Unit I
Unit I
Unit I
The word environment is derived from the French word “Environ” meaning “Surroundings”.
Each and everything around us is called as environment.
Every organisms is surrounded by materials and forces which constitute its environment,
from which it must derive its needs.
Environment creates favourable conditions for the existence and development of living
Cow eats plants for its survival. The plant requires nourishment from the soil. Nourishment is provided by
nitrogenous mater excreted by animal (or) by the dead bodies of other plants and animals.
Thus for the survival of an animal (or) a plant, (or) a microbe, it requires a supply of materials
and removal of waste products from its environment.
The degradation of the environment has become a serious problem.
The pollution of soil, water and air leads to loss of valuable natural resources.
1. Environment
Environment is defined as, “the sum of total of all the living and non - living things around
us influencing one another.”
2. Environmental science
Environmental science is the study of the environment, its biotic (ie., biological) and
abiotic (ie., non biological) components and their interrelationship.
3.Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering is the application of engineering principles to the protection
and enhancement of the quality of the environment and to the enhancement and
protection of public health and welfare.
4. Environmental Studies (or) Environmental Education
Environmental studies are the process of educating the people for preserving quality
Environment can be divided into two categories
Natural environment
Man - made environment
1. Natural environment
Natural environment is characterized by natural components.
All biotic (living) and abiotic components (non-living) are created through a natural process.
Creation of these biotic and abiotic components do not require any human support.
Examples :Soil, water, air, trees, radiations, noise, etc.,
2.Man- made environment
Man is the most powerful environmental agent.
He modifies the environment using modern technologies, according to his needs to a great
Thus the man-made environment is created by man.
Examples House, road, schools, railway lines, parks, etc.,
The environment consists of the following three important components.
Abiotic (or) Non-living components.
Biotic (or) Living components.
Energy components.
Abiotic (or) Non – Living Components (or) Physical Components
The non - living components of the environment are called abiotic components.
Example Air, water, soil and minerals.
These abiotic components enter the body of living organisms directly (or) indirectly, take part
in metabolic activities and then return to the environment.
Abiotic components are sub divided into three categories
1. Atmosphere
The cover of air, that envelopes the earth is known as the atmosphere. The atmosphere
extends upto 500 kms from the earth surface.
The atmosphere is essential for all living organisms.
It comprises 78% of nitrogen, 21% of oxygen and 1% of other gases.
Structure of atmosphere
Atmosphere consists of following five concentric layers
(a) Troposphere (0 - 18 kms):
It is the lower portion of the atmosphere and extends from 0 – 18 kms.
It contains 75% of the atmospheric air mass.
The temperature of troposphere changes from 15°C to 56°C and the chemical constituents are
O , CO , N and water (clouds).
(b) Stratosphere (18 - 50 kms):
It lies above the troposphere and extends from 18 - 50 kms.
The temperature of which changes from − 2°C to − 56°C and the main chemical constituent is
c) Mesosphere (50 - 85 kms):
It lies above the stratosphere and extends from 50 - 85 kms.
The temperature of which drops to about − 95°C.
The main chemical constituents are N , O , O and NO .
(d) Thermosphere (or) Ionosphere (85 - 500 kms):
Itlies above the mesosphere and extends upto 500 kms above the earth surface.
The temperature of which raises upto 1200°C.
It contains the charged particles like O , O , NO etc.,
(e) Exosphere:
It is the upper most layer of the atmosphere and extends upto 1600 km.
The temperature of which is very high due to direct solar radiation. The chemical constituents
are only H and He.
Table 1.1 Regions with temperature change and chemical species of atmosphere
Functions of atmosphere
It maintains the heat balance on the earth by absorbing the IR radiations.
The gaseous constituents play an important role in sustaining life on earth.
2. Lithosphere
The soil and rock components of the earth is called lithosphere.
Functions of lithosphere
It is a home for human beings and wildlife.
It is a storehouse of minerals and organic matters.
3. Hydrosphere
The aqueous envelope of the earth (ie., 75% of the earth surface) is called hydrosphere.
Oceans, lakes, streams, rivers and water vapour constitute hydrosphere.
About 97% of earth’s water is in oceans, which is too salty and not fit for drinking.
Only 3% is available as fresh water.
Functions of hydrosphere
It is used for drinking purpose and also supports the aquatic life.
It is also used for irrigation, power production, industries and transport.
Biotic (or) Living Components
The living components of the environment are called biotic components.
Examples Animals, plants and micro organisms.
The biological environment, where the living organisms live and interact with physical
environment (soil, water and air) is called biosphere.
Functions of biosphere:
Plants through photosynthesis produce oxygen in the atmosphere.
Animals inhale oxygen during respiration and give out carbondioxide, which is again utilised
by plants during photosynthesis.
Energy Components
The components of energy flows across biotic and abiotic components, which play an
important role to maintain the life of living organisms.
Examples :Solar energy, nuclear energy, geochemical energy, thermo electrical energy.
Environmental study is an important tool to educate the people for preserving quality
The main scope of environmental studies include
To get an awareness and sensitivity to the total environment and its related problems.
To motivate the active participation in environmental protection and improvement.
To develop skills for identifying and solving environmental problems.
To know the necessity of conservation of natural resources.
To evaluate environmental programmes interms of social, economic, ecological, and
aesthetic factors.
The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume and the land we live on are
all contaminated by the industrial activities.
There is no zero pollution industry.
Because of the lack of self discipline and not worrying about our future generation, the
valuable resources are polluted.
Environmental studies inform the people about their effective role in protecting the
environment by demanding changes in laws and enforcement systems.
Environmental studies have a direct relation to the quality of life we live.
Environmental studies develop a concern and respect for the environment.
Increasing population, urbanisation and poverty have generated pressure on the natural
resources and lead to a degradation of the environment.
To protect (or) prevent the environment from the pollution, Supreme Court has ordered
and initiated the environmental awareness to the public through Government and Non -
government agencies to take part to protect our environment.
Importance of Public (or) Community participation
Environmental pollution cannot be removed by the laws alone.
The proper implementation and especially public participation are the important aspects,
which should be given importance and stress.
The public participation is useful in law making process and controlling the pollution
Thus the public participation plays a major role in the effective environmental
Types of Public Participation
Public participation in the decision making process can be at any stage and of various
1.Pressure Group:
The public “Pressure group” may be formed to influence the government on one hand and
the industries on the other hand.
2. Watch dog:
The public can act as “watch dog” to protect the interests of public against environmental
hazardous activities.
3. Advisory council:
The public can also act as advisory council and agencies, which is constituted to keep the
environment suitable for living.
4. Enforcing the environmental laws:
The services of public can be utilized to enforce the environmental laws.
If necessary the member of public should conduct public interest litigations.
Thus many countries have accepted the concept of public participation in environmental
All living organisms, whether plant (or) animal (or) human being is surrounded by the
environment, from which it derive its needs for its survival.
Each living component interacts with non-living components for their basic requirements
form different ecosystem.
Ecology is the study of interactions among organisms (or) group of organisms with
their environment. The environment consists of both biotic components (living
organisms) and abiotic components (non-living organisms).
Ecology is the study of ecosystems.
Ecosystem is the basic functional unit of ecology.
The term ecosystem is coined from a Greek word meaning study of home.
A group of organisms interacting among themselves and with environment is known as
ecosystem. Thus, an ecosystem is a community of different species interacting with one
another and with their non-living environment exchanging energy and matter.
Animals cannot synthesis their food directly but depend on the plants either directly (or)
Biome (Small Ecosystem)
The kind of organisms which can live in a particular ecosystem depends on their physical
and metabolic adoptions to the environment of that place.
On earth there are many sets of ecosystems which are exposed to same climatic
conditions and having dominant species with similar life cycle, climatic adoptions and
physical structure.
This set of ecosystem is called a biome.
Thus the biome is a small ecosystem with in an ecosystem
Natural ecosystem
Natural ecosystems operate themselves under natural conditions. Based on habitat
types, it can be further classified into three types.
1. Terrestrial ecosystem
This ecosystem is related to land and types of vegetation.
Examples Grassland ecosystem, forest ecosystem, desert ecosystem, etc.,
2.Aquatic ecosystem
This ecosystem is related to water, it is further sub classified into two types based on
salt content.
Fresh water ecosystem.
Running water ecosystems.
Examples Rivers, streams.
(b) Standing water ecosystems.
Examples Pond, lake.
(ii) Marine ecosystem
Examples Seas and sea shores.
Man-made (or) Artificial ecosystems
Artificial ecosystem is operated (or) maintained by man himself.
Examples Croplands, gardens
The term structure refers to the various components.
So the structure of an ecosystem explains the relationship between the abiotic (non-living)
and the biotic (living) components.
An ecosystem has two major components
Abiotic (non-living) components.
Biotic (living) components.
Abiotic (non-living) components
The non-living components (physical and chemical) of an ecosystem collectively form a
community called abiotic components (or) abiotic community.
Examples: Climate, soil, water, air, energy, nutrients, etc.,
Fig. 1.2 Components of an ecosystems and their relationship
Physical components:
They include the energy, climate, raw materials and living space that the biological
community needs.
They are useful for the growth and maintenance of its member.
Examples: Air, water, soil, sunlight, etc.,
2. Chemical Components:
They are the sources ofessential nutrients.
Examples(i) Organicsubstances:Protein, lipids, carbohydrates, etc.,
(ii) Inorganic substances: All micro (Al, Co, Zn, Cu) and macro elements (C, H, O, P, N, P,
K) and few other elements.
Biotic components
The living organisms (or) living members in an ecosystem collectively form its community
called biotic components (or) biotic community.
The living components are made of many different species.
These species are distinguished on the basis of their nutritional (feeding) relationship.
It includes
1. Autotrophic components:
The members of autotrophic components are producers, which are autotrops (self-
nourishing organisms).
They derive energy from sunlight and make organic compounds from inorganic substances.
6 CO +12H O −−−−−−−−−> C H O + 6O + 6H O
This process is called photosynthesis.
Examples Green plants, algae, bacteria, etc.,
2. Heterotrophic components:
The members of heterotrophic components are consumers and decomposers, which are
heterotrophs (dependent on others for food). They consume the autotrophs (producers).
The heterotrophs are
(a) Macro consumers:
They are herbivores, omnivores (or) carnivores.
(b) Saprotrophs (micro consumers):
They are decomposers (bacteria, fungi, etc).
Member of biotic components of an ecosystem (or) Clasification of biotic system
The members of biotic components of an ecosystem are grouped into three groups based on
how do they get their food.
Producers (Plants).
Consumer (Animals).
Decomposers (Micro-organisms).
1. Producers (Autotrophs):
Producers synthesize their food themselves through photosynthesis.
Examples All green plants, trees.
The green pigments called chlorophyll, present in the leaves of plants, converts CO and H O
in the presence of sunlight into carbohydrates.
6 CO +12H O −−−−−−−−− > C H O + 6O + 6H O
This process is called photosynthesis.
2. Consumers (heterotrophs):
Consumers are organisms, which cannot prepare their own food and depend directly (or)
indirectly on the producers.
They cannot make organic compounds, but can transform one form of organic compounds
into other form of organic compounds.
(i) Plant eating species
Insects, rabbit, goat, deer, cow, etc.,
(ii) Animals eating species
Fish, lions, tiger, etc.,
Types of consumers
Consumers are of the following types.
(i) Primary consumers (Herbivores) (plant eaters)
Primary consumers are also called herbivores, they directly depend on the plants for their
food. So they are called plant eaters.
Examples Insects, rat, goat, deer, cow, horse, etc.,
(ii) Secondary consumers (primary carnivores) (meat eaters)
Secondary consumers are primary carnivores, they feed on primary consumers.
They directly depend on the herbivores for their food.
ExamplesFrog, cat, snakes, foxes, etc..,
iii) Tertiary consumers (Secondary carnivores) (Meat eaters)
Tertiary consumers are secondary carnivores, they feed on secondary consumers.
They directly depend on the primary carnivores for their food
3. Decomposers: Decomposers are those organisms
which feed on dead organisms plants and animals and decompose them into simpler
During the decomposition inorganic nutrients are released.
These inorganic nutrients together with other organic substances are then utilized by the
producers for the synthesis of their own food.
Examples Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi.
(i) Herbivores: Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores. (vegetarian)
(ii) Carnivores: Animals that eat other animals are calledcarnivores. (non-vegetarian)
(iii) Omnivores: Animals that eat both animals and plants. (Vegetarian and non-vegetarian)
To understand clearly the nature of ecosystem, its functioning should be thoroughly
The function of an ecosystem is to allow flow of energy and cycling of nutrients.
Types of Functions
Functions of an ecosystem are of three types.
1. Primary function (or) primary production
The primary function of all ecosystems is manufacture of starch (photosynthesis).
2. Secondary function (or) secondary production
The secondary function of all ecosystem is distributing energy in the form of food to all
consumers (or) the energy stored by the consumer.
3. Tertiary Function
All living systems die at a particular stage.
These dead systems are decomposed to initiate the third function of ecosystems namely
The functioning of an ecosystem may be understood by studying the following terms.
Energy and material flow.
Food chains.
Food webs.
Food pyramids.
Energy is the most essential requirement for all living organisms.
Solar energy is the only source to our planet earth.
Solar energy is transformed to chemical energy in photosynthesis by the plants (called as
primary producers).
Though a lot of sunlight falls on the green plants, only 1% of it is utilized for
This is the most essential step to provide energy for all other living
organisms in the ecosystem.
Some amount of chemical energy is used by the plants for their growth and the remaining
is transferred to consumers by the process of eating.
Thus the energy enters the ecosystem through photosynthesis and passes through the
different tropic levels (feeding levels).
Energy flow through atmosphere to an ecosystem
Sun is the ultimate source of energy, its radiations travel through the space in the form of
waves and reaches the earth’s atmosphere.
The atmosphere absorbs 50% of the radiations and allow the remainings to reach the
earth surface.
Of the solar radiations, reached the earth’s surface, some of which is absorbed by
organisms (primary producers) to produce organic matter through photosynthesis.
Photosynthetic equation
CO + 2H O -------> CH O + O + H O
Carbon water sunlight carbo oxygen water
dioxide hydrate
The plants (producers) are used by herbivores and herbivores are used by carnivores as
their food. In this way energy is transfered from one organism to another and so on.
The conversion of solar energy is governed by law of thermodynamics.
1. Ist law of thermodynamics
It states that, “energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be converted
from one form to another.”
Energy for an ecosystem comes from the sun.
It is absorbed by plants, wherein it is converted into stored chemical energy.i.e., Solar
energy in converted into chemical energy.
Solar energy → Chemical energy (plants)
This process is called photosynthesis.
2. II nd law of thermodynamics
It states that, “whenever energy is transformed, there is a loss of energy through the
release of heat.”
This occurs when energy is transferred between tropic levels. There will be a loss of
energy (about 80-90%) in the form of heat as it moves from one tropic level to another
tropic level.
The loss of energy takes place through respiration, running, hunting etc.,
Respiration equation
CH O + O −−−−−> CO + H O
Carbohydrate oxygen carbondioxide water
The net production of biomass is only about 0.5% of the total incident radiation (3000
k.cal/m2/day) and 1.0% of energy absorbed and the remaining gets wasted.
Relationship between structure and function (flow model)
From the above it is clear that, the biotic components and abiotic components are linked
together through energy flow and nutrient cycling as shown in the following figure 1.2
Fig.1.3 Flow of energy and nutrient cycling from abiotic to biotic and vice versa.
In an area one community may be replaced by another community (or) by a series of
communities. Thus the progressive replacement of one community by another till the
development of stable community in a particular area is called ecological succession.
Stages of ecological succession
Pioneer community:
The first group of organism, which establish their community in the area is called Pioneer’
2. Seres (or) Seral stage:
The various developmental stages of a community is called ‘seres’.
It is the group of plants (or) animals living in an area. 1.14.2 Types of ecological succession
Ecologists recognize two types of ecological succession, based on the conditions present at
the beginning of the process.
1. Primary succession: It involves the gradual establishment of biotic communities on a
lifeless ground.
(a) Hydrarch (or) Hydrosere: Establishment starts in a watery area like pond and lake.
(b) Xerarch (or) Xerosere: Establishment starts in a dry area like, desert and rock.
2. Secondary succession: It involves the establishment of biotic communities in an area,
where some type of biotic community is already present.
Process of Ecological Succession
The process of ecological succession can be explained in the following steps.
1. Nudation
It is the development of a bare area without any life form.
2. Invasion
It is the establishment of one (or) more species on a bare area through migration followed
by establishment.
(a) Migration: Migration of seeds is brought about by wind, water (or) birds.
(b) Establishment: The seeds then germinate and grow on the land and establishes their
pioneer communities.
1.14.3 Process of Ecological Succession
The process of ecological succession can be explained in the following steps.
1. Nudation
It is the development of a bare area without any life form.
2. Invasion
It is the establishment of one (or) more species on a bare area through migration followed
by establishment.
(a) Migration: Migration of seeds is brought about by wind, water (or) birds.
(b) Establishment: The seeds then germinate and grow on the land and establishes their
pioneer communities.
3. Competition
As the number of individual species grows, there is a competition with the same species
and between different species for space, water and nutrients.
4. Reaction
The living organisms, take water, nutrients and grow and modify the environment is
known as reaction.
This modification becomes unsuitable for the existing species and favour some new
species, which replace the existing species.
This leads to seral communities.
5. Stabilizations
It leads to stable community, which is in equilibrium with the environment.
Bio means ‘life’ and diversity means ‘variety’, hence, biodiversity refers wide variety of life
on the earth.
Our planet-earth (biosphere) contains more than 20 million species of organisms.
But, of which only 1.4 million species have been identified so far. These species differ
widely from one another. This variation in living organisms is called biodiversity.
Diversification in the species is influenced by various physical and climatic factors,
resulting in the production of new sub-species.
The species which are unable to adjust with the new environment gradually become
Biodiversity is defined as, “the variety an variability among all groups of living
organisms and the ecosystem in which they occur.”
Biodiversity is generally classified into three types
Genetic diversity.
Species diversity.
Community (or) Ecosystem diversity.
1.16.1. Genetic diversity
Genera: A species with different genetic characteristics is known as sub-species (or)
Genetic diversity is the diversity within species ie., variation of genes within the species
Within individual species, there are number of varieties, which are slightly different from
one another.
These differences are due to differences in the combination of genes.
Genes are the basic units of hereditary information transmitted from one generation to
Rice varieties:
All rice varieties belong to the species “oryzasativa”.
But there are thousands of rice varieties,
which show variation at the genetic level differ in their size, shape, colour and nutrient
2. Teak wood varieties:
There are number of teak wood varieties found available.
Examples Indian teak, burma teak, malasian teak etc.
Species diversity
Species: A discrete group of organisms of the same kind is known as species.
Species diversity is the diversity between different species. The sum of varieties of all
the living organisms at the species level is known as species diversity.
The biotic component is composed of a large number of species of plants, animals and
micro organisms, which interact with each other and with the abiotic component of the
1. Total number of living species in the earth are about
more than 20 million. But, of which only about 1.5 million living organisms are found and
given scientific names.
2. Plant species: Apple, mango, grapes, wheat, rice, etc.,
3. Animal species: Lion, tiger, elephant, deer, etc.,
Community (or) Ecosystem diversity Community
It is a set of biotic components (plants, animals and micro organisms) interacting with one
another and with abiotic components (soil, air, water, etc).
The diversity at the ecological (or) habitat level is known as ecosystem diversity. A
large region with different ecosystems can be considered as ecosystem diversity.
Example River ecosystem.
The river which include the fish, aquatic insects, mussels and variety of plants that have
Thus, the ecosystem diversity is the aggregate of different environmental types in a region.
It explains the interaction between living organisms and physical environment in an
Biosphere is a life supporting system to the human beings.
It is the combination of different organisms.
Each organisms in the biosphere has its own significance.
Biodiversity is vital for healthy biosphere.
Biodiversity is must for the stability and proper functioning of the biosphere.
We get benefits from other organisms in number of ways.
Sometimes we realize the real value of the organism only after it is lost in this earth.
Various uses of biodiversity are classified as follows
1.17.1 Consumptive use value
These are direct use values, where the biodiversity products are harvested and consumed
Examples Food, drug, fuel, etc.,
A large number of wild plants are consumed by human beings as food.
Nearly 80 - 90% of our food crops have been domesticated only from the tropical wild
A large number of wild animals are also consumed as food.
(a) Ceropegia bulbosa: in central India and Western Ghats.
(b) Codonopisis: in Himalayan region.
(c) Cicer microphyllum: in Kashmir
(d) Insects: molluscs, spiders, and wild herbivores are
consumed by many tribal and non-tribal communities in India.
2. Drugs
Around 70% of modern medicines are derived from plant and plant extracts. 20,000 plant
species are believed to be used medicinally, particularly in the traditional system of Unani,
Ayurveda and Sidha.
Germany alone uses more than 2,500 Species of plants for medicinal purposes in
Homeopathy and other systems of medicines.
India uses 3000 Species of plants in Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani system of
According to research about 85% of global community use plants for primary health care.
According to latest medical scienes, bee-sting venom is used for treating arthritis.
Life saving drugs like quinine (Malaria), reserpine (hypertension), pencillin (antibiotic)
and morphine (pain kill) are all of plant origin.
The peepal tree leaves, trunk and roots are used as effective medicines for curing disease
like fever, cough, stomach and skin diseases.
About 30 medicines have been prepared from neem tree which have been proved to be
very effective for stomach oilments, eye irritations, skin eruptions and diabetics.
Maxican yarn has been proved as a versatile boon to produce birth control in human
Table 1.2: Medicinal products from Natural Resources
3. Fuel
Firewoods are directly consumed by villagers, tribals.
The fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas are also the products of fossilized
1.17.2 Productive use values
Biodiversity products have obtained a commercial value.
These products are marketed and sold.
These products may be derived from the animals and plants.
Table 1.3: Animal products
Animal Animal
Wool Sheep.
Tusk Elephants.
Many industries are dependent upon the productive use values of biodiversity.
Table 1.4: Plant and animal products for various industries
Rice accounts for 22% of the cropped area and Cereals accounts for 39% of the cropped
Oil seed production also helped in saving large amount of foreign exchange spent on
importing edible oils.
1.17.3 Social Values
Social value of the biodiversity refers to the manner in which the bio-resources are used to
the society.
These values are associated with the social life, religion and spiritual aspects of the people.
1. Holy plants: Many plants are considered as the holy plants in our country.
Examples: Tulsi, peepal, lotus, bael, etc.,
The leaves, fruits of these plants are used in worship.
. Holy animals: Many animals are also considered as holy animals in our country.
Examples: Cow, snake, bull, peacock, rat, etc.,
1.17.4 Ethical values (or) Existence value
It involves ethical issues like “all life must be preserved.”
In India and in other countries biodiversity is considered to have great value on religious
and cultural basis.
Our rich heritage teaches us to worship plants, animals, rivers and mountains.
The ethical value means that a species may (or) may not be used, but its existence in nature
gives us pleasure.
The river Ganga is considered as holy river.
Vembu, Tulsi, Vengai are same of the trees, worshipped by the Tamilians.
We are not deriving anything directly from Kangaroo, Zebra (or) Giraffe, but we feel that
these should exist in nature.
Thus, there is an ethical value (or) existence value attached to each species.
1.17.5 Aesthetic value
The beautiful nature of plants and animals insist us to protect the biodiversity.
The most important aesthetic value of biodiversity is eco-tourism.
Eco - tourism:
People from far place spend a lot of time and money to visit the beautiful areas, where they
can enjoy the aesthetic value of biodiversity.
This type of tourism is known as eco - tourism.
The pleasant music of wild birds, colour of butterfly, colour of flowers, colour of peacocks
are very important for their aesthetic value.
1.17.6 Option values
The option values are the potentials of biodiversity that are presently unknown and need
to be known.
The optional values of biodiversity suggests that any species may be proved to be a
valuable species after someday.
The growing biotechnology field is searching a species for causing the diseases of cancer and
Medicinal plants and herbs play a very important role in our indian economic growth.
India is one among the 12 mega-diversity countries in the world.
It has 89,450 animal species accounting for 7.31% of the global faunal species and 47,000
plant species which accounts for 10.8% of the world floral species.
The loss of biodiversity (or) endemim is about 33%.
Table 1.5. Distribution of species in some groups of flora and fauna in India
Fig 1.4 Hot Spots of Biodiversity in India
Table 1.7 Biodiversity hot spots in India
Important endangered Species
A few species of endangered reptiles, mammals, birds and plants are given below.
Fig. 1.5 Some endangered species