The document discusses properties of differential forms on Lie groups. It states that for a closed 1-form ω on a Lie group G, there exists a neighborhood U of the identity such that ω|U = dF for some function F. It then shows that F satisfies F(xy) = F(x) + F(y) on U, which implies ω is exact globally by analytic continuation.
The document discusses properties of differential forms on Lie groups. It states that for a closed 1-form ω on a Lie group G, there exists a neighborhood U of the identity such that ω|U = dF for some function F. It then shows that F satisfies F(xy) = F(x) + F(y) on U, which implies ω is exact globally by analytic continuation.
The document discusses properties of differential forms on Lie groups. It states that for a closed 1-form ω on a Lie group G, there exists a neighborhood U of the identity such that ω|U = dF for some function F. It then shows that F satisfies F(xy) = F(x) + F(y) on U, which implies ω is exact globally by analytic continuation.
The document discusses properties of differential forms on Lie groups. It states that for a closed 1-form ω on a Lie group G, there exists a neighborhood U of the identity such that ω|U = dF for some function F. It then shows that F satisfies F(xy) = F(x) + F(y) on U, which implies ω is exact globally by analytic continuation.
1. One has the following general statement about differential forms
on an analytic manifolds: Lemma 1. Let ω be an exterior differential p-form on an analytic manifold M . Let {Xi | 1 ≤ i ≤ (p + 1)} be any p + 1 vector fields on an open set U in M . Then P d(ω)(X1 , X2 , · · · , Xp+1 = 1≤i≤p+1 (−1)i+1 Xi · ω(X1 , X2 , · · X̂i · ·Xp+1 ) + 1≤i<j≤p+1 (−1)i+j ω([Xi , Xj ], X1 , X2 , · · X̂i · ·X̂j · · · Xp+1 ). P
This is proved in the chapter on Analytic Manifolds. In any case it
is an easy exercise following from the definitions especially in the case when p = 1. Now when ω is a 1-form on a Lie group G, to check that dω = 0, it suffices to check that dω(X, Y ) = 0 for all left translation invariant vector fields X, Y . Now dω(X, Y ) = X · ω(X) − Y · ω(Y ) − ω([X, Y ]). · · · · · · (∗) Now if ω is left translation invariant, ω(X) and ω(Y ) are constant functions, so that the first two terms in (∗) are 0. And since ω is zero on h = [g, g] (g is the Lie algebra of G), dω = 0. 2. Since any closed form is locally exact, we see that there is a neighbourhood U of 1 in G such that ω|U = dF for a suitable analytic function F : U → R with F (1) = 0. Now if x, y and x · y are in V ⊂ U connected and open and V · V ⊂ U , consider Fy (x) = F (x · y) − F (x) − F (y) For fixed y ∈ V . Then one checks easily that dFy = 0 in V . This means that Fy is locally constant in V and since V is connected and Fy (1) = 0, we see that F (x · y) = F (x) + F (y) for all x, y in V . One then appeals to the deRham Theorem which says that if M of dimension n is any analytic manifold and for 1 ≤ p ≤ n Ωp (M ) denotes the vector space of p-forms on M , then the cohomology group p def HdeRham (M ) = kerneldp /imagedp−1 is isomorphic to the pth singular cohomology group of M . If M is simply connected this implies that every closed 1-form is necessarily of the form du for an analytic function u on all of M . Moreover the function can be taken to have any given value at a chosen point. Applying this to the left translation invariant closed 1-form ω on the simply connected G, we have ω = du. Choose u with u(1) = 0 one sees that u(x · y) = u(x) + u(y) for x, y ∈ U and hence for all x, y ∈ G by the principle of analytic continuation.