DR Ayush
DR Ayush
DR Ayush
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, India
World Stroke Congress Young Investigator Award- World Stroke Congress, 2018-
Montreal, Canada
World Stroke Organisation- Future Leader’s Programme 2022-24 Awardee
Indian Stroke Association Research Grant 2021
Stroke Blogger for 2021-2023 for Stroke AHA/ASA
Manohar Lal Soni Book Prize-2019 in Neurology
World Stroke Congress Young Investigator Award- World Stroke Congress, 2018-
Montreal, Canada
A. Top 25 publications
10. Delayed bilateral internal carotid artery dissection following motor vehicle accident:
Time to make its screening a part of trauma protocol?
Agarwal A, Yadav D, Gupta A, Vishnu VY, Rajan R, Singh MB, Bhatia R, Padma
Srivastava MV.
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine February 2020.
19. Early Post Stroke Seizures in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A prospective cohort study
Agarwal A, Sharma J, Srivastava MVP, Bhatia R, Singh MB, Gupta A, Pandit AK,
Singh R, Rajan R, Dwivedi SN, Upadhyay A, Garg A, Vishnu VY.
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
25. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the frequency, clinical spectrum and outcomes
of pediatric Guillain-Barré Syndrome in India: A multicentric ambispective cohort
Garg D, DhamijaRK, ChoudharyA, ShreeR, KumarS, SamalP, PathakA, VijayaP,
SireeshaY, NairSS, SharmaS, DesaiS, SinhaHP, AgarwalA, UpadhyayA, VishnuVY
on behalf of GBS consortium*
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
10. Salt and pepper appearance of brainstem and cerebellum in anti-Zic4 associated
neurological disorder
Alam A, Das A, Agarwal A, Radhakrishna DM, Pandit AK, Srivastava AK
Mov Disord Clin Pract. https://doi.org/10.1002/mdc3.13565
14. Brivaracetam induced encephalopathy: Why mend something which isn’t broken?
Agarwal A, George J, Anand M, Tahir A, Vishnu VY, Singh MB, Srivastava MVP.
Ann Indian Acad Neurol. Volume 25, Issue 4, July-August 2022, 740-2
20. Study protocol: IMPETUS: implementing a uniform stroke care pathway in medical
colleges of India: IMPETUS stroke
Bhatia R, Haldhar P, Puri I, Srivastava MVP, Bhoi S, Jha M, Dey A, Naik S, Guru S,
Singh MB, Vishnu VY, Rajan R, Gupta A, Vibha D, Pandit AK, Agarwal A,
Salunkhe M, Singh G, Prasad D, Panda S, Anand S, Rohila AK, Khera PS, Tiwari S,
Bhaskar S, Garg M, Kumar N, Dhar M, Tiwari A, Agarwal N, Raju GB, Garg J, Ray
BK, Bhardwaj A, Verma A, Dongre N, Chinna G, Sibia R, Kaur R, Zanzmera P,
Gamit A, Iype T, Garg R, Singh S, Kumar A, Ranjan A, Sardana V, Soni D, Bhushan
B, Dhamika RK, Saluja A, Bala K, Dabla S, Goswami D, Agrawal A, Shah S, Shah S,
Patel M, Joshi P, Awasthi S, Nath S, Chandan S, Malik R, Chowdhury N.
Ann Indian Acad Neurol. Volume 25, Issue 4, July-August 2022
21. Predictors of seizures and associated functional outcome in a cerebral venous sinus
thrombosis cohort: An ambispective cohort study
Shakywar M, Agarwal A, Srivastava MVP, Bhatia R, Singh MB, Rajan R, Gupta A,
Pandit AK, Garg A, Sharma J, Gupta A, Upadhyay A, Vishnu VY.
Ann Ind AcadNeurol
1. Managing non-COVID acute neurology amidst the pandemic: Challenges and work in
Gupta A, Vishnu VY, Singh MB, Bhatia R, Rajan R, Vibha D, Elavarasi A,
Radhakrisha D, Agarwal A, Ramanujan B, Das A, Singh RK, Pandit AK, Srivastava
A, Tripathi M, Prasad K, Srivastava MVP.
Annals of India Academy of Neurology 2021; 24: 11-4.
6. Clinical features and outcome of stroke with COVID-19. COVID-19 Stroke Study
Group (CSSG), India.
Bhatia R, Srivastava MVP, Sylaja RN, Komakula S, Upadhyay A, Pardasani V, Iype
T, Parthasarathy R, Reddy R, Kushwaha S, Roy J, Satish P, Trikha A, Wig N, Dhar L,
Vibha D, Vishnu VY, Pandit AK, Gupta A, Elavarasi A, Agarwal A, Gupta V, Singh
RK, Oza H, Halani H, Ramachandran D, George GB, Panicker P, Suresh MK,
Kumaravelu S, Khurana D, Rajendran SP, Pamidimukkala V, Gupta S, Pandian JD,
Chowdhury D, Rai NK, Sharma A, Nambiar VK.
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
8. Patients with neurological illnesses and their experience during lockdown: A tele-
interview-based study
Gupta P, Mishra B, Sudheer P, Bhatia R, Singh MB, Srivastava MVP, Tripathi M,
Srivastava AK, Prasad K, Vibha D, Vishnu VY, Rajan R, Pandit AK, Singh RK,
Gupta A, Elavarasi A, Das A, Divya MR, Ramanujam B, Agarwal A. Annals of
Indian Academy of Neurology
9. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the frequency, clinical spectrum and outcomes
of pediatric Guillain-Barré Syndrome in India: A multicentric ambispective cohort
Garg D, DhamijaRK, ChoudharyA, ShreeR, KumarS, SamalP, PathakA, VijayaP,
SireeshaY, NairSS, SharmaS, DesaiS, SinhaHP, AgarwalA, UpadhyayA, VishnuVY
on behalf of GBS consortium*
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
11. Cobalamin C disease: cognitive dysfunction, spastic ataxia paraparesis and cerebral
white matter hyperintensitities in a genetic but easily treatable cause!
Agarwal A, Upadhyay V, Gupta A, Garg A, Vishnu VY, Rajan R, Singh MB, Bhatia
R, Srivastava MVP.
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
14. Early Post Stroke Seizures in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A prospective cohort study
Agarwal A, Sharma J, Srivastava MVP, Bhatia R, Singh MB, Gupta A, Pandit AK,
Singh R, Rajan R, Dwivedi SN, Upadhyay A, Garg A, Vishnu VY.
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
20. Clinical profile and outcome of non-COVID strokes during pandemic and the pre-
pandemic period: COVID-Stroke Study Group (CSSG) India
Bhatia R, Sylaja PN, Srivastava MVP, Komakula S, Iype T, Parthasarathy R, Khurana
D, Pardesani V, Pamidimukkala V, Kumaravelu S, Pandian J, Kushwaha S,
Chowdhury D, Gupta S, Rajendran SP, Reddy R, Roy J, Sharma A, Nambiar V, Rai
NK, Upadhyay A, Parkipandla S, Singh MB, Vibha D, Vishnu VY, Rajan R, Gupta
A, Pandit AK, Agarwal A, Gaikwad SB, Garg A, Joseph L, Sreedharan S, Reddy S,
Sreela K, Ramachandran D, George GB, Panicker P, Suresh MK, Gupta V, Ray S,
Suri V, Ahuja C, Kajal K, Lal V, Singh RK, Oza H, Halani H, Sanivarapu S, Sahonta
R, Duggal A, Dixit P, Kulkarni GB, Taallapalli AVR, Parmar M, Chalasani V,
Kashyap M. Journal of Neurological Sciences July 2021.
21. Low back pain and foot drop associated with dog tapeworm infection
Agarwal A, Vishnu VY, Garg A.
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (1), 2021, 4.
6. Delayed bilateral internal carotid artery dissection following motor vehicle accident:
Time to make its screening a part of trauma protocol?
Agarwal A, Yadav D, Gupta A, Vishnu VY, Rajan R, Singh MB, Bhatia R, Padma
Srivastava MV.
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine February 2020.
7. High blood pressure in young people. Blood pressure targets for young adults: are we
being too stringent?
Garg D, Agarwal A.
BMJ 2020; 371: m3910
4. Reader Response: SUDEP in the North American SUDEP Registry: The full spectrum
of epilepsies.
Garg D, Agarwal A.
Neurology 2019. July 16, 2019; 93 (3).
1. Unusual cause of fever, vision loss and super refractory status epilepticus in
association with simian virus 40 (SV40).
Agarwal A, Vibha D, Chawla R, Sharma MC.
BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Oct 12;2018. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-225539.
1. Transient 2(nd) Degree Av Block Mobitz Type II: A Rare Finding in Dengue
Haemorrhagic Fever.
Nigam AK, Singh O, Agarwal A, Singh AK, Yadav S.
J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 May;9(5):OD12-3. Epub 2015 May 1.
doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/12406.5942