J3A-MOS-EPCC-ZZZ-700-0024 - Rev00 - MS For Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
J3A-MOS-EPCC-ZZZ-700-0024 - Rev00 - MS For Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
J3A-MOS-EPCC-ZZZ-700-0024 - Rev00 - MS For Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
Revision Date Description Issued by Revised by
00 12/12/2020 ZH CZ/GQFZJJ EMAD
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Jubail 3A IWP
Title: MS for Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
Table of content
1.INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.DOCUMENT CONTROL.......................................................................................................................................3
5.RESOURCES......................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.INSTALLATION..................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................................ 8
8.QUALITY CONTROL............................................................................................................................................ 8
9.HSE....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
10.Attachment..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Jubail 3A IWP
Title: MS for Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
This Method Statement outlines the operations for works related cable tray and cable conduit
installation for the Jubail-3A IWP.
In the construction quality, environment and other aspects of the provision, so that in the construction
process to ensure the quality of construction, environmental protection to meet the requirements of the
company and the owner.Details out the steps to be taken to meet the specific requirements for the Jubail-
Project name: Jubail 3A IWP
The scope of this procedure is applicable to all operations of cable tray and cable conduit installation
for the Jubail-3A IWP.
This method statement is a controlled document as required by the system procedure Quality
Management System Manual and issued in accordance with the procedure Control of Documents and Data.
Revisions of this document will be issued when the main text changes or when an appendix is added. All
the necessary measures and precautions will be taken so that the above operations comply with the site
regulations and procedures as described in the Project Health, Safety and Environmental Manual. The
following HSE practices and procedures from the above document will be applicable for this Method
Statement. Revised appendices for substitution will be issued separately and, where appropriate, will
include a separate schedule of contents.
4.1 Project manager
He is the Project’s Representative for all contractual matters; he deals with the subcontractor and
subcontractor’s representative.
He manages the teams in charge of the project.
He manages all activities described in this MOS, verifies all quality and security aspects.
He is responsible for the correct progress of work within schedule.
He controls the implementation and respect quality instructions and HSE requirements.
4.2 Site Manager
He checks availability of all necessary documentation for the right execution of this MOS.
He plans and organizes work and prepares the area of work.
He implements HSE and quality documentations on work site.
He schedules activities in the respect of the general scope of works.
He verifies execution and progressing tasks.
Jubail 3A IWP
Title: MS for Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
He ensures daily inspections and checks solving of non-conformity opened by the company or a third
4.3 HSE supervisor
He will be available on the site, in order to ensure good practices related to HSE matters and report
He is responsible for giving instruction to new people on site, ensuring toolbox meetings about cable
laying and termination risk assessment. He checks that all dispositions applied on site comply with the rules.
4.4 QA/QC manager
He checks that all activities respond to the quality management plan, in accordance with the ITP, raise
the RFI and collaborate with the contractor in term of quality control and insurance.
4.5 Electrical Supervisor
Supervisor shall monitor the execution of all works and submit RFI (Request for Inspection) in time 24
hours prior to inspection.
4.6 All Project Members
To be familiar with the Health and safety Policy and to co-operate in its implementation at all times.
To cooperate with and carry out instructions given by Managers, Site Engineers, Safety Department
and supervisors.
To observe all safety regulations at all times.
To take reasonable care for the safety and health of themselves, their colleagues and anyone else who
may be affected by their acts or omissions.
To wear appropriate protective clothing and use appropriate safety equipment at all times as instructed.
To report all hazards to their immediate supervisor.
To report all accidents (whether persons are injured or not) and any damage to their immediate
The materials receiving inspection shall be performed when the materials are delivered at site.
5.1 Machinery, Equipment and Tools:
1) Electric welding machine
2) Electric hammer
3) Electric drill
4) Grinding machine
5) Plumb
6) Spirit level
Jubail 3A IWP
Title: MS for Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
7) Wrench
8) Tape measure
9) Pipe bender
10) Opener hole tools
11) Round file
12) Flat file
13) Saw bow
14) Approve ladder and scaffolding
5.2 Manpower Required:
1) Electrical Engineer
2) Supervisor
3) Foreman / Team lead
4) Technician
5) Scaffolders, Helper
6.1 Installation flowchart
6.3.11 The grounding of cable tray must conform to relevant requirements of grounding drawing.
6.3.12 The cable tray expansion joints shall be installed in accordance with the requirements. This will
enable the trays to compensate any movements or expansion on the structure.
6.3.13 After the cable tray installation, invite the QA/QC thru RFI request for final inspection and
6.4 Conduit Installation(Above ground and Underground)
6.4.1 Visual inspection for all materials used prior to use it on site. Only approved materials can be
6.4.2 All conduits shall have free space for at least 25% of their capacity for future wiring needs.
6.4.3 Lighting and communications conduits encased in concrete walls, floors or duct-runs shall be
rigid steel, IMC or corrugated plastic.
6.4.4 All exposed conduits used inside of the power station and in other dry, isolated buildings shall be
galvanized rigid steel.
6.4.5 All fittings for steel conduits shall be either steel, malleable iron, or cast Feraloy, except for the
insulated bushings and such metal fittings shall be either hot-dipped galvanized, or cadmium plated.
6.4.6 All steel EMT fittings, or the steel portions of such fittings, shall be electro-galvanized, cadmium
plated, or otherwise protected with an approved rust preventative.
6.4.7 Transport the processed cable conduit to the site, install it according to the drawing, connect
and fix it. The cable conduit leading to the equipment shall be easy to connect with the equipment without
hindering the equipment installation or disassembly and cable laying.
6.4.8 When the cable conduit is laid along the wall, the distance between the cable conduit and the
wall shall meet the requirements. When the cable conduit is laid in parallel, the gap between each cable
conduit shall meet the requirements.
6.4.9 The embedded depth of directly buried cable conduit shall meet the requirements.
6.4.10 After the installation of cable conduit, the pipe orifice shall be temporarily blocked.
6.4.11 No more than one power cable shall be installed in the same conduit unless the cables are
feeding the same service.
6.4.12 Cable conduit above the ground shall be properly supported. All conduit supports and fasteners,
such as, pipe straps, U Bolts, J Bolts, etc., shall be hot-dipped galvanized, electro-galvanized, or cadmium
6.4.13 Cable conduit lead to equipment should be as short as possible and not to disturb either the
equipment installation or future maintenance; When connecting the local electrical box or rotating
equipment, flexible pipes can be used according to the drawings and site requirements.
Jubail 3A IWP
Title: MS for Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
6.4.14 Conduit where it passes through walls and other structures shall be sealed.
6.4.15 For installations where the ground conductor is in the same conduit as the power cable, the
conduit must be sized to accommodate the ground conductor.
6.4.16 The cable conduit shall be connected to the main earth system or plant earth grid in accordance
with the requirements.(If necessary)
6.4.17 All materials used for the Conduit and support installation shall be thoroughly inspected at site
for any damages.
- Project HSE Plan
- Approved Shop Drawings.
- Approved Method statement for Electrical cable tray and cable conduit installation
- International Electrotechnical Commission and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standards
The Quality Department shall ensure that all Electrical Works are conducted in accordance with the
approved Field Quality Plan, Project specifications,drawings and prevailing engineering standards
implemented at site.
The Quality Department shall receive all Requests for Inspection (RFI) Forms from the Construction
The Electrical QC Inspector shall carry out Planned Inspections, Surveillance Inspections and release
hold points by signing various Quality Records as proof of Inspection conforming to Specifications. He shall
issue Request for Inspection to defined on the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)
Any comments found during the inspection should be recorded.
9.1 safety requirement
Use of an appropriate PPE, helmet, gloves, safety glasses, safety footwear. Provide full body harness
and 100% tied off required in working at heights
Before lifting, apply for permit according to regulations.
All personnel participating in the construction of the project must follow the principle of "safety in
production must be controlled", conduct scientific management, improve safety facilities, strengthen safety
education, and firmly establish the idea of "safety first, prevention first".
All personnel participating in the construction shall receive safety training and pass the safety
examination before taking up the post with a certificate. Construction personnel shall not replace or
impersonate at will.
The construction personnel shall be provided with corresponding labor insurance supplies and tools,
Jubail 3A IWP
Title: MS for Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
and full-time safety officers shall be responsible for the construction safety.
When entering the construction site, the construction personnel must wear safety helmet
correctly,Wear protective shoes.
For the work items for which the work ticket should be issued, the work ticket must be issued, which
cannot be replaced by the disclosure or the work instruction. For the contents not covered in the work
instruction, the corresponding specifications and provisions shall be implemented.
Carry out the "four prevention" work in summer, and provide sufficient drinking water on site. In case
of heatstroke or accidental injury, rescue shall be conducted according to the emergency response plan of
the project department.
Fasten the safety belt at the height of the operation. The safety belt should be hung firmly and reliably
No throwing is allowed at height to prevent falling objects from height.
Scaffolds shall be erected by professional scaffolds. Scaffolds shall be qualified and listed before use.
After the end of the work, carefully check the workplace and confirm that there is no danger and no
safety factors before leaving the site.
Hoisting operation must be conducted by qualified competent crane personnel, and the hoisting
equipment used must be checked in good condition.
Construction personnel before entering the restricted room should be ventilated, have enough space,
let employees can enter and specified work, ensure the construction personnel to enter and leave will not
face any restrictions, after completion of assignments, homework personnel to clean up the scene,
plugging holes, entrances and exits of limited space, to ensure that no materials, instruments and other
legacy; The guardianship personnel shall make an inventory of the operation personnel and the articles they
carry and shall not leave until there is no mistake.
9.2 Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Use of an appropriate PPE, helmet, gloves, safety glasses, high visibility jacket,
safety footwear. Provide full body harness and 100% tied off required in working at heights
9.3 environmental requirements
9.3.1 Timing of environmental aspects identification, impact evaluation and their update.
9.3.2 According to the construction plan, project engineers shall identify the environmental aspects
before the start of each construction stage.
9.3.3 Environmental aspects identification and impact evaluation shall be updated under the following
Before the start of a new project;
Jubail 3A IWP
Title: MS for Cable Tray and Cable Conduit Installation
Before the update or the significant change in products, activities, services and technology;
Applicable laws, regulations and other requirements have been updated or changed;
9.4 waste management
Transfer the remaining materials to the warehouse after the work is completed, Clean up all the
rubbish and waste.
9.5 emergency procedures
Mr. Zhang Jianjun Construction Manager - 0596916128
Mr. Chen Zhen HSE Manager – 0582128068
After further assessment of the situation, site management will take necessary
actions/communications to therelated authority.
Police Station: 999
Ambulance: 997
Fire Department: 998
Identify the person and describe the incident
Provide nearest ambulance point/ emergency point location number
Do not hang up phone until the ERT has finished taking information.
Nominate one person to stand at ambulance / assembly point to escort the ambulance or fire truck
to the incident locations.
1 3
Jubail 3A IWP
te the risk
Assess/evaluate Leve
Step in Risks Issue (use AA 5x5 Risk
the risk l
operati HAZARD (Possible incident) matrix) Level
(use AA 5x5
on TASK AT ( What [What can go wrong matrix) Current control(s) after
(Accident/ill health potential additional controls
(from HAND could that are in place Control
to persons, fire or to lower the risk(s)
process happen ) measur
map) property loss) Likelihood es
Supervision to monitor
Almost all employees are
Inter Action employees for possible
Heat Stroke, Hyper- required to do an entry medical
between Heat symptoms.
General thermia, un- 3 4 12 H examination. Induction 1 2 2 L
humans and exhaustion Employees to drink a lot of
consiousness awareness and constant
reptiles water during extreme heat
conditions in the sun.
Jubail 3A IWP
be given .
Designated isolation area shall
be ensured.
Awareness signages and poster
shall be available at different
location of site and camp
Supervisor to ensure that the
Offloading competent Competent person for the
person who is offloading the
of containers person for offloading of containers and
injuries 3 4 12 H containers is competent and the 2 2 4 M
( Refference the proof of competency to be
necessary documents will be
Section 5 ) offloading of provided on site.
not familiar
with tasks,
Personnel injuring Personal with relevant Management to arrange
type of work
Persons them self, other experience and knowledge interview and obtain necessary
or 3 3 9 H 2 1 2 L
selected workers and damaging should be selected and records documents to prove that
plant and equipment. there of should be on hand. persons are competent.
to do the
position of Rigger Supervisor should watch
injury, fatality, Only certified crane operator
crane and 4 4 16 EH personal position and actual 2 2 4 M
property damage prior to start the job.
rigging load center of gravity .
Ensure hands are clear from
injury, fatality 4 4 16 EH lifting gear prior for lifting loads Barricade should be provided 2 2 4 M
Lifting working of
and tag line must be used.
of crane.
The failsafe system will install
rigging by
Lifting Injury, property for each temporary hanging Periodic checking of slings by
wind, 4 3 12 H 1 2 2 L
Operation damage, component before it was competent person
welded into.
Workin Planned Task Observation, Daily
Working at safety All safety harnesses to be in
g at Injuries, fatality 4 4 16 EH Safe Task Instruction, On-the- 2 3 6 M
Height harnesses or inspected before use
heights job training
wrongly fit
Jubail 3A IWP
Poor Used lighting levels sufficient to Protect all lamps from accidental
Slip, Tripping, Injury 3 4 12 H 2 1 2 L
illumination perform specific task. or breakage by suitable cover
Works at
at Prior to start the night shift to
Night be verified by competent Site
All electrical tools, extension
Supervisor / Safety officer
Lace of lights, fittings and cables shall
Slip, Tripping, Injury 3 4 12 H before starting the work and 2 1 2 L
supervision be inspected by competent
Site supervisor will co-ordinate
electrician to ensure they are
with others who may be
free from damage & defects.
affected with the work.
Jubail 3A IWP