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Water Solubility CO2 Mixtures 2014

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Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411


Water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures: Experimental and Modelling

Mohammad Ahmada*and Sander Gersena


The capture of CO2 from power plants and other large industrial sources is offering a main solution to reduce CO2 emissions.
The captured mixture will contain impurities like nitrogen, argon, oxygen, water and some toxic elements like sulfur and
nitrogen oxides, the types and quantities of which depend on the type of fuel and the capture process. The presence of free
water formation in the transportation pipeline causes severe corrosion problems, flow assurance failure and might damage
valves and instrumentations. In the presence of free water, CO2 dissolves in the aqueous phase and will partly ionize to form
a weak acid. Thus, free water formation should be avoided.

This work aims to investigate the solubility of water in CO2 mixtures under pipeline operation conditions in the temperature
range of (5 – 35 °C) and the pressure range of (90 – 150 bar). A test set up was constructed, which consists of a high
pressure reactor in which a CO2 mixture containing water at initial soluble conditions was prepared. The purpose of this
study is to identify the maximum water content level which could be allowed in CO2 transportation pipelines. The
experimental data generated were then compared to the calculations of two mixture models: the GERG-2008 model and the
EOS-CG model.

© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-reviewand peer-review
under underofresponsibility
responsibility ofCommittee
the Organizing GHGT of GHGT-12

Keywords: Carbon capture and storage, pipelines, water solubility, equation of states.

1. Introduction

The capture of CO2 from large fossil fuel, biomass energy facilities and from other large CO2 point sources
has become relevant within the concept to mitigate CO2 emissions via Carbon Capture and Storage. A big part
of this captured CO2 stream will be transported at high pressure dense phase conditions and stored in offshore
underground depleted oil and gas fields. CO2 is also transported in offshore pipelines to be used for enhanced oil
and gas recovery. The capture process may result in impurities like nitrogen, argon, oxygen, methane, water and
some toxic elements like sulfur and nitrogen oxides. The types and amount of impurities depend on the type of
fuel, the type of the capture process and any gas treatment steps either prior or subsequent to the CO2 capture [1].

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31.6.15094945; fax: +31.50.7009858.

E-mail address: mohammad.ahmad@dnvgl.com

1876-6102 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of GHGT-12
Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411 2403

Having impurities in the CO2 steam will cause expansion of the liquid-vapour phase envelope and will
increase or drop the dew-point and the bubble point pressures ([2], [3] and [4]). The increase of the bubble point
pressure would mean that pipeline operators have to transport dense or liquid CO2 at higher pressures to avoid
phase change in their pipelines. The presence of free water formations has an even more severe impact mainly
because of the corrosion issue. CO2 will then dissolve in the aqueous phase and partly ionize to form a weak
acid. When partly hydrated, CO2 will slowly dissolve in water and form carbonic acid. Thus, to keep low
corrosion rates, the CO2 should be dry or the water should be fully dissolved at all operation conditions. With
free water formation present in the pipeline, the corrosion rates could be in the order of mm every year [5]. The
water solubility, on the other hand, depends on the type and the amount of impurities present in the CO2 stream
and on the pipeline operation conditions of pressure and temperature [6] and [7]. 500 ppm is typical accepted
water content by CO2 pipeline operators, considered to be with a good safety margin for avoiding corrosion ([8]
and [9]). The first experimental work carried out by Ahmad et al. [10] has shown for the different examined CO2
mixtures that water fractions of 500 ppm were fully soluble at pressures down to 90 bar and at temperatures
down to 5 °C. However, other experts ask for full dehydration for avoiding corrosion risks by achieving a water
content of 50 ppm, or a concentration of no more than 60% of the dew point at worst case conditions [11].

To set the water content specifications, the designers and the operators of the CO2 pipeline transmission
systems should have data on the solubility of water in CO2 mixtures, and the models describing the solubility
should be verified and validated. There is a limited amount of experimental data available in the literature on the
solubility of water in CO2. In this study, the solubility of water in CO2 mixtures was studied. An experimental
set up was constructed with a high pressure reactor in which well-defined CO2 mixtures could be prepared and
where pressure and temperature could be controlled and varied. A silicon chip based hygrometer sensor was
connected to the reactor to measure water content. The sensor showed very rapid response, high accuracy to
humidity changes and insensitivity to sample flow rate. Because of the water high polarity and water stickiness
issues, a special attention was given to the set up material in particular the sealing, fittings, tubing and to the
sampling process. The experimental data generated were compared to two mixture models explicit in the
Helmholtz free energy. The first model is the GERG-2008 [12] that was developed for natural gas mixtures and
is capable to describe the CO2 mixtures studied in this work as well. The second is the EOS-CG model [13] that
is based on the same mathematical structure as the GERG-2008, with special focus on CO2 mixtures and humid

2. Experimental Test Set Up

The experimental test set up is made up of a high pressure reactor in which gases can be injected and
mixtures can be prepared. The pressure and temperature inside the reactor is flexibly controlled. The reactor has
a total volume of 15 ml. It consists of a cylindrical sapphire tube (Fig. 1) that is closed by two lids and covered
by a double jacket of polycarbonate. The temperature of the mixture inside the reactor is controlled using water
filled refrigerated and a heating circulator connected to the double jacket, allowing the temperature inside the
reactor to be varied from 4 to 40 °C. The reactor pressure could be changed using a piston system installed
inside the sapphire to provide the volume variation capability. The capstan was placed vertically so that a
magnetic rod (stirrer) could be installed at the bottom lid of the reactor for gas mixing purposes.

2404 Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411

Fig. 1. Photo of the experimental system.

The CO2 is injected into the reactor using a pump with a head pressure of 200 bar. Gas mixtures of well
know composition are supplied to the reactor from high pressure calibrated bottles. Water is introduced inside
the reactor using small syringes at atmospheric pressure (1 bar) where water is injected into a heated line and is
then flushed into the reactor. The reactor internal walls are well treated to eliminate any water stickiness
problems. Fig. 2 shows a schematic representation of the reactor. The pressure was measured using precise
pressure transmitters at two locations, at the syringe pump side and inside the reactor side at the gage block
location. The gage block contains a safety valve that opens if over pressurization inside the system occurs. The
capillary connection lines have very small volumes compared to that of the reactor and the syringe pump. A set
of standard high pressure valves, rated 1000 bar, was used allowing a certain connection and isolation flexibility
of the reactor, the syringe pump and the supply source.

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the experimental set up.

The water content was measured from samples taken from the reactor through a heated line using a silicon
chip hygrometer. During the sampling process, a volume flow rate of 50ml/min of vapour supply was needed to
get a representative water content value. The sensor acts as a capacitor which interacts at the dielectric level
with the hydrogen bonding of water to cause a dielectric change. After reading the water content of a certain
sample, the sensor is self-heated to get rid of any absorbed moisture. The sensor responds to water vapour
pressure in equilibrium. Thus, in order to dry it further, flushing using dry nitrogen was required after each
sampling process.
Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411 2405

3. Experimental Procedure

The first experimental step was to insure the elimination of any water residuals in the reactor or in the
connection lines prior to the experiment, so the system was first filled with pure CO2, heated and flushed for a
couple of times. Afterwards, the mixtures of water, impurities and CO2 in fully soluble conditions are then
prepared inside the reactor. First, the water is injected inside the heated (up to 80 °C) supply line of the reactor
using a hand syringe. Next, the water was flushed into the reactor using either pure CO2 supply stream
(experiments with pure CO2-water mixtures) from the pump, or impurity supply stream (experiments with CO2-
impurity-water) from high pressure bottles.

Knowing the initial experiment conditions of pressure and temperature and the targeted mixture composition
(pure CO2 or CO2-impurity mixture) enables us to deduce the amount of water to be injected and the injection
pressure value of the impurity. After injecting water, the impurity and finally the CO2, the mixture in the reactor
could be then left to homogenize using the stirrer for a couple of hours at high temperature (40 °C) conditions
that provide high water solubility conditions. At the end of experiment preparation phase, the mixtures prepared
inside the reactor will have the required water mass content (in soluble conditions) in a mixture composition at a
certain pressure conditions and a temperature of 40 °C. For verification purposes, the reading of the hygrometer
for the first sample taken from the reactor should indicate the exact water mass content of the mixture. A sample
taken from the reactor undergoing gas chromatographic analysis (GC) will indicate the exact mixture
composition. The uncertainty in the mixtures composition measurements using the GC is 0.01%. The
uncertainty in the temperature measurement inside the cell is 0.5 °C and that of the pressure is 0.3%.

After the preparation of the mixture, the sampling process starts. In every sample, 0.1 to 0.2 g of CO2 is taken
out from the reactor with a flow rate of 50ml/min for a couple of minutes. The water content of the sample is
measured using the hygrometer and compared to the first reading. During the sampling process, the pressure in
the reactor is kept constant by dropping the piston level of 1-3 % of the cell height, whereas the temperature is
dropped (using the water heat exchanger) after each sample, until the hygrometer reads lower reading. The drop
in the water mass content in the sample read by the hygrometer is explained by the formation of free water on
the reactor wall, indicating that water dew-point temperature has been reached. The uncertainty in the detection
of the dew-point is 1.2 °C.

4. Models Used

The two models used for comparison with the experimental data, GERG-2008 and EOS-CG models, are
based on the same multi-fluid approach with different adjusted mixture parameters. Both models are explicit in
the reduced Helmholtz free energy D a U , T , x RT , which is a function of density U, temperature T, and
mixture composition (or mole fraction) x (R is the gas constant). The reduced Helmholtz free energy can be
expressed by an ideal-gas partDoand a residual contributionDraccording to
D G ,W , x D o U , T , x  D r G ,W , x  (1)
Where the reduced mixture densityGand the inverse reduced mixture temperature Ware given by

G U U r x and W Tr x T 

The functional form of the reducing functions U r x and Tr x is given by [12]:
1 N
2 1 N 1 N xi  x j 1§ 1 1 ·
Ur x
¦x i
U c,i
¦ ¦ 2x x E i j v , ij J v ,ij 2 ¨¨ 1 3  1 3
E v ,ij xi  x j 8 © U c,i U c, j
¸¸ , (3)
i 1 i 1 j i 1 ¹

N 1 N x  xj
i 0.5
Tr x ¦ x T  ¦ ¦ 2x x E
i 1
i c,i
i 1 j i 1
i j J
T ,ij T ,ij 2
E x  xj
Tc,iTc, j , (4)
T ,ij i

Ev,ij, Jv,ij , ET,ij, and JT,ij are adjustable binary reducing parameters, and Uc and Tc are the critical densities and
temperatures of the mixture pure components.
2406 Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411

Unlike the residual part Dr of the Helmholtz free energy model which is evaluated at reduced mixture
parameters, using composition-dependent reducing functions U r x and Tr x , the ideal-gas part Do is
evaluated at the non-reduced densityUand temperatureT.It is given by:

D o U ,T , x ¦ x ª¬D i
o,i G o,i ,W o,i  ln xi º¼ , (5)
i 1
 D o,i and x i are the dimensionless ideal-gas part of the Helmholtz free energy and the mole fraction of

component i in the mixture, and N is the number of components in the mixture. The sum xi ln xi accounts for
the entropy of mixing in the ideal mixture. The ideal-gas parts of the Helmholtz free energies of each pure
component are evaluated at their component specific reduced parameters Go,i  and Wo,i, which are given as follows:

G o,i U Uc,i and W o,i Tc,i T . (6)

The residual part of the Helmholtz free energy of the mixture is given by the following equation:

D r G ,W , x ¦xD i
o,i G ,W  'D r G ,W , x , (7)
i 1
r r
D o,i is the residual part of the reduced Helmholtz free energy of component i and 'D is the so-called
departure function, constituted by:
N 1 N
'D r G ,W , x ¦¦ xx FD i j ij
ij G ,W , (8)
i 1 j i 1
The binary departure function D ij for the components i and j and the weighing factor Fij are introduced by
[10]. The mathematical structure of the binary departure function used in the GERG-2008 model is a
combination of polynomial and exponential terms specifically developed for mixtures. It reads:

K pol,ij
dij ,k tij ,k
Dijr ,GERG-2008 G ,W ¦n ij , k G W
k 1
K pol ,ij  Kspec,ij  (9)
exp ª« Kij ,k G  H ij , k º.
dij ,k tij ,k
k Kpol ,ij 1
nij ,k G W
 Eij , k G  J ij , k »¼
On the other hand, the departure function in the EOS-CG model uses a simple form of exponential terms also
used in common Helmholtz models for pure fluids. It is given by:
K pol,ij Kpol,ij  Kexp,ij
dij ,k tij ,k dij ,k tij ,k l
Dijr ,EOS-CG G ,W ¦ nij ,kG W  ¦ nij ,k G W exp G ij ,k
k 1 k Kpol,ij 1
K pol,ij  Kexp,ij  Kspec ,ij
exp ª« Kij ,k G  H ij ,k º.
dij ,k tij ,k
k Kpol,ij  Kexp,ij 1
nij ,k G W
 Eij ,k G  J ij ,k

The mixture models given in equations (1) to (10) are thus a combination of pure fluid contributions, namely
o r
D o,i and D o,i ,
and mixture
contributions, namely the reducing functions U r x and Tr x , and the binary
departure functions Dij . For the description of the pure fluid contributions [12] developed new short Helmholtz
equations of state specifically designed to work well with mixture models, while in the EOS-CG model the
reference Helmholtz equations were used. The models are adjusted to experimental mixture data by fitting the
binary reducing parameters Ev,ij, Jv,ij, ET,ij, JT,ijand, if necessary, the adjustable parameters in the binary departure
function Dij . The experimental data used for the parameter fitting of the EOS-CG model include properties in
the homogeneous gas and liquid phases (densities, speed of sound data, heat capacities or excess enthalpies) as
well as phase equilibrium measurement data (phase compositions at given temperature and pressure) over a
Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411 2407

wide range of temperature, pressure and composition. The parameters were fitted by minimizing the sum of
squares of the deviations between experimental and calculated property values, using a non-linear optimization
algorithm. This method enables fitting to all kinds of available experimental data simultaneously without any
pre-correlations [13].

5. Experimental data

The experimental data of water solubility in CO2-O2 mixtures with 2.5% O2 is given in Fig. 3 as a function of
pressure and temperature. The figure shows an increase in water solubility with the increase of temperature in
the range of pressure and temperature tested. Maintaining constant pressure conditions of 90 bar, the water
solubility increases from 991 ppm at 20 °C, to close to 1422 ppm at 33 °C and up to 1927 ppm at 41 °C. At
constant pressure of 150 bar, the water solubility increases from 967 ppm at 12 °C, to 1443 ppm at 27 °C and up
to 1969 ppm at 38 °C. The water solubility is also affected by the variation in pressure. An increased pressure
was observed to increase the water solubility. However, the influence of temperature seems to be more
prominent. An increase in temperature of 1 °C would raise the water solubility by 50 ppm, while an increase in
pressure of 1 bar would raise the solubility by only 3 or 4 ppm. The increase in the solubility driven by the
increase in the temperature or pressure conditions has been observed for the different CO2 mixtures examined in
this study.

Fig. 3. Water solubility in CO2-O2 mixtures (2.5% O2).

Fig. 4 shows the water solubility measurements for CO2 mixtures with different impurities (2.5% of O2, N2 or
CH4) at constant pressure condition of 120 bar. A similar dependence of water solubility on temperature and
pressure is observed with the different studied mixtures. The experimental data show a drop in the water
solubility in the presence of impurities. Among the three examined mixtures with the three types of impurities,
the data observed with both CO2-N2 and CO2-O2 mixtures were very similar with the lowest water solubility
readings recorded for the CO2-CH4 mixtures. At a constant pressure of 120 bar, with pure CO2 the water
solubility increases from 1025 ppm at 15 °C, to 1460 ppm at 28 °C and up to 2100 ppm at 38 °C, while with
CO2-CH4 mixtures (2.5% CH4) the water solubility increases from 979 ppm at 17 °C, to 1496 ppm at 31 °C and
up to 1968 ppm at 39 °C. The presence of 2.5% of any of N2, O2 or CH4 in CO2 lowers the water solubility limit
by 75 ppm at minimum (low temperature) and 200 ppm at maximum (high temperature) depending on pressure
and temperature.

2408 Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411

Fig. 4. Water solubility at 120 bar in pure CO2 and in CO2 with 2.5% of O2, N2 or CH4.

Fig. 5. Water solubility at 120 bar in CO2 - CH4 mixtures.

The effect of the amount of impurities on water solubility was also studied. Fig. 5 shows the water solubility
data at 120 bar for a mixture of 2.5% methane and another with 5% methane in comparison with pure CO2 data.
The water solubility drops with the increase in the level of methane. The water solubility was 979 ppm at 17 °C
with 2.5% methane, and 943 ppm at 19 °C with 5 % methane. The solubility increases to 1496 ppm at 31 °C and
then to 1968 ppm at 39 °C with 2.5% methane, while with 5% methane the solubility recorded was 1469 ppm at
32 °C and increased to 2005 ppm at 41 °C. The presence of 500 ppm of NO2 or SO2 in the CO2 appears (Fig. 6)
to have larger impact on water solubility in comparison with the other tested impurities. Fig. 6 shows a drop of
water solubility of around 500 ppm at minimum (at low temperatures close to 15 °C) up to around 1000 ppm at
maximum (at high temperatures close to 39 °C) upon the addition of 500 ppm of NO2 in CO2. A further drop of
water solubility is observed with 500 ppm of SO2.
Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411 2409

Fig. 6. Water solubility at 120 bar in CO2 mixtures with SO2 and NO2.

The availability of water solubility data in pure CO2 as well as in CO2 with impurities is crucial to set up CO2
mixtures specifications at the capture locations, and will have direct implication on the CO2 pipeline design as
well as on the pipeline operation envelope. In the different examined mixtures, a drop in the water solubility was
observed at low pressures and temperatures or due to the presence of impurities. For setting up the allowable
water level in CO2 pipelines to avoid free water formation, the following considerations should be taken into

Ͳ The type and quantity of impurities downstream of the capture location which depend on the capture
technique and the fuel type. It should be mentioned here that the CO2 capture costs are greatly affected
as CO2 purity becomes more stringent.
Ͳ The influence the impurities first have on the liquid vapor phase transition zone of CO2, and the fact
that operational envelop should first be set to avoid any two phase flow in the pipeline.
Ͳ The influence that the impurities have on water solubility. In the presence of impurities either higher
minimum pressures or temperatures should be maintained in the pipeline or further water drying should
be carried out to avoid free water formations and corrosion problems.

Looking to the presented experimental data, 500 ppm of water were fully soluble at the conditions of
minimum pressure (90 bar) and minimum temperature (5 °C) for the different tested mixtures except with the
presence of NO2 and SO2. However, setting up allowable water content, attention should also be paid to the
different pipeline operation regimes (system shut down, discharge or filling, and so on) and the risk of the
consequent water formations because of the resulting low temperature and pressures.

6. Model calculations

The availability of experimental data is also crucial to assess and further develop physical models. The
experimental results obtained at different pressures for water solubility in pure CO2 (Fig. 7) and in CO2-O2
(figure 8) mixtures are compared to the predictions of the two models used in this study, the GERG-2008 and
the EOS-CG. For both mixtures, the figures show a better performance of the GERG-2008 equation of state
predicting water solubility in the range of pressure and temperature tested. The GERG-2008 calculations show a
good agreement with the experimental data especially at high pressures (120 bar). At 90 bar (closer to the
critical and phase transition zones), the model predictions slightly deteriorate for both pure CO2 and CO2-O2
mixtures. The comparison with experimental data shows an average prediction error of around 200 ppm at 90
bar and less than 50 ppm at 120 bar. The model predicts the right dependency trend of water solubility as
function of pressure and temperature.
2410 Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411

Fig. 7. Water solubility in pure CO2 - Models prediction and experimental data. Solid Line: experimental data, long dashed line: EOS-CG,
square doted: GERG 2008.

The EOS-CG model shows the right trend predicting the water solubility with both pure CO2 and CO2-O2
mixtures as function of temperature except at low pressure of 90 bar where an increase in temperature close to
the critical zone results in a drop of water solubility. However and in comparison with the GERG-2008 model
and for both presented mixtures, the EOS-CG model significantly overestimates the solubility of water for the
different pressures and temperature examined, see Fig. 7 and 8. The comparison with experimental data shows
an average prediction error reaching 400% with a remarkably better performance at 90 bar and at high
temperatures. The quantitative agreement with the experimental can be further improved by fitting the
interaction parameters to the obtained ternary high-pressure three-phase equilibrium data.

Fig. 8. Water solubility in pure CO2-O2 mixtures - Models prediction and experimental data. Solid Line: experimental data, long dashed line:
EOS-CG, square doted: GERG 2008.

7. Conclusions

Water solubility in CO2 mixtures at pipeline operation conditions has been studied. An experimental set up
was used to measure water solubility in pure CO2 as well as in CO2 mixtures. The accuracy of two mixture
models, the GERG-2008 model and the EOS-CG model, was assessed using the measurement data. The
experimental data and the different models predictions have been analyzed and the following conclusions can be

x In range of pressure and temperature studied and for the different tested mixtures, the water solubility
increased with the increase in the temperature or pressure.
x For all studied ternary mixtures with 2.5% of a certain impurity, 500 ppm of water were fully soluble at the
conditions of minimum pressure (90 bar) and minimum temperature (5 °C). However, with the presence of
only 500 ppm of NO2 or SO2, and in comparison with the other mixtures, the water solubility has drastically
dropped to the borders of 500 ppm.
Mohammad Ahmad and Sander Gersen / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 2402 – 2411 2411

x The experimental data showed a drop in the water solubility limit of 75 ppm and down to 200 ppm with the
presence of 2.5 % of any of N2, O2 or CH4 in CO2. The water solubility in CO2 was lowered by around
500/700 ppm at minimum and around 1000/1200 ppm at maximum upon the addition of 500 ppm of
NO2/SO2 respectively.
x The GERG-2008 equation of state showed better predictions of water solubility in comparison with the
EOS-CG model for the tested mixtures and in the range of pressure and temperature studied. The
calculations could be however, improved by fitting the interaction parameters to the obtained ternary high-
pressure three-phase equilibrium data.


This research has been financed by a grant from the Energy Delta Gas Research (EDGaR) program. EDGaR
is co-financed by the Northern Netherlands Provinces, the European Fund for Regional Development, the
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation and the Province of Groningen. We also gratefully
acknowledge the financial support from the N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie.


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