2. What are the features of Java 8/Java 9? 3. What is Class, Object and Interface in Java? 4. What is the difference between == and equals () method in Java? 5. Explain the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM. 6. Explain the types of inheritance in Java. 7. Explain the types of polymorphism in Java. (Overloading/Overriding) 8. What is encapsula on in Java? 9. What is a constructor in Java? 10. What is super, final and sta c in java? 11. Difference between final, finalize (), and finally? 12. What is the difference between sta c and non-sta c methods in Java? 13. What is the difference between sta c and non-sta c variables in Java? 14. What is an interface in Java? 15. What is the difference between abstract class and interface in Java? 16. Can an interface have fields? 17. What is a sta c block in Java? 18. What is the difference between throw and throws keywords in Java? 19. What is excep on handling in Java? 20. Explain the try-catch-finally block in Java. 21. What are checked and unchecked excep ons in Java? 22. What is the difference between final, finally, and finalize in Java? 23. What is the difference between Array and List? 24. What is Queue? Difference between Queue and Deque? 25. What is the difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java? 26. What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java? 27. What is the difference between HashMap and HashTable in Java? 28. What is the difference between TreeSet and TreeMap in Java? 29. What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator interfaces in Java? 30. What is the difference between equals() and hashCode() methods in Java? 31. What is the difference between instance variable and sta c variable in Java? 32. What is the difference between abstract class and concrete class in Java? 33. What is the difference between instance variable and class variable in Java? 34. What is the difference between synchronized and vola le keywords in Java? 35. What is the difference between wait() and sleep() methods in Java? 36. What is the difference between no fy() and no fyAll() methods in Java? 37. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy in Java? 38. What is the difference between JDK and JVM? 39. What is the difference between stack and heap memory in Java? 40. What are the steps involved in establishing a connec on with a database using JDBC? 41. Explain the ResultSet interface in JDBC. 42. Explain the difference between Statement and PreparedStatement. 43. What is the difference between doGet() and doPost() methods in servlets? 44. Explain the life cycle of a servlet. 45. Explain the difference between include direc ve and include ac on in JSP. 46. What is the difference between forward() and sendRedirect() methods in JSP? 47. How do you include a JSP page in another JSP page? 48. What are the different implicit objects in JSP? 49. What are different types of scope in JSP? 50. What is Hibernate? 51. Explain the benefits of using Hibernate. 52. What are the main features of Hibernate? 53. What is ORM (Object-Rela onal Mapping)? 54. Explain the difference between Hibernate and JDBC. 55. What is the Hibernate SessionFactory? 56. What is the Hibernate Session? 57. What is the purpose of Hibernate configura on file (hibernate.cfg.xml)? 58. Explain the mapping file in Hibernate (hbm.xml). 59. What is the difference between Hibernate annota ons and XML configura on? 60. What are the different types of associa ons in Hibernate? 61. Explain the FetchType.LAZY and FetchType.EAGER in Hibernate. 62. What is the difference between save() and persist() methods in Hibernate? 63. Explain the difference between Hibernate Criteria and HQL (Hibernate Query Language). 64. What is HQL (Hibernate Query Language)? 65. What is the purpose of Hibernate Query object? 66. What is the use of @GeneratedValue annota on in Hibernate? 67. What is the purpose of Hibernate Interceptors? 68. What is Spring Framework? 69. Explain the features of the Spring Framework. 70. What are the different modules of the Spring Framework? 71. What is dependency injec on in Spring? 72. Explain the types of dependency injec on in Spring. 73. What is Inversion of Control (IoC) in Spring? 74. What is the purpose of Applica onContext in Spring? 75. What is the difference between BeanFactory and Applica onContext in Spring? 76. Explain the Spring bean lifecycle. 77. What is Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming)? 78. What is Spring MVC? 79. Explain the architecture of Spring MVC. 80. What are the different components of Spring MVC? 81. What is DispatcherServlet in Spring MVC? 82. What is the use of @Controller annota on in Spring MVC? 83. What is the purpose of @RequestMapping annota on in Spring MVC? 84. Explain the Model, View, and Controller in Spring MVC. 85. Explain the features of Spring Boot. 86. What is Spring Boot Starter? 87. What is Spring Boot Auto-configura on? 88. Explain the purpose of applica on.proper es (or applica on.yml) file in Spring Boot. 89. What is Spring Boot Actuator? 90. What is Spring Boot DevTools? 91. How does Spring Boot simplify the development of microservices?