Cap Chapter
ES Environmental and Social
FY Financial Year
GCC General Conditions of Contract
IFB Invitation for Bidders
ITB Instruction to Bidders
JV Joint Venture
JVCA Joint Venture, Consortium, or Association
NCB National Competitive Bidding
NeST National e-Procurement System of Tanzania
OAG Office of Attorney General
PE Procuring Entity/Employer
PPA Public Procurement Act, Cap 410
PPAA Public Procurement Appeals Authority
PPRA Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
SCC Special Condition of Contract
SEA Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
SH Sexual Harassment
SBD Standard Bidding Document
1. This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project which
appeared in the National e-Procurement System of Tanzania (NeST) dated 27/05/2024.
2. The Government of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the TARURA - PWANI
REGIONAL OFFICE during the financial year 2024/2025. It is intended that part of the proceeds
of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the UPGRADING OF
3. The TARURA - PWANI REGIONAL OFFICE now invites tenders from contractors registered or
capable of being registered in FOUR,ONE,THREE,FIVE,SIX,TWO for construction of
4. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Tendering specified in the Public Procurement Act,
CAP 410.
6. Tenderers are required to register on the NeST and pay tender participation fees indicated in the NeST to able to
participate in this tendering process.
7. All tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Securing Declaration in the format provided in the Tendering
8. All tenders must be properly filled in and submitted through NeST at or before 2:00 PM hours local time on
15/07/2024. Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter through NeST. Tender opening details will be available
to the public through NeST.
9. Tenders not received or opened through NeST shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the
TDS Clause ITT Clause Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instruction to
Number & Number Tenderers
1. Scope of Tender 1.1 The Procuring Entity (PE) indicated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS)
and Tendering invites Tenders for the construction of works as specified in the TDS and
Method Section VII [Work Requirement - Specifications]. The successful
Tenderer will be expected to complete the works by the required
completion date specified in the TDS.
1.2 Tendering will be conducted through the method of procurement
indicated in TDS and is open to all Tenderers who meet the eligibility
criteria stated in ITT 3 [Eligible Tenderers].
1.3 Unless otherwise stated, throughout this Tendering document definitions
and interpretations shall be as prescribed in the General Conditions of
2. Source of Funds 2.1 The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside
sufficient funds for the operations of the PE named in the TDS during the
Financial Year indicated in the TDS. It is intended that part of the
proceeds of the funds will be applied to cover eligible payments under the
contract for the works as described in the TDS. Or, The Government of
the United Republic of Tanzania through the PE named in the TDS has
applied for/received/ intends to apply for a [loan/ credit/grant] from the
financing institution named in the TDS towards the cost of the Project
named in the TDS. The United Republic of Tanzania intends to apply part
of the proceeds of this loan/credit to payments under the Contract
described in the TDS.
2.2 Payments will be made directly by the PE (or by the financing institution
specified in the TDS upon request of the PE to so pay) and will be subject
in all respects to the terms and conditions of the resulting contract placed
by the PE.
3. Eligible 3.1 The Invitation for Tenders (IFT) is open to all Tenderers except where it
Tenderers is specified in the TDS. A Tenderer may be natural persons, companies or
firms or public or semi-public agencies of Tanzania, subject to ITT 3.9 or
any combination of them with a formal intent or letter of intent to enter
into an agreement or under an existing agreement in the form of a joint
venture, consortium, or association(herein referred as a JVCA)
3.2 In the case of a JVCA, all members shall be jointly and severally liable
for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms.
The JVCA shall nominate a Lead Member who shall have the authority to
conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the members of the
JVCA during the tendering process and, in the event the JVCA is
awarded the Contract, during contract execution. Unless specified in the
TDS, there is no limit on the number of members in a JVCA.
3.3 The appointment of a Lead Member in the JVCA shall be confirmed by
submission of a valid Power of Attorney to the PE.
3.4 Any agreement that form a JVCA shall be required to be submitted as
part of the tender and shall be attested.
3.5 Any Tender from a JVCA shall indicate the part of proposed contract to
be performed by each party and each party shall be evaluated or post
qualified with respect to its contribution only and the responsibilities of
each party and shall not be substantially altered without prior written
approval of the PE.
3.6 National Tenderers shall satisfy all relevant licensing and/or registration
requirements with the appropriate statutory bodies in Tanzania. Foreign
Tenderers are exempted from this requirement but where selected as
having submitted the lowest evaluated tender the successful tenderer shall
register with the appropriate statutory body and shall be required to
submit evidence of registration as an approved contractor in Tanzania
before signing the contract.
3.7 A Tenderer shall not have a conflict of interest. All Tenderers found to
have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Tenderer may be
considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this
tendering process, if:
a) is associated or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly
with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the PE to
provide consulting services for the preparation of the design,
specifications and other documents to be used for the procurement of the
works under this Invitation for Tenders; or
b) have controlling shareholders in common; or
c) receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of
them; or
d) have the same legal representative for purposes of this Tender; or
e) have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third
parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or
influence on the Tender of another Tenderer, or influence the decisions of
the PE regarding this tendering process; or
f) submit more than one Tender in this tendering process, or as Tenderers
and subcontractors simultaneously. However, this does not limit the
participation of subcontractors in more than one Tender; or
g) Participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical
specifications of the works and related services that are the subject of the
3.8 A Tenderer may be ineligible if: –
(a) the Tenderer is declared bankrupt or, in the case of company or firm,
(b) payments in favour of the Tenderer is suspended in accordance with
the judgment of a court of law other than a judgment declaring
bankruptcy and resulting, in accordance with the national laws, in the
total or partial loss of the right to administer and dispose of its property;
(c) legal proceedings are instituted against such tenderer involving an
order suspending payments and which may result, in accordance with the
national laws, in a declaration of bankruptcy or in any other situation
entailing the total or partial loss of the right to administer and dispose of
the property;
(d) the tenderer is convicted, by a final judgment, of any offence
involving professional conduct;
(e) the Tenderer is debarred and blacklisted in accordance with the Public
Procurement Act or ineligible from participating in public procurement
for corrupt, coercive, fraudulent or obstructive practices, failure to abide
with a Tender Securing Declaration, breach of a procurement contract,
making false representation about his qualifications during tender
proceeding or other grounds as may be deemed necessary by the
Authority; or
(f) .the Tenderer is from an ineligible country as specified under Section
VI [Ineligible Countries] of this tendering document
3.9 Public or Semi-public owned enterprises in the Government of Tanzania
may participate only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if
they operate under commercial law, are registered by the relevant
registration board or authorities and if they are not a dependent agency of
the Government.
3.10 Tenderers shall provide to the PE evidence of their eligibility, proof of
compliance with the necessary legal, technical and financial requirements
and their capability and, adequacy of resources to carry out the contract
3.11 Tenderers shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility
satisfactory to the PE, as the PE shall reasonably request.
3.12 Tenderers shall, if so indicated in the TDS, submit proposals relating to
the nature, conditions and modalities of sub-contracting wherever the sub
- contracting of any elements of the contract amounting to more than ten
(10) percent of the tender price is envisaged.
4. One Tender per 4.1 A Tenderer shall submit only one Tender, in the same tendering process,
Tenderer either individually as a Tenderer or as a partner in a JVCA.
individually or as a partner of a JVCA in the same tendering process.
4.3 A Tenderer, if acting in the capacity of subcontractor in any tender, may
participate in more than one Tender but only in that capacity.
4.4 A Tenderer who submits or participates in more than one Tender (other
than as a subcontractor or in cases of alternatives that have been
permitted or requested) will cause all the Tenders in which the Tenderer
has participated to be disqualified.
5. Cost of Tendering 5.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its Tender, and the PE shall in no case be responsible or
liable for those costs, except where the PE is ordered by the Public
Procurement Appeals Authority (PPAA) to compensate the Tenderer
following a successful Tenderer’s appeal of the procurement
6. Site Visit and 6.1 The Tenderer, at own responsibility and risk, is advised to visit and
Pre-Tender Meeting examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain all information
that may be necessary for preparing the tender and entering into a
contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall
be at the Tenderer’s own expense.
6.2 The Tenderer and any of its personnel or agents will be granted
permission by the PE to enter upon its premises and lands for the purpose
of such visit, but only upon the express condition that the Tenderer, its
personnel, and agents will release and indemnify the PE and its personnel
and agents from and against all liability in respect thereof, and will be
responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property,
and any other loss, damage, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of the
6.3 The PE may conduct a site visit and a pre-tender meeting. The purpose of
the pre-tender meeting will be to provide specific project information, to
explain any unusual aspects of the project and to address any question on
any matter that may be raised at that stage.
6.5 The Tenderer may submit any questions if any through NeST to reach the
PE before the pre-tender meeting. PE may respond to questions during the
meeting. However, all questions raised and their responses will be
transmitted in accordance with ITT 6.6.
6.6 Minutes of the pre-tender meeting, if applicable, including questions
raised by the Tenderers, without identifying the source, and the responses
given, together with any responses prepared after the meeting will be
transmitted within three (3) calendar days to all participating Tenderers
through NeST. Any modification of the tendering document listed in ITT
7.1 [Content of tendering document] that may become necessary as a
result of the pre-tender meeting shall be made by the PE exclusively
through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to ITT 9.2 [Amendments of
the tendering document] and not through the minutes of the pre-tender
7. Content of Tendering 7.1 The works required, tendering procedures, and contract terms are
Documents prescribed in the Tendering Documents. In addition to Section I
[Invitation for Tenders], Tendering Documents which should be read
in conjunction with any addenda issued in accordance with ITT 9.2
[Amendments of the Tendering Documents] include:
Section II Instructions to Tenderers (ITT)
Section III Tender Data Sheet (TDS)
Section IV Qualification and Evaluation Criteria
Section V Tendering Forms
Section VI Eligible Countries
Section VII Works Requirements
Section VIII General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section IX Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Section X Contract Forms
7.2 The Invitation for Tenders (Section I) issued by the PE is not part of
the Tendering Documents. In case of discrepancies between the
Invitation for Tender and the Tendering Documents listed in ITT 7.1,
the said Tendering Documents will take precedence.
7.3 The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Tendering Documents. Failure to furnish all
information required by the Tendering Documents or to submit a
Tender substantially responsive to the Tendering Documents in every
respect will be at the Tenderer’s risk and may result in the rejection of
its Tender.
8.2 The PE will within one (1) to three (3) days after receiving the request
for clarification for non-competitive tendering methods and open
competitive methods respectively respond and publish through
8.3 PE's response shall include a description of the inquiry without
identifying its source.
8.4 Should the PE deem it necessary to amend the Tendering Documents as
a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under
ITT 9 [Amendments of the Tendering Documents].
9. Amendments of the 9.1 Before the deadline for submission of tenders, the PE for any reason,
Tendering Documents whether at its own initiative or in response to a request for
clarification(s) by a prospective Tenderer(s), the PE may modify the
Tendering Documents by issuing addenda.
9.2 Any addendum issued including the notice of any extension of the
deadline shall be part of the Tendering Document pursuant to ITT 7.1
[Content of Tendering Documents] and shall be communicated through
NeST to the participating Tenderers.
10. Language of 10.1 The Tender, prepared by the Tenderer as well as all correspondence
Tender and documents related to the Tender exchanged by the Tenderer and
the PE, shall be written in the language stipulated in the TDS.
Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Tenderer
may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an
accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language of the
tender, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Tender, the
translation shall govern.
11. Documents 11.1 The Tender submitted by the Tenderer shall comprise the following:
Constituting the a) Tendering Forms [as listed in Section V];
b) Form of Tender (in the format indicated in Section V) in
accordance with ITT14 [Form of Tender], ITT15 [Tender
Price] and ITT16 [Tender Currencies];
c) Tender Security or Securing Declaration in accordance with
Instructions to Tenderers ITT18 [Tender Security or Tender
Securing Declaration];
d) Priced Bill of Quantities;
e) Alternative offers where invited in accordance with Instructions
to Tenderers ITT19 [Alternative Tenders by Tenderers];
f) Dully Notarized power of attorney authorizing signatory of the
Tender to commit the Tenderer in accordance with ITT 20.2;
g) A Technical Proposal including a statement of work methods,
equipment, personnel, schedule and any other information as
stipulated in Section V [Tendering Forms] in sufficient
detail to demonstrate the adequacy of the Tenderer proposal
to meet the work requirements and the completion time, and
h) Any additional information other than the documents under ITT
11.1(a) – (g) above required to be completed and submitted
by Tenderers listed in TDS
The list of additional documents may include the following:
Code of Conduct for Contractor’s Personnel (ES)
The Tenderer shall submit its Code of Conduct that will apply to
Contractor’s Personnel (as defined in Sub- Clause 1 (ii) of the General
Conditions of Contract), to ensure compliance with the Contractor’s
Environmental and Social (ES) obligations under the Contract (if
required). The Tenderer shall use for this purpose the Code of Conduct
form provided in Section V. No substantial modifications shall be made
to this form, except that the Tenderer may introduce additional
requirements, including as necessary to take into account specific
Contract issues/risks.
· [e.g. Traffic Management Plan to ensure safety of local communities
from construction traffic];
12. Documents 12.1 The Tenderer shall upload, as part of its tender, documents establishing
Establishing the Tenderer’s eligibility to tender and its qualifications to perform the
Eligibility and contract if its tender is accepted.
Qualifications of 12.2 In the event that pre-qualification of potential Tenderers has been
the Tenderer undertaken, only tenders from pre-qualified Tenderers will be
considered for award of contract. These qualified Tenderers should
submit their Tenders with any information updating the original pre-
qualification applications or, alternatively, confirm in their tenders that
the originally submitted pre-qualification information remains
essentially correct as of the date of tender submission. The update or
confirmation should be provided in Section V [Tendering Forms]
12.3 If the PE has not undertaken pre-qualification of potential Tenderers, to
qualify for award of the contract, Tenderers shall meet the minimum
qualifying criteria specified in the Section IV [Qualification and
Evaluation Criteria]
12.4 Tenders submitted by a JVCA shall comply with the following
a) the tender shall include all the information listed in pursuant to
ITT12.3 above for each JVCA partner;
b) the tender shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners;
c) one of the partners of the JVCA will be nominated as being in
charge, and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a
Power of Attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all
the partners of the JVCA;
d) the partner in charge of the JVCA shall be authorized to incur
liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and
all partners of a JVCA and the entire execution of the Contract,
including payment, shall be done exclusively with the partner in
charge of the JVCA;
e) all partners of the JVCA shall be liable jointly and severally for the
execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms
and a statement to this effect shall be included in the
authorization mentioned under (c) above as well as in the tender
and in the Agreement (in case of a successful tender); and
f) a copy of the JVCA agreement entered into by all partners shall be
uploaded with the tender. Alternatively, a Letter of Intent to
execute a JVCA agreement shall be signed by all partners and
submitted with the tender, together with a copy of the proposed
Agreement; and
g) the Tender Securing Declaration as stated in accordance with ITT18
[Tender Securing Declaration], and in case of a successful
tender, the Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding
on all partners of the JVCA.
h) Any exception to the documents listed in (a) to (g) above will be
indicated in TDS.
12.5 To qualify for award of the Contract, Tenderers shall meet qualifying
criteria stated in Section IV [Qualification and Evaluation Criteria].
13. Slice or Lot and 13.1 When tendering for more than one lot or slice under the package
arrangements, the Tenderer must provide evidence that he meets or
Package – exceeds the sum of all the individual requirements for the slices or lots
Multiple being tendered as provided in Section IV [Qualification and Evaluation
Contracts Criteria]
13.2 In case the Tenderer fails to fully meet any of these criteria, it may be
qualified only for those slices/multiple contracts for which the
Tenderer meets the criteria as provided in Section IV [Qualification
and Evaluation Criteria].
14. Form of Tender 14.1 The Tenderer shall fill the Form of Tender furnished in the Tendering
Documents. The Form of Tender must be completed without any
alterations to its format and no substitute shall be accepted.
15. Tender Prices 15.1 The tender price shall be for the whole Works, as described in ITT 1.1
[Scope of Tender], based on the priced Bill of Quantities submitted by
and Discounts the Tenderer.
15.2 The Tenderer shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works
described in the Bill of Quantities.
15.3 All duties, taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor under the
Contract as provided under this clause, or for any other cause, as of the
date 28 days prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders, shall be
included in the rates, prices and total tender price submitted by the
Tenderer. Unless stated otherwise, in TDS.
15.4 The Tenderer shall quote any discounts and the methodology for their
application in the Form of Tender, in accordance with ITT 14 [Form of
15.5 The price shall be “fixed” unless indicated in TDS. If the rates and
prices quoted by the Tenderer are subject to adjustment during the
performance of the Contract, the Tenderer shall submit with the tender
all the information required under the Condition of Contract. The
Tenderer shall be required to justify its proposed weighting.
15.6 In the case of National, International and Restricted Competitive
Tendering on Fixed Budget Method, the Tender Price quoted by the
Tenderer shall not exceed available budget stated in the TDS. Any
Tenderer, whose Tender Price exceeds the provided budget, shall be
16. Tender 16.1 The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Tenderer in Tanzania
Shillings or in Foreign currencies or both. With respect to this tender,
Currencies and the applicable currency(ies) shall be stated in TDS.
16.2 If allowed to give unit rates and prices in foreign currency, the rates of
exchange to be used by the Tenderer in arriving at the local currency
equivalent shall be the selling rates for similar transactions established
by the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) prevailing on the date 28 days prior to
the latest deadline for submission of Tenders.
16.3 Tenderers may be required by the PE to clarify their foreign currency
requirements and to substantiate that the amounts included in the rates
and prices and in the condition of contract are reasonable and
responsive to ITT 16.1.
17. Tender Validity 17.1 Tenders shall remain valid for the period stated in the TDS after the
tender submission deadline prescribed by the PE, pursuant to ITT22
Period [Deadline for Submission of Tenders].
17.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiry of the original tender
validity period, the PE may request the Tenderers to extend the period
of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the
Tenderers' responses shall be made through NeST. A Tenderer may
refuse the request without forfeiting its Tender Security or causing to be
executed its Tender Securing Declaration.
17.3 A Tenderer agreeing to the request for extension of Tender Validity
Period will not be required or permitted to otherwise modify the tender
but will be required to extend the validity of its Tender Security in
compliance with ITT18 [Tender Security] in all respects. In the case of
Tender Securing Declaration, it will automatically be extended for the
period of the extension.
17.4 In the case of fixed price contracts, if the award is delayed by a period
exceeding sixty (60) days beyond the expiry of the initial tender
validity period, the tender price may be adjusted by a factor specified
in the request for extension.
18. Tender Security 18.1 The required security for Tender is as specified in the TDS pursuant to
ITT 11 [Documents Constituting the Tender], the Tenderer shall
or Tender furnish as part of its Tender, a Tender Security through NeST in a
Securing Form and in the amount and currency as specified in the TDS in the
Declaration format provided in Section V-Tendering Forms.
18.2 The Tender Security or Tender Securing Declaration is required to
protect the PE against the risk of Tenderer’s conduct which would
warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to ITT18.9.
18.3 The Tender security shall be denominated in the local currency or in
another freely convertible currency, and it shall be in the form of
specified in TDS which shall be in any of the following:
a) a bank guarantee, an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a reputable
bank, or an insurance bond issued by a reputable insurance firm
located in the Government of Tanzania or abroad valid for
twenty-eight (28) days beyond the end of the validity of the
tender. This shall also apply if the period for tender validity is
extended. In either case, the form must include the complete
name of the Tenderer;
b) a cashier’s or certified cheque.
c) another security will be indicated in TDS
18.4 The Tender Security or Tender Securing Declaration shall be in
accordance with the Form of the Tender security or Tender Securing
Declaration included in Section V [Tendering Forms] or another form
approved by the PE prior to the tender submission.
18.5 The tender security or Tender Securing Declaration of a JVCA must be
in the name of the JVCA that submits the tender. If the JVCA has not
been legally constituted into a legally enforceable JVCA at the time of
tendering, the Tender Security or Tender Securing Declaration shall be
in the names of all future members as named in the letter of intent
referred to in ITT3.1 [Eligible Tenderers] and ITT11.1 [Documents
Constituting the Tender]
18.6 Any tender not accompanied by a Tender security or Tender Securing
Declaration in accordance with ITT18.1 or 18.3 shall be rejected by the
PE as non-responsive, pursuant to ITT 28 [Preliminary Examination of
18.7 Unsuccessful Tenderers’ Tender Security will be discharged or
returned as promptly as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days
after the expiration of the period of Tender validity prescribed by the
PE pursuant to ITT17 [Tender Validity Period]. The PE shall make no
claim to the amount of the tender security, and shall promptly return
the tender security document, after whichever of the following that
occurs earliest:
(a) the expiry of the tender security;
(b) the entry into force of a procurement contract and the provision
of a security for the performance of the contract if such a
security is required by the tender documents;
(c) the rejection by the PE of all tenders;
(d) the withdrawal of the tender prior to the deadline for the
submission of tenders, unless the tender documents stipulate
that no such withdrawal is permitted.
18.8 The successful Tenderer’s Tender Security will be discharged upon the
Tenderer furnishing the performance security, pursuant to ITT 39
[Performance Security] and signing the contract pursuant to ITT 40
[Signing of Contract].
18.9 In the case of Tender Security, it may be forfeited:
a) if a Tenderer withdraws its tender during the period of tender
validity specified by the Tenderer on the Form of Tender except as
provided for in ITT17.2 [Tender Validity Period]; or
b) in the case of a successful Tenderer, if the Tenderer fails to furnish
performance security in accordance with ITT39 [Performance
Security] or fails to sign the contract in accordance with ITT40
[Signing of Contract].
18.10 In the case of the Tender Securing Declaration, it may be executed:
a) if a Tenderer withdraws its Tender during the period of Tender
validity specified by the Tenderer on the Form of Tender except as
provided for in ITT17.2 [Tender Validity Period];
b) in the case of a successful Tenderer, if the Tenderer fails to furnish
performance security in accordance with ITT39 [Performance
Security] or fails to sign the contract in accordance with ITT40
[Signing of Contract].
18.11 The failure of a Tenderer to abide to the terms of Tender Securing
Declaration shall be reported to the Public Procurement Authority
(PPRA) for debarment for a period which they shall determine. A
Tenderer debarred by PPRA shall be ineligible to participate in all
tenders floated by public bodies during the period of debarment.
19. Alternative 19.1 Tenderers shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the
Tendering Documents, including the basic Tenderer’s technical design
Tenders by as indicated in the employer’s requirements. Alternatives if allowed
Tenderers will be indicated in TDS, ITT 19.2 and 19.3 shall govern.
19.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a
statement to that effect as well as the method for evaluating different
schedule of completion is as indicated in the TDS.
19.3 Technical alternatives are not allowed unless indicated in the TDS.
Tenderers wishing to offer technical alternatives to the requirements
of the Tendering Documents must also submit a Tender that complies
with the requirements of the Tendering Documents, including the
basic technical design as indicated in the employer’s requirements. In
addition to submitting the basic tender, the Tenderer shall provide all
information necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative by
the PE, including technical specifications, breakdown of prices, and
other relevant details. Only the technical alternatives, if any, of the
lowest evaluated Tenderer conforming to the basic technical
requirements shall be considered by the PE.
20. Format and 20.1 The Tenderer shall prepare documents comprising the tender as
described in ITT 11
Signing of Tender
20.2 The tender shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to
sign on behalf of the Tenderer and the authorization documents shall be
submitted together with the tender indicating position of each signatory
in accordance to the requirements of NeST.
The authorization document(s) shall be duly notarized Power of
Attorney in the format provided in Section V: Tendering Forms. Other
acceptable authorization is/are listed in the TDS.
20.3 The Tenderer shall furnish information as described in the Form of
Tender on commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid to
agents relating to this tender and to contract execution if the Tenderer
is awarded the contract.
21. Tender Submission 21.1 Tenders submitted through NeST shall be considered to be true
and legal version, duly authorized and duly executed by the
tenderer and intended to have binding legal effect. The Tenderer
shall properly name his soft copies of documents before
submission through NeST.
21.2 The tender shall bear e-signature or digital signatures for identity
and authentication purposes and the identity of the Tenderer may
be verified with a follow-up due diligence process.
21.3 Tenders submitted through NeST shall be received in full prior to
the closing time, and the Tenderers shall receive an
acknowledgement of receipt of tender or amendment through the
21.4 Tenderers must ensure the integrity, completeness and authenticity
of their submission; and in case of electronic records entered
online and files containing the tender being unreadable for any
reason, the tender submitted shall not be considered.
22. Deadline for Submission of 22.1 Tenders shall be received by the PE through NeST in a manner
Tenders specified under ITT 21.2 [Tender Submission] not later than the
date and time specified in the NeST.
22.2 The PE may, in exceptional circumstances and at its discretion,
extend the deadline for the submission of tenders by amending the
Tendering Documents in accordance with ITT 9 [ Amendments of
the Tendering Documents], in which case all rights and
obligations of the PE and Tenderers previously subject to the
deadline will thereafter be subject to the new deadline.
22.3 The extension of the deadline for submission of tenders shall not
be made later than the period specified in the TDS before the
expiry of the original deadline.
23. Late Tenders 23.1 NeST does not allow Tenderer to submit its tender after the
deadline for submission of tenders in accordance with ITT 22
[Deadline for Submission of Tenders]
24. Modification, Substitution 24.1 A Tenderer may modify or substitute or withdraw its Tender after
and Withdrawal of Tenders it has been submitted to the PE through NeST. Such modification
or substitution or withdraw should be made prior to the deadline
for submission of Tenders. Tenderer shall receive an
acknowledgement of receipt any amendment of its submitted
tender through the system.
24.2 No tender may be withdrawn, replaced or modified in the interval
between the deadline for submission of Tenders and the expiration
of the period of tender validity specified by the Tenderer on the
Tender Form. Withdraw of a tender during this interval shall
result in execution of Tender Securing Declaration, pursuant to
the ITT 18.1 [Tender Security or Tender Securing Declaration].
24.3 Withdrawal of a tender between the deadline for submission of
Tenders and the expiration of the period of Tender validity or as
extended pursuant to ITT 17.2 shall result in forfeiture of tender
security or execution of Tender Securing Declaration pursuant to
ITT 18.9 and ITT 18.10.
24.4 Tenderers may only offer discounts to, or otherwise modify the
prices of their tenders by submitting Tender modifications in
accordance with this Clause, or included in the original Tender
25. Opening and 25.1 The opening shall be done automatically by the system after the
evaluation of Tenders deadline date and time, readout prices shall be displayed
automatically in the respective portal. Automated opening reports
shall be sent to all involved parties including the PE and Tenderers.
25.3 A Tenderer or any other person with interest in the tender process
can access tender opening records on the appropriate section of
26. Confidentiality 26.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and
comparison of tenders and recommendations for the award of a
Contract shall not be disclosed to Tenderers or any other persons not
officially concerned with such process until the notice of intention to
award to the successful Tenderer has been posted in the NeST.
26.2 Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the PE’s processing of Tenders
or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Tender.
27. Clarification of 27.1 In order to assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of
Tenders Tenders, and post-qualification of Tenderers, the PE may, at its
discretion, ask any Tenderer for clarification of its tender, including
breakdowns of prices in the Activity Schedule. Any clarification
submitted by a Tenderer that is not in response to a request by the PE
shall not be considered.
27.2 The request for clarification by the PE shall be communicated
through NeST and the Tenderer shall respond through NeST.
28. Preliminary 28.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation of tenders, the PE will determine
Evaluation of Tenders whether each tender;
(a) meets the eligibility criteria defined in ITT 3 [ Eligible
(b) has been properly signed;
(c) is accompanied by the required securities; and
(d) is substantially responsive to the requirements of the Tendering
The PE's determination of a Tender's responsiveness will be based on
the contents of the tender itself.
28.2 A substantially responsive tender is one which conforms to all the
terms, conditions, and specifications of the Tendering Documents,
without material deviation, omission or reservation. A material
deviation, omission or reservation is one that:-
a) affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or execution of
the works;
b) limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Tendering
Documents, the PE's rights or the Tenderer's obligations under the
Contract; or
c) if rectified, would affect unfairly the competitive position of other
Tenderers presenting substantially responsive Tenders.
For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply
“Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the
Tendering Document;
“Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding
from complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the
Tendering Document; and
“Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation required in the Tendering Document.
28.3 The PE will confirm that the documents and information specified
under ITT11 [Documents Constituting the Tender] and ITT12
[Documents establishing eligibility and Qualification of the
Tenderer] have been provided in the Tender. If any of these
documents or information is missing, or is not provided in
accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, the Tender shall be
28.4 The PE may waive any minor informality, non- conformity, or
irregularity in a Tender which does not constitute a material
deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the
relative ranking of any Tenderer.
28.5 Provided that a Tender is substantially responsive, the PE may
request that the Tenderer submit the necessary information or
documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify non-
material non-conformities in the Tender related to documentation
requirements. Requesting information or documentation on such
non- conformities shall not be related to any aspect of the price of
the Tender. Failure of the Tenderer to comply with the request may
result in the rejection of its Tender.
28.6 Provided that a Tender is substantially responsive, the PE shall
rectify quantifiable non-material and non- conformities related to the
Tender Price. To this effect, the Tender Price shall be adjusted, for
comparison purposes only, to reflect the price of a missing or non-
conforming item or component. The adjustment shall be made using
the method specified in Section IV [Qualification and Evaluation
28.7 If a Tender is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the
PE, and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction of
the material deviation, reservation, or omission.
28.8 Material deviations to commercial terms and conditions, which
justify rejection of a tender shall include the following:
a) failure to sign the Tender form and price schedules by the
authorized person or persons;
b) failure to satisfy eligibility requirements;
c) failure to submit a Tender Security as specified in the tendering
d) failure to satisfy the tender validity period;
e) inability to meet the critical delivery schedule or work schedule
clearly specified in the tendering documents, where such schedule is
a crucial condition with which tenderers must comply;
f) failure to comply with minimum experience criteria as specified in
the tendering documents;
g) conditional tenders such as conditions in a tender which limit the
tenderer’s responsibility to accept an award;
h) inability to accept the price adjustment formulae of the tendering
i) stipulating price adjustment when fixed price tenders were invited;
j) subcontracting in a substantially different amount or
manner than that permitted; and
k) failure to submit major supporting documents required by the
tendering documents to determine substantial responsiveness of a
28.9 All tenders shall be checked for substantial responsiveness to the
technical requirements of the tendering documents and non-
conformity to technical requirements, which are justifiable grounds
for rejection of a tender includes the following:
a) failure to tender for the required scope of work as instructed in the
tendering documents and where failure to do so has been indicated as
b) failure to quote for a major item in the works;
c) failure to meet major technical requirements, such as offering
completely different types of equipment or materials from the types
specified, plant capacity well below the minimum specified,
equipment not able to perform the basic functions for which it is
intended; or
d) Presentation of absolutely unrealistic and inadequate technical
proposal, implementation plans and schedules regarding
performance, technical or service factors.
29. Conversion to Single 29.1 To facilitate evaluation and comparison, the PE will convert all
Currency Tender prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies in
which the Tender prices are payable to either:
a) Tanzania Shillings at the selling exchange rate established for
similar transactions by the Bank of Tanzania;
b) A currency widely used in international trade, such as U.S.
Dollars, at the selling rate of exchange published in the international
press for the amount payable in foreign currency; and at the selling
exchange rate established for similar transactions by the Bank of
Tanzania for the amount payable in Tanzania Shillings.
29.2 The currency selected for converting Tender prices to a common
base for the purpose of evaluation and comparison along with the
source and date of the exchange rate, are specified in the TDS.
30. Detailed 30.1 The PE shall evaluate and compare only the Tenders determined to
be substantially responsive in accordance with ITT 28 [Preliminary
Examination of Tenders].
Evaluation and 30.2 In evaluating the Tenders, the PE will determine for each Tender the
Comparison of Tenders evaluated Tender Price by adjusting the Tender Price as follows:-
a) excluding provisional sums and the provision, if any, for
contingencies in the Bill of Quantities, but including Day work,
where priced competitively;
b) making appropriate adjustment for any other acceptable
variations, deviations, or alternative offers submitted in accordance
with ITT 19 [Alternative Tenders by Tenderers];
c) making an allowance for varying times of completion offered by
Tenderers, if permitted in the TDS and in the manner prescribed
d) making appropriate adjustments to reflect discounts or other price
modifications offered in accordance with ITT24.4 [Modifications,
Substitution and Withdrawal of Tenders];
e)applying any discounts offered by the Tenderer for the award of
more than one Contract or multiple contracts, if tendering for this
Contract is being done concurrently with other contracts in
accordance with ITT 34.2 [Award Criteria]; and
f) the additional evaluation factors are specified in Section IV
(Qualification and Evaluation Criteria);
30.3 The PE reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation,
or alternative offer. Variations, deviations, and alternative offers and
other factors which are in excess of the requirements of the
Tendering Documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for
the PE will not be taken into account in Tender evaluation.
30.4 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the
Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of execution of the
Contract, shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation.
30.5 If this Tendering Document allows Tenderers to quote separate
prices for different lots (contracts), the methodology to determine the
lowest evaluated price of the contract combinations, including any
discounts offered in the Form of Tender, is specified in Section IV
[Qualification and Evaluation Criteria].
30.6 If the tender, which results in the lowest Evaluated Tender Price, is
seriously unbalanced or, front loaded in the opinion of the PE, the
PE may require the Tenderer to produce detailed price analysis for
any or all items of the Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate the internal
consistency of those prices with the construction methods and
schedule proposed.
After evaluation of the price analysis, taking into consideration the
schedule of estimated Contract payments, the PE may:
a) Accept the Tender; or
b) require that the amount of the performance security set forth in
ITT 39 be increased at the expense of the Tenderer, to a level not
exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the Contract Price; or Reject the
31. National Preferences 31.1 As indicated in the TDS, works utilizing this Standard Tendering
Document shall provide Local Contractors with margin of preference
in tender evaluation.
31.2 Where a margin of preference applies, its application and detail shall
be specified in Section IV [Qualification and Evaluation Criteria].
32. Determination of the 32.1 The Tender with the lowest evaluated price from among those that
Lowest Evaluated Tender are eligible, compliant and substantially responsive shall be the
lowest evaluated Tender.
34. Criteria of Award 34.1 Subject to ITT33 [Post-qualification of Tenderer] and ITT35
[Negotiations] the PE will award the Contract to the Tenderer
whose Tender has been determined to be substantially
responsive to the Tendering Documents and who has offered
the Lowest Evaluated Tender Price, provided that such
Tenderer has been determined to be:-
a) eligible in accordance with the provisions of ITT3
[Eligible Tenderers];
b) is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract
satisfactorily; and
c) successful negotiations have been concluded.
34.2 If, pursuant to ITT13.1 [Slice and Package], this Contract is
being let on a slice and package” basis, the lowest evaluated
Tender price will be determined when evaluating this Contract
in conjunction with other Contracts to be awarded
concurrently, taking into account any discounts offered by the
Tenderers for award of more than one Contract.
35. Negotiations 35.1 Negotiations may be undertaken with the Lowest Evaluated Tenderer
relating to the following areas:
(a) a minor alteration to the technical details of the statement of
(b) reduction of quantities for budgetary reasons, where the
reduction is in excess of any provided for in the solicitation
(c) a minor amendment to the Special Conditions of Contract;
(d) finalizing payment arrangements;
(e) mobilization arrangements;
(f) agreeing final delivery or work schedule to accommodate any
changes required by the PE;
(g) the methodology or staffing;
(h) clarifying details that were not apparent or could not be finalized
at the time of tendering; or
(i) reduction of Tender Price to match the available PE's estimate
and commensurate with the market prices, provided such
reduction shall not make the tender abnormally low in
accordance ITT33.2 [Post-qualification of Tenderers].
Negotiation of price shall not be applicable for tenders invited under
the National, International and Restricted Competitive
Tendering on Fixed Budget method.
35.2 Where negotiation fails to result into an agreement, the PE may invite
the next ranked Tenderer for negotiations. Where negotiations are
commenced with the next ranked Tenderer, the PE shall not reopen
earlier negotiations.
36. PE’s Right to 36.1 Notwithstanding ITT 34 [Criteria for Award], The PE reserves the right
Accept any Tender to accept or reject any Tender, and to cancel the tendering process and
and to Reject any or reject all Tenders, at any time prior to the award of the Contract,
all Tenders without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer(s).
36.2 Notice of the rejection of all Tenders shall be given promptly to all
Tenderers that have submitted tenders through NeST.
36.3 The PE shall upon request from any Tenderer communicate the grounds
for rejection of its Tender(s) but is not obliged to justify those grounds.
37. PE Right to Vary 37.1 The PE reserves the right at the time of contract award to increase or
Quantities at the decrease the quantity of works or related services originally specified in
Time of Award these Tendering documents (Bill of Quantities) provided this does not
exceed the percentage indicated in the TDS, without any change in unit
price or other terms and conditions of the Tender and Tendering
38. Intention to award 38.1 Prior to awarding of the contract, the PE shall issue a notice of
and Notification of intention to award the contract in the format provided in
Award Section V [Tendering Forms], The notice shall be issued
through NeST to all Tenderers who participated in the Tender
in question giving them seven (7) working days within which
to submit complaints to the PE thereof, if any.
The condition shall not apply where only one Tender has been received
by PE in competitive method or where single source, national shopping,
Minor value procurement method has been used.
38.2 Where no complaints have been lodged, the Tenderer whose tender has
been accepted will be notified by letter of acceptance in the format
provided in Section X [Contract Forms- Letter of Acceptance], through
NeST, of the award by the PE prior to expiration of the Tender validity
38.3 The notification of award (Letter of Acceptance) will be part of the
documents forming the Contract, subject to the Tenderer furnishing the
Performance Security in accordance with ITT 39 [Performance
Security or Performance Securing Declaration] and signing the
Contract in accordance with ITT40.2 [Signing of Contract].
38.4 Upon the successful Tenderer’s furnishing of the performance security
or Performance Securing Declaration pursuant to ITT39 [Performance
Security or Performance Securing Declaration], the PE will promptly
notify unsuccessful Tenderers, the name of the winning Tenderer and
the Contract amount and will discharge the Tender securing declaration
of the unsuccessful Tenderers pursuant to ITT18.7 [Tender Securing
39. Performance 39.1 Within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Letter of Acceptance from
Security or the PE, the successful Tenderer shall deliver to the PE a Performance
Performance Security in the amount and in the form stipulated in the TDS and SCC,
Securing denominated in the type and proportions of currencies in the Letter of
Declaration Acceptance and in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. Where
applicable, the Tenderer shall deliver to the PE The Environmental and
Social (ES) Performance Security in the amount and in the form
stipulated in the TDS and SCC, denominated in the type and
proportions of currencies in the Letter of Acceptance and in accordance
with the Conditions of Contract.
39.2 If the Performance Security and the Environmental and Social (ES)
Performance Security is to be provided by the successful Tenderer, it
shall be as specified in the TDS and SCC, pursuant to ITT 39.1 and
shall be in any of the following:-
(a) electronic money transfer, certified cheque, cashier’s or manager’s
cheque, or bank draft;
(b) irrevocable letter of credit issued by a reputable commercial bank or
in the case of an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a foreign
bank, the letter shall be confirmed or authenticated by a reputable
local bank;
(c) unconditional bank guarantee confirmed by a reputable local bank
or, in the case of a successful foreign tenderer, bonded by a
bonded by a local bank”; or
(d) Surety bond issued by any reputable surety or insurance company.
Any Performance Security submitted shall be enforceable in the United
Republic of Tanzania.
39.3 In the case of Performance Securing Declaration, the successful
Tenderer shall complete and submit a duly signed Declaration in the
format provided in Section X [Contract Forms- Performance Securing
39.4 Failure of the successful Tenderer to comply with the requirements of
ITT 39.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the
award and forfeiture of the Tender Security or execution of the Tender
Securing Declaration and any other remedies the PE may take under the
Contract and the PE may resort to awarding the Contract to the next
ranked Tenderer or call for new tenders.
40. Signing of Contract 40.1 Promptly after notification of award, PE shall send the draft contract,
incorporating all terms and conditions as agreed by the parties to the
40.2 Within fourteen (14) calendar days after furnishing the performance
security or Performance Securing Declaration, the successful Tenderer
and the PE shall sign the contract.
40.3 Upon parties signing the contract, the PE will promptly notify each
unsuccessful Tenderer, the name of the successful Tenderer and the
Contract amount and will discharge the Tender security of the
Tenderers pursuant to ITT 18.7 [Tender Security or Tender Securing
41. Advance Payment 41.1 The PE will provide an Advance Payment on the Contract Price if
stipulated in the condition of Contract, subject to amount stated in the
41.2 The Advance Payment request shall be accompanied by an Advance
Payment Security (Unconditional Bank Guarantee) in the form provided
in Section X [ Contract Forms].
41.3 For the purpose of receiving the Advance Payment, the Tenderer shall
make an estimate of, and include in its Tender, the expenses that will be
incurred in order to commence work. These expenses will relate to the
purchase of equipment, machinery, materials, and on the engagement of
labour during the first month beginning with the date of the PE’s
“Notice to Commence” which is as indicated in the TDS.
42. Adjudicator 42.1 The PE proposes the person named in the TDS to be appointed as
Adjudicator under the Contract, at an hourly fee specified in the TDS,
plus reimbursable expenses. If the Tenderer disagrees with this
proposal, the Tenderer should so state in the Tender. If, in the Letter of
Acceptance, the PE has not agreed on the appointment of the
Adjudicator, the Adjudicator shall be appointed by the Appointing
Authority designated in the SCC at the request of either party.
42.2 The proposed Adjudicator under ITT 42.1 shall be obtained from an
approved List of Adjudicators kept by by the institution named in the
43. Fraudulent, 43.1 The Government of Tanzania requires that PEs (including beneficiaries
Corrupt, Coercive, of Government funded projects and procurement) as well as Tenderers
Collusive or under Government financed contracts, observe the highest standard of
Obstructive ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In
Practices pursuance of this policy, the following shall apply.
a) for the purpose of this provision, the terms set forth below are
defined as follows: -
i) “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or
soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of
public official in the procurement process or in contract
ii. “coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or
threatening to impair or harm directly or indirectly, any
party or the property of the party for the purpose of
influencing improperly the action or that party in connection
with public procurement or in furtherance of corrupt practice
or fraudulent practice;
iii. "collusive practice" means an arrangement between two or
more parties with or without knowledge of the other party or
parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including
to influence improperly the action of another party; and
iv) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in
order to influence a procurement process or the execution of
contract to the detriment of the Government, and includes
collusive practice among Tenderers (prior to or after Tender
submission) designed to establish Tender prices at artificial
noncompetitive levels and to deprive the Government of the
benefit of free and open competition.
b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Tenderer
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt, coercive,
collusive, fraudulent or obstructive practices in competing for
the contract;
c)In pursuit of this policy the Government will cancel the portion of
the funds allocated to a contract for goods, works, or services if
it at any time determines that corrupt, coercive, fraudulent
obstructive or fraudulent practices were engaged in by
representatives of the PE or approving authority or of a
beneficiary of the funds during the procurement or the execution
of that contract, without the PE or approving authority having
taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the
Government of Tanzania to remedy the situation;
d) Declare a firm ineligible for a period of ten (10) years, to be
awarded a public-financed contract if it at any time it determines
that the firm has engaged in corrupt, coercive, collusive,
fraudulent or obstructive practices in competing for, or in
executing, a public – financed contract.
43.2 The Government of Tanzania reserves the right, where a firm has been
found by a foreign country, international organization or other foreign
organization to have engaged in corrupt, coercive, collusive, fraudulent
or obstructive practices, to declare that such a firm is ineligible, for a
period of ten years to be awarded a public contract in the United
Republic of Tanzania.
43.3 The Government of Tanzania will have the right to require that, in
contract financed by the Government of Tanzania a provision be
included requiring Tenderers to permit the Government of Tanzania to
inspect their accounts and records relating to the performance of the
contract and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the
Government of Tanzania.
[1]Performance Securing Declaration shall be applicable for Tenders falling under regional exclusive preference.
44. Right to Review 44.1 A Tenderer who claims to have suffered or that may suffer any loss or injury
as a result of breach of a duty imposed on a PE or an approving authority in
the course of these procurement proceedings may seek a review in accordance
with the procedure set out hereunder
47. Decision by the 47.1 The Accounting Officer of a PE shall, within three (3) calendar days after
receipt of the complaint or dispute, deliver a written decision which shall
Accounting indicate:
Officer of PE
a) whether the application is upheld in whole, in part or rejected;
b) the reasons for the decision; and
c) any corrective measures to be taken.
47.2 Where the Accounting Officer of a PE does not issue a decision within the
time specified in ITT47.1, the Tenderer submitting the complaint or dispute or
the PE shall be entitled to institute proceedings under ITT48.1 [Review by the
Public Procurement Appeals Authority (PPAA)] within three (3) calendar
days after such specified time and upon instituting such proceedings, the
competence of the Accounting Officer of a PE to entertain the complaint or
dispute shall cease.
(PPAA) (c) arise after the procurement contract has entered into force pursuant to
ITT41 [Signing of Contract],
shall be referred to the Appeals Authority within seven (7) working days from
the date when the Tenderer received the decision of the accounting officer or,
in case no decision is issued after the expiry of the time stipulated under
ITT48.1 or when the Tenderer become aware or ought to have become aware
of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint or dispute pursuant to
ITT46.1 [Time Limit on Review].
The Appeals Authority shall, within forty five (45) days issue a written
decision concerning the complaint or dispute stating the reasons for the
decisions and the remedies granted if any.
The decision of the Appeals Authority shall be binding to the parties on
complaint or appeal and such decision may be enforced in any court of
competent jurisdiction.
48.2 PPAA may be contacted at the address shown in the TDS.
The following specific data for the Works to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the
Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.
A. Introduction
TDS. Required Information/Data ITT Information/Data to be filled by the PE
No Clause
2 Name of the project 1.1 UUpgrading Of Morogoro Road -Ofisi Ya Halmashauri
(0.300km) Bituminous Standard (Asphalt Concrete) In Kibaha
District Council,phase III
3. Expected Completion Period 1.1 180 days
4. Tendering Method 1.2 National Competitive Tendering
5. Financial year 2.1 2024/2025
6. Financing Institution 2.1 Not Applicable
7. The Loan/Credit Number 2.1 Not Applicable
9. Eligibility of Tenderers 3.1 GOVERNMENT_ENTERPRISE, Company Local, Company
Foreign, Special Group, Manufacturer Local, Sole Proprietor
Local, Partnership Local, Manufacturer Foreign, Partnership
Foreign and Sole Proprietor Foreign
10. Members of JVCA 3.2 Maximum number of members of JVCA shall be: 1.
11. Sub-Contracting Arrangements 3.12 Subcontracting is
12. Site Visit 6.4 Site Visit willbe held at TARURA KIBAHA DISTRICT
COUNCIL MANAGER'S OFFICE on 03/07/2024 at 10:00
Hours Local Time.
13. Pre- tender Meeting 6.4 Pre- tender Meeting will be held at TARURA
OFFICE on 03/07/2024 at 10:00 hours local time.
B. Preparation of Tenders
14. Language of the Tender 10.1 Language of Tender and all correspondence shall be English.
15. Other required documents 11.1(h)
Additional documents: Not Applicable
16. Information to be 12.4(h) Extra information to be submitted by the JVCA other
submitted by JVCA than the information required: JOINT VENTURE
17. Duties and taxes to be 15.3 List down all duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the
paid by the contractor Contractor under the Contract:
a)Service Levy b)Mining Charges c)Charges for
acquiring Water for construction
18. Price Adjustment 15.5 The price shall be Fixed
19. Fixed Budget Tender 15.6 Not Applicable
20. Currency of the Tender 16.1 The currency in which the prices shall be quoted shall be:
The Tanzanian Shilling
21. Tender Validity Period 17.1 120 days.
22. Form of Tender Security 18.1 The Tender Security shall be in the form of Tender
Securing Declaration in the format provided in the
Tendering Documents and sample provided during
tender submission.
23. Other Form of Security 18.3 Other Forms of Tender Security shall be in the form
of: N/A.
24. Alternative tenders 19.1, Alternative tenders are not applicable.
19.2, &
25. Power of Attorney 20.2 Written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf
of the Tenderer is: AUTHORISED POWER OF
C: Submission of Tenders
26. Extension of 22.3 Extension of the tender submission deadline shall not be made later
Deadline for than 3 days before the expiry of the original deadline.
Submission of
27. Currency for Converting 29.2 The rates of exchange to be used by the Tenderer shall be those
Tender Prices established by the Bank of Tanzania prevailing on the tender
invitation date.
Currency for Tender Conversion: The Tanzanian Shilling.
28. Adjustment of Tender 30.2 (c) FIXED.
Price for Allowance
for Varying Times of
29. Domestic Preference 31.1 NOT_APPLICABLE
D. Opening and evaluation of tenders
30. Post qualification 33.1 Post Qualification will be undertaken.
E. Award of contract
31. The percentage 37.1 The percentage for Increase and Decrease for
for Increase Quantities will be 15 Percent.
and Decrease
32. Performance Security 39.1 Performance Securing Declaration.
33. Environmental and Social 39.2 Environmental and Social Performance Securing Declaration.
Performance Security
34. Advance Payment 41.1 The Advance Payment shall be limited to 15 Percent of the
Contract Amount.
35. Adjudicator for the 42.1 The proposed adjudicator for the project is ENG
Project EMMANUEL N KIMAMBO whose hourly rate shall be TZS
36. Source of the 42.2 National Construction Council (NCC)
E. Right to review
37. Address to Submit an Appeal to 48.2 The address for the Appeal to PPAA:
PPAA The Executive Secretary,
Public Procurement Appeals Authority,
Ministry of Finance and Planning,
Mkandarasi Place, 4th Floor
Jakaya Kikwete Road
P.O. Box 1385,
Dodoma Tanzania
Telephone +255 26 2962411
Fax + 255 022 2120460
Email: info@ppaa.go.tz or es@ppaa.go.tz
Website www.ppaa.go.tz
Wherever a Bidder is required to state a monetary amount, Bidders should indicate the currency equivalent using the rate of
exchange determined as follows:
· for construction turnover or financial data required for each year - Exchange rate prevailing on the last day of the
respective calendar year (in which the amounts for that year are to be converted) was originally established; or
· value of the single contract - Exchange rate prevailing on the date of the contract.
Exchange rates shall be taken from the publicly available source identified in the ITB 32.1. Any error in determining the
exchange rates in the Bid may be corrected by the Employer.
Commercial Evaluation
1. Eligibility
Financial Statement End Date 2023-12-31
Minimum Current Ratio [Current Assets(CA)/Current Liabilities(CL)] 1.5
Minimum Cash Ratio [Cash and Bank(C&B)/Current Liabilities(CL)] 1.5
Minimum Working Capital [Current Assets(CA)-Current Liabilities(CL)] 1.5
Minimum Gross Profit Margin [Gross Profit(GP)/Total Revenue(TR)*100] 10
Minimum Debt to Equity Ratio [Total Liabilities(TL)/Total Equity(TE)] 0.5
Minimum Return on Assets [Profit before Tax(PBT)/Total Assets(TA)*100] 5
Technical Evaluation
1. Experience
Specific Experience (SCORE: N/A)
Specific and Contract Management Experience: A minimum number of similar contracts based on the physical size,
complexity, methods/technology and/or other characteristics described in the PE Requirements on contracts that have
been satisfactorily and substantially completed (substantial completion shall be based on 80% or more of completed
assignments under the contract) as a prime contractor/supplier/service provider, joint venture member, management
contractor/supplier/service provider or sub-contractor/supplier/service provider for mentioned duration. (In case of Joint
Venture, compliance requirements are: All Parties – Must Meet requirements). In the case of JVCA, the value of
contracts completed by its members shall not be aggregated to determine whether the requirement of the minimum value
of a single contract has been met. Instead, each contract performed by each member shall satisfy the minimum value of a
single contract as required for single entity. In determining whether the JVCA meets the requirement of total number of
contracts, only the number of contracts completed by all members each of value equal or more than the minimum value
required shall be aggregated.
Experience on project in same nature, volume and
Specific Experience
Specific Experience Start Year 2021-01-01
Specific Experience End Year 2023-12-31
Number of Specific Experience Contracts 2
Value of each specific experience contract in the specified
tender currency
2. Technical Specifications
3. Key Personnel
4. Technical Submission
Method Statement (SCORE: N/A)
Tenderers are required to submit clear details on how works will be executed and completed in accordance with the
proposed program, thereafter upload the document into the system for submission.
Environmental and Social Management Strategies and Implementation Plans (ES-MSIP) (SCORE: N/A)
Tenderer shall provide comprehensive and concise environmental and Social Management Strategies and Implementation
Plans as per requirements.
Environmental and Social Management Strategies and Submit Environmental and Social Management Strategies
Implementation Plans (ES-MSIP) and Implementation Plans (ES-MSIP)
Financial Evaluation
Form of Tender
Bills of Quantities
(Format for BoQ submission is available in the system during tender submission)
Schedule of Payment Currencies
For...........................insert name of Section of the Works
Separate tables may be required if the varioussections of the Works (or of the Bill of Quantities) will have
substantiallydifferent foreign and local currency requirements. The Employer should insert the names of eachSection
of the Works.
Percentage of
Rate of
Local Currency Total Tender Price
Name of Payment Amount of Exchange
Equivalent (TTP)
Currency Currency to Local
C=AxB 100xC
Local currency 1.00
Foreign Currency #1
Foreign Currency #2
Foreign Currency #3
Total Bid Price 100.00
Provisional Sums
Expressed in Local 1.00
PRICE (Including
provisional sum)
Schedule of Cost Indexation
[Note to PE: It is recommended that the PE is advised by a professional with experience in construction costs and the
inflationary effect on construction costs when preparing the contents of the Schedule of Cost Indexation. In the case of
very large and/or complex works contracts, it may be necessary to specify several families of price adjustment
formulae corresponding to the different works involved]
[The formulae for price adjustment shall be of the following general type:]
“Pn” is the adjustment multiplier to be applied to the estimated contract value in the relevant currency of the work
carried out in period “n”, this period being a month unless otherwise stated in the CC;
“a” is a fixed coefficient, stated in the relevant table of adjustment data, representing the non-adjustable portion in
contractual payments;
“b”, “c”, “d”, ... are coefficients representing the estimated proportion of each cost element related to the execution of
the Works as stated in the relevant table of adjustment data; such tabulated cost elements may be indicative of
resources such as labour, equipment and materials;
“Ln”,“En”, “Mn”, ... are the current cost indices or reference prices for period “n”, expressed in the relevant currency
of payment, each of which is applicable to the relevant tabulated cost element on the date 30 days prior to the last day
of the period (to which the particular Payment Certificate relates); and
“Lo”,“Eo”, “Mo”, are the base cost indices or reference prices, expressed in the relevant currency of payment, each of
which is applicable to the relevant tabulated cost element on the Base Date.
The cost indices or reference prices stated in the Table of Adjustment Data shall be used. If their source is in doubt, it
shall be determined by the Project Manager. For this purpose, reference shall be made to the values of the indices at
stated dates (quoted in the fourth and fifth columns respectively of the table).
If the currency in which the Contract price is expressed is different from the currency of the country of origin of the
indices, a correction factor will be applied to avoid incorrect adjustments of the Contract price. The correction factor
shall be: Z0 / Zn, where,
Z0 = the number of units of currency of the origin of the indices which equal to one unit of the currency of the
Contract Price on the Base date, and
Zn = the number of units of currency of the origin of the indices which equal to one unit of the currency of the
Contract Price on the Date of Adjustment.
Schedule of Adjustment Data
[In Tables A, B, and C, below, the Tenderer shall (a) indicate its amount of local currency payment, (b)indicate its
proposed source and base values of indices for the different foreign currency elements of cost, (c) derive its proposed
weightings for local and foreign currency payment, and (d) list the exchange rates used in the currency conversion. In
the case of very large and/or complex works contracts, it may be necessary to specify several families of price
adjustment formulae corresponding to the different works involved.]
Table A. Local Currency
e: ------- to ---
TOTAL 1.00
[* To be entered by the PE. Whereas “a” should a fixed percentage, b, c, d and e should specify a range of values and
the Tenderer will be required to specify a value within the range such that the total weighting = 1.00]
Table B. Foreign Currency (FC)
State type: .......................[If the Tenderer is allowed to receive payment in foreign currencies this table shall be used.
If Tenderer wishes to quote in more than one foreign currency (up to three currencies permitted) then this table should
be repeated for each foreign currency.]
Index code Index Source of Base value Tenderer’s Equivalent in Range of Tenderer’s
description index and date related source Foreign weighting proposed
currency in Currency 1 Proposed by weighting
type/amount the Procuring
Non- - - - a: * a: *
adjustable b: ------ to - b:
-----* c:
c: ------- to - d:
-----* e:
d: ------- to etc.
e: ------- to -
[* To be entered by the PE. Whereas “a” should a fixed percentage, b, c, d and e should specify a range of values and
the Tenderer will be required to specify a value within the range such that the total weighting = 1.00]
Special Power of Attorney
(Form is available in the system during tender submission)
Tender Securing Declaration or Tender Security(Bank Guarantee) or Tender Security (Tender Bond)
Conditions of Contract Sub-Clause
4.1.6, the Contractor shall not carry
out mobilization to Site unless the
Project Manager gives consent that
appropriate measures are in place to
address environmental and social
risks and impacts, which at a
minimum shall include applying the
Management Strategies and
Implementation Plans (MSIPs) and
Code of Conduct for Contractor‘s
Personnel, submitted as part of the
Tender and agreed as part of the
6 Construction Schedule The construction schedule shall include
the following key milestones: No-objection
to the Contractor MSIPs, which collectively
form the C-ESMP, in accordance with the
General Conditions of Contract Sub-Clause
4.1.6, and Constitution of the DARB.
7 ES Management Strategies and Implementation Plans
(ES-MSIP) The Tenderer shall submit comprehensive and
concise Environmental and Social
Management Strategies and Implementation
Plans (ES-MSIP) as required by ITT 11.1 (g)
of the Tender Data Sheet. These strategies and
plans shall describe in detail the actions,
materials, equipment, management processes
etc. that will be implemented by the
Contractor, and its subcontractors.
In developing these strategies and plans, the
Tenderer shall have regard to the ES
provisions of the contract including those as
may be more fully described in the Works
Requirements described in Section VII.
8 Historical Contract Non-Performance, Pending
Litigation, Litigation History, and Conformance to Tenderers are required to fill and
Statutory Requirements update information concerning non-
performing contracts in their system
profile to enable submission of the
same during tender application.
9 Specific Construction and Contract Management
Experience Tenderers are required to fill
and update information
concerning their Specific
Construction and Contract
Management Experience in
their profile to enable
submission of the same during
tender application.
10 Construction Experience in Key Activities
Tenderers are required to fill
and update information
concerning their Construction
Experience in Key activities in
their profile to enable
submission of the same during
tender application.
11 Specific Experience in Managing ES aspects
Tenderers are required to fill
and update information
concerning their Specific
Experience in Managing ES
aspects in their profile to
enable submission of the same
during tender application.
Financial Situation and Performance
(Tenderers are required to fill and update information concerning their financial situation
and performance in their profile to enable submission of the same during tender
Tender No. and Title:
All countries are eligible except countries subject to the following provisions.
(a) as a matter of law or official regulation, the Government of Tanzania prohibits commercial relations with that
country, provided that the Government of Tanzania is satisfied that such exclusion does not preclude
effective competition for the provision of goods or related services required; or
(b) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of
the Charter oft he United Nations, the Government of Tanzania prohibits any import of goods from that
country or any payments to persons or entities in that country.
Tender Number: S10/018/2024/2025/W/82
List of related files, including specifications, drawings, etc.
Attachment Download
S/N Description File Name
Type Link
1 CULVERT 900mm 92-99. PIPE CULVERTS.pdf Drawings Download
2 road work spec 200 Standard_specifications for Specifications Download
road works 2000.pdf
The Employer should include a suitably qualified Environmental and Social specialist/s.
The Employer should attach or refer to the Employer’s environmental and social, policies that will apply to the project. If
these are not available, the Employer should use the following guidance in drafting an appropriate policy for the Works.]
Suggested content for Environmental and Social Policy (Statement)
The Works’ policy goal, as a minimum, should be stated to integrate environmental protection, occupational and
community health and safety, gender, equality, child protection, vulnerable people (including those with disabilities), sexual
harassment, gender-based violence, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention and wide
stakeholder engagement in the planning processes, programs, and activities of the parties involved in the execution of the
Works. The policy should set the frame for monitoring, continuously improving processes and activities, and reporting on
compliance with the policy.
The policy shall include a statement that, for the purpose of the policy and/or code of conduct, the term “child” /
“children” means any person (s) under the age of 18 years.
The policy should, as far as possible, be brief but specific explicit, and measurable, to enable reporting of compliance with
the policy in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract.
As a minimum, the policy is set out to the commitments to:
1. apply good international industry practice to protect and conserve the natural environment and to minimize
unavoidable impacts;
2. provide and maintain a healthy and safe work environment and safe systems of work;
3. protect the health and safety of local communities and users, with particular concern for those who are disabled,
elderly, or otherwise vulnerable;
4. be intolerant of, and enforce disciplinary measures for illegal activities. To be intolerant of, and enforce disciplinary
measures for gender-based violence, inhumane treatment, sexual exploitation, rape, sexual abuse, sexual activity
with children, and sexual harassment;
5. incorporate a gender perspective and provide an enabling environment where women and men have equal
opportunity to participate in and benefit from, the planning and development of the Works;
6. work co-operatively, including with end users of the Works, relevant authorities, contractors, and local
7. engage with and listen to affected persons and organizations and be responsive to their concerns, with special
regard for vulnerable, disabled, and elderly people;
8. provide an environment that fosters the exchange of information, views, and ideas that is free of any fear of
retaliation, and protects whistleblowers;
9. minimize the risk of communicable diseases and to mitigate the effects of communicable diseases associated with the
execution of the Works;
The policy should besigned by the senior manager of the Employer. This is to signal the intent thatit will be applied
MinimumContent of ES requirements
In preparing detailed specifications for ES requirements, thespecialists should refer to and consider:
consent/permit conditions
relevant international conventions or treaties etc., national legal and/or regulatory requirements and standards (eg
NEMC and OSHA Guidelines)
relevant international standards e.g. TDFA Guidlines
grievance redress mechanism including types of grievances to be recorded and how to protect confidentiality e.g. of
those reporting allegations of SEA.
The detail specification for ES should, to the extent possible, describe the intended outcome rather than the method of
working. The ES requirements should be prepared in manner that does not conflict with the relevant General Conditions of
Contract and Particular Conditions of Contract.
Payment for ES Requirements
The Employer’s ES and procurement specialists should consider how the Contractor will cost the delivery of the ES
requirements. In the majority of cases, the payment for the delivery of ES requirements shall be a subsidiary obligation of
the Contractor covered under the prices quoted for other Bill of Quantity items or activities. For example, normally the cost
of implementing work place safe systems of work, including the measures necessary for ensuring traffic safety, shall be
covered by the Tenderer’s rates for the relevant works. Alternatively, provisional sums could be set aside for discrete
activities for example for HIV counselling service, and, and, GBV/SEA awareness and sensitization awareness and
sensitization or to encourage the contractor to deliver additional ES outcomes beyond the requirement of the Contract.
a Provide & construct service ducts using m 30.00
Ordinary pipes (mPVC 300 mm dia.)
Series 2300 Concrete Kerbing, Concrete Channelling,Open Concrete Chutes and Concrete Lining for Open
23.01 Concrete kerbing
a Trimming of excavations for concrete- lined m 456.00
open drains in soft material as defined in
Clause 3603
23.08 Concrete lining for open drains as shown on the drawings
a Cast in situ BRC mesh 4.5kg/m2 concrete m3 202.00
lining (class 20 for reinforced concrete
box/lined drains), rate inclussive of
Formwork to open drain
3100 Clearing, Grubbing And Removal Of Topsoil
31.01 Clearing, grubbing and removal of topsoil
a Clearing and grubbing m2 1,600.00
31.02 Removal and grubbing of large trees and tree stumps
a Girth exceeding 1.0 m up to including 2.0 m No 1.00
3600 Selecting and Utilizing Material From Borrow Pits and Cuttings
36.01 Excavations:
a Common excavation to spoil m3 2,900.00
36.02 Fill and improved subgrade layers
a Sand fill m3 750.00
b Improved subgrade layer as specified in the m3 2,160.00
Drawings to require minimum G3 to
150mm thickness quality material(Material
from Borrow Pits)
c Improved subgrade layer as specified in the m3 501.00
Drawings to require minimum G7 to
150mm thickness quality material(Material
from Borrow Pits)
d Improved subgrade layer as specified in the m3 501.00
Drawings to require minimum G15 to
150mm quality material (Material from
Borrow Pits)
e Improved subgrade layer buy dump m3 720.00
rocks,arrange and compact section
f Road Formation km 0.30
38.02 Chemical stabilisation, payment for full cocst of providing:-
b Suppling,dumping,spreading and m3 575.00
compacting subbase material C1 equivalent
to G60 compacted to 200mm thickness(G45
stabilized with cement including overhaul
39.01 Crushed aggregate for base course:
b Supply,lay,grade and Compact Crushed m3 459.00
aggregate class CRR with compacted
thickness of 150mm
4100 Prime and Curing Membrane
41.01 Prime Coat
a Provision of prime coat on base course by m2 2,790.00
MC 30 cut-back bitumen on carriageway
and shoulders at a rate of 1.0l/m2
4200 Asphalt Concrete Surfacing
42.02 Asphalt concrete Type AC20,5cm thick m3 130.00
5400 Road Signs
a Circular Regulatory diameter 600 mm No 2.00
b Rectangular Regulatory, height 800 mm x No 1.00
width 675 mm
c Rectangular Regulatory, height 600mm x No 1.00
width 300mm
d Triangular Regulatory and warning: side No. 1.00
length 600
5500 Road Markings
55.01 Road Markings Paint
a White lines (broken or unbroken) (width of m 330.00
line 100mm)
b Yellow lines (broken or unbroken) (width of m 660.00
line 100mm)
7100 Testing of Materials and Workmanship
71.01 Special tests requested by the Engineer:
a Exploratory excavation and laboratory PS 1.00 1000000 1,000,000.00
b Allow for Contractor’s overheads and %
profits as a percentage of Sub-item (a)
A. Total of Bills 4,500,000.00
B. Less Specified Provisional Sum 4,500,000.00
C. SUB TOTAL [(A) - (B)] 0.00
D. ADD Provisional Sum of Physical Contingency 0.00
E. SUB TOTAL [(C) + (D)] 0.00
F. ADD Provisional Sum of Variation of Prices 0.00
G. Sub Total [(E) + (F)] 0.00
H. ADD Value Added Tax (VAT) [18% of G] 0.00
I. Bid Price [(A) + (D) +(F) + (H)] Carried to the Form of Tender 4,500,000.00
These General Conditions of Contract (GCC), read in conjunction with the particular conditions of Contract (PCC) and
other documents listed therein, should be a complete document expressing fairly the rights and obligations of both parties.
These General Conditions of Contract have been developed on the basis of considerable international experience in the
drafting and management of contracts, bearing in mind a trend in the construction industry towards simpler, more straight
forward language.
The GCC can be used for both smaller admeasurement contracts and lump sum contracts.
1. Definition 1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings
hereby assigned to them:
a) The Adjudicator is the person appointed jointly by the
Employer and the Contractor from the institution specified in
the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC), to resolve
contractual disputes in the first instance, and as provided for
in GCC 31 and 32.
b) The Arbitrator is the person appointed by the appointing
Authority specified in the SCC to resolve contractual
disputes, and as provided for in GCC 32.
c) Bill of Quantities means the priced and completed Bill of
Quantities forming part of the Tender.
d) Compensation Events are those events provided for in GCC
e) Completion Date is the date of completion of the Works as
certified by the Project Manager, in accordance with GCC
f) Commencement Date is the date when the Contractor shall
commence execution of the Works as specified in the Notice
of Contract Commencement. The Commencement Date may
be revised by the Project Manager in consultation with the
employer by issuing an extension of time.
g) Contract means and agreement entered into between the
Employer and the Contractor to execute, complete, and
maintain the Works. It consists of the documents listed in
GCC 2.3.
h) Contractor is a person whether natural or legal whose Tender
to carry out the Works has been accepted by the Employer.
i) Contractor’s Tender is the completed tendering document
submitted by the Contractor to the Employer.
j) Contract Price is the price stated in the Letter of Acceptance
and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions
of the Contract.
k) Days are calendar days; Months are calendar months.
l) Day works are varied work inputs subject to payment on a time
basis for the Contractor’s employees and Equipment, in
addition to payments for associated Materials and Plant.
m) Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance
with the Contract.
n) The Performance Certificate is the document issued by
Project Manager upon correction of defects by the
o) The Defects Notification Period is the period calculated from
the Completion Date. The Defects Notification Period is as
indicated in the SCC.
p) Drawings means the drawings of the works, as included in
the contract and any additional or modifieddrawings issued
by (or on behalf of) the Employer in accordance with the
q) Effective Contract date is the date shown in the notice of
Contract Commencement issued by the Employer upon
fulfilment of the conditions precedent stipulated in Clause
3 of the GCC.
r) The Employer is the person named as employer in the SCC
and the legal successors in title to this person.
s) Equipment is the Contractor’s machinery and vehicles
brought to the Site to execute the Works.
t) “ES” means Environmental and Social (including Sexual
Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment
u) Force Majeure means an unforeseeable event which is
beyond reasonable control of either Party and which makes
a Party’s performance of its obligations under the Contract
impossible or so impractical as to be considered impossible
under the circumstances. For the purposes of this Contract,
“Force Majeure” means an event which is beyond the
reasonable control of a Party, is not foreseeable, is
unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack
of care on the part of a Party, and which makes a Party’s
performance of its obligations hereunder impossible or so
impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in
the circumstances; and includes, but is not limited to, war,
riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm,
flood, epidemics, or other adverse weather conditions,
strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except where
such strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are within
the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent),
v) Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is
intended that the Contractor shall complete the Works. The
Intended Completion Date is determined based on the
number of days specified in the SCC. The Intended
Completion Date may be revised only by the Project
Manager, in consultation with the employer, by issuing an
extension of time or an acceleration order.
w) Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by
the Contractor for execution of the Works.
x) Plant is any integral part of the Works that shall have a
mechanical, electrical, chemical, or biological function.
y) The Project Manager is the person (or any other
competent person appointed by the Employer and
notified to the Contractor, to act in replacement of the
Project Manager) who is responsible for supervising the
execution of the Works and administering the Contract.
Details of the project manager will be available in
the Contract Finalization Information Section in
the Contract Agreement.
z) “Sexual Exploitation and Abuse” “(SEA)” means the
aa) “Sexual Exploitation” is defined as any actual or attempted
abuse of position of vulnerability, differential power or
trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to,
profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual
exploitation of another.
bb) “Sexual Abuse” is defined as the actual or threatened
physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or
under unequal or coercive conditions.
cc) “Sexual Harassment” “(SH)” is defined as unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by the
Contractor’s Personnel with other Contractor’s or
Employer’s Personnel.
dd) The Site is the area where works are to be executed as
specified in the SCC.
ee) Site Investigation Reports are factual and
interpretative reports about the surface and subsurface
conditions at the Site that were included in the Tendering
documents as indicated in the GCC 18.1 .
ff) Specification means the Specification of the Works included
in the Contract and any modification or addition made or
approved by the Project Manager.
gg) The Start Date is given in the SCC. It is the latest date
when the Contractor shall commence execution of the
Works. It does not necessarily coincide with any of the Site
Possession Dates.
hh) A Subcontractor is a person whether natural or legal who
has a Contract with the Contractor to carry out a part of the
work in the Contract, which includes work on the Site.
ii) Temporary Works are works designed, constructed,
installed, and removed by the Contractor that are needed
for construction or installation of the Works.
jj) A Variation is an instruction given by the Project Manager in
consultation with the Employer, that variesthe Works.
kk) The Works are what the Contract requires the Contractor to
construct, install, and turn over to the Employer, as defined
in the SCC.
ll) "Base Date” means the date 28 days prior to the latest date
for submission of the Tender.
2. Interpretation 2.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract headings and
marginal notes are used for convenience only and shall not
affect their interpretations unless specifically stated;
references to singular include the plural and vice versa; and
masculine include the feminine. Words have their ordinary
meaning under the language of the Contract unless
specifically defined.
2.2 If sectional completion is specified in the SCC, references
in the Conditions of Contract to the Works, the Completion
Date, and the Intended Completion Date apply to any
Section of the Works (other than references to the
Completion Date and Intended Completion Date forthe
whole of the Works).
2.3 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpretedin the
following order of priority:
a) Form of Agreement,
b) Letter of Acceptance
c) Special Conditions of Contract,
d) General Conditions of Contract,
e) Specifications,
f) Drawings,
g) Bill of Quantities,
h) Completed Schedule (including Price Schedule)
i) Any other document listed in the SCC as forming part of
the Contract.[ This should be shown as Appendices:
From Appendix 1 - Appendix nth]
3. ConditionsPrecedent to 3.1 Having signed the Contract, it shall come into effect on the
contract effectiveness Contractor fulfilling the conditions precedent specified in
the SCC.
3.2 If the Condition(s) precedent stipulated on GCC 3.1 is/are not
met by the date specified in the SCC this contract shall not
come into effect.
3.3 If the Employer is satisfied that each of the conditions
precedent in this contract has been satisfied (except to the
extent waived by him, but subject to such conditions as he shall
impose in respect of such waiver) he shall promptly issue to the
Contractor a certificate of Contract commencement, which shall
confirm the start date.
4. Language andLaw 4.1 The language of the Contract and the law governing the
Contract are stated in the SCC.
5. Confidentiality 5.1 The Contractor, their Subcontractors, and the Personnel of either
of them shall not disclose any proprietary or confidential
information relating to the Project, the Services, this Contract, or
the Employer’s business or operations without the prior written
consent of the Employer.
6. Project Manager’s Role 6.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Project Manager
will supervise execution of the contract between the Employer
and the Contractor. The Project Manager shall have no
authority to amend the contract.
7. Delegation 7.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Project Manager
may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities to other
people, except to the Adjudicator, after notifying the
Contractor, and may revoke any delegation after notifying the
8. Communications 8.1 Communications between the Parties to the Contract shall be
effective only when in writing whether in hard or electronic
form that provides record of the content of the
communication. A notice shall be effective only when it is
delivered at the address specified in the SCC. Contractor's
address details shall be available in the section of Contract
Finalization Information during contract preparation stage
after award of contract.
9. Subcontracting 9.1 The Contractor may subcontract with the approval of the
Project Manager, subject to consultation with the Employer.
Subcontracting shall not alter the Contractor’s obligations.
10. Assignment 10.1 The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, pledge or make other
disposition of this Contract or any part thereof, or any of the
Contractor's rights, claims or obligations under this Contract
except with the prior written consent of the Employer.
11. Liability of JointVenture 11.1 If the Contractor constitutes a JVCA, consortium or other
unincorporated grouping of two or more persons:
a) These persons shall be jointly and severally liable to the
Employer for the performance of the Contract;
b) These persons shall notify the Employer of their leader who
shall have the authority to bind the Contractor and each of these
persons; and
c)The Contractor shall not alter its composition or legal status
without the prior consent of the Employer.
12. Other Contractors 12.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other
contractors, public authorities, utilities, and the Employer
between the dates given in the Schedule of Other Contractors, as
referred to in the SCC. The Contractor shall also provide
facilities and services for them as described in the Schedule.
The Employer may modify the Schedule of Other Contractors,
and shall notify theContractor of any such modification
13. Personnel 13.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel named in the
Schedule of Key Personnel, as referred to in the SCC, to carry
out the functions stated in the Schedule or other personnel
approved by the Project Manager. The Project Manager, in
consultation with the Employer, will approve any proposed
replacement of key personnel only if their relevant
qualifications and abilities are substantially equal to or better
than those of the personnel listed in the Schedule.
13.2 If the Project Manager asks the Contractor to remove a person
who is a member of the Contractor’s staff or work force, stating
the reasons for, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves
the Site within seven days and has no further connection with
the work in the Contract.
14. Employer’s and 14.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are
Contractor’s Risks Employer’s risks, and the Contractor carries the risks which this
Contract states are Contractor’s risks.
15. Employer’sRisks 15.1 From the Start Date until the Performance Certificatehas been
issued, the following are Employer’s risks:
which the Contractor should have provided and recover the
premiums the Employer has paid from payments otherwise due
to the Contractor or, if no payment is due, the payment of the
premiums shall be a debt due.
17.4 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without
the approval of the Project Manager.
17.5 Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the
insurance policies.
18. Site Investigation Reports 18.1 The Contractor shall, in executing the contract, rely on Site
Investigation Reports referred to in the SCC and any
supplemented information available to the Contractor.
19. Queries about 19.1 The Project Manager will clarify queries on all contractual
Implementation ofContract matters.
20. Contractor to execute the 20.1 The Contractor shall execute and install the Works in
Works accordance with the specifications and drawings.
21. Commencement and 21.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the
Completion of theWorks Start Date and shall carry out the Works in accordance with the
Works Program submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the
approval of the Project Manager, and complete them by the
Intended Completion Date.
22. Approval by theProject 22.1 The Contractor shall submit Specifications and Drawings
Manager showing the proposed Temporary Works to the Project Manager,
who is to approve them if they comply with the Specifications
and Drawings.
22.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for design of Temporary
22.3 The Project Manager’s approval shall not alter the Contractor’s
responsibility for design of the Temporary Works.
22.4 The Contractor shall obtain approval of third parties to the
design of the Temporary Works, where required.
22.5 All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the
temporary or permanent Works, are subject to prior approval by
the Project Manager before their use.
23. Protection ofthe 23.1 The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the
Environment environment and to limit damage and nuisance to people and
property resulting from pollution, noise and other results of his
The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to:
(a) protect the environment (both on and off the Site); and
b) limit damage and nuisance to people and property
resulting from pollution, noise and other results of the
Contractor’s operations and/ or activities.
23.3 The Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges,
effluent and any other pollutants from the Contractor’s activities
shall exceed neither the values indicated in the Specification, nor
those prescribed by applicable laws.
23.4 In the event of damage to the environment, property and/or
nuisance to people, on or off Site as a result of the Contractor’s
operations, the Contractor shall agree with the Project Manager
the appropriate actions and time scale to remedy, as practicable,
the damaged environment to itsformer condition. The Contractor
shall implement such remedies at its cost to the satisfaction of
the Project Manager
24. Labour Laws 24.1 The Contractor shall comply with all the relevant labour laws
applicable in the Country, including laws relating to workers
employment, working hours, health, safety, welfare,
immigration and shall allow them all their legal rights.
24.2 The Contractor shall require his employees to obey all
applicable laws, including those concerning safety at work.
25. Taxes andDuties 25.1 The Contractor, Sub-contractors and Personnel shall pay such
taxes, duties, fees and other impositions as may be levied under
the Laws of Tanzania unless otherwise stated in the SCC.
26. Health andSafety 26.1 The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions
to maintain the health and safety of his personnel and the public
as per the governing occupational, health and safety laws.
26.2 The Contractor shall ensure that first aid facilities are available
at all times at the site and that suitable arrangements are made
for all necessary welfare and hygiene requirements and for the
prevention of epidemics.
26.3 The Contractor shall notify the Employer details of any accident
as soon as practicable after its occurrence. The Contractor shall
maintain records and make reports concerning health, safety,
and welfare of persons, and damage to the property, as the
Employer may reasonably require.
26.4 The Contractor shall conduct an HIV-AIDS awareness program
and any other pandemic, and shall take other such measures as
specified in the SCC to reduce the risk of transfer of HIV
between and among Contractor personnel, the Employers Staff
and the surrounding community.
27. Archaeological and 27.1
All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures, groups
Geological Findings
of structures, and other remains or items of geological,
archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural or
religious interest found on the Site shall be placed under the care
and custody of the Employer. The Contractor shall:
(a) take all reasonable precautions, including fencing- off the
area or site of the finding, to avoid further disturbance
and prevent Contractor’s Personnel or other persons
from removing or damaging any of these findings;
(b) train relevant Contractor’s Personnel on appropriate
actions to be taken in the event of such findings;and
c) implement any other action consistent with the
requirements of the Specification and relevant laws.
27.2 The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after discovery of
any such finding, notify the Project Manager of such discoveries
and carry out the Project Manager’s instructions for dealing with
28. Possession of the Site 28.1 The Employer shall give possession of all parts of the Site to the
Contractor. If possession of a part is not given by the date stated
in the SCC, the Employer will be deemed to have delayed the
start of the relevant activities, and this may be a Compensation
29. Access to theSite 29.1 The Contractor shall allow the Project Manager and any person
authorized by the Project Manager access to the Site and to any
place where work in connection with the Contract is being
carried out or is intended to be carried out.
30. Instructions,Inspections 30.1 The Contractor shall comply with instructions given by the
andAudits Project Manager in writing on any matter related to the contract
which comply with the applicable laws where the Site is located.
30.2 The Contractor shall keep, and shall make all reasonable efforts
to cause its Sub-contractors and sub-consultants to keep,
accurate and systematic accounts and records in respect of the
Works in such form and details as will clearly identify relevant
time changes and costs
30.3 The Contractor shall permit the Government of Tanzania to
inspect the Contractor’s accounts and records relating to the
performance of the Contractor and to have them audited by
auditors appointed by the Government of the United Republic of
Tanzania, if so required by the Government of the United
Republic of Tanzania
31. DisputesResolution 31.1 In the event of any dispute arising out of this contract, either
party shall issue a notice to settle the dispute amicably. The
parties hereto shall, within twenty eight (28) days from the
notice date, use their best efforts to settle the dispute amicably
through mutual consultations and negotiation.
31.2 Any unsolved dispute may be referred by either party to an
adjudicator named in the SCC within the time specified in the
32. Procedure fordisputes 32.1 After the dispute has been referred to the adjudicator, within 30
days, or within such other period as may be proposed by the
Parties, the Adjudicator shall give its decision. The rendered
decision shall be binding to the Parties.
32.2 If either Party is dissatisfied with the Adjudicator’s decision
may, within days specified in the SCC refer the dispute for
arbitration. If no party has referred the matter for arbitration
within the above specified period, the decision of the
Adjudicator shall become final and binding to the Parties.
32.3 The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the
arbitration procedure published by the institution named and in
the place specified in the SCC.
33. Fees and Costsof 33.1 The Adjudicator’s fee and administrative costs of adjudication
Adjudicator shall be borne equally by the Parties. The rates and costs shall be
in accordance with the rules of the Appointing Authority. In
conducting adjudication to its finality each party shall bear its
incurred costs and expenses.
34. Replacement of 34.1 Should the Adjudicator resign or die, or should the Employerand
Adjudicator the Contractor agree that the Adjudicator is not functioning in
accordance with the provisions of the Contract; a new
Adjudicator will be appointed by the Appointing Authority.
35. Security of theSite 35.1 Unless otherwise stated in the SCC, the Contractor shall be
responsible for keeping unauthorized persons off the site, and
authorized persons shall be limited to the Contractor’s and
Employer’s personnel, and to any other personnel and other
Contractor notified to the Contractor by the Project Manager or
36. Programme 36.1 Within the time stated in the SCC, the Contractor shall submit to
the Project Manager for approval a Work Programme showing
the method(s), arrangements, order, and timing for all the
activities of the Works.
36.2 The Contractor shall monitor progress of the Works and submit to
the Project manager progress report and any updated Program
showing the actual progress achieved and the effect of the
progress achieved on the timing of the remaining Works,
including any changes to the sequence of the activities, at
intervals no longer than the period stated in the SCC. If the
Contractor does not submit an updated Program within this
period, the Project Manager may withhold the amount stated in
the SCC from the next payment certificate and continue to
withhold this amount until the next payment after the date on
which the overdue Program has been submitted.
36.3 An update of the Works Program shall be a program showing the
actual progress achieved on each activity and the effect of the
progress achieved on the timing of the remaining work, including
any changes to the sequence of the activities.
36.4 The Project Manager’s approval of the Programme shall not alter
the Contractor’s obligations. The Contractor may revise the
Programme and submit it to the Project Manager again at any
time. A revised Programme shall show the effect of Variations
and Compensation Events.
36.5 Unless otherwise stated in the SCC, each progress report shall
include the Environmental and Social (ES) metrics set out in
Appendix A
36.6 Unless otherwise stated in the SCC, in addition to the progress
report, the Contractor shall inform the Project Manager
immediately of any allegation, incident or accident in the Site,
which has or is likely to have a significant adverse effect on the
environment, the affected communities, the public, Employer’s
Personnel, or Contractor’s Personnel. This includes, but is not
limited to, any incident or accident causing fatality or serious
injury; significant adverse effects or damage to private property; or
any allegation of SEA and/or SH. In case of SEA and/or SH, while
maintaining confidentiality as appropriate, the type of allegation
(sexual exploitation, sexual abuse or sexual harassment), gender
and age of the person who experienced the alleged incident should
be included in the information.
The Contractor, upon becoming aware of the allegation, incident
or accident, shall also immediately inform the Project Manager of
any such incident or accident on the Subcontractors’ or suppliers’
premises relating to the Works which has or is likely to have a
significant adverse effect on the environment, the affected
communities, the public, Employer’s Personnel, or Contractor’s,
its Subcontractors’ and Suppliers’ personnel. The notification
shall provide sufficient detail regarding such incidents or
accidents. The Contractor shall provide full details of such
incidents oraccidents to the Project Manager within the timeframe
agreed with the Project Manager.
The Contractor shall require its Subcontractors and Suppliers
(other than Subcontractors) to immediately notify the Contractor
of any incidents or accidents referred to in this Sub clause.
37. Extension ofthe Intended 37.1 The Project Manager, in Consultation with the Employer, may
Completion Date extend the Intended Completion Date if a Compensation Event
occurs or a Variation is issued which makes it impossible for
Completion to be achieved by the Intended Completion Date
without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate the remaining
work, which would cause the Contractor to incur additional cost.
37.2 The Project Manager, in Consultation with the Employer, shall,
within twenty one (21) days of receipt of application for
extension of the Intended Completion Date by the Contractor,
decide whether or not to grant the extension. The application by
the Contractor shall be granted only when supported by full
information of a compensation event(s) or variation.
37.3 In the event the Contractor has not issued an early warning notice
of a delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a delay, such
a delay or failure may be a ground for not granting the extension
of the Intended Completion Date.
38. Acceleration 38.1 When the Employer wants the Contractor to finish the works
before the Intended Completion Date, the Project Manager will
obtain priced proposals for achieving the necessary acceleration
from the Contractor. If the Employer accepts the said proposals,
the Intended Completion Date will be adjusted accordingly and
confirmed by both the Employer and the Contractor.
38.2 In the event that the Contractor’s priced proposals for an
acceleration of the Works are accepted by the Employer, they
shall be incorporated in the Contract Price and treated as a
39. Delays Orderedby the 39.1 The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to delay the
Project Manager start or progress of any activity within the Works.
39.2 During such suspension, the Contractor shall protect, store and
secure such part or the Works against any deterioration, loss or
39.3 The Project Manager may also notify the cause for the
40. ManagementMeetings 40.1 Either the Project Manager or the Contractor may require
the other to attend a management meeting. The business of a
management meeting shall be to review the plans for
remaining work and to deal with matters raised in
accordance with the early warning procedure.
40.2 The Project Manager shall record the business of management
meetings and provide copies of the record to those attending the
meeting and to the Employer. The responsibility of the parties for
actions to be taken shall be decided by the Project Manager either
at the management meeting or after the management meeting and
stated in writing to all who attended the meeting.
41. Early WarningNotice 41.1 The Contractor shall warn the Project Manager at the earliest
opportunity of specific likely future event(s) or circumstance(s)
that may adversely affect the quality of the Works, increase the
Contract Price or delay the execution ofthe Works. Upon receipt
of the said Notice, the Project Manager may require the
Contractor to provide an estimate of the expected effect of the
future event(s) or circumstance(s) on the Contract Price and
Completion Date. The estimate shall be provided by the
Contractor as soon asreasonably possible.
41.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Project Manager in
making and considering proposals for how the effect of such an
event(s) or circumstance(s) can be avoided or reduced by anyone
involved in the Works and in carrying out any resulting
Instruction of the Project Manager.
42. Identifying 42.1 The Project Manager shall check the Contractor’s work and notify the
Defects Contractor of any Defects that are found. Such checking shall not affect the
Contractor’s responsibilities.
42.2 The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and
to uncover and test any work that the Project Manager considers may have a
43. Tests 43.1 The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to carry out a test not
specified in the Specification to check whether any work has a Defect and in
the event the test shows that it does, the Contractor shall pay for the test and
any samples thereof. If there is no Defect, the test shall be a Compensation
44. Correction of 44.1 The Project Manager shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects
Defects before the end of the Defects Notification Period stated in the SCC, which
begins from the Completion date.
44.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the
notified Defects within the period of time specified in the Project Manager’s
45. Extension of 45.1 The Defects Notification Period may be extended by the Project Manager
Defect for as long as defects remain to be corrected.
46. Uncorrected 46.1 In the event the Contractor has not corrected a Defect(s) within the time
Defects specified in the Project Manager’s notice, theProject Manager will assess the
cost of having the Defect corrected, including any other related cost(s) and
the Contractor will pay the said cost.
47. Bill of Quantities 47.1 The Bill of Quantities shall contain priced items for the
construction, installation, testing, and commissioning of the
work to be performed by the Contractor.
47.2 The Bill of Quantities is used to calculate the Contract Price.
The Contractor shall be paid for the quantity of the work done
at the rate in the Bill of Quantities for each item.
48. Changes in the 48.1 If the final quantity of the work done differs from the quantity
Quantities in the Bill of Quantities for the particular item by more than
25 percent, provided the change exceeds 1 percent of the
Initial Contract Price, the Project Manager shall adjust the
rate to allow for the change.
48.2 The Project Manager shall not adjust rates from changes in
quantities if thereby the Initial Contract Price is exceeded by
more than 15 percent, except with the prior approval of the
48.3 If requested by the Project Manager, the Contractor shall
provide the Project Manager with a detailed cost breakdown
of any rate in the Bill of Quantities.
49. Variations 49.1 All Variations shall be included in updated Work Programmes
produced by the Contractor.
50. Payments for Variations 50.1 The Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with a
quotation for carrying out the Variation when requested to do
so by the Project Manager. The Project Manager shall assess
the quotation, which shall be given within seven days of the
request or within any longer period stated by the Project
Manager and before the Variation is ordered.
50.2 If the work in the Variation corresponds with an item
description in the Bill of Quantities and if, in the opinion of
the Project Manager, the quantity of work is above the limit
stated in Sub-Clause 48.1 or the timing of its execution do not
cause the cost per unit of quantity to change, the rate in the
Bill of Quantities shall be used to calculate the value of the
Variation. If the cost per unit of quantity changes, or if the
nature or timing of the work in the Variation does not
correspond with items in the Bill of Quantities, the quotation
by the Contractor shall be in the form of new rates for the
relevant items of work.
50.3 If the Contractor’s quotation is unreasonable, the Project
Manager may order the Variation and make a change to the
Contract Price, which shall be based on the Project Manager’s
own forecast of the effects of the Variation on the
Contractor’s costs.
50.4 If the Project Manager decides that the urgency of varying the
work would prevent a quotation being given and considered
without delaying the work, no quotation shall be given and
the Variation shall be treated as a Compensation Event.
50.5 The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional payment for
costs that could have been avoided by giving early warning
51. Cash Flow Forecasts 51.1 When the Works Programme is updated, the Contractor shall
provide the Project Manager with an updated cash flow
forecast. The cash flow forecast may include different
currencies, as defined in the Contract, converted as necessary
using the Contract exchange rates.
52. Payment Certificates 52.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager monthly
statements of the estimated value of the work executed less
the cumulative amount certified previously.
52.2 The Project Manager shall check the Contractor’s monthly
statement and certify the amount to be paid to the Contractor
within twenty eight (28) days of receipt of the certificate from
the contractor.
52.3 The value of work executed shall be determined by the
Project Manager.
52.4 The value of work executed shall comprise the value of the
quantities of the items in the Bill of Quantities that have been
52.5 The value of work executed shall include the valuation of
Variations and Compensation Events.
52.6 The Project Manager may exclude any item certified in a
previous certificate or reduce the proportion of any item
previously certified in any certificate in the light of later
52.7 The Project Manager shall not be bound to certify any
payment, if the net amount, after all retentions and deductions
would be less than minimum amount of Interim Payment
Certificate stated in the SCC.
53. Payments 53.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance
payments and retention. The Employer shall pay the
Contractor the amounts certified by the Project Manager
within 28 days of the date of each certificate. If the Employer
makes a late payment, the Contractor shall be paid interest on
the late payment in the next payment. Interest shall be
calculated from the date by which the payment should have
been made up to the date when the late payment is made at
the prevailing rate of interest issued by the Bank of Tanzania
on the date of Contract signature for each of the currencies in
which payments are made.
53.2 If an amount certified is increased in a later certificate or as a
result of an award by the Adjudicator or an Arbitrator, the
Contractor shall be paid interest upon the delayed payment as
set out in this clause. Interest shall be calculated from the date
upon which the increased amount would have been certified
in the absence of dispute.
53.3 Unless otherwise stated, all payments and deductions will be
paid or charged in the proportions of currencies comprising
the Contract Price.
53.4 Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been
entered in will not be paid for by the Employer and shall be
deemed covered by other rates and prices in the Contract.
54. Currencies 54.1 The currency of payment shall be stated in SCC.
54.2 Where payments are to be made in currencies other than the
Tanzania Shillings, the exchange rates to be used for
calculating such amounts shall be the Bank of Tanzania
exchange rate prevailing on the date of contract signature.
55. Compensation Events 55.1 The following shall be Compensation Events:
(a) The Employer does not give access to a part of the Site by
the Site Possession Date as per GCC 28.1.
(b) The Employer modifies the Schedule of Other
Contractors in a way that affects the work of the
Contractor under the Contract.
(c) The Project Manager orders a delay or does not issue
Drawings, Specifications, or instructions required for
execution of the Works on time.
(d) The Project Manager instructs the Contractor to uncover
or to carry out additional tests upon work, which is then
found to have no Defects.
(e) The Project Manager unreasonably does not approve a
subcontract to be let.
(f) Ground conditions are substantially more adverse than
could reasonably have been assumed before issuance of
the Letter of Acceptance from the information issued to
tenderers (including the Site Investigation Reports),
from information available publicly and from a visual
inspection of the Site.
57.3 The adjustment to be applied to the amount otherwise payable
to the Contractor, as valued in accordance with the appropriate
Schedule and certified in Payment Certificates, shall be
determined from formulae for each of the currencies in which
the Contract Price is payable. No adjustment is to be applied
to work valued on the basis of Cost or current prices. The
formulae shall be of the following general type:
Pn = a + bLn/Lo + cEn/Eo+ dMn/Mo +……
57.6 The base cost indices or prices shall be those prevailing on
the day 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of
tenders. Current indices or prices shall be those prevailing on
the day 28 days prior to the last day of the period to which a
particular Interim Payment Certificate is related. If at any
time the current indices are not available, provisional indices
as determined by the Project Manager will be used, subject to
subsequent correction of the amounts paid to the Contractor
when the current indices become available.
57.7 If the Contractor fails to complete the Works within the time
for completion prescribed under GCC 21.1 adjustment of
prices thereafter until the date of completion of the Works
shall be made using either the indices or prices relating to the
prescribed time for completion, or the current indices or
prices, whichever is more favorable to the Employer,
provided that if an extension of time is granted pursuant to
GCC 37.1 the above provision shall apply only to
adjustments made after the expiry of such extension of time.
57.8 The weightings for each of the factors of cost given in the
Appendix to Tender shall be adjusted if, in the opinion of
the Engineer, they have been rendered unreasonable,
unbalanced, or inapplicable as a result of varied or additional
work already executed or instructed under GCC 49 or for any
other reason.
58. Retention 58.1 The Employer shall retain from each payment due to the
Contractor the proportion stated in the SCC. The total amount
of retention shall not exceed the amount specified in the SCC.
58.2 On completion of the whole of the Works, half the total
amount retained shall be repaid to the Contractor and the
other half when the Defects Notification Period has passed
and the Project Manager has certified that all Defects notified
by the Project Manager to the Contractor before the end of
this period have been corrected.
58.3 On completion of the whole Works, the Contractor may
substitute retention money with an “on demand” or
unconditional Bank guarantee in the format provided in
Section X: Contract Forms
59. Liquidated Damages 59.1 The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Employer
at the rate per day stated in the SCC for each day that the
Completion Date is later than the Intended Completion Date.
The total amount of liquidated damages shall not exceed the
maximum amount of performance security specified in the
SCC. The Employer may deduct liquidated damages from
payments due to the Contractor. Payment of liquidated
damages shall not affect the Contractor’s liabilities.
59.2 If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated
damages have been paid, the Project Manager shall correct
any overpayment of liquidated damages by the Contractor by
adjusting the next payment certificate. The Contractor shall
be paid interest on the overpayment, calculated from the date
of payment to the date of repayment, at the rates specified in
GCC 53.1
59.3 Where the Project Manager, after assessment of work
progress, upon satisfaction that the Contractor will not
complete the works within the contract period, may issue a
notice to the Contractor requiring the payment of liquidated
damages pursuant to GCC 59.1
60. Bonus for early 60.1 The Contractor may be paid a Bonus calculated at the rate per
completion calendar day stated in the SCC for each day (less any days for
which the Contractor is paid for acceleration) that the
Completion is earlier than the Intended Completion Date. The
Project Manager shall certify that the Works are complete,
although they may not be due to be complete.
61. Advance Payment 61.1 The Employer shall make advance payment to the Contractor
of the amounts stated in the SCC by the date stated in the
SCC, against provision by the Contractor of an Unconditional
Bank Guarantee in a form and by a bank acceptable to the
Employer in amounts and currencies equal to the advance
payment. The Guarantee shall remain effective until the
advance payment has been repaid, but the amount of the
Guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amounts
repaid by the Contractor. Interest will not be charged on the
advance payment.
61.2 The Contractor is to use the advance payment only to pay for
Equipment, Plant, Materials, and mobilization expenses
required specifically for execution of the Contract. The
Contractor shall demonstrate that advance payment has been
used in this way by supplying copies of invoices or other
documents to the Project Manager.
61.3 The advance payment shall be repaid by deducting
proportionate amounts from payments otherwise due to the
Contractor, following the schedule of completed percentages
of the Works on a payment basis. No account shall be taken
of the advance payment or its repayment in assessing
valuations of work done, Variations, price adjustments,
Compensation Events, Bonuses, or Liquidated Damages.
61.4 Advance payment shall be recovered in full when eighty (80)
percent of the Contract Price has been certified for payment.
62. Performance Securities 62.1 The Performance Security and Environmental and Social (ES)
Performance Security or Performance Securing Declaration as
stated in the SCC shall be provided to the Employer no later
than the date specified in the Letter of Acceptance..
62.2 In the case of Performance Security and an Environmental
and Social (ES) Performance Security, they shall be issued in
an amount specified in the SCC.
62.3 The Performance Security shall be issued by a bank or surety
acceptable to the Employer, and denominated in the types and
proportions of the currencies in which the Contract Price is
payable. The ES Performance Security shall be issued by a
bank acceptable to the Employer and denominated in the
types and proportions of the currencies in which the Contract
Price is payable.
62.4 The Performance Security and, if applicable, the ES
Performance Security, shall be valid until a date 28 days from
the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion in the case
of a Bank Guarantee, and until one year from the date of issue
of the Certificate of Completion in the case of a Performance
62.5 Where circumstances necessitate the amendment of the
contract after signature, and such amendment is effected, the
Employer shall require the Contractor to provide additional
Performance Security to cover for any cumulative increase of
more than ten percent for the Unconditional Bank Guarantee
or 15% for Surety Bond of the Initial Contract Price.
62.6 In the case of Performance Securing Declaration, it shall
remain in force until the completion of the works, and in the
event the Contractor failing to execute the Contract, the
Employer, following the termination of the contract, shall
initiate the blacklisting process with the Public Procurement
Regulatory Authority.
63. Day works 63.1 If applicable, the Dayworks rates in the Contractor’s Tender
shall be used for small additional amounts of work only when
the Project Manager has given written instructions in advance
for additional work to be paid for in that way.
63.2 All work to be paid for as Dayworks shall be recorded by the
Contractor on forms approved by the Project Manager. Each
completed form shall be verified and signed by the Project
Manager within two days of the work being done.
63.3 The Contractor shall be paid for Dayworks subject to
obtaining signed Dayworks forms.
64. Cost of Repairs 64.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated
in the Works between the Start Date and the end of the
Defects Notification periods shall be remedied by the
Contractor at the Contractor’s cost if the loss or damage arises
from the Contractor’s acts or omissions.
65. Taking Over 65.1 The Contractor shall request the Project Manager to issue a Taking Over
Certificate Certificate of the Works, and the Project Manager will so issue upon
satisfaction that the work is completed.
66. Site Hand Over 66.1 When the Taking Over Certificate is issued by the Project Manager, the
Contractor shall handover the site and the works to the Employer within time
specified in the SCC
67. Final Account 67.1 Before the expiry of the Defect Notification Period, the Contractor shall
supply the Project Manager with a detailed account of the total amount that
the Contractor considers payable under the Contract. The Project Manager
shall, within fifty-six (56) days, verify the account and, upon satisfaction,
certify any final payment due to the Contractor and thereafter issue a
Performance Certificate.
67.2 In the event the Project Manager is not satisfied with the Account submitted
by the Contractor pursuant to sub- Clause 67.1, shall within 56 days issue a
schedule of correction. If the final account remains unsatisfactory after it has
been re-submitted, the Project Manager shall, upon consultation with the
Employer, decide on the amount payable to the Contractor and issue a
payment certificate.
68. Operating and 68.1 The Contractor shall supply to the Employer the “as built" Drawings and/or
Maintenance operating and maintenance manuals and any other related documents by the
Manuals handover period stipulated in the SCC pursuant to GCC 66.
68.2 If the Contractor does not supply the Drawings and/or manuals stated in GCC
68.1 by the dates specified pursuant to clause 66 of the GCC, or they do not
receive the Project Manager’s approval, the Project Manager shall withhold
the amount stated in the SCC from payments due to the Contractor.
69. Termination 69.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party
causes a fundamental breach of the Contract.
69.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to,
the following:
(a) the Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of work is shown
on the current Works Programme and the stoppage has not been authorized
by the Project Manager;
(b) the Project Manager instructs the Contractor in writing to delay the Works
progress and the instruction is not withdrawn in writing within 28 days
(c) the Employer or the Contractor is declared bankrupt or goes into
liquidation other than for a reconstruction or amalgamation;
d) a payment certified by the Project Manager is not paid by the Employer to
the Contractor after 84 days from the date of the Project Manager’s
e) Failure of the Contractor to correct the defect after lapse of time specified
in the notice to correct defects issued by the Project Manager.;
f) where the Contractor fails to maintain the required Performance Security
pursuant to GCC 62.2;
g) the Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by the number of
days for which the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid, as
defined in the SCC.
h) if the Employer determines, based on the reasonable evidence, that the
Contractor has engaged in corrupt, coercive, collusive, obstructive or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract.
For the purpose of this paragraph:
“corrupt practice means the offering, giving receiving or soliciting of
anything of value to influence the action of a public officer in the
procurement process or contract execution;
“coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or
harm directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party for the
purpose of influencing improperly the action or that party in connection with
public procurement or in furtherance of corrupt practice or fraudulent
"collusive practice” means an arrangement between two or more parties
designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly
the action of another party;
“fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to
influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the
detriment of the Employer and includes collusive practices among tenderers,
prior to or after submission designed to establish tender prices at artificial
non-competitive levels and to deprive the employer of the benefits of free and
open competition;
“obstructive practice” means acts intended to materially impede access to
required information in exercising a duty under this Contract;
69.3 When either party to the Contract gives notice of a Fundamental breach of
Contract to the other Party for a cause other than those listed under Sub-
Clause 69.2 above, the Project Manager shall decide whether the said breach
is fundamental or not.
69.4 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for
69.5 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately,
make the Site safe and secure, and leave the Site as soon as reasonably
70. Payment upon 70.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by
Termination the Contractor, the Project Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of
the work done and Materials ordered less advance payments received up to
the date of the issue of the certificate and less the percentage to apply to the
value of the work not completed as specified in the SCC. Additional
Liquidated Damages shall not apply. If the total amount due to the Employer
exceeds any payment due to the Contractor, the difference shall be a debt
payable to the Employer.
70.2 If the Contract is terminated for the Employer’s convenience or because of a
fundamental breach of Contract by the Employer, the Project Manager shall
issue a certificate for the value of the work done, Materials ordered, the
reasonable cost of removal of Equipment, repatriation of the Contractor’s
personnel employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor’s costs of
protecting and securing the Works, and less advance payments received up to
the date of the certificate.
71. Property 71.1 All Materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works, and Works
shall be deemed to be the property of the Employer if the contract is
terminated for fundamental breach by the Contractor,
72. Suspension of 72.1 In the event that the source of financing is suspended to the Employer, from
Financing which part of the payments to the Contractor are being made:
(a) The Employer shall notify the Contractor of such suspension within seven
(7) days of having received the financing agency’s suspension notice.
(b) After the Notice has been issued and within fourteen (14) days, the Parties
shall mutually agree on the future events of the Contract.
73. Force Majeure 73.1 Neither Party shall have any liability or be deemed to be in breach of the
Contract for any delay or other failure in performance of its obligations under
the Contract, if such delay or failure is a result of an event of Force Majeure.
73.2 If a Party (hereinafter referred to as “the Affected Party”) is or will be
prevented from performing its substantial obligation under the contract by
Force Majeure, it shall give a Notice to the other Party giving full particulars
of the event and circumstance of Force Majeure and the reasons for the event
of Force Majeure preventing the Affected Party from, or delay the Affected
Party from performing its obligations under the Contract. The Notice shall be
given within fourteen (14) days after the Affected Party becomes aware, or
should have become aware, of the relevant event or circumstances
constituting Force Majeure;
73.3 The Affected Party shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of the
event of Force Majeure and shall endeavour to minimize any delay in the
performance of the contract as a result of Force Majeure;
73.4 The Affected Party shall give Notice to the other Party when it ceases to be
affected by the Force Majeure; and
73.5 Upon completion of the event of Force Majeure and issuance Notice pursuant
to GCC 73.2 the Affected Party must, as soon as reasonably practicable
recommence the performance of its obligations under the contract. Where the
Affected Party is the Contractor, the Contractor must provide a revised Work
Program rescheduling the Works to minimize the effect of the prevention or
delay caused by the event of Force Majeure.
74. Release from 74.1 In the event the Affected Party have used all reasonable efforts to mitigate the
Performance effect of the event of force Majeure and minimize any delay in the
performance of the contract as result of force Majeure, but the effect of force
Majeure still subsist, the Project Manager upon written consent of the
Employer shall certify that the Contract has been frustrated.
Upon certification by the Project Manager pursuant to GCC74.1, the
Contractor shall make the site safe and stop work as quickly as possible after
receiving the certificate and shall be paid for all Works carried out.
- list areas with landowner agreements required (borrow and spoil areas, camp sites),
dates of agreements, dates submitted to resident engineer (or equivalent);
- identify major activities undertaken in each area in the reporting period and highlights
of environmental and social protection (land clearing, boundary marking, topsoil
salvage, traffic management, decommissioning planning, decommissioning
g) Health services: provider of health services, information and/or training, location of clinic, number
of non-safety disease or illness treatments and diagnoses (no names to be provided);
h) gender (for expats and locals separately): number of female workers, percentage of workforce,
gender issues raised and dealt with (cross-reference grievances or other sections as needed);
i) training:
i). number of new workers, number receiving induction training, dates of induction training;
ii). number and dates of toolbox talks, number of workers receiving Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS), environmental and social training;
iii). number and dates of communicable diseases(including STDs) sensitization and/or training, no.
workers receiving training (in the reporting period and in the past); same questions for gender
sensitization, flag person training.
iv). number and date of SEA and SH prevention sensitization and/or training events, including
number of workers receiving training on Code of Conduct for Contractor’s Personnel (in the
reporting period and in the past), etc.
j) environmental and social supervision:
i) environmentalist: days worked, areas inspected and numbers of inspections of each (road
section, work camp, accommodations, quarries, borrow areas, spoil areas, swamps, forest
crossings, etc.), highlights of activities/findings (including violations of environmental and/or
social best practices, actions taken), reports to environmental and/or social
specialist/construction/site management;
ii) sociologist:days worked, number of partial and full site inspections (by area: road section,
work camp, accommodations, quarries, borrow areas, spoil areas, clinic, HIV/AIDS center,
community centers, etc.), highlights of activities (including violations of environmental
and/or social requirements observed, actions taken), reports to environmental and/or social
specialist/construction/site management; and
iii) community liaison person(s): days worked (hours community center open), number of
people met, highlights of activities (issues raised, etc.), reports to environmental and/or social
specialist /construction/site management.
k) Grievances: list new grievances (e.g.number of allegations of SEA and SH) received in the
reporting period and number of unresolved past grievances by date received, complainant’s age and
sex, how received, to whom referred to for action, resolution and date (if completed), data resolution
reported to complainant, any required follow- up (Cross-reference other sections as needed.
I. Worker grievances;
ii. Community grievances
l) Traffic, road safety and vehicles/equipment:
i) traffic and road safety incidents and accidents involving project vehicles & equipment: provide
date, location, damage, cause, follow-up;
ii) traffic and road safety incidents and accidents involving non-project vehicles or property (also
reported under immediate metrics) provide date, location, damage, cause, follow-up;
iii) overall condition of vehicles/equipment (subjective judgment by environmentalist); non-
routine repairs and maintenance needed to improve safety and/or environmental performance (to
control smoke, etc.).
n) compliance:
i) compliance status for conditions of all relevant consents/permits, for the Work, including
quarries, etc.): statement of compliance or listing of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to
reach compliance;
ii) compliance status of C-ESMP/ESIP requirements: statement of compliance or listing of issues
and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance
iii) compliance status of SEA and SH prevention and response action plan: statement of
compliance or listing of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance
iv) compliance status of Health and Safety Management Plan re: statement of compliance or
listing of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance
Other unresolved issues from previous reporting periods related to environmental and social: continued
violations, continued failure of equipment, continued lack of vehicle covers, spills not dealt with, continued
compensation or blasting issues, etc. Cross-reference other sections as needed.
The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General
Conditions of the Contract(GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein
shall prevail over those in the GCC.
SCC Required Information/Data GCC Data/Information to be supplied
Clause Clause
A. General
1. Adjudicator’s Appointing 1.1(a) National Construction Council (NCC)
2. Arbitrator Appointing 1.1(b) NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION COUNCIL (NCC)
3. Defects Notification Period 1.1(o) 7 days
4. Employer’s Name 1.1(r) TARURA - PWANI REGIONAL OFFICE
5. Expected Completion Period 1.1(v) 180 days from the date of contract signing.
7. Contract Start Date 1.1(gg) 02/08/2024
8. Description of Works 1.1(kk) UPGRADING OF MOROGORO ROAD -OFISI YA
9. Sectional Completion of the 2.2 Not Applicable.
10. Other Documents Forming 2.3(xii) Additional documents forming part of the contract:
the Contract a) Power of Attorney b) Performance declaration...
12. Voidance of contract due to 3.2 7 days after contract signing.
13. Language of Contract 4.1 English
14. Law of Contract 4.1 TANZANIA LAWS
15. Delegation by Project 7.1 EXCEPT TO THE ADJUDICATOR.
16. Address for Communications 8.1 REGIONAL MANAGER
17. Schedule of Other 12.1 Not Applicable
18. Schedule of Key Personnel 13.1 1. Site Technician 2. Land Surveyor 3.Site Engineer
19. Minimum Insurance covers 17.1 The minimum insurance covers shall be:
a) Loss of or damage to the Works, Plant, and Materials TZS
b) Loss of or damage to Equipment TZS 11,875,000.00
c) Loss of or damage to property (except the Works, Plant,
Materials, and Equipment) in connection with the Contract
TZS 4,750,000.00
d) Personal injury or death TZS 2,375,000.00
20. Site Investigation Reports 18.1 The Contractor shall, in executing the contract, rely on
the following Site Investigation Reports;
21. Tax Payment Status 25.1 List of Exempted Taxes: VAT- The value added tax in
connection with the importation,purchases or delivery of
goods and services procured for the implementation of
theproject shall be exempted by the Government. ..
22. HIV Aids Awareness 26.4 The Contractor shall conduct an HIV-AIDS awareness
Programme program and any other pandemic, and shall take other
such measures as specified below;a) Providing access to
voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) b) Providing
psychological support and health care including
prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections for
workers infected and affected, as well as their families c)
Providing condoms (male and female) to workers
23. Site Possession Date 28.1 The Employer shall give possession of all parts of
the Site tothe Contractor by 7 DAYS AFTER
24. Adjudicator’s Name 31.2 Any unsolved dispute may be referred by either
party to an adjudicator named: ENG
25. Time for Referring the Matter 31.2 Any unsolved dispute may be referred by either
for Adjudication party to an adjudicator within 7 days after
26. Timeframe for Reference to 32.2 If either Party is dissatisfied with the Adjudicator’s
Arbitration decision may, within 30 days refer the dispute
for arbitration.
27. Institution and Place of 32.3 PWANI TARURA REGIONAL MANAGER'S
Arbitration OFFICE
28. Responsibility for Site 35.1 BY CONTRACTOR
B. Time control
29. Time for Submission of 36.1 7 Days
Works Programme
C. Quality Control
34. Defects Liability Period 44.1 365 Days
D. Cost Control
SCC. No Condition GCC Data/Information to be Supplied
Minimum Amount of Interim The minimum amount of Interim Payment Certificate
35. 52.7
Payment Certificate will be 20% of the Accepted Contract Price
The currency of payment shall be The Tanzanian
36. Currency of Payment 54.1
The Employer does not give access to a part of
the Site by the Site Possession Date as per GCC
28.1. (b) The Employer modifies the Schedule of
Other Contractors in a way that affects the work
of the Contractor under the Contract. (c) The
Project Manager orders a delay or does not issue
Drawings, Specifications, or instructions
required for execution of the Works on time. (d)
The Project Manager instructs the Contractor to
uncover or to carry out additional tests upon
work, which is then found to have no Defects. (e)
The Project Manager unreasonably does not
approve a subcontract to be let. (f) Ground
conditions are substantially more adverse than
could reasonably have been assumed before
37. Other Compensation Events 55.1(l) issuance of the Letter of Acceptance from the
information issued to tenderers (including the
Site Investigation Reports), from information
available publicly and from a visual inspection
of the Site. (g) The Project Manager gives an
instruction for dealing with an unforeseen
condition, caused by the Employer, or additional
work required for safety or other reasons. (h)
Other contractors, public authorities, utilities, or
the Employer does not work within the dates and
other constraints stated in the Contract, and they
cause delay or extra cost to the Contractor. (i)
The advance payment is delayed. (j) The effects
on the Contractor of any of the Employer’s
Risks. (k) The Project Manager unreasonably
delays issuing a Certificate of Completion..
38. Price Adjustment 57.1 Price is Fixed
The percentage amount of The amount of retention is 10 percent of the
39. 58.1
Retention value of the Interim Payment Certificate.
The limit of retention will be 5 percent of the
40. Limit of Retention Money 58.1
Accepted Contract Price.
Retention Money Security shall be in the Format
41. Retention Money Guarantee 58.3
provided in Section X: Contract Forms
Amount of Liquidated The rate of liquidated damages shall be 0.1 percent of
Damages and Maximum the cost of the contract sum for works for every day of
42. 59.1
Amount of Liquidated delay to a maximum of 10% of the contract sum.
Not Applicable
43. Bonus for early completion 60.1
The Advance Payment shall be limited to 15 Percent of
The amount for Advance
44. 61.1 the Contract Amount payable upon submission of
Payment unconditional Advance Payment Bank Guarantee.
Performance Security/ Performance Security type is Performance
45. Performance Securing 62.1
Securing Declaration
SCC. No Condition GCC Data/Information to be Supplied
Environmental and Social ES Performance Securing Declaration
46. 62.1
Performance Security
E. Discharge of Contract
47. Time for Handover of 66.1 06/02/2026
48. Handover of As-built 68.1 Contractor is required to submit As Built drawings and
Drawings and Operating operational manual Days
49. Amount to be Withheld 68.2 TZS 2000000.
for Failure to Submit As-
Built Drawings and
Operating Manuals
50. Number of Days for 69.2(g) 100 days
Maximum Liquidated
Damage to be Paid
51. Percentage to Apply 70.1 The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed,
(deduction) to the Value representing the Employer’s additional cost for completing the
of Work not Completed Works, is 20 Percent.
at the Time of
termination of contract
because of fundamental
breach by the Contractor
[Letterhead paper of the PE]
Ref No: [insert Ref. No.].................................. Date: ...............
To: [name and address of the Service Provider]
contract] FOR [insertdescription]
Reference is made to the above subject matter.
The submitted tenders were evaluated according to the criteria statedin the tender documents. In accordance with the
requirements of PublicProcurement Act, Cap 410, we announce our intention to award a contract to M/s:(Insert the name of
the firm) for a contract price of (insert the contract award price and currency)and for a completion period/delivery period
of (insert the duration).
Your tender was not considered for award of the contract due tothe following reasons [1]1
1) .........................................................
2) .........................................................
Be informed that, you have three (3) working days from the date ofthis letter, within which to submit for administrative
review any complaintsyou may have regarding this award decision and/or circumstances surrounding therejection of your
tender. The complaints must be in writing, clearlyidentifying the tender in question, detailing ground(s) of the complaint
andshould be submitted to (insert the title of Accounting Officer) through NeST.
We appreciate your interest in doing business with us andencourage you to participate in our future tenders.
Authorized Signature:.............................................................................................
Name and Title of Signatory: ..................................................................................
Name of PE:............................................................................................................
[1] 1Insertthe reasons for non-selection of the tenderer for the award of contract. Thereasons given here should be those which
appears in the evaluation report andwhich were as justifiable reasons to turn down the offer given by the tenderer.
RE: NOTIFICATION OFAWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TENDER NO. [insert tender number] FOR [insert tender
Thisis to notify you that your Tender dated [insert date] for execution ofthe [name of the Contract and identification
number, as given in the CC]for the Accepted Contract Amount [amount in numbers and words] [nameof currency], as
corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructionto Tenderers is hereby accepted by our Procuring Entity.
(a) Weaccept that [name proposed by Tenderer] be appointed as Sole Member of DisputeAvoidance and Resolution
(b) Wedo not accept that [name proposed by Tenderer] be appointed as SoleMember of Dispute Avoidance and
Resolution Board, and by sending a copy of thisletter of acceptance to [insert the name of the Appointing
Authority],we are hereby requesting [name], the Appointing Authority, to appointthe Sole Member of Dispute
Avoidance and Resolution Board in accordance withClause 44.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers.[1]
Youare requested to furnish the Performance Security andan Environmental and Social (ES) Performance Security [Delete
ES Performance Securityif it is not required under the contract] within 14 days inaccordance with the Conditions of
Contract, using for that purpose one of the PerformanceSecurity Forms and the ES PerformanceSecurity Form, [Delete
reference to the ESPerformance Security Form if it is not required under the contract]includedin Section X, Contract
Forms, of the Tendering Documents
Authorized Signature:
Nameand Title of Signatory:
Nameof PE:
Attachment: Contract
[1] To beused only if the Contractor disagrees in the Tender with the Adjudicatorproposed by the Employer in the Instructions to Tenderers, and
has accordinglyoffered another candidate. If theEmployer does not accept the counterproposal, the sentence should so state, andbe followed by
an additional sentence: “We therefore shall request the [name of Appointing Authority asnamed in the Conditions of Contract] to appoint the
Adjudicator inaccordance with Clause 44 of the Instructions to Tenderers.”
[2] To be used onlyif the Contractor disagrees in the Tender with the Members of DARB proposed bythe Employer in the Instructions to
Tenderers, and has accordingly offeredanother candidate. If the Employer doesnot accept the counterproposal, the sentence should so state, and
be followedby an additional sentence: “We thereforeshall request the [name of Appointing Authority as named in the SpecialConditions of
Contract] to appoint the Members of DARB in accordance withClause 44 of the Instructions to Tenderers.”
Contract Agreement
[The successfulBidder shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicated]
(1) [insertcomplete name of Purchaser], a [insertdescription of type of legal entity, for example, an agency of the
Ministry of.... of the Government of [insert_name_of_Country_of_Purchaser], or corporationincorporated
under the laws of [insert_name_of_Country_of_Purchaser]] andhaving its principal place of business at
[insertaddress of Purchaser](hereinafter called “the Purchaser”), of the one part, and
(2) [insertname of Supplier], a corporationincorporated under the laws of [insert: countryof Supplier] and having
itsprincipal place of business at [insert: addressof Supplier] (hereinafter called “the Supplier”), of the
other part:
WHEREAS the Purchaser invited Bids for certain Goods andancillary services, viz., [insert brief description of Goods and
Services]and has accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the supply of those Goods andServices
1. Inthis Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as arerespectively assigned to them in the
Contract documents referred to.
2. Thefollowing documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as partof this Agreement. This Agreement
shall prevail over all other contract documents.
4. ThePurchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of theprovision of the Goods and Services and the
remedying of defects therein, theContract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions ofthe
Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed inaccordance with the laws of [insert
the name of the Contract governing lawcountry] on the day, month and year indicated above.
Name: ……………………… Name: ………………………
Designation: ………………… Designation: …………………
Signature:…………………… Signature:……………………
[The bank/successful Tenderer providing theGuarantee shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions
indicatedin brackets, if the Employer requires this type of security.]
Wehave been informed that [insert name ofContractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has beenawarded Contract No.
[insert referencenumber of the Contract] dated [insert date] with you, for theexecution of [insert name of Contract
andbrief description of Works] (hereinafter called "the Contract").
Furthermore,we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performanceguarantee is required.
Atthe request of the Contractor, we [insertname of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums
notexceeding in total an amount of [insertamount in figures] ([insert amount inwords]), such sum being payable in the
types and proportions of currenciesin which the Contract Price is payable, upon receipt by us of your first demandin writing
accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is inbreach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without
your needing to proveor to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.
Thisguarantee shall expire no later than twenty-eight days from the date ofissuance of the Taking-Over Certificate,
calculated based on a copy of suchCertificate which shall be provided to us, or on the [insert number] day of [insert
month],[insert year], whicheveroccurs first. Consequently, any demandfor payment under this guarantee must be received
by us at this office on orbefore that date.
Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) isfor use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final product.
[The Surety/successful Tenderer providingthe Bond shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicatedin
brackets, if the Employer requires this type of security]
Bythis Bond, [insert name and address ofContractor] as Principal (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) and [insert name,
legal title, and address ofsurety, bonding company, or insurance company] as Surety (hereinaftercalled “the Surety”), are
held and firmly bound unto [insert name and address of Employer] as Obligee (hereinafter called“the Employer”) in the
amount of [insertamount of Bond] [insert amount of Bond in words], for the payment of whichsum well and truly to be
made in the types and proportions of currencies inwhich the Contract Price is payable, the Contractor and the Surety bind
themselves,their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly andseverally, firmly by these presents.
Whereasthe Contractor has entered into a Contract with the Employer dated the [insert number] day of [insert month],
[insert year] for [insertname of Contract] in accordance with the documents, plans, specifications,and amendments thereto,
which to the extent herein provided for, are byreference made part hereof and are hereinafter referred to as the Contract.
Now,therefore, the Condition of this Obligation is such that, if the Contractorshall promptly and faithfully perform the said
Contract (including anyamendments thereto), then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, itshall remain in full
force and effect. Whenever the Contractor shall be, and declared by the Employer to be, indefault under the Contract, the
Employer having performed the Employer’sobligations there under, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or
(2) obtain a Tender or Tenders from qualifiedTenderers for submission to the Employer for completing the Contract
inaccordance with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by theEmployer and the Surety of the
lowest responsive Tenderer, arrange for aContract between such Tenderer and Employer and make available as
workprogresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaultsunder the Contract or
Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph)sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the
balance of the ContractPrice; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which theSurety may be
liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraphhereof. The term “Balance of theContract Price,” as
used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payableby the Employer to the Contractor under the
Contract, less the amount properlypaid by the Employer to the Contractor; or
(3) pay the Employer the amount required by theEmployer to complete the Contract in accordance with its terms
and conditionsup to a total not exceeding the amount of this Bond.
TheSurety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the specified penalty of thisBond.
Anysuit under this Bond must be instituted before the expiration of one year fromthe date of issuance of the Certificate of
Noright of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person orcorporation other than the Employer named
herein or the heirs, executors,administrators, successors, and assigns of the Employer.
Intestimony whereof, the Contractor has hereunto set its hand and affixed itsseal, and the Surety has caused these presents
to be sealed with its corporateseal duly attested by the signature of its legal representative, this [insert day] day of [insert
month], [insertyear].
Date [insert date]
ESDemand Guarantee
Guarantor: [Insert name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in theletterhead]
We have been informedthat ________________ (hereinafter called "the Applicant") has enteredinto Contract No.
_____________ dated ____________ with the Beneficiary, forthe execution of _____________________ (hereinafter
called "theContract").
Furthermore, weunderstand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performanceguarantee is required.
At the request of theApplicant, we as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiaryany sum or sums not
exceeding in total an amount of ______(),1such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which
theContract Price is payable, upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary’s complyingdemand supported by the Beneficiary’s
statement, whether in the demand itselfor in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand,stating
that the Applicant is in breach of its Environmental and/or Social, (ES) obligation(s) under the Contract, without the
Beneficiary needingto prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.
This guarantee shallexpire, no later than the …. Day of ……, 2… 2, and any demand forpayment under it must be received
by us at this office indicated above on orbefore that date.
Signatureand seal:
Nameof Bank/Financial Institution:
1 The Guarantor shall insertan amount representing the percentage of the Accepted Contract Amount specifiedin the
Letter of Acceptance, less provisional sums, if any, and denominatedeither in the currency (cies) of the Contract or a freely
convertible currencyacceptable to the Beneficiary.
2 Insert the date twenty-eight days after theexpected completion date as described in CCClause 11.9. The Employer
should note that in the event of an extension of thisdate for completion of the Contract, the Employer would need to request
anextension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to the
expirationdate established in the guarantee. In preparing this guarantee, the Employer mightconsider adding the following
text to the form, at the end of the penultimateparagraph: “The Guarantor agrees to a one-time extension of this guarantee
fora period not to exceed [six months] [one year], in response to the Beneficiary’swritten request for such extension, such
request to be presented to theGuarantor before the expiry of the guarantee.”
Advance Payment Security
Demand Guarantee
[Guarant or letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]
Beneficiary: [Insert name and Address of Purchaser]
Date: [Insert date of issue]
ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.:[Insert guarantee reference number]
Guarantor: [Insert name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in the letterhead]
We have been informed that [insert name of Supplier, which in the case of a joint venture shall be the name of the joint
venture] (hereinafter called “the Applicant”) has entered into Contract No. [insert reference number of the contract] dated
[insert date] with the Beneficiary, for the execution of [insert name of contract and brief description of Goods and related
Services] (hereinafter called"the Contract").
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance payment in the sum [insert amount
in figures] () [insert amount in words] is to be made against an advance payment guarantee.
At the request of the Applicant, we as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any sum or sums not
exceeding in total an amount of [insertamount in figures]
( ) [insert amount in words]1 upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary’s complying demand supported by the Beneficiary’s
statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, stating
either that the Applicant:
(a) has used the advance payment for purposes other than toward delivery of Goods; or
(b) has failed to repay the advance payment in accordance with the Contract conditions, specifying the amount which
the Applicant has failed to repay.
A demand under this guarantee may be presented as from the presentation to the Guarantor of a certificate from the
Beneficiary’s bank stating that the advance payment referred to above has been credited to the Applicant on its account
number [insert number] at [insert name and address of Applicant’sbank].
The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the advance payment repaid by the
Applicant as specified in copies of interim statements or paymentcertificates which shall be presented to us. This guarantee
shall expire, atthe latest, upon our receipt of a copy of the interim payment certificateindicating that ninety (90) percent of
the Accepted Contract Amount, has beencertified for payment, or on the [insertday] day of [insert month], 2 [insert year],
whichever is earlier. Consequently, any demand for paymentunder this guarantee mustbe received by us at this office on or
before that date.
This guarantee is subject to theUniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication
No.758,except that the supporting statement under Article 15(a) is hereby excluded.
Note:All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final product.
1 The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of theadvance payment and denominated either in the
currency(ies) of the advancepayment as specified in the Contract, or in a freely convertible currencyacceptable to the