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(TRB) Kid's Box 4

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Teacher’s notes


Reinforcement worksheet 1 Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 9.

● Pupils count forwards and backwards along the A 28, E 71, I 42, O 40, U 12.
alphabet to find the words. They transfer the ● Optional follow-up activity: Give pupils two
information to the form below and complete it minutes to write as many words as possible
about a favourite singer, sports personality or other beginning with e. The winner is the pupil with the
famous person. Pre-teach/Check the meaning of most words.
job. The pupils stick a picture of the person into the
frame Song worksheet
● Pupils colour the pictures to remind themselves of
Key: 2 age, 3 job, 4 hair, 5 wears, 6 likes, 7 can.
the sounds in these words. They then look at the
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils take it in underlined parts of the words in the box and decide
turns to read the information about their chosen which colour they rhyme with. They colour them
personality (omitting the name and not showing the accordingly and then complete the song with the
picture). words, using the colour words to guide them. They
The first pupil who guesses who it is gets a point. listen to the song (Track 3) to check their answers.
The winner is the pupil with the most points.
Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 7.
Reinforcement worksheet 2 ● Optional follow-up activity: Ask pupils to find
● Pupils find and circle the job word, as in the model, words which rhyme with brown, green and red.
and then use the words in the crossword to write
a description of the teacher. They draw a picture to Topic worksheet
match the description. ● Pupils read about time zones. They count backwards
and forwards to draw the times on all the clocks to
Key: pupils circle teacher in the crossword.
show what time it is in four other world citites when
Descriptions may vary slightly. A possible answer is
the boy is doing these four different activities. They
The teacher’s got straight black hair. She’s wearing a skirt
use the times on the clocks to help them complete
and glasses. She’s happy.
the sentences.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils write another
Key: 2 is having lunch, 3 is watching TV, 4 is going to
similar description and swap it with a friend.
They draw a picture to match their friend’s text.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils think of five
Extension worksheet 1 activities that they do in a day and decide what
● Pupils read the text about Aunt May on page 6 of the children in the other cities on the worksheet would
Pupil’s Book and use the information to choose the be doing at that time.
right answers. They then read the text about Uncle
Fred and prepare a similar multiple-choice quiz.
Key: 2 A, 3 B, 4 C.
● Optional follow-up activity: After you have
checked the pupils’ work, they swap quizzes and
answer them.
Extension worksheet 2
● This can be done as a listening exercise (Track 2) or
a reading exercise. If you use the audio recording,
pause after each frame while the pupils write. Pupils
insert the missing vowels. Ask them to count the
number of times they have written each letter to
see which vowel appears most often in the text.
Use the activity to show the children that e is the
most common vowel in English and remind them
that this is useful for playing Hangman. (Generally,
exclamations such as Ooohooo! and proper names do
not count towards vowel frequency because they
are not found in dictionaries, but in this activity it is
8 easier if the children count everything.)
there! Reinforcemen workshee 1

Find the words. m n o

l w x
k p v y
S j q u z
T a b c r t
d e i s
A f g h

1 Count 14 from the start. Go back 13. Go forward 12.

Go back 8. _n _a _m_e
2 Count 1 from the start. Go forward 6. Go back 2. _ _ _
3 Count 10 from the start. Go forward 5. Go back 13. _ _ _
4 Count 8 from the start. Go back 7. Go forward 8.
Go forward 9. _ _ _ _
5 Count 23 from the start. Go back 18. Go back 4. Go forward 17.
Go forward 1. _ _ _ _ _
6 Count 12 from the start. Go back 3. Go forward 2. Go back 6.
Go forward 14. _ _ _ _ _
7 Count 3 from the start. Go back 2. Go forward 13. _ _ _

Complete the table. Write about someone famous.

1 Name

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 9
there! Reinforcemen workshee 2

Find the jobs. Write and draw.

h t w u
f a r m e r
u i o o a l
n r u u r y
n s s i
y e t n
r a g
s c
1 T he farmer’s got curly hair
and a moustache. He’s wearing
trousers. He’s funny.

s l
k s b a h
i t l s a
r w r a s i
t e a c h e r
a i k a s
r g p
i h p
n t y

10 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
there! Ex ension workshee 1

Read the text about Aunt May on page 6 of

the Pupil’s Book. Choose the right answer.

1 Is Aunt May a doctor? 3 Does she always work at night?

A Yes, she is. A Yes, she does.
B No, she isn’t. B No, she doesn’t.
C Yes, she has. C Yes, she is.
2 Does she work in a little hospital? 4 Does she like listening to music?
A No, she doesn’t. A Yes, she is.
B No, she isn’t. B No, she doesn’t.
C Yes, she does. C Yes, she does.

Read the text about Uncle Fred on page 6 of the

Pupil’s Book. Write questions. Ask your friend.

1 3
? ?
A No, he hasn’t. A Yes, he has.
B Yes, he is. B No, he hasn’t.
C No, he isn’t. C No, he doesn’t.
2 4
? ?
A No, he doesn’t. A Yes, he does.
B Yes, he does. B Yes, he has.
C Yes, he is. C No, he doesn’t.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 11
there! Ex ension workshee 2

Complete the story.

O _
_ o _h_
o o _ o _!
o W_ll, th_r_’s
Mr L_ck! Th_s _s _ p_cn_c
my s_st_r’s s_n, H_ll_, th_ _f _n
P_t_r. H_ n_ _ds P_t_r. B_k_r’s P_rk.
y_ _r h_lp. W_ll, _ B_h! _
d_n’t … p_cn_c
th_ _f …
N_ pr_bl_m,
P_t_r. Wh_t’s
th_ m_tt_r? L_t’s g_
_nd s_ _!

R_ght h_r_, n_xt t_ th_ _xc_s_ m_,

l_k_. _v_ry t_m_ _ pl_y s_r. Wh_t c_n Y_ _h,
w_th my fr_ _nds s_m_b_dy y_ _ t_ll m_ wh_r_ w_r_
t_k_s _ _r p_cn_c. _b_ _t th_ y_ _ _t
p_cn_c th_ _f? th_s t_m_
G_ _nd pl_y,
P_t_r. P_t
y_ _r f_ _d _ _ _h! _
_n th_ w_s _t _
bl_nk_t. _t’s p_cn_c. H_r_
s_f_ w_th _s. _n th_ p_rk.

_h_! S_, y_ _ _t’s _K, P_t_r. _’v_ g_t

l_k_ p_cn_cs. y_ _r p_cn_c.

L_ck, _’v_
g_t th_
_h, _r,
th_ _f … _r,
th_nk y_ _,
_r, _t’s g_t
Mr K_y.
m_! H_lp!

12 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
there! Song workshee

Colour the pictures.

blue shoe grey train yellow boat white kite

Colour the words.

clothes Goodbye shoes to Wake So to go I’m
Goodbye wake lose routine No to day time
Comb to time do My same to You say

Read and write. Listen and check. Sing.
The morning rap, Run blue the kitchen,
We blue do it every grey . Sit on a chair.
The grey blue , Eat your breakfast,
Now listen and grey . yellow your hair.
It’s seven o’clock, The morning rap …
grey up, grey up! Clean your teeth.
blue must get up yellow white
And have a wash. blue blue .
Get your bag,
Come on, come on,
Put on your blue .
It’s white blue
white blue Mum,
yellow .
white blue Dad.
Get dressed, get dressed!
white friends are at school,
Put on your yellow .
yellow white not sad.
The morning rap. The morning rap.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 13
there! Topic workshee

Read about time zones.

What time is it now? Do you know that it’s a different time in different countries? When
it’s twelve o’clock in the afternoon in England, it’s twelve o’clock at night in Australia.
The world has different time zones and in some countries there are different time zones.
Are there different time zones in your country?

Draw the times on the clocks.

New York –5 Brasilia –3 London Athens +2 Tokyo +9

11 12 1

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4

10 2 10 2 7 6 5
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
11 12 1

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2
9 3

2 2 2 2
8 4

10 10 7 6 5
10 10
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
11 12 1

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2
9 3

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
8 4
7 6 5

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
11 12 1

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2
9 3

2 2 2 2
8 4

10 10 7 6 5
10 10
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

Complete the sentences.

1 When it’s six o’clock in the morning in Brasilia, Bob is starting school.
2 When it’s ten o’clock in the evening in Tokyo, Bob .
3 When it’s two o’clock in the afternoon in New York, Bob
4 When it’s eleven o’clock at night in Athens, Bob
14 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
1 Teacher’s no es
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 1
● Pupils discuss Braille and use the key to solve the ● Pupils read the sentences in the grid. They find
crossword. They note their answers in the table. the people in the picture and number the boxes
Key: Braille is a language for the blind invented by a accordingly. They then work out the missing numbers
Frenchman called Braille. The dots represent the by getting each side of the grid to add up to 20.
bumps that the blind can feel and ‘read’ with They write This is the … sentences for the other four
their fingers. squares in the grid.

1 exciting, 2 easy, 3 boring, 4 brave, 5 difficult, Key: Top line: 1, 4, 5, 10; Middle line: 11, 7;
6 quick, 7 slow Bottom line: 8, 0, 9, 3.
● Optional follow-up activity: In pairs or small ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils colour in
groups, pupils write sentences, or find them in their the scene and then write alternative This is the …
Pupil’s Book, to act as clues for the crossword. Give sentences in their notebooks, for example This is the
them this example for the word difficult: boy who is wearing a blue jumper.

1 We like his lessons because they’re not Extension worksheet 2

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (from Pupil’s Book, page 11) ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 4) and follow on the
worksheet. They then follow the instructions to write
Reinforcement worksheet 2
the sentences from the story. They can write in their
● Pupils look at the three pictures and choose which notebooks or on the back of the worksheet, as you
one they prefer. They complete and write the prefer.
sentences. Write this key on the board:
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four, each
pupil cuts out the six frames. The dealer shuffles
The pupils add up the points to discover what sort them and deals them all out. Pupil A puts one of the
of person they are, based on the following key which frames face up on the table and the others race to
you can read out to the class: put down the next frame. The first to do so keeps the
7–9 points cards and play passes to Pupil B, and so on. The game
You are happy doing exciting things. You like difficult continues until one pupil has won all the cards. Tell
activities. You like doing quick things and being busy. the pupils that, in this game, frame 1 follows on from
You think slow activities are a bit boring. frame 6.
4–6 points
Song worksheet
You like some exciting things but you like activities
that are not too difficult. You like some quick ● Pupils match the rhyming pairs, then complete the
activities but you don’t need everything to be quick. song. They listen to the song (Track 5) to check their
Sometimes you like to be busy – but not too busy! answers.

3 points Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 13.

You don’t like difficult activities. You like doing slow ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils think
activities and you are happy when people are quiet. of as many words as possible to rhyme with the
You don’t like being busy all the time. words they have paired.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils think of another Topic worksheet
school subject involving three alternative activities.
● Pre-teach words you think the pupils may find
They choose their favourite of the three. In groups,
difficult. Pupils read the text and do the activities.
they compare their results to produce a survey about
They may need time to measure people at home if
favourite activities in different subjects.
they have already measured their friends in class.
Key: 2 65 cm, 3 37.5 cm, 4 42.5 cm.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils convert the
measurements of their classroom objects from
page 17 of the Pupil’s Book into inches.


1 Reinforcemen workshee 1

 The crossword is in Braille. What is Braille?



 Use the Braille key to solve the crossword.

1 ex C
2 A
3 R
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7

16 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Reinforcemen workshee 2

What do you prefer? Choose a picture.

1 In the playground

playing basketball skipping sitting down and talking

a b c

I prefer the children who are . Picture

2 In Art lessons

painting colouring in learning about art

a b c


3 In English lessons

doing craft work playing games doing exercises

a b c


PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 17

x1 Ex ension workshee 1

Find the people. Number the sentences.

4 5
3 1

8 7


= 20
This is the boy This is the
5 who’s playing teacher who
the trumpet is standing up.
and who isn’t

7 This is the
This is the
boy who is
playing the teacher who
and wearing

This is the This is the This is the

girl who is girl who is boy who is
playing the playing the playing the
guitar. drums and drums and
wearing wearing black
a skirt. trousers.
= 20 = 20
= 20

Each side and = 20. Think and write sentences.

18 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Ex ension workshee 2

Read the clues. Write the sentences from the story.

On Thursday we’ve got a
Oh yes,
lesson on jobs. Can you
we catch
come to my school to talk
people who
about your work, please?
Detectives are very do naughty
important. We help things. Well thank you,
people. We can find Mr Lock
No problem, Peter. people and things. and Mr Key.
THURSDAY MORNING OK children, it’s
Do you catch
bad people?

Your work is very

interesting. Are Look! There’s a
you very busy? OK, Key. I think we’ve
got everything now.
Ooops! Let’s have
Oh, yes! Let’s go back to the
a quick game!
You can’t get Is she a
it! Gooaaal! detective?
You’re very
I need to
stop the ball!
Well! Excuse

1 The man who is jumping says this. 4 Key asks this question when they are
2 The woman who is eating asks this leaving the school.
question. 5 Key says this when he is pointing at
3 The boy who has his hand up asks the ball.
this question. 6 Lock says this when we can see
three children who are sitting down.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 19

x1 Song workshee

Match the words that rhyme. Complete the song.

need   draw   slow   add   teach

go   week   read   floor   sad

Listen and check. Sing.

The classroom’s where you learn,
The classroom’s where we
teach ,
Lots of exciting things,
To do in our school …

1 I teach Sport,
It’s quick, not ,
Run, jump and skip,
Go, go, !
4 I teach Art,
2 I teach English, We can paint and ,
All I , Careful with the paint,
Are lots of words, Don’t drop it on the !
And books to 5 The classroom’s where you learn,
. The classroom’s where we
3 I teach Maths,
It’s easy to , Lots of exciting things,

But if it’s wrong, To do in our school …

Don’t be .

20 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Topic workshee

Read about measuring. Do the activities.

In the United Kingdom, people use the metric system to measure, but a lot of people in
the United Kingdom and in the United States still use the imperial system from before.
Some people still say their height in feet and inches. One foot is about 30 centimetres
and there are 12 inches in a foot. One inch is about two and a half centimetres
or 25 millimetres.
How many centimetres are there in a metre?
How many millimetres are there in a centimetre?
How tall are you and your friends and family in feet and inches?

Name Centimetres Feet and inches

Television and computer sizes are in inches – and not just in the United Kingdom! Look
at these televisions and computers. We write inches like this: 22”.
How big are these televisions and computers in centimetres?
1 2 1 4

55 cm

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 21
2 Teacher’s notes
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils look at what each child wants from a summer ● This can be done as a listening exercise (Track 6) or
camp. They read the information to decide which a reading exercise. If you use the audio recording,
camp is best suited to each child, then write the pause after each frame while the pupils write. Pupils
reasons for their choice. They also give their own find the words in the story and replace them with
preference and explain why. their opposites to correct the story text.
Key: Daisy: Seaside Camp, Sally: Adventure Camp, Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 23.
Federico: Study Camp. ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four,
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils write the pupils agree on a way to describe each frame, for
publicity for the camp they would like to go to. They example, The picture where Lock is … Each pupil cuts
can suggest a suitable age range for their chosen out the six frames. The dealer shuffles them and
camp or give different age limits for the various deals three to each pupil. The rest are put in a pile in
activities on offer. the middle. Pupils look at their own cards but do not
show them to the group. Pupil A asks another pupil
Reinforcement worksheet 2 for a card using the description on which they have
● Pupils colour in the adverbs in the wordsearch. agreed. If the pupil has it, he/she must hand it over.
They then copy the remaining letters exactly in the Once a player has two frames the same, he/she puts
same order as they are in the wordsearch to find them aside. If he/she does not have it, Pupil A has to
four tongue twisters containing adverbs. Help with pick up one of the cards from the pile. Play continues
meaning and make links with the children’s literacy round the circle. The winner is the player with the
studies by talking about alliteration (words beginning most pairs at the end of the game.
with the same sound) and onomatopoeia (words that
sound like their meaning). Encourage them to say the Song worksheet
tongue twisters faster and faster. ● Pupils solve the anagrams and write in the correct
Key: 1 Freshly fried fresh fish, 2 Please pay promptly, adverbs. They listen to the song (Track 7) to check
3 Crisp crusts crackle crunchily, 4 Nine nice night their answers. They then create more anagrams of
nurses nursing nicely nightly. words from the song for a friend to solve.
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 21.
take it in turns to say one (or more) of the tongue ● Optional follow-up activity: One pupil stands
twisters. For each tongue twister, the winner is the at the front of the class. Show him/her the list of
pupil who says it most quickly without making a adverbs and ask him/her to choose one. Other pupils
mistake. name an activity and the child must do the activity
in line with the adverb they have chosen. Pupils win
Extension worksheet 1 points for guessing the adverbs.
● Pupils read the texts and then answer the questions
to complete the crossword. Topic worksheet
● Pupils read about the Olympics. They match the
Key: 1 Daisy, 2 Vicky, 3 blue, 4 yellow, 5 library, 6
pictures with the information about the heptathlon
quickly, 7 slowly.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils personalise this
Key: 2 F, 4 3 D, 5 4 E, 6 5 A, 2 6 G, 1 7 B, 7.
activity by using the answers to Activity 6 on page 20
of the Activity Book. In groups, the children take it ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils research the
in turns to read their answers whilst the rest make events in the decathlon and prepare a similar table
notes. They then design a crossword based on their and definitions.
answers. Key: First day: 100 m race, long jump, shot put,
high jump, 400 m race. Second day: 110 m hurdles,
discus, pole vault, javelin, 1500 m race.


2 Reinforcemen workshee 1

 Look at the table. Read about the camps.

Which camp does each child want to go to?
Daisy: Camp  Sally: Camp
Federico: Camp

Daisy Sally Federico

sail ✓ dance ✓ draw ✓
swim ✓ swim ✗ run ✗
climb ✗ play tennis ✗ climb ✗
study ✗ climb ✓ study ✓
fish ✓ roller skate ✓ play baseball ✓

Adventure Seaside lake for

Camp Camp sailing.
Study Camp
Do you want to do
something different this Do you want to
summer? Then this camp This camp is great study English this summer?
is for you. Every morning for those who like Come to Study Camp and
there are dance and water sports. You can meet other people your age
roller skating lessons practise swimming who want to study English.
and in the afternoons in our fantastic For even more practice, we
we go for walks in the swimming pool and teach you how to play a
countryside where you in the sea. There is a favourite American game:
can climb mountains. river for fishing and a baseball. Drawing classes
each day from ten o’clock to
eleven o’clock.
 Write about the children.
Daisy wants to sail ... but she doesn’t want to ...

Which camp do you want to go to? Why?

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 23

2 Reinforcemen workshee 2

Find and colour the adverbs.

carefully  badly  quietly  well  loudly  slowly  quickly

f c r e q s h l y f r i
e d a f u r e s h f i s
h p l r i e a s e p a q
y p r o e m p t l y c u
s r i s t f p c r u s i
l t s c l r u a c k l c
o e c r y u n l c h i k
w l y n i b a d l y n l
l e e n i c e n i y g y
y h l t n u r s e s n u
r s i l o u d l y n g n
i c e l y n i g h t l y

 Find the extra letters across (➜) the wordsearch.

Write them on the lines to find four tongue twisters.
F _r _e _s _h _l _y    _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _
1 _

2 _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _


Say the tongue twisters quickly!

24 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 Ex ension workshee 1

Read the texts.

In sport, Jack and Peter are running. Jack runs 100 m in 15 seconds and
Peter runs 50 m in 11 seconds.
Daisy and Sally want to buy a book. It costs £15. They both have £20.
First they go to the clothes shop. Daisy buys a cap for £4 and Sally buys
a scarf for £8.
Vicky and Mary want to learn to sing. They go to a class. Vicky sings
loudly and Mary sings quietly.
The blue team are playing baseball against the yellow team. Paul is in
the yellow team. Today his team is playing badly. Jim is playing well.
His team is winning.

 Now read the clues and complete the crossword.

Across ➜ 5

1 This is the girl who can buy the 1

book. D
2 This is the girl who you can hear
from outside.
3 This is Jim’s team.
4 This team isn’t winning.

5 Sally must go to the ... for the
book because she can’t buy it.
6 Jack is the boy who runs ... .
7 Peter is the boy who runs ... . 4

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 25

2 Ex ension workshee 2

 Find the words in the story. Cross them out and

write the opposite.
dirty  quietly  ugly  small  She’s  Don’t help me  easy
Hello, this
Hello, this is
is the
the Baker
Baker Street
Hello, Look, here’s
this is the Baker Street Look,
Street here’s the
the note.
note.Look, here’s the note.
Hello, thisPlease
is the Baker Street We’ve got Look,
a small here’s the note.
We’ve gothere’s
a small ‘I’ve got
‘I’ve got the
the swimming
swimming‘I’ve got the swimming
Hello, this
Swimming Club.
is the Baker
Club. Please come
Street quickly.
this Club.
is the
come quickly. Please
Baker come
Street quickly.
We’ve got here’s
a smallthe note.
competition the competition
note. ‘I’ve got theare
Somebody’s got Club.
our Please
Somebody’scome quickly.
got our ugly We’ve We’ve
got a got a
small small competition
We’ve this
got a afternoon!
small cup.’gotAha!
competition Aha!
the There
There are cup.’
‘I’ve gotAha! There are
the swimming
Somebody’s Club.
got Please
ourgot come quickly.
ugly Club. Please come quickly.this afternoon! cup.’There
Aha! are
There are
swimming cup.
cup. our ugly
swimming cup. this
this afternoon!afternoon! two
cup.’ letters
this afternoon! two letters here: T.S.
here: T.S. two
cup.’ letters
Aha! here:are
There T.S.
swimming got our Somebody’s
ugly got our ugly two here:
letters here: T.S.
swimming cup. cup.swimming cup. two letters T.S. two letters here: T.S.

No problem.
No problem. No problem.
We’re No problem. No
No problem. We’re coming.
We’re coming.
We’re coming.We’re coming.
We’re coming.

Let’s go
Let’s go and
and see
see Let’s go and see
Well, the
the swimming
swimming Well, the swimming
DON’TWALK SLOWLY! DON’T Well, Well, the swimming Mr
Mr goLet’s
Sweep. and go
He’sseeand Mr
go andHe’s
cup isn’t
Well,isn’t in
the in the pool!
the pool! Well,
cup isn’t
the in the
some Mr pool!
towels.He’s got
some dirty towels.
some dirtyHe’s got
towels. Mr Sweep. He’s got
POOL! NEAR THE POOL! cup isn’tcupin isn’t in the
the pool! cuppool!
in thedirty
some dirty towels.
some dirty towels.

II have
have to
to shout
shout quietly
I have to
quietlyI have to shout quietly
shout quietly
I have to it’s
becausebecause easy toI have
it’s easyit’sto because it’s easy
to shout to
hear in a swimming easy
hear to
because it’s
hear in a swimming easy to because
pool. pool.What? What?pool.
a swimming
it’s easy to What?
hear in hear in a swimming
a swimming pool. Pardon?
hear in Pardon?
swimming pool. Pardon?
Pardon?Pardon? Pardon?

Aha! Look!
Look! Here is! Aha! Look! Here it is!
Here itit is! Give me
Give me Don’t help Give me Don’t
me, Coach!
Coach! Oh! help me, Coach! Oh!
Aha! Don’t help me, Oh!
Aha! got Look! Here
got it Look!
is!Aha! is!got it! He’sit is!
Here got that meGiveDon’t
that cup!
Give cup! me
The Don’t
help Give
The cupThe was
me me,and
andOh! Oh!
cup wasCoach!
me, nice and
She’s got it!
She’s He’s
it! He’s gotswimming that cup!that cup! that cup! was nice and
got it! He’s got the
She’s got it! He’scup!
got clean
clean for
The cup
for this
this afternoon’s
was afternoon’sclean for
nice andThe cup was this nice
the swimming cup! cup!
the swimming clean for this afternoon’s
the swimming cup! the swimming cup! competition.
clean for
competition. Now
thisNow lookclean
at it!
look at it! for thisNow
competition. look at it!
competition. Now
at look
it! at it!Now look at it!
competition. Now lookcompetition.
Terry Terry
Sweep Sweep
Sweep Terry
Terry Sweep Terry
Sweep Sweep

26 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 Song workshee

Correct the strange words.

Activity centre, Activity centre, 3 We’re sailing piphaly,
Lots of fun. Lots of fun. Our boat’s short.
A place to skate, A place to skate,
We’re going lowsly,
Sail and run. Sail and run.
Activity centre … Activity centre … What a great sport.

1 I’m skating well, 2 I’m climbing aisely, Activity centre,

Lots of fun.
Round and round. Up the wall.
qu A place to skate,
I’m moving kuciqly, I’m going flareculy, Sail and run.
Over the ground. So I don’t fall. Activity centre …

Activity centre,
Lots of fun. 7
Listen and
A place to skate, check. Sing.
Sail and run.
Write more
Activity centre … strange
words for
your friend to

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 27

2 Topic workshee

Read about events at the Olympics.

There was only one race in the first Olympic Games in Greece in 776 BC.
It was 192 metres long. The first modern Olympic Games with different
countries were in 1896. They were Pierre de Coubertain’s idea. He was a French
man. Now, there are many different events. In the decathlon, men run, jump and
throw things in ten events. In the heptathlon, for women, there are seven events.

 Match the pictures and the information with the

heptathlon events.
Heptathlon: First day Heptathlon: Second day
1 100 m hurdles: C, 3 5 Long jump:
2 High jump: 6 Javelin:
3 Shot put: 7 800 m race:
4 200 m race:


1 The thing that you throw is 5 You must throw a metal ball
between 220 and 230 cm long. as far as possible.
2 You must jump as far as possible. 6 You must run half way round
3 You must run and jump over the track.
ten things. 7 You must run round the track
4 You must jump as high as possible. two times.

28 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
3 Teacher’s no es
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils follow the drawing instructions, answer the ● This can be done as a listening exercise (Track 8) or
question and colour the squares to show the verb a reading exercise. If you use the audio recording,
pairs. pause after each frame while the pupils write. Pupils
Key: A star. insert the missing vowels. Ask them to count the
number of times they have written each letter.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils think of a
different shape/route and write the instructions for a Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 33.
friend. A 30, E 51, I 37, O 48, U 6.
● Optional follow-up activity: Give pupils two
Reinforcement worksheet 2 minutes to write as many words as possible
● Pupils use the visual clues to complete the postcards. beginning with a and o. The winner is the pupil with
Key: 2 it was sunny, 3 We went in the sea, 4 we were the most words.
hungry, 5 we drank a lot, 6 we were thirsty,
Song worksheet
7 we went to bed, 8 we were tired, 9 I went to the
doctor, 10 I was sick, 11 gave me some medicine, ● Pupils look at the definitions and write the words.
12 a temperature and an earache, 13 drank a lot, They then use these words to complete the song.
14 I was hot and thirsty. They listen to the song (Track 9) to check their
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils write a
postcard to include at least two because clauses. Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 31.
They ‘send’ them to a friend who can then read the ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils draw a 12 X 12
text aloud. grid in their notebooks and design a wordsearch to
contain the ten words from the exercise. They swap
Extension worksheet 1 them with a friend.
● It is easier to give each group a dice, but if you
haven’t got enough, ask them to cut out the spinner, Topic worksheet
mount it on card and push a pencil through the ● Pre-teach words you think the pupils may find
centre. Pupils also need two counters each, which difficult and encourage them to look at the pictures
they can cut out from the worksheet too. to help their understanding. Pupils read the text.
● They throw the dice or spin the spinner twice and ● Pupils design a poster to advertise a concert by the
count that number of spaces. With the first throw/ Recycled Orchestra. Remind them to write where
spin, they put one counter on an adjective and with and when it will be. They should include some
the second, they put their other counter on a verb. drawings of recyled instruments
They combine the two to make a sentence, which ● In small groups, pupils decide on their favourite
will make more or less sense depending on the poster and then do the same at a whole-class level.
combination! They continue to move up and down ● Optional follow-up activity: Show the film of
the adjective and verb lines with their two counters
the Recycled Orchestra found on the internet (also
to form new sentences. If you would like the class to
called the landfillharmonic).
do the optional follow-up activity, ask the pupils to
write the sentences that they form.
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, Pupil A
begins to read a sentence from the game on the
worksheet but stops after because. The rest check
whether they made a sentence with that verb and
those who did take it in turns to read the second
half of the sentence. Pupil A decides which sentence
he/she prefers. That pupil begins the next sentence.


3 Reinforcemen workshee 1

Follow the instructions. What shape can you see?

Draw a line from the past of ‘be’ to the past of ‘see’.
Draw a line from the past of ‘go’ to the past of ‘give’.
Draw a line from the past of ‘drink’ to the past of ‘have’.
Draw a line from the past of ‘take’ to the past of ‘eat’.
Draw a line from the past of ‘drink’ to the past of ‘see’.
Draw a line from the past of ‘go’ to the past of ‘have’.
Draw a line from the past of ‘take’ to the past of ‘be’.
Draw a line from the past of ‘give’ to the past of ‘eat’.

º º was / º º º º
see do did have eat

º º º º

º drank saw give drink took ate º

º º º º
take went
go had gave be

Colour the pairs of verbs (past/present) the same colour.

30 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Reinforcemen workshee 2

Look at the pictures. Complete the postcards.

We went in the sea   it was sunny   we drank a lot   we went to bed
we were hungry   we were tired   we were thirsty   I went to the beach

Dear Grandma,
On Thursday, (1) I went to the beach with my friends
because (2) . (3)
because it was hot and then we ate a lot because
(4) and (5) because
(6) . At night, (7)
early because (8) .

I was sick   gave me some medicine   I went to the doctor

I was hot and thirsty   a temperature and an earache   drank a lot

Dear Grandad,
Yesterday (9) because
(10) . The doctor (11)
because I had (12)
. I (13) of water because
(14) . Now I’m better.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 31

x3 Ex ension workshee 1

Play the game.

Move up and down the lines. Write the words where you land.
Make sentences. They can be funny.
I ate a sandwich because I was afraid!

a dr
y k
n gr ga
a ve
wak ha

sa ry
w ng
to hu
wa ok y
s /w hir st
ere t
we ed
nt tir



32 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Ex ension workshee 2

Complete the story.

o N_ck
S_, i _ w_nt t_ th_ h_sp_t_l sh_p.
o i
M_t_rs th_ Th_r_ w_ s _ m_n th_r_. H_
c_r th_ _f h_d bl_ck h_ _r _nd _ b_g
_s b_ck n_s_. _ th_nk _ t w_ s N_ck
_n t_wn. M_t_rs th_ c_r th_ _f.

_ _ _ _ ps! S_rry _’m l_t_. _n th_

_ w_nt t_ th_ h_sp_t_l t_ h_sp_t_l?
s_ _ my _ _ nt _mm_. Sh_’ s L_t’s g_
g_t _ b_d c_ _gh. th_r_ n_w.

_ r_ _ lly w_nt t_ c_tch C_m_ _n! W_ n_ _ d t_ g_

N_ck M_t_rs th_s t_m_, K_y. _ns_d_ q_ _ckly b_f_r_ h_
r_ns _w_y.
N_ pr_bl_m,

Th_r_ h_ _s! N_ck M_t_rs _sn’t _ns_d_

Th_t’s h_m, L_ck! th_ h_sp_t_l, K_y. H_’s
_ _t s_d_ _n th_ str_ _ t…
_nd …
N_ K_y,
h_’s n_t
N_ck M_t_rs.
H_’s _
H_’s t_k_ng

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 33

x3 Song workshee

Think and write. Complete the song.

This is the opposite of ‘slow’. quick
One and two make .
This is the past of ‘do’.
Apples, oranges and bananas are all .
This person helps you. He or she works with a doctor.
People eat this more in summer than in winter.
This is the infinitive of ‘drank’.
You get this when you eat too much.
Today is Thursday. was Wednesday.
This is the infinitive of ‘ate’.
Mummy, Mummy, call the Did you have (8)
(1) ! and chocolate too?
I had a (2) but now I think I know what’s the matter
it’s worse. with you!
What’s the matter? Take this medicine (9)
I don’t know, but please be (3) quick , times a day,
Don’t be slow. When you are better, go out
Did you have a party (4) ? and play!
Yes. There was lots to eat and games No more chocolate cake for you
to play. my daughter.
(5) you eat burgers? Vegetables, (10)
Yes, I did. and a drink of water!
Did you (6) sausages?
Yes, I did. 
 and check.
Did you (7) lemonade? Sing.
Yes, I did.

34 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Topic workshee

Read about the ‘Recycled Orchestra’.

The ‘Recycled Orchestra’ is the name of a very special children’s orchestra.

All the instruments are made out of rubbish! The orchestra comes from
the town of Cateura in Paraguay and all the musicians live nearby. The
director of the orchestra is Favio Chávez. Favio also works at the rubbish
dump. He teaches music to children in the town.
A lot of children came to Favio’s lessons to learn music. There were a lot
of children but there weren’t a lot of instruments! Favio had an idea to
make instruments from rubbish! Now, the children don’t have to buy new
instruments to play in the orchestra. They make violins, cellos and other
instruments from old paint and oil cans, wood and other rubbish. All the
instruments are recycled!
Now there are 35 children in the orchestra. They work very hard. They
travel to different countries around the world to play in concerts. People
love watching them!

 Make a poster for a ‘Recycled Orchestra’ concert.

Draw pictures of some instruments. Remember to
put where the concert is and when it is.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 35
4 Teacher’s no es
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils use the co-ordinate key to work out the ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 10) and follow on
verbs. They transfer them to the correct column of the worksheet. They then follow the instructions to
the table and complete the missing forms. write the sentences from the story. They can write
Key: b play – 2 played, 3 help – c helped, in their notebooks or on the back of the worksheet,
4 carry – d carried, e stop – 5 stopped, as you prefer.
f dance – 6 danced, 7 hop – g hopped. Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 41.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils make a new ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four,
co-ordinate key with all the letters of the alphabet each pupil cuts out the six frames. The dealer
to write a secret message for a friend. shuffles them and deals them all out. Pupil A puts
one of the frames face up on the table and the
Reinforcement worksheet 2 others race to put down the next frame. The first to
● Pupils decide which verb goes with each picture. do so keeps the cards and play passes to Pupil B, and
They use the information to complete the text. They so on. The game continues until one pupil has won
write questions and answers about Jane’s week. all the cards. Tell the pupils that, in this game, frame
Key: c second, d danced, e third, f hopped, g fourth, 1 follows on from frame 6.
h carried, i fifth, j helped, k sixth, l stopped,
Song worksheet
m seventh, n laughed.
● Pupils first negotiate with the group whether they
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of seven, can complete the gaps in any order or whether
each pupil has a sheet of paper and writes at the top everyone must work through from first to twelfth.
of the page, On the first day I … and continues the They then throw one dice until they have thrown
sentence. They then fold over the paper so that the 1–6 and then two together to enable them to throw
sentence is hidden and pass the paper to the pupil on 7–12. They complete the song with ordinal numbers
their left. Each pupil then writes, beneath the fold, as they throw the corresponding number on the
On the second day, I … This continues until each pupil dice. They keep a record of how many throws they
has written one sentence on each sheet of paper. need to complete it.
Pupils take it in turns to unfold the paper and read
● When everyone is ready, they listen to the song
about a complete week. They decide which week is
(Track 11) to check their answers.
the most exciting, amusing, etc.
Key: second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
Extension worksheet 1 ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth.
● Pupils complete the table, dividing the past ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils
verb forms into three groups according to their adapt the lyrics to another activity, e.g. playing
final sound: /t/, /d/ or /ɪd/. They then follow the football instead of dancing. They take it in turns to
instructions to write sentences using certain verbs sing and mime the actions.
from the table.
Key: /t/– danced, stopped, helped, /d/– climbed, played, Topic worksheet
lived, loved, /ɪd/– shouted, started, painted, invited. ● Pupils make a mini book in class by folding along the
Pupils’ own sentences with: (climbed), painted, helped, solid lines (first fold 1, after which they cut along
played. the dotted lines, then fold 2 and the remaining two
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils read lines). When all the folds have been made, they open
out their sentences and decide which one they like the sheet up again and fold along fold 2 again. They
best. They then illustrate the chosen sentence as a then join point a to point b, point c to point d and,
pronunciation reminder. Display the pictures in three finally, point e to point f. Once they have made the
groups according to the final sound. book, they write their own mini story and decide on
a title for it.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils take it in turns
to read their stories aloud.


4 Reinforcemen workshee 1

Think and write.

6 r l e s r a
5 t y o d u h
4 e g d h a p
3 p l p p e n
2 c d e l h a
1 c o y d a p

Use the code to find the verbs. Complete the table.

1 B6–F6–E5–B4–D4 Infinitive Past

1 laugh a laughed
2 C3–B3–F2–C1–A4–D1
b 2
3 E2–C6–D2–F4 3 c
4 d
4 A1–E4–A6–E6–B5
e 5
5 D6–A5–B1–C3–F1–E3–B2 f 6
7 g
6 C4–E1–F3–A2–C2–D5

7 F5–C5–A3

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 37

4 Reinforcemen workshee 2

Match the pictures with the verbs.

helped   laughed   played   danced   stopped   hopped   carried
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Use the information to complete the text.

1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day
Picture 7 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 2 Picture 5 Picture 1 Picture 6

Jane was on holiday. She had an exciting week.

On the (a) first day, she (b) played tennis with her friends.
On the (c) day, she (d) . On the
(e) day, she (f) in the park. On the
(g) day, she (h) her baby cousin. On the
(i) day, she (j) a woman to cross the
road. On the (k) day, she (l) her little
brother from crossing the road. Her mum was happy. She gave Jane a ticket
for the circus so on the (m) day, she went to the circus
where she (n) a lot.

Ask Jane questions about her week. Write her answers.

Did you carry your cousin on the first day? No, I didn’t.

38 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Ex ension workshee 1

 Say the verbs. Think about the final sound.

Complete the table.
laughed   climbed   played   shouted   danced   stopped
lived   started   helped   painted   loved   invited

Pat /t/ Tod /d/ David /ɪd/


Follow the instructions. Write sentences.

1 Use the first verb from the second column.
I climbed a tree.
2 Use the third verb from the third column.

3 Use the fourth verb from the first column.

4 Use the second verb from the second column.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 39

4 Ex ension workshee 2

 Read the clues. Write the sentences from the story.

Hello, Peter. I’ve got two tickets
for my school show Yes please, Peter.
What are you Which show are
doing here? on Wednesday. Would
you like to come? you doing?

We’re doing Peter

Pan. Pupils and
parents are in it.

We’re over there in the fifth

row. These are our chairs.
Can you go and get us This is great!
some drinks, Key?

No problem, Lock!
Two lemonades.
Look at him, Key!
I crossed the It’s Nick Motors!
sea and sailed to
Neverland to catch I know Dad, this is Mr Lock. Er,
you, Peter Pan! who you Mr Lock, this is my dad.
are! Oops!

Ow, my
Come down here! You, beard. That
you, you … pirate! hurts!

1 Lock asks Key this when they are 4 Peter’s dad says this when he is on
going to their chairs. the floor.
2 The man with the beard and the hat 5 Peter asks this when he is walking
says this when he is standing up. through the door.
3 Key says this when he is drinking 6 Key asks this when Peter is giving
the lemonade. him the tickets.

40 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Song workshee

Throw the dice and write the correct ordinal numbers.

Dancing is good, dancing is fine,
Dancing is great!
Come on, children! Dance in line!
First , ,
Dance, dance across the floor.
, ,
Jump, kick, don’t come in late.
, ,
Dancing is good for your health.
Dancing’s good, dancing’s fine,
Come on, children! Dance in line!
Number five’s first,
And number ten’s last.
He can’t hop and skip,
He can’t get past.
Dancing is good, dancing is fine,
Dancing is great!
Come on, children! Dance in line.

 How many times did you throw the dice?

and check. Sing.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 41

4 Topic workshee

Make and write a book.


fold 2
One day, he / she

and he / she

Then, he / she

He / She was


fold 1
In the end, he / she

Then, he / she

He / She lived in
Once upon a time

there was a

42 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
5 Teacher’s no es
Reinforcement worksheet 1 ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four,
● Pupils count forwards and backwards along the pupils agree on a way to describe each frame, for
alphabet to find the past verb forms. They transfer example, The picture where Lock is … Each pupil cuts
them to the table and write in the infinitives. out the six frames. The dealer shuffles them and
deals three to each pupil. The rest are put in a pile in
Key: 2 go – went, 3 lose – lost, 4 have – had, the middle. Pupils look at their own cards but do not
5 find – found, 6 take – took, 7 can – could, show them to the group. Pupil A asks another pupil
8 get – got, 9 make – made. for a card using the description on which they have
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils write a mystery agreed. If the pupil has it, he/she must hand it over.
message in the same way for a friend. Tell them to Once a player has two frames the same, he/she puts
start the code for each new word on a separate line. them aside. If he/she does not have it, Pupil A has to
pick up one of the cards from the pile. Play continues
Reinforcement worksheet 2 round the circle. The winner is the player with the
● It is best to photocopy this worksheet onto card. most pairs at the end of the game.
Pupils make two spinners by cutting out the shapes
and pushing a pencil through the centre of each one. Song worksheet
They spin Spinner 1 to write the first part of the ● Pupils first match the rhyming words. They then
sentence and Spinner 2 for the clause after so. They complete the rap with the rhyming words, thinking
then tick the sentences if the combination makes carefully about sense. They listen to the rap (Track 13)
sense and cross them if they don’t. to check their answers.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 50.
A and B. They take it in turns to spin Spinner 1 then ● Optional follow-up activity: In small groups, the
they both spin Spinner 2. The pupil whose sentence pupils design posters for the classroom or school
makes most sense gets a point. The winner is the display area. They can use any suitable language but
player with the most points. encourage them to use phrases from the rap, both
Extension worksheet 1 to include everybody, such as The world is ours / This
is our world, and to encourage responsible care for
● Pupils decide which two items from the wordpool
the environment, such as Let’s keep it clean.
go with each picture. They then use the pictures and
the adjectives below each one to write comparative Topic worksheet
sentences giving their own ideas. ● In pairs, pupils write a mixture of eleven statements
Key: 2 shopping, visiting museums; 3 a lion, a shark; saying things you do that are good for the Earth
4 the man, the boy; 5 the girl, the woman; 6 and things you do that are bad for the Earth. Then
Antarctica, the beach; 7 English, Chinese. refer them to the boxes of game instructions at the
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in groups bottom of the worksheet and check comprehension.
and play Chinese whispers. They stand in a line or sit Following the example, they decide where to put
in a circle. One child first whispers to you (or shows each sentence and instruction. They decorate and
you) one of his/her comparative sentences. He/ colour their board game and design four counters.
She then whispers it to the child next to him/her, They also need dice. They play each other’s games in
who then whispers it to the next person, etc. The small groups.
last child in the group says the sentence aloud. The ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils write sentences
sentence is compared with the original and pupils for a different game with good and bad practice in
give each other a high five if they’ve got it right. They the classroom, e.g. speaking English, bringing their
can then reorganise the group to play again. If you books, putting their hands up, etc.
wish, two teams can play against each other.
Extension worksheet 2
● This can be done as a listening exercise (Track 12)
or a reading exercise. If you use the audio recording,
pause after each frame while the pupils write. Pupils
find the words in the story and replace them with
their opposites to correct the story text.
Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 51.

5 Reinforcemen workshee 1

Find the words. m n o

l w x
k p v y
S j q u z
T a b c r t
d e i s
A f g h

1 Count 3 from the start. Go back 2. 8 Count 7 from the start.

Go forward 20. Go back 14. Go forward 8. Go forward 5.
Go forward 1. Go forward 12. ___
_ a_
u _g _
h _t 9 Count 13 from the start.
2 Count 23 from the start. Go back 18. Go back 12. Go forward 3.
Go forward 9. Go forward 6. Go forward 1. _ _ _ _
Complete the table.
3 Count 12 from the start.
Go forward 3. Go forward 4. Infinitive Past
Go forward 1. _ _ _ _ 1 catch caught
4 Count 8 from the start. Go back 7. 2

Go forward 3. _ _ _ 3

5 Count 6 from the start. 4

Go forward 9. Go forward 6. 5
Go back 7. Go back 10. _ _ _ _ _
6 Count 20 from the start. Go back 5.
Don’t move. Go back 4. _ _ _ _
7 Count 3 from the start.
Go forward 12. Go forward 6.
Go back 9. Go back 8. _ _ _ _ _
44 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Reinforcemen workshee 2

 Play the game. Write sentences. Put a tick (✓)

or a cross (✗).

1 T hey were hungry so he went out to play. ✗

2 T hey were hungry so they ate lots of food. ✓

1 2
homework to play
ho at idn’

his went out

T er y

th ank r
af ere

ro h t t
w d ey
w irst

dr ate

✂ ✂
r h

ey e
w ey




were late

the bus

ate lots
of food



he a
wa e
It is
wa thd

be e n e
ea o
ha arty

w h
d tt

tir s

The they
s h ay



noise was couldn’t

really loud go to sleep

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 45

x5 Ex ension workshee 1

Match the words with the pictures.

Antarctica   the boy   English   football   
shopping   visiting museums   lion    1 (boring)
the girl   the man   the woman   Chinese football
shark   tennis   the beach    tennis

2 (exciting) 3 (dangerous) 4 (careful)

5 (tired) 6 (beautiful) 7 (difficult)

What do you think? Write sentences.

46 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Ex ension workshee 2

 Find the words in the story. Cross them out and

write the opposite.
morning  Goodbye  Thank you  in front of  city  
we don’t have to  boring  he’s here now  Poor

Look, Key! I’ve got Key! I’ve gotabout
information information Good! These Good! These
holidays are holidays are Look here. It Look
says here.
you It says you
Nick Motors.Nick
He’s Motors. He’s on an adventure
on an adventure can explore
can explore forests, riversforests, rivers
Look, holiday in the city. more
Good! boring
These more boring
Good! These
Look, Key!holiday
I’ve gotin the Key!
city. I’veabout
information got information about and beaches.
we here.Can
CanLook we you
It says
than holidays
holidays holidays are Look
are than holidays here. It says
and beaches. you
Nick Key!
Look, Motors. got Nick
I’ve He’s anMotors.
I’ve on information
Good! These
the boring
more about
beach. at the Good!
more These
can explore
boringare Lock? go,
Thank Lock?
forests, you! Thank
rivers you!
Look here. It says youLook here. It saysrivers
Nick Motors. He’sin on
ancity.holiday in
adventure theon
He’s city.
holidays are
adventure holidays and
more boring than holidays
and beaches. Can can explore forests,werivers
can explore forests, rivers
beaches. Can
holiday in the city. holiday in at the city. at the go,
andLock? Thank go,
Canyou! Lock? Thank Can
you! we
beach. thanbeach.
holidays beaches. weand beaches.
at the beach. go,
at the beach. Lock? Thank you! go, Lock? Thank you!

OK, Key. ButOK, Key. But we don’t

we don’t
have to catchhaveNicktoMotors!
catch Nick Motors!
OK, Key. But we don’t OK, Key. But we don’t
catchBut wehave
Nick don’tto
Motors! Key.Nick
But Motors!
we don’t
He came hereHeyesterday.
came here Heyesterday.
caught He caught have Oh
to gaveOhMotors!
yes! I Nick
yes! I gave
Excuse me. Excuse me. him his breakfast Nick Motors!
have to catch
a bus in the amorning
bus in theandmorning
had and had him
Do you know Do Ohthisyes! I gavethis Oh
morning. morning.
yes! I gave
He thedinner
dinner He incame
Lakeside the Lakeside
Restaurant. Restaurant.
yesterday. He caught this man?
a bus in the me. him Excuse
this man?
Excuse his me. him his breakfast
a bus in the morning
He came here yesterday. and
He came here yesterday. Hehad
He caught morning and caught Do you know Oh yes! I gave
Do morning.
you know Oh yes! I gave
a busininthe dinner
morning in thehadLakeside
bus in Restaurant.
the morning and had Excuse me. him thishis Excuse me. this
breakfast him
his breakfast
know this man?
dinner in the Lakeside dinner
in the Lakeside Restaurant. this Do you know
morning. this morning.
this man? this man?

We can catchWe himcan catch him easily,

Lock. No problem.
Lock. No problem. Hmmm, but he’s Hmmm, but he’s
We can catch him We can catch him easily,
easily, here now. here now.
Lock. No problem. Lock. No problem. Hmmm, but he’s Hmmm, but he’s
We can catch him easily,We can catch him easily, here now. here now.
Lock. No problem. Lock. Hello, No problem. Hmmm, but he’s Hmmm, but he’s
Goodbye! What
afternoon Hello, Miss Poor. Miss Poor.
Goodbye! What We’re at work.We’re at work.
I don’t I don’t
understand. understand.
here now. here now.
are you doingare you doing Hello, We’reMiss
trying to
Poor.We’re trying
Hello, Missto Poor. It says, ‘LookIt says, I‘Look
I don’t don’t
here, Mr What here,Goodbye!
Key? Mr Key?WhatWe’re
catch at
a work.
thief. catchWe’re
a thief.
at work.Poor. inunderstand.
front of in frontunderstand.
you!’ of you!’
you doingHello, Miss Poor. Hello, Miss I don’t I don’t
Goodbye! What areGoodbye!
are you doing We’re
What trying
We’re at work. to We’re trying to
We’re at work. Itunderstand.
says, ‘Look It says, ‘Look
are Key? here,
here,youMrdoing areMr
We’re a thief.to catch a thief.
We’re trying to inItfront of you!’ in front of you!’
says, ‘Look It says, ‘Look
here, Mr Key? here, Mr Key?
catch a thief. catch a thief. in front of you!’ in front of you!’

He’s got our bike!

He’s got our bike!
I’ve got a I’ve got a I need a I need a holiday.
message on message on He’s got our bike! He’s got our bike!
got a my phone!
I’ve phone!
my I’ve got a I need
message message on a
I need
He’s gotaour
bike! He’s agotholiday.
our bike!
I’ve got aon I’ve got I need a holiday. I need a holiday.
my phone!
message on my phone!
message on
my phone! my phone!

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 47

x5 Song workshee

Match the words that rhyme. Complete the rap.

strong   trees   green   mistakes

lakes   clean   song   seas

The world isn’t mine,

The world isn’t yours.
The world isn’t his,
The world isn’t hers.
It’s ours,
It’s ours!

Our world is tired, we’re making mistakes ,

We need our seas, we need our .
Our world is weak, we can make it ,
It needs our help. Listen to our .

We must look after its forests and ,

We must look after its rivers and .
We can make it better, we can make it ,
This is our world, let’s keep it .
The world isn’t mine, …

Listen and check. Rap.
48 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Topic workshee

Make and play a game. Invent the instructions.

When do you help the world? When don’t you help the world?

3 10


Fi n i s h 12


You leave the tap on

when you clean your Sta r
1 teeth. Miss a turn.

Go forward (1, 2, ...) spaces. Go back (1, 2, ...) spaces.

Throw again. Miss a turn.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 49
6 Teacher’s no es
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils use the Semaphore (international flag ● This can be done as a listening exercise (Track 14)
language) code to find the words. They then or a reading exercise. If you use the audio recording,
complete the sentences. pause after each frame while the pupils write. Pupils
Key: 2 video, 3 email, 4 button, 5 program, 6 internet. insert the missing vowels. Ask them to count the
2 internet, 3 video, DVD, 4 email. number of times they have written each letter.
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, each pupil Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 59.
chooses a word from the Pupil’s Book and puts it A 40, E 54, I 27, O 61, U 9.
into the international flag language. They tell the rest ● Optional follow-up activity: Give pupils two
what page it is on and the first to read it and find it minutes to write as many words as possible
gets a point. The winner is the pupil with the most beginning with i and u. The winner is the pupil with
points. the most words.
Reinforcement worksheet 2 Song worksheet
● Pupils solve the anagrams and write the infinitives on ● Pupils match the children’s lines with Grandpa’s
the lines. They then complete the crossword with responses. They listen to the song (Track 15) to
past tense verbs. They follow the instructions to check their answers.
work on the sounds in the past tense verbs. Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 55.
Key: 2 brought, 3 read, 4 thought, 5 said, 6 put, ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils
7 knew, 8 chose. invent a verse about Grandpa’s need for a new
1 brought, thought, 2 read, 3 put. computer.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils write questions
and answers using the verbs from the crossword,
Topic worksheet
e.g. What did you say? I said, ‘Hello!’ ● Remind your pupils about what they have read about
machines and technology. Explain that there are lots
Extension worksheet 1 of advantages but also some disadvantages.
● Pupils look at the pictures of the three characters ● Ask them to number the sentences from 1-7 for
and decide which answers they think each would the advantages and 1-7 for the disadvantages (they
give. Explain that any answers are correct as long as should give ‘1’ to the strongest advantage and ‘1’ to
the time makes sense with the clocks shown. They the strongest disadvantage).
then use the options to write a short text about ● Pupils compare their answers with those of their
themselves. They can write in their notebooks or on classmates.
the back of the worksheet, as you prefer.
● Optional follow-up activity: Ask your pupils to
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils ask transfer the information onto a chart to have a visual
the questions and record their answers on a bar representation of their preferences. If you can,
chart. They then compare their bar charts with those compare the answers with those of children in a
of other groups to see how similar they are and how different class.


6 Reinforcemen workshee 1

This is ‘Semaphore’, the international flag language.




Use the key to find the words.

1 DVD 4

2 5

3 6

Complete the sentences with five words from above.

1 Which button do I need to press?
2 You can find lots of information on the .
3 My parents watched s but now I watch s.
4 Using is quicker than writing letters.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 51

6 Reinforcemen workshee 2

Find the words. Complete the past tense crossword.

Number 1 is the past of uby. buy
Number 2 is the past of nrbgi.
Number 3 is the past of dear.
Number 4 is the past of khint.
Number 5 is the past of yas.
Number 6 is the past of tup.
Number 7 is the past of ownk.
Number 8 is the past of oschoe.
2 3 4
5 6 7

Look at the past verbs in the crossword.

1 Find two verbs that rhyme with ‘bought’. ,
2 Find a verb that rhymes with ‘said’.
3 Which verb sounds the same in the present and the past?

52 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

6 Ex ension workshee 1

Look at the pictures. What do you think? Read and

decide on each child’s answers.
Dan Emma Ross

1 C 4 1 4 1 4

2 5 2 5 2 5

3 6 3 6 3 6

1 What time did you get up on 4 Did you do any sport?

Saturday? A No, I didn’t.
A I got up at eight o’clock. B Yes, I did some.
B I got up at nine o’clock. C Yes, I did lots of sport.
C I got up at ten o’clock. 5 Did you play on the computer
2 What time did you get dressed? on Saturday?
A I got dressed at nine o’clock. A Yes, for more than two hours.
B I got dressed at ten o’clock. B Yes, for one to two hours.
C I got dressed at eleven o’clock. C No, I didn’t.
3 What did you have for breakfast? 6 Did you watch DVDs or videos
A I had cakes and biscuits. at the weekend?
B I didn’t have anything. A Yes, I watched more than
C I had fruit. three.
B Yes, I watched one.
C No, I didn’t.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 53

6 Ex ension workshee 2

Complete the story.

Wh_t c_n w_
Th_ m_n_y w_s f_r my ‘S_v_
_I n_
e _d
e d_ f_r y_ _ ,
Th_ S_ _ S_c_ _ ty’. H_r_’s
y_ _ r h_lp. M_ss R_ch?
th_ DVD _ f th_ _ ns_d_ _f
th_ b_ _t.
_ m_n c_m_
_nt_ my
b_ _ t _nd L_t’s l_ _ k
t _ _ k _ ll _t _t.
th_ m_n_y.
Y_ _ m_st
c_tch h_m! _ _ _ _ ps!

N_ pr_bl_m, M_ss R_ch!

_ h_d th_ m_n_y _n _ S_ N_ck

b_g r_ _ dy t_ p_t _nt_ th_ M_t_rs _s
b_nk. _t w_s _n th_ t_bl_. m_r_ th_n
_ c_r
H_r_’s th_ th_ _ f!
m_n n_w.

W_ll, c_rs _r _ m_r_

d_ff_c_lt t_ t_k_ th_n
_ t’s N_ck

H_y! M_t_rs wr_t_ _n _h! _ _gh! N____!

_ m_ _ l. W_ c_n r_ _d _t! H_’s g_t
_ _ r b_ _t,
_r, L_ck, _ t _ _!
th_nk y_ _
n_ _ d t_
l_ _ k _ _ t
t_ s_ _!

By_ by_ b_ys! Th_ w_t_r’s

l_v_ly! H_v_ _ n_c_ sw_m!

54 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

6 Song workshee

Match the lines of the song.

1 Grandpa needs a new mobile, a (A what?)

2 With an MP3. b (No, I don’t!)
3 It’s got music and video clips, c (I don’t need any more!)
And lots, lots more to see.

4 Grandpa needs a new mobile, d (I go fishing at weekends!)

5 So he can text his friends. e (No, I don’t!)
6 He can take lots of photos, f (I can talk to my friends!)
And play games at weekends.

Grandpa! (I’ve got a DVD player at home!)

Grandpa! (I’ve got a nice camera!)
Grandpa! (And my old mobile phone works
Grandpa needs a new mobile. perfectly well!)
(A new mobile phone!)

7 Grandpa needs a new mobile, g (I haven’t got time to play!

8 So he can plan his day. I’ve got a radio! I’ve got a nice
camera! My old mobile phone works
9 He can listen to lots of songs,
perfectly well! Hmph!)
And phone or even play.
h (I’ve got a pen and paper!)
i (No, I don’t!)

Listen and check. Sing.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 55

6 Topic workshee

Read the sentences. Number the advantages and the

disadvantages of modern technology from 1–7.

You can use the internet to get information.
You can use fast trains and planes to travel a long way quickly.
Machines do work in the house like wash our clothes, wash the plates
and clean the floor.
Talking is easier because of mobile phones and the internet.
Robots in factories are a good idea because they don’t get bored or ill.
Doctors can save more lives now because they use a lot of machines.
Robots do jobs which humans can’t do because they are very difficult or

People lose their jobs because machines are cheaper than humans and
work more quickly.
People don’t think a lot because they use computers to do Maths and
answer questions.
When we make and use machines, we make the Earth hotter.
Children use computers all the time and don’t play outside.
People feel lonely because they work with machines, not other people.
People travel a lot and get very tired.
When we throw machines away, we make a lot of rubbish.

Now compare your answers with your friends.

56 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
7 Teacher’s no es
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Key: Sally – crocodile, Peter – bat, Vicky – snake,
● Pupils colour in the adjectives in the wordsearch. Paul – parrot.
They then copy the remaining letters exactly in the ● Optional follow-up activity: People say pet
same order as they are in the wordsearch to find a owners choose pets that look like them. Pupils
joke containing a superlative. Explain the meaning of choose Sally, Peter, Vicky or Paul and draw him/her
sharpest and porcupine. They then complete the table to look like his/her animal.
with the superlative form of each of the adjectives.
Extension worksheet 2
Key: Question: Which side of a porcupine is the
● Pupils listen to the story (Track 16) and follow on
sharpest? Answer: The outside!
the worksheet. They then follow the instructions to
1 quiet – the quietest, 2 exciting – the most exciting, write the sentences from the story. They can write
3 loud – the loudest, 4 big – the biggest, in their notebooks or on the back of the worksheet,
5 heavy – the heaviest, 6 beautiful – the most as you prefer.
beautiful, 7 long – the longest, 8 short – the shortest,
Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 69.
9 small – the smallest, 10 good – the best,
11 tall – the tallest, 12 bad – the worst, ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four,
13 boring – the most boring, each pupil cuts out the six frames. The dealer
14 clever – the cleverest. shuffles them and deals them all out. Pupil A puts
one of the frames face up on the table and the
● Optional follow-up activity: Ask pupils to think
others race to put down the next frame. The first to
of the longest city, town or village name they know.
do so keeps the cards and play passes to Pupil B, and
Then tell them that the longest town name in the
so on. The game continues until one pupil has won
world belongs to a town in Wales called:
all the cards. Tell the pupils that, in this game, frame
1 follows on from frame 6.
The name means ‘The church of St Mary in the
hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool Song worksheet
by St Tysilio’s of the red cave’. ● Pupils put the verbs into the past tense to complete
the song. They listen to the song (Track 17) to
Reinforcement worksheet 2 check their answers. They then draw a picture of
● Pupils read the questions in the grid. They find the themselves and what they did at the zoo.
animals in the picture and write numbers to answer
Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 67.
the questions. They then work out the missing
numbers by getting each row and each column of the ● Optional follow-up activity: If pupils have already
grid to add up to 20. They then write questions for written a new verse (see Pupil’s Book, page 67),
the other five squares in the grid. make a list of the new animals on the board and,
beside each one, the actions the pupils have assigned
Key: Top line: 7, 9 (Which lion is the quietest?),
to them. Vote on the best combinations and then
4 (Which elephant is the heaviest?)
sing the new verse(s). If the pupils have not yet done
Middle line: 2, 8, 10, Bottom line: 11 (Which monkey
so, they can make up a new verse at this point.
is the smallest?), 3 (Which monkey is the biggest?),
6 (Which snake is the shortest?). Please note that Topic worksheet
number 12 is not used. ● Pupils first read the text to give them an idea of
● Optional follow-up activity: In their notebooks, what numbers might be used for which gap. They
pupils draw a similar grid and write sentences, then record their guesses with a pencil. They do
e.g. Giraffe number 7 is the tallest. the maths at the bottom of the page to check their
Extension worksheet 1
Key: 1 300, 2 27, 3 3, 4 2, 5 7, 6 27, 7 30, 8 61, 9 54,
● Pupils read the requirements and decide which
10 300, 11 33, 12 9, 13 2, 14 26.
animal is best suited to each child. They complete
the responses. They choose one of the remaining ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils think of
animals and write about it for a friend to guess. They alternative mathematical operations to give the same
can write in their notebooks or on the back of the numbers. They take it in turns to say the operation
worksheet, as you prefer. and the rest must work out the answer and name
the fact(s) from the text to which the number refers.


7 Reinforcemen workshee 1

Find and colour the adjectives.

quiet exciting q b w h i h e a v y b c
loud big u h i s i d x e o f o a
heavy beautiful
i p o g r c c u p i r n
long short
small good e b e a u t i f u l i e
tall bad t i s t h e t s l o n g
boring clever h s h o r t i a r u g p
e s t t h a n e o d u t
s g o o d l g s m a l l
b a d i c l e v e r d e

Find the extra letters across (➜) the wordsearch.

Write them on the lines to find a joke.
Question: W
__h _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
__ _ __ ___ __ _ ?
Answer: __ _ __ ___ __ !

Complete the table.

Adjective Superlative form Adjective Superlative form
1 quiet the quietest 8 short
2 exciting 9 small
3 loud 10 good
4 big 11 tall
5 heavy 12 bad
6 beautiful 13 boring
7 long 14 clever
58 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Reinforcemen workshee 2

Find the animals. Number the questions.

4 12



biggest shortest smallest heaviest shortest quietest
= 20
Which giraffe is
7 4
the tallest?

Which snake is Which giraffe Which lion is

the longest? is the the loudest?

3 Which

= 20 = 20
= 20

Each line ➜ and = 20. Think and write questions.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 59

x7 Ex ension workshee 1

Read, think and write.

I want to buy an I like animals I live in a flat so I want an animal

animal. I want that can fly but I want an animal that lays eggs.
a reptile but I I’m allergic to that doesn’t go I want it to
don’t like snakes. feathers. I want outside. Mum says fly and I want
I want the most the smallest I have to have the it to have the
dangerous one animal that you quietest animal most beautiful
that you have. have. that you have. feathers.

Sally Peter Vicky Paul

Dear Sally, Dear Peter,

I think the best animal for you is I think the best animal for you is
a because

Dear Vicky, Dear Paul,

I think I think

60 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Ex ension workshee 2

Read the clues. Write the sentences from the story.

Come on, Key. It’s not the best Ooops! Aagh!
Excuse me. Lock here. time to play with Miss Rich’s Ouch!
dog. We’ve got a job to do!

Mr Lock, I’m
Nick Motors. phoning from the
Now you’re the most City Zoo. Please No problem, Lock. Er,
wanted man in town. come quickly. We goodbye, Miss Rich.
RING! need your help.
What’s the A man just took one of
problem, sir? our lorries from outside
the snake house.

Yes! That’s him! He rode into

the zoo on that motorbike, and
Was this the man? he drove out of it in our lorry!

My motorbike! We can catch this

My motorbike! thief and get the Nice cat!
lorry for you. Oooh, Mummy!

Ha, ha, ha!

Hee, hee, SNARL!
Oh! The thief’s got the
biggest problem! There was
a tiger inside the lorry!

1 Lock says this when the phone rings. 5 Lock says this when he answers
2 Key asks the zoo keeper this question the phone.
the first time we see him. 6 The person who calls Lock says
3 The zoo keeper describes this problem this to explain why Lock must
when Lock is talking to his motorbike. come quickly.
4 Lock asks this question when he shows 7 Nick Motors says this when
the zoo keeper the picture of Nick Motors. he is in the lorry with the tiger.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 61

x7 Song workshee

Change the verbs into the past to complete the song.

The elephants drink drank , drink , drink ,

The parrots fly , fly , fly ,
The dolphins swim , swim , swim ,
At the zoo, zoo, zoo. … (x 2)
What do you do, what do you do,
What do you do,
When you see , see , see them
At the zoo, zoo, zoo?

The monkeys eat , eat , eat ,

The children draw , draw , draw ,
The lions sleep , sleep , sleep ,
At the zoo, zoo, zoo. … (x 2)
What do you do, what do you do,
What do you do,
When you see , see , see them
At the zoo, zoo, zoo? … (x 2)

Listen and check. Sing.

What did you do at the zoo? Draw a picture.

62 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Topic workshee

Read about bones in humans and animals.

Guess the correct number each time. Use a pencil!
To check your answers, do the maths at the bottom
of the page.

2 2 3 7 9 26 27 27 30
33 54 61 206 300 300

There are 206 bones in the human The bones in your back are
body but babies have about (1) called vertebrae. All dogs have
bones because not all the bones are joined. (6) vertebrae up to the start
They ‘fuse’, or join, when the baby is older. of the tail but

There are (2) bones in each hand. different dogs

About half these are in the round part of have different

your hand but there are (3) bones numbers of bones

in each finger and (4) bones in in their tails.

each thumb. Can you find them? A cat has (7) vertebrae, an

All mammals have elephant has (8) , a horse has

(5) neck bones, (9) and some snakes have

which means that you (10) ! Humans are born with

have the same number (11) but (12) of these

of bones in your neck fuse into (13) so then there are

as a giraffe! (14) .

12 3 × 3 = 9 9×6= 6 30 – 3= 3 10 – 7 =
14 28 – 2 = 11 27 + 6 = 8 36 + 25 = 5 4+3= 2 9×3=
13 10 ÷ 5 = 10 400 – 100 = 7 10 × 3 = 4 6÷3= 1 100 + 100 + 100 =

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 63
8 Teacher’s no es
Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2
● Pupils follow the drawing instructions. Elicit words ● This can be done as a listening exercise (Track 18)
they know for food and things in the kitchen. Ask or a reading exercise. If you use the audio recording,
what shape they have drawn (a bowl). They then pause after each frame while the pupils write. Pupils
complete the text at the bottom of the worksheet. find the words in the story and replace them with
Key: bottle – cup, pancakes – sauce, their opposites to correct the story text.
vegetables – cheese, pasta – bottle, glass – box, Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 77.
vegetables – sauce, pancakes – salad, salad – pasta, ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four,
cup – glass, box – cheese. pupils agree on a way to describe each frame, for
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils think of a example, The picture where Lock is … Each pupil cuts
different shape/route and write the instructions for out the six frames. The dealer shuffles them and
another member of class. deals three to each pupil. The rest are put in a pile in
the middle. Pupils look at their own cards but do not
Reinforcement worksheet 2 show them to the group. Pupil A asks another pupil
● Pupils follow the example to write sentences about for a card using the description on which they have
the pictures using the want … to do structure. They agreed. If the pupil has it, he/she must hand it over.
then do the named activities noting the words they Once a player has two frames the same, he/she puts
think of and the time taken. They can time each them aside. If he/she does not have it, Pupil A has to
other in pairs for the counting and spelling activities. pick up one of the cards from the pile. Play continues
Key: 2 The teacher wants the children to count round the circle. The winner is the player with the
from 50 to 1 in English. most pairs at the end of the game.
3 The teacher wants the children to draw a house
Song worksheet
with five windows.
4 The teacher wants the children to spell the name ● Pupils replace the underlined words with the correct
of the school in English. rhyming words to complete the song. They listen to
5 The teacher wants the children to write two the song (Track 19) to check their answers.
words which rhyme with ‘cat’. Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 75.
6 The teacher wants the children to write four ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils think
different fruit. of as many words as possible to rhyme with the
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four, words they have paired.
pupils take it in turns to say, e.g. I took (amount
of time) to (action). When they have all said their Topic worksheet
sentences, Pupil A says, e.g. Maria sang the song ● Pupils read about digestion and complete the activity.
most quickly. For the next action, Pupil B has to say Key: 1 bread – chicken – cheese, 2 pasta – fish –
who did the action most quickly, etc. butter, 3 rice – eggs – oil.
Extension worksheet 1 ● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils use the second
● Pupils write the story with want(s) … to do paragraph of the text to work out the longest time
sentences. a meal is in the body.

Key: 2 He wants Dad to buy a ball. Key: Two days, seven hours and forty seconds.
3 Tom’s dad doesn’t want him/Tom to swim in the
4 Tom wants the dog to get the ball.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils think of a title
and write the dialogue to turn the story into a short


8 Reinforcemen workshee 1

Follow the instructions.

When you buy lemonade, it comes in this. Start here and draw a line to the thing that
you use to drink hot drinks.
These are flat and you fry them in a pan. Draw a line from them to the liquid you pour
over food.
Some children say that they don’t like these. Draw a line from them to the food made
from milk.
Draw a line from the food that comes from Italy to the thing that you buy lemonade in.
You use this to drink cold drinks. Draw a line from it to the thing you use to carry
a lot of bottles.
Draw a line from the food that some children don’t like the liquid you pour
over food.
These are flat and you fry them in a pan. Draw a line from them to the food that you
eat cold with meat.
Draw a line from the food that you eat cold with meat to the food from Italy.
Draw a line from the thing you use to drink hot drinks to the thing you use to drink
cold drinks.
Draw a line from the thing you use to carry a lot of bottles to the food made from milk.

Complete the text.

I drew a line from the bottle to the cup, from the

 and from the box to the cheese.
PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 65

8 Reinforcemen workshee 2

Write sentences about the pictures.

Please write five Please count
words beginning from 50 to 1
with ‘p’. in English.

1 T he teacher wants the 2 T he teacher wants

children to write five
words beginning with ‘p’.
Please draw Please spell the
a house with name of the
five windows. school in English.

3 T he teacher 4 T he teacher

Please write two Please write four

words which different fruit.
rhyme with ‘cat’.

5 T he teacher 6 T he teacher

 Do the activities. How long do you take?

Words beginning with ‘p’: … I took … seconds.

66 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

8 Ex ension workshee 1

 Write the story. Use ‘want ... to’ (✓) or

‘doesn’t want … to’ (✗) and these words.

✗ dog / play with him   ✓ Dad / buy / ball   ✗ swim / lake   ✓ get / ball

A/W 67.1–4

1 Tom doesn’t want the dog to 2 He

play with him.

3 Tom’s dad 4 Tom

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 67

8 Ex ension workshee 2

 Find the words in the story. Cross them out and write
the opposite.
here  We haven’t got  that  horrible  Don’t have  
women  no thank you  can  didn’t catch  Yes?

Let’s go, Key!

Key!toWe have to
work more work more that time. Wethat time. We
carefully Here, horrible cat!horrible
Here, Don’t have a
cat! Don’t have a
can make anycanmore any more mistakes. Eeek! No Eeek! No bag of parrot
makemistakes. bagfood! Mmmm!
of parrot food! Mmmm!
Let’s go, Key! We have Let’sto go, Key! We problem,
have to Lock!
problem, Lock!
work more carefully thatwork We carefully that time. We
time.more Here, horrible cat! Don’tHere,
a cat! Don’t have a
can make any more mistakes. can make any more mistakes. bag of parrot food! bag of parrot food! Mmmm!
Let’s go, Key! We have to go, Key! We haveEeek!
Let’s to No Eeek! No
We carefully thatproblem, problem, Lock! cat! Don’t
work more carefully thatworktime.
more time. WeLock! Here, horrible Here,have a
horrible cat! Don’t have a
can make any more mistakes.
can make any more mistakes. bag of parrot food! Mmmm!
bag of parrot food! Mmmm!
Eeek! No Eeek! No
problem, Lock! problem, Lock!

Here’s aYes?
Here’s a bottle How about
bottle a about a
Yes? How Look, here itLook,
is! The
here it is! The
nice...box ofnice
of water ... of water ... fruit!
box of ... fruit! lorry’s overlorry’s
there!over there!

Here’s a bottle Yes? Here’s a bottle

How about a Yes? How about a Look, here it is! The Look, here it is! The
of water ... nice boxofofwater ...
... fruit! nice box of ... fruit! lorry’s over there! lorry’s over there!
Here’s a bottle Yes? How aabout
Here’s bottlea Yes? How about a Look, here it is! The Look, here it is! The
of water ... nice box of ... fruit!
of water ... nice box of ... fruit! lorry’s over there! lorry’s over there!

Oh, yes. NowOh, yes. Now

we’ve got him!
we’ve got him!

Oh, yes. Now Oh, yes. Now

We haven’t We
got haven’t
you got you Nice work, Nice
work, women.
we’ve got him! we’ve got him!
now, Nick. now,
The police
Nick. The police You didn’t catch Nick catch Nick
You didn’t
are comingare
to get you! to get you!
coming us! for Oh,
Motors forMotors us! yes. Now Oh, yes. Now
We haven’t got you We haven’t got you Nice work, women. we’ve got him! there
Nice work, women. we’ve got him!
now, Nick. The police now, Nick. The policeYou didn’t catch Nick You didn’t catch Nick
are coming to get you! are coming to get you! Motors for us! Motors for us!
We haven’t got you We haven’t got you Nice work, women. Nice work, women.
now, Nick. The policenow, Nick. The police You didn’t catch NickYou didn’t catch Nick
are coming to get you!are coming to get you! Motors for us! Motors for us!

Oh, no thank Oh,you.

no thank you.
Take me awayTakefrom
me away from
the tiger. Thank you! Thank you!
the tiger.
Oh, no my heroes!
thankYou’re Well,
you. my heroes! no we had
thank Well,
you. we had No problem! No problem!
Take me away from Takea little
me awayhelp.afrom
little help.
the tiger. Thank you! the tiger. Thank you!
Oh, no thank you. Well,
No we had No problem!
You’re my heroes! Oh,You’re no thank
Well, you.
we had
my heroes! problem!
Take me away from Take me awayhelp.
a little from a little help.
the tiger. Thank you! the tiger. Thank you!
You’re my heroes! You’re Well, we had Well,Noweproblem!
had No problem!
my heroes!
a little help. a little help.

68 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

8 Song workshee

 he underlined words are wrong. Correct them with

words that rhyme.

We bad had soup, The party was could ,

He had pasta, The party was eight .
We had salads and please . We’ll see you moon ,
We all wanted four , Goodbye.
We all red ‘please’.
The drinks we bank ,
We wave presents,
The food she ate.
Sand cards which we played
. The party was could ,

We more fancy dress, The party was eight .

We danced and we made … We wave presents …

The party was could , How the party’s over,

The party was eight . Now it’s time to buy .
And now it’s time to fly. See you moon ,

Listen and check. Sing.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 69

8 Topic workshee

Read about digestion.

What is digestion? How long does it take?

Our body needs to break our food down so that Our teeth take between five
we can use it. This is called digestion. Digestion and thirty seconds to cut
begins in the mouth. Our teeth cut the food into our food. It then takes ten
smaller and smaller pieces and then the tongue seconds to travel down the
pushes the food to the back of the mouth. It goes oesophagus. The food is in
down a tube called the oesophagus and into the our stomach for between
stomach. In the stomach there are acids which three and four hours and
break the food down more. Next the food moves then in the small intestine
into the small intestine, where the body takes the for three hours. Finally, it
nutrients from our food. The body takes what it is in the large intestine for
needs from what we eat and the rest goes into the between eighteen hours
large intestine and leaves the body. and ... two days!


Carbohydrates are in the stomach for the shortest time. Proteins are
in the stomach longer and fats are there the longest.

 Write these foods in order depending on the time

they spend in the stomach.
1 cheese  bread Shortest time Longest time

2 butter  fish Shortest time Longest time


3 eggs  rice Shortest time Longest time


70 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Fes ivals
Halloween Halloween worksheet 1
● The figure 3 in the smaller game on the worksheet is
an example. Go through the example with the class
■ Halloween is celebrated on 31 October in the
before pupils play in groups. Pupils decide on an odd
United Kingdom, the United States, Canada,
number and write it in the middle square. They start
Australia, New Zealand and many other countries
counting that number round from the word Start, only
around the world.
counting the text sections and not counting Start/
It is not a public holiday in the United Kingdom,
Finish. Each time they land on a text section, they
however it is a very important celebration for
cross it out. They continue to do this, counting the
children. The word Halloween originally came from
crossed-out words as well, until they have only one
All Hallows’ Eve, which means the evening before
section left on each side. They then use these four
the Day of the Holy Ones or All Saints’ Day, 1
elements to write a Halloween sentence.
November. The tradition is that, on this night,
spirits, ghosts and witches wander the Earth. People ● Optional follow-up activity: Play this at a whole-
used to make lanterns out of pumpkins and place class level and help the pupils elaborate the sentence
them in the window to scare away these frightening into a longer text.
Halloween worksheet 2
■ Nowadays, on the night of Halloween, children get ● Pupils colour the four pictures then cut out the long
dressed up as witches, ghosts, vampires and other strips. They glue or staple the strips together down
scary monsters, and have a fancy dress party. Items the black strip, making sure that the dividing lines
that are traditionally associated with Halloween coincide. They then cut along the horizontal lines
are pumpkin lanterns, bats, spiders and black cats. of the pictures stopping before the black strip. By
Children often play a traditional game called apple turning the different pages of the book, they invent
bobbing. In this game, you have to bite an apple that new Halloween characters. They invent a name for
is floating in water or hanging on a string. Typical their characters. You could also ask them to write
party food would be cakes and pizza decorated with sentences to describe them.
horrible faces.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupil A folds the
■ At Halloween, children love to play Trick or Treat. pages to make up a character without showing Pupil
They knock on neighbours’ doors and ask Trick or B. He/She describes it, and Pupil B must make up the
Treat? If the neighbour chooses a treat, he/she must same character. They swap roles.
offer the children sweets, chocolate or fruit. If not,
the children will play a naughty trick, like using a
water pistol! It’s always a good idea to have treats
ready for visitors at Halloween!

Christmas Christmas worksheet 1
● It is best to photocopy this worksheet onto
coloured card. Pupils follow the instructions to make
■ Christmas Day is celebrated in countries around
a Christmas card.
the world on 25 December, to commemorate
the birth of Jesus. In the weeks before Christmas, ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, Pupil A says
people decorate a Christmas tree with ornaments. e.g. Under the Christmas tree, there was a red present.
They usually put a star on the top to remind them Pupil B says, Under the Christmas tree, there was a
of the story of the birth of Jesus, and the visit of red present and a yellow present. The game continues
the Three Wise Men. People also like to send each until one pupil cannot remember the order of
other Christmas cards with typical Christmas scenes the colours. If they manage to say all the colours
and a Christmas message. Younger children write a they know, they can make it more challenging by
letter to Father Christmas, or Santa Claus as he is combining colours, e.g. a red and yellow present.
sometimes called, to tell him what they would like
Christmas worksheet 2
for Christmas.
● Pupils look at the two pictures and write sentences
■ On Christmas Eve, 24 December, they hang a about the differences.
Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by
the fireplace, if they have one. Traditionally Father Key: A angel/fairy B star, A snowing/day B night,
Christmas arrives in his sleigh pulled by reindeer. A three stockings B four stockings, A Father
He flies through the air, lands on the roofs of Christmas B a fire, A biscuits B cake, A three
children’s houses and delivers the presents by presents B four presents, A milk and one glass
climbing down the chimneys with a huge sack B water and two glasses, A two crackers
of presents! B three crackers.

■ On Christmas Day, families come together to eat ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, Pupil A says
a traditional midday meal. This consists of roast e.g. In A, we can see three presents under the tree but
turkey, with vegetables. Dessert is a rich fruit … and Pupil B completes the sentence. He/She then
pudding served with a brandy sauce that is set alight! begins another sentence for Pupil C to continue.
The table is decorated with candles and brightly This continues until all the pupils have started and
coloured crackers. Everyone pulls the crackers, finished a sentence.
which make a loud bang. Children love to look inside
the crackers to find a colourful paper Christmas hat,
a small toy and a Christmas joke.

Easter Easter worksheet 1
● Pupils read the text, then decorate the egg using
whichever technique they wish (paint, collage,
■ Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus in the
crayons, etc.). Encourage them to be as creative as
Christian religion. Easter Sunday always falls in
spring. However, the date is fixed according to the
lunar calendar and therefore differs slightly every ● Optional follow-up activity: Divide the class into
year. In the weeks before Easter, people send Easter two teams and ask them to prepare a treasure hunt
cards to friends and family, and they buy chocolate with the eggs. On the back of each egg, they write
Easter eggs and Easter bunnies for their children. their name (so that they can take it home
Many children like to boil real eggs and then paint afterwards) and an instruction to find the next egg,
them with bright colours. Children often have egg- e.g. Look by the door. In one lesson, one team hides
rolling competitions or hold Easter egg hunts with the eggs and the pupils in the other team take it in
the colourful eggs. Easter baskets are associated turns to find each egg. In another lesson, the roles
with Easter. People fill them with Easter eggs and can be swapped.
spring flowers to decorate their houses. Ask another teacher to stay with the pupils who will
be looking for the eggs, or use break time to hide
■ In the United Kingdom, people like to eat hot cross
the eggs so that the teams can’t see where they are
buns, a type of sweet bread with dried fruit in it.
being hidden.
These buns are marked with the Christian symbol of
the cross and are traditionally eaten during Lent (the Easter worksheet 2
40 days leading up to Easter). In the Middle Ages, ● Pupils complete the biscuit recipe. They can mount
the bakers sold these buns in the streets. the chick on card and use it as a biscuit cutter.
■ Easter is an important church festival and Good Key: 2 butter, 3 bowl, 4 sugar, 5 flour, 6 rolling pin,
Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays. 7 biscuit cutter, 8 baking tray, 9 oven.
● Optional follow-up activity: Ask pupils to find a
typical Easter recipe from their country. Help them
to translate it into English.

Halloween workshee 1

Make and play a game.

a middle of a stormy
Fin rt midnight winter
ish the night night

shouted, a haunted
‘Aaagh!’ house
It was a stormy night. I was in a castle.
a tunnel
I saw a vampire. I shouted, ‘Aaagh!’

laughed a castle

ran away a cave

a witch a monster a vampire a ghost

a middle of a stormy
Fin rt midnight winter
ish the night night

shouted, a haunted
‘Aaagh!’ house

a tunnel

laughed a castle

ran away a cave

a witch a monster a vampire a ghost

74 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Halloween workshee 2

Make a book. Invent a new character.

A/W 75.3

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 75
Chris mas workshee 1

Make a card.

● Colour and
decorate the tree. glue here
● Cut it out.
● Cut along the
dotted lines.
● Fold along the
solid line.
● Push the centre
section forward.
● Glue the tree
to the card.
● Close it.
● Write ‘Happy
Christmas’ on
the front.

76 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Chris mas workshee 2

Spot the differences.


In A, there are baubles on the tree. In B, there are candles.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 77
Eas er workshee 1

Read about eggs. Decorate the egg.

Eggs are a symbol of the universe and of rebirth. The Romans, in their spring festivals,
gave each other eggs, which they decorated. Christians associate eggs
with the resurrection so they give each other eggs at Easter. In medieval times,
rich people decorated eggs with gold to give as presents but other people decorated
them by boiling them with plants, leaves or insects. This changed the colour.

ostrich In the
lays the United Kingdom,
biggest eggs. people eat an
They are 15 cm long average of 170 eggs
and weigh per year: 140 as
1.4 kg. The humming
eggs and 30 as
bird lays the smallest
eggs. They are 1 cm an ingredient of
long and weigh other food.
0.35 g.

Put an egg
in water. The emu
A fresh egg sinks lays dark
to the bottom and green eggs
lies on its side. that then turn
A very old egg floats black!
at the top.

78 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Eas er workshee 2

Complete the recipe with these words.

sugar rolling pin spoon oven baking tray

butter flour biscuit cutter bowl

Use a wooden 1 spoon to make the
125 g butter
50 g sugar
soft in a 3 .
175 g flour Add the 4 . Mix.
Add the 5 . Knead.
Use a 6
to roll out the dough.
Use the 7
to make the shapes. Put them on
a8 .
Bake in the 9 at 150ºC
for 25 minutes. Cool.

Put the chick onto card to make a biscuit cutter.

Make Easter biscuits.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 79
Word cards: Back o school

80 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Word cards: Good spor s

roller skate
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 81
Word cards: Heal h ma ers

82 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Word cards: Af er school club

first eleventh
second twelfth
third thirteenth
fourth fourteenth
fifth fifteenth
sixth sixteenth
seventh seventeenth
eighth eighteenth
ninth nineteenth
tenth twentieth
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 83
Word cards: Exploring our world

84 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Word cards: Technology

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 85
Word cards: A he zoo

round next to

behind on

between opposite

in out of

in front of under

into along
86 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Word cards: Le ’s par y!

bottle pasta

bowl salad

cheese sandwich

coffee soup

cup tea

fruit vegetables

glass pancakes
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 87
Word cards: numbers (1)

12 twelve 20 twenty

13 thirteen 30 thirty

14 fourteen 40 forty

15 fifteen 50 fifty

16 sixteen 60 sixty

17 seventeen 70 seventy

18 eighteen 80 eighty

19 nineteen 90 ninety

88 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Word cards: numbers (2)

11 eleven
22 twenty-two
33 thirty-three
44 forty-four
55 fifty-five
66 sixty-six
77 seventy-seven
88 eighty-eight
99 ninety-nine
100 a hundred
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 89
Tes Uni s 1–4 Listening


1 20
Listen and draw lines.There is one example.

Paul   John   Vicky   Daisy

Jane   Jim   Mary

90 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 L Part 1 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
2 21
Listen and write.There is one example.


Name: Sally Brown

1 How old?
2 School: School
3 Teacher’s name: Mrs
4 Favourite author: Wilson
5 Favourite book:

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 2 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 91
3 Megan is talking to her dad about people in her class.

Listen and write a letter in each box.There is one


Lily H Charlie Julia

Clare Peter Jack



92 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 L Part 3 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Listen and tick (✓) the box.There is one example.

What was the matter with Jim?

A B C ✓

1 Which is the doctor?

2 Where did Jim go on Friday?

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 4 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 93
3 What does Jim like best?

4 How old is Jim’s sister?

5 How many books did she have for her birthday?


94 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 L Part 4 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Listen and colour and write.There is one example.

PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Cambridge University Press 2017   p6 Listening   Test Units 1–4   Kid’s Box TRB 4

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 5 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 95
Tes Uni s 1–4 Reading & Writing


1  ook and read. Choose the correct words and write

them on the lines.There is one example.

a doctor a moustache

a bat the heart

a ruler glasses

a beard a boat
96 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 1 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

This sends blood around our body. the heart


1 People who can’t see very well wear these.

2 Some men have this on their face between

their nose and their mouth.

3 You use this to measure length.

4 You sail in this.

5 You use this to hit the ball in baseball.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 1 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 97
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Sally is talking to her friend Mary.

Sally: Hello, Mary. How are you?
Mary: A I’m your friend.
B I’m fine, thanks.
C I’m slow.

1 Sally: What are you doing?
Mary: A I’m going to my dance class.
B I go to my dance class.
C I went to my dance class.

98 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 2 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
2 Sally: Where is the dance class?
Mary: A I like dancing.
B At school.
C At six o’clock.

3 Sally: Do you go every Thursday?

Mary: A Yes, and Tuesdays, too.
B I went on Thursday.
C I’m going on Thursday.

4 Sally: Do you like dancing?

Mary: A Yes, I like.
B Yes, please.
C Yes, I do.

5 Sally: Why do you like dancing?

Mary: A It’s terrible.
B It’s exciting.
C When I was little.

6 Sally: You must go now. See you!

Mary: A Yes, I can see you.
B Where are you?
C Goodbye.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 2 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 99
Read the story. Choose a word from the box.
Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5.
There is one example.

Yesterday Julia and her family had a picnic in a field near a river.

After lunch Julia said, ‘Can we play baseball now?’ Her dad

1 and said, ‘OK but don’t hit the ball too hard. Last time

you hit the ball into the river and we all got 2 when we

tried to look for it.’

Julia loved playing baseball because she could it the ball harder than her

brothers. When her dad 3 the ball to Julia she hit it

really hard.

The ball went up into the 4 , above the trees and then

fell into a field of long 5 .

‘Oh Julia!’ her brothers shouted.

‘Sorry,’ said Julia. ‘I didn’t mean to do that.’

‘Don’t worry,’ said her mum. ‘Look. I brought four balls this time!’

‘Well done, Mum,’ they all said.

100 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 3 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Example picnic grass sky

laughed threw lake

climbed cloudy wet

6 Now choose the best name for the story. Tick one box.

Mum finds the lost ball

Dad learns to play baseball

Julia’s favourite game

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 3 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 101
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them
on the lines.


Example You play football on a field with a big white

1 ball called a football. There two teams with

2 eleven players. Both teams try to score goals

kicking or heading the ball into the other team’s goal.

3 Players can use feet, head, legs and chest to touch

the ball but only the goalkeeper can use his or her hands

and arms. The winning team is the team with more goals

4 90 minutes. People play football all over the world

5 and the football World Cup was in Uruguay

in 1930.

102 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 4 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Example on in at

1 are is were

2 from by to

3 his your their

4 after before into

5 first last next

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 4 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 103
Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some
words to complete the sentences about the story.
You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.
Sam, the teacher!

Sam lives with his parents and his sister, Mary, and his brother, Paul. Sam is
the oldest; he’s ten, Mary is eight and Paul is six. They go to school in the
city. They all like different lessons. Sam likes science best, Mary likes sport
and Paul’s favourite lesson is art.

Sam has a sister called Mary and a brother named Paul.
Sam is older than Mary and Paul.

1 The children’s school is in a .
2 Sam loves learning about .

104 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 5 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Last week, Sam had a class about the human body. He listened carefully
and when he went home he gave his younger brother and sister a class
about the subject. They wanted to listen because it was very interesting.
Sam said, ‘We move because we have 600 muscles in our body. The muscles
need oxygen. Our lungs send oxygen from the air into our body.’

3 After his lesson about the , Sam taught Mary

and Paul about it at home.

4 They learnt that our lungs send around

our body.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 5 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 105
Sam showed his brother and sister how to test their lungs. They took a
balloon. First, Sam breathed into the balloon and measured it with the air
in. Mary was second and Paul was third. Sam’s balloon was bigger than
Mary’s and Mary’s was bigger than Paul’s. Now Mary and Paul think that
science is exciting, too.

5 The children used to test their lungs.

6 After they breathed into them, they measured the

in the balloons.
7 like science now too.

106 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 5 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Blank page

6 Look and read and write.

Some children are playing football on the grass.
What is the man with glasses holding? a book

108 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 6 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Complete the sentences.

1 The man with a beard is looking at the boy who is .

2 The boy who is is wearing a cap.

Answer the questions.

3 What is the girl with long, curly, blond hair doing?

4 What are most of the girls wearing?

Now write two sentences about the picture.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 6 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 109
Tes Uni s 1–4 Speaking

Find the Differences

110 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 S Part 1 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 2

3 4
PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Cambridge University Press 2017   p21 Speaking   Test Units 1–4   Kid’s Box TRB 4

Picture Story

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 S Part 2 Test Units 1–4 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 111

112 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 S Part 3 Test Units 1–4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Tes Uni s 5–8 Listening


1 25
Listen and draw lines.There is one example.

May   Anna   Fred   John

Paul   Kim   Daisy

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 1 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 113
2 26
Listen and write.There is one example.


Party is on: Friday

1 Number of friends:
2 John’s age on Friday:
3 Favourite food:
4 Need:
5 Name of film:

114 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 L Part 2 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
3 27
 does Sally find each thing?
Listen and write a letter in each box.
There is one example.

laptop H ice skates

rabbit helmet

scarf swimsuit



PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 3 Test Units 5-8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 115
4 28
Listen and tick (✓) the box.There is one example.

Where did Jack go?

A ✓ B C
1 What did Jack’s parents buy him?

2 What did their parents buy for Jack’s sister?

116 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 L Part 4 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
3 What animals did Jack take photos of?

4 What did they eat at the zoo?

5 What toy animal did Jack buy?

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 L Part 4 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 117
5 29
Listen and colour and write.There is one example.

118 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 L Part 5 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Blank page

Tes Uni s 5–8 Reading & Writing


1  ook and read. Choose the correct words and write

them on the lines.There is one example.

a mountain a penguin

a map a polar bear

a library a farm

a dolphin a forest
120 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 1 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

There are lots of trees in this place. People go for

walks here. a forest


1 You can use this to help you when you are lost.

2 This animal is a mammal that lives in the sea.

3 This is a kind of bird which can’t fly. It lives in

cold places.

4 You go here to read books and you can take them

home too.

5 This place is in the countryside. People grow food

here and some animals live here too.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 1 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 121
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Jack is talking to his friend Daisy.

Jack: Hello, Daisy. What’s the matter?
Daisy: A What’s the matter?
B My mobile phone isn’t working.
C Yes, it is.

1 Jack: Do you usually use the phone a lot?
Daisy: A No, I don’t use.
B Yes, every day.
C Yes, I use.

122 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 2 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
2 Jack: Do you want to buy a new one?
Daisy: A Yes, I want.
B No, I don’t want.
C Yes, I’d like to buy one.

3 Jack: Shall I come with you?

Daisy: A I’d like that, thanks.
B He can come.
C I can come tomorrow.

4 Jack: Do you want the phone to take photos?

Daisy: A No, it doesn’t.
B Yes, I do.
C He wants photos.

5 Jack: What colour phone do you want?

Daisy: A Black or blue.
B No, thank you.
C Yes, it does.

6 Jack: Do you like texting your friends?

Daisy: A Yes, they do.
B Yes, I like my friends.
C Yes, a lot.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 2 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 123
Read the story. Choose a word from the box.
Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5.
There is one example.

My dad works in a hospital. He’s a doctor . Yesterday, it was

his birthday. Before he went to work in the 1 we said

‘Happy Birthday, Dad,’ but we didn’t give him any 2 .

Dad came home at 6 o’clock. The house was very quiet. My family and

Dad’s friends were in the 3 . Dad opened the door and

we 4 ‘Happy Birthday!’ Dad was very surprised! We ate

a lot of 5 and had a great time.

124 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 3 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Example doctor teacher food

morning shouted six

drinks presents living room

6 Now choose the best name for the story. Tick one box.

A day in the hospital

Dad’s party

At home with my family

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 3 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 125
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them
on the lines.


Example Pandas belong to the bear family. They come from the

1 south of China and they live bamboo forests in the

mountains. They have the digestive system of carnivores but

2 99% of what they is bamboo. They also eat eggs,

fish, oranges and bananas. They eat 10–15 kg of bamboo

3 day to have enough energy. Their fingers are

4 strong to hold the bamboo. When they born they

are the size of a mouse. They weigh 90–130 g but when

5 they are adults they are a lot bigger. They weigh

100–150 kg! They can climb trees well.

126 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 4 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Example to from of

1 in on under

2 eating eat eats

3 every most what

4 were is are

5 do can is

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 4 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 127
Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some
words to complete the sentences about the story.
You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa

Last week, Vicky and her brothers, Paul and Peter, visited their
grandparents. Paul is older than Vicky and Vicky is older than Peter. They
like visiting their grandparents because they tell the children lots of stories.
On Thursday, they went to the cinema and their grandfather said that
when they made the first films, you couldn’t hear the actors speak. People
watched the actors and read the story. Someone played the piano because
the machine that showed the films was very noisy.

Vicky has two brothers who are called Peter and Paul.
Paul is the oldest .

1 Vicky’s grandparents know lots of .
2 In the past, people had to the story when
they watched a film.

128 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 5 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
On Friday, it was sunny so they went to the zoo. They took photos of
the animals. The giraffes were the tallest animals and the elephants were
the heaviest but the monkeys were the funniest.

3 The family went to the zoo because .

4 The monkeys were animals.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 5 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 129
After the zoo, they went home. When Vicky’s grandparents were young,
they went on a safari. They showed the children photos of the animals that
they saw in Africa. The photos were in black and white. The boys’ favourite
was a photo of a giraffe drinking water but Vicky’s favourite was of an
elephant and her baby. The baby elephant was heavier than Vicky!
5 They saw photos of animals in Africa.
6 The boys liked the photo of a giraffe .
7 The baby elephant weighed more Vicky.

130 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 5 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
6 Look and read and write.

There is a lot of food on the table .
All the children are wearing fancy dress.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 R&W Part 6 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 131
Complete the sentences.

1 The plate of sandwiches is bigger than the

plate of .

2 The girl pirate is wearing striped .

Answer the questions.

3 How many presents are on the table?

4 Where are the glasses?

Now write two sentences about the pictures.

132 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 R&W Part 6 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE
Tes Uni s 5–8 Speaking

Find the Differences

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 S Part 1 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 133


1 2

3 4
Picture Story

134 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 S Part 2 Test Units 5–8 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 S Part 3 Test Units 5–8 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 135
Test key and audioscript
Marks are not shown on the Tests themselves 4
to allow you the flexibility to mark in a way that suits your woman : Who’s the boy with the black hat?
teaching situation. However, a suggested scheme is given girl: The one who’s climbing?
below which you may wish to use. This scheme gives a total woman : That’s right. He’s careful. He’s wearing a strong hat.
of 85 marks for each test. Note that all four skills carry equal girl: That’s my brother, Jim.
weight in the MoversTests. There are two complete tests in 5
this section. woman : And the girl with the white hat. Who’s she?
girl: She’s Vicky. She plays badminton very well.

Marking Key woman : Do you like badminton?

girl: Yes, I do, but I think it’s a bit difficult.
( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in brackets.
/ = A single slash is placed between acceptable alternative
words within an answer. Listening Part 2 (5 marks)
// = A double slash is placed between acceptable alternative
Key: 1 10//ten, 2 City, 3 Smith, 4 Vicky, 5 Quickly.
complete answers.
Tes Uni s 1–4 pp 90–112 Listen and look. There is one example.
man: Hello. Are you here to visit the library?
girl: Yes.
Listening Part 1 (5 marks) man: OK. Can I ask you some questions first, please?
girl: Of course.
Key: Lines should be drawn between:
man: What’s your name?
1 John and front boy in swimming race
girl: Sally Brown.
2 Jane and girl skating and wearing jeans
man: Is that B R O W N?
3 Mary and girl sitting under tree
girl: That’s right.
4 Jim and boy climbing and wearing black hat
5 Vicky and girl with badminton racket and wearing Can you see the answer? Now you listen
white hat and write.
TRACK 20 man: Are you nine or ten, Sally?
girl: I’m ten. It’s my birthday today.
Look at the picture. Listen and look.
man: Really? Happy Birthday!
There is one example.
girl: Thank you.
woman : Excuse me. What are you doing?
girl: We’re learning different sports.
man: Are you here with your school?
woman : Who’s your teacher?
girl: Yes, that’s right.
girl: The woman standing by the swimming pool.
man: What’s the name of your school?
woman: The tall one?
girl: It’s City School.
girl: That’s right. Her name’s Daisy.
man: Oh yes. City School is near here, isn’t it?
Can you see the line? This is an example. girl: That’s right.
Now you listen and draw lines. 3
1 man: Is that your teacher over there?
woman : Who’s the boy who’s swimming? girl: Yes, that’s Mrs Smith.
girl: Which one? man: Mrs Smith. S M I T H.
woman : The one who’s first. girl: She loves books and we love reading.
girl: That’s John. He swims very quickly. man: That’s very good.
woman : Yes, he swims very well. 4
2 man: You say you love reading.
girl: Can you see the girl who’s skating? girl: That’s right.
woman : The one wearing jeans? man: Do you have a favourite author?
girl: Yes. She’s my friend, Jane. girl: Yes, I think Vicky Wilson is great.
woman : How old is she? man: I like Vicky Wilson’s books, too.
girl: Ten, like me. 5
3 man: Do you have a favourite book?
woman : Who’s the girl who’s sitting under the tree? girl: It’s difficult to choose. I think Picnic in the Countryside is
girl: That’s Mary. She isn’t very well. She had a temperature very funny but Quickly is very exciting. Yes, I think Quickly
yesterday. is my favourite.
woman : It’s good that she’s not in the sun.
girl: I know.

136 Test key and audioscript

man: Thank you very much. Goodbye. Listening Part 4 (5 marks)
girl: Goodbye.
Key: 1 A, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A.

Listening Part 3 (5 marks) TRACK 23

Key: Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
1 Charlie – D, 2 Clare – G, There is one example.
3 Peter – B, 4 Julia – E, 5 Jack – C What was the matter with Jim?
woman : Hello, Jim. Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?
TRACK 22 boy: I was ill.

Listen and look. What was the matter with these people? woman : Oh dear. Did you have a stomach-ache?

girl: Six people in my class were ill today, Dad! boy: No, I had a temperature.

man: Oh, no! What was the matter? woman : Was that because you had a headache?

girl: Well Lily ate too may pancakes and she had stomach- boy: No, but I had a very bad earache.

ache! Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.
man: Oh, dear. Did she go home from school?
1 Which is the doctor?
girl: Yes, she did.
woman : Do you feel better now?
Can you see the letter H? Now you listen and write a letter boy: Yes, because I went to the doctor and she gave me
in the box. some medicine.
1 woman : Who’s your doctor?
girl: Charlie was ill, too. boy: Doctor Fine.
man: Did he have toothache again? He has that a lot. woman : Is she the one with glasses and long hair?
girl: Not today. He had a headache this morning but he was boy: She wears glasses but she has short hair.
better this afternoon. woman : Oh, yes. I know who she is.
man: That’s good. 2 Where did Jim go on Friday?
2 boy: I think I got the earache on Friday because it was very
man: What about your friend Clare? Was she OK? windy.
girl: No, she wasn’t! She fell in the playground. woman : Did you go to the park?
man: Oh, no! Did she hurt anything? boy: No, I went sailing with my dad.
girl: Yes, she did – her knee. woman : In the lake?
man: Did she go to hospital? boy: No, we went sailing in the sea.
girl: No, she went to see the nurse and she was fine. 3 What does Jim like best?
3 woman : Do you like sailing?
girl: Peter wasn’t well this afternoon. boy: Yes, but I like skating best.
man: Why? Has he got a cold? Everyone’s got one! woman : Do you skate in the park?
girl: No, but he’s got a bad cough. He’s very tired. boy: Yes, I always go with my friends. It’s great.
man: He must stay in bed tomorrow. 4 How old is Jim’s sister?
girl: Yes, he can’t come to school. woman : Did you go skating with your friends on Saturday?
4 boy: No, it was my sister’s birthday so she had a party.
girl: Dad, have I got a temperature? woman : Is your sister older or younger than you?
man: No, why? boy: She’s younger than me. I’m ten and she’s eight.
girl: Because Julia had one at school today. woman : And where was the party?
man: Really? Well, don’t worry – you’re fine! boy: At home. My grandparents came with my aunt, my
girl: Good. uncle and my cousins. There were eleven of us!
5 5 How many books did she have for her birthday?
man: How is your friend Jack? Was he ill today, too? woman : Did you give your sister a present?
girl: Yes, he was! Everyone was ill! boy: Yes, a book.
man: What was the matter with him? woman : Does she like reading?
girl: He had earache. He gets that a lot. boy: Yes, she does. She had lots of books for her birthday.
man: I’m sorry about that. I hope your friends are better woman : How many?
soon! boy: Well, Mum and Dad gave her four and I gave her one,
girl: So do I! so that’s five … oh, and three friends gave her books, too.
woman : So she had eight books for her birthday!
boy: That’s right.

Test key and audioscript 137

Listening Part 5 (5 marks) Reading & Writing Part 1
Key: 1 Colour the man’s cap – purple, 2 Write DOCTOR above (5 marks)
the name on the door, 3 Colour the door – green, 4 Colour
the lorry – yellow, 5 Colour the jumper of the girl wearing Key: 1 glasses, 2 a moustache, 3 a ruler, 4 a boat, 5 a bat
glasses – red

TRACK 24 Reading & Writing Part 2

Look at the picture. Listen and look.
(6 marks)
There is one example. Key: 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C.
man: Can you see the doctor?
girl: Yes, I can. She’s the woman who’s standing by the door.
man: That’s right. Look at her hair.
Reading & Writing Part 3
girl: Yes, it’s very long! (6 marks)
man: That’s right. Colour her hair black.
girl: OK.
Key: 1 laughed, 2 wet, 3 threw, 4 sky, 5 grass, 6 Julia’s favorite
Can you see the woman with long, black hair? This is an
example. Now you listen and colour and write.
1 Reading & Writing Part 4
man: There’s a man with a bad leg. (5 marks)
girl: Yes, a man next to the window.
man: Can you see his cap?
Key: 1 are, 2 by, 3 their, 4 after, 5 first.
girl: Yes. Can I colour it purple?
man: Of course.
Reading & Writing Part 5 (7 marks)
man: Do you want to write a word for me?
girl: Yes, please.
Key: 1 city, 2 science, 3 human body, 4 oxygen, 5 a balloon/
man: Can you see the words MARY JONES on the door?
balloons, 6 air, 7 Mary and Paul
girl: Yes. Is that the doctor’s name?
man: That’s right. Can you write the word DOCTOR above
her name?
Reading & Writing Part 6
girl: OK. I’m writing DOCTOR now. (6 marks)
3 Key: 1 hopping (on one leg)/ playing a game/ jumping
girl: Can I colour the door?
man: Of course. What colour do you want to use? 2 kicking the/a ball
girl: I’d like to use green.
3 (She’s) reading (a book)
man: That’s a nice colour for a door.
4 4 (They’re wearing) skirts.
man: Now, can you see the boy with stomach-ache?
5/6 e.g., The windows of the school are open. Three children are
girl: Which one?
sitting on the ground. The smallest boy is laughing.
man: The one with a truck.
girl: Yes, I can see him. Can I colour the truck?
man: Yes. You can choose the colour. Speaking (20 marks)
girl: OK. I’m doing it yellow.
5 Preparation
girl: OK. What now?
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the cards on pages 110–112.
man: Can you see the girl?
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for future
girl: There are two in the picture. use.
man: You’re right. Look at the one who’s wearing glasses.
● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension worksheets or other
Colour her jumper red. work for the rest of the class to do while you work with
girl: OK. I like the picture now. individual pupils on the Speaking test.
man: Yes, it’s nice. Procedure
● Ask the pupil how old he/she is.
● Ask the pupil to describe several differences between the two
pictures shown on the Find the Differences card,
e.g. This boy is going slowly, but this boy is going quickly.
● Begin to tell the story prompted by the Picture Story card, e.g.
Jack is going out. His mum says he must wear his coat. He doesn’t
want to wear it. Ask the pupil to continue with the story.
● Ask the pupil to choose one picture in each set of four on the
Odd-One-Out card, and explain why it is the odd one out in
the set, e.g. These are all people, but this is a chair.
● Ask questions about the pupil, e.g. What weather do you like?

138 Test key and audioscript

Test Uni s 5–8 pp 113–135 Listening Part 2 (5 marks)
Key: 1 ten//10, 2 eleven//11, 3 cake, 4 juice and water,
5 Clouds.
Listening Part 1 (5 marks)
Key: Lines should be drawn between: TRACK 26
1 Anna and the girl by the window Listen and look. There is one example.
2 May and the taller woman standing by the map man: What are you doing, John?
3 Kim and the girl standing by the boat taking photos boy: I’m buying food and drink for my birthday party.
4 Daisy and the girl standing in front of the picture of the man: When is the party?
sea boy: On Friday.
5 John and the man sitting down with a jacket on man: This Friday?
boy: Yes, that’s right.
Can you see the answer? Now you listen
Look at the picture. Listen and look.
and write.
There is one example.
woman : Hello, Tom. What are you doing here? man: Are you inviting a lot of children to your party?
boy: We’re visiting the museum.
boy: Yes, ten of my friends are coming.
woman : Are you here with the school?
man: Ten? That’s nice!
boy: No, I’m with my aunt and uncle and my cousins.
woman : Who’s that by the door?
man: Are all your friends the same age as you?
boy: The boy wearing a cap?
boy: Most are but Mary is twelve.
woman : Yes.
man: And are you eleven?
boy: That’s Fred.
boy: Yes, I’m eleven on Friday.
Can you see the line? This is an example. 3
Now you listen and draw lines. man: What food are you buying?
1 boy: Sausages, hamburgers, crisps, bread and cake.
woman : Who’s the girl by the window? man: What’s your favourite food?
boy: By the window, with curly hair? boy: Cake.
woman : Yes, that’s right. 4
boy: That’s my cousin, Anna. man: Are those drinks for the party, too?
2 boy: Yes, there’s juice and water.
woman : That’s a nice map, isn’t it? man: How many bottles?
boy: Yes, it is and it’s very interesting. boy: Two of juice and three of water.
woman : Who’s the taller woman standing by it? man: Did you say three bottles of water?
boy: The taller one? boy: Yes, that’s right.
woman : Yes. 5
boy: That’s my Aunt May. man: Are you having the party at home?
3 boy: Yes, I am, but we want to see a film at the cinema after
woman : I like that boat. the party.
boy: So does Kim. Look! She’s taking a photo of it. man: What film?
woman : Oh, is that Kim? boy: It’s called Clouds.
boy: Yes. She loves her camera! man: Clowns?
4 boy: No! Clouds! C L O U D S!
woman : I can’t see that picture near the door very well. man: Oh, sorry! Have a nice party!
boy: I think it’s a picture of the sea, but we can ask Daisy
because she is standing in front of it now.
woman : Is that man your uncle?
boy: No, not that man. My Uncle John is the man sitting
woman : The one with the jacket on?
boy: That’s right.

Test key and audioscript 139

Listening Part 3 (5 marks) Listening Part 4 (5 marks)
Key: 1 scarf B, 2 rabbit E, 3 swimsuit G, 4 ice skates F, 5 Key: 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A.
helmet D
TRACK 27 Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
Listen and look. There is one example. Where does Sally There is one example.
find these things? Where did Jack go?
girl: Mum… I can’t find any of my things. woman : Did you go swimming yesterday?
woman : Oh, Sally! You always lose everything. What are you boy: No, I don’t go swimming on Tuesdays.
looking for now? woman : What did you do?

girl: My laptop. I need to do my homework. boy: I went to the shops.

woman : With your friends?
woman : It’s on the dining room table.
boy: No, I went with my parents and my sister, Jane.
Can you see the letter H? Now you listen and write a letter
in each box. Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.
1 1 What did Jack’s parents buy him?
girl: I don’t know where my new scarf is. woman : Did you buy anything?
woman : Oh dear. Look in your cupboard. I think it’s in boy: Yes, we all bought something. My mum bought a DVD
there. and my dad bought a new mouse, but the best thing was
girl: Oh yes. You’re right, Mum. that they bought me a camera.
woman : You must learn to look more carefully! 2 What did their parents buy for Jack’s sister?
2 woman : What about Jane? Did your parents buy her a

girl: What about White Rabbit?

camera, too?
boy: No, she takes photos on her mobile phone. They
woman : Isn’t she on your bed?
bought her an MP3 player.
girl: She was there this morning.
woman : And a new computer?
woman : Oh look. Here she is – on the sofa in the living boy: No!
room. 3 What animals did Jack take photos of?
3 woman : Did you use your camera?
girl: Oh no! boy: Yes, because when we finished shopping, we went to
woman : What’s the matter now? the zoo.
girl: My swimsuit isn’t in the bathroom. woman : Did you take photos of the giraffes?

woman : Oh, Sally! Here it is. On the kitchen chair. boy: There weren’t any giraffes but I took a lot of photos of

girl: Oh yes. Thank you, Mum.

the dolphins.
woman : Ah! What about the snakes?
boy: Urgh, yuck, no!
woman : Are these your ice skates?
4 What did they eat at the zoo?
girl: Which ones?
woman : Did you have a snack at the zoo?
woman : The ones that were on the balcony. boy: We wanted to take a picnic but we thought it could rain
girl: Oh yes. I put them there yesterday because they were so we went to the café.
wet. woman : Did you eat burgers or sandwiches?
5 boy: Sandwiches.
woman : I found your helmet this morning. 5 What toy animal did Jack buy?
girl: Did you? Oh good. Where was it? woman : Did you go to the zoo shop?
boy: Yes. There were lots of toys. I liked the toy animals.
woman : In the car. You left it there last Friday.
woman : Did you buy one?
girl: Now I’ve got everything I need. Thanks, Mum.
boy: Yes, but it was difficult to decide. I liked the elephants
and the monkeys but then I saw a panda and I liked that
woman : So, did you buy the panda?
boy: Yes. Look, I’ve got it here.
woman : Oh!

140 Test key and audioscript

Listening Part 5 (5 marks) Reading & Writing Part 1
Key: 1 Write ‘tour’ above the clock. (5 marks)
2 Colour the woman’s bag – red.
Key: 1 a map, 2 a dolphin, 3 a penguin, 4 library, 5 a farm
3 Colour the man’s book – blue.
4 Colour the picture of the car – yellow.
5 Colour the flowers in the picture – orange. Reading & Writing Part 2
TRACK 29 (6 marks)
Look at the picture. Listen and look. Key: 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C.
There is one example.
man: Can you see the girl? Reading & Writing Part 3
girl: Which one? I can see three girls.
man: You’re right. The tallest one. (6 marks)
girl: Yes.
Key: 1 morning, 2 presents, 3 living room, 4 shouted,
man: Can you colour her shoes black?
5 food, 6 Dad’s party.
girl: OK.

Can you see the girl with black shoes? This is

an example. Now you listen and colour and write. Reading & Writing Part 4
1 (5 marks)
girl: The tallest girl is looking at the board, not the pictures. Key: 1 in, 2 eat, 3 every, 4 are, 5 can.
man: Do you want to write something?
girl: OK.
man: Can you write ‘tour’ above the clock? The next one is Reading & Writing Part 5 (7 marks)
at 3 o’clock.
girl: Yes, I can do that.
Key: 1 stories, 2 read, 3 it was sunny, 4 the funniest,
man: That’s good.
5 black and white, 6 drinking water, 7 than.
girl: Now I’d like to colour something.
Reading & Writing Part 6
man: All right. Can you see the woman carrying a bag?
girl: Yes. Can I colour her bag? (6 marks)
man: Yes, I think red would be nice.
Key: 1 biscuits / cakes, 2 trousers, 3 six / 6, 4 on the table, 5 & 6
girl: So do I.
e.g. There are seven presents., Four people are dancing., There
3 are six glasses on the table.
man: Can you see the man sitting down?
girl: Yes. He’s got a book.
man: That’s right. Speaking (20 marks)
girl: Can I colour the book?
man: Yes, good idea!
girl: What colour?
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the cards on pages 133–135.
man: Er … blue.
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for
4 future use.
girl: There’s a nice picture of a car.
● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension worksheets or other
man: You’re right. It looks like a fast car.
work for the rest of the class to do while you work with
girl: Yes. Can I colour it yellow?
individual pupils on the Speaking test.
man: OK. That’s a good colour. Procedure
5 ● Ask the pupil how old he/she is.
girl: My favourite painting is the one of the flowers. ● Ask the pupil to describe several differences between
man: Yes, they are beautiful! the two pictures shown on the Find the Differences card,
girl: Can I colour the flowers? e.g. This boy is sitting down, but this boy is standing up.
man: Of course. I think orange would be nice. ● Begin to tell the story prompted by the Picture Story card,
girl: So do I. e.g. It’s a sunny day. Peter’s grandad is sleeping in the garden.
Peter goes out of the garden. The duck goes after him. Ask the
pupil to continue with the story.
● Ask the pupil to choose one picture in each set of four on
the Odd-One-Out card, and explain why it is the odd one
out in the set, e.g. These three are food but this is a bowl.
● Ask questions about the pupil, e.g. Can you play an

Test key and audioscript 141

Test key and audioscript
Marks are not shown on the Tests themselves 4
to allow you the flexibility to mark in a way that suits your WOMAN : Who’s the boy with the black hat?
teaching situation. However, a suggested scheme is given GIRL: The one who’s climbing?
below which you may wish to use. This scheme gives a total WOMAN : That’s right. He’s careful. He’s wearing a strong hat.
of 85 marks for each test. Note that all four skills carry equal GIRL: That’s my brother, Jim.
weight in the MoversTests. There are two complete tests in 5
this section. WOMAN : And the girl with the white hat. Who’s she?
GIRL: She’s Vicky. She plays badminton very well.

Marking Key WOMAN : Do you like badminton?

GIRL: Yes, I do, but I think it’s a bit difficult.
( ) = Acceptable extra words are placed in brackets.
/ = A single slash is placed between acceptable alternative
words within an answer. Listening Part 2 (5 marks)
// = A double slash is placed between acceptable alternative
Key: 1 10//ten, 2 City, 3 Smith, 4 Vicky, 5 Quickly.
complete answers.
Tes Uni s 1–4 pp 90–112 Listen and look. There is one example.
MAN : Hello. Are you here to visit the library?
GIRL: Yes.
Listening Part 1 (5 marks) MAN : OK. Can I ask you some questions first, please?
GIRL: Of course.
Key: Lines should be drawn between:
MAN : What’s your name?
1 John and front boy in swimming race
GIRL: Sally Brown.
2 Jane and girl skating and wearing jeans
MAN : Is that B R O W N?
3 Mary and girl sitting under tree
GIRL: That’s right.
4 Jim and boy climbing and wearing black hat
5 Vicky and girl with badminton racket and wearing Can you see the answer? Now you listen
white hat and write.
TRACK 20 MAN : Are you nine or ten, Sally?
GIRL: I’m ten. It’s my birthday today.
Look at the picture. Listen and look.
MAN : Really? Happy Birthday!
There is one example.
GIRL: Thank you.
WOMAN : Excuse me. What are you doing?
GIRL: We’re learning different sports.
MAN : Are you here with your school?
WOMAN : Who’s your teacher?
GIRL: Yes, that’s right.
GIRL: The woman standing by the swimming pool.
MAN : What’s the name of your school?
WOMAN: The tall one?
GIRL: It’s City School.
GIRL: That’s right. Her name’s Daisy.
MAN : Oh yes. City School is near here, isn’t it?
Can you see the line? This is an example. GIRL: That’s right.
Now you listen and draw lines. 3
1 MAN : Is that your teacher over there?
WOMAN : Who’s the boy who’s swimming? GIRL: Yes, that’s Mrs Smith.
GIRL: Which one? MAN : Mrs Smith. S M I T H.
WOMAN : The one who’s first. GIRL: She loves books and we love reading.
GIRL: That’s John. He swims very quickly. MAN : That’s very good.
WOMAN : Yes, he swims very well. 4
2 MAN : You say you love reading.
GIRL: Can you see the girl who’s skating? GIRL: That’s right.
WOMAN : The one wearing jeans? MAN : Do you have a favourite author?
GIRL: Yes. She’s my friend, Jane. GIRL: Yes, I think Vicky Wilson is great.
WOMAN : How old is she? MAN : I like Vicky Wilson’s books, too.
GIRL: Ten, like me. 5
3 MAN : Do you have a favourite book?
WOMAN : Who’s the girl who’s sitting under the tree? GIRL: It’s difficult to choose. I think Picnic in the Countryside is
GIRL: That’s Mary. She isn’t very well. She had a temperature very funny but Quickly is very exciting. Yes, I think Quickly
yesterday. is my favourite.
WOMAN : It’s good that she’s not in the sun.
GIRL: I know.

136 Test key and audioscript

MAN : Thank you very much. Goodbye. Listening Part 4 (5 marks)
GIRL: Goodbye.
Key: 1 A, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A.

Listening Part 3 (5 marks) TRACK 23

Key: Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
1 Charlie – D, 2 Clare – G, There is one example.
3 Peter – B, 4 Julia – E, 5 Jack – C What was the matter with Jim?
WOMAN : Hello, Jim. Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?
TRACK 22 BOY: I was ill.

Listen and look. What was the matter with these people? WOMAN : Oh dear. Did you have a stomach-ache?

GIRL: Six people in my class were ill today, Dad! BOY: No, I had a temperature.

MAN : Oh, no! What was the matter? WOMAN : Was that because you had a headache?

GIRL: Well Lily ate too may pancakes and she had stomach- BOY: No, but I had a very bad earache.

ache! Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.
MAN : Oh, dear. Did she go home from school?
1 Which is the doctor?
GIRL: Yes, she did.
WOMAN : Do you feel better now?
Can you see the letter H? Now you listen and write a letter BOY: Yes, because I went to the doctor and she gave me
in the box. some medicine.
1 WOMAN : Who’s your doctor?
GIRL: Charlie was ill, too. BOY: Doctor Fine.
MAN : Did he have toothache again? He has that a lot. WOMAN : Is she the one with glasses and long hair?
GIRL: Not today. He had a headache this morning but he was BOY: She wears glasses but she has short hair.
better this afternoon. WOMAN : Oh, yes. I know who she is.
MAN : That’s good. 2 Where did Jim go on Friday?
2 BOY: I think I got the earache on Friday because it was very
MAN : What about your friend Clare? Was she OK? windy.
GIRL: No, she wasn’t! She fell in the playground. WOMAN : Did you go to the park?
MAN : Oh, no! Did she hurt anything? BOY: No, I went sailing with my dad.
GIRL: Yes, she did – her knee. WOMAN : In the lake?
MAN : Did she go to hospital? BOY: No, we went sailing in the sea.
GIRL: No, she went to see the nurse and she was fine. 3 What does Jim like best?
3 WOMAN : Do you like sailing?
GIRL: Peter wasn’t well this afternoon. BOY: Yes, but I like skating best.
MAN : Why? Has he got a cold? Everyone’s got one! WOMAN : Do you skate in the park?
GIRL: No, but he’s got a bad cough. He’s very tired. BOY: Yes, I always go with my friends. It’s great.
MAN : He must stay in bed tomorrow. 4 How old is Jim’s sister?
GIRL: Yes, he can’t come to school. WOMAN : Did you go skating with your friends on Saturday?
4 BOY: No, it was my sister’s birthday so she had a party.
GIRL: Dad, have I got a temperature? WOMAN : Is your sister older or younger than you?
MAN : No, why? BOY: She’s younger than me. I’m ten and she’s eight.
GIRL: Because Julia had one at school today. WOMAN : And where was the party?
MAN : Really? Well, don’t worry – you’re fine! BOY: At home. My grandparents came with my aunt, my
GIRL: Good. uncle and my cousins. There were eleven of us!
5 5 How many books did she have for her birthday?
MAN : How is your friend Jack? Was he ill today, too? WOMAN : Did you give your sister a present?
GIRL: Yes, he was! Everyone was ill! BOY: Yes, a book.
MAN : What was the matter with him? WOMAN : Does she like reading?
GIRL: He had earache. He gets that a lot. BOY: Yes, she does. She had lots of books for her birthday.
MAN : I’m sorry about that. I hope your friends are better WOMAN : How many?
soon! BOY: Well, Mum and Dad gave her four and I gave her one,
GIRL: So do I! so that’s five … oh, and three friends gave her books, too.
WOMAN : So she had eight books for her birthday!
BOY: That’s right.

Test key and audioscript 137

Listening Part 5 (5 marks) Reading & Writing Part 1
Key: 1 Colour the man’s cap – purple, 2 Write DOCTOR above (5 marks)
the name on the door, 3 Colour the door – green, 4 Colour
the lorry – yellow, 5 Colour the jumper of the girl wearing Key: 1 glasses, 2 a moustache, 3 a ruler, 4 a boat, 5 a bat
glasses – red

TRACK 24 Reading & Writing Part 2

Look at the picture. Listen and look.
(6 marks)
There is one example. Key: 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C.
MAN : Can you see the doctor?
GIRL: Yes, I can. She’s the woman who’s standing by the door.
MAN : That’s right. Look at her hair.
Reading & Writing Part 3
GIRL: Yes, it’s very long! (6 marks)
MAN : That’s right. Colour her hair black.
Key: 1 laughed, 2 wet, 3 threw, 4 sky, 5 grass, 6 Julia’s favorite
Can you see the woman with long, black hair? This is an
example. Now you listen and colour and write.
1 Reading & Writing Part 4
MAN : There’s a man with a bad leg. (5 marks)
GIRL: Yes, a man next to the window.
MAN : Can you see his cap?
Key: 1 are, 2 by, 3 their, 4 after, 5 first.
GIRL: Yes. Can I colour it purple?
MAN : Of course.
Reading & Writing Part 5 (7 marks)
MAN : Do you want to write a word for me?
GIRL: Yes, please.
Key: 1 city, 2 science, 3 human body, 4 oxygen, 5 a balloon/
MAN : Can you see the words MARY JONES on the door?
balloons, 6 air, 7 Mary and Paul
GIRL: Yes. Is that the doctor’s name?
MAN : That’s right. Can you write the word DOCTOR above
her name?
Reading & Writing Part 6
GIRL: OK. I’m writing DOCTOR now. (6 marks)
3 Key: 1 hopping (on one leg)/ playing a game/ jumping
GIRL: Can I colour the door?
MAN : Of course. What colour do you want to use? 2 kicking the/a ball
GIRL: I’d like to use green.
3 (She’s) reading (a book)
MAN : That’s a nice colour for a door.
4 4 (They’re wearing) skirts.
MAN : Now, can you see the boy with stomach-ache?
5/6 e.g., The windows of the school are open. Three children are
GIRL: Which one?
sitting on the ground. The smallest boy is laughing.
MAN : The one with a truck.
GIRL: Yes, I can see him. Can I colour the truck?
MAN : Yes. You can choose the colour. Speaking (20 marks)
GIRL: OK. I’m doing it yellow.
GIRL: OK. What now?
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the cards on pages 110–112.
MAN : Can you see the girl?
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for future
GIRL: There are two in the picture. use.
MAN : You’re right. Look at the one who’s wearing glasses.
● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension worksheets or other
Colour her jumper red. work for the rest of the class to do while you work with
GIRL: OK. I like the picture now. individual pupils on the Speaking test.
MAN : Yes, it’s nice. Procedure
● Ask the pupil how old he/she is.
● Ask the pupil to describe several differences between the two
pictures shown on the Find the Differences card,
e.g. This boy is going slowly, but this boy is going quickly.
● Begin to tell the story prompted by the Picture Story card, e.g.
Jack is going out. His mum says he must wear his coat. He doesn’t
want to wear it. Ask the pupil to continue with the story.
● Ask the pupil to choose one picture in each set of four on the
Odd-One-Out card, and explain why it is the odd one out in
the set, e.g. These are all people, but this is a chair.
● Ask questions about the pupil, e.g. What weather do you like?

138 Test key and audioscript

Test Uni s 5–8 pp 113–135 Listening Part 2 (5 marks)
Key: 1 ten//10, 2 eleven//11, 3 cake, 4 juice and water,
5 Clouds.
Listening Part 1 (5 marks)
Key: Lines should be drawn between: TRACK 26
1 Anna and the girl by the window Listen and look. There is one example.
2 May and the taller woman standing by the map MAN : What are you doing, John?
3 Kim and the girl standing by the boat taking photos BOY: I’m buying food and drink for my birthday party.
4 Daisy and the girl standing in front of the picture of the MAN : When is the party?
sea BOY: On Friday.
5 John and the man sitting down with a jacket on MAN : This Friday?
BOY: Yes, that’s right.
Can you see the answer? Now you listen
Look at the picture. Listen and look.
and write.
There is one example.
WOMAN : Hello, Tom. What are you doing here? MAN : Are you inviting a lot of children to your party?
BOY: We’re visiting the museum.
BOY: Yes, ten of my friends are coming.
WOMAN : Are you here with the school?
MAN : Ten? That’s nice!
BOY: No, I’m with my aunt and uncle and my cousins.
WOMAN : Who’s that by the door?
MAN : Are all your friends the same age as you?
BOY: The boy wearing a cap?
BOY: Most are but Mary is twelve.
WOMAN : Yes.
MAN : And are you eleven?
BOY: That’s Fred.
BOY: Yes, I’m eleven on Friday.
Can you see the line? This is an example. 3
Now you listen and draw lines. MAN : What food are you buying?
1 BOY: Sausages, hamburgers, crisps, bread and cake.
WOMAN : Who’s the girl by the window? MAN : What’s your favourite food?
BOY: By the window, with curly hair? BOY: Cake.
WOMAN : Yes, that’s right. 4
BOY: That’s my cousin, Anna. MAN : Are those drinks for the party, too?
2 BOY: Yes, there’s juice and water.
WOMAN : That’s a nice map, isn’t it? MAN : How many bottles?
BOY: Yes, it is and it’s very interesting. BOY: Two of juice and three of water.
WOMAN : Who’s the taller woman standing by it? MAN : Did you say three bottles of water?
BOY: The taller one? BOY: Yes, that’s right.
WOMAN : Yes. 5
BOY: That’s my Aunt May. MAN : Are you having the party at home?
3 BOY: Yes, I am, but we want to see a film at the cinema after
WOMAN : I like that boat. the party.
BOY: So does Kim. Look! She’s taking a photo of it. MAN : What film?
WOMAN : Oh, is that Kim? BOY: It’s called Clouds.
BOY: Yes. She loves her camera! MAN : Clowns?
4 BOY: No! Clouds! C L O U D S!
WOMAN : I can’t see that picture near the door very well. MAN : Oh, sorry! Have a nice party!
BOY: I think it’s a picture of the sea, but we can ask Daisy
because she is standing in front of it now.
WOMAN : Is that man your uncle?
BOY: No, not that man. My Uncle John is the man sitting
WOMAN : The one with the jacket on?
BOY: That’s right.

Test key and audioscript 139

Listening Part 3 (5 marks) Listening Part 4 (5 marks)
Key: 1 scarf B, 2 rabbit E, 3 swimsuit G, 4 ice skates F, 5 Key: 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A.
helmet D
TRACK 27 Look at the pictures. Listen and look.
Listen and look. There is one example. Where does Sally There is one example.
find these things? Where did Jack go?
GIRL: Mum… I can’t find any of my things. WOMAN : Did you go swimming yesterday?
WOMAN : Oh, Sally! You always lose everything. What are you BOY: No, I don’t go swimming on Tuesdays.
looking for now? WOMAN : What did you do?

GIRL: My laptop. I need to do my homework. BOY: I went to the shops.

WOMAN : With your friends?
WOMAN : It’s on the dining room table.
BOY: No, I went with my parents and my sister, Jane.
Can you see the letter H? Now you listen and write a letter
in each box. Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.
1 1 What did Jack’s parents buy him?
GIRL: I don’t know where my new scarf is. WOMAN : Did you buy anything?
WOMAN : Oh dear. Look in your cupboard. I think it’s in BOY: Yes, we all bought something. My mum bought a DVD
there. and my dad bought a new mouse, but the best thing was
GIRL: Oh yes. You’re right, Mum. that they bought me a camera.
WOMAN : You must learn to look more carefully! 2 What did their parents buy for Jack’s sister?
2 WOMAN : What about Jane? Did your parents buy her a

GIRL: What about White Rabbit?

camera, too?
BOY: No, she takes photos on her mobile phone. They
WOMAN : Isn’t she on your bed?
bought her an MP3 player.
GIRL: She was there this morning.
WOMAN : And a new computer?
WOMAN : Oh look. Here she is – on the sofa in the living BOY: No!
room. 3 What animals did Jack take photos of?
3 WOMAN : Did you use your camera?
GIRL: Oh no! BOY: Yes, because when we finished shopping, we went to
WOMAN : What’s the matter now? the zoo.
GIRL: My swimsuit isn’t in the bathroom. WOMAN : Did you take photos of the giraffes?

WOMAN : Oh, Sally! Here it is. On the kitchen chair. BOY: There weren’t any giraffes but I took a lot of photos of

GIRL: Oh yes. Thank you, Mum.

the dolphins.
WOMAN : Ah! What about the snakes?
BOY: Urgh, yuck, no!
WOMAN : Are these your ice skates?
4 What did they eat at the zoo?
GIRL: Which ones?
WOMAN : Did you have a snack at the zoo?
WOMAN : The ones that were on the balcony. BOY: We wanted to take a picnic but we thought it could rain
GIRL: Oh yes. I put them there yesterday because they were so we went to the café.
wet. WOMAN : Did you eat burgers or sandwiches?
5 BOY: Sandwiches.
WOMAN : I found your helmet this morning. 5 What toy animal did Jack buy?
GIRL: Did you? Oh good. Where was it? WOMAN : Did you go to the zoo shop?
BOY: Yes. There were lots of toys. I liked the toy animals.
WOMAN : In the car. You left it there last Friday.
WOMAN : Did you buy one?
GIRL: Now I’ve got everything I need. Thanks, Mum.
BOY: Yes, but it was difficult to decide. I liked the elephants
and the monkeys but then I saw a panda and I liked that
WOMAN : So, did you buy the panda?
BOY: Yes. Look, I’ve got it here.

140 Test key and audioscript

Listening Part 5 (5 marks) Reading & Writing Part 1
Key: 1 Write ‘tour’ above the clock. (5 marks)
2 Colour the woman’s bag – red.
Key: 1 a map, 2 a dolphin, 3 a penguin, 4 library, 5 a farm
3 Colour the man’s book – blue.
4 Colour the picture of the car – yellow.
5 Colour the flowers in the picture – orange. Reading & Writing Part 2
TRACK 29 (6 marks)
Look at the picture. Listen and look. Key: 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C.
There is one example.
MAN : Can you see the girl? Reading & Writing Part 3
GIRL: Which one? I can see three girls.
MAN : You’re right. The tallest one. (6 marks)
GIRL: Yes.
Key: 1 morning, 2 presents, 3 living room, 4 shouted,
MAN : Can you colour her shoes black?
5 food, 6 Dad’s party.

Can you see the girl with black shoes? This is

an example. Now you listen and colour and write. Reading & Writing Part 4
1 (5 marks)
GIRL: The tallest girl is looking at the board, not the pictures. Key: 1 in, 2 eat, 3 every, 4 are, 5 can.
MAN : Do you want to write something?
MAN : Can you write ‘tour’ above the clock? The next one is Reading & Writing Part 5 (7 marks)
at 3 o’clock.
GIRL: Yes, I can do that.
Key: 1 stories, 2 read, 3 it was sunny, 4 the funniest,
MAN : That’s good.
5 black and white, 6 drinking water, 7 than.
GIRL: Now I’d like to colour something.
Reading & Writing Part 6
MAN : All right. Can you see the woman carrying a bag?
GIRL: Yes. Can I colour her bag? (6 marks)
MAN : Yes, I think red would be nice.
Key: 1 biscuits / cakes, 2 trousers, 3 six / 6, 4 on the table, 5 & 6
GIRL: So do I.
e.g. There are seven presents., Four people are dancing., There
3 are six glasses on the table.
MAN : Can you see the man sitting down?
GIRL: Yes. He’s got a book.
MAN : That’s right. Speaking (20 marks)
GIRL: Can I colour the book?
MAN : Yes, good idea!
GIRL: What colour?
● Photocopy, colour and cut out the cards on pages 133–135.
MAN : Er … blue.
● Mount them on card and laminate them, if possible, for
4 future use.
GIRL: There’s a nice picture of a car.
● Prepare Reinforcement or Extension worksheets or other
MAN : You’re right. It looks like a fast car.
work for the rest of the class to do while you work with
GIRL: Yes. Can I colour it yellow?
individual pupils on the Speaking test.
MAN : OK. That’s a good colour. Procedure
5 ● Ask the pupil how old he/she is.
GIRL: My favourite painting is the one of the flowers. ● Ask the pupil to describe several differences between
MAN : Yes, they are beautiful! the two pictures shown on the Find the Differences card,
GIRL: Can I colour the flowers? e.g. This boy is sitting down, but this boy is standing up.
MAN : Of course. I think orange would be nice. ● Begin to tell the story prompted by the Picture Story card,
GIRL: So do I. e.g. It’s a sunny day. Peter’s grandad is sleeping in the garden.
Peter goes out of the garden. The duck goes after him. Ask the
pupil to continue with the story.
● Ask the pupil to choose one picture in each set of four on
the Odd-One-Out card, and explain why it is the odd one
out in the set, e.g. These three are food but this is a bowl.
● Ask questions about the pupil, e.g. Can you play an

Test key and audioscript 141

Name cards

Alex Jack Mary Sally

Ann Jane May Sam

Anna Jill Nick Sue

Ben Jim Pat Tom

Bill Zoe Paul Tony

Daisy Kim Peter Vicky

Fred Lucy Julia Clare

142 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE
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has completed

Level 4 of KID’S BOX




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