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Hodgson 2010

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10458 J. Phys. Chem.

A 2010, 114, 10458–10466

Side Reactions of Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization: N-O versus O-C Cleavage of


Jennifer L. Hodgson,† Luke B. Roskop,‡ Mark S. Gordon,‡ Ching Yeh Lin,† and
Michelle L. Coote*,†
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnology, Research
School of Chemistry, Australian National UniVersity, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia, and Department of
Chemistry, Iowa State UniVersity, Ames, Iowa 50011
ReceiVed: July 12, 2010; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: August 18, 2010

Free energies for the homolysis of the NO-C and N-OC bonds were compared for a large number of
alkoxyamines at 298 and 393 K, both in the gas phase and in toluene solution. On this basis, the scope of the
N-OC homolysis side reaction in nitroxide-mediated polymerization was determined. It was found that the
free energies of NO-C and N-OC homolysis are not correlated, with NO-C homolysis being more dependent
upon the properties of the alkyl fragment and N-OC homolysis being more dependent upon the structure of
the aminyl fragment. Acyclic alkoxyamines and those bearing the indoline functionality have lower free
energies of N-OC homolysis than other cyclic alkoxyamines, with the five-membered pyrrolidine and
isoindoline derivatives showing lower free energies than the six-membered piperidine derivatives. For most
nitroxides, N-OC homolysis is normally favored above NO-C homolysis only when a heteroatom that is R
to the NOC carbon center stabilizes the NO-C bond and/or the released alkyl radical is not sufficiently
stabilized. As part of this work, accurate methods for the calculation of free energies for the homolysis of
alkoxyamines were determined. Accurate thermodynamic parameters to within 4.5 kJ mol-1 of experimental
values were found using an ONIOM approximation to G3(MP2)-RAD combined with PCM solvation energies
at the B3-LYP/6-31G(d) level.

1. Introduction SCHEME 1: Reversible Homolysis of Alkoxyamine at

the R′R′′NO-R Bond, Forming the Control Reaction for
The dissociation of an alkoxyamine into a nitroxide radical Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization
and an alkyl radical (Scheme 1) as well as the reverse, a
combination reaction of these two species, is central to many
industrially relevant processes. These types of reactions are
important when nitroxides are utilized as radical traps, as control
agents in radical polymerization, and as stabilizers of polymer SCHEME 2: Simplified Mechanism of the Denisov
coatings. The control reaction of nitroxide-mediated polymer- Cycle, Showing Protection Using a Piperidine HALS
ization (NMP) involves the reversible trapping of a growing (where X is typically H or an alkyl chain)
polymer chain by a nitroxide to form a dormant alkoxyamine,
thereby preventing uncontrolled chain growth. A similar trapping
reaction also makes up part of the Denisov cycle, which involves
the catalytic protection of polymer coatings against photo-
oxidative damage by hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS)
(Scheme 2).1,2
When alkoxyamines are used in NMP and also when they
are formed from hindered amine light stabilizers as part of the
Denisov cycle, competition exists in the homolysis of alkoxyamines Previously, this competition has been studied by Siri et al.3
between the desired dissociation at the NO-C bond and the and Gigmes et al.4 for several piperidine- and indoline-based
dissociation at the N-OC bond. N-OC homolysis occurs as alkoxyamines using density functional theory (DFT) as well as
an unwanted side reaction, leading to the formation of aminyl experimental methods. The main finding for the piperidine-ring
radicals and highly reactive and possibly polymer-damaging free systems was that NO-C homolysis has lower bond dissociation
alkoxyl radicals. An understanding of the effects of the chemical energies (BDEs) than N-OC except in the case of a vinyl
structure of the nitroxide and the propagating radical on the acetate monomer-substituted alkoxyamine, which had an NO-C
competition between these two processes would therefore be bond stabilized by an anomeric interaction. For the studied
extremely useful. In particular, it would assist in the design and indoline alkoxyamines, it was concluded that N-OC homolysis
selection of nitroxides that were more resistant to the unwanted was preferred except for alkoxyamines substituted with an
N-OC homolysis process. C(CH3)2CO2CH2CH3 alkyl fragment. However, it would be
useful to extend this study to include a larger range of alkyl
* Corresponding author. E-mail: mcoote@rsc.anu.edu.au.

Australian National University. fragments as well as acyclic and other common cyclic nitroxide

Iowa State University. species.
10.1021/jp1064165  2010 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 09/02/2010
Side Reactions of Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 38, 2010 10459

SCHEME 3: Nitroxide and Alkyl Radical Species in This 31G(d) method. To assess the effect of the level of theory used
Study Formed by the NO-C Bond Homolysis of for geometry optimization on the resulting trapping enthalpies,
Alkoxyamines single-point energy calculations were then carried out on all
the geometries at a consistent level of theory, the QCISD/6-
31G(d) level.
Gas-phase enthalpies for the trapping of several different
small carbon-, oxygen-, and nitrogen-centered radical species
were calculated using very high level composite methods from
the W1,11 CBS,12 G4,13 and G314,15 families and compared with
experimental enthalpies in order to determine an accurate
method for the calculation of gas-phase single-point energies.
Enthalpies for the trapping of several different alkyl radical
species by the nitroxide 2,2,6,6,-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yloxyl
(TEMPO), using species optimized at the B3-LYP/6-31G(d)
level, were calculated over a wide variety of levels of theory to
determine suitable lower-cost methods for larger systems. The
methods assessed include a variety of DFT methods, RMP2,
and several ONIOM-type16 methods. In ONIOM, a chemical
reaction is divided into a core section that includes the reaction
Additionally, in these previous studies,3,4 it was found that center and principal substituents and an outer section, which is
the DFT and semiempirical methods used showed large varia- the rest of the chemical system. The core system is calculated
tions from each other and from the experimental BDEs, although at a high level of theory and also at a lower level of theory, but
the DFT methods were able to model the NO-C versus N-OC the full chemical system is calculated only at the lower level.
competition successfully. Elsewhere, we have shown that a We have previously shown that this method is suitable for
variety of DFT methods failed to model even the qualitative reactions involving nitroxides.5,17-19 Three lower-cost methods
trends in NO-C BDEs of a series of alkoxyamines.5 Although were tested for the calculation of the full system in the ONIOM
it is expected that the DFT methods used in these previous calculations (RMP2/6-311+G(3df,2p), BMK/6-311+G(3df,2p),
studies may provide a reasonable measure of the difference in and B3-LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p)), and G3(MP2)-RAD was the
BDEs for NO-C and N-OC bond homolysis, it is likely that high level of theory used to study the core section.
higher-level calculations will be required for the quantitative The free energy of solvation, ∆Gsolv, quantifies the free-energy
measurement of these BDEs and an understanding of structure- difference between a gas-phase system and the same system in
reactivity trends within a series. a solvent medium. Several procedures for the evaluation of the
In the present work, we use high-level ab initio molecular free energy of solvation were examined. These included
orbital calculations to examine the effects of chemical structure polarized continuum models PCM20 and CPCM,21 as imple-
on the NO-C and N-OC bond dissociation energies for a broad mented in the Gaussian 03 software package.8 These were
range of alkoxyamines, with a view to predicting when the employed at both the HF/6-31G(d) and B3-LYP/6-31G(d) levels
N-OC breaking side reaction is likely to be important in NMP of theory using the recommended radii for these calculations
and other applications. The various alkoxyamines in this study (i.e., the united atom topological model applied to radii
are illustrated by the set of nitroxide and alkyl radicals formed optimized for the HF/6-31G(d) and PBE0/6-31G(d) levels of
by the NO-C bond homolysis of alkoxyamines shown in theory, respectively).22 For these calculations, the molecular
Scheme 3. They include five- and six-membered cyclic alk- structures of all species were reoptimized in the presence of
oxyamines as well as acyclic species, with the alkyl fragments the solvent field. In addition, free energies of solvation were
designed to provide models of common polymeric chains. As also computed using the COSMO-RS23 model, a method that
part of this work, we also conduct an assessment study with describes the interactions in a fluid as local interactions of
the aim of identifying and benchmarking reliable theoretical molecular surfaces. COSMO-RS free energies of solvation were
procedures for studying this process. calculated on gas-phase geometries via the ADF package,24 using
the Becke-Perdew (BP86) functional and triple-ζ-quality basis
2. Theoretical Procedures sets augmented by one set of polarization functions (TZP).
Standard ab initio molecular orbital6 and density functional7 Default values were used for the parameters describing the
calculations in this work were carried out using Gaussian 03,8 atomic cavity radii, the radius of the probing sphere, and the
MOLPRO 2000.6,9 and GAMESS.10 Calculations on radicals cavity construction.
were performed with an unrestricted wave function except in In addition to studying the thermodynamics of the homolysis
cases designated with an R prefix where a restricted open-shell reactions, we also calculated the full reaction pathway for a
wave function was used. model system to examine whether kinetics should follow
To find a suitable procedure with which to model the thermodynamics. For this purpose, multiconfigurational self-
homolysis of alkoxyamines, the performance of a variety of consistent field (MCSCF) wave functions were constructed and
levels of theory was assessed for a set of reactions for which single-point energies along the path were calculated at the
experimental kinetic and thermodynamic parameters have been MRMP2/6-31G(d)//FORS-MCSCF(2,2)/6-31G(d) level for both
determined. Accurate methods for the calculation of geometries, NO-C and N-OC homolysis of the 1-isopropyl-2,2,6,6-tetra-
gas-phase single-point energies, and free energies of solvation methyl-piperidine (TEMPOCH(CH3)2) species. This level of
were determined, and the calculated equilibrium constant of the theory is a multireference second-order perturbative treatment
reaction was compared with experimental results. Geometries of orbitals initially optimized using a multiconfigurational self-
were optimized using various methods and basis sets, and the consistent wave function of the fully optimized reaction space
results were benchmarked against the high-level QCISD/6- type. The T1 diagnostic values25 for the various species along
10460 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 38, 2010 Hodgson et al.

this path were also determined. So as to facilitate the calculation TABLE 1: Effect of the Level of Theory Used for Geometry
of thermal and entropic corrections, frequencies along these Optimization in the Gas-Phase Enthalpy of Homolysis
reaction paths were calculated at the FORS-MCSCF(2,2)/6- (at 0 K) of Alkoxyaminesa
31G(d) level; because these were nonstationary points, the
projected frequencies were used.
Having identified accurate methods on the basis of the
assessment study, these were then used to calculate the free
energies of NO-C and N-OC bond homolysis for a large
number of alkoxyamines, both in the gas phase and in toluene,
at room temperature and at the experimentally relevant tem-
perature of 393.15 K (120 °C). The gas-phase free energies were
calculated using the standard textbook formulas for the statistical
thermodynamics of an ideal gas under the harmonic oscillator
rigid rotor approximation.26,27 These calculations were carried
out using our in-house program TChem.28 Frequency calcula-
tions carried out at the B3-LYP/6-31G(d) level were scaled via
the appropriate factors.29 The solution-phase free energies were
calculated as the sum of the corresponding gas-phase free
energy, the calculated free energy of solvation, and a correction
term RT ln(RT/P), where R is the ideal gas constant, T is the
reaction temperature, and P is the standard pressure of 1 atm
(101.325 kPa). The correction term takes account of the fact
that the solvation energy is computed for the passage from 1
atm (g) to 1 mol L-1(soln).30 a
In all cases, homolysis enthalpies were calculated using QCISD/
To facilitate direct comparisons between experimental and 6-31G(d) single-point energies, performed on species optimized
calculated solution-phase free energies of homolysis, experi- using various wave functions and basis sets.
mental equilibrium constants K ) kc/kd were obtained by
combining independently measured values of the rate coef- 3.2. Gas-Phase Single-Point Energy. To identify an ap-
ficients for the forward, kc, and reverse, kd, trapping reactions. propriate method for the calculations of gas-phase single-point
The experimental free energy was then found from the equation energies, it would be advantageous to assess various homolysis
K ) (c°)∆n exp(-∆G/RT), where T is the reaction temperature reactions over a wide variety of levels of theory and compare
in Kelvin, R is the ideal gas constant (8.3143 J mol-1K-1), c° the results with experimental data. However, at the highest levels
is the standard unit of concentration (1 mol L-1 for the solution- of theory, only the calculation of very small systems is possible
phase data), and ∆n is the change in the number of moles on and corresponding gas-phase experimental data are unavailable
reaction (1 for homolysis). for prototypical alkoxyamine homolysis reactions. There are,
however, limited experimental data for the gas-phase trapping
of some similar systems in the form of experimental heats of
3. Results and Discussion formation for the individual reactants and products that make
3.1. Geometry Optimization. To establish whether differ- up homolysis reactions forming oxygen- and nitrogen-centered
ences in the procedure used to optimize molecular geometries radicals.32 These data points allowed the gas-phase homolysis
will have any significant effect on the calculated energetics of enthalpies of theses reactions to be determined at various high
nitroxide reactions, single-point energies in the gas phase were levels of theory and compared directly with experimental results.
calculated at a consistent level of theory (QCISD/6-31G(d)) for Calculated and experimental enthalpies of the reactions of small
the optimized geometries of various methoxyamines and dis- molecular species are shown in Table 2. Calculation methods
sociated products. These energies, with B3-LYP/6-31G(d) fre- include very high level method W1U11 as well as high-level
quencies, were used to calculate O-C bond homolysis reaction composite methods such as CBS-QB312 and methods from the
enthalpies, shown in Table 1. Optimizations were performed G3 family.14,15 Enthalpies calculated using the recently reported
using a range of levels of theory from the computationally lower G413 method were also determined and are included in Table
cost Hartree-Fock and density functional theory (DFT) methods 2. Studies related to this work have shown that this method
to more demanding MP2 and QCISD calculations, with both does not offer significant improvement over the various G3
small and larger basis sets. The results were benchmarked methods for radical addition and abstraction reactions.33
against the QCISD/6-31G(d) method. Reactions examined in Table 2 include the dissociation of
In line with previous studies showing that low-cost methods small alkoxyamine H2NOCH3 into H2NO · and · CH3 as well as
perform very well in geometry optimizations of nitroxides,31 homolysis reactions producing similar small oxygen- and
all of the lower-cost methods yielded reasonably accurate nitrogen-centered radicals. Enthalpies, calculated using the
geometries for the calculation of alkoxyamine dissociation highest theoretical method assessed (W1U), show a mean
reactions when compared with the benchmark level of theory, absolute deviation (MAD) from an experimental value of 3.6
though there are some minor differences among the methods kJ mol-1. The respective MAD for the G3(MP2)-RAD values
used. DFT method B3-LYP/6-31G(d) appears to offer the best is only marginally larger, at 5.6 kJ mol-1, despite its consider-
compromise between accuracy and computational cost. The ably lower computational cost. Moreover, for the homolysis
enthalpies of homolysis, calculated from geometries optimized reaction forming a methyl radical and oxygen-centered radical
at the B3-LYP/6-31G(d) level, show a difference of less than H3CO · (which is most relevant to the present work), the two
0.3 kJ mol-1 from the corresponding benchmark values. Thus, G3 methods show the smallest deviations from the experimental
B3-LYP/6-31G(d) was adopted for the determination of the values. The G3(MP2)-RAD method therefore provides a suitable
geometries of molecules in this work. benchmark level of theory for alkoxyamine homolysis.
Side Reactions of Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 38, 2010 10461

TABLE 2: Calculateda and Experimentalb Enthalpies (298 K) for Gas-Phase Radical-Trapping Reactions
enthalpy of trapping (kJ mol-1)
reaction CBS-QB3 G3(MP2)-RAD G3X G4 W1U exp.

NH3 f H2N + H · · 447.8 443.0 438.8 441.4 447.9 452.7 ( 1.3

H2NCH3 f H2N + CH3 · · 357.0 346.8 348.5 350.1 354.8 358.6 ( 2.1

CH3OH f H3CO · + · H 437.9 435.9 430.3 431.5 438.4 436.0 ( 3.8

H3COCH3 f H3CO · + · CH3 356.3 347.5 348.5 347.1 351.5 348.1 ( 4.2

H2NOCH3 f H2NO · + · CH3 240.1 237.4 237.0 235.3 237.6

-1 c
MAD (kJ mol ) 4.1 5.6 7.5 6.3 3.6 0
a b
Calculated at various levels of theory using literature-recommended geometries. Taken from ref 32. Where multiple values are provided in
this reference, the recommended values are quoted. c Mean absolute deviation from experimental values.

an average of 8 kJ mol-1 and have a maximum deviation of

9.5 kJ mol-1 It is therefore clear that the DFT and RMP2
methods assessed are not suitable as accurate, low-cost methods
for reactions in this study.
It has previously been shown that an ONIOM method35 can
been used to approximate the G3(MP2)-RAD energies of radical
reactions at a much lower computational cost.36 Deviations in
homolysis enthalpies of alkoxyamines calculated using ONIOM
methods from G3(MP2)-RAD values are shown in Figure 1. In
this approach, the full reaction system was calculated using a
method such as B3-LYP, BMK, or RMP2 with the 6-311+
G(3df,2p) basis set whereas the core system was calculated at
Figure 1. Mean and maximum absolute deviations of various low- G3(MP2)-RAD. The core system was set up to include
cost methods from G3(MP2)-RAD benchmark values for the gas-phase substituents up to the β position in the nitroxide so that in the
enthalpies of NO-C homolysis (at 0 K) of various TEMPO-alkyl core the nitroxide was represented by the small dimethyl
alkoxyamines. Single-point calculations were made with 6-311+G(3df,2p) nitroxide species, (CH3)2NO · . In all reactions studied, the use
basis sets for species optimized at the B3-LYP/6-31G(d) level.
of an ONIOM correction leads to greatly improved results. Thus,
Although G3(MP2)-RAD is a relatively computationally for example, at the B3-LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p) level of theory
efficient high-level composite method, this type of calculation the MAD value decreases from 67.0 to 12.4 kJ mol-1 when the
is currently limited to systems of less than around 17 to 18 non- ONIOM correction is applied; for BMK, the MAD value
hydrogen atoms using our computational resources. Therefore, improves from 25.8 to 6.3 kJ mol-1, although the maximum
suitable lower-cost methods are required for reactions involving deviation still exceeds 10 kJ mol-1. Not surprisingly, given its
larger polymeric and nitroxide radicals. Recently, we have performance above, the best results are obtained when the
examined the use of various low-cost DFT, MP2, and ONIOM remote substituent effects are measured using RMP2/6-
procedures in the calculation of a broad range of radical 311+G(3df,2p). In this case, the MAD, relative to full G3(MP2)-
reactions, including a small test set of alkoxyamine BDEs, with RAD calculations, is only 4.7 kJ mol-1 and the maximum
a view to finding a suitable method to use for larger systems deviation is only 5.6 kJ mol-1. Therefore, when the computa-
for which G3(MP2)-RAD calculations are impractical.5 We have tional cost of G3(MP2)-RAD becomes excessive, it is expected
now updated the alkoxyamine test set to include calculations that an ONIOM approximation, in which the full nitroxide
using some more recently developed DFT methods (M05-2X, system is represented by dimethyl nitroxide, will still give a
M06-2X, M08-HX, and M08-SO), where a number of these reasonable approximation to the full G3(MP2)-RAD calculated
were recently shown to yield improved results for these and/or energy.
related reactions.34 A complete set of the results is shown in 3.3. Free Energy of Solvation. To assess the level of theory
Figure 1; the corresponding BDEs at the various levels of theory used to calculate free energies of solvation for the species in
are provided in Table S2 of the Supporting Information. this work, calculated total free energies of reaction for
In Figure 1, it is seen that, in general, the DFT treatments alkoxyamine homolysis reactions were compared with experi-
fail to reproduce the G3(MP2)-RAD benchmark enthalpies, mental values found from measured rate constants.37-40 Gas-
having instead large and unpredictable deviations with MADs phase energies were calculated at the benchmark G3(MP2)-
of over 25 kJ mol-1 and in some cases over 80 kJ mol-1. RAD//B3-LYP/6-31G(d) level and added to free energies of
Consistent with the recent work of Truhlar et al.,34 more success solvation calculated using different levels of theory, basis sets,
is seen for the newly developed M05-2X, M06-2X, M08-HX, and solvation models. Because the accuracy of the gas-phase
and M08-SO series of DFT methods, with average errors still calculation has been separately validated, it was expected that
in the range of 7-15 kJ mol-1. Of these, the M06-2X method any additional differences would be caused by differences in
showed the best performance for this test set, possibly because the free energies of solvation. Three methods of calculating
these particular reactions were part of the test set used to solvation effects were assessed: polarized continuum models
parametrize this functional. However, even for this functional PCM18 and CPCM21 and COSMO-RS.23 Because the experi-
the maximum error is still 17.8 kJ mol-1. The RMP2 method mental measurements were performed at 393 K in tert-butyl
shows better performance than most of the DFT methods, but benzene (tBB), the ab initio reaction free energies were also
the enthalpy values still differ from the benchmark values by calculated at 393 K in the closely related solvent toluene.
10462 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 38, 2010 Hodgson et al.

TABLE 3: Effect of the Level of Theory Used for Free Energies of Solvation on the Free Energy (kJ mol-1) of the Homolysis
at the NO-C Bond (at 298 K) of Alkoxyaminesa
solvation model
alkoxyamine HF/6-31G(d) B3-LYP/6-31G(d) HF/6-31G(d) B3-LYP/6-31G(d) BP86/TZP exp.d
1k 88.2 87.4 87.4 86.2 88.9 90.6
2k 98.0 97.0 97.2 95.9 98.0 101.6
2l 87.0 85.9 85.8 84.6 89.6 87.9
2m 73.8 72.6 72.7 71.3 80.4 66.3
2n 119.0 118.0 118.5 117.2 118.1 123.8
2p 81.5 80.3 80.6 79.2 79.5 78.5
4l 78.9 77.9 77.9 76.6 88.0 89.0
4m 72.5 71.3 71.6 69.9 75.8 72.0
MADe 4.1 4.5 4.4 5.0 4.1 0
Incorporating G3(MP2)-RAD//B3-LYP/6-31G(d) gas-phase energies. b Calculated using the united atom topological model with the
recommended optimization of radii (i.e., UAHF and UAKS keywords for HF/6-31G(d) and B3-LYP/6-31G(d), respectively).22 c Geometry not
reoptimized in solvent. d Calculated from experimental rate constants for homolysis and combination using K ) kc/kd and K ) exp(-∆G/RT).
Mean absolute deviation from experimental values.

TABLE 4: Comparison of Calculated and Literature Gas-Phase (298 K) Bond Dissociation Energies (BDEs) (kJ mol-1)
PM3a B3P86/6-311++G(d,p)//B3-LYP/6-31G(d) G3(MP2)-RAD//B3-LYP/6-31G(d)
alkoxyamine O-C break N-O break diff. O-C break N-O break diff. O-C break N-O break diff.
2a 176a 189a 13 205 231 26
2k 161 107 -54 119a 162 238 76
2l 130 112 -18 108a 174a 66 169 238 69
2m 105 130 25 87a 161 223 62
2o 118 121a 180a 59 182 242 60
2p 86 117 31 169 228 59
2q 142 107 -35 179a 176a -3 235 237 2
5a 173b 141b -32 210c 192c -18
5l 118b 137b 19 195 214 19
5p 102b,d 126b,d 24 216 226 10
Absolute Values
MADe 56 118 64 61 65 7 (0) (0) (0)
max. deviationf 93 131 130 114 100 14 (0) (0) (0)
Relative valuesg
MADe 36 14 51 20 15 8 (0) (0) (0)
max. deviationf 54 33 59 53 36 17 (0) (0) (0)
Reference 3. b Reference 4. c Calculated for model system 5a. d Calculated for a C(CH3)2CO2CH2CH3 alkyl fragment. e Mean absolute
deviation from G3(MP2)-RAD values. f Maximum deviation from G3(MP2)-RAD values. g Relative values calculated using the 2l system as the

The calculated solution-phase free energies for homolysis cost methods may be able to describe the qualitative trends in
reactions of a range of alkoxyamines are shown along with the the data.3 It is therefore of interest to see how well these perform
available experimental data37-40 in Table 3. As Table 3 shows, against our G3(MP2)-RAD values (Table 4).
there is little variation in the reaction free energies when From Table 4, it is clear that, as expected, neither of these
different methods of calculating the solvation energy are used. low-level methods can reproduce the absolute values of the
The MADs of the calculated free energies from the experimental NO-C and N-OC BDEs with MADs in excess of 50 kJ mol-1
values vary between 4.1 and 5.0 kJ mol-1. The level of theory, and maximum absolute deviations in excess of 100 kJ mol-1.
the basis set, and the solvation model have very little effect on If we next examine the relative values of the BDEs within either
the value of the free energy of solvation. As such, the method the NO-C or N-OC series (taking 2l as our reference in each
chosen for the calculation of free energies of solvation in case), then we note that these errors, while smaller, are still
nitroxide trapping reactions appears to be fairly arbitrary for unacceptably large, having MADs ranging from 14 to 36 kJ
these reactions. The PCM solvation model at the B3-LYP/6- mol-1 and maximum deviations ranging from 33 to 54 kJ mol-1.
31G(d) level was chosen for further calculations in this study Because an error of just 6 kJ mol-1 alters the equilibrium
because it gives good solvation energies and has likewise constant by approximately 1 order of magnitude at room
performed well in our studies of the redox potentials of nitroxide temperature, neither of these low levels of theory is suitable
radicals18,19 while remaining computationally efficient. for studying substituent effects in these reactions.
3.4. Relative Errors in NO-C and N-OC BDEs. In the Finally, if we instead examine the difference in the NO-C
assessment study described above, it was found that in order to and N-OC BDEs for the same alkoxyamines, then the semiem-
reproduce experimental free energies for O-C bond homolysis pirical PM3 method still has unacceptably large errors. (For the
in alkoxyamines high-level composite methods are required. absolute values, the MAD is 64 kJ mol-1 and the maximum
Previous investigations of the competition between NO-C and deviation is 130 kJ mol-1.) However, the B3P86 calculations
N-OC in akoxyamines have been performed using lower-cost do benefit from some systematic error cancellation and perform
semiempirical and B3P86 methods on the basis that these lower reasonably well, with an MAD (for the absolute values) of just
Side Reactions of Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 38, 2010 10463

Figure 3. Free-energy surface (298.15 K, gas phase) for the homolysis

Figure 2. Enthalpy surface (gas phase, 298.15 K) for the homolysis of 1-isopropoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine calculated at the MRMP2/
of 1-isopropoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine calculated at the MRMP2/ 6-31G(d)//FORS-MCSCF(2,2)/6-31G(d) level. The corresponding
6-31G(d)//FORS-MCSCF(2,2)/6-31G(d) level. G3(MP2)-RAD free energies of homolysis are shown on the right y
axis for purposes of comparison.
7 kJ mol-1, though the maximum deviation is still a little high
at 14 kJ mol-1. Moreover, in this case the relative values (i.e., set would be necessary for a chemically accurate treatment of
trends) in these values actually have slightly larger levels of the reaction pathway. Nonetheless, the agreement is close
error. Although the success of B3P86 in reproducing the NO-C enough to support the use of these curves in a qualitative analysis
versus N-OC BDE differences is promising and may be of the dissociation.
improved through the use of more sophisticated DFT methods, The reaction surface of the O-C and N-O homolysis
for the present work we have retained the use of high-level reactions shown in Figure 2 is a smooth curve, as expected,
methods so that both the absolute and relative values of the with no enthalpic barrier. Small free-energy barriers exist
BDEs that we report are reliable. because of the effects of entropy, occurring at separations of
3.5. Homolysis Reaction Pathways. Reaction pathways around 2.6 and 3.0 Å for the O-C and N-O bond-breaking
involving the homolysis of a closed-shell species into two radical reactions, respectively (Figure 3). However, in general it appears
species usually involve at least two significant configurations that these effects are minor, at least at synthetically relevant
(i.e., the bonding and antibonding configurations) and are thus reaction temperatures, and it is the thermochemistry of the
likely to be imperfectly described by a single reference wave process that ultimately determines whether N-OC or NO-C
function. To calculate the complete reaction pathway accurately, homolysis occurs.
a multireference treatment is therefore usually required. In this Although the kinetic parameters of the reaction require a
case, the minimum description requires an active space including multireference treatment, as shown above, single-reference
the N-OC (or NO-C) σ bonding and antibonding orbitals along methods such as G3(MP2)-RAD are suitable for calculations
with two active electrons. The multiconfigurational self- of the thermodynamic parameters of these types of trapping
consistent field (MCSCF) wave functions were constructed and reactions. This is because energies of only the reactant and
used to calculate the energies along the path of the homolysis product species are required. The T1 diagnostic value25 for the
reaction of the alkoxyamine 1-isopropoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl- TEMPO-CH(CH3)2 alkoxyamine is 0.0051, confirming that
piperidine (TEMPO-CH(CH3)2) into both TEMPO and an ground-state alkoxyamine does not require a multireference
isopropyl radical species •CH(CH3)2 and into a 2,2,6,6-tetram- treatment.
ethyl-piperidinyl radical and an isopropoxy radical species 3.6. Structure-Reactivity Trends in Homolysis. Table 5

OCH(CH3)2. shows the free energies of homolysis of various alkoxyamines
Figure 2 shows the gas-phase reaction enthalpy curve (298.15 at the NO-C or N-OC bond at 298.15 and 393.15 K with
K) of the homolysis of TEMPO-CH(CH3)2 at both the O-C calculations performed both in the gas phase and in toluene.
and N-O bonds. The active space used for both reactions For the TEMPO-based alkoxyamines, we have plotted this
includes two active electrons and two active orbitals (2, 2) difference as a function of the alkyl fragment for each of the
consisting of the σ bonding and σ* antibonding orbitals of the sets of reaction conditions (Figure 4). From this Figure (and
forming bond. To account for dynamic correlation effects, also the broader data set in Table 5), it is clear that both
single-point energies along the path were calculated at the temperature and the presence of solvent have very little effect
MRMP2/6-31G(d)//FORS-MCSCF(2,2)/6-31G(d) level. The on the relative preference for NO-C versus N-OC homolysis.
inclusion of lone pairs on the nitrogen and oxygen species into For the TEMPO series (Figure 4), we see that the NO-C
the active space was shown to be unnecessary by a calculation bond is usually most likely to break, and the alternative
of the O-C breaking homolysis reaction pathway at the N-OC dissociation is normally energetically disfavored by
MRMP2/6-31G(d)//FORS-MCSCF(8,5)/6-31G(d) level. The more than 50 kJ mol-1. Not surprisingly, the inclusion of
MAD of the (2, 2) active space from the (8, 5) active space substituents (such as phenyl, carbonyl, and cyano) that
was only 2.9 kJ mol-1 (Figure S1 in the Supporting Informa- stabilize the alkyl radical product of NO-C homolysis
tion). The corresponding free energies of homolysis are shown strongly enhances this preference. At the other extreme, in
in Figure 3. The extrapolation of these curves to infinity can be cases where a heteroatom is present in the position R to the
compared with the free energies calculated using G3(MP2)- (N-O-C) carbon center, N-OC homolysis becomes the
RAD. In the case of the O-C homolysis, the deviations are preferred pathway. As discussed in earlier studies of NO-C
relatively small (4 kJ mol-1); for N-O homolysis, the deviations homolysis, this is because one of the lone pairs on the nitroxyl
are slightly larger (10 kJ mol-1), indicating that a larger basis oxygen lies antiperiplanar to the carbon-heteroatom bond,
10464 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 38, 2010 Hodgson et al.

TABLE 5: Calculated Gas- and Solution-Phase Free Energies of the Bond Homolysis of NO-C and N-OC Bonds (kJ mol-1)a
298 K 393 K
gas phase solution phase (toluene) gas phase solution phase (toluene)
alkoxyamine O-C break N-O break O-C break N-O break O-C break N-O break O-C break N-O break
1a 144.5 152.5 155.3 158.4 127.1 132.3 146.1 146.0
1f 162.2 144.2 166.2 148.1 143.2 123.5 154.4 137.2
1g 183.4 146.0 190.4 150.5 164.4 126.0 178.9 138.1
1kb 99.5 157.3 97.8 155.5 81.7 136.7 87.4 142.2
1lb 90.1 148.7 84.4 145.6 69.3 127.2 71.1 132.0
1ob 107.1 155.1 103.3 153.9 86.5 133.3 90.2 140.0
1pb 90.0 140.3 84.9 137.5 68.3 118.3 71.8 123.4
1qb 160.0 152.3 155.5 150.1 139.5 131.4 142.4 136.7
1r 145.5 146.9 148.1 148.8 124.6 125.5 134.9 135.3
1sb 103.5 153.6 101.4 153.0 82.9 131.9 88.3 138.8
1t 115.9 146.3 112.7 147.2 95.1 125.0 99.8 133.2
2a 151.8 169.7 162.3 174.9 134.7 150.3 153.4 163.2
2b 155.3 167.8 159.3 169.4 135.4 146.9 148.1 157.5
2c 158.6 172.9 158.9 173.6 139.3 153.7 146.5 161.9
2d 146.1 161.6 147.5 161.8 124.8 141.1 134.1 149.5
2e 132.3 143.1 132.9 142.7 111.8 123.0 121.0 131.2
2f 168.5 160.3 172.9 164.2 149.1 139.9 160.9 153.7
2g 190.1 162.6 197.6 167.2 171.0 143.0 186.1 155.3
2h 119.7 183.3 126.7 185.7 102.3 164.2 117.0 174.0
2i 115.3 180.2 115.7 181.2 95.3 160.0 103.4 169.3
2jb 93.1 162.3 91.6 162.2 72.0 141.3 79.0 149.7
2kb 108.7 176.7 107.0 174.5 91.5 157.1 97.0 162.1
2lb 105.0 173.8 98.8 169.7 84.7 153.3 86.0 157.1
2mb 92.7 154.9 86.0 150.2 70.9 139.8 72.6 143.8
2nb 129.1 177.1 129.2 175.4 110.7 156.7 118.0 162.5
2ob 118.3 176.4 113.5 173.9 98.2 155.7 100.7 160.8
2pb 99.7 160.2 93.6 156.0 77.9 138.7 80.3 142.2
2qb 169.3 171.8 164.3 168.7 148.5 151.1 150.8 155.3
2r 156.1 167.4 158.4 168.6 135.7 147.0 145.6 156.0
2sb 115.0 175.3 112.2 173.6 95.1 154.8 99.7 160.5
2tb 130.7 171.2 126.6 170.9 111.0 151.5 114.6 158.2
3a 140.8 157.8 150.2 160.6 124.3 140.1 141.6 150.1
3f 165.5 156.3 168.2 157.5 146.4 137.2 156.2 147.7
3g 183.6 155.1 189.1 156.7 164.2 136.4 177.1 145.0
3lb 96.8 168.7 87.2 160.1 76.8 149.7 73.8 147.8
3ob 110.6 171.9 102.8 165.3 90.8 152.6 89.7 152.7
3pb 92.2 155.9 83.8 148.2 70.2 135.3 69.8 134.6
3qb 158.6 164.2 151.4 157.9 137.7 144.6 137.2 144.7
3r 156.3 166.5 155.6 163.8 136.2 147.5 142.5 151.7
3sb 108.8 172.2 103.1 166.6 89.1 153.1 90.2 153.9
3tb 120.4 164.1 116.2 162.5 100.9 145.8 104.3 150.8
4a 142.4 158.2 152.3 161.4 125.6 140.2 143.5 150.8
4f 166.7 156.4 170.0 157.8 147.2 136.9 157.7 147.9
4g 183.8 154.2 189.7 155.8 164.5 135.5 177.7 144.3
4lb 100.2 171.4 91.0 162.9 80.6 152.7 77.9 151.0
4mb 92.9 157.6 85.1 150.4 71.1 143.5 71.3 144.5
4ob 110.8 171.4 103.8 165.3 91.1 152.1 90.7 152.8
4pb 92.8 155.7 86.4 149.7 70.6 134.8 72.0 135.8
4qb 161.6 166.4 155.4 160.8 141.0 147.1 141.7 148.2
4rb 146.8 167.9 144.2 162.8 126.8 148.9 130.4 150.2
4sb 108.3 171.0 103.4 165.7 88.4 151.6 90.3 153.1
4tb 121.3 164.3 117.0 162.3 101.4 145.5 104.6 150.2
5ab 156.6 131.3 139.6 112.1 164.7 131.3 155.5 119.3
5lc 132.4 152.3 112.6 132.4 119.4 138.8 106.2 125.6
5pc 142.1 153.7 118.6 130.7 127.5 138.3 112.2 122.5
G3(MP2)-RAD//B3-LYP/6-31G(d) values except where noted with the free energy of solvation calculated using PCM at the B3-LYP/
6-31G(d) level using the united atom topological model with the recommended optimization of radii (UAKS keyword in Gaussian). b iONIOM
approximation of G3(MP2)-RAD//B3-LYP/6-31G(d) values including (CH3)2NO-alkyl in the core system, with the full system calculated at the
RMP2/6-311+G(3df,2p) level. c ONIOM approximation of G3(MP2)-RAD//B3-LYP/6-31G(d) values including (Me)2NOR in the core system,
1-alkyl-2,2-dimethylindoline as the middle system calculated at the RMP2/6-311+G(3df,2p) level, and the full system calculated at the RMP2/
6-311+G(2d) level.

allowing hyperconjugation to occur between the lone pair when anomeric stabilization of the alkoxyamine occurs,
and the σ* antibonding orbital of the bond.3,17,41,42 This nitroxide-mediated polymerization will be less effective
anomeric stabilization results in a significant lengthening of because of the N-OC homolysis side reaction.
the NOC-heteroatom bond whereas the NO-C bond is To examine the effect of nitroxide structure, Figure 5 shows
significantly shortened and strengthened. It is expected that a plot of the free energies of NO-C and N-OC homolysis for
Side Reactions of Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 38, 2010 10465

homolysis because of the resonance stabilization of the released

aminyl radical. In absolute terms, the N-OC homolysis is still
favored only for certain R groups (e.g., R ) CH3 in the systems
examined), but in all cases, the N-OC bond dissociation energy
is greatly reduced. The only other notable trend is that the
acyclic species consistently has slightly lower relative N-OC
bond dissociation energies than the remaining cyclic compounds,
presumably because its resulting aminyl radical is more easily
pyramidalized at nitrogen.

Figure 4. Relative free energies (kJ mol-1) for N-OR versus NO-R 4. Conclusions
homolysis at 393 K in toluene as a function of R for the series of The competition of NO-C and N-OC homolysis in various
TEMPO-based alkoxyamines. A positive free-energy difference indi-
cates that the NO-R homolysis is favored. Data for the gas and solution alkoxyamines was investigated using high-level computational
(toluene) phases are shown at 298 and 393 K. methods. It was found that the free energies of NO-C and
N-OC homolysis are not correlated, with NO-C homolysis
being more dependent upon the properties of the alkyl fragment
and N-OC homolysis being more dependent upon the structure
of the aminyl fragment. For piperidine-, pyrrolidine-, and
isoindoline-based nitroxides, N-OC homolysis is favored above
NO-C homolysis only in the case where a heteroatom that is
R to the NOC carbon center stabilizes the NO-C bond, though
it may become a competitive minor reaction for primary alkyl
radicals. Acyclic and indoline-type species have lower free
energies of N-OC homolysis than other cyclic species because
of the greater stability of the aminyl radical fragment and are
less resistant to this unwanted side reaction.
As part of this work, a series of assessment studies were used
to determine appropriate levels for the calculation of alkoxyamine
homolysis reactions. It was determined that G3(MP2)-RAD//
Figure 5. Free energies (393 K in toluene) of NO-C and N-OC B3-LYP/6-31G(d) is an appropriate level of theory for the
bond homolysis for the test set of alkoxyamines.
calculation of gas-phase reactions and molecular properties, with
an ONIOM approximation to G3(MP2)-RAD (in which the full
system is calculated at the RMP2/6-311+G(3df,2p) level of
theory) providing good results for large systems. For reactions
calculated in solution, the effects of the solvent medium are
well described by a PCM method at the B3-LYP/6-31G(d) level.
Using these methods, deviations between calculated values of
alkoxyamine homolysis reactions and available experimental
results are around 5 kJ mol-1. On the basis of this, chemical
accuracy is achieved.

Acknowledgment. This research was undertaken on the NCI

National Facility in Canberra, Australia, which is supported by
the Australian Commonwealth Government. We gratefully
Figure 6. Relative free energies (kJ mol-1) for N-OR versus NO-R acknowledge support (to M.L.C) from the Australian Research
homolysis at 393 K in toluene for combinations of R ) Me,
CH(CH3)Ph, and C(CH3)2COOCH3 and nitroxide structures 1-5 in
Council under their Centres of Excellence program and the
Scheme 3. A positive free-energy difference indicates that the NO-R award (to J. L. H.) of an Australian Postgraduate Award and
homolysis is favored. an O’Donnell Young Scientist Prize from the RACI Polymer
Division. M.S.G. and L.B.R acknowledge the support of the
the complete data set at the experimentally relevant condition U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
of 393 K in toluene. From this Figure, it is clear that NO-C
and N-OC homolysis are not correlated. Whereas NO-C Supporting Information Available: B3-LYP/6-31G(d)-
homolysis can be successfully modeled in terms of the polar optimized geometries in the form of Gaussian archive entries,
and radical stabilization terms describing the individual alkyl corresponding total energies, thermal corrections, entropies, free
and nitroxide radicals,17 when this same free-energy relationship energies, and data used to construct to Figure 1. This material
is applied to the N-OC bond homolysis in the present work is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.
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