Cosmological Simulations of Scale-Dependent Primordial Non-Gaussianity
Cosmological Simulations of Scale-Dependent Primordial Non-Gaussianity
Cosmological Simulations of Scale-Dependent Primordial Non-Gaussianity
Cosmological simulations of
scale-dependent primordial
arXiv:2407.06641v1 [astro-ph.CO] 9 Jul 2024
Abstract. We present the results of a set of cosmological N-body simulations with standard ΛCDM
cosmology but characterized by a scale-dependent primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type featur-
ing a power-law dependence of the fNL (k) at large scales followed by a saturation to a constant value
at smaller scales where non-linear growth leads to the formation of collapsed cosmic structures. Such
models are built to ensure consistency with current Cosmic Microwave Background bounds on primor-
dial non-Gaussianity yet allowing for large effects of the non-Gaussian statistics on the properties of
non-linear structure formation. We show the impact of such scale-dependent non-Gaussian scenarios
on a wide range of properties of the resulting cosmic structures, such as the non-linear matter power
spectrum, the halo and sub-halo mass functions, the concentration-mass relation, the halo and void
density profiles, and we highlight for the first time that some of these models might mimic the effects
of Warm Dark Matter for several of such observables.
1 Introduction 1
2 Cosmological Models 2
3 The Simulations 5
3.1 Numerical Setup 5
3.2 Initial Conditions 5
3.3 Halo identification 6
3.4 Void identification 6
4 Results 7
4.1 Matter distribution 7
4.2 Matter power spectrum 8
4.3 Halo Mass Function 9
4.4 Halo Bias 12
4.5 Concentrations-mass relation 13
4.6 Subhalo Mass Function 13
4.7 Stacked halo density profiles 14
4.8 Stacked void density profiles 16
5 Conclusions 17
1 Introduction
The unprecedented precision of on-going or forthcoming observations in cosmology holds the potential
to measure cosmological observables and constrain cosmological parameters with percent-level (sta-
tistical) uncertanties. Hence the modeling of the different physical processes that drive the evolution
of the universe and its observable properties must attain a comparable level of accuracy.
In particular, state-of the-art or imminent cosmological surveys – such as e.g. Euclid [1–3]; the
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument [DESI, 4], the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey
of Space and Time [LSST, 5], the Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of
Reionization, and the Ices Explorer [SPHEREx, 6], and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
[7] – will focus on the evolved universe at low redshifts. Therefore, possible signatures of primordial
physical processes, such as e.g. the detailed footprints of different inflationary models [8, 9], will have
to be extracted from the highly-evolved distribution of large-scale structures. As a consequence of the
non-linear evolution of the initial density field through gravitational instability, these structures may
retain only a feeble reminiscence of the statistical properties of their primordial seeds. Furthermore,
for surveys that exploit visible galaxies as the tracers of the underlying matter distribution, the
complex relations between different galaxy observable properties and their clustering bias, large-scale
environment, and formation history must be properly modeled and taken into account in order to be
able to extract any meaningful cosmological information from the data [10].
In this respect, the use of numerical N-body simulations [see e.g. 11, 12, for a general review]
has become an essential ingredient for the preparation and the exploitation of most upcoming sur-
veys. Simulated data of key observables quantities are essential to test performance, accuracy, and
reliability of the different statistical analysis tools involved in extracting information about standard
cosmological parameters and in interpreting possible hints of new physics beyond the standard model.
Cosmological simulations are also of primary importance in modeling possible extensions of the stan-
dard cosmological scenario, as e.g. Dark Energy [13], Modified Gravity [14], massive neutrinos [15],
non-thermal Dark Matter particle candidates [16], and to accurately predict their observational foot-
prints deep into the non-linear regime of structure formation also (possibly) including sophisticated
ΩM 0.3175
ΩΛ 0.6825
Ωb 0.049
H0 67.11 km s−1 Mpc−1
ns 0.96
As 2.215 × 10−9
Table 1. The cosmological parameters consistent with the 2015 Planck data release [33] adopted in the
simulations presented in this work.
This is particularly relevant for models of primordial non-Gaussianity, which will be the focus
of the present work. From a theoretical point of view, some level of primordial non-Gaussianity is a
general prediction of nearly all inflationary models [19, 20]. Observationally, the magnitude of such
deviation from Gaussianity has been tightly constrained by the last two decades of Cosmic Microwave
background (CMB) results, such as the WMAP [21–23] and the Planck [8, 24, 25] collaborations,
with upper values that allowed ruling out a wide range of inflationary scenarios, and consequently
making a possible observational detection of primordial non-Gaussianity from low-redshift observa-
tions extremely challenging. Nonetheless, such observational bounds have been derived under the
assumption of a scale-independent non-Gaussianity, and can be evaded by considering models where
such assumption does not hold.
In particular, in the present work we will consider cosmological scenarios characterized by a
primordial density field with non-Gaussian statistics described by local-type non-Gaussianity with a
scale-dependent amplitude fNL (k) [26, 27] resulting in a large non-Gaussianity at small scales while
still matching current large-scale observational bounds. Recently, [28] used a functional form for
fNL (k) proportional to 1+tanh – yielding a non-vanishing non-Gaussianity at all scales – and focussed
on the dark matter power spectrum. Here we use a pure tanh functional form and test extensively the
impact that such scale-dependent non-Gaussianity has on a wider range of statistics of the evolved
matter density field at low redshifts, including statistical properties of biased tracers, both for positive
and negative non-Gaussianity. We also highlight for the first time an intriguing similarity with the
effects of Warm Dark Matter characterising models with a negative (and large, in absolute value)
non-Gaussianity parameter at small scales. This unexpected outcome represents a further example
of observational degeneracies between independent extensions of the standard cosmological scenario,
following the previously investigated cosmic degeneracies between e.g. Modified Gravity and massive
neutrinos [see 29, 30], Modified Gravity and Warm Dark Matter [31], and primordial non-Gaussianity
and Dark Energy [32] models.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce the cosmological models under
investigation. In Section 3 we describe the numerical approach adopted to run collisionless cosmolog-
ical N-body simulations for such models, and the data products extracted from the simulations. In
Section 4 we present the results of our analysis focusing on different observables extracted from the
simulations, and in Section 5 we finally draw our conclusions.
2 Cosmological Models
We consider a set of cosmological models within the standard ΛCDM scenario, sharing the same set of
cosmological parameters – consistent with the 5-year constraints from the Planck satellite mission [33]
and summarised in Table 1 – but having different statistics of the primordial density perturbations.
More specifically, we consider models characterized by a non-Gaussian distribution of the primordial
gravitational potential seeded by inflation. Because deviations from Gaussianity are cosntrained to be
small, virtually all models expand the gravitational potential Φ into a Gaussian component ΦG and
a non-Gaussian correction ΦN G whose amplitude is governed by a non-Gaussian parameter usually
referred to as fNL .
The most widely studied primordial non-Gaussianity is that of the local type: the gravitational
potential has the form
Φ(x) = ΦG (x) + fNL
ΦG (x)2 − ⟨ΦG (x)2 ⟩ ,
where ΦG (x) is the real-space Gaussian potential. As already mentioned above, observational con-
loc loc
straints on the non-Gaussianity parameter fNL have improved over the past decades from the fNL =
37.2 ± 19.9 of the WMAP final release [23] to the much tighter bound fNL = −0.9 ± 5.1 of the lat-
est Planck release [8]. Although no theoretical floor exists for the fNL parameter, so that its actual
value could be arbitrarily small and yet not identically vanishing, the simplest slow-roll single-field
inflationary models predict fNL ≈ 10−3 [34], which appears to be significantly beyond the current
observational bounds.
Interestingly, however, the above-mentioned observational bounds have been derived by con-
straining fNL at quite large scales (typically well within the linear regime down to z = 0) and assum-
ing it to be scale-independent. However, more complex phenomena or the presence of multiple fields
during inflation may lead to larger values [35] or to a scale-dependence [see e.g. 26, 28, 36, 37, and
references therein] of the fNL parameter. This has raised a significant interest in scale-dependent (also
known as running) non-Gaussianity scenarios and their possible resulting phenomenology. Scale-
dependent primordial non-Gaussianity is almost exclusively studied in Fourier space where fNL in the
Fourier counterpart of Eq. 2.1 acquires a dependence on the wavenumber k. The simplest and most
widely considered form of running non-Gaussianity is characterized by an fNL (k) of the form [26]:
fNL (k) = fNL,0 (2.2)
where nNG is the running index. If k0 is taken to be the pivot scale at which CMB constraints are
derived (i.e. k0 = 0.002 Mpc−1 for WMAP and k0 = 0.05 Mpc−1 for Planck), and fNL,0 to be
consistent with CMB bounds, a running index nNG > 0 would result in stronger non-Gaussianity at
smaller scales. Figure 1 shows the dependence on scale of fNL as parameterised in Eq. 2.2 (solid black
curves) for a running index nNG = 2 for both positive (top panel) and negative (bottom panel) non-
Gaussianity. In the plots, the vertical dotted lines indicate the pivot scale k0 = 0.05 Mpc−1 assumed
by [8] such that the choice |fNL (k0 )| ≲ 10 ensures ≈ 2σ consistency with current observational
constraints, still allowing |fNL | to increase way above such value at scales k > k0 . Models of such
type have been extensively investigated in the literature [see e.g. 26, 38–40, and references therein].
However, the obvious drawback of such a simple scenario lies in the divergence of the fNL (k) function
at small scales, with a formally infinite amount of non-Gaussianity for k → ∞. This would, for
example, induce a correlation between CMB spectral distortion and primary anisotropies, which, for
large enough values of |fNL,0 | and nNG , would have been detected in the Planck and FIRAS data
[41, 42].
To avoid such “small-scale catastrophe”, in the present work we will consider a different functional
form for fNL (k) that follows the same evolution of Eq. 2.2 around the pivot scale, but saturates to a
maximum |fNL,max | value at smaller scales, keeping such constant value deep into the k → ∞ limit.
This is realized through a hyperbolic tangent function by defining the running fNL (k) according to:
loc loc k
fNL (k) = fNL,max × tanh α (2.3)
1 + R1/nNG
α≡ ln (2.4)
2 1 − R1/nNG
loc loc loc
with R ≡ fNL,0 /fNL,max and ensures that the resulting function has exactly the value fNL,0 at the
loc loc loc
pivot scale and the desired maximum value of |fNL,max |. As fNL,max and fNL,0 can be independently
loc loc
Model fNL,0 fNL,max nNG
ΛCDM-Gaussian 0 0 0
NG+1e3 10 1000 2
NG–1e3 −10 −1000 2
NG+1e4 10 10000 2
NG–1e4 −10 −10000 2
Table 2. The characteristic parameters of the cosmological models investigated in the present work.
Positive fNL
sgn(fNL)⋅ log(|fNL|)
2 fNL = + 10*(k/k0)2
1 fNL = + 103*tanh(α k/k0)2
fNL = + 104*tanh(α k/k0)2
fNL = - 10*(k/k0)2
fNL = - 103*tanh(α k/k0)2
sgn(fNL) ⋅ log(|fNL|)
Figure 1. The evolution of the fNL (k) function for the models under investigation as a function of scale. To
distinguish positive (top panel) and negative (bottom panel) non-Gaussianity we plot the quantity sgn(fNL )·
log(|fNL |). The vertical dotted line represents the pivot scale adopted by the Planck collaboration.
chosen to be positive or negative, the parametrization of Eq. 2.3 allows for both positive and negative
non-Gaussianity. A similar idea of a small-scale saturation of fNL has been recently proposed by [28]
although with a different shape of the fNL (k) function.
In Fig. 1, the blue and magenta curves in the top panel show the evolution of two realizations
of Eq. 2.3 having the same value of fNL,0 = 10 and the same large-scale running index nNG = 2,
but different values of fNL,max of 10 and 104 , respectively. Similarly, the red and green curves
loc 3
in the bottom panel show the evolution for two models sharing the same fNL,0 = −10 and nNG =
loc 3 4
2, but saturating to the values of fNL,max of −10 and −10 , respectively. These are the models
that we investigate with simulations in Sections 3 and 4, and that are summarised in Table 2. As
all these models share the same ΛCDM cosmology, their background expansion history is identical
and their different evolution of linear and non-linear structure formation is determined only by the
different statistical properties of the initial density field dictated by their respective non-Gaussianity
parameterized according to Eq. 2.3.
3 The Simulations
In the present section we describe the numerical setup for our N-body simulations and for the gen-
eration of their initial conditions, as well as the procedures to extract halos and voids catalogs from
the simulations outputs.
1X Φ∗G ′ ΦGk+k′
k = B(k, k ′ , |k + k′ |) k ′ (3.3)
6 ′ P (k ) P (|k + k′ |)
ns −4
where ΦGk is a random realization of a Gaussian field with the power spectrum given by P (k) ∝ k
and ns is the scalar spectral index.
Once the Fourier-space non-Gaussian potential ΦNG k has been computed, the linear density field
δk at redshift z is derived from the potential Φk = ΦG k + ΦNG
k through the transfer function T (k) and
the Poisson equation:
2 k 2 T (k)D(z)
δk (z) = Φk (3.4)
3 ΩM H02
where D(z) is the linear growth factor, ΩM is the present-day matter fraction and H0 is the Hubble
constant. With this density field it is then possible to displace N-body particles from a regular carte-
sian grid according to second order Lagrangian perturbation theory (2LPT) at the desired starting
redshift of the simulations, which for our investigation is chosen to be zi = 49.
The statistical properties of the initial particle distribution are inherited from the primordial
gravitational potential ones. In particular, the power spectrum PΦ (k) of the potential Φ = ΦG + ΦNG
can be written as
PΦ (k) = P (k) + P NG (k), (3.5)
where P (k) and P NG (k) are the power spectra of ΦG NG
k and Φk , respectively. Following from the
definition of Φk in Eq. (3.3), we note here that the cross-term 2⟨ΦG
k Φk ⟩ does not contribute to
PΦ (k) as it involves an odd number of Gaussian fields.
On the other hand, the non-Gaussian component power spectrum P NG (k) scales as |fNL,max loc
|2 .
Consequently, models with opposite non-Gaussianity parameters share the same primordial potential
power spectrum; however, they have opposite bispectrum, according to Eq. (3.2). We point out
that Eq. (2.1) is expressed in terms of the primordial potential. Rewriting it in terms of density
perturbation via the Poisson equation, within linear evolution, one can factor out the overall D−1 (z)
redshift scaling. Then, it becomes clear that the term proportional to fNL , quadratic in the density
perturbations, is suppressed by an extra D (z) with respect to the Gaussian one [45]. The effect
of this scaling will be most apparent in the matter power spectrum, which we discuss in Section 4.2.
For large and negative values of the non-Gaussian parameter, the terms linear and quadratic in fNL
are competing with each other at high redshift, while at lower redshift the quadratic terms become
subdominant. This behaviour has been studied on mildly non-linear scales and corresponds to the
different redshift dependence of the one-loop contributions in [46].
NL = -10
Gaussian fmax
NL = +10
Figure 2. The projected density distribution in a 25 Mpc/h box centered on the most massive halo identified
in the Gaussian simulation (center) and in the two most extreme models with fNL,max = −104 (left) and
loc 4
fNL,max = +10 (right).
X 4 3
VVOID ≡ Vip = πR . (3.7)
3 eff
We compute this quantity for all the voids fulfilling our selection criteria and describe the void radial
density profiles in units of this effective radius below (see Section 4.8).
4 Results
In this section, we present the main outcomes of our numerical investigation and discuss their
main implications in terms of possible observational constraints of the proposed scale-dependent
non-Gaussianity models and in terms of possible degeneracies with other extensions of the standard
cosmological scenario.
In Fig. 2 we show the density field around the most massive halo (with mass M200c ≈ 1.3×1015 M⊙ /h)
extracted from the z = 0 snapshot of the reference Gaussian ΛCDM simulation (central panel) and the
corresponding region for the two most extreme non-Gaussian realizations with negative and positive
values of the fNL (k) function (left and right panels, respectively). The images show the projected
mass distribution in a cube of 25 h−1 Mpc per side.
As one can see from the figures, the shape of the large-scale matter distribution is the same in all
the simulations, as a consequence of assuming identical phases for the random realization of the power
spectrum in the initial conditions, as discussed in Section 3.2 above. Nonetheless, some differences
appear in the location of individual substructures as well as in the concentration of the density peaks,
even though no clear trend can be identified by eye in these minimal changes from one simulation to
This result already shows – qualitatively – that even the most extreme scenarios considered in
our work, with a maximum value of |fNL | = 104 at small scales, do not significantly change the
overall large-scale matter distribution, thanks to the steep suppression of |fNL | at progressively larger
scales as shown in Fig. 1. However, as we will describe below, the statistical analysis of the matter
distribution and the halo and void structural properties will highlight differences among the models
that become important at small scales and can be tested by present and future observations.
1.5 1.2
z = 49.0 fNL, max = +104 z = 0.00
1-loop spectra
fNL, max = +10
1-loop spectra
1.4 fNL, max = +103
fNL, max = +103
fNL, max = -103
fNL, max = -103 1.1
fNL, max = -104
1.3 fNL, max = -104
1.2 1.0
1.0 Viel et al. 2012
mWDM=0.6 keV
mWDM=0.4 keV
0.9 0.8
0.1 1.0 10.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
k [h/Mpc] k [h/Mpc]
Figure 3. The matter power spectrum ratio to the standard Gaussian case at the initial conditions (z = 49,
left panel) and at the present epoch (z = 0, right panel). The red dot-dashed and green dashed curves in the
right plot represent the expected suppression in the matter power spectrum for a Warm Dark Matter model
with mWDM = 0.6 keV and mWDM = 0.4 keV, respectively, as computed with the fitting formula of [51]. Lines
with symbols indicate the 1-loop predictions for the power spectrum ratio computed as described in the text.
The predictions have been truncated at the scale beyond which the 1-loop perturbative approach becomes
ill-defined, which is indicated by the vertical dotted lines in the plots.
include IR resummation [58, 59], as well as the higher derivative terms (counterterms) required by
the renormalization procedure. As one can see in the plots, the 1-loop EFT predictions recover the
power spectrum at the initial condition snapshot (i.e. z = 49) up to small scales and only for the
“NG+1e3” and “NG-1e3” models (blue and red points in Fig. 3). At these redshifts, the linear regime
is significantly extended and with it the predictability of the EFT model. For the “NG+1e4” and “NG-
1e4” models (magenta and green points in Fig. 3), the perturbative description of the non-Gaussian
part breaks down much earlier, due to their large fNL,max values. The discrepancy of these PNG
models with simulation results, can also be atrributed to the fact that only the non-Gaussian term
linear in fNL is considered in the 1-loop model, while the quadratic contribution can be important at
these high redshifts (see Sec. 3.1 for a discussion). At the present epoch (i.e. z = 0), where structures
have undergone non-linear evolution, the perturbative approach breaks down at much larger scales,
failing to recover the power spectrum evolution for k ≳ 0.2 h/Mpc. Thus, numerical simulations
are necessary to obtain reliable predictions at non-linear scales for models with this type of scale
dependence of the non-Gaussianity parameter fNL .
Interestingly, we also note that the models with negative fNL (k) give rise to a suppression of the
small-scale power with a shape similar to that of a thermal cutoff, that may resemble a Warm Dark
Matter [WDM, see e.g. 60] density distribution, thereby giving rise to an observational degeneracy
between the two independent phenomena of primordial non-Gaussianity and of a thermal suppression
of the density perturbations at small scales due to free-streaming. As a reference, we have overplotted
in Fig. 3 the expected suppression of non-linear power associated with a WDM particle candidate with
mass mWDM = 0.4 keV (green dashed curve) and mWDM = 0.7 keV (red dot-dashed curve) using the
fitting formula of [51], where we have used the values ν = 3, l = 0.5, s = 0.6 for the fitting parameters.
As one can see from the figure, the shape and amplitude of the suppression very closely match the
ones coming from our non-Gaussian scenarios with negative fNL (k). Similar types of observational
degeneracies between theoretically independent modifications of the standard cosmological model
have been recently investigated in [29, 31, 61]. As we will see below, the degeneracy identified in the
shape of the non-linear matter power spectrum between WDM scenarios and our proposed models
of scale-dependent non-Gaussianity will also appear in other observables (though not in all of them)
investigated in the present work. This indicates the possible presence of a significant degeneracy
between these two independent scenarios that should be further investigated.
With the halo catalogs compiled as described in Section 3.3, we computed the cumulative halo mass
function – i.e. the abundance of halos as a function of their virial mass M200c – for all the cosmological
models under investigation. The resulting cumulative mass functions at z = 0.252 are shown in
Fig. 4, normalized to the standard Gaussian reference case, where we have binned our halo catalog
into 10 logarithmically equispaced mass bins covering our selected mass range [1011 , 1014 ] M⊙ /h. By
looking at the plot, one can immediately notice how the deviation from the reference scenario is
symmetric for positive and negative values of the non-Gaussianity function for the models with the
lowest value of |fNL,max | = 103 , while this symmetry is partly lost for the models with the largest
loc 4
value of |fNL,max | = 10 .
In particular, the former models show a modest suppression (enhancement) of the halo abundance
at the low-mass end of our halo sample for positive (negative) non-Gaussianity and a corresponding
enhancement (suppression) of comparable magnitude at the high-mass end of the sample. The tran-
sition between these two regimes occurs at a mass of ≈ 1.7 × 1012 h−1 M⊙ , where the two curves cross
R loc (p) F (p, k − p) B(k, p, |k − p|; z), where
R R d3 p
term [46, 56], which is calculated here as P12 (k; z) = 2 p fNL 2 p = (2π)3
and F2 is the symmetrized second order density kernel from Standard Perturbation Theory (see e.g. [57]). The
bispectrum in the integral is the shape of the linear propagated primordial bispectrum of Eq. (3.2), i.e. B(k1 , k2 , k3 ; z) =
2 M (k1 ; z)M (k2 ; z)M (k3 ; z) [P1 P2 + P2 P3 + P1 P3 ], where the expresion for M (k; z) (i.e. δk (z) = M (k; z)Φk ) is shown
in Eq. (3.4).
2 In all our plots we choose to show results at z = 0.25 rather than at z = 0 as this is the redshift for which we can
access comparison data for the behaviour of the degenerate WDM model as obtained by [31]
z = 0.25
N(>M)/N(>M)Gaussian 1.0
MVJ (2000)
0.8 fNL.max=-103
mWDM=0.4 keV [BV18]
1011 1012 1013
M200 [MO•/h]
Figure 4. The halo mass function ratio to the standard Gaussian case for the different models. Dotted lines
with symbols indicate the analytical predictions (4.1) with q = 1.5 for all the models except fNL,max = −104 ,
for which q = 4. The dashed green curve shows the suppression obtained for a Warm Dark Matter model with
mWDM = 0.4 keV as obtained from the simulations performed in [31]. As one can see, differently from the
case of the non-linear matter power spectrum depicted in Fig. 3, the Warm Dark Matter suppression shows a
completely different shape with respect to the non-Gaussian cases.
each other and simultaneously cross the reference Gaussian case. The overall relative deviation from
the standard model never exceeds 3% over the whole sampled mass range.
The situation is significantly different for the latter models, which show a much more significant
and less symmetric deviation from the Gaussian case. More specifically, the model with positive
non-Gaussianity shows an enhancement of the abundance of halos over the whole mass range covered
by our sample, with a deviation of 2 − 4% at the extremes of the sample and a maximum deviation
of ≈ 8% at intermediate masses (interestingly, the peak of the deviation is reached for the same
mass bin where the transition between enhancement and suppression occurs for the lower |fNL,max |
12 −1
models, ≈ 1.7 × 10 h M⊙ ). On the contrary, the model with negative non-Gaussianity shows a
suppression of the halo abundance over the whole mass range, recovering the expected abundance of
the standard Gaussian case only at the largest mass bin of the sample. Also in this case, the deviation
from the reference cosmology is weaker at the two extremes of the sample (≈ 7.5% at the low-mass
end, and negligible – as just mentioned – at the high-mass end), and reaches a maximum of ≈ 20% at
intermediate masses. In this case, however, the maximum deviation does not occur at the same mass
as for the positive non-Gaussian case, with a peak of the suppression at ≈ 8 × 1011 h−1 M⊙ . Again,
this phenomenology reflects the stronger impact of higher-order terms on the density distribution
for models with a larger value of |fNL,max |. In Fig. 4 we also plot, as dotted lines with symbols,
the prediction of the mass function ratio RN G (M, z) obtained for the proposed models following
the approach detailed in [62]. More specifically, RN G (M, z) can be derived in the framework of the
Press-Schechter formalism by exploiting the saddle-point technique, obtaining the following analytical
∆c (z)S3,M ∆c (z) dS3,M
R (M, z) = exp 2
p + 1 − ∆c (z)S3,M /3 , (4.1)
6σM 6 1 − ∆c (z)S3,M /3 d ln σM
– 10 –
b(k)≡ [Phm(k)/PMM(k)]
0.6 fNL,max=+104
0.4 fNL,max=-103
z = 0.25
0.1 1.0
k [h/Mpc]
Figure 5. The halo bias as a function of scale (top) and its ratio to the standard Gaussian case (bottom) for
all simulations at z = 0.25. The green dashed curve shows the bias ratio for a WDM model with mWDM = 0.4
keV as obtained by BV18
2 3 4
where σM and S3,M = ⟨δM ⟩/σM are respectively the variance and the normalized skewness of δM ,
the linear density field smoothed on a mass scale M at z = 0. This expression depends on redshift
only through the collapse threshold, ∆c (z) = qδc D(z = 0)/D(z), where q is a fudge factor which
varies with the details of the simulated halos, such as the halo finder algorithm considered [63, 64].
A choice of q = 1.5 maximizes the accuracy of the predictions for most of the models considered
here, except fNL,max = −104 . For the latter one, we report in Fig. 4 the analytical prediction with
q = 4.
To continue our comparison of the effects of our models with negative non-Gaussianity to WDM
cosmologies, we have overplotted as a reference in Fig. 4 the mass function deviation from the standard
ΛCDM cosmology for the case of a WDM particle candidate with mWDM = 0.4 keV (i.e. corresponding
to the green-dashed curve in the right panel of Fig. 3) obtained from the simulations of [31] (BV18
hereafter). We stress here that the simulations of BV18 have the same specifications (box size and
particle number) and cosmological parameters (as detailed in Table 1) as our simulations, but different
statistical realisations (i.e. a different initial conditions random phase). As one can see from the
comparison with the solid green curve, differently from what was found for the nonlinear matter
power spectrum, the impact of the two scenarios on the halo mass function is starkly different.
Although both models result in a suppression of the halo abundance at small masses and recover the
standard ΛCDM prediction at the largest masses of the sample, the shape and overall amplitude of
the effect are completely different in the two cases, with WDM showing a much flatter behavior at
large masses and a much steeper suppression for masses below 1013 h−1 M⊙ . This result shows that,
despite very similar 2-point statistics, the two models are significantly different at the level of fully
nonlinear collapse of structures. Having in mind the halo model approach, this result suggests that
also halo concentrations should behave differently in the two scenarios, as we will indeed find below
(see Section 4.5).
– 11 –
z=0.25 z=0.25
15 fNL,max=+104 fNL,max=+103
fNL,max=+103 fNL,max=-103
1.5 fNL,max=-104
11 12 13 14 15 11 12
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1013 1014 1015
M200 [h-1 MO• ] M200 [h-1 MO• ]
Figure 6. The halo concentrations as a function of mass (left) and their ratio to the Gaussian case (right) for
the different models. In the left plot, the dotted curves indicate the spread of 68% of the halos in each mass
bin, while the grey-shaded area in both plots shows the Poissonian error associated with the number of halos
in each bin. Also, in the right plot, the green dashed curve displays the suppression of halo concentrations for
a Warm Dark Matter particle candidate with mWDM = 0.4 keV, as obtained from the simulations of [31].
In Fig. 5 we display the halo bias at z = 0.25 as a function of scale computed as the ratio between
the halo-matter cross power spectrum Phm (k) and the matter auto power spectrum P (k):
Phm (k)
b(k) ≡ . (4.2)
P (k)
As for previous observables, we show the ratio of the bias to the standard Gaussian case, for the four
non-Gaussian scenarios under investigation. As a general trend, we notice that the models with the
lowest |fNL,max | = 103 show basically no deviations from the Gaussian bias except at the smallest
available scales (beyond 1 hMpc−1 ) where the ratio becomes scale-dependent for the fNL,max = +103
model. The models with the largest |fNL,max | = 104 instead show clear deviations from the Gaussian
case, with the positive fNL model showing a higher bias and the negative fNL model showing a lower
bias, again with the exception of the smallest scales where the ratio becomes scale dependent and the
trend is inverted.
Unfortunately, the size of our simulations is too small to probe the linear bias, where scale-
dependent features may appear again for all models in a range of scales that could be more easily
probed by large-scale structure surveys. We will extend our analysis to larger cosmological volumes
that will allow us to explore the linear bias regime in future work. Furthermore, differently from
the case of the halo mass function, in this case the theoretical predictions obtained following [62] do
not seem to accurately reproduce the bias ratio measured from the simulations, possibly due to the
smaller scales and lower halo masses sampled in our work compared to the ones considered in [62].
We also defer a more detailed analysis of such comparison to future work.
Finally, we compare again the bias ratio obtained for our non-Gaussian scenarios to the one
observed for a WDM particle candidate with mWDM = 0.4 keV in BV18, which is shown as a dashed
green curve in the bottom panel of Fig. 5. Evidently, as already shown for the halo mass function,
the halo bias does not show the same degeneracy that was observed in the non-linear matter power
spectrum (Fig. 3), with the WDM model showing a substantial increase of the bias on all scales whereas
its degenerate (in the power spectrum) non-Gaussian model fNL,max = −104 shows a suppression of
the bias.
– 12 –
4.5 Concentrations-mass relation
For all the halos in our sample we compute the concentration c∗ defined according to [65] as:
200 c∗3
= 7.213 δV (4.3)
3 ln(1 + c ) − c∗ /(1 + c∗ )
where δV is: 2
δV = 2 (4.4)
H0 rmax
with Vmax and rmax being the maximum rotational velocity of the halo and the radius at which
this velocity peak is located, respectively. This approach provides an alternative and faster route to
compute concentrations compared to directly fitting individual radial density profiles with a Navarro-
Frenk-White [NFW, 66] shape and has proven to be accurate in all circumstances where the relation
between density and velocity perturbations does not deviate from its standard Newtonian form, while
this correspondence does not hold anymore for e.g. modified theories of gravity (see again BV18 for a
direct example in the case of f (R) gravity). With such concentrations catalogs at hand, we compute
a binned concentration-mass relation by adopting the same binning already employed for the halo
mass function displayed in Fig. 4 and averaging over all halos belonging to each mass bin. The results
are shown in Fig. 6, where we display in the left panel the absolute concentrations while ratios to the
standard Gaussian case are displayed in the right panel.
As one can notice from the figures, all models tend to recover the standard Gaussian prediction
at the largest masses available in our sample, while deviations appear at smaller masses. In particular,
the models with the largest |fNL,max | = 104 have relative deviations up to ≈ 50% compared to the
Gaussian realization at the lowest end of the probed mass range. We overplot again for a direct
comparison the suppression of halo concentrations for a WDM model with mWDM = 0.4 keV using
once again data from the WDM simulations of BV18. Interestingly, also in this case the WDM model
shows a deviation from ΛCDM with a similar shape to the case of our non-Gaussian model with
fNL,max = −104 , but with a significantly different amplitude. Basically, what we find is that WDM
suppresses much more significantly the abundance of low-mass halos compared to our non-Gaussian
model (as previously shown in Fig. 4), while at the same time has a much weaker effect on halo
– 13 –
z = 0.25
mWDM=0.4 keV [BV18]
-3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0
Figure 7. The subhalo mass function of the different models (top) and its ratio to the reference cosmology
(bottom) at z = 0. The (barely visible) error bars in the top panel around the Gaussian curve represent the
Poissonian error on the measured abundance while the grey-shaded area in the bottom panel represents the
propagation of such Poissonian error on the relative deviation from the Gaussian case. Again, in the bottom
panel we overplot the suppression of the subhalo mass function obtained for a Warm Dark Matter particle
candidate with mWDM = 0.4 keV by [31].
the comparison shows, the reduction of halo substructures is similar in the two cases, showing that the
fNL,max = −104 could address with similar effectiveness the so-called satellite problem of CDM, while
affecting much less the abundance of main halos. We notice that the effect of positive and negative
non-Gaussianity on the subhalo mass function is not symmetric, with the negative non-Gaussianity
having a stronger impact for fixed |fNL,max |. As the subhalo mass function is sensitive to highly
non-linear processes – such as the tidal disruption of orbiting satellites that may in turn be influenced
by a change in the halo concentrations – we would not expect to observe a symmetric deviation in
this case.
– 14 –
[ ρ / ρ200 ] / [ ρG / ρG200 ] 1.6 <M200>=1.09812e+11 <M200>=1.02033e+12
1.4 Gaussian
fNL,max = +104
1.2 fNL,max = +103
1.0 fNL,max = -103
fNL,max = -104
1.6 <M200>=7.14167e+12 <M200>=6.29599e+13
[ ρ / ρ200 ] / [ ρG / ρG200 ]
0.01 0.10 1.00 0.10 1.00
R/R200 R/R200
Figure 8. The ratio of the stacked halo density profiles to the Gaussian case. Different panels refer to different
bins in halo mass: the corresponding mean mass value is reported in each panel. for various halo masses. The
grey-shaded region represents the 1 − σ statistical confidence region around the reference model, computed
through a bootstrap resampling technique. We overplot again as a dashed green curve the suppression of the
density profile for a Warm Dark Matter particle candidate with mWDM = 0.4keV as obtained by [31].
As the figure shows, the models with the lower value of |fNL,max | = 103 are generally marginally
consistent with the standard Gaussian reference model, with deviations never exceeding ≈ 10% except
for the very central regions (about a few percent of the virial radius) of the most massive halos, where
the fNL,max = +103 scenario shows a steep rise of the density profile. Besides occurring very close to
the resolution limit of our simulations, thus being prone to numerical artifacts, this feature does not
significantly alter the overall mass distribution of such massive halos, as confirmed by the very mild
impact of the same cosmological model on the halo concentrations at comparable masses (see Fig. 6
On the other hand, the models with the largest value of |fNL,max | = 104 show larger deviations
from the standard Gaussian profiles at all masses, and over a relevant fraction of the virial radius
of the halos, with the positive fNL model resulting in a significant steepening of the profiles and
the negative fNL one producing a significant flattening instead. The maximum deviation occurs for
small-mass halos, with the former reaching a ≳ 70% enhancement and the latter a ≳ 50% suppression
at 1/10th of the virial radius, while progressively larger halos show milder deviations at the same
radial position.
It is particularly interesting to focus again on the fNL,max = −104 model, which shows a sup-
pression of the density profiles (especially for the low-mass bins) that closely resembles the expected
effect of a WDM particle candidate.
To quantitatively assess this similarity, as done for other observables, we overplot in the four
panels of Fig. 8 the density profiles relative to ΛCDM obtained for mWDM = 0.4 keV by BV18, where
individual halo density profiles extracted from BV18 simulation snapshots have been binned with
the same procedure detailed above. As one can see from the plot, the density suppression of the
fNL,max = −104 model closely resembles that of WDM at the smallest masses, but while for larger
masses the WDM effect rapidly vanishes, the non-Gaussian model suppression remains significant also
for galaxy- and group-sized halos. This shows once again that, for a comparable impact on the density
power spectrum, our scale-dependent hyperbolic non-Gaussian models have a more pronounced effect
on the structural properties of nonlinear collapsed halos with respect to WDM.
– 15 –
z=0 z=0
1.0 Reff = 0-5 Mpc/h Reff = 5-10 Mpc/h
fNL,max = +104
fNL,max = +103
0.1 fNL,max = -103
fNL,max = -104
ρ/ρG -1
Figure 9. The stacked void density profiles (in the top panels) for two bins of void effective radius (0 − 5
Mpc/h on the left and 5 − 10 Mpc/h on the right) and the corresponding relative difference (in the bottom
panels) with respect to the Gaussian case for all the models under investigation. The dashed green curve in
the bottom panel shows the behavior of a WDM particle candidate with mWDM = 0.4 keV as obtained from
the simulations of [31]. The grey-shaded regions represents the 2σ confidence region based on a bootstrap
computation of the standard deviation of the average profiles.
As a last observable for our analysis, we consider the mass density distribution around cosmic voids,
identified through the void finding procedure described above in Section 3.4. Also in this case, it is
well known [see e.g. 69, and BV18] that a WDM particle candidate would give rise to a distinctive
deviation from the predictions of standard CDM, namely a shallower density profile of cosmic voids
with a higher central density than their CDM counterparts. This effect is more pronounced for small
voids, as it is to be expected from the small-scale cutoff of the WDM primordial density perturbations
spectrum. It is therefore natural to investigate a possible further degeneracy with the scale-dependent
non-Gaussianity models considered in the present work.
To this end, we compute the average void density profiles for voids with effective radius Reff in
the range 0 − 5 Mpc/h and 5 − 10 Mpc/h, by stacking the density profiles of 100 randomly selected
voids for each of these two bins of Reff . The resulting stacked profiles are shown in the left and right
plots of Fig. 9, respectively. In the two plots, the top panels display the density profiles, with the
(barely visible) error bars on the standard ΛCDM curves representing the statistical (Poissonian)
errors on the mean based on the number of member voids, while the bottom panels show the relative
difference with respect to the reference model, with the shaded areas indicating the 2-σ confidence
region computed through a bootstrap resampling technique with 1000 re-samples of the 100 individual
profiles, as already done for the halo density profiles discussed in Section 4.7 above.
As one can see from the plots, the effect of primordial non-Gaussianity on the void profiles is
clearly visible for both void sizes, being more pronounced for the smaller ones. More specifically, while
the weaker non-Gaussianity models with |fNL,max | = 103 show deviations of the inner void density of
the order of 10 − 20% in both bins of effective radius, the |fNL,max | = 104 models result in deviations
reaching 30% for the larger voids and exceeding 100% for the smaller ones.
Interestingly, we find that positive non-Gaussianity translates into shallower density profiles and
an increase of the central void density, similarly to the case of WDM discussed by [69] and BV18,
while negative non-Gaussianity gives rise to the opposite trend, i.e. a steeper density profile and a
– 16 –
lower central void density, which is a common feature of e.g. Modified Gravity [see e.g. 70, and BV18]
and interacting Dark Energy models [71].
This trend as a function of fNL is opposite to that we observed for the properties of overdense
collapsed structures: for overdense regions, negative fNL has a qualitatively (and in most cases also
quantitatively) effect similar to that of WDM. For underdense regions instead the WDM trend is
mimicked by the positive fNL models.
More quantitatively, the effect on the void profile of a WDM with particle mass of mWDM = 0.4
keV matches that of the weak non-Gaussian scenario with fNL,max = +103 (see dashed green line in
Fig. 9 extracted from the simulations of BV18). For the other probes discussed above the match has
always been with the strongest negative non-Gaussian realization fNL,max = −104 for this value of
mWDM .
Therefore, the comparison or joint analsyis of statistics related to the structural properties of
collapsed halos and the density profiles of small cosmic voids provides a further way to disentangle
WDM from our scale-dependent non-Gaussianity models.
It is also interesting to notice that the fNL,max = −104 scenario is simultaneously capable of
mimicking WDM in those aspects that may alleviate the so-called small-scale crisis of CDM (reduced
abundance of halo satellites, see Fig. 7, suppression of the halo concentration, see Fig. 6, and shallower
density profiles of small halos, see Fig. 8) and to empty cosmic voids more efficiently than the standard
Gaussian reference model, thereby possibly addressing the so-called void problem [see 72].
5 Conclusions
We have presented the results of a suite of cosmological N-body simulations in the standard ΛCDM
model with initial conditions featuring a scale-dependent primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type.
More specifically, we consider a shape of the fNL (k) function characterized by a power-law depen-
dence on scale at large scales, normalized to be consistent with current CMB constraints [8] at the
corresponding pivot scale k0 = 0.05 Mpc−1 , followed by a hyperbolic tangent term that determines a
loc loc
saturation of the fNL (k) function to a maximum value fNL,max that can be set as a free parameter
of the model. This setup is devised in order to allow for very large values of the non-Gaussianity
parameter at small scales where non-linear structure formation shapes the properties of a variety
of collapsed structures (ranging from galaxies to cosmic voids) while ensuring consistency with cur-
rent observational bounds at larger scales. The saturation at a value fNL,max avoids the small-scale
divergence of the fNL in a pure power-law scale-dependence.
By means of the PNGRun initial conditions code [73] we have generated initial conditions for five
total models including a reference Gaussian scenario and two pairs of scale-dependent non-Gaussianity
models characterized by fNL,max = ±103 and fNL,max
= ±104 in a periodic cosmological box of 100
−1 3
Mpc h per side filled with 512 particles. Such initial conditions have then been evolved down to
z = 0 with the Gadget-3 simulations code, and the resulting matter distribution analyzed in terms
of a wide range of observables.
Our main findings can be summarised as follows:
⋆ The shape of the large-scale matter distribution appears very similar in all the simulations,
showing that even the most extreme models with fNL,max = ±104 do not significantly alter the
topology of the cosmic web at large scales;
⋆ The nonlinear matter power spectrum extracted from the simulations snapshots shows scale-
dependent deviations from the reference Gaussian scenario in the direction of an enhanced
(suppressed) amplitude of the non-linear power at small scales beyond k ≳ 2 h/Mpc for models
with positive (negative) non-Gaussianity. Such deviations reach an amplitude of about 8 − 10%
at the smallest scales probed by our simulations (k ≈ 20 h/Mpc) for the milder models with
fNL,max = ±103 , while for the more extreme scenarios with fNL,maxloc
= ±104 the deviation
reaches values of about 15 − 20% at the same scales. In the recent paper by [28], investigating
similar scenarios to the one considered in this work, such suppression has been claimed to provide
a possible solution to the S8 tension. Interestingly, we find that the shape and the amplitude
– 17 –
of such deviations for the models with negative non-Gaussianity closely match those predicted
for Warm Dark Matter particle candidates using the fitting function of [74] calibrated on high-
resolution simulations. More specifically, the model with fNL,max = −103 shows a deviation
consistent with a Warm Dark Matter particle mass of mWDM ≈ 0.6 keV, while the model
with fNL,max = −104 is found to reproduce the expected suppression for mWDM ≈ 0.4 keV.
Remarkably, this intriguing observational degeneracy between our primordial non-Gaussianity
models and Warm Dark Matter phenomenology appears also in other observables, as outlined
⋆ The abundance of halos encoded by the Halo Mass Function shows very mild and symmetric
deviations with respect to the Gaussian case for the two models with fNL,max = ±103 , with
the positive (negative) non-Gaussianity model showing a few percent suppression (enhance-
ment) of the halo abundance at masses below ≈ 1.7 × 1012 M⊙ /h followed by an enhancement
(suppression) of the same magnitude for larger masses. The situation is quite different for the
models with fNL,max = ±104 , for which the symmetry is lost and the positive (negative) non-
Gaussianity determines an enhancement (suppression) over the whole range of masses probed
by our halo sample, with the negative model recovering the abundance of the Gaussian case
only at the highest mass bin around 7 × 1013 M⊙ /h. In this case, the observed behavior is
both qualitatively and quantitatively different from the case of the WDM particle mass that
was found to match the non-linear power spectrum, with the non-Gaussian models showing a
stronger suppression at large masses but a much milder suppression at small masses compared
to WDM.
⋆ The halo bias shows a mild enhancement (suppression) with respect to the Gaussian case for the
positive (negative) non-Gaussianity models only for the most extreme scenarios with fNL,max =
±104 , with an amplitude of ≈ 5 − 10%, while the milder models show basically no deviation
from the Gaussian case.
⋆ The concentration-mass relation computed from our halo sample shows an almost mass-independent
enhancement (suppression) for the positive (negative) non-Gaussian models with fNL,max =
±10 , with a relative deviation from the Gaussian case of ≈ 10%. On the other hand the more
extreme models with fNL,max = ±104 show mass-dependent deviations going in the same direc-
tions, with small-mass halos being more strongly affected with deviations reaching ≈ 50% at the
low-mass end of our sample and decreasing down to ≈ 10% at the high-mass end. By comparing
these results with the deviation obtained from WDM simulations with the same particle mass
showing degeneracy in the non-linear power spectrum (mWDM = 0.4 keV) we notice that the
shape of the deviation as a function of mass is very similar for the two scenarios, but the ampli-
tude appears to be about twice as large for the non-Gaussian model with respect to the WDM
one. Interestingly, this result shows that these particular primordial non-Gaussianity models
can suppress halo concentrations more efficiently with respect to even extreme (and already
ruled out) Warm Dark Matter scenarios.
⋆ We also tested the impact of these different models on the SubHalo mass function computed
from our halo and subhalo catalogs. We observe that the models with fNL,max = ±103 appear
to be consistent with the reference Gaussian scenario within statistical errors, while the models
with fNL,max = ±104 show some significant deviations from the Gaussian case. In particular, the
negative non-Gaussianity model shows a ≈ 25% suppression of the abundance of subhalos which
appears again comparable with the one obtained from WDM simulations with the same particle
mass showing degeneracy in the non-linear power spectrum (mWDM = 0.4 keV). Therefore, we
showed here for the first time how these scale-dependent primordial non-Gaussianity models
may be as effective as very extreme WDM models in suppressing the number of satellites in
gravitationally bound structures.
⋆ We tested the impact of our primordial non-Gaussianity models on the density profile of halos
by dividing our halo sample into four mass bins and computing the stacked density profiles in
– 18 –
units of the virial radius R200 for 100 randomly selected halos in each mass bin. We showed
that the positive (negative) non-Gaussianity models determine a steeper (shallower) density
profile of halos for all the four mass bins, with a stronger effect appearing for smaller halos
and for larger values of |fNL,max |. Also in this case, we compared the result observed for the
loc 4
fNL,max = −10 model with the suppression obtained from a WDM simulation with the same
particle mass showing degeneracy in the non-linear power spectrum (mWDM = 0.4 keV), showing
that – quite remarkably – the degeneracy between the two models holds also for the halo density
profiles of small mass halos, corresponding to our first mass bin with an average virial mass of
< M200 >≈ 1011 M⊙ /h, while for the second mass bin with < M200 >≈ 1012 the suppression
given by WDM is slightly weaker compared to the non-Gaussian scenario, still showing the same
shape. This trend is confirmed also for the higher mass bins, with the WDM model recovering
full consistency with standard Gaussian ΛCDM profiles at the largest mass bin, while the non-
Gaussian model shows a residual suppression over the whole mass range. This is again a quite
remarkable result, as it shows that our class of non-Gaussian models can simultaneously impact
satellite abundances and halo density profiles in a similar way as a very extreme WDM model,
thereby possibly providing a completely new mechanism to address the longstanding small-scale
problems of CDM without resorting to baryonic effects.
⋆ As a final observational statistics of our models, we have computed the stacked void density
profiles starting from the corresponding void catalogs. We showed that positive (negative)
non-Gaussianity results in shallower (steeper) void density profiles, with small voids (Reff ≤ 5
Mpc/h) being more strongly affected than larger voids (Reff = 5 − 10 Mpc/h). Interestingly,
this is the opposite behavior of what is observed for Warm Dark Matter [see e.g. 31, 69], as
we also confirm, showing that the degeneracy we observed in several other quantities between
negative scale-dependent non-Gaussianity in the form of Eq. 2.3 and a WDM particle candidate
is broken by cosmic voids properties.
To conclude, we highlighted for the first time an intriguing similarity between the effects of
running non-Gaussianity models with fNL (k) < 0 on some of the tested observables and those deter-
mined on the same observables by Warm Dark Matter particle candidates, which holds both at the
qualitative and quantitative level as a function of scale and mass. Although this degeneracy does not
appear in all the statistics that we investigated, and can be possibly broken by considering statistics
of both high-density regions/halos and voids, we found that a scale-dependent non-Gaussianity model
of the kind presented in this work may simultaneously suppress the abundance of satellites and the
central overdensity of halo profiles, thereby possibly providing a new avenue to address some of the
longstanding small-scale issues of the CDM paradigm.
MB is supported by the project “Combining Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Struc-
ture data: an Integrated Approach for Addressing Fundamental Questions in Cosmology”, funded
by the MIUR Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Bando 2017 - grant
2017YJYZAH. MB acknowledges the use of computational resources provided by the INFN-InDark
project at CINECA and by the Open Physics Hub at the Bologna University. LV and EF acknowl-
edge Center of Excellence Maria de Maeztu 2020-2023? award to the ICCUB (CEX2019-000918-
M funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and project PID2022-141125NB-I00 MCIN/AEI.
EF acknowledges the support from “la Caixa” INPhINIT Doctoral Fellowship (ID 100010434, code
LCF/BQ/DI21/11860061). The work of Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro is supported by the Simons
Foundation. DK is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) grant number
ST/X000931/1. GJ acknowledges support from the ANR LOCALIZATION project, grant ANR-21-
CE31-0019 / 490702358 of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche. AR acknowledges support
from PRIN-MIUR 2020 METE, under contract no. 2020KB33TP. ML acknowledges support by the
MIUR Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Bando 2022 - grant 20228RMX4A.
– 19 –
LM acknowledges the financial contribution from the grant PRIN-MUR 2022 20227RNLY3 “The con-
cordance cosmological model: stress-tests with galaxy clusters” supported by Next Generation EU
and from the grants ASI n.2018-23-HH.0 and n. 2024-10-HH.0 “Attività scientifiche per la missione
Euclid – fase E”
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