information but not everything. Overall,
sharing info is considered respectful but not
The Eternal Repository
“Finding the Forgotten, Mending the Found”
TO: All Backrooms group leaders
FROM: The Eternal Repository
SUBJ: Tips for Team Leaders
#1: Stay Positive. Everyday existence in these small universes can be hard
on one’s mental health. Statistics show that people with more happiness in their
lives work harder, live longer, and have fewer personal problems with
management or teammates. When addressing your people, be sure to stay
positive and happy. If that means you must lie to your people, so be it. This
includes preventing the spread of salacious gossip such as finding a way out of
the Backrooms. This does not grant hope; it grants false hopes to be shattered
sooner or later.
#2: Learn More About Your People: Friendship is often based on familiarity;
we feel stronger bonds with others whom we either have shared personal
information with or that have shared their own important details. Share more about
your personal life, including back in the Frontrooms (i.e. Earth) and demand the
same from people under your leadership to increase camaraderie amongst your
#3: Fiat Panis: While it is clear that humans require food, water, and more just
as in the Frontrooms, sometimes leaders will momentarily forget about the basic
necessities as they get excited about an upcoming mission or social activity.
Focus on getting food and water before focusing on other plans, as one needs the
former or the latter will never be completed.
#5: Be Dispassionate: Emotions are a vital part of the human experience, but
they can interfere with cognition, planning, and execution. The best leaders take a
dispassionate and objective read of incoming information so the best decision can
be reached. This does not mean one must be unhappy. Instead, it merely means
leadership requires one to leave out emotions and focus on objective reality.
ike with most RPGs, The Backrooms needs Here are 10 tips for being a great Backrooms GM.
one player to serve as the referee/director
that is commonly called the Gamemaster 1. Give players space to impact the game: The
(GM). Not everyone has played as a GM before, GM is running the game, but like a referee
so no worries if this is new! It’s not nearly as or director, it’s really the players or actors
hard as it might sound at first. who are the stars. Make sure players are
able to make important decisions on their
What does the job entail? As it says above, the own–and that these decisions ma�er.
GM is a combination of referee and director.
2. Remember to assign difficulties: Tasks
• Referee: They need to apply the rules to the default to Normal difficulty, but there’s no
game during play. For example, a player reason to stick with that in every case. If the
might want to search a level without rolling GM feels a given task is hard, make it Hard,
on the Wander table. The rules say the roll is Really Hard, or even Impossible. Do the
required, so the GM would have that player same for Easy and Really Easy tasks. This
roll anyway. Sometimes, the GM might have helps the game world feel more real, but it
to play referee over interpersonal conflict. If also lets players know more about their
two players are at odds over a plan, make chances of success before rolling dice.
sure the two argue politely and they walk
away satisfied. 3. Get rid of any “win” mentality: In most
games, the point is to win. In a roleplaying
• Director: In a way, players will be doing game, the point is to play through a story.
improv theater–they play a role and then There is no winning in a roleplaying game,
make stuff up along the way. The GM will so get rid of that mentality. Instead, view
need to describe the scene (where is it, who players as they are; friends (new or old) who
else is there, what does the place look and just want to have a fun time.
smell like, etc.) and play all non-player
characters. 4. Emphasize being alone: There’s a definite
post-apocalypse feel to The Backrooms RPG,
This lets the players, again like actors, know which means while there may be crowds in
what’s going on in a scene and act appropriately. certain locations, there’s a lot of empty
The GM may also need to gently guide players space. Don’t shy away from that! Remind
away from distractions like phones. the players that they’re walking down a
completely empty hallway, and how they
While the GM does not have to memorize the cannot even hear other people nearby.
rules, the GM needs to find the answer if
someone has a rule question. Remember, while 5. Take their Treasured Memories: One of the
the GM is more-or-less in control of the game, the unique aspects of this RPG is how
players also have some control. It’s everyone’s wanderers can lose their memories. This
game, after all. should not be done willy-nilly, but it should
always happen when the rules call for it. It
helps reinforce the game’s theme of being 72
lost or forgo�en. Setting The
6. Remember the other senses: When
describing a new location, focusing on sight At its center, The Backrooms RPG is a weird
(what they can see) is obviously important– combination of horror and post-apocalypse
but so are the other senses. A GM can really se�ings. People eke out an existence in the
help bring a world to life if you also describe Backrooms, but the levels are dangerous places
noises, smells, and so on. Don’t just say a with scary entities and worrisome groups.
worn sack is wet; say the worn sack is wet to
the touch and smells like mildew. That means this game relies a lot on mood and
atmosphere. When the GM runs a game session,
7. Play through more than just combats: Some they should be careful about how they act as
RPGs are very combat-focused, but not the NPCs and referee/director. For example, which
Backrooms RPG. Mind you, combat will statement below be�er fits a horror game?
happen! A few bad Wander rolls can send
teams of entities at the players. But if all • “The door is open. If you go through it,
they do is go from one fight to another, it all make a Stamina (Physique) roll.” While that
gets old. Be sure to include downtime, sentence isn’t wrong, it’s too bland and
conversations, and the like. flavorless. That kind of talk is needed from
time to time, such as explaining a rule, but
8. Kill a PC if the rules call for it: Killing off a the GM should avoid being so bland. The
player’s character should never be done other problem is telling them what to roll in
lightly, as that might get under the player’s the future. That gives players a sense of
skin. That said, life in the Backrooms is security because they know what’s next–and
hard. If the rules say a wanderer should die, that detracts from horror.
then ask the player to create a new character
to play. • “The old door is open just a crack, and you
can see shadows moving inside. Do you
9. Hints are often be�er than outright want to go through?” See how adding more
answers: This is especially true of horror details helps the situation feel more like a
games like this one. Instead of having a horror scene? It does this without ge�ing
smiler appear and a�ack the group, give into details that would bog the story down.
players hints about something that might be It also avoids the roll so players remain
out there. Maybe they hear a few noises or unsure over what’s going to happen next–
notice there are more dark areas than and that builds suspense.
normal. The idea is that, when players don’t
know what’s out there, they tend to fill in Here are some tips for making sure the themes
the gaps with things that scare them. come through.
10. Remember, games are entertainment: 1. Go light on the gore: Because horror stories
Lastly, remember that the GM and players often feature some blood and gore, some
together are all playing a game. Games people think upping the horror means
should be fun! While it’s true folks often upping the gore. That’s typically not true.
have different definitions of “fun,” it’s Don’t rely on violence alone to scare players
important not to take things too seriously. or that violence will get old real quick.
Relax and enjoy playing a game!
2. Slowly take away their resources: Entities
73 are not the only danger out there. and GMs alike can discuss many triggering
Wanderers need regular food, water, and topics such as sexual trauma or torturous death.
sleep, so slowly drain those resources from That is why we recommend using a consent tool
the players. Sure, they can often find that can help players have fun but avoid
almond water in a level, but do they have problematic content. Even if everyone in the
enough given how many entities live here? gaming group are close friends, at least have a
Help build fear in the game by reminding discussion about whether these might be needed
players of their dwindling resources. or not.
3. Teases are be�er than clarity: The oldest For example, one player might have had a
fear people have is the fear of the unknown. terrible car accident that killed her li�le sister.
That’s because, when left to our own minds She might not want to roleplay through a terrible
to fill in missing details, we tend to make car accident since it brings up bad memories–and
things worse than they really are. It’s a way games should be enjoyable. This is not about
of protecting oneself and ge�ing ready for being oversensitive; it’s about making sure
problems. Instead of saying they see a players (and the GM) don’t have to roleplay
howler, explain how they heard a howl a through scenes that really get under their skin.
minute ago and now they can hear
movement–something is slowly ge�ing One of our favorite tools is the X-card by John
closer. By keeping it vague and only hinting Stavropoulos because it is simple to use and easy
at what’s next, the GM can build fear into to ignore if it’s not needed.
the game session.
• The GM starts by taking a note card or piece
4. Add some lightness & fun: A story with of paper and drawing an ‘X’ on one side as
only horror beats isn’t fun to experience. big as it can fit. Then they place it at the
Believe it or not, even intense horror can get center of the gaming table where it stays the
dull after a while. Instead of keeping the entire game session.
mood scary for the entire time, build in
some breaks with light-hearted fun. Give the • If a player hears something in the game that
players scenes where they can laugh, play would be triggering or otherwise a struggle
around, or generally enjoy some not-scary to deal with, they reach out and tap the X-
times. This helps keep the horror elements card. They do not have to say anything.
sharp and impactful.
• Once someone taps the X-card, the GM ends
5. Keep asking players for their current Panic: the scene immediately and quickly moves
Losing those Treasured Memories is a big on to the next part of the adventure, tying
part of the game, so occasionally ask players up any loose ends so the scene ends
how much Panic they currently have. You sensibly.
want to get players focused on Panic so they
feel a huge problem is on the horizon, ready • No one ever has to explain why they
to strike at any time. touched an X-card. They can if they’d like,
but no one has to explain bad memories just
Consent Tools to feel comfortable playing a roleplaying
Some of the experiences and concepts in
Backrooms RPG game sessions can be hard for How can a GM use this for an online game?
some players to handle. While we do not expect Simple. Let the players know to send the GM a
this game to get very graphic or sexual, players private DM that only has an X in it. That signals
to the GM that the card was “touched” and the (lines we should not cross) as they are too
next scene should start. problematic for the people playing this
game. For example, one player might relieve
Another great consent tool is Lines and Veils by some trauma if they ever roleplay a gory
game designer Ron Edwards. It’s more detailed murder scene, so it’s not fun to force them to
than an X-card, but it is also more work. relieve old trauma.
• The GM starts by ge�ing something to write • As you play the game, the GM should check
on (or a shared text document). with players that the Veils and Lines are
correct and nothing needs to change. If
• Before the first game session begins, the GM change is needed, go ahead and adjust them.
asks each player for any Veils they might
have. These are topics that can be included
in a game session but that everyone should Remember, the GM’s role is to provide a fun, safe
be careful about. For example, one player environment for the players to enjoy the game.
might be okay with scenes containing dead That cannot happen if players are running
bodies as long as it does not get described through old traumas in their heads. What’s the
graphically. worst that can happen by adding a consent tool?
It doesn’t get used. That’s it.
• Next, the GM asks each for Lines. These are
topics that should not be included at all
Supplement to
Report No. M214-04
Sector 2: N.M. Subsector Buskin
Infiltrating MEG’s Base Beta in the Endless City was easy. I took the role of a newly arrived and
lost wanderer, so they took me in as expected. I had the run of the place within days.
Dujardin was difficult to evaluate. He has two bodyguards at all times, and they rarely let me
speak to him. Recently, I managed to get a one-on-one with Dujardin over a glass of homemade
alcohol. Results:
Dujardin is for sure selling MEG alcohol on the side. I personally watched him trade for a watch
that he immediately wore. Confirmation at 90%.
There was no evidence to back up the charge of intimidation and harassment. In fact, Dujardin
seemed polite and kind. Confirmation at 0%.
Could not find anyone selling fake mink oil. Possibly this is not done at Base Beta. Dujardin
denied ever selling it, and he was believable. Confirmation at 10%.
here are not that many people in the 1. Backrooms Non-aligned Trade Group
Backrooms. Many times, a wanderer can (BNTG)
explore a level like Level 0 or Level 3 and
not see another human for days. Since humans
are social animals, it’s no wonder that people
pulled together into groups.
In this game, a group is a collection of people
united under a common cause. For example, the
biggest group is the Major Explorer’s Group or
MEG. They exist to explore and understand the
Backrooms, but they also provide emergency Image by fandom/Vulnarity
assistance and military force. Not every human Independent traders who can get you what you need–
in the Backrooms belongs to a group, but given for the right price.
how there is no formal government or hierarchy,
these also act like small nations. Here are the 10 HQ: Trader’s Keep located within the Hab Zone
biggest groups in the Backrooms. (Level 1).
Size: Large (around 250 members).
1. Backrooms Non-Aligned Trade Group Allies: MEG
(BNTG) Enemies: New Backrooms Republic
Bases: Trader’s Keep (Level 1), Resource Room
2. Eternal Repository (ER)
EL3A (Level 2), Storage Facility 1 (Level 3),
Resource Station 1 (Level 10), Plastic Mine (Level
3. Eyes of Argos (Eyes)
4. Masked Maidens (Maidens)
The founders of BNTG started out as members of
5. Major Explorer Group (MEG) MEG that grew frustrated with MEG’s a�itude
towards entrepreneurship. They felt it’s safe
6. Meridian Pass (The Company) enough to permit individuals to start businesses
trading goods and services, so when told no, they
7. New Backrooms Republic (NBR, The left and started their own group. They are an odd
Republic) mix of socialist utopians (“Trade to give people
what they need”) and laissez-faire capitalists
8. St. Mercy Medical Group (St. Mercy’s) (“Leave us alone to sell whatever we want”), but
these two groups rarely argue. They are honestly
9. The Lost all that focused on trading.
10. Unbound Explorers Coalition (UEC) What can someone get from them? Almost
anything that exists in the Backrooms. You might trading in the Backrooms.) Other than that, they 77
not get a freshly cooked lobster dinner, but all remain neutral and are willing to trade with
the usual objects (almond water, firesalt, etc.) can anyone–as long as they can pay, of course.
be had. While some traders are hell-bent on
taking advantage of people, most within BTNG More and more, BNTG members are becoming
aim for fair trades.They accept barter and libertarian and embrace a “buyer beware”
almond water uses as currency. There is talk of a�itude; if you don’t like what BTNG sold you,
minting coins but so far it is just talk. that’s your fault for buying it. Less capitalistic
members are not happy, but so far, this is only
The group is divided into departments based on grumbling.
what they offer: Security Department, Fire
Department, even a Weapons Department. They Lately, they’ve been talking about starting their
also run trade caravans throughout the own currency to make transactions easier. They
Backrooms, following established routes that are have not se�led on any name or whether they
safer and easier for others to find. You can make will use paper vs. coins, but they are leaning
a deal at one of their bases or find them towards 1 metal coin equals 1 use of Almond
wandering around the levels. Water. The problem is one member wants to
create a bank and trade financial products like
Their base in the Hab Zone (Level 1), known as savings accounts or investments. The rest of
Trader’s Keep, is more city than headquarters. BNTG isn’t sure about bringing that aspect of
More importantly, other groups salivate over Earth life here.
BTNG’s Trader’s Vault: A massive collection of
storage rooms in Level 1 that houses the majority [Original by Stretchsterz. Rewri�en by MC_
of their items and stock. (They have smaller Crafter_24_7]
caches hidden throughout the Backrooms.)
Security is strong here, and at least so far, there
are no credible claims of stealing from them. 2. Eternal Repository (ER)
Joining the BNTG is surprisingly complicated.
Applicants must pass several rounds of
interviews before becoming apprenticed to an
established trader. They only become full traders
if their mentor agrees, and that can take months.
The New Backrooms Republic has repeatedly HQ: Database 001-Alpha within Sublevel Level
tried to take over BNTG, creating bad blood 9.2.
between them. (NBR wants to tax and control Size: Small (estimated 40 members).
78 Allies: Eyes of Argos and aggressive forces focused on defending
Enemies: Meridian Pass against or intimidating other groups. If the
Bases: Database 009-2 (Level 9), Database 011-0 UEC threatens the Repository, which they
(Level 11) do regularly, Osmium Shield is on the front
Information is more than just power in the
Backrooms; it can mean life or death. Just ask • Division Gamma (Sparks of Kuroz): Base
anyone who visited Thalassophobia (Level 7) builders and outpost staffers.
without researching it first. Created a few years
after MEG, the Eternal Repository was started by • Division Epsilon (Scourges): Data
a former librarian as a way to understand his collectors and explorers.
new life as a Backrooms wanderer. He deviated
from libraries in that, instead of giving away free Their current leader is Viktor Valentin, but no
information, he demanded people first give him one knows what he looks like or where he lives.
data he didn’t have before sharing anything. He founded the Repository and remains in
charge to this day, but he fiercely protects his
Over the years, this evolved into the Eternal anonymity.
Repository, an organization dedicated to
collecting as much data as possible. Note that Their headquarters are located in Sublevel 9.2,
“sharing” was not included. Their focus is on where around 100 members maintain a working
living in the Backrooms, such as entity behaviors, server farm to store all their reports, logs, and
level descriptions, and safe walking routes. recordings. They apparently made deals with
other humans in that sublevel to allow safe
That said, they collect info on everything passage and protection but only for Repository
including groups, important people, natural personnel.
resources, and trends. If you want to find out if
there’s a sporting goods store in Level 11 or how As far as people know, the Repository has no
to distract a wretch, these people can tell you. long-term plans other than keep doing what they
are doing. Some fear this group will soon dabble
For a price, that is. Unlike libraries, you must first in blackmail since they know secrets others do
give them information they do not already have. not. So far, though, there are no confirmed
This must be useful or interesting, so not reports of this happening.
someone’s favorite color. This keeps the
Repository on top of current events, and if Joining requires submi�ing something
anyone knows what a given group is up to, it’s interesting and unknown to the Repository.
these people. Instead of ge�ing data in return, the person is
welcomed into their ranks as a probationary
The Repository is split into four different member. After six months of research, they
divisions: graduate to become full members.
• Division Alpha (Guards of Erebus): Most people think of the Eternal Repository as a
Security and protective forces focused on slow internet that costs data; otherwise, they
fighting entities and protecting their bases. ignore the Repository. The Eyes of Argos works
After all, a customer can’t give them data if closely with this group, but Meridian Pass is
they’re dead. hoarding data and therefore is the enemy. This
group does not use anything to identify their
• Division Beta (Osmium Shield): Military people, as they want to remain anonymous.
Lately, the ER’s Division Epsilon has tried to judge others as needed in the field and to enact 79
sending data collectors to groups holding whatever punishment is needed. The group
meetings. MEG allowed the observer to collect created the Lawbooks, a series of laws they
data for free, but other groups are refusing entry impose on others living in the Backrooms. If the
since they belong to ER, not the group in Eyes of Argos decides you are a criminal, they
question. UEC got riled up over this, and they will a�ack you at some point. It’s as simple as
plan on infiltrating the ER with their own spies. that.
[Original by unknown] Except it’s not that simple. Lacking any laws to
enforce, the Eyes give each member freedom to
3. Eyes of Argos (Eyes) do whatever they feel is necessary. One member
might give a beating for stealing food while
another might consider capital punishment.
Everyone is encouraged to develop their own
personal Code of Justice and hold strangers
accountable for that. One thing they cannot stand
is inconsistency; be objective in your subjective
views of justice.
80 They have partnered with MEG on several Enemies: MEG, New Backrooms Republic, Eyes
occasions, and the two groups have an uneasy or Argos
peace. They appreciate The Lost’s ability to Bases: Station 4 (Level 6)
survive this long as well. Unsurprisingly, the
Eyes do not get along with UEC (few groups do). It’s hard to beat the Masked Maidens as the most
They actively dislike the Masked Maidens, who unusual group in the Backrooms, and that’s
they view as similar to Eyes but more sinful. saying a lot. First, the Maidens are all women and
transwomen. No masculine people are welcome.
Compared to other groups, the Eyes act most like No one knows exactly why.
a secret conspiracy. People seeking to join cannot
apply even if you knew where to go; you have to The group’s sole focus is on stamping out
be invited to join by at least three current corruption in the Backrooms, especially within
members. Almost everyone tapped this way joins groups. They cannot stand hearing about leaders
the group, though there are some who think and others abusing their authority to enrich
making up and enforcing laws seems dictatorial. themselves, punish others, force favors, and so
on. Their solution? Assassinate the corrupt
Lately, the group fears it has a mole. Several individual. No a�empts are ever made to expose
small teams of Justice Seekers have disappeared, such corruption; just to kill the person in
and leadership fears someone is feeding intel to question. Problem solved.
another group such as UEC. The paranoia is on a
low simmer, so while they are not anywhere This wouldn’t be all that unusual except for the
close to purges, they are starting to look at each masks.
other with suspicion.
In some levels, wanderers can find elaborate
[Original by VivamusLudio] masks either hanging on the walls or resting on
the floor. These are called the Wall Masks, and if
you put one on, you get some level of
4. Masked Maidens (Maidens)
supernatural strength and speed along with an
desire to cause harm. Most people leave the Wall
Masks alone, but the Maidens collect these. When
a member is sent to assassinate a corrupt
individual, they pick one of the Wall Masks and
wear it when close to their target. In other words,
they ride the homicidal “high” given by the
masks to kill more easily.
wanderers who know too much about the 81
82 guys. Masked Maidens are hated because they
occasionally kill a “corrupt” MEG leader. Lastly,
Currently, they have seven “regiments”, Meridian Pass threatens MEG hegemony in the
including Wild Warriors (entity hunters), Quick Backrooms and became hated for that.
Match (emergency rescues), Track Mappers
(explorers), and more. Their First Response MEG members tend to wear a patch sewn into
regiment is often the first human words heard by their shirts that says “M.E.G.” Non-MEG
the newly arrived, either in their 1000 AM audio personnel wearing such patches are not treated
loops or meeting First Response teams that roam well.
the Tutorial (Level 0) looking for the lost and
injured. MEG also has divisions which work Lately, MEG leadership is considering closing
more as governmental offices, such as Front Page Housekeeping, their base in Terror Hotel (Level
(news reporting), Trial Testers (research into the 5). The independent group Homely Hotel already
Backrooms) and even a Postal Delivery division gives rooms to wanderers, and research into The
using runners to send le�ers and packages from Beast of Level 5 did not turn out fruitful as
base to base. hoped. The people in Housekeeping are upset
and are considering seceding from MEG to start
The group is still led by those three wanderers, their own group like UEC did.
now collectively called Team Overseer. Their
internal structure is mostly military; teams are [Original by unknown]
often called regiments or divisions, and members
are expected to follow orders–to some degree. 6. Meridian Pass (The Company)
They appreciate order and clear hierarchies, not
that they want to rule with an iron hand.
probably because they could. Here is what is layabouts who had the chance to rescue literally 83
known. everyone and chose not to. If they do ever return,
they will have a long line of angry wanderers
Last year, a company in the Frontrooms waiting to have a word.
(nickname for Earth) called Meridian Pass
created the Keller Magnetic Pinhole System that
7. New Backrooms Republic (NBR)
opened a portal between their lab on Earth and
the Tutorial (Level 0). Once open, they started
walling off small sections of Level 0 to create
what seem to be observation posts. These always
had a few personnel inside along with plenty of
folding tables, computers, and simple
construction equipment. Instead of creating
homes for their people, Meridian Pass built safe
spaces to collect data.
Image by fandom/Backr00ms21
As word of their arrival spread, it sent shock
waves through the Backrooms society. People
Authoritarian regime aiming to control all levels in
grudgingly accepted they were trapped in the
the Backrooms.
Backrooms and unable to return to their lives on
Earth. Now there might be a way home after all?
HQ: Port-de-Germain, a collection of rooms
Compounding this was Meridian Pass’ refusal to
located within the Futuristic Halls/Level 15.
meet or even communicate with anyone; MEG
Size: Medium (110 members)
repeatedly asked for a meeting and were ignored
Allies: None (though sometimes UEC)
every time. (The New Backrooms Republic tried
Enemies: All other groups but especially Masked
a�acking one of their outposts; Meridian Pass
responded with machine guns and shotguns
Bases: Immigration Control (Level 0), Port-de-
until the NBR strike team retreated. There were
Germain (Level 15), Capital Building (Level 11)
no reprisals.)
It’s not like MEG or The Lost are liberal
About a month ago, they left. No one has seen
democracies, but they are in comparison to the
any of their teams in yellow biohazard suits and
New Backrooms Republic. This organization is a
gas masks, and all known outposts were boarded
strict dictatorship centered on its founder, Marc
up. MEG broke into one and discovered it was
Germain. Created about 35 years ago, it started
truly abandoned. They left behind computers
as a highly-armed and aggressive outpost in the
and tools, but all drives and data were not just
Endless City (Level 11). Germain was an
wiped but thrown through a hard drive
important official in Haiti under “Baby Doc”
shredder. To this day, no one is sure if Meridian
Duvalier and strives to recreate such a regime
Pass is still in the Backrooms somewhere or why
here in the Backrooms.
they suddenly up and left.
The NBR is very aggressive, paranoid, and
Given their reclusiveness and unwillingness to
corrupt. If they see resources like water or food,
talk to wanderers, joining Meridian Pass is not
they claim ownership immediately and will
possible. Rumors suggest they may have shifted
a�ack others if they feel they can win the fight.
to other levels, but no one has found any
Otherwise, they growl and threaten but
evidence to suggest that. Most groups do not
eventually leave. Within the group, authority
care; they view Meridian Pass as hostile, selfish
depends on bribes, ass-kissing, and Germain’s
84 mood. To them, only the NBR provides order to destroy the base and have less competition for
and security needed to survive in the Backrooms. newbies. His staff is really against this because
Their ultimate goal is to control literally every MEG is too powerful, but they have not figured
level and person in the Backrooms. out a safe way to tell Germain this without
ge�ing arrested or executed for treason.
Authority is strictly top-down. Lesser members
are expected to faithfully obey their superiors 8. St. Mercy Medical Group (St.
and do literally anything they are told. Those
who refuse are tortured or sometimes executed
publicly. Corruption is not just common but
expected; if you’re not enriching yourself in your
position, then you have proven yourself weak
and should be removed. There is no further
organization besides that; everyone works for
Germain or not at all.
Image by wikicommons/Farzam.iman
Of all the groups here, the NBR tries the most to
Medical professionals and volunteers dedicated to
acquire property and space as strictly their own.
healing people physically and mentally.
It’s not uncommon to see signs in random levels
that say, “Claimed by the New Backrooms
HQ: St. Mercy’s (hospital within the Endless
Republic.” Thankfully, they lack the resources or
City/Level 11)
manpower to turn those claims into real bases. In
Size: Small (40 members)
fact, there’s not much to the NBR except for Level
Allies: MEG
11 and some smaller bases.
Enemies: None
Bases: Zero Clinic (Level 0), St. Mercy (Level 11)
Joining this group is very easy. Simply go to
them on Level 11, swear an oath to obey the
The Backrooms can be a dangerous place, so each
group’s leaders, and then do what you are told.
group has their own medical staff to help
members who get injured. One of these was
Because they consider themselves the only “true”
called the St. Mercy Medical Group, which soon
government in the Backrooms, they are at odds
disbanded as members argued over supplies and
with all other groups. That’s especially true for
egos. Two years ago, some less egotistical
the Masked Maidens, whose quest to end
doctors, nurses, and EMTs who noclipped into
corruption often brings them to the NBR.
the Backrooms came together to revive the
Sometimes UEC will partner with NBR for a
mission, and the two groups are considering an
Now they are headquartered at a hospital on
Level 11. The facility is relatively modern, but
Overall, they stick to themselves and spend most
medical supplies are sca�ered throughout the
of their time policing members for disloyalty. A
building. Surgeries are possible but rare; much
small group of ex-soldiers is slowly pushing
more common is simple first aid or health
Germain to step aside and appoint a new
management. They do have EMTs willing to
President, but so far, nothing has happened.
brave levels to find and help injured wanderers;
just reach out to them using WiFi and they will
Lately, Germain has been obsessed with growing
try to help (if they have a team and supplies
his “nation”. He is planning a full-scale a�ack on
available). The one exception is any level
MEG’s Welcome Center in the Tutorial (Level 0)
designated class 4 or 5; those are too dangerous
for St. Mercy staff. Lately, they have been experimenting with 85
almond water to see if they can isolate its healing
The group has no leadership officiallybut there is factor. So far, they have only made almond
a Chief of Medicine that acts like one. Each water unsafe to drink. They are considering
individual can decide what to do with one asking UEC to use some rooms in the Futuristic
exception: Using limited supplies. (For example, Halls (Level 15) since there are advanced labs
antibiotics are tightly controlled to ensure they there, but no one wants to deal with UEC
don’t run out.) The group maintains high “patriotism”.
security and control over medical supplies, so
even rubbing alcohol can only be used if
9. The Lost
someone explains the need. So far, the group has
plenty of painkillers and and antibiotics but
lacks any chemotherapy, insulin, or plaster for
86 term “The Lost”; they call themselves Romans,
Cherokee, etc.) They work together and share [Original by DrBierre. Rewri�en by DrBobtail,
resources or knowledge, but each group has its Ferrari, Abe Venrick, CutTheBirch, and
own laws, customs, and membership. That said, YellowlSlol.]
two subgroups dominate The Lost:
• The Lost Suns: Collection of Native 10. Unbound Explorers Coalition (UEC)
Americans like Mayans and Sioux. Some are
mostly nomadic, roaming the levels in
search of resources and good places to set
up camp. They live off the land (as much as
anyone can do in the Backrooms), and they
prefer to be left alone but can be approached
respectfully for trading or friendly
it up or post signs threatening people who get too wants everyone to follow orders. 87
close. It’s not that they don’t care about peace or
negotiation–they firmly believe violence is needed [Original by Smith Machine, Webot, and stellate.]
in the Backrooms way more than in real life.
Over time, UEC became even more militaristic. Its Creating New
leaders strictly control what information goes out Groups
to members, and they hide any mission that fails.
While members can technically push back against The groups and bases provided in this RPG rule
their leaders’ plans, doing so will get that person book are not the only ones out there. People in
demoted to latrine duty. And they feel MEG is real life have added many groups (and more) over
being so lax and wimpy that only the UEC the years, but there was only room for the biggest
deserves to be in control of the Backrooms. names. GMs can convert Backrooms content on
the internet for this or just create something new.
The organization is split into four subgroups:
A group has to have a reason for existing. MEG
• Hands of Athena: Leaders of the group who acts like a government and protects people;
control what info is passed down the ranks. Masked Maidens fight against corruption; BNTG
created and maintains a barter economy; and so
• Partisans of Arete: Combat-focused soldiers on. When creating a new group, or if adapting
who protect wanderers but also expand their one that someone else wrote for the Backrooms,
territory. give it a reason to exist.
• Homeland Defense Force: Guards Make sure to pay a�ention to what the game
protecting UEC people, resources, and bases. needs, not what would be likely to happen. For
example, does the game need another group
• Servants of Ponos: Gatherers who find and fighting corruption besides the Masked Maidens?
bring back needed resources. If it competes against the Maidens and ruffles
their feathers, then sure! But if it just does the
Given their reliance on violence, most groups are
same thing only slightly differently, why not stick
not fans of the UEC. Eyes of Argos hates UEC,
with Masked Maidens?
who they see as being a bunch of violent idiots
with more bullets than brains. MEG considers
This is what we did with St. Mercy. As of this
them traitors and will refuse to work with them
writing, there was no group in Backrooms lore
no ma�er what. The only group that actively
dedicated to healing and medicine, but both are
works with UEC is the New Backrooms Republic,
needed in a roleplaying game where characters
as they appreciate the control brought by
can be injured by combat or accidents. Therefore,
draconian UEC policies. The two groups are
we added it as a new group with its own bases.
currently negotiating an alliance to increase their
power and territory.
Along with meeting a game’s needs, GMs should
also create a feel for the group. MEG is mostly
Joining the UEC is easy; just find them and ask.
helpful; UEC is mostly military; the Eternal
You’ll be inducted into the group almost
Repository is mostly data nerds; and so on. What
immediately. Leaving the group is another ma�er
does this group feel like? Will they be “good”,
entirely, and UEC has been known to kill
“bad”, or a heady mix of the two? Do they
members threatening to quit. While not as
welcome newcomers or are they very picky about
obedience-focused as the NBR, the UEC still
who can join?
88 For example, imagine a new group focusing on a couple of people to hundreds and more. Most
creating lending libraries to spread knowledge are controlled by one of the groups described
through the Backrooms. Are they secretive and below, but there are some independent bases
stingy with data like the Eternal Repository (who listed at the end.
don’t normally share data for free)? Are they
exploring levels like MEG does but for new
books? By picking a feel for the new group, the BNTG
GM has an easier time knowing how they would
react to different events. Trader's Keep: (Level 1)
Leadership: Senior Trader Elanor Duman
HQ: Most groups will have a main base or place Purpose: Store the majority of BNTG’s inventory
where their leaders live and work, so find a good in an organized manner for easy selling and
level for a new base and plop it there. inventorying.
Current plans: They are almost out of
Size: This gives GMs and players a rough idea of pocketstones, so not only are prices high,
how many people belong to the group, as well as members are visiting The Suburbs (Level 9) more
an estimate of their power and abilities. (A tiny than other levels to obtain them.
group cannot cause as much mayhem as a huge
one.) Don’t sweat which size term best fits, as it’s BNTG built this base in a part of Level 1 that
all an estimate. Roughly speaking: looked like a storage unit business. There’s only
one hallway that reaches it, and well-armed
• Small: 0-60 people BNTG members are present to keep entities and
thieves away.
• Medium: 61-250 people
This is where BNTG stores most of their
• Large: Over 250 people inventory and houses most of the group’s people
in a section called Trader’s Vault. Each door is
Allies & Enemies: Most groups will have another
labeled with the unit’s contents, and the 40
group they are friendly with, or at least one they
permanent residents maintain records and do
do not hate too much. The same is true in reverse;
trades with anyone that’s willing. Think of this as
most groups have at least one enemy group.
a yard sale held in a storage building that people
Consider this group’s feel and purpose, then
review existing groups to see if any make sense
as an ally or enemy.
Here, list all the bases this group has founded
and still has. You can create an official new base
(see below), or you could just type out a name
and indicate what group controls it.
Every group has to have space to meet and
conduct their business. In the game, these are
called bases. A base can be small or big, from just
Image by wikidot/no name listed
live in. Anything that BNTG has to sell is likely mostly that happens elsewhere. 89
found here.
• Adventure Hook: None of the staff likes
BNTG personnel are always happy to see a new Onobanjo because he keeps yelling at
face, as they believe trading can be done. That people over math errors. Staff would love to
said, non-members are rarely brought inside embarrass him, and one is discreetly
Trader’s Keep, and only BNTG has a map of the looking for Eyes of Argos people to label
place. Anyone caught trying to sneak in and steal Onobanjo as corrupt and worthy of
stuff is treated harshly. The last thing one needs punishment.
in the Backrooms is being blacklisted from
trading with this group. [Originally by Noctilucian]
90 crops to supply Trader’s Vault. As part of this level, there is a gigantic man who
Current plans: Spy on The Lost’s fort to see if sometimes enters the study and reads, oblivious
they know be�er agriculture techniques. to what’s going on. While it does not notice
anyone, BNTG is worried it will someday spot
This is a working farm (well, several such farms) them carving out hunks of plastic and get upset.
in Bumper Crop (Level 10). They grow wheat but
also rice, fruits, and vegetables. Several armed • Adventure Hook: Durand’s right hand,
guards patrol the perimeter, and anyone found Niles Baker, wants to contact the large man
taking food without permission is blacklisted and thinks it might know how to leave the
from trading with them for at least a month. Backrooms. Instead of trying to hide, Baker
is making repeated “mistakes” with fire to
All is taken to Trader’s Keep, which can then grab the giant’s a�ention.
distribute some to members and the Level 3
Storage Facility. Around 30 people work the [Original by 1000dumplings]
farms. Surprisingly, there is not much trade that
happens here. BNTG personnel will trade some
food, but most of it is earmarked for Trader’s Eternal
Vault. This base is well armed, but they mostly Repository
use bo�led lightning as grenades to defend
themselves. Database 009-2 (Sublevel 9.2)
Leadership: Scribe-002 Anjali Mitra
• Adventure Hook: Brewer and two of his Purpose: Collect and securely store data on
people were caught spying on The Lost; groups, bases, and politics in the Backrooms.
both were beaten and dropped off at the Current plans: Interrogate Tom Innes to learn
station. Brewer wants revenge badly, so he is more about Tom’s Diner.
claiming The Lost engage in human sacrifice
to their gods. This is completely false, as the Nicknamed the Analog Database, this small
Lost Legion’s religion does not require building houses around 12 people. There, they
human victims. keep track of data in wri�en form. Using office
supplies from EL3A or Level 4, they hand-write
[Original by unknown] maps, reports, and histories. As such, no one but
ER personnel can enter this base. They have a
Plastic Mine (Level 24) deal with local black market criminals that leaves
Leadership: Yves Durand them alone.
Purpose: Extract plastic from the Moon and ship
it to Trader’s Keep It’s well-protected, with up to 6 guards present at
Current plans: Dig deep caves to avoid being any moment. (Two have pistols and the others
seen by the large man in this level carry makeshift clubs and shields.) Outsiders
may approach and ask to trade for information,
This odd level shrinks people down and lands but because this is located in a dangerous Level 9
them on a fake, plastic Moon in someone’s study. sublevel, only desperate people show up.
Here, BTNG people carefully mine the Moon for
its plastic. There are not many people here, say • Adventure Hook: Tom’s Diner remains a
around five, and no one lives there permanently. blank spot in their knowledge (other than
Plastic is not the easiest material to find in the what everyone knows), so they are planning
Backrooms, hence this mine’s importance. You to kidnap Innes, take him back here, and
can trade for plastic but that’s about it. interrogate him using torture if needed.
Either they need the PCs to get Innes or they corruption-fighting teams. 91
work with the diner to rescue him. Current plans: Prove MEG and UEC are
colluding over monopolizing almond water
[Original by Noctilucian.]
Deep into the Endless City (Level 11) is a large
Database 011-0 (Level 11) rectangular building made in the Georgian
Leadership: Scribe-001B Addison Baldwin architectural style. There is a checkpoint at its one
Purpose: Collect and securely store data in digital entrance, and only those invited can get inside.
format on everything. This is the headquarters for the Eyes of Argos, so
Current plans: Obtain a few new servers to store they do not welcome visitors. Usually, the only
more data. people they let inside are those who need to
conduct business with the Eyes. They will help
Set inside a looted big box electronic store, this wanderers but only if they are close to the
ER base has dozens of working computers, from building; they will not go out of their way to
powerful modern models to the ones that fill up assist strangers.
an entire room and need punch cards. This is the
ER’s biggest storehouse of knowledge. The Eyes of Argos even patrols the city block
Everything they know gets entered into where this building is found, a�acking any
databases here, and only ER personnel are entities and warning people to stay away unless
permi�ed to go inside and learn something new. invited. They have plenty of manmade weapons
Around 15 people call this place home, and they like knives and guns, but they also have a few
do not welcome strangers. pyroil flamethrower/squirt guns. They do not
take kindly to trespassers.
Unlike the suburban one, this database has just
three guards armed with rifles. They have been • Adventure Hook: El-Sayed’s people are
known to kill people who tried to sneak inside, so worried. He’s obsessed with an imaginary
be careful. They will trade information for conspiracy between MEG and UEC to claim
information, but the base’s leader is very picky all almond water sources in the Backrooms.
and only accepts what she considers “juicy” This is false, so the staff needs an outsider to
unknown data. She has never defined that. convince El-Sayed to move onto something
• Adventure Hook: The base needs more
storage space, but they are afraid of Masked Maidens
venturing beyond the relative safety of the
Endless City (Level 11) to get hard drives Station 4 (Level 6)
and servers. They would be willing to let the Leadership: Madame Zoe Carter
PCs know secrets if they can do this errand. Purpose: Provide food, water, medicine, and
shelter for maidens on missions.
[Original by u/Nerdykiddo4884. Rewri�en by Current plans: Discreetly get enough lamps and
Stretchsterz.] bulbs to light up the entire base.
Really, this is just a safe place for their agents to
get more supplies and rest/sleep. It’s a large room
with one door, which is never guarded so no one
discovers the base by accident. There is one of
each type of Wall Mask (see Chapter 12) hanging
on the walls, and there is one working laptop
here so members can report back to leadership in
between missions.
frontier town than anything else. There are Various MEG teams visit often for resupply, and 93
entertainment options, a restaurant, two bars, a many expeditions start here. MEG leadership
library and a shop where workers sew together lives and works here as well.
outfits for wanderers to wear.
• Adventure Hook: Garza is convinced either
Not only can you get plenty of free food and UEC or NBR will a�ack soon to steal
water here, you can join MEG. Those unwilling resources, so he is militarizing the base. He
to join are still given a bed (or at least a sleeping convinced the rest of the base this will
bag) and basic necessities, and they can stay as happen, so they are desperate for weapons,
long as they want--that is, if they are willing to armor, and intelligence. Spying on UEC/
work to expand and safeguard the base. NBR could lead to some valuable bartering.
94 between MEG and Amor Incrementum. even help set up a home in one of the hotel rooms
if the wander wants that. They are trying to
MEG has the biggest government of all groups, convince the faceling behind the counter to give
so it’s no surprise that they have a small base in many keys at once to prepare an entire hallway
Level 4 to handle paperwork and reports. About for travelers (and potential MEG recruits).
8 people work over five floors, and most live
there as well. They track supplies, send out mass • Adventure Hook: De Rossi is a double
communications, and generally do the agent, having made a deal with The Beast to
accounting and record-keeping. remove his colon cancer. He keeps The Beast
informed about MEG operations in hopes of
There is no trade to be had here normally, but avoiding his dark fate. Now, The Beast is
members are often bored and will trade a bit on ordering De Rossi to send him a MEG
the side. There are armed guards here too, but explorer he could “enjoy”. Can anything get
not as much as Base Beta. The Beast to break a deal?
[Original by u/M654zy.] Not too far into this level wanderers will find
those corrugated metal walls MEG seems to love
Housekeeping (Level 5) so much. There is a ton of metal ore to be mined
Leadership: Phil De Rossi here, so this base spends its time mapping the
Purpose: Learn more about the level; provide a level and a�acking entities whenever they are
safe haven for wanderers. found. (Usually MEG does not get this
Current plans: Get some independent people to bloodthirsty, but Level 8 is crawling with
move rooms so MEG can have an entire floor to entities.) Any strangers are welcomed with open
themselves. . arms and given basic necessities if needed.
This team lives and works in Level 5, mostly to All 10 members here are well-armed and
research the level and its entities (including a armored whenever possible, be it a Kevlar vest or
slow, careful investigation into The Beast). They a homemade shield. They get the best weapons,
know the ways through this level and can offer a which makes other MEG bases look down on this
map to the Boiler Room or Beverly Room in one.
trade. Otherwise, this base keeps to themselves
and are considered a bit odd by the rest of the • Adventure Hook: Last week, members lost a
group. fight with a Neighborhood Watch entity
called a strider. It must have walked from
Newcomers are always welcome, and the six The Suburbs (Level 9) into the Cave System
MEG personnel will work with the independent (Level 8), but no one is sure how. Group
Homely Hotel staff to assist strangers. They will morale is very low, so someone needs to
help them feel confident again–and those computers, that’s about it. It’s completely 95
discover how Level 9 entities are reaching empty, so most wanderers don’t think about it.
Level 8.
• Adventure Hook: Wanderers in Level 0
[Original bys u/Bart0nius and u/avolded. claim a new entity exists, a yellow monster
Rewri�en by Stretchsterz.] that wields a shotgun. This is Lori Kim, a
Meridian Pass “volunteer”; she’s actually
on death row in the Frontrooms for killing
Meridian Pass five people. She has a shotgun and two
more shells left, and she’s wandering Level
Outpost #1 (Level 0) 0 moving from one almond water bo�le to
Leadership: Unknown the next. She will a�ack any person she sees
Purpose: Unknown to steal their gear.
Current plans: Unknown
Image by wikipedia/Huuxloc
96 Years ago, NBR agents put tape on the floor homemade spears (butcher knives screwed into
around a wide hallway and claimed it as their broom handles). It’s possible NBR is hiding
territory. No one cared, so they expanded a bit. something important there, but it’s also possible
Now, it covers almost a square mile of Level 0. NBR is just flexing muscle publicly.
Walls are made from stone and broken concrete,
and inside are tents instead of beds, but around The base is called a Port because NBR leader
12 people live here at any one time. Most of the Marc Germain was born in Port-au-Prince and
fluorescent lights were disabled and they use has nothing to do with ships or water.
lamps taken from other levels for light.
• Adventure Hook: The base is ge�ing ready
The main goal is to recruit more NBR citizens, to celebrate leader Marc Germain’s birthday
and like the MEG Welcome Center, this place has in style, and NBR has captured two Masked
some simple literature explaining their group is Maidens (Columbia mask and Volto mask)
glowing terms without mention of trying to gather evidence of Germain’s
totalitarianism. However, they typically make corruption. Germain plans to force them to
this a “hard sell” and have been known to slyly fight for his amusement, and the Masked
threaten people who refuse to join. Maidens would owe a significant favor to
anyone were to save those two.
• Adventure Hook: Someone has been
destroying the fluorescent bulbs near the Capitol Building (Level 11)
MEG base in the Tutorial (Level 0). This is a Leadership: Larry “General” Cook
plan by NBR. They hope to lure smilers into Purpose: Provide a working government for
Level 0 and the darkness around the base to NBR.
discourage newcomers from joining MEG. Current plans: Plot a takeover of St. Mercy’s
The two members sent to Pipe Dreams Zero Clinic in the Tutorial (Level 0).
(Level 2) to bring a smiler into Level 0 have
not been heard from for days. This is where NBR started, and the group calls
this their Capitol Building. The building is large
Port-de-Germain (Level 15) and full of offices and office equipment, and
Leadership: Marc Germain well-armed patrols regularly guard all four sides
Purpose: Provide a luxurious lifestyle for of the building and its roof.
Germain and his cronies.
Current plans: Find and steal marijuana and top- No one but NBR members can enter the Capitol
shelf alcohol brands from Earth. Building, and non-members will be literally
shoved away. No trade happens either. The only
Level 15 is a Class 1 level, so it’s relatively safe all exception is if a newcomer wants to join NBR, in
things considered. But it’s far enough away from which case they are welcome inside. Ge�ing
other bases that no one wanted to build anything outside again might be a different ma�er, as NBR
here. That gave NBR the chance it needed, so is desperate to grow.
they now have a large base with around 65
residents within the futuristic halls of this level. • Adventure Hook: Member Lucinda Nunez
is accused of murder by NBR, but she
Newcomers are welcome, and they will trade reached MEG’s Base Beta and begged for
with most people. They still give a hard sell over sanctuary. The PCs will be asked to
NBR citizenship, but they are not as rude as investigate the murder. If she is guilty, MEG
Immigration Control. Guards are surprisingly will turn her over to face NBR’s strict justice.
well armed for a safe level, with guns and If not, she will be taken in by MEG which
might start a war. it remains their biggest base to date, with almost 97
40 people staying there as St. Mercy staff or
St. Mercy
Anyone is welcome to receive treatment, but they
Zero Clinic (Level 0) will turn away anyone with cancer (no chemo
Leadership: Dr. Yazmin Hernandez drugs) or hopeless situations, such as someone in
Purpose: Provide medical assistance to new the final, irreversible stage of becoming a wretch.
wanderers; recruit anyone with medical training. Medical supplies are not common in the
Current plans: Acquire more crutches and canes Backrooms, so St. Mercy only helps those who
for those with ankle injuries from noclipping. can recover.
When people first noclip into Level 0, many hurt • Adventure Hook: The hospital has run out
themselves either from the initial drop or of OTC cold medicines. That’s because Dr.
suffering from hunger and thirst. That’s why St. Holt is selling them to the Black Market in
Mercy decided to make a small clinic at this level. Sublevel 9.2. They are starting to make meth
with the medications, and in return, Dr.
Around 5 people are on hand, and all have some Holt is supposed to get a crate of chemo
kind of medical training. Anyone who comes for drugs–but the Black Market hasn’t found
medical help will receive it. However, they will any yet. The PCs could be asked to track
first be quizzed on their medical knowledge. Any down chemo drugs or coerce the Black
that show promise, such as former doctors or Market to get off their bu�s and find some
nurses, are pressured into joining St. Mercy. themselves.
Those without such skills are treated warmly but
are not asked to join. There is only one guard
here, armed with an AK-47. The Lost
• Adventure Hook: Hernandez is slowly Beverly Room Originals (Level 5)
stealing medical supplies and trading them Leadership: Queen Magaskawee
to BNTG for memory jars and has become Purpose: Provide a safe home for members of
addicted to them. Medic Billie Lee Harper is The Lost (Suns or Legion).
ge�ing suspicious over incorrect inventories Current plans: Train a pair of howlers to act as
but has no hard evidence, so she will hire guard dogs.
the PCs to follow Hernandez and catch her
in the act. The Lost tends to live on strange, far away levels,
and this is their only base within the Main 10.
St. Mercy Hospital (Level 11) Members of the Lost Suns found this place
Leadership: Chief of Medicine Dr. Ralph Holt hundreds of years ago, and they’ve carried in
Purpose: Create a working hospital stone and concrete to create walls, bedrooms,
Current plans: Create standardized charges for kitchens, even a small amphitheater and
medical care based on Almond Water bo�les. merchant quarter. Outsiders are not welcome,
and The Lost will rarely trade with anyone
Given that Level 11 is an infinite city, it’s no dropping by. Instead, they will politely but
surprise that it has hospitals. The one closest to firmly tell wanderers to leave.
the Level 10 entrance was called “St. Mercy’s”,
and that is where the group was founded. Today, • Adventure Hook: The base is running low
98 on food, and a small but vocal group wants Leadership: General Gwen Jones
to capture a child (rare in the Backrooms Purpose: A�ack and kill entities in Level 3 until
since adults cannot get pregnant) and it can be considered a Class 1 level (no entities).
sacrifice it to make more food appear. Current plans: Use literal bear traps in many
Hunting groups are now exploring the hallways to catch and kill entities.
Terror Hotel looking for young ones. What
will happen if they kidnap and kill a child? Level 3 has a lot of resources, but it also has a lot
of entities. The goal of this base is to claim the
[Original by Discord13. Rewri�en by majority or all of Level 3 by clearing out the
Stretchsterz and ratscrapz.] monsters. Then the UEC would have a safe
resource gathering base. There are close to 25
Villam Castellum (Level 10) people living here, so they’ve conquered a good
Leadership: Themistocles Balbus Cento amount of space. Teams have been recorded
Purpose: Protect members and the crops they heading out on hunting expeditions or resupply
grow. runs.
Current plans: Finish the palisade before
making barracks and other buildings within. The only people welcome here are other UEC
members. All others are impolitely told to fuck
The Lost Legion is in the middle of building a off, and they won’t even help a wanderer who is
Roman fort deep within Level 10. It overlooks injured or suffering. Most groups give this base a
many of their fields where they grow crops and wide berth.
its purpose is to provide protection to their
farmers. So far, they have almost finished the • Adventure Hook: One of their traps caught
outer wall (a mixmash of concrete, metal, and and severely hurt NBR explorer Khalil Kazi,
wood) but have not made any buildings yet. The and UEC panicked. They have Kazi tied up
120 permanent residents are living in tents for in their base, and they refuse to talk to any
the time being. NBR personnel searching for their lost
comrade. UEC needs to cover this over to
This base will happily trade with others, and maintain peaceful relations between the two
while they won’t invite a stranger to stay with groups. Should the PCs convince NBR that
them, they will hand out some food and water if UEC had nothing to do with it?
someone needs it. They will also protect
everyone from entities, not just their people. [Original by u/M654z. Rewri�en by
• Adventure Hook: Cento thinks he can
convince the Archers in Level 10 to join the Fort Unbound (Level 17)
Lost Legion, so he keeps giving food Leadership: Commander Georges Bernard
offerings at the foot of nearby towers. Other Purpose: Organize and lead ways to build up the
Legionnaires led by Brutus Caecilius UEC
Drusus are upset by this and only want to Current plans: Set up an armed checkpoint at
kill Archers to get their weapons. Both sides Level 17’s entrance
will try to win over the PCs and then a�ack
the other. The UEC is one of the newer groups to form, so a
lot of prime base real estate had been picked by
UEC the time this group got organized. Base Scylla in
Abandoned Utility Tunnels (Level 3) is
Base Scylla (Level 3) dangerous, so they decided to carve out a safe
space in The Carrier (Level 17). This base covers The food is pre�y basic given the lack of supplies 99
eight different lower floors, so none have in the Backrooms, but wanderers are always
windows and their drowning effect. Imprints (see surprised how Chef Innes can create delicious
the level’s writeup in Chapter 10) are still a meals from just a few ingredients. While he does
problem, but UEC members rate each others’ not officially charge anyone for a meal, it’s
strength and willpower based on how many traditional to give a small item or piece of
imprints they see (and get a Hopeless Condition information in exchange–unless someone hasn’t
from) without losing it. eaten in a while, in which case Innes gives food
away for free to prevent more wretches in the
This is likely one of the most heavily armed bases Backrooms.
as well. This level gives them access to a lot of
Kevlar armor and guns, so most UEC members • Adventure Hook: Innes is determined to
here are armed to the teeth–which is a big reason stay neutral in Backrooms politics, but most
they ever moved here in the first place. The entire people already belong to various groups. He
base is called a fort, and there are armed will try to convince the PCs to give up any
checkpoints on each floor they use. group affiliations and work for him, but he
can only pay in cooked meals. This could
As with Base Scylla, only UEC personnel are make an interesting, group-independent
allowed inside. motive for the PCs in the Backrooms.
100 chair to “exorcize the demons” making her
want to leave. MEG’s Base Omega is still
searching for her and suspects Amor
Incrementum is involved somehow.
[Original by u/M654zy.]
On the rocky island not far from this level’s The Black Market (Sublevel 9.2)
sideways room, a group of people have built a Leadership: Ella “Queen” Levy
small base for themselves. They are only around Purpose: Run a black market selling anything
6 people strong, which helps cut down on their people are willing to sell/buy
food and water requirements. All of them openly Current plans: Raid The Lost in Terror Hotel
worship The Thing on Level 7 as a wrathful god. (Level 5) to steal and sell scarabacks
There is a clean water spring on the island, which
is made mostly from volcanic rock, stone, and Given the absence of laws in the Backrooms, one
some patches of dirt. The base itself is a could say this is less a black market and more a
hodgepodge of broken furniture stuck together gray one. Anyone can drop by, set up a table, and
by the waterproof tar found in this level, forming start selling merchandise of any kind. Whereas
rooms and a half-wrecked palisade around them BNTG won’t sell street drugs, anything can be
all. bought here–if a seller has it, of course.
Part of their faith says they cannot speak with The exact location changes every week to another
those not worshiping The Thing on Level 7, and place within Sublevel 9.2. This is to avoid groups
they have go�en hostile when wanderers have who disagree with their business model (such as
arrived on their island. They can trade with that the Eyes of Argos) but also to confuse any
waterproof tar, as it’s very useful, but no one Neighborhood Watch entities that get curious on
wants to risk a confrontation with a cult who why wanderers keep entering that building.
thinks The Thing is worth worshiping.
The market uses barter and almond water uses
• Adventure Hook: The people living on this just like everyone else. Prices tend to be wildly
island suffer from scurvy and malnutrition, different from seller to seller.
so Apatong is trying to convince the group
to trade tar for vitamins and fruit. They have • Adventure Hook: Levy is a huge Breaking
agreed to send Apatong himself to establish Bad fan, so after se�ling into the black
trading relationships but do not know what market, she began looking for a lab to make
group to approach. The PCs could be hired meth. She needs ingredients like ephedrine
as guides, giving Apatong a chance to speak and acetone, so she is planning on raiding
with various groups including BNTG. St. Mercy Hospital in The Endless City
(Level 11). She is looking to hire muscle to
[Original by u/Bart0nius and u/M654z. Rewri�en
join the raid.
by u/Bart0nius.]
[Original by Noctilucian.] 101
Creating New
The Children (Level 18)
Leadership: Mona Giordano GMs can create new bases for existing groups
Purpose: Survive the Backrooms by living in past (like a new BNTG resource station) or new ones,
memories but each base has to have a purpose for the game.
Current plans: Prevent others from accessing Building bases is hard and resource-intensive, so
Memories (Level 18) they are only built when there’s a damn good
reason to have people there.
Living in the Backrooms is hard, and a lot of
people wish they could find their way back to The Endless City (Level 11) has a lot of bases.
Earth. These people are similar, but instead of UEC does not have a presence in that level, but
going back home, they are going back to old should you give them a Level 11 base?
• If the only reason the GM does this is
Memories (Level 18) has a weird effect where because it “makes sense” that UEC would
wanderers relive childhood memories whenever have a base there, then they should
they visit the level. The Children is a group of probably not include it. Make sure your
around 20 people who call this level home. There game elements have a good game-related
are no buildings or walls, as they all live in reason to be included.
childhood memory illusions. They survive off
food and drink presenting to them when reliving • If the GM has a plot involving UEC and
old memories, though they occasionally send a MEG fighting, it might make sense to
team to the Hab Zone (Level 1) and Trader’s include a level 11 base for UEC. MEG has a
Keep to trade for food, almond water, tools, and huge base there, so a UEC one might cause
the like. the kind of conflict and drama that makes
for an exciting story.
Anyone can technically join. Members mostly
keep to themselves, but humans are social Remember, an author of a good story only
creatures so they sometimes get together and includes things that advance the story. How can
catch up. this new base advance a Backrooms story?
• Adventure Hook: Giordano noclipped into Leadership: Every base will have someone in
the Backrooms with their brother Sal charge, even if that someone is a group of people.
Giordano. They've stayed together, but in Write down a name(s) for who leads the base, as
Mona’s childhood memories, she recently wanderers will often want to talk to who’s in
discovered Sal had bullied her very hard as charge.
a toddler, even beating them with a wooden
spoon. She had repressed those memories, Purpose: This is the reason the base exists in the
and now that they’re not just out but first place and serves as a base’s mission
relivable, she wants to hire people to teach statement. By clarifying this, GMs know what
Sal a lesson he won’t forget. kind of scenes to expect in the base. For example,
BNTG’s EL3A exists to handle all that paperwork
[Original by u/LiamFingarz. Rewri�en by that comes with running an economy, so the GM
1000dumplings.] can expect fewer combat scenes and more talk
about data and numbers. It also tells the GM
102 what the base doesn’t do, such as not being able economic powerhouse. Now that he feels rich
to trade for pyroil at EL3A. and powerful, he wants to start the very first
commodity futures market in the Backrooms
Current Plans: This is what’s going on right now where people can invest (i.e. gamble) on future
in the base, and these can be positive, negative, stores of almond water, food, literally anything
or neutral. As with its Purpose, the Current Plans involving food. He remains unsure if there is
helps the GM know what’s going on here. If a enough wealth, and given the lack of a universal
current plan is to expand the base, the GM can currency besides almond water uses, he isn’t
describe how people are building walls and sure he can pull it off through barter.
doors in a given level.
Master Administrator Viktor Valentin
• Adventure Hook: GMs can skip this, as this Archetype: Leader
entry is to provide a plot seed that the GM Group: Eternal Repository
can expand upon and create an adventure Motivation: Remain a mysterious figure, even if
for the player-characters. It’s not necessary, that means losing out on some juicy data
although it’s not a bad idea either. A�ributes: Physique 3 | Agility 4 | Wits: 4 |
Empathy: 2
Skills: Force 3, Vigilance 3, Stealth 3, Survival 1
Important Talents: Menacing
Characters Equipment: Phone, level key (Level 11)
CEO Georges Bernard The Eternal Repository was founded a long time
Archetype: Merchant before Valentin showed up, but he quickly rose
Group: BNTG through the ranks. He has an intuitive grasp on
Motivation: Create a futures market to sell information, easily sorting facts from gossip. One
futures for almond water and other foodstuffs downside? He’s a bit of a control freak and will
A�ributes: Physique 4 | Agility 4 | Wits: 3 | interrupt people he’s talking to just to make
Empathy: 3 another point. (He’s not trying to be rude. It’s
Skills: Jury-Rig 2, Manipulation 3, Therapy 2, just that he’s very smart and moves faster in
Vigilance 3 conversation than most people.)
Talents: Retail Therapy
Equipment: Pocketstone, taser, almond water He is staunchly anti-discrimination about anyone
and has a particular hatred for lies, as he feels
Before coming to the Backrooms many years ago, that just makes all truth harder to find. Valentin
Bernard was a COO of a major French is friendly with MEG, and the two groups
manufacturer. When he landed here and had occasionally partner to explore the Backrooms.
time to get his bearings, he saw a land of Few people talk to him, as he prizes his
opportunity. How often do you find a society anonymity above all else. Even senior officials
without an economy? He talked to people who within the Eternal Repository are not on a first-
traded and realized no one is organizing sales, name basis yet. They know he is tall and not
stock, supply chains, or anything like that. much else.
Together, they formed the Backrooms Non-
aligned Trade Group, or BNTG. [Originally by NovyEOD_24]
Motivation: Clearly define ‘crime’ so missions leader of the Masked Maidens. Some say she 103
are less morally problematic noclipped back in the early 2010s, while others
A�ributes: Physique 4 | Agility 4 | Wits: 2 | say she arrived back in the 1940s. Regardless, she
Empathy: 4 quickly joined MEG upon arrival and helped
Skills: Close Combat 2, Manipulation 3, Ranged build up Base Beta. She originally noclipped
Combat 3, Stamina 2 along with her father and twin sister, but a
Talents: Gallows Humor corrupt MEG operative went rogue and
Equipment: Pistol, knife, moth candles (3 uses) conducted illegal experiments using wall masks
(see pg. XX) that killed them both. Holmes left
El-Sayed is from Egypt and noclipped back in MEG immediately afterward and created the
1977 when middle-aged. As a former special Masked Maidens, taking with her the other
operations soldier, he not only survived his first people stuck in that experiment.
few days but killed several entities along the
way. Soon enough, Argos itself (an entity Holmes is practically worshiped by other
emphasizing judgment and punishment) Maidens. She is very patient and kind, and she
appeared to El-Sayed and easily convinced him constantly heads to different MM bases to mingle
to join the Eyes of Argos. with everyone and make sure the base is safe and
secure. Rumors say she can even use telepathy
His career was slow moving, as he sometimes and is immortal, but again, those are rumors.
had moral problems with executing criminals.
When ER leadership were killed on a mission, he [Originally by TrailmxNCocoa]
volunteered to hold the position temporarily
until Argos could communicate who it wanted as Tonia Orosco
the leader. Argos has said nothing about this, so Archetype: Pioneer
El-Sayed has been an interim leader for years. Group: MEG
Motivation: Reduce injuries to MEG personnel;
Lately, El-Sayed has worried the Eyes have been give no mercy to partygoers.
labeling too many problems as crimes, A�ributes: Physique 3 | Agility 4 | Wits: 2 |
sometimes over small stuff that would get people Empathy: 5
community service back on Earth, not beaten. He Skills: Jury-rig 3, Manipulation 4, Therapy 3
wants to codify the laws they enforce and share Talents: Mean Streak
that with all groups. Equipment: Painkillers (1 use), pistol, almond
water (2 uses), normal food (2 uses)
Madame Evangeline Holmes
Archetype: Leader Because she noclipped when she was 62 years
Group: Masked Maidens old, everyone in MEG calls her Abuelita. She
Motivation: Sort out what she wants from what almost died in the first few hours thanks to a
she thinks she wants partygoer, but she was rescued by a MEG patrol
A�ributes: Physique 2 | Agility 2 | Wits: 5 | and soon joined. People felt they could trust
Empathy: 3 Orosco and she has strong people skills, so it did
Skills: Close Combat 2, Movement 4, Stealth 4, not take long before MEG tapped her for a
Therapy 1 leadership position.
Talents: Merciless
Equipment: Mink oil (2 uses), knife, pistol, wall Since joining Team Overseer (three people that
mask (Columbina) run MEG), she has pushed for MEG to be more
cautious. She’s always telling exploration teams
Not much is known about the founder and to visit fewer levels, and she advises patrols to
104 only risk saving a wanderer’s life if victory is Equipment: Alcohol (1 use), crowbar, flashlight,
assured. Although risk averse most of the time, guitar
Orosco is practically addicted to dominoes and
will sometimes bet more than she has. Parks is a 30-year-old redneck from Mississippii
who noclipped back in the 2000s. He found the
Takemoto Naoki MEG Welcome Center on Level 0 all by himself
Archetype: Negotiator after killing a hound with a small knife. MEG
Group: MEG readily recruited him, and he soon found himself
Motivation: Unload some tasks onto other MEG leading resource gathering missions. Through
leaders’ plates so he can destress some this, he gained a reputation for being strong,
A�ributes: Physique 2 | Agility 5 | Wits: 4 | protective, and a team player.
Empathy: 3
Skills: Force 2, Manipulation 1, Medicine 3, Last year, he was named to Team Overseer. Since
Ranged Combat 3, Survival 1 then, he has been on a mission to make life
Talents: Powering Through bearable in the Backrooms. Instead of searching
Equipment: Rose water (3 uses), walking stick for medicine or almond water, he searches for
(club), deuclidator beer, movies, and games. Most MEG members
think good ol’ Bubba gets their concerns and
Takemoto began life in 1970s Japan, becoming a works hard, making him quite popular. The only
well-paid salaryman in the 80s. After his family downside is how often he drinks homemade
died in a car crash, he became despondent and vodka and gets black-out drunk.
eventually homeless. Soon enough, he wandered
into a noclip spot and arrived in the Tutorial President Marc Germain
(Level 0). This gave him a chance to “start over,” Archetype: Soldier
so he signed up with MEG and dedicated himself Group: NBR
to helping lost wanderers. Motivation: Never become poor and powerless
Unlike other leaders, he keeps heading out on A�ributes: Physique 5 | Agility 3 | Wits: 4 |
patrols and rescue missions. (Just not exploration, Empathy: 1
as he only cares about helping people directly.) Skills: Close Combat 3, Manipulation 3, Ranged
This won a lot of friends among regular MEG Combat 3, Vigilance 2
members, which means most people go to Talents: Martial Arts
Takemoto for help. That also means he is spread Equipment: Rifle, sword, bulletproof vest, liquid
very thin, and his mood is growing darker with pain (2 uses)
each overly busy day.
Born into poverty in Haiti, Germain eventually
Frank “Bubba” Parks rose to power as an occasional friend of Haiti’s
Archetype: Explorer former dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc”
Group: MEG Duvalier. He learned all he could from the
Motivation: Recreate as much Earth leisure dictator but eventually noclipped into the
opportunities as possible here Tutorial (Level 0). After a few days wandering
A�ributes: Physique 5 | Agility 2 | Wits: 4 | around and finally finding MEG, he made a
Empathy: 3 promise to himself there and then that he’d
Skills: Close Combat 4, Force 2, Jury-Rig 3, become even more powerful than Baby Doc.
Vigilance 2 After skulking about several group’s bases and
Talents: Sucker Punch paying a�ention to the power structures, he
decided the Backrooms was for the taking.
Group: The Lost (Lost Legion) 105
He befriended some more militant members of Motivation: Turn Villam Castellum and the
groups and broke away, proclaiming the New Bumper Crop (Level 10) into the New Roman
Backrooms Republic. Through judicial use of Imperium.
fla�ery, violence, and gifts, he quickly amassed a A�ributes: Physique 4 | Agility 3 | Wits: 4 |
powerful group of followers and struck out to Empathy: 2
form his first base. Today, NBR remains under Skills: Close Combat 3, Manipulation 1, Stamina
his rule. Germain is still ambitious, but he’s 4, Survival 3
beginning to rely too much on drugs and women Talents: True Grit
instead of running his fledgling country. Equipment: Sword, armor (bulletproof vest),
scaraback, level key (Level 10)
Chief of Medicine Dr. Ralph Holt
Archetype: Medic Cento was a con man in ancient Rome, going
Group: St. Mercy from village to village to scam them out of their
Motivation: Find out where Meridian Pass went hard-earned denarii. He wasn’t great at his job,
A�ributes: Physique 3 | Agility 3 | Wits: 4 | so he spent more time fleeing from angry
Empathy: 4 villagers. He noclipped into Level 0 with two of
Skills: Jury-Rig 1, Medicine 4, Ranged Combat 2, his buddies, and that changed Cento. He found a
Vigilance 3 new con: Recreate himself as a Roman nobleman.
Talents: Organ Damage
Equipment: Pistol, first aid kit, painkillers (3 That is why he is building Villam Castellum. The
uses), sanitizer (2 uses) fort will provide some protection to local Lost
people, but Cento has much bigger plans. He
Dr. Holt was a resident at a rural hospital before wants this fort to eventually become the New
noclipping in the 1950s. When he arrived, he was Roman Imperium, with him as its Caesar,
courted by UEC. He hesitated, so they slyly naturally. In fact, he thinks all of Level 10 will be
threatened him. He then walked right out and part of his Backrooms empire, and he already
never looked back. MEG connected him with St. drew up plans to conquer the BNTG resource
Mercy’s Zero Clinic, and that was that. Two station on that level.
decades later, he is the head of St. Mercy and has
a huge office at the top of the hospital in the Queen Magaskawee
Endless City (Level 11). Archetype: Therapist
Group: The Lost (Lost Suns)
He often gets frustrated with the lack of Motivation: Keep her origin in 1980s Earth a
medicines and supplies, and a lack of chemo or secret from the rest of The Lost
radiation turns away everyone with cancer and A�ributes: Physique 3 | Agility 3 | Wits: 5 |
gives him literal nightmares. That’s why he is Empathy: 2
obsessed with Meridian Pass. If they could open Skills: Manipulation 4, Medicine 3, Vigilance 3
a portal from Earth and build an outpost here, Talents: Inquisitive
surely St. Mercy can either get drugs delivered Equipment: Food (1 use), almond water (1 use),
from Earth or even return one day. He’s even pocketstone, bow and arrows
been slacking a bit on the job to focus more on
Meridian Pass. Jenny Smith was born in 1981 to Sioux parents
living on the Pine Ridge reservation in the US.
Themistocles Balbus Cento Jobs were scarce, so she took the name
Archetype: Scrounger Magaskawee and portrayed a Pre-Columbian
Native American in tourist traps. When she
106 noclipped to the Backrooms, he was approached
by several of The Lost Suns. She was dressed as a After her family was killed by entities and MEG
Sioux leader, so they assumed she was. Scared to security mistakes, she and some friends left to
death, Jenny said her name was really found the Unbound Explorer Coalition. She still
Magaskawee. holds a deep grudge against MEG and will
readily hurt them if given the chance.
Fast forward to today, and Magaskawee is
revered as the leader of the Lost Suns, roughly
one-half of The Lost. No one knows she’s really
an American from the 80s; she’s managed to keep
this secret the whole time. A rival within the Lost
Suns, and old Incan man named Huayna Capac,
suspects something isn’t right and has been
carefully researching her background.
Diana Stewards
Archetype: Runner
Group: UEC
Motivation: Arrange accidents or bribes to ensure
ambitious members stay powerless.
A�ributes: Physique 2 | Agility 4 | Wits: 3 |
Empathy: 4
Skills: Close Combat 3, Ranged Combat 2, Image by wikidot/Petar Milosevic
Manipulation 4, Medicine 1
Talents: Sprinting Past Casper Langellier
Equipment: Rifle, pistol, military uniform (not Archetype: Explorer
armor), grenade (1), almond water (3 uses) Group: None
Motivation: Find inspiration in the Backrooms
Diana noclippeed here around 2010 and was soon and continue to write music
recruited by MEG to be a message and supply A�ributes: Physique 3 | Agility 4 | Wits: 3 |
runner. She secretly read every message, and after Empathy: 5
a few years at the bo�om of the power structure, Skills: Jury-Rig 3, Movement 1, Survival 4,
she had amassed enough blackmail to keep Therapy 2
ge�ing promoted. Now, she sits on the ruling
Talents: Hard To Catch
council, called the Final Brigade, and has either
Equipment: Flute, almond water (3 uses),
charmed or scared other council members until
scaraback, club
she was the undisputed leader of UEC.
Caspian, or Casper as he prefers, is technically
These days, being in charge is the only thing she
still a MEG explorer. Years ago, several MEG
thinks about. Numerous UEC people want her
explorers reported seeing someone with pale
power, so she spends a lot of her time scheming
skin, dark hair, and a bright blue backpack in
against those who would take her place. Sure, the
passing. After finally finding him again, Casper
group as a whole is suffering and they haven’t
agreed to work with MEG while not becoming a
acquired new territory in a long while. But hey, at
member. This arrangement continues today.
least Stewards keeps her grip on the Final
He has a strange, almost magical ability to make
calming music. Usually on a flute he carries Tom Innes 107
around, but any instrument will do, Casper will Archetype: Scrounger
play live music that makes entities become Group: None
sluggish and eventually become so relaxed they Motivation: Gain stability and security by
just sit and listen. MEG requests his presence for making everyone’s favorite restaurant.
missions to entity-infested levels, and he will on A�ributes: Physique 3 | Agility 2 | Wits: 4 |
one condition–someone gets him a bunch of Empathy: 4
shortbread. So far, MEG has no reason to suspect Skills: Jury-Rig 3, Manipulation 3, Stamina 3,
Casper is anything else but a normal human, Survival 1
albeit with unusually relaxing musical ability. Talents: Rationing
Equipment: Food (3 uses), water (3 uses),
[Originally by RytheWriteGuy] baseball bat (club), wayback machine
Alasdair “The Heretic” Morgan Owner of the eponymous Tom’s Diner, Innes
Archetype: Soldier never belonged to any specific group. He spent
Group: None (formerly Eyes of Argos)\ time with MEG, BNTG, and even the Eternal
Motivation: Amass enough weapons and Repository as he learned to survive in the
authority to take down the Eyes of Argos Backrooms. He had been an up-and-coming chef
A�ributes: Physique 4 | Agility 4 | Wits: 3 | in Los Angeles before noclipping here, and he
Empathy: 3 saw the need for a restaurant. Not just for meals
Skills: Close Combat 3, Ranged Combat 3, but to socialize, make deals, and find some
Stealth 3, Survival 2 pleasure in a tough world. Eventually, he
Talents: Merciless worked out a deal with BNTG. They continue to
Equipment: Pistol, bulletproof vest, knife, black supply him with food, and in return, he gives
cloak, club, worn sack BNTG members free meals.
Back in the day, Morgan used to be a Knight of The arrangement has held for years by now.
Argos: A type of Eyes of Argos member with a Innes sincerely loves to cook, and he’s been very
more military focus. Over many years, he slowly creative when it comes to cooking with the oddly
began to feel they weren’t helping protect the limited selection of foodstuffs and spices in the
people of the Backrooms but killing them. He Backrooms. He recently realized that he’s never
and a few like-minded members revolted, been happier in his life. That’s another thing that
a�acking Headquarters in the Endless City draws in customers is his a�itude; he’s always
(Level 11) and destroyed a lot of their records positive and friendly.
and archives, then fled into new areas of the
Endless City. For his crimes, the Eyes have Charles “Rat Master” Turner
labeled him not just a heretic but The Heretic. Archetype: Scrounger
Group: None (formerly MEG)
Today, it is assumed he and his few followers are Motivation: Take revenge on MEG, eventually
living in rarely traveled regions of Level 11 but destroying the entire group
no one has seen them for years. If someone does A�ributes: Physique 4 | Agility 2 | Wits: 1 |
find him, the Eyes would pay through the nose to Empathy: 2
get him. Skills: Close Combat 1, Force 2, Movement 2,
Stealth 3, Survival 3
[Originally by Dr Bierre] Talents: Flyweight
Equipment: Sword, firesalt (1 use), food (3 uses),
108 almond water A�ributes: Physique 2 | Agility 3 | Wits: 5 |
Empathy: 3
Sometimes, it feels like MEG makes enemies Skills: Jury-Rig 2, Stamina 1, Stealth 3, Vigilance
faster than friends. Turner noclipped back in the 4
1960s while a teenager in Vietnam, and he Talents: Inquisitive
quickly signed up with MEG at their Level 0 Equipment: Deuclidator, pistol, scaraback, worn
Welcome Center. Soon afterwards, an unspecified sack
incident left Turner with a right arm that cannot
carry any amount of weight. He became bi�er To be honest, a lot of people consider Spec to be
and blamed MEG, eventually leaving the group an entity. Then again, he regularly interacts with
and swearing revenge. people and seems completely human.
Months later, newbies in the Tutorial (Level 0) Spec is a short, skinny man with long, silvery
reported being a�acked, not just by a man hair, black sweatpants, red shirt, and a gray
matching Turner’s description but by a small jacket. He is known for being a bit aloof but
horde of tamed death rats. No one is sure how he funny and pleasant overall. No one knows where
tamed them, but they follow his commands to he lives, but he’s mostly found in two places.
a�ack or flee. Then he began to a�ack MEG bases, One, in established bases where he can have
especially any that were just founded. He and his conversations and get some food. Two, any place
rats even a�acked Base Gamma in the Electrical where the Backrooms is experiencing something
Station (Level 3) but were fought off. No one that runs counter to the laws of physics.
knows where this self-proclaimed “Rat Master”
and his horde of death rats live. Be it a new noclip spot or some weird, non-
Euclidean hallway, somehow Spec knows to
[Originally by VivamusLudio] show up. He acts like a clueless scientist,
examining the area and taking copious notes
Spec while being oblivious to others. He says he’s
Archetype: Explorer trying to find a way back to Earth, but all he
Group: None seems to do is marvel at physics-breaking
Motivation: Understand how physics works and phenomena.
doesn’t work in the Backrooms to find a way
home. [Originally by Spectre48]
The following document updates the MEG New Level Exploration Protocols (2nd
Edition). Summary of updates:
2. Before exploring a new level, confirm you have everything needed for a
standard exploration. This includes almond water (2), food (4), pocketstone,
scaraback, and squirt guns filled with pyroil. (Note the change from liquid pain,
as some entities do not seem to feel pain.)
3. An exploration team must have a minimum of three (3) MEG personnel. Solo or
duo explorations are now unapproved and should not be done for everyone’s
safety. (The Partygoers got too much info on Base Beta from Luke and Darren,
leading to three deaths.)
4. If the level has WiFi, report back every thirty (30) minutes through text or
email. If there is no WiFi, the first expedition is limited to one (1) hour.
Subsequent expeditions will expand to two (2) hours and finally five (5) hours.
If you are unsure how long you have before communicating with Base Alpha or
Base Beta, check with your team leader.
5. Any level keys for the new level must be collected and returned to Isaac in
Base Beta as soon as the expedition is complete. Explorers who keep level keys
will be reprimanded and removed from explorer duty.
6. Continue to help any humans you encounter. If there are signs that people are
nearby but none are present, you no longer wait at that location for them to
return. Actively search for them in case they are in danger.
7. Do not wander off alone no matter how tempting, even if you see signs of
people. The entire team moves together or not at all. This includes sending a
runner back to the entrance to send a message.
8. Weapon use against humans is now approved at the team level when in the
field. If your team leader says you can attack a group of humans, conscientious
objector status may be requested.
If you have any questions about this protocol update, please speak to your team
leader or sector chief as soon as possible. Leaders and chiefs should ensure this
document is disseminated throughout their teams/sectors.
evels are where people live in the When you first noclip from Earth into the
Backrooms. It’s also where most die. It’s Backrooms, you land in the Tutorial level (Level
quite literally the space in which the 0). If you find the right exit, you can walk into the
Backrooms exist; without levels, there are no Hab level (Level 1). Originally, wanderers
Backrooms. thought each level had one exit to the next one,
which is why levels are given ordinal numbers.
Each level is a separate dimension or universe. That means Level 0 should connect to Level 1,
They typically have the same physics as Earth, Level 1 to Level 2, and so on. However, the
but some are non-euclidian where walking a reality is much more complicated.
straight line “north” can mean circling back to
that same spot from the “east”. (If that makes no Why is the first level “0”? Because in binary code,
sense, you did it right.) Most have breathable air, 0 comes before 1. When the content was first
but they vary a lot in terms of danger and being created by fans, they added many video
usefulness. Entering and leaving can only be game terms to help describe the weirdness of the
done through noclipping or specific exits. Backrooms. That’s also why Level 0 is called the
Tutorial level. Like a game tutorial, this is mostly
All levels have a theme or common motif that a safe space for newbies to grasp where they are
fills up the entire (albeit small) universe. For and what can be done.
example, the Abandoned Office (Level 4) is an
entire universe with nothing but the inside of an Level Classification
empty office building. You cannot go outside MEG started a classification system for levels that
because there literally is no outside to visit. If you focuses on three data points, and most groups
spent your whole life in Level 4, you will only see adopted this as well. :
empty offices and windows you cannot see
through. • Safe: How safe is the level for humans
overall. Is it dangerous to be there whether
There are three kinds of levels: that's due to entities, humans, or the level
1. Standard levels (such as the Main 10 or the
Second 10). • Secure: How well known or secure the level
is overall. Is the level securely understood or
2. Sublevels (small areas within a level are there parts that no one has explored yet
different enough to warrant its own name). so the danger is less known?
If you have to go to Level 0.1, you first go to
Level 0 and then to Level 0.1. • Entity Count: How many entities that call
this level home. Is there much wandering
3. Enigmatic Levels (ones too unusual, chaotic, about or none?
or weird even compared to normal
Backrooms weirdness). In the Backrooms, levels are organized into four
• A�ic Floorboards (Level 19) 111
1. The Main 10 (which includes Level 0
through Level 9) Other Levels
• The Moon (Level 24)
2. The Second 10 (Level 10 through Level 19)
Enigmatic Levels
3. Other levels
• The Hub
4. Enigmatic levels
• The Hive
112 yellow paint; the floor is beige carpeting slightly
Tutorial Level soggy from an unknown liquid (whatever it is,
(LEVEL 0) it’s toxic to humans); and the ceiling is beige with
bright and loud fluorescent lighting. The buzzing
Noclip “entrance” zone, Yellow hallways, (MEG
noise from the lights can be disturbing; gain a
Welcome Center), (Sublevel 0.1) (UEC Immigration
Hopeless condition if you spend more than one
Control), (St. Mercy Zero Clinic), (Sublevel 1.2)
hour on this level.
(Meridian Pass Outpost #1), Yellow Hallways,
(Sublevel 0.3), (Sublevel 0.4) Yellow Hallways,
Overall, Level 0 is safe and even a bit boring.
(Sublevel 0.5), (Sublevel 0.6) (Sublevel 0.7), Exit
Newbie wanderers appear here and can wander
for hours or days before finding anything
different. There are a few steep drops into a
lower floor (but still within Level 0) that could
break an ankle, and there are some entities from
time to time, but this level is mostly empty.
Sometimes you can find a bo�le of almond water,
but that’s about it.
Deveyerr. Rewri�en by etoisle.] empty rooms and corridors arranged like a 113
labyrinth. The difference? It has red carpets,
Reasons to Visit white walls, and the occasional bathroom. More
importantly, the sublevel itself begins to
• First time arriving in the Backrooms. physically crumble and fall apart (ceilings
collapse, walls tumble, etc.) as soon as a human
• Find new wanderers to recruit. enters it. This only stops when the human leaves
this sublevel.
• Find new wanderers to protect and guide to
the Hab level (Level 1). [Original by wikidot: PandaSharkk71004]
114 walls.
From there, you can find a labyrinth of concrete
hallways called the Anodyne Complex. In place (The Manila Room is small enough that no
of the buzzing fluorescent lights, it features dim Wander rolls are needed.)
lights and a soothing hum–most of the time.
Some areas inside are broken down to rubble, [Original by Hikarinu]
and that hum gets replaced with a powerful and
very loud zapping noise. Red Rooms (Sublevel 0.6)
Some wanderers turn a corner and see a long
[Original by RatifTheRatGod!] hallway with red wallpaper and crimson lighting.
The carpet is rough and slightly sticky. For some
Sublevel 0.4 Wander Table reason, WiFi and radio don't work in this
1. Swampy water sublevel. Spending time here is not
2. Concrete hallway recommended, as wanderers soon start feeling
3. Concrete hallway paranoid, upset, or even claustrophobic.
4. Concrete room
5. Concrete rubble [Original by wikidot: scutoid]
6. People (1-3 NBR team of 4, 4-6 BNTG team
of 6) Sublevel 0.6 Wander Table
1. Red hallway
The Manila Room (Sublevel 0.5) 2. Red hallway
This sublevel can be reached in Level 0 by 3. Weak MEG radio signal asking for help
looking for places where the wallpaper changes 4. Red hallway
from the usual yellow & brown to a different 5. Entities (1-3 skin-stealer, 4-6 partygoer)
beige pa�ern. It’s a large square room with a long 6. Red hallway plus depression (take
table ringed by office chairs. While there is only Suffering mental condition)
one Manila Room, it can appear with 1-4 open
doorways leading back into Level 0 proper. The Torment (Sublevel 0.7)
People aren’t even sure this sublevel exists, as
When you walk into the Manila Room, it first only a few wanderers claim to have been there.
appears empty. If there are people already there, This is a graveyard that’s somehow outside; the
they slowly appear as if you just logged into an ceiling gives way to a dark night lit only by a
online multiplayer game. MEG has set up some small moon. A lone statue sits among circles of
documents here. Although rarely manned, they worn gravestones and the occasional dead tree.
have a large supply explaining what newbies
need to know, such as what noclipping is, what However, there is no color here save for entities
entities are, and how to find MEG’s Base Alpha or wanderers; everything in this sublevel appears
in the Hab Zone (Level 1). in grayscale. Be careful about not stepping on
fallen leaves, as they literally let loose a human-
NBR occasionally heads here to replace MEG like scream if stepped upon.
documents with NBR ones in hopes of recruiting
more “citizens”, but MEG has a�acked the NBR [Original author wikidot Sky3]
over this in the past so it is infrequent at best.
Sublevel 0.7 Wander Table
No entities have ever been recorded in the Manila 1. Empty gray hallway
Room, but wanderers can sometimes hear 2. Gray hallway with no ceiling
ominous groans and knocks from inside the four 3. Gray hallway with a few leaves
4. Gray hallway with a few leaves mostly useless supplies (pens with no ink, 115
5. People (MEG team of 5) wrapping paper, car parts, blank books, empty
6. Resources (almond water) beer cans, etc.).
Habitable Zone Given that and how there are almost no entities
(LEVEL 1) here, Level 1 quickly got the nickname Hab Zone
(short for habitable). This level by far holds the
Entrance Zone, (MEG Base Alpha), Warehouse, most people, as most groups have some kind of
(Sublevel 1.1) (Tom’s Diner), Warehouse, (BNTG presence here. If there are official meetings
Trader’s Keep), (Sublevel 1.2), Exit Zone between groups, they typically take place here.
MEG and BTNG both have their headquarters
here. The only group not found on this level is
the NBR; they kept trying to claim the entire
level and all supplies therein until other groups
got tired of that nonsense and kicked them out.
Level 1 is a huge, sprawling concrete warehouse You can reach the Hab Zone (Level 1) by
that offers clean water from hoses and steady noclipping through shimmering wall in Level 0,
current from wall outlets. More importantly, walking down a long hallway in Level 2, a looted
crates of supplies randomly appear and grocery store in Level 11, a bunker door in Level
disappear. These are typically full of both vital 10, the The Moon in Level 24, or using the right
supplies (almond water, food, drink, ba�eries, door in The Hub. Walking down an empty Hab
weapons, clothes, medical supplies, etc.) and Zone corridor eventually transitions into Level 2.
116 Any meter-sized hole in a wall will lead to A�ic this sublevel, which is just south of MEG’s Base
Floorboards (Level 19). So far, no noclip spots Alpha. This sublevel is one straight, narrow
have been discovered. hallway so long that no one has found an end.
Crates packed with office supplies can be found
[Original by: u/ThePizzaEater1000. Rewri�en by here, but the crates get more and more rare as
etoisle.] you walk down the hallway. As you get farther,
the walls start glitching like a video game,
Reasons to Visit making accidental noclipping a serious problem.
Some have recorded entities literally popping
• Need to gather supplies. into existence there.
• Grab a decent meal for once at Tom’s Diner. MEG is laying claim to this whole sublevel, but a
small group calling itself The Tunnel Gang are
• Meet any group (except NBR). fighting back, as they feel it’s already theirs to
• Get a safe space to rest, heal, or sleep.
[Original author wikidot kvn7]
• Meet others in “neutral” territory of an
empty warehouse room.
Sublevel 1.1 Wander Table
1. Narrow hallway
Level 1 Wander Table 2. Hallway with looted crates
2. Entity (1 smiler) 3. Hallway with crates full of office supplies
3. Resources (Box full of rusty, broken car parts) 4. Hallway with crates full of office supplies
4. Resources (Box with close combat weapons 5. Narrow hallway
and first aid kits); lights are all out 6. Entity (smiler)
5. Resources (Box filled with food and almond
water bo�les); crude drawings of smilers on the Inverted (Sublevel 1.2)
walls The only way into here is noclipping through a
6. Resources (Box of clothing and shoes); People noclip spot in Level 1 proper. Once there, you’ll
(MEG team searching for items to scavenge) notice the colors are inverted; dark colors are
7. Resources (Box with bo�les of water and snack closer to white and light colors closer to black.
bars); flickering ceiling lights The entire sublevel is also upside down, with
8. Resources (Box of tools like hammers and fluorescent lights emi�ing darkness. The whole
saws); People (BNTG team returning from a place is dead quiet, but wanderers can sometimes
mission in another level) hear disembodied voices.
9. Resources (Box of ba�eries and human hair
wigs); People (small team of mixed-Group A unique and invisible entity known only as
people) Mother might reside in a room here. She is
10. Resources (Box full of electronic components, reported as eating people’s souls, though such
wiring, and related tools) reports are garbled and incomplete. No one can
11. Resources (UEC team claiming boxes of confirm this entity exists.
foodstuff are theirs alone)
12. People (Tom’s Diner staff going to/coming [Original author wikidot Tesserax]
from work)
Sublevel 1.2 Wander Table
Corrupted Corridor (Sublevel 1.1) 1. Upside down hallway
MEG put up a sign next to the door leading to 2. Upside down hallway
3. Upside down hallway machines do not rely on each other. Orange- 117
4. Upside down, dark hallway hued fluorescent lights dot the ceilings
5. Upside down hallway with disembodied, randomly, leaving some areas in murky
confusing voices darkness.
6. Entity (smiler)
Sometimes, wanderers can find handheld gear,
including flatbed trolleys, metal barrels,
Abandoned hardware tools, extension cords, folding chairs,
Utility Halls and various machine pieces. Wall space not
(LEVEL 2) covered by stuff often features doors into more
rooms and hallways crammed with machinery.
Entrance Zone, Cramped Hallway, Cramped Some of these doors are locked but others are
Hallway, (Sublevel 2.2) (EL3A), Exit Zone open.
Level 2 is millions of miles of concrete utility To reach Level 2, you can either go through the
tunnels and rooms lined with pipes, wiring, and right door in The Hub or by walking down a
old machinery. There is no pa�ern to the narrow long, empty hallway in Level 1 that eventually
tunnels. Walls are made from a chalky concrete transitions to become a Level 2 hallways
that can stain clothes or bruise skin. The complete with pipes and humidity. (Walking the
machinery connects to each other through those same route backwards leads back to Level 1. The
pipes and wiring for no apparent reason; the occasional door opens to Level 3 or Level 4,
118 though the door disappears once people have
walked through and shut it (i.e. you cannot get You enter here by finding a door randomly put in
back to Level 2). Level 2. To leave likewise requires finding an
unlocked door back to Level 2 proper.
[Original by: u/M654z. Rewri�en by wikidot’s
1000dumplings.] [Original author wikidot QuantumMultiverse]
Entrances from: Level 2 (wooden door), Level 4 encounter a small pack. These often a�ack bases 119
(elevator), Level 5 (elevator), Level 10 (long brick built here, and it’s not uncommon to see the
tunnel), Level 11 (noclip spot near a locked bar ruins of someone’s old base as you explore.
gate), Level 13 (door marked “Maintenance”) Independent wanderers are urged to seek their
Exits to: Level 2 (wooden door), Level 4 fortune’s elsewhere, but no one will stop you.
(elevator), Level 5 (elevator)
Common resources: Almond water, liquid pain, Then why do so many people visit or even live
firesalt, squirt guns, bo�led lightning, here? Simple: The resources rival those found in
flashlights, weapons, other mundane supplies the Hab Zone (Level 1). Some of this is normal
Common entities: Hounds, Facelings, Wretches, supplies ranging from simple tools (knives,
Deathmoths, Skin-Stealers, Smilers, Clumps, wrenches, hammers) to close and ranged
Bursters, and Dullers. weapons, which can be found in those rooms or
WiFi: Yes (native network, MEG network, BNTG even on a hallway floor. Due to the machinery
network, UEC network) here, you can also get parts like gears, wiring,
Bases: Base Gamma (MEG), Storage Facility 1 security cameras, and even lightbulbs. In the
(BNTG), Base Scylla (UEC) same rooms, wanderers can often find objects
like firesalt, bo�led lightning, and even small
Structurally, this level is similar to the Tutorial jars of liquid pain. Such rooms refresh their
(Level 0): A random series of walls and hallways items very irregularly–some get replacements
in no discernible pa�ern like a labyrinth. They within hours while others remain empty for
even have pipes containing a toxic black sludge. years.
Here, the walls are either brick or metal bars like
in a prison, and many are covered in small MEG has the biggest base here, but BNTG and
copper pipes or bits of machinery like pistons, UEC both have established outposts. Other
instrument gauges, and exposed gears. The groups have tried but left after fighting off too
floors are dirty white tiles, many cracked or many waves of aggressive entities. This level can
chipped. Hallways tend to be more cramped, be reached from a wooden door in Level 2, the
and while not as hot as Level 2, temperatures same elevator moving between Level 3-5, a
can reach 135 F. The air smells of ozone and noclip spot in Level 11, and a door in Level 13.
grease. Wanderers can exit to Level 2, 4, or 5.
120 gears, 3 wiring, 4 lightbulb, 5 firesalt, 6 bo�led 3. Broken machines being repaired by robotic
lightning) hands
5. Entity (1-2 three child facelings; 3-4 smiler; 5-6 4. ISS science module (empty)
skin-stealer); room with generator 5. One giant Space Shu�le rocket nozzle
6. Entity (1-2 three male deathmoths; 3-4 two 6. People (MEG team of 5 people)
female deathmoths; 5-6 two dullers)
7. Entity (1-2 three hounds; 3-4 three hounds; 5-6
three wretches) Abandoned
8. Machinery-lined hallway; Resources (1-3 gears; Offices (LEVEL
4-5 firesalt; 6 firesalt) 4)
9. Entity (1-2 two smilers; 3-4 two clumps; 5-6
two bursters); room with generator Entrance Zone, (Sublevel 4.2) Empty Floor,
10. People (1-2 MEG; 3-5 BTNG; 6 UEC); (Sublevel 4.3) Empty Floor, (Base Omega), Empty
Resources (1-2 liquid pain, 3-4 royal ration; 5-6 Floor, (Sublevel 4.4) (Amor Incrementum),
empty squirt gun) (Sublevel 4.6), Empty Floor, Exit Zone
11. Empty, warm concrete bunker; Resources
(box of three close combat weapons)
12. Machinery-lined hallway with hot, humid air;
Resources (box of three ranged combat weapons)
A MEG group too small to be a base lives there Class 1: Safe, Secure, Minimal Entity Count
and will help any wanderers. BNTG also makes Entrances from: Level 2 (cold hallway), Level 3
forays into this sublevel to take parts from the (elevator), Level 5 (stairwell), Level 11 (noclip
machines and spacecraft. Such damage is quickly spot in office stairwell), The Hub (noclip through
repaired by robot hands that drop from the metal door)
ceiling. Be careful, as every machine has Exits to: Level 2 (cold hallway), Level 3
electricity but no one knows why; they aren’t (elevator), Level 5 (stairwell), Level 6 (stairwell)
plugged in. Common resources: Almond water, Umi’s
sweets, rose water
[Original author wikidot MyrandFox, rewri�en Common entities: Hounds (very rare), Dullers
by Natedagreat563] (very rare)
WiFi: Yes (native network, MEG network)
Sublevel 0.1 Wander Table Bases: Base Omega (MEG), Amor Incrementum
1. Room filled with old, large computers (no (independent)
2. Apollo 11-style moon lander This level is a giant, empty office building. There
is no furniture beyond the occasional office chair, Most people reach Level 4 through The Hub, but 121
desk or set of cubicles, and no facelings or wanderers can take a hallway to Level 2, an
anything similar work here. The floor is covered elevator to Level 3, a stairwell to Level 5 and then
in thin gray carpeting, and while many windows Level 6. Other elevators and even some stairwells
exist to let in some natural light, they are can exit into Level 3, 5, and 6.
completely opaque and cannot be seen through or
opened. The ceiling has fluorescent lights, but [Original by: u/M654zy]
unlike Level 0, these are quiet. So far, explorers
have found no end to the floors either up or Reasons to Visit
• Need a safe place to rest or sleep.
One thing wanderers can often find in this level is
almond water. All of the water fountains and • Need to contact MEG personnel.
water coolers provide almond water, not regular
water. There are the occasional vending machines • Almond water gathering (and to a lesser
selling bo�led almond water, bo�led rose water, extent, rose water and Umi sweets
and Trader candy. Outlets here do not provide gathering).
electricity, so the only light normally available is
the white glows coming from the opaque Level 4 Wander Table
windows. Wanderers can smell copy toner 2. Empty conference room
(although no copiers have been found) and 3. People (1-2 MEG resource gatherers, 3-4 NBR
bleach-based cleaners, and while there are plenty resource gatherers, 5-6 Eyes of Argos resource
of signs on doors and walls, they are all in some gatherers)
alien language or pure gibberish. 4. Empty office floor
5. Entity (1-3 two hounds; 4-6 duller)
Stories tell of the odd hound or duller found here 6. Resources (1-3 general office supplies, 4-6
wandering the floors in search of prey, but they almond water)
are so rare people are unsure if any entities truly 7. Resources (vending machine with 2 each of
call this place home. almond water, Umi sweets, and rose water)
8. People (MEG team heading to/from Base
MEG has a large base here, usually dozens of Omega)
people here on any day. They mostly “farm” 9. Resources (water cooler filled with almond
supplies and objects, but they use the space as a water)
dormitory since it’s much safer compared to other 10. People (Amor Incrementum team gathering
levels. There aren’t many beds available, so most supplies)
sleep on fabric padding brought in by visitors. As 11. Empty office floor
usual, this base welcomes all wanderers except for 12. People (1-2 MEG resource gatherers, 3-4 NBR
NBR people. resource gatherers, 5-6 Eyes of Argos resource
An independent group of around 10 Christian
fundamentalists created a base here they call Parking Lot of Fog (Sublevel 4.2)
Amor Incrementum. These people are very hostile Unlike the warehouses in Level 4, this features a
and spend most of their time growing vegetables large parking garage with blue and white tile
in pots using fluorescent lights. They usually walls. There are no exits to outside or even open
respond to strangers by shouting at them to leave areas; the walls aren’t open like in normal
and “take your sin with you”. garages. Fog fills the levels, making it harder to
see. It doesn’t help that the weak ceiling lights
122 emit green, blue, or yellow light. No one is sure
how to reach this sublevel, so it’s likely an [Original by wikidot: Boring Talking]
unknown noclipping spot.
Sublevel 4.4 Wander Table
[Original by reddit u/carolyncoolio] 1. Empty, blood-stained room
2. Empty, blood-stained hallway
Sublevel 4.2 Wander Table 3. Blood-stained room with 3 old corpses
1. Fog with green lights 4. Resources (two almond water)
2. Fog with blue lights 5. Empty, blood-stained room
3. Fog with yellow lights 6. People (1-3 MEG explorers that a�ack PCs)
4. Abandoned, looted car
5. Abandoned, looted car The Chair Room (Sublevel 4.6)
6. Entity (1-3 two hounds, 4-6 duller) It’s a conference room but one with dozens of
chairs arranged before a podium. Every few
Decayed (Sublevel 4.3) hours, all chairs suddenly change into a different
It’s a lot like any Level 4 space, but this one looks kind. It could be rocking chairs changing into
older and more decayed: Lights flicker, carpeting easy chairs and then into chaise lounges and so
is worn down, wiring is exposed, and so on. As on (One soft, black office chair always stays the
with Level 4 proper, this features office rooms. same for some reason.) These different chair
Rumors talk of a cloak-like entity that kills types can have different effects on wanderers
people, but no confirmation has been made. who sit in them. For example, a director’s chair
increases creativity while a wing chair feels warm
[Original by fandom Cerulean58] like you’re beside a fireplace.
halls where wanderers can find individual 123
rooms and where new arrivals end up.
(There is no hotel lobby.) Doors are usually
unlocked, though they each have a gold
plaque with a random 2-4 digit number.
There is an antique elevator that no one uses
(it sways and groans ominously) and
several staircases leading up and down to
identical hallways.
It is split into different areas. MEG has a small outpost here to study the level
and help anyone who gets lost in the Boiler
1. The Main Hall: This is actually a series of Rooms. An independent group of around 10
124 people call themselves the Homely Hotel and
help wanderers find empty rooms to stay in.
They even offer room service (food & drink) if Lights Out
you can barter with them. Lastly, a group of The (LEVEL 6)
Lost claimed the entire Beverly Room as their
home. Now called the Beverly Room Originals, Entrance Zone, Pitch Black Caves, Pitch Black
they want to be left alone. Caves, (Station 4), Exit Zone
Reasons to Visit
whispering just too quiet to be understood. It is 4. Trip and fall; gain a Hurt Condition (none of 125
unknown if these are legit sounds or already Hurt)
hallucinations. Some also experience feelings of 5. Invisible hands reach out from the dark to grab
mild paranoia, dread, and anxiety. Wanderers someone but miss
who spend an hour or more here will get a 6. Completely dark, empty room
mental Condition. 7. Completely dark, empty hallway
8. Something bumped into you in the dark
Heading into Lights Out is not recommended. 9. Trip and fall; gain a Hurt Condition (none of
Besides the total darkness and lack of resources, already Hurt)
some wanderers have gone missing while trying 10. Darkness gets to you; gain a mental Condition
to map out the level. They may have go�en 11. Completely dark, empty hallway
permanently lost, accidentally noclipped 12. Completely dark, empty room
somewhere dangerous, or the deleterious mental
health effects became too much. A few people Thalassophobia
sometimes meet in Level 6 to conduct shady (LEVEL 7)
deals since no one comes here, and somewhere
on this level is a stairwell that leads to the only Entrance Zone, Shallow Waters, Deep Waters,
way to enter Thalassophobia (Level 7). (Fort Surrender), Very Deep Waters, Exit Zone
[Original bys: u/The PizzaEater1000 and u/ Class 4: Unsafe, Unsecure, Medium Entity Count
Mileisbored. Rewri�en by Bart0nius, Abe Entrances from: Level 6 (staircase into the room),
Venrick, and 1000dumplings] Level 8 (Midnight Zone underwater cave)
Exits to: Level 6 (stairwell), Level 8 (Midnight
Reasons to Visit Zone underwater cave), Level 9 (noclip spot in
the room)
• Want a quiet, empty place for a meeting. Common resources: None
Common entities: The Thing on Level 7, Tiny
• Need to visit Thalassophobia (Level 7). (both unique entities)
WiFi: No
Level 6 Wander Table Bases: Fort Surrender (independent)
2. Completely dark, empty hallway
3. Heard something move in the dark This might be the weirdest level in the Main Line.
126 When you enter from Lights Out (Level 6), you • Midnight Zone: Ge�ing much darker, this
arrive in a small wooden house without zone has more and larger fish skeletons.
windows. It holds a bookcase, small table & Most do not match any known animal, and
chair, and lights in the ceiling. There is a carpet some look absolutely bizarre. It’s rather cold
on the floor, but it’s covered in several inches of down here.
water. (There is also the staircase leading back to
Level 6.) One door in the far wall is thankfully • The Abyss: The deepest, darkest part by the
closed. ocean’s floor. Small mountains of rock
release bubbly tar on a regular basis, which
The room is actually floating on its side over an might be where Fort Surrender got theirs.
infinite ocean of salt water. Inside the room, Temperatures are very low and can cause
gravity pulls people to the floor (which is on its health problems along with the higher water
side relative to the ocean). As soon as the door is pressure. Caves are found here, and some
opened, gravity suddenly lurches to the ocean lead to Level 8.
and people can easily fall 4.5 meters into the salt
water. Ge�ing back into the room can be a real No other group has a base here, as the logistics
problem, and wanderers have drowned here. are too tough for regular resupply. There are no
(MEG has since installed a rope ladder to prevent fish or similar creatures and even no entities save
this but someone must unfurl it before exiting.) for two:
The sky is normally a brilliant blue with a small
sun that never sets, but rainstorms are frequent. 1. The Thing on Level 7: A kilometer-long deep
sea angler fish with two rows of sharp teeth
That said, there are a few rocky islands out there, and a glowing “lure” at the end of a long
including one that can usually be reached by stalk. Just seeing it causes fear (gain a Scared
swimming. Almost all such rocky outcrops are Condition automatically). It roars so loud it
barren with the exception of one. A small group can stun people, and it does that to tear
of around 8 people created an independent them into pieces and eat the poor victim.
se�lement they call Fort Surrender. It’s built from While not intelligent, it somehow knows and
broken furniture pieces held together by goes after people who have knowledge
waterproof tar, and they collect rainwater. (No about it first. It mostly stays in the Abyss but
one is sure what they do for food.) They want to will chase human prey to the surface. (It is
be left alone and will get violent towards any rumored the Thing ate all remaining fish in
newcomers to their island. the level.)
The ocean itself is split into four regions based on 2. “Tiny”: A 2.5 meter-long fish-human hybrid
depth. Oddly enough, wanderers can hold their creature that routinely wears the hide of
breath for up to 30 minutes without a problem larger fish like sharks. (Where it gets the
when swimming in the ocean. hides is unknown.) It is very smart and can
communicate telepathically, but it is also
• Daylight Zone: A barren area just below the very hostile and has long, sharp claws on
surface where light is plentiful. Nothing each hand as well as a lamprey-like mouth.
lives in this zone. No wanderer has ever reported being able to
hurt Tiny, but loud noises confuse it and it
• Twilight Zone: Strangely full of large fish cannot enter the first room.
skeletons and broken metal from something
unidentified, the light is dimmer and the The main reason wanderers might visit this level
temperature is colder. is to reach the Cave System (Level 8), as the caves
in the Abyss zone are the only way to reach that Caves, Dark Caves, (Kavragost), Exit Zone 127
Entrance Zone, Caves, (MEG Cave Raiders), Damp This is one of the few locations in the Backrooms
128 silver, and the like. Veins of ore are easily seen in Reasons to Visit
the rock. Several groups mine these ores
occasionally, and MEG has created a safe area • Mine needed ores like iron and copper.
with path signs and wooden barriers blocking the
darker caves. Hand-drawn maps are available • Hope to find metal tools in the Kavragost
that detail how to get to the safer parts of this ruins.
• Gain experience in fighting entities.
Why block them? Because Level 8 is home to one
of the larger entity infestations found in the Level 8 Wander Table
Backrooms. Smilers, skin-stealers, wretches and 2. People (NBR team looking to start a base)
deathmoths are the most common, but wanderers 3. Empty but pool of black tar
have reported seeing many facelings, death rats, 4. Empty, Lead ore
clumps, and camo crawlers. This level is also 5. Entities (1-2 smiler, 3-4 wretches, 5-6 two child
home to a unique entity called the Arachnids of facelings); Resources (1-3 Iron; 4-6 Gold)
Level 8. There are so many here that, even in 6. Entities (1-2 two smilers, 4-5 two skin stealers,
“safe” areas protected by MEG walls and 6 wretch); Resources (Iron)
personnel, entities can still show up. It is highly 7. Entities (1-3 two smilers, 4 two skin stealers, 5-
recommended to grab many weapons and armor 6 two female deathmoths)
before exploring the Cave System. 8. Entities (1-3 two wretches, 4-5 clump, 6 three
male deathmoths); Resources (1-2 Iron, 3-6
MEG maintains a small base named Cave Copper)
Raiders. Their job is to hunt and kill entities in 9. Entities (1-2 clump, 3-4 five death rats, 5-6
the caves, build safe routes to ores, and protect/ camo crawler), Resources (1-5 Aluminum, 5
rescue wanderers mining the ores. They do some Uranium)
mining themselves, though their iron vein is 10. Empty but pool of black tar
running out. 11. Empty cave, Silver ore
12. People (MEG Cave Raider team of 3)
Deep within a very large cave is an abandoned
base with “Kavragost” wri�en in Cyrillic le�ers The Suburbs
on one wooden building. There are several other (LEVEL 9)
dilapidated wooden buildings, but they have all
clearly been abandoned for decades. MEG Entrance Zone, Suburbs At Night, (Sublevel 9.1),
reports an independent group used to live here Suburbs At Night, Suburbs At Night, (Sublevel
and trade with MEG explorers, but one day years 9.2), Suburbs At Night, Exit Zone
ago the 48 people living there just disappeared.
The ruins have been picked clean by now, but the
occasional metal tool can be found there.
Class 5: Unsafe, Unsecure, Entity Infestation were lost to entity a�acks. Two unique species of 129
Entrances from: Level 5 (wooden door), Level 7 entity call this level home: The Neighborhood
(noclip spot in the room), Level 8 (noclip spot on Watch and the Mangled (see pg. XX and XX
cave floor) respectively).
Exits to: Level 5 (wooden door), Level 10 (paved
path through grass fields), Level 11 (follow The level itself has negative effects on mental
street signs for 100 miles) health. Wanderers report feeling suspicious of
Common resources: Pocketstones shadows and fuzzy-minded like you just woke
Common entities: Neighborhood Watch, from a deep sleep. (This creates a mental
deathmoths, smilers, skin-stealers, hounds, Condition if you stay there for 2+ hours.)
death rats, wretches, warning kites, the Pocketstones can be found here, but be warned.
Mangled. As soon as any human picks up a pocketstone
WiFi: Yes (native network) found in this level, the entity known as the
Bases: None (see Sublevel 9.2) Neighborhood Watch will suddenly converge on
that location to keep it there.
This infinite level is home to your typical
American suburban city but just the residential To reach these infinite, nigh�ime suburbs, take a
parts. It’s row after row of houses (ranch style wooden door from Level 5 or find the noclip
and split-levels mostly), grass yards, empty spots coming from Level 7 and 8. . Once here,
driveways and meandering streets. It’s always you can reach Level 5 through a door, Level 10
very late at night, and the only lights come from by walking through grass fields, or Level 11 by
streetlamps. following street signs for, “The Big City”. You
must travel over 100 miles, but that street soon
The houses themselves are mostly furnished as transitions to be a random Level 11 street.
you would expect but without people, water, or
electricity. (No one knows what powers the [Original by: u/Bart0nius. Rewri�en by
streetlamps outside.) Items that use electricity, Stretchsterz.]
such as televisions, won’t work even if they are
powered up. The walls are lined with empty Reasons to Visit
frames that lack any photos. Most are empty of
items (no cutlery in the kitchen, no clothes in • Acquire a pocketstone (and then flee)
closets, etc.), but pocketstones can often be
found on dining room tables. Space itself curves • Safely mine metal ore in Sublevel 9.1
at spots, and it’s not surprising to see two
suburban McMansions noclipping into each • Need to get some criminal activity started
other. in Sublevel 9.2
The biggest problem with Level 9 are the streets. Level 9 Wander Table
Not only are they dark and slightly slippery 2. Entity (1-2 eight death rats, 3-4 three wretches,
with dampness, packs of entities wander them 5-6 three smilers)
looking for prey. This includes deathmoths, 3. Leaf-covered street between darkened
smilers, skin-stealers, hounds, death rats, and suburban houses
wretches. Even the Arachnids of Level 8 can be 4. Entity (1-3 Neighborhood Watch, 4-5 two
found in the darkened streets. It’s less a question smilers, 6 three hounds)
of if you will have a fight but more a question of 5. Entity (Neighborhood Watch)
when. MEG originally tried walling off streets to 6. Damp, empty streets between darkened
create safe zones for wanderers, but all a�empts suburban houses
130 7. Entity (1-3 four wretches, 4-5 two skin-stealers,
6 three female deathmoths) It does not have as many entities as its parent
8. Entity (1-3 Neighborhood Watch, 4-6 The level, but facelings, hounds, and skin-stealers
Mangled) wander the empty streets in the near darkness. In
9. Open house with resources (1-5 pocketone, 6 spite of that (or because of that), people come
almond water) here to buy and sell stolen items and arrange for
10. Car-lined dark and damp street immoral acts like assassinations or raids on other
11. Empty suburban park bases. (There are few laws in the Backrooms, but
12. Two houses that noclipped into each other everyone gets that stealing is wrong.) Individual
wanderers can be beaten, robbed, or even
The Crater (Sublevel 9.1) kidnapped. If you want to hire someone for a
This sublevel can be reached by following a nefarious deed, you’ll find willing people here.
paved path through some otherwise empty grass
fields. You know you’re ge�ing close when the The Eternal Repository has a base called
permanent nigh�ime gives way to dawn. By the Database 009-2 here. Around 14 data diggers
time you reach the sublevel, a giant, old impact regularly trade for information or even hire
crater, it is full daylight. Following the same path people to gather intel for them. BNTG has a
will lead back to Level 9. secret base here called Camp Blacklight where
they trained their own soldiers and even
This used to be a bright red woods called the assassins. BNTG has recently lost contact with
Crimson Forest. One day, it was gone and Camp Blacklight and is assumed lost or taken
replaced by the 20-mile wide crater. Nothing over by the criminal element in this sublevel.
remains of the old trees, and there is no
vegetation left; just exposed rocks and sand. Once a building is looted, it takes years for
Some metal ores like iron can be found here. anything to reappear. That has left almost all of
While nowhere near as rich as the Cave System this sublevel without items or objects to find
(Level 8), there are no recorded entities to make it inside buildings.
Sublevel 9.2 Wander Table
Sublevel 9.1 Wander Table 1. Entity (1-2 three adult facelings, 3-4 hound, 5-6
1. Resources (Iron) two skin-stealers)
2. Resources (Iron) 2. Entity (1-2 three adult facelings, 3-4 hound, 5-6
3.Resources (Gold) two skin-stealers)
4. Resources (Silver) 3. Empty stores and restaurants
5. Nothing but dirt 4. Empty stores and restaurants
6. Nothing but dirt 5. People (Black Market)
6. People (Eternal Repository resupply team)
The Black Market (Sublevel 9.2)
To reach this sublevel, you must find an
automatic car wash in the main level and walk
through it. (Do the reverse to come back.) On the
other side, no ma�er what should be there, the
wanderer will find a suburban business district
with slightly taller buildings and wider roads.
There are stores, restaurants, and office
THE SECOND 10 As they wander deeper into the level along that
dirt road (in either direction), they will find some
Bumper Crop empty 19th Century farm buildings like stone
stables and wooden barns along with old, rusted
(LEVEL 10) plows. These soon give way to farmhouses
empty of any people or furniture. Doors to these
Entrance Zone, Wheat Fields, (BNTG Resource
homes are always locked but breaking in is
possible. (All such buildings are completely
132 same general area and called it Republictown; 11. Almond water barrel (10 uses inside but
they spent their time growing food and painting, cannot carry it)
“Property of NBR back off now” on as many 12. The Lost caravan
buildings and farmland as possible. Deep down
the dirt road is Villam Castellum, a Roman fort
created and inhabited by The Lost’s Lost Legion. Endless City
They grow food for their own but are definitely (LEVEL 11)
open to trading.
Entrance Zone, (MEG Base Beta), Dense Urban
Most fresh food in the Backrooms comes from Area, (Argos Headquarters), A Plaza, (NBR Capitol
this level, which is why groups often conflict Building), (Private Enterprise Sublevel 11.1), (St.
over who controls what parts of the level. They Mercy Hospital), Dense Urban Area, (Camp
also collect almond water in rain barrels and Amber) (ER Database 011-0), Exit Zone
bo�le it for their members or for trade. That said,
around 20 people created the independent base
Malt Town. They have begun brewing beer and
will be ready to trade with it any day now.
BNTG protects this base but has not pressured
them into joining yet.
the most human populated levels in the leaving some grocery stores to go months before 133
Backrooms. This one is an infinite downtown refreshing foodstuffs. (The city is infinite so there
city, complete with skyscrapers, smaller are always more stores, but ones with food are
buildings, stores, restaurants, businesses, and increasingly far away.
anything you’d expect to find in a major
metropolitan area except for cars. (There are very Besides the usual group bases, there are two that
few of them, and the ones found here won’t stand out:
work.) Most of this level is locked into daylight,
though a few other areas are oddly locked into • The Homely Hotel, based out of the Terror
night. Hotel (Level 5), owns a downtown hotel
here and offers the same services as their
The city is not organized well. Streets and even Level 5 members.
sidewalks can flow in random curves like a drunk
designed them, suddenly ending in a wall or • Camp Amber was a much bigger group
rising up until it’s at a 90-degree angle towards with a large Level 0 presence. Last year, a
the ground. Blocks can be squares, rectangles, pack of partygoers killed all 40 people there
circles, or odd trapezoids. Unlike the damp and destroyed the base entirely. This base,
pavement in The Suburbs (Level 9), here it is found in a police station and training facility
clean, freshly-painted, and dry. downtown, houses the surviving 6 people.
They are friendly enough and will trade, but
Famous Earth city landmarks can be found here, they’ve become sullen and paranoid even for
such as London’s Gherkin or New York’s Empire Backrooms wanderers.
State Building. These are typically a few days’
journey away, and no one has been able to get It’s estimated that several thousand people call
inside these. the Endless City home, living in multi-unit
buildings or individual urban houses. As such,
The city is mostly devoid of entities (save for the any big announcement is typically done here at
occasional faceling or hound) and has working the Plaza, a large circular space between five
water and electricity, the la�er thanks to nuclear skyscrapers with a working fountain using
power plants that appear every 500 miles or so. almond water. Most groups have a base here as
WiFi is also strong even inside the buildings. well. (UEC lacks a base in Level 11 but is actively
Most of those are locked tight, but some have searching for a building to claim.)
their doors wide open. Almost all are empty
inside as if someone already looted there, but Wanderers can get here through Level 1’s door, a
some still have supplies related to their business: noclip spot for Level 9, or by staring at the sky in
Hardware stores may have tools, pawn shops Level 17 until they magically appear in Level 11.
may have guns, restaurants may have food, and To leave the level, go back to Level 1, take a
so on. noclip spot to Level 3 or Level 4, go through a
sports area door for Level 12, or through an
Once taken, supplies do not appear to refresh apartment’s bathroom in Level 13.
themselves–except for food and drink, which can
reappear when no one is looking every week or [Original by: u/Nerdykiddo4884. Rewri�en by
so. Food can be found in restaurants and grocery Stretchsterz.]
stores, and many groups claim ownership of a
random supermarket to keep their people fed. Reasons to Visit
That said, food is somewhat scarce as the sheer
number of people here lead to “over-gathering”, • Interview or coordinate with other group
134 members
stadiums, though they rarely enter the concrete tackled) 135
ramp portions. Warning kites swarm here, and 10. Entity (1-3 two smilers, 4-6 three partygoers)
while helpful, so many tend to unnerve 11. Objects (1-2 helmet, 3-4 liquor, 5-6 mink oil
wanderers. The worst are the phenomena known container (1 use)
as ghost tackles. If wanderers hear a whistle blow 12. Empty concrete walkway
several short times in a row, they must stop
moving completely and wait. Once they hear a
long whistle blow, they can move again. Infinite
Anyone moving before that gets roughly tackled (LEVEL 13)
by an unseen force, causing a Hurt Condition
and 1 Panic. (It’s scary being hit by an invisible... Entrance Zone/Lobby, Apartment Hallway,
something.) Making noise is fine so wanderers Apartment Hallway, Apartment Hallway, Exit
can talk between whistles as long as no limbs are Zone
moving. Many a wanderer has broken ribs, collar
bones, or even legs from a ghost tackle.
136 some wanderers call this level home. 6. Empty hallway with white walls and wooden
When entering the level, you end up in the lobby 7. Empty hallway with white walls and wooden
where a single adult faceling stands behind the doors
front desk. If asked for a room, it will give the 8. Empty hallway with white walls and wooden
wanderer a key to an unused apartment. This is doors
that wanderer’s home now, and there is only that 9. People (Four MEG people heading back to
one key. (No one has lost a key yet, so they their apartments)
remain unsure what would happen.) Each 10. People (one random group member)
apartment is identical: a one-bedroom with a 11. Empty hallway with white walls and wooden
galley kitchen and living room. Apartments are doors
fully furnished, even plates and bedding. They 12. People (Two Homely Hotel people heading to
all have frames on the walls but nothing is inside the entrance/lobby)
Here, entities are not why this level is a Class 3; Reasons to Visit 137
it’s the level itself.
• Need to reach Level 15
The entirety of Level 14 is the inside of an infinite
1800s abandoned military hospital. While it does • Hold a conversation without other people
have some equipment, all of it is rusted and listening in
broken, never mind outdated. The real danger
comes from the floors, walls, and ceilings, as the Level 14 Wander Table
entire building is condemned and is literally 2. Collapsed ceiling, no way forward
falling apart. One wanderer was killed by a floor 4. Room full of rusty, broken medical devices
collapsing on them. 5. Entity (harmless ghosts)
6. Empty operating room
To make ma�ers worse, the entire hospital is full 7. Dilapidated hallway
of what appear to be ghosts. Some appear as 8. Entity (harmless ghosts)
patients and others as staff, but they are semi- 9. Entity (Dr. Pollack)
transparent, dressed in 19th Century clothes, and 10. Dilapidated hallway
act as though this was a working hospital. They 11. Empty lab
completely ignore people. Most patient ghosts 12. A wall collapses (Movement to avoid a Hurt
wear some kind of military uniform, but those Condition)
are too indistinct to make out what army they are
from. Thankfully, the ghosts cannot hurt anyone
and don’t even realize anyone else is in the room Futuristic
with them. Halls (LEVEL
There is one unique entity to this level: Dr.
Pollack. This is a deformed human with gray Entrance Zone, Futuristic Halls, (Port-de-
skin, and his hands are replaced with two Germain), Body-strewn Halls, Exit Zone
medical tools: His right hand is a large scalpel
and the left is a large syringe filled with a
powerful sedative. If it sees a human without a
traditional lab coat, he immediately screams and
charges. He will first inject a target with the
powerful sedative, which knocks them out 2
turns after the injection. Then he carries the
unconscious person to an operating room and
“operates” until the victim is dead and all organs
are removed. If you are wearing a lab coat, Dr.
Pollack will ignore you completely and wander Image by flickr/godwin d
away. (There are no such coats in this level.)
Class 0: Safe, Secure, Devoid of entities
Between Dr. Pollack and the dilapidated, Entrances from: Level 14 (set of double doors)
dangerous building, no group has made bases Exits to: Level 16 (noclip spot near a generator)
here. Even St. Mercy won’t come here. There Common resources: Knives (rare)
aren’t any resources to gather either. Common entities: None
WiFi: Yes (native network, NBR network)
[Original by: unknown (from Fandom).] Bases: Port-de-Germain
138 Whereas Level 14 appears set in the 1800s, this Level 15 Wander Table
level appears set in the future. It’s a series of 2. Dead body with a usable knife stuck in it
corridors and rooms built from some strange, 4. Room with generator
cool material. Instead of corners or rectangular 5. Corridor with glass window into empty room
rooms, everything is sleek and curved in a style 6. Empty, curving corridor
more organic than anything else. Corridors often 7. Empty, curving corridor
have large, unbreakable windows revealing the 8. Corridor with glass window into empty room
inside of rooms, and doors open automatically 9. Resources (Corpses with knives)
when someone gets close. 10. Room with generator
11. People (NBR resupply team)
Wanderers often hear the distant noise of some 12. People (NBR patrol)
kind of machinery, and some rooms here have
electrical generators similar to Electrical Station
(Level 3). These can be tapped for power, but Altered
doing so sometimes causes the lights to go out for Topography
a time. No entities have ever been found in this (LEVEL 16)
level, but there are plenty of human corpses.
Entrance, Rainforest, Rainforest, Tundra, Tundra,
Every so often, wanderers will find 1-5 dead Exit Zone
bodies lying on the ground with wounds
consistent with close combat (cuts and broken
bones). None seem to be ro�ing, and their skin is
gray and pulled tight across the skeleton almost
like an old, desiccated mummy. Some still have
knives sticking out of their bodies, which is the
only useful thing to find here. (Clothes on the
corpses are always ripped and bloody, so most
wanderers leave it alone.)
Image by flickr/Rosa
Because few people need to visit this label, the Class 0 (Rainforest) or Class ? (Tundra)
New Backrooms Republic built their Entrances from: Level 15 (noclip spot near a
headquarters here called Port-de-Germain. NBR generator)
regularly patrols the area, not to stop entities but Exits to: Level 17 (tent)
to keep humans away (they suspect everyone is a Common resources: Tropical fruits, water (snow)
MEG spy). Common entities: None
WiFi: No
Reasons to Visit Bases: None
• Have dealings with NBR or its leader Level 16 is unique in that it completely changes
Germain dramatically between two states: Jungle and
• Need a knife
First, it’s a rainforest where the temperature is
[Original by: u/Hugorrr and KingSheep17. always 70F. It’s just past dawn, and a heavy mist
Rewri�en by unknown author.] hugs the ground. Some trees bear tropical fruits
like bananas, guavas, grapefruit, and avocados.
The air is thick and humid as well. While the
usual animal noises are present like squawking 4. Rainforest 139
birds, no animal has ever been found here. 5. Resources (1-3 bananas, 4-6 grapefruit)
6. Rainforest
Every 1-2 hours, there is a drastic change. The
trees and undergrowth get sucked down into the Level 16 Tundra Wander Table
ground without warning; the sky becomes slate 1. Frozen tundra
gray; and it looks and feels like a tundra. The 2. Frozen tundra
temperature suddenly changes to 23F, snow 3. Frozen tundra
covers everything, and distant, snow-capped 4. Deep snow
mountains come out of the ground. (Unlike the 5. Deep snow
rainforest, there are no resources to be found in 6. Deep snow
the tundra except melting snow for water.) This
sudden change causes +1 Panic to any human
who is there when it happens. Once in the The Carrier
tundra, wanderers must have heavy clothes (or at (LEVEL 17)
least a jacket) or get a Suffering Condition.
Entrance, Lower Floors, (Fort Unbound), Flooded
Neither version has any entities or bases. The Floors, Upper Floors, Exit Zone
biggest danger comes from either hypothermia in
the tundra or heat exhaustion in the rainforest.
The temperature and weather change so quickly
and dramatically that wanderers may not have
brought a change of clothes. Due to the dangers,
few have explored here and the tundra version of
the level is unclassified.
• Need to melt snow for water. The entire level is inside what appears to be an
enormous naval vessel like an aircraft carrier. An
• Cu�ing through on the way to Level 17.
unknown number of floors hold tight
passageways, sealed doors, and the occasional
Level 16 Rainforest Wander Table empty room. The level is divided into three
1. Resources (1-3 bananas, 4-6 pineapple) zones:
2. Rainforest
3. Resources (1-3 guavas, 4-6 avocados) 1. Lower Floors: This is near the Level 16
140 entrance to this level. Its hallways and rooms makes this place less than ideal for bases, and no
are empty, but enough memorabilia lines the group has any presence here. NBR has claimed
walls to indicate this is a US naval aircraft the entire level as theirs, though they have not
carrier (though no ship name has ever been sent anyone here yet.
found). Occasionally, a room will have a few
pistols, some bulletproof vests, and helmets. Despite NBR claiming the whole damn thing, the
UEC has their headquarters in one of the carrier’s
2. Flooded Floors: Some floors in The Carrier unflooded floors (but without windows). A few
are partially flooded, usually about three feet hundred people call this base home, but most
deep. There are no resources on these floors, missions are sent from Base Scylla. Fort Unbound
though one near the Upper Floors has an exit is heavily armed given the weapons and armor
to Thalassophobia (Level 7). The odd thing is available here, which UEC considers worth the
how a lower floor light be dry but one higher risk of magic drowning.
up is flooded.
[Original by: u/Smbfanexe. Rewri�en by Abe
3. Upper Floors: These are close to the exit Venrick.]
zone and identical to the Lower Floors with
one big exception: the Upper Floors have Reasons to Visit
translucent windows that must be avoided
(see below). Many doors here are sealed and • Need to grab some weapons and armor
locked, but there are some rooms with before a fight
weapons and electronics such as wiring or
circuit boards. No bridge has ever been • Need some electronics parts to repair
found, and there might not be a limit to the something
Upper Floors.
• Traveling through to Level 18
Imprints are entities only found in Level 17 (no
other entities exist here), and they can be found in Level 17 Wander Table
any kind of floor. These are similar to ghosts– 2. Long, cramped passageway
translucent images of people that cannot interact 4. Stairwell up and down
with anything. That is, until someone looks at 5. Entities (1-3 imprint, 4-5 two imprints, 6 three
them. Anything more than a sideways glance imprints)
instantly causes a Hopeless mental Condition. 6. Long, cramped passageway
Looking into their eyes causes 3-4 hours of 7. Long, cramped passageway
unconsciousness. 8. Stairwell up and down
9. Resources (1-3 one close combat weapon, 4-6
Yet that is not the most dangerous thing here. The one ranged combat weapons)
upper floors are translucent windows that let in 10. Resources (1-3 one bulletproof vest, 4-6
rays of a yellow-ish light. No one can make out electronics parts)
anything other than a distant see horizon, but 11. Resources (1-3 two close combat weapons, 4-6
anyone stepping into the rays of lights two ranged combat weapons)
immediately has seawater in their lungs, causing 12. Resources (1-3 two bulletproof vests, 4-6
a Hurt physical Condition for each round in the electronics parts)
light. The poor soul drowns on the fourth round.
that focuses on their biggest regrets or 141
Memories (LEVEL mistakes. This one causes an Outraged
18) mental Condition.
Entrance Zone, Memory, Exit Zone
Wanderers can spend as much time in either
memory as they want, but it only causes or
removes a Condition once per visit, as the
memory (good or bad) stays the same until one
leaves Level 18 and then heads back in.
142 no wander rolls to be made. The Childhood and the only light comes from exposed bulbs.
Memory zones take away one mental Condition,
whereas the Bad Memory zone causes an Going through the boxes can reveal a lot of
Outraged mental Condition. There is nothing else resources, but this level has an annoying
to find here. property that stops groups from gathering here
repeatedly. A few minutes after being taken out
of a box, the item will either act normally (i.e. do
Attic nothing) or it quickly rots and decays, leaving
Floorboards nothing but scraps behind. If a wanderer ate
(LEVEL 19) something that started to rot a few minutes later,
they take a Suffering physical Condition.
Entrance, A�ic, A�ic, A�ic, A�ic, A�ic, Exit Zone
There is a slight orange glow coming from
beneath the floorboards. Wanderers who find a
particularly strong glow find they soon feel
relaxed and at peace, healing one mental
Condition in the process. However, anything in
boxes near the same strong glow (not just some of
it) immediately rots and decays the moment it
leaves the box. That is why most groups don’t
bother gathering resources here; half the time,
they aren’t worth the trip.
Image by fandom/Lxnar Whrxd
A few smilers can be found hiding in the dark
Class 2: Unsafe, Secure, Low Entity Count behind boxes (never near a strong orange glow),
Entrances from: Level 1 (dark hole in wooden and small teams of plague goblins have been
wall), Level 18 (blue metal door) found rummaging around for supplies.
Exits to: Level 5 (crawl space door), Level 12
(crawl space door) Both exits use different doors, but they are both
Common resources: Dry goods, clothing, small doors to crawl spaces where wanderers
furniture must crawl on their hands and knees to get
Common entities: Smilers (rare), plague goblins through and go to the other level.
WiFi: No [Original by: u/BendyBoi3393. Rewri�en by
Bases: None 1000dumplings and Boring Talking.]
7. Resources (1-4 clothes, 5-6 furniture) inch in diameter, but it’s roughly the size of 143
8. Resources (1-3 dry goods, 4-6 clothes) London to humans here. Beauford, the human-
9. Entity (1-3 smiler, 4-6 three plague goblins) looking entity that sometimes comes into this
10. Resources (1-3 dry goods, 4-6 clothes) room, looks gigantic by comparison and never
11. Orange glow (cure one mental Condition) bothers anyone on the Moon.
12. Empty a�ic
The only reason people visit here is to mine the
Moon for its plastic. BNTG has a base called the
The Moon (LEVEL Plastic Mine here, and they use fire and metal
24) tools to tear chunks of dull white plastic off the
Moon. These are then shipped back to Trader’s
Entrance Zone, Plastic Moon Surface, (Plastic Keep where traders can work with it to create
Mine), Exit Zone items for trade.
Reasons to Visit
Class 1: Safe, Secure, Minimal Entity Count • Meeting with BNTG personnel
Entrances from: Level 1 (Trader’s Keep noclip
spot) The Hub
Exits to: Level 1 (Trader’s Keep noclip spot) (ENIGMATIC)
Common resources: Plastic
Common entities: Beauford (rare) Entrance Zone, Tunnel, Tunnel, Tunnel, Tunnel,
WiFi: No Exit Zone
Bases: Plastic mine (BNTG)
144 WiFi: Yes (MEG network) almost tired voice. He will volunteer to open any
Bases: None door in The Hub, though not every level is
connected to The Hub.
The Hub is an underground tunnel for cars.
Yellow-ish bulbs dot the walls, providing a dim So far, explorers have confirmed that doors reach
light. The road itself is normal except that it zig- Levels 1, 2, and 4. It’s likely that other doors lead
zags like a drunk designed it, sometimes even to almost every level, but no one has found
forking or reaching a four-way intersection. The enough level keys to confirm. There are no
walls and ceilings are made from great slabs of resources to be found here, although teams of
concrete, and a few traffic lights always show other humans can sometimes be found going
green. Despite this being a road, no cars have from one level to the next.
ever been seen in this level.
Reasons to Visit
The doors are why people come here. Every
quarter-mile is a metal door set in the concrete • Need to travel to other levels (with level
wall. These each have a strange symbol painted keys, of course)
on it, though no one has been able to figure out if
they are a language or something else. Each door • Ge the Keymaster to open a particular door
travels to a different level in the Backrooms, for you
making this a hub for travel–on a limited basis.
• Fleeing from entities on another level
Most doors in The Hub are locked tight and can
only be opened with a level key matching the The Hub Wander Table
destination. (Going to Pipe Dreams (Level 2)? Use 2 Entity (The Keymaster)
the level 2 key or the door won’t budge.) The one 3 People (Masked Maiden team)
exception is a door leading to the Hab Zone 4 Dry, empty tunnel
(Level 1) where the lock is busted and the door 5 Dry, empty tunnel
cannot shut all the way. 6 People (MEG team heading to Base Alpha)
7 Dry, empty tunnel
If a wanderer approaches a door with the right 8 People (BNTG group heading to Trader’s Keep)
level key, the key will vibrate and audibly hum. 9 Dry, empty tunnel
If they do not have the right level key, they 10 Dry, empty tunnel
cannot open the door. 11 People (NBR recruitment team)
12 Dry, empty tunnel
Camp Amber, an independent base located in the
Endless City (Level 11), is preparing to create a The Hive
new base in the Hub right by the Level 11 door. (ENIGMATIC)
MEG is planning on doing the same with that
door, and the two are just starting negotiations
on whether a combined base might work.
Entrance Zone, Tentacled Cave, Cavern Of sell to addicted people. Other than that,
Eggs, Tentacled Cave, Cavern Of Eggs, Exit everyone tries to forget The Hive even exists.
Going is a problem, however. No one is quite
+1 Panic when entering the level sure where the noclip spot is on Level 6 that
reaches this level. The same goes for the exit;
Class 5: Unsafe, Unsecure, Entity Infestation it’s a noclip spot that leads to Level 8, but no
Entrances from: Level 6 (pitch dark cave) one is sure where that spot exists within The
Exits to: Level 8 (noclip spot in a cave) Hive. All people have are wild stories from a
Common resources: Royal rations, moth jelly few survivors.
Common entities: Smilers, Deathmoths (both
kinds), Clumps, Dullers, Hounds, Skin-stealers, Reasons to Visit
Bursters, Camo Crawlers, likely more
WiFi: No • Need to prove oneself in a really stupid
Bases: None manner
As long as there have been people in the • Done with life in the Backrooms
Backrooms, someone wondered where all these
entities come from. A few unlucky wanderers • Collect royal rations and/or moth jelly
might have discovered it.
The Hive Wander Table
The Hive is an endless maze of caverns and 2 Resources (royal rations)
caves, all lit up by a faint light that comes from 3 Cavern full of eggs
nowhere and everywhere at the same time. 4 Entities (1-2 six dullers, 3-4 five female
Floors, walls, and ceilings are covered in thick deathmoths, 5-6 five smilers)
tentacles and green, 4-foot-tall green eggs. The 5 Empty cave with huge, fleshy tentacles on the
air has a blue tint to it, and oxygen levels are wall
abnormally low. Wanderers can breathe in The 6 Entities (1-2 two dullers, 3-4 two skin-stealers,
Hive but not for too long. 5-6 three wretches), Resources (royal rations)
7 Entities (1-2 three hounds, 3-4 two smilers, 5-6
Yet that is the least of a wanderer’s worries. The two clumps)
Hive seems to be where most entities are born. 8 Entities (1-2 two camo crawlers, 3-4 two
The few who wandered through and survived bursters, 5-6 two hounds), Resources (moth
tell of those eggs hatching to reveal all manner jelly)
of entities: hounds, smilers, clumps, dullers, 9 Empty cave with huge, fleshy tentacles on the
and almost every kind of entity out there. That floor
means there are not just packs but entire 10 Entities (1-2 six smilers, 3-4 six hounds, 5-6
populations of entities here, all with nothing to six clumps)
do. All groups tell their members never to go to 11 Cavern filled with eggs
The Hive. 12 Resources (moth jelly)
146 Room, Exit Zone others might carry a cake around.
Exits to: Level 1 (metal double doors) entrance zone. The entities cannot follow once those 147
Common resources: None doors are shut. This is the only way to survive once
someone noclips into the Level ! entrance zone.
Reasons to Visit
Creating New
Image by fandom/MrDessert
Common entities: All common entities One of the best things about the Backrooms is how
WiFi: No anybody can add to the lore by creating new entities,
Bases: None objects, and even levels. Search online for different
levels and you will find thousands. We could only
This level is very different from all rest, and that’s not include so much in this book, so there are many levels
a good thing. out there a GM could adapt for their own games.
No one is quite sure how one reaches Level !, though Then there’s creating a brand-new level, which GMs
survivors report noclipping in unexpected places and should absolutely do if it strikes their fancy.
landing at the start of a mile-long hospital hallway. However, not all levels are created the same.
The only light comes from red “EXIT” signs set in the
ceiling every 25 feet or so, leaving everything red or The Look
in the shadows. Doors line both sides, but they are First, a level should have a look so players instantly
locked. In the hallway, wanderers have to navigate understand where they are. The Tutorial (Level 0) is
past and over chairs, beds, couches, metal cabinets, all yellow wallpaper and a maze of rooms and
and more. hallways. The Cave System (Level 8) is all
underground caves and caverns. When creating a
That wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the entities. new level, think of a stereotypical look for it. Will
As soon as a wanderer appears in Level !, behind there be infinite rooms? Is it outside? Do things make
them appear 1-2 smilers, skull spiders, clumps, odd noises? (Yes, the “look” can have more than
hounds, and dullers. (Yes, “and”.) They immediately visual clues.)
chase after the wanderer, who must literally run to
stay ahead and alive. Being chased by so much death Another way to look at this is a physical theme. If a
causes +1 Panic each time the wanderer moves into a new level is based on a sandy beach, GMs can
new zone, such as from one Running zone to another describe the surf, hot sand, bright sun, etc. If you tell
Running zone. players they noclipped onto a sandy beach with the
smell of salt in the air, they can know it’s the new
Again, this hallway is one mile long. Anyone who level (or at least have a decent guess).
manages to run the whole thing can jump through a
pair of double doors to find themselves in Level 1’s
148 danger as the number gets higher. GMs do not pace, but you want players to worry about
have to worry too much about this. Go ahead and entities, not see them as orcs in D&D. Toss in
pick what you think makes sense, then review it whatever makes sense, such as smilers in dark
once you’ve finished writing the new level. One environments.
important note: the class rating indicates how Bases
many lines in the level’s wander table are These are rare, so GMs should only include new
dedicated to entities or encounters. For Class 5 bases if they have a purpose (see creating new
levels, there are 5 results in the wander table that bases on pg. XX). This goes double for high
bring danger to the scene. number levels, as those lie much farther away
from everyone in the Main 10.
If the class rating is 0-3, then no one earns Panic Reasons to Visit
when arriving here (unless they noclipped which This bit clarifies to the GM why players might
always causes 1 Panic). Class 4 and Class 5 each want their characters to visit there. For example,
cause 1 Panic when arriving there. wanderers visiting the Electrical Station (Level 2)
could get weapons, get supplies, or interact with
Entrances & Exits BNTG. If players say they need to get some guns
List all the ways people can arrive at and leave to take down an entity, the GM knows this level
from this level. Generally, GMs should make a will work.
level accessible from the one that came before it,
such as Level 0 leading towards Level 1. The same Wander tables
goes for exits; this new level will generally lead to These are slightly more complex. First, know that
the next number in the series. One thing to be rolling 2d6 creates a bell curve centered on the 7.
careful about is when the two connected levels That means the most likely events are close to 7,
vary by a lot. It can be hard going from a level while unlikely events get put closer to 2 or 12.
inside a bus to one under water. These can be This lets the GM regulate the chances of entities,
done, but the GM will need to create some way to resources, and the rest, so if you want the players
transition from one environment to the other to encounter something more often, put it at 7 or
that’s very different. close to that.
walking through that level feels like. The 149
Tutorial (Level 0) has several results where
you just find some twisting hallways and
that’s it. This is because the level is mostly
empty; it makes sense to have a lot of “empty”
results. You can also indicate people (humans
found in that level) or just fill in results with
that level’s look.
Happy Birthday!
Who is this?
If others don’t care about your birthday, come to Level Fun and let us know
you’ve been ignored. We can have so much fun!
You can eat all the yummy cake that you can stomach!
You can open colorful presents and see what’s inside for you!
You can play with balloons and laugh with us!
Why are you not replying? Don’t you want some birthday cake?
Some people cannot enjoy fun, so they want to make sure others don’t have fun
either. That’s why people don’t visit us too often. But it’s a whole level of fun!
There you are! What kind of drink do you prefer? We can have it
along with the cake.
Hello again! This is an invite for you and your friends to visit Level Fun and celebrate
surviving this long. You are special and deserve some fun! Drop by anytime!
I guess you want to play hide and seek. Fun! We have started seeking you.
Hide well!
imply put, entities are creatures that come fly or not in any given round depending on
from and live in the Backrooms. If someone the GM.
managed to noclip with their pet dog, that
dog would not be an entity. It has to be native in • Combat: How an entity could a�ack
the Backrooms characters. Each comes with a very short
descriptor (so you know what kind of a�ack
Not every entity is openly hostile towards this is) and how much damage it normally
humans. Some act like Earth animals and will causes if it hits, such as Bite 2.
ignore people if people ignore them. Others are
decidedly aggressive, and entities like clumps • Conditions: Both how much health the
often a�ack on sight. Each writeup below entity has and how its behavior changes
explains how they act. after ge�ing hurt. These often include
bonuses or penalties to the entity’s future
When MEG started building their database many skill rolls, such as gaining +2 dice from
years ago, they assigned numbers to entities just being enraged. They also briefly describe
like levels. Unlike levels, most people don’t have three entity's status. Once the entity runs out
the numbers memorized and refer to them by of Conditions, it either dies or flees as
their names. indicated.
• Habitats: Levels where you can normally • Description: A few paragraphs describing
find the entity. Since an entity can move how they look and act, as well as anything
about, one might wander into just about any else that describes the entity.
level, but these are the levels where they are
• Original by: The real-world human being
most likely found.
who originally created this. All names are
• A�ributes: The same four a�ributes that taken from their sources, such as the
wanderers get: Physique, Agility, Wits, and Wikidot pages.
Empathy. These are typically higher than
• Wander Roll Behavior: If a wander roll
what characters could have, as an entity
indicates an entity (or several) appears, this
does not get skills. If the GM needs to roll
section explains how the GM can run the
for an entity, they pick the most relevant
entity in question. For example, rolling a
a�ribute and roll that many dice as the skill
smiler means it hides in the darkness before
roll. Entities cannot push a failed roll.
• Talents: An entity can have Talents just like
• What Characters Should Do: Overall, these
characters do. These are often unique to
are the best actions characters can take when
entities, so there is a list of talents that
encountering the entity in the Backrooms.
entities can have below. The GM can use
This is based on the Backrooms’ collective
these during the entity’s turn as needed. For
wisdom (like the MEG database) and might
example, an entity with the Flight talent can
not apply to every situation.
• GM Uses: How the GM can best use this individual entity. 152
entity in the game, such as using a skin-
stealer to kill off a non-player character. 7. Flight: The entity can fly and can be high
enough to be in another zone (if the local
In several Backrooms canons in real life (like the ceilings are higher than normal, so yes for
Wikidot pages), each entity is assigned a number Level 11 and no for Level 0).
similar to levels. A smiler is entity 3, whereas
death rats are entity 24. We decided to drop this 8. Invisible: The entity cannot be seen or
from the roleplaying game because people rarely sensed with normal means. Such an entity
refer to entities by their number, just their names. might be visible to only some people and
Besides, alphabetical order will help GMs find an invisible to others. Any a�empt to sense the
entity that much faster. entity requires an Impossible skill roll.
GM Uses
Only use the Beast sparingly. It’s best used as an
existential threat where players know Level 5 is
Habitats: Any
dangerous but they get lulled into false security
A�ributes: Physique 5, Agility 11, Wits 7,
due to his rarity. Remember that the Beast knows
Empathy 0
almost everything about a person before striking
Talents: Acid spit, Armor 1
up a conversation. Use that knowledge to creep
Combat: Acid (2 for turn one, 1 for three more
out the player. And if anyone honestly wants to
turns) (range 0)
make a deal, the GM should think of the worst
Conditions: Burst +0 (acid), Burst +3 (acid),
thing that character has ever done. (It could be
Broken (flees)
prior to finding the Backrooms.) Then make the
price something even worse and add a benefit
Similar to Hounds, Bursters are four-legged
roughly worth the price.
creatures that can run fast. But that’s where the
similarities end.
For example, a wanderer might have abandoned
a friend facing a pack of hounds. Now they have
Their faces are canine, and their bodies look like
to purposefully a�ract entities to a�ack someone.
dogs without fur. But their back is covered in
In return, they could reset Panic to 0, gain new
yellow-ish boils and abscesses of all different
weapons, or even heal Conditions. The only thing
sizes. When something comes close to a burster,
not available is regaining lost Treasured
they pop and spray a very strong acid at
Memories or outright wishes like being King of
whatever is close. This is how it hunts. It stays in
the Backrooms.
a downward-facing fetal position in the middle of
the floor, then when the acid kills whatever
human or entity that got close, it feeds on what’s
and ruined clothing. 156
Bursters have one weakness: Water. If anything
watery touches their skin, even almond water, it A�acking it with ranged weapons will cause it to
acts like their strong acid does and starts burning flee and set up their trap somewhere else.
away the burster’s flesh, causing a Condition
each time. Just be cautious when using almond GM Uses
water so you don’t go hungry or thirsty later on Bursters can be easy to avoid–just walk around
that day. it. That’s why they can be used to guide players
towards certain plot points (guide, not railroad).
Before the acid comes out, bursters are very If they need to visit a UEC base, put a burster in
docile and quiet. They lie in wait for their prey to the opposite direction. Another use is to put an
come to them and get close, and they will only important object or item near the bursters. Then
chase someone if they were burnt by the acid. it becomes a puzzle to see how they can avoid
Even then, they can only run for about two the acid bursts but still get the thing.
minutes before having to rest.
For the most part, people give bursters a wide Camo Crawlers
berth. Why get into a fight when you don’t have
to? There have been some a�empts over the
years to “milk” the acid to be used later as a
weapon, but they all ended with no acid and
burnt hands and faces.
[Original by unknown.]
What Characters Should Do Clumps look like a large ball of human arms and
Camo crawlers hunt by sound, so wanderers legs. There may be a body underneath it all but
should be quiet if they suspect one is nearby. To it’s impossible to see past all those limbs.
avoid one that has not a�acked yet, throw an Speaking of which, they are a random mix of
object so it makes some noise in the other races, genders, hairiness, and muscles as if a
direction. The camo crawler will pounce on it, good dozen people were crammed into a ball.
giving wanderers time to get away. Although it
should go without saying, try not to poke at any Given their limbs, they can move much faster
entity-shaped detail on a wall or ceiling. than humans. They can also squeeze into spaces
much smaller or thinner than they are; the limbs
GM Uses all bend oddly so it can squeeze into a space
It’s very hard to detect camo crawlers before they around 3 feet wide. Some wanderers thought
a�ack, and that means combat is all but assured they were safe until a bundle of arms and legs
crawled out of a kitchen cabinet. GM Uses 158
Clumps are great because they add Panic and
They wander around the Backrooms in search of have that 8-foot reach. Keep the clump quiet at
a human or entity. Once found, they charge and first to encourage others to move in for a closer
will punch/kick their victim to death. Then the look. Then the arm shoots out and grabs the
limbs start shoving the victim’s body parts wanderer, drawing them into its hidden mouth.
towards its center where it has a large lamprey-
like mouth. Wanderers should beware; clumps These can also hide in small spaces like cabinets
have one arm that can extend 8 feet from its or even worn sacks. That can be a fun way to
center, and they use this to drag prey close frighten the players. “You open the sack, and out
enough to kill. comes three arms and two legs!” GMs can also
give the clump an important item or object held
Overall, clumps are very aggressive predators in one of its hands.
but ones that know to retreat when they are
facing bad odds. A group of 10 wanderers scared
one off by screaming at it, though not all clumps Death Rats
fear loud noises like that.
[Original by unknown.]
Habitats: Any (often near a light source)
Wander Roll Behavior A�ributes: Physique 6, Agility 9, Wits 7,
Death rats act like real rats. They stay hidden Empathy 3
whenever possible, but they head out to hunt, Talents: Acid Spit, Flight
find a mate, and so on. Their bite a�ack is only Combat:
used when threatened, but some death rats are • Male: Bite 0 (only causes dmg with 2+ sixes)
smart enough to create traps to hurt wanderers. (range 0)
They also tend to scream loudly when a�acked • Female: Bite 1 (range 0), Acid spit 2 (range
or a�acking (causing one mental Condition), and 0-1)
this can bring unwanted a�ention from other
entities found on that level. If the players a�ack, Conditions
they scream and at least one other entity should • Male: Annoyed +1, Fearful -2 (flees), Broken
show up. (dies).
• Female: Annoyed +1 (bite) , Focused +2 nothing. They can fly into people’s faces by 160
(acid spit), Fighting for Life +2 (flees), accident and distract characters, but they
Broken (dies). are mostly timid and unaggressive. If they
are a�acked, they will let out a scream that
These are moths that range in size like dogs, a�racts female deathmoths within 1d6
from hand-held to as big as a German Shepherd. rounds.
They are called deathmoths because the
coloration and pa�erns on their back resembles a • Female: A�ack the nearest character or
human skull. But not all are dangerous. entity, first with a bite and then acid spit.
The goal is to kill the target and slowly eat
The male deathmoth, which is always on the its corpse. These are very aggressive and
smaller size, is usually harmless. In fact, some will a�ack almost anyone but will retreat if
wanderers have used almond water to tame one, close to death. If there are males nearby, the
even though it has to be retrained every month females will defend them aggressively from
or it forgets everything. When alone, they are real or imagined threats.
timid. When in groups, they can be more lively.
What Characters Should Do
They get livelier when moth jelly is nearby. Male Male deathmoths will ignore people, so people
deathmoths will fight to the death to protect a should ignore them. If someone a�acks the
female, but they only know its female thanks to males, wanderers should leave the area
the jelly. If a human ingests 1 use of the stuff, immediately to avoid angry female deathmoths.
any nearby male deathmoths will protect that Males love moth jelly and will swarm (but not
individual from harm for a few hours. Then it hurt) any person who has some.
wears off and they go elsewhere.
Keep an eye on female deathmoths and slowly
The female deathmoth, which is always on the walk away. Running can spook the deathmoth,
bigger size, is highly aggressive. If it thinks you making it a�ack with bites and acid. Just be sure
are in its territory or a threat to other moths, it to not be near any moth jelly or male
a�acks by spi�ing corrosive acid at you. (It deathmoths.
burns through everything except crystal and
glass.) They produce a substance called moth GM Uses
jelly (see pg. XX) which is even more nutritious Deathmoths are great “stay quiet or they a�ack”
and filling than almond water. The problem? monster. Male deathmoths are fine unless
Eating more than once or twice in one day can a�acked, so as long as the wanderers keep it
create an addiction to the moth jelly. The same down and move non-aggressively, the males will
jelly can be used to create moth candles (see pg. ignore them. Don’t use female deathmoths too
XX) much as they will easily a�ack, but it could
make a fun scene if the players see a big
All deathmoths can eat flesh, and they have been deathmoth at the end of a long corridor. When
observed eating recently deceased wanderers, will it notice the wanderers?
death rats, and other smaller entities.
They wander around a level, always staying If it sees someone and runs towards them, either
indoors, until it spots an entity or person. It be very nice to it or run away. They can
rushes over to say, “Hi, I’m Dollface, it’s nice to sometimes be distracted by dropping a piece of
meet you”. Then it runs away most of the time, cloth but not always. If someone has to fight, they
but there are cases where the it stood around should use blades to cut away at the fabric. You
watching or even a�acked using those sharp can drop kick a dollface into the next zone, but
bu�on remnants on their hands. You never know this will not hurt or even deter it. Fire is also a
if a cute, li�le dollface is going to turn homicidal. great weapon, but firearms do no damage.
These ski�ish creatures can be found all over the They hunt using their noclip ability, not between
Backrooms, albeit somewhat rarely. They appear levels but between walls and doors. If they hear
as tall but skinny humanoid creatures with thick, people nearby, they quietly creep up to a nearby
gray skin and no face, ears, fingers, or toes. They wall and slowly noclip their faces through. If they
wobble a lot when they walk as if they’re ready to see a person that’s close to the wall, they noclip
fall down at any minute, but they can still run their arms through to grab and pull the person to
faster than most people. their side to be bearhugged to death.
When a duller nears you, the lights you can see What Characters Should Do
start to dim until it’s around 50% lumination. You If people spot a duller, they should make a lot of
can also hear wind blowing loudly despite not noise. It will realize people are there and will flee.
feeling even a draft. That’s often the only warning Just be sure to use noise carefully, as you could
163 a�ract more entities. • Child faceling: Physique 3, Agility 7, Wits 4,
Empathy 3
If the lights in a level start to dim, move several
feet away from each wall to prevent being Talents: None
grabbed by one. If someone does get nabbed, Combat: Fist 1 (range 0), weapons (range varies)
others should run as fast as you can to their new Conditions:
location; the duller will try to kill the target and • Adult faceling: Quick -1 (dodge), Defensive
then run away with the body. +2 (fist), Broken (dies)
If grabbed by one, focus on trying to break one of • Child faceling: Mischievous +1 (weapon),
its arms. Dullers have weak bones and several Laughing +2 (weapon), Broken (dies)
heavy blows should crack the bone, forcing it to
drop the person and run away. These entities look mostly like regular people–
except most have no face, and their skin looks
GM Uses more like flesh-colored plastic as if the faceling
Dullers are great ways to force the wanderers into was a living mannequin.
doing something. If they are spending too much
time cha�ing away on a level, maybe a duller Facelings have the same range of height, skin
starts creeping up on them. Have players make color, gender, etc. that humans have. When
difficult Vigilance skill rolls to hear it encountered, they are always dressed in clothes
approaching. After it successfully grabs someone, that make sense given the level (such as a maid
it then does the Bearhug a�ack until the person is outfit when found in the Terror Hotel). Their skin
dead. They love shiny things, so they could also shines like plastic when you are up close, but
steal smaller objects and items from wanderers. they look very human from a distance.
A pack acts differently. As long as there are two The Mangled range between 30 to 50 feet tall–big
or more, they will aggressively chase down and enough to walk over houses (though it could
a�ack any target they see (human or entity). They noclip through them). They have four multi-
will a�ack stationary targets if no one moves but jointed long arms, and like the rest of the body,
even fight rival mangled over prey. When one 166
appears, start by having one emerge from the
cold fog near the wanderers. Give the players a
turn or two, then have the mangled walk out of
the fog. Given its poor sight, it needs to pass a
very hard Vigilance skill roll to spot someone.
GM Uses
it’s made from skinless muscle. Atop the center is Use this entity sparingly, as it’s pre�y damn big
a large, human-looking head with a wide mouth and dangerous. That said, it’s a great way to keep
full of sharp teeth. They are typically solitary the players moving and making decisions. As
creatures but can sometimes be found with the they talk and squabble in The Suburbs (Level 9),
Neighborhood Watch. announce that a freezing-cold fog just rolled in.
That should get some decisions made.
When a wanderer first arrives in Level 9, the
Mangled ignore them. If that wanderer stays for a
few days, a freezing-cold fog can be seen as they Neighborhood
navigate The Suburbs (Level 9). Soon enough, at Watch
least one Mangled will appear walking out of that
thick fog. They emit a strange, wind-like sound Habitats: Level 9, Sublevel 9.1
from their mouths that can sometimes cause a A�ributes: Physique 6, Agility 9, Wits 5,
mental Condition. Their eyes appear to be weak, Empathy 4
and hiding from one is certainly possible. Talents: Disturbing, Flight (watchers only)
If one catches you, it will either stomp on you or • Watcher: Beam of light (causes 2 physical
lift you high and let you drop down. They then conditions to exposed flesh) (range 0-2)
eat the victim and disappear back into the fog,
which lifts once this happens. They won’t exactly • Strider: Foot 3 (range 0)
give chase; they will look around for their prey,
and if none are immediately seen, they usually • Swimmer: Tentacles 2 (range 0)
wander away.
Wander Roll Behavior • Watcher: Floating +0, Flying Around +1 (eye
Mangled usually appear one at a time and will beam), Broken (dies)
167 nerve stalks. It lives in lakes, pools, or rivers,
but it can slowly crawl on land for a few
[Original by the video “Backrooms - Infestation” They hide in the dark (not just dimly lit but real
by Frag2; revised by WJ MacGuffin.] darkness) carefully listening for noises. When
they hear something, they open their eyes just
enough to see what is nearby. If it is moving,
Smilers making noise, or emi�ing any kind of light, the
smiler moves with lightning speed towards its
Habitats: Any (only in dark zones) target–which is promptly eaten in a few bites
A�ributes: Physique 8, Agility 9, Wits 4, from its massive jaws, including any bones but
Empathy 2 not inorganic materials. Other than that, they
Talents: Deadly quiet, Disturbing, Night vision stay hidden in the darkness.
Combat: Claws 1 (range 0), Bite 2 (range 0)
Conditions: Hungry +1 (claws), Angry +2 (bite), These entities are to be avoided whenever
Confused +0 (claws), Frustrated -1 (bite, a�ack possible. They are tough in combat and are
173 perfect at ambushing careless wanderers. No one
has ever found a body, so no one knows if
Warning Kites
anything useful can be done with it like making
GM Uses
Since these are perfectly safe, GMs can use them
to tease players about upcoming dangers. Once
the players see kites flying away from their
direction, they can prep for an upcoming ba�le or come close to dying of starvation, thirst, or even
at least know there’s a danger ahead. Just exhaustion while in any level. If a human goes
remember, they only appear in the outdoors of without food, drink, or sleep for too long in any
levels and never inside a room, house, or Backrooms level, they can transform into a
building. wretch. This process is called the Wretched Cycle
has three stages:
They don’t differentiate between mild danger
and severe danger, so you could have the kits • Stage 1: Skin gets a painfully itchy rash
flying away from something simple like a few (gain a Suffering Condition); gets more
death rats. The players might think warning kites aggressive overall (gain an Outraged
are not always correct, which could make a fun Condition. This can be healed by ge�ing
realization when the danger is very real. whatever is missing: food, drink, or sleep.
I have noticed with some concern that, of late, some customers are creating difficulties at checkout.
Some demand free add-ons, while others demand lower prices even after haggling. In two instances
this month, a trader and a customer have come to blows.
This will not do. Customers will turn away if they feel trading is unsafe or problematic.
Therefore, leadership has decided to create a blacklist for certain unruly customers. All traders are now
asked to refuse service to the individuals listed below. However, violence is not authorised if the
customer in question gets belligerent. Instead, all traders will calmly close and secure the shop, leaving
until that individual has themselves left. Any trader engaging in violence with customers, outside of
self-defence, will be asked to leave BNTG.
n the Backrooms, there are two kinds of carrying it. Wanderers can only carry up to
equipment: Objects and Items. their Physique times two before taking dice
penalties on skill rolls. Players are
• An object is a weird thing found only in the responsible for managing how much their
Backrooms, such as almond water. wanderer carries.
• An item is a normal thing found on Earth • Cost: How many uses of almond water this
and in the Backrooms, such as pistols. thing is worth if traded. While there is no
currency in the Backrooms, BNTG has
standardized almond water uses (AW) to
All things come with the following stats. judge when barter is fair. Since a bo�le of
almond water has three uses, that bo�le
• Bonus: How many dice it adds to a skill roll costs 3 AW. A wanderer could trade this for
when using this thing. If you need to roll 5 a bag of greasy marshmallows (costs 3 AW),
dice to a�ack and you use a club, you would and two full bo�les can purchase a bo�le of
roll 6 dice instead. homemade alcohol (costs 6 AW).
• DMG: If this causes harm, this is how many • Notes: Any notes that help explain what the
Conditions to take if affected by the thing. thing does when used.
All gear causes physical harm unless it
expressly states it creates mental Conditions. Objects and items can be found in different
A pistol has 2 DMG, so it causes two levels, but many can be purchased through
physical Conditions. BNTG or any other group. (They all sell
something on the side.)
• Range: Which zones this thing can be used
within. For example, a sword has range 0, Almond Water
meaning a wanderer could swing at
anything within that wanderer’s same zone.
A rifle has range 1-3, meaning it can target
enemies 1, 2, or 3 zones away but cannot be
used in the same zone.
Weight: 0.5 serious medical problems, be they accidental
Cost: 3AW (like a broken bone) or genetic (like diabetes).
Effects: Heal 1 physical Condition; also depends
on the bo�le’s color, see below. Given its powerful nutritional, hydrational, and
healing properties, almond water has become the
A milky liquid that tastes vaguely of almonds de facto currency within the Backrooms. BNTG
(and yet it does not trigger nut allergies), almond started accepting almond water as a generic
water can be found in random water bo�les and barter item, and the other groups followed suit. A
thermoses throughout the Backrooms. A few people refuse to drink almond water, saying
wanderer can be walking through a hallway, take it’s too convenient for humans in the Backrooms
and therefore is some kind of conspiracy or trap.
A turn, and find 1 or more bo�les just si�ing
there. This can even happen in levels with [Original by 1000dumplings. Rewri�en by
outdoors or underground areas. But the color of Natedagreat563 and Poliacci]
the bo�les determines its effects.
Close Combat Weapons
Club +1 1 0 N/A 0.5 3AW Can throw to next zone
Knife +1 1 0 N/A 0.5 3AW Can throw to next zone
Spear +1 1 0 N/A 1 5AW Can throw to next zone
Sword +1 1 0 N/A 1 9AW Can throw to next zone
+2 N/A 0 N/A 2 7AW
+2 N/A 0-1 4 min 2 10AW Entities turned docile
Leather +1 N/A 0 N/A 1 5AW
Mink Oil +1 N/A 0 1 N/A 20AW +1 armor for 1 day
Scaraback +2 N/A 0 N/A 1 12AW Entities stunned
Shield +1 1 0 N/A 2 3AW
+3 N/A 0 N/A 2 10AW 2 rounds to take off/on
182 delivering 3 physical Conditions without an
The tea can be kept in any vessel, from empty a�ack skill roll. However, the GM picks the
almond water bo�les to a squirt gun (see above), target affected, not the player. Armor cannot
and it goes bad after five days. Drinking expired block this damage.
blood tea is a problem; it begins the wretched
cycle at phase 1 (painfully itchy rash; gets more • Black lightning: Faintly glows but is mostly
aggressive overall) and needs to eat and rest to black. When opened, the bolt hits the closest
end the cycle. BNTG makes this, though it can living creature (person or entity) delivering
sometimes be found in the Backrooms already 4 Conditions without an a�ack skill roll.
brewed. Armor cannot block this damage.
Effects: Stop any entities from a�acking others; 183
turns them docile for the song’s duration
The one song on the casse�e lasts for about four When the blue bu�on is pushed, it generates a
minutes. At that point, the music stops and any field of gravity that does not impact creatures or
nearby entities are aggressive again, a�acking as devices. Instead, it warps the local spacetime,
they normally would. It takes two rounds to effectively shortening the distance between the
rewind the tape to get another four minutes, but user and whatever it was pointed at. This can
at least the object doesn’t seem to require bring a zone 1, 2, or 3 zones away (along with
ba�eries or electricity. The music does not have whatever is there) and it becomes part of the
any effect on people, only entities. same zone the person using the device is in.
(Nothing gets damaged; it’s just magically closer
[Originally by IceColdLemonade; image by now.) A full fuel box means it can be used three
wikicommons/FA2010] times. Then the user must put in more fuel, which
again can be anything that fits.
Image by wikimedia/Glane23
Image by flickr/Jeolk75
Uses: 2
Weight: 0 Range: 0
Cost: 6AW Uses: 2
Effects: Heat things up; cause 1 physical Weight: 0.5
Condition; cause 4 physical Conditions. Cost: 3AW
Effects: +1 Agility for the current scene and heal a
Firesalt is a salt-like mineral found naturally physical Condition.
within the Backrooms just like almond water. The
crystals are small and colored orange, and they These look just like regular, Earth-based
smell like incense. Each crystal can create heat marshmallows, but they feel slightly greasy to
when dropped into water (such as quickly boiled the touch. If eaten raw, it causes an Exhausted
normal water to make sure it’s safe) or even physical Condition and a lot of fatigue. But if
against human skin. Throwing a handful at they are roasted or melted, anyone eating one use
someone will burn their skin and cause 1 will gain +1 to Agility for the remainder of the
physical Condition, whereas throwing 1/3 cup or scene. In addition, it heals one physical
more explodes like a frag grenade for 4 physical Condition.
Conditions in total.
Then why aren’t these as popular as almond
Groups across the Backrooms regularly collect water? Because when the effects end, the side
firesalt to use as cooking fuel and general effects begin: headaches, stomach aches, bloating
heating. Others collect it for an arsenal of and heart palpitations. While it does not cause
grenades. Firesalts can be turned into a damage, it means -1 to all skill rolls for the rest of
flammable liquid called pyroil (see below). Each the scene. Greasy marshmallows are tough on the
firesalt use causes 1 physical Condition if thrown body.
(range 0 for loose firesalt; range 0-1 for a packed
nugget or small ball), and a 1/3 cup is 2 uses. The effects can add up. Anyone who takes more
than two uses in a single day will face -2
[Originally by Will Anomaler] Physique and -2 Agility (min 1) for the entire next
Marshmallows [Originally by 12_doggggoo00]
know what level the keys come from), but level 185
Level Key keys are very hard to find and this system is still
in development.
Liquid Pain
Image by wikidot/takacsi75
186 name listed]
• Matcha: -1 Panic. 187
That means the right memory jar could hold an
• Banana: No effects, just tastes like bananas. individual’s or even a group’s secrets, ready for
the taking. That’s why the value of memory jars
• Luck: Tastes like bananas again, but if varies; it all depends on whose memories they
drank warm, reroll any 1s on your next skill are holding. For some reason, all memory jars
roll. are lighter than air and will float up until it hits a
barrier like a ceiling.
[Originally by SoyShamoy]
An empty memory jar has no effects. If a
wanderer dies either holding it or near to it, it
fills with that person’s memories and the jar
Memory Jar begins glowing.
Mink Oil
188 aroma when lit.
When worked into the skin, the skin itself gets
harder and tougher while retaining its flexibility. [Original author unknown]
In effect, this provides +1 armor for one day and
prevents frostbite and burns. As such, mink oil is
expensive and even BNTG does not have a lot in Moth Jelly
stock. However, the skin becomes slippery and
more reflective when used. It does nothing to
non-living ma�er.
Moth Candles
Image by fandom/KingofGarbage
anything that fits inside the pocket can effectively 189
Moth jelly is also very addictive. Players must hold up to 10 weight without adding any
make an addiction roll if their wanderer eats more encumbrance to the wanderer.
than 1 use per every 24 hours. Unlike other such
rolls, that wanderer becomes addicted to moth Every pocketstone can carry up to 10 weight
jelly on a 1 or a 2. Despite its addictive nature, a without adding any weight for the object itself.
few groups like UEC and MEG are experimenting Time does not pass inside a pocketstone’s small
with different products made from moth jelly, dimension. Those things are also safe from any
including moth candles (see above). and all damage, as the stone cannot be broken.
Pocketstone Pyroil
Levels: Level 9
Bonus: +1
Range: 0
Uses: N/A
Weight: 1
Cost: 15AW Image by wikicommons/Burger
Effects: Treats up to15 weight as 1 weight
Levels: Any with firesalt
These appear to be small pieces of jewelry such as Bonus: +1
rings, bracelets, or necklaces. The center always Range: 0-1
contains a precious stone (usually opal, amber, or Uses: 1
obsidian) and some metallic ornamentation. Weight: 0.5
Cost: 9AW
If the pocketstone touches non-living ma�er, it Effects: Causes 3 physical Conditions; use as
will disappear and be “stored” within a tiny gasoline
dimension deep within the precious stone. The
pocketstone’s owner can make the object reappear This is the concentrated, liquid form of firesalt.
at will (though it will be in the person’s hands or It’s very similar to ethanol (alcohol) but without
pockets), though again only non-living ma�er; it any drunkenness. In fact, drinking this is as smart
does nothing when touching a living creature. If as drinking diesel. In the Backrooms, people use
placed within a piece of clothing’s pocket, pyroil to power electrical generators or to cook,
190 and rumors say MEG got a car working using fragrant roses, it is very acidic and can easily
this as gasoline. burn through organic ma�er to cause one Hurt
Pyroil ignites thanks to an open flame or strong
pressure. As such, it’s not used much as a Due to this, rose water is kept on hand to identify
weapon too often but can be used for defenses or skin-stealers or possibly other impostors. Spray a
ambushes; pour some on the ground and light it li�le on the target’s skin, and if it’s really a skin-
at the right moment. Anyone caught on fire by stealer, the human’s skin flakes off to reveal the
pyroil takes 1 physical Condition each turn until yellowish skin native to skin-stealers. One last
they are put out. use of this caustic substance is removing rust and
dirt buildup from devices and machinery. When
[Originally by Will Anomaler] sprayed on an item or object, it gives +1 to a
single Jury-Rig (Wits) skill roll to repair an
inorganic item.
Royal Rations
Whereas most objects can be found lying around 191
Eating just one bite can cure any physical somewhere, scarabacks have only been found in
Condition and satisfy all food and drink needs the hands of Lost Suns (part of The Lost group)
for the day, effectively preventing a Suffering and no one is sure where they get them. That
Condition due to lack of food, water, or sleep. said, enough scarabacks have been found that
However, there is a dark downside; royal rations BNTG sells some on rare occasions.
are very addictive. After one use, the user must
make an addiction roll that causes an addiction These are beetle-shaped figurines that can fit in
on a 1 or 2. Due to its addictive nature, BNTG the palm of a hand. An ancient Egyptian prayer
almost never sells royal rations and MEG has is carved into the bo�om, and the whole thing is
forbidden its sale in its bases. surprisingly heavy. The prayer can be read aloud
without actually knowing hieroglyphics. When
[Originally by zakkun; no name for image]
done so, the scaraback will spread its stone
wings, emit a bright blue light, and make a loud
droning sound. The light and sound can stun any
entities in this zone or a neighboring one,
making them stop in their tracks. The scaraback
does this for one minute before returning to its
natural, inactive state. Whispering “thank you”
to it will also make it stop.
Squirt Gun
Image by wikidot/Will Anomaler Levels: Any (but only from traders and groups)
Bonus: +1
Levels: Unknown (The Lost) Range: 0-1
Bonus: +2 Uses: 6
Range: 0 Weight: 1
Uses: N/A Cost: 10AW
Weight: 1 Effects: Varies (see below)
Cost: 12AW
Effects: Stun entities in this zone or a These are Earth-based squirt guns connected to a
neighboring one for 3 rounds small backpack holding whatever liquid the
wanderer put into it. Then the user aims and
Levels: Any with a BNTG base • Brainiac: Eater feels smarter but is still the
Bonus: +1 same. Tastes like wafers and sugar.
Range: 0
Uses: 10 • Almond Mint: Minty fresh breath and that’s
Weight: 0
They typically show up in an orange bag somewhat bloodthirsty after pu�ing one on. 193
containing 10 random varieties. Because these are Friends and family are viable targets. This
just sugary sweets, they cannot be used to heal a conveys a +1 bonus to any combat skill roll (close
Suffering Condition. or ranged) while worn. The homicidal nature
disappears as soon as the mask is removed. Here
[Originally by CutTheBirch] are the different varieties and their other effects.
194 Effects: Revert a broken item to original state The one thing it cannot do is replenish food,
ammo, or power. For example, an empty almond
water bo�le can be changed but it will never
magically get almond water inside itl. Because
these are big and require a lot of electricity, they
are very rare. A group who finds one will keep it
for sure.
Worn Sacks
Image by flickr/fdecomite
even enough air inside to last one person an 195
And it can hold a lot. Worn sacks can hold up to hour. (Yes, people can get inside. More people
100 weight as long as the objects can fit inside the means the air runs out sooner. Leaving is as
sack one way or another. (A couch would not fit, simple as imagining an exit and going through
but a 20-foot ladder can go inside without a it.)
problem.) No ma�er how much weight is inside,
it still only counts as 1 for encumbrance. There is [Originally by YellowISlol]
Do not trust anyone
They could be working with
They could BE monsters
You don’t know
roleplaying game does a great job of action, meaning the stakes involved get
creating stories that the players and GM higher as you get closer to finishing.
can play through. Those stories are
called adventures.If you’re all going to play this • Act 3 is the climax or big finish. Despite all
game, the GM needs an adventure first. the complications arising in Act 2, the
wanderers are ready to try and solve the
Creating core problem (or what turned out to be the
Adventures real core problem).
Image by wikicommons/kellerna
Lastly, take your players’ preferences into phases. What needs to happen first, second, and
account. If you love combat scenes but they so on? Then assign a mini-boss to each phase.
prefer negotiations, mix it up and provide both in These are the main villain’s people doing the
different parts of the adventure. hard work for their leader. When complete, there
will be a solid idea for several adventures linked
Creating together.
Will the players eventually ruin the main villain’s
Adventures in the Backrooms RPG can be core problem and throw the plot out? Most
independent, meaning the players and GM reach likely! After all, part of what makes RPGs so
a definitive end to the action, often after one or great is how players can impact the game’s
two game sessions. However, there is a different se�ing and stories. The GM needs to be aware of
way to play: a campaign. this: Sometimes, the players steer the campaign
away from carefully created plots, meaning the
A campaign is a series of adventures linked by an GM will have to adjust the overarching plot.
overarching plot. Think of adventures vs.
campaigns the same as Marvel movies vs. How to do that? Think of the main villain and
phases. One is a discrete, separate event. The their motivation. How would they respond if
other is a collection of related events. some upstart Backrooms wanderers started
messing with their plans? What contingencies
To create a campaign, the GM must first create a did they put in place, or how would they react
big core problem–bigger than one creating an now? That can give the GM ideas for new
adventure. As with adventures, a great place to adventures to finish the campaign.
start is the backstory. Who will be the main
villain? What is their motivation? How is their A campaign can be as long as everyone wants it
plan going to negatively impact the fragile, low- to be. It could be complete within a month or go
population society eking out an existence in the on for years. You know to end it when everyone
Backrooms? (Just make sure to use a grand plan; (players and the GM) are ge�ing bored with it. It
less “I get some almond water” and more “MEG would be great to finish a campaign, but
is no more”.) remember, this is a game and not a homework
assignment. Keep playing if you enjoy it; find
Once that is done, the GM divides the plan into something else when you do not.
Summary Wanderers (PCs)
In this adventure, the wanderers are hired by Players should create their own characters using
BNTG to check on a small group of trader the rules in Chapter 2. Just make sure every
building a new base in Sublevel 9.2. After making player 1) has a character and 2) understands the
the perilous journey there, the wanderers learn basics of their character.
the traders were a�acked and kidnapped by a
black market criminal leader known as Ginger. For this adventure, any team will work but the
They will need to either gather enough resources Alliance team (see page 10) is likely best suited.
to buy their freedom or a�ack and hope the
hostages do not get hurt. Preparation
GMs should read through the entire adventure
• Act 1: The team gathers in Tom’s Diner and beforehand and take notes if needed. Besides the
are hired by BNTG through Tom himself. usual pencils & paper or online virtual table,
The goal: Do a discreet wellness check on make sure that all players have a character to
Camp Blacklight since contact was lost. play and access to six-sided dice (whether literal
or a rolling app).
• Act 2: The team plans their travel route to go
from Level 1 to Level 9. Then they travel Also, check if the players are already familiar
there, making Wander Rolls as needed with the Backrooms. If not, give a short summary
depending on their chosen route. Once in of the se�ing so players can put game events into
Sublevel 9.2, they find the base in ruins and the right context.
no one there. By asking around, they can
discover local crime boss Ginger a�acked Lastly, give every character one Suffering
and captured 10 BNTG traders. Ginger is physical Condition. They will heal this up in the
willing to trade for a ridiculous amount of very first scene, so this is really to help teach the
supplies. game more than a plot point.
200 To that end, Duman authorized a secret base
called Camp Blacklight. A pair of traders with ACT 1: YOU MEET
previous military training rounded up 10 new- AT A DINER....
ish members and took them to an abandoned
elementary school in Sublevel 9.2. Why there? The team gathers in Tom’s Diner and are hired
Because few people go to The Suburbs (Level 9) by BNTG through Tom himself. The goal: Do a
given the entities present. They could train out of discreet wellness check on Camp Blacklight since
the public eye and even gain practice by fighting contact was lost.
local entities or human criminals. All 12 left with
enough supplies to live there for two weeks. Dinner at the Diner
Once everyone has their character and is ready,
The local criminal leader is Jenny Collins, who start the adventure by reading the following.
calls herself “Ginger” to sound tough--even
though that name sounds a bit lame. She soon It was just a week ago, maybe even a few days for
picked up on Camp Blacklight, so she led a team some of you. But one by one, you each accidentally
to raid it. The raid was wildly successful--they noclipped from Earth into the Backrooms and found
killed the two BNTG experts, captured the yourself in the twisting, yellow hallways of The
trainees, and stole all their supplies. Ginger plans Tutorial (Level 0). Thankfully, you were all found by
on ransoming the prisoners to BNTG in exchange MEG teams and brought to The Hab Zone (Level 1)
for more weapons and defenses. Until then, they and given a bed and food until you acclimated to the
are being held in Sublevel 9.2’s Italy Food huge change.
restaurant. Over the last week, you’ve learned about the
Backrooms and even became part of different groups.
Senior Trader Duman spent all day yesterday No one has ever left the Backrooms, so you decided to
trying and failing to contact Camp Blacklight. see how you could make the best of this situation. For
She wants to keep things quiet, so she arranged the past few days, all of you have worked together in
to hire a team of wanderers through Tom of training and even socializing, and all of you have
Tom’s Diner. Unknown to all of them, the become an unofficial clique.
Masked Maidens have been watching Ginger, Tonight, that means having your first dinner at
and after witnessing the raid, they decided Tom’s Diner. It’s a restaurant in a large, unclu�ered
Ginger must be executed to prevent crime room with a see-through kitchen cut in the far wall
spreading within Sublevel 9.2. and several tables & chairs, none of which match. You
Image by wikicommons/Coyote-mania
take the only open table: a glass patio table with two this, Tom comes back to the table. 201
wingback chairs, a white plastic chair, a tall bar stool,
and a bean bag chair. “Hey there,” says Tom. “I just had a chat with
There’s a chalkboard on an easel with tonight’s the leader of Trader’s Keep, the largest Backrooms
two meals: Almond Water Stew or Penne with Blood Non-aligned Trade Group shop. Well, bigger than a
Tea Sauce. All come with a glass of clean water. As shop, really. Think warehouses. No ma�er, her name
you read the menu, up comes a tall man wearing a is Elanor Duman and she wants to hire you! And I’m
clean apron. “You must be new, cheers!” he says in an guessing you all could use some moolah. You know
Australian accent. “I’m Tom, and this is my diner. almond water, right? Did you see how prices here are
You all look famished! First meals free, ‘cause that’s in A-W or almond water uses?”
how I hook you, haha!” With that, he turns on a heel
and heads back into the kitchen. Let the players ask any questions about how the
You haven’t eaten since breakfast, and you’re Backrooms economy works. Tom is happy to be
starving. That’s why each of you has the Suffering cha�ing away. Once finished, they have enough
physical Condition. Eating a meal will heal this, time to finish their meals before traveling to
bringing you up to full health. Would you like the Trader’s Keep.
stew or the pasta?
Quick Trip to Trader’s Keep
Tom Innes Trader’s Keep is a base on this level, and the
Archetype: Scrounger wanderers are currently in Tom’s Diner. That
Group: None means there will be two Wander rolls: one for
Motivation: Gain stability and security by leaving Tom’s Diner and going to the next
making everyone’s favorite restaurant. warehouse area (see Level 1’s writeup on page
A�ributes: Physique 3 | Agility 2 | Wits: 4 | XX), and another one for leaving the warehouse
Empathy: 4 area and going to Trader’s Keep. Only a 2 on 2d6
Skills: Jury-Rig 3, Manipulation 3, Stamina 3, reveals an entity, and players can take whatever
Survival 1 resources that show up. This gives the players a
Talents: Rationing preview of traveling in the Backrooms, since they
Equipment: Food (3 uses), water (3 uses), will soon be heading from Level 1 to Level 9.
baseball bat (club), wayback machine
You exit a large, mostly empty concrete
Give the players time to introduce their warehouse and see a short but wide corridor leading to
characters and order dinner. Which meal they eat a garage door. Four guards are present, each wearing
does not ma�er, as both heal. Make sure a bright orange hat and carrying assault rifles, police
everyone remembers to erase the check mark batons, and even grenades. These are easily the most
next to the Suffering Condition before armed people you’ve seen so far. Someone painted,
continuing. If any player is unsure what to do in “BNTG Trader’s Keep” in graffiti art across the
this scene, remind them to read their character’s garage door.
motivation and use that as a guideline.
Duman told the guards to inform her when a
Ramona brings the food soon enough. When this group of strangers arrives, so once the wanderers
happens, ask each player to make a Vigilance show up, they let them through the garage door
(Wits) skill roll. Those that succeed see Tom and into a small foyer where two machine gun
pointing at them while talking to someone they nests, complete with sandbags, guard a pair of
haven’t seen before–a woman in a dark blue suit large metal doors locked tight from the inside.
wearing a pistol at her hip. Then she abruptly The guards demand the team leave all weapons,
leaves. After the players have had time to digest pocketstones, and worn sacks on a folding table
202 to the side before they can be let in. (They are • Camp Blacklight is secret because BNTG
given receipts, and everything will be waiting for doesn’t want criminals knowing they’re
them.) nearby.
Once ready, the doors open to reveal a tall • Yesterday, they were supposed to check in
woman wearing a dark blue suit and a light blue in the morning but never did. There’s been
tie. She speaks in short, controlled sentences. no responses to emails or calls (Level 9 has
“Good day. I am Duman. I run Trader’s Keep for
BNTG. Nice meeting you. We need some discreet • The mission? Travel to Sublevel 9.2, go to
assistance. From someone not part of local politics. their base codenamed Camp Blacklight, and
Tom tells me this group would work nicely. We wish find out why they are no longer
to hire you for a wellness check. If you can be communicating.
• In return, Duman offers 1) membership in
Senior Trader Elanor Duman BNTG if desired and 2) a pistol for each
Archetype: Leader person, 10 bullets apiece, and two
Group: BNTG scarabacks for the group as a whole--paid
Motivation: Find out why they lost contact with upon their return with information on
the secret Camp Blacklight Camp Blacklight.
A�ributes: Physique 2 | Agility 3 | Wits: 4 |
If needed, GMs should feel free to sweeten the
Empathy: 5
deal with more items and objects. Do what’s
Skills: , Manipulation 4, Ranged Combat 1,
needed to get the players on board with the
Therapy 4, Vigilance 3
adventure; just be sure not to overload them with
Talents: Spin
weapons and objects or the adventure will be too
Conditions: Shocked -2, Acceptance +0,
Dedicated +2, Defensive +1, Hurt -1, Really Hurt -
2, Broken (flees)
Can Duman give them any supplies or weapons
Equipment: Pistol with 10 bullets, bo�le of
before leaving? No, because in Duman’s mind,
painkillers (3 uses)
that’s not how trading works. She offered a job
with pay, and prepayments are inefficient to her.
Besides, the players already have their
Duman is Type A to be sure and prefers
Archetype’s starting gear.
“efficient” sentences. She will quickly explain the
Once the wanderers accept Duman’s offer, she
smiles and gives everyone her phone number–
• BNTG sent 12 people to Sublevel 9.2 within
with a reminder that WiFi is spo�y overall and
The Suburbs (Level 9) to establish a base
completely fails in places.
inside an abandoned elementary school
called Student Elementary School.
chosen route. Once in Sublevel 9.2, they find the environments. 203
base in ruins and no one there. By asking around,
they can discover local crime boss Ginger Instead of saying, “You all arrive at Level 9,” say
a�acked and captured 10 BNTG traders. Ginger something closer to, “You open a wooden door in
is willing to trade for a ridiculous amount of the Terror Hotel, but instead of seeing yet
supplies. another hotel room, you see a suburban city at
Finding a Route
Part of playing the Backrooms RPG is finding Wander Rolling
your way through different levels and the The GM must coordinate all the Wander rolls
dangers found there. For this bit, give the players moving from one zone to another throughout
the level map found on pg. XX (a copy or share their journey. What does coordinate mean?
the book). Ask them to decide how to get from
Level 1 to Sublevel 9.2. There are several shortest • First, do not show them the Wander roll
routes described below, but players can make tables! Players should be worried about the
their own path after referring to the map. unknown.
Hab Zone (Level 1)-->Pipe Dreams (Level 2)-- • When the team is ready, ask for which
>Electrical Station (Level 3)-->Terror Hotel wanderer is taking the lead. Let that player
(Level 5)-->The Suburbs (Level 9) make the first 2d6 Wander roll. This is likely
going from Tom’s Diner to the next
Hab Zone (Level 1)-->Bumper Crop (Level 10)-- warehouse zone, so the roll is checked
>Electrical Station (Level 3)-->Terror Hotel against Level 1’s Wander table.
(Level 5)-->The Suburbs (Level 9)
• Find the result and roleplay it out. Chances
are, the players will get some resources
Hab Zone (Level 1)-->Endless City (Level 11)--
(needed or not) and maybe meet some
>Abandoned Office (Level 4)-->Terror Hotel
people in this level. Keep these encounters
(Level 5)-->The Suburbs (Level 9)
short and sweet, but allow players to take
the game in whatever direction they decide.
Which route does not ma�er, as the objective is to
reach Sublevel 9.2. But the longer it is, the more
• Once it’s time to make the next roll, ask the
wander rolls will be made. That means the
next person clockwise to make the Wander
chances of ge�ing resources and finding entities
are both increased. Make sure the players
understand that so they can make an informed
Keep following the above until the team finally
decision about their route, and be sure to briefly
reaches Sublevel 9.2.
explain what each level is like. Don’t get into too
many details, but by now, the wanderers would
Wander rolls are the heart of this game, and they
have heard of places like Pipe Dreams (Level 3),
help each level feel different. How long should
Endless City (Level 11), and so on.
these scenes last? While keeping them on the
shorter side is sensible, go with the flow. If a
Visiting New Levels Wander roll leads to a long roleplaying scene the
Each level looks very different, so as the players are ge�ing into, stick with it! Remember,
wanderers travel their chosen route, be sure to the journey in a roleplaying game is as much fun
describe what the level looks like when they first as the finale.
arrive. Let the players get a sense of wonder and
concern over all these wildly different
204 The only restriction is to keep all PCs alive for Film Movie Theater, and a stop sign that is a blank,
now. Death is a part of this game, but this is the red octagon. It’s still night, and the air is still damp.
first session and players are still trying to gauge Student Elementary School (that’s the name on
risks. It might be unfair to kill off a wanderer in the sign outside) is a few blocks away, so the
the first travel scene they have ever had. wanderers will need to search using Vigilance (Wits)
rolls against normal difficulty. Each turn spent
Entering the Suburbs searching means a player has to make a Wander roll
Read the following when the team finally gets to against the sublevel’s table. That means there’s a 1-in-
The Suburbs (Level 9). 3 chance of encountering other people.
The Suburbs is surprisingly calm. It’s your When they arrive at Student Elementary School,
typical suburban streets with single family housing, they discover the school has no lights on and the
the occasional apartment building, and a gas station double front doors are unlocked.
every so often. No one is here, and there’s very li�le
noise. The air is damp, slightly chilly, and smells like
after a rain. What Happened Here?
You are about to venture further when you spot Hey GMs! This is what happened yesterday.
movement and take cover. As you watch from safety,
you see the Neighborhood Watch go past. One was a Camp Blacklight members were sleeping when
beach ball-sized eyeball with fleshy tendrils in its back, Ginger a�acked. She along with 25 of her people
and it somehow floats a few feet above the ground. The pried open the door with a large crowbar and
other two have six long limbs made from giant optical snuck inside. They ambushed the BNTG
nerves like a very twisted spider along with a giant members in their bedrolls. The two BNTG
eyeball at the top of the legs. They silently move past leaders there were promptly executed, while the
and you can now head out. rest were kidnapped and marched to Ginger’s
base, a looted grocery store called Food Grocery
Go ahead and have the players make Wander Store.
rolls moving from Entrance to Suburbs at Night,
then a second roll in the Suburbs at Night, a third What evidence can the wanderers find inside the
roll, and then finally a fourth and final roll going empty school? First, note that there’s no Wander
from Suburbs at Night to Sublevel 9.2. Once the rolls needed for searching one specific location;
team arrives in Sublevel 9.2, read the following. that’s reserved for traveling through the
Backrooms levels, not any buildings inside.
After wandering through the suburbs at night,
you eventually find Stan’s Car Wash, one of those • Teacher’s lounge: 12 bedrolls and blankets
places you drive through in a straight line. You all all askew on the carpeted floor, and the
walk through, skirting past giant brushes and windows are all blacked out with paper.
smelling soap and water despite everything being This is where the Camp Blacklight
quiet and motionless. When you finally get through, personnel slept. Recent blood stains are on
the landscape has changed. Buildings are a bit taller, the floor. With a successful Vigilance (Wits)
roads are a bit wider, and there are businesses here roll, they can also find a small baggie with
instead of the usual suburban houses. It’s like all the meth inside (dropped by an a�acker). Most
business areas of a suburb are tucked away here in this groups make drugs illegal, but the black
sublevel. marketeers in Sublevel 9.2 will sell anything.
You see a straight road leading deeper into the
sublevel. From here, you can see a looted hardware • Teacher’s bathrooms: 2 razors and some
store called Tools Hardware, a movie theater named tampons as well as the corpses of two
leaders: Harry Kemp and Seong Chun-Hei. 205
They were dragged here from the Teacher’s
Lounge and are being eaten by four male
deathmoths. If left alone, the deathmoths
will feast and them leave through a broken
window in the back.
206 recorder (not the normal kind). room for black market vendors. It focuses
less on weapons and more on drugs and
• Tom gets on the line and offers free meals alcohol, so the few people working here are
for a week if the team finds out what all high. As with the Swap Meet, there’s at
happened to the Camp Blacklight personnel. least one person here who can point the way
(Tom has a strong relationship with BNTG.) to Italy Food.
Just before the team leaves this sublevel, one of Part of this game includes random encounters
the kidnapped BNTG traders–Jayleen King– thanks to those Wander rolls. We love that
shows up. She tricked a guard and managed to because, by making it random, we never know
get out, but she’s hurt and losing blood fast. If where the story is heading! That said, sometimes
the team can heal her, she will explain how luck can run bad. If you’ve rolled a few times on
Ginger and her men a�acked and plan on the Sublevel 9.2 table and keep ge�ing entities,
ransoming the traders for weapons, ammo, and check out the players. If everyone is having a
more. blast, continue. If folks are ge�ing a bit
frustrated, send in Trader Jayleen King like
There are no clues at Student Elementary School described above and move to the next scene
as to where they went, so the team will have to already.
look around and even talk to other people–if they
can find some. Remember, every turn spent Ginger’s Deal
searching a location means making a Wander roll The Italy Food restaurant is large with a single
on the Sublevel 9.2 table. pair of double doors on the front and one door in
the back that leads to the kitchen. Only one
• If entities show up, hounds and skin- person is on guard duty by the double doors; the
stealers will a�ack the wanderers. Facelings back door is locked tight, and there are a total of
can be found waiting inside buildings 8 criminals inside, including Ginger. There are a
dressed like someone who works there. A few ways this will probably shake out.
successful Manipulation (Empathy) roll
means a faceling can draw a rough map of Talk to the guard and convince him to authorize
the area and indicate two nearby black a meeting with Ginger. In other words, the
markets: Swap Meet and Netherland. wanderers want to talk this out. This option
works on the guard if players roll well, so the
• Empty stores and restaurants are just that.
team can get inside if they give a reasonable-
All have been looted by now, and
enough reason why they have to meet Ginger.
replacements have not appeared.
Take down the guard and sneak inside. The
guard isn’t too hard to defeat, and the front doors
• The first Black Market result is the Swap
are unlocked. However, this option makes noise.
Meet: A black market where sellers can set
The GM should roll 1 die; if it comes up as 1 or 2,
up booths to sell anything they want. It’s
then people inside heard the commotion.
located inside a bowling alley called Bolling
Bowl. Just about anything is for sale here,
Pick the back door lock and sneak inside. A more
but let players know all prices are double.
quiet version of the above. Picking the lock will
Still, ge�ing some illicit gear might make a
be Really Hard (-2). However, the kitchen does
fun scene. One black marketeer will know
have people in it (see below).
Ginger’s base is in Italy Food restaurant.
Openly a�ack the restaurant. This is likely the
• The second result is Netherland: A large
worst option, as Ginger has her people there.
church with the pews pushed aside to make
They will stay inside the building and shoot Zhao An, Kira Novikova, and Larry Morales 207
through broken windows, giving them cover so Archetype: Soldier
all a�acks against them are Really Hard (-2). Hey Group: None (criminal)
GM! Be sure to remind the players that the Motivation: Keep on Ginger’s good side and rise
adventure is to discover what happened, not start in the ranks
a war. A�ributes: Physique 3, Agility 4, Wits 3, Empathy
Guard Armando Diaz Skills: Close Combat 3, Force 2, Stamina 3
Archetype: Soldier Talents: Combat Training (+2 to Close Combat)
Group: None (criminal) Conditions: Shaken +0, Injured -1, Desperate +1,
Motivation: Finish guard duty already to get Broken (flees or dies)*
wasted Equipment: Club (all three), Pistol (Larry Morales
A�ributes: Physique 4, Agility 5, Wits 2, Empathy only), Liquid Pain (Zhao An only)
2 *Use these four Conditions for each of the three
Skills: Close Combat 2, Ranged Combat 2, soldiers.
Stamina 3
Talents: Martial Arts (+2 dice on next a�ack if they
Jenny “Ginger” Collins
block one) Archetype: Scrounger
Conditions: Shaken +0, Injured -1, Desperate +1, Group: None (criminal)
Broken (flees or dies) Motivation: Get more weapons to get more
Equipment: Pistol, bulletproof vest footsoldiers and become a major player
A�ributes: Physique 4, Agility 3, Wits 5, Empathy
Here is the restaurant itself: 3
Skills: Close Combat 3, Jury-Rig 3, Manipulation
• Entry foyer: One guard who is playing on 3, Vigilance 1
their phone. Use the stats for Guard Amando Talents: Watchful (+2 Vigilance to spot a sneak
Diaz above. If he sees the wanderers, he’ll a�ack)
shout to alert everyone and a�ack with his Conditions: Offended +1, Upset +0, Furious +2,
pistol. Weakened -1, Broken (flees or dies)
Equipment: Large knife, tactical body armor,
• Left front of house: Empty save for tables smartphone, Level 9 key, drugs (meth)
and chairs. One of the tables has a hand-
drawn map of ge�ing from here to Student Believe it or not, Ginger won’t automatically
Elementary School. a�ack the wanderers. If the team shows her
respect or even kindness, she will be pleasant to
• Right front of house: Six cots where Ginger’s speak with in turn. If the team starts an argument
people can sleep. There are two currently or a literal fight, she and her people will a�empt
sleeping, both drunk and high as hell. They to force all PCs to Break–each that breaks gets
will not be a factor. captured by the criminals.
• Kitchen: All 10 prisoners are held in the Regardless, Ginger wants the wanderers alive so
walk-in cooler, which hasn’t worked in a they can take a message back to BNTG. That
while. More importantly, Ginger and three message? “We are willing to trade. For each
of her people are having a meal there. person we release, you will send us two rifles,
two sets of tactical body armor, two large
ba�eries (charged), two first aid kits, and two
208 worn sacks. For all 10 traders, we’re talking 20 of Enter Masks
each item in total. If you do not send these to Regardless of the choice, the next scene is still set
your old Camp Blacklight by tomorrow, all 10 at Italy Food. Help the players implement their
will die. Are there lives worth the gear?” plan, such as describing the building in detail
and playing Ginger or her foot soldiers. Let this
Ginger will tell the wanderers to contact BNTG scene develop naturally, following the players’
and make this deal happen, and then release lead.
them to leave and go talk to Duman.
Then it’s time to up the chaos. The Masked
ACT 3: SUBURBAN Maidens have been paying a�ention to Ginger,
STRUGGLES and leadership decided she needs to be
eliminated before she gets some actual power.
As the team either approaches after ge�ing the They sent two warriors, Moira Hubbard and
supplies or starts a war with Ginger, a pair of Lucinda Sanchez
Masked Maidens arrive to a�ack Ginger and end
her “corruption”. The team must try and rescue Moira Hubbard (Bauta mask) +1 Close Combat
the hostages while all this is going on. The Archetype: Runner
adventure ends with the team being invited to Group: Masked Maidens
join BNTG, Masked Maidens, or create their own Motivation: Kill Ginger before she gets powerful
group. A�ributes: Physique 4, Agility 4, Wits 3,
Empathy 3
A�ack or Buy Off? Skills: Close Combat 3, Force 2, Survival 1,
Ginger is asking for a lot in exchange for the Stealth 3
hostages, and Senior Trader Duman absolutely Talents: Sprinting Past
won’t give that up. She doesn’t want anything to Conditions: Aggressive +1, Angry +0, Revenge
happen to her people, but giving a criminal that +2, Depleted -2, Broken (dies)
many weapons is not a good idea. She then asks Equipment: Sword, grenade, shield, almond
the wanderers to help make the decision since water, smartphone
they know Ginger somewhat, and that decision
boils down to either A�ack Them Now or Buy Lucinda Sanchez (Volto mask) +1 Stealth
Them Off. Archetype: Explorer
Group: Masked Maidens
If they decide to a�ack, BNTG will give each Motivation: Kill Ginger before she gets powerful
wanderer a bulletproof vest and a weapon if they A�ributes: Physique 3, Agility 5, Wits 3,
do not already have one. Then the wanderers Empathy 4
(not Duman) lead a team of 30 armed traders to Skills: Movement 2, Ranged Combat 3, Stealth 2,
a�ack Italy Food. (Vests and weapons must be Vigilance 2
returned afterwards.) Talents: Sucker Punch
If they decide to buy them off, BNTG agrees to Conditions: Aggressive +1, Angry +0, Revenge
meet them in Student Elementary School with +2, Depleted -2, Broken (dies)
the supplies. Then the wanderers can deliver Equipment: Rifle, grenade, flashlight, almond
them to Ginger and escort the hostages back water
home. Ginger is willing to go through with the
deal as long as she gets more weapons. Either While the wanderers are either making deals or
option works just as well, so let the players a�acking, Moira will try to sneak into Italy Foods
decide this all on their own. through a window and search for and eventually
kill Ginger. Lucinda will play sniper from the
roof of the Alcohol Bo�le store across the street hostages and make sure they get medical a�ention 209
(already looted), hoping to take down Ginger’s and therapy. Then she will approach the wanderers.
people so Moira has less to deal with. Neither will
a�ack the players; if the players a�ack, they will flee. She will first pay as promised, including any
bonuses. Then she will extend an invitation to every
Don’t let the Masked Maidens take over! Focus on the wanderer to join BNTG. To do so, the PC must
players and their decisions, making sure each renounce their previous membership to take this new
wanderer has their turn. Then describe a criminal one. The players can choose to have their characters
ge�ing shot in the head by Lucinda, or have one join BNTG or stay separate; Duman will not be
wanderer notice someone with a Bauta mask offended if someone declines.
sneaking into the restaurant through a broken
window. When the game is over, pull aside one player with a
female wanderer (if you have one). Her character gets
If the team ignores the Masked Maidens, they return a secret, hand-wri�en message inviting her to join the
the favor. In fact, they will only a�ack the wanderers Masked Maidens. Again, there is no penalty for
if they a�ack first. Otherwise, they will kill Ginger (if declining. But if that is the start of a Backrooms
the players haven’t already done so) and disappear campaign, this will make for some interesting scenes
into the dark night. another day.
This fight is making a lot of noise, and noise a�racts Experience Points
entities. Near the end of the negotiation or fight, ask a If this was a one-and-done game, no worries. If the
player to make a Wander roll for Sublevel 9.2 and players intend on doing this again sometime, it’s time
apply the results. If Black Market comes up, then two to hand out Experience Points (XP). The GM should
reinforcements working for Ginger show up instead. ask the following questions to everyone. For each
question they can say yes to, they earn 1 XP. See
A Closing Invitation Chapter 2 for more information.
By hook or by crook, the wanderers have rescued
most or even all of the hostages. They all need to • Did you participate in the session?
reach Trader’s Keep in The Hab Zone (Level 1), and
so do the wanderers if they want to get paid. • Did you take actions consistent with your
There are two ways the GM can go about this.
• Did you identify a new level, entity, or object?
1. First is cinematic. Skip any Wander rolls on the
return journey, jumping ahead to the scene • Did you risk your life for another person?
where they talk with Senior Trader Duman
• Did you lose at least one Treasured Memory?
inside Trader’s Keep.
Index D
Darkness 60
“Tiny” 153
A Death 57
Death Rats 158
Abandoned Offices 120 Deathmoths 159
Actions in Combat 53 Defenses 181
Addiction 60 Detecting & Hiding 55
Almond Water 178 Deuclidator 183
Altered Topography 138 Difficulty 32
Ambush & Sneak A�acks 55 Dodging & Parrying 54
Ammo 54 Dollfaces 160
Amor Incrementum 99 Dullers 162
Archetype Talents 43 E
A�ic Floorboards 142
B Electrical Station 118
Endless City 132
Backrooms Non-aligned Trade Group 76 Entity Talents Explained 152
Backrooms skills explained 35 Eternal Repository (ER) 77
Basic Necessities 64 Eternal Repository bases 90
Beast of Level 5 154 Explosions 57
Biology, Life, & Death 68 Extra Successes 33
Blood Tea 179 Eyes of Argos (Eyes) 79
BNTG bases 88 Eyes of Argos bases 91
Bo�led Lightning 182 F
Broken 57
Facelings 163
Bursters 155
C Falling 60
Fire 57
Camo Crawlers 156 Firesalt 183
Casse�e Recorder 182 Fleeing & Chasing 53
Cave System 127 Food & Consumables 180
CC Share-Alike Explained 9 Fort Surrender 100
Close Combat 53 Four Key Themes 8
Close Combat Weapons 180 Futuristic Halls 137
Clumps 157 G
Communications 66
Gaining New Talents 44
Conditions 56
General Talents 42
Consent Tools 73
Greasy Marshmallows 184
Coup De Grace 54
Groups 76
Creating Adventures 197
Creating Campaigns 198
Hab Zone 115 New Backrooms Republic bases 95
Healing Conditions 56 O
Holding & Wrestling 53
Hounds 164 Opposed Rolls 34
Hunger, Thirst, & Fatigue 57 Other & Miscellaneous 181