1 s2.0 S174438812200130X Main
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Keywords: Introduction: Stroke is the leading cause of non-traumatic disability in adults, with balance and gait disturbances
Postural balance representing the main limitations of body functions. Dance therapy (DT) has shown positive effects in older
Dance therapy adults and in patients with neurological pathologies. This systematic review aims to examine the feasibility,
Complementary therapies
acceptability and effects of DT in stroke rehabilitation, specifically on functional gains of gait and balance.
Stroke rehabilitation
Gait Disorders, Neurologic
Methods: A systematic search was carried out for articles published in the MEDLINE, PEDro, Web of Science,
Scopus and CINHAL in February 2021 and updated in April 2021. Results: Eight studies were included (2 clinical
cases, 5 case series and 1 randomized controlled trial), 7 of them in patients with chronic stroke and only 1 in
subacute stroke phase. The most widely used dance modality was tango and ballet, with sessions ranging from 30
to 110 min. DT seems to show positive effects on post-stroke body functions and activities such as gait and
balance. Reported dropout rates are inconsistent, no adverse effects were reported, and participant satisfaction
was high.
Conclusion: Given the heterogeneity and uneven quality of the included studies, strong conclusions cannot be put
forward on the effectiveness of DT in post-stroke body function and activities. Nevertheless, DT seems to be safe
and acceptable therapy for patients, and no adverse effects have been reported. More studies with a high level of
evidence and feasibility are needed to determine the patient profile, the characteristics of the intervention, the
participation rate and the role of the rehabilitation professional most likely to generate optimal benefit.
Abbreviations: DT, Dance therapy; RCT, Randomized control trial; CMSQ, Checklist for measuring study quality; STPW, Spatio-temporal parameters of walking
(STPWs); BBS, Berg Balance Scale; TUG, Time-up and go test; ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
* Corresponding author. Departamento de Fisioterapia, Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología, Universidad de Sevilla, c / Avicena s/n, 41009, Sevilla,
E-mail address: carloslm@us.es (C. Luque-Moreno).
Received 25 March 2022; Received in revised form 6 August 2022; Accepted 18 August 2022
Available online 28 August 2022
1744-3881/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
I. Ares-Benitez et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 49 (2022) 101662
benefits in the functional recovery of stroke survivor patients [7]. 2.2. Search strategy
However, the proposed activities may sometimes be unmotivating [8]
and the frequency and intensity of conventional rehabilitation are usu A systematic electronic search of articles published in the PEDro, Web
ally insufficient to achieve maximum possible recovery [7]. Further of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE and CINHAL databases was carried out in
more, motor learning is sustained by positive interaction with the February 2021 and updated in April 2021. Two evaluators (IAB and
external environment [9] and high-variable training seems to favor CLM) independently conducted the research in the databases and the
balance confidence in post-stroke patients with severe impairments selection of eligible papers. A third evaluator (MB) was consulted in case
[10]. For this reason, in recent years complementary therapies have of disagreement.
been developed to optimize post-stroke rehabilitation [11,12], one of The terms used in the search strategy were “Stroke” and “Dance
them, being Dance Therapy (DT), because of its close relationship with Therapy” (as MeSH terms) and “cerebrovascular accident” and “Dance” (as
balance. a colloquial language term). Table 1 describes the search process and the
Dance is an activity that involves the performance of movements of results found.
the whole body, through space and synchronized with music [13]. Some Due to the scarcity of articles that met our inclusion and exclusion
of the most widely used dance modalities are the Argentine tango, ballet criteria, a search was conducted through the grey literature (reference
and ballroom dancing in older adults, and in the neurological population lists of included articles and relevant systematic reviews were hand
[14–17]. In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, Fong Yan searched in google scholar, as well as doctoral theses in the DART-
et al. [18] highlighted that DT can be considered as an effective alter Europe, Dialnet-thesis repositories)".
native exercise modality to improve physical health and outcomes
associated with sedentary and inactive behavior in several pathological 2.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
populations. DT also offers aerobic benefit similar to physical activity
programs, as well as to a sense of social well-being [18]. In addition, In the present review, different study designs (randomized control
dance in older adults has improved gait stability, reaction time and trials (RCTs), case studies, case series and case-control) were accepted,
balance compared to control an age-matched control group [19,20]. due to the small number of RCTs to answer the research question. The
DT has previously been used for rehabilitation in neurological pa PICO question [24,25] was asked: For a post-stroke patient, is DT
thologies such as Parkinson’s disease and has shown benefits at car feasible for improving limitations of body function and/or activities
diovascular, cognitive and social levels along with improvements in (balance and gait)?
balance and gait [14,16,17,21]. Recently, a systematic review investi
gating the effects of dance on neurological conditions other than Par (P) Patients with post-stroke hemiparesis.
kinson’s disease (stroke (only 3 studies included), multiple sclerosis, (I) DT understood as any intervention or treatment that uses the
spinal cord injury and Huntington’s disease) have reported improve performance of movements coordinated with music using any
ments in general health, walking and balance similar to those obtained dance modality or style.
in Parkinson’s disease patients [14]. To date, there is no evidence of DT (C) Comparison with other types of intervention or non-intervention,
effects specifically dedicated to the post-stroke patients. Despite the fact or no comparation.
that post-stroke patients present some clinical manifestations common (O) Effects on limitations of body functions/activities (balance and
to other neurological pathologies, their specificity (marked asymmetry, gait).
common gait patterns, balance alterations, etc.) can determine specific
aspects of the best DT for these patients. In addition, it is necessary to The search filter was used: “articles published in English or Spanish”.
discuss particular aspects, such as the stage of chronicity of the patients Studies that measured the feasibility and acceptability of DT in this
(post-stroke time), which is not as decisive in other neurological pa type of population were also included.
thologies, and it may be critical to analyze the feasibility and effects of As exclusion criteria: qualitative, descriptive or non-objective eval
treatment based on spontaneous recovery at each stage. uation of study variables.
The aim of this study was to provide a systematic review of the
literature on DT interventions specifically applied to post-stroke pa
tients, with the objectives: (i) to describe the types of DT interventions 2.4. Evaluation and methodological quality
performed (type of dance, individual/group, intensity, frequency), tak
ing into account the chronicity of the patients; (ii) to investigate the The evaluation of the methodological quality of the studies included
feasibility (in terms of participant dropout, occurrence of adverse in the systematic review was carried out through the Checklist for
events, adherence) and acceptability (in terms of perceived effectiveness Measuring Study Quality (CMSQ) [26] (Table 4), an instrument with
and satisfaction) of DT interventions; (iii) to evaluate the effectiveness of proven validity and reliability in different types of studies, obtaining the
DT interventions on motor impairments (balance) and functional ac respective correlation values for criterion validity and intra- and
tivity limitations (gait), in accordance with the International Classifi inter-examiner reliability (r = 0.90, 0.88 y 0,.5) [26] and currently
cation of Functioning , Disability and Health (ICF) model [7,22]; and recommended in systematic reviews that include different types of
(iv) to determine the role of the rehabilitation professional in DT for experimental design.
post-stroke patients.
Table 1
2. Material and methods Search strategy for the different databases.
Database Search Strategy Results
2.1. Study design PEDro Stroke AND dance 3
Web of TI=((stroke OR “cerebrovascular accident”) AND 24
A systematic review of the literature was carried out according to the Science (dance OR “dance therapy”))
Preferred Reporting for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Scopus TITLE((stroke OR “cerebrovascular accident”) AND 10
(dance OR “dance therapy”))
[23] and the systematic review registration number CRD42020193668 CINAHL TI((stroke OR “cerebrovascular accident”) AND (dance 7
(PROSPERO). complete OR “dance therapy”))
MEDLINE TI((stroke OR “cerebrovascular accident”) AND (dance 18
OR “dance therapy”))
Total 62
I. Ares-Benitez et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 49 (2022) 101662
The level of evidence and grade of recommendation was evaluated series [27–31], 2 clinical cases [32,33] and 1 randomized controlled
through the proposed classification of the Centre for Evidence –Based trial [34]. Only the latter presented a good grade of recommendation
Medicine de Oxford (OCEBM) [26] (Table 3), which is one of the most and level of evidence (A, 1b).
widely used systems of evidence hierarchy in the health field, due to its All studies had a poor level of evidence and grade of recommenda
high degree of specialization according to the type of clinical scenario tion, showing favorable results, but not conclusive due to insufficient
[27]. sample size and lack of randomized control groups. The characteristics
of the studies show a poor level of internal and external validity as
3. Results measured by the CMSQ. However, all obtained similar positive results
on the variables of interest.
Based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria, 8 studies were The most relevant characteristics of the studies included in this
included. Fig. 1 shows an outline of the article selection process, de systematic review are presented in Table 2.
tailing the reasons for exclusion.
Fig. 1. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart.
I. Ares-Benitez et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 49 (2022) 101662
Table 2
Synthesis of results.
Author and year. De- SampleAge Post-Stroke Intervention Variables of interest Results
(LE, GR) sign (years) x (sd) time and measurement tools
Dureska 20071 CC n = 1; 48 5 years 90 min, 3 d/w, 8s. (24 sessions) Balance (BBS, DGI, ↑ Balance (pre/post 4 points BBS) and
Chronic Ballet. Individual ABC) STPW and TUG (pre/4s)
(C,4) STPW (GAITRite®)
Functional mobility
Hackney et al. CC n = 1; 73 13 years 90 min, 20 d, 11w. (20 sessions) Balance (BBS, FRT, ↑ Balance (8 points BBS pre/post and 0.19
20122 (C,4) Chronic Tango. Couples ABC) STPW m in FRT pre/follow-up)
Functional mobility
Demers et al. 20153 CS n = 9; 2.44 m (1,66) 45 min, 2 d/w, 4w. (8 sessions) Balance (BBS) ↑ Balance (15,66 points more on average in
(C,4) 63.7(11.7) Subacute Jazz dance and merengue. Group BBS)
n = 11;
Subramaniam et al., CS 9.72 years 85–100 min, 6w. (20 sessions) Balance (BBS) ↑ Balance (Significant differences in BBS)
20154 (C,4) (3.32) Voluntary balance
control (LOS)
Chronic (1◦ : 5 d/w/2w; 2◦ : 3 d/w/2w; 3◦ : 2 Reactive balance Significant differences in CoP response
d/w/2w.) Just Dance 3 (Kinect). control (MCT) RF time, movement velocity and maximum
Individual (TUG) excursion.↓ RF (Significant differences in
Dursun E. et al. RCT T= T: 38.96 m 30 min, 5 d/w,3w. (15 sessions) Balance (BBS) Significant differences in BBS and TUG
20165 (C,4) (35.29) Tango. Couples between T and control group
47.15(15.5) Control: T: BTX-A + 45min CPT+ 30min Functional mobility
41.87 m Tango (TUG)
Control = 19 Chronic Control: BTX-A + 45 min CPT+
49.21(12,7) 30min CPT
Patterson et al. CS n = 20; 6.4 years 60 min, 2 d/w,10w. (20 sessions) STPW (Zeno Walkway, ↑ WS (pre/post 3.7 cm/s), no significant
20186 (C,4) (6.0) Ballet, contemporary, jazz, folk and ProtoKinetics) differences STPW (p > 0.05). ↑ Balance
62.4 (10.5) Chronic Ballroom dancing. Group Balance (Mini (p<0.05)
Subramaniam et al. CS n = 13; 9.72 years 85–110 min, 6w. (20 sessions) Balance: (FRT) ↑ paretic UL movement and ↓RF (ABC and
20197 (C,4) 60.75(5.12) (3.32) (1◦ : 5 d/w/2w; 2◦ : 3 d/w/2w; 3◦ : 2 RF (ABC, TUG) TUG)
Chronic d/w/2w.) Just Dance 3 (Kinect).
Micheli Rochetti CS n = 11; + 1 year 50 min, 2d/w, 6w. (12 sessions) Balance (BBS, FRT) ↑ Balance (Significant differences in BBS
et al. 20218 (C,4) 54.3(15) Chronic Bolero basic steps and stretching Functional mobility and FRT)↑ Functional mobility (Significant
exercises. Individual (TUG) differences in TUG)
ABC (Activities specific Balance Confidence Scale); BBS (Berg’s balance scale); BTX-A (Botulinum Toxin A); CC (clinical case); CoP (centre of pressure); CPT (con
ventional physical therapy); CS (case series); d (day); DGI (dynamic gait index); FRT(Functional Reach Test); GR (Grade of recommendation); LE (level of evidence);
LOS (Limits of Stability test); m(months); MCT (Motor Control Test); min (minutes); RCT (randomized control trial); RF (risk of falls); STPW (spatio-temporal pa
rameters of walking); sd (standard deviation); T (tango group); TUG (Time-up and go test); UL (upper limb); w (week); WS (walking speed).
except for Demers et al. [27], in which some patients were professional with knowledge and experience in the discipline of dance
wheelchair-bound and could do part of the intervention sitting down. In could adapt any step to the needs of his patients, providing one more
the two studies of Subramaniam et al. [29,30], it was absolutely tool to add to the wide range of techniques used in neurological
essential to maintain independent standing without technical aids for at rehabilitation.
least 5 min, as it was impossible to perform the intervention in any other Group therapy has shown beneficial effects at the psychosocial and
way. community integration levels [35]. 4 studies use the individual modality
Only 1 out of the 8 studies reviewed carried out the intervention in [29–32], 2 in couples [33,34] and 2 do the intervention in groups [27,
patients with subacute stroke phase [27]. 28].
Only 2 studies [27,28] determined previous dance experience As regards the DT programs mentioned in the studies included in this
through questionnaires; 60% of the patients in the Patterson et al. [28] review, 2 were provided by interdisciplinary health care staff [27,34], 1
study had previous experience. One study mentioned [31] “previous by a physiotherapist student with 10 years of practice in dance and 3 by
contact with dancing” as non-inclusion criteria. Demers et al. [27] dance instructors with previous experience working with elderly people
defined having received formal dance training before the stroke as or those with functional limitations [28,32,33]. Finally, 2 studies did not
“having received dance classes for more than one year as an adult”. indicate who performed the intervention [29,30].
Participants reported that DT was challenging but fun (3 patients out of
7 who dropped out did so because they did not like the intervention). 3.4. Dance therapy feasibility and acceptability
3.3. Dance intervention characteristics These results are detailed in Table 3. Five studies [27–29,31,34]
reported on participants who dropped out, with a mean rate of 18%.
Total duration of the DT program of ranged from 3 to 11 weeks, with Common reasons were another disease, did not like the intervention or
an average of 6.75 weeks. The dance sessions were provided with a difficulty of attendance. Four studies [28,30,32,34] reported atten
frequency of 2–5 sessions a week, with an average of 2.6 sessions a week. dance, and only 2 [28,32] reported absences, and the reasons for missed
Furthermore, duration of the dance sessions ranged from 30 to 110 min classes commonly included scheduling conflicts, bad weather, personal
(including the corresponding breaks), with an average of 69.4 min. issues, or illness.
All dance modalities followed basic principles such as rhythm, None of the studies report adverse events. On some occasions,
coordinating movements, weight changes and balances. A rehabilitation reference was made to fatigue (“I worked hard, I’m tired” and also “I feel
I. Ares-Benitez et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 49 (2022) 101662
I. Ares-Benitez et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 49 (2022) 101662
Table 4
Methodological evaluation of selected studies according to the Checklist for Measuring Study Quality (CMSQ). Source: Downs SH, Black N. The feasibility of creating a
checklist for the assessment of the methodological quality both of randomised and non-randomised studies of health care interventions. J Epidemiol Community
Health. 1998; 52(6):377-8432.
Cheklist/ítems Dureska Hackney Demers Subramaniam Dursum Patterson Subramaniam Rochetti
200735 et al., 201236 et al. 201537 et al., 2015 et al. 201638 et al. 201839 et al., 2019 et al., 2021
weeks to numerous absences. performance improvement of 1s from pre to post- DT intervention and
All the studies included in this review evaluated balance directly or 1.7s from pre to 1-month follow-up. In the case-control study [34] an
indirectly, and the most widely used scale to objectify such changes was average TUG change was obtained in the DT and the control group of
Berg’s balance scale (BBS) [27,30–34], Time-up and go test (TUG) 4.98 ± 7.1s and 2.65 ± 5.3s, respectively (p = 0.421). Furthermore, the
[29–34], the Functional Reach Test (FRT) [29,31,33] and the Mini clinical case with ballet [32] intervention showed an improvement of 5s
BESTest [28], with general significant results in favor of the DT on the TUG.
Demers et al. [27] obtained a significantly improved balance 4. Discussion
outcome (BBS) with an average of 15.7 points of difference from the
initial assessment. Hackney et al. [33] obtained an 8 points improve DT was performed as complementary rehabilitation approach in
ment of the BBS score, while Dureska [32] reported a 4 points benefits. post-stroke patients in subacute or chronic phase. From the 8 included
In the same line, Dursun [34] found significant improvement in the studies in this systematic review, DT showed feasibility and accept
balance outcome in the tango group compared to the control group in ability for post-stroke patients who are able to stand or using a wheel
subacute post-stroke patients [27] (<6 months). The study by Patterson chair, through individual, couple or group sessions. The most common
et al. [28] showed significant improvement in balance evaluated with DT program was offered 2–3 times a week (1 h/session) for 6–7 weeks
the MiniBESTest [36] (p = 0.0005). [37], and interventions close to 1 h could be more highly recommended
Subramaniam et al. [29] showed that the TUG changes after DT to achieve motor engagement [39]. While DT showed promising but not
intervention were significantly correlated with changes in the flexion significant improvement for gait speed, significant benefits were re
angle of the shoulder joint in the functional stand-reaching test (R2 = ported on balance after DT intervention.
0.52, p < 0.05), highlighting the importance of the upper limb in balance
reactions in post-stroke patients. In addition, Subramaniam et al. [30]
and Micheli Rochetti et al. [31]. showed significant TUG improvement 4.1. Participant characteristics
from pre to post DT intervention. Hackney et al. [33] reported TUG
Demers et al. [27] used DT in subacute post-stroke patients and
I. Ares-Benitez et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 49 (2022) 101662
showed a greater capacity of recovery than chronic post-stroke patients. valuable tool in the wide range of techniques used in stroke
The authors suggested that this finding was due to the greater sponta rehabilitation.
neous neuroplasticity that has been previously observed in subacute
rather than chronic post-stroke patients [40,41]. Interestingly, the pro 4.3. Dance therapy feasibility and acceptability
posed approach of these authors was to include patients with severe
functional limitations, such as being wheelchair-bound, to benefit from Dropout rates (18%), when reported, are in line with neurological
early intervention through DT, in line with other qualitative studies conditions other than Parkinson’s disease [14], and significantly lower
[39]. It is essential to determine the benefits in subacute and chronic than in Parkinson’s disease [50,51]. The low drop-out rates reported in
phases, and to identify whether the improvement in patients in the the studies by Subramaniam et al. [29,30] could suggest that the use of
subacute phase is due to spontaneous recovery [42] or to the interven virtual reality, which provides extra motivation, could be the key, as
tion itself. In this review, due to the heterogeneity of the experimental reported by participants. Losses due to patients not liking the inter
design we were unable to compare changes in balance without any vention could be related to preferences for other activities as a com
distinction between stroke phases. Nevertheless, all studies reported plement to conventional rehabilitation. However, the adverse effects
significant improvement in balance, which could indicate, in line with were null, so DT has been shown to be shown as a safe intervention, as
the literature [42], that response to DT is independent of post-stroke long as it meets the standards described in the studies. Future studies are
phases, as long as an individualized treatment plan is designed with necessary to determine the profile of patients who most likely to benefit
realistic objectives. from this intervention.
Previous experience in DT activity could significantly influence the The perception of improvement and satisfaction was, in general
level of therapeutic adherence, as well as the motor skill memory of terms, very positive in all five studies in which they were reported, and
movements [17]. However, patients, regardless of their previous expe shows high acceptability of the DT intervention by the patients.
rience of dance, enjoyed practicing DT, showing the feasibility of DT in a
population with subacute and chronic stroke. While DT could be 4.4. Outcomes according to the ICF
intimidating for people who have not previously participated in dance
classes [16], Demers et al. [27] reported that DT was challenging and The loss of mobility and gait in stroke survivors still represents a
fun for the patients. Previous dance experience could nevertheless be major challenge in rehabilitation [65], and it is associated with alter
taken into account by adjusting the level of the DT programs proposed to ation of independence, social engagement and quality of life [66–68]. A
post-stroke patients, in addition to their functional capacities. All in all, qualitative study reported beneficial effects in physical, emotional and
DT could be considered as a good complement to conventional reha social aspects of the post-stroke patient [69] and, although none of the
bilitation to ensure motivation and adherence to the rehabilitation studies have directly evaluated participation as an outcome, these re
program. Three of the studies [27,28,30] also report no adverse effects, sults might be influenced by the level of the ICF, and future studies need
which supports DT feasibility. to be more thoroughly documented [70]. A walking speed of 1 m/s or
less is associated with limitations in daily life activities and community
4.2. Dance intervention characteristics life, and a speed less than 0.6 m/s is associated with a higher probability
of hospitalization [71]. Although it has been recommended in order to
All dance modalities follow basic principles such as rhythm, coor eliminate error and inter-patient variability to observe an improvement
dinated movements, weight changes and balances. More specifically, the of 0.3 m/s [72] after rehabilitation program, a change in 0.1–0.2 m/s
Tango or adapted Tango, which is practiced by two people [15], pro can also be considered as clinically relevant [73]. The three studies that
vides great safety and allows the patients to perform the DT rehabili assessed gait reported limited benefits from no change to an increase of
tation program without technical aids. This condition also helps patients 0.20 m/s. Furthermore, Hackney et al. [33] assessed backward walking
to safely explore their functional limit capacities. In another way, when speed and reported an improvement of 0.10 m/s. While limited, these
DT is administrated in a group, it should be small in order to control the results suggest that Tango exercises, and more broadly, DT rehabilita
needs of each individual and to provide more individualized attention. tion programs, could help to improve gait in different directions and
To increase safety, the collaboration of volunteers could be of help [43, should be evaluated in ecological situations in future studies.
44], and an adapted dance intervention (including ludic-inclusive It has been clearly established the literature that stroke-induced
components in addition to the functional aspect) [45] could be carried balance disorders are associated with various somatosensory impair
out with patients seated on chairs, favoring the participation of those in ments, motor dysfunction, and perceptual and visual disturbances
a subacute stage [39]. The greatest strength of group DT in subacute [52–55]. The 8 studies included in this systematic review showed
post-stroke rehabilitation is that it has a perceived positive impact on improvement in balance after DT intervention performed individually or
mental functions, personal factors, motivation, and interpersonal and in groups [28,32]. It is worth noting that the greatest clinically relevant
social interactions. This type of intervention represents an innovation (>6) [56] balance improvement (>15 points in BBS) [27] was observed
for patients and could help to intensify their mobility [10], functional in a subacute post-stroke patients. Even with no evidence, we can sug
recovery, perceived effort [39] and endurance, with only minimal ef gest that an early stage of stroke DT intervention might result in an
fects on fatigue [38]. A rehabilitation professional (usually physical or optimal rehabilitation program associated with neuroplasticity [40].
occupational therapists) [45] with knowledge and experience in the DT is a global therapy involving the whole body. To date, it is unclear
discipline of dance [31] or collaborating with dance artists [46], could which mechanisms could be mainly involved in balance rehabilitation
therefore adapt the steps to patient needs, guiding and assisting the with DT. However, it has been reported that post-stroke patients were
upper hemiparetic side. He/She could also use different types of dance, more receptive to visual information compared to healthy counterparts
individual or by pair, to meet individual patient preference [47] and [55,57]. While some evidence of rehabilitation efficacy could emerge
ultimately optimize attention/concentration and therapy adherence. In with therapy directly related to visual information such as virtual reality
this sense, some descriptive studies on the use of DT in post-stroke pa [57–61], future studies are needed to investigate sensory reweighting
tients highlight the importance of the characteristics of the dance after DT intervention in post-stroke patients, and its influence on body
instructor carrying out an adjusted intervention [37] and planning the awareness [62].
intervention in virtual environments [29,30,48]. Positive results at the Subramaniam et al. [29] showed that improvement of upper limb
level of the autonomic nervous system through aerobic training in vir flexion angle of the shoulder and reaction time after 10 DT training
tual environments suggest that a more aerobic intervention [48] would sessions was correlated with changes in TUG test in 13 post-stroke pa
entail distinct advantages [49]. DT could be considered as one more tients. It was also previously reported that improved reaction time and
I. Ares-Benitez et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 49 (2022) 101662
functional capacity of the upper limbs is helpful for stability recovery better established. The most widely used dance modality was tango and
and fall avoidance [63]. ballet, with sessions ranging from 30 to 110 min. The tango modality
Although most of the studies have focused their evaluation on bal seems to achieve better results due to the performance of steps in a
ance and gait, assessment of upper limb performance of DT rehabilita couple. Therapeutic dance can be considered as a complementary tool
tion of stroke can be considered as clinically relevant to maintain for rehabilitation in stroke survivors, in both subacute and chronic
equilibrium in dynamic conditions, as in reaching and grasping tasks. phases. Nevertheless, future high-quality studies are needed to deter
From a case report, Hackney et al. [33] reported that 20 sessions of mine the dose-response characterization and to standardize the clinical
Tango led to improved TUG. It has been shown that dynamic balance approach.
measures [63] (such as the TUG) are greater predictors of the risk of falls
than walking speed or static balance test. The authors also found
increased TUG performance with dual cognitive task (count backward) Declaration of interest
and suggested that the multitask nature of the tango involving music,
current and future step patterns, partnering with other dancers, could be Authors have nothing to disclose.
related to the dual task benefit. All in all, these findings suggested that
DT can improve cognitive interference treatment in motor tasks in stroke Acknowledgement
survivors, notably while walking [33,64].
We thank Jeffrey Arsham for his proofreading of the manuscript and
4.5. Limitations and perspectives his suggestions regarding medical writing.
While our review has objectives related to feasibility that are part of Appendix A. Supplementary data
a scoping review (clarify key concepts and definitions; examine how
research is carried out in a field; identify key characteristics and factors; Supplementary data related to this article can be found at https://do
identify and analyze knowledge gaps), it also has objectives related to i.org/10.1016/j.ctcp.2022.101662.
DT effects (such as determining, as much as possible, the incipient evi
dence on the effectiveness of this discipline in post-stroke patients) that
would be framed in a systematic review. In the present study, we can
neither meet the requirements to produce statements to guide decision- [1] E. Díez-Tejedor, O. del Brutto, J. Alvarez Sabín, M. Muñoz, G. Abiusi, Sociedad
making, nor report the risk of bias of the different studies). iberoamericana de Enfermedades cerebrovasculares, classification of the
cerebrovascular diseases, Iberoamerican Cerebrovascular diseases Society., Rev.
Despite the fact that the terminology related to stroke is quite broad,
Neurol. 33 (2001) 455–464.
only the terms “stroke” AND “cerebrovascular accident” were taken into [2] C.J. Winstein, J. Stein, R. Arena, B. Bates, L.R. Cherney, S.C. Cramer, F. Deruyter, J.
account in the search strategy, since other Entry Terms recommended by J. Eng, B. Fisher, R.L. Harvey, C.E. Lang, M. MacKay-Lyons, K.J. Ottenbacher,
MeSH such as Brain Vascular Accident, Apoplexy did not give new re S. Pugh, M.J. Reeves, L.G. Richards, W. Stiers, R.D. Zorowitz, , C.on.Q.of.C., O.
R. American, Heart association stroke council, council on cardiovascular and stroke
sults. We avoided using the term hemiplegia because it could be due to nursing, council on clinical cardiology, guidelines for adult stroke rehabilitation
brain damage unrelated to stroke. Adding the term hemiplegia did not and recovery: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American heart
influence our results or number of included studies. association/American stroke association, Stroke 47 (2016), https://doi.org/
10.1161/STR.0000000000000098 e98–e169.
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