Docker and Kubernetes
Docker and Kubernetes
Docker and Kubernetes
Docker is the world’s leading software
container platform. It was launched in
2013 by a company called Dotcloud, Inc
which was later renamed Docker, Inc. It is
written in the Go language.
• Developers can write code without
worrying about the testing and production
environment. System admins need not
worry about infrastructure as Docker can
easily scale up and scale down the number
of systems. Docker comes into play at the
deployment stage of the software
development cycle.
• Containerization is OS-based virtualization that creates multiple virtual units in
the user space, known as Containers.
• Containers share the same host kernel but are isolated from each other through
private namespaces and resource control mechanisms at the OS level.
• These containers run on top of the same shared operating system kernel of the
underlying host machine and one or more processes can be run within each
• In containers you don’t have to pre-allocate any RAM, it is allocated dynamically
during the creation of containers
• Containers virtualize CPU, memory, storage, and network resources at the OS
level, providing developers with a sandboxed view of the OS logically isolated
from other applications.
• Docker is the most popular open-source container format available and is
supported on Google Cloud Platform and by Google Kubernetes Engine.
Docker Architecture
• Docker architecture consists of Docker client, Docker Daemon running on Docker Host, and Docker Hub
• Docker has client-server architecture in which the client communicates with the Docker Daemon running
on the Docker Host using a combination of REST APIs, Socket IO, and TCP.
• If we have to build the Docker image, then we use the client to execute the build command to Docker
Daemon then Docker Daemon builds an image based on given inputs and saves it into the Docker registry.
• If we want to create an image then just execute the pull command from the client and then Docker Daemon
will pull the image from the Docker Hub.
• Finally if we want to run the image then execute the run command from the client which will create the
Docker Architecture
Docker Architecture
• Docker daemon manages all the services by communicating with other daemons. It manages docker
objects such as images, containers, networks, and volumes with the help of the API requests of Docker.
• Docker Client: With the help of the docker client, the docker users can interact with the docker. The docker
command uses the Docker API. The Docker client can communicate with multiple daemons. When a docker
client runs any docker command on the docker terminal then the terminal sends instructions to the
daemon. The Docker daemon gets those instructions from the docker client withinside the shape of the
command and REST API’s request.
• The main objective of the docker client is to provide a way to direct the pull of images from the docker
registry and run them on the docker host. The common commands which are used by clients are docker
build, docker pull, and docker run.
• Docker Host: A Docker host is a type of machine that is responsible for running
more than one container. It comprises the Docker daemon, Images, Containers,
Networks, and Storage.
• Docker Registry: All the docker images are stored in the docker registry. There is a
public registry which is known as a docker hub that can be used by anyone. We can
run our private registry also. With the help of docker run or docker pull commands,
we can pull the required images from our configured registry. Images are pushed
into configured registry with the help of the docker push command.
Docker objects
Docker objects
• Docker Images : An image contains instructions for creating a docker
container. It is just a read-only template. It is used to store and ship
applications. Images are an important part of the docker experience as they
enable collaboration between developers in any way which is not possible
• Docker Containers: Containers are created from docker images as they are
ready applications. With the help of Docker API or CLI, we can start, stop,
delete, or move a container. A container can access only those resources
which are defined in the image unless additional access is defined during the
building of an image in the container.
Docker objects
• Docker Storage: We can store data within the writable layer of the
container but it requires a storage driver. Storage driver controls and
manages the images and containers on our docker host.
Types of Docker Storage
• Data Volumes: Data Volumes can be mounted directly into the filesystem of the container
and are essentially directories or files on the Docker Host filesystem.
• Volume Container: In order to maintain the state of the containers (data) produced by the
running container, Docker volumes file systems are mounted on Docker containers.
independent container life cycle, the volumes are stored on the host. This makes it simple
for users to exchange file systems among containers and backup data.
• Directory Mounts: A host directory that is mounted as a volume in your container might be
• Storage Plugins: Docker volume plugins enable us to integrate the Docker containers with
external volumes like Amazon EBS by this we can maintain the state of the container.
Docker Networking
• Docker networking provides complete isolation for docker containers. It means a
user can link a docker container to many networks. It requires very less OS
instances to run the workload.
• Types of Docker Network
• Bridge: It is the default network driver. We can use this when different containers
communicate with the same docker host.
• Host: When you don’t need any isolation between the container and host then it
is used.
• Overlay: For communication with each other, it will enable the swarm services.
• None: It disables all networking.
• macvlan: This network assigns MAC(Media Access control) address to the
containers which look like a physical address.
Components of Docker
The main components of Docker include – Docker clients and servers, Docker
images, Dockerfile, Docker Registries, and Docker containers.
• Docker Clients and Servers– Docker has a client-server architecture. The
Docker Daemon/Server consists of all containers. The Docker
Daemon/Server receives the request from the Docker client through CLI or
REST APIs and thus processes the request accordingly. Docker client and
Daemon can be present on the same host or different host.
Components of Docker
• Docker Images– Docker images are used to build docker containers by using a read-only
template. The foundation of every image is a base image eg. base images such as –
ubuntu14.04 LTS, and Fedora 20. Base images can also be created from scratch and then
required applications can be added to the base image by modifying it thus this process of
creating a new image is called “committing the change”.
• Docker File– Dockerfile is a text file that contains a series of instructions on how to build
your Docker image. This image contains all the project code and its dependencies. The
same Docker image can be used to spin ‘n’ number of containers each with modification to
the underlying image. The final image can be uploaded to Docker Hub and shared among
various collaborators for testing and deployment. The set of commands that you need to
use in your Docker File is FROM, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, VOLUME, ENV, and many more.
Components of Docker
Etcd acts as the cluster datastore; providing a strong, consistent and highly
• The cloud-controller-manager: It is a daemon that provides cloud-provider
available key-value store used for persisting cluster state.
specific knowledge and integration capability into the core control loop of
Kubernetes. The controllers include Node, Route, Service, and add an
additional controller to handle PersistentVolumeLabels .
• Kube-scheduler: It is a verbose policy-rich engine that evaluates workload
requirements and attempts to place it on a matching resource. These
requirements can include such things as general hardware reqs, affinity,
anti-affinity, and other custom resource requirements.
Node Components
● Kubelet
● Kube-proxy
● Container runtime
• Acts as the node agent responsible for managing pod lifecycle on its host. Kubelet
understands YAML container manifests that it can read from several sources:
• File path
• HTTP Endpoint
• Etcd watch acting on any changes
• HTTP Server mode accepting container manifests over a
kube- proxy
• Manages the network rules on each node and performs connection forwarding
or load balancing for Kubernetes cluster services.
• Available Proxy Modes:
• Userspace
• iptables
• ipvs (alpha in 1.8)
Container Ru n t i m e
With respect to Kubernetes, A container runtime is a CRI
(Container Runtime Interface) compatible application that
executes and manages containers.
● Containerd (docker)
● Cri-o
● Rkt
● Kata (formerly clear and hyper)
● Virtlet (VM CRI compatible runtime)
Additional Services