651c10b4fa7b60ad8a00ccc1 - Individuals Info Sheet
651c10b4fa7b60ad8a00ccc1 - Individuals Info Sheet
651c10b4fa7b60ad8a00ccc1 - Individuals Info Sheet
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finance their
Many people start their saving journey with nothing, and with most of
retirement? their money going towards expenses. Even those who start with a
People use financing to buy major assets like homes and cars and
The S&P 500 has earned a positive return for every 20-year period since its inception. However, normal
investors still can’t finance financial assets like stocks or bonds, so our investing capacity is limited to
Basic Capital gives you money in a retirement account now, without having to fund it all right away. We
Basic Capital
Traditional Saving for Retirement same amount you would have otherwise Building Wealth with Basic Capital
finished with
Regular monthly savings that accumulates and grows in Same amount of monthly savings but instead used to pay down
When you have more to invest up front, your investment Lifetime Investors in Basic Capital can end up
grows — through compounding — in a way ongoing with 3x their life-time savings at retirement,
Basic Capital
How does Basic Capital Work?
There’s nothing else to do after your account has been set up!
You can always access your account via our online portal to
see investment details and progress.
Basic Capital
Designed with you in mind
Features of Basic Capital
1 Full, legal protection from downside
LLC Container. To minimize liability, Basic Capital will set up an LLC to borrow the capital that
purchases assets. You will be the owner of the LLC, which both holds the assets and serves as the
loan collateral. The LLC will be managed by Basic Capital. This structure protects you from any
potential downside, and also gives the lender assurance that the loan proceeds are invested in a
prudent way. The effective borrower is the LLC, so the investment will not impact your credit score,
and the limited liability structure keeps you and your other assets safe from creditors.
2 1
Basic Capital Holding for Client
Basic Capital
2 We only borrow as you go: laddering one step at a time
Every time you make a monthly contribution, we supplement your contribution with financing from
our partners. Think of your contribution as a “down-payment” and the financing we provide as
proportionate to the contribution, similar to a house with 20% down-payment. So if you contribute
$200, we supplement your account with $800 from our lending partners. Laddering the financing
with your contribution keeps it safe and manageable, so your account is never over-extended.
If you miss a monthly payment, we won’t take on any additional debt for that month. We only
borrow as you contribute to keep the financing manageable.
We shop for the best loan terms for our users across all available vendors, providing the same
fixed interest rate to everyone during a specified period of time. Since borrowing is on a limited
liability basis, your individual credit quality is not a factor in interest rate determination. Currently,
the fixed-rate borrowing cost is 5%.
03 Financing: We borrow as you go so
3 you are never over-financed
Basic Capital
5 Stabilized S&P 500 ETF
Similar to how lenders require home buyers to purchase home insurance, they also require the LLC
to insure the purchased investments. Basic Capital purchases Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) linked
to the S&P 500 from A-rated financial institutions. Embedded in these ETFs is insurance on the
investments via a “floor,” or limit on losses. In exchange for this protection, the investments have a
cap on any gains of 16%. This insurance unlocks the financing from our lenders, as well as protects
your investment from excessive losses. Although there is a 16% cap, your gains will be earned on a
much larger base amount thanks to the financing. To put things in perspective: a 16% return on
$24,000 is $3,840, which is an 80% return on your total out-of-pocket $4,800 contribution.
Since the loan relies on simple interest, but your account experiences compounding returns, the
net growth on your account is optimized — this is the mathematical elegance behind Basic
7 Cancelation policy:
If you decide Basic Capital isn’t a good fit for you, you can simply let us know and we will handle
the off-boarding for you. In that case, we will start selling the investments and pay back the lender
first. The remaining funds can be rolled-over into another tax-advantaged account or paid directly
to you.
Contribute the same amount for a longer deployment period. For example, $200 per month
for four years ($10,000 in total) will secure a $40,000 investment base (laddered over the four-
year period)
Make a big initial down-payment and supplement it with monthly contributions as you go.
Basic Capital
9 Recommended contribution
We recommend contributing only what you can reasonably allocate towards your long-term
retirement goal. Basic Capital is designed so that contributions are flexible and not mandatory.
That being said, Basic Capital is not designed to be a liquid investment vehicle. You will be limited
by retirement plan rules in what they can withdraw, as well as by the loan interest that needs to be
paid back.
What you get out at retirement depends on how much you have put in and the performance of the
stock market. The amount needed to retire varies from person to person. The recommended
savings to have at retirement age is $1.3mm. The graph below shows the recommended savings
balance to reach $1mm at retirement age.
Let's say, for example, you are 30 years old, and you would like to start investing with a
compounding base of $100,000, which requires a $20,000 downpayment. Your options include:
Making this $20,000 down payment in one lump sum contribution upfron
Making a smaller up-front payment coupled with monthly contributions over time for the rest.
As an example, you might contribute $5,000 upfront, coupled with $200 monthly
contributions for 5 years
Making monthly contributions over time for a long period of time. As an example, you might
contribute $200 monthly for 10 years, and after those 10 years your investment base may be
larger than the total contributions to date given the financing and compounding.
Please note that past performance of the stock market is not indicative of future returns. The rate
of growth of your Basic Capital depends on how the stock market performs in the future. Basic
Capital enables you to supercharge your long-term investing, but like most financial products, we
cannot guarantee stock market performance.
401k Balance
*$220K $280K
*$100K $179.2K
$97K $61.5K $89.7K $87.7K
$37.2K $36.1K
$6.3K $14.1K
Age Group
Basic Capital
Taxes & withdrawals
If you set up your Basic Capital fund within a tax-advantaged retirement account (like an IRA),
Withdrawals from a tax-advantaged account before you reach age 59 1/2 may result in a tax
penalty. For optimal results, we recommend that you invest in Basic Capital with the intention of
If you buy Basic Capital outside of a tax-advantaged account, your gains will be taxed as capital
gains in the year realized. The minimum fund life-time for taxable accounts is 5 years.
Founding Team
Business School.
Law School
Basic Capital