Module Hum12023
Module Hum12023
Module Hum12023
everything is in god.
Belief is a mental state, a disposition or attitude about things, people, places, Another orientation toward God is atheism. This view denies the existence of a
or events. It does not necessarily require empirical evidence-that is, evidence god or gods. The disbelief is founded on the idea that there is no sufficient
gathered and verified through observation. basis or evidence to prove the existence of a god or gods.
Forming beliefs is one of the most fundamental and important features of the The third orientation concerning God is agnosticism. It tells that one can
mind and of religion as well. neither prove nor disprove the existence of a higher being named god or gods.
Religions have their set of beliefs, and these beliefs are important because (1) Agnostics use a skeptical argument to defend this position. Skeptics refer to
beliefs serve as a compass for people in choosing to behave the way they do; people who suspend judgment or have doubts on the existence of a god or
(2) beliefs help people see and/or make sense of reality; (3) beliefs form the gods.
values and character of a person; (4) beliefs move people to action; and (5)
beliefs are kinds of knowledge. INSTRUCTION: Read and understand the questions. Write your answers in a
separate sheet of paper.
Belief systems are systematically structured as a gauge to see the things that
make up reality. You operate within a system in order to integrate or make as a 1. Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
united whole all of what you perceive or sense. 2. What are your views on the people who doesn’t believe in God?
3. What values in your religion have you acquired so far? How do these values
A belief system has the following characteristics or elements: affect your interaction with other people?
1. Belief systems are value-laden. Religious belief systems are value-laden in a
sense that beliefs are aimed at developing values.These values are good and
considered basic to human life. These values are goodness, charity, love,
knowledge, faith, obedience, piety, mercy and compassion.
2. Belief systems are prescriptive. When a doctor prescribes medicine to a
patient, the latter ought to follow what the former has instructed. Belief
systems have the same degree of authority.
3. Belief systems are instrumental/purposive. The use or purpose of belief
systems is seen within the context of the goal of religions. Many religions
propagate the belief that salvation can be attained only by following its tenets.
4. Belief systems are communal. Religion is a social phenomenon because it is
a product of the social interaction among individuals of the same cultural,
historical, and geographical background.