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Vásquez Flores 2014

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Classical and Quantum Gravity

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Classical and Quantum Gravity
Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 (13pp) doi:10.1088/0264-9381/31/15/155002

Discriminating hadronic and quark stars

through gravitational waves of fluid
pulsation modes
C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones
Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas, Universidade Federal do ABC, Rua Santa
Adélia, 166, 09210-170, Santo André, Brazil

E-mail: cesar.flores@ufabc.edu.br and german.lugones@ufabc.edu.br

Received 14 March 2014, revised 15 May 2014

Accepted for publication 12 June 2014
Published 14 July 2014

One of the key aspects in the comprehension of neutron star (NS) interiors is
the identification of observables that may impose constraints on the equation
of state (EoS). At present, limits are obtained mainly through the study of the
mass–radius relationship, the maximum rotational frequency and the cooling
behaviour. However, since gravitational wave (GW) observatories such as
Advanced LIGO and Advanced VIRGO will open a new window of the
observation of NSs in the very near future, identifying observables that may
emerge from the analysis of the GW emission of NSs is crucial. To this end,
we investigate non-radial oscillations of hadronic, hybrid and pure self-bound
strange quark stars with maximum masses above the mass of the recently
observed massive pulsars PSR J1614–2230 and PSR J0348–0432 with M ≈ 2
M⊙. For the hadronic EoS we employ different parametrizations of a relati-
vistic mean-field model and the EoS of Akmal, Pandharipande and Ravenhall.
For quark matter we use the Massachusetts Institute of Technology bag model,
including the effect of strong interactions and colour superconductivity. We
find that the first pressure mode for strange quark stars has a very different
shape than for hadronic and hybrid stars. For strange quarks stars, the fre-
quency of the p1 mode is larger than ∼ 7 kHz and diverges at small stellar
masses, but for hadronic and hybrid stars it is in the range ∼ 4–7 kHz. This
allows an observational identification of strange stars even if extra information
such as the mass, the radius or the gravitational redshift of the object is
unavailable or uncertain. Also, we find as in previous works that the frequency
of the g-mode associated with the quark–hadron discontinuity in a hybrid star
is in the range 0.4–1 kHz for all masses. Thus, compact objects emitting GWs
above 7 kHz should be interpreted as strange quark stars, and those emitting a
signal within 0.4–1 kHz should be interpreted as hybrid stars.

0264-9381/14/155002+13$33.00 © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 1

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Keywords: neutron stars, quark stars, stellar oscillations, gravitational waves

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction

The determination of the mass of the pulsars PSR J1614–2230 with M = (1.97 ± 0.04) M⊙
[1] and PSR J0348–0432 with M = (2.01 ± 0.04) M⊙ [2] has brought the necessity to re-
examine many aspects of the physics of neutron stars (NSs). In particular, these observations
have revived discussions about whether compact stars are purely hadronic, may have quark-
matter cores in their interior, or may be pure strange quark stars [3–20].
In fact, several authors have looked over the years for features that may allow us to
distinguish unequivocally these stars through e.g. the analysis of the mass–radius relationship
and the cooling behaviour since both aspects strongly depend on the microscopic composi-
tion. In the case of the mass–radius relationship a discrimination is not easy because the stellar
radius is difficult to determine observationally. Moreover, at present, most observed compact
stars have masses in a range where many models for hadronic, hybrid and strange stars
overlap in the M − R diagram. Cooling studies rely on the fact that the neutrino emission, the
specific heat, the thermal conductivity, and other relevant quantities strongly depend on the
microscopic composition. However, while different models lead to different thermal evolu-
tion, there are many degrees of freedom in the problem and a univocal interpretation of
observed data is difficult.
On the other hand, it is now clear that the increase in sensitivity of gravitational wave
(GW) detectors such as Advanced LIGO and Advanced VIRGO will bring within the next
few years the science of gravitational radiation to a mode of regular astrophysical observation
[21]. Since NSs can be conspicuous emitters of gravitational radiation, GWs of NSs will
provide in the near future an important piece of information about several aspects of NS
physics. In particular, transient phenomena involving the excitation of oscillation modes have
long been considered as an important tool for the exploration of NSs interiors because several
oscillation modes may emit GWs [22, 23]. A lot of work has been carried out in the last three
decades in order to describe the non-radial oscillatory properties of NSs; however, these
studies employed the equation of state (EoS) that in most cases renders maximum stellar
masses below 2M⊙. Recent observations have shifted the maximum stellar mass above 2M⊙
and therefore it is worth re-examining the oscillation spectra because the change in the
allowed EoS may bring new ways to distinguish hadronic, hybrid and strange stars.
In this work, we study the f, p and g modes of hadronic, hybrid and pure self-bound
strange quark stars with maximum masses above 2 M⊙ within the relativistic Cowling
approximation. The paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we describe the EoS used for
the description of hadronic and quark matter. In section 3 we present the equations that
govern non-radial fluid oscillations of compact stars. In section 4 we present our results, and
in section 5 a summary and our conclusions.

2. The equation of state

2.1 Hadronic matter

The relativistic mean-field model is widely used to describe hadronic matter in compact stars.
In this paper we adopt the following standard Lagrangian for matter composed by nucleons

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Table 1. Coupling constants for the parametrizations GM1 and NL3 of the hadronic
EoS. Mmax is the maximum mass of a pure hadronic star for matter composed by
nucleons and electrons.
Set GM1 NL3
mσ [MeV] 512 508.194
mω [MeV] 783 782.501
mρ [MeV] 770 763
gσ 8.91 10.217
gω 10.61 12.868
gρ 8.196 8.948
b 0.002 947 0.002 055
c −0.001 070 −0.002 651
Mmax [M⊙ ] 2.32 2.73

and electrons,
⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞
 H = ∑ψ¯B ⎢ γμ ⎜ i∂ μ − g ωB ω μ − g ρB τ ⃗. ρ ⃗ μ⎟
⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠
− ( m B − gσ B σ ) ⎤⎦ ψB + (
∂μσ ∂ μσ − m σ2 σ 2 )
1 1 1
− ωμν ω μν + m ω2 ωμ ω μ − ρμν⃗ . ρ ⃗ μν
4 2 4
1 2 1 1
+ m ρ ρμ⃗ . ρ ⃗ − bm n ( gσ σ )3 − c ( gσ σ )4
2 3 4
⎡ ⎤
+ ∑ψ¯ L ⎣ iγμ ∂ − m L ⎦ ψL.

Leptons L are treated as non-interacting and baryons B are coupled to the scalar meson σ, the
isoscalar-vector meson ωμ and the isovector-vector meson ρμ . For more details about the EoS
obtained from the above Lagrangian the reader is referred to e.g. [24] and references therein.
The five constants in the model are fitted to the bulk properties of nuclear matter [25]. In this
work we use the parametrizations GM1 [25] and NL3 [26] whose coupling constants are
shown in table 1. At low densities we use the Baym, Pethick and Sutherland model [27]. For
completeness we will also present results that were obtained with the Akmal, Pandharipande
and Ravenhall EoS [28].

2.2. Unpaired quark matter

For non-colour-superconducting quark matter we use the following modified bag model
3μ 4
Ω QM = ∑ Ωi +
4π 2
( 1 − a 4 ) + B,
i = u,d,s,e

where B is the bag constant and Ω i is the thermodynamic potential for a free gas of u, d, s
quarks and electrons. The effects of gluon-mediated quantum chromodynamics interactions
between the quarks in the Fermi sea are roughly incorporated through the parameter a 4 , in the
same way as in [29] and [5]. With this EoS we construct hybrid stars and strange quark stars.
In the case of hybrid stars we consider that the hadron–quark interphase is a sharp

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

discontinuity at which the pressure and the Gibbs free energy per baryon are continuous. For
strange quark stars, the values of the parameters are chosen in order to fulfill the absolute
stability condition [30]; i.e. the energy per baryon for three (two) flavour quark matter is
smaller (larger) than the energy per baryon of the most stable atomic nucleus.

2.3. Effect of colour superconductivity

We also consider colour flavour locked (CFL) strange stars [31, 32] made up of CFL quark
matter from the center to the surface of the star. Within the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) bag model and to order Δ2 , the thermodynamic potential ΩCFL can be
expressed as [33]:
3 2 2
Ω CFL = Ω free − Δ μ + B, (2)
being Ωfree the thermodynamic potential of a state of unpaired u, d and s quarks in which all of
them have a common Fermi momentum ν, with ν chosen to minimize Ωfree :
ν 6p2 dp ν 3p2 dp ⎡ 2 ⎤
Ω free = ∫0 π2
[p − μ] + ∫0 π 2
⎢⎣ p + m s − μ⎥⎦ .

The binding energy of the diquark condensate is included in the condensation term
proportional to Δ2 μ2 where the chemical potential μ ≡ μu + μ d + μs /3 is related to
( )
ν through ν = 2μ − μ2 + ms2 /3 , being ms the mass of the strange quark. We consider B,
ms and Δ as free parameters that fall inside the stability windows presented in figure 2 of [33];
i.e. we always obtain self-bound strange stars when integrating the stellar structure equations.
Additionally, the parameters satisfy the stability condition m s2 < 2μΔ [34].

3. Non-radial fluid oscillations of compact stars

The framework for studying non-radial modes within the theory of general relativity was
depicted in the pioneering work of Thorne and Campollataro [35], and further extended by
other authors (see [36] and references therein). The perturbation equations are decomposed
into spherical harmonics leading to two classes of oscillations according to the parity of the
harmonics. Even (or polar) oscillations produce spheroidal deformations on the fluid, while
odd (or axial) oscillations produce toroidal deformations (see [23] and references therein). For
non-rotating stars composed of a perfect fluid, the fluid axial oscillations lead to a zero
frequency trivial solution to the perturbation equations with vanishing pressure and density
variations while the space-time axial modes (w-modes or wII -modes) are of non-zero fre-
quency. For polar oscillations the linearized field equations inside the star can be cast as a
system of three wave equations; two of them corresponding to the perturbations of the space-
time and the other one to the density perturbations inside the star [23]. If the gravitational field
is very weak, the two equations corresponding to the metric perturbation can be neglected
while the remaining one describes the oscillations of the fluid. This approach is known as the
Cowling approximation and considerably simplifies the analysis. This procedure was first
introduced in [37] for the study of Newtonian stars and subsequently adapted in [38] for the
investigation of relativistic stars. A more recent analysis shows that for typical relativistic
stellar models the oscillation frequencies obtained by the complete linearized equations of
general relativity and by the Cowling approximation differ by less than 20% for f-modes,
around 10% for p-modes [39], and less than a few percent for g-modes [40]. This justifies its
wide utilization for studying, for example, slowly and differentially rotating compact stars

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

[41], rapidly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a perfect fluid obeying a polytropic EoS
[42], elastic modes of oscillation in the crust of an NS [43], and NSs with internal anisotropic
pressure [44].
In this work we employ the pulsation equations within the Cowling approximation as
derived in [45]. To obtain these equations, fluid perturbations are decomposed into spherical
harmonics Ylm (θ , ϕ) and a sinusoidal time dependence exp (iωt ) with frequency ω. The
Lagrangian fluid displacements that represent the infinitesimal oscillatory perturbations of the
star are
( )
ξ i = e−ΛW , − V ∂ θ , − V sin−2θ ∂ ϕ r −2Yℓm eiω t , (3)
where W and V are functions of r. The pulsation equations read:
d ρ ⎡ 2 2 Λ − 2Φ
W′ = ⎣ω r e V + Φ′W ⎤⎦ − ℓ (ℓ + 1) e ΛV , (4)
V ′ = 2Φ′V − e Λ . (5)
where primes denote the derivatives with respect to r (for more details see [45]). To close the
system we need boundary conditions at the center (r = 0) and at the surface (r = R) of the star.
The behaviour of W and V near the center of the star can be obtained from the above equations
( ) ( )
and is given by W (r ) = Cr ℓ + 1 +  r ℓ + 3 and V (r ) = − Cr ℓ /ℓ +  r ℓ + 2 , where C is an
arbitrary constant. At the surface of the star the Lagrangian perturbation in the pressure must
be zero ( ΔP = 0 ), leading to
ω2r 2 e Λ − 2ΦV + Φ′W = 0. (6)
In the case of hybrid stars, we have to impose additional junction conditions at the density
discontinuity between the quark and the hadronic phases. These junction conditions read [45]:
W+ = W −, (7)

e2Φ ⎛ρ +P ⎞
⎜⎜ − ⎡ ω2R 2 e−2ΦV + e−ΛΦ′W ⎤ − e−ΛΦ′W ⎟ ,
V+ = ⎣ g − −⎦ +⎟ (8)
ω2R g2 ⎝ ρ+ + P ⎠

where Rg represents the position of the density discontinuity, and the values of W, V, and ρ at
both sides of the discontinuity are denoted by: W − ≡ W Rg − 0 , V − ≡ V Rg − 0 , ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
ρ− ≡ ρ Rg − 0 , W+ ≡ W Rg + 0 , V+ ≡ V Rg + 0 , and ρ+ ≡ ρ Rg + 0 . ( )
In order to numerically solve the oscillation equations we proceed as follows. First, we
integrate the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff stellar structure equations for each set of para-
meters of the EoS in order to obtain the coefficients of the oscillation equations for a given
central pressure. Then we solve the oscillation equations by means of the shooting method:
we start the numerical integration of equations (4) and (5) for a trial value of ω2 and a given
set of values of W and V such that the boundary condition at the centre is fulfilled. The
equations are integrated outwards trying to match the boundary condition at the starʼs surface.
After each integration, the trial value of ω2 is corrected through a Newton–Raphson iteration
scheme in order to improve the matching of the surface boundary condition until the desired
precision is achieved. The discrete values of ω for which equation (6) is satisfied are the
eigenfrequencies of the star. In order to check our code we have reproduced the results of
[47]. In the case of hybrid stars, we employ the shooting to a fitting point method. The
numerical integration is started at the centre and the surface of the star towards the density

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Figure 1. The frequency f f = ω f /(2π ) of the f-mode for hadronic stars and hybrid stars
as a function of the stellar mass M for models with maximum masses above 2 M⊙ . For
hadronic matter the GM1 and NL3 parametrizations are used. For stars containing
quark matter, the labels indicate the values of B in MeV fm −3 and of a 4 (label ‘a’). The
results for the APRB200 equation of state for hybrid stars have been extracted
from [46].
discontinuity and the trial value of ω2 is corrected until the junction conditions in
equations (7) and (8) are verified with the desired precision.

4. Results

The polar quasi-normal modes are usually classified according to a scheme in which each
family of modes is directly associated with the restoring force that prevails when a fluid
element is displaced from its equilibrium position [37]. The most important modes for GW
emission are the (pressure) p-modes, the (fundamental) f-mode, and the (gravity) g-modes.
The frequencies of g-modes are lower than those of p-modes, and the two sets are separated
by the frequency of the f-mode [23]. These are called fluid modes to distinguish them from
e.g. purely gravitational modes (w-modes) for which the fluid motion is barely excited. Since
the metric perturbations are set to zero within the Cowling approximation, only f, p and g
modes can be studied through the equations of the previous section. In chemically homo-
geneous, zero temperature (and hence isentropic) stars, all the g-modes are zero frequency
[48], i.e. in the present study they arise only in hybrid stars. In figures 1–5 we show our results
for quadrupole oscillations (l = 2). For strange quark stars and hybrid stars, the mass of the
strange quark has been set to ms = 100 MeV in all calculations, and we spanned the values of
the parameters a 4 , B and Δ that give stars with a maximum mass above 2M⊙.
In figure 1 we show our results for the f-mode of hadronic and hybrid stars and in figure 2
of hadronic and strange stars. In figure 1 we see that there is a folding in the curve for hybrid
stars at the mass value above which the star has a core of quark matter. Above that mass, the
curves for hybrid stars are steeper than the hadronic ones but the models overlap each other.
In the upper panel of figure 2 we show f f as a function of the stellar mass for hadronic and
strange stars. The shape of the curves is qualitatively different for both types of objects but the
results tend to overlap around ∼2 kHz in the mass range of interest. However, in some cases it
is possible to differentiate strange stars from hadronic/hybrid stars. For example, objects in

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Figure 2. Frequencies of the f-mode for hadronic stars and strange quark stars as a
function of the mass M, the gravitational redshift z at the surface of the star, and the
square root of the mean density. For strange stars, the labels indicate the values of B in
MeV fm −3 , of Δ in MeV and of a 4 . In the lower panel we include the analytic fittings of
[22] and [46] for hadronic stars. The results for the APRB2 and BBS1 equations of
state for hybrid stars have been extracted from [46].

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Figure 3. Frequencies of the first pressure mode for models of hadronic and hybrid stars
with maximum masses above 2 M⊙ . We include results for the APRB200 equation state
for hybrid stars (see [46]).

the mass range 1–1.5 M⊙ with f f in the range 2–3 kHz would be strange stars. We also present
the behaviour of f f as a function of the gravitational redshift z at the surface of the star (see
central panel of figure 2) because z could be inferred through the identification of spectral
lines. Finally, in the bottom panel of figure 2 we show f f as a function of the square root of
the average density, which is a more natural scaling in the case of hadronic stars [22]. We also
show the fitting formulae found in [22] and [46] which are in reasonable agreement with the
curves for hadronic stars with maximum masses above 2 M⊙. The main conclusion that can be
obtained from figures 1 and 2 is that there is an overlapping of the results for hadronic, hybrid
and strange stars around a frequency of ∼2 kHz, and therefore, in most cases it would be
rather difficult to infer the internal composition of a compact object even if its mass or the
surface z is determined together with the frequency of the fundamental mode. However, in
some cases the identification of strange stars would be possible.
Our results for the f-mode of hybrid/hadronic stars are in agreement with previous
calculations [45, 49] which give f f ≈ 1.5–3.5 kHz; however, notice that most of that models
have maximum masses well below 2M⊙. Additionally, our calculations were performed for
many values of the stellar mass and therefore our curves show clearly the behaviour near the
maximum mass and in the case of hybrid stars the folding at the mass value above which the
star has a core of quark matter. For strange stars, [49] found results in agreement with ours; in
particular, they show that strange stars can be differentiated from hadronic/hybrid stars in
some cases. However, their models have maximum masses that never exceed 1.8 M⊙. Notice
that we also explored the effect of colour superconductivity that was not addressed
In figures 3–4 we show our results for the first pressure mode. The shape of the curves for
hadronic and hybrid stars is different, as can be seen in figure 3. Above M ∼ 1.5 M⊙, the
branches corresponding to hybrid stars emerge over the curves corresponding to the hadronic
models, i.e. for a given hadronic EoS the frequencies for hybrid stars are larger than for
hadronic stars. However, as seen in figure 3, the curves overlap if we consider several
hadronic and hybrid models, and again, it would be rather difficult to infer the existence of a

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Figure 4. Frequencies of the first pressure mode for models of hadronic and strange
quark stars with maximum mass above 2 M⊙ . We include results for the APRB2 and
BBS1 equations of state for hybrid stars (see [46]).

quark matter core inside a given compact star even if M or z are measured together with fp1.
The situation is different if we compare strange quark stars with hybrid or hadronic stars. For
hadronic and hybrid stars, the frequencies are ∼7 kHz near the maximum mass and decrease
to ∼4 kHz for small masses. For strange stars the frequencies are ∼7 kHz near the maximum
mass but are considerably larger for smaller masses. NSs observed up to date have masses in
the range 1.0–2.0 M⊙. Therefore, the observation of a p1-mode with a frequency significantly
larger than ∼7 kHz would be clear evidence in favor of a strange quark star, even if the mass,
the radius or the gravitational redshift of the object are unknown.
Notice that our results for the p1-mode are consistent with previous studies. In [46] purely
hadronic stars and hybrid stars were described using some hadronic EoS [25, 28, 50] and the
MIT bag model for quark matter, giving fp1 ∼ 5–6 kHz. They also consider few strange star
models with masses below 1.5 M⊙ and obtain fp1 ∼ 8–11 kHz, in agreement with our results
for low mass objects. Sotani et al [45] also present calculations for hadronic and hybrid
models with very low maximum masses that are consistent with our results.

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Figure 5. Frequency of the g-mode for hybrid stars with maximum masses above 2 M⊙ .
The curves fall in the range 0.4–1 kHz and donʼt overlap with other modes.

In figure 5 we present the results for the g-mode of hybrid stars. The frequencies cover
the range 0.4–1 kHz, in agreement with previous calculations for polytropic EoS [51] and for
hybrid stars with low maximum masses [45]. The frequency interval of the g-modes for
different parametrizations of the EoS is clearly separated from the f-mode frequencies.
Additionally, other g-modes such as those associated with a non-homogeneous composition
in the outer layers of the star, or those associated with a thermal profile, have lower fre-
quencies than the here-studied quark–hadron discontinuity g-modes [51]. Thus, the obser-
vation of oscillations with frequency in the range 0.4-1 kHz would be an evidence of a
hybrid star.

5. Summary and conclusions

In this paper we have investigated non-radial fluid oscillations of hadronic, hybrid and strange
quark stars with maximum masses above the mass of the recently observed pulsars PSR
J1614–2230 and PSR J0348–0432 with M ≈ 2 M⊙. For the hadronic EoS we employed two
different parametrizations of a relativistic mean-field model with nucleons and electrons. For
quark matter we have included the effect of strong interactions and colour superconductivity
within the MIT bag model. The equations of non-radial oscillations were integrated within the
Cowling approximation in order to determine the frequency of the f, p1 and g-modes.
We find that the fundamental mode is sensitive to the internal composition, but due to the
uncertainties in the EoS, there is an overlapping of the curves corresponding to hadronic,
hybrid and strange quark stars for stellar masses larger that ∼ 1 M⊙. As a consequence it
would be difficult to distinguish hybrid and hadronic stars through the f-mode frequency, even
if the mass or the surface z of the object is determined concomitantly with f f . However, there
are features that in some cases may allow a differentiation between strange stars and hadronic/
hybrid stars. For example, strange stars cannot emit GWs with frequency below ∼1.7 kHz for
any value of the mass. Also, sources with a mass in the range 1–1.5 M⊙ emitting a signal in
the range 2–3 kHz would be strange stars. The frequency of the p1 mode is much more
affected by the internal composition of the star. For hadronic and hybrid stars, we find that fp1

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones

Table 2. Discrimination between hadronic, hybrid and strange quark stars based on the
observation of the f, p1 and g modes.

ff fp1 fg
Strange stars ∼2 kHz ≳7 kHz not present
Hybrid stars ∼2 kHz ∼4–7 kHz ∼0.4–1 kHz
Hadronic stars ∼2 kHz ∼4–7 kHz not present

is in the range 4–7 kHz for objects with masses in the range 1–2 M⊙, but for strange quark
stars it can be significantly larger than ∼7 kHz . Thus, a compact object emitting a signal
above ∼7 kHz could be identified as a strange star even if its mass or gravitational redshift are
unknown. High frequency g-modes are only present in hybrid stars and fall in the range
0.4–1 kHz. Thus, they are clearly distinguishable from the fundamental mode, and of low-
frequency g-modes associated with chemical inhomogeneities in the outer layers or thermal
profiles. Our results are summarized in table 2 and show that based on the simultaneous
analysis of the frequency of the f, p1 and g-modes, it would be possible to discriminate
between hadronic, hybrid and strange quark stars.
Concerning the observability of the GWs, a plausible detection scenario has already been
depicted in [22]; however, a few words are in order regarding more recent results. Detectable
amounts of gravitational radiation can be expected because pulsation modes in rotating
compact stars can be driven unstable under the emission of GWs by the so-called Chan-
drasekhar–Friedman–Schutz mechanism. Recently, Gaertig et al [52] presented the first
calculation of the growth rate of the f-mode instability in relativistic stars and analyzed the
stellar parameter space (instability window) where the mode growth due to GWs overcomes
dissipative effects such as shear and bulk viscosity. For the dominant l = m = 4 mode the
instability is present for Ω /Ω K ≈ 0.92–1, where Ω K is the Kepler frequency, and for tem-
( )
peratures ∼ 10 9 − 2 × 1010 K. Also, Passamonti et al [53] addressed the influence of the
magnetic field on the f-mode instability and the presence of an unstable r-mode. They
considered more massive models and studied the l = m = 2 r-mode and the l = m = 4 f-
mode, finding that GWs produced during the instability could be detected by the Einstein
telescope for sources located in the Virgo Cluster, where around 30–60 supernovas are
expected per year. Moreover, for some models, a detection of the l = m = 3 f-modes would
be possible even with the advanced LIGO/VIRGO [53].
Finally, it should be noticed that the spectrum of a pulsating compact star is very rich and
therefore the possibility of having other kinds of modes in the same frequency range of the
here-studied fluid modes should be addressed in more detail in the light of modern EoS
leading to stellar models compatible with the recent observations of PSR J1614–2230 and
PSR J0348–0432. If other modes are present in the same range, the criterion presented in the
present work may be less effective. Additionally, rotation is known to change the frequency
range of the modes, but these modifications are not expected to qualitatively alter the scenario
presented in this paper (see e.g. [54] and references therein). In particular, the conclusion that
compact objects emitting a signal above 7 kHz should be interpreted as strange quark stars
and those emitting a signal in the range ∼0.4–1 kHz should be interpreted as hybrid stars
looks quite robust.

Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 155002 C Vásquez Flores and G Lugones


CVF and GL acknowledge the financial support received from FAPESP-Brazil.


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