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Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)

Abul Hassan Shabbir Ahmad*

The prophetic qualities (Sham┐il e Nabw┘) are those habits and natural
beauties that belong to virtual and internal characteristics Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). In this type of Hadith knowledge, body features,
gatherings, day to day used items, habits, qualities and moral beauties of
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) are discussed, in his person.These
Prophetic Qualities (Sham┐il e Nabw┘) have the highest valuable place with
respect of literally art and thought in Islamic Studies. From this knowledge
not only the believers get identification of their Prophet (P.B.U.H.) but also
they may see the physical and natural qualities of him (P.B.U.H.), in the
same way they glance at the real consideration of permanent and excellent
deeds of the Rasool (P.B.U.H.). In this way, they heartily reach to the status
of strong and firm faith in the Prophet-hood and get passion to follow the
footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.).
About this art there are many books of the past and the modern time but
the most important and prominent book “Al Sham┐il” written in third
century, has the highest place among them. Its author is H┐fiz ul Had┘th
Abu Es┐ Muhammad bin Es┐ Tirmaz┘. This valuable book has secured very
famous place in to four dimensions in this universe on the basis of its
surpassing features. On the other hand, many scholars wrote permanent
books of Sham┐il following the same patterns and several types of books got
birth as explanation to this book. In this short piece of writing, the qualities
and the prominences of Sham┐il e Tirmazi with Arabic annotations and its
important explanatory books would be introduced and research analysis
would be presented.

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Islamia University, Bahawalpur,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui*

The chain of prophet-hood was started through the Hāzrāt Ādām, and its
ends to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), All the prophets were the part of
same guidance. In this article all the Shamāil o Kẖaṣāil are mentioned which
were described by the Prophet Muhammad after the incident of Mi'rāj and
on the other occasions, just like Hāzrāt Ādām’s height was Sixty hands and
he was father of all humanity, Hāzrāt Yāhyā and Hāzrāt Esā was the
offspring of Hāzrāt Sālmān and also were cousin. The appearance of Hāzrāt
Esā was red and had curly hair and wide chest. Hāzrāt Yousāf was the most
beautiful human-being on earth. Hāzrāt Hāroon beard was half black and
half white. The appearance of Hāzrāt Moosā was brown, long height, and
curly hair and his resemblance was with Goliāth. Hāzrāt Ibrāhim’s
resemblance was with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and he was grandfather
of Muhammad (PBUH). And the Prophet Muhammad was the last Prophet
from all messengers and was best human-being in his nature and ethics.
Some characteristic of Prophets mentioned in Holy Qurān and hādith. And
some are in the books of the stories of Prophets. Holy Prophet
Muhammad’s many characteristics were common with the previous
prophets especially with Hāzrāt Ibrāhim. Author of this article will
highlight all these aspects in detail.

Ex Director, Institute of Islamic Studies, Shah Waliullah Research Cell, Aligarh, India.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Irfan Khalid Dhillon *
Muhammad Tahir Mustafa**

The last Messenger and Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), is bestowed

with many exclusive characteristics by Allah the Almighty. This article
deals with these exclusive characteristics. The variety of this article is that it
is originaly based on only those traditions in which the Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H.), narrated his characteristics himself. Prophetic characteristic
which have been discussed in this article, some of them solely and
exclusively relate to the personality of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Only.
Some characteristics are connected with the worldly life of the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and some are linked with his life hereafter. There are
some characteristics in which other Prophets of Allah the Almighty are
associated with the last Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Another
diversity of this article is that all traditions on which the article is
constructed, they are restricted till the age of renowned muhaddith and
compiler of ahadith Imam Al-Bayhaqi (458 AH/1066 CE). He is the last
muhaddith who narrated and transferred ahadith with his own sanad, that is
the chain of narrators. This article does not claim that all characteristics of
the Holy Prophet peace be upon him, have been discussed in it. All kinds
and types of pen and paper are insufficient and incapable to cover the
characteristics of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.

Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, UET, Lahore, Pakistan.
Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Thought, UMT, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Khalilullah *
Ubaid Ahmad Khan **

In the era of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his Companions (R.A), such measures
were taken that Qur┐n e Kareem remained the focus of attention for the
believers. Publication of Qur┐nic Verses were introduced so that the every
word of it may remain as it was sent down, and proper arrangement was
done to publish, recite and memorize it. On the other hand, due to many
reasons, publication and discussion of Hadith were postponed, especially in
the era of Hazrat Umer Farooq (R.A). However, the common and
obligatory Hadiths regarding code of conduct and concluded matters were
still consulted and practiced, by thousands of Sahaba (R.A) .While, instead
of preaching and promoting Islamic principles publicly, they were
postponed till any specific time, which included Hadiths on physical
description too. As this area, was undiscovered, only few Sahaba (R.A) had
perfect expertise and keen interest in addressing narration the physical
description of Prophet (P.B.U.H.).According to Qazi Ayyad, there were
more or less fifteen Sahaba (R.A) who narrated these narration, in this way,
these narrations are limited to few companions of Prophet (P.B.U.H.).The
above-mentioned points on compilation of Hadiths and narrations on
physical description are stated below in detail.

Research Scholar, Department of Maarif Islamic, Karachi University, Karachi, Pakistan.
Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, Karachi,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)



Muhammad Farooq Haider*

The last Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) is the Qur┐nic role model of

absolute ethical life for whole universe and humanity without any time and
geographical limitation. This is the matter of fact that the first addressee and
follower of the Qur┐n was the Prophet (S.A.W.) who acted upon its
commandments accurately and paved the way of morality. All verses that
states or depicts human ethics are describing the ethical attributes of the
personality of Muhammad (S.A.W.) directly or indirectly and implicitly or
explicitly. The article has been written to decipher the Qur┐nic verses in
such a way that famous saying of mother of believers Aysha (R.A.)
that “Morality of Prophet (S.A.W.) was the Qur┐n” could be proved.

Associate Professor, Department of Islamic and Arabic Studies, GC University, Lahore,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Saeed Ahmad Saeedi*
Hafiz Irfanullah**

Almighty Allah created a beautiful Universe in which He provided

countless signs of His Supreme Being. Everything in this universe, its
beauty, uniformity, perfection, evolution and consistency depict the
supremacy of a powerful creator. To introduce Himself and to guide
humanity He revealed a divine scripture in the form of Qur┐n. As the proof
of His lordship he quoted the signs of nature and took oath upon them to
convince humanity. He approximately sent one lac and twenty-four
thousands Prophets (P.B.U.H). They preached the message of Almighty
Allah to their nations. They were all dear to Allah but when their nations
alleged Them with false allegations, Almighty Allah taught His prophets to
answer them on Their own. But where the matter of Prophet Muhammad
(The last Messenger of Allah) comes He grants Him the status of “Imam ul
Ambiyah” (the leader of all Prophets). Because He is the most beloved
Prophet of Almighty Allah when His nation accused him Almighty Allah
came to answer them Himself, He made solemn promises to vanish all
accusations. He took oath upon His Beloved’s character, faith , glory ,
beauty and even little gestures. He also took oath of the city where he lived
and His Holy life, just to show His Beloved’s glory. In this paper the oaths
which have been taken by Almighty Allah for the Prophet Muhammad
(Peace and Blessings of Almighty Allah be upon Him) will be elaborated.

Chairman, Department of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Lahore Garrison University,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Lahore Garrison University,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Hafizul Rahman*

According to the Bible, Prophet Isa has prophesized about coming; and
promised to send a “Paraclete” after His ascension to the Heavens. This
“Paraclete” is usually regarded as Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) by the
Muslims, since they came into the knowledge of this prophecy of Prophet

Seventh and Eighth century C.E. But ironically the most of the Christians
from that day, till today do not acknowledge the reality and accept the truth
that Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) is in fact the “Paraclete”, rather they
try to twist the meanings and translations to distort the facts. And it is
evident through every logical and reasonable argument, and historical fact
that the “Paraclete” befits none other than Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.).
If the Christians cast away their all prejudices and accept this reality, then
the enmity and hate prevailing between the Muslims and the Christians can
be reduced to almost nothing. In this scenario the importance of the said
prophecy gains a real attention to be analyzed. In this regard the objective of
this article is to present and analyze the notion about the “Paraclete” which
are found in those sources of “Seerah”, which are attributed to Non-Muslim
authors, living in Medieval era, usually described as “Non-
conventional/classical” sources of Seerah study.

Lecturer Islamic Studies, Govt. Degree College (Boys) Fazilpur, Rajanpur, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Muhammad Naeem *

In twentieth Century many Hindus and the Sikhs have authored books on
Sirah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) with positive attitude. Along with other
subjects, they have highlighted the physical appearance of the Messenger of
Islam and manners of daily life. This Sirah literature reflects the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) as an embodiment of health and beauty and portraits him
as handsome in appearance as he was noble in character. According to these
writers Prophet’s personality and charm played an important role in
drawing people into the fold of Islam. The Hindu and the Sikh biographers
have shown great respect and reverence while describing the distinguished
and peculiar traits of Holy Prophet (PBUH). This article intends to explore
and analyze the methodology adopted by Hindu and Sikh Sirah writers of
the subcontinent with respect Sham┐il-e-Nabvi (SAW).

Associate Professor, Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies, GC University, Lahore,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Khalid Yousfi*

Teachings of Holy Prophet are the source of guidance of for all the
humanity not only for the Muslims. That is the reason that Muslims saved
the words and actions of Prophet through their practice. Allāh granted to
the Prophet Muhammad the best characteristic of best ethics and he was the
best creation of Allāh physically. Holy Qurān mentioned some of the body
parts of Muhammad (PBUH) Just like his face, chest, heart, and hairs. But
some of the male and female companions of Muhammad (PBUH) explained
his appearance in very detail just like As Hazrāt Ali (RA), Umm-e-Me’bād
(RA), Anas Bin Mālik (RA), Abu Hurairā (RA) and Hazrat Ayeshā (RA).
The beauty of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is called as Shamāʾil.
calligraphy is such an art, in which words are explained in different styles.
Muslims developed this knowledge at its peak especially in the context of
Holy Qurān. Its originated new and different styles just as Kẖaṭ Kufy, Kẖaṭ
Sulus, Kẖaṭ Nastliq, Kẖaṭ Naskẖ. Later these styles were used to describe the
appearance of Muhammad (PBUH). And many Muslims expressed their
own decency in this regard. Land of Hijāz, Turkey, Irān, Pākistān became
popular for it. In this article author took some famous artist of calligraphy
those expressed the Shamāʾil of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in their art.
These are Mustafā Raqim (1757-1826), Ustād Hāmid Al-Amdi(1891-1982),
Hāfiz Usmān(1642-1698), Kāmil Afandi (1862-1941) Sheikh Abdul Aziz
Alrafy (1871-1934). In the similar some Pakistani artists also mentioned like
Yousaf Sadidi (1927-1986) and Syed Nafees Raqam (1933-2007). This article
will be very beneficial to understand the topic and will highlight new aspect
of the life of Muhammad (PBUH)

Ex-Senior Caligraphist, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Abdul Basit*

It is the wisdom of Allah that human being keep no picture and portrait of
The Holy Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H.).However, His followers along
with the divine shariah, transmitted His high ethics, manners and
countenance .And ,thus, we keep a rich literature which unfolds his high
ethics and physical appearance. This article explores briefly what has been
described in seerah literature about His glorious face. The Prophet did not
have a very fleshy face, nor was it completely round, it was slightly ovalish. The
Prophet’s hair was not in curls nor was it straight . The hair did not extend
beyond the lower tip of his ears. He had a little bit big head and forehead was
broad. Eyebrows were thin and extended but not joined. His eyes were big,bit
radish seems to be highlighted by antimony. His nose was protracted and
slender upraised in the middle wherefrom sprouted radiance. His holy beard
was dense with hair well leveled - not spread here and there. The holy
mouth was not very small. Teeth were very white, glittering and spacious.

Assistant Professor, Sheikh Zayad Islamic Center, University of The Punjab, Lahore,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Saeed ul Rahman*
Kalsoom Paracha**

The blessed face of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was smiling
and illuminated. When He was happy, the blessed face glowed as if it was a
piece of moon but on the other hand, when there are situations other than
gladness, the face showed the expressions like clouds over casted the face.
The perusal of conditions of blessed face of the Prophet of Allah(P.B.U.H.)
indicates that the expressions of brightened face is a complete source of
guidance for the Ummah, these conditions and expressions are sometimes
the reaction of incidents/circumstances and on some occasions, these are of
constant nature. These circumstances include; pleasure gladness, anger
displeasure, sorrow and grief, the worries from the people, the personal
debility and feebleness. On various occasions, the saying of the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) with these conditions moved to Ummah with its full
demonstrations. In addition, only His face remarks transmitted its own
message on most of times. These particular remarks are the best exemplary
characters for the Ummah as how a man should express his/her feelings and
expressions in human ecstasy and in which manner he/she should convey
his/her emotions. In this article, the applied analysis has been done on the
expression and indications of brightened face of Prophet of Allah

Professor, Musa Pak Shahid Chair, Department of Islamic Studeis, BZ University, Multan,
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic and Religion Studies, Women University,
Multan, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Abdul Nasir Alvi*

Allah Almighty has made human as most beautiful from the all creations as
mentioned in the Holy Quran that “We made human on the best
technique”. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was on top of the
beautification of Allah almighty. In this article will be discussed Hairs of
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) length, cutting and count of white hairs. There are
many narrations on the length of the hair of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
Companions of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) have narrated different lengths of the
hair that has no contradiction because of hairs grow and may be cut. If at
one time hairs reached the lobes of the ears, then another time it may be
longer and also may smaller than last due to cutting. It also has been proved
that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) shaved the hair of his head several times.
All the narrations depends when the narrator seen. Some of the religious
scholars have concluded that the hairs of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.),
above the forehead used to reach till half his ears, and the hair of the middle
of his head was longer than that, and the hair of the back of the head
reached till near his shoulders. Im┐m Tirmidhi has stated eight narrations in
this chapter. The holy Prophet had used the comb to maintain his hairs so It
is virtue to comb the hair. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has urged us to do
so. So it is appreciated to comb the hair occasionally to maintain neat and
clean. There were few white hairs of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) having
different narration about exact count of white hairs i.e. 14, 17, 18 and 20.

Assistant Professor, Govt. Degree College (Boys), Sharqpur Sharif, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Abdul Ghaffar*
Muhammad Abdullah**

Allah Almighty revealed Prophets and made them excellence from all the
human beings by giving them distinctive qualities of Prophethood. Allah
Almighty granted Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) such a high degree of
greatness to the extent that no one could reach it. One among the other
signs of Prophethood was Prophecy Seal. This seal was between the
shoulders of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) that was a proclamation of
Almighty Allah that he is the last Messenger and Prophet among all the
Prophets. Muslim scholars have regarded this Prophecy Seal as one of the
visible signs of finality of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). The summary of
all the narrations about Prophecy Seal is that it was between the both
shoulders of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) equal to the pigeon’s egg. It
was apparently sign like a red-prominent meat. According to one Hadith, by
the mob of several moles it became a round shape that was known as
Prophecy Seal. One criticism about the validity of Prophecy Seal as a visible
mark of prophethood is that the Hadits presented in favour of Prophecy
Seal are not narrated by famous companions and wives of Prophet
(P.B.U.H.). Despite that the narrators, who stated such narrations, have
literal conflicts in their statements as well as they belong to some different
times. The scholars in their criticism on the authenticity of such narrations
have some weightage in their opinions but this aspect is also considerable
that almost all the Hadith Scholars have described these narrations. So
despite their dissent opinion, the majority of narration validates the
authenticity of narrations and this paper is about this context of prophecy
seal of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.).

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Islamia University, Bahawalpur,
Professor, Sheikh Zayad Islamic enter, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)



Khalid Zafarullah*

Allah Almighty ordained Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) to be the last Prophet,

accordingly He created in him intrinsic qualities, to enable him to be
eloquent so that he may communicate the message of Allah in the best
possible manner. His eloquence and rhetoric being a gift from Allah, it is
impossible to measure them through standards formulated by human
beings, because its real source cannot be explored. The thorough
information regarding features of prophetic eloquence is very difficult
because of the variety of its topics. That is why; the researcher shed light on
some artistic features of his comprehensive speeches. Clarity is a
distinguished feature of the speech of the Holy Prophet, because he was sent
to explain the commandments of Allah Almighty; so he avoided everything
which was against this clarity. He took care of the addressee, attaching
importance to the requirements of the situation and context. In the light of
this he used different styles. He had full command over the language
including derivational competence. It was due to this command that he used
new expressions which were not heard before. Similarly he used the choice
of desirable succinctness in the appropriate circumstances, also. He used
sentences containing a few words but encompassed oceans of meanings.
These brief expressions are abundant in his sermons and traditions to such
extent that they constitute distinguished characteristics. The Holy Prophet
used precise words and expressions so that the addressee understood what he
told and felt satisfaction. This article contains only brief hints to some
important artistic features in limited number of pages, in addition to the
little knowledge of the researcher and the large magnitude of the speech of
the Holy Prophet. Muslims should study these features of the speech of the
Holy Prophet so that they may use them in the propagation of Islam, calling
to the good and suppression of the evil.

Ex-Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. College Samundary, Faisalabad,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Ali Tariq*
Moeen ud Din Hashmi**

This paper analyses some of the prophetic traditions with reference to the
use of methodology of verbal communication by the Prophet Peace be
Upon Him during the process of teaching and preaching. The purpose of
this research was to critically analyze the importance of nonverbal
communication during teaching and preaching and its impact on the
audience in terms of enhancing their level of understanding and grabbing
their attention.. The method used for the research was descriptive and
analytical. The study revealed that the application of nonverbal
communication along with the verbal communication by the prophet Peace
be Upon Him in teaching and preaching was helpful in conveying the
message to the audience clearly. The study recommends and suggests that
the methodology of nonverbal communication should be utilized in the
process of teaching and preaching which can not only enhance the level of
understanding of the audience but can make the process of education
meaningful leading to productive outcomes.

Lecturer, Department of Hadith, Faculty of Usool ud Din, International Islamic
University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Associate Professor, Department of Hadith and Sirat, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic
Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Khubaib*
Muhammad Afzal**

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the perfect role model for all of
humanity to follow. Allah clearly tells mankind that Prophet Muhammad
(s) was sent as a model for mankind to follow. He himself claimed “I have
been sent into this world to perfect the best of moral conduct in human
behavior, to educate and purify them”. The life of Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) is full of countless examples that show his status as a
role model for Muslim societies and individuals. As Muslims, we believe that
success in this life and the hereafter depends on following him. In order to
follow him, it is important to know how our last prophet used to spend his
days and nights. Many scholars have written on the structure of his days
(mostly surrounding prayer times). In this paper, researchers intend to
elaborate how Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) spent his nights while focusing
on the different tasks and ibadaats, he used to perform at night. It will give a
guideline to spend our nights according to the Seerah of Hazrat Muhammad
(PBUH) so that we may improve our conduct and become better human

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahawalnagar Campus, The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. Degree College, Shalimar Town, Lahore,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Syeda Saadia*

Dua and commendations (Adhkaar) which are taught to a Muslim by

Sharia'h. The wisdom and sagacity in imparting all recital (Duaa) and
commendations (adkaar) of morning and evening is that , Man cannot
commemorate( remember) his Creator in the way he should do because of
being busy in his routine affairs, pursuits and preoccupations .Thus ,there is
a need that he strengthen and renew his bonding with Almighty Allah in
these times of day and night , pay thanks to Him for His bounties , seek His
Pardon and like a humble , selfless and helpless petitioner beseech and beg
before Almighty Allah for His favour and mercy . Indeed, these are all
prayers which Hazrat Muhammad SAWW has taught. Thus under
discussion motion (topic) is related to the morning and evening recital
(Duaa) and commendations (adhkaar) and about the latent implicit wisdom
of them

Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Govt. Women College
University, Sialkot Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Ghazi Abdul Rahman Qasmi*
Abdul Qudoos Sohaib**

The Holy Prophet’s (P.B.U.H.) “S┘rah” in which moderation and balance

have manifest prominence provides comprehensive guidance in every sphere
of human life. Moderate and balanced life; on the one hand becomes a
source to fulfill the very demands of Islamic Shariah, while on the other
hand, it includes human health and other pertinent precautionary measures.
If anything exceeds beyond its limits; though, apparently, it grows in size,
its standard will decline and it will become worse as time passes. Moreover,
it would create difficulty in following the Islamic principles or it would
lessen the passion to adopt Islamic principles wholeheartedly. Therefore, the
study of the Holy Quran and “Seerat” prohibits us to worship in this way as
continuity to do righteous deeds is affected and even discontinued. This
article discusses moderation in worship as practiced and instructed by the
Holy Prohpet (P.B.U.H.).

Lecturer Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. Wilayt Hussain Islamia Degree College,
Multan, Pakistan.
Chairman Department of Islamic Studies, BZ University, Multan, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Muhammad Saadullah*
Muhammad Aslam Zahid**

The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best model for all the
Muslims. His life is the source of Beauty and Splendor, because Allah also
gave same order as Allah is beautiful and He likes beauty so according to
this truth, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed each action of his life
with very perfectness and Brilliance. If we ponder on universe then we will
find Beauty and discipline everywhere. Verily, in the alternation of the
night and the day we find the creativity of Magnificence of the creator Allah
Almighty. In the prayers Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advises to perform
with fully perfection. Similarly he ordered to perform all pillars of Islam
with equal arrangement. In the social and family life he guided the excellent
level of prettiness. To go into the masjid with cleanliness and aroma is also
under his guidance. In the daily life just like as dressing, food, drinks, eating
habits, even after death, in every aspect of life he advise and provide himself
as best model. Present age is the materialistic and social traditions are being
shattered, Selfishness is everywhere. But Islam order to offer all the rights of
other human-beings with great wisdom. The writer of this article provide
the examples from the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with very
Sweatily and proved that after the implementation of these guidance from
Deen and examples we can make our lives like paradise.

Editor, Urdu Incyclopedia, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Khatib Masjid Rahmatul Lilalmin, Kharak, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Memona Tabassum*
Abdul Rauf Zafar**

The Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), is the only person in the
world whose life’s each aspect has been pondered, recorded and saved
besides being acted upon religiously by his devotees including his
companions, relatives, friends and scholars and researchers from the Islamic
world to the people of the other religions. Each facet of the Prophet’s life
including sleeping, wakening, sitting, walking and eating habits is also taken
by his followers as a guiding light. So far his ways of eating and provisions
are concerned; these were very simple and unpretentious. He used to set in
on his meals with his right hand and with the name of Allah. He always ate
while in a sitting posture. He used to eat the meat of camel, cow, goat,
chicken, rabbit and fish. He took interest in eating vegetables i.e. cucumber.
He took the bread of barley and wheat. Haleem was also included in his
eatables. Vinegar remained his favorite ingredient in different foods. His
most common food was date and milk. He used to take butter, honey and
cheese. Though he used to take every type of fruit but grapes and water-
melon were his favorite. Despite the fact that being the most favorites
Prophet of the God, he afforded the most scrumptious food, the eating
styles and habits of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) remained simple and modest
through-out his life.

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore College for Woman
University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Ex-Professor, Serat Chair , The Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)



Hafiz M Shehbaz Hassan*

The drinks are the basic need of every living creature. Allah Almighty said:
and we have made from water every living thing. [21:30]. The Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H) used to like natural drinks i.e water, milk and honey. Cool and
sweet drinks had been his favorite things. He loved the water of spring
(natural fountain). The water of Suqya spring was used to be brought for
him. Second natural drink is milk, Allah Almighty said about milk: We give
you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretions and
blood, pure milk, palatable to the drinkers. [16:66]. It is the nature of human
beings to love the milk. In holy journey of heavens, when The Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) had offered some drinks he chose the milk. The Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) had been used the milk of dromedary and goat. He also
used the mixed milk with stale and overnight water. Honey was another
favorite drink of The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). He also used the syrup of
honey. Honey is used for healing, as Allah Almighty said: There comes
forth from their bellies, a drink (honey) of varying color wherein is healing
for men. [16:69]. Honey washes the pellicle of stomach. Nabeez (a non-
alcoholic fermented beverage from malt) was also one of the drinks of The
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). The Holy prophet (P.B.U.H) used it within three
days, after three days it becomes alcoholic. On the other hand energy
drinks, sports drinks, soft drinks and hard drinks have many side effects.
Olive had been also in the usage of The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). The Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) used the following vessels for drinking: Earthen trough,
pitcher, bucket, bowl, water-skin etc. The proper way of drinking is to
drink while sitting although it is not sin to drink while standing. The
Prophet of Islam always used his right hand for drinking. The Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H) neither puffed nor breathed into the drinks. Drinks are the
blessing of Allah. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had been thankful to Allah
Almighty for providing drinks.

Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, UET, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Syed Mubashir Ali *

Mubsira Mubashir**

In this article , the Dresses of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) during the span of
his ideal life are described such that the radiant features of personal life of
the Holy Prophet (PBUH)highlighted .These clothes and dresses are
Emamah (any cloth to wrap head), Qamees (Long shirt) ,Izar (cloth to
cover lower part of body),Rida(cloth for covering upper part of body
including shoulders),Hullah (suit of two same clothes),Jubbah (long dress
,open from the front similar to gown) etc .Most of these were made of
cotton and some are of wool and were imported from Yemen as it was the
nearest textile industry that time. The Holy Prophet(PBUH)wore these
dresses in different circumstances i.e in shortage of resources, during the
travel of exodus and travelling in general, offering prayers ,normal situation,
Eid and other special occasions. The type and colors of these dresses and
mannar of wearing them are also discussed. The study manifests that the
whole mankind can follow these simple and straight forward style of
dressing without disturbing their financial ability and positive mental
approach, using available dresses in their region and economic position.

Associate Professor, Govt. Post Graduate College Bhakkar, Pakistan.
Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. College for Woman, Bhakkar, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Amjad Hussain*

The term ‘ZUHD’ has comprehensive connotation which means to live a

simple life by shunning mundane desires which hinder man from the path
of virtue. Zuhd-e-Nabw┘ (P.B.U.H.) is an important aspect of seerat-un-Nabi
(P.B.U.H.) and by following it, one succeeds in attaining the lofty objectives
of the love of Allah Almighty and His creatures. By acting upon Zuhd-e-
Nabw┘ (P.B.U.H.) man’s worldly life becomes disciplined and in the
hereafter, he gets ultimate success in pursuit of paradise. This dissertation
refers to states of zuhd-e- Nabw┘ (P.B.U.H.) and its benefits and boons in
man’s practical life.

Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. Post Graduate College
Samundary, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafsa Nasrin*

This paper deals with “Majalis–e-Rasool (P.B.U.H.)” i.e. the gatherings or

meetings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) He had to talk or to
communicate not only with believers but with all people irrespective of
their faith, race, dialect, gender, social status or role in the society. He had
to deliver the divine message into a form that people could perceive,
understand and feel, and practice. So the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) had an
excellent communication style. He not only used various means of
communication in different gatherings, but also took into the account the
psychological peculiarities of the individual and society and every occasion
in order to present the message in the best and most effective way. How he
addressed the emotions and mind, how he attracted people with his kind
behavior towards Islam and how he guided the believers to the divine path,
it is being discussed in this paper.

Assistant Professor/Senior Editor, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Shahida Parveen *
Saadia Gulzar**

Islam, the last divine religion, is the ideal code of conduct. It imparts ethical
and moral values which confer dignity and honor to its true followers.
Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was an embodiment of Holy Qur┐n and
practitioner of these values. All these values are a guide for an ideal life. An
ideal society sanctifies the rights of all. Before the promulgation of Islam,
women had absolutely no rights to enjoy. Their position was deteriorated.
Islam detests the exploitation of rights, whether of life, property, honor,
liberty or freedom of speech. He (P.B.U.H.) defined the rights of every
single individual. Then, he (P.B.U.H.) set up a society in which all these
rights were imparted. In contemporary Muslim world, biased customs,
illiteracy and domination of male make women suffer. Equality of rights
and liberty of women aggravate the situation. Nevertheless, Islam has
bestowed upon them political, social, legal and economic rights. He
(P.B.U.H.) always treated his wives very gently and also commanded his
companions to be lenient and kind towards them. Islam holds value for the
opinions and ideas of women. Despite the fact that their freedom is
restricted, women may develop their talents. Thus, Islam ensures the right
position, noble life and dignity for them. The purpose of this research paper
is to highlight the importance of good behavior with women in the light of
Seerat un Nabi (P.B.U.H.). This research paper follows descriptive and
analytical methods.

Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of The Punjab, Lahore,
Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of The Punjab, Lahore,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Hassan Madni*
Hafiz Hussain Azhar**

Anger & resentment is proven to have detrimental effects on health & even
Islaam has disliked rather prohibited from it. Although at times it is allowed
& even needed as per Islamic Shariah. Therefore if it's practiced for self
promotion, overpowering others or for personal gains then it is prohibited.
Henceforth if Allaah's legislation & rulings are neglected then practicing
anger becomes justified & allowed. Infact the Messenger of Allaah (Peace &
Blessings be upon him) has practiced anger on various such occasions; the
detailed account of which have been mentioned in the article. In times of
such anger deserving circumstances what were the repercussions on his
personality & by what words he would express his anger. All this has been
covered with authentic texts as-well.

Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of The Punjab, Lahore,
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Zahid Latif*

Allah Almighty has bestowed upon humanity. Amongst them variety of

animals like horses, camels, mules are mentioned into the holy Qur┐n for
different purposes like eating, travelling as well for beauty and pride. In
surah Nahal Allah says, And the horses, and the mules, and the donkeys-for
you to ride, and for luxury (8.16). Even Allah has mentioned such sources of
travelling also which were unknown for man in that age but will be created
in future world. Our Holy prophet also used all modern travelling sources
of that day as well as encouraged his companions to own them and to be
thankful to your Almighty lord for bestowing such a great blessing for
delivery of your luggage from one place to another place as they were
unable to do but with great hardship. The holy prophet was an object
of blessings not for the whole humanity but also for other
creatures. Beasts and animals of the earth felt also pleasure with the existence
of the blessed prophet. After studying seerah of prophet (P.B.U.H.)
we find that our prophet appreciated animals, name them and love them.
The prophet described significance of various animals like horse that
blessing has been taken place into the face of horse and Allah almighty also
pushed Muslims to prepare horses saying “And prepare against them all the
power you can muster, and all the cavalry you can mobilize” (8.60) so we
find even today, s modern age no army of any country is considering less
important to prepare animals for different purposes.

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic, Studies, UET, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Abdul Ali Achakzai*
Syed Bacha Agha**

The west and other non –Muslim states strive to colonize Muslim states due
to advancement in science and technology. Keeping in view their superior
position, Muslim ought to excel in the field of science & technology and
establish local weapon industries. The use of modern war weapons and tools
with contemporary method had been practiced by prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) also. Being commander of Muslim army, prophet Muhammad
(PBUH), had participated in about 27 battles, in which he had assorted war
tools including swords and other accessories. He had also used war garbs as
pre-cautionary measures which indicates and clarifies the use and need of
Materialistic war tools despite having stern believe in the blessing.

Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Blochistan, Quetta, Pakistan.
Assistant Professor, Govt. Post Graduate College Saryab Road, Quetta, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Farhat Naseem *

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) had a clear outlook about the verses and the
poets that the verses are the way of expression of opinion. These verses can
be good as well as bad. He (PBUH) commended the good verses and
condemned the bad verses. As the preacher, he used to weigh all the things
against the standard of goodness and morality. Having in the mind the
responsibility of being the prophet, he enjoyed himself listening to the
purposeful verses – especially those that reflected decent human feelings and
noble morals. He condemned those that were against the moral norms and
those that encouraged tribal bigotry. Poets vary in their exact taste and
determine their likings and disliking according to their own standards.
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) also used to check their aesthetic element
against their won standard. And who else could comprehend and eloquent
oration better than him (PBUH).

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha,Sargodha,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Muhammad Sajjad*
Hafiz Nisar Mustfa**

The companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) love him more than their
lives. They also expressed this love through their tongue. Poetry was very
popular skill in the Arab culture. Many companions admired the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) in their poetry just like Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA),
Hassan ibn Thabit (RA), Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab(RA), Hazrat Ka'b Ibn
Malik (RA), Hazrat Rafi bin Umera (RA), Hazrat Abdullah ibn Rawahah
(RA), Hazrat Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) are included.
The most famous and popular poetry of Hazrat Hassan ibn Thabit (RA),
He got the title of Šāʿr Nbwy. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also did pray
for him. Translation of the some poetry of Hazrat Hassan is like this, “My
eyes have not seen more beautiful person than you, No women has given
birth to a more handsome person than you, You have been created without
any weakness and blemish, As if you have been created as you wished to be
created”. In the poetry of the companions different aspects of the life of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) highlighted, just as his face beauty, his
morality and character. In this article writer presented several Rhymes of
the poetry of the different companions with proper translation. It not only
reflect the true love of companions but also expressed the new aspect of the
life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This article will be very helpful to
understand this unique aspect of life of Uswā-e-Hasnā of Muhammad

Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Culture AIOU, Islamabad,
Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic Thought and Culture AIOU, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Ferozul Din Shah Khagga*

Molana 'Abd al- Rahman Jami (1417-1492), one of the most famous and
prolific scholars in Persian literature. He enjoyed outstanding reputation
and prestigious status throughout his lifetime bearing a unique astute
personality matchless to any other Persian Sufi poet, not only in his
motherland Herat but in other parts of the globe as well. In his poetry,
Jami, not only deals with the folk wisdom and other classical matters but he
also touches the hearts of believers by transforming the importance of love
and adherence of Holy Prophet (PBUH). In spite of enjoying a reputable
status and importance in the Naqshbandi Sufi order in his lifetime, which
was undoubtedly a most influential Sufi order in Central Asia, a very few
number of studies have been written about him. However, in twentieth
century, some of the contemporary scholars have documented his
contribution to Persian language and literature. Still, a number of aspects of
his personality are pending to be dealt academically. One of the aspects is his
poetical admiration to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which is indeed a great
source of solace of hearts and enabling the believers to observe the teachings
of his Prophet. The purpose of this paper is to provide an historical
overview of Persian Na'at literature with a special focus on Molana Jami's
life, work and his peerless style of admiration to Prophet Muhammad

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Sargodha, Sargodha,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Muhammad Sohail Shafiq*

Molana Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwi, (1856 -1921) was an Islamic scholar,
jurist, theologian, ascetic, Sufi, and reformer. He was a genius writer. He
wrote numerous books and treatises in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu on
diversified topics. He also wrote devotional poetry in praise of the Prophet
Muhammad. Hidayak e Bakhshish is the collection of his devotional poetry.
His poems, which deal for the most part with the qualities of the Prophet,
often have a simplicity and directness. They reportedly created a favorable
climate for Na'at writing. His Urdu couplets, entitled Mustafa jaane rahmat
pe lakhon salaam (Millions of salutations on Mustafa, the Paragon of mercy),
contain praise of the Prophet, specially his physical appearance (verses 31 to
81). In this article, the author discussed his poetry regarding the physical
appearance of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic History, University of Karachi, Karachi,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Abdul Ghaffar*

The inevitable part of seerat–ul-Nabi is Sham┐il. The Arabic word ‘Sham┐il’

is used in the meaning of temper, behavior and attitude of the Holy
Prophet.The basic sources of Sham┐il are the Holy Qur┐n and Hadith
including the statement of the companions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
The companions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) usually asked one another
about the specific characteristics (khasias) habits, manners, prayers and
routine work of the Holy Prophet. For instance they inquired from one
another, what were the ethics of the Holy Prophet. Adopting this
methodology, muhadtheen wrote all this in detail in their books of Hadith
with authentic resource. The pioneer of this chain was Imam Bukhari, who
was declared as final authority of Sham┐il. The Methodology and
outstanding description of Imam Bukhari will be highlighted in this
research. It will be pointed out that how did he compiled a comprehensive
book. Im┐m Bukhari has narrated specific topic in chapters, which is related
to Sham┐il. For instance, the chapter of dresses, the chapter of eating and
drinking etc. The religious, legal, constitutional, and socio-cultured
inheritance of Sham┐il al Nabavia have been presented in these chapters.

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, UET Lahore (Narowal Campus),
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Rafiq Sadiq*

Imam Abu Saad Abdul Malik bin abi Usman Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al
Kharkoshi is counted in those remarkable authors who wrote a best
memorable book on the life, dignity, greatness and honor of Holy Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H..W), named as “Sharful Mustafa”. History
sources and translation books are quiet silent about the childbirth of Imam
Abu Saad. Khateeb Baghdadi wrote his died date as 406 Hijri while Imam
Zahbi wrote his died date as 407 Hijri. Personality like Ibnul Jouzi in Ulama
e Rijaal (Islamic Scholars) considered Imam Abu Saad as Siqah, Salih,wari
and Zahid.(Siqah : credible, Salih: Pious, Wari: perfect faithful, Zahid: Saint).
The main purpose of “ Sharful Mustafa” is to express greatness, dignity,
honor and rights of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H..W). The often content of
the book is authentic and reliable but it has also some Zaeef and Mozu
Narrations (weak and contrive narrantions. This book has been published
with the research of Abu Asim Badle Bin Hashim Al Ghamri in 6 volumes
in 2003. Najmuddin Rawandi has translated this book in Persian language
with the name of “Sharfun Nabi”. Peer Zada Allama Ahmed Farooqi has
translated this Persian translation in Urdu with the same name “Sharfun
Nabi”. Ahmed Javed Farooqi Publishers has published it in 2004 from
Lahore. This book is mainly mentioned with the features of seven themes,
one of whom is appearance, Sham┐il and the used items of Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H..W).This article is discussed with the same last topic which relates
to appearance and Sham┐il of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H..W.). Sham┐il
includes apparent and confidentiality, sensitivity and mental properties. But
in this article only the importance of Sham┐il and the appearance like holy
height, innocent face, holy hair, fragrance of holy body and sweat is
discussed and their beauty, impact and blessings are mentioned. Besides the
inflation and deflation the authentic and reliable picture is tried to reveal
from basic sources.

Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, University of The Punjab, Lahore,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Idris Lodhi*

Kitab u Shifa of Qazi Eyyaz about Seerah is acknowledged as unique on this

dimension of Islamic Studies due to its diction and diversity of essays. It
describes the personal and Prophethood life of Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H.) through the lenses of rationality and logic. This research paper
presents an overview of Personal noble habits and attributes of the Prophet
in light of peculiar style of expression of Kitab u shifa. It highlights
meaning, scope and elaboration of Sham┐il. It supports the substance on the
topic with the help of Arabic texts of the book. The references of the
sources have been given by observing proper research format. Moreover
biography of Qazi Ayyaz has also been presented.

Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, BZ University, Multan, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Muhammad Ramzan*
Humayon Abbas**

In this article, There is a discussion about Dalail , Sham┐il and Khasais in the
light of Imam Haythami`s book “MAJMA-UL-ZAWAID WA MANBA-
UL-FAWAID”.It is difficult to understand the every aspect of the life of the
Holy Prophet under the word of Sirah. So that Islamic scholars divided the
life of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in to sub subjects of Sirah.Sirah is
divided in the following three sbjects
1. Dalail ul Nabbuwah (Dalail ul Nabbuwah means , The Ahadith about the
truth of prophethood.)
2. Sham┐il ul Nabi (S.A) (Shmail ul Nabi (S.A) means , The Ahadith related
toThe life of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A) are discussed specially as a human
3. Khasais ul Nabi (S.A) (Khasis ul Nabi (S.A) describes the greatness of the
Holly Prophet among the other Prophets and ummah.)
Imam Haythami discussed above three subjects in his book with the name
of “The book of Alaamat ul Nabbuwah” He made many chapters on it and
it is easly to understand the method of matan, chapters and narration of
Imam Haythami by this book. The book of Imam Haythami “MAJMA-UL-
ZAWAID WA MANBA-UL-FAWAID” is related to Zawaid Hadith
specially Sirah and its specific aspects. Dalail , Sham┐il and Khasais and in
this sense it is a unique and valuable among the other books of Hadith.

Assistant Professor, Govt. Post Graduate College, Jhang, Pakistan.
Professor, Department of Islamic and Arabic, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Mudassir Iqbal*
Qazi Furqan Ahmad**

In this article, There is a discussion about Dalail , Sham┐il and Khasais in the
light of Imam Haythami`s book “MAJMA-UL-ZAWAID WA MANBA-
UL-FAWAID”. It is difficult to understand the every aspect of the life of the
Holy Prophet under the word of Sirah. So that Islamic scholars divided the
life of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in to sub subjects of Sirah.
Sirah is divided in the following three subjects
1. Dalail ul Nabbuwah
2. Sham┐il ul Nabi (S.A)
3. Khasais ul Nabi (S.A)
* Dalail ul Nabbuwah means , The Ahadith about the truth of
* Shmail ul Nabi (S.A) means , The Ahadith related toThe life of Hazrat
Muhammad (S.A) are discussed specially as a human being.
* Khasis ul Nabi (S.A) describes the greatness of the Holly Prophet among
the other Prophets and ummah. Imam Haythami discussed above three
subjects in his book with the name of “The book of Alaamat ul Nabbuwah”
He made many chapters on it and it is easly to understand the method of
matan, chapters and narration of Imam Haythami by this book. The book
is related to Zawaid Hadith specially Sirah and its specific aspects. Dalail,
Sham┐il and Khasais and in this sense it is a unique and valuable among the
other books of Hadith.

Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, University of The Punjab, Lahore,
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Gujrat, Gujrat,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Samina Saadia*

Allama Qastani Ahmed Bin Muhammad has extensively written on Sham┐il

Nabavia along with Seerat in his book Almuwahib ul Ladunia. Thus, there
has been a triple columniation of Sham┐il e Nabavia in the third chapter. In
the first chapter, those attributes of Prophet Muhammad SAW have been
noted which relate to his extreme graciousness and aesthetic outlook. In
relation to his holistic outlook, the particulars like head, facet, eyes, hands,
forehead, spout, saliva and physique have been discussed. The anthologizer
has also taken the note of Jawama Kalam, while pinning upon the attribute
of his spout. Epistles and Invocations of Prophet Muhammad SAW have
been tapped, which in themselves are remarkable motifs of eloquence.
Adding onto that, other amongst his attributes like his smile, hands, flank,
belly, feet, gait, color, sweat and excrement have also been outlined. The
second chapter related to his noble behaviour, his intellectual prowess,
forgiveness and tolerance, humor, soft attitude, hospitality and chivalry
have been described. The third chapter holds descriptions like his diets, bed,
sartorial objects, marriage and sleep in an explanatory manner.

Assistant Professor, Sheikh Zayad Islamic Center, University of The Punjab, Lahore,
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Ahmad Saeed Rashid*
Hafiz Muhammad Sajjad **

The Arabic word “Sham┐il” is used in the meaning of temper, nature,

character, behavior and attitude etc. Although the qualities of the holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) were discussed and narrated among the Sahaba (R.A.)
(Companions of the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) ( but this word was firstly
used by Imam Tirmazi (209-279A.H) in the description of virtues, qualities
and life style of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.). So it became more specific in
its meanings and a new branch of knowledge was properly initiated at the
end of third century A.H. Mohaddisin (Narrators of Hadith) and Seerah
writers also adopted this field of knowledge and wrote several books in
different periods with different methodologies.
Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan(1832-1890 ) was a well known Islamic Scholar of
the Sub Continent. He wrote on the topics of Tafsir (Commentary of the
holy Quran), Hadith, Seerah and Fiqa etc. He has written a marvelous book
named ”Al shamama tul Ambariya Mim Molid i Khair il Bariya” on the
topic of Seerah. He has a scholarly methodology in the description of
Sham┐il in this book. He also wrote a brief booklet on the topic of Sham┐il
named “Buloogh ul Ula Bimaarifa til Hula”. Both said writings are written
in old Urdu language of the 19th century. He depended upon Hadith and
Seerah books while writing on the said topic. In this article, a research study
is done to explore his methodology, sources and specialty of writing on

Lecturer, Dept of Islamic Studies, Govt. Municipal Degree College, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Associate Professor, Dept of Islamic thought, history & Culture, AIOU, Islamabad.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Moeen ul Din Hashmi*

Sheikh ul Hadith Molana Muhammad Zakaria Kandahalwi is a well-known

Muhaddith and a religious scholar of the sub-continent. He has translated,
interpreted and explained many books of Hadith. His work “Khasail e
Nabw┘” is an Urdu translation and short commentary of Sham┐il e Tirmizi.
“Khasail e Nabw┘” comprises of Urdu and Arabic footnotes along with the
Urdu translation of Sham┐il – Tirmizi. This book covers all aspects of
various topics related to Seerat –un- Nabi(P.B.U.H.) e.g. explanation of
Hadith, different events of his holy life, his attributes & winsome manners;
apparent and mystical meanings of his dignified sayings and theological
declamations of his entire biography. In a nut shell, this very book is, no
doubt, a unique and important addition in Seerah literature of the sub-

Associate Professor, Department of Hadith and Sirtat, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic
Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Khaliqdad Malik*

This research offers an analytical study of the book entitled "Ashraf-ul-Wasail Ila
Fahm-i-Sham┐il" compiled by “Ibn-i-Hajar Al-Haitami” (d974AH). It is a very rare,
holistic and most comprehensive explanation on "Al-Sham┐il-al-Muhammadiyya"
written by "Imam Tirmidhi" (d279AH). The word "Sham┐il" means all the
apparent and internal conditions and circumstances of the Holy Prophet (peace an
blessing of Allah be upon him) from birth to his death like his high and pure
morals, virtues, characteristics, daily routine and all the things that pertain to his
life and personality such as the perfection of his creation, appearance and the
beauty of figure. In fact the reading of books written about Sham┐il of the Holy
Prophet (peace be upon him) is of great benefit and reward, and the young
Muslims, men and women, must continue to read these books so that they may
create a generation whose life is the original image of the Holy Prophet’s life. As
the first, most important and oldest of these books is "Sham┐il Tirmidhi", the
scholars have written many annotations and explanations of this book, and one of
the most comprehensive explanations by "Ibn-i-Hajar Haitami" has been discussed
in this article and analyzed in terms of its sources, references, extent of its impact
on the writings of the late comers, its characteristics and advantages along wi
Hassaan bin Thabit is one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He
is well known all over the world for praising Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by his
poetry. He was supported by the Holy Spirit as mentioned in the sayings of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He acquired his thoughts, method and technique
from Holy Qur┐n and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was a
famous poet and a tribal chief in pre-Islamic (Jahiliyah) period. But after conversion
to Islam he became the defender of Islam and the prophet of Islam by his poetry
and eloquence of speech. The virtue of praising Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
defending Islam is a special attribute related to Hassaan Bin Thabit, But the detailed
account of individual morality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his chastity,
truthfulness, supporting the oppressed, non-violence, hospitality, velour, bravery,
fulfillment of promises, self-esteem and contentment is repeatedly found in his
poetry. Some of these aspects have been highlighted in this paper. This study used
resources and reviews from many references and the subject is discussed from many
angles th some of its critical reviews and observations.

Chairman Department of Arabic, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Fazlullah *

ALLAH (Subhanhu wa Ta’ala) ordained Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

to be the final prophet, accordingly He created in him intrinsic qualities, to
enable him to be eloquent so that he may communicate the message of Allah
in the best possible manner. His eloquence and rhetoric being a gift from
Allah, it is impossible to measure them through standards formulated by
human beings, because its real source can not be explored.
The thorough information regarding features of prophetic eloquence is very
difficult because of the variety of its topics. That is why; the researcher shed
light on some artistic features of his comprehensive speeches.
Clarity is a distinguished feature of the speech of the Holy Prophet, because
he was sent to explain the commandments of Allah Jalla Sha’nuhu; so he
avoided everything which was against this clarity. He took care of the
addressee, attaching importance to the requirements of the situation and
context. In the light of this he used different styles. He had full command
over the language including derivational competence. It was due to this
command that he used new expressions which were not heard before.
Similarly he used the choice of desirable succinctness in the appropriate
circumstances, also. He used sentences containing a few words but
encompassed oceans of meanings. These brief expressions are abundant in
his sermons and traditions to such extent that they constitute distinguished
characteristics. The Holy Prophet used precise words and expressions so
that the addressee understood what he told and felt satisfaction.
This article contains only brief hints to some important artistic features in
limited number of pages, in addition to the little knowledge of the
researcher and the large magnitude of the speech of the Holy Prophet.
Muslims should study these features of the speech of the Holy Prophet so
that they may use them in the propagation of Islam, calling to the good and
suppression of the evil.

Professor, Department of Literature, Faculty of Arabic International Islamic University,
New Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Wasifullah Jaan*

The Holy Prophet was the most eloquent of all the people. He had a good
command of various dialects taught to him by the Almighty. He would talk
to the member of every tribe in their local dialect, and would use the words
which his Companions would sometimes not understand. Even Ali, a Life
of a man is meant by several cycles of day and night. Every morning, the
sunrays appear with a clue for a new destination and every evening, the rest
of each new destination and future glided coloured dreams and visions sooth
Man even after his day long hectic routine. But along with the fulfilment of
all responsibilities in this constant and continuous journey of man s' life ,
there is a way to strengthen his relation with Allah Almighty with prayers
and supplications , and to get rid of hardships, troubles and afflictions of life,
the way is in morning and evening recitals (man of extraordinary eloquence,
said to the Holy Prophet , “O Prophet, we are from one father and we see
you talking to the delegations of Arabs, which we do not understand, so
who taught you (this eloquence)?” The Holy Prophet replied, “I have been
educated by Almighty Allah and have been well educated by him.” 1 In
another hadith mentioned by Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu
Hurayra, the Messenger said, “I have been sent with comprehensive words
and trained and developed in the tribe of Sa‘d bin Bakar.” 2 In another place
the Prophet said, “I am the most eloquent among the Arabs and belong to
the tribe of Quraysh.” He used to speak in such a way that if a person
desired he could count every word of the Prophet. He used to repeat each
sentence three times so that the listener could understand clearly. The
Messenger did not communicate in an ambiguous way. He was the most
beautiful and eloquent speech. He said that Almighty Allah chose Ismail
from the children of Ibrahim, then chosen the tribe of Kanana from the
tribe of Ismail, and then the tribe of Quraysh was chosen from Kanana, and
then the tribe of Banu Hashim was chosen from Quraysh, and then finally
he was chosen from the tribe of Banu Hashim. So he was honoured, beloved
and chosen one among the whole human race.
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Arabic, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Abdul Majeed Baghdadi*
Sanaullah Hussain**

When we are talking about life of Peace Be Upon him, it is called “Seerah”
and besides that it is called “Sham┐il Nabwiyah”. In which is described the
life of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as well as the
characteristics of your life and your prayers are also mentioned. According
to this, many scholars write books which are famous names like Imam
Tirmazi, Qazi Ayaz , Ibn-e-Katheer , Allama Sayooti and Mulla Ali Qari. In
addition to many books were written on his Characters in after Islam but
before Islam have been told many poetries on his “Seerah” and “Sham┐il”. In
this article described, commented and reviewed the “Sham┐il Nabwiyah” of
Peace Be upon him from Dewan-e- Abi Talib.

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, AIOU, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Associate Professor, Department of Tafsir, AIOU, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Ikram ul Haq Yasin *

The article is about the sentiments expressed by the great companion Kaab-
ibn-Zuhair Ibn-e-Abi Sulma towards the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his poem
“Banat Suad”. The article begins with brief introduction of the poet
followed by elaboration of the background of his recitation describing the
occasion when the poet had to roam around many of Arab tribes seeking
refuge after he had scolded his brother ‘Bujair’ for embracing Islam and
disregarded the Holy Prophet (PBUH) following which the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) gave a verdict to kill him. The poem begins with rhapsodization in
which the poet remembers his beloved who left him far away. Then comes a
scene where the companions tried to jump on the poet to kill him after the
verdict of Prophet (PBUH) but the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at that moment
showers his kindness and stops them from doing so and thus makes the
atmosphere pleasant and lets the poet recite his poem freely. The article
analyzes every verse of the poem as an in between the lines and sometimes
direct elaboration of the gracious qualities of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
and how he welcomed a person regarding whom he had already given a
verdict of death and dealt with wisdom and compassion the feelings of his
companions on arrival of the poet up to the end of first phase of recitation
of this poem when the poet praised the ‘Muhajir’ companions and ignored
the ‘Ansaar’ companions because they were the ones who raised swords in
his face when he reached to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his mosque. The
article thus concludes that every part of this poem i.e. rhapsodization,
praise of his camel, talking about tribes, roaming around, thinking about
Holy Prophet (PBUH) then approaching Abu Bakar Siddique all the way to
the end was in fact a delicate expression of his insight of gratitude for Holy
Prophet (PBUH).

Secretary, Islamic Ideology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hafiz Zahid Ali*

Hass┐n bin Thabit is one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH). He is well known all over the world for praising Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) by his poetry. He was supported by the Holy Spirit as
mentioned in the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He acquired his
thoughts, method and technique from Holy Quran and the sayings of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was a famous poet and a tribal chief in
pre-Islamic (Jahiliyah) period. But after conversion to Islam he became the
defender of Islam and the prophet of Islam by his poetry and eloquence of
speech. The virtue of praising Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and defending
Islam is a special attribute related to Hassaan Bin Thabit, But the detailed
account of individual morality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his
chastity, truthfulness, supporting the oppressed, non-violence, hospitality,
velour, bravery, fulfillment of promises, self-esteem and contentment is
repeatedly found in his poetry. Some of these aspects have been highlighted
in this paper. This study used resources and reviews from many references
and the subject is discussed from many angles.

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Govt. College Shahdra, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Abdul Majid Nadeem*

The article deals with the analytical study of a famous poem "Wulid al
Huda" known as "Al Hamaziyyah Al Nabw┘yyah", one of the wonderful
poems in the praise of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) by
the famous modern Arabic poet Ahmad Shawqi. He penned in this poem
many of the topics that were addressed by his predecessors such as Kaab ben
Zuhair, Hassan ibn Thabit, Sharfuddin al Busiri and others, yet with a
different tinge. He also came forward with some of the altogether novel
topics. The poem consists of 131 verses, divided into nine sections. Though
each section is varied in number of verses yet it consolidates the main
theme. The poem has duly won attention of critics and got appreciated by
the literary circles. Shawqi began composing this unique poem with the
mentioning of Holy Prophet’s birth in which the whole universe found its
true revival. He chiefly covers in the poem, Holy Prophet’s birth, his
orphanage period, bodily soundness, moral height, his being an
intermediary of Devine knowledge and his leadership characteristics etc. and
ends it with invocation of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for his salvation.

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abstract (Urdu & Arabic Articles)


Hamid Ashraf Hamdani*

Composing verses on the glorification of the holy Prophet (PBUH) has

been a common and favorite practice of Pakistani Arabic poets. Almost all
poets have composed more or less on this topic. This article is an analytical
study of the thoughts presented by the Arabic poets of Pakistan in their
Na'tia poetry such as: narration of Prophetic miracles, narration of
Prophetic Shafaat, narration of his status among the prophets, narration of
seeking help from him, narration of his attributes, narration of saying
Darood on him, narration of eager to visit Prophet's city. The most
prominent Pakistani Arabic poets who composed verses on the glorification
of the holy Prophet (PBUH) are Abdus Salam Saleem, Naqeeb Ahmad
Dervi, Asghar Ali Roohi, Fuyoozur Rehman Usmani, Abdul Mannan
Dehlavi, Mufti Muhammad Shafi, Muhammad Yousaf Binnori, Jameel
Ahmad Thanvi, Latafatur Rehman Sawati, Dr. Jameel Qalandar, Dr.
Zahoor Ahmad Azhar, Muhammad Afzal Faqeer, Qazi Abdur Rehman,
Muhammad Aalam Qurashi, Muhammad Izharul Haq Sohail, Rahmat Ali
Khan Sami, Abdullah Darkhasti, Prof. Muhmmad Hussain Iqbal, Razaul
Haq Mardani, Abdul Aziz Khalid, Muhammad Ameen Naqvi, Naseerud
Deen Naseer, Mirza Asif Rasool and Muhammad Musa Khan Roohani.

Professor, Department of Arabic, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

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