Treaties For Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection
Treaties For Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection
Treaties For Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection
According to the World Trade Organisation, intellectual property rights are those rights that
are given to persons over the creation of their minds. Intellectual property rights are
important rights in both the domestic and international spheres. There have been various
multilateral and bilateral treaties in the field of intellectual property law to mark its
international development.
Although the protection of intellectual property rights seems like a recent concept, it can be
traced back to the early days when most of the writings used to happen on leaves and
parchments and the need for protection was realised in terms of copyright protection and
originated the printing rights protection and subsequently censorship. It finally led to the
passage of the Statute of Anne which recognised the rights of the authors.
Similarly, the ancient Greeks mostly used certain kinds of symbols and marks to indicate the
source of artefacts and potteries. Some symbols we used on swords as well for the
differentiation. With the increase in trademarks were eventually associated with
merchandise makers. When a lot of cases regarding the infringement of such marks and
symbols began to see light the need for its regulation arose and subsequently Merchandise
Marks Act 1862 was introduced and it allowed traders to bring actions on the basis of
deceiving the owner of the mark.
Another intellectual property right which can be traced long back is patent laws. The system
of guilds is one of the first which granted a certain amount of monopoly to the guilds. Then
subsequently statute of monopolies was introduced.
Furthermore, with evolving society and technology, people have become more creative in
terms of both innovation as well as misuse regarding such innovation which led to the need
for a universal regulation regarding the protection of intellectual property rights.
The conventions are more than a hundred years old, yet they provide a vital basis for the
international dimensions of the current position of intellectual property rights.
These international treaties and conventions provide international protection for intellectual
property rights by creating a broad framework of protection containing certain common
elements. The primary regulation of the conduct of intellectual property rights within a
country emanates from domestic legislation. However, the provisions of these national laws
are shaped by the obligations created by international conventions and treaties.
It is related to the intelligence of the human mind, which is new and unique.
It is an intangible commodity that is protected. The most important difference between
any other form of property and intellectual property is that intellectual property is
intangible and does not qualify to be defined or identified by the medium of physical
The idea per se is not protected. The idea has to be published as a form of intellectual
property, and only then is it granted protection.
The meaning and scope of intellectual property are, with time, evolving and thus are
involved with the inclusion of newer forms of intellectual property in addition to its four
separate and distinct types, namely, patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. In
current times, the protection of geographical indication, protection of varieties of plants, the
protection of semiconductors and integrated circuits and undisclosed information have been
covered under the ambit of Intellectual Property Rights
Both the above-mentioned conventions were negotiated and also re-negotiated as well as
amended throughout the years, and eventually, they were finally incorporated and advanced
in Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) through the Uruguay Round
of Negotiations from 1986 to 1994, which came into effect from the 1st of January 1995.
Let’s understand each convention in detail.
The Paris Convention was created with two goals, which are-
The substantive provisions of the Paris Convention can be divided into three main
1. National treatment– As per the terms and conditions of the convention, every secretary
state must ensure that the citizens of their nation and the citizens of other contracting
states have an equivalent degree of protection regarding industrial property. Citizens of
non-contracting states shall be entitled to national treatment under the convention in the
same manner as in their own state if they reside in the contracting state or have a lawful
and functioning industrial or commercial presence there.
2. Priority rights– It covers within its ambit industrial designs, trademarks, and utility
models. This right gives the holder the ability to file an application for protection in any
other contracting state within a certain amount of time, that is, 6 months for industrial
designs and trademarks and 12 months for patents and utility models, based on a
standard initial application that was filed in one of the contracting states. It would be
assumed that these additional applications were filed on the same day as the first
application. To state it otherwise, it means that they will supersede any application filed
by third parties for the same invention, utility model, trademark or industrial design
during the previously indicated term.
The subsequent applications would not be influenced by any subsequent event, including the
publication of an invention or the sale of items bearing an industrial design or mark,
because they have their foundation in the original application.
Patents– Patents issued for the same invention in different Contracting States are
independent of one another. A patent cannot be refused, cancelled, or terminated in any
Contracting State on the grounds that it has already been so in another Contracting
State, and the granting of a patent in one Contracting State does not obligate other
Contracting States to do the same. The refusal to award a patent or the invalidation of a
patent on the grounds that the sale of the product or of a product made using the
patented technique is subject to domestic legal restrictions or limitations is not permitted.
Marks– The filing and registration requirements for marks are governed by local law in
each Contracting State and are not governed by the Paris Convention. As a result, neither
a registration nor a request for registration of a mark that is put forward by a citizen of
any Contracting State may be denied or invalidated on the grounds that the application,
registration, or renewal was unaffected in the country of origin.
Registration– A trademark’s registration in one Contracting State is unrelated to any
potential registrations in other nations, including the place of origin.
Industrial Designs– Each Contracting State is required to preserve industrial designs,
and protection cannot be revoked because products containing the design were not
produced there.
Trade Names– Trade names must be protected in every Contracting State without being
required to file or register the names.
An indication of Source– Each Contracting State is required to take action to prevent
the direct or indirect use of misrepresentations regarding the origin of commodities or the
identity of their producer, maker, or trader.
Unfair competition– Each Contracting State shall offer adequate safeguards against
unfair competition.
Eight countries ratified the Berne Convention for the first time in 1886, namely- Belgium,
France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, and the United Kingdom. India has
been a member of the Berne Convention since April 1928.
The Berne Convention, like the Paris Convention, was based on the idea of national
treatment and stipulated a set of basic rights that all nations had to uphold. The multilateral
age of global intellectual property cooperation began with the Paris and Berne Conventions.
The Berne Convention covers the rights of authors as well as the preservation of works. The
treaty is founded on the below-mentioned fundamental principles and includes a number of
provisions that specify the minimum level of protection that must be provided, as well as
exceptional measures that developing nations may apply.
Principles Enshrined
The principles which got enshrined in the Berne Convention of 1886 and form the bedrock of
intellectual property laws today are-
The works of authors who are citizens of such States, or works first published in such
States, should be accorded in each of the other Contracting States the same protection as
such other Contracting States provide to the works of their own citizens.
The works and rights that must be protected, as well as the length of the protection, are
addressed by the minimum requirements of protection. Each production in the literary,
scientific, and creative fields must be protected, regardless of how it is expressed.
The rights recognised as exclusive rights of permission include the following, subject to any
permissible reservations, restrictions, or exceptions:
Only marks that have already been registered with the trademark office of the contracting
member country with which the applicant has the required links, referred to as the ‘office
of origin’, are eligible to be the subject of international applications. The international
application may, however, be based solely on a registration application submitted to the
office of origin in cases where all designations are implemented in accordance with the
The World Intellectual Property Organization’s Overseas Bureau must receive an overseas
application through the office of origin.
An international registration, from the date of the international registration, has the same
consequences for each designated Contracting Party as if the mark had been registered
directly with that Contracting Party’s office.
It simplifies the search for and determination of whether an identical or similar mark has
previously been registered or applied for in relation to identical or similar products or
It also permits the intellectual property officers to charge per class applied for, allowing
charges to be roughly proportional to the monopoly being claimed.
In addition , applications do not need to be re-classified when they enter the jurisdiction
because the majority of jurisdictions have adopted it; however, the formulation of the
specification might require change.
Rome Convention,1961
The first international treaty to recognise the three neighbouring rights was the Rome
Convention, and the rights that it recognised were Performers’ rights, rights of the
broadcasting organisation, and rights of phonogram producers.
Performers’ rights
Performers receive protection from some actions that they have not authorised. These
For phonograms and performances included therein, protection must last at least until the
end of a 20-year period calculated from the end of the year in which–
The Rome Convention permits limitations and exceptions to the afore-mentioned rights in
national laws with regard to private use, the use of brief excerpts in connection with
reporting current events, temporary fixation by a broadcasting organisation using its own
facilities and for its own broadcasts, use exclusively for teaching or scientific research, and
any other situations where national law permits exceptions to copyright in literary and
artistic works.
The convention took a minimalist view of protection for these neighbouring rights, but
indeed it granted protection. This narrow approach came to an end when the World
Intellectual Property Organisation Performance and Phonogram Treaty, 1996 took place. The
agreements stipulated a number of significant rights, which included the exclusive right to
distribute to the public the original and copies of their performances recorded on
phonograms through sales or other transfer of ownership or commercial rentals as well as
the right to split an equitable payment with the phonogram producers for the use of
recordings of their performances made for commercial purpose or broadcasting or for any
other form of public communication. In addition, it acknowledges the protection of moral
rights which are significant, such that the performers were granted the right of integrity and
The World Intellectual Property Organization is an agency of the United Nations that
specialises in the promotion and protection of intellectual property rights throughout the
world. It was established in 1967, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It carries or
mandates poster innovation economic development and creativity by providing a framework
for the protection of intellectual property globally.
The primary mission of the World Intellectual Property Organisation is to encourage the use
and protection of intellectual property with the aim of creating a balanced and effective
international intellectual property system which facilitates innovation investment as well as
technology advancement. It is one of the largest specialised agencies within the United
Nations system, and its membership is open to any UN member state. It administers various
International treaties and agreements which are related to intellectual property. It provides
a platform on an international level for the filing of patterns, making it easy for investors as
well as companies to see protection of patterns in multiple countries with just a single
Its Madrid system simplifies the registration and management of trademarks across multiple
jurisdictions. It also supports the protection of copyright and other related rights.
Furthermore, it offers various services relating to intellectual property information and
capacity building, including various training programs.
The World Intellectual Property Organisation conducts research and analysis on intellectual
property trends and policies across the world and publishes its report along with various
valuable insights worldwide.
It offers arbitration and mediation services as a form of dispute resolution between parties
without the need for costly and time-consuming litigation. It takes the initiative in bringing
about development programmes across countries to build their capacity in intellectual
property protection and management. It also encourages the transfer of knowledge and
technology from developed to developing countries in order to promote economic growth
and development, considering the development of the world as a whole.
It plays a crucial role in harmonising the facilities for global protection of intellectual
property rights.
In addition to carrying out the administrative duties of the Unions, the World Intellectual
Property Organisation engages in a number of activities to achieve these goals, such as
Must be a member of the United Nations, any of the specialised agencies associated with
the United Nations, or the International Atomic Energy Agency,
Must be a party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice; or
Must have received an invitation from the General Assembly.
Membership in the World Intellectual Property Organisation does not impose any duties on a
party with regard to other treaties that it manages. To become a member of the World
Intellectual Property Organisation, an instrument of admission to the convention must be
filed with the director general of the organisation.
Locarno Agreement
A classification system for industrial designs is defined by the Locarno Agreement
Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs in 1968. The contracting
state should designate the classes and sub-classes of the classification to which the products
containing the design belong. Any publication that the offices provide on the submission or
registration of an industrial design must also include such information. A committee of
experts is established under the agreement, and it is their duty to update the classification
on a regular basis depending on the requirement. The categorisation system is also used by
other international organisations.
In 1979, the Locarno Agreement of 1968 was modified. There is an assembly in the union
created by this Agreement, and there is one delegate from each of the states of the union in
this assembly. One of the most important responsibilities of the assembly is to adopt the
yearly program and budget of the union.
The treaty regulates in considerable detail the formal requirements that must be fulfilled by
international applications. All contracting states that are parties to the treaty as of the
international filing date are automatically identified upon submission of an application under
the patent cooperation treaty. On the international application, a global search is carried
out. Such a search is carried out by one of the authorised international search authorities in
accordance with the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty. In light of the search
report’s result, a preliminary and non-binding written opinion is also offered about whether
the invention seems to meet the standards of patentability. After receiving the written
opinion and international search report, the applicant may choose to modify the clauses of
the application or withdraw it altogether, especially if the content of the report and opinion
suggest that patent issuance is unlikely. The overseas bureau publishes the foreign
application and the findings of the worldwide search if it is not withdrawn.
Strasbourg Agreement
The Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification of
1971 created the international patent classification. It is essential for retrieving patent
papers while looking for “prior art.” Such retrieval is necessary for prospective investors,
research and development organisations, and other parties interested in the use of
All the states that ratified the agreement became members of the committee of experts. The
union with the assembly was founded by this agreement. One of the most important
responsibilities of the assembly is to adopt the yearly programme and budget of the union.
In 1979, an amendment was made to the 1971 Agreement, which is commonly referred to
as the International Patent Classification Agreement.
Additionally, it offers a defence against the importation of such copies where production or
importation is done with the intention of public distribution. After the first fixation or first
publication of the phonogram, protection must extend for at least 20 years. The same
restrictions that are stipulated with respect to the protection of writers are permitted by the
Convention. There are restrictions on when non-voluntary licences can be granted.
Vienna Agreement
The Vienna Agreement establishing an International Categorization of the Figurative
Elements of Marks, (1973) established a categorisation for marks that are composed of or
contain figurative components. The numbers of the categories, divisions, and sections of the
classification to which the figurative elements of such marks belong must be indicated in
official documents and publications connected to the registration and renewal of marks.
The Industrial Property Offices of at least 30 additional States, in addition to the other
international organisations, apply the Classification even though only 31 States are party to
the Vienna Agreement. An Assembly was established under the Vienna Agreement to govern
the Union. The Assembly is comprised of representatives from each State that is a part of
the Union.
Brussels Convention
The Brussels Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals
Transmitted by Satellite, which is also referred to as the Satellites Convention, was adopted
in 1974. Each Contracting State is required by the convention to take reasonable
precautions to prevent the unauthorised dissemination of any satellite-transmitted program-
carrying signal on or from its territory. If a distribution has not been approved by the
organisation—typically a broadcasting organisation—that made the program’s content
decisions, it is deemed to be illegal. The organisations belonging to the Contracting States
are subjected to such rules dutifully. The Convention allows it in the form of protection
The distribution of signals that carry programmes by unauthorised individuals is allowed if
the signals contain brief excerpts of current event reports, brief quotations from the
programmes carried by the emitted signals, or, in the case of developing nations, if the
programmes are distributed solely for educational purposes, including adult education or
scientific research. However, where the distribution of signals is done through a direct
broadcasting satellite, the terms of this Convention do not apply.
The Convention does not specify the duration of protection, leaving that up to national law.
Budapest Treaty
The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for
the Purposes of Patent Procedure, 1977 is a landmark for its central provision that any
Contracting State that permits or mandates the deposit of microorganisms for the purposes
of patent procedure shall recognise, for such purposes, the deposit of a microorganism with
any “international depositary authority,” regardless of whether that authority is on or outside
the territory of the said State.
In actual usage, the phrase “microorganism” is defined broadly to include any biological
material that must be deposited for disclosure reasons, particularly in the case of inventions
in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
The innovation must be disclosed in order for a patent to be granted. A written description is
typically used to reveal an invention. When an invention involves the use of a microbe that
is not generally available to the public, disclosure cannot be made in writing and must
instead be accomplished by depositing a sample of the microorganism with a specialised
Nairobi Treaty
All nations that have sanctioned the Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol
(1981) are required to prevent the five interlocking rings that represent the Olympic Games
from being used for commercial gain in signs, merchandise, or other contexts without the
IOC’s consent.
One significant outcome of the Treaty is that, in the event that the International Olympic
Committee grants permission to use the Olympic symbol in a State party to the Treaty, the
National Olympic Committee of that State is entitled to a portion of any revenue the
International Olympic Committee generates as a result of the said authorisation.
For use by applicants, a Contracting Party may also create its own Individualised
International Form, provided that it does not call for any mandatory components outside of
those mentioned in the associated Model International Forms. A necessity for the
attestation, notarization, authentication, legalisation, or certification of any signature is
specifically prohibited under the Trademark Law Treaty, except for when a registration is
being surrendered.
It was not, however, a world where technical regulations were standardised. States
maintained a great deal of sovereign flexibility in establishing intellectual property rules.
Intellectual property was added as a negotiating topic at the Ministerial Meeting in Punta del
Este in September 1986, the meeting that launched the Uruguay Round of trade
negotiations. With the signing of the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round
of Multilateral Trade Negotiations on April 15, 1994, the Uruguay Round came to an end in
Marrakech. The Final Act was ratified by more than 100 nations. It included a number of
accords, notably the Trade-related aspects of the Intellectual Property Rights Agreement and
the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation. There was no way for a state to
avoid the TRIPS Agreement if they wanted to join or stay in the multilateral trade system.
The TRIPS Agreement is a comprehensive and in-depth agreement with 73 Articles broken
down into 7 Parts. General regulations and fundamental principles are included in Part I. The
TRIPS Agreement, which defines “intellectual property” as “all categories of intellectual
property that are the subject of Sections 1 to 7 of Part II” of the Agreement, requires
member countries to implement domestic legislation to give effect to its provisions.
Additionally, the TRIPS Agreement mandates that Members honour their commitments to
uphold their obligations related to intellectual property rights under existing agreements.
The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Berne Convention for the
Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the Rome Convention for the Protection of
Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations, and the Treaty on
Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits are among the treaties that must be
complied with. Both national treatment and most-favorable-nation treatment were
stipulated as fundamental concepts in the TRIPS Agreement. The TRIPS Agreement’s Part II
sets rules for the accessibility, scope, and application of intellectual property rights.
Article 7 of the TRIPS agreement gives its objective, which is that the protection and
enforcement of intellectual property rights should contribute to the promotion of
technological innovation and the transfer and dissemination of technology, to the mutual
advantage of producers and users of technology, and in a manner conducive to social and
economic welfare as well as to balance the rights and obligations.
1. Standards– it sets the minimum standard of protection for the intellectual properties
provided by each member country.
2. Enforcement– it entails domestic legislation, procedures, and remedies provided by
member countries for the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
3. Dispute settlement– it is a unique feature of the World Trade Organisation which
provides for a complex system of dispute settlement through dispute settlement
The Berne Convention is the fundamental international agreement that safeguards
copyright. The TRIPS Agreement further elevates and widens the levels of protection to
include application of the law of the forum, automatic protection, and national treatment, in
addition to making compliance with the standards of protection under the Berne Convention
a fundamental condition for Members. Applying the law of the forum means that the country
where protection for the work is sought, not the country of the author’s nationality or the
place of origin of the work, will determine how the work is protected.
When a work is automatically protected, it means that no formalities are required and the
rights attached to the work are established as soon as the work is created. As a result, by
virtue of the act of creating the work, the author automatically acquires the copyright.
The TRIPS Agreement allows for the licencing or prohibition of the commercial rental of
phonograms, and it grants rental rights to phonogram manufacturers and any other
phonogram right holders as established by a Member’s law.
According to the TRIPS Agreement, “any sign, or any combination of signs, capable of
distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings,
shall be capable of constituting a trademark.” As a result, the TRIPS Agreement treats
service markings that identify services as well as trademarks related to goods, and Members
are now required to set up a service mark registration system. The TRIPS Agreement also
states that “signs, in particular words, including personal names, letters, numerals,
figurative elements, and combinations of colours, as well as any combination of such signs,
shall be eligible for registration as trademarks.”
The TRIPS Agreement also acknowledges that Members may make the need for registration
that a sign be visually recognizable in situations when the sign is not inherently able to
distinguish the relevant products or services, or base registrability on distinctiveness
obtained through use.
Although a Member may enable the registration of a trademark due to use under the terms
of the TRIPS Agreement, it is specified that-
actual use of a trademark shall not be a requirement for filing an application for
registration; and
an application shall not be refused solely on the basis that the intended use has not
occurred prior to the passing of a period of three years from the date of application.
In addition, the TRIPS Agreement mandates that Members shall publish each trademark
either before it is registered or right away after it has been registered. They also must
provide a platform for opposition to a trademark’s registration, as well as petitions to cancel
the registration.
According to Article 16(1) of the TRIPS Agreement, the owner of a registered trademark has
the exclusive right to prevent any third parties from using identical or similar signs for goods
or services that are identical to or similar to those for which the trademark is registered.
This prohibition extends to all third parties without the owner’s consent. It has also been
acknowledged that certain rights are protected under the Paris Convention.
Geographical Indications
With regard to wines and spirits, the TRIPS Agreement offers more comprehensive
protection. Geographical indications are defined by the TRIPS Agreement as “indications
which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in
that territory, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the good is
essentially attributable to its geographical origin.” Regarding the preservation of
geographical indications, the TRIPS Agreement also lists a few restrictions.
The geographical indicators of wines and spirits are further protected under the TRIPS
Agreements. It includes exclusions from the enhanced protection for wine and spirit
geographical indicators. The TRIPS Agreement also calls for the creation of a multinational
framework, which strengthens protection.
Industrial Designs
Both the requirements for protection and the protection of industrial designs themselves are
covered by the TRIPS Agreement. The TRIPS Agreement specifies that Members may
protect industrial designs under either system, since some nations use the registration
approach to protect industrial designs in the same manner as patents and other nations
protect them as creative works in the same way as copyright.
Members must protect independently created industrial designs that are new or original,
Members may specify that this protection does not apply to designs that are not new or
original because they do not significantly differ from existing designs or combinations of
existing design elements.
This clause was created to cover both the copyright technique and the patent strategy that
are employed in various jurisdictions. The TRIPS Agreement further stipulates that the
conditions for acquiring protection for textile or clothing designs shall not unreasonably limit
the ability to apply for and get such protection.
This aims to guarantee that registration is completed quickly for Members using the patent
strategy for registering industrial designs which have a limited lifecycle, such as textiles or
In terms of patentable subject matter, the TRIPS Agreement stipulates that-
patents shall be available for all inventions, whether products or processes, in all
technological fields, provided that they are novel, inventive, and capable of industrial
application, and
patents shall be available and patent rights enjoyed without regard to the location of the
invention, the technological field, or whether products are imported or produced locally.
However, the TRIPS Agreement specifies the following restrictions on what constitutes
patentable subject matter – Members may exclude from patentability plants and animals
other than microorganisms, diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for treating
humans and animals, as well as essential biological processes for producing plants or
animals other than microorganisms. Members may do this in order to upload morality or
public order, including to safeguard the health or well-being of people, animals, or plants or
to prevent grave environmental harm.
The TRIPS Agreement further states that Members must take steps to safeguard unique
plant varieties using patents, an efficient sui generis system, or any combination of the
Apart from a few specific exceptions, the TRIPS Agreement forbids Members from making
unreasonable exceptions to the patentable subject matter and establishes the general rule
that any invention—be it a product or a process—in any area of technology should be
eligible for patent protection if it satisfies the patent requirements. Thus, provisions that in
the past had been passed specifically in the laws of developing countries, excluding
inventions in specific fields from being patentable subject matter, such as pharmaceuticals,
chemicals, and foods, conflicting with the TRIPS Agreement, give rise to the expectation
that protection of inventions in developing countries will be improved.
Additionally, as will be discussed later, the TRIPS Agreement recognises a 10-year grace
period for developing nations to establish a product patent system if they did not already
have one at the time the World Trade Organisation Agreement entered into force. However,
even in relation to these nations, when a member party does not provide patent protection
for the pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products as of the World Trade Organisation
Agreement’s entry into force date, they are required to put in place measures that are
equivalent to recognising patent applications for these inventions as of the World Trade
Organisation Agreement’s entry into force date.
In addition, the TRIPS Agreement has clauses that categorically forbid discrimination,
According to the TRIPS Agreement, a patent grants its owner the following exclusive rights:
The acts of making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing that product for these
purposes when a patent’s subject matter is a product, and
The acts of using, offering for sale, selling, or importing at least the 30 products obtained
directly by that process when a patent’s subject matter is a process.
The TRIPS Agreement further affirms that the owner of a patent may enter into licencing
agreements and that patent rights may be licenced or passed through succession.
The TRIPS Agreement states that regarding a patent owner’s obligations when applying for a
patent, applicants must efficiently disclose their innovations and members must also ask
them to specify the best way to implement their invention. The reason for this is to
acknowledge that patent rights are exclusive once which are given in exchange for
disclosing the innovation to the public. The TRIPS Agreement also stipulates that data
related to international patent applications must be submitted.
According to the TRIPS Agreement, Members may grant limited exceptions to the rights
granted by a patent as long as those exceptions do not unreasonably conflict with a patent’s
normal exploitation and do not unreasonably adversely harm the legitimate interests of the
patent owner while also taking into account the legitimate interests of third parties. This
clause replicates the requirements of many nations’ patent laws pertaining to activities
The manner in which the owner of the standard essential patent is expected to conduct in
order to ensure the fair adoption of standards from all third parties and fair and reasonable
access to technology standards to all third parties affects the enforcement of such patents.
There were attempts to include a small number of definite exceptions to patent rights in the
TRIPS Agreement, but it was ultimately decided to instead include an umbrella clause that
clearly outlined the requirements for exceptions and took into consideration, both, the
interests of the patent owner and third parties.
The Doha Declaration, 2001 on the TRIPS agreement highlighted and stressed that
individual governments have the ability to grant compulsory licences in circumstances of
public emergencies. The TRIPS Agreement has clear and comprehensive provisions
regarding compulsory licences.
The Doha Declaration makes reference to a number of TRIPS provisions, including the
freedom to establish the regime of exhaustion of intellectual property rights, the freedom to
establish what constitutes a national emergency and circumstances of extreme urgency, the
freedom to grant compulsory licences and the freedom to determine the grounds upon
which licences are granted. By defining these provisions, the Doha Declaration clarifies the
conditions under which licences may be granted.
Trade Secrets
The TRIPS Agreement protects information that has been provided to governments or
governmental agencies as well as information that has been kept hidden, such as know-how
and trade secrets. The TRIPS Agreement has the additional feature of including rules for the
intellectual property rights enforceability. The TRIPS Agreement includes measures for the
acquisition and upkeep of intellectual property rights, as well as related inter-party
processes for dispute prevention and resolution, temporary arrangements, institutional
arrangements, and final provisions.
Members are required to establish basic standards of protection under the TRIPS
Agreement. The term “minimum standards” refers to-
Utility Models
The so-called minor patents are protected by the utility model systems. However, there are
no restrictions pertaining to utility models in the TRIPS Agreement. As a result, there are no
requirements for utility model systems under the TRIPS Agreement, and each country is
free to design its own unique utility model system. Utility model systems are currently used
in numerous nations, and this number is rising. Systems for protecting utility models vary
from nation to nation, depending on factors like the length of the protection and whether or
not registration should be subject to inspection. It is clear that each nation uses the utility
model system to safeguard and expand its industries.
According to the TRIPS Agreement, members must make sure that legal enforcement
processes are accessible to them in order to take action against any violation of intellectual
property rights. Members may handle cases of intellectual property rights violations using
their regular legal systems, and this provision does not require Members to establish a
unique judicial system for the enforcement of intellectual property rights. The TRIPS
Agreement further stipulates that processes for enforcing intellectual property rights must
be just and equitable. They must not be overly complicated, involve arbitrary deadlines, or
cause unneeded delays.
The TRIPS Agreement mandates that Members publish their internal rules and regulations
and notify the Council for TRIPS of them in order to prevent disputes from forming between
nations as much as possible and to ensure the openness of domestic laws.
According to the TRIPS Agreement, Members must use the new World Trade Organisation
dispute resolution procedures to resolve any actual disputes that emerge about the
application of the TRIPS Agreement and must refrain from acting unilaterally.
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding anti-
competitive practices
Certain contractual licences could have provisions that limit competition, like grant-back
clauses that give the licensor an exclusive licence over an improved invention made by the
licensee. The TRIPS Agreement addresses these issues by stating that-
Clauses that restrict competition may have negative effects on trade and may obstruct
the transfer and dissemination of technology,
Members have the right to specify and control anti-competitive practices,
If anti-competitive practices are used with regard to a Member country, that country may
request consultations with the country of the intellectual property right owner, and
The country of the intellectual property right owner may request consultations with the
country that has imposed the regulations.
TRIPS effectively have little to do with trade directly and have instead led to trade being
negatively impacted and restricted, which goes against the ideologies of the World Trade
Intellectual property rights are domestic and territorial. They are governed by domestic
laws and regulations. There is no worldwide patent.
The approach of ‘one size fits all’ is inappropriate for countries that are in their
developing stage, and have not yet been developed completely.
Companies doing ‘generic’ are not doing something innovative and have gotten
unwarranted rights and protections on them.
The rationale for the TRIPS agreement was trans-border and not domestic, but domestic
rights and protection of intellectual property have proliferated over the years. There is
nothing trans-border in it.
The Patent Law Treaty specifies the maximum set of conditions that the office of a
Contracting Party may impose, with the notable exception of filing date restrictions. This
means that while a Contracting Party is permitted to establish standards that are more
lenient towards applicants and owners, the Patent Law Treaty’s requirements are necessary
with regard to the imposition of as many conditions as an office may demand of applicants
or owners. To reduce the chances that applicants would unintentionally lose the filing date,
which is crucial to the patent process, the Treaty includes standards for acquiring a filing
The Patent Law Treaty mandates that upon satisfaction of three straightforward formal
requirements (mentioned below), the office of any Contracting Party shall award a filing date
to an application. A Contracting Party is permitted to require indications on both the
identification and the contact of the applicant. The formalities are given below-
An indication that the elements received by the office are meant to be a patent
application for an invention.
A statement indicating the information received by the office is intended to constitute a
patent application for an invention.
Indications that would enable the office to locate or get in touch with the applicant. A
Contracting Party may, however, demand indications on both, and
The Patent Law Treaty outlines procedures to follow in order to prevent substantive rights
from unintentionally being lost due to formality violations or missed deadlines. These include
the requirement that offices give applicants or other concerned parties notice, extensions of
deadlines, ongoing processing, restoration of rights, and limitations on revocation or
invalidation of a patent for formal flaws in cases where they were not discovered by the
office during the application stage.
With the exception of nations that, as of April 15, 1994, have a system in place for equitable
remuneration of such rental, all Contracting Parties have the following rights:
Subject to certain restrictions and exclusions, each of the rights described above is an
exclusive right. The Treaty requires each Contracting Party to treat nationals of other
Contracting Parties with the same treatment it gives to its own nationals with regard to the
specifically granted rights in the Treaty, subject to various exceptions and limitations in
terms of both performers and phonogram producers. The Treaty further states that
phonogram performers and producers are entitled to a single equitable payment for any
direct or indirect usage of phonograms that are broadcast or communicated to the general
public for commercial reasons.
However, if a Contracting Party submits a reservation to the Treaty, it may limit or deny this
power. The other Contracting Parties are allowed to withhold national treatment from the
reserving Contracting Party in the event and to the extent of such a reservation by a
Contracting Party.
The treaty mandates that the contracting member countries provide legal remedies against
the infringement of technology safeguards such as encryption used by performers or
phonogram producers in the course of exercising their rights, as well as against the removal
or alteration of information like indication of specific data that identify the performance,
producer of the phonograph and the phonogram required for management such as
collection, distribution and licencing.
Each Contracting Party is required by the Treaty to take the steps necessary to ensure that
the Treaty is applied in line with its own legal framework.
The European Community and States that are the World Intellectual Property Organization
members are eligible to sign the Treaty. Other international organizations may be permitted
to join the Assembly established by the Treaty.
(i) The right of distribution is the authority to permit the sale of or other transfer of
ownership that makes the original and copies of a work available to the public.
(ii) The right to rent is the legal authority to permit the original and copies of three different
types of works to be commercially rented to the general public, they are-
Computer programs, with the exception of situations where the computer program itself
is not the primary object of the rental,
Cinematographic Works, but only in situations where commercial rental has led to
widespread copying of such works, materially impairing the exclusive right of
reproduction, and
Works incorporated in phonograms as defined in the national law of contracting parties.
(iii) The right to communicate with the public involves making works accessible to the public
in a way that allows users to access the work from a location and at a time of their choice.
This covers any wired or wireless public communication. It must be noted that interactive
and on-demand communication over the internet is referred to.
According to this treaty, Contracting Parties must offer legal recourse for the management
of authors’ rights against the removal or alteration of information, including specific data
that identifies works or their authors, and against the evasion of technological safeguards
used by authors in connection with the exercise of their rights.
Each Contracting Party is required by the Treaty to take the steps necessary to ensure that
the Treaty is applied, in conformity with its own legal framework. To enable effective action
against any act infringing on rights protected by the Treaty, each Contracting Party shall
guarantee that enforcement measures are accessible under its law.
Such action must include quick fixes to stop infringement and fixes that operate as a
deterrent to future infringement. The Treaty creates an Assembly of Contracting Parties,
whose major responsibility is to discuss issues pertaining to the upkeep and development of
the Treaty. It assigns the administrative responsibilities for the Treaty to the World
Intellectual Property Organisation Secretariat.
The Treaty was finalised in 1996, and on March 6, 2002, it became operative. The European
Community and States that are World Intellectual Property Organisation members are
eligible to sign the Treaty. Other international organisations may be permitted to join the
Assembly established by the Treaty.
The Singapore treaty applies to every type of mark that can be registered under the laws of
specific contracting parties. The contracting parties may choose to use any method of
communication, including electronic messaging and communication, to communicate with
their offices. The creation of the assembly of the contracting party is a company by the
introduction of regulations governing the documentation of trademark licence and time
constants alleviation.
Unlike the trademark law treaty, the Singapore treaty covers all marks that might be
registered under a contracting party’s legal system. Above all, this is the first worldwide
trademark law to officially identify non-traditional trademarks. The treaty includes all types
of markings, including intangible ones like sound, smell, taste and feel, as well as ones that
aren’t usually visible, like holograms, three-dimensional marks, colours, location and
movement marks. The regulations allow for the use of non-graphic or photographic copies of
these marks in applications.
The agreement was approved during the Beijing Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of
Audiovisual Performances which took place in the month of June 2012.
There were 155 countries present at the diplomatic conference, including the member states
of the European Union, six inter-government mental health organisations, and 45 non-
governmental organisations.
The performers who include their performances in audio-visual fixation are not protected in
any way by the World Intellectual Property Organisation Performances and Phonograms
Treaty of 1996.
The audio-visual performers are actors and other performers whose performances are
featured in the audio-visual work.
There were also new international rules that were formed through this convention. These
rules aided in appropriately handling the problems brought by social, technical and other
likewise factors.
This agreement was primarily motivated by the need to preserve a balance between the
rights of performers over their audio-visual performances and the interests of the general
public, which include access to information, research and education.
The category of moral rights includes the right to integrity as well as authorship.
The freedom to focus on the unscheduled performances of the artist and the freedom to
share those performances with the public by broadcast unless they have previously been
shared on the same through any medium, and
The freedom to broadcast and make public those scheduled performances as well as the
rights to copy, distribute, rent and have them available.
The treaty also allows National legislatures to either do nothing at all or restrict or reserve
the rights of performers to broadcast and distribute recordings of their scheduled
performances. The two essential rights that have been mentioned above will be protected
among all the signatory countries to the treaty.
The intellectual property right mainly works as an incentive system. For instance, in
patents, the monopoly is granted to the investors for a period of 20 years.
Utilitarians would say that the end result of granting patents would actually be good for
society. Providing protection for innovation or any new creation would encourage people to
openly disclose their innovation without any fear. If no monopoly is granted, then any
person who actually comes up with innovation will basically not come forward to announce
his invention in public, and it will make room for replication and the time, money and labour
of the person would go to waste. However, if the patent is granted, the innovators enjoy
protection for a certain period of time wherein they can actually practice their innovation,
disclose how it was created, and at the same time recoup the money during the monopoly
Mill agreed that patent monopolies are appropriate compared to earlier practices of rewards
or privileges granted by the monarchy or the government because they actually reward a
person who has worked on a new invention which is unique.
A number of companies have secret formulas that are secret because it is thought that the
moment they are actually disclosed and if there is no protection granted, others will use it
and compete in the market, which would reduce profit margins. But if protection is granted,
then a number of innovators will disclose such formulas, which can enable the public to
learn about new innovations, and also allow downstream innovators to come up with
notifications about a new technology.
Utilitarian theory is also used to justify the trademark law. If there is no trademark
protection at all then there will be confusion as to which product is sold by which
manufacturer. If protected, then it would largely help consumers avoid search costs and
would ensure that there is no deception from a manufacturer’s perspective. It is a good kind
of incentive for them to maintain the quality and ensure that their products throughout are
of particular quality because the moment the consumer identifies the mark with a certain
quality, he is likely to keep buying the same product time after time.
Mill’s theory works well to justify the existence of the copyright regime as well. If a certain
Monopoly period is not allowed for the author of a book, then others can actually replicate
the book and earn revenue out of it but if a certain period of protection is granted, then it
will allow him to actually come forward with a work, publish it and also recoup the cost and
earn royalties by himself.
Utilitarian theory, in effect, says that the protection of all three different kinds of intellectual
property rights would, in the end, result in maximum happiness for the maximum number of
people. However, the theory has been criticised because it has not been able to evenly
balance private and public interests. Private intellectual property restricts the use of ideas. A
patent regime based on an incentive system restricts people other than the first person to
register the idea from freely using the idea.
If a person who has come up with new technology and a patent is granted, then no one else
can use that technology for a period of 20 years unless the person secures the licence from
the patent holder. That means no modification can be made to such an innovation until the
expiration of the monopoly. If any addition or modification has to be made to a new
technology, then it will be expensive for society.
Granting property rights to intangible ideas actually impedes the flow of knowledge and also
prevents or delays downstream innovation.
Though there is a system of disclosure and the patent system, it provides exclusive
ownership to the person who owns the patents. Today, the owner of the invention can
restrict others from freely using it for a certain period of time. Had it been there when
wheels were invented, then it would have seriously restricted the development of mankind
as many inventions with the small or big or improvements immediately followed after the
invention of the wheel. Thus, Intellectual Property Rights do not actually allow the free flow
of ideas and restrict the diffusion of technology, in a way impedes innovation based on
original patents.
There is also a negative effect it tends to have on the market. A certain period of monopoly
eliminates competitors in the market, creating a monopoly situation that prevents others
from entering the industry itself. This leads to the patent holders controlling the price of the
product in the market. For instance, in the pharmaceutical industry, a manufacturer of life-
saving drugs generally, when he had obtained a patent, would not allow others to enter the
He asserts that when an individual exerts his labour over resources, he can claim it as his
property because he has added value through his labour to it. For instance, while digging
ground someone finds gold, then, according to him, that will become his property as he
actually used his labour to dig and as a result he found gold.
Locke’s version of this labour justification is based on the assumption that each individual
has prior property rights in one’s body. According to him, labour exerted by an individual is
his own property, as he is the owner of his body. It is impossible to separate labour and its
product. Once the labour is mixed with something existing in nature and transformed, then
it becomes difficult to differentiate. Only the person’s effort is relevant, no less to others as
a pre-condition for property acquisition. Thus, anything an individual mixes his labour with
becomes his property. No one has a superior or conflicting claim over it.
Locke would readily grant patent rights if an individual exerts labour to come up with an
innovative product or a machine that is useful. For instance, James Watt used his labour to
develop and improve steam engines that could be used in locomotives. That invention added
value and spurred the growth of the economy. This labour theory can be used to justify
patent protection in the light of the above statement as even though steam engine had been
made, labour contributed to develop new technology.
As per Locke, an author, painter, photographer or musician who has exerted his labour to
express his original thoughts in the form of books, paintings, photos, or a music album
should readily be granted copyright, but he also brings in a sufficiency provision saying that
property rights can be allowed only if it does not deny the others of resources existing in
nature. If there are enough resources available in nature, then property rights can be
claimed over resources when a person exerts labour over them.
According to Robert Nozick, fruits of labour are usually valuable, and property rights enable
the labourers to appropriate this value. He clarifies that Locke allowed private property
rights only if there was enough left for others from the common pool of resources. He
explained that Locke only allowed private property rights if it did not cause harm to others
and left enough for others.
Locke suggests that 99% of the value is created when labour is mixed with a naturally
existing substance to create an object. However, this is not plausible when labour is mixed
with a naturally existing substance, it does not result in the transformation of the
It is also criticised as it fails to take into account the value added to the production by
contributions made by others in the evolution of the product. For instance, the steam
engine would not have been invented by James Watt alone, but he was definitely involved in
improving the technology.
George Wilhelm Friedrick Hegel states in his book Elements of Philosophy of Rights that
the individual’s will, should be given more importance as compared to other elements that
make up an individual. He identifies the personality as the will’s struggle to actualise itself.
He gives prominence to the will compared to external properties, which are manifestations
of the will. Property according to him becomes an expression of the will. He gives that
society except the external manifestation of an individual’s personality as a property.
When an individual expresses himself through his work, it is nothing but an external
manifestation of his own personality. Property rights are vested in the external object purely
because it is the resultant manifestation of the will of an individual. Labour is the means by
which the will of an individual occupies the object.
Hegel believes that this external manifestation, which is seen as property, cannot be
alienated at any point in time as it is the reflection of the self.
This theory can be used to justify claims by authors, musicians, artists, sculptures,
photographers, etc in their world. An author’s personality is manifested through his or her
work. Books written by authors are external objects through which there is a personality,
that is, their feelings, emotions, experiences, and imaginations are manifested. For
instance, J.K. Rowling manifested herself when she wrote Harry Potter.
Hegel’s preposition is that works are external manifestations of the personality, which
possesses problems within the realm of intellectual property rights.
A person copying someone’s work would also be manifesting his personality, regardless of
the fact that he is boring to someone else. Thus, this would be protected as per this theory,
but it would be counter-productive to an intellectual property regime as it does not
recognise the emitter as a property rights holder.
It ensures that the extent of ideas remains constant or can be built on further, but are
never diminished.
Copyright law is a mechanism to stop somebody else from copying what you have
The purpose of this doctrine is to keep ideas in the public domain and outside the purview of
the copyright monopoly.
In the case of Indian Express Newspapers v. Union of India and Ors. (1994), the Bombay
High Court stated that an unfortunate incident involving the rape of a woman was
subsequently made into a film by Mundra. The newspaper claimed copyright over the
newspaper report regarding the incident and alleged Jagan Mohan Mundra to have used it
while making his film. The honourable High Court has rejected the argument, stating that, in
respect of the facts present in the public domain, there cannot be a copyright.
The doctrine is particularly important because the standard of skill and judgement required
for copyright protection is extremely low, and the law has to, therefore, look elsewhere to
prevent the overreach. As a result, copyright protection is extended only to the actual
expression and not the idea underlying it.
The essence of this doctrine was used by the Delhi High Court in Emergent Genetics India
Pvt. Ltd v. Shailendra Shivam And Ors (2011) famously known as the Emerging Genetics
Case, where the seed manufacturing company alleged that some of its former employees
had virtually used its data to reproduce the same kind of seeds. The copyright here was of
genotypic information, which is generated due to the DNA structure of the seeds.
The Delhi High Court held that nobody could claim a copyright monopoly over a piece of
genotypic information for the simple reason that the Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA structure
was something found in nature, and even if it was altered, the alteration was something that
was found existing in nature, and it was inevitably a biological product. Therefore, granting
a monopoly over such biological products would in effect stop anybody else from recreating
or reproducing the product. The court applied the merger doctrine, saying that in cases like
this where there are very limited ways or probably one way of expressing it, there cannot be
a copyright monopoly. The rationale behind the doctrine is to prevent monopoly over the
idea through indirect means in special cases where forms of expressing the idea are limited.
It permits the use of such material under particular circumstances, which would amount to
infringement of the copyright owner’s exclusive right otherwise, and the factors that it takes
into account for determining such circumstances are-
Whether the use of such copyrighted material is for the purpose of commentary, criticism,
news reporting or for educational or research purposes which are likely to be considered
fair. Such use of copyrighted material, which is transformative in nature that they are
used in a unique or creative way, is often seen as acceptable.
Works such as non-fictional or factual are more amenable to fair use than highly creative
and original works like novels or music.
When a very small or a non-crucial portion of the copyrighted material is used, it is
considered to be fairer than using the substantial or core part of that work.
However, the most important factor is taking into account the potential market harm that
can be caused to the copyright owner. If the use of such material washes away the
market for the original work, then such circumstances are considered not fair for the use
of the copyrighted work.
This doctrine can be thought to be one which does not distinguish between an author and a
publisher. According to it, they equally are entitled to the copyright in a work.
It emphasizes the fact that the objective of copyright law is less to protect authorship and
more to prevent others from misappropriating others’ labour.
Typically, the information consisted of the identity of the issuing authority, the series of
bonds being redeemed, the date and price of the redemption, and the name of the trustee
or paying agent to whom the bond should be presented for payment. According to the
plaintiff, they had extended considerable effort and money to compile such pieces of
information. The second circuit on appeal while rejecting the copyrightability of the bond
cards and remanding it back affirmed that a compilation may receive a valid copyright only
if something has been added to the data, the authorship of the compiler in making the
requisite selection, coordination or arrangement of the data.
The author is the one to whom anything owes its origin. He is, therefore, the originator or
the maker.
Facts do not owe their origin to an act of authorship. The first person to find and report a
particular fact has not created that fact. He or she has merely discovered its existence.
The choices undertaken by the compiler as to the selection and arrangement, as long as
they are made independently by him or her and entail a minimal degree of creativity, are
copyrightable. In plain words, it means that copyright protection may extend only to
those components of the work that are original to the author.
Originality is not a stringent standard. It does not require the facts to be presented in an
innovative or surprising way. It is equally true, however, that the selection and
arrangement of the facts cannot be so mechanical or routine as to require no creativity
whatsoever. The standard of originality is low, but it does exist.
The copyright statute does not support the sweat of the brow doctrine, as it requires the
selection, coordination and arrangement of facts in such a way that it as a whole
constitutes an original work of authorship.
The American Court concluded that the impugned directory was copyrightable because of its
originality in alphabetically arranging the same.
In India, intellectual property rights were governed by the Copyright Act of 1957,
the Patents Act of 1970, the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act of 1958, and the Patents and
Designs Act of 1911.
In reaction to the establishment of the World Trade Organisation and the nation’s
participation in the Agreement on TRIPS, India passed a number of new pieces of legislation
for the protection of intellectual property rights. India became a party to TRIPS and the
World Trade Organisation in April 1994 and January 1995, respectively.
These included the Trade Mark Act of 1999, the Designs Act of 2000, which superseded the
Designs Act of 1911, the Copyright (Amendment) Act of 2012, which was the most recent
change to the Copyright Act of 1957, and the Patents (Amendment) Act of 2005.
Additionally, new laws pertaining to plant species and geographic indications were approved
and adopted. The Protection of Plant Varieties Act of 1999, the Farmers Rights Act of
2001 and the Geographical Indications of Goods (registration and protection) Act of
1999 are these new laws.
Over the past fifteen years intellectual property rights have become increasingly important
to the expansion of the world economy. In the 1990’s numerous countries unilaterally
strengthened this section of their laws and regulations and many more were willing to do
the same.
The successful multilateral conclusion of the agreement on TRIPS by the World Trade
Organisation raised the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights to the
status of a significant International commitment.
A more globally competitive market with stronger Intellectual Property Rights protection is
required to increase incentives for research and to enhance returns on foreign technology
transfer. Regarding Intellectual Property Rights in particular, the trade policy forums working
group on intellectual property remains in touch with India.
In 2016, India released its extensive National Intellectual Property Rights policy which
emphasized public awareness and administrative capacity building.
Copyright and semiconductors are currently under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion under the Ministry of Commerce of India.
The newly formed cell of intellectual property promotion and management is in charge of
inter-agency cooperation and the execution of intellectual property rights policies.
In order to combat the threat of online piracy, the state of Telangana established India’s first
intellectual property crime unit in 2016. Subsequently, commercial courts opened for
business in India and the industry started to witness some favourable decisions pertaining to
The United States Government hosted two workshops one on trade secrets and the other
one on copyright with the Government of India as part of their growing engagement.
The patents rule and the trademark rules have also underground modifications.
The copyright board and the intellectual property appellate board were merged. 458
examiners engaged by the Indian patent office to handle the backlog of patent and
trademark applications.
In summary, the time frame for the emergence of intellectual property rights was
established by the 18th century. Through the trade-related Intellectual Property Rights
agreement, the World Intellectual Property Organisation and the World Trade Organisation
played a crucial role in bringing intellectual property rights to a worldwide scale after the
end of the 19th century and during the start of the 20th century. The utmost nature of
intellectual property rights was its national territory, and the international development that
has been discussed above states that the scope has been widened to international
protection as well.
The development demanded the adoption of the same treatment to the foreigners as is
awarded to the nationals. Also, the unprecedented level of degree of universal
harmonisation of intellectual property rights has been increased. In special reference,
developing countries are bound to incorporate standards of basic protection and accord with
those that are in force in the industrial countries.
A bilateral treaty may take the form of a multilateral treaty when more than two states get
involved, making the contracting states more than two for the particular treaty.
What is the personhood theory?
The personhood theory states that whenever a person puts his efforts and works on
anything, he expresses his personality on that subject, leaving a mark of his efforts there.
As humans, they can put in labour and hard work and bring themselves in such a position
by extension of their efforts that they should also be the owners of the subjects or objects
they have worked on as their work becomes an extension of their own personality.
One of the main uses of copyright is that it puts in many more works out there it increases
the volume of creative works, making the expression function one of the most important
functions of all, this is known as the theory of democratic paradigm.