Nhóm 3
Nhóm 3
Nhóm 3
Other Operating Income
Cost of sales
Selling, general and administrative expenses
Interest expense
Other Operating Expense
Investment Income
Tax expense
Profit or the year
et ($ millions)
2,013 2,012
3,794 1,864
111,176 93,485
70,804 71,782
- -
185,774 167,113
119,165 107,735
1,628 1,628
- -
120,793 109,363
306,567 276,476
123,916 99,984
1,546 -
9,982 5,903
135,444 105,887
8,001 8,265
792 1,124
524 455
9,317 9,844
144,761 115,731
69,607 67,676
9,507 11,859
82,689 81,210
161,803 160,745
306,564 276,476