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Tellabs Get Schooled Cheat Sheet: Carrier Ethernet 101

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Carrier Ethernet 101

John Sauer, Senior Principal Engineer & Carlos Benavides, Group Manager
Tellabs Verizon Business — Metro Ethernet Services
Carrier Ethernet is at the forefront of the telecommunication’s industry ongoing effort to provide reliable, cost-effective and easy-
to-manage bandwidth. Even so, there’s a great deal of confusion about exactly what Carrier Ethernet is and what’s viable today.

This session of Get Schooled provides a primer on Carrier Ethernet as a solution, what limitations are facing Ethernet today,
hurdles to overcome and how standards bodies are addressing them.
> To download podcasts, visit www.inspirethenewlife.com

Additional References (on tellabs.com)

Verizon Business Ethernet Services


Tellabs Recognized as Most Advanced Vendor for End-to-End Ethernet

Backhaul Network Solutions

Tellabs Emerge Magazine Article Reprints

Carrier Ethernet 101

Inside MetroEthernet

Measuring the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s Success One Millisecond at a Time


One Tellabs Center • 1415 West Diehl Road • Naperville, IL 60563 • 630 798 8800 • www.tellabs.com
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purposes only, are subject to change and are not to be construed as instructions, product specifications, guarantees or warranties. Actual results may differ materially. The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations,
Inc., or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T symbol®, and T symbol®. Any other company or product names may be trademarks of their respective companies. © 2007 Tellabs. All rights reserved.
News Releases
Tellabs® 7100 Optical Transport System: Lighting the Way to Converged Networks

MetroNet Delivers More in Mexico Worldwide Metro Ethernet

www.tellabs.com/news/2007/nr091007.shtml Equipment Market Size

$ In Billions
Product Literature: $8
Tellabs® AssuredEthernetSM Solution $4 Total Revenue
www.tellabs.com/solutions/assuredethernet/ $2
Tellabs® 7100 Optical Transport System 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Growth N/A 91% 83% 23% 15% 12%
Source: © 2007 Infonetics Research, Inc.

Tellabs® 8800 Series of Intelligent Multiservice Routers


Tellabs® 8800 Multiservice Router (MSR) Series — Enabling New Services and Network Convergence

Tellabs® 6300 Managed Transport System


Other Links:

Metro Ethernet Forum


MEF Services:
What is the difference between
Ethernet and Ethernet Service?
MEF Carrier Ethernet Attributes:
a Standardized Services Ethernet is the underlying technology.
a Scalability Ethernet Service is what you deliver
a Reliability to your enterprise customer.
a Service Mgmt
a Quality of Service

One Tellabs Center • 1415 West Diehl Road • Naperville, IL 60563 • 630 798 8800 • www.tellabs.com
Statements herein may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events, products, features, technology and resulting commercial or technological benefits and advantages. These statements are for discussion
purposes only, are subject to change and are not to be construed as instructions, product specifications, guarantees or warranties. Actual results may differ materially. The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations,
Inc., or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T symbol®, and T symbol®. Any other company or product names may be trademarks of their respective companies. © 2007 Tellabs. All rights reserved.
Podcast Transcript
Carrier Ethernet 101
Featuring: John Sauer, Senior Principal Engineer & Carlos Benavides,
Group Manager Tellabs Verizon Business — Metro Ethernet Services
Monsho: Hey, it’s Monsho here for an- “Ethernet service,” and you hear them the patient at that downtown hospital,
other episode of Get Schooled. Welcome used interchangeably. Is there a differ- get that information back to the clinic
back. ence, and is there a need to differentiate and the customer or patient has an im-
the two? mediate diagnosis to get them the help
Where are my straight A students at?
they need at that point.
Are you ready for Carrier Ethernet 101? John Sauer: What we’re talking about
It’s all about the basics of schooling. It’s with Ethernet is the underlying Ethernet Another customer segment that’s en-
time for today’s pop quiz. technology as standardized by IEEE. trusting their applications to Ethernet is
When you talk about Ethernet service, the financial industry, and that’s really
What’s the difference between Ethernet
you’re talking about what you deliver to a big step for us going forward, that the
and Ethernet service? Is it: (a) Ethernet
your enterprise customer. So in that case, financial industry, who really generates
is to apple like Ethernet service is to
instead of saying delivering an IP service, and processes millions and billions and
banana, (b) Ethernet is the underlying
say, with Internet connect, you will be trillions of dollars through their net-
technology, Ethernet service is what you
delivering an Ethernet service, an end-to- works, are entrusting their network and
deliver to your enterprise customer, or
end Ethernet connection, say, between their dollars through Ethernet services.
(c) seven little letters? Take your time
routers. They’re making trading decisions, their
and think it over. Sit back, relax. I got you.
partners are making trading decisions,
It’s time to get schooled. Carlos Benavides: There is a differ-
individual buyers are making trading
ence between Ethernet and Ethernet
Dave Morfas: Hi, I’m Dave Morfas, and decisions that really cost dollars, millions
services. Ethernet is really the handoff
we’re here today with John Sauer, and of dollars, if that decision is not made
to a customer. A customer sees that
the topic today: carrier Ethernet. instantaneously.
the demarcation point of their network
John, I think where we need to start is, interface device has an Ethernet plug Dave Morfas: In what ways do service
carrier Ethernet, or Ethernet in general, they can simply plug into; very simple. providers need to evolve their networks
seems to be sort of the answer to ev- Ethernet services are a little more com- to support Ethernet service, and is this
eryone’s problems. What’s the network plex. Ethernet services really are not only an immediate replacement for, say, TDM
migrating to, what’s the new silver bullet the Ethernet connection, but everything and SONET and SDH?
and magic technology? Why is it such a in between that enables that connection
John Sauer: Well, what we’re seeing,
hot topic, and is it over-hyped or is the and those packets to move from site to
Dave, is that there is a migration to
hype justified? site. It includes optical transport technol-
providing these packet services. And in
ogy, and other Ethernet technologies can
John Sauer: Well, Dave, what’s happen- that migration there is a movement away
include IP signaling.
ing is, the world’s moving to a packet over time from TDM services. However,
transport system, and Ethernet’s a good In Verizon Business, we’ve seen custom- TDM services can still run Ethernet over
candidate, because it’s been used so long ers entrust their most critical applica- them, and they’ll still be present for quite
in the LAN. So all the enterprises out tions to Ethernet services. It’s really a some time.
there are very familiar with this technol- good sign for Ethernet and Ethernet
What we see is the introduction of IP/
ogy. They’re looking at the price points services going forward. What we’ve seen
MPLS-based pseudowire technologies.
for Ethernet interface cards, etc., and in places like the healthcare industry and
We see the introduction of PBB technolo-
they’re looking to move those interfaces in geographically dispersed areas such
gies, which is a technology coming out
to Ethernet. So it’s sort of a difference as Seattle, it’s often hard for a patient to
of IEEE. It’s packet backbone bridging.
between TDM, which is a continu- get to the downtown facility, downtown
And there are some traffic engineering
ous circuit, versus Ethernet, which is a hospital, where really the experts are,
enhancements underway there. And we
packet-based circuit. So for that reason the oncologists, the pulmonologists that
see some PBT, which is Provider Back-
we’re seeing a lot of applications looking really need to see them to diagnose their
bone Transport, technologies. These are
for high-bandwidth links back to their symptoms.
all looking to provide the packet trans-
home servers, and those kind of applica-
So with Ethernet services, it creates a port solutions to provide these kinds of
tions are well-suited toward an Ethernet
high bandwidth pipe between clinics and services.
the downtown hospitals where these CT
And the second area is in the operations
Dave Morfas: We probably need to scans, these x-rays can be transported
area. You have people to administer and
clarify a couple of terms. You hear the back to the specialists. Specialists can
maintain these Ethernet networks just to
term “Ethernet” and you hear the term immediately diagnose the customer or
the quality that you had with SDH and John Sauer: Well, there is explosive long-distance POP and transport critical
SONET. So our operators want to be able growth in providing Ethernet services, customer applications.
to impress upon their enterprise custom- and our carriers are meeting this with a
Ethernet is a reality, but is it done yet?
ers that they’ll be able to establish the range of technologies. We’re seeing the
No. It’ll continue to change and move
same SLAs, which are the Service Level use of MPLS pseudowires, such as those
forward with the work done by stan-
Agreements, between our operators and provided by our Tellabs 8800 router line.
dards bodies such as the MEF. We’ll see
their customers. We’re seeing the introduction of optical
standards such as the ENNI, we’ll see the
technology here. And one of the things
Carlos Benavides: There’s been a lot of link OA&M and we’ll see other standards
Tellabs is doing is putting a native Ether-
talk about IP and Ethernet replacing tech- that will evolve Ethernet into the future.
net switching technology into our 7100
nologies such as TDM and SONET. And
products. We’re also seeing different Monsho: Brains and beauty? You’ve
IP and Ethernet will continue to grow. IP
operators using T-MPLS technology such got the whole package, don’t you? The
will be the prevalent technology moving
as that provided by our 6300 line. We’re correct answer is (b). If you missed the
forward. But the reality is, we’ll continue
seeing different carriers using a native answer, your homework is to download
to leverage our optical base to transport
Ethernet technology as well, using some a cheat sheet at inspirethenewlife.com.
Ethernet throughout our network.
of the new PBB standards, which we are See, I’m not just another pretty face.
Moving forward, we’re just looking to also working in.
push packets, push Ethernet frames
We are very active in the MEF and the
through our network more efficiently.
IEEE to ensure that Tellabs is at the cut-
So what we’re looking at going forward
ting edge of these technologies. And the
is, technology that can have Ethernet
market will ultimately decide which of
interfaces and can really push a lot of
these technologies is the lowest-cost so-
bandwidth through the network and just
lution, but Tellabs is prepared to deliver
making our network more efficient.
whatever is required by the market.
Dave Morfas: Given the groundwork that
Carlos Benavides: So Ethernet is a
we’ve laid, and talked about some of the
technology that is carrier class now as
hurdles, talked about some of the tech-
opposed to a LAN technology, as it was
nologies and so forth that are coming
before. It has really grown due to the
down the pike, what are service providers
standards bodies’ efforts, including the
doing today to provide carrier Ethernet
Metro Ethernet Forum, to really intro-
in a current network, and what is Tellabs
duce standards around the products
so it can go into a central office, into a

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