Chanchal Report
Chanchal Report
Chanchal Report
I, Chanchal student of MBA 3rd Sem ,RPSGOI Balana Mahendragarh declare that the project
work entitled “Finance and Human resource management ” is my own personal efforts for
the degree master of business administration under the guidance and Supervision of Prof.
Ravinder Sharma(HOD) Department of management, RPSGOI , Balana ,
Discussion and Interpretation made in this research work are based on my personal
understanding of the theoretical concepts and the knowledge of statistical tools. The text
referred from other research articles, reports, books and websites etc. has been
acknowledgement at the respective place in the text. For the present research work , which I am
submitting to the University , no degree or diploma or distinction has been conferred on me
before , either in this or in any other University.
Signature of student
(Full name:-Chanchal)
(Registration no:-231400502001.)
“Gratitude is the hardest of emotion to express and other does not find adequate ways to
convey the entire one feels.”
Summer training is the one of the important part of MBA course, which was helped me to learn
a lot of experiences which will be beneficial in my succeeding career.
With deep sense of gratitude, I acknowledge the encouragement and guidance received by
guide Mr. Ravinder Sharma (HOD) to whom I owe a great deal for his input and guidance
during the process of completing my research, his insightful comments and challenging
questions allowed me to keep my enthusiasm while working on this project, I convey my
heartful affection to all those people who helped.
3. FORMATION 18-20
Introduction to company
Address:-1208, 12th floor, RG Tower, NetajiSubhashplace
Pitampura, New Delhi,(110034)
It is a wealth management company and it believes in dynamic culture and it is our goal to
help the individual in dealing with the dynamism of environment whether it is related to
their wealth or expansion of business.AIM India group is the leading advisory in India and
abroad. We at Aim India provide training and development programs in India and
abroad.We are having a team of exclusive corporate trainers.Our principle is to deliver
higher rate of returns to our clients through our network of govt.sector banks in India.
Current operations:-
New delhi
We provide domestic and international level internship.We have a team of
experienced and educational professionals who can provide
services/solutions for client.Exposure to interns in mixed specialization i.e.
HR and Marketing which will result in the implication of their theoretical
knowledge into corporate world.
Wealth Advisory:-
We are having experts who are helping individuals in managing their wealth.
These experts are also providing consultancy services regarding financial and
investment sector to individuals so that they can secure the financial future
for themselves and their family.
We will help in maintaining books to give you strategic insight of the
financial position of your company .We will also help to maintain profit and
loss section to develop the firm and to help in financial transaction between
the enterprises and maintain the record of these transactions.
Helping customers providing professional or expert advice in wealth
maximization, carrier planning etc. We also guide them in taking crucial
Tax management is required in every organisation but due to its strenuous
process, it can be difficult to manage at higher levels.Our professionals are
flexible in their approach and provide services according to the needs of
International Expansion:-
With the help of our business partners, we are helping individuals in
expanding their business at international level. Our professionals are helping
our clients to settle them abroad.
Our objective is to fulfill professional commitments and value-added
services in terms of recruitment of quality manpower. We have been
providing our recruitment services to the known names in all sectors.
Life insurance is an act of love. Let’s talk about protecting what matters the
Our motto is to provide coverage at affordable premiums; our underwriters
will provide you required coverage efficiently & effectively.
Retirement planning:-
The only person who will take care of the older you someday is the younger
you today.It’s never too early to begin planning for retirement. You think of
it& we will plan it for you.
Concept and Introduction of TAX:
Taxation is the inherent power of the state to impose and demand contribution upon persons,
properties, or right for the purpose of generating revenues for public purposes.
Taxes are enforced proportional contribution from person to property levied bt the law making body
of the state by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the government and all public needs.
Brief History of Taxation:
Tax is today an important source of the revenue for the government in all the countries. More than
3000 years ago, the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and Greece used to pay tax, consumption taxes and
custom duties. Income tax was first introduced in India in 1860 by James Wilson who become
Indians First Finance Member.
In order to meet the mosses sustained by the government on account of military mutiny of 1857. In
1918 A New Income Tax bill was passed and which was further again replace in 1922. Finally, The
Ministry of Law and Finance The Income Tax was Passed in 1961 and brought came in force on 1 st
April 1962, and this also known as the Financial Year in Current Era. I e. (01.04.2020-31.03.2021)
Taxation System
Tax system of raising money to finance government. All government require payment of money
taxes from people.
Government use revenue to pay soldiers and policies to build dams and roads, to operate schools and
hospitals, to provide food to the poor and medical care facilities etc and also hundreds of the other
purposes without taxes to fund its activities govt could not exist.
So, taxation is the most important source of revenue for modern government typically according for
90% or more of their income.
Meaning of Tax:
The word Tax came from Latin word ”Taxo, Tax are” which means To asses or estimate.
“The compulsory payments made to the government associated with certain activities are called
“A general purpose, compulsory contribution by the people to public treasury to meet the
expenditure of government is called TAX”
“A specific amount of money demanded by government from its public levied on their income, sales,
Direct Tax
Corporate tax
Income tax
Gift tax
Minimum Alternate tax (MAT)
Indirect Tax
Sales tax
Value Added Tax(VAT)
Goods and Service Tax(GST)
Introduction of GST
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a indirect tax (or consumption tax) levied in India on the supply of
goods and services. GST is levied at every step in the production process, but is meant to be refunded
to all the parties in the various stage of production other than the final consumer.
Goods and services are divided into five tax slabs for collection of tax- 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, and
28%. However, Petroleum product, alcoholic drinks, electricity, are not taxed under GST and instead
are taxed separately by the individual state government, as per the previous tax .There is a special
rate of 0.25% on rough precious and semi-precious stones and 3% on gold. In addition a cess of 22%
GST applies on few items like aerated drinks, luxury cars and tobacco products. Pre-GST, the
statutory tax rate for most goods was about 26.5%, Post-GST most goods are expected to be in the
18% tax range. The tax came into effect from July 1, 2017 through the implementation of One
Hundred and Amendment of the Constitution of India by the Indian government. The tax replaced
existing multiple flowing taxes levied by the Central and State government.
The tax rates, rules and regulation are governed by the GST Council which consist of the finance
ministers of centre and all the states. GST is meant to replace a slew of indirect taxes with a
federated tax and is therefore expected to reshape the country’s 2.4 trillion dollar economy, but not
without criticism. Trucks’ travel time in interstate movement dropped by 20%, because of no
interstate check posts.
The reform of India’s indirect tax regime was started in 1985 by VishwanathPratap Singh, Finance
Minister in Rajiv Gandhi’s government, with the introduction of the Modified Value Added Tax
(MODVAT). Subsequently, Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao and his Finance Minister Manmohan
Singh, initiated early discussion on a Value Added Tax(VAT) at the state level. A single common
“Goods and Services Tax (GST)” was proposed and given a go-ahead in 1999 during a metting
between the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his economic advisory panel, which included
three former RBI governs IG Patel, BimalJalan and C Rangarajan. Vajpayee set up a committee
headed by the Finance Minister of West Bengal, AsimDasgupta to design a GST model.
The GST was launched at midnight on 1 July 2017 by the President of India, and the Government of
India. The launch was marked by a historic midnight (30 june-1 July) session of both the houses of
the parliament convened at the central hall of the Parliament. Though the session was attended by
high-profile guests from the business and the entertainment industry including Ratan Tata, it was
boycotted by the opposition due to the predicted problems that it was bound to lead for the middle
and lower class Indians. It is one of the few midnight sessions that have been held by the parliament
– the others being the declaration of India’s independence on 15 August 1947, and the silver and
golden jubilees of that occasion. After its launch, the GST rates have been modified multiple times,
the latest being on 22 December, where a panel of federal and state finance ministers decided to
revise GST rates on 28 goods and 53 services.
Members of the Congress boycotted the GST launch altogether. They were joined by the members of
the trinamool Congress, Communist Parties of India and the DMK. The parties reported that they
found virtually no difference between the GST and the existing taxation system, claiming that they
government was trying to merely rebrand the current taxation system. They also argued that the GST
would increase existing rates on common daily goods while reducing rates on luxury goods, and
affect many Indians adversely, especially the middle, lower middle and poorer income groups.
Taxes subsumed
The single subsumed several taxes and levies which included: central excise duty, services tax,
additional custom duty, surcharges, state-level value added tax and octroi. Others levies which were
applicable on inter- state transportation of goods have also been done away within GST regime. GST
is levied on all transactions such as sale, transfer, purchase, barter, lease, or import of goods and / or
India adopted a dual GST model, meaning that taxation is administrated by both the union and state
government. Transaction made within a single state are levied with central GST (CGST) by the
central government and state GST (SGST) by the state government. For inter-state transaction and
imported goods or services, an Integrated GST (IGST) is levied by the central government. GST is a
consumption based tax / destination based tax, therefore, taxes are paid to the state where the goods
and services are consumed not the state in which they are produced. IGST complicates tax collection
for State Government by disabling them from collecting the tax owed to them directly from the
Central Government.
Different Taxes are Cover under GST:
The GST is imposed at variable rates on variable items. The rate of GST is 18% for soaps and 28%
on washing detergents. GST on movie tickets is based on slabs, with 18% GST for tickets that cost
less than Rs. 100 and 28% GST on tickets costing more than Rs. 100 and 5% on readymade clothes.
The rate on under-construction property booking is 12%. Some industries and products were
exempted by the government and remain untaxed under GST, such as dairy products, products of
milling industries, fresh vegetables, meat products, and other groceries and necessities.
The central Government has proposed to insulate the revenues of the States from the impact of GST,
with the expectation that in due course, GST will be levied on petroleum products. The central
government had assured states of compensation for any revenue loss incurred by them from the date
of GST for a period of five years. However, no concrete laws have yet been made to support such
action. GST council adopted concept paper discouraging tinkering with rates.
Exempted categories: 0
Commonly used Goods and Services: 5%
Standard Goods and Services fall under 1st Slab: 12%
Standard Goods and Services fall under 2nd Slab: 18%
Special category of Goods and Services including Luxury Goods: 28%
E-Way Bill
An e-way bill is an electronic permit for shipping goods similar to waybill. It was made mandatory
for inter-state transport of goods from 1 June 2018. It is required to be generated for every inter-state
movement of goods beyond 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) and the threshold limit of 50,000 (US$700).
It is a paperless, technology solution and critical anti-evasion tool to check tax leakages and
clamping down on trade that currently happens on a cash basis. The pilot started on 1 February 2018
but has withdrawn after glitches in the GST Network. The states are divided into four zones for
rolling out in phases by the end of April 2018.
A unique e-way Bill Number (EBN) is generated either by the supplier, recipient or the transporter.
The EBN can be a printout, SMS or written on invoice is valid. The GST/Tax Officer tally the e-way
bill listed goods with goods carried with it. The mechanism is aimed at plugging loopholes like
overloading, undertakings etc. Each e-way bill has to be matched with a GST invoice.
It is critical compliance related GSTN project under the GST, with a capacity to process 75 lakh e-
way bills per day.
In the notification dated on 29 January 2019, the Indian government has finally implemented the
RCM (reverse charge mechanism) which started from 1 february 2019 as per the GST acts and
amendments. Also to note that the up to INR 5000 exemptions will be removed effectively.
Petrol and petroleum products (GST will apply at a later date) viz. Petroleum crude, High
speed diesel, Motor Spirit (petrol), Natural gas, Aviation turbine fuel.
GST Council
GST Council is a governing body of GST having 33 members. It is chaired by the Union Finance
Minister. GST Council is an apex member committee to modify, reconcile or to procure any law or
act or regulation based on the context of goods and services tax in India. The council is headed by
the union finance minister Arun Jaitley assisted with the finance minister of all the states of India.
The GST council is responsible for any revision or enactment of rule or any rate changes of the
goods and services in India.
Need of GST in India
There are various taxes that have to pay at every stage and differently collected by State and Central
Government and rates differ from one state to another. If we talk about GST, it will unified whole
nation and taxes will be divided among central and state government, which will make across
country, as no more additional state taxes will be imposed.
What happen in present scenario?...... Our present taxation system is very complex and very
confusing, corruption chance is there, which leads to distrust of the government, there are hidden tax
for exports, whereas no charge applicable on Importing of Goods/Services from one state to another.
Just to overcome these issues, Rajya Sabha introduced GST bill, which will bring transparency to
taxation and consumer will get to know how much tax amount they are paying to government for
Following are some of the points that can easily explain the need for GST;
Tax Structure will be simple: At present, there are huge number of taxes that has to pay by
consumers, with GST it will single tax to pay, which is easier to understand. For businesses,
accounting complexities will reduce and result less paperwork, which will save both time and
money. GST will increase economic GDP by 2%-2.5%.
Tax revenue will increase:Simple tax structure will bring more tax payers and in return it will
be the revenue for government.
Competitive pricing:What GST will do? Well, it will eliminate all other taxes of indirect taxes
and this will effectively mean the tax amount paid by end users(consumers) will reduce. As in
Economics, lower will the prices, more will be the demand for that product, results in more
consumption of goods, which will be benefited by companies.
Boost to exports: If Indian market will be competitive in pricing, then more and more foreign
players will try to enter in the market, which results in more numbers of exporter and benefits to
Indian market. As far as there is no tax rate is finalized, but yes GST is much needed in the countries
where it lacks transparency an complex taxation system.
For existing dealers: those who are taxpayers for VAT/Central, excise/Service tax need not to
apply for fresh registration.
For New Dealers: they have to fill single application form online to get registered under GST.
Firstly, applicant must have the limit, so that they can het registered and they need to upload
scanned copy of documents required as they will be mention on common GST portal in near future.
Secondly, after submitting all the necessary documents, on registered mobile numbers ans email
address they will get a message or email for confirmation.
Fourthly, IT system of Centre and State will carry out verification of documents and details
submitted to portal.
Lastly, after all verification and application is approved, authorized applicant with GSTIN CODE
along with LOGIN ID and PASSWORD, which will be of 15 digits.
6. GSTR-6 (Return for Input Service Distributor)
7. GSTR-7 (TDS Return)
8. GSTR-8 (Annual Return)
Amidst economic crisis across the globe, India has posed a beacon of hope with ambitious growth
targets, supported by a bunch of strategic undertakings such as the Make in India and Digital India
campaigns. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is another such undertaking that is expected to
provide the much needed stimulant for economic growth in India by transforming the existing base
of indirect taxes towards the free flow of goods and services. GST is also expected to eliminate the
cascading effect of taxes. India is projected to play an important role in the world economy in the
years to come. The expectation of GST being introduced is high not only within the country, but also
within neighbouring countries and developed economics of the world.
These are possible only if the actual benefit of GST is passed on to the final consumer. There are
other factors, such as the seller’s profit margin, that determines the final price of goods. GST alone
does not determine the final price of goods.
Implementation of a Single National GST will have major beneficial impact on all stake
holders. The key highlights of such impact is given below:
Eliminates cascading effect and barrier free tax structure: GST will eliminate
cascading (tax on tax/compounding tax) impact on the production and distribution cost of
goods and services. This reduced cost of goods and services leading to accelerated GDP
growth. GST without tax barriers will leads to economics of scale in manufacturing
industry and reduces the supply chain cost.
Expected to reduce the production cost: GST is expected to reduce the production
cost by 15% to 20% in many of the products in view of full input tax credit which will have
favourable impact on the prices of product.
Expected to increase the tax revenue: GST will widen the tax base and improve the
tax compliance higher tax: GDP ratio. The Tax : GDP ratio is expected to increase 2% as
per FRBM report (Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management). This works out to
rupees 70,000 to 80,000 cores of additional annual revenue to the central government.
Leads to sustainable growth in the economy: GST will remove the tax distortions
from the economy. This will lead to sustainable higher growth based on competitive
strength of the country. Simple tax system will attract more productive investment for the
Will lead to optimization and comparative cost advantage: GST will eliminate the
Inter State tax by which it will leads to optimization of physical facilities to the extent of
full capacity. If the manufacturing is done at full capacity industry will be benefited by
comparative cost advantage.
Increase in the GDP and standard of living: Since it is expected that with the
implementation of GST the price level will reduce in the economy, it will results in
increase in the consumption level and growth in GDP of the economy. According to a
study by NCAER (National Council for Applied Economics and Research) complete
implementation of GST could lift GDP growth by 0.9-1.7%.
Positive effects on export and BOP(Balance of Payment) level:
In proposed GST the exporter will get the full tax credit, the export units will be able to
quote better price for their products and services in comparison with presentscenario.
Increased export will ultimately have positive effect on the BOP(Balance of Payment).
Leads to Unique price and removes inequalities between the markets: As GST
will lead to imposition of same tax rate on the goods and services everywhere in the
country and by implementing same tax rate it will removes the inequalities between the
market which we can seen in the market at present because of the tax rate differentials.
Will lead to reduced chance for tax evasion : Since the proposed GST will charges
full tax on the each and every transfer, it’s difficult for the firms to evade tax from the
payment. E.g.: e-commerce firms can’t evade tax by operating business from the place
where tax rates are comparatively less.
Leads to centralized where housing for manufacturers: In the present tax system if
the dealer and the ware house are from different states, then the dealer needs to pay a
Central Sales Tax of about 2%. This will increase the price of the commodity. Thus
companies use to setup a warehouse in each state. In GST as the CST gets eliminated, the
centralized where housing can be availed by the manufacturers. 104 Introducing GST and
Its Impact on Indian Economy.
Makes the tax structure simple and reduces the compliance: Multiple taxes that
currently exists will no longer remain in the picture. This will
reduce the compliance to be fulfilled as compared to present situation.
The proposed GST may lead to following negative on the stake holders:
Negatively affect the price level of essential goods and services: The proposed
GST may lead to increase the price of the essentials products and services which are
presently exempted from the taxation.
Negatively effect on the real estate industry : As per the study undertaken by the
Curtin University of Technology, Perth in 2000, GST would negatively impact the real
estate market as it would add up to 8% to the cost of new homes and reduce demand by
about 12%.
Negative effect on working capital: As the firms are supposed to make the payment
of the tax on every transfer the companies working capital requirement will shoots up by
proportional to the purchase of inputs for the value addition.
Emergence of transfer pricing issues: As the GST considers all the transaction for
taxation purpose, this procedure will increase the price of the transfer from one department
to another for further processes.
Conceptually GST is expected to have numerous benefits like reduction in compliance in the long
run since multiple taxes will be replaced with one tax. It is expected to bring down prices and hence
the inflation since it will remove the impact of tax on tax and enable seamless credit. It is expected to
generate revenue for the country as the base tax will increase as the GST rate will be somewhere
around 27% with both goods and services covered. It is also expected to make export from India
competitive and India a preferred destination for foreign investment since GST is a globally accepted
Suppose, manufacturer, started production for one item (say, one dress), he had all the necessary
things to manufacture dress. Now, Manufacturer must be having certain people known as wholesaler
and further wholesaler will have retailers, so that item reaches to the end users(customers).
Following shown, the cost of saving by customer on one item after implementing GST:
Add: SGST @12.5% - 25
From the above example it is clear, that on one item, customer save Rs 2.42, on
applying GST, while if we wish to continue with current taxation system, then not a
single penny is saved by consumer.
Earlier IT and ITES industry was paying 14 % of the tax to the authority and subjected to 18% after
the imposition of GST. Also, an important point to notice here, that the long-disputed issue of canned
software taxation will also come to end s their will no difference between goods and services after
the GST.
As per the GST law, many items used in the IT industry like printer, photo copying, fax
machines and ink cartridges will now attract GST at the rate of 28% as opposed to the
previous 18% tax rate.
The software service will be charged at 18% under GST as compared to 15% service tax of
the previous system. The tax rate on software CD’s (and another electronic packaged
software) will also be 18% under GST.
The IT companies will have to arrange the hardware and software to make their systems in
compliance with GST. This will increase the infrastructure cost and affect the business
capability especially for small businesses and startups.
Under GST, all the e-commerce sellers are required to register and pay taxes, irrespective of
their annual turnover. E-commerce companies are also not eligible to get the benefits of the
GST composition scheme. The online marketplaces will have to collect TCS from their
sellers and pay it to the government; the ITC will be available on such TCS paid.
Multi-point taxation
There are a number of taxation points counting up to 111 which must be accessed while in the
process of GST filing as the reason being of multiple registrations ranging from 37 jurisdictions-28
states, Eight union territories, and the centre. In other words of Chandrashekhar, Under the GST
regime, there are three tax points: central GST, inter-state GST, and state GST. Multiplying three
GSTs with 37 jurisdictions takes the total number of points of taxation to 111. It makes the IT
companies register and file compliance reports at a staggering 111 points to clear all the way through
filing the GST.
India’s web of telecom industries is world’s second largest wireless market, which includes over a
billion of active users. The scales shown by the them shows their effort to become one of the biggest
success stories of the country. Work done by these firms literally have revolutionized the lives of the
people here.
Telecom sector of India can basically be divided into three parts, the telecom service providers,
infrastructure providers and equipment manufacturers. The tower companies had been involved in
legal activities referring the accrual of tax credits. There was strict requirement of a system which
can uphold the seamless tax inputs for this particular sector by which the finalized result might not
be a burden.
After getting involved with various tax issues the government of India finally come up with a
greatest indirect tax reform of the country termed as goods and services. GST is passed as a 122 nd
Constitutional Amendment Bill and has been approved by both houses of the Indian Parliament and
GST bill and has been implemented from 1st July, 2017.
Next problem which arises in the current scenario is of petroleum. The GST will also impact the oil
and gas sector and eventually we will get to see the aftereffect on the depending sector as well.
Telecom sector of the country is the largest diesel consuming sector after railways. If petroleum
products remain outside the GST bill then it will be very difficult for tower companies to set of their
input liabilities.
Most other vehicle categories will not see significant change from the current tax structure.
Tractors category will be taxed at 12% against current 6-7 % which will be negative for the tractor
Demonetisation and BSIII norms have already hurt the sector during the first half of 2017.
Under the GST input tax credit will not be available for the dealers for the stocks existing before 1 st
July hence companies are offering discounts on their vehicles. This is expected to result in margin
pressure in the June quarter.
Stocks such as Exide Industries, Minda Industries and Amara Raja Batteries should be watched by
Imports of goods/services will be treated as interstate supplies and are liable for IGST and BCD
(Basic custom duty). ITC of IGST will be allowed, but ITC of BCD is not allowed under GST.
The impact of GST on property prices will have a positive impact as the taxation earlier was too
complicated for the buyers which has been made simpler under the new tax regime. For instance,
buyers were earlier liable to pay taxes depending on the construction status of the property and the
state where it is located. Buyers also had to pay VAT, service tax, stamp duty and registration
charges on purchase of an under-construction property. However, if the purchase was for a
completed property the tax applicable were stamp duty and registration charge.
Benefits to Developers
If you are a developer, you were earlier charged for central excise duty, VAT and entry taxes
collected by the state on construction material costs, further you had to pay a 15% tax on services
like labor, architect fees, approval charges, legal charges etc. Your tax burden was transferred to the
buyer eventually. However under the new regime, the changes in construction costs are not grave.
Furthermore reduced cost of logistics will result in reducing expenses as well. The input tax credits
will also help you increase profit margins and it will be a simpler tax to work it.
It is expected that the cost of tour packages may come down due to the relief to tour operators under GST
regime. 5% tax is liable on tour operators currently.
Logistics Industry
The logistics industry is the backbone of Indian economy and it is estimated to be worth about $400
up to 2025. After the GST, the time taking clearance process has become easy i.e less transit time.
Corruption activities are reduced in logistic services. GST reduces the overall cost of logistic
services and increases business revenue.
Banking Sector
18% GST rates levied on banking services like insurance policies, ATM transactions etc. The earlier
tax rate was 15%. Banking and financial services becomes costly. In the light of this statement the
operations given by banks and NBFC such as lease transaction, hire purchase, related to actionable
claims, fund, and non-fund based services etc. GST compliance is expected to witness some
difficulties in some executing in these services sector. In short, we can say that the impact of GST on
the banking sector in India is going to be adversely affected by this taxation system.
Some major issues bring faced by the Banking sector pertaining to the GST Law
have been talked below;
As of now, NBFC, Banks with pan-India operations can release its service tax compliance through
a solitary centralized registration process. But now under GST, such Banks/NBFC’s would need to
get a different registration for each state they work. In addition to this compliance burden about
filing of returns has also expanded generously-
Not with understanding enlistment, constituency trouble about documenting of profits has likewise
expanded generously- as far as the periodicity of returns, number of return configuration and level of
subtle details required in these returns.
Presently, Banks and NBFC’s significantly pick the alternative of invasion of 50% of the
CENVAT credit availed against input and input services while CENVAT credit on capital
merchandise could be availed with no inversion conditions.
Under GST 50% of the CENVAT credit availed against inputs, input services, and capital products is
to be reversed which places them in a state of decreased credit of 50% on capital merchandise
consequently increases the cost of capital.
The assessment would be finalized by the respective state regulators under which the individual
branch is enrolled. At the moment every enlisted branch of bank and NBFC’s must legitimize its
position on changeability in the respective state and purpose behind using input tax credit in many
As under GST more than one adjudicating authority will be included, every authority may hold an
alternate opinion on the same fundamental issue. This inconsistency in opinion will delay the
adjudication procedure. At present, a taxpayer is adjudged by a solitary adjudicating authority on an
issue included.
Under GST diverse adjudicating authority may take alternate view on a similar issue. Clearing up
and managing with the difference of opinion given by the diverse adjudicating authority would be
Gold Industry
The government of India is taking all steps to enlighten people about the GST and is also openly
addressing the fear of traders. The Gold and Silver Jewellery is one such sector under the GST
Before GST, one per cent excise duty was slapped on gold and around one per cent was levied by
most of the states as Value Added Tax (VAT). Only Kerala used to tax gold at five per cent. The
buyers in Kerala now have to spend less for gold than have been, the state government is looking up
to the Centre to cover the losses in revenue it will see once the new rates are effective.
On the other hand, uncut diamonds have been taxed at 0.25% to keep the audit trail, like gold, three
per cent tax have been levied on silver and polished diamonds coupled along with making charges
taken by jewellers.
Suresh Nair, Tax Partner, Ernst and Young, said, ‘In spite of a near vertical division, the GST
Council manages a consensus on the rate of tax gold at 3 per cent. This adds on to another new tax
rate under GST regime.
Ready-made garments up to Rs. 1000 is exempted from GST and branded garments above Rs. 1000 will be
taxed at 12%.
In 2007, in the month of May, Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers started work on
roadmap of GST and further in NOV. 2007, first report to the Committee was submitted by Working
In 2008, Committee finalised its first report and submitted by name: “A MODEL AND ROADMAP
In 2010, Finance Minister, mention in his speech to introduce GST from April 2011.
In 2013, month of August, full report on GST was submitted by Standing Committee and in Nov.
2013, there was a rejection in Government Proposal by Empowered Committee for including
Petroleum Products.
In 2014, by the end of Dec., the Constitution 122th Amendment Bill was passed in Lok Sabha to
levy GST, which enables the introduction of GST.
Finally, on 3rd August, 2016, the Constitution 122nd Amendment bill passed by Rajya Sabha and it
will be applicable from April 2017.
Literature Review
The proposed GST is likely to change the whole scenario of current indirect tax system. It considered
as biggest tax reform since 1947. Currently in India complicated indirect tax system is followed with
imbrication of taxes imposed by union and states separately. GST will unify all the indirect taxes
under as umbrella as well create a smooth national market. Expert says that GST will help the
economy to grow in more efficient manner by improving the tax collection it is will disrupt all the
tax barriers between states and integrate country by single tax rate.
GST was first introduced by France in 1954 and now it is followed by 140 countries. Most of the
counties followed unified GST while some countries like Brazil, Canada follow a dual GST system
where tax imposed by central and state both. In India also dual system of GST is proposed including
Djawadi and Fahr(2013), This study is pointed out that knowledge about tax is
important to increase the thrust of authorities and citizen. The researcher used structure
equation modelling to examine the relationship between tax awareness and tax
knowledge and researcher found that tax knowledge have positive relationship with tax
awareness. Hence taxpayer will be more aware about tax system when they have
knowledge and understanding towards tax system.
NishithaGuptha(2014), in her study stated that implementation of GST in the Indian
framework will lead to commercial benefits which were untouched by the VAT system
and would essentially lead to economic development.
International Journal of innovative studies in sociology and
humanities(2016), A study on impact of GST after implementation Milan-deep kaur
and his co-authors Assistant Proff. from Eternal University Himachal Pradesh talks
about the impact of GST and implementation of it, benefit and challenges. He also
emphasises that GST is going to change things in current situation.
Shakwipee(2017), A study conduct on the inquiring the level of awareness towards
GST among the small business owners in Rajasthan state, found that the main areas to
be focused include the training errors and computer software availability.
Times of India dated(27 July,2017), stated that the GST implication across
different places for the same product has wider differences which the consumer are
unaware resulting them in surprise Ex A Rasamalai sold in counter at a shop is taxed
with 5% but if it is served in the hotel it is taxed with 18% this has resulted in
difference of consumers shopping to purchase the similar products.
Research Methodology
Introduction of Research Methodology
Research is a logical and systematic search for new and useful information on a particular topic.
Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studying how
research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedure by which researchers go about their work of
describing, explaining and predicting phenomenon are called research methodology.
Problem Statement:
The title of project Report:- A study on custom perception towards goods and
services tax in Haryana
Manufacturer to wholesaler taxing on total bill for the product sold wholesaler to distributor taxing
on total bill for the product sold distributor to retailer taxing on total bill for the product sold retailer
to consumer itemized/total bill taxing for the product bought.
Need of Study:
The need of study have to fill the gap that has identified in the previous researchers. Under this study
We know that how much level of understanding the GST and perception towards GSTs well as
traders, taxpayers concerned by GST.
Objectives of Study:
To analysis customers perception regarding Goods and Service Tax(GST)
To asses customer view regarding of GST in Haryana.
To find out the perception and their views on new implemented taxation system.
Research Design:
A good research design has characteristics viz, problem definition, time required for research project
and estimate of expenses to be incurred the function of design is to ensure that the required data
collected and they are collected accurately and economically. A research design is purely and simply
the framework for a study that guide the collection and analysis data. In this project the two basic
types of research design are used:
Exploratory Research
All research projects must start with exploratory research. This is a preliminary phase and is
absolutely essential in order to obtain a proper definition of problem in hand. The major emphasis on
the discovery if ideas and insight. The exploratory study is particularly helpful in breaking broad and
vague problems in to smaller, more precise sub problem statements. Exploratory research is also
used to increase the familiarity with the problem under investigation.
Descriptive Research
It is a design that one simply describe something such as demographic characteristics of people. The
descriptive study is typically concerned with determining frequency with which something occurs or
how two variables vary together. A descriptive study requires a clear specification of who, what,
when and why apex of the research.
Sample Design
Sample Unit
Sample Size
Sample Technique
Data Collection
Data collection is the process to gather information about the relevant topic research, which is to be
Data collection usually takes place early in an improvement project, and its often formalized through
data collection plan which often contains the following activities:
For accomplishing the objective of study, both primary and secondary data have been used. Data
collection through the primary data as well as secondary data sources.
Classification of Data:
The correct information is the key to success data information is of two types: Primary Data and
Secondary Data. Primary data is information collected by researchers or persons himself where is
secondary data is collected by other but utilized or used by reasearchers. Data can be classified under
two categories depending upon source utilized. These categories are:
1. PRIMARY DATA: The study is largely based on the primary data which has been collected
through the structured Questionnaire Method.
The data has been collected by administrating a structured schedule of questions. The questions are
generally framed by 5 point Likert Scale and answers by respondent in form of Agree, Disagree,
Neutral, strongly agree and strongly disagree.
The questionnaire have been prepared for study the customer perception towards the goods and
service tax in Haryana.
For the present study purpose questionnaire method is used to collect the primary data. This
questionnaire is self administrated questionnaire and it is divided into two secrtions-Section A and
Section B.
This type of data has already been collected by someone else and has already passed through
statistical process. This type of data has been collected from the following resources:
Govt Gazettes
For this study primary and secondary data both has been used for research topic.
Research Instrument
A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose
of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical Analysis of the
Data Analysis and Interpretation
The data collected various respondents have to analysis for the drawing conclusion. So in this
chapter efforts have been made to analysis and interpret the collective data towards perception of
customers .
First of all the collected have been presented in a tabular form and there after it is analysed with the
help of percentage and pie charts
Name of GST Goods and Service tax Federal Goods and Service Value Added Tax
in the country Tax & Harmonized Sales
Standard Rate 0% (for food staples), 5%, GST 5% and HST varies 20 %
12%, 18% and 28%(+cess from 0% to 15% Reduced rates- 5 %, exempt,
for luxury items) zero rated
Liability arises Accrual basis: Issue of Accrual basis: The date of Accrual Basis: Invoice OR
on invoice OR issue of invoice OR the date Payment
Receipt of payment of receipt OR Supply
-earlier of payment- earlier. -earliest
Cash basis (T/O upto 1.35mn):
Particulars India (proposed) Canada UK
Returns and Monthly and 1 annual Monthly, quarterly or Usually quarterly. Small
payments return annually based on turnover business option- annual
Name of GST Goods and Service tax Goods and Service Tax Goods And Services Tax
in the country
Liability arises Accrual basis: Issue of Accrual Basis: Issue of Accrual Basis: Delivery of
on invoice OR invoice OR Receipt of goods OR Issue of invoice OR
Receipt of payment payment OR Supply - Receipt of payment
-earlier earliest
Cash basis:(T/O upto
SGD$1mn): Payment
Returns and Monthly and 1 annual Usually quarterly Business Large organsations- Monthly
payments return option- Monthly
Particulars India (proposed) Canada UK
Reverse charge Apply on goods (new) as Reverse charge applies to Reverse charge applies to
Mechanism well as services (currently supply of services imported services
under Service tax)
**USA does not have GST as it ensures high autonomy for the states**
Thus we find GST model across the commonwealth countries are similar with some variations.
Unlike India, other countries have a much higher threshold for GST applicability thus reducing the
burden for small businesses. This will bring in challenges for our SMEs.
Earlier countries implemented GST and faced many problems post-implementation.
Are you worried about how GST will impact your business? Register with us at Clear Tax to keep
yourself up to date on GST. We also have experts to help you to smoothly transit to GST.
Summary of the study
This project report helped me to get deeply understanding the “Customers perception towards the
Goods and Services Tax(GST) of Haryana.”
The main focus of this study was to asses the perception of customers regarding the Goods and
Service tax in Haryana. The study is structured of five chapters namely, introduction, literature
review, research methodology, data analysis and interpretation and last one is summary and
First chapter are covers of introduction of the taxation system, background of GST in outside of
India and with in India. Concept of GST, Types of GST, impact of GST in different sectors and
benefits of GST.
The second chapter i.e Literature Review it includes more than 10 studies of different researchers are
analysis carefully.
In third chapter i.e research methodology highlights the problem statement, scope of study, need of
study, objective of study, research design, sampling design, sample technique and data collection
The fourth chapter i.e data analysis and interpretation efforts have been made to analysis the data
with the help of mathematical tools are used percentage method.
Findings of the Study
The customers suggested that there should be a smooth, transparent and simple transition
provisions which is easily understandable.
Special focus on awareness and training of all officers, professionals and assesses should be
given on GST.
Since the public are very clear about GST, any disputes on GST introduction should be
protectively addressed by way of speedy redress.
Gradual stages may be employed for implementation like the agricultural sector, then
industrial and then the service sector.
Lastly, the government must ensure a good management of the income collected from the
This study highlighted the overall overview of GST in Haryana. The government to put in more
effort to ensure that consumers have a clear understanding and develop a positive perception towards
GST, leading to its acceptance, good understanding among customers is important as it can generate
a positive perception towards the taxation policy. The Haryana custom department could initiate and
promote an extensive publicity programme which could help to create awareness and generate
positive perception among customers in understanding the rationale and importance of GST in India.
7. ^”GST: Cars, durables face 28% rate ;luxury vehicle to attract 15% cess” ,Business standard,
18 May 2020
8. ^
Q1 Do you think implementing gst will cause higher prices of goods and services ?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Yes ( ) No
Q4 Which system do you think is more beneficial to both government and people?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) May be
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Proper training of GST officer and making the helpdesk more effective