Advisory RMS 2024-25
Advisory RMS 2024-25
Advisory RMS 2024-25
भारतीय खा िनगम
म डल कायालय ब ठडा
धुिनके कॉ ले स दाना मंडी ब ठडा 151001
प ांक : - गु.िन. 1 (11)/रबी/ब ठडा/2024-25 िदनांक : ह ता र अनुसार
1. The state agency must record Moisture content receipt (MCR) at the time of
receiving stocks at storage points and the same has to be communicated to
FCI within 24 hours of recording.
2. Moisture content receipt (MCR)/ Moisture content issue (MCI) recorded by
state agency will be cross checked by FCI. The moisture content must be
communicated to FCI through Emails on real time basis. This moisture
content will be checked by TA/ Manager (QC) covering minimum 25 % of
stocks of each storage point within 3 days of such communication. however, it
should be ensured that all efforts are made to check moisture content of at
least 50% of stocks.
3. The concerned state agency and FCI should draw proper monthly priority of
stocks every month and pre inspection of stocks should be done by FCI staff
for quality as well as moisture content.
4. Surplus wheat stocks are stored with the state agencies in such cases where
clear manipulations in recording of moisture content are noticed, a fixed
storage gain of 1.5 % would be obtained from the concerned storage agency
in respect of stock covered under dispute.
5. These approved norms shall be applicable to all covered godowns of FCI,
DO BTI-30.0034.0(11.0)/1/2023-QC - DO Bathinda I/1115373/2024
CWC and State Govt. and its agencies including the godowns managed
under PEG/PSWC/Private Schemes wherein stocks procured/received.
Other details and points of SOP norms are attached and circulated with this letter
for your kind information and strict compliance.
FCI DO Bathinda