Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Lithological Mapping, Mineral Exploration, and Environmental Geology: An Updated Review
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Lithological Mapping, Mineral Exploration, and Environmental Geology: An Updated Review
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Lithological Mapping, Mineral Exploration, and Environmental Geology: An Updated Review
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sima Peighambari on 13 April 2022.
Abstract. Hyperspectral imaging has been used in a variety of geological applications since
its advent in the 1970s. In the last few decades, different techniques have been developed by
geologists to analyze hyperspectral data in order to quantitatively extract geological information
from the high-spectral-resolution remote sensing images. We attempt to review and update vari-
ous steps of the techniques used in geological information extraction, such as lithological and
mineralogical mapping, ore exploration, and environmental geology. The steps include atmos-
pheric correction, dimensionality processing, endmember extraction, and image classification.
It is identified that per-pixel and subpixel image classifiers can generate accurate alteration
mineral maps. Producing geological maps of different surface materials including minerals and
rocks is one of the most important geological applications. The hyperspectral images classifi-
cation methods demonstrate the potential for being used as a main tool in the mining industry and
environmental geology. To exemplify the potential, we also include a few case studies of differ-
ent geological applications. © 2021 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI:
Keywords: hyperspectral remote sensing; geological applications; mineral spectra; lithological
mapping; ore exploration; environmental geology.
Paper 210082V received Mar. 10, 2021; accepted for publication Jun. 25, 2021; published online
Jul. 14, 2021.
1 Introduction
High-spectral resolution (hyperspectral) remote sensing has been used for Earth observation
since the advent of imaging spectrometer systems.1 Hyperspectral sensors can acquire images
in 100 to 200 contiguous spectral bands, to provide a unique combination of spatially and
spectrally contiguous images.2 Thanks to its ability to capture unique spectral signatures of the
surface material, hyperspectral imaging has been used in various Earth observation applications
including earth science, forestry, geography, agriculture, hydrography, atmosphere, climate
change monitoring, military, security and law enforcement.3
In earth science, geologic remote scientists have also utilized the advantages of hyperspectral
imaging in different geological applications, such as mineral industry, water quality determina-
tion, oil, and gas industries. They conducted hyperspectral imaging at various scales from close
range imaging including rock samples,4 cores,5 and outcrop scanning6 to airborne and space-
borne acquisition.7,8
There are several review papers on the topic of geologic hyperspectral remote sensing,
including applications of hyperspectral remote sensing in geology,9 multi- and hyperspectral
geologic remote sensing,7 mineral mapping using hyperspectral data,10 spectral processing meth-
ods for geological remote sensing,11 hyperspectral remote sensing and geological applications,12
and hyperspectral remote sensing for mineral exploration.13
However, an up-to-date review that covers the various components of using hyperspectral
remote sensing for geological applications is needed for future research. This paper attempts
to fill the gap by providing an updated review on hyperspectral missions, spectral properties
of diagnostic minerals, and various techniques for geologic information extraction from space-
borne/airborne hyperspectral images. The techniques include preprocessing, dimension reduc-
tion, endmember retrieval, and important image classification methods.
2 Hyperspectral Sensors
Over the last decades, airborne hyperspectral sensors including AVIRIS, HYDICE, DAIS, and
HyMAP overwhelmed the hyperspectral imaging. However, using spaceborne hyperspectral
sensors makes this technology more available for researchers. The launch of NASA’s EO-1
Hyperion sensor with 242 spectral bands in 0.4 to 2.5 μm made the new beginning in hyper-
spectral remote sensing. Several further spaceborne hyperspectral sensors have also launched in
the target of scientific research and land imaging, Earth observation, and natural resources and
atmosphere such as Tiangong-1, EnMAP, and PRISMA. However, there are plans for future
development of hyperspectral satellite sensors including HypXIM and HyspIRI. Table 1 repre-
sents some of the main hyperspectral missions with the target of Earth observation. Although
most of the spaceborne hyperspectral imageries (HSIs) have moderate spatial resolution (30 m)
(Table 1), some of the hyperspectral sensors such as PRISMA and forthcoming HypXIM use the
advantages of panchromatic sensors with the resolution of 5 and 2 m, respectively.
1 Hyperion EO-1 2000 NASA 19 to 62 0.4 to 2.5 10 30 7.7 Grating and pushbroom Earth observation; mining, geology,
forestry, land, and area mapping
3 MERIS ENVISAT 2001 ESA 520 0.39 to 1.04 1.25 300 1150 Grating, pushbroom, Ocean observation
4 FTHSI HJ-1A 2008 NCDR/SEPA 115 0.45 to 0.95 4 100 50 Fourier interferometer Earth observation
5 TianGong-1 Shenzhou-8 2011 Chinese Academy of 128 0.40 to 0.25 10 VNIR 30 10 Pushbroom Scientific research and
Science and Physics 23 SWIR land imaging
6 AHSI Gaofen-5 2018 Shanghai Institute 330 0.40 to 2.50 5 VNIR 30 60 Grating and pushbroom Earth observation
7 HysIS IMS-2 2018 COSPAR ID 256 0.40 to 2.40 10 30 30 Dispersive (?) Agriculture, forestry,
8 PRISMA PRISMA 2019 ASI 237 0.40 to 2.51 12 30 30 Prism and pushbroom Natural resources
and atmosphere
9 HISUI ALOS-3 2019 METI 185 0.40 to 2.50 10 VNIR 30 30 Grating and pushbroom Energy and vegetation
12.5 SWIR monitoring
10 HyspIRI HyspIRI 2020 JPL, NASA >200 0.38 to 0.25 10 60 145 Pushbroom Volcanic, vegetation, soil,
and exploration
Jul–Sep 2021
11 EnMAP German HS 2021 GFZ/DLR 244 0.42 to 2.50 5 and 10 30 30 Prism and pushbroom Earth observation
12 HypXIM HypXIM 2023 CNES 214 0.4 to 0.25 10 8 15 Pushbroom Soil, urban, and coastal
Peyghambari and Zhang: Hyperspectral remote sensing in lithological mapping, mineral exploration. . .
Vol. 15(3)
Peyghambari and Zhang: Hyperspectral remote sensing in lithological mapping, mineral exploration. . .
Fig. 1 Qualitative accuracy of spectral analyses in VNIR, SWIR, and LWIR ranges.16
Fig. 2 Laboratory spectral features of different hydrothermal minerals including (a) clay minerals
and (b) iron oxides.18
Industrial Research Organization of Australia has developed the EARSL of different minerals.
The NMC produced by Geological Survey of Canada contains more than 100,000 minerals.21
Although spectral libraries of different minerals produced in laboratories have been widely
used in mineral and rock identifications, some natural heterogenies existed in various minerals
and associated spectral mixing possibly still have unwanted effects on the image processing
results.22,23 Field spectroscopy is evolving as a robust technique to overcome this issue specially
Fig. 3 Mapping results from the analysis of (a) VNIR and (b) SWIR AVIRIS hyperspectral data
from Cuprite area, Nevada.15
in mineral mapping and ore exploration. Hyperspectral data from cores provide information
about different mineral grades in ore exploration.10 Combination of field spectroscopy with
spaceborne/airborne hyperspectral images can get reliable results from image processing.
RTMs are physically based codes that try to simulate the transfer process of an electromagnetic
wave in the atmosphere.33 They need field-based measurement of the atmosphere conditions at the
time of image attainment and produce apparent reflectance or scaled surface reflectance.25,34 There
are several RTM-based algorithms to model the ATCOR. Atmospheric removal algorithm was
developed by Gao et al.35 This model performed to retrieve ground reflectance spectra from hyper-
spectral data by a theoretical modeling technique. It simulates the absorption and scattering effects
of gases and aerosols existing in the atmosphere. ATCOR developed by Richter36 includes a large
database of ATCOR functions. It covers a wide range of atmospheric conditions. Kruse27 devel-
oped ATCOR now algorithm, which is model-based ATCOR software using MODTRAN-4 code
to reduce atmospheric and topographic effects in the data.
Fast line-of-sight atmospheric analysis of spectral hypercubes was developed by Adler-Golden
et al.37 It retrieves the land surface reflectance without using ground measurements. Staenz et al.38
developed imaging spectrometer data analysis system to process hyperspectral data by removing
sensor and calibration artifacts. It converts at sensor radiance to surface reflectance and analyses the
hyperspectral data. Qu et al.39 developed high-accuracy atmospheric correction for hyperspectral
data. This model corrects the water vapor and other gases (such as CO2 and methane).
signature that can be used to specify a spectral class. It should be noticed that each endmember
does not need to be a pure pixel.60 There are several endmember extraction algorithms that are
broadly grouped into two main classes including convex geometric-based and statistical-based
categories.12 In widely used linear unmixing model, the spectra of each pixel vector are regarded
to be a linear combination of endmembers weighted by their corresponding abundances.61,62
There are two main groups of endmember extraction methods within the linear spectral unmix-
ing algorithms as pure-pixel and non-pure-pixel methods. In these methods, the hyperspectral
data are considered as simplex, and its endmembers are constituting its vertices. The pure-pixel
approach assumes that there is at least one endmember in the image scene and applies simplex
growing algorithms or maximum volume transform to find the endmembers within the hyper-
spectral data cloud.63,64 The popular algorithms involve pixel purity index (PPI), and N-finder
algorithm (N-FINDR), vertex component analysis, automatic target generation process, and con-
vex cone analysis are typical pure-pixel or simplex growing methods.47,48 In order to overcome
the issues in pure-pixel endmember extraction, non-pure methods have been developed that use
the shrinking simplex algorithms or minimum volume transform techniques.64 Optical real-time
adaptive spectral identification system (ORASIS), minimum volume constrained non-negative
matrix factorization (MVC-NMF), minimum volume enclosing simplex (MVES), minimum vol-
ume simplex analysis (MVSA), and abundance separation and smoothness constrained non-neg-
ative matrix factorization are developed as non-pure-pixel extraction algorithms.64 The ORASIS
as the linear mixture model, developed by the Naval Research Laboratory, consists of series of
stepwise algorithms including prescreener, basis selection, and endmember selection to unmix
each pixel of dataset to different endmembers.65,66 This method considers all the data pixel inside
a simplex with endmember vertices. According to Chang,66 the functionality of this method
declined in hyperspectral data with low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). MVC-NMF has been devel-
oped by Miao and Qi67 as a non-pure pixel-based algorithm, which is convex geometry-based
algorithm. This method tries to fit simplex while its volume is minimal and encompass the data
cloud.67 Nouri et al.68 used particle swarm optimization to improve MVC-NMF method for min-
eralogical unmixing of hyperspectral data with high SNR.68 MVSA is another linear mixture
model for endmember extraction that was developed by Li and Bioucas-Dias.69 This algorithm
tries to fit a minimum volume simplex to the hyperspectral data, which contains the abundance
fractions to belong to the probability simplex.70 In this method, it is assumed that pure pixel may
not exist in the hyperspectral data, which can address a common situation in hyperspectral data
with highly mixed pixels.70 Motivated by Craig’s belief, Chan et al.71 developed linear-based
model called MVES algorithm in which vertices of the simplex enclose all the observed pixels.
In this method, the simplex should estimate all the endmember signatures with high fidelity.72
Non-linear geometrical unmixing methods have been used less than linear techniques.
Broadwater73 introduced non-linear kernel methods to solve the unmixing problem in high-
dimensional hyperspectral data. Heylen74 introduced geodesic simplex volume maximation
methods under non-linear mixing assumptions to extract hyperspectral endmembers. The stat-
istical-based endmember extraction methods use statistical representations.63 Based on paramet-
ric, non-parametric, and spatial statistic representations, different statistical-based unmixing
methods have been developed. Stochastic mixing model, which assumes Gaussian distribution
for each endmember, is an example of statistic-based algorithms that used parametric
representations.75 ICA is proposed by non-parametric statistical unmixing approaches. ICA-
based abundance quantification algorithm and combination of ICA and independent factor
analysis are some kinds of non-parametric statistical endmember extraction approach.63
Automated morphological endmember extraction, iterative error analysis, and spatial–spectral
endmember extraction (SSEE) are statistical unmixing methods that used spatial statistics to
improve the endmember selection.12,63
Due to high dimensionality, mixed pixels, and a smaller number of training samples, image
classification procedure for high-spectral-resolution hyperspectral images is facing more chal-
lenges. However, various methods have been designed and employed to overcome these chal-
lenges. The image classification mainly categorized into three main groups including supervised,
unsupervised, and semisupervised techniques. Over the last decades, based on various criteria,
supervised and unsupervised image classification has been categorized into further groups
including per-pixel and subpixel, parametric and non-parametric, soft and hard, spectral and
spectral–spatial, and per-field.25,76,77
In supervised classification, the image analyst uses training samples (known) obtained from
expert knowledge to specify different spectral signatures or pixel values of the image as to differ-
ent classes.25 Based on prior knowledge, the user selects sample representative pixels of a known
cover type or pattern in an image as the specific class and assign it as training sites. Then these
training sites will be used as references for the classification of other pixels in the image. Some
of the important supervised classifiers include maximum likelihood classifier (MLC), support
vector machine (SVM), spectral angle mapper (SAM), decision tree, and artificial neural net-
work (ANN).25
In unsupervised classification techniques, there is no need for the analyst’s extensive prior
information and contribution. Helping to find different clusters in data, this approach can be
utilized for feature extraction and segmentation. In this method, the classes are created purely
based on spectral information not manual visual interpretation. K-means, iterative self-organ-
izing method (ISODATA), and clustering are some of the common unsupervised classifiers.78
Semisupervised classification utilizes some available known reference information along
with undefined data. Semisupervised random was forest recently used for hyperspectral image
Parametric classification techniques consider data to have a normal distribution pattern and
deal with statistical parameters such as mean vector and covariance matrix. In the case of
complex landscape, the classification results should be noisy. In addition, insufficient, non-
representative, and multimode-distributed training samples result some ambiguities in image
classification. Combining spectral data with ancillary information and non-statistical data in
parametric approach make some difficulties for remote sensing image classification.77 However,
due to its robustness and easy implementation, the MLC is one of the most widely used para-
metric classification.
In non-parametric classifier, no statistical parameters of the distribution of the input data are
required. It is facilitated in this approach to integrate non-remote sensing data in the image clas-
sification procedure. Decision tree classifier, expert systems, SVM, deep learning, and neural
network become typical examples of non-parametric classifiers widely deployed in remote
sensing image classification.25
Per-pixel classifier creates and assigns a signature through combing the spectra of the feature
set from the entire pixel to a single class. Not considering the mixed pixel problem, the resultant
signature includes the integration of all the materials available in the training set of pixel.25,77
Most of the classifiers such as MLC, Euclidian distance, ANN, decision tree, and SVM, SAM,
binary encoding, and spectral feature fitting are important per-pixel classifiers. Due to poor
spatial resolution of hyperspectral remote sensing images, each pixel spectrally is not pure and
normally contains a mixture of two or more target materials.
Subpixel classifiers have been introduced to overcome the challenge of existing different
materials in a pixel. These techniques consider the spectral value of each pixel as the integration
result of linear or non-linear combination of pure materials. These techniques assign the exact
class for each pixel for the classification of the medium- to low-spatial-hyperspectral remote
sensing images. It employed different linear and non-linear unmixing models for subpixel level
spectral matching.25,76
Linear unmixing models consider each pixel as a linear combination of a set of spectral
fingerprints as endmembers respect to their abundances. In other words, in linear unmixing mod-
els, the subpixel component can be physically distinct in their reflectance property. In geological
applications, the different mineral fields or library spectra have been applied for mineral iden-
tification and their abundance. The most popular model for spectral unmixing is linear mixing
model (LMM). Some endmembers or pure pixel detection algorithms such as N-FINDR and PPI
are performed in this model.
Non-LMMs consider that the light photon has been affected by different earth surface mate-
rials before detection by the sensor. Various types of photon interaction in the mixed pixel in non-
LMM are vertical mixing (tree canopies) and horizontal mixing (granular mixtures) and both.
Bilinear models, intimate mixture models, neural-network-based models, kernel-based models,
physical modeling, and manifold techniques are the non-LMMs have been used by many
Spectral classifiers consider hyperspectral images as only spectral data without any concerns
about spatial information. Due to high level of mixing in the spatial distribution of the
different classes, spectral classifiers produce noisy results.25 Although the spectral classifiers
have the conceptual simplicity and computational effectiveness, they are not able to effectively
separate a number of land cover materials. MLC and ANN are some of the important spectral
Spatial-contextual approaches were developed to get higher accuracy classification.25 In
these techniques, spatial information from adjacent pixels are extracted to get a better classifi-
cation result. Some smoothing techniques including fuzzy logic and neural network can be per-
formed before the main classification approach. Texture extraction, MRFs modeling, image
segmentation, and object-based image analysis are the main spatial-contextual remote sensing
methods. Spectral–spatial classifiers are mostly considered for hyperspectral image processing.
In these approaches, parametric and non-parametric classifiers are performed before the employ-
ment of the spatial classifiers.76,81
Soft classifiers employ conditional probability to make a decision boundary for classification
of target in the image.77 In this method, each pixel can belong to more than one class and there is
a gradient between each class. Linear mixture modeling and Fuzzy classification are the most
common soft classification technique.
Hard classifiers in contrast make the decision boundary of the target without doing the prob-
ability assessment. They consider each pixel belonging to the class it most closely resembles.
The results of this classification have lower accuracy than soft classification approaches.
ISODATA, parallelepiped, K-means, maximum likelihood, and neural networks are the most
important hard classifiers.76
Considering single or multiple classifier(s) are another criterion to group image classifiers.25
Single classifier assumes a class label to a given pixel. One of the most well-known classifiers
that have been used as a single classifier is SVM. It creates linear decision boundaries to classify
multiple classes. This method defines different training samples by finding maximum margin
hyper planes in the space of the mapping sample.
In ensemble or multiple classifiers, a set of different classifiers are performed to assign a class
label for a given pixel. It could increase the accuracy of the classification result. In this approach,
it should be considered that combination of the classifiers has benefit to increase the accuracy
without any drawbacks.78,81
Prior reference data requirement also establishes a distinct category to group spectral image
classifiers. In the case of no prior reference data, the direct spectral patterns of a pixel are used to
image processing. In contrast, some techniques utilize the predefined representative information
as reference data for image processing procedure.11 These methods are categorized as knowl-
edge-based and data-driven approaches.
Knowledge-based techniques incorporate knowledge from spectral features of the different
materials. These approaches apply distinct characteristics of absorption features such as position,
depth, asymmetry, and width in different materials.11,14,19,82,83 Band calculation, feature mapping,
expert system, spectral deconvolution, wavelet analysis, and scattering theory constitute different
methods constituting knowledge-based techniques.
Data-driven methods require the hyperspectral data and additional reference data
(spectra).66,84 The reference data are commonly assigned as training classes or endmember
sets, which are imported from a spectral library or derived from the image. Different classi-
fications included in the per-pixel and subpixel classifiers are categorized in data-driven
6 Geological Applications
Fig. 4 (a) Reference lithology map derived from spectral enhancement products using ASTER
and (b) lithological classification map generated from SVM using JMIM-based optimum bands of
AVIRIS-NG hyperspectral data from gold-bearing granite-greenstone belt of the Hutti area (India).85
Dadon et al.89 used EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data for stratigraphic and lithologic map-
ping. They performed SAM supervised classification after some preprocessing and endmember
extraction processes. They separated different plutonic (monzogranite, granite, and granodiorite),
volcanic (green tuffs and basaltic lava), and sedimentary (limestone, sandstone, conglomerate, and
dolomite shale) rocks form the Dana Geology National Park (south-west Jordan) after stratigraphic
and lithologic mapping process.
Pal et al.77 considered the VNIR and SWIR bands of Hyperion spaceborne hyperspectral data
and ASTER and Landsat 8 multispectral images. They implemented four-step technique for
lithological mapping of Udaipur area, Rajasthan, western India. They employed a hybrid clas-
sification method involving minimum distance, SAM, spectral information divergence, and
SVM to optimize lithological mapping. Pal et al.77 used this method to discriminate different
sedimentary and metamorphic lithoclasses including quartzite, phyllite, graywacke, dolomite,
mafic-metavolcanics, migmatite, graphitic metapelites, and quartzite-arkose-conglomerate in the
Udaipur area.
intrusion-related mineral deposits and associated alteration patterns have been shown in Fig. 5.91
Figure 6 shows some diagnostic different alteration assemblages along with some of the main ore
deposits. Most of the alteration minerals have distinct spectral features in VNIR-SWIR and TIR
Magmatic hydrothermal deposits include several important ore deposit types such as por-
phyry, epithermal, skarns, intrusion-related, volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), iron oxide
copper gold (IOCG) uranium rare earth element (REE), alkaline complexes, and spreading cen-
ters sea-floor smokers.93 Hydrothermal intrusion-related ore deposits directly formed within or
with a distance with igneous intrusions. There are spatial alteration patterns and mineral assemb-
lages in these deposits. However, they have some genetic relationship with the fractures and
faults in the host rocks. They include alteration patterns such as feldspathic, sericitic, silicic,
greisen, calc-silicate, and/or advanced argillic assemblages.
Jintanzi gold province (China) is one of the intrusion-related gold deposits. This deposit is
mostly related to quartz veins within the granites and associated with different order faults. Using
spaceborne Tiangong-1 HSI and airborne short-wave infrared airborne spectrographic imager
(SASI) data, Liu et al.94 tried to produce alteration mineral maps via SAM algorithm. They
considered JPL and endmembers extracted by SSEE as the reference spectra. Using either set
of the reference spectra, they detected alteration muscovite, kaolinite, chlorite, epidote, calcite,
and dolomite as the hydrothermal minerals. Figure 7 shows the mineral maps derived from image
endmembers from SASI and Tiangong-1 hyperspectral data. According to their results and pre-
vious studies, the distribution of the alteration minerals has been distinctly controlled by the
gold-bearing quartz veins and faults.
Epithermal Au–Ag deposits have been considered as important gold and silver sources in the
world, which commonly distributes along the convergent plate margins.95 Extensive geological
studies have been done on different epithermal gold-silver deposits. However, several research-
ers have considered the application of remote sensing data in order to investigate and model the
hydrothermal alteration mineral mapping in these deposits.96–99 Silisic, potassic, argillic, propy-
litic, and zeolitic are the most common hydrothermal alteration minerals in epithermal deposits.
Rodalquitar deposit (southern Spain) is one of the most popular epithermal gold and silver
deposits that have been extensively studied in geochemical aspect to understand the minerali-
zation process. Also numerous geological remote sensing studies have been conducted to gen-
erate mineralogic map of the area. van der Meer et al.97 performed wavelength mapper and
QuanTools to derive absorption feature from HyMAP hyperspectral images of Rodalquiar epi-
thermal deposit. They used absorption feature position as a key to find the mineral chemistry
variations such as Al–Mg versus OH, which can be interpreted in terms of fluid compositions
and temperature. Figure 8 displays the alteration mineral maps of Rodalquiar epithermal system
constructed via Quantools and wavelength mapper.97
PCDs constitute the largest source of copper and a major source of molybdenum, gold, and
silver in the world.100 These deposits commonly have diagnostic broad alteration patterns with
distinctive minerals. Typical alteration types in PCDs include potassic alteration in the core,
which is surrounded by sericitic, argillic, and propylitic zones.91 Subtle variations in the alter-
ation minerals could be considered as the high economic potential in PCDs. For example, zona-
tion of chemical variation of white mica in phyllite alteration is a proxy of chemistry of ore
forming fluid.16,101 Figure 9 shows the variation of white mica chemistry, which has different
SWIR wavelength characteristics in typical cross section of PCD.16 Although several spaceborne
and airborne hyperspectral data have been used for porphyry Cu exploration, there are a few
literatures that investigated them.102–104 Sarcheshmeh PCD (southern Iran) located in the
Orumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc is one of the best sites for studying alteration related to
PCD. Using Hyperion data, Zadeh et al.104 (2014) identified characteristic alteration minerals
including biotite, muscovite, illite, kaolinite, goethite, hematite, jarosite, pyrophyllite, and chlo-
rite via subpixel mixture tuned matched filtering (MTMF) method (Fig. 10). Discriminating
minerals such as biotite and iron oxide is one of the most important evidence for PCD explora-
tion. Bishop et al.102 used SAM and MTMF techniques to discriminate and map the alteration
mineral assemblages from Hyperion data in the Pulang, PCD (Yunnan, China). They determined
argillic alteration, iron-oxide-, and sulphate-bearing minerals in the target deposit.
Fig. 7 Mineral maps derived from the use of image endmembers applied to (a) SASI data and
(b) Tiangong-1 HSI data from Jintanzi gold province (China).94
IOCG (±U-REE) deposits are a group of magmatic-hydrothermal deposits, which are struc-
turally controlled and commonly associated with different alteration zones. The alteration zones
of host rocks begin with sodic alteration, which changed to sodic-calcic and potassic toward the
main Fe-oxide mineralization.105 Deposits with more developed potassic alteration commonly
have intensive magnetite mineralization. Surficial rocks often show sericitic and silisic alteration.
Investigation of Corriveau et al.106 show that each alteration type in this deposit type has a unique
spectral signature. Potassic and sodic alterations are mostly distinguished by the location of
hydroxyl feature (OH-) near 2.200 μm. According to their results, airborne or spaceborne hyper-
spectral data have a potential capability to map exposed alteration maps around the IOCG depos-
its. Tappert et al.107 used the infrared reflectance spectra to discriminate the high-Al and low-Al
phengite as a potassic mineral identified at the Olympic Dam IOCG deposit (south Australia).
The phengite minerals in the heavily sericitized ore-bearing rocks have lower Si content, higher
Al content, and lower Mg content that the phengites formed in the weakly sericitized altered host
rocks. High-Al phengite has a spectral absorption feature at 2.206 μm, whereas low-Al type is
recognized by the absorption feature at 2.213 μm. Therefore, spectral absorption feature can be
Fig. 8 From top, mineral map constructed with Quantools and mineral map constructed with the
wavelength mapper using HyMAP data of Rodalquilar epithermal system (southern Spanish Gabo
de Gata volcanic area).97
Fig. 9 Typical cross section of PCD, showing generalized Al(OH) 2.200 μm absorption of different
white mica in phyllic alteration.16,101
Fig. 10 Final classification image map of alteration minerals at Sarcheshmeh deposit (southern
Iran) derived from MTMF algorithm. Bio, Mu, Il, Kao, Goe, Hem, Ja, Pyr, and Ch indicate biotite,
muscovite, illite, kaolinite, goethite, hematite, jarosite, pyrophyllite, and chlorite, respectively.104
representative of the sericitic alteration degree due hydrothermal alteration related ore forming
process. Laukamp et al.108 used HyMap airborne hyperspectral data to derive high-resolution
alteration mineral map of Mount Isa Inlier IOCG deposit (Australia). They employed hyperspec-
tral data as a tool for hydrothermal alteration detection and fluid pathway identification related to
Cu–Au IOCG deposits.
VMS deposits are kind of metal sulfide deposit, mostly copper and zinc, which formed near
the sea floor. Similar to other magmatic hydrothermal ore deposits, they have alteration patterns,
which have been formed via circulation of ore forming fluid through the host rocks.109 The
hydrothermal alteration patterns include potassic, advanced argillic, argillic, sericitic, chloritic,
and carbonate propylitic from the inner mineralized core to the peripheral area.110
There are different hyperspectral remote sensing studies on the several important worldwide
VMS deposits to characterize the hydrothermal systems. van Ruitenbeek et al.111 used HyMAP
hyperspectral data to evaluate white mica distribution pattern around Panorama VMS deposit
(western Australia). They used the advantages of different absorption features at 2.185 to
2.235 μm of Al-rich and Al-depleted white mica to map the alteration patterns and alteration
related fluid. Using AVIRIS-NG hyperspectral data, Samani et al.112 discriminated alteration
minerals including calcite, muscovite, and chlorite in the Ambaji-Deri area (northwestern
India). They performed different image processing approaches such as MNF, PPI, N-dimen-
sional visualization, and SAM classification. They matched the endmember spectra with the
USGS spectral library. Figure 11 shows the observed spatial distribution of different hydrother-
mal minerals in the Ambaji-Deri region. Laakso et al.113 used different scale hyperspectral data
such airborne, laboratory, and field methods for VMS mineral exploration in Canadian Arctic.
They took the advantages of the spectral Al-OH and Fe-OH absorption features in the SWIR
wavelength region of biotite and chlorite, which reflect the chemical compositional changes with
the distance to the mineral deposit. Fe-OH has an absorption feature at 2.254 μm in proximal
areas to the ore deposit while it changes to 2.251 μm in the distal areas. In addition, proximal
areas have the Al-OH absorption feature at 2.203 μm in contrast with the absorption feature at
2.201 μm in distal areas.
Fig. 11 Spatial distribution of the carbonate minerals at northeast of Khokhar Bili and alteration
minerals around Jharivav and Amblimal.112
Skarn deposit is another type of magmatic hydrothermal deposits, which have been formed
due to metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration of carbonate-bearing rocks. They are consid-
ered as the potential source of different ore minerals such as copper, tungsten, iron, molybde-
num, zinc, and gold. There is a zonation pattern in skarn deposits from garnet in the proximal to
pyroxene in distal areas and pyroxenoid such as wollastonite in the skarn and marble contact.114
However, individual skarns may show systematic compositional changes in these zonation
pattern. Thus detail mineralogy of skarns and their zonation can be useful in ore exploration
There are several hyperspectral remote sensing studies to detect alteration zones around skarn
deposits as a proxy to skarn type ore deposit exploration. Xu et al.115 used spaceborne Hyperion
and close-range field hyperspectral data from Dapingliang skarn copper deposit (China) to iden-
tify the mineral zones around the skarn deposit. They distinguished pixels related to skarn using
SAM from spectra overall shape and absorption bands spectral shape. Field data were applied to
directly identify alteration mineral instead of just surface materials, which probably do not have
any direct relationship with the ore mineralization. Tian et al.116 used the SWIR spectral analyses
to detect alteration minerals including sericite group minerals (montmorillonite, illite, and mus-
covite), kaolinite, and carbonate minerals (calcite, ankerite, and dolomite), with minor chlorite,
halloysite, and dickite around Jiguanzui Cu-Au (Eastern China) deposits. According to their
results, Fe-OH absorption feature of chlorite (2.241 to 2.263 μm) becomes shorter to the distal
areas. Also minimum Al-OH absorption feature of 2.209 μm can be a useful vectoring tool to the
ore deposit.
Fig. 12 Spectral traverse and AVIRIS mineral maps overlaid on a high-spatial-resolution aerial
photograph of the Venir mine-waste pile. Mineral maps show the spectrally dominant Fe-bearing
secondary minerals.123
of hyperspectral (EnMAP) and multispectral (Sentinel-2) for mineral mapping and IFD mon-
itoring could be a promising proxy of mine waste.
EnMAP, HISUI, SHALOM, HyspIRI, and HypXIM) are expected to have even higher SNR
values in both the VNIR and the SWIR spectral ranges.3 In addition, adjacent channel overlap
and data redundancy are other issues about hyperspectral data.
According to the characteristics of hyperspectral data and the nature of geological informa-
tion, the data processing approaches may differ from other conventional methods. Therefore, it is
expected that special hyperspectral image processing techniques will be developed in the future
to meet the requirements of geological applications.
This study was supported by the funding from the Canadian Space Agency’s FAST (Flights and
Fieldwork for the Advancement of Science and Technology) research grant (19FANBA36)
received by the second author. We are grateful for the constructive comments provided by the
editor and anonymous reviewers.
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Sima Peyghambari received her PhD in geology (petrology) from Shahid Bahonar University
of Kerman. She is an assistant professor in Geology Department of Payame-Noor University of
Tehran. She is Master of Science student in Engineering under supervising of Dr. Zhang at
University of New Brunswick. She has authored or coauthored over 10 research papers.
Yun Zhang received his PhD from the Free University of Berlin. He is a fellow of Canadian
Academy of Engineering (FCAE), and a professor in remote sensing at the University of
New Brunswick, Canada. He has authored or coauthored over 260 research papers. The research
outcomes from his lab have resulted 15 patents, 3 new patent applications, and more than ten
technology licenses. In addition, he received many prestigious national and international
research awards.