A Markov Model For Switching Regressions
A Markov Model For Switching Regressions
A Markov Model For Switching Regressions
1. Introduction
Yi= ’
j= 1
PljXji+ &!li=X~P1 + Uli (1)
where pt and p2 are the vectors of the coefficients Prj, fl2j, where Xi is
the vector of the ith observation on the independent variables and
where Uri and U2i satisfy the classical assumptions made about error
terms and are, for convenience, assumed to be distributed as iV(0, u2)
and N(0, ~2) respectively. If it is further assumed that (/3r, uf) # (p2, a2),
the regression system given by (1) and (2) may be thought to be switch-
ing between the two equations or ‘regimes’. This raises the question of
* We would like to thank Ray C. Fair for reading an earlier version of this paper. We grate-
fuRy acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation.
r Lt is only for simplicity’s sake that we confine our attention to the case of only two
generating equations. Although some of the algebraic details will differ if there are more than
two, there is no diffe :ence in principle.
4 SM. Goldfeld, R.E. Quandt, Switching regressions
estimating the parameters of (1) and (2) and of testing the null hypoth-
esis that (/3t, uf) = (&, ui).
It is crucial for what follows that the investigator is assumed to have
no definitive a priori knowledge about how to classify the data between
the two regimes. If he did have such knowledge the problem of testing
the null hypothesis is solved by the Chow-test (Chow, 1960). In the ab-
sence of such knowledge, the problem can be successfully attacked only
by imposing some further structure on it.
The simplest type of structure consists of the assumption that there
is at most one switch in the data series; i.e., that the first m (m un-
known) observations in a time series are generated by regime 1 and the
remaining n-m observations by regime 2. Problems of this type have
been analyzed in various ways by Brown and Durbin (1968), Farley
and Hinich (1970) and Quandt (1958, 1960).
This simple model, permitting only one switch, is clearly unrealistic
in some economic contexts. A more complex situation arises if it is as-
sumed that the system may switch back and forth between the two re-
gimes. Accordingly the first m 1 observations may come from regime 1,
the next m2 from regime 2, the next m3 from regime 1 again, etc., with
ml, m2, ... . m, (J& ml=n) being unknown. Under this assumption it is
theoretically possible for the system to switch between regimes every
time that a new observation is generated.
The basic purpose of this paper is to introduce a model that allows
for numerous switches. In sect. 2 we briefly describe two of our earlier
approaches to the many-switch case that will be important for what fol-
lows. These approaches have the basic characteristic that the probability
of a switch does not depend, at any time, on what regime is in effect. In
sect. 3 we describe a new statistical model that explicitly allows for such
a dependence. In sect. 4 we apply it to a concrete economic illustration.
In sect. 5 we make some suggestions for further extensions.
The first of two recent approaches to this problem has been intro-
duced in Goldfeld and Quandt (1972). In this approach it is assumed
that ignorance about which regime generates an observation is only par-
tial; specifically it is assumed that there exist observations on some exo-
S.M. Goldfeld, R.E. Quandt, Switching regressions 5
genous variables’ Zri, Z2i, . .. . Zpi (i=l, . .. . n), and that nature selects re-
gime 1 for generating the ith observation on the dependent variable if
an unknown function, possibly linear, of the z’s is less than or equal to
zero. Thus,
Yi=XJPl +&!li if C TjZjiG 0 (3)
i= 1
d(z,) = 0 if C TjZji G 0
j= 1
d(Zi) = 1 if C ~iZii> 0
j= 1
and denote by D the diagonal matrix of order n which has d(Zi) in the
ith position of the main diagonal. Let Y be the n X 1 vector of observa-
tions on the dependent variable and X be the n X k matrix of observa-
tions on the independent variables. The problem of estimating the two
separate regimes is- then equivalent to estimating the 2k p’s, 20~‘s and n
d’s of the composite regression equation
where u is a new parameter and must be estimated along with the ~j.
Maximum likelihood estimates are then obtained by maximizing (7),
subject to replacing d(zi) in (7) by the expression in (8), with respect to
the 2k p’s, p T’S and u.~
exp c_Yj-x:P2)2
-3 3
=* u12 +g2exp i I
L = C 1Ogh~ilXi) (10)
i= 1
which may be maximized with respect to the o’s, u2’s and h.’ Both the
D-method and the h-method have been found to have acceptable sam-
pling properties. 6
3. A Markov model
X; = hb T'. (11)
[ f2CYilxi)
Defining tLs as the (rs)th element of Ti, the application of (11) then
yields the recursions
and also
If, for example, one assumed for theoretical reasons that large values of
z are associated with high probabilities of entering the first state, the T
functions might be defined by
The likelihood function can then be derived and would have to be max-
imized with respect to the usual parameters as well as zcr, zo2, at, 022.
This last method will be referred to as the r(z) method.
4. An economic example
Recently Fair and Jaffee (1973) have proposed a model for a housing
market in disequilibrium in which the demand and supply functions are
specified as
savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks lagged one peri-
od, xsr a moving average of borrowings by savings and loan associations
from the Federal Home Loan Bank lagged two periods and x6t = x3[+r.
If there is an excess demand, the observed point lies on the supply func-
tion and if there is an excess supply, it lies on the demand function: at
least formally, therefore this is a two-regime problem. Among other
methods, Fair and Jaffee estimated the model by segregating data points
into two subgroups according to whether a point belonged to a period
of.rising or falling price (mortgage rate): if price was rising there must
have been an excess demand and the corresponding points may be used
to estimate the supply function and conversely for points belonging to
periods of falling price .7 111effect they thus posited the existence of a
z-variable with an implied approximation of the form of (8) given by
7 Many observations were associated with zero price change. These are then presumably
equi$brium observations and were treated in various ways by Fair and Jaffee.
This is clearly equivalent, in the terms of (4) to having two z’s with zti having values of
unity, Zzi being the price changes, nt = -20. and “2 = 1.
S.M. Goldfeld, R.E. Quandt, Switching regressions 11
and where Eli and ~2i are posited to be independent; the r-method is
then applied to the conditional densities of yi-_Plyi_ 1 and yi-p2yi_ 1.
The resulting likelihood function was maximized with respect to 16
parameters (9 (Y’Sand p’s, 2 u2’s, 2 p’s, A,,, 71 and r2). The estimates
and their ratios to the square roots of their asymptotic variances to-
gether with the corresponding figures for the X-method are displayed in
table 1.
From r1 and 72 and (15) the limit probability of state 1 is 0.192.
This is remarkably close to the previous estimate of the fraction of
observations associated with Regime 1 which was given by h = 0.181.
The reasonableness of the estimates for r1 and r2 can be checked in
another way as well. Let T be the transition matrix, let A be the matrix
which has the ith limit probability repeated as its ith column. Define:
2 = (I-(T-A))-’ ,
and let Zdg be the matrix 2 with its off-diagonal elements replaced by 0;
let E be a matrix of all l’s and D a diagonal matrix with ith diagonal
element equal to the reciprocal of the ith limit probability. Then the
mean first passage matrix M is given by9
A4 = (I-Z+EZdg) D
V = M(2ZdgD-I) + 2(ZM-E(ZM),,) .
Table 1
h-method s-method
Estimate/approx. Estimate/approx.
Estimate std. dev. Estimate std. dev.
- - 0.916 5.38
- - 0.980 28.82
0.181 2.13 - -
_ _ _*
Al0 0.120
* No standard deviation is reported since the optimum was achieved by scanning over alterna-
tive values of Ale and maximizing jointly with respect to the remaining parameters.
Xi=p(l-6i_l)+(1-P)xi-1 ) (20)
where 0 < p < 1 and where 6i_ r = 0 if in the previous period the first
regime prevailed and 6i_ 1 = 1 otherwise. For p = 0, the procedure im-
plied by (20) is simply the h-method. For p = 1, the system perpetually
remains in the regime in which it was in the initial period. For inter-
mediate values, the higher the value of p the more Xi tends to reflect
predominantly the state of the system in the previous period. As a mat-
ter of practical implementation, it is clear from (20) that the Xi can
take on 2’- 1 different values, each expressible in terms of X0, 6, and p.
The probabilities corresponding to these values can be computed as
functions of these same parameters. The values of the Xi and their prob-
abilities can then be combined in the usual manner to form the likeli-
hood function which is then expressed entirely in terms of the p’s, u’s
and X0, 6, and p.
Another extension which allows switching between states that in-
volves temporal persistence may be specified. This extension has the
feature that in some periods the system obeys regime 1, in some others
regime 2, and in still some others it obeys a transitional hybrid between
the two regimes.
Let D be a diagonal matrix as in (5) but do not require its elements
di to be 0 or 1. Of course if di is 0 or 1 we are entirely in one or the
other regime; otherwise nature is assumed to generate yi from a hybrid
regime. Let r(Zi) be defined by
We now let
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